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veeranger · 1 year ago
Today's Stream - UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH II Sys:Celes
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David @d-manaceattorney loves UNI and Exe:Late[st] was actually one of the first FGs I ever pressed buttons in. I'm gunna finally learn how to actually play it for real today
5:30pm CT / 6:30pm ET / 3:30pm PT / 11:30pm GMT
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fganniversaries · 2 years ago
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8 years ago today, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] was originally released at arcades at JP. It was developed and published by French Bread/Ecole Software.
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unmeisenshi · 1 year ago
This song slaps, holy shit
(Fun fact! The main melody at 0:43 and 2:00 is actually a reworked melody from the trailer for the prototype of the first version of the game, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late. That trailer dropped Feb. 08, 2011, and went MIA from all three versions of Under Night (Exe:Late, Exe:Late[st], and Exe:Late[cl-r]).)
(This character is actually the final boss and main antagonist of UNI2, and his theme... Sounds almost nothing like a theme for a final boss. Some folks agree that this track sounds almost more like a fanfare or a celebration, and may be the composer, Raito, giving thanks to the fans that played since the initial release in 2012 by reprising the first Under Night song fans heard!)
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mjm5655 · 2 years ago
when you get this, post theme songs for your muse! then tag 5 or more people!
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standard theme: fierce dark knight ; under night in-birth exe:late[st] ost
battle theme: - battle - humans, demons & ... ; shin megami tensei v ost
emotion theme: drift ; guilty gear strive ost
boss battle theme: receive you ; various rgg ost - it's his own boss battle theme xd
tagged by: @lylavanek tagging: @chosenbythecrystal, @hcsuffered, @stingslikeabee, @shininginyourlight ( nishiki ! ), @domina-noctisim, @eclipsecrowned ( nishitani ! ), @tsckcyomi ( yotsuyu ! ), @charmingbrute, @majidog, @seethingveins, @seeasunset, @mencnfire, @oddlies ( ichiban ! ), & you want it, you can steal it off me.
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edgleygames2024 · 1 year ago
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] (PS Vita) - Gameplay with Mika Returna...
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nocoastnokings · 2 years ago
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] | Opening Movie
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reblogbestanimugirl · 5 years ago
Reblog if Phonon is best girl.
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kamenridergaysex · 6 years ago
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carhyde · 6 years ago
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fallenparty · 6 years ago
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Under Birth In-Night  EXE:Late[st]
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prod1gious · 6 years ago
Linne players are something special (Yes I know its a meme)
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lovefilleddrabbles · 7 years ago
Dating Hyde Kido !
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* Under Night In-Birth is a very underrated series. With its inclusion in Blazblue: Cross Tag Battle, it has gained some popularity. The story is beautiful, the characters are all unique and amazing in their own way. I do recommend it! Plus all the guys are pretty cute ;;;))). I’m also going to try and keep this spoiler free! Everything placed in italics and is bold (character dialogue excluded) are small spoilers, please remember that!
  * Before his incident, You and Hyde would always study together after class. Being the smarter one out of the two, the blonde would always run to you for help. You wondered how and why he was in the same class as you, but it was nice having someone hot as fuck cute as shit funny like him around.
* He introduced you to Yuzuriha. She’s very.. affectionate, almost like an obsessed aunt. “It’s you! Hyde as been telling me all about you, (Y/N)! He can’t stop talking about how-” Hyde immediately cuts her off with a loud grunt. Yuzuhira constantly embarrasses him, almost like Yuzu is his mom and she constantly bombards you with baby pictures. Secretly, she wishes for his baby album so she can see it and show you.
* He’s basically a lovable idiot. Even if Hyde does something dumb, you can’t help but smile. He sometimes does these things on purpose in the hope of you looking his way and smiling.
* After his incident, he becomes serious and very overprotective. He tries to be since the whole In-Birth situation is serious by itself, but he can’t really help it. Being goofy is his personality, and he can’t really change that. Plus, Hyde notices how happy you get when he’s the way he is.
* Hyde doesn’t want you to get hurt, so he insists on you staying at his home; however, he brought you along once. It was the time he encountered Hilda. The way she looked and talked made you nervous. She had an evil aura that surrounded her. You wanted to glare but all you could do was hide behind Hyde and Linne. She was intimidating, sinister.
* Everything was just too much to process for you. Think about it though; how does Hyde feel about this? I mean, being taken away from his normal life to fight weird creatures and stop some random bad guy organization? Trust me, he’s stressed as fuck. You’re the only thing stopping him from breaking down and ending everything. He’s only in his second year of high school, he’s still a baby. You’re always there for him, and he loves how caring and supportive you are to him.
* “(Y/N).. You being around, it makes me feel sane, y’know? Every time I have to go out and fight these things, I always think about you and it makes me feel stronger. It’s all stressful really, but I can’t let Linne do any of this alone. I’m just like that, always helping someone. I didn’t know that it would turn out like this.”
* He’s emotional during these times. You don’t mind though, you love it when he expresses his emotions. After your little talks, he wakes up the next day focused and ready. You motivate him to do his best, and to become stronger each day. He cries, and even though it breaks your heart, you’re still proud of him for telling you all of this instead of hiding it.
* Keep in mind that he is in his second year of high school, so he is still very childish and can be very dramatic sometimes. He’s still kind of going through changes, and with those changes and his job of fighting little demon shits, he gets moody and sometimes lashes out in anger. He never asked to leave his friends and old life, however he does know that it is his fault for agreeing to do all of this. He placed this stress upon himself, and he regrets putting even more on him by yelling at his s/o. He has the thought of you leaving him cross his mind on various occasions. In all, he’s edgy, scared, and just needs a hug and a kiss. You, being the loving girlfriend, immediately shower him in all of the love he needs.
* Waldstein and Linne always confronts him on such actions, making him blush and attempt to change the subject. You laugh. You don’t mind if they see you shower your lover in kisses, however it seems like Hyde does. He’s not embarrassed of you, he’s just embarrassed because of the things you do. You’re goofy, so locking lips in front of the giant man and the small girl is nothing surprising. However, the first time..
* You all were sitting in the living room. Waldstein and Linne were both distracted by something, so you took the opportunity to steal a kiss from Hyde. That was when the duo turned and saw you two. Linne tried not to show it, but she couldn’t help but turn the other way and blush at the sight. Waldstein only chuckled.
* “T-That doesn’t seem appropriate, may you please do that in another location?” Linne begged. “Ahaha! Linne, this is the magic of love! You see, one simple action and the boy is weak in the knees! You know the girl’s love for him is strong when you see him like that! He’s quiet!” Waldstein cackled at the sight.
* His relationship with Seth is rather odd. Hyde explains that he never realized that he had a rivalry with him, which is concerning since everyone and their mother knows why Seth would have a problem with Hyde. He’s very dense, so obviously Hyde would never see it at first, but it’s very clear why they don’t share positive feelings towards each other.
* Once Yuzuriha and Hyde meet again, his change in emotions shows a lot. He’s a lot more positive, mainly because he got that situation off of his chest. 
* In all, Hyde is an edgy teenager with r a g i n g hormones who is stressed and basically needs reassurance. Thank you for listening to my TedTalk.
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operationrainfall · 7 years ago
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] is Out Today on Steam!
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] is Out Today on Steam!
Today Arc System Works has released the latest entry in the Under Night franchise, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] on Steam! This entry features the same stylish 2D combat series fans have grown to love.
Here is a list of features:
FANTASY LIGHT NOVEL STORY TELLING The mystery of the Hollow Night is unfolding before you. At the center lies the Abyss, an unimaginable and uncontrolled phenomenon…
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tmma1869 · 7 years ago
Sure it took a while but Blue Desire from BlazBlue Chronophantasma Extend finally has a full version. How come End of Dawn from the arcade opening of Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] has yet to get a full version while Unknown Actor from the console opening already has a full version?
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satoshi-mochida · 7 years ago
Under Night In-Birth Exe: Late [st] releases today for the PS4, PS3 and Vita.
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dailyfgsupers · 2 years ago
Enkidu's Demon Seal: Abyssal Force
(Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st], 2015)
Submitted by @Infinity_Gram
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