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stiltonbasket · 28 days ago
due to Cultivation Hijinks, lqr gets turned into a cat? He's a very regal cat with a lot of fluffy white fur. And yes, xiao-yu and the other wangxian baos are cuddling the hell out of their kitty-shugong.
Wei Wuxian, bouncing out of bed to feed the Jingshi kittens to find an enormous white cat in their basket: Um, Lan Zhan.
Lan Wangji: Yes?
Wei Wuxian: You know how we keep acquiring babies?
Lan Wangji, wondering if Wei Ying found a baby on the porch: ....Yes?
Wei Wuxian: The kittens seem to have done the reverse and acquired a mother. Somehow.
Lan Qiren:
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sakurajjam · 1 year ago
E aí gente! Poderiam me ajudar com algumas sugestões de fcs chineses masc que seja +26? Tentando entrar pra esse novo leque de fora da bolha. Iria ajudar muito
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Olá, docinho de cereja! Estou fazendo um compilado de todos os garotos que nós já divulgamos por aqui, espero que te ajude.
dai jing yao (1993)
hu yi tian (1993)
ni han jin (1994)
liu hai kuan (1994)
xu kai (1995)
zhang xin cheng (1995)
ding yu xi (1995)
wang zi yi (1996)
dai gao zheng (1996)
luo yunxi, ator (1988)
zhu yilong, ator (1988)
jing boran, ator (1989)
wei zheming, ator (1990)
yang yang, ator (1991)
yu bin, ator (1991)
xiao zhan, ator (1991)
deng lun, ator (1992)
gong jun, ator (1992)
wu jiacheng, x-nine (1993)
liu haikuan, ator (1994)
ding yuxi, ator (1995)
lin yanjun, nine percent (1995)
ren hao, ator e r1se (1995)
wang haoxuan, ator (1995)
xu kai, ator (1995)
zhu zanjin, ator (1995)
chen bohao, ator (1996)
qian kun, nct (1996)
wang zhuocheng, ator (1996)
wen junhui ou jun, seventeen (1996)
yan an, pentagon (1996)
zhu zhengting, nex7 e nine percent (1996)
bi wenjun, nex7 (1997)
dong sicheng ou winwin, nct (1997)
huang xinchun, nex7 (1997)
wang yibo, ator e uniq (1997)
wang ziyi, solo e nine percent (1997)
xu minghao ou the8, seventeen (1997)
cai xukun, solo e nine percent (1998)
dylan wang, ator (1998)
song jiyang, ator (1998)
yao chen, r1se (1998)
zhang yanqi, r1se (1998)
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lvcdrms · 1 year ago
➹ + xiao zhan
➹ for a character created on the spot
talvez. só talvez. eu não consiga decidir entre dois possíveis ocs, então vamos lá.
li yu
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26 anos, príncipe mercenário.
faz muito tempo que eu quero um oc baseado no ji chong de the wolf, porque o xiao zhan estava um deleite no papel e ele foi a melhor parte do drama... enfim! falamos de um rogue, o que muitas pessoas pensam quando falamos de mercenário ou caçador de recompensas. alguém disposto a cometer uns crimes em troca de uma quantidade suficientemente agradável de dinheiro, afinal tem que usar suas exímias habilidades com armas e a sua lábia para alguma coisa. aos olhos da maioria das pessoas, li yu é alguém inescrupuloso e hedonista, que só serve a seus próprios interesses, e sua única moral é o que for mais interessante para si mesmo. e isso é... parcialmente verdade. a verdade é que ele tem, sim, uma ética e uma moral muito bem-delimitadas, mas a única pessoa que as dita é a própria cabeça dele. agora, se alguém sente que ele não tem respeito algum pelas autoridades, é porque ele não tem mesmo, e não se envergonha do fato. e se sentem que ele é boêmio, hedonista, self-indulgent, que acha que as alegrias da vida estão em coisas mundanas como uma saborosa taça de vinho e uma bela pessoa (de qualquer gênero) em seu colo... é porque isso tudo é 100% verdade. sim, ele gosta dos prazeres da vida e odeia tédio. sue him.
agora, o que poucas pessoas sabem é que ele nasceu em berço de ouro, um dos príncipes do reino vizinho. pena que o pai sempre foi um canalha inescrupuloso. a verdade é que li yu tinha princípios demais para o homem, e isso sempre foi fonte de conflitos entre ambos. esses conflitos, entre outras coisas, muitas vistas como traições e desacato à autoridade de um homem já paranoico, culminaram com a retirada do título de li yu. destituído de seus títulos reais e militares, ele fugiu para as terras mais próximas e teve de recomeçar de algum lugar... e trapaça e sacanagem davam mais dinheiro que qualquer trabalho honesto que conseguisse. e, ei, ele só trapaceia com nobres e ricos, nosso robin hood! eles que se entendam entre eles. enquanto isso, li yu volta à fronteira dos países regularmente para tentar ajudar um vilarejo a se reconstruir. um vilarejo que, ele sabe, foi impactado por suas próprias ações, ainda que ele estivesse só cumprindo ordens. a culpa disso ele vai guardar pra sempre.
yuwen qingxuan
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29 anos, imperador
the gilded cage! heavy is the head that wears the crown! onnomnomnom nessa casa amamos clichês. e esse é o famoso clichê do personagem para quem o poder é um fardo, uma condenação. qingxuan não nasceu com ambição no coração, mas nunca teve muita escolha. ser declarado herdeiro do trono era a consequência natural de ser o único menino que seu pai conseguira gerar... mesmo que sua mãe estivesse longe de ser a imperatriz. e mesmo que a imperatriz e outras concubinas de mais alto escalão (até o nascimento de qingxuan, claro) jurassem que ele fora escolhido, que o imperador desistiu tão facilmente, por conta da predileção por sua mãe. as origens menos que humildes da mulher, antes uma cortesã, não ajudavam.
desde seus primeiros passos, qingxuan foi treinado para seguir os caminhos de um imperador. todas as suas aulas eram pensadas para torná-lo o melhor político possível. o melhor guerreiro também, embora a saúde física de qingxuan não fosse lá das melhores, e ele foi logo ensinado que isso era algo que teria de manter sempre em mente para que não fosse usado contra si. ao mesmo tempo, a mãe encargou-se de arranjar um tutor que ensinasse ao filho a arte da a politicagem de um jeito que os tutores formais da corte dificilmente fariam, fosse porque ser franco seria considerado demasiado vulgar, fosse porque seu pai, apesar de tudo, e apesar da adoração pelo menino, jamais confiaria nele tanto assim. queria lhe passar o trono, mas não tão cedo. não queria morrer por outra coisa que causas naturais, veja bem.
qingxuan nunca teve a chance de saber o que queria, pois a escolha nunca foi lhe dada. a autonomia nunca foi lhe dada. desde cedo, também aprendeu outra coisa: que teria de pertencer a todos, menos a si próprio. pertencia ao reino e seus interesses políticos, pertencia ao povo. mas não reclamaria muito dessa parte. seu lado idealista ainda sonhava em, um dia, se devesse herdar o trono, ser o melhor imperador possível. alguém que pudesse trazer melhorias reais à vida das pessoas. e, hoje, faz o que pode, tentando ter a humildade de se encontrar com os súditos em pessoa quando possível e ouvir suas demandas. também investe significativamente na arte e nas ciências, e, desde que assumiu o trono, poderia se gabar que o estado tem florescido sob sua administração, se consolidado como um hub cultural na região. a verdade é que sempre achou algum prazer na pilha de livros que era obrigado a ler. e a verdade é que qingxuan mesmo é um poeta, com uma série de versos escritos desde a adolescência... mas estes ele não assina com seu nome, é claro. apenas circulam por aí sob um pseudônimo.
ainda assim, o fardo da coroa é pesado e não o deixa dormir direito à noite. quanto mais considerando as múltiplas tentativas de assassinato que sofreu durante a noite. ainda tenta domar a corte caótica que tem, mas não é pulso firme, ou quiçá tirano, o suficiente para isso, então lhe resta ter jogo de cintura. calcula todos os movimentos que pode quase que obsessivamente. e talvez com o tempo ele tenha, sim, passado a se perguntar como seria ter coisas como liberdade e autonomia. talvez escreva também por isso. mas são apenas sonhos. qingxuan também fez as pazes com seu harém, ou ao menos acha. já viu o suficiente para começar a pensar que, francamente, se nenhuma das mulheres tentar matar a ele ou matar umas às outras, está tudo bom demais. até agora, tudo parece estar sob controle, a não ser que algo tenha sido escondido dele. ao mesmo tempo, ainda precisa encontrar uma imperatriz, e sabe disso, pois todos insistem em lembrá-lo incessantemente.
e acho que ele funcionaria bem com um plot de casamento arranjado (tava pensando nesse gifset quando comecei a escrever), mas também de amor proibido!
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pesquisakowloon · 2 years ago
mods, vcs ou alguém da tag poderia recomendar mwm e mwf chineses e/ou taiwaneses?
vou responder com alguns que eu conheço, mas deixo em aberto pra quem quiser comentar mais opções.
além dos nomes que eu citar, vou deixar linkado aqui a tag de um tumblr que vive postando resources de fcs e afins e pode ser que algum te dê uma ideia: chineses e taiwaneses.
mwm: wu yuheng (1996), luo yunxi (1988), wang yibo (1997), xiao zhan (1991), dylan wang (1998), xu minghao (1997), zuan - ozone (1999), zixiang - ozone (1999), cai xukun (1998), lin yanjun (1995), zhu zhengting (1996), wang ziyi (1996), xiao gui (1999), fan chengcheng (2000), justin huang (2002), li quanzhe (2001), lu han (1990), zhang yixing (1991), jackson wang (1994), mark tuan (1993), liu haoran (1997), wang ziqi (1996), hou minghao (1997)
mwf: nana ouyang (2000), tzuyu (1999), xu jiaqi (1995), xong xueer (1996), dai meng (1993), ju jingyi (1994), lu keran (1995), fei qinyuan (2001), wang yi - snh48 (2001), zhou shiyu (1998), zheng danni (2001), xie yurong - pink fun (1999), quan xinping - pink fun (2000), chiayi/phoebe - pink fun (2001), cindy - hur (1995), erin - hur (1999), hanna - per6ix (1998), jessie - per6ix (1998), mila - per6ix (2001), zhao lusi (1998), yu shuxin (1995), cheng xiao (1998), bai lu (1994)
os que eu coloquei o grupo do lado é porque seria difícil achar pesquisando apenas o nome, mas o resto eu chequei e vocês acham tranquilamente. inclusive peço perdão por ter mais diversidade nas meninas que nos homens, sou ruim com os garotinhos.
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killerandhealerqueen · 2 years ago
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Literally anything from when I wrote for the Devil Judge. Pretty much all of my fics in that fandom blew up, especially the first fic I had ever written Wait, We're Married?!. It has so many hits and kudos, it's almost a little ridiculous
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
Um...I wouldn't say any of my fics were hard on me, but there were a few fics that I wrote where I'm like...damn that's dark. I think the fic that answers this question is You're Safe Now. The prompt for it originally was dark anyways, but then I had to take it to like...the next level and I'm just like...mm. That's a little dark even for you.
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
Tattoo on My Arm and In My Heart - this fic was so self indulgent but I love it. The idea for it literally came from watching a BTS video of Chen Yucheng and Quan Pei Lun and I noticed that Chen Yucheng had a tattoo on his forearm. It was like my first tattoo artist fic but I loved it and I had fun writing it
Stolen Hearts - another Junchun fic and I'm kind of sad this one doesn't have more kudos because it's like Prince!Zhan Junbai x Thief!Yu Tangchun! What's not to love? But I'm happy with how it turned out and I really enjoyed the ending of it
(But I'm also not surprised that these have not as many kudos; I think I'm one of the few rare people who write Junchun fics and Junchun fics never get as many kudos as Yuezhi fics. But that's okay. I still love writing them and will keep writing them)
let's get ((REAL)) fic writer asks | send me asks
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mattos19 · 2 years ago
Wei Wuxian estava se sentindo triste naquela manhã, seu braço e costas doíam e o garoto apenas queria ficar em sua cama, no entanto assim que entrou pelos portões brancos da escola cheia de alunos abriu o melhor sorriso que pode e tentou fingir que estava bem, como em todos os outros dias.
Lan WanJi caminhava pelos corredores observando se algum aluno faria alguma infração naquele dia, ser um dos monitores da escola e ainda responsável pela detenção não era uns dos cargos mais amados, mas o Lan se esforçava para fazer o correto, mesmo que sempre receba olhares feios dos outros estudantes. Depois que o sinal tocou, estava fazendo sua última vistoria de sempre quando encontrou Wei Wuxian sentado em um canto dos corredores já vazios, seus olhos fechados enquanto seus dedos batiam em sua perna no que seria o ritmo da música que escutava em seus fones de ouvido.
"Vá para a aula!" Ordenou Lan Wanli ao parar na frente dele e tirar um dos fones.
"Lan Zhannnnnnn" Reclamou Wei Wuxian olhando para cima. "Não seja tão cruel, me deixe aqui somente mais um pouquinho" Sua expressão parecia de um cachorro desolado, fazendo o coração de Lan Wanji saltar uma batida.
"Va para a aula Wei Wing" Insistiu o encarando até o garoto de olhos prateados suspirar e se levantar, no entanto Lan WanJi percebeu que sua postura estava diferente, os movimentos mais cuidadosos e travados que o normal. Percebendo seu olhar, Wei Wuxian deu uma risada forçada e apressou-se para a sala.
Naquele mesmo dia voltaria a ver o garoto de olhos prateados, mas não da forma que gostaria, sua coluna estava curvada e apoiada na parece, olhos fechados e respiração pesada, claramente sentindo dor. As aulas haviam acabado e Lan WanJi decidiu ficar a mais para pegar algo em seu armário do vestiário antes de ir embora quando ouviu a respiração pesada em um canto escondido.
"Wei Wing?" Chamou baixinho preocupado.
Assustado, Wei Wuxian o encarou endireitando a coluna e colocando um sorriso forçado no rosto.
Novamente. Lan WanJi não gostava disso.
"Lan Zhan! Que surpresa, o que faz aqui a esta hora?" Perguntou com suas mãos expondo sua ansiedade.
"Wei Wing, tem certeza que está bem? Lan WanJi estava angustiado, não gostando da situação, mesmo assim deixou que ele escapasse quando este insistiu que estava bem e foi embora do vestiário.
Esta situação se repetiu nas últimas quatro semanas, como se fosse o destino insistindo que sempre fosse Lan Wandi quem encontrasse Wei Wuxian sem sorrisos e com dor.
Cansado de o ver sofrendo dele, foi até sua casa, sendo recepcionado por uma mulher de meia idade de cara feia, que foi grossa quando perguntou sobre Wei Wing.
"Aquele bastardo está de castigo, por isto vá embora." Expulsou, batendo a porta em sua cara.
Wei Wuxian estava com dor, muita dor. Chegou na escola mais cedo para que pudesse fugir de Madame Yu e se esconder embaixo da arquibancada do campos para não precisar fingir que estava tudo bem e sem perceber acabou dormindo, quando acordou notou que estava deitado, sua cabeça encostada em algo macio, abriu os olhos para ver o que era, levantando de susto ao perceber que estava deitado nas pernas de Lan Wanji
"Lan Zhan, desculpa mesmo, não queria atrapalhar." ria nervosamente, ignorando o quanto seu coração batia forte no peito e seu rosto ficava vermelho. "É melhor irmos para a aula, senão vamos ficar com falta."
O Lan, ao contrário do que Wei Wuxian esperava, não o deixou levantar totalmente, o fazendo deitar novamente em suas pemas.
"Já perdemos metade das aulas Wei Ying" disse gentilmente como se não fosse o respeitado aluno exemplo do Cloud Recess que estivesse perdendo aula para ficar escondido embaixo da arquibancada com ele.
"Como assim perdemos metade das aulas? Que horas são?" Preocupado pegou o celular do bolso da calça e realmente era verdade. Como poderia ter dormido tanto!? "Temos que ir para a aula Lan Zhan." Disse para ser impedido de novo.
"Não, Wei Wing tem que descansar" Sua voz era firme deixando claro que não iria ceder, ainda cansado suspirou alto e se deixou ficar acomodado, sem perceber dormindo novamente, no entanto, diferente da primeira vez acordou na enfermaria, sem a camisa e com o torço enfaixado. Assustado olhou para todos os lados, se acalmando involuntariamente quando viu Lan Zhan sentado ao lado de sua marca.
"Por que estamos aquí?" Perguntou sem querer se levantar desta vez.
"Por que você ficou com febre e quando estava tentando acordá-lo começou a reclamar de dor nos braços e costas" Lan Zhan parecia incomodado enquanto relatava o que aconteceu, seus alhos indo entre Wel Wing e a janela ao lado. Ful ver como estavam e o trouxe direto para ca Sua voz foi sumindo enquanto seus olhos estavam distantes "Quem fez isto com você Wel Wing?
"Ninguém". Mentiu desviando do olhar dourado, de repente querendo fugir dali.
"Claro que foi alguém, você pode dizer a mim quem foi, quero ajudar você Wei Wing." Sua voz tinha uma preocupação visível, mesmo assim Wei encarou outro canto e sussurrou:
"Não preciso de ajuda Lan Zhan, obrigada" Tão baixo que somente quem estivesse perto poderia ouvir.
Ficaram em silêncio depois disso, até que a enfermeira chegasse e Wei Wing corresse sem dar explicações. Em casa Lan Zhan perguntou ao irmão o que fazer, pois todas as vezes que tentava ajudar, Wei Wuxian fugia.
Lan Xichen também pareceu não saber muito, aconselhando para que tivesse paciência com o colega e ficasse perto dele caso este deixasse e que perguntaria ao seu tio como seguir da melhor forma possivel.
Determinado esperou encontrar Wei Wuxian no dia seguinte, mas este não apareceu, nem no dia posteriores, tentou ir na casa dele mas ninguém atendia, nem mesmo conseguiu conversar cam Jian Cheng que aparecia pouco na escola, e quando vinha estava estourado e atordoado o tempo todo. Nem mesmo seus amigos tinham noticias, todos tão preocupados quanto ele
Deprimido foi fazer sua patrulha quando viu seu tio e irmão conversando na entrada da diretora, a conversa parecia séria, tentou passar discretamente para não atrapalhar mas foi vista e chamado por eles.
O comprimentaram.
"Tio, irmão. Tem algo que possa ajudar?" Seu tio raramente vinha à escola, tendo se aposentado da diretoria a dois anos por causa da idade, o deixando curioso para saber o que seria tão urgente.
E foi desse encontrou que descobriu o que houve com Wei Wing, em como ele morava com a familia de amigos do pai dele, mas que por rancores antigos a esposa, Madame Yu, maltrata Wei Wuxian com frequência, sem que os próprios filhos e marido da mulher soubessem. Como Lan WanJi levou o garoto a enfermaria, depois que foram embora naquele dia a enfermeira ligou para os pais de Wei Wuxian para falar dos remédios que deveria que tomar para dor, ficando surpresa pelos dois não entenderem do que a enfermeira falava e indo diretamente pegar um voo para encontrar seu filho.
Houve uma grande confusão entre as familias ate que eles tiraram Wei Wuxian da casa e denunciaram Madame Yu por maus tratos mesmo que Jian FengMian pedisse para pouparem sua esposa
Agora Wei Wuxian tinha voltado com os pais para sua cidade de origem, foi dito que ele ainda quiria continuar os estudos em Cloud Recess mas os pais não deixaram. Mesmo triste Lan Zhan teve que admitir que o melhor agora para o colega seria ficar com os pais e se cuidar.
"O tio irá vê-los no final de semana para ver como o filho da Sr. Sanren anda e pedir desculpas pessoalmente, já que ele é amigo da mãe de Wei Wuxian e se sente em parte responsável pelo ocorrido, mesmo não tendo como prever isto"
"Xichen, se eu fosse mais observador e cuidadoso com os alunos e mostrasse mais assistència a eles talvez isto não acontecesse por tanto tempo"
Seu tio estava sendo muito exigente consigo, mesmo parecendo frio sempre prezou pelo cuidado aos alunos para que tivessem um ótimo ensino e encorajamento, saber que um aluno de sua instituição sofreu tanto para ele significava uma falha em criar um ambiente acolhedor e confiável. Indo embora depois de cumprimentar os sobrinhos, começou a planejar as mudanças para a escola enquanto via a visita que faria aos Wei's.
"WanJi fique tranquilo que Wei Wuxian ficará bem." Tranquilizou Xichen antes de ir para sua aula. Cabisbaixo também foi a própria aula, torcendo para que a semana passasse logo.
Quando o sábado chegou logo cego ele e o tio estavam no avião, e no que pareceu uma eternidade para WanJi chegaram a casa dos Wei. Um homem simpático atendeu a porta e logo sua esposa chegou a sala para lhes oferecer chá, eram os pais de Wei Wing, mas ele não via o outro, nem escutava algum barulho na casa que poderia indicar que estava ali Cangse Sanren ao perceber a ansiedade do garoto foi pegar um prato com bolo e lhe deu.
"Você poderia levar isto ao meu filho? Ele é um dorminhoco e se deixar acaba perdendo o cafe da manhã." Seu sorriso era tão radiante quando o de Wei Wing, não conseguindo recusar a oferta.
Balançando a cabeça pegou o prato e seguiu as instruções para chegar ao quarto dele. Quando bateu a porta percebeu que estava aberta e com como não escutou nada entrou no quarto, onde viu seu Wei Wing deitado sobre as cobertas, encolhido e...
"Wei Wing..."
Lan WanJi deixou o prato na estante próxima a porta e foi direto para seu Wei Wing, abraçando ele sem pensar enquanto este surpreso para de chorar e tenta se afastar sem sucesso.
"Lan Zhan?" O reconhecendo deixou que seus braços o envolvessem. "E você mesmo?"
"Sim, sou eu." Confirmou apertando ainda mais o garoto.
"Você deve achar que sou um idiota chorando escondido aqui" Sua risada era fraca enquanto tentava de limpar o rosto molhado com uma das mãos.
"Não, não acho" o abraçou mais foi, se isso fosse possivel "Wei Wing pode chorar a vontade"
Wei Wuxian queria argumentar contra, mas viu que Lan WanJi não aceitaria suas tentativas de fingir que estava tudo bem, assim se deixou sentir e chorar Wei Wuxian estava cansado, não queria preocupar os pais por isto sempre tentava se mostrar bem e sorridente, mesmo quando o corpo dola e as feridas ardiam e cocavam.
Lan Wanji ficou com ele por um bom tempo, não somente para o consolar mas conversarem, se atualizarem do tempo que estavam longe e assim pouco a pouco Wei Wing foi abrindo um sorriso timido, sem tanta dor em seus olhos. Quando Lan Zhan teve ir embora os pais de We Wuxian em segredo perguntaram se ele podería os visitar amanhã também, já que fazia tempo que seu menino não ficava animado e disposto, com a autorização de seu tio ele foi e assim sempre que podia visitava Wei Wuxian conversavam todos os dias por mensagem e vídeo e Lan WanJi sempre ficava feliz ao ver como Wei Wing parecia cada vez melhor e que a terapia que começou o vazia bem também,. No começo foi dificil de convencer o garoto a ir, mas depois de muita insistência conseguiu o convencer e fazê-lo continuar.
Lan WanJi soube que Wei Wuxian conseguiu ser aprovado em uma bolsa de estudos de música em um conservatório de Yilling e fez questão de ir visitá-lo para comemorarem juntos. Naquele dia saíram para ver um filme e quando voltaram tiveram seu primeiro beijo, ambos tão sorridentes e felizes que até os pais de Wei Wing notaram a áurea apaixonada mais que o normal dos dois e provocaram o casal até ficarem tão vermelhos como tomate e Lan Zhan finalmente para de enrolar o filho deles e o pedir em namoro.
Tiveram vários encontros de idas e vindas até irem morar juntos, muitos diziam que tinha demorado mas ambos achavam que tudo estava acontecendo em seu tempo.
Felizes juntos planejavam o casamento e quem sabe futuramente a adoção de um pequeno para completar a familia.
Espero que tenha gostado da leitura❤️
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ao3feed-xicheng · 2 months ago
by TiaThalita Wei Wuxian achou que era um bom irmão e que o protegia de tudo, mas estava enganado. Quando toma conhecimento dos horrores que seu irmão Jiang Cheng sofre na mãos dos pais, ele decide que é hora de corrigir esse engano. Mas o mundo de ambos desaba quando são pegos e as linhas entre o certo e errado se borram, e não mais é fácil distinguir quem tem razão ou não. Words: 4197, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Português brasileiro Series: Part 6 of Minhas fics UA de Jiang Cheng Fandoms: 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV), 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Wen Xu (Modao Zushi), Nie Mingjue, Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Lan Huan | Lan Xichen, Meng Yao | Jin Guangyao, Jiang Fengmian, Yu Ziyuan, Xue Yang | Xue Chengmei, Nie Huaisang, Jiang Yanli Relationships: Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji/Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Lan Huan | Lan Xichen/Meng Yao | Jin Guangyao, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin/Lan Huan | Lan Xichen, Nie Mingjue/Wen Xu, Jiang Fengmian/Yu Ziyuan, Jiang Fengmian/Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin/Jiang Fengmian Additional Tags: Past Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin/Lan Huan | Lan Xichen, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Child Abuse, Murder, Parricide, Manipulation, Bad Parent Jiang Fengmian, Bad Parent Yu Ziyuan, Parent/Child Incest, Protective Siblings, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin Needs a Hug, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian Needs a Hug via https://ift.tt/pWI6fOX
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promochinaterror · 11 months ago
Most Wanted Chineses
Quer pensar em um personagem chinês, natural da nossa cidade de Shiwang, mas não sabe quem?
Segura essa lista dos nossos most wanted que estará disponível também na central.
Edit: Seguem fcs que possuem a etnia chinesa, não necessariamente nascidos na China.
Guan Xiaotong
Dilraba Dilmurat
Bai Lu
Crystal Liu
Hebe Tien
Zhao Lusi
Kelly Yu
Ni Ni
Gillian Chung
Xu Jiaqi
Wang Fei Fei
Amber Kuo
Amber Lio
Kuo Beating 
Victoria Song
Crystal Zhang
Liu Yufei
Qiao Xin
Meng Jia
Crystal Zhang
Zeng Mengxue
Zhou Jieqiong
Cheng Xiao
Xu Kai
Cai Xukun
Zhu Zhengting
Zhou Yiran
Zhai Xiaowen
Aaron Lai
Wang Hank
Chen Zheyuan
Yang Yang
Jay Chou
Yao Chi
Chen Xiao
Andy LAu
Cheng Yi
Wang Yibo
Zeng Shunxi
Liu Xueyi 
Bai Jingting
Zhang Linghe
Gong Jun
Deng Wei
Zhang Wanyi
Xiao Zhan
Jing Boran
Wei Daxun
Fan Chengcheng
Huang Minghao
Bi Wenjun
Chengxin Ding
Espero que possa ajudar vocês!
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rqs902 · 6 years ago
interviewer: what kind of stage would u like to present to your fans? 
akey: our new song
lin mo: a girl group dance, since we promised our fans
zhan yu: a stage where im wearing a wet white tshirt and dancing 
jin fan: singing while playing the piano
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mr-linmo · 6 years ago
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[190425] Zhan Yu fantaken | cr. 戀愛飛行丨展羽
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shanastoryteller · 3 years ago
Happy birthday!!! The untamed? (Also your writing is amazing thank you for sharing it)
a continuation of 1 2 3��4 5 6
Jin Zixuan is alive.
Wei Wuxian hasn't run into him, but gossiping servants haven't failed him yet. He don't know why that surprises him more than Shijie, but it does.
He can't fight well, anymore, or maybe it's just that he can't fight for long. That part hadn't been clear, but the derision from the minor clans is obvious enough that servants are gossiping about it. Then again, it's not like the Yao and Ouyang have ever been subtle. He had expected better from the Yu.
His wedding to Lan Zhan is tomorrow, the curse mark on his arm is bigger than it was when he woke up, and he still doesn't know why he's here.
Sneaking out of his window past the guards is easy. He doesn't have a destination in mind, he just wants to clear his head, and he can't do that surrounded by the obsessive gold draped over every inch of his rooms.
He really hadn't expected to find his little brother drinking underneath the gazebo.
Wei Wuxian runs his eyes over Jiang Cheng eagerly. His face hasn't changed much, but his presence has. He seems more centered, like a lotus with it's roots buried in the earth rather than cast upon the current.
Or course, he doesn't look like much sitting on the ground, his robes dirty and rumbled and a wine bottle held in a white knuckled grip, but Wei Wuxian has seen him in worse shape.
"What are you looking at?" Jiang Cheng snaps. He's been drinking for long enough that his cheeks are red with it.
Wei Wuxian considers and discards several appropriate responses before holding out his hand and saying, "It's rude not to share."
Jiang Cheng's eyes narrow, but then he snorts and holds out the bottle. Wei Wuxian grabs it eagerly, tipping the bottle to swallow three large mouthfuls and rubbing his sleeve over his chin to catch what had managed to escape.
He holds the bottle back out to him, but Jiang Cheng stares at him and doesn't take it. "What?"
"Nothing," he says, taking the bottle back.
Wei Wuxian sits down across from him, sprawling in a way that he probably shouldn't now that he's a girl but it's not like anything about this interaction is proper to begin with. "I know why I'm drinking, but why are you?"
"Same reason, probably," he snorts. Wei Wuxian only has a moment to panic over Jiang Cheng and Mo Xuanyu's star crossed romance before he continues, "I can't believe he's getting married."
"Lan Z-Wangji?" he asks, hoping his brother doesn't notice his slip up.
"The way he carried on after, and he won't even fucking speak to me, but now he's going to bow to you?" His sneer melts into a frown. "No offense."
"None taken," he says faintly. "Um, so you - you and Lan Wangji were-"
"No!" Jiang Cheng's disgust shouldn't be comforting. It wouldn't even matter, really. He can't stay in this body forever, so his arranged marriage to Lan Zhan is going to be short. He'll be free to marry whoever he likes once his wife is dead.
It's too bad Mo Xuanyu hadn't known Lan Zhan. He would have helped her, if he could, and maybe she wouldn't have felt desperate enough to summon him into her body.
Wei Wuxian clears his throat. "Okay."
"It's a long story," Jiang Cheng mutters, hugging his legs and resting his chin on his knee like he used to when they were kids.
Wei Wuxian wants to lean against his side and mess with his hair and promise to fix whatever is upsetting him. But he's not Wei Wuxian, he's Mo Xuanyu, and Jiang Cheng wouldn't accept that from him even if he knew who he was. There aren't any cliffs around her, but the Jin's stupidly long stairs would probably work well enough with how weak this body is.
Something of his dark thoughts must show on his face, because Jiang Cheng says, "You don't have to - he won't hurt you, or anything. He's not like that."
"There's more than one way to be hurt," he says, because he's pretty sure marrying Lan Zhan is going kill him one way or another.
Jiang Cheng raises the bottle in a toast, takes a sip, then passes it over to him.
If he was getting married as himself, this is how he'd want to spend the night before the wedding, with his brother and wine and a beautiful, crisp clear night.
He takes a long swallow and pretends just for one moment that this is real.
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silverflame2724 · 3 years ago
Accidental Martial God WWX
That was exacty what I meant actually but I do have a few more povs if you want.
LQRs reaction to a demonic cultivator ascending, JGS and JGY reaction to the Yin Tiger Tally moving completely out of reach, WQ pondering the true requirements for ascension given WWX doesn't have a golden core yet ascended, WWX musing on Godhood and on his new followers both the good and the more disturbing worshipers.
Maybe LWJ protects the Wen Remnants because WWX asked him to in a dream and after he succeeds (13 years later) he ascends and is finally reunited with WWX.
Lan Qiren did not know what to think. Wei Wuxian, his most troublesome student, a demonic cultivator, had ascended. He’d ascended. How was that even possible? Were the Heavens blind? Why would they allow someone like Wei Wuxian to ascend?
From what Lan Qiren had thought, only those who are righteous and followed the correct path in life like the Lan clan’s founder, Lan An, would be worthy of ascending.
Either the qualifications for ascension were lower than he thought or Lan Qiren had been horribly mistaken about Wei Wuxian’s personality and motivations for using demonic cultivation. That last thought made Lan Qiren feel very uncomfortable.
He’d always been harsh on the boy and disregarded him, even - he ashamedly admitted - punishing him harsher and more frequently than others.
He’d thought he was in the right because of how Wei Wuxian was but…..
But if he was wrong then Lan Qiren owed him an apology.
Jin Guangshan wanted to scream out in frustration seeing Wei Wuxian ascend. That brat had the Stygian Tiger Seal on him - according to his spies - and now that he ascended, the Seal went with him.
He had had so many plans on bribing Wei Wuxian to his side or killing him when he refused - as well as stealing the Seal - and then taking over the cultivation world, lording over it as he was always meant to be.
Now those plans are ruined. He sighed. Hopefully that bastard son of his can finally prove his usefulness and give him countermeasures or he might retract his favor from him.
Jin Guangyao’s first thought upon seeing Wei Wuxian ascend was: Oh shit. I have to go make up new plans to help Father.
He knew his father wanted Wei Wuxian and the Seal and didn’t really care how he obtained both or either, just as long as no one traced it back to him. He sighed. This was going to be a big headache. But at least the plans on putting his father as Chief Cultivator were going smoothly. He could only imagine what his father would do to him if even this failed.
Wen Qing had still been in Yiling, making plans to relocate her family, when the news that Wei Wuxian had ascended had reached her.
Her first reaction was, That’s impossible.
Because it was, right? Wen Qing should know. She cut out his core, after all. But to think he was still able to ascend while he was a demonic cultivator made her wonder what the requirements were for ascending. Perhaps it’s an honest heart? Self-sacrificing tendencies? Or is it a sacrifice of some sorts? She paused. What if.....it was a trial? To test a person’s will? What Wei Wuxian had suffered was.....horrible. Could it have all been just a test from the Heavens?
If that was so, the Heavens really are cru--- 
“A’ Jie, we have to go! Some Jin were spotted nearby!”
Wen Qing gritted her teeth. Members of the branch families of Qishan, regardless of whether they were innocent or not, were captured and subsequently tortured to death by the Jin and sometimes the Nie. Because her family was all in Yiling, they were safe.......but only for now. They had to hurry and escape.
Wen Qing sent a quick prayer to Wei Wuxian, hoping for her family’s safety, and tucked the rest of her belongings in her qiankun pouch, remembering to wrap her arms in bandages to hide the needles she might need to paralyze any Jin that came close.
Wei Wuxian’s first thought when he landed in the Heavens was, What the fuck.
Then he looked around and looked taken aback and wary at the unfamiliar faces around him. Where the fuck am I?
“Hello.” A rather stoic-faced man greeted.
“Hello.” Wei Wuxian parroted back. The person in front of him didn’t seem to be a threat so he felt a little tension loosen from his shoulders. “Um, Xiansheng? I’m afraid I don’t know where I am?”
“You have just ascended.” The man replied, throwing Wei Wuxian aback.
“Are you pulling my leg?” Wei Wuxian asked. “How is that even possible! I don’t even have---” He swallowed. I don’t even have a core.
“I do not lie. Come, we are wasting time. We must get you washed up and dressed for the induction ceremony.” Seeing Wei Wuxian still frozen, the man sighed, signalled for some people to pick Wei Wuxian up and dragged the struggling man to some quarters.
After absentmindedly washing, drying and changing himself, Wei Wuxian noticed some differences in his body. He wasn’t....cold or hurting anymore. And - he touched his back - he could feel his back! After having his muscles and nerves shredded by Zidian, he didn’t think he’d ever be able to sense touch on his back or even move without pain! But now he can!
He heard the urging of some people and grumbled.
“You will become a god of demonic cultivation.” Was the first thing he heard when he stepped out of the room.
Wei Wuxian choked. “Excuse me?!”
“I said what I said. Now then, if you would please concentrate, you should be able to hear the prayers of the people below.”
Wei Wuxian felt like everything was moving a little too fast for him, but nevertheless complied. Immediately after, a flood of prayers hit him at full force.
“Wei Wuxian!” That was Jiang Cheng! “….Have some fun up there.”
“A’ Xian, do be well. Shijie isn’t there to take care of you so do be well.” Wei Wuxian refused to cry.
“Wei-Xiong! I hope there’s someone up there to supply you with you know what *winks*”
How does someone even wink in their prayers? Wei Wuxian thought amusedly.
“Wei Ying.” That was Lan Zhan. “Wei Ying, I will—be well.”
Ah, Lan Zhan. Always concise even in your thoughts.
Wei Wuxian was a little teary. As much as he was glad to not be a part of the cultivation world considering all the rumors, he did regret leaving behind those that cared for him.
That thought was much more cemented upon hearing…….
“Ah, Lord Wei, the pinnacle of evil, the role model of all demonic cultivators!” Wei Wuxian’s eye twitched. “Please hear my plea for more power! I need it, I need it to destroy everyone who harmed me!”
“Wei Wuxian, I wish to gain power over resentful energy so that I may tear my enemies limb by limb!
“Give me money! You’re a god, aren’t you? Be useful for once and give me some gold!”
“Tch. If I’m going to pray for anything, then it’ll have to be the Seal. You’re a god, now, right? So you have no need for the Seal. Just give it up.”
No matter the good or bad, Wei Wuxian heard the wishes and prayers of the people down below and while some were innocent enough, there were those that wished for death, destruction, tools for torture, power, money, women…….you name it.
It made Wei Wuxian feel a little disgusted with humanity. He cut off his focus from the bad and focused on the prayer he received from his friends and family.
“Wei Wuxian, I heard you became a god.” It was Wen Qing. He hadn’t heard her voice in a long time. “I know this might seem shameless of me after all I did to you, but please. Please guarantee the safety of my family. We’re being hunted down and—”
Her prayer was abruptly cut off, before coming back in full force with notes of desperation. Her family had been captured and taken to Qiongqi Path! Wei Wuxian panicked. He didn’t know how to escape from this place and try to go help her.
The…..person who was watching over him evidently knew what he was thinking about and merely stated that gods cannot interfere with the mortal realm. So he was stuck.
But that didn’t mean he was out of options.
It took a few days, but he managed to wheedle out how to help: via dreams. He merely needed to get into the mind of one of his followers and tell them to help. Much like those prophetic dreams Wei Wuxian had read about as a kid.
So he buckled down, thinking of the best candidate to help him.
Lan Wangji looked at the landscape around him and concluded that he was dreaming. Though, it was a little odd that he was aware that he was dreaming. Not that he hasn’t realized he was dreaming before - especially in those many fantasies he had of Wei Ying - but to be aware that this is a dream and to see nothing but a flat landscape was pretty out of the ordinary. 
Anyway, he digressed. What was going on?
“Uhh, Lan Zhan? Can you hear me?”
“W-Wei Ying?!” Lan Wangji couldn’t be blamed for stuttering. He wasn’t expecting this!
“Phew. Oh good, you can hear me. Anyway, Lan Zhan, I gotta be quick about this because I’m kinda sorta bending the rules here, but do you think you can go to Qiongqi Path and rescue Wen Qing and her family?”
“Huh? Just like that? Not even going to ask me for a reason, er-gege?”
Lan Wangji’s ears flushed red at the address. “If Wei Ying wants to save them, you must have a good reason. That’s enough for me.”
“Ah, Hanguang-Jun.” The title was spoken fondly. “Always so good. I’ll tell you anyway. Wen Qing and her family sheltered Jiang Cheng and I after Lotus Pier fell and even brought back Jiang-shushu and Yu-furen’s bodies! That’s a debt I cannot repay.”
“I understand. I will help.”
He couldn’t see Wei Ying, but could practically feel the amusement from him.
“Wei Ying.”
“Are......Are you well?”
“Of course I am. I’m actually feeling so much better than before.” Wei Ying grumbled, “I’m not even in pain anymore.”
“You were in pain?” Lan Wangji asked worriedly. “Wei Ying, why didn’t you say anything.”
“Lan Zhan, there was nothing you or anyone else could do to alleviate my pain. It doesn’t matter now. I’m okay.”
Lan Wangji was still worried and wanted to speak to him more, but---
“Ah! Looks like my time’s up!” Wei Ying exclaimed cheerfully as the dreamscape wavered. “See you, Lan Zhan!”
Lan Wangji nodded. “See you, Wei Ying.” I’ll catch up to you soon.
And 13 years later, Lan Wangji kept his promise.
I didn’t edit this so I’m hoping there’s not too many grammatical errors lol. 
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stiltonbasket · 4 years ago
Prompt for renouncement verse. At some point before the Oh my god this is a real marriage moment, when Wei Wuxian realizes Lan Qiren doesn’t see him as a nuisance at best, and a dark spot on Lan Wangji’s sparking reputation at worst. (Or, if you feel so inclined, is forcibly made to realize that Lan Qiren cares about him, since it seems the key to making Wei Wuxian realize these things is through aggressive validation.)
(author’s note: please reblog, since that’s how we get prompts for future chapters!)
In all honesty, Wei Wuxian wasn’t expecting his marriage to be received very well by the Lan sect. He expected that the elders would all be against it, starting with Lan Qiren; but the elders clearly weren’t against it, because they were the ones who wanted him to marry Lan Zhan in the first place.
(He still hasn’t figured out why, of course, but that’s beside the point.)
But in much the same way, Wei Wuxian assumed that the rest of the world wouldn’t care whom he married. He doesn’t have any special privileges or rights as the Chief Cultivator’s spouse, and the title Zewu-jun bestowed upon him is only a formality; all he does in the Cloud Recesses is mind his own business, so why would anyone outside Gusu Lan care about his presence at the conference?
“What does it matter if you’re not doing anything wrong now?” a tall, well-built youth from Baling scoffs. “You’re here, aren’t you? That’s just proof that you--that you seduced his Excellency for your own ends, and now you’re going to take over the sects through him, since you couldn’t do it with your dark cultivation!”
Wei Wuxian hasn’t seduced anyone, since he’s one of the only chaste married men in the world, but he can’t exactly say so to this idiotic young master. “Do your sect leaders know you’re here?” he sighs, too exhausted by the day’s debates to bother arguing. “I can send a butterfly to fetch them, if you’re lost.”
“See that!” someone from the Pingzhou Cheng sect snaps. “He even learned the Jin sect’s messenger butterfly technique! That’s secret knowledge, and--”
“My brother-in-law taught me,” Wei Wuxian says idly, tapping his fingers on Chenqing and grinning when the boys in front of him blanch and take a step backwards. “And Jin Guangyao taught him, sometime after they took their vow of sworn brotherhood. Now, do you mind getting out of my way?”
“You ought to do his Excellency a favor and take yourself out of his way!” one of the youths in the back yells. “Have some shame, Wei Wuxian!”
Wei Wuxian opens his mouth to reply--this time by pretending to call Wen Ning, just to see the boys squirm--but someone else wearing white and blue appears before he can say anything, whipping out a familiar ferule and throwing himself in front of Wei Wuxian.
“For shame!” Lan Qiren barks, cracking his ruler over the boys’ heads until they howl and back away. “What grounds do you have to say so to the Chief Cultivator’s husband, and the father of his children--and what sort of ingrate speaks against another’s marriage, when your own clans were honored at the event as courtesy demanded? Never, in all my days, have I heard such blatant discourtesy--now begone! I will be having words with your sect leaders, make no mistake, and you will be serving punishment for your behavior if you have the face to attend the Lan lectures with your clan in the spring!”
Cowed, the young men bow hurriedly and flee as quickly as they can, holding their bruised heads as they go. Lan Qiren scoffs and tucks his ferule back into his sleeve, and then he takes Wei Wuxian by the sleeve and hauls him back down the corridor towards the banquet hall.
“I’m sorry you had to see that, Shufu,” Wei Wuxian offers, while Lan Qiren’s pale face turns purple with fury. “I didn’t mean to--”
“Sorry, indeed!” Lan Qiren snaps. “If Wangji were to hear of this--well, I will tell him all the same, since you are his husband and under his care, and it is his duty to defend your honor. I am sorry that I had to hear my own family insulted in my presence, but what do you have to be sorry for?”
“They really didn’t say anything about Lan Zhan, though!” he protests. “They just said they he was, um, fooled into marrying me, and it’s a reasonable thing to believe when Lan Zhan is so good, and I’m...”
“You are good for Wangji,” his uncle-in-law scolds, in no uncertain terms. “You are a good senior to the little ones, and an excellent father to A-Yuan and Xiao-Yu, and your presence in the Cloud Recesses has cheered Wangji up immensely, not to mention Xichen. I do not wish to see you tolerating such disrespect again, Wei Ying. Is that clear?”
Winded, Wei Wuxian nods and almost trips over the high threshold to the banquet hall. “Clear as day, uncle! This discip--nephew will reflect, and endeavour to handle the situation more prudently next time.”
“See that you do,” Lan Qiren sniffs. “Now, go back to Wangji, and don’t wander away again. And for heaven’s sake eat something, you're as pale as a sheet.”
And with that, he sweeps away towards the Lan side of the feasting chamber, leaving Wei Wuxian to gather up his glittering skirts and return to his husband’s side.
“Xingan,” Lan Zhan says anxiously, taking Wei Wuxian’s hands and guiding him down onto the gilded seat at his right. “Where did you go? I only turned around for a moment, and then--”
“Xiang-gong,” Wei Wuxian returns (because he does like to make Lan Zhan smile, even if they don’t have that sort of marriage, and he’s allowed to like it.) “I’m sorry, Lan Zhan. I got distracted.”
“Do not leave my side again,” Lan Zhan scolds. “Here, take some of the noodles.”
He picks up a few spicy noodles with his chopsticks, and holds them to Wei Wuxian’s mouth in front of everyone: not even bothering to hide his hands with his sleeve, like he does whenever he eats, as if everyone was supposed to see this!
“Shameless!” Wei Wuxian whispers, as he takes the mouthful. “Lan Zhan!”
“My sweet husband,” Lan Zhan whispers back. “Eat.”
Wei Wuxian nearly blushes himself to death on the spot.
(But that’s been a regular feature of his marriage so far, so he survives. Unfortunately.)
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naw-naw-honeyimgood · 3 years ago
I do not hate Lan Xichen.
I don’t! He’s not actually a bad character, not a TERRIBLE brother, and there’s definitely worse characters you could stan (looking at you, jiang cheng, yu ziyuan, xue yang stans. looking at you with disgusted eyes)
He truly does care about lan zhan, which is good.
This is the part where you say “i’m sensing a ‘but’ here...” and I say:
I don’t want to write a character study. God knows that if I had the energy to write a whole-ass character study I’d write more of my fic ideas or wips. 
First of all: his trust in Meng Yao. Meng Yao is a character he trusts IMPLICITELY for only two reasons: meng yao saved his life once, and he wants to protect meng yao, coddle him, keep him safe (much like a baby owl or a kitten or a puppy). look at him! with his big eyes and his pouty “daddy doesnt wike me....” and his “er-ge, da-ge Yelled at me againnnn.....  🥺 “, he has DESIGNED his persona to be honestly So Fucking Pitiful that Lan Xichen can’t HELP but feel bad!
His first mistake with meng yao is letting these two factors overule a VERY important factor in “who to pick/trust”: what do your girls think. and also WHY do your girls think that (if is goes against what YOU think). Lan Xichen, unfortunately, does not have a group of girls to befriend who would take one look at that skeevy fucker and say “um. honey- no. that is like 8 red flags in one”, so we must look to his left at his oldest friend (besides his brother), Mingjue. Who HAS, in no uncertain terms, told him that meng yao killed someone, planned to blame it on someone else, then feigned death and ran away. 
Lan Xichen does not respond to this with “oh fuck well I was wrong about him then sorry”. he says “well it sounds like there was a misunderstanding! sounds like the person he killed deserved it, but he still shouldn't've killed him! hmm, we’re in harsh times- hard to tell who’s at fault” (apparently very easily ignoring the “blame some else, then feign death and run away” part) 
(part paraphrased from Chapter 50: Guile Part 3 of webnovel’s translation)
again, dont want a character or even scene study, so moving on-
there’s also a point to be made that apparently Xichen believed the “oh im so pitiful and sad 🥺 🥺 🥺 “ act even after meng yao went undercover as WEN RUOHAN’S head torturer and played the part so well he got close enough to gut him. like, props to meng yao for pulling it off,tbh, but xichen. you are SO fucking stupid. after that and pitiful act shouldve ALWAYS been recognized as an act but NOo.
Meng Yao literally gets away with murdering Mingjue because Xichen trusted him over Mingjue, and isn’t that just so fucking twisted. Xichen was probably Mingjue’s oldest friend too, and to know the last words he heard him say was telling Meng Yao to run while he protected him from Mingjue... fuck, i GET it why his DISMEMBERED body had so much fucking resentment. i GET it why Huaisang was pissed at him. FOR GOOD FUCKING REASON!
He also apparently trusted meng yao SO GODAMN MUCH that he went sharing all the details of LAN ZHAN’S personal life to him. fucking gossip. xichen i do not give two shits if you needed someone to talk to cuz you felt SO MISERABLE THAT YOU JUST HAD YOUR FUCKING BROTHER WHIPPED THIRTY-THREE FUCKING TIMES but that does NOT give you leeway to go crying to meng yao about “boo hoo wangji loved that terrible wei wuxian that i kept encouraging him to hang out with like five years ago. boo hoo he fought us to protect that terrible wei wuxian after wei wuxian survived an attack at that pledge conference we were at where we were pledging to kill him even after wen qing and ning gave themselves up. boo hoo we had to whip wangji thirty-three times because he fought us even though im the sect leader and i couldve vetoed any and all punishments. boo hoo that terrible wei wuxian didnt even love wangji back.” like FUCK. those are personal fucking details that only LAN ZHAN can and should share unless with his permission and he SURE as HELL did not trust meng yao, much less enough to air out all his fucking laundry. 
one of wei wuxian’s most integral character features is that he does not hold grudges. he does not expect and DEFINITELY doesnt demand apologies. and it makes him a very good character, very, hm, unique. it also pisses me off, though because I’M angry FOR him, and I WANT HIM to get his fucking apologies. 
In the end of the story, when i finish end to end, I look at Xichen and feel... disgust. Pity, but not in the PITIFUL UWU  🥺  way, just “wow, that guy is just... useless.” In the end, Xichen has sentenced himself to an indefinite seclusion. He feels Very Bad and his worldview is... shaken, to say the least. “Aw, poor Xichen,” maybe im supposed to think. “poor poor xichen, he trusted the wrong person, meng yao broke his heart... poor xichen......  🥺” 
I do not think “poor FUCKING xichen”
he is in a hell of his own fucking design. who asked him to seclude himself? who does he help by being in there? what does he accomplish? 
He never apologizes to huaisang. I don’t care if he figured out that huaisang made him stab meng yao to fuck with him- he didnt even kill him. xichen is still the fucking reason meng yao could kill mingjue.
He never apologizes to wen ning and SIZHUI for the fucking GENOCIDE he aided and participated in. 
He never apologizes to LAN ZHAN, whose laundry has now been spread to not only bitch-faced uwu   🥺, but to lan zhan’s future-husband w/o lan zhan’s consent, and also random jin cultivators, random MONKS, and a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD!!! never apologizes for the HYPOCRISY of trusting MENG YAO and punishing lan zhan for trusting WEI YING!!!
and he never fucking apologizes to Wei Ying.
Maybe he does feel sorry for his actions hidden in that fucking house of seclusion. in fact, he probably does, probably feels VERY SORRY. is probably thinking to himself “oh im such a terrible person  😭 i trusted the wrong person and betrayed so many people  😭 i dont deseve to live  😭” which is exactly the kind of bullshit that you DONT fucking want in an apology. 
I hate that Lan Xichen never apologized to Wei Ying. And I also hate that Wei Ying wouldn’t even let him apologize, would just be “oh no worries”
I want Xichen to apologize. And I want We Ying to say “hm. No, I don’t think I’m ready to forgive you just yet.”
#lan xichen#zewu-jun#grandmaster of demonic cultivation#mdzs#i also distinctly HATE reading xichen telling wei ying off for hurting lan zhan's feeling in fics (and in canon but it is PREVALENT in fics)#bcuz most of the time the misunderstanding is#like canon#lan zhans fault#literally all lan zhan talks to wei ying about after yiling patriarch debuts is how dangerous it is#how bad it is#how he should come back to gusu for cleansing#of COURSE they argue all the time about it!#lan zhan couldnt ONCE say he was honestly worried about wei ying? honestly concerned?#this is book canon btw so there was none of that cutesy zhiji stuff#wei ying literally dies thinking that lan zhan hated him#that speaks on a fundemental level that lan zhan fucked up#so blaming wei ying for that miscommunication is SO fucking scummy#this entire rant was brought upon by a spy fic#where apparently the end twist was that meng yao#who works in the same agency as wwx lwj lxc etc#was a TRIPLE AGENT????#working with the GOOD agency to bring down jin guangshans agnecy#but ofc he had to prove himself useful to jgs so he hindered and interfered w/ missions of good agency#and good agency was suspicious so#FOLLOWING BOOK CANON- he frames wwx#which wasnt surprising#what WAS surprising was that XICHEN was fucking WORKING WITH HIM#lan zhan goes to xichen's office like 'hey i know ur necking with your secretary and i think he's the one who leaking info'#and xichen fucking STRAIGHT-FACED CALLS WEI YING IN AND FIRES HIM#WITH LAN ZHAN IN THE ROOM
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puddingcatbeans · 4 years ago
[ return key; wangxian college au ]
Wei Ying has been loitering in the lobby for five minutes already. He’s managed to get through the door because the lady entering before him held open the door, which was nice of her but also very unsafe since he does not live in the building. He’d caved two minutes in and texted Lan Zhan so he can’t even leave now.
“Wei Ying.”
Lan Zhan is standing by the elevators. He’s dressed in a cozy sweater and soft pants that could be considered sweatpants only because this is the lobby of Lan Zhan’s apartment and he only stepped out the door because Wei Ying was being annoying and showed up unannounced.
“Ah, Lan Zhan.” Wei Ying tugs at the collar of his dress shirt. He’d tried to look nice tonight. Even brushed his hair and everything. But of course he ended up chickening out in the end. He’d told Jiang Cheng he was going to stop by the liquor store. He never made it to the store. It’s fine, he figured. Yu-ayi definitely wouldn’t miss him, and anyway, Yanli-jie is bringing Jin Zixuan this year, so that will be enough of a distraction that no one will even care he never showed up.
They go up to the apartment. Lan Zhan is silent, but Wei Ying can feel curiosity and concern radiating off him. He doesn’t ask. Lan Zhan is kind like that. And Wei Ying is the asshole who is taking advantage of it once again.
Lan Zhan’s brother is in the kitchen when they come in. He blinks in surprise at Wei Ying, but it quickly melts into a smile. “Hello,” he says in Mandarin. “Wei Ying, right?”
“Ah, hello,” Wei Ying replies clumsily. He rubs the back of his neck. “Um, you know what? Maybe I should go after all. I don’t want to impose on your dinner.”
“Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan says. He turns his brother.
Lan Xichen smiles at the both of them. He has a really nice smile, but Wei Ying cannot read the man at all. Not like he can read Lan Zhan and his microexpressions. “We have quite a lot of food, actually. I believe I ordered a few extra dishes in case I had to work overtime. It would be lovely if you could join us for nianyefan. We’re used to having three at the table, aren’t we, A-Zhan?”
“I--Uh. If you’re sure,” Wei Ying says.
“Why don’t you both go wash your hands and then come help me plate the rest?”
New Years’ Eve dinner with the Lans is strange. It’s quiet for the most part, both brothers abiding to the ‘no talking while eating’ rule. For the special occasion, they’ve turned on the tv to one of the Chunjie programs. Wei Ying laughs into his fish at some of the performances. Lan Xichen smiles more freely, but Wei Ying also catches Lan Zhan hiding a smile or two into his own bowl. It’s strange, nothing like the rowdy jokes and over-the-table arguments in equal parts at the Jiang dinner table. Still, Wei Ying finds himself enjoying it.
Later, when the leftover dishes are cleared away and the dirty dishes are loaded into the dishwasher ("I thought all dishwashers in chinese households were glorified dishracks,” Wei Ying says. Lan Xichen laughs. “Only for today,” he says, “the dishwasher gets a promotion.”), Wei Ying sits on the couch next to Lan Zhan. There’s a basket of oranges in front of them. Lan Zhan is currently peeling one with quick, practised movements.
“Hey, Lan Zhan?” 
He has so many things he wants to say. Not enough words to encompass it all, to fully express just how much he feels about this boy beside him, this boy that hands him peeled oranges with care and invited him into his home for new years’ dinner without hesitation. Instead, Wei Ying says, “Your brother didn’t have to give me a hongbao, too.”
“Mm. He wanted to.”
“Aiyah. I’ll have to treat you both to dinner some time.”
“Only if Wei Ying wants to.”
“I want to! You’ll have to convince your brother to come, too!”
Lan Zhan hands him another orange. He gives Wei Ying a tiny smile. “I will,” he says. “Xinnian kuaile, Wei Ying.”
Wei Ying separates a tiny orange slice. He holds it out to Lan Zhan. “Happy new year, Lan Zhan.”
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killerandhealerqueen · 3 years ago
You did vampire Yuelou/Yuzhi. Can you do mermaid Tangchun?
I um....may have gotten a little carried away with this prompt. But um...I hope you like it!
Yu Tangchun knew it was dangerous to play by the surface.  He knew that.  His parents had always warned him not to play by the surface, as he could be snatched up by the evil humans, but Yu Tangchun wasn’t scared.  Humans didn’t scare him and besides, no one ever came out to the area of the ocean where he liked to play with the school of fishes, so he wasn’t that worried about getting snatched up.  Oh how he should have been worried.  Oh how he should have been so worried.
It was a beautiful morning as Yu Tangchun swam through the crystal blue ocean, laughing as he swam alongside beautiful schools of iridescent fish, when suddenly the water above him turned dark, making him look up in confusion. ‘Is it supposed to storm today?’ he thought to himself when suddenly a large web-like thing came towards him, causing him to let out a cry of surprise before he began to swim away but the web-like thing was so big that it caught not only him, but the school of fishes he was swimming with.  Yu Tangchun let out another cry of surprise as he clutched at the material that the web was made out of, surprised to find that it felt like rope. “Is this…is this what humans would call a net?” he whispered, just as he was suddenly yanked out of the ocean and up into the air, causing him to gasp in surprise and fear as he clutched at the net, only to come face to face with many strange…faces. “What the hell is that?!” one of the…Yu Tangchun assumed he was a human, he had two legs unlike merpeople, exclaimed as he looked at Yu Tangchun, who pressed himself against the net, trying to shrink and shy away from them.  Just then, a tall man with light skin, brown eyes, and short black hair stepped forward, eyeing Yu Tangchun up and down before he hummed and turned his head. “Zhan-xiong!  Might wanna check this out!” he shouted.  Yu Tangchun had no idea who the man had just called for but he wasn’t exactly looking forward to meeting him, especially with all these eyes staring at him. ‘I should have listened to mother and father’ he thought to himself, just as a tall man with light skin, brown eyes, and short black hair dressed in an ornate outfit, slowly walked over to them, crossing his arms as he stood by the first man. “What’s this?” he asked, tilting his head as he looked at Yu Tangchun. “I think it’s a mermaid” the other man replied.  The second man hummed before he stepped forward, arms still crossed as he studied Yu Tangchun, who was trembling in fear.  The man then reached out and gently touched Yu Tangchun’s tail, causing Yu Tangchun to flinch and shy away as tears began to form in his eyes.  As Yu Tangchun and the man continued to stare at each other, a single tear slipped down Yu Tangchun’s face and as it dripped off his jaw, it fell to the floor of the pirate ship (Yu Tangchun assumed these…humans…were pirates) as a single white pearl.  The tall man’s eyes widened in surprise before he leaned down and picked up the pearl, looking at it for a moment before handing it to the man standing beside him.  He then looked back at Yu Tangchun and smirked. “So you cry pearls?” he mused.  Yu Tangchun’s eyes widened and he quickly shook his head; he couldn’t say that he did or else he knew the humans would try and force him to cry more and create more pearls and precious jewels. “Captain, if he cries pearls, we should make him keep crying so that we can be rich!” one of the pirates exclaimed.  Yu Tangchun looked over at him in horror; that’s exactly what he was afraid of.  The tall man, who had tried to touch Yu Tangchun’s tail, huffed before he looked over at his crewmember. “Unfortunately, you know the rules.  Anything we find at sea must be brought back to my uncle” he stated.  All of the crewmembers groaned. “We aren’t his personal treasure hunters, why can’t he find treasures himself” a crewman grumbled, just as the captain pulled out his gun and pointed it at him. “Would you like to say that to his face?” he asked.  The crewman’s eyes widened and he quickly shook his head as the captain lowered his gun and put it back into his holster. “Good.  Now, get him out of that net and bring him to my quarters” he instructed before he turned on his heels and headed back towards the back of the ship where the captain’s cabin was located.  The other man, whom Yu Tangchun assumed was his first mate, followed after him as the crewmembers walked over to the net and carefully took it down, the net falling away from around Yu Tangchun.  The crewmembers and Yu Tangchun stared at one another before one of the crewmembers smirked. “It couldn’t hurt to make him cry just a little bit more” he mused as he pulled a knife out of its sheath and slowly began to walk towards Yu Tangchun, who’s eyes widened before he grabbed a nearby fish and chucked it at the man’s face, watching as the fish smacked him dead on.  The crewman let out a cry of surprise before he growled and pointed his knife at Yu Tangchun. “Why you little—” he started when Yu Tangchun smacked him with his tail, watching as he flew across the deck and crashed into the other side of the boat.  The other crewmates looked at their friend before they turned back to Yu Tangchun and growled as they unsheathed their swords.  However, before they could do anything, a gunshot rang out, causing Yu Tangchun and the others to flinch before they all turned to see the first mate standing there, his gun pointed towards the sky. “The captain gave you one simple instruction and you greedy bastards can’t even do that” he spat as he stormed over to them and stepped in front of Yu Tangchun, using his body like a shield from the other crewmates. “When the captain gives an order, he expects you to fucking follow it” the man snarled.  The crewmates quickly bowed their head as the first mate huffed and turned to look at Yu Tangchun. “You’re gonna be a pain in our asses, huh?” he mused.  Yu Tangchun just narrowed his eyes at him. ‘Then maybe you shouldn’t have captured me!’ he thought.  The first mate smirked before he turned to face Yu Tangchun, who was still backed up against the side of the ship. “I’m going to pick you up now, so don’t fucking smack me with your tail” he instructed.  Yu Tangchun frowned. ‘Pick me up?’ he repeated, just as the first mate bent down and scooped Yu Tangchun up princess style, letting out a soft hum. “You are surprisingly lighter than I thought” he mused before he made his way towards the captain’s cabin, pushing open the door before walking over to a large wooden tub, which he then placed Yu Tangchun in. “There.  That feel better?” he asked.  Yu Tangchun blinked at him in confusion as the man smirked. “Captain’s idea” he explained.  Yu Tangchun nodded slowly in understanding, just as the captain stepped into the room. “Thank you, Yuelou” he thanked.  The first mate, Jiang Yuelou, nodded. “Want me to go take care of those men?” he asked.  The captain hummed. “We’ll be short a few if you get rid of them…let them live for now, until we get to shore.  We’ll deal with them then” he declared.  Jiang Yuelou nodded. “Understood” he replied before he stepped out of the room, leaving Yu Tangchun and the captain alone.  Once he was gone, the captain walked over to Yu Tangchun and knelt before him, smiling slightly. “Do you have a name?” he asked.  Yu Tangchun blinked before he nodded. “Yu Tangchun” he answered.  The captain hummed. “That’s a pretty name” he mused.  Yu Tangchun then tilted his head at him. “And your…name?” he asked.  The captain smiled. “Zhan Junbai” he replied.  Yu Tangchun nodded slowly before he looked at Zhan Junbai. “Why did you capture me?” he asked.  Zhan Junbai laughed as he stood to his feet. “Oh, it wasn’t on purpose, believe me.  We were after the fish, you were just a lucky bonus” he replied.  Yu Tangchun then looked at him hopefully. “Then will you let me go?” he asked.  Zhan Junbai looked down at him and smirked. “Unfortunately, you’re too good of a catch to release back.  So no” he answered.  Yu Tangchun frowned. “What will you do with me then?” he demanded.  Zhan Junbai hummed. “Like I told my men, give you to my uncle” he stated.  Yu Tangchun shook his head. “Why?  Why can’t you just let me go?” he exclaimed.  Zhan Junbai’s eyes narrowed as he reached out and grasped Yu Tangchun’s face, making the young merman look up at him with wide eyes. “Because you’re mine now” he whispered before he released Yu Tangchun’s face and stepped out of the room, leaving Yu Tangchun stunned and a little frightened.  After Zhan Junbai had left, Yu Tangchun looked down at the basin he was in then at the room around him before he felt tears welling up in his eyes and before he knew it, he was crying, pearls of all shapes, colors, and sizes falling into the water with gentle “plops”.
When Zhan Junbai returned later on that evening, Yu Tangchun was still crying, the tub nearly a fourth of the way full of pearls.  His eyes widened in surprise at how many pearls there was in the tub, but he elected to ignore them as he walked over to his desk and took a pitcher full of clean water and pour a tall glass of it before walking over to Yu Tangchun, kneeling beside him and reaching out a hand, placing it on Yu Tangchun’s bare shoulder.  Yu Tangchun jumped and looked over at him in surprise, his brown eyes still big and full of tears.  Zhan Junbai looked at him for a moment before he reached out and gently swiped away Yu Tangchun’s tears, causing Yu Tangchun to blink in surprise as Zhan Junbai handed him the glass of water. “You need to stay hydrated” he murmured.  Yu Tangchun looked down at the water hesitantly before he looked over at Zhan Junbai, who huffed. “I didn’t poison it, if that’s what you’re thinking” he stated before he reached out and snatched the glass and took a sip of water.  Yu Tangchun watched him carefully and when nothing happened, Zhan Junbai smirked and held out the glass. “Now, will you drink?” he asked.  Yu Tangchun nodded hesitantly before he reached out and took the glass, taking a tentative sip before he practically downed the whole thing.  Zhan Junbai chuckled. “Thirsty, huh?” he teased as he took the glass from Yu Tangchun’s hand and placed it beside the tub.  Yu Tangchun hummed before he sniffled and looked down into the tub and noticed how many pearls surrounded him. “Oh” he murmured as he reached down into the water and lifted his hand, cupping out a handful of pearls. “Those could fetch a pretty penny” Zhan Junbai mused.  Yu Tangchun looked over at him before he held out his hand. “I have no use for them” he stated.  Zhan Junbai hummed before he held out his hand, Yu Tangchun turning his hand and tipping the pearls into it.  Zhan Junbai stared at the pearls before he looked at Yu Tangchun and smiled. “Then I shall take them” he declared.  Yu Tangchun nodded as Zhan Junbai stood to his feet and pulled a small pouch off his belt, opening it before pouring the pearls inside.  He then closed the pouch before he looked at Yu Tangchun, crossing his arms. “It really is unfortunate to keep such a pretty thing like you cooped up in that small tub” he murmured.  Yu Tangchun looked at him with wide eyes. “You could always let me go” he suggested.  Zhan Junbai chuckled and shook his head. “Nice try, little one, but I’m not letting you go” he replied.  Yu Tangchun huffed as he flopped in the tub, crossing his arms, pouting slightly.  Zhan Junbai looked down at the pouting mermaid and laughed softly as he shook his head and reached down, patting Yu Tangchun’s head. “Cute” he cooed.  Yu Tangchun glared up at him before he splashed him with some of the water from the tub, causing Zhan Junbai to sputter in shock.  Yu Tangchun then smirked as Zhan Junbai stared at him in shock. “If you weren’t a gift for my uncle, I would have drawn and quartered you” he growled after a moment.  Yu Tangchun chuckled as he looked up at him. “I’d like to see you try, Captain” he teased.  Zhan Junbai huffed as he wiped his face, which was dripping with water, before he pointed at Yu Tangchun. “You’re a cheeky little thing” he declared.  Yu Tangchun smiled and swished his tail. “Guilty” he replied.  Zhan Junbai rolled his eyes and shook his head as he turned and headed over to his closet, pulling out a pair of pajamas. “What are you doing?” Yu Tangchun asked, turning to look at him.  Zhan Junbai glanced over at him and huffed. “Changing my clothes because it’s late and because the ones I’m wearing now are soaked thanks to someone” he replied.  Yu Tangchun smiled and Zhan Junbai huffed again before he headed into another room to change.  While he was changing, Yu Tangchun let out a sigh and dipped his hand into the water, scooping out more pearls.  He stared at them for a moment before he sighed again and opened his fingers, letting the pearls fall back into the water with gentle plops. “I’ll take those off of you in the morning” a voice called out, making Yu Tangchun turn to see Zhan Junbai walking towards him in maroon stripped satin pajamas.  Yu Tangchun hummed before he went back to playing with the pearls in his tub, Zhan Junbai watching for a moment before he looked at Yu Tangchun. “You’re not going to try and kill me in my sleep if I go to bed, are you?” he asked.  Yu Tangchun looked over at him and scoffed.   “You’re my only chance of getting off this ship.  Why would I kill you?” he replied.  Zhan Junbai smirked. “I suppose that makes sense” he mused before he clicked off the gas lamp that illuminated the room, the only source of light now being a single moonbeam that shone in through the porthole window.  He then let out a yawn as he climbed into his bed, covering himself with the comforter, soon falling fast asleep.  Yu Tangchun watched him sleep before he looked towards the moonbeam, the quiet crashing of the waves against the ship causing an indescribable ache in his chest, something he had never felt before.  As he listened to the crashing waves, he felt something well up in his chest and soon he opened his mouth and began to sing.  His melody was a haunting one, one that many who heard would consider it a “siren’s song”.  He continued to sing, the sea calling out to him and his aching heart, and as he sang, Zhan Junbai slowly began to awake, blinking a few times in confusion before he sat up and stared at Yu Tangchun with wide eyes.  The merman was bathed in moonlight, the soft light making his pearlescent tail almost…glow.  And his song…his song was haunting, causing him to feel an ache in his chest that he had never felt before.  The ache was so strong that it caused him to clutch at his chest and wince in pain; he wanted Yu Tangchun to stop but also…he wanted him to keep singing so he said nothing and instead laid back down, shutting his eyes and letting Yu Tangchun’s haunting melody lull him back to sleep.
The next morning, when Zhan Junbai awoke, Yu Tangchun was curled up in the tub, looking rather uncomfortable but his face was peaceful.  Zhan Junbai stared at him for a moment before he slipped out of bed and quietly walked over to his closet, pulling out his clothes to get ready for the day.  After he had changed into his captain’s outfit, he stepped back into the room and looked at Yu Tangchun, who was still fast asleep.  He then quietly walked over to Yu Tangchun and knelt down before him, eyeing the merman up and down.  He was a gorgeous creature, Zhan Junbai couldn’t deny that.  And it was a shame that he had to give him to his uncle, but rules were rules; anything that Zhan Junbai found at sea was to be brought to his uncle and anything that his uncle didn’t want, Zhan Junbai was allowed to keep.  Of course, Zhan Junbai did bend that rule a little, keeping the best of the best for himself while giving his uncle second best.  Of course, his uncle didn’t know that and none of his men were ever going to tell; not if they valued their lives.  He then let out a heavy sigh as he reached out and gently stroked Yu Tangchun’s cheek, surprised to find that it was soft, like a human’s cheek.  Just then, Yu Tangchun stirred and Zhan Junbai quickly pulled his hand away before he stood to his feet and headed out of his quarters, heading up to the wheel, which Jiang Yuelou was manning. “Sleep well, Cap?” Jiang Yuelou asked, glancing over at him.  Zhan Junbai hummed. “As well as one can on a moving ship” he answered before he crossed his arms. “When are we arriving at shore?” he asked.  Jiang Yuelou hummed. “Few hours or so” he answered before he glanced over at Zhan Junbai. “You really gonna give that merman to your uncle?” he inquired.  Zhan Junbai sighed. “Rules are rules, Jiang-xiong.  And if Uncle knew I was hiding him aboard my ship, he’d not just have my head but all of yours.  I can’t risk that” he replied.  Jiang Yuelou hummed before he smirked. “Well, that’s real sweet of you, Zhan-xiong” he teased.  Zhan Junbai rolled his eyes and gently nudged Jiang Yuelou in the side. “Oh shut up” he murmured.  Jiang Yuelou chuckled before he let out a sigh. “You know, it would be a good idea to consult Yuzhi whenever we reach shore.  To make sure he’s healthy or whatever” he stated.  Zhan Junbai hummed as he looked over at him and smirked. “Are you sure it’s not just because you want to see your beloved doctor?” he teased.  Jiang Yuelou was the one to glare at him this time. “Oh fuck you.  But no, it’s just that he’s been out of the ocean for at least 24 hours…we don’t know how merpeople work, like their anatomy or whatever.  We don’t know if he’s doing okay or if he’s dying or whatever” he explained.  Zhan Junbai hummed. “And you think Yuzhi has an idea about merpeople anatomy?” he asked.  Jiang Yuelou tsked. “I don’t know, but he’s a doctor.  He must know something” he replied.  Zhan Junbai chuffed. “I doubt my uncle will want your husband anywhere near Tangchun so…probably not” he stated.  Jiang Yuelou frowned and looked over at him. “Tangchun?” he repeated.  Zhan Junbai blinked before he nodded. “Yu Tangchun.  That’s the merman’s name” he explained.  Jiang Yuelou blinked in surprise. “He can talk?” he asked.  Zhan Junbai nodded. “He can.  Even splashed me with some water from his tub” he grumbled.  Jiang Yuelou snickered. “Maybe he thought you deserved it” he mused.  Zhan Junbai huffed. “I did not deserve to be soaked” he grumbled.  Jiang Yuelou barked out a laugh as he continued to steer the ship towards land. “Remember to dock at the one near Uncle’s castle.  I don’t think it would be such a good idea to carry Tangchun through the crowds of people” Zhan Junbai instructed.  Jiang Yuelou hummed. “Got it” he replied.  Zhan Junbai nodded before he headed back downstairs to his quarters, where he found Yu Tangchun awake and playing with the pearls in his tub again. “We’ll be arriving on land in a few hours” he declared, making Yu Tangchun look over at him with wide eyes before he sighed. “Are you sure you can’t just let me go?” he asked softly.  Zhan Junbai chuckled softly as he walked over to him and knelt before him. “You know my answer, Tangchun” he reminded.  Yu Tangchun smiled sadly. “Thought I’d try one last time” he murmured.  Zhan Junbai hummed as he stood to his feet and walked over to his bed, sitting down on the edge of it as he looked at Yu Tangchun. “What’s your home like?” he asked.  Yu Tangchun looked over at him and raised an eyebrow. “My home?” he repeated.  Zhan Junbai nodded. “Yes, your home.  Where do…merpeople live?  Do they have homes like humans or do they…how does it work?” he asked.  Yu Tangchun hummed, thoughtful, before he looked over at Zhan Junbai with wide eyes. “You’re not going to attack my family if I tell you, will you?” he asked.  Zhan Junbai scoffed. “We couldn’t attack your home even if we tried.  I’m sure it’s too far down for our canons to reach.  So no.  We’re not those type of pirates anyways” he explained.  Yu Tangchun nodded before he sighed. “My family lives in a small cave, nothing too fancy, but it’s home” he explained.  Zhan Junbai hummed. “And your family?  What are they like?” he asked.  Yu Tangchun smiled. “My mother has a beautiful singing voice…she sings to us all the time.  My father is a kind man who loves his family and will drop everything if you need a helping hand.  As for my siblings…well, they’re a rambunctious bunch, even though I’m the youngest” he explained.  Zhan Junbai blinked in surprise. “You’re the youngest?” he asked.  Yu Tangchun laughed and nodded. “I am” he answered before he looked at Zhan Junbai. “What about you?  What is your family like?” he asked.  Zhan Junbai sighed. “I didn’t have a family.  I was an orphan” he answered.  Yu Tangchun’s eyes widened in surprise. “You were?” he breathed.  Zhan Junbai nodded. “I was an orphan out on the streets, begging for scraps when my uncle came upon me and offered me a place to sleep” he explained.  Yu Tangchun then frowned. “Then…how did you become a pirate?” he asked.  Zhan Junbai hummed. “I was always drawn to the sea and while my uncle wanted me to join the royal navy, I refused and wanted to sail around the world as a pirate.  He agreed to that, but made the rule that anything that I found on my travels was to be given to him first.  If he liked it, he kept it and if he didn’t want it, I was allowed to keep it.  Of course, I did bend this rule and keep the best of the best for myself and give my uncle second best but he’s none the wiser.  The man has never been out at sea, he wouldn’t know the difference” he explained.  Yu Tangchun was quiet before he looked at Zhan Junbai. “What would I be considered?” he asked.  Zhan Junbai raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?” he replied.  Yu Tangchun opened his mouth to reply when the ship suddenly lurched, causing him to grasp at the edge of the tub in fear as Zhan Junbai hummed. “It seems we’ve arrived” he mused as he stood up from his bed and walked over to Yu Tangchun, standing before his tub. “It’s time to go” he declared before he reached down and scooped Yu Tangchun into his arms, Yu Tangchun yelping and wrapping his arms around Zhan Junbai’s neck as he was lifted out of the tub.  Zhan Junbai then walked over to the room of his cabin and pushed it open, stepping out with Yu Tangchun in his arms.  Jiang Yuelou immediately walked over to him, Zhan Junbai motioning to his quarters. “Place the remaining pearls that are in the tub in a sack and bring them with you so that we may produce them to Uncle” he instructed.  Jiang Yuelou nodded and quickly rushed into Zhan Junbai’s quarters, walking over to the tub, his eyes widening in surprise at how many pearls were at the bottom. “Holy shit” he whispered before he quickly grabbed a sack and knelt down, beginning to fill it with the pearls, making sure to not miss any.  He then stood up and walked out of the room and over to Zhan Junbai, holding up the sack. “Ready whenever you are, Zhan-xiong” he declared.  Zhan Junbai nodded before he began walking, Yu Tangchun cradled in his arms, Jiang Yuelou and the rest of the crew following after him, all of them heading down the gangway towards the large castle that was before them.
When the pirate crew entered the castle, they made a beeline for the throne room, stopping before a throne and a tall man with light skin, dark brown hair, and brown eyes with a mustache who sat upon the throne. “Uncle” Zhan Junbai greeted, dipping his head to the man.  The man on the throne, Zhan Tianqing, hummed as he looked at Zhan Junbai. “You’ve returned.  And you’ve brought something, I see” he stated.  Zhan Junbai nodded as he hefted Yu Tangchun in his arms. “A mermaid” he declared.  Zhan Tianqing hummed again as he stood up from his throne and walked down the short flight of steps before walking towards Zhan Junbai and his crew, stopping before him.  He studied Yu Tangchun in Zhan Junbai’s arms before he scoffed. “What good is he to me?” he demanded.  Zhan Junbai was quiet before he looked over at Jiang Yuelou and motioned with his head towards his uncle, Jiang Yuelou stepping forward and holding up the bag of pearls. “He made these” Zhan Junbai declared.  Zhan Tianqing raised an eyebrow before he took the bag and opened it, eyes widening in shock at the sight and number of pearls.  He then slowly lifted his eyes towards Yu Tangchun, his gaze becoming hungry and almost greedy as he looked at him. “Hmm, yes, I think I shall keep him” he declared before he looked over at a servant. “Take him to the pond” he instructed.  The servant nodded and walked over to Zhan Junbai and Yu Tangchun, about to take Yu Tangchun out of Zhan Junbai’s arms when Yu Tangchun smacked the servant with his tail, sending the poor thing flying.  If anyone was going to touch or hold him, it was going to be Zhan Junbai, no one else.  Jiang Yuelou was the only exception but that’s because he asked Yu Tangchun to not smack him before he picked him up.  Zhan Tianqing��s eyes widened and he made to draw his sword when Zhan Junbai’s eyes widened and he shook his head. “I’ll take him, Uncle.  I’ll take him” he assured.  Zhan Tianqing narrowed his eyes but nodded as Zhan Junbai turned and carried Yu Tangchun out one of the side doors that led to the garden, carrying him over to the small pond that was in the middle of the garden.  He then placed him down in the water, huffing. “Did you have to smack the servant?” he asked, placing his hands on his hips.  Yu Tangchun said nothing as he looked up at Zhan Junbai. “What is he going to do with me?” he asked.  Zhan Junbai was quiet before he shook his head. “I don’t know.  But you’ll be alright.  He won’t hurt you, I can promise you that” he assured.  Yu Tangchun didn’t answer as he continued to look at Zhan Junbai. “Where are you going to go?” he asked.  Zhan Junbai shrugged. “I’ll be around.  I’ll visit you every day, okay?” he offered.  Yu Tangchun nodded. “You have to” he instructed.  Zhan Junbai smirked. “Normally I’m the one giving orders around here” he stated.  Yu Tangchun looked at him with pleading eyes. “Junbai” he pleaded.  Zhan Junbai sighed before he nodded. “Alright, I’ll make sure to visit every day” he promised.  Yu Tangchun nodded in reply as Zhan Junbai raised an eyebrow at him. “Is it comfortable enough?  I’m sure it’s much more comfortable than the tub” he mused.  Yu Tangchun hummed. “It’s not home, but I suppose it’ll do” he replied as he splashed his tail around in the water.  Zhan Junbai nodded before he huffed. “Well, I have to go.  I’ll visit you tomorrow, alright?” he stated.  Yu Tangchun looked up at him and the look he gave Zhan Junbai made his heart clench but he had to go so he quickly turned on his heels and walked away from Yu Tangchun, not realizing that Zhan Tianqing was watching them with narrowed eyes.
When Zhan Junbai returned to the palace the next day, a long line was almost out the door, making him frown in confusion before he quickly ran past the line and pushed his way into the palace, following the line all the way to the garden. “What the hell?” he whispered to himself as he ran out into the garden, his eyes widening in shock as he saw a large hoard of people surrounding something, whispering loudly to one another.  He frowned and took a few steps forward, pushing his way through until he came to the front of the hoard, his eyes widening even further when he saw Yu Tangchun, with a metal chain around his neck, sitting on a fake stone in the middle of the pond. “Tangchun” he breathed, causing Yu Tangchun to look over at him with tear filled eyes.  As both men stared at each other, a single tear dripped down Yu Tangchun’s cheek and as the tear fell, it transformed into a pearl and fell into the water, causing the crowd to gasp in delight. “He cries pearls!” one villager exclaimed. “I wonder if we make him cry harder, he’ll create more pearls” another wondered aloud.  Zhan Junbai’s eyes widened and he looked over at the person who spoke, about to unsheathe his sword when another villager smacked the one who spoke. “You’ll kill it if you do that” they scolded.  Zhan Junbai gritted his teeth. ‘Tangchun is not an it’ he thought to himself as a servant suddenly shooed the group away and motioned for another group to come forward so that they could look at Yu Tangchun.  As the next group came forward, Zhan Junbai looked at Yu Tangchun, watching as the beautiful mermaid continued to cry, pearls falling from his cheeks and into the water as the villagers gasped in delight.  He then let out a growl as he walked away from Yu Tangchun and the villagers, heading inside the palace to find his uncle to have some words with him.  He quickly headed to the throne room, immediately finding his uncle surrounded by beautiful women, all of whom were basically throwing themselves at him, and stormed up to him, standing before him. “What do you think you’re doing?  Chaining him like that?  Like he’s some animal?” he hissed.  Zhan Tianqing raised a lazy eyebrow at him. “Is that not what he is?  He is mine to do what I want with him.  He’s no longer yours, Junbai, so watch your tone” he warned.  Zhan Junbai glared at him before he turned on his heels and stormed away from him, Zhan Tianqing watching him with narrowed eyes.
Over the next couple of days, Zhan Junbai did what he promised and visited Yu Tangchun and every day he visited, he noticed that Yu Tangchun was getting worse and worse.  His skin looked sickly and pale, his cheeks looked like they had permanent tear tracks on them, and his tail…his tail looked the most different.  When he first met Yu Tangchun, his tail was a beautiful pearlescent color that glowed almost ghostly blue in the moonlight but now…now his scales were dull, almost gray.  He looked exceptionally skinny as well; like he was toned and lean when he first came aboard Zhan Junbai’s ship but now…now he was just so skinny Zhan Junbai could see his ribs.  Zhan Junbai didn’t like the way he looked so he quickly turned on his heels and headed out of the palace grounds and out of the palace and into the village, making his way towards a particular little building not too far from the palace.  He then pushed open the door and stepped inside, causing a tall man with light skin, brown eyes, and dark brown hair dressed in all white to turn and look at him before smiling. “Junbai.  What brings you in?” he asked. “Yuzhi…I need you to take a look at a…friend of mine” Zhan Junbai replied.  The man, Chen Yuzhi, Jiang Yuelou’s husband, looked at him in surprise before he nodded. “I’d be happy to.  Just let me get my kit” he stated, about to reach for his medical kit when Zhan Junbai held out his hand. “Later on tonight…you can’t see him right now.  I’ll fetch you tonight” he stated.  Chen Yuzhi frowned but nodded anyways. “Alright…I’ll wait for your knock” he replied.  Zhan Junbai dipped his head to him. “Thank you” he thanked.  Chen Yuzhi nodded. “Of course” he replied.  Zhan Junbai then turned on his heels and exited the clinic, causing Chen Yuzhi to frown after him before he shook his head and sighed.
Late that night, Zhan Junbai returned to Chen Yuzhi’s clinic and knocked on the door, Jiang Yuelou opening it. “Zhan-xiong.  Care to tell me where you’re taking my husband so late at night?” he asked.  Zhan Junbai huffed. “If you wanna know, come along” he instructed.  Jiang Yuelou hummed as Chen Yuzhi appeared at the door, medical kit in his hand. “Lead the way” he stated.  Zhan Junbai nodded and soon the men were making their way towards the palace. “The palace?  What are we doing at the palace?” Chen Yuzhi whispered.  Zhan Junbai said nothing and motioned for Chen Yuzhi and Jiang Yuelou to follow him to a part of the palace garden that wasn’t guarded and pushed his way through the hedge, Chen Yuzhi and Jiang following after him.  Zhan Junbai then led Chen Yuzhi and Jiang Yuelou over to the pond where Yu Tangchun was restlessly sleeping, Chen Yuzhi letting out a gasp when he saw him. “A mermaid?” he whispered.  Zhan Junbai nodded as he looked at Chen Yuzhi. “I think he’s sick.  Can you check and see?” he asked.  Chen Yuzhi hummed. “I’ve never done a check-up on a mermaid before but…I’ll do my best” he replied as he quietly walked over to Yu Tangchun, Jiang Yuelou following behind him as he was carrying the lantern so that the three of them could see.  He then lifted the lantern high as Chen Yuzhi began his examination, listening to Yu Tangchun’s heartbeat, his breathing, checking his pulse, everything that he would usually do on a human.  After his quick check-up, he walked over to Zhan Junbai, who raised an eyebrow. “Well?” he asked.  Chen Yuzhi shook his head. “He’s not just sick…he’s dying” he deadpanned.  Jiang Yuelou and Zhan Junbai looked at him with wide eyes. “Dying?!” Zhan Junbai exclaimed.  Chen Yuzhi nodded. “His heartbeat and pulse is dangerously slow and while his breathing sounds normal, there is a bit of a stutter to it.  And I’m sure you’ve noticed that his tail is not supposed to be this color” he stated.  Zhan Junbai nodded as Chen Yuzhi sighed. “If you don’t get him out of here and back to the ocean, he’s going to die” he declared.  Zhan Junbai was quiet, biting his bottom lip and he weighed his options: on the one hand, he wanted to free Yu Tangchun and get him back to the ocean but on the other hand…his uncle… “Zhan-xiong, I swear to god if you’re weighing your options on what you should do, I’m going to smack you so hard upside the head you might see Davy Jones” Jiang Yuelou snarled.  Zhan Junbai looked over at him with wide eyes then back at Yu Tangchun before he huffed. “Alright.  Let’s get him out of here” he declared.  Chen Yuzhi shook his head. “But how?  We can’t remove that chain from around his neck” he stated.  Jiang Yuelou smirked as he held out the lantern to Zhan Junbai. “Hold this for me, will ya?” he asked.  Zhan Junbai looked at him and raised an eyebrow before he smirked and took the lantern, Chen Yuzhi frowning in confusion as he watched Zhan Junbai and Jiang Yuelou walk over to Yu Tangchun, Zhan Junbai holding up the lantern as Jiang Yuelou reached into his belt and pulled out a set of lock picking tools, quickly going to work on the chain around Yu Tangchun’s neck.  Within a few moments, the heavy chain fell away from Yu Tangchun’s neck and crashed to the ground, Zhan Junbai quickly handing the lantern to Jiang Yuelou as he reached out and scooped Yu Tangchun into his arms, the mermaid falling limp against him. “Let’s get him to the ship” he declared.  Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi nodded, the three men heading towards the palace, making sure to be extra quiet and careful as they slipped through the palace before they arrived at Zhan Junbai’s ship.  Zhan Junbai then turned to face Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi, smiling slightly. “I’ll take things from here” he declared.  Jiang Yuelou frowned. “Zhan-xiong…are you sure?  You know by doing this, you could be killed” he stated.  Zhan Junbai smirked. “It’s what I should have done from the beginning.  But I’ll be fine.  You two should go” he declared.  Chen Yuzhi and Jiang Yuelou looked at him before Chen Yuzhi shook his head. “We’ll stay until you’re safely away from shore.  Then we’ll leave” he stated.  Zhan Junbai smirked before he nodded. “Alright” he agreed before he turned and walked up the gangway, Yu Tangchun still in his arms.  He then carried Yu Tangchun into his quarters and placed him in his tub, hoping that the mermaid would feel a bit more at ease as he turned and headed out of his quarters, quickly going to work on getting the ship ready to sail.  Once the ship was ready, he walked over to the wheel, pausing to look over at Chen Yuzhi and Jiang Yuelou, both men looking back at him.  He then waved goodbye, Chen Yuzhi and Jiang Yuelou waving goodbye in return as they watched as Zhan Junbai set sail away from the castle.  Once he was far enough away from them, Chen Yuzhi and Jiang Yuelou looked at each other before they turned and walked away from the shore, heading back to the village.
Zhan Junbai sailed the ship throughout the night, soon arriving at the place where he had been captured.  Once they had arrived, he quickly stabbed a pole through the wheel to keep it in place as he headed down to his quarters, pushing open the door to see Yu Tangchun staring at him in confusion. “Junbai?” he whispered.  Zhan Junbai smiled as he walked over to him. “You’re awake” he greeted.  Yu Tangchun shook his head. “What…where am I?” he asked.  Zhan Junbai laughed softly. “On my ship, obviously” he stated.  Yu Tangchun nodded. “No, I know that but…why?” he asked.  Zhan Junbai smiled as he knelt down and scooped Yu Tangchun into his arms, carrying him out of his quarters and over to the side of the ship, allowing him to look out at the vast ocean that glittered with the morning sun’s gentle rays.  Yu Tangchun let out a gasp of surprise at the sight before him before he turned to look at Zhan Junbai with wide eyes. “What—” he breathed when Zhan Junbai smiled. “You’re going home, Tangchun” he declared.  He then carefully placed Yu Tangchun on the edge of the ship and took a step back, as he didn’t know how much room the merman would need to get into the water.  Yu Tangchun looked at him then at the water below, a small smile slowly growing on his face as tears began to well in his eyes. ��A single tear then fell from his eye but before the transformed pearl could fall into the ocean, Yu Tangchun caught it in his cupped palm, looking at it in surprise: a black pearl.  He then looked over at Zhan Junbai and smiled wider, motioning him over.  Zhan Junbai raised an eyebrow as he walked over to Yu Tangchun, the merman reaching out and taking his hand before placing something inside it, making Zhan Junbai look at it in confusion.  As he stared at it, he realized what he was looking at and looked up at Yu Tangchun in shock. “Tangchun” he breathed as Yu Tangchun smiled. “As a way to say thank you” he thanked before he leaned over the edge of the ship and fell into the ocean with a splash.  Zhan Junbai’s eyes widened and he quickly shoved the pearl into his pocket as he ran over to the edge, looking down at the ocean waves below, hoping to find some sign of Yu Tangchun.  As he was staring at the waves, he thought he saw something swimming towards him when suddenly something exploded from the waves, causing him to jump back in surprise as Yu Tangchun soared through the air like a whale breaching before diving back down into waves gracefully.  Zhan Junbai blinked in surprise before he rushed over to the edge of the ship, looking down to see Yu Tangchun smiling back up at him, looking happier and healthier than he had seen in days.  Zhan Junbai couldn’t help but smile back before he hummed. “I suppose it’s time for you to return home” he mused.  Yu Tangchun’s smile fell slightly as he nodded slowly. “Yes, I suppose so” he agreed, just as a loud explosion echoed throughout the air, making Zhan Junbai’s eyes widen as he turned away from Yu Tangchun. “Junbai!  Junbai, what’s happening?!” Yu Tangchun exclaimed.  Zhan Junbai didn’t answer as he ran away from Yu Tangchun and to the other side of the ship where the cannons were located and lit one of the fuses, watching as a cannonball exploded out of the cannon and shot towards the oncoming ship.  The cannonball missed, causing Zhan Junbai to growl as he glared at the person on the other ship. “Seems you’ve caught up to me, Uncle!” he shouted.   “Zhan Junbai!  How dare you!  You stole my mermaid!” Zhan Tianqing roared.  Zhan Junbai barked out a laugh as he walked over to another one of his cannons.   “Your mermaid?!  Yu Tangchun belongs to no one!  Not me and certainly not you!” he shouted as he lit the fuse on the cannon, watching as it flew through the air and crashed into Zhan Tianqing’s ship, a dark grin growing on his face.  Zhan Tianqing’s eyes widened before he pointed at Zhan Junbai. “FIRE!” he roared.  A large explosion of cannons went off, sending three cannonballs towards Zhan Junbai’s ship.  Zhan Junbai’s eyes widened but he refused to jump or leave his ship, so he stood his ground, watching as the cannonballs came closer before they crashed into his ship, causing an explosion so large that it sent him flying off the ship and into the water below.  Yu Tangchun, who hadn’t left the side of the ship, let out a cry of horror as he watched Zhan Junbai fly through the air and crash into the ocean before diving into the waves and swimming over to the drowning man.   “Junbai!  Zhan Junbai!” Yu Tangchun screamed, cupping the captain’s face in his hand, but Zhan Junbai wasn’t responding; he wasn’t even struggling or trying to swim, he was just sinking further and further down into the ocean’s depths.  Yu Tangchun shook his head; he refused to lose Zhan Junbai so he quickly forced out a tear, the pearl falling into his open hand which he then popped into his mouth and crushed with his teeth before he surged forward and kissed Zhan Junbai, shoving the shards of the pearl into his mouth.  He then pulled away and tipped Zhan Junbai’s head back, making sure that the shards of pearl went down his throat.  As the shards of pearls slid down Zhan Junbai’s throat, Zhan Junbai’s eyes shot open and he let out a gasp, causing Yu Tangchun to grin brightly. “Junbai!” he exclaimed.  Zhan Junbai frowned as he reached up and touched his throat, only to realize that he was breathing…underwater.   “What the—” he started, his eyes widening when he realized that he was talking underwater. “I saved you” Yu Tangchun explained as he motioned to Zhan Junbai. “By turning you into a mermaid” he declared.  Zhan Junbai’s eyes widened and he looked down to see that instead of two legs, he had a tail, just like Yu Tangchun’s, except his scales were a mixture of black and maroon.  He then looked up at Yu Tangchun in amazement. “But…why?” he whispered.  Yu Tangchun smiled. “Because I couldn’t lose you” he replied before his eyes darkened. “Now, if you’ll excuse, I’m going to take care of your uncle” he declared as he swam towards the surface, Zhan Junbai watching him as he broke the surface, Zhan Junbai’s pirate ship slowly sinking down towards Davy Jone’s locker.  When he broke the surface, Yu Tangchun turned and glared at Zhan Tianqing’s ship and at Zhan Tianqing in particular, as the man was staring at him. “There you are” he purred as he pointed to Yu Tangchun. “There he is.  Capture that mermaid!” he ordered.  The crew shouted their replies as they turned the ship towards Yu Tangchun, but Yu Tangchun wasn’t having it; he wouldn’t be captured.  Not again.  He then began to wave his hands over the waves in a circular motion, almost as if he was casting a curse, watching as the sky began to darken as the waves turned choppy.  Zhan Tianqing’s crew began to let out cries of fear as Yu Tangchun continued to churn the water, the waves getting choppier as the sky darkened even further, thunder beginning to rumble in the distance.  Just then, a large tsunami-like wave came rushing towards Zhan Tianqing and his crew, crashing into his ship and destroying it was nothing more than a ship made of toothpicks.  As Zhan Tianqing and crewmembers sputtered around in the ocean, desperately trying to stay afloat, a whirlpool suddenly formed underneath them and sucked them in, promptly drowning them.  Yu Tangchun then stopped churning the water and clapped his hands, the waves immediately stilling as the sky returned to its normal, sunny disposition. “How the fuck did you do that?” a voice asked from behind him, making him turn to see Zhan Junbai floating behind him.  He smiled and swam over to Zhan Junbai, shrugging. “All merpeople can control the ocean in one way or another.  The royal family is particularly good at it” he explained.  Zhan Junbai frowned. “Royal family?” he repeated.  Yu Tangchun looked at him before he laughed. “Oh, did I forget to mention?  I’m one of the many crown princes of the Mer-Kingdom” he explained.  Zhan Junbai’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open in shock before he huffed. “Now you tell me” he grumbled.  Yu Tangchun giggled before his smile fell and he looked at Zhan Junbai. “You’re…not mad, are you?” he asked.  Zhan Junbai frowned. “Mad?  Why would I be mad?” he asked.  Yu Tangchun motioned to him. “Well, you’re a mermaid now…you can never return to land or your crew” he stated.  Zhan Junbai chuckled. “Didn’t I tell you?  I was always drawn to the sea so I don’t mind never going back to land.  There’s nothing for me there anyways” he explained.  Yu Tangchun smiled as he reached out and took his hand. “Well, you have a home here, in the sea” he stated.  Zhan Junbai chuckled. “That I do” he agreed.  Yu Tangchun then tilted his head. “What about your…friend?  Jiang Yuelou?  Will he not miss you?” he asked.  Zhan Junbai smiled. “Oh, I’m sure he will.  He and his husband were really my only friends that I had” he mused.  Yu Tangchun was quiet before he grabbed Zhan Junbai’s hand. “Come on, we’re going to visit them” he declared.  Zhan Junbai frowned but allowed himself to be dragged by Yu Tangchun towards the shore.
At the shoreline, Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi were standing on the soft sand, listening to the waves crash against the shore, a frown on Jiang Yuelou’s face. “He’s at peace, Yuelou” Chen Yuzhi murmured.  Jiang Yuelou nodded. “I know, but…” he replied. “You wish you would have gone with him” Chen Yuzhi inferred, a sad smile on his face; he knew his husband better than anyone else, he knew his thought process.  Jiang Yuelou then turned to look at him. “But then I would have left you alone and I couldn’t do that to you” he murmured.  Chen Yuzhi smiled softly and nodded. “I know” he replied. “I agree, Jiang-xiong, that would have been very cruel of you” a voice called out, causing Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi to turn to see Zhan Junbai and Yu Tangchun sitting on one of the rocks near the shore, a small smirk on Zhan Junbai’s face.  Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widened before both men ran towards them, stopping when they noticed Zhan Junbai’s…tail. “Zhan-xiong, what the fuck is that” Jiang Yuelou exclaimed, pointing to Zhan Junbai’s tail.  Zhan Junbai looked at it and hummed. “Oh this?  It’s the result of being saved by a mermaid” he answered.  Chen Yuzhi blinked in confusion. “But how is that possible?” he breathed.  Yu Tangchun smiled. “If you crush and swallow a pearl made from a mermaid’s tear, you transform into a mermaid” he explained.  Chen Yuzhi looked over at him, his eyes widening with delight. “Fascinating” he breathed.  Yu Tangchun smiled as he held out his hand, two black pearls resting in his palm. “Junbai told me about how you two helped him rescue me…a token of thanks” he explained.  Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi looked at the pearls in shock before they reached out and each took a pearl, staring at it in awe before they looked up at Yu Tangchun. “Thank you” they thanked.  Yu Tangchun smiled and dipped his head as Zhan Junbai smiled. “Well, we must be off” he declared, making Chen Yuzhi and Jiang Yuelou look at him in confusion. “Where are you going?” Jiang Yuelou asked.  Yu Tangchun smiled. “Home” he answered as Zhan Junbai chuckled. “But don’t worry, we’ll make sure to visit often” he assured.  Jiang Yuelou pointed a finger at him. “You fucking better” he growled as Chen Yuzhi looked at Yu Tangchun. “I have so much to ask you” he stated.  Yu Tangchun smiled. “Well then, I look forward to your questions when we meet again, Dr. Chen” he declared.  Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi nodded as Zhan Junbai took Yu Tangchun’s hand before leaping into the ocean, the two mermen swimming off into the sunset.  Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi watched them swim away, the black pearls that Yu Tangchun gave them clutched tightly in their hands.
Zhan Junbai and Yu Tangchun made good on their promise to visit Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi almost every day, with Zhan Junbai and Jiang Yuelou catching up with Zhan Junbai explaining what went on down below (Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi nearly fainted when Zhan Junbai introduced Yu Tangchun as “Prince Yu Tangchun” so that was a fun little story to explain) while Jiang Yuelou told him about what went on on land.  Chen Yuzhi and Yu Tangchun, on the other hand, were constantly asking each other questions, mainly because Chen Yuzhi was a doctor and he loved learning and he had never studied mermaid anatomy before so Yu Tangchun was like…the perfect subject to study.  Yu Tangchun asked him questions as well, as he wanted to know as much about the human world as possible and while Zhan Junbai was helpful a little bit, Chen Yuzhi was much more interesting as he could explain things that Yu Tangchun wanted answers to, like human anatomy.  As Zhan Junbai and Jiang Yuelou watched Yu Tangchun and Chen Yuzhi interact and ask each other questions full of curiosity, Jiang Yuelou glanced over at Zhan Junbai. “Are you happy, Zhan-xiong?” he asked.  Zhan Junbai glanced back at him. “What do you mean?” he replied.  Jiang Yuelou motioned with his chin to Yu Tangchun, who was laughing brightly at something Chen Yuzhi said. “With him, I mean.  Are you happy with him?” he explained.  Zhan Junbai looked at Yu Tangchun and his face softened into something fond. “Yes.  I am” he whispered.  Jiang Yuelou smirked. “Good.  It’s about time you found something that you wanted to keep and hold onto instead of having to give it away to your shitty uncle” he murmured.  Zhan Junbai chuckled softly. “Yes…I suppose so” he agreed.  The two men continued to watch their partners chatter and ask each other questions with fond smiles on their faces until the sun began to set. “I think it’s time to call it a night, don’t you?” Jiang Yuelou asked, glancing over at Zhan Junbai.  Zhan Junbai chuckled. “We’ve been here all day, so I’d say so” he agreed.  Jiang Yuelou nodded as he walked over to Chen Yuzhi and gently tapped him on the arm, making him look up. “Come on, Yuzhi, it’s late” he murmured.  Chen Yuzhi nodded as he looked over at Yu Tangchun. “Goodbye Tangchun.  I hope I was able to answer your questions” he stated.  Yu Tangchun grinned and nodded. “I hope I was able to answer your questions as well, Dr. Chen” he replied.  Chen Yuzhi chuckled. “You did, trust me.  I’m going to have to get a new notebook to put all my notes in” he stated.  Yu Tangchun grinned before he looked over at Jiang Yuelou. “Thank you for letting me talk to Dr. Chen for so long” he thanked.  Jiang Yuelou smiled. “I like to indulge my Yuzhi in whatever he wants, so it’s not a problem” he assured.  Chen Yuzhi gave him a look, to which he just smiled in return, causing Yu Tangchun to laugh before he swam over to Zhan Junbai, who was waiting for him. “Goodbye, Zhan-xiong.  Get home safely” Jiang Yuelou called out.  Zhan Junbai smiled and nodded. “You as well, Yuelou” he replied.  Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi nodded, both men watching as Yu Tangchun and Zhan Junbai swam away from the shore before they turned and began walking up the beach, back to the village.
As Zhan Junbai and Yu Tangchun were swimming back to the palace (as that’s where they resided since Yu Tangchun was a prince), a thought suddenly hit Zhan Junbai and he stopped swimming, making Yu Tangchun look over at him with a frown. “Junbai?  What is it?” he asked.  Zhan Junbai shook his head as he let out a soft laugh. “Do you remember what you asked me on the ship?  When I told you about how I only kept the best of the best treasure?” he asked.  Yu Tangchun was quiet before he nodded. “Yes, I think I remember.  I remember asking you what you would consider me, but you never answered me” he replied.  Zhan Junbai smiled as he reached out and gently cupped Yu Tangchun’s face in his hands, making Yu Tangchun look at him with wide eyes. “Well, I have your answer now.  Do you want to hear it?” he asked.  Yu Tangchun nodded.  Zhan Junbai then leaned forward, smiling lovingly at Yu Tangchun. “You, Yu Tangchun, are more precious than any treasure I have ever stolen, captured, or found in my life” he declared.  Yu Tangchun stared at him with wide eyes before his eyes began to well with tears, causing Zhan Junbai to smile and quickly swipe away the tears. “Now, now, no more tears.  Your parents will think I’ve done something to you” he stated.  Yu Tangchun sniffled as he let out a soft laugh. “But you have done something” he murmured.  Zhan Junbai’s eyes widened in shock as he let go of Yu Tangchun’s face. “What have I done?” he asked.  Yu Tangchun smiled. “You’re a pirate, aren’t you?  You steal and plunder things, don’t you?” he asked.  Zhan Junbai frowned. “I suppose so” he agreed as Yu Tangchun leaned forward, getting close to Zhan Junbai’s face. “Well you, Captain Zhan Junbai, have stolen my heart” he declared.  Zhan Junbai looked at him in shock before he barked out a laugh and grabbed Yu Tangchun by his waist, spinning him around and resting his forehead against his. “And you, Prince Yu Tangchun, have stolen mine” he whispered.  Yu Tangchun giggled before he looked at Zhan Junbai. “Shall we go home?” he asked.  Zhan Junbai smiled. “Lead the way” he replied.  He then released Yu Tangchun and took his hand, smiling down at the simple bracelets made of woven seaweed with a single black pearl in the center that they wore before they continued their swim to the palace, their hands clasped tightly in the other’s.
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