#UK blogging podcast
magic-h0ur · 10 months
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wanderlust-journal · 2 years
Two Bossy Broads Travel Abroad
Two Bossy Broads Travel Abroad
by Maddalena Beltrami. I mentioned to my friend, Sandi, that I wanted to go to Liverpool.  Yes, please, she replied.  Could two bossy broads travel abroad together? As it turns out, she dislikes making travel arrangements and leaves that to her husband. I, on the other hand, won’t even allow someone to buy me a bus ticket.  And so began the plan: Liverpool and the Beatles for both of us, Bath…
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phoenixyfriend · 5 months
Can you explain the Iran-Israel situation please?
Alright, let's get to it. Please note that I'm writing this on mobile during my lunch break, so I can't include reference/source links as much as I'd like. Thankfully, most of what I'm going to be telling you should be easily located by searching for an article on one of the following: APNews, Reuters, BBC Global News Podcast, Democracy Now!, NPR, or The New York Times. Long-term background is probably best found in videos by the YouTube channels Real Life Lore or tldr global news, or on Wikipedia if you prefer text.
The short version: Israel attacked Iran's consulate in Syria to get at some of the military commanders that were there, which is legally equivalent to attacking Iran itself. Iran responded by sending about 300 bombs at Israel, most of which were shot down in transit. Given that they still called it a success, even though it seems only one person was even hurt, my understanding is that it's very likely that they only intended the rockets to be a show of force, rather than an actual escalation, because Iran can't afford a war right now.
To support my blogging so I can move out of my parents’ house, I do have a ko-fi. Alternately, you can donate to one of the charities I list in this post OR this post.
The long version:
Okay, let's start with some background on Israel, then Iran. This is... a lot, so if you already know the broad strokes skip down to 2023.
Israel was established following WWII by the English and French, following borders the two countries had secretly drawn up decades earlier in the Sykes-Picot agreement. The intent was to give the Jewish people a place to go... or, depending on who you ask, a place to send them. Their ancestral homeland was viewed as the best choice, sort of like a deportation millennia after a diaspora. Given that WWII had just ended by the time Sykes-Picot was actually put into effect, 'getting out of Europe' was something a lot of Jews were given to agree with.
The Arab world was not happy, as that land had belonged to the Ottomans for centuries, and had long since 'naturalized' to being Arab. I'm not going to pretend to know the nuances to when people do or do not consider Palestine to have been its own nation; it was an Ottoman state until WWI, at which point it came under British control for just under three decades, and that period is known as the British Mandate of Palestine; it ended after WWII, with the creation of Israel. Palestine's land and people have sort of just been punted around from one colonizer to another for centuries.
Iran is the current form of what was once Persia. They were an empire for a very long time, and were a unitary monarchy up until the early 20th century; in 1925, Iran elected a Prime Minister who was then declared the monarch. The following several decades had Iran's monarchy slowly weakened, and occasionally beset by foreign interventions, including a covert coup by the US and UK in 1953. The country also became more corrupt throughout the 1970s due to economic policy failing to control inflation in the face of rising oil prices.
In 1979, there was a revolution that overthrew the monarchy and the elected government, replacing the system with a theocracy and declaring Iran to be an Islamic Republic, with the head of state being a religious authority, rather than an elected one. This was not popular with... most countries. 1980 saw the closure of all universities (reopened in 1983 with government-approved curriculums), as well as the taking of over fifty American hostages from the US Embassy in Iran. You may have heard about that in the context of Ronald Reagan encouraging Iran to keep the hostages until the end of Carter's term in order to force the election.
So, the West didn't like having an Islamic state because it claims to like democracy, and also because the Islamic state was explicitly anti-American and this has some Bad Effects on oil prices. The Soviets didn't like having an Islamic State because a theocracy goes directly against a lot of communist values (or at least the values they claim to have), and weakened any influence their supposedly secular union could have on Iran and the wider middle east. The other countries in the Arab world, many of them still monarchies, didn't like the Islamic republic because if the revolution spread, then it was possible their monarchies would be overthrown as well.
(Except Oman, which is not worried, but that's the exception, not the rule.)
This is not a baseless worry, because Iran has stated that this is its goal for the Arab world. Overthrow the monarchies, overthrow the elected governments, Islamic Rule for everyone. That is the purpose of its proxies, like Hezbollah (Lebanon), the Houthis (Yemen), and Hamas (Palestine), along with less well-known groups like the Salafi Jihadists in Mali, who are formally under the umbrella of al-Quaeda, which Iran denies having any relation to but is suspected of funding. In areas where these proxy groups have gained power, they are liable to enact hard Shari'a law such as has happened in Northern Mali and other parts of the Sahel region.
While other conflicts have occurred in these countries, I think the above is most relevant.
Israel has repeatedly attacked, or been attacked by, other nations in the middle east, as they are viewed as having taken over land that is not theirs, and as being a puppet of the US government. The biggest conflicts have been 1947-1948, 1968/1973, and 2014.
And then, of course, 2023.
Now, Iran, more than any other nation in the Middle East, hates Israel. They have for a very long time, viewing them as an affront to the goal of spreading Islam across the whole of the middle east, and as being a front and a staging ground for the United States and other Western powers. Two common refrains in the slogans of Iran and its proxies are "Death to America" and "Death to Israel."
Due to Iran's military power and virulence towards Israel, the United States has been funneling money to Israel for decades. It has more generally been to defend itself against the Arab world at large, but it has narrowed over the decades to being about Iran and its proxies as relations have normalized with other nations like Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
Cue October 7th, 2023. Hamas invades Israeli towns, kills some people, and takes others as hostage. Israel retaliates, and the conflict ramps up into what is by now tens of thousands of dead, some half of which are children.
In this time, Hamas's allies are, by definition, Iran and the other proxy forces. Hezbollah, being in Lebanon, share a border with Israel's north. They have been trading rocket fire across the border in waves for most of the past six months. The Houthis, down in Yemen, claim to be attacking the passing cargo ships in order to support Palestine. Given that the attacks often seem indiscriminate, and that the Houthi's control over their portion of Yemen is waning in the face of their poor governance, this is... debatable. It's their official reason, but given that "let's attack passing ships, claiming that we only attack Israeli or American ships and that it is to support Palestine" is rallying support domestically for their regime, it does seem to be more of a political move to garner support at home than about supporting Palestine.
Iran, however, has not attacked Israel. They've spoken out about it, yes, but they haven't done anything because nobody wants a regional war. Nobody can afford it right now. Iran is dealing with a domestic crisis due to oil subsidies bleeding the states' coffers dry, and the aging Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the leader of Iran, refusing to pick a successor. They are looking at both an economic crisis and succession crisis, and a regional war would fuck up both situations further. Iran funds most of its proxies, and they can't do that, and fight a war on top of it, while their economy is in its current state. Pure self preservation says they don't want a war, especially with the ongoing unrest that's been going on for... well, basically since the revolution, but especially since the death of Mahsa Amini.
Meanwhile, in Israel, Netanyahu has been looking at corruption charges and legal issues since before the Hamas attack. It's generally agreed that if Israel were to hold new elections right now, he would lose and be replaced, and also immediately taken to court. Netanyahu wants to stay in power, and as long as the war on Hamas lasts, he is unlikely to get voted out. A change in leadership in the middle of a war is rarely a good idea for any country, and he's banking on that.
However, the war on Hamas rests on the shoulders of American money and supplies. Without that military support, Israel cannot fight this war, and America... is losing patience.
Officially, America and most of the western world have been telling Israel to not fucking escalate for the majority of the war.
There have been implied threats, more or less since Schumer's big speech about how Israel needs a new election, of American legislators putting conditions on any future aid. There have even been rumblings of aid being retracted entirely if Israel follows through on invading Raffah.
American aid to Israel has, for a very long time, been given in the name of defending Israel against Iran and its proxies.
Israel has been fighting this war against Hamas for six months, killing what is by now innumerable civilians, on the power of US military aid.
Netanyahu benefits from the continued war due to domestic troubles.
Iran does not want a regional war, or really any big war, due to its own domestic troubles.
The US is, in theory, losing patience with Israel and threatening to pull the plug on unconditional support. It's very "we gave you this to fight Iran. Stop attacking civilians. If you keep attacking civilians, then you're going to have to rely on what we already gave you to fight off Iran so that you won't keep wasting it on civilians."
Israel... attacks Iran, prompting a response, and is now talking about escalating with Iran.
I am not explicitly saying that it looks to me like Israel, which is already fighting a war on two physical fronts and even more political/economic ones, has picked a fight with Iran so that America feels less like it is able to withdraw support.
I just... am finding it hard to understand why Israel, which is in fact fighting both Hamas and Hezbollah, would attack the Iranian consulate in Syria otherwise. They can't actually afford to fight this war, escalating to a full regional conflict, on a third front.
Not without pressuring American into keeping the faucet of military funding open at full blast.
To support my blogging so I can move out of my parents’ house, I do have a ko-fi. Alternately, you can donate to one of the charities I list in this post OR this post.
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ayeforscotland · 2 years
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Hello, I'm AyeforScotland and I've been here for too long. AyeforScotland started off as a Scottish politics blog campaigning for Scottish independence but has since evolved into whatever the hell this is. The fight for Scottish independence continues - I love answering asks about it. And naturally I also discuss wider UK and International politics as well.
Politics FAQ
However, it can't all be doom and gloom - and I suppose I'm kinda 'creative' too so AyeforScotland naturally grew arms and legs and I'll list all the other stuff I do down below👇👇👇
As modest as I try to be, I'm particular proud of the community surrounding this blog and in my discord (YOU SHOULD JOIN). These are people like you who are reading this now who have educated me on a variety of topics over the past decade - and I'm still learning from them daily. I've also ran some amazing 24 hour hour charity streams for a range of charities across Scotland and the UK. So far those charities are the TIE Campaign, The Equality Network, Endometriosis UK, Galop, War Child & Cats Protection. I also co-host @theayesphere podcast every week with the wonderful @thebibliosphere. We chat about everything from politics to entertainment media, and do deep dives on games, TV and films!
I regularly get messages asking to read, review and advise on Scottish dialogue as well as lend my voice to various projects. Commissions are open on Ko-Fi for this type of work. Just get in touch with your project and we'll get sorted.
Click here for all links
Discord - The home of the community - Filled with amazing people
Twitch - I play a variety of games on Twitch, I enjoy everything but like to focus on narrative, indie experiences. I also run community interaction games which are always a great laugh. Ko-Fi - My Ko-fi is for people who would like to support me in all the various bits and pieces I do to inform and entertain. It is hugely appreciated and often straight-up reinvested into providing more for you all. YouTube - I have a YouTube Channel I try to make content for when I can. I want to do more but time has been against me recently but there's some video essays I'm very proud of. There's also a separate AyeforScotlandVODs channel for my Twitch streams.
TikTok - Tends to be me ranting about politics or funny Twitch Highlights Twitter - The dying platform - Tumblr is far superior but you can support me as a creator there if you like. There's a few other links but I don't want this post to take forever. If you need anything or have any questions, my asks and DMs are open. Yours for Scotland, Aye
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months
Wondering what kind of shenanigans you foresee Meghan trying to pull re: Kamala Harris? I’ve seen a puff piece claiming “Meghan would love to endorse Harris” floating around but that was last week when people with much bigger names actually were coming out to endorse. That article mentioned that Meghan had been in close touch with Shannon Watts (Moms Demand Action co-founder) who organized a fundraising zoom call for Harris last week that had several celebrities on it, but if Meghan was on the call then she wasn’t asked to speak or wasn’t mentioned. I think you’ve said before that most people in politics have already figured Meghan out, but I can’t help but think she’s going to be desperate to try and do something, especially considering both she and Harris are mixed-race California women. In my own personal opinion, if the Obama’s won’t touch her with a ten foot pole then neither will Harris, and the last thing a serious presidential candidate should want to do is give the time of day to someone who has public beef with one of our best allies…but who knows
*not trying to start a political debate on your blog. I simply am curious as to your thoughts on if/how Meghan will try to hijack this moment, and what her success level will be.
There was gossip a couple months back that Meghan and Harry were planning to contribute to the election in some way again - my thought was that they were probably going to do another GOTV video, even though it was widely panned and criticized.
But now that the race has changed and the presumptive nominee is Kamala Harris? I’m actually not so sure anymore. Kamala and her team would be fully aware, and wary, of the way Meghan operates, given their relationships in California politics, friendships with the Obamas and Bidens, and Kamala’s position in the party.
Will Meghan try to get in and do some politicking? Absolutely. But the campaign will probably keep her at arm’s distance because they know all the dirt and the closest Meghan will get to them is a sudsy public service announcement on the importance of voting or maybe a spot at a closed-door private fundraising dinner hosted by a WME connection.
Will Meghan try to manifest a relationship or a connection with Kamala? Absolutely, again. In fact it’s already started - @the-empress-7 pointed out yesterday that Meghan’s press releases and emails have begun using vocabulary and style that mimics Kamala’s speeches. So the subtle SEO work is in progress, and I would expect it to ramp up in the coming weeks as the Democrats come to Chicago for the convention.
Speaking of Chicago, Harry’s been to Chicago a few times for work with the Obamas. And let’s not forget that Meghan went to college in Chicago (technically, in the metropolitan area of Chicago but she doesn’t care about facts). So there are increasing odds that we *might* see the Sussexes in Chicago. My theory is we’ll see her GOTV ad during the convention primetime air slots.
Since Meghan seems to be on a new kick with Moms Demand Action (because mom is her latest rebranding) and it ties in nicely with Harry’s security salvo from last week about how dangerous the UK is (which certainly isn’t helped by what happened in Southport yesterday), my feeling is that she may be trying to wedge herself in the door through them. But how will she act? There’s a few possibilities:
Another NYT op-ed endorsing Kamala.
In a “(identity politics) for Harris” call/conference.
Through some magazine article feature story because it’s time for her to win another award.
A special episode of her podcast, now hosted at Lemonada.
I can’t say why, but my gut is saying it’s going to be an op-ed of some kind or an appearance at an issues-based conference/summit that no one’s heard about. Because Meghan is uniquely qualified more than anyone to speak on the horrors of having to live under constant threat of danger just to do ordinary things in her ordinary life…which she will say with left eye, one tear, go to parents that have lost their children to school violence and everyone will be uncomfortable.
I’ll end it with this. If it’s true that Harry will be spending 4+ weeks in the UK soon, we should fully expect Meghan to go nuts with paparazzi stunts and appearances, as she usually does when Harry’s away. We could very well see her trying to get “in” with the campaign since late August/early September is when the campaigns swing into high gear.
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✨Episode 31 - Decision Episode!✨
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The Traveller recounts a rather grisly nursery rhyme; and the crew finally meet their buyer...
Subscribe now Spotify, Apple Podcasts or your podcatcher of choice 🚀✨ Full transcript available here.
Travelling Light is a science fantasy podcast that follows the Traveller as they explore their galaxy, collecting stories from the people they meet and adding them to their community archives.
Our artist Matt McDyre (@diabeticspoon92) illustrates every episode’s archive entry. This week’s entry was based on a submission from Toblerones - thanks, friend! 💖
Send in your own archive entries on social media, by email, or through monstrousproductions.org. Every idea we use gets its own illustration, just like the one above!
This episode includes an audience decision. Should the Traveller get defensive or keep their cool? Vote now on Ko-Fi!
Voting closes at 1.00PM UK time on Tuesday 20th and the result will be revealed in Episode 32 🤩
Voting is open to everyone who supports us on Ko-Fi. As well as making decisions about the show, you can also get all sorts of rewards including an invitation to our Discord server, additional art, annotated scripts and weekly blogs!
Finally, a quick heads up that, due to some scheduling conflicts here at Monstrous HQ, next week's episode will be out on Saturday rather than Friday - that's August 24th.
🚀✨ See you next Saturday! ✨🚀
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vampyreblogger · 6 months
here's an introduction post because i've had stuff in my bio for so long but never made a post! :3
so, hiiiii! introduction under the cut :3
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hiya XD !!!
about me:
my name's ozzy, and my pronouns are he/they/she (with a heavy preference on he/him). i love vampires (if that wasn't obvious :P) and i'm 18 years old and live in the uk. i'm emo and goth (but moreso emo) !!
i also am diagnosed with autism & adhd, which isn't super important but does explain my posting habits lol
i'm always open to messages and asks from anyone - mutuals or not! i promise i'm friendly X3
i'm arospec and polyamorous and my partners are @abowlofpastainatophat 🦥 & @a-vverevvolfs-vvorld 🐀
my pfp is regularly updated when i change my appearance/feel like it, and the picrew i use is:
about my posts & reblogs:
i'm terrible at tagging but i try to tag original posts w "ozzy rambles" and edits w "ozzy edits"
i'm a multifandom mess, so i can't guarantee there won't be any curveball fandoms but generally i will post stuff abt the fandoms below (⭐️ = special interest) (‼️ = current hyperfixation)
my chemical romance ⭐️
panic! at the disco
pierce the veil
counting crows
the magnus archives
the magnus protocol
rusty quill gaming
supernatural ⭐️
it's always sunny in philadelphia ‼️
the x files
avatar: the last airbender
breaking bad
death note
buffy the vampire slayer
interview with the vampire
assassin's creed 2
fnaf: pizzeria simulator
baldur's gate 3
dan and phil
general interests:
about my writing:
my fanfic blog is @vampyrewriter and i take commissions (but also i will probably listen to any requests/suggestions anyway - i'm always looking for new ideas!)
other sideblogs:
my digital scrapbook blog is @vampyrescrapbook
my poetry blog (mostly unused) is @vampyrepoem
my backup(?) blog is @vampyresilly
thank you for reading! xoxo
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melodianaartist · 3 months
Ehm since I have talked about good omens on here before i just wanted to jump on here to clarify that in light of all this, I don’t support Neil Gaiman.
Honestly I do not have the mental spoons to research the situation right now as my irl life is incredibly busy and I just can’t right now.
From what I gather this situation is also really messy and hard to access. The article currently going around comes from boris Johnson’s transphobic sister and the actual interview it sources was conducted within the context of a true crime podcast which is also paywalled, thus making it hard to access. The best source we have rn is from someone live-blogging said podcast on Twitter. (On a personal level: I don’t even have Twitter and for personal reasons will not have it ever. I’ve seen screenshots of the interviewed (including ones where it seems that the liveblog says that the act was consensual) and I have no way to judge their accuracy.)
Most of what I see in tumblr tag rn is people saying to wait and see for better, trustworthy and accessible sources, while also believing victims until proven otherwise. I second that notion.
It is also - regardless of the truth of this situation - wise to question why Boris Johnson’s transphobic sister would publish this article right now when it’s -from what I understand - a important time concerning UK Elections and Neil Gaiman has spoken out against TERFS like Jk Rowling before. Using victims to feed transphobic narratives is despicable.
I believe that there is such a thing as separating the art from the artist, but I’m not sure how I feel about posting good omens stuff for now.
I won’t be engaging or keeping up with this situation because I lack the ability to right now. That beeing said, I don’t want any of my silence beeing understood as support of Neil Gaiman.
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As in Victoria at the Nobels puffy or Fergie in the 80s puffy?
the puffy skirt that i had in my mind was the old school glamour type, like what QEII and TQM wore here https://www.tumblr.com/houseofwindsor-blog/118608308378/king-george-vi-and-king-frederick-ix-arrive-at-a?source=share
oh and i wish someone made a law to make tiara and any other jewelries mandatory for any appropriate events, even for a funeral (if someone had a mourning tiara). and bring back the funeral veil!!! see jackie kennedy's veil and three queen's in mourning's veils https://www.tumblr.com/philibetexcerpts/708960375279861760?source=share
okay too much opinions, i'll shut up now.
Right, I get ya. That's Victoria at the Nobels puffy! I don't want to assume who you follow but you can find more of those big, glamorous ball gowns in mainland Europe. They've died out a bit in the UK but Maxima, Letizia, Victoria, Madeleine etc still bring out the big guns quite a bit:
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As for the second part, I would agree entirely. We did an episode of the podcast (here) where I was talking about how much I love Papal Court dress. Not this modern bollocks but when they're in head to toe black, black veil, a black mantilla is even better. I know it's very sad blah blah but the drama of the old mourning dress where they were literally shrouding themselves away is also so striking to me. And then the days when they would wear tiaras to the Royal Variety Performance! I fully understand why certain royal families have decided to scale back certain events. I don't necessarily think it's the wrong decision. But selfishly if it was up to me people would be bringing us theatre and drama with clothing.
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p-redux · 1 year
Inbox Summary 9/29/2023
Hi peeps, so I'm going to try something new. For some of your Asks in my Inbox, instead of answering them individually, I'm going to do a combined summary post of all of them.
I'm doing this because a lot of the questions are about past stuff I've already answered. I don't have time to keep answering the same questions (Search is your friend, my friends), I don't want to take up space on my blog to answer stuff that has already been answered, and the main thing is, I'm TIRED.
I'm in one of my fandom "meh" moods. I get into fandom funks every once in a while, where I'm over it, and don't feel like posting. BUT, I love you guys, and I know the next big scoop is just around the corner. Every time, I say to myself, I'm just going to fandom retire, Cait gets engaged, Sam is seen with a new woman, Cait gets married, Sam is seen with a new woman, I get the scoop AHEAD of time that Cait is pregnant (remember when I posted MONTHS before that someone from Outlander was pregnant? and 'lo and behold, that August, Cait announced she'd had her son), Sam is seen with a new woman, Cait has her baby, etc, etc. So, I don't give up...because I know there's more stuff coming, and also, like I said, I really enjoy my Team here.
So, what I'm going to do is either on Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays, depending on how busy I am, I'm going to do a weekly summary of answers to some of my Inbox questions. They will be short answers. And for further details, you guys can just Search my blog or Search Google.
I'll still answer some questions individually, but it will depend on the subject, and how busy I am in RL. Please keep sending me questions and DM's. I'll answer them. Some won't be answered as in depth as others, that's all.
So, here we go for this week's round up...in no particular order:
Susie Evans is in Austin with friends.
Sam is still in the UK. Cait is in Paris.
Sam is expected in New York next week, for the Keepers of the Quaich event ON Cait's birthday, October 4. For those gnashing "why do you think Cait wouldn't go to New York to spend her birthday with Sam?! She could?! They're friends?!" Um, yes, they're friends...but REALITY CHECK: Cait is married to Tony McGill and has a toddler son with him. Logic dictates that Cait and family aren't going to schlep from Europe to New York to be with Sam, who is simply her friend and costar, and NOTHING MORE. Cait will spend her birthday with her husband and son, and she has a TON of friends, she's not going to fly to NY expressly for Sam. Plus, he's BUSY on her birthday, remember? He's going to be at that Keepers of the Quaich event.
No, Sam and Sophie Skelton never dated. Sam never posts who he dates (except when he went Instagram official with Mackenzie Mauzy, but that was after 2 years of a committed relationship), and he posted pics with Sophie on a motorcycle at his Glasgow home. If they were secretly dating, he would have been much more secretive about it. I mean, I hope Sam is into some kink, but da/daughter ain't one of them. Who's your daddy? hahaha.
By now, we all know Sam's ex, Abbie Salt is fighting some type of cancer. Yes, she hasn't posted in a while. I'm worried about her too. But her sister, Charlotte Salt, has posted, and she posts on her professional design IG accounts as well. If Abbie had taken a turn for the worse, I don't think her sister would be posting. I hope Abbie makes a full recovery, wish her all the best.
Yes, I know, Sam's ex, Anna Modler is pregnant and having a baby girl.
Thanks for letting me know that two other of Sam's exes, Hannah James and Mackenzie Mauzy recently started following birthing, doula, and parenting accounts on IG. Looks like their next adventure is motherhood. Also wish them all the best.
The podcast with that IG influencer that was supposedly going to have some Sam content, as far as I know, there hasn't been any Sam mention. So, that was all smoke and mirrors, trying to get some free advertisement. Nothing to see there.
The two blonde, blue-eyed Scottish IG influencers supposedly being linked with Sam. I see no evidence of that. Again, seems to be just smoke and mirrors, and names dropped in my Inbox to see if I would post them or not. Nothing to see there.
Asking for a cheat sheet of the women Sam has dated and what do certain initials mean. I've done plenty of posts summarizing the women Sam has dated. Please Search my blog or Search Google. As for initials, I don't use initials, I post full names. So, if you see a woman's initials, match them to the full names I've posted.
Cait's dad's funeral. And do I have questions about Sam being there? Um, that's all Extreme Shipper bullshit, lies, spin, deception, and now they've sold it as shipper canon. NO, I don't have any questions because WHO was at Cait's father's funeral is VERY clear. Again, Search what I've posted. There are pic, video of Cait sitting next to her mother, and the "Sam is sitting next to Cait but he's wearing a wig" is her brother. NOT Sam. Tony is sitting in the rows behind, holding baby BalfeMcGill, as are other spouses. NO ONE from Outlander went to Cait's dad's funeral. Please THINK. Cait has a big family and she has a TON of friends, some she has known for YEARS. If anyone was going to go all the way to Ireland for her father's funeral, it would be her immediate and LARGE extended family, all the family's friends in Ireland, and then Cait's close friends. Sam and Outlander people aren't even in the first few rungs of WHO would get invited to the funeral. And yes, that includes, Sam Heughan. Besides, Sam was in Las Vegas during the funeral, and there are lots of posts showing that.
I know the TRUTH about Cait and Sam never dating, and Cait being with Tony since 2014. I know this thru verifiable and identifiable sources who directly and personally know Cait, Sam, and Tony. So, there are NO questions for me, because I've known the TRUTH for 9 years. It's that simple.
As, for my little frothy pet troll who sends me weekly rants about Sam. You can keep going, but all I do is laugh and laugh at how pathetic you are. What you write doesn't upset me because I'm not personally invested in Sam. I'm really not. I post about him because I get info about him, and people are interested in it. But I don't care one way or the other. My IP tracker tells me where the basement is from where you gnash and froth so desperately. So, go ahead, make my day, but I'm NEVER going to post what you send me. You'll never get that satisfaction. Never. Try me.
Okay, peeps, that's it for the summary. I may do more on Sunday. And like I said, I'll still answer individual questions, depending on what they are. If you ever want to know something from the past, please just Search my blog. If you can't find it there, then go to Google and Search p-redux and names or words you're looking for, and all my past posts will pop up.
Thanks for reading!
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saintmeghanmarkle · 4 months
JAN MOIR: What do Charles and William think about the Spencers' very public embrace of Harry which could cast them in cold and unflattering light? by u/Von_und_zu_
JAN MOIR: What do Charles and William think about the Spencers' very public embrace of Harry which could cast them in cold and unflattering light? Witty prose from Jan. Ruddy of face, snowy of hair and thick of calf, the elder Spencers entered the cathedral like a shire farmer and his clan visiting a county fair to give the sugar beets a good old squeeze. \**And do you know what? I'm so very glad they were there for him. It's too sad to think of Harry flying over here, fretfully offsetting his carbon footprint, clutching his little box of medals, thrumming his fingers on his temples, his anxiety levels rising as the dog-bowl threat and the road less travelled rise up to meet him yet again. \**The Spencers don't have to forgive the Sussexes or accommodate their peeved intransigence or just seethe and suck it up. For Prince Harry has no beef with his Uncle Charles, nor has he ever hoisted his sauceboat of hot sulk to pour the usual grievance gravy over lovely Aunt Jane.He hasn't accused either of them, or anyone in their immediate family, of being racists, bullies, sneaks, liars and downright stinking rotters. He hasn't trashed them or betrayed them in books, podcasts or on television interviews watched by millions around the world. He hasn't caused reputational damage to their family, like he has elsewhere, ahem.He even thanked Earl Spencer and Lady Jane in the acknowledgments section of his autobiography, Spare — an honour accorded to absolutely no one in his inner blood circle.So their support was nice, and so was the small, cheering crowd of blimps who turned up for him, too. Not everyone hates Prince Harry for smearing his family — and by extension the entire country — as a racist backwater full of repressive thickos unable to see the bigger picture or wake up and smell the roses, like him and his sainted wife.Speaking of which, such a shame that the Duchess of Sussex was not at Harry's side this week, patting him like a puppy as per, holding his hand, sharing in the dim glow of this rare show of public popularity.Certainly, it is not like Meghan to miss a full on, super-swank opportunity like this; she's usually all over Invictus ceremonies like a regimental mascot on parade. It brings out her inner drum majorette, it gives her a sham regal sheen — so why the unexplained absence?Spencers or no Spencers, the Duchess hasn't got a proper excuse for avoiding the UK this week and the truth is that she doesn't even need one any more. The cavalry has been and gone, the dust has settled and we all know where we stand.Next stop, Nigeria. And I simply cannot wait for that.https://ift.tt/n6WN8AD post link: https://ift.tt/PbJBNfV author: Von_und_zu_ submitted: May 10, 2024 at 04:38AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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writing-for-life · 3 months
The podcast isn’t completely paywalled and Tortoise Media isn’t owned by Boris Johnson (please people, check your sources!)
Ok, this is the last I’ll say about this:
PLEASE don’t reblog everything unchecked. PLEASE do your own research before you reblog stuff unquestioned. Don’t rely on other people’s often questionable “summaries”. The unsubstantiated crap I’ve seen on here today is honestly starting to get embarrassing, and people reblog it without as much as checking if it’s true. I’ve listened to the thing in its entirety, and I still don’t blog about it and won’t. My guess is that the majority of people who reblog haven’t listened at all and just rely on what other people write. That’s how you create echo chambers that align with your own bias, and that’s also how you spread misinformation. And we have plenty of that by now.
The latest thing I’ve read is that Boris Johnson (former UK PM) owns Tortoise Media. No, he doesn’t (in fact, they’ve dragged him several times. The fact that his sister, who he doesn’t get along with btw, was involved in this particular report doesn’t change that one bit. She used to be Conservative, then changed to the LibDems and is now Independent. Her other views are a different topic). And it’s all very easy to find out and takes barely a minute.
The person who spreads that misinformation also writes that the “Conservative Party is further to the right than the Tories”. Dude, the Tories and the Conservatives are the SAME PARTY! 🤦🏻‍♀️ And people reblog it and vehemently agree. I’m sometimes just despairing on here.
Btw, the podcast is not paywalled (I read this constantly on here). It’s only behind a paywall on Tortoise’s own page, but you can freely listen to it on e.g. Apple Podcasts and other podcast platforms. With free transcripts to read. There:
Peddling of misinformation helps no one.
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New SpaceTime out Friday
SpaceTime 20240830 Series 27 Episode 105
Discovery of the heaviest antimatter hyper-nucleus ever created
Physicists from the STAR Collaboration have for the first time observed a new antimatter hyper-nucleus called anti-hyperhydrogen-4.
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Rocket engine explodes during UK spaceport test A rocket engine exploded spectacularly during a hot fire first stage test at Britain's new SaxaVord spaceport in northern Scotland.
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Why food tastes bad in space
A new study may help explain why astronauts are constantly reporting that their meals taste bland in space.
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The Science Report
Five percent of people are consuming products that are potentially toxic to their livers.
The robotic glove that will help people who need hand rehabilitation.
Your social position – income and job – could be linked to your food preferences.
Skeptics guide to the accuracy of ghost hunts
SpaceTime covers the latest news in astronomy & space sciences.
The show is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Apple Podcasts (itunes), Stitcher, Google Podcast, Pocketcasts, SoundCloud, Bitez.com, YouTube, your favourite podcast download provider, and from www.spacetimewithstuartgary.com
SpaceTime is also broadcast through the National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio and on both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
SpaceTime daily news blog: http://spacetimewithstuartgary.tumblr.com/
SpaceTime facebook: www.facebook.com/spacetimewithstuartgary
SpaceTime Instagram @spacetimewithstuartgary
SpaceTime twitter feed @stuartgary
SpaceTime YouTube: @SpaceTimewithStuartGary
SpaceTime -- A brief history
SpaceTime is Australia’s most popular and respected astronomy and space science news program – averaging over two million downloads every year. We’re also number five in the United States.  The show reports on the latest stories and discoveries making news in astronomy, space flight, and science.  SpaceTime features weekly interviews with leading Australian scientists about their research.  The show began life in 1995 as ‘StarStuff’ on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) NewsRadio network.  Award winning investigative reporter Stuart Gary created the program during more than fifteen years as NewsRadio’s evening anchor and Science Editor.  Gary’s always loved science. He studied astronomy at university and was invited to undertake a PHD in astrophysics, but instead focused on his career in journalism and radio broadcasting. Gary’s radio career stretches back some 34 years including 26 at the ABC. He worked as an announcer and music DJ in commercial radio, before becoming a journalist and eventually joining ABC News and Current Affairs. He was part of the team that set up ABC NewsRadio and became one of its first on air presenters. When asked to put his science background to use, Gary developed StarStuff which he wrote, produced and hosted, consistently achieving 9 per cent of the national Australian radio audience based on the ABC’s Nielsen ratings survey figures for the five major Australian metro markets: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth.  The StarStuff podcast was published on line by ABC Science -- achieving over 1.3 million downloads annually.  However, after some 20 years, the show finally wrapped up in December 2015 following ABC funding cuts, and a redirection of available finances to increase sports and horse racing coverage.  Rather than continue with the ABC, Gary resigned so that he could keep the show going independently.  StarStuff was rebranded as “SpaceTime”, with the first episode being broadcast in February 2016.  Over the years, SpaceTime has grown, more than doubling its former ABC audience numbers and expanding to include new segments such as the Science Report -- which provides a wrap of general science news, weekly skeptical science features, special reports looking at the latest computer and technology news, and Skywatch – which provides a monthly guide to the night skies. The show is published three times weekly (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and available from the United States National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio, and through both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
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samcampbellfans · 8 months
A blog for Sam Campbell!
Hello! This is a fan blog for Sam Campbell AKA Cambo, an Australian comedian. I will be posting his skits, sketches, appearances, and other stuff!
I am not Sam Campbell and I am not affiliated with Sam Campbell :)
I'll start by linking his socials, and other impressive fan channels.
Mcdonalds Comedy - Sam's YouTube channel
Sam Campbell's Instagram (@/mcdonaldscomedy)
Cambo Fans - a great place to find Sam's podcast appearances, acting cameos and TV appearances.
Skills In Time - comedy sketch group with Sam Campbell, Greg Larsen and Henry Stone. (Watch 'The Trough', it's hysterical).
Sam frequently writes or features on Grouse House, like in the series 'Nippers'.
Sam is signed to Individual Artists Management, and is also part of The Junkyard.
Tickets for Sam's upcoming gigs are available here.
Chortle tends to update some of the gigs Sam does.
British Comedy Guide lists many of Sam's TV appearances and articles written about his past comedy shows. (And of course IMDB lists all of his TV/writing credits).
I have uploaded a list of all the podcast episodes Sam has featured on, with links to each episode.
Ellen has been doing a great job of archiving pics over on Pinterest.
In case you didn't know, Sam Campbell was a contestant on Taskmaster Series 16, which you can watch here on Channel 4 (UK only). The link for viewers outside of the UK is here, courtesy of Little Alex Horne.
Sam also plays Darrell in Bloods, available on Hulu and NOW TV.
Finally, watch Sam Campbell's comedy special 'Companion'. He was nice with it!
Send me an ask if you want. I'll be posting more soon!
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emilykaldwen · 2 months
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Thanks for the link, I'll take a look as I want to continue to be informed on this situation.
Being questionable over how a podcast conducts itself =/= victim denial. We should absolutely be paying attention to how the publication of issues is handled because that undermines victims because journalistic critique is incredibly important?
Also the allegations are totally new to me? I had no idea that this was a thing about Gaiman and it really sucks and I'm getting my head around that.
But also, fuck you anon? Why do you keep coming into my inbox about this? It's because you want me to go away right? Because you're totally unable to curate your own online experience and you can't tell me to my face that you don't like me.
Hey Karen, why don't you go back to try get the Hunger Games banned in your school district.
How many blogs are you fucking creating to get into my inbox anyway? (and I know it's the same person/same group of people because your use of UK english continues to be obvious)
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monstrousproductions · 2 months
✨Episode 28 - Decision Episode!✨
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Things get heated aboard the Tola; and a kindly stranger soothes a crying child…
Subscribe now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or your podcatcher of choice 🚀✨ Full transcript available here.
Travelling Light is a science fantasy podcast that follows the Traveller as they explore their galaxy, collecting stories from the people they meet and adding them to their community archives.
Our artist Matt McDyre (@diabeticspoon92) illustrates every episode’s archive entry. This week’s entry was based on a suggestion from Matty O.K. Smith - him off of @neighbourlypod! Thanks pal 🥰
Send in your own archive entries on social media, by email, or through monstrousproductions.org. Every entry gets its own illustration, just like the one above!
This episode includes an audience decision. Should the Traveller tell one other person about the trade, or share the news with the whole crew? Vote now on Ko-Fi! Voting closes at 1.00PM UK time on Tuesday 30th and the result will be revealed in Episode 29 🗳️
Voting is open to everyone who supports us on Ko-Fi. As well as making decisions about the show, you can also get all sorts of rewards including an invitation to our Discord server, additional art, annotated scripts and weekly blogs!
This week’s episode also includes a trailer for Before the Tone by @knaveofheartsad, a queer SF horror with a focus on siblings, hallways that are too long, and the building dread of being followed. Find out more at their website or listen now wherever you get your podcasts 🥳
🚀✨ See you next week! ✨🚀
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