a-new-oasis · 13 days
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From Moses Uberti's Diary
One day from getting hitched! I can't wait. At last I'm out of the house. And before my brother's got a girl in Brindleton. He's a loser nowadays. But as for me, life's looking up. I've got a pretty watcherly girl, and I'm looking at a full-time job out in San Sequoia, who can blame me?
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historyofguns · 2 months
In the article "Springfield’s “Cowboy” Guns? A Modern Carbine-Pistol Combo," author Robert A. Sadowski explores the practicality and benefits of pairing the Springfield Armory's SAINT Victor Carbine and 1911 DS Prodigy pistol, both chambered in 9mm. He highlights the historical precedent for such pairings, dating back to blackpowder firearms and Old West cowboys, who favored ammo-sharing between their rifles and pistols for convenience and efficiency. Modern advantages include simplified ammunition management and cost-effective training. Sadowski emphasizes that while 9mm carbines lack the power of traditional rifle cartridges, they are well-suited for defensive scenarios, offering less recoil, easier handling, and reduced muzzle blast, making them ideal for both new and experienced shooters. Furthermore, 9mm carbines are easier and more cost-efficient to suppress and shoot, particularly valuable in home defense contexts.
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sandmandaddy69 · 11 days
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Paolo Uberti
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gregor-samsung · 3 months
" La convinzione che esista una e una sola risposta vera alle questioni centrali che hanno tormentato l’umanità, e che noi la possediamo (o la possiede il Capo), porta la responsabilità degli oceani di sangue, da cui però non è nato alcun Regno dell’Amore – né lo poteva: esistono molte maniere di vivere, di credere, di comportarsi, e la semplice conoscenza fornita dalla storia, dall’antropologia, dalla letteratura, dall’arte, dal diritto chiarisce che le differenze delle culture e dei caratteri sono altrettanto profonde delle somiglianze (ciò che fa umani gli uomini), e che tale ricca varietà non ci rende affatto più poveri: la sua conoscenza apre le finestre della mente (e dell’anima) e rende gli esseri umani più saggi, più attraenti e più civili, mentre la sua assenza genera il pregiudizio irrazionale, gli odi, l’orribile sterminio degli eretici e di quanti sono diversi; se le due guerre mondiali, più i genocidi di Hitler, non ci hanno insegnato questo, vuol dire che siamo incurabili. "
Isaiah Berlin, Appunti sul pregiudizio [1981], Traduzione di Giovanni Ferrara degli Uberti, Adelphiana, 28 gennaio 2002.
NOTA: Gli appunti provengono da una lettera indirizzata ad un amico che il giorno seguente avrebbe dovuto tenere una conferenza sul tema del pregiudizio.
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girlwhodoeskratom · 4 months
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Nikki Uberti @ Christian Francis Roth Spring/Summer, 1993 Ready-to-Wear
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generalcrazyhorse · 6 months
Minute of Mae: Colt Old Model Improved Pocket Pistol
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l00r0ll · 4 months
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Paolo Uberti / The Wizard / 2008
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Oh. My god. If I hear you fuckers compare any kind of weird abstract or surreal artwork to 'ai art' or being anything like it I'm going to lose it. I'm going to commit a crime and make you into a headline.
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teenagedirtstache · 10 months
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swallowtail-ageha · 11 months
Sorry for the baldwin spam it will happen again
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eresia-catara · 2 years
Personal translation of Guido Cavalcanti's shepherdess poem and Lapo degli Uberti's answer, to complete the reply to the previous ask:
In the dainty woods I found a little shepherd-maid
more than the stars — fair she seemed to me.
Hair she had blonde and curly,
and the eyes were full of love, rosy her skin;
with her rod she tended to the lambs;
barefoot, with dew she was wet;
she sang as if she were in love:
she was adorned — with all delights.
With love I saluted her at once
and asked if she had any company;
and she answered sweetly
that all alone in the woods she wondered,
and said: «Know that when the bird chirps
then my heart — desires a mate».
After she told me of her condition
and through the woods I heard birds singing,
to myself I said: «Now is the season
to take pleasure of this little shepherd-maid».
By mercy I asked only to kiss
and embrace, — if it followed her will.
By the hand she took me, with amorous want,
and said that she had gifted me the heart;
she brought me under a fresh little leaf,
there where I saw flowers of all shades;
and such I felt joy and sweetness,
that the god of love — it seemed to me I was seeing.
Lapo degli Uberti
Guido, when you said little shepherd-maid
I wished you'd said a handsome shepherd:
for dutiful it is to a man who seeks honour,
narrate, if he can, truthfully his tale.
Indeed a little rod he had delightful and fair:
therefore your words are not flawed,
and I know not king nor emperor
that would not have him layed in his chamber.*
But one told me, who'd been with you in the woods
the day that the lambs were tended to,
that no one he saw if not a valet
who rode and was blond
and had his clothes short.
So fix, if you please, your motet.
*the line is corrupt and there are different reconstructions. This is one of them.
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fishingcatz · 1 year
just ate a pork chop and pork skins with queso. Fuck with me sincerely
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sandmandaddy69 · 2 years
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Paolo Uberti
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girlwhodoeskratom · 6 months
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Nikki Uberti @ D&G Fall/Winter, 1995 Ready-to-Wear
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theweirdwideweb · 6 months
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Paolo Uberti (1968)
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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“The master observes the world but trusts his inner vision. He allows things to come and go. He prefers what is within to what is without.” ― Lao-Tzu
The Oracle of Happy Prophecies Paolo Uberti
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