https-chaos · 1 year
DOCTOR CHASE TRYING TO DOM A FUCKING PATIENT INTO GETTING SURGERY SIRRRRRRR??????? This guy is in here with his dominatrix but she's not here so you're gonna USE THAT VOICE ON HIM??? Stoppppppp this show is insane
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silvermahogany · 4 months
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girl4music · 1 month
The only way anything gay/queer on Netflix gets to stay the course is if it’s put into a negative light.
No one wants that shit. What the fuck?
May as well own up and say it at this point.
You’re all homophobic as fuck.
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rata-novus · 1 year
idk man i think that if i was famous and was accused by multiple ppl of being wildly inappropriate with minors i would idk refute with solid evidence and not break out my ukulele for the worst song and apology in the history of youtube. rip to colleen ballinger but im different
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sleevebuscemii · 5 months
friend got arrested after cops raided the encampment at one of our universities. our imam got pepper sprayed. abolish the fucking police. university chancellors kill yourselves. zionists eat shit and die.
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explode-this · 17 days
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againstthegrainphoto · 4 months
They literally won that with 10 sog.😑
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
if someone ever tells you to get into compsci dont listen thats the devil whispering in your ear
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teratomat · 2 years
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cooheart Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby And I'm a monster on the hill ! จงหยุดอยู่ตรงนั้น เจ้าพรหมลิขิตของฉัน ส่งรักเธอให้ฉันมา 💕
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allofuswantgwinam · 6 months
so Trevor Noah is now turning his comments off and im so pissed. Who tf is this dude 😭😭 omfg, I can’t even explain the rage and disappointment
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sidewalk-scrawls · 7 months
My landlord sent out the lease extension for my apt which basically says,":(((( i have to up the rent :((( i don't want to but my property taxes have gone up :((( because you voted for levies :((( to increase school funding :((( i just want to be a leech on society pay my property taxes tenant :(((" landlords should kill themselves lmao
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thegeminisage · 7 months
neighbor's dog who got shot is gonna make a full recovery BUT the guy who shot him is getting off scot-free despite the fact that he's a felon and isn't supposed to have a gun. cops are fucking useless lmao
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saigeofseasons · 1 year
just overheard my colleague say his parents record episodes of Modern Family on foxtel purely so they can fast forward through all the parts that have the gay couple in them im trying so hard not to scream
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umflowers · 1 year
scott dixon just won a race by like 22 seconds over p2 but in an exciting, captivating way. thank you indycar, you make it possible to deal with watching f1.
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disgruntledseagull · 1 year
What is your Hogwarts house?
you have gotta be fucking kidding me
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
I personally suffer from a combination of unfair but should've seen it coming syndrome (TROS) and wow I feel bad for you but you should've seen that coming (other fandoms I shan't name) and so I feel kind of like, um, trepidatious, let's say, about my own personal speculation. I think also if you study a text hard enough and you understand it tonally, short of countertextual twists and/or incoherent storytelling, you can eventually come to the conclusion of the story because stories need to be coherent.
There's plenty of stuff I've avoided investing in (and been right about) that gives me the tummy twist. I'm not saying people failing to do that are wrong in any way. Surprises and twists are the point and rewarding people for paying attention is just the icing on top. I'm just saying that I generally prefer trying to read something really close and equally I realise how fraught that can be, and that feeling of regret is not pleasant.
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