#US tax filing in UK
nim-lock · 2 years
Hey! Your shop currently says it doesn't ship to the UK- is that correct? Beautiful work! 🥰
yeah, I do not ship to the UK! Thanks for the compliment.
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expatglobaltax1 · 7 months
US Expat Tax Return Filing Made Simple
US expatriates residing in the UK face a unique set of challenges when it comes to tax obligations. Navigating the complexities of US expat taxes UK while living abroad can be daunting, but with proper guidance, it can be simplified. Understanding the requirements and procedures for US expat tax return filing is crucial for compliance and peace of mind. For Know more visit our website.
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lieutenant-rasczak · 1 year
On the incredible danger of the quaint, English village....
Although I live in Texas, thanks to various streaming services I get to watch a great deal of British T.V.  I have noticed that these shows (Midsomer Murders, Dalziel and Pascoe, Waking the Dead, Shakespeare and Hathaway, Vera, Rosemary & Thyme, Wycliffe,  etc.) share a common theme. 
And, after a certain amount of research I discovered that, believe it or not,  the third leading cause of death in the UK seems to be  "Moving to a quaint, country village". 
While “Getting murdered in a quaint, English, village”  killed slightly fewer UK Residents in 2021 than "Cancer" and "Heart Disease" it was distressingly close.  Even worse it came in only  slightly ahead of  "Attending a weekend party at a stately country home", which is in itself a fairly lethal pastime.  In fact “Attending a weekend party at a stately country home”  WAS the second leading cause of death in Britain between 1919 and 1939, but began to decline after the war as the Labour Govt. raised taxes and the number of country homes dropped drastically; thus causing a steep decline in the number of weekend parties one could be murdered at.
In any case my research indicates that IF you are British, AND you are feeling down, depressed, and suicidal, there is no reason for you to run your car off a cliff, or take a trip to Switzerland.  In fact, you need only do the following
1) move to a lovely, quiet, English village where nothing ever happens, but the murder rate is (adjusted for population) is far higher than that of South Chicago or East L.A.
You might think that such a village would be hard to find, but apparently England is simply teeming with them.  Places with highly competitive flower shows or bleak, cliff filled coastlines seem to be particularly deadly.
2) Change your will, and make sure to mention this to the former beneficiary. (This is vitally important!) Also make sure to let them know where the new will is kept. The top drawer of your desk is probably the best place, no need for locking file cabinets or bank safety deposit boxes!
3) Develop a keen interest in local land titles and/or genealogy. In fact you should probably announce that you are writing a book on the subject.  (It is suggested that you do so in a crowded pub.) In any case make sure to spend plenty of time at the local public records office researching this while receiving vaguely threatening  remarks from various upset neighbours. If you receive any threatening notes make sure to save them in an easily discovered drawer somewhere, but do NOT mention them to anybody, and certainly do not heed any warnings you are given about a need to “back off”.  That last one is ESSENTIAL.
4) Stand against the most popular member in the election for  Parish Council. Threatening to win the local flower show is also a good move.
5) Always leave the door or doors unlocked at night. (This includes your car.) Even if you have lived in London for decades, discard any habits you may have about locking up as soon as you move to the quaint, country, murder hole.
6) Never close any curtains or blinds, that way your future assailant always knows exactly where you are and what you are doing.
7)  Either don't have a phone or keep it in an inaccessible or hard to find place.
8)  Never, ever have any useful weapons nearby or if you do ensure you lose of drop them immediately on seeing your assailant.
Do this, and you’re guaranteed to be pushing up daisies by Christmas.
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pseudowho · 1 month
Madam Haitch please marry me im gonna be your pretty wife i can cook and do taxes and laundry and i can be your personal proofreader 😞💍
I'm married to a big gorgeous guy, who won awards for his coffees, cooks me lovely meals, does the laundry with a baby on his hip without being asked, and is a literal English teacher.
And we don't need to file our own taxes in the UK. It's called HMRC; they do it for us. For free.
And @mrhaitch has a dick and knows how to use it.
Which is a lot of bonus for me.
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Love, and grateful for your noble attempts,
-- Haitch xxx
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palestinegenocide · 6 months
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Zionism will never be viewed the same after the Gaza genocide
How do you wrap your head around genocide? As one numb week follows another, our leaders blind themselves to massacre and famine.
Joe Biden can see no “compelling alternative to how Israel [wages] a war in these circumstances without doing grievous harm to civilians,” Aaron David Miller writes in the New York Times, excusing the president’s support for genocide. So, Israel isn’t being deliberately cruel and sadistic. The Times coverage would just have you believe they just have no choice– as Donald Johnson wrote in a letter to the paper. “There is no middle ground between what Israel is doing and Gandhian pacifism: They just had to use 2000 lb bombs in urban settings. They have to torture captives and cut off food.”
Miller and other liberal Zionists have adopted that stance, but they are having little influence on Democrats. Polls show that the American people favor giving humanitarian aid to Gaza in far greater numbers than they do giving military aid to Israel, and the progressive base of the Democratic Party has started a political “firestorm” over U.S. support for genocide. The Zionist group J Street postponed its 2024 conference, surely because its own rank and file are enraged by Israel.
James Carville said on MSNBC this week that if Biden loses, it’s Israel’s fault, because the catastrophe in Gaza is an issue “all across the country.”
“This Gaza stuff, this is not just a problem with some snot-nosed Ivy League people…This is a problem all across the country. And I hope the president and Blinken can get this thing calmed down because if it doesn’t get calmed down before the Democratic convention, it’s going to be a very ugly time in Chicago. I promise you that. No matter what happens, I know it’s a huge problem.”
Last week, Brad Sherman, the Israel-loving Congress member from Los Angeles, fought back, accusing “anti-Israel forces” of an “attempt to penetrate and muddy our national discourse.”
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Protesters affiliated with the antiwar group Code Pink seek to ask Rep. Brad Sherman about his support for the massacres of Palestinians in Gaza, in a video posted March 20, 2024. The congressman from Los Angeles/Malibu ran away from the protesters and accused them of seeking the genocide of Jews. Screenshot.
Sherman accused them of antisemitism. “There’s blood on your hands for the genocide—you’re trying to kill every Jew.”
That is the chief refuge for Democrats who excuse Israel’s actions. To say that critics of genocide are motivated by antisemitism.
But even liberal media are giving a platform to progressive critics. “The United States is complicit in genocide,” Mehdi Hasan said this week on New York public radio, and when the host pushed back and said Hasan was not blaming Hamas, Hasan said of course he denounces Hamas, but his tax dollars are not going to support Hamas. He also pointed out the inevitable consequences of military occupation. “The oppressed will always rise against the oppressor.”
And in wonderful media news this week, Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg withdrew from a speaking engagement in Kentucky after students questioned his record in the Israeli military nearly 40 years ago.
Jeffrey Goldberg, Editor-in-Chief of The Atlantic, withdrew from a scheduled speaking event at the University of Kentucky (UK) Wednesday, citing a last-minute schedule change, amidst concerns from students about his past as a former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) prison guard and his views on Zionism…. “We were informed that students expressed concern as to why a former IDF prison guard would be speaking on democracy and journalism at an event celebrating the integration of UK. Students were told he withdrew to not cause harm on campus,” the representative [of a Palestinian solidarity group] stated.
The event was billed as “The Future of Journalism and the Health of Our Democracy.” That’s a little bit of accountability. The editor of the Atlantic is finally being called out for his service for Israel. The writer Yakov Hirsch repeatedly explained on our site that Netanyahu could not have maintained his faultless reputation in the U.S. mainstream without Goldberg fostering “hasbara culture.”
And bear in mind, that Goldberg used to brag about his military service. He wrote a whole memoir about it. Now, times are changing. And other editors who carried water for Israel will surely be called on to defend that work.
This process is just beginning. Zionists still have esteem in the U.S. discourse. The view that Israel supporters promote bigotry against Palestinians is still off-limits. Even as mainstream Jewish organizations assert that those who support Palestinian rights are bigoted against Jews.
“Israel supporters should be seen as on the same moral level as supporters of Bull Connor, but in the U.S. and Western mainstream you can only point to antisemitism— you can never point to anti-Palestinian racism on the Israel side,” Donald Johnson has written on our site.
“We cannot make progress on this issue if the extreme racism of the pro-genocide side is never discussed. People have to be able to say that any group, whether white southerners or South Africans or Nation of Islam members or Christian evangelical Zionists or Germans or, yes, Jewish supporters of Israel, can be racists. They can make racism central to their ideology. But Zionist racism is still a taboo subject, automatically branded as antisemitic, because fundamentally Palestinians are seen as lesser.”
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
Closer and closer...
Without a permanent primary residence in the UK, Harry is officially unable to serve as Counsellor of State.
Archived Link
Because I know it's going to come up as well:
Harry is allowed to keep his titles whilst living here in the US and/or becoming a naturalized citizen. He is only required to give up the titles if he runs for political office, per the US Constitution.
This has no impact on his immigration status or deportability. All it means is that he lives here most of the time and he's on the hook for taxes. He can still be deported. He can still be refused entry to the US if he leaves and tries to return.
(And he's not going to be deported. Not in the official way with DHS agents taking him to an immigration detention center or stuffing him on a plane back to the UK. That looks terrible for the special relationship and embarrasses the Trump Administration, the Biden Administration, and the Court of St. James. At worst, it'll all be handed privately/behind doors and it'll be spun as Harry deciding to move to Africa to be closer to his lifelong work with Sentebale. At best, it's a huge fine.)
(And before certain people come at me for mentioning the Trump Administration, yes, they are involved. The Sussexes moved to the US in March 2020 during the Trump Administration. Any paperwork for Harry to stay here past 90 days/June 2020 would have been processed by the Trump Administration. The Biden Administration didn't take office until January 20, 2021. Harry came and stayed under Trump. They're involved too, though the Biden Administration will take all the blame.)
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randomnameless · 4 days
I seriously hilarious how after a year people are still treating Engage like it burned their spouses and fucked their crops. If they love "moral grayness writing" that much, they have tons of other rpgs with similar themes to play, 8 seasons of Game of Thrones to watch and lots of grimdark fantasy books to read.
Seriously, there's only 3 times (if we want to count 3h that badly) where this franchise has tried to explote more nuanced and complex plots, and those games were the Tellius duology and the Jugdral games. The rest have milquetoast fantasy rpg plots. Why they sticking with FE when it's clearly not the franchise for these kinds remains an enigna.
I wouldn't say GOT's seasons are grim d4rk, imo they're trash in the same vein as the Kadarshians TV show, you're watching it to see how ruined things will be
(c'est quoi l'équivalent US/UK de l'émission "les marseillais"? )
I feel like Martin's books were more in the lines of "deconstruction then reconstruction" of the "traditional" fantasy tropes, with his own choice of depicting very grim and dark things that participate in the "deconstruction" side of his works... even if at times it borders on misery porn and, tbh, misogyny.
Fantasy settings, in general, always have some sort of monarchy and morale of "the good/rightful king returns home and everything is better!" - you can add some twists here and there, but in general, and especially FE, it's that kind of frame. We're not in game where Bob and John feel like Hector charges them too much for the sewer tax, and file a claim to his court to be discharged from paying said tax.
I'm not saying you can't add twists and add some sort of depth to the game, hell the Tales of franchise often tries to add some greater theme to their general "hero with a sword whacks people and is ultimately involved in a greater quest to save the world while eating appel gels", Symphonia tries to tackle racism and how being a victim or racism doesn't give you a pass to create concentration camps to turn people you see as "inferior beings" as fuels/devices to upgrade you and your chosen ones (even if that plot point utterly vanished when the MC goes "i wish we could have been friends" which is, uh, I guess where i found Kishimoto's inspiration for Obito I guess), Abyss tackles the existential crisis of clones/people created to be spares, do they have the right to exist beyond the purpose of their original creation or not? - etc etc.
Funny how you mention Tellius, because IMO, Tellius is even more shaky/wonky than Fodlan (or at least it's a serious competition) with its general message of "racism BaD but miscegenation BaD too" which is, uh... well.
That leaves Jugdral with all of the stuff it wanted to convey - and managed to do while being a SNES duology (I think?) - and yet Jugdral is, at its core, a story of "rightful heir returns to his throne" with some emphasis, especially in FE5, on what "rightful" means but the premise is the same, it's not Dalshin who's going to become the Lord of New Thracia, it's Leif because Leif is Quan'n'Ethlyn's son : his journey in FE5 is all about learning to become a good leader/king.
Back to your post, if people want a game where you "smash the patriarchy" and bring "the revolution"... well, the FE series is not (or wasn't, who knows how it will turn out to be in the near future) for you.
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impishtubist · 7 months
what I find especially funny about this 'sirius doing his taxes' hc is that you don't really need to file taxes for most things in the uk. they just do it for you. unless you're self-employed, which to be fair, I can see sirius have a bunch of freelance odd jobs.
but I think it's even better if the Wizarding World is just incredibly old fashioned about taxes. like there's actually just some guy who comes around to physically try to collect them, and you have to pay in coins or like, rare artifacts/ingredients.
remus probably had that job at some point.
Okay so I was too lazy to put this disclaimer on the posts, but yeah, you don't file taxes in the UK the way we do in the US, however I can see the wizarding world being backwards about that like they are about so many other things.
Also I think you just gave yourself a new WIP. Remus Lupin: tax collector (who collects strange artifacts and/or ingredients).
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Turbotax is blitzing Congress for the right to tax YOU
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Every year, Americans spend billions on tax prep services, paying a heavily concentrated industry of giant, wildly profitable firms to send the IRS information it already has. Despite the fact that most other rich countries have a far more efficient process, many Americans believe that adopting this process here is either impossible, immoral, or both.
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
That puts tax preparation in the same bucket as other forms of weird American exceptionalism — like the belief that we’re too untrustworthy to have universal healthcare, or that we’re so violent that we must all have assault rifles to protect ourselves from one another.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with how they do it in, say, the UK, here’s how it works: your employer submits all of your paystubs to the tax authorities; likewise the custodians of your pension and other people who send you money. The tax authority also knows about your major deductions, like your kids or other dependents.
The tax authority uses this information to fill in a tax return for you and they mail it to you. It’s simple and easy to understand. If they missed some information, or if your tax status has changed, or if you’ve got new deductions, you can amend this return — or throw it away and start over by yourself or with a tax professional.
For the vast majority of Britons, filing their tax returns takes a few minutes once a year, and it’s free. For the minority who don’t fit the standard form, the system works like it does in the US — you either tackle it alone, or do it with professional help.
The IRS could easily do the same thing. Even in a world where many of us are being “casualized” and have income coming in as independent contractors, the IRS knows about it, thanks to the 1099 form. Sure, the IRS might make mistakes, and if you’re worried about that, you can either manually review the precompleted return or pay someone to do it.
It’s a no-brainer, or it would be — if it wasn’t for decades of lobbying by the massively concentrated tax-prep industry — wildly profitable corporate giants like HR Block and Intuit, the parent company of Turbotax, who spent 20 years lobbying congress, spending millions to ensure that Americans would have to pay the Turbotax tax in order to pay their income tax.
The tax-prep industry couldn’t have done this on their own — their astroturf campaigns were joined by a grassroots of useful idiots, betwetters like Grover Norquist and his acolytes, who openly demand that tax preparation be as difficult and painful as possible, to drum up support for their campaign to “get the US government down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.”
These extremists are joined by many independent tax-prep specialists, who are seemingly convinced that every taxpayer has 11 dependents, four different kinds of pension savings, and six all-cash side-hustles, two of them international. Some people do have complicated taxes — as a writer with income from all over the world, I’m one of them — but most people don’t.
The point of getting the IRS to send you pre-populated tax returns isn’t to deny you the opportunity to pay excellent, knowledgeable tax-prep specialists if you need them — it’s to spare most of us from the needless expense of paying Intuit and HR Block to perform the rote form-filling by which the rake in billions in profits.
In reality, the campaign to defund the IRS isn’t — and will never be — about helping “the little guy.” As Propublica’s IRS Files demonstrate, the defunded, shriveled IRS is a billionaire’s plaything, which is why America’s top 400 earners pay less tax than you do:
The commonsense utility of the IRS supplying you with prepopulated returns is so obvious that the tax-prep industry has had to really work to hold it at bay. The most successful scam was Freefile, a program cooked up by the tax-prep cartel that claimed it would provide free tax-prep to low-income Americans.
Freefile was a literal fraud: Intuit and its co-monopolists used a raft of deceptive “dark patterns” to trick people — students, veterans, retirees, and the poorest among us — into paying for services that they were entitled to use for free. Almost no one managed to find and use the Freefile offerings they’d hidden in a locked filing cabinet in a disused subbasement behind a sign reading “Beward Of the Leopard.”
This was so obviously crooked that the companies were eventually forced to give it up, but they weren’t done — their eye-watering, voluminous terms of service contained buried binding arbitration clauses that prohibited the people they ripped off from suing them:
Despite — or, more realistically, because of — the rising fury at the tax-prep industry’s years of unchecked corruption, Intuit has actually increased its lobbying spending this year: Open Secrets reports that in 2022, Intuit showered lawmakers with a record $3.5m:
Their target? The $15m that the Inflation Reduction Act allocated to the Treasury Department to explore free tax filing. Intuit’s line is that this would be “a waste of taxpayer money” and a “conflict of interest” — the same tired boomer nonsense that Norquist has been shoveling since the Reagan administration. Once again, the proposal isn’t to ban Intuit from offering tax prep services — it’s to create a public option that lets people freely choose to pay for tax prep if they think they need it. It’s a breathtaking act of paternalism to claim that we’re all sheeple, too stupid to spot the IRS’s greedy attacks on our pocketbooks.
Here’s a choice quote from Intuit: “Creating a government run tax preparation program would be a waste of taxpayer dollars and further disenfranchise low income taxpayers. A direct to IRS tax prep system is a multi-billion dollar solution looking for a problem.”
Unsaid: the tax prep industry rakes in billions of dollars from American taxpayers every single year. The $44.8m the cartel has spent lobbying against free filing since 1998 is a fantastic investment — for them. The dividends they reap from it come out of all of our pockets.
Another bargain? Hiring ex-government officials to work for Intuit, lobbying their former colleagues:
Or, as Senator Elizabeth Warren bluntly put it, “adroit influence peddling”:
The neoliberal economists’ theory of regulatory capture is a kind of helpless nihilism, grounded in the Public Choice Theory doctrine that says that regulators will always be captured, so we should just get rid of regulators or make them as weak as possible, so they won’t become cordyceps-ridden puppets of the industries they oversee:
But capture isn’t inevitable. Sure, if you have a referee that’s weaker than the teams, you’ll never get a fair game — nevermind what happens when the ref either used to work for one of the teams or is sure of a cushy job with them when the season’s over. If you want a small government, you need small corporations — need to block the anticompetitive mergers and predatory conduct that lets companies grow so large that they can fit their regulators into the little change pocket in their blue-jeans.
Anyone who lived through witchhunts, torture and mass surveillance after 9/11 has good reason to want their government small enough to be accountable — but a doctrine of small governments and giant corporations is a plutocrat’s charter — a recipe for regulatory capture so grotesque it is indistinguishable from farce.
[Image ID: An ogrish, tophatted, cigar-chomping giant holds the US Capitol building aloft contemptuously, pinched between the thumb and forefinger of a white-gloved hand. He stands at a podium bearing the Turbotax checkmark logo, yanking a lever in the form of a golden dollar-sign. He stands before a IRS 1040 tax form.]
intuit, turbotax, irs, taxes, death and taxes, corruption, monopoly, freefile, grover norquist, regulatory capture,
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gwgaccountant · 6 months
are in game currencies you can buy with real money covered under the same laws that make nfts and bitcoin taxable?
I am not an international tax expert. Tax laws are obviously different in different jurisdictions; something that's true in the USA might not be true in the UK or Ukraine or India or Japan or Kenya or whatever. Also, the details of individual games can affect their legal standing. You may wish to consult a local tax expert before filing your return.
Disclaimers aside, probably not.
The thing about NFTs is that you can resell them. If you buy an ugly ape for etherium, you can later sell that ape for etherium and sell the etherium for cash, hopefully more than you paid in. That's what makes crypto stuff taxable; it's an investment.
Most in-game currencies cannot be exchanged for real-world money. You can't buy Fortnite VBucks at 5¢ to the buck and resell it at 7¢ to make a profit, and you can't sell anything for real-world cash. (This the main reason why gambling regulations usually don't apply to lootboxes.)
As far as the law is concerned, buying VBucks in Fortnite is no different from buying DLC on Steam.
Aside from blockchain games like the infamous Axie Infinity, the only ways I can think of for in-game currency purchases to result in taxable transactions probably violate the terms of service. Back in ye olde World of Warcraft days, people would sell their in-game gold for real-world money—profitable, despite (or because of?) being against the TOS.
Obviously, people can buy premium video game currency with their own money; that's what premium currency is for. But hypothetically, if you used that currency to buy an in-game item that you sold for real-world money, that would be a taxable transaction. The amount you sold it for minus the price initially paid for in-game currency would be taxable game.
Again, this is probably a violation of the terms of service you agreed to without reading, which would make this a breach of contract. In the US, you are required to report illegal income; however, as per the fifth amendment, you don't have to report anything that would incriminate yourself. How you report such income without self-incrimination is an exercise for any reader running a Fortnite money laundering business.
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mediamonarchy · 5 months
https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/20240514_MorningMonarchy.mp3 Download MP3 Devastating hits, Bezos’ DARPA grandad and Pokémon maps + this day in history w/U.S. moves Jerusalem Embassy and our song of the day by Macklemore on your #MorningMonarchy for May 14, 2024. Notes/Links: Are BRICS Bucks coming soon? BRICS: Prepare for US Dollar Collapse, IMF Warns https://watcher.guru/news/brics-prepare-for-us-dollar-collapse-imf-warns Australia’s Tax Office Tells Crypto Exchanges to Hand Over Transaction Details of 1.2 Million Accounts: Reuters; The ATO said the data will help identify traders who failed to report their cryptocurrency-related activities. https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2024/05/07/australias-tax-office-tells-crypto-exchanges-to-hand-over-transaction-details-of-12-million-accounts-reuters/ FTX customers get good-bad news as the bankrupt exchange rides the crypto rally https://sherwood.news/snacks/crypto/ftx-customers-get-good-bad-news-as-the-bankrupt-exchange-rides-the-crypto/ GameStop shares surge 70% as meme stock craze returns https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/14/gamestop-amc-shares-jump-another-40percent-in-premarket-trading-as-meme-stock-craze-returns.html Full list of closures as major bank to shut 36 branches and cut hundreds of jobs https://news.sky.com/story/tsb-to-close-36-branches-and-cut-hundreds-of-jobs-13131574 Video: TSB to close 36 branches with 250 jobs devastatingly hit (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9juP3_SZxAk Laura Loomer Accuses Democrat Politician Who Told Trump to ‘Go Back to Court’ of Illicit Profiteering from Hush Money Trial https://archive.ph/Og5Ny Elon Musk, David Sacks Holds Secret ‘Anti-Biden’ Gathering of Billi https://californiaglobe.com/fr/elon-musk-david-sacks-holds-secret-anti-biden-gathering-of-billionaires/ Melinda French Gates steps down from Gates Foundation, retains $12.5 billion for additional philanthropy; The Gates Foundation has, over three decades, made $77.6 billion in charitable contributions, making it one of the world’s largest donor organizations. https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/melinda-gates-stepping-down-from-gates-foundation-rcna152001 FBI File on Jeff Bezos’ Grandfather, a DARPA Co-Founder, Has Been Destroyed https://vigilantnews.com/post/fbi-file-on-jeff-bezos-grandfather-a-darpa-co-founder-has-been-destroyed/ Video: America’s Book Of Secrets: DARPA’s Secret Mind Control Technology (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZRkfBsTTt8 EU’s Controversial Digital ID Regulations Set for 2024, Mandating Big Tech Compliance by 2026 https://reclaimthenet.org/eus-controversial-digital-id-mandating-big-tech-compliance-by-2026 UK airports latest: ‘Queues only getting bigger’ https://news.sky.com/story/uk-airports-latest-queues-only-getting-bigger-after-london-and-manchester-confirm-nationwide-border-system-issue-13131330 Marvel Rivals apologises after banning negative reviews https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cd1wwlvd9yko 28 years later, unopenable door in Super Mario 64’s Cool, Cool Mountain has been opened without hacks https://www.tomshardware.com/video-games/28-years-later-unopenable-door-in-super-mario-64s-cool-cool-mountain-has-been-opened-without-hacks Pokémon Go players are altering public map data to catch rare Pokémon https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2024/05/pokemon-go-players-are-altering-public-map-data-to-catch-rare-pokemon/ Video: Pokemon Go Versus OpenStreetMap (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLPyXy39Sv0 Image: @Hybrid’s Cover Art – Pokemon Go’s ‘Modern Solutions’ https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/20240514_MorningMonarchy.jpg May 2014 – Page 6 – Media Monarchy https://mediamonarchy.com/2014/5/page/6/ Flashback: Americans Will Never Have the ‘Right to Be Forgotten’ (May 14, 2014) https://mediamonarchy.com/americans-will-never-have-right-to-be/ Flashback: Modern Pope Gets Old School On The Devil (May 14, 2014) https://mediamonarchy.com/modern-pope-gets-old-school-on-devi/ Flashback: Frugal US Consumers Make It Tough for F...
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affinityoutsourcinguk · 7 months
Corporate Tax Outsourcing Services
Every UK business – regardless of its type, size, and domain – must file corporate tax returns within 12 months after the accounting period it covers. For any UK accountant, preparing and filing corporate tax returns can be a very stressful task! Take the help of Affinity Outsourcing, an experienced corporate tax preparation outsourcing company. We will calculate your clients’ tax liabilities and assist with calculating any quarterly instalment payments. You can rely entirely on us for our accurate corporate tax advice.
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ingek73 · 1 year
Tominey: Prince Harry & Meghan ‘could be a poster couple for workshy Britain’
April 02, 2023
By Kaiser
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The Telegraph’s Camilla Tominey is frantic. When Prince Harry showed up unexpectedly at a London High Court last week, Tominey could not contain her rage and fury at Harry for daring to stand up to a British tabloid. She barfed out an especially crazy piece about how Harry is a piece of sh-t for calling out the Daily Mail and calling out his father, who hires senior staff straight from the Mail’s editorial board. Tominey even admitted that Harry’s work-trip to London last week “would almost certainly have upstaged the King’s European charm offensive.” Camilla Tominey is such a loser and she defends losers. Well, she had another column in the Telegraph where she latched onto the Daily Mail’s “exclusive” story about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s Archewell charity tax filing, wherein they claimed (for tax purposes) that they worked one hour a week on Archewell’s charity arm. Behold, I give you “Harry and Meghan could be a poster couple for workshy Britain.” Sub-head: “But when it comes to self promotion, no one can doubt that the publicity shy couple have put in the hours.” Here’s part of her piece:
We all know that productivity has gone down since the pandemic…But who knew that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex would have what it takes to become a poster-couple for workshy Britain, even after they left the UK to become “financially independent” in the United States?
The revelation that they last year carried out just one hour’s work a week for the Archewell Foundation, their non-profit organisation, has naturally been seized upon by the sort of people who revelled in that South Park episode. To be fair to the Duke and Duchess, it is standard practice for directors in the US to list their hours, as they have done on these newly released tax records.
Moreover, we can hardly say that they haven’t been busy since they stepped back as working royals – what with their Oprah Winfrey interview, their six-part Netflix documentary and Prince Harry’s autobiography, Spare.
Indeed, the Duke has also been occupied at the High Court this week, bravely setting aside his security concerns to join a group of well-known faces in suing Associated Newspapers Limited, the publisher of the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday, for allegedly stealing their private information, which the newspaper group denies.
Clearly, the amount of hard graft that is necessary, supposedly to protect one’s privacy, should not be underestimated.
In Harry and Meghan’s case, it has involved the traducing of a great many people to generate the requisite number of headlines to show just how intrusive the press can apparently be. We must never forgive the sacrifices they have made in the name of global royal reporting.
To be a royal is to be duty-bound in pursuit of the service of others, but Harry and Meghan’s approach has been rather more self-serving than that. For when it comes to self promotion, no one can doubt that the couple have put the hours in.
[From The Telegraph]
Imagine writing this about two people who left the UK in 2020, had their security pulled, were in fear for their lives, and were simply trying to survive for months with the kindness of a relative stranger (Tyler Perry). And in three years, this is what Harry and Meghan have done: welcomed a second child and recovered from a miscarriage; bought a home; won at least two lawsuits against the Mail; produced a wildly successful memoir; produced a wildly successful Netflix docuseries; produced a wildly successful and award-winning podcast; taken a Chief Impact Officer position with a billion-dollar life-coaching business; made a successful investment in a small oat-latte business; built a charity which has already worked on several substantive projects with tangible objectives and raised millions of dollars as well as working with corporate sponsors; organized another successful Invictus Games despite a global pandemic; continued conservation work in Africa; built an actual business and charity from the ground up, and on and on. While I wish we saw more of Harry and Meghan too, what they’ve managed to accomplish in three years is amazing.
Imagine writing all of this snide bullsh-t about “work-shy” Meghan and Harry… and then having nothing to say about Prince William and Kate, who barely do one event a week and are currently on a month-long vacation. I guess someone’s buying it?
Repeating this because it is a fantastic list:
Imagine writing this about two people who left the UK in 2020, had their security pulled, were in fear for their lives, and were simply trying to survive for months with the kindness of a relative stranger (Tyler Perry). And in three years, this is what Harry and Meghan have done: welcomed a second child and recovered from a miscarriage; bought a home; won at least two lawsuits against the Mail; produced a wildly successful memoir; produced a wildly successful Netflix docuseries; produced a wildly successful and award-winning podcast; taken a Chief Impact Officer position with a billion-dollar life-coaching business; made a successful investment in a small oat-latte business; built a charity which has already worked on several substantive projects with tangible objectives and raised millions of dollars as well as working with corporate sponsors; organized another successful Invictus Games despite a global pandemic; continued conservation work in Africa; built an actual business and charity from the ground up, and on and on. While I wish we saw more of Harry and Meghan too, what they’ve managed to accomplish in three years is amazing.
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masllp · 9 months
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Skippy: so, Omid announced book #2. Can someone explain to me how he's a "best selling author" when he reported less than GBP £20,000 in income to his MeYou, Ltd. UK corporate filing for 2021? Either 1) he's as much of a liar as the Susskashians or 2) he is dodging UK taxes with false income filings. Whichever option is true, it means he's a dodgy, dishonest scammer. Companies House obviously doesn't trust him as they forced him to use their default Wales address for his registered address.
My mind is boggled!❤️
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mayalaen · 2 years
paypal 😡
TWO MONTHS of back and forth with PayPal because a customer refused to pay the customs fees and taxes and they STILL sided with the customer and refunded the money plus charged me $15 for losing the case.
This has happened too many times and I’ve stopped selling outside the US because of it, but customers can continue to file claims for months after the fact because PayPal is always on the customer’s side.
All a customer has to do is file a claim, get their refund, and then go down to customs and pay the taxes and fees, and they’ve got MY product for a fraction of the cost.
I’ve been selling this product online for 10 years, and for the first 8 years I won every case against me, but PayPal changed their policies a while back, and I lose every single case now.
I have ALL the documents and tracking info showing that I’ve fulfilled my end of it, but that doesn’t matter.
This past summer they sided with a customer in the UK and she now has a brand new $1200 tattoo chair for only the cost of customs fees after PayPal refunded her AND charged me for losing the case.
When I talked with the postal service AND customs from both of these countries, they advised me to stop selling online because scammers are overwhelming the system and PayPal and other services can’t keep up with it.
Am@zon does the same thing.
Which means there are NO credit card processing companies anymore who will protect me even though I’m above board with everything.
I can’t afford this, and I can’t see a way around it.
Big business wants to see small businesses go away, and they’re doing a very good job of it.
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