#USA Boxing
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justinssportscorner · 1 year ago
Alyssa Tirrell at MMFA:
In late December, USA Boxing released a new set of guidelines for the inclusion of trans competitors, and right-wing media responded by criticizing the regulations, relying on anti-trans tropes and misinformation in their coverage. GOP members of Congress have since introduced twin legislation that promises to ban all trans competitors from the Olympic and amateur levels in any sport, citing the new regulations as a motivating concern and repeating the anti-trans framing popularized by right-wing media's backlash.  
While the USA Boxing guidelines are a departure from a trend of sports organizations banning trans participation, the requirements are considered stringent. Athletes under the age of 18 must compete ���as their birth gender,” and adult competitors are required to obtain genital surgery and regular hormone testing, both in the four years preceding competition and throughout any competitive period. Nevertheless, right-wing media are attacking the rules, which USA Boxing says build on the consensus of several medical groups and international athletic federations.  On January 3, Fox News' America's Newsroom co-host Dana Perino referred to the eligibility requirements for trans female boxers as “nonsense.” Hosts and guests repeatedly referred to trans women as “men” or “guys,” and co-host Bill Hemmer quoted former NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines' claim that “it will take a woman getting killed before these misogynistic fools wake up.”   Fox’s Outnumbered also said a woman could die because of the new rules, arguing that the regulations would lead to “one-punch killings.” Co-host Harris Faulkner cited Gaines' campaign against the inclusion of trans swimmers, misgendering Gaines' former competitor Lia Thomas in the process and expanding the panel's criticism to trans inclusion in noncontact athletic competitions as well. 
Despite such concerns over safety, coverage disregarded USA Boxing's medical citations, which include the recommendations of Boston Children’s Hospital Sports Medicine and Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital. Instead, for instance, The Ingraham Angle platformed the perspective of UFC fighter Colby Covington, who argued that “it doesn't matter what their hormone levels or pronouns are,” because “when they dig up their bones in 200 years, their bones won't leave pronouns.” (Actually, archeologists are capable of imputing that a skeleton may have belonged to a transgender person after more than 200 years.) [...] USA Boxing responded to backlash by restating that it is in compliance with federal law. The following day, U.S. Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) and Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) introduced twin legislation in both the House and the Senate that would “prohibit any governing body recognized by the U.S. Olympic Committee (USOC) from allowing men to participate in any athletic event intended for females.” 
A joint press release cited the USA Boxing guidelines and repeated right-wing media's anti-trans framing. Tuberville's statement claimed that “men should not be competing in women’s sports at any level—and especially not in a sport like boxing. Whether in little league or the Olympics, it’s unsafe, it’s unfair, and it’s just plain wrong. This bill will ensure that the Olympics are fair to American women who train their whole lives to represent our country on the world stage.”   The press release also cited the support of a number of anti-trans organizations, including the Alliance Defending Freedom, the Independent Women's Forum, and the Independent Council on Women’s Sports and quoted several anti-trans figures, including American Principles Project President Terry Schilling and — yet again — Riley Gaines. 
Right-wing media pundits, led by anti-trans grifter Riley Gaines, is leading the backlash against USA Boxing's trans-inclusive policy.
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haute-lifestyle-com · 2 months ago
The Fire Inside, from MGM and Amazon Prime, presents the story of Claressa Shields, a poor, black, abused girl, one step from becoming a statistic, but this story doesn't end in the lost neighborhood of Flint, Michigan
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gwydionmisha · 1 year ago
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stopthewoke · 1 year ago
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bordoring · 1 year ago
Haney domina Prograis ed è il nuovo re WBC superleggeri
Una masterclass di pugilato. Questo è quanto Devin HANEY (31-0), oggi in veste di sfidante, ha imposto al campione WBC dei superleggeri Regis PROGRAIS (29-2 24 ko) per 12 riprese sul ring del Chase Center di San Francisco. Movimenti perfetti, colpi di precisione estrema, tecnica di gambe e tronco paradigmatiche oltre ad una discreta potenza. Se la vittoria ottenuta contro Lomachenko aveva gettato qualche ombra sul suo profilo, stanotte Haney si è ripreso tutto con gli interessi dominando l'avversario in lungo e in largo, mandandolo al tappeto nel 3 round con un diretto destro da manuale ma soprattutto senza mai dargli possibilità di risposta. Troppo forte Haney per Prograis: il 120/107 di tutti e tre i giudici ne è l'esatta fotocopia di un combattimento a senso unico. Haney conquista così il 31 successo e la corona WBC dei superleggeri. Rougarou Prograis, 34enne, in passato ex re dei superleggeri WBA, in possesso comunque di un ottimo record, è apparso un pugile ormai stanco e avviato al capolinea.
Nel sottoclou inattesa, pesante, sconfitta per Montana LOVE (18-2-1) che tornava a combattere a circa un anno dalla clamorosa squalifica subita per scorrettezze contro Steve Sparks. Stasera Love affrontava in un combattimento sulle 10 riprese l'imbattuto australiano Liam PARO (24-0), titolare della cintura WBO Global dei superleggeri. L'andamento del match vedeva Paro controllare grazie al maggiore allungo e Love rispondere con affondi più potenti, trascinandosi in sostanziale equilibrio senza troppi sussulti fino al 5 round, quando il campione pizzicava lo statunitense con un secco sinistro al volto. A quel punto Paro prendeva coraggio e, nel 6 tempo, stendeva Love con un duro montante sinistro al mento. Il pugile di Cleveland non faceva in tempo a rialzarsi che veniva nuovamente spedito al tappeto da un duro gancio sinistro alla mascella. Rimessosi sulle gambe, Love veniva investito dall'azione di Paro il quale, riuscito a mandarlo alle corde, lo tempestava di colpi fino allo stop dell'arbitro. Per Montana Love, ex promessa della sua categoria, si tratta della seconda sconfitta consecutiva. A questo punto se vorrà rimanere in alto sarà chiamato a fornire risposte importanti quanto prima.
Negli altri incontri vittoria di forza del 28enne cubano due volte campione del mondo dei dilettanti e medaglia d'oro olimpico Andy El Diamante CRUZ (2-0) su Jovanni STRAFFON (26-6-1). Cruz ha vinto il titolo Internazionale WBA dei leggeri all'esordio da pro.
Sconfitta anche per l'australiana Ebanie BRIDGES (9-2) che lascia nelle mani della esperta giapponese Myo YOSHIDA (17-4), ex regina dei minimosca, la corona IBF dei gallo. Unanime e meritata la vittoria di Yoshida 99-91 due volte e 97-93
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kyri45 · 1 month ago
Trying to not break any glasses that I hold today from the rage of hearing the presidental speech.
All I can offer as an italian fella are my comics. Maybe they wont last 4 years but you can be goddamn sure I'll try my best to give y'all a place to escape.
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theanticool · 2 years ago
The weird ripple effects of war I guess. They’ll be holding their own version of the world championships this June/July.
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As Barbie becomes a billionaire it's heartbreaking to realize that the writers who wrote the film and the actors who participated in it are unable to fully celebrate its success because they are on strike picketing for better working conditions, increased residuals and stronger protections against AI.
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samgirard · 14 days ago
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└ the tkachuk brothers vs. the box | usa vs. can | 2.15.25
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 7 months ago
Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box
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snototter · 11 months ago
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An Eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) in Emmanual County, Georgia, USA
by Alan Cressler
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robocorn-fun · 1 year ago
Still kind of in awe about the three complete collections of 15-year-old, ecchi battle manga Rosario + Vampire hanging around around the Natick MA Newbury Comics.
What are the market forces that would lead them to ship all those complete collections to one store in Massachusetts. Who in Massachusetts is so fond of Tsukune and Moka's adventures that they would drop $200 on the collectors box set? And are there three of such people?
In the greater Natick area?
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deathbysports · 7 months ago
The 2024 Paris Olympics: Images of the Moment
(sorry for the weirdness, tumblr only allows 30 images so i had to combine them)
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rvspecter · 1 month ago
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sista-a · 23 days ago
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Random PO face studies. I added the beret to Sandman because he's cool! 1st fanarts of Sandman, Hondo, and ref.
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tkachuktkaching · 15 days ago
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Mama and Papa Tkachuk watching their boys
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Matthew recievng his player of the game reward
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Post Game
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