#USMC bootcamp
Just a few weeks from becoming a Marine and finishing basic training, I fractured my hip. I recovered in a seperate platoon for 3 months, then fractured AGAIN, was forced to recover for another month and a half. 7 months of torture. God I missed good food, weed, sex and caffeine. I'm finally home after being confined to MCRD San Diego, unable to go home, see, or talk to friends and family, waking up at 3:30 am every day, and getting treated like a recruit the entire time. I can finally say "I, me, mine" and not "this recruit" like a dork. Ahhhhhhhh what a shit time. Didn't think this would all end with getting medically separated.
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defensenow · 6 months
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earnedthetitle · 1 year
Phase 1! Ears, Open! Eyeballs, Click!
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In the initial stage of training, recruits embark on their first battles. As they step onto those iconic yellow footprints, each new recruit willingly embraces the life-altering challenge of earning the esteemed title of United States Marine. We guide them through demanding physical and mental trials, pushing the boundaries of their resilience, fostering their personal growth. It's here that we introduce them to the unwavering values of the Marine Corps and impart the fundamental knowledge that will serve as the bedrock of their training journey.
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reconrix · 11 months
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Level 2 fun…
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jasl3123 · 11 days
First of the pages done, there's still a shit ton more lol
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Closer look at the head shots and the different variants
I haven't posted the full body for him because I was redesigning him, but I'll get that done soon :³
As for those who can't read the words
Name- Kenneth Arnfried Walkenhorst
Callsign- "Dove"
Rank- Lieutenant
Height- 5'2 or 157cm
Nationality- German
Age- 19
Status- Active
Speciality- stealth operative, sniper, scout
Previous affiliations- task force regime 72 (USMC, Lieutenant Rank), unnamed bootcamp (Germany, 15-16), German KSK (Private-Sergeant)
Standard Loadout-
○AS50~ •4'-5' •Silencer •Laserless Scope •Rapid Fire •thermal reactive rounds (custom) •extended mag & barrel •cooling •Lowered Recoil •Light Weight
○(x2) double barrel pistol°°AF-2011-A1~ •Lowered Recoil •Silenced •Light Weight •faster reload
Date of birth- November 31
○Hair color~ red ○eye color~ Silver (pale) ○skin~pale ○piercings?~ yes, 7 ears, snake bites, tongue
Medical history-
○Known allergies~ anesthetics, pain meds, sedatives
○prior major injuries~ severe burns, smoke inhalation, ear damage, torture, damage to throat
○Mental & Physical health~ •epilepsy •PTSD •Anxiety (separation, general, social) •ADHD •Autism •hearing loss •mobility issues •lung issues
Notes- ○quiet spoken (vocal cord damage) ○biter~ oversized canines, top & bottom, restrictive diet, softer foods & meat strictly
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skylarstark4826 · 9 months
"I wouldn't be jealous of Sully," Chacon said after she found Norm in the library. It was two days after the first excursion (and their first meeting), and the next one wasn't taking place until tomorrow. Except for Jake, who had found the clan, and got to be out every day, who had to learn everything on the damn wing and-
"I'm not."
"Uh-huh," and she grabbed a chair from another table, spun it around and straddled it. She was wearing an actual uniform, one with short sleeves and jungle-green camoflauge patterns all over it. It was oddly, oddlydistracting; she was, he realized for the first time, a professional soldier as well as a pilot. She knew what she was doing with the hand-gun in her holster, which somehow looked more obvious now. There was also a clean, straight contrast between her sleeve and the skin on her upper arms that his eye kept being drawn to. He blinked, focused on her words. "Look, I get it – you worked for this mission, yeah? I been around Avatar-drivers for three years now, I know what goes into your trainin'. And suddenly this uneducated hick turns up, and he's the one who wins big."
"Yes. No," he added, seeing a flash in her eyes. Uneducated hick, and in his mind's ear he could hear Grace's scornful voice asking, how much lab training have you had. He wondered, briefly, how much Chacon had to have fought to get even the grudging respect of Augustine and the others. "It's...I worked, for years, and-"and he could hear both pain and a childish kind of sulleness, so his voice trailed off.
Her smile is wry and sympathetic. "Yeah. But on the bright-side, you don't have to go through Na'vi bootcamp."
"Well, ain't it? Crash-course in how to survive, how to become one of them. I mean, seems kinda like Marine bootcamp to me. You don't join, you are accepted. You gotta work at it, let your sense of self be changed."
"...you're worried about him." It was one of the thoughts in his head. The other ones were about cultures, cults, and rites of passage, and the 'former USMC' on her records, and the Bible locket at the base of her throat, and those thoughts he kept to himself.
"Someone's gotta be." Norm could feel his mouth thin out, curl, and Chacon's smile was sudden and impish. "But I can multitask," she added. "I said I was gonna show you Pandora, didn't I?"
"You did."
She leaned forward, and she smelled clean. Clean clothes, clean skin, clean hair that he wanted to run his fingers through. But he wanted to listen to her more, and kept his hands on his datapad. "See, if Sully's goin' through bootcamp, you've been to the academy. I can trust you not to be a damn idiot and waste my time."
"Waste your time?"
Chacon's smile faded, and she looked competant and highly unimpressed. "Like wandering' off to poke at shit so I gotta ditch my plans and spend the rest of my day in search maneovers."
"You didn't saying anything."
"Not in front of you guys, no," she said, and Norm decided that he liked the image of Chacon tearing strips into Jake. It warmed the edges of his jealousy, made those edges soften, just a little. "But you know this place is bigger than Corporal Sully."
"And you can get lost in it."
Again, he blinked, refocused on her face. She'd lost the smile, and was looking at him with that competant kind of tiredness that for some reason was one of the sexiest damn expressions he'd seen in a while.
"I don't...understand."
Her hands moved on the back of the chair, blunt fingernails digging into the metal for a moment. "Avatar-driving...the drivers are like junkies."
"Yeah. Only, you aren't shootin' up, you're goin' places. Closest thing..." She laughed suddenly, and then shook her head. Whatever it was she just thought, she wasn't going to share. "Like war-junkies, I guess. Brass call it going native, but it's not quite it. It's..." She rubbed the back of her head, causing locks of her black hair to free themselves from her bun and pins. "You get hooked, until...until out there is all that is real, and back here, with us, is the bad, kinda boring dream."
Norm was silent for a moment, watching the thoughts move across her face. "You've seen it happen."
"Ye-e-ep. Like I said, been flyin' Avatar-drivers for three years. I've seen what happens when you can't go back, too. And the burn out."
"They didn't mention it." Not the RDA, nor the techs, nor the scientists, nor anyone else.
"No. Why would they? You're an investment, Doctor Norman Spellman, and they don't want you runnin' away."
"But you're telling me."
Her eyes flicked back to his face, locked with his own eyes. I See you, the Na'vi said in greeting, and he Saw her. Or he thought he did. "Maybe...I don't want you to get lost in the woods."
"But you still want to show me."
"Hell, yeah," and her grin came back. "Just be careful."
"I will," he promised, both to see her smile at him again, and because it gave his mind something else to concentrate on than Jake's smirk.
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thethinkingman · 1 year
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It was about this date that I arrived at Parris Island. When the bus passed through the gates my life would forever change. It is impossible to state the lessons learned and the changes that last a life time. I have found that no matter how I explain it people who didn’t stand in the yellow footprints can’t quite understand. 30 years later there are smells that take me back to this place. There’s food, mugginess in the air, sounds that instantly transport me to another life.
#marines #usmc #parrisisland #vets #veterans #bootcamp #lifelessons
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kagebros · 1 year
Kaede’s so fun to draw and think about. Since he joined NEST with no military background, he basically had to go through bootcamp to get him combat ready and it was (unfortunately for him) USMC (the Marine corps) so he had a hell of a time getting through it. It also means he got tased and pepper sprayed for one of the tests which he complained to Optimus for a week.
His older cousin, Nathan, who is now a Navy veteran and went through bootcamp in the 80s/90s was sympathetic.
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#USArmy #USMC, Dear military leaders, I expect y'all to have my Adderall and my methamphetamine and my LSD 2 and creatine and steroids and my vitamins and energy drinks ready for me when I join bootcamp so I can train hard and be a good soldier.
I'm not just trying to get high and be a psychedelic twat, I just want LSD because it enhances my physical endurance a lot so I can fight hard.
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darktruthsblog · 3 months
Comparative Essay: Parallels in Operation and Methodology of USMC Bootcamp and Troubled Teen Industry Schools
The United States Marine Corps (USMC) Bootcamp and troubled teen industry schools, despite serving different purposes, operate and run in strikingly similar ways. Both institutions employ rigorous, often harsh methods designed to break down and rebuild individuals, aiming to transform them through strict discipline, control, and psychological manipulation. This essay explores the parallels in the operational and methodological approaches of USMC Bootcamp and troubled teen industry schools, highlighting their shared techniques and impacts on participants.
Structure and Environment
USMC Bootcamp:
• Highly Regimented Schedule: The bootcamp operates on a strict, highly regimented schedule where every minute of the day is planned and controlled. Recruits are constantly engaged in physical training, drills, and educational sessions.
• Controlled Environment: Recruits are isolated from their civilian lives, with limited contact with family and friends. This isolation creates a controlled environment where the military can exert significant influence over their behavior and mindset.
• Group Cohesion and Identity: The bootcamp emphasizes group cohesion and the creation of a collective Marine identity. Recruits are encouraged to see themselves as part of a larger unit, diminishing their individual identities.
Troubled Teen Industry Schools:
• Structured Daily Routine: These schools enforce a highly structured daily routine, with strict schedules dictating every aspect of students’ lives, from wake-up times to meal times and activities.
• Controlled and Isolated Environment: Students are often isolated from their families and previous social networks, creating a controlled environment where the institution can maintain complete authority over their actions and interactions.
• Group Identity and Conformity: The schools emphasize conformity and group identity, pushing students to abandon their individual characteristics and adopt the behaviors and attitudes deemed acceptable by the institution.
Methods of Control and Discipline
USMC Bootcamp:
• Strict Discipline: Recruits face strict disciplinary measures for any infractions. Drill instructors enforce rules rigorously, using punishment as a tool to instill discipline and obedience.
• Physical and Mental Exhaustion: Recruits undergo intense physical training and are subjected to sleep deprivation and minimal food. These conditions are designed to break down their physical and mental resistance, making them more malleable.
• Psychological Manipulation: Drill instructors use verbal abuse, intimidation, and psychological tactics to break down recruits’ sense of self and instill a Marine identity. The constant stress and pressure are intended to mold recruits into obedient and resilient soldiers.
Troubled Teen Industry Schools:
• Strict Rules and Punishments: These schools enforce strict rules with severe punishments for non-compliance. Staff members often use punitive measures, including physical punishment and isolation, to maintain control and discipline.
• Physical and Psychological Strain: Students are subjected to physically demanding tasks, sleep deprivation, and inadequate nutrition. These conditions weaken their physical and mental resistance, making them more compliant.
• Psychological Tactics: Staff members employ verbal abuse, humiliation, and psychological manipulation to break down students’ sense of self. The goal is to eliminate defiant behaviors and instill obedience and conformity.
Goals and Outcomes
USMC Bootcamp:
• Transformation into Marines: The primary goal of bootcamp is to transform recruits into Marines who embody the values and discipline of the Corps. This transformation involves breaking down individual identities and rebuilding them as part of a cohesive unit.
• Preparedness for Combat: The rigorous training prepares recruits for the physical and mental demands of military service, emphasizing resilience, teamwork, and the ability to operate under extreme conditions.
Troubled Teen Industry Schools:
• Behavioral Reform: The schools aim to reform and rehabilitate adolescents with behavioral, emotional, or substance abuse issues. This involves breaking down defiant behaviors and rebuilding students to conform to the institution’s standards.
• Compliance and Conformity: The primary outcome sought is the instillation of obedience and conformity, often at the expense of individuality and mental health. The methods used can lead to significant psychological and emotional trauma.
Abuse of Power and Consequences
Both USMC Bootcamp and troubled teen industry schools share troubling similarities in the abuse of power by those in authority:
• USMC Bootcamp: Some individuals who rise through the ranks can become abusive, using their power to intimidate and control recruits. This abuse of power exacerbates the already intense stress and can lead to severe psychological harm.
• Troubled Teen Industry Schools: Staff members at these schools often take advantage of their authority to abuse students physically, emotionally, and psychologically. This abuse is facilitated by the lack of oversight and the isolated environment, leaving students vulnerable to mistreatment.
The USMC Bootcamp and troubled teen industry schools, though serving different purposes, operate in parallel ways through their use of strict discipline, controlled environments, and psychological manipulation. Both institutions aim to break down individuals and rebuild them according to their specific goals—whether to create disciplined Marines or to reform troubled teens. The similarities in their methods and the impacts on participants highlight the ethical concerns and potential psychological harm inherent in such approaches. Moreover, the abuse of power by those in authority in both settings further underscores the need for careful evaluation, oversight, and reform to protect the well-being of those subjected to these extreme conditioning methods. Understanding these parallels can inform efforts to improve the treatment of individuals in such programs, ensuring their mental and physical well-being.
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gysgtsblog · 2 years
Instructional video on how to tie a tie ...USMC style😂😂
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Can you take a before and after bootcamp picture?
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I suspect I'll be a little string bean with a bad tan afterwards but, yeah I'll probably do that!
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defensenow · 5 months
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territelecom · 2 years
Ears open eyeballs click
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Brumley ended up shooting most of the film himself. Eyeballs, Click is a 2005 documentary by Canaan Brumley, about the experiences of Marine recruits during bootcamp. Brumley began shooting of the film with four cameramen, but only a few weeks into production, they quit. Despite this unusual approach, the film has received very positive reviews overall, especially from film festivals, such as the Los Angeles Film Festival and the San Diego Film Festival. Unlike many documentaries, this film offers no narration nor a focus on central characters, shooting from a fly-on-the-wall perspective. Eyeballs, Click is a 2005 documentary film by, about the experiences of Marine recruits during bootcamp.
In addition, the film has been showing on the Documentary Channel. This is a condition that causes your eyes to shift from side to side, or jump up and down in an uncontrolled way.
Downloaded a torrent and watched about 30 mins so far. Another cause of oscillopsia is nystagmus. Brumley himself has handled distribution through DVD sales on his website. Apparently this guy was along side the recruits filming their 12 weeks in boot. The entire doc is just about the first week, and exactly what it's like. The film won the San Diego Filmmaker Award at the 2005 San Diego International Film Festival. The producers of Ears Open Eyeballs Click had planned to break down the phases into 'chapters', but the only one that they've released so far is 'Ears, Open. Brumley ended up shooting most of the film himself. Located at a San Diego marine base, boot camp begins with drill instructors screaming at the top of their lungs as fresh-faced recruits tackle any number of tasks: from making their beds to cleaning their barracks to enduring the. If any pool-ees want to watch a, as good as it gets video of boot camp, or if any marines just want to brink back old memories. A fly-on-the-wall glimpse at 12 weeks of excruciating basic training.
Despite this unusual approach, the film has received very positive reviews overall, especially from film festivals, such as the Los Angeles Film Festival and the San Diego Film Festival. This vivid documentary chronicling 12 weeks of basic training shows how true-to-life those loud-mouthed portrayals can be. Results 1 to 18 of 18 Thread: Looking for EARS OPEN, EYEBALLS CLICK (USMC Bootcamp Documentary) HELP FIND ONLINE Starsat 2100 hd update download torrent.
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Y’all. I know I don’t post much personally. But I am overwhelmed with emotion right now. My husband leaves on Sunday for MCRDPI. He begins his 13 weeks of boot camp to earn the title of United States Marine. My heart is broken and swelling with love all at the same time. I’m so proud of him, and taking these first steps towards his biggest life goal. But my heart is in pieces knowing I will not see him, hold him, or hear his voice for 13 weeks. I worry. For myself. Four our marriage. For our son. Im a mess. I have no other option that to get through it. But I’m having trouble finding peace. Y’all I just need some prayers and a hug.
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seanrva · 3 years
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