#UNIT from Doctor Who
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seas-of-silver · 3 months ago
Hi guys! I know it's been a while since I've done one of these, but last year was a bit insane, so I'm back, and so is this ask game!
This is a request from Ardvarkeating101, who doesn't have Tumblr but wanted to still play in the "first sentence then scene" ask game, so here's my response to their submission!
In retrospect, Adrien probably should have figured out that his father was Hawkmoth before a SWAT team burst through the doors of the mansion. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t put it all together before now.
Well, there was the laughing, for one. Father’s laughter had always sounded a little evil for as long as Adrien could remember, but it had been taking on a more maniacal quality in recent months. He had picked up on the change because initially he thought that maybe Nathalie had developed a funny bone and Father might have been finally warming up to her, especially since the more cackle-like laugh had become increasingly frequent. Also, the whole mansion is covered in pristine marble, meaning that his father’s cackles from the atelier carried and echoed throughout the mansion, and those random maniacal cackles would startle Adrien out of his focus when studying… as did the akuma that almost always soon followed.
And then there was Father’s recent designs. Adrien would be the first to admit he’s far more creative than artistic (seriously - his drawings were more of stick figure quality), but that didn’t stop him from being able to tell the quality of a design when he saw it - perks of growing up in the fashion industry, he supposed. After all, it was that exposure to fashion that enabled him to spot the quality of Marinette’s designs, and how they rivalled junior designers ten years her senior.
But Father’s designs had been on a steady and rather concerning decline. It had started with what Adrien could only guess was attempts at making fashion faux pas fashionable, such as the “sandals with socks” designs that didn’t quite capture the imagination, but with every visit he made to his father’s atelier, he witnessed the quality of the work and ideas continually deteriorate. Just last week Adrien saw a most ludicrous design that incorporated the currently in-trend of brightly coloured pants in combination with steampunk and fairy design elements that made for a painfully eye watering monstrosity. If it wasn’t for his father’s distinctive art style in the drawing, Adrien wouldn’t have believed his father was capable of something so repulsive.
Adrien had attributed it to grief, and thought his Father would eventually be inspired enough to break out of this slump, but it seemed that his artistic decline was far worse than Adrien had ever realised. His akumas proved that it was possible for his father to have no artistic integrity.
Then there was Ladybug herself suspecting his father, but he didn’t want to entertain that suggestion. And he had become an akuma, so that had settled that debate, but in retrospect the timing was unbelievably convenient.
And then there was the most damning piece of evidence of all - Father had an increased interest in Adrien. Father had always been a distant man; Adrien always knew that Mother was the only person he would actually show love for, and while Adrien yearned for his father to be more expressive in his affection to him as his son, he understood that this was just the way his father was. Though, that didn’t stop Adrien from wanting to get closer with his father and to know him better.
But then Father started to visit him, talk to him - and not just about his performance at the most recent photoshoot or runway show. He was asking about how Adrien felt. He was asking about school. He was talking about Mother. And he was asking about his ring, his Miraculous, not that his father knew about the true nature of the ring.
…or perhaps that’s why he asked? Did Father suspect he was Chat Noir? He had asked about it in multiple occasions, after all. It was unnervingly intense to experience at the time, so it was likely he suspected him, and Adrien wondered now how he had managed to convince his father that he wasn’t the Black Cat hero of Paris.
What made his father’s behaviour all the more bizarre (and all the more damning) was the constant hopscotch between being hot and cold. Father had berated Adrien for talking about Mother, but then offered to watch his mother’s movie with him and told Adrien that he “didn’t have to hide anything from him”.  Father had refused to let him go to New York, changed his mind and let him go, and then ordered him back home over the course of three days. Father had repeatedly given him permission to hang out with friends, and had rescinded his permission at the last minute just as frequently. It was baffling, confusing, and had made Adrien wonder whether Father was doing this on purpose, or whether the man was slowly losing his short-term memory.
…could abusing the Miraculous lead to damaged short-term memory? He’d have to ask Plagg. But that would have to wait until after the SWAT raid was over.
Adrien wished he could talk to Nino or Alya or Marinette, but with him being under the protection of four SWAT guards (or was he a prisoner? He wasn’t sure), he doubted he’d have the permission to call them. And transforming into Chat Noir and escaping to Ladybug was completely out of the question. So Adrien sat in overwhelmed silence as troops swarmed the mansion, investigating every nook and cranny of every room.
…or at least he was silent until he saw his very disheveled father, who looked like he fought a leaf blower and lost.
‘Why, Father?’ he asked, ignoring the stinging in his eyes as his father was being escorted in handcuffs with SWAT soldiers on either side of him. ‘Why would you do it?’
‘You would never understand,’ Father snarled, fighting against his restraints. ‘You don’t love her like I do.’
‘Who?’ Adrien asked desperately. ‘Mother?’
Just then, Nathalie emerged, restrained and disheveled just like his father was.
‘Nathalie?!’ Adrien yelped, disbelieving. ‘What- why? How? You knew?’
Nathalie looked away, silent.
Father and Nathalie were read their Miranda rights and informed of their charges being the magical terrorists Hawk Moth and Mayura respectively, shoved unceremoniously into the back of a SWAT vehicle, and were driven away with an armoured entourage. The remaining SWAT soldiers continued to scour the mansion, while two intimidating men approached Adrien and his guards.
‘Adrien Agreste, I am Corporal Jean Briand, the leader of this SWAT Unit. How are you coping with all this?’
‘I- I…’ Adrien stammered, trying to form a sentence as his mind screamed incoherently. ‘I don’t know.’
‘That’s understandable,’ Corporal Briand said sympathetically. ‘I can only imagine it’s a lot to take in.’
Adrien thought that was a bit of an understatement.
‘Am… am I under arrest, sir?’ Adrien asked.
‘No, no you’re not,’ the Corporal reassured with a small smile. ‘Chat Noir may be a vigilante hero, but that’s hardly a reason to charge you, especially since you protected millions of civilians with your selfless bravery against a magical threat.’
Adrien’s eyes popped out of his head.
‘You… you know?’
Corporal Briand and the other SWAT soldiers chuckled.
‘You really need to find better hiding places to transform than behind a bush, tree or park bench,’ the Corporal chided gently. ‘But so does that friend of yours.’
‘My friend? You mean Ladybug?’ Adrien asked. 
‘Yes, a young Miss-‘
‘WAIT!’ Adrien exclaimed. ‘Don’t tell me!’
‘Hang on, so you seriously don’t know who she is?’ SWAT Guard 1 asked, amused. ‘I thought that was just a gimmick.’
‘Of course they didn’t know! Were you even paying attention during surveillance?’ SWAT Guard 3 asked.
‘Of course I was!’ Guard 1 protested. ‘But with how close they were, it was hard to believe they didn’t know!’
‘Didn’t stop you from betting on their reveal though,’ SWAT Guard 4 muttered with a smirk, and Guard 1 glared at them.
‘Huh?’ uttered Adrien.
‘Come one, man,’ said SWAT Guard 2, ‘did you really think they were going that far to hide their identities from the world if they really had revealed to each other? They don’t have that kind of intricate level of forward planning.’
‘Oh really?’ Guard 1 retorted. ‘What about Ladybug’s battle plans?’
‘What about the transformation hiding spots Adrien and Ma-’
‘No, it’s true!’ Adrien piped up, cutting off Guard 2 from revealing his lady’s name. ‘We really don’t know, and I’m not going to betray her trust by learning who she is from you guys, no offence.’
‘None taken,’ said Guard 1. ‘But now I’m looking forward to that reveal for more than just the bet.’
Adrien was reeling, his head spinning like a tornado from emotional whiplash, the million and one questions he had about the events and information revealed over the past hour and a bit, and wanting to know what kind of bet these SWAT soldiers had made about him and Ladybug. He suddenly felt very sympathetic with Dorothy and Toto.
‘So how did you find out about Father and Nathalie? And about me and Ladybug?’ Adrien asked.
‘We started investigating into Hawk Moth as soon as he made his dramatic debut in September,’ Corporal Briand began, ‘and kept a keen eye on events as they occurred. We don’t take kindly to terrorists of any kind, and that includes magical ones. We reached out to a few specialist groups as we tried to narrow down the nature of this magic, as UNIT confirmed it wasn’t alien of origin, but it wasn’t easy. All we had to off was your friend’s Ladyblog, and our own observations, including the fact that you were interacting with a creature that didn’t register on any electronic devices.’
‘Creature?’ he echoed.
‘The black cat-like wingless flying one that has an affinity for Camembert,’ the Corporal replied. ‘Our snipers had spotted you taking to what seemed like thin air, until they switched their digital scopes for analog ones.’
‘Right, smart,’ Adrien conceded dumbly.
‘But what really helped us find Hawk Moth and Mayura was, rather simply, CCTV,’ the Corporal admitted. ‘Just because we couldn’t see the floating creatures on video didn’t mean we couldn’t see things like transformations or where people travelled to and from. All it took was unlimited access to Paris’s CCTV network, using social media posts of people’s sightings, and good old fashioned investigation to solve the puzzle. Well, that, and Shanghai and New York.’
‘What about those?’ Adrien asked.
‘Because Hawk Moth and Mayura made very few in-person appearances in battles, it slowed our investigation considerably, but we still had a selection of possible suspects,’ the Corporal explained. ‘But after Hawk Moth’s attacks in both China and the US, the only one from our suspect pool who was present in both countries during both attacks was your father. We already had all our main suspects under 24 hour surveillance from before New York, but we had to make sure we had enough indisputable evidence to take to court before we could make the arrest.’
‘Oh,’ he uttered. ‘So were Ladybug and I under investigation?’
‘Initially,’ Corporal Briand admitted, ‘but once we discovered you two were just teenagers who had taken on the mammoth responsibility of using magic to protect the city and fight the terrorists, you two got downgraded in priority, but still kept under surveillance, just in case.’
‘Right,’ muttered Adrien, just as another SWAT soldier emerged from some sort of van and approached them.
‘Sir,’ the soldier said, ‘the magical items are clean, yet the Peacock one shows signs of damage. We’ve completed our assessments on the items to submit as evidence.’
��Excellent,’ Corporal Briand said, and the soldier handed him two plastic evidence bags. ‘Now we just need to ensure they’re the real deal. Adrien, can you do the honours?’
Corporal Briand held out the plastic bags to him, and Adrien tentatively accepted them, and sucked in a sharp breath when he saw two broaches within them.
Adrien’s throat suddenly felt like it had swollen, and it was harder to breathe or swallow.
‘Um, before I do,’ Adrien said hesitantly, ‘what will happen to these Miraculouses? Recovering these Miraculouses and other lost or stolen Miraculous-related items was a major part of Ladybug’s and my job. Will we be able to take them back to their rightful place, or will you be taking them for evidence? And will we be able to retrieve them if you do take them for evidence?’
‘Don’t worry, Adrien,’ Corporal Briand told him with a smile. ‘You can take the Miraculouses with you. We just need proof that those are the real deal, so that we can confirm we got the right people and that the threat is well and truly over… and maybe, where possible, answer a few of our questions just in case we find ourselves facing a similar threat in the future. And don’t worry about yours and Ladybug’s identities - we’ll keep them secret.’
Adrien nodded warily, wishing he had the comfort of Ladybug’s presence beside him, and put on the Miraculouses. Immediately, two kwami emerged.
‘Yes, Mas- wait - Adrien?’ the purple butterfly kwami asked disbelievingly.
‘Adrien! It’s Adrien!’ cried the blue peacock one. ‘It’s soooo nice to finally meet you! Em- bleugh! I hate those bubbles! Ugh, your mum used to talk about you all the time!’
‘Duusu!’ scolded the purple one while Adrien spluttered.
‘Mum? My mum? What- how did you know her?’ Adrien asked, the words practically falling out of his mouth in frazzled sudden desperation.
‘Before that,’ interrupted the purple one, looking warily at the soldiers, ‘who are these people?’
‘Oh!’ Adrien exclaimed. ‘Right, sorry - this is Corporal Braind and his team. They’re the ones who rescued you two from, um, Father and Nathalie.’
‘Woohoo!’ cried Duusu, waving their stubby arms in the air as the purple one relaxed somewhat. ‘Rescuers! Nooroo, we’re saved!’
‘Yes, apparently,’ Nooroo commented.
‘Oh!’ Duusu gasped. ‘If you’re rescuers, you can get Em- bleugh! I hate those bubbles! You can rescue his mum, then, right?’
This time, it wasn’t just Adrien’s eyes that popped out in shock.
‘Wait, what?’
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genderqueerpond · 10 months ago
there is a perception filter on the old woman. people see her, but they don't really notice her. they don't see what's wrong about her.
until ruby points her out. ruby says "look at her. do you see that woman?" and they do. the perception filter falls away.
and the woman says "look at her. do you see that woman?" and they look at ruby, and the perception filter is gone. and they see her for what she truly is.
and it's beyond their brain's ability to comprehend.
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lukedom · 17 days ago
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Celebrating the new classic Season 7 box set 🙂
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regicidal-defenestration · 9 months ago
Doylist explanation: points about how UNIT is being treated this series aside, Doctor Who is very much a family show, and children in the audience, particularly trans children, BAME children, and disabled children, need to see themselves on television in white/cis/abled/male dominated fields like science. It makes sense to have Rose Noble and Morris Gibbons at UNIT
Watsonian explanation: Mrs Flood is a space investigator sent to shut down UNIT for potential violations of child labour laws
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starlightseraph · 5 months ago
brigadier alastair gordon lethbridge-stewart my beloved
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thehumanwiki · 9 months ago
The most important Doctor Who theory: where are Donna and 14 vacationing right now as the world ends
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w1ng3dw01f · 1 year ago
my fellow Whovians and Torchwood enthusiasts
In all the years that I have been in this fandom (which is a lot, like I’ve rewatched Torchwood and different DW arcs consistently for at least a decade)…
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Like damn I was tryna have a good treat-myself day trip to Cardiff and all of a sudden I spot this?!
All of the pain just came flooding back into my soul.
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the-patrex · 9 months ago
I have seen a LOT of discourse about the finale so here is my final opinion on it: I Liked it I thought it was Very Bad
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cipher-fresh · 1 year ago
Is there like an alien information database at UNIT that the employees contribute to when they learn about alien life. One of the soldiers who watched the bi-generation instantly feels themself age a thousand years because they know they’re going to have to add this to UNIT Wikipedia and the Doctor sure as hell is not going to contribute any information
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doortotomorrow · 1 year ago
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THREE & JO: day of the daleks
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beakyelk · 2 years ago
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Some Spearhead from Space doodles
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vampir-el · 9 months ago
UNIT every time a doctor who character needs to stay in the plot longer than an episode
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khruschevshoe · 1 year ago
Listen. Listen. RTD. My dude. You are back. You have the power. You are running the show. *pulls him in close and whispers through gritted teeth* Who needs UNIT when you can have the world's messiest bisexual polycule back from the dead?
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stradakiev · 3 months ago
Doctor who I’m begging you to have a disabled companion 🙏 doctor who I am also begging you to not have this companion written by “davros shouldn’t been on a wheelchair” RTD or “let’s stage these paralympians” Moffat or at least hire a sensitive reader
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lilydvoratrelundar · 1 year ago
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"I couldn't escape now if I wanted to. They've trapped me here!"
Giffing Pertwee Who - Spearhead from Space: Episode 3
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so-much-for-subtlety · 5 months ago
tomorrow officially starts my 15th year in the “United” States. I’m gonna make a cake. Not to celebrate- I was just gonna make one anyway🥕
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