#US Politics Leadership Qualities
Title: Why Trump Should Not Be Voted for President in 2024
Introduction As the political landscape in the United States evolves, discussions surrounding potential presidential candidates in the 2024 election have gained momentum. One name that frequently emerges is Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States. While he undoubtedly has a dedicated base of supporters, there are compelling reasons why many argue that Trump should not be voted…
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esotericalchemist · 11 days
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𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲 - 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐲 ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
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Mercury in astrology governs how we think, communicate, and process information, shaping our mental faculties and how we interact with the world. Just as each sign brings its unique energy to Mercury, there’s an even deeper layer to explore—the decans. Each decan offers a more nuanced view of Mercury’s influence, subtly shifting how we think, speak, and connect based on the specific degrees of the sign it occupies. While Mercury guides our intellectual pursuits and expression, understanding its decans can provide insight into the unique flavor each person brings to communication and learning. As we dive into this deeper exploration, we begin to see how Mercury’s placement in each decan influences not only our minds but also the ways in which we share our ideas and connect with others. Through this understanding, we can unlock a more profound appreciation of our mental strengths, challenges, and the paths toward using our communication skills for growth and transformation.
Decan - How to find your Mercury Decan
To find your Mercury decan, you'll need to know the degree Mercury falls within your zodiac sign. Every sign covers 30 degrees, and each sign is divided into three decans, each spanning 10 degrees:
0°-10°: First Decan, ruled by the sign's primary planet.
10°-20°: Second Decan, influenced by the next sign in the same element.
20°-30°: Third Decan, influenced by the final sign in the same element.
For example, if your Mercury is in Leo at 5°, it falls in the First Decan, ruled by the Sun, giving you a bold, expressive communication style. If Mercury is in Gemini at 15°, it’s in the Second Decan, ruled by Venus, adding charm and diplomacy to your intellect.
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𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲
First decan (0 - 10 degrees) -- Ruled by Mars
If your Mercury is in the first decan of Aries, your mind operates with speed and urgency, thanks to the influence of Mars. You think quickly, preferring to jump right into action rather than getting lost in details or overanalyzing. When faced with a challenge, you prefer to cut straight to the solution, making your communication style direct and confident. You’re not one for sugarcoating—when you speak, it’s with passion and decisiveness. This can make you seem bold or even blunt, but for you, honesty and getting to the point are more important than politeness or tact.
Subtlety is not your strong suit; you prefer straightforward conversations and often find it frustrating when things are left unsaid or implied. You excel in debates or competitive environments, where your quick thinking and decisive nature can shine. People around you might feel like they need to keep up with your fast mental pace, as you rarely waste time in conversations or decisions.
To make the most of this Mercury energy, focus on activities that require quick decision-making, like debates, leadership roles, or fast-paced problem-solving. You thrive in environments that value boldness and action, where you can confidently take the lead and communicate with authority.
Second decan (10 - 20 degrees) -- Ruled by Sun
In the second decan of Aries, your Mercury is influenced by the Sun, which adds charisma and creativity to your communication style. You’re still quick-minded like the first decan, but now there’s a natural desire to stand out and make an impact with your words. When you speak, people listen—not only because of what you say but because of the way you say it. There’s a magnetic quality to your communication, and you have a flair for expressing yourself in ways that capture attention.
Your thinking is creative and bold, and you enjoy adding a personal touch to everything you say or do. Whether in group discussions, presentations, or creative endeavors, you tend to take the lead and inspire those around you with your confidence and vision. You see challenges as opportunities to express your individuality and creative problem-solving skills.
To fully utilize your Mercury energy, focus on activities that let you express your ideas dynamically, such as public speaking, writing, or performing. You thrive in situations where you can take center stage, lead with your voice, and inspire others with your innovative thinking.
Third decan (20 - 30 degrees) -- Ruled by Jupiter
If your Mercury falls in the third decan of Aries, your communication is influenced by Jupiter, which gives you a visionary and expansive approach to thinking. You’re not content with small ideas—your mind is constantly searching for the bigger picture and ways to push boundaries. There’s a philosophical edge to your thinking, and you enjoy exploring larger truths and higher ideals. When you speak, you aim to inspire others, often encouraging them to see the world in new and broader ways.
You’re passionate about learning and sharing knowledge, and your communication style reflects this expansive vision. Rather than getting bogged down by details, you focus on big ideas and future-oriented goals. People with this placement are often seen as inspiring communicators, whether they’re teaching, leading, or discussing personal growth.
To make the most of your Mercury energy, engage in activities that involve exploring and communicating grand ideas. Teaching, public speaking, writing, or working in fields like philosophy, travel, or personal development are ideal for you. You excel when you can inspire others to think bigger and explore new horizons, and you’re happiest when working on projects with a sense of adventure and growth.
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𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲
First decan (0 - 10 degrees) -- Ruled by Venus
If your Mercury is in the first decan of Taurus, ruled by Venus, your thinking and communication style are steady, grounded, and deliberate. You like to take your time to fully process information and are not easily rushed into making decisions. Your speech is calm and measured, often conveying a sense of authority and ease. There’s a natural beauty in how you express yourself—whether it’s the tone of your voice or the way you choose your words, others feel comfortable listening to you.
Your thoughts tend to revolve around practicality and how ideas can translate into something tangible. You’re not swayed by fleeting trends; instead, you prefer to focus on things that have lasting value. Your thinking process is methodical, carefully weighing all the factors before reaching a conclusion. You rarely act impulsively, which makes others trust your judgment and value your insights.
To make the most of this Mercury placement, focus on activities that require patience and an emphasis on lasting results. Writing, art, or planning that involves creating something beautiful and enduring are ideal for you. You also excel in fields like finance, gardening, or craftsmanship, where your steady and methodical approach can shine.
Second decan (10 - 20 degrees) -- Ruled by Mercury
In the second decan of Taurus, Mercury’s influence is more pronounced, blending Taurus’ grounded nature with enhanced mental agility. You possess both practicality and intellectual curiosity, which allows you to think clearly and adapt to new information quickly. You’re particularly good at simplifying complex concepts and making them accessible to others. While your thinking is still methodical, you can also be flexible and are keen to learn, making you an excellent problem-solver.
Your communication style is clear and direct, ensuring your message is understood without unnecessary embellishments. You have a practical, no-nonsense approach that makes people trust what you say, as it’s usually based on sound reasoning and real-world experience. Abstract or overly idealistic ideas rarely interest you—you focus on what works and what can be applied in tangible ways.
To fully utilize your Mercury energy, engage in roles that combine your practical thinking with clear communication, such as teaching, writing, or working in business environments that require structured problem-solving. Anything involving analysis, planning, or creating order, like project management or education, will allow you to showcase your talents.
Third decan (20 - 30 degrees) -- Ruled by Saturn
If your Mercury falls in the third decan of Taurus, Saturn’s influence adds structure, discipline, and a deep sense of responsibility to your thinking. You approach life with a focus on long-term goals and carefully consider the steps needed to achieve stability. Your mind operates methodically, and you tend to look at situations from all angles before making a decision. You’re not easily swayed by short-term thinking—your focus is on creating lasting solutions.
When you speak, people recognize the authority and wisdom in your words. You tend to be someone others turn to for advice because they know you’ve given careful thought to the matter. You’re good at simplifying complex ideas and presenting them in a logical, easy-to-understand way, especially when it comes to long-term planning. While you may appear serious or reserved in your communication, it’s because you value precision and prefer to speak only when you have something meaningful to say.
To maximize this Mercury energy, focus on long-term projects that require patience, planning, and persistence. Whether you’re involved in business, real estate, or building a career that requires slow, steady progress, you thrive in environments where structured thinking and careful planning are needed. Fields like financial planning, architecture, or any project that requires creating a strong, enduring foundation are perfect for your disciplined mindset.
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𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲
First decan (0 - 10 degrees) -- Ruled by Mercury
If your Mercury is in the first decan of Gemini, you embody the pure essence of Mercury’s energy—quick, curious, and endlessly adaptable. Your mind processes information at lightning speed, and you thrive on variety and stimulation. You’re constantly juggling multiple ideas and topics, which keeps your conversations lively and engaging. Learning new things is a passion, and your inquisitive nature makes you a fantastic communicator and conversationalist.
When you speak, your words come out swiftly and articulately, often infused with wit. You have a natural talent for making connections between different ideas, which makes you an asset in any field that requires sharp communication, whether it’s writing, teaching, or public speaking. However, your fast-paced thinking can sometimes cause you to skip over details or move on to the next idea before fully finishing the previous one. Your strength lies in your adaptability, and your ability to think on your feet makes you perfect for dynamic, fast-paced environments.
To make the most of your Mercury energy, pursue activities that involve communication, learning, or networking. Writing, journalism, teaching, and public speaking will all suit your need for constant mental engagement. You’ll also thrive in roles that offer variety and flexibility, as routine can quickly become boring for your restless mind.
Second decan (10 - 20 degrees) -- Ruled by Venus
In the second decan of Gemini, Mercury’s quick thinking is blended with Venus’ influence, adding charm, grace, and diplomacy to your communication style. You’re not just a fast thinker—you’re an engaging speaker who knows how to make people feel at ease. There’s a natural flow to your words, and you often use your communication skills to build relationships and create harmony. You have a unique ability to make complex ideas sound appealing and accessible, which makes you excellent at teaching, writing, or public relations.
While your mind is still quick and adaptable, you’re more considerate of how your words are received by others. You avoid harshness in your speech and prefer conversations that are pleasant and cooperative. Venus also brings creativity to your thinking, making you excellent in fields that blend intellect with artistry, such as writing, music, or any form of creative expression that involves communication.
To fully utilize your Mercury energy, focus on activities that combine intellect and charm. Public relations, marketing, writing, and creative fields that involve communication and relationship-building are ideal for you. You shine in situations where you can use your words to bring people together and foster understanding.
Third decan (20 - 30 degrees) -- Ruled by Uranus
If your Mercury falls in the third decan of Gemini, Uranus’ influence brings an innovative, unconventional edge to your thinking. You’re not just a quick thinker—you’re a visionary, capable of seeing the future and breaking boundaries with your ideas. Your mind is drawn to original concepts, and you’re great at spotting patterns and making connections that others might overlook. This decan gives you a rebellious streak when it comes to communication, as you enjoy pushing the limits of traditional methods and exploring new ways to share information.
When you speak, your words often have a surprising or quirky quality, catching others off guard with your insights or unconventional ideas. You’re not afraid to challenge the status quo, and your communication style can be both inspiring and revolutionary. However, your rapid mental shifts and unorthodox style can sometimes make you seem unpredictable or difficult to follow, especially to those who prefer more traditional ways of thinking.
To best harness your Mercury energy, engage in activities that allow you to explore new ideas and challenge conventional wisdom. Technology, media, innovation, and any field that embraces future-forward thinking will be ideal for you. You thrive in environments where you can experiment with new concepts, so roles that involve invention, creative problem-solving, or research will allow your visionary mind to shine.
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𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲
First decan (0 - 10 degrees) -- Ruled by the Moon
If your Mercury is in the first decan of Cancer, your thoughts and communication are deeply tied to your emotions, influenced strongly by the Moon. You process information with a strong intuitive sense, often relying on how things make you feel rather than just logic. Your mind works in a nurturing and reflective way, and you tend to consider the emotional impact of your words on others before you speak. You have an excellent memory, especially when it comes to emotionally charged or personal experiences, and you recall even the smallest details that hold sentimental value.
When you communicate, you do so with a sense of care and empathy. You instinctively know what to say to make others feel understood and emotionally supported. However, because your emotions and thoughts are so intertwined, it can be hard for you to maintain objectivity in emotionally intense situations.
To make the most of this Mercury energy, engage in activities that require nurturing communication or emotional connection. Writing, counseling, or any profession that involves helping others and using empathy will suit you well. Your ability to connect with others on an emotional level makes you a natural in roles that require compassion and understanding.
Second decan (10 - 20 degrees) -- Ruled by Pluto
With Mercury in the second decan of Cancer, Pluto’s influence adds emotional depth and intensity to your thought process. You’re highly intuitive and perceptive, often able to sense the underlying motivations in people’s actions and conversations. Your thinking is investigative, and you’re drawn to uncovering hidden truths or exploring emotional complexities. When you speak, your words carry weight and emotional intensity, often leaving a deep impression on those around you.
You’re not one to shy away from difficult topics or deep emotional discussions. You prefer conversations that provoke transformation or meaningful change. This desire for depth and understanding can make you an excellent problem-solver, though it can also lead to becoming overly fixated on certain thoughts or emotions.
To best utilize this Mercury energy, focus on roles that allow for emotional exploration and transformation. You would excel in fields like psychology, counseling, investigative work, or any area that involves digging deep into emotional or psychological matters. Your ability to perceive and communicate hidden truths makes you a natural healer or guide in transformative processes.
Third decan (20 - 30 degrees) -- Ruled by Neptune
If your Mercury is in the third decan of Cancer, Neptune’s influence brings a dreamy, imaginative quality to your thoughts and communication. You’re highly intuitive, and your thinking often drifts into creative, spiritual, or abstract realms. There’s a poetic, almost mystical quality to how you express yourself, and your words are often filled with emotional depth that draws people in. You think in terms of feelings, symbols, and visions rather than hard facts, making you naturally inclined towards artistic or spiritual pursuits.
However, this imaginative thinking can sometimes lead to difficulties in staying focused on practical matters or communicating in a clear, organized way. You may find it challenging to stick to facts or be concise, as your mind prefers to explore emotional and spiritual nuances.
To harness this Mercury energy, engage in creative or spiritual activities that allow your imagination to flourish. Writing, art, music, or any form of creative expression that taps into your deep emotional and intuitive side will help you thrive. Your empathy and imagination make you a natural in fields such as the creative arts, spiritual healing, or roles that require emotional sensitivity and compassion.
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𝐋𝐞𝐨 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲
First decan (0 - 10 degrees) -- Ruled by the Sun
If your Mercury is in the first decan of Leo, the Sun’s influence gives your communication style a confident, charismatic, and vibrant edge. You think big and express yourself with a flair for the dramatic, often seeking to be seen and heard. Your thoughts are fueled by creativity and leadership, and you're drawn to ambitious ideas that inspire others. You’re not one to shy away from bold statements or grand visions—you want your words to make an impact.
When you speak, there’s an undeniable authority and warmth in your voice, making others naturally gravitate toward you. You communicate with enthusiasm and a sense of self-assurance, often commanding attention effortlessly. However, because you prefer bold strokes, you may sometimes overlook finer details or dismiss opposing views that don’t align with your vision. You pride yourself on expressing your unique thoughts and insights, and sharing your ideas is something you relish.
To fully utilize your Mercury energy, engage in roles where you can lead and express yourself. Public speaking, creative writing, or any position that places you in the spotlight will allow you to shine. You excel when you can inspire others through your ideas, making leadership and motivational roles ideal for you.
Second decan (10 - 20 degrees) -- Ruled by the Jupiter
With Mercury in the second decan of Leo, Jupiter’s influence adds a sense of expansiveness and generosity to your communication style. You're not only confident but also eager to share wisdom, ideas, and knowledge with others. You love exploring big-picture concepts, whether related to philosophy, education, or personal growth, and your enthusiasm is contagious.
When you speak, you do so with optimism and vision, often inspiring those around you. People are drawn to your words because of the uplifting and expansive nature of your ideas. You’re always thinking about how things can grow and improve, but this grand-scale thinking sometimes causes you to overlook smaller details or practical matters. You’re much more focused on the larger themes and concepts.
To make the most of your Mercury energy, seek out activities where you can teach, motivate, or share knowledge. Public speaking, coaching, or working in education are excellent outlets for your big-picture thinking. You thrive when you can inspire others with your visionary ideas and help them see the world in a broader, more optimistic light.
Third decan (20 - 30 degrees) -- Ruled by the Mars
If your Mercury is in the third decan of Leo, Mars’ influence adds drive, assertiveness, and a passionate energy to your communication style. You think and speak with urgency and conviction, and you're not afraid to voice your opinions boldly. You prefer action-oriented thinking and are quick to translate ideas into action, often leading with your words and pushing others to follow.
When you communicate, there's a fiery, dynamic quality to your speech, and people are often energized by your enthusiasm. You speak with purpose, and your words carry a sense of urgency that can be highly motivating. However, your direct approach can sometimes come across as a bit too forceful or domineering, especially when dealing with those who prefer a more measured pace or style.
To harness this Mercury energy, focus on activities that allow you to take bold action with your ideas. Competitive environments, leadership roles, or careers that require quick thinking and assertive communication will suit you well. You excel when you can channel your passion into action, making you a natural motivator and leader in high-energy situations.
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𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲
First decan (0 - 10 degrees) -- Ruled by Mercury
If your Mercury is in the first decan of Virgo, your mind functions with razor-sharp precision and clarity, thanks to Mercury’s full influence here. You have an exceptional ability to break down complex problems into manageable parts, approaching each issue with analytical rigor. Detail-oriented and practical, you excel at organizing information and thrive in situations that require logic and structured thinking. Efficiency is key to you, and you communicate in a concise, straightforward manner, cutting out unnecessary distractions to focus on what’s important.
When you speak, your focus is on being clear, accurate, and helpful. You value correctness over embellishment, and your critical thinking skills are highly developed, allowing you to quickly spot flaws or inconsistencies. However, this strong attention to detail can sometimes make you overly critical, both of yourself and others, as you strive for perfection.
To make the most of this Mercury energy, pursue activities that require precision, analysis, and systematic thinking. Fields such as research, editing, or any role where you can improve systems or processes will be a great fit for your skills. Your talent for practical problem-solving makes you highly effective in any task requiring structure and order.
Second decan (10 - 20 degrees) -- Ruled by Saturn
In the second decan of Virgo, Saturn’s influence adds discipline and responsibility to your already structured mind. You are methodical and patient in your thinking, with a strong focus on long-term planning and practicality. Your communication style is reserved and thoughtful, and you have a gift for organizing not only your own thoughts but also the environments around you. You often feel a sense of duty toward your work, and others look to you for reliable, well-considered solutions.
When you speak, your words carry a sense of authority and gravity, and you value accuracy and careful thought. You rarely make impulsive statements, preferring to ensure that what you say is factually correct and meaningful. This disciplined mindset, however, can sometimes lead to overthinking or being overly critical, as you hold yourself to high standards.
To fully harness your Mercury energy, focus on roles that involve long-term planning, structure, and meticulous attention to detail. You thrive in project management, writing, or any profession that requires discipline and persistence. Your ability to think methodically makes you a natural leader in environments that demand responsibility and careful organization.
Third decan (20 - 30 degrees) -- Ruled by Venus
If your Mercury is in the third decan of Virgo, Venus brings a sense of refinement and creativity to your otherwise analytical thinking. While you still possess the detailed focus typical of Virgo, Venus softens your approach, adding diplomacy and an aesthetic sense to how you process information and communicate. You appreciate harmony and balance, often considering how to make ideas more appealing or how to create beauty in practical tasks.
When you communicate, there is a tactful and graceful quality to your speech. You’re able to explain complex ideas in a way that is not only clear but also pleasing to others. This Venusian influence enhances your creativity, making you particularly skilled at blending logic with beauty—whether in design, writing, or interpersonal communication.
To best use your Mercury energy, engage in activities that allow for both precision and creativity. Fields like design, art, or writing, where attention to detail is combined with an eye for aesthetics, will be ideal. Your ability to balance practicality with creativity makes you a unique and valuable contributor to any project requiring both intellect and elegance.
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𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲
First decan (0 - 10 degrees) -- Ruled by Venus
If your Mercury is in the first decan of Libra, ruled by Venus, your thinking and communication are marked by a desire for harmony, balance, and beauty. You are a natural diplomat, always seeking to maintain peace in conversations and find common ground between differing viewpoints. Your mind excels at seeing multiple perspectives, making you an adept problem-solver who strives for fairness and solutions that benefit everyone involved.
When you speak, your words are smooth and tactful, often designed to ease tension or foster cooperation. You have a talent for making others feel comfortable, and you carefully choose your words to avoid conflict or offense. Your speech is charming, and you aim to steer discussions towards peaceful outcomes. However, your desire to maintain harmony can sometimes make it difficult for you to make strong, decisive statements, as you are always mindful of the potential impact of your words.
To fully utilize your Mercury energy, engage in activities that require diplomacy, collaboration, and social grace. You thrive in roles such as negotiation, mediation, or public relations, where building connections and promoting harmony is key. You also do well in creative fields, like design or writing, where aesthetics and balance are important. Your ability to see both sides of an issue and create peaceful solutions makes you a natural peacemaker.
Second decan (10 - 20 degrees) -- Ruled by Uranus
In the second decan of Libra, Uranus adds a layer of innovation and originality to your thinking and communication. You enjoy exploring new ideas, challenging conventional wisdom, and thinking outside the box, particularly when it comes to issues of fairness and equality. Your mind is quick to adapt to new trends, and you often find creative ways to approach problems, bringing fresh ideas to the table.
When you speak, your words often carry a sense of excitement and originality. People are drawn to your progressive thinking and your ability to see things from new perspectives. You challenge traditional approaches but do so with respect for others' viewpoints, balancing innovation with diplomacy. Your communication style is stimulating and inclusive, making you an excellent contributor in group settings or discussions where multiple perspectives are needed.
To make the most of your Mercury energy, focus on activities that blend your creativity with your natural sense of fairness. You excel in roles related to social reform, technology, or design, where innovative thinking and collaboration are key. Your ability to push boundaries while maintaining respect for others makes you a powerful force for change in any team or community effort.
Third decan (20 - 30 degrees) -- Ruled by Mercury
If your Mercury is in the third decan of Libra, Mercury’s influence is particularly strong, sharpening your intellect and enhancing your communication skills. You are an eloquent speaker and a skilled conversationalist, particularly in areas related to fairness, beauty, and relationships. Your mind is quick and adaptable, and you have a natural ability to express your ideas in a clear, persuasive manner.
Your speech is articulate and polished, and you’re particularly adept at navigating social situations and complex conversations. You enjoy intellectual discussions and debates, but you approach them with a sense of balance and fairness, always considering the other person’s point of view. While your diplomatic nature is one of your strengths, it can sometimes make it difficult for you to take a firm stance on an issue, as you prefer to remain neutral and open-minded.
To harness your Mercury energy, engage in activities that involve intellectual exchange, communication, and social interaction. You excel in roles such as teaching, counseling, law, or any field that requires mediation and clear thinking. Your ability to navigate complex ideas with charm and precision makes you a natural leader in conversations and problem-solving situations.
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𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲
First decan (0 - 10 degrees) -- Ruled by Pluto
If your Mercury is in the first decan of Scorpio, Pluto's influence gives your mind an intense, focused, and probing quality. You have a natural curiosity for what lies beneath the surface and are driven to uncover hidden truths. You excel at research, investigation, and any activity that requires deep concentration and persistence. Your thinking is strategic and you rarely settle for superficial answers, making you highly effective at problem-solving.
When you communicate, your words carry depth and intensity. People sense there’s something profound in what you say, even if you don’t reveal everything outright. Your communication style is often direct and can be quite powerful, as you have a knack for cutting through superficiality and getting straight to the core of an issue. However, your intensity may sometimes make others feel exposed or uncomfortable, as you often bring to light things they might prefer to keep hidden.
To fully utilize your Mercury energy, focus on areas where investigative thinking and psychological insight are key. Fields such as research, psychology, or detective work are ideal for you. Your ability to think deeply and communicate with conviction makes you a forceful and persuasive speaker, especially in emotionally or intellectually charged discussions.
Second decan (10 - 20 degrees) -- Ruled by Neptune
In the second decan of Scorpio, Neptune’s influence brings a blend of deep intuition and imagination to your thinking and communication. Your mind is not only penetrating but also visionary, and you often navigate the world through a combination of logic and intuition. You are highly sensitive to the emotional undercurrents of any situation and may often sense things that others miss. This heightened intuition gives you a unique perspective on life, and you are drawn to subjects that delve into the mystical, spiritual, or psychological.
When you speak, there’s often an air of mystery or emotional depth to your words. You communicate in a way that touches others on a profound level, often sparking deeper emotional or spiritual insights. You are especially drawn to conversations about life’s deeper mysteries, such as the nature of existence, spirituality, and transformation. However, your tendency to rely on intuition can sometimes make your thoughts difficult for others to follow, and you may prefer to keep certain ideas or feelings private.
To harness your Mercury energy, engage in creative or spiritual pursuits that allow you to blend intellect and intuition. Writing, counseling, or any work in psychology or the arts will help you channel your deep insights. Your ability to combine emotional sensitivity with intellectual depth makes you a captivating communicator, particularly in conversations that require emotional or spiritual insight.
Third decan (20 - 30 degrees) -- Ruled by the Moon
If your Mercury is in the third decan of Scorpio, the Moon’s influence heightens your emotional awareness and sensitivity, making your thoughts and communication deeply connected to your feelings. You have a natural ability to understand both your own and others’ emotional states, which gives you profound insight into human behavior and motivations. Your thinking blends emotional intelligence with intellectual depth, and you are especially interested in understanding the emotional dynamics at play in any situation.
When you communicate, your words are infused with emotion and sensitivity. You’re drawn to emotionally charged conversations, and you often speak from a place of vulnerability and truth. People are drawn to your empathy and your ability to articulate complex emotions. However, because your thinking is so intertwined with your feelings, you may sometimes dwell on emotional wounds or find it difficult to detach from past experiences.
To make the most of your Mercury energy, focus on activities that allow you to tap into your emotional depth, such as counseling, writing, or any role that requires empathy and emotional intelligence. Your ability to communicate with emotional clarity and authenticity makes you a powerful presence in any conversation, especially when emotional support or understanding is needed.
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𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲
First decan (0 - 10 degrees) -- Ruled by Jupiter
If your Mercury is in the first decan of Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, you have a mind that craves exploration, knowledge, and growth. You’re driven by a sense of curiosity and optimism, constantly seeking to understand life’s larger truths. Whether it’s through travel, study, or philosophical debate, you thrive on expanding your horizons and pushing the boundaries of your intellect. You naturally gravitate toward big-picture thinking and enjoy pondering abstract concepts like morality, culture, and spirituality.
When you speak, your enthusiasm is contagious. Your communication style is optimistic and full of energy, making others feel excited by your ideas. You love sharing what you’ve learned with others, and your storytelling ability often brings your ideas to life in a vivid, inspiring way. However, you might sometimes skip over practical details, as your focus is more on the broader vision than on day-to-day realities. You have a tendency to be direct and forthright, which can sometimes come off as blunt, but your intent is always to motivate and inspire.
To make the most of your Mercury energy, focus on activities that allow you to expand your knowledge and share it with others. Teaching, writing, journalism, or even roles in travel or cultural exchange are ideal for you. You excel when you can communicate big ideas and inspire others to broaden their perspectives, making you a natural philosopher, teacher, or visionary thinker.
Second decan (10 - 20 degrees) -- Ruled by Mars
In the second decan of Sagittarius, Mars adds a layer of passion and drive to your already expansive mindset. You still crave knowledge and exploration, but now you approach these pursuits with a more assertive, action-oriented mindset. Your thoughts are fast-paced, and you don’t hesitate to jump into debates or discussions where you can defend your ideas with conviction. You’re naturally drawn to challenging conversations, seeing them as opportunities to refine your beliefs and take action on the causes you care about.
When you communicate, there’s an urgency to your words. You speak with passion and authority, often encouraging others to take immediate action on the ideas you discuss. People are drawn to your boldness, but your directness can sometimes come off as argumentative or confrontational, especially if you’re debating a topic you’re passionate about. You enjoy intellectual challenges and are quick to challenge others to think more deeply about their own beliefs.
To best use your Mercury energy, focus on activities that allow you to combine your intellectual curiosity with your desire to take action. Advocacy, politics, teaching, or coaching are excellent outlets for your dynamic communication style. Your ability to inspire others to move forward with passion and conviction makes you a powerful motivator, especially in environments that require leadership and a strong voice for change.
Third decan (20 - 30 degrees) -- Ruled by the Sun
If your Mercury is in the third decan of Sagittarius, the Sun’s influence brings a charismatic and confident energy to your thinking and communication. You’re not only interested in exploring big ideas and philosophical questions, but you also see yourself as a leader who can inspire others through your words. There’s a sense of personal pride in your ability to communicate, and you enjoy being seen as someone with a strong vision and the ability to motivate others toward personal growth.
When you speak, your words are infused with authority and optimism. You have a natural warmth that draws people in, and your confidence in your ideas makes others feel inspired and uplifted. You’re excellent at presenting big-picture concepts in a way that feels relatable and empowering, and you take pride in your ability to motivate and lead. However, your strong sense of self-expression can sometimes come across as overly confident or preachy, particularly if you’re deeply invested in the topic at hand.
To best harness your Mercury energy, focus on activities that allow you to take center stage and inspire others with your vision. Public speaking, teaching, leadership roles, or any field that allows you to share your knowledge and motivate others are perfect for you. Your ability to see the bigger picture and communicate it in a way that feels empowering makes you a natural leader, especially in situations that require enthusiasm, optimism, and a sense of adventure.
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𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲
First decan (0 - 10 degrees) -- Ruled by Saturn
If your Mercury is in the first decan of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, your mind is focused, disciplined, and geared toward achieving practical results. You think strategically, with a strong emphasis on long-term goals and the steps needed to reach them. Patience and precision define your thought process, and you’re careful not to make decisions hastily. Your communication style is efficient, direct, and often focused on practical, real-world matters rather than abstract or theoretical concepts. You value structure and like to ensure that whatever you say or do leads to concrete outcomes.
When you speak, your words carry weight and authority, often making others take you seriously. You avoid unnecessary embellishments, preferring clear and concise language that gets straight to the point. People respect your logical, grounded approach, but sometimes you may come across as overly serious or rigid, especially in casual or spontaneous conversations. Your strength lies in your ability to think ahead and lay out plans that lead to long-term success.
To make the most of your Mercury energy, focus on activities that require structure, organization, and strategic planning. You excel in roles like business, law, project management, or anything that involves long-term planning and responsibility. Your ability to communicate with authority and a clear, practical mindset makes you a natural leader in environments that prioritize efficiency and results.
Second decan (10 - 20 degrees) -- Ruled by Venus
In the second decan of Capricorn, Venus adds a layer of charm, diplomacy, and refinement to your disciplined thinking. While you still value practicality and structure, you have a way of softening your communication style to appeal to others’ emotions and sense of aesthetics. You’re thoughtful in your approach, balancing your goal-oriented mindset with an awareness of how your words and actions impact others. This makes you not only strategic but also tactful, which is a great asset in social or professional negotiations.
When you speak, you do so with elegance and grace. You understand how to blend logic with persuasion, making you an effective communicator, particularly in situations that require diplomacy. You can navigate tough conversations with ease, offering solutions that satisfy both practical and emotional needs. However, because you value appearances and harmony, you might sometimes gloss over deeper emotional issues in favor of maintaining balance.
To fully utilize your Mercury energy, focus on activities that allow you to combine your practical mindset with a sense of diplomacy and style. You excel in fields like marketing, management, design, or any role where strategy and aesthetics intersect. Your ability to think practically while communicating with grace and tact makes you well-suited for roles that require both intelligence and charm.
Third decan (20 - 30 degrees) -- Ruled by Mercury
If your Mercury is in the third decan of Capricorn, Mercury’s influence sharpens your intellect and enhances your analytical abilities. Your mind is highly organized and efficient, capable of breaking down complex problems into logical, step-by-step solutions. You think systematically and are always focused on how to achieve the most practical and productive outcomes. Your communication is straightforward and precise—you prefer to get to the heart of the matter without wasting time on unnecessary details.
When you speak, your words are clear and to the point, and you have a knack for explaining difficult concepts in simple terms. You’re highly focused on logic and results, which makes you an excellent problem-solver in any situation. However, your emphasis on practicality and efficiency can sometimes make you appear detached or overly focused on the task at hand, which may lead to neglecting emotional or creative considerations.
To best harness your Mercury energy, focus on activities that involve problem-solving, analysis, and structured communication. You excel in fields like engineering, finance, law, or consulting, where logical thinking and precision are highly valued. Your ability to streamline complex ideas and communicate them effectively makes you an asset in any environment that requires clear thinking and careful planning.
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𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲
First decan (0 - 10 degrees) -- Ruled by Uranus
If your Mercury is in the first decan of Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, your mind is highly inventive and unconventional. You have a natural talent for thinking outside the box and thrive on exploring new, cutting-edge ideas. You're intellectually curious, drawn to innovation and progress, and always looking toward the future. Your thinking is abstract, visionary, and often ahead of its time. You enjoy analyzing problems from unique angles and are often excited by challenges that require creative solutions.
When you speak, your words are infused with originality and a forward-thinking energy. You're great at discussing concepts that push boundaries, and you enjoy surprising others with your fresh insights. People appreciate your ability to spark innovative discussions, though your focus on intellectual matters may sometimes make you seem detached from more personal or emotional topics.
To best utilize your Mercury energy, engage in activities that involve innovation, technology, or social reform. You excel in fields that allow you to explore futuristic ideas and challenge conventional wisdom, such as technology, science, or activism. Your ability to think far beyond the present makes you a natural leader in any area that values progress and originality.
Second decan (10 - 20 degrees) -- Ruled by Mercury
In the second decan of Aquarius, Mercury's influence sharpens your intellectual abilities, making you an exceptionally quick and analytical thinker. You have a natural curiosity about the world, and you're always seeking out new information and ways to process it. Your mind is logical, objective, and versatile, and you excel at communicating complex ideas in simple, understandable terms. You’re skilled at finding patterns and connections that others may miss, making you an insightful problem-solver.
When you speak, your words are clear, concise, and often thought-provoking. You enjoy discussing a wide range of topics and are great at sparking intellectual debates. Your ability to see multiple perspectives allows you to contribute valuable insights to group discussions, though your strong focus on logic can sometimes make you appear detached or less emotionally engaged.
To fully harness your Mercury energy, focus on activities that require quick thinking, analysis, and effective communication. You thrive in roles like teaching, writing, research, or technology, where your ability to synthesize information and share it with others is highly valued. Your sharp intellect and versatility make you a great fit for positions that involve problem-solving and intellectual exploration.
Third decan (20 - 30 degrees) -- Ruled by Venus
If your Mercury is in the third decan of Aquarius, Venus brings a sense of creativity, beauty, and social grace to your communication style. While you still maintain the intellectual brilliance and forward-thinking qualities of Mercury in Aquarius, Venus adds an element of charm and diplomacy to how you express yourself. You're not just interested in new ideas—you also want to find ways to connect people through those ideas, often blending intellect with creativity to inspire others.
When you speak, there's a smooth, engaging quality to your words. You enjoy discussing complex ideas in a way that is both accessible and enjoyable for others, and you're great at making intellectual conversations feel fun and appealing. People are drawn to your blend of intelligence and social charm, though you may sometimes prioritize harmony and social connection over diving deeply into more challenging or abstract concepts.
To best use your Mercury energy, focus on activities that allow you to combine creativity with intellectual pursuits. You thrive in fields like design, the arts, social reform, or any area where you can apply your visionary thinking to improve society or create beauty. Your ability to think originally while maintaining a sense of balance and charm makes you a natural fit for roles that require both innovation and social connection.
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𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲
First decan (0 - 10 degrees) -- Ruled by Neptune
If your Mercury is in the first decan of Pisces, ruled by Neptune, your mind is fluid, intuitive, and deeply imaginative. You think in terms of emotions and abstract ideas, often perceiving things in ways that others might not immediately understand. Your thoughts tend to drift towards the mystical, creative, and spiritual realms, making you highly attuned to subtleties and nuances that others might miss. Rather than focusing on hard facts, you interpret the world through feelings and sensations, giving your communication a poetic, dreamy quality.
When you speak, you have a natural ability to convey deep emotions and complex ideas in a way that resonates with others on a heartfelt level. People are often drawn to the sensitivity and depth of your words, and you can soothe or inspire them with your empathetic and compassionate nature. However, because your thoughts are so connected to your emotions, you may sometimes struggle to articulate your ideas clearly or stay grounded in practical details.
To best use your Mercury energy, focus on creative or spiritual pursuits where your imagination and empathy can shine. Fields like writing, music, art, or healing practices that require an intuitive approach are perfect for you. Your gift for communicating abstract concepts in an emotionally resonant way makes you a natural in roles that involve emotional connection and creative expression.
Second decan (10 - 20 degrees) -- Ruled by the Moon
In the second decan of Pisces, the Moon’s influence adds even more emotional sensitivity and introspection to your thinking and communication style. Your mind is reflective, intuitive, and deeply in touch with the feelings of those around you. You process information through an emotional lens, making you particularly skilled at understanding the needs and moods of others. You are a natural nurturer, and your thoughts often gravitate toward how you can help or care for the people in your life.
When you communicate, your words are gentle, comforting, and full of empathy. You have a way of making others feel heard and supported, and people often turn to you when they need emotional guidance. However, your strong connection to your emotions can sometimes make it difficult for you to remain objective or detached in conversations, especially when feelings are involved. You may also find that you are easily affected by the emotional states of others, which can sometimes lead to overwhelm.
To make the most of your Mercury energy, focus on activities that allow you to provide emotional support or care for others. Counseling, therapy, or any field where emotional intelligence is key would be ideal for you. Your ability to communicate with kindness and understanding makes you a valuable asset in any role that requires empathy and nurturing.
Third decan (20 - 30 degrees) -- Ruled by Pluto
If your Mercury is in the third decan of Pisces, Mars adds a subtle drive and assertiveness to your typically gentle and emotionally intuitive communication style. While you still possess the dreamy, imaginative qualities of Mercury in Pisces, Mars gives you a stronger sense of purpose and the motivation to act on your ideas. You are not just content to dream; you want to turn your visions into reality, especially when they are connected to something you are passionate about. Your thinking is driven by both your emotions and a desire to take action on those feelings.
When you speak, your words carry more conviction and passion than the typical Mercury in Pisces. You are able to express your emotions with intensity, and you aren’t afraid to stand up for what you believe in or advocate for those you care about. There’s a fire behind your words that can make you a powerful communicator, particularly when it comes to issues that stir your emotions. However, your emotional intensity can sometimes lead to impulsive or reactive communication, especially when you feel strongly about something.
To best use your Mercury energy, engage in activities that combine emotional depth with action. You excel in roles where you can channel your passion into helping or inspiring others, such as activism, teaching, or any work that involves motivating people. Your ability to communicate with both sensitivity and strength makes you a natural advocate for causes or people that are close to your heart.
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Masterlist - YouTube (subliminals)
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bouquetface · 3 months
Future Spouse Based on Nakshatra - Pt. One
Please read the following for accuracy:
Check for which nakshatra of your dakarkaka.
You may want to check the nakshatra of your Venus (for wife) and Jupiter (for husband) as well.
You may want to read for your moon & AatmaKaaraka nakshatra to see if the traits apply to you.
DISCLAIMER: Keep in mind accuracy is influenced by the ENTIRE natal chart.
General Neutral traits:
Often tall & lean. Ofc not always.
Talkative. Often witty/clever & educated.
Wealthy - Can come from a family that has a known name within their community. Or they will build wealth and become known in their community.
Drawn to social & humanitarian causes. They can help change lives - in small ways or big. EX: Provide jobs, Provide help of some sort to people who need it.
Modest person - may express this as being mostly uninterested in materialistic things.
Quick learner. Good listeners Good teachers & counsellors.
Often marry partners who are helpful to them. Spouses can be open minded. Married life is generally said to be good.
Negative traits:
Open minded views BUT stubborn to change views once decided on.
Gossip often. Jealous people. This creates many enemies/haters. This will be a problem as they often care A LOT about their reputation. However, it is only a problem IF people find out. Often, they are generally well liked & well spoken upon meeting.
General Neutral traits:
Responsible. Independent. Protective. Likely due to being the eldest sibling.
Analytical & Clever.
Good communication skills - writing or speaking.
Good humour. Entertaining personality. As a result a popular personality.
Leadership qualities. Likely to work their way up in their industry or company.
Adaptable & philosophical side to them.
Not conventionally attractive. Considered “lucky” as they often find a spouse who is more attractive than them.
Negative traits:
Intelligence can be used to manipulate.
Secretive. Keep true feelings to themselves.
Prone to depression, anxiety, and overall negative feelings. May be due to keeping a lot to themselves. Can feel burdened with too much responsibility.
General Neutral traits:
Round face. Often Attractive. Cute & soft appearance. Simple modest style.
Attracts jealously - sometimes from family members of the same sex. EX: younger sister loves you but dislikes being in your shadow. Mother loves you but criticizes your life choices - career or romantic partner or other things.
Good communicators. Persuasive. May enjoy reading/writing poetry.
Success comes at their own efforts. If they desire it AND work for it, they can succeed in academics & career.
Leadership qualities combined with their communication makes it likely they have leadership roles in career - EX: Managing, teaching, someone to be respected/looked up to by newcomers in the field.
Negative traits:
Controlling. Prone to jealously. This can lead to difficult romantic relationships in their younger years.
Others may judge this person on their appearance. People will try to tear them down. Often, they have strong comebacks.
Others may try to take advantage of this person’s good nature. While they appear sweet & polite, they aren’t naive or stupid. They will catch on to people who are untruthful or fake.
General neutral traits:
Large forehead, attractive eyes. Prominent butt.
Honest - sometimes harsh. The type of person who may unintentionally hurt your feelings. Speak before thinking.
Good memory. Analytical. Likes to dig deeper - get to the root of the problem. This may make them good in fields of research like sciences.
Better writers than they are talkers. Clever people.
Able to defend themselves. & often it is said they will defeat their haters & conquer despite obstacles.
Likely to enjoy thinking type games - EX: Wordle, crosswords, puzzles, chess, checkers, etc.
Negative traits:
Argumentative. Fights with family. Likely misunderstood by the family. Results in anger for the family.
Being misunderstood makes them uncommunicative. Will struggle with periods of loneliness in life.
Wish to hide any signs of weakness. May appear emotionless/lacking compassion - however, they are compassionate, they just don’t like showing it.
Feel restricted. Experience periods of deep isolation.
General Neutral traits:
Curly hair. Sharp features. Above average height. Muscular body. Generally, attractive. Eventually, become physically active.
Generally small social circle - few true close friends.
Gain wealth later in life. Often the most successful in their family.
Independent. Doesn’t like to rely on others. Good organizer.
Generally humble, chill/down to earth.
Negative traits:
Bad childhoods. Struggles in early life. Anger towards family. Ego is a problem with these people. Unlikely to fully resolve a conflict - will hold secret resentment.
Manipulative tendencies - Secretive about true feelings/intentions.
General Neutral traits:
Often attractive. Broad shoulders. Lean body type.
Polite & Charismatic. Good listener. Helpful. Builds good karma. Often popular & social.
Generally truthful but will lie to appear nice.
Responsible. Strong devotion towards their family. Will go out of their way to help family and other loved ones.
Often has a good education. Good career. Financially does well.
Good moral compass. Strong sense of purpose - this can manifest as being career orientated.
Negative traits:
Can be quick to anger. Can seek revenge. Difficulty forgiving. Difficulty holding oneself accountable.
Indulgent side shown after marriage - EX: they may end up indulging too much in foods that are bad for their health. They may overspend/become overly materialistic.
General Neutral traits:
Long faces. Large bodies - may be bulky or physically tall.
Friendly. Good social life - often well-liked/popular.
Intelligent. Curious, open to learning new things. Witty person. Flirty.
Good communicators. Good debaters. Enjoy learning more/exploring more.
Action orientated people. Hardworking people. Leadership roles in career.
Negative traits:
Short attention span. Many interests. Do not realize when they are being friendly or being flirty - may upset their marriage partner.
Experience bad relationships -could become suspicious of their partners.
Secretly desire being the center of attention. Insecure. Need for validation.
General Neutral traits:
Often tall. Expressive eyes. Often smiling. Can appear mischievous.
Unique people - unconventional behaviours &/or interests.
Logical. Witty. Success in academics is likely.
Self-reliant. Good communicators. Likely to obtain good to moderate wealth.
Imaginative. Future orientated. Dislikes injustice.
Negative traits:
Eccentric behaviour can make them unpredictable. Not the best person to depend on.
Not the most generous. Understanding to other’s issues but at the end of the day, they’re looking out for their own desires.
Later in life, must be cautious of financial or marriage problems. These problems are often a result of immature behaviours. They can be resolved if correct steps are taken.
Mix of sharp and soft features. Narrow, sharp eyes. Soft cheeks & face. Sharp jawline. Smaller forehead.
Friendly. Well liked. Benefits from connections. Mostly will experience a comfortable life.
Artistic interests. Ambitious. Like to create.
Compassionate. Generous. Reliable. Dependable. These traits make them popular. Their connections help them gain comfort & wealth.
Open minded to an extent. Certain beliefs are unchangeable with these individuals.
Negative traits:
Receive a lot of help and luck - they may not acknowledge this/be ungrateful. EX: Claiming to be self made when it is not true.
Can have a “my way or no way” mindset at times. Some will view them as arrogant and bossy/demanding.
General Neutral traits:
Moderately tall. Good complexion. Heart-shaped/pouty lip. Stick out in a crowd due to appearance.
Good hygiene. Sociable. Well-liked by most. This can help them advance in career.
May have a wealthy or well connected family. This can help them in career or education. EX: Parents will pay tuition or for transportation.
Lover of animals. Nurturing personality - however, often have children later in life or not at all.
Creative. Artistic interests or skill like drawing/painting as a hobby.
Negative traits:
Vicious when hurt. Can become angry when they feel their compassion & generosity is not being reciprocated.
Karmic relationship with people in the family.
Struggle with insecurities. Results in self doubt & low self esteem.
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astrocafecoffee · 2 months
• Your special qualities and career •
( according to your Destiny number)
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•For entertainment purposes only, enjoy, pls don't repost my work without my permission •
✨ What is destiny number?
☞ A Destiny Number, also known as an Expression Number, is a numerical value calculated from the letters of an individual's full birth name. It reveals a person's life purpose, personality traits, strengths, and challenges. The Destiny Number is considered a key aspect of numerology, providing insight into an individual's potential and life path.
✨ Calculation link : here
Note : if your destiny Number comes out as 11, 22 or 33 . Don't add them, Cause these are master numbers.
•Special qualities:
Individuals with a Destiny Number of 1 are natural-born leaders, innovators, and pioneers.
They exude self-assurance and confidence, which helps them take risks and pursue their goals.
They have a strong desire to succeed and make a lasting impact.
Destiny Number 1 individuals often possess a charming and magnetic personality.
They have a natural inclination to start their own ventures and take charge of their destiny.
They are effective communicators, able to articulate their ideas and inspire others.
•Career paths:
Starting their own business or venture is a natural fit for Destiny Number 1 individuals.
They excel in executive positions, management, or leadership roles.
Careers in tech, research, and development suit their innovative nature.
Destiny Number 1 individuals thrive in creative industries like art, design, music, or writing.
Their problem-solving skills make them excellent consultants or strategists.
They are natural orators and motivators, making them great public speakers or coaches.
Their charisma and leadership abilities make them suitable for roles in politics or social activism.
• Often compatible with: Destiny no 3,5,7,9 individuals.
• Special qualities:
Exceptional listening and communication skills, able to understand and connect with others on a deep level
Strong emotional intelligence, empathy, and compassion, making them excellent counselors and friends
Diplomatic and mediating skills, able to bring people together and resolve conflicts.
Adaptable and flexible, with a ability to adjust to new situations and challenges.
Cooperative and team-oriented, with a strong sense of loyalty and commitment.
Intuitive and sensitive nature, with a strong connection to their emotions and the emotions of others.
Counselors, therapists, or coaches, helping others navigate life's challenges and achieve their goals
Diplomats, mediators, or negotiators, bringing people together and resolving conflicts in personal and professional settings
Human resources or personnel managers, using their emotional intelligence and communication skills to build strong teams
Teachers, trainers, or educators, inspiring and guiding others in academic and personal growth
Artists, designers, or musicians, expressing themselves creatively and bringing joy to others
Writers, poets, or journalists, using their words to inspire, educate, and connect with others
Sales or marketing professionals, using their communication skills and emotional intelligence to build strong relationships with clients and customers
Social workers or non-profit professionals, dedicating themselves to making a positive impact in their communities
•Often compatible with : Destiny number 4,6,8,9 individuals.
•special qualities:
Exceptional creativity and imagination, with a talent for finding innovative solutions to problems .
Strong communication and expression skills, both verbal and written, with a ability to articulate ideas clearly and persuasively
Natural performers and entertainers, with a charisma and stage presence that draws others in
Optimistic and enthusiastic approach to life, with a ability to inspire and motivate others
Versatile and adaptable, with a ability to adjust to new situations and challenges with ease
Quick-witted and humorous, with a ability to think on their feet and come up with clever solutions
Innovative problem-solving skills, with a ability to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions
Leadership and motivational abilities, with a ability to inspire and guide others towards a common goal
• careers :
Graphic designers ie. Creating visual elements for websites, magazines and brands.painters, art exhibition, sculptors, commercial potrait and landscape photography.
Fashion designers
Writer, poet , journalists , writing and publishing books across various genres.
Theatre actors, working in movies , tv shows, commercials , musicians, or performing in various styles ballet/ hip-hop .
Public speaker/ motivational speaker/ life coach/ business coach.
Marketing and advance professionals , public relation specialist.
Teachers/ educators.
Media / entertainment professionals.
• Often compatible with : Destiny number 1,5,6 individuals.
•Special Qualities:
Destiny Number 4 individuals are practical and detail-oriented, with a talent for organization and management.
They value stability and security, and work towards creating a solid foundation in their lives and careers.
Destiny Number 4 individuals are hardworking and diligent, with a willingness to put in the effort necessary to achieve their goals.
They are loyal and dedicated to their loved ones, colleagues, and causes they believe in.
Destiny Number 4 individuals are skilled problem-solvers, able to analyze situations and find practical solutions.
•Career Paths:
Destiny Number 4 individuals excel in designing and building structures, systems, and processes.
They make excellent managers, administrators, and executives, able to organize and lead teams.
Destiny Number 4 individuals are skilled in finance, accounting, and economics, and excel in careers like banking and investing.
They are detail-oriented and analytical, making them excellent scientists, researchers, and laboratory technicians.
Destiny Number 4 individuals excel in information technology, software development, and data analysis.
They make excellent healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and medical administrators.
Destiny Number 4 individuals are drawn to careers in government, public policy, and non-profit organizations.
•often compatible with: Destiny number 1,2,6,8,9 individuals.
•Special Qualities:
Destiny Number 5 individuals are highly adaptable and flexible, able to adjust to new situations and challenges with ease.
They are curious and love to learn, with a thirst for knowledge and new experiences.
Destiny Number 5 individuals are creative and innovative, with a talent for finding novel solutions to problems.
They possess excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, and are able to articulate their ideas clearly and persuasively.
Destiny Number 5 individuals value freedom and independence, and prefer careers that allow them to work autonomously.
•Career Paths:
Destiny Number 5 individuals excel in creative fields like graphic design, painting, sculpture, photography, and fashion design.
They make excellent writers, journalists, and authors, with a talent for storytelling and communication.
Destiny Number 5 individuals are curious and analytical, making them excellent researchers and scientists.
They are natural entrepreneurs, able to develop innovative products and services and launch successful startups.
Destiny Number 5 individuals excel in consulting and strategy, helping businesses and organizations improve their operations.
They make excellent teachers and educators, able to inspire and guide students in various subjects.
Destiny Number 5 individuals love to travel and explore new places, making them a great fit for careers in the travel and hospitality industry.
• Often compatible with : Destiny number 1,3,7,9 individuals.
•Special Qualities:
Destiny Number 6 individuals are responsible and reliable, taking their commitments seriously.
They value family and home life, creating a warm and nurturing environment.
Destiny Number 6 individuals have a strong desire to care for and support others.
They are loyal and dedicated to their loved ones and causes they believe in.
Destiny Number 6 individuals are skilled problem-solvers, able to find practical solutions.
They possess creative talents, often expressed through art, music, or other forms of self-expression.
•Career Paths:
Destiny Number 6 individuals make excellent nurses, doctors, and healthcare administrators.
They are caring and supportive teachers, inspiring students and fostering growth.
Destiny Number 6 individuals excel in social work, counseling, and therapy.
They express their creativity through art, music, graphic design, and other artistic pursuits.
Destiny Number 6 individuals love food and nutrition, making them excellent chefs and nutritionists.
They create warm and welcoming spaces, reflecting their love for home and family.
Destiny Number 6 individuals are drawn to careers in non-profit organizations and community service.
• often compatible with:Destiny number 2,4,8,9 individuals.
•Special Qualities:
Destiny Number 7 individuals are analytical and logical, with a talent for problem-solving.
They are independent and self-sufficient, valuing freedom and autonomy.
Destiny Number 7 individuals are drawn to spirituality and philosophical pursuits.
They are curious and love to learn, with a thirst for knowledge and wisdom.
Destiny Number 7 individuals strive for perfection and have high standards.
They are introspective and reflective, with a strong connection to their inner world.
•Career Paths:
Destiny Number 7 individuals excel in scientific research, analysis, and experimentation.
They are drawn to philosophical and theological pursuits, seeking truth and understanding.
Destiny Number 7 individuals make excellent analysts, strategists, and consultants.
They are skilled writers and journalists, communicating complex ideas with clarity.
Destiny Number 7 individuals are inspiring teachers and professors, sharing their knowledge and wisdom.
They excel in software development, programming, and coding.
Destiny Number 7 individuals are skilled investigators and detectives, solving mysteries and uncovering truth.
•Often compatible with: Destiny number 1,3,5 individuals .
•Special Qualities:
Destiny Number 8 individuals are natural leaders, with a strong desire to manage and direct.
They are highly ambitious and driven to succeed.
Destiny Number 8 individuals exude confidence and charisma.
They are skilled strategists, able to plan and execute plans effectively.
Destiny Number 8 individuals have a natural talent for managing finances and resources.
They command respect and authority, with a strong presence.
•Career Paths:
Destiny Number 8 individuals are well-suited for top leadership positions.
They excel in starting and running their own businesses.
Destiny Number 8 individuals are effective managers and directors.
They make excellent financial advisors, accountants, and investors.
Destiny Number 8 individuals are drawn to careers in law and justice.
They are natural politicians and government leaders.
Destiny Number 8 individuals excel in real estate development and management.
• Often compatible with:Destiny number 1,2,4,6 individuals.
•Special Qualities:
Destiny Number 9 individuals are compassionate and caring, with a strong desire to help others.
They are innovative and forward-thinking, with a vision for a better world.
Destiny Number 9 individuals are highly creative and expressive.
They are empathetic and understanding, with a strong connection to others.
Destiny Number 9 individuals possess wisdom and intuition, often gained through life experiences.
They have a broad perspective and understanding of global issues.
•Career Paths:
Destiny Number 9 individuals excel in careers helping others, such as non-profit work, social services, and charity organizations.
They are drawn to creative fields like art, music, writing, and design.
Destiny Number 9 individuals make excellent leaders, inspiring and motivating others towards a shared vision.
They are passionate about sharing knowledge and guiding others.
Destiny Number 9 individuals are often drawn to careers in sustainability, conservation, and environmental protection.
They may pursue careers in spirituality, counseling, or religious leadership.
• Often compatible with: Destiny number 1,2,4,6,7 individuals.
•Special Qualities:
Master Number 11 individuals have a strong spiritual connection and intuition.
They are innovative and forward-thinking, with a vision for a better world.
Master Number 11 individuals are highly creative and expressive.
They are empathetic and understanding, with a strong connection to others.
They have the ability to illuminate the path for others and guide them towards their purpose.
Master Number 11 individuals operate at a higher level of consciousness, understanding the mysteries of the universe.
•Career Paths:
Master Number 11 individuals make excellent spiritual leaders, guides, and mentors.
They are drawn to creative fields like art, music, writing, and design, creating innovative and visionary works.
Master Number 11 individuals are natural healers, using their intuition and spiritual connection to help others.
They excel in careers that require innovative thinking and problem-solving.
Master Number 11 individuals are passionate about sharing their knowledge and guiding others towards their purpose.
They are drawn to careers helping others, such as non-profit work, social services, and charity organizations.
• Often compatible with: Master Destiny no. 22 and 33 , Destiny number 7, 9 .
•Special Qualities:
Master Number 22 individuals have the ability to turn their visions into reality.
They are natural leaders, with a strong sense of purpose and direction.
Master Number 22 individuals combine creativity with practicality to create innovative solutions.
They have the ability to manifest their desires into reality.
Master Number 22 individuals operate at a higher level of consciousness, understanding the mysteries of the universe.
They possess excellent diplomatic skills, able to balance different perspectives and interests.
• Career Paths:
Master Number 22 individuals make excellent leaders in various fields, inspiring and guiding others towards a shared vision.
They excel in careers that require innovative design and practical problem-solving.
Master Number 22 individuals are natural entrepreneurs, turning their ideas into successful businesses and products.
They are drawn to careers in diplomacy, mediation, and conflict resolution.
Master Number 22 individuals are passionate about sharing their knowledge and guiding others towards their purpose.
They excel in creative fields like art, design, and music, creating innovative and practical works.
• Often compatible with : Master destiny Number 11 and 33, destiny number 4,6,8.
• Special Qualities:
Master Number 33 individuals have a strong desire to teach and guide others.
They are deeply compassionate and caring, with a strong sense of social responsibility.
Master Number 33 individuals are highly creative and innovative.
They possess excellent listening skills and empathy, understanding others on a deep level.
Master Number 33 individuals have a strong spiritual connection, understanding the mysteries of the universe.
They are natural leaders, inspiring and guiding others towards a shared vision.
• Career Paths:
Master Number 33 individuals make excellent teachers, guides, and mentors.
They are drawn to careers in social services, non-profit organizations, and charity work.
Master Number 33 individuals excel in creative fields like art, music, writing, and design.
They are natural counselors and therapists, helping others overcome challenges.
Master Number 33 individuals are drawn to careers in spirituality, guiding others towards enlightenment.
They excel in careers that require creativity, innovation, and leadership.
• Often compatible with: Master destiny number 11 ,22 , destiny number 6,9.
Thanks for reading ✨
- Piko 💫
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read-marx-and-lenin · 15 days
Hi, I’m sorry to bother you. I’ve been attempting to unlearn what I’ve been taught about the DPRK from western outlets, but I’ve gotten stuck on a facet that you can, perhaps, speak to. As is often harped on here in the west, there seems to be a dynastic quality to the leadership, namely the Kim family. Now the fixation that the people have on their leaders I can understand, we can observe the same kind of obsessive fervor in many countries in the west (especially the US). I guess I don’t fully understand the political structure of the DPRK, nor the people’s relations to it. I apologize for the vagueness of this question, and thank you very much for your time.
It is understandable that most people will have no idea about the political structure of the DPRK, and the title of "Supreme Leader" can be confusing if you don't understand how the DPRK's government works.
The political structure of the DPRK is based around democratic centralism, similar to the USSR. Kim Jong-un was elected to the positions of general secretary of the Worker's Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs Commission, which grants him the honorific title of "Supreme Leader" and makes him the representative of the state. However, he is not the head of government. That would be the premier, Kim Tok-hun (unrelated to Kim Jong-un, Kim is simply a very common surname in Korea.) Kim Tok-hun also serves as the vice president of the State Affairs Commission.
The highest organ of the DPRK, meanwhile, is the Supreme People's Assembly, which is a multi-party legislature that votes on laws and constitutional amendments and is responsible for electing both the Premier and the President of State Affairs, among other positions. While there are multiple political parties in the DPRK, the Worker's Party holds a privileged position under the constitution. So while the position of General Secretary does not confer any formal governmental powers, it is still a powerful political position in the country.
The Premier is the head of the Cabinet, which is the administrative and executive body of the DPRK. While the SPA creates laws, amends the constitution, and decides the budget, the Cabinet administers the implementation of them.
The SAC directs the orientation of state policy in the DPRK. While they do not write laws directly, they can issue directives to guide the SPA in determining which laws to write. However, the SAC is ultimately accountable to the SPA and not above it. The SPA is responsible for electing the SAC in the first place and has the authority to recall its members. So while the SAC is not directly elected by the people, it does not hold greater power than the SPA whose members are directly elected.
Members of the SPA are elected by all citizens 17 and older alongside members of local assemblies (compare governors vs senators in the US.) Elections are conducted via secret ballot. Anyone has the right to run for election regardless of party affiliation, which is why there are multiple parties represented in the SPA as well as independent members.
You can read more about the DPRK governmental structure in the DPRK constitution here:
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The Imperfect Couple - 8
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Character: politician!Bucky x ex-wife!reader
Summary: A separated couple must pretend to be happily married while the husband runs for Vice President, dealing with old issues and political pressures during his election campaign.
Warning: The couple's arguments could be triggering.
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 , Chapter 6 , Chapter 7 , Chapter 8 , -
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Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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The next day, the headlines dominated the news:
"The Barnes Brothers' Hidden Scandal Exposed"
"Shawn Barnes: The Untouchable Elite Dodging Justice"
"Political Candidate’s Family Ties to Corruption Unveiled"
At the campaign headquarters, the atmosphere was thick with tension. The usual hum of activity was replaced by silence, only broken by the sound of phones ringing off the hook.
Steve stood near the table, crumpling a newspaper in his hands, frustration written all over his face. Bucky stood by the window, his posture rigid as he stared out into the distance, lost in thought.
Steve let out a heavy sigh, massaging his temples. "I didn’t expect they’d bring up Shawn at the debate."
Bucky turned slightly, his voice calm but carrying an edge. "You know Brock. He always hits below the belt, always makes it personal."
Steve glanced out at the campaign team, who were scrambling. The room beyond was a flurry of chaos: phones ringing non-stop, staff members anxiously typing responses, pacing as they fielded questions from the press, all trying to extinguish the flames of the scandal. Steve ran a hand through his hair as he watched, feeling the weight of the situation.
"The numbers are tanking," Steve muttered, his face grim. "After this, the public’s furious. Voters won’t back a candidate whose family used connections to dodge the law."
Bucky’s jaw tightened as Steve continued, "People hate it when those with power think they’re above punishment. That’s the real damage here. It’s not just about Shawn—it’s about what it represents."
The trend #CatchShawnBarnes was everywhere, climbing to the top spot on social media. The timing couldn’t have been worse. The firestorm had erupted, fueled by rumors and bots likely hired by Brock and Edgar’s teams, intensifying the outrage.
Bucky broke the silence with a quiet, "I’m sorry."
Steve looked at him, shaking his head. "Don’t be. This isn’t on you, Buck." His tone softened. "Besides, it’s not your fault."
Steve had known the Barnes family long enough to understand the full story. Shawn, the eldest son, always had an ego, fed by the wealth and privilege of his upbringing. With everything handed to him, he acted like the world owed him, seeing himself as untouchable.
In truth, it was Shawn who was supposed to enter politics. But unlike Bucky, he lacked the charisma and leadership qualities. Caroline, their mother, had long since given up hope on her eldest son, who had failed to live up to expectations.
Back then, Bucky had been a quiet presence, almost invisible in his own home. Caroline had never even heard his voice much, even though they lived under the same roof. But everything changed when Bucky entered law school. There, he shone.
He joined clubs, became student president, volunteered, organized demonstrations, and eventually graduated as valedictorian. Every trait of a leader was there, clear for everyone to see—especially Caroline. She shifted her attention to Bucky, molding him into the perfect candidate, ensuring he stayed on the path to success.
Shawn, once the golden child, watched as the spotlight shifted to his younger brother. The attention, the purpose he had once enjoyed, slipped away. He felt lost, purposeless. That’s when the spiral began. The drugs were his escape, his way of coping with the emptiness.
At first, it was subtle. But soon, it became public knowledge—Shawn Barnes was a cocaine addict. In an attempt to save face, Caroline and Julius sent him to rehab. But the real disaster struck when Shawn escaped, driving under the influence. That’s when the accident happened—the night he hit someone with his car.
Steve didn’t know the full details after that. What he did know was that Shawn had paid bail and was sent to another rehab, the entire incident hushed up. The Barnes family had buried the scandal deep, hoping it would never see the light of day.
But as Steve thought to himself, no matter how deep you bury something, eventually the stench of rot seeps through.
"I’ll fix this," Bucky said, his voice low but determined.
Steve raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms. "How, exactly?"
The Barnes household felt colder than ever, the tension suffocating the room. Shawn sat in the corner, hunched over, hugging his knees. His fingernails were chewed down to the skin, his pale face etched with panic.
"Shit... shit..." he muttered under his breath, eyes darting around the room like a caged animal.
Across the room, Caroline and Julius were in a quiet panic. Caroline paced, wringing her hands, her face pale with fear. Julius stood by the window, his jaw clenched, staring out as if searching for answers that weren’t there.
You sat on the sofa, watching the unfolding chaos like a distant spectator. It was almost theatrical—the Barnes family, once so composed, unraveling before your eyes.
Just then, the door creaked open, and you turned to see Bucky walking in. His face was a mask of determination, his eyes dark and unreadable.
You rose from the sofa and approached him. Before you could speak, he cut you off with a low, firm voice. “I want you to stay out of sight. Away from the windows.”
You frowned but nodded, sensing the weight of his words. He brushed past you without another glance and made his way toward Shawn.
Shawn looked up at Bucky, his eyes wide and filled with fear. He seemed so small in front of his younger brother, almost shrinking under the weight of Bucky’s presence.
“Get up,” Bucky ordered, his voice hard. Without waiting for a response, he reached down and pulled Shawn to his feet.
Shawn stumbled but didn’t resist. He followed Bucky like a lost child.
“Where are you taking him?” Caroline’s voice trembled as she rushed forward to stop them, but Bucky didn’t break stride.
“What he should’ve done years ago,” Bucky answered coldly, dragging Shawn along.
Caroline hurried after them, her heels clicking against the floor. “Bucky, wait! What do you mean?”
Bucky led them outside, the sound of the door swinging open making Caroline stop in her tracks. She froze as her eyes widened in shock. There, right outside their home, were TV station cameras, police cars, and flashing lights.
Caroline’s heart pounded in her chest. “Bucky,” she hissed, her voice sharp with disbelief. “How could you do this? This is a public execution! You’re putting a guillotine to your own brother!”
Julius stepped forward, his voice tired but stern. “Son, is this really the only way?”
Bucky turned briefly to look at his parents, his expression cold. “We have to set an example.”
Caroline’s face twisted in fear, her voice dropping to a near whisper. “Bucky, please... don’t do this.”
Before Bucky could respond, Shawn’s voice rang out, shaky but clear. “Stop!” he shouted.
Caroline flinched, her eyes locking with Shawn’s. His face was pale, but his eyes, for the first time in years, looked determined.
“Mother,” Shawn said quietly, his voice thick with emotion. “I’ve been free from jail, but there’s been a shackle on me ever since. Guilt has haunted me every day. I’ve been hiding, running, pretending it didn’t happen. But it did. And I need to face it.”
Bucky gave his brother a nod, and Shawn took a shaky breath before turning to him. “Let’s go.”
They walked toward the press together. Cameras flashed as Bucky led Shawn to the bouquet of microphones, the press shouting questions over one another. Shawn took a deep breath and stepped forward. His hands trembled as he gripped the podium.
“I made a mistake,” Shawn began, his voice cracking. “I was reckless... I hurt someone. I ran from it, and I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry—for what I did and for hiding it for so long.”
As the words left his mouth, you could see the weight of guilt lifting from his shoulders, though his face remained heavy with regret. He glanced at Bucky, who stood beside him, stoic but supportive. Bucky knew how much the accident haunted Shawn, how it had eaten him alive from the inside out.
After Shawn finished his confession, he stepped away from the podium and voluntarily walked toward the waiting police car. The press erupted with questions aimed at Bucky. One reporter shouted above the rest, “Why did you expose your own brother like this?”
Bucky met the reporter’s gaze, his voice steady and firm. “Because no one is above the law.”
As Shawn was driven away, Caroline stood frozen in the doorway, her face a mask of fury. She didn’t want to look at Bucky, not now, not after what he’d done. Julius said nothing, too exhausted to protest or intervene.
Once the commotion had died down, you walked up to Bucky, your voice low. “You don’t feel guilty? Sacrificing your own brother like that?”
Bucky leaned in, his breath warm against your ear as he whispered, "I'll do anything to get that position. It’s all for you too, babe." His voice was low, dangerous, the tension between you crackling like a live wire.
You could feel the heat radiating off him, the intensity in his gaze as his lips hovered just inches from your skin. The closeness sent a shiver down your spine, your heart pounding in your chest. There was something intoxicating in the way he said it, like a promise that left you both thrilled and unnerved.
You met his gaze, your pulse racing. "You’re crazy," you muttered, though the words felt weaker than you intended.
Without another word, you pulled away, leaving him standing there, the charge of the moment lingering long after you had gone.
The next day you returned to the campaign headquarters, where the atmosphere was thick with tension.
So much had happened in the past 48 hours. The campaign team buzzed with a frenetic energy, fueled by the fallout from Shawn’s confession. Despite the chaos, there was a flicker of optimism; his admission had managed to regain some trust from the voters.
Yet, you could sense the undercurrent of anxiety. Everyone was on edge, aware that the storm wasn't over. Phone calls rang out, strategy meetings were called, and you could see the weight of the situation pressing down on each team member's shoulders. You felt a mix of relief and dread—relief that there was hope, but dread about what might come next.
Your brother, Tim was still focused and serious as he poured over the reports, his usual calm replaced by a quiet intensity. You watched him for a moment, feeling a strange pang of guilt in your chest. But you couldn’t linger on that.
“I’m going to get some coffee,” you muttered, more to yourself than anyone else.
The streets were busy, but your mind was elsewhere, lost in the chaos of everything that had happened. The scandal, the press, Bucky. It felt like everything was unraveling. The nearest café was only a block away, and you pushed through the door, grateful for the brief respite.
That’s when you saw him.
He was leaning casually against the counter, a cup of coffee in hand, but the moment he spotted you, something changed in his expression. A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, but it was far from friendly.
You froze in place, staring at him for a beat too long. “Are you spying on us?” you asked, your voice low but sharp as you crossed your arms, trying to keep your emotions in check.
Ian's smirk widened as if he’d been waiting for this. “Isn’t it obvious?” he replied, his tone almost teasing but dripping with bitterness. “I work with the other side now.”
You felt a surge of frustration, but more than that, something inside you twisted—an old wound reopening. You took a step closer, your eyes narrowing.
“We’ve worked together, Ian. We’ve seen injustice and unfairness in the world. But this…” You hesitated, searching his face for any trace of the person you used to know. “This feels personal.”
Ian’s smile faded, replaced by something darker. He snapped his fingers, and in an instant, everyone in the café left, leaving just the two of you inside.
You were taken aback, a chill running down your spine as the door swung shut behind the last customer.
He stepped forward, closing the distance between you, his voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. “You got that right,” he said, his eyes burning with something deep and unresolved.
“The person who died in that car accident? The one your dear Bucky’s brother killed? That was my twin brother.”
Your breath caught in your throat, the world around you narrowing to just Ian and the heavy weight of his words. “Your twin…” you whispered, the realization hitting you like a punch to the gut.
Ian’s expression hardened, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. “Yeah. My twin brother. Both of us were put up for adoption. I didn’t even know he existed until I was fourteen years old.”
He turned his gaze away from you, the memories clearly painful, but he didn’t stop. “I was adopted by a British couple. Grew up thinking I was an only child. It wasn’t until I did some digging into my adoption records that I found out about him. My twin.”
You felt a chill run down your spine as you listened, unable to speak. Ian’s voice was tight with emotion, but he pressed on.
“I was so damn happy when I found him. We bonded right away, as if we’d never been apart.” His voice softened, but the pain was unmistakable.
“We stayed in touch. Became close. We had so much to catch up on, and it was like I finally had someone who understood me in a way no one else could.”
He shook his head, his jaw clenching. “But then…” He looked back at you, his eyes blazing with anger. “Then Shawn Barnes took him away from me. He killed him. And your husband family covered it all up.”
You flinched at the venom in his words, your heart pounding in your chest. You had no idea. You hadn’t known the full story, and now it was staring you in the face.
Ian stepped even closer, invading your space, his eyes searching yours for something—maybe regret, maybe guilt. “They buried it. Buried him. And now you’re standing by their side, supporting the man whose family let my brother’s killer walk free.”
You opened your mouth to respond, but nothing came out. You felt frozen, torn between your loyalty to Bucky and the weight of Ian’s grief and anger.
You knew about the cover-up involving Shawn, but who were you to uncover the truth, especially knowing it would be futile to fight against Caroline?
Now, guilt washed over you for having ignored this. It turned out the victim was closer than you had ever realized.
Ian’s voice softened, but the intensity didn’t fade. “Tell me,” he said, his gaze piercing into you. “After all of this… after everything you know… do you still trust him?”
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lunarlianna · 8 months
Pluto generations
Aries (1823 - 1851)
The presence of Pluto in Aries defines a generation marked by a pioneering and assertive spirit, reflecting a profound longing for independence. Those influenced by this placement often take on key roles in instigating social change and revolutionizing established systems. Historical events from 1823 to 1852, such as the Wars for Latin American Independence, the First Opium War, and the Women's Rights Convention, exemplify the transformative impact of this astrological configuration.
Taurus (1852 - 1881)
Pluto's position in Taurus defines a generation characterized by unwavering perseverance, determination, and a profound connection to the material realm. These individuals prioritize stability, security, and the sustainable use of resources, leaving a lasting imprint on economic systems and environmental consciousness. Notably, during Pluto's transit in Taurus, the Industrial Revolution surged forward, marked by the rise of corporate structures in industries like railroads and steam engines.
Gemini (1882 – 1913)
The generation under the influence of Pluto in Gemini witnessed the dawn of the Second Industrial Revolution, aptly named the Technological Revolution. These individuals, marked by intellectual curiosity and adaptability, excelled in communication and media, significantly shaping cultural and technological progress. The era marked the birth of influential figures like John Maynard Keynes and Benito Mussolini, along with German scientist Robert Koch's identification of the tuberculosis bacterium. Notably, the First World War occurred during this period, bringing significant changes in all areas of life.
Cancer (1914 -1938)
Pluto in Cancer signifies a generation characterized by deep emotional sensitivity, nurturing instincts, and strong family values. Living through World War I, the Spanish flu pandemic, and the Great Depression, they grew up in a challenging era that shaped their conservative outlook. This generation, often referred to as the "Greatest Generation," prioritized family, spirituality, and adherence to societal norms. While their emphasis on politeness and chivalry had positive aspects, it also gave rise to dark elements such as sexist gender roles, racial segregation, and cultural supremacy.
Leo (1939 – 1958)
Pluto in Leo defines a generation marked by a quest for self-expression, creativity, and a hunger for recognition. Born during historical events like the Nazi invasion of Poland and the Battle of Stalingrad, these individuals challenged authority, imprinting their influence on art, entertainment, and leadership styles. Ruled by the Sun, Pluto in Leo symbolizes a fresh start after periods of war and chaos, fostering a sense of self-value and confidence. This prideful, generous, and naturally leadership-oriented generation, however, tends to resist change and stands firm in their philosophies as a fixed sign.
Virgo (1957 – 1971)
Pluto in Virgo defines a generation marked by a robust work ethic, practicality, and an innate drive for perfection. Born during pivotal events such as the first documented AIDS cases and Martin Luther King Jr.'s iconic "I Have a Dream" speech, these individuals contribute to societal shifts in health, wellness, and environmental consciousness. Ruled by Mercury, Pluto in Virgo emphasizes efficiency and hard work, fostering reliability, trustworthiness, and empathy. This generation focuses on rebuilding and technology, epitomizing an era of research and preparation, notably during the Cold War.
Libra (1972 – 1983)
Pluto in Libra defines a generation marked by a profound yearning for harmony, justice, and equality. With Venusian qualities, these individuals are inherently social, compassionate, and value connections with others. The events during their time, such as the end of the Vietnam War, the introduction of VHS, and the rise of personal computers, align with their commitment to justice and duty for the collective. This generation, while not necessarily seeking radical societal reshaping, is more focused on preserving law and order, offering assistance to those in need, and rectifying wrongs through the pursuit of justice.
Scorpio (1984 – 1995)
Pluto in Scorpio defines a generation marked by intensity, depth, and profound transformation, playing a pivotal role in societal shifts related to power dynamics, sexuality, and psychological exploration. While the preceding Pluto in Libra generation advocated for balance, Pluto in Scorpio pushed the limits, ushering in events like the Gulf War, the end of the Cold War, and the advent of the World Wide Web. Resilient and empowered, they navigated constant transformations, developing a keen ability to adapt and thrive through each metamorphosis. This generation also contributed to a shifting cultural perspective on sexuality.
Sagittarius (1996 – 2008)
Pluto in Sagittarius shapes a generation marked by a thirst for knowledge, cultural exchange, and a global perspective, contributing significantly to societal shifts in education, philosophy, and belief systems. This generation, embodies the archer's bravery and fearlessness, fostering a spirit of rebellion and outspokenness. Sagittarius' affinity for networking and socializing with individuals from various nations aligns with the rise of the internet, a tool that facilitates global connectivity. Key events during this period include the successful cloning of Dolly the sheep, the introduction of the Euro to financial markets, and the groundbreaking launch of the iPhone in 2007.
Capricorn (2008 – 2023)
Pluto in Capricorn defines a generation marked by ambition, pragmatism, and a distinct focus on challenging traditional structures, leading to transformative changes in politics, business, and governance. Ruled by Saturn, this era, encompassing events such as the launch of Bitcoin, the Syrian civil war, Edward Snowden's revelations on mass surveillance, and the COVID-19 pandemic, unfolded amidst the Great Recession and the rise of social media. The influence of Saturn instils a commitment to rules, regulations, and social changes that align with a desire for structure and order.
Aquarius (2024 – 2044)
Pluto in Aquarius heralds a generation marked by innovation, individuality, and an impassioned pursuit of freedom and social progress. The current era unfolds amid a new global order, carrying both anticipation and uncertainty. Emerging from the constraining Capricorn era, Aquarius brings a promise of hope, healing, and a future-focused mindset.
Pisces (2044 – 2067)
Pluto in Pisces gives rise to a generation marked by empathy, spirituality, and a deepening of the collective consciousness, contributing to societal shifts in compassion, art, and transcendence. As one era concludes and another begins, this period signals the resurgence of spirituality, with people connecting profoundly to the universe through meditation and prayer. Anticipated as a peaceful time with minimal conflict, technological progress may temporarily slow after the Aquarius era's boom. This wise generation is poised to challenge traditional norms, potentially leading to the disappearance of gender roles, marking a significant chapter in human evolution.
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mariacallous · 21 days
A woman without biologicalchildren is running for high political office, and so naturally that quality will at some point be used against her. Kamala Harris has, in the short period since she emerged as the Democratic candidate for US president, been scrutinised over her lack of children. The conservative lawyer Will Chamberlain posted on X that Harris “shouldn’t be president” – apparently, she doesn’t have “skin in the game”. The Republican vice-presidential candidate, JD Vance, called Harris and other Democrats “a bunch of childless cat ladies miserable at their own lives”.
It’s a particularly virulent tendency in the US, with a rightwing movement that is fixated on women’s reproduction. But who can forget (and if you have, I am happy to remind you of a low point that still sticks in my craw) Andrea Leadsom, during the 2016 Conservative party leadership election, saying that Theresa May might have nieces and nephews, but “I have children who are going to have children … who will be a part of what happens next”. “Genuinely,” she added, as if the message were not clear enough, “I feel that being a mum means you have a real stake in the future of our country, a tangible stake.”
It’s an argument about political capability that dresses up a visceral revulsion at the idea that a woman who does not have a child should be vested with any sort of credibility or status. In other comments, Vance said that “so many of the leaders of the left, and I hate to be so personal about this, but they’re people without kids trying to brainwash the minds of our children, that really disorients me and disturbs me”. He appears so fixated on this that it is almost comical: a man whose obsession with childless women verges on a complex.
But his “disorientation and disturbance” is a political tendency that persists and endures. It constantly asks the question of women who don’t have children, in subtle and explicit ways, especially the higher they rise in the professional sphere: “What’s up with that? What’s the deal?” The public sphere becomes a space for answering that question. Women perform a sort of group plea to be left the hell alone, in their painstaking examinations of how they arrived at the decision not to have kids, or why they in fact celebrate not having kids, or deliberations on ambivalence about having kids.
Behind all this lies some classic old-school inability to conceive of women outside mothering. But one reason this traditionalism persists in ostensibly modern and progressive places is that women withdrawing from mothering in capitalist societies – with their poorly resourced public amenities and parental support – forces questions about our inequitable, unacknowledged economic arrangements. A woman who does not bear children is a woman who will never stay home and provide unremunerated care. She is less likely to be held in the domestic zone and extend her caregiving to elderly relatives or the children of others. She cannot be a resource that undergirds a male partner’s career, frailties, time limitations and social demands.
A mother is an option, a floating worker, the joker in the pack. Not mothering creates a hole for that “free” service, which societies increasingly arranged around nuclear families and poorly subsidised rights depend on. The lack of parental leave, childcare and elderly care would become profoundly visible – “disorienting and disturbing” – if that service were removed.
“Motherhood,” writes the author Helen Charman in her new book Mother State, “is a political state. Nurture, care, the creation of human life – all immediate associations with mothering – have more to do with power, status and the distribution of resources … than we like to admit. For raising children is the foundational work of society, and, from gestation onward, it is unequally shared.”
Motherhood, in other words, becomes an economic input, a public good, something that is talked about as if the women themselves were not in the room. Data on declining birthrates draws comment from Elon Musk (“extremely concerning!!”) . Not having children is reduced to entirely personal motivations – selfishness, beguilement with the false promise of freedom, lack of values and foresight, irresponsibility – rather than external conditions: of the need for affordable childcare, support networks, flexible working arrangements and the risk of financial oblivion that motherhood frequently brings, therefore creating bondage to partners. To put it mildly, these are material considerations to be taken into account upon entering a state from which there is no return. Assuming motherhood happens without such context, Charman tells me, is a “useful fantasy”.
It is a binary public discourse, obscuring the often thin veil between biological and social actualisation. Women who don’t have children do not exist in a state of blissful detachment from their bodies and their relationship with maternity: a number have had pregnancies, miscarriages, abortions and periods. A number have entered liminal stages of motherhood that don’t conform to the single definition from which they are excluded. A number extend mothering to various children in their lives. Some, like Harris herself, have stepchildren (who don’t count, just as May’s nieces and nephews didn’t). A number have become mothers, just not in a way that initiates them into a blissful club. They experience regret, depression and navigate unsettlement that does not conform to the image of uncomplicated validation of your purpose in life.
But the privilege of those truths cannot be bestowed on creatures whose rejection of the maternal bond has become a rejection of a wider unspoken, colossally unfair contract. Women with children are handed social acceptance for their vital investment in “the future”, in exchange for unrewarded, unsupported labour that props up and stabilises the economic and social status quo. All while still suffering sneeriness about the value of their work in comparison with the serious graft of the men who win the bread.
On top of that, women have to navigate all that motherhood – or not – entails, all the deeply personal, bewildering, isolating and unacknowledged realities of both, while being subject to relentless suffocating, infantilising and violating public theories and notions that trespass on their private spaces. With that comes a sense of self-doubt and shame in making the wrong decision, or not being as content with those decisions as they are expected to be. It is a constant, prodding vivisection. That, more than anything clinical observers feel, is the truly disorienting and disturbing experience.
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marley-manson · 7 months
Hawkeye and Frank are the two most diametrically opposed characters on Mash. They clash politically, ideologically, emotionally, intellectually, and even physically on more than one occasion. There is virtually nothing they agree on. But they do have one significant similarity: both Hawkeye and Frank are notably, pointedly effeminate.
Hawkeye is the central protagonist, so he's written to be likeable, even admirable, especially in the first five seasons of the show when satire dominated rather than character drama. He's the character who makes the correct political points and voices the show's ideology, and male audience members are encouraged to identify with him and aspire to be like him. He's witty, he's smart, he's charismatic, he dodges consequences a lot, he's highly skilled in his work, and he has a strong personality and natural leadership qualities.
Frank is the main antagonist up until the end of season five. He's written for audiences to hate him, mock him, and occasionally be horrified by him. He's dull-witted, incompetent, awkward, easily led and manipulated, and always gets his comeuppance. Few audience members are likely to aspire to be more like Frank Burns.
And yet, while most likeable protagonist/detestable antagonist duos in American popular media would also be differentiated in terms of gender performance as a matter of course - the effeminate villain being a standard stock character, always set against a ruggedly masculine hero - Mash takes a different approach.
From his core personality as a sniveling, weak-willed follower, to the way other characters, including Hawkeye, routinely make fun of him by comparing him to a woman or insinuating that he's gay, Frank Burns certainly fits the part of weak, emasculated villain. What's more interesting, and much less commonly seen in Hollywood media, is that Hawkeye is portrayed as just as unmanly, and just as, if not more prone to having it pointed out in the show.
Often Hawkeye's jokes at Frank's expense include the implication that Hawkeye is attracted to him himself, and not necessarily as "the man." He jokes, "Guess it's a marriage, Frank. I know I can do better, but at my age, can I wait?" in Hawkeye, Get Your Gun; he switches from calling Frank one of his vampire brides to taking the feminine part in post-coital pillow talk after siphoning his blood in Germ Warfare; he kisses or tells Frank to kiss him in Major Fred C. Dobbs, For the Good of the Outfit, and Bulletin Board, etc.
Other times, the jokes Hawkeye makes about himself are virtually identical to the jokes made at Frank's expense - their respective attractions to Margaret as a potentially dominant sexual partner, eg, with both Frank and Hawkeye portrayed as eagerly submissive. For instance, in 5 O'Clock Charlie Hawkeye jokes about tying Frank to Margaret's tent, then dismisses the thought with, "He'd probably love it. I know I would." And Hawkeye/Trapper and Frank/Margaret are sometimes paralleled as dual couples, Hawkeye and Frank usually being framed as the more feminine partner in each.
And of course, unconnected to Frank, there are many, many more examples of Hawkeye's effeminacy, both in jokes and in personality traits.
Hawkeye is a self-professed coward who is loud and proud about how terrified he is to be stuck in a war zone. He's emotionally open and highly empathetic, always willing to listen to others' problems and discuss (or scream about) his own. He abhors institutional violence and faces every enemy combatant with his hands firmly in the air. When authority is thrust upon him he strives to relinquish it, and uses it as little as possible.
More shallowly, he has little interest in sports and exercise, derides masculine hobby magazines like Field and Stream and Popular Mechanics, is incapable of performing mechanical tasks to the exasperation of others at least four times (Comrades in Arms which explicitly frames this emasculating, In Love and War, Patent 4077, and Hey, Look Me Over), mocks traditional masculinity in many ways, and enjoys musical theatre and Hollywood gossip. And he makes and takes literally hundreds of jokes about being unmanly and having sex with men himself, many more than he makes at Frank's expense.
But while the jokes are at Frank's expense and meant to belittle him, they're rarely made at Hawkeye's expense, especially in the first five seasons. Hawkeye doesn't make the jokes out of self-deprecation, he makes them out of pride and a desire to differentiate himself from the army men he's surrounded by. He's almost always in on the jokes others make about him, rather than offended - Potter telling him to file a paternity suit against his rival in Hepatitis makes him laugh delightedly, and Trapper's remarks on his effeminacy, such as Miz Hawkeye in Hot Lips and Empty Arms, are sometimes lightly teasing but always a regular aspect of their dynamic that Hawkeye enjoys playing up. Frank doesn't make any jokes directly mocking Hawkeye's masculinity that I can recall, beyond vague "pervert" and "degenerate" remarks, which, while often historically homophobic, in the show's context tend to be treated as a reference to his heterosexual endeavours.
Frank's effeminacy is a point of mockery and derision, but Hawkeye's is a point of pride, and not intended to make him any less likeable to an audience. Antagonists don't get to score points off of Hawkeye by mocking his feminine traits, but Hawkeye makes fun of Frank regularly by mocking his feminine traits.
This difference in framing can partially be explained by the nature of their respective gender performances.
While Hawkeye and Frank are both effeminate, they're effeminate in many opposite ways. Frank is weak-willed while Hawkeye is strong-willed. Frank is unappealing to most women, while Hawkeye is something of a lady's man. Frank cannot face his fears to rise to a challenge, but Hawkeye can. But on the flipside, Frank refuses to admit to fear while Hawkeye openly proclaims it. Frank strives to attain authority while Hawkeye refuses it or takes it on only begrudgingly. Frank is obsessed with guns to a freudian extent while one of Hawkeye's most famous monologues of the show is a speech about refusing to carry one. Frank worships the concept of traditional masculinity even while he can't perform it himself, while Hawkeye mocks the concept and would refuse to perform it even if he could.
The Sniper is an excellent case study of these contrasts. In this episode, Hawkeye is effeminate and at ease with it, while Frank is desperate to prove himself masculine. Frank and Margaret flirt with strong Freudian overtones while Frank shoots a gun while nearby Hawkeye flirts with with a nurse with a line about "tasting" her. Hawkeye connects with the nurse he's wooing by relating to how scared she is and huddling in fear with her, while Margaret demands that Frank prove his masculinity by going out and taking down the sniper himself. Frank carries a gun while trying to approach the sniper, while Hawkeye carries a white flag. Frank tries to make fun of Hawkeye for wanting to surrender, but he can't bring himself to approach the sniper while Hawkeye does.
This contrast of gender performance is a consistent aspect of Hawkeye and Frank's dynamic throughout the show, but The Sniper makes it a central theme so it's a useful example to show how their relationships to masculinity are a deliberate aspect of their dynamic.
And while Hawkeye makes fun of Frank's femininity, it's significant that he also regularly makes fun of Frank's masculinity - his love of guns (eg The Sniper), his sexual affairs (eg the exchange about Frank as a "fantastic performer" in Yankee Doodle Doctor), his numerous attempts to exert authority (eg Welcome to Korea), his desire for socially approved success (eg Hot Lips and Empty Arms), etc.
Both masculine and feminine sides of Frank are comprised of negative character traits, while Hawkeye embodies the best of both - emotional expression and healthy ways of coping by talking about his feelings; bravery but not machismo; intelligence and skill as a doctor rather than an officer; empathy and a willingness to listen; sexual prowess but largely through his love of foreplay rather than his dick game (which, in the context of the early 70s, is a somewhat feminine attribute that distinguishes him from a typical traditionally masculine man); etc.
Hawkeye demonstrates some of the most appealing and healthy qualities of both masculinity and femininity while Frank demonstrates, or strives to demonstrate, the more toxic qualities of both. Through including a few positive masculine traits in the mix, the narrative is able to depict Hawkeye as likeable, admirable, and desirable in his effeminacy while Frank is depicted as loathesome in his. Hawkeye gets one of many, many women in The Sniper by showing vulnerability, while Frank only appeals to Margaret, and Margaret is portrayed as borderline pathological in her sexual attraction to violent masculinity (the scene where Frank excites her with his gun, for example, also includes an electra complex joke, and there's a running rape kink gag in this episode as well).
Another aspect to consider when it comes to differentiating Hawkeye and Frank's respective femininities is hypocrisy. Similar to how Frank and Margaret's affair is mocked because they can't admit to it while Hawkeye and Trapper's affairs are glorified, part of what makes Frank's effeminacy so mock-worthy, while Hawkeye's feminine qualities are a source of pride and rebellion, is that Frank refuses to admit to them.
Frank desperately wants to be the ideal heroic army man and often play-acts the part, poorly. When Hawkeye mocks him by calling him a woman, for example, he's drawing attention to Frank's failure to live up to his own ideals. And when Hawkeye calls himself a woman, he's mocking those same ideals. The message is that Frank is pathetic not so much for failing to be traditionally masculine, but for wanting to be traditionally masculine at all.
Ultimately the ways Hawkeye and Frank perform masculinity and femininity are pointedly in opposition, from which masc and fem traits they embody, to how proudly they embody them. The show itself draws attention to these gendered similarities and differences between Frank and Hawkeye through a constant barrage of jokes, and even whole scenes and episodes. In this way the show portrays Frank as a hypocritical loser who wants to be masculine but fails to embody all but the worst traits, and Hawkeye as a cool, admirable guy who disdains the traditional pillars of masculinity and embraces his own effeminacy.
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Finally, The New York Times Editorial Board says Trump is unfit to hold the Office of the President of the United States!
This is a "gift🎁link" so you can read the entire, HISTORIC editorial by The New York Times Editorial Board stating in no uncertain terms that Donald Trump is unfit for office.
Below are some excerpts from the five subsections of the editorial: I Moral Fitness, II. Principled Leadership, III. Character, IV. A President's Words, and V. Rule of Law
Presidents are confronted daily with challenges that require not just strength and conviction but also honesty, humility, selflessness, fortitude and the perspective that comes from sound moral judgment. If Mr. Trump has these qualities, Americans have never seen them in action on behalf of the nation’s interests. His words and actions demonstrate a disregard for basic right and wrong and a clear lack of moral fitness for the responsibilities of the presidency.
He lies blatantly and maliciously, embraces racists, abuses women and has a schoolyard bully’s instinct to target society’s most vulnerable. He has delighted in coarsening and polarizing the town square with ever more divisive and incendiary language. Mr. Trump is a man who craves validation and vindication, so much that he would prefer a hostile leader’s lies to his own intelligence agencies’ truths and would shake down a vulnerable ally for short-term political advantage. His handling of everything from routine affairs to major crises was undermined by his blundering combination of impulsiveness, insecurity and unstudied certainty. [...] The Supreme Court, with its ruling on July 1 granting presidents “absolute immunity” for official acts, has removed an obstacle to Mr. Trump’s worst impulses: the threat of legal consequences. What remains is his own sense of right and wrong. Our country’s future is too precious to rely on such a broken moral compass. [color emphasis added]
Below the cut are excerpts from the other four subsections.
Republican presidents and presidential candidates have used their leadership at critical moments to set a tone for society to live up to. Mr. Reagan faced down totalitarianism in the 1980s.... George H.W. Bush signed the Americans With Disabilities Act.... George W. Bush, for all his failures after Sept. 11, did not stoke hate against or demonize Muslims or Islam.
As a candidate during the 2008 race, Mr. McCain spoke out when his fellow conservatives spread lies about his opponent, Barack Obama. Mr. Romney was willing to sacrifice his standing and influence in the party he once represented as a presidential nominee, by boldly calling out Mr. Trump’s failings and voting for his removal from office. These acts of leadership are what it means to put country first, to think beyond oneself. Mr. Trump has demonstrated contempt for these American ideals. He admires autocrats, from Viktor Orban to Vladimir Putin to Kim Jong-un. He believes in the strongman model of power — a leader who makes things happen by demanding it, compelling agreement through force of will or personality. In reality, a strongman rules through fear and the unprincipled use of political might for self-serving ends, imposing poorly conceived policies that smother innovation, entrepreneurship, ideas and hope. During his four years in office, Mr. Trump tried to govern the United States as a strongman would, issuing orders or making decrees on Twitter. He announced sudden changes in policy — on who can serve in the military, on trade policy, on how the United States deals with North Korea or Russia — without consulting experts on his staff about how these changes would affect America. Indeed, nowhere did he put his political or personal interests above the national interest more tragically than during the pandemic, when he faked his way through a crisis by touting conspiracy theories and pseudoscience while ignoring the advice of his own experts and resisting basic safety measures that would have saved lives. [...] A second Trump administration would be different. He intends to fill his administration with sycophants, those who have shown themselves willing to obey Mr. Trump’s demands or those who lack the strength to stand up to him. He wants to remove those who would be obstacles to his agenda, by enacting an order to make it easier to fire civil servants and replace them with those more loyal to him. This means not only that Americans would lose the benefit of their expertise but also that America would be governed in a climate of fear, in which government employees must serve the interests of the president rather than the public.... Another term under Mr. Trump’s leadership would risk doing permanent damage to our government. [color/ emphasis added]
Character is the quality that gives a leader credibility, authority and influence. During the 2016 campaign, Mr. Trump’s petty attacks on his opponents and their families led many Republicans to conclude that he lacked such character. Other Republicans, including those who supported the former president’s policies in office, say they can no longer in good conscience back him for the presidency. “It’s a job that requires the kind of character he just doesn’t have,” Paul Ryan, a former Republican House speaker, said of Mr. Trump in May.
Those who know Mr. Trump’s character best — the people he appointed to serve in the most important positions of his White House — have expressed grave doubts about his fitness for office.His former chief of staff John Kelly, a retired four-star Marine Corps general, described Mr. Trump as “a person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution and the rule of law.” Bill Barr, whom Mr. Trump appointed as attorney general, said of him, “He will always put his own interest and gratifying his own ego ahead of everything else, including the country’s interest.” James Mattis, a retired four-star Marine general who served as defense secretary, said, “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try.” Mike Pence, Mr. Trump’s vice president, has disavowed him. No other vice president in modern American history has done this. “I believe that anyone who puts themselves over the Constitution should never be president of the United States,” Mr. Pence has said. “And anyone who asked someone else to put them over the Constitution should never be president of the United States again.” [...] It may be tempting for Americans to believe that a second Trump presidency would be much like the first, with the rest of government steeled to protect the country and resist his worst impulses. But the strongman needs others to be weak, and Mr. Trump is surrounding himself with yes men. The American public has a right to demand more from their president and those who would serve under him. [color/ emphasis added]
When America saw white nationalists and neo-Nazis march through the streets of Charlottesville, Va., in 2017 and activists were rallying against racism, Mr. Trump spoke of “very fine people on both sides.” When he was pressed about the white supremacist Proud Boys during a 2020 debate, Mr. Trump told them to “stand back and stand by,” a request that, records show, they took literally in deciding to storm Congress. This winter, the former president urged Iowans to vote for him and score a victory over their fellow Americans — “all of the liars, cheaters, thugs, perverts, frauds, crooks, freaks, creeps.” And in a Veterans Day speech in New Hampshire, he used the word “vermin,” a term he has deployed to describe both immigrants and political opponents.
What a president says reflects on the United States and the kind of society we aspire to be. In 2022 this board raised an urgent alarm about the rising threat of political violence in the United States and what Americans could do to stop it. At the time... the Republican Party was in the middle of a fight for control, between Trumpists and those who were ready to move on from his destructive leadership. This struggle within the party has consequences for all Americans. “A healthy democracy requires both political parties to be fully committed to the rule of law and not to entertain or even tacitly encourage violence or violent speech,” we wrote. A large faction of one party in our country fails that test, and that faction, Mr. Trump’s MAGA extremists, now control the party and its levers of power. There are many reasons his conquest of the Republican Party is bad for American democracy, but one of the most significant is that those extremists have often embraced violent speech or the belief in using violence to achieve their political goals. This belief led to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, and it has resulted in a rising number of threats against judges, elected officials and prosecutors. This threat cannot be separated from Mr. Trump’s use of language to encourage violence, to dehumanize groups of people and to spread lies. A study by researchers at the University of California, Davis, released in October 2022, came to the conclusion that MAGA Republicans (as opposed to those who identified themselves as traditional Republicans) “are more likely to hold extreme and racist beliefs, to endorse political violence, to see such violence as likely to occur and to predict that they will be armed under circumstances in which they consider political violence to be justified.” The Republican Party had an opportunity to renounce Trumpism; it has submitted to it. Republican leaders have had many opportunities to repudiate his violent discourse and make clear that it should have no place in political life; they failed to. [...] But with his nomination by his party all but assured, Mr. Trump has become even more reckless in employing extreme and violent speech, such as his references to executing generals who raise questions about his actions. He has argued, before the Supreme Court, that he should have the right to assassinate a political rival and face no consequences. [color/ emphasis added]
The danger from these foundational failings — of morals and character, of principled leadership and rhetorical excess — is never clearer than in Mr. Trump’s disregard for rule of law, his willingness to do long-term damage to the integrity of America’s systems for short-term personal gain. As we’ve noted, Mr. Trump’s disregard for democracy was most evident in his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election and to encourage violence to stop the peaceful transfer of power. What stood in his way were the many patriotic Americans, at every level of government, who rejected his efforts to bully them into complying with his demands to change election results. Instead, they followed the rules and followed the law. This respect for the rule of law, not the rule of men, is what has allowed American democracy to survive for more than 200 years.
In the four years since losing the election, Mr. Trump has become only more determined to subvert the rule of law, because his whole theory of Trumpism boils down to doing whatever he wants without consequence. Americans are seeing this unfold as Mr. Trump attempts to fight off numerous criminal charges. Not content to work within the law to defend himself, he is instead turning to sympathetic judges — including two Supreme Court justices with apparent conflicts over the 2020 election and Jan. 6-related litigation. The playbook: delay federal prosecution until he can win election and end those legal cases. His vision of government is one that does what he wants, rather than a government that operates according to the rule of law as prescribed by the Constitution, the courts and Congress. [...] So much in the past two decades has tested these norms in our society.... We need a recommitment to the rule of law and the values of fair play. This election is a moment for Americans to decide whether we will keep striving for those ideals. Mr. Trump rejects them. If he is re-elected, America will face a new and precarious future, one that it may not be prepared for. It is a future in which intelligence agencies would be judged not according to whether they preserved national security but by whether they served Mr. Trump’s political agenda. It means that prosecutors and law enforcement officials would be judged not according to whether they follow the law to keep Americans safe but by whether they obey his demands to “go after” political enemies. It means that public servants would be judged not according to their dedication or skill but by whether they show sufficient loyalty to him and his MAGA agenda. Even if Mr. Trump’s vague policy agenda would not be fulfilled, he could rule by fear. The lesson of other countries shows that when a bureaucracy is politicized or pressured, the best public servants will run for the exits. This is what has already happened in Mr. Trump’s Republican Party, with principled leaders and officials retiring, quitting or facing ouster. In a second term, he intends to do that to the whole of government. [color/ emphasis added]
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Stellantis wants to make scabbing woke
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I'm coming to Minneapolis! Oct 15: Presenting The Internet Con at Moon Palace Books. Oct 16: Keynoting the 26th ACM Conference On Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing.
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I know, I know, it's weird when the worst people you know are right, even when they're right for the wrong reasons: like, the "Intelligence Community" is genuinely terrible, pharma companies are murderous crooks, and Big Tech really does have a dangerous grip on public debate. The swivel-eyed loons have a point, is what I'm saying:
When conspiratorialists and reactionaries holler about how the FBI are dirty-tricking creeps who are framing Trump, it's tempting to say, "well, if Trumpists hate the FBI, then I will love the FBI. Who cares about COINTELPRO and what they did to Martin Luther King?"
It's a process called "schizmogenesis": forming new group identity beliefs based on saying the opposite of what your enemies say, and as tempting as that is, it's extraordinarily foolish and dangerous:
It means that canny reactionaries like Steve Bannon can trick you into taking any position merely by taking the opposite one. Bannon's followers are even more easily led, so it's easy for him to convince them that we have always been at war with Oceania. The right has created an entire mirror world of "I know you are but what am I?" politics.
Anti-vax co-opts "bodily autonomy." Climate denial becomes environmentalism ("wind turbines kill birds"). Transphobia becomes feminism ("keep women-only spaces for real women"). Support for strongmen becomes anti-imperialism ("don't feed the war machine in Ukraine"). These are the doppelgangers Naomi Klein warns us against:
The far right has even managed to co-opt anti-corporate rhetoric. Culture warriors rail against "woke capitalism," insisting that when big businesses take socially progressive positions, it's just empty "virtue signalling." And you know what? They've got a point. Partially.
As with all mirror-world politics, the anti-woke-capitalism shuck is designed to convince low-information right-wing pismires into buying "anti-woke pillows" and demanding the right to pay junk fees to "own the libs":
But woke capitalism is bullshit. Corporations – profit-maximizing immortal transhuman colony organisms that view workers and customers as inconvenient gut-flora – do not care about social justice. They don't care about anything, except for minimizing compensation for workers while maximizing the risk those workers bear; and locking in and gouging customers for products that are as low-quality as can be profitably sold.
Take DEI, a favored target of the right. It's undoubtably true that diversity, inclusion and equity initiatives have made some inroads on correcting bias in hiring decisions, with the result that companies get better employees who would have been excluded without this explicit corrective.
However, corporations don't value DEI because they abhor their history of hiring bias. Instead, DEI is how corporate management demonstrates to workers that their grievances are best addressed by trusting corporate leadership to correct their error of their ways – and not by forming a union.
Before the passage of the National Labor Relations Act in 1935, corporations would create fake "Company Unions" whose leadership were beholden to the company executives. These were decoy unions: they looked and sounded like unions, but when they negotiated with management, they were actually working for the bosses, not the workers.
This is more mirror-world tactics. They're the labor equivalent of the "crisis pregnancy centers" that masquerade as abortion clinics in order to fool pregnant people and trap them with endless delays until it's too late to terminate their pregnancies. Company unions get workers to trust in negotiators who are secretly working for the bosses, who emerge from the bargaining table with one-sided, abusive contracts and insist that this is the best deal workers can hope for.
Company unions were outlawed 90 years ago, and for decades, labor had a seat at the table, with wages tracking productivity gains and workers getting protection for discrimination, unsafe labor conditions, and wage-theft. Then came the neoliberal turn, and 40 years of wage stagnation, increased inequality, and corporate rule.
Anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop. Finally, finally, we have reached a turning point in labor, with public approval for unions at levels not seen since the Carter administration and thousands of strikes and protests breaking out across the country:
It's not just the Writers Guild and SAG-AFTRA, either. For the first time in history, the UAW is striking against all the major automakers, and they are winning:
The automakers are getting desperate. Stellantis – Chrysler's latest alias, reflecting the company's absorbtion into corporate-human-centipede of global carmakers – has mobilized its DEI programs, trying to get marginalized people to believe that scabbing is a liberatory activity:
Stellantis calls each of its DEI silos a "Business Resource Group" (BRG): there's a "Working Parents Network," an "African Ancestry Network," "Asians Connected Together," a "DiverseAbilities Network," a "Gay & Lesbian Alliance" and more:
The corporate managers who lead these BRGs have established a scab rotation for each subgroup, calling on members to cross a UAW picket-line at a Michigan Parts Distribution Center run by Stellantis subsidiary Mopar:
Each BRG will pick a specific day of the week/weekend to volunteer as a team. Help continue to be the RESOURCE the BUSINESS can count on! Stellantis needs your help in running the Parts Distribution Centers (PDC) to ensure a steady supply of parts to our customers while negotiations continue. Working Parents Network has identified Friday, October 13 as WPN’s BRG Day at the PDCs!"
Now, these BRGs weren't invented by marginalized workers facing discrimination in the workplace. They come from literal union-busting playbooks produced by giant "union avoidance" firms that charge bosses millions for advice on skirting – or breaking – the law to keep workplace democracy at bay. All the biggest anti-union consultancies love BRGs, from Littler Mendelson to Jackson Lewis. IRI Strategies touts BRGs as a way to "union-proof" a business by absorbing workers' grievances in a decoy committee that will let them feel listened to.
BRGs, in other words, are the Crisis Pregnancy Centers of workplace discrimination. They're a Big Store Con, a company union dressed up as corporate social responsibility.
Now, let's not pretend that unions have a sterling record on race and gender issues. Giant labor organizations like the AFL had to be dragged into racial integration, and trade unions have sometimes been on the wrong side of anti-immigration panics:
But unions have also been the most reliable way for people of color and women to win better workplace treatment. The struggle for racial and gender justice was fought through labor organizing. Remember that MLK's "I've Been To the Mountaintop" speech was given in support of striking sanitation workers in Memphis:
Black organizers have always been militant labor organizers. Labor Day commemorates the victory of the long, hard-fought Pullman strike, where Black workers brought one of the most powerful companies in America to its knees:
And women have always fought for gender justice through the labor movement: the New York shirtwaist strike is the Ur-example, when women-led unions fought thugs and scabs on icy New York streets:
It's no surprise that labor activism, anti-racism and feminism go together. Since the earliest days, the labor justice struggle was also a social justice struggle. To learn more check out Kim Kelly's Fight Like Hell: The Untold History of American Labor:
The most exploited, underpaid, and abused workers in America are also the most marginalized (duh).
From nurses:
To teachers:
To Amazon warehouse workers:
To publishing assistants:
To baristas:
To fast-food workers:
The vanguard of today's labor surge is Black, brown, female and queer. Without a union, workers who face discrimination are on their own, hoping that their bosses will voluntarily do something about it. Black workers in Tesla's rabidly anti-union shops face vicious racism, from slurs to threats to violence. Without a union, they have to rely on the shifting whims of an Apartheid emerald mine space-Karen for relief, or hope for help from the NLRB or a class-action lawyer:
The far right isn't wrong when they holler that woke capitalism is bullshit. As with so many of their mirror-world causes, they've got a point, but only a limited one. The problem with woke capitalism is that it's no substitute for a union. The problem with relying on Business Resource Groups to fight racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia is that these struggles are all class struggles, and a BRG is never going to fight against the company that created it.
To understand how bankrupt woke capitalism is, conside this: Stellantis is calling on its "Working Parents Network" to scab this Friday. Stellantis is also being sanctioned by the Department Of Labor for discriminating against nursing mothers – the same "working parents" that the BRG is meant to protect:
Woke capitalism is just another kind of "predatory inclusion," like Intuit's campaign defending its "Free File" tax-prep scam, where they're claiming that ending this ripoff is racist because it denies Black families the right to be tricked into paying for something they are entitled to get for free:
When I learned about Intuit's wokewashing, I thought I'd found woke capitalism's rock bottom, but I was wrong. Stellantis's call for woke scabbing is a new low.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful novel of the climate emergency. Amazon won't sell the audiobook, so I made my own and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter!
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malehypnofantasy · 1 year
Read Part 2 here
Ben Richards is the ultimate all-American douchebags. He's blonde, he's muscular, and he's rich, and he knows he's a hot shit so that laid out the foundation for his ego.
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He's also well-connected, with his family embedded deep within the political and economic leadership of not only in the United States, but also globally. The sheer level of power the young brat holds compounded with his attractive looks made him feared, respected and the most important of all, adored.
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People wanted to be on his good side and everyone tried to get close to him. But only the reserved few that can get close to him and enjoyed all the perks of being his good friends. The others won't be seen or noticed by Ben and he wouldn't even hesitate to set the record straight or put people back to their places id he wished to do so, and that involved regular people like Casey that he viewed just as insignificant miscreant. Yet, that didn't phase Casey anymore, not when he got his magical power by his side, as Ben would be nothing but his mere puppet to play with.
Casey's family member always preached the need for a sorcerer to have not only strong mentality, but also strong physique as magic tend to consume a lot of energy and can push a magician to its physical limit. Having stronger physique means higher tolerance of pain and limit to exert one's magic, and for Casey, Ben is the answer to it. Casey is just simply too lazy to work out to build his body and endurance, and with his family never worked with magic in related to physically transform oneself, he needed to resort something more involving mental. The plan that Casey have in mind is to basically hijack Ben's body and use that jock's body as a proxy. From the memory of his great grandfather, such feat is possible as certain magician pulled it off in the past to create this front for their business enterprise with mere mortal as their original form seemingly unable to wield charisma or charm that they are lacking while human have this tendency to fall and adore someone that exude such quality
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Ben's latest update involved a shirtless selfie he took in the gym. That's almost an hour ago, and per latest intel, Ben supposedly went to Walmart after his gym session. When Casey and Ethan finally arrived in Walmart's parking lot, they spotted Ben's electric blue BMW still parked nicely with no one inside, so they know they just need to wait for the jock to walk out from the store.
After around 15 minutes of waiting, Ben finally walked out with several groceries bag in both hands. Watching from safe distance inside their own car, Casey eyed Ben like the prey he is while Ethan just stared at Ben with no regards to the safety of his supposed frat bros as he is already gripped tightly under Casey's control. Casey then started to make his move as Ben finished with putting down his groceries inside his car. He walked out from the car and then called the jock while running. As Ben turned around then made eye contact, Casey utilized the opportunity to froze the muscular jock under his control. His 20/20 vision proven to be his shortcomings as he clearly entranced with Casey's eyes he managed to see. With zero control over his body, he stripped himself off and then forced to turn around and faced the car by Casey.
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Ethan eventually followed Casey to walk out from the car. From the distant, he witnessed Casey pressed his body close to Ben's body and a radiant glow emanated from the two. The glow turned blinding as Ethan got closer but after several seconds, the light vanished and while Ben's body flopped to the car seat, Casey's body dropped to the road. Ethan dashed his way to see what is happening and trying to find way to help Casey, but once he got closer to the car, Ben suddenly roared as he flexed his muscle
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"Hey there Ethan, how do you like me now?" Ethan's eyes went wide, is that his Master's voice coming out of Ben Richard's mouth?? "--sorry, that doesn't sound right. How do you like me now?" Said Ben now with his usual tone and air of confidence that accompanied his sultry, deep voice
"Master, what happened?"
"Well, what about you put my body to the backseat and I'll explain to you what's up,"
So with ease, Ethan lifted Casey's original 130 lbs body and shoved it to the backseat and trampled Ben's gym bag as he then seated himself in the front passenger seat
"Okay, so let me explain---"
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canisalbus · 9 months
I hope this isn’t unwelcome but here are a few of my personal Vascete modern AU headcanons:
As a child, Vasco was usually voted as a team captain when playing sports with other kids. Not necessarily because of his sporting ability, but rather because of his leadership qualities and general agreeableness and ease with others.
Machete always uses perfect grammar when he texts, but can take a while to respond. Vasco often responds instantly but with less attention to grammar. Machete texts in unbroken paragraphs (when he has a lot to say) but Vasco’s texts come through in small, sporadic flurries.
Machete is very familiar with hospitals, particularly so in his childhood due to his various medical issues. As a result he actually finds their cleanliness, and the politeness of the doctors, comforting. These experiences also made him more patient than he might otherwise have been.
Vasco donates blood and is on an organ donor registry.
Machete always carries hand sanitiser around and is constantly offering it to Vasco, who always carries hand cream around, and is constantly offering it to Machete.
Both are well-versed in music and have refined musical tastes.
Vasco hums wholeheartedly whilst doing the dishes - a chore Machete likes to avoid where possible. Vasco knows this, so he pretends he doesn’t mind doing them.
Machete often has a headache and Vasco’s usual first response to this is to ask Machete if he’s had enough water today. He’s often right.
Vasco scarcely thinks of the other paths his life could have taken. Though he knows pain, he feels very fortunate for all the good he’s been dealt in life, and attributes his good luck mostly to happy accidents. Machete on the other hand has unexpected moments of stark awareness of all the possible forks in his road. It’s a sudden deja vu that creeps up on him when he’s alone, almost as if he can remember all of his and Vasco’s past/ potential lives together. The feeling vanishes just as soon as it arrives.
Hot dang anon I LOVE these. Unwelcome UNWELCOME? You come to my house and present me with thoughtful interpretations of my characters, I feel nourished.
I can definitely see Vasco being a popular choice for a team captain. He's physically active but not ultra sporty, and even though he can get excited and carried away, he's never been that competitive (he's got that 'I just hope both teams have fun' sort of vibe that people tend to like).
The texting bit is terribly cute. Vasco rapid firing message after message vs Machete intermittently slapping half an essay in the chat.
Machete is hypochondriac and his threshold for seeking threatment is low, especially if he's experiencing anything he's not already familiar with. To my understanding Italy has a good quality universal public healthcare, but he typically chooses to go with private sector anyway and has been investing in pricey health insurance for years (probably way more extensive than what is necessary or reasonable).
I also thought of Vasco as a habitual blood donor. He wouldn't like it per se (medical surroundings unnerve him), but I think he might just get a kick out of being a good boy and potentially helping people. (I know gay, bi and msm men used to be banned from donating (or at least severely restricted) but it looks like many countries have revised their criteria significantly in recent years and there's a good chance he'd be eligible these days.)
The hand sanitizer/hand cream combo is so good. It made me chuckle. (Are you a hand sanitizer person or a hand cream person?)
Their respective tastes in music and cinema have more overlap than you might initially think, and they keep aligning closer and closer over time.
Machete wouldn't like doing dishes. Having to touch wet food (weird texture + unhygienic) is bad times all around. But he genuinely enjoys a little bit of vacuuming, dusting, laundry and general tidying and organizing. He doesn't leave that much for Vasco to do, just the occasional visibly messy jobs that squick him out more than he cares to admit.
That's very considerate of him. That's a very considerate thing to do to anyone in general. Dehydration and low blood sugar can really sour your mood and you wouldn't even notice they were the reason you're feeling so bad all of a sudden. (When I'm having a difficult day I try to remember to ask myself whether things are truly collapsing or am I potentially just a little too thirsty and hungry and unaware of it. Usually it's the latter).
Ah yes, Machete and the horrors. Vasco might be aware of the horrors as well, but perhaps he possesses the specific kind of galaxy brain that is near immune to this particular flavor of existential dread.
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silvermoon424 · 11 months
Wuxing and Its Influence Over Sailor Moon
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NOTE: if I get anything about wuxing wrong, please correct me! I did research for this post but I'm sure I greatly simplified things.
I don't recall seeing a post about this on Tumblr, so I figured I'd be the change I want to see!
Anyway, something I don't see discussed often in the Sailor Moon fandom is the fact that much of the Inner Senshi's powers and personalities are based on wuxing, or the Chinese system of Five Phases. Well, okay, technically wuxing influenced the Japanese naming system of the 5 planets known since antiquity (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn), as wuxing was originally used to refer those planets in ancient Chinese scholarship before it took on a broader meaning. But I still think Naoko Takeuchi was influenced by wuxing and not just the Japanese names of the planets themselves!
Anyway, you can kind of think of wuxing as similar to the Western idea of the classical elements, but it's far broader in scope. In traditional Chinese fields, it's used to explain a wide range of phenomenon, such as cosmic cycles and the succession of political regimes.
However, this post will only be exploring how wuxing is used to classify the planets and how that influenced Naoko Takeuchi when she created Sailor Moon. The elements and their planetary matches are:
Water: Mercury
Metal: Venus
Fire: Mars
Wood: Jupiter
Earth: Saturn
There are also certain mental/emotional qualities assigned to these elements:
Water: Wisdom, wit, intelligence, flexibility, resourcefulness, softness, anxiety
Metal: Determination, strength, ambition, self-reliance, strength of mind, rigid, leadership
Fire: Passion, intensity, resolve, spontaneity, dynamism, restlessness, hate
Wood: Warmth, generosity, idealism, cooperation, courage, kindness, anger
Earth: Patience, thoughtfulness, nurturing, honesty, stability, agreeableness
So yeah, I think there are some clear parallels here.
Sailor Mercury: Ami Mizuno means "Asian Beauty of Water" and Sailor Mercury has powers over water in all its states of matter (fog, water, and ice). I've sometimes seen people be confused over why Sailor Mercury has water powers when the planet Mercury is so hot and devoid of any semblance of water; well, it's because of wuxing! Anyway, Ami herself is also known for her intelligence and wisdom as well as for her soft heart.
Sailor Mars: Rei Hino means "Spirit of Fire" and Sailor Mars commands control over flames. Sailor Mars is known as the "Senshi of Flames and Passion," and lives up to that name by being one of the most passionate and intense Senshi in the series.
Sailor Jupiter: Makoto Kino means "Sincerity of Wood" and while Sailor Jupiter is commonly associated with electricity, her powers really encompass nature as a whole. In the manga/reboot anime, she has a number of attacks that involve plants. Mako is loved by her friends for being incredibly warm and generous, and Sailor Jupiter is known as the "Senshi of Courage."
Sailor Venus: Minako Aino's name ("Beautiful Child of Love") and her powers overall take much more inspiration from the Roman goddess of love and beauty, Venus, than from wuxing. However, she does still incorporate metal into her attacks, especially in the manga and reboot anime. In the manga/reboot this is done via her trusty chain, which is utilized for most of her attacks. Regarding personality, Minako is very self-reliant, ambitious, and determined, and of course is the leader of the Inner Senshi.
Sailor Saturn: There's not much to say here, because I don't think Naoko Takeuchi was inspired much by wuxing for Hotaru. However, "Earth" is reflected in Hotaru Tomoe's name- "Firefly Sprouting From Earth"- likely because the planet Saturn follows the wuxing naming convention in Japanese (it's called “Dosei," or "Earth Star"). That being said, Hotaru is very patient, thoughtful, and honest (I would not list "stability" as one of her qualities though, considering the whole "possessed by an evil alien and then reborn as a rapidly aging baby" thing lmao).
Anyway, that's it from me! I hope someone out there learned something new!
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solei-eclipse · 1 month
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[ dry coughing ] hey
I'd like to introduce the ocs/concepts I previously mentioned! they were thought up mostly for fun (and HEAVILY inspired by a few things, try and take a guess) so I'm not sure if I'll spend as much time on them. who knows, maybe they'll grow on me.
they're super funny to me. i think i made them just to have a laugh. sorry. you'll see why soon!
anyway, this is Jiu and Kioku! They have a long history together (well, at least one of them thinks so).
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Jiu ( jee - yu )
A very dutiful and serious person
Has a formal way of speech (he almost never speaks casually)
Carries himself with a regal air, behaves like a young noble
Incredibly melancholic
His eyes have a strange quality to them, almost as if he's looking far off into the distance or straight through certain people (even if they're standing right in front of him)
Often takes a leadership role, adept at managing and organization (class president/class rep type)
Very cold and distant despite taking on multiple responsibilities
Neutral in stance, polite but in the detached way
Willing to help his classmates with whatever is needed, but won't do more than what's absolutely necessary
Holds his duty and responsibility in high regard, always in service to someone or something
Used to have a gentle, caring, and protective nature, but was forced to snuff it out due to his cruel home environment and those who took advantage of his kindness
Under the ownership of a rich and illustrious segyein, the hostess of an establishment where human pets were put to work
Due to his exceptional mental abilities and sense of duty, he was promoted to a high position at a very young age. He handles accounting and is the hostess' right hand man
Because of his duty and devotion to service, he is made to carry out illegal and immoral acts in secret
Whenever he returns from the Anakt Garden, Jiu is immediately put to work
He is pale to the point of his veins showing and has a dull, steely gaze
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Jiu sleeps face-down. There's no reason for it, he just does
Yes, it's suffocating. Someone has to turn him over in his sleep just to make sure he can breathe right. There was once someone who used to do it for him, but now nobody does
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Kioku ( kee - oh - ku )
Prefers everyone to call her Kio !
She arrives to the Garden quite late due to certain health complications (according to her guardian)
Has a very open face and unguarded eyes, which may lower the guard of other people
It's genuinely a strange quality. Those who hold secrets or ill intent may feel uncomfortable looking into her eyes for long periods of time.
Kio herself almost never lies. She will tell the truth even if it brings about consequence
Very athletic! Excels in sports and ranks high during Field Days
Kind in a way that's incredibly stubborn. Wills herself to forgive those who have wronged her and regards them with gratitude despite everything
Very persistent, has a great amount of inner strength
As a child, Kio was weak, cowardly, and codependent. She entered an establishment at a young age in exchange for her safety, but since she refused to adjust herself to the environment (perform actions she deemed cruel) she was often picked on and treated unfairly
Since she was weak, she clung onto the first person who gave her the slightest bit of help and blindly trusted them
Currently so different from her child self. Those who knew her back then find the change incredibly jarring (almost like she's become a completely different person)
There is something off about her. She can't seem to recall anything about her past and feels like something has been taken from her in a way
The fact that she can't recall her childhood pushes her to live in the present, she'd prefer not to look back
She is still unaware of how she got the scar on her cheek
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Together :
Jiu seems to regard Kio differently, almost cautiously
As Kio arrived to the Garden late, the responsibility of looking after her fell into Jiu's hands
He was in charge of getting her acquainted with routines, past lessons, etc.
Though Jiu is normally as imperturbable as a rock, there is a unique air of awkwardness to him whenever he interacts with Kio
He refuses to look her in the eyes
Kio, for her part, tries very hard to catch up and makes sure she isn't a burden to him
His odd treatment of her makes her conscious that he dislikes her, which pushes her to work harder
Jiu is the only person who refuses to address Kio by her nickame. He only calls her Kioku, or if he can help it, doesn't refer to her by name at all
Particularly observant individuals may notice how Jiu begins to lose composure. It's incredibly subtle, so it's not obvious to others
Kio has a strange feeling about him that she just can't put her finger on.... at times it makes her uneasy
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Random tidbits:
Jiu ( ジウ ) : samurai, warrior, knight. or "to serve someone of high rank or status with respect and loyalty."
( emphasis on themes of service and devotion )
Kioku ( キオク ) : literally translates to memory.
( to remember, remembrance, recollection )
Jiu's sharp strands of hair that fade to white are meant to vaguely mimic a dragon's features (two sharp fangs on his forehead, two long whiskers on the sides of his head)
Kioku vaguely resembles a bird feather.
Her eyes are wide, round, and far apart. They not only emphasize her openness, but are also reminiscent of fish eyes (associated with empty-headedness, a certain lack of something + the concept of goldfishes with bad memory)
Kio's main emotion is curiosity
Jiu's main emotion is guilt
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I had previously been under the impression that AZA accredited zoos and aquariums in the USA are more likely to take good care of animals than those that lack this accreditation. Is this incorrect?
It's... really complicated. The short answer is: maybe? Which doesn't help at all, I'm sure. I'm working on a huge project to try to quantify a bunch of accreditation stuff, so I don't want to say anything concrete from preliminary data, y'know?
Accreditation at a facility tells you, basically, what standards they are supposed to meet and what political group / industry club they're part of. But there's a lot of issues with all of the five zoological accrediting / certifying bodies where oversight during the accreditation cycles doesn't really exist in a functional way? Either reporting systems are in place that highly disincentivize reporting (because they aren't anonymous and could be tracked back to a staffer) or just don't have formal protocols for it all.
So being AZA accredited tells you the type of expectations they're trying to live up to, and what standards they met at the time they were inspected. I have some concerns about whether the standards for certain aspects of accreditation (like aesthetic stuff, not animal care) are really sustainable for duration given how you're constantly hearing about how zoos scramble to get all the little deferred things fixed prior to the next inspection. But, that's not necessarily an issue with the zoos, and more the program - and that's something that AFAIK happens with every accrediting group, not just AZA.
There's also an aspect of how the requirements of each accrediting program kind of... self select for the type of zoos they want? AZA's application and annual fees are incredibly high, which isn't necessarily a good use of money for many smaller facilities; they also require compliance with a lot of things not related to animal care and welfare, like internal staffing structure and facility aesthetics. Again, something that either smaller facilities just can't afford - do you spend money on the animals or on paving all your pathways? - or aren't interested in getting involved with because of how intrusive it is. So most of the AZA zoos you see are the bigger, well-funded ones with city-type aesthetics, because that's what who the program is set up to encourage to apply. (There are definitely exceptions to this, but find me a big city zoo that isn't AZA or in the process of becoming AZA).
To try to answer your questions, AZA zoos are more likely to be high quality because in order to be accredited, they have to have a certain amount of cash flow. Having more funding / income tends to make regular operating issues easier to solve. AZA zoos are certainly more heavily scrutinized every five years by their accrediting body than a group like ZAA, which is mostly focused on animal care / education / conservation and isn't going to meddle in a zoo's business operations. But AZA zoos aren't perfect. Most of them don't even meet all of the AZA standards completely at the time of inspection: there was an article a couple years back about how rare it was that Cheyenne Mountain Zoo met all of the AZA standards at the time of inspection - only the 4th zoo to do so in AZA's 50-something year history. (How that works is that zoos that don't meet all the standards but are close get provisionally accredited, and then have to fix or improve some stuff within the first year to keep it). And believe me, AZA zoos can and do have problems too - look at the embezzlement conducted by the previous leadership at Columbus, or the sexual assault and conduct issues with the Director at Henry Vilas. They're just less often covered in ways that are visible to the public.
Accreditation is a good indicator what a zoo intends to be, and what animal care / conservation ethos it participates in. It isn't, however, always a guarantee that the facility is good or that the animal care (or staff welfare!) is better than at an unaccredited or alternately-accredited place.
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