#UGHHH it just makes me want to punch shit like why are you telling me two contradictory things then refusing to explain
krispiecake · 1 year
group has put me in a foul mood now im so pissed off at everything i had to stop myself yelling at like 3 people while just trying to buy my meal deal
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borathae · 10 months
chapter 15
Can’t you like it for me?” he says with big puppy eyes.
You look away.
“You’re being emotionally manipulative here.” shut up girl im loving u too much i cant
“You are playing with fire here, Bunny. Try not to burn yourself”, you grumble.
He chuckles and pecks your cheek.
“I like the burn”, he rasps against the shell of your ear, turning to the front afterwards.
SHUT UP IM CANT TAKE IT. try not to lose your shit challenge- mission failed successfully
He treated you so goddamn fucking well that sometimes you still felt the urge to punch him in the face and run away jk in the corner, i'll take that as a compliment
Lately the latter have become more and more. YAY
“Hey kiddo. How are you doing?” he says in a surprisingly deep voice for such a small frame. me with felix and taehyung
“for half a million bucks I expect to have the painter constantly working on it in a metal cage in the middle of my living room or something.” - ........ - a few bystanders had heard you and were now looking at you with weird eyes. SHUT UP THATS SOO ME except my voice would be low and nobody would hear but could be loud too cuz universe makes it louder at times when u dont want anyone to hear shit
although he was stressed and exhausted he never once smelled of alcohol. AHHHH IM SO PROUD OF HIM *gives a big ass hug and a smooch
again a fluffy moment after the tense thank you, her threatening to buy green and purple pillows PLZ that sounds like me trying to threaten my parents by telling them im gonna marry a cat crazy dude
“I’m not asking for it. I am very much anti punishment uwu i love this stupid noodle
He swallows heavily, “a-are we going to make out now?” he asks, grasping for your hips. he is such a cute and horny noodle pls and no u are about to cringe for the rest of your office time
“don’t say that what the hell my cock twitched.”
“I am not going to apologize because I am way too turned on to care.”
He looks from side to side with the tip of his nose rosy.
“What’s with the sudden horniness oh my god?”
“It’s just that I never really saw you work before and it’s kinda doing things to me.” SAME HERE IM FEELING IM WATCHING SOME HOT CEO FROM KDRAMA BUT EVEN BETTER AAAAH
It makes his ass cheeks tense up and forces a quiet whimper from between his lips. SHUT UP SHUT UP HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO MOVE ON FROM THIS MOVE ON WITH MY DAILY LIFE????? VANESSA HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LIVE LAUGH LOVE IN THESE SITAUTIONS ??
WHY IS SHE CONNECTING THE DOTS SOMETIMES CHARACTERS SHOULD BE DUMB PLEASEEEE also why is there a group of people surrounding kook??? 👀
the whole thing was soo tense i sweated through my shirt now im a stinky kid -_- BUT WE LOVED IT the emotions was captured soo well and he was supportive yet very unsupportive if your brain's going haywire with an anxiety/panic attack
Twirling him threw him straight into subspace. *insert meme i hope i dont fall, her: twirls him kook : oh no mommy
i prayed for her to not go to the mirror AND SHE DID NOO its really the worst thing to do during a panic attack :(
that was soo scary even i felt the uncontrollable demons while reading and thanks it ended on a good note and it was cute.
anyways i wish her a great day next morning(tho the story has ended) cuz them muscles be hurting like a bitch oof
Me reading through all your reactions:
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hahahahha I love how you went on an emotional rollercoaster with this chapter jfdjsf also you quoting so many parts is my weakness hehehe thank you so much for doing that
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FFwriter X idolseonghwa (kinda)
TW: talks of anxiety and mental illnesses, starts of like smutty(?)… but trust it's not like that. (let me know if I miss anything)
A/N: This is me getting used to writing for Hwa, I hope it isn’t too cringey but this concept came to me while daydreaming haha. Also I feel like it would funny if this ever happened to an atiny IRL. Anyways enjoy, and for the most part I think it’s gn! but once again let me know and give feedback :)
XO your fave shinestar ;)
(I’m Ot8 for the most part, I CANNOT CHOOSE and I don’t want to hehe. You’ll see further down what I mean)
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He pried me away from the crowd and sat me down one of the velvety couches in the hallway. “Why did you bring me here?” I ask Seonghwa hazed and dizzy from the dance floor. “I called three times and you didn’t answer, do you have any clue how worried I was,” he gritted out while roughly brushing his hands through his obsidian locks. Finally coming to my senses, “But why, after all the things I said about yo-” he cuts me off, crashing his plump lips into mine and he carefully press my back into the velvet. I groan against his lips as he grabs a fist of my hair to allow access to my neck. “Tell me if you want to stop sweetheart,” he mutters in between the nibbles and nips at my neck. I’m so heady all I can offer him is whiney hum, I never want him to shit.
“Why did I write that,” I aggressively erase my mistake while frantically peaking at the time on the top of my computer, 3:25 AM. My readers will just have to wait for the next part, I tell myself as I quickly finish up the loose ends to make a cliffhanger. “Sorry for the ending guys,” I sound out while typing my authors note, “Please be patient and ready for a part two, XO your fav shinestar ;).” I press post, setting my laptop on my haphazardly organised desk and crawl into bed. Catching a glimpse of my alarm clock; 3:36 AM. Groaning into my pillow*,* I punch my clock giving myself three hours of sleep before I have to run down to the station for work. I dream about meeting Seonghwa and riding away into the sunset with him on a horse, Picture perfect, I smile to myself.
The clock has been going off for the past ten minutes, I grab the stupid thing and ram the off button. WHY DID I DECIDE TO PICK THIS JOB OUT OF ALL THE OTHER OFFERS I GOT UGHHH. I drag myself out my bed and head to the bathroom to look half decent while taking interviews with out-touch-with-reality celebrities. My current job at a gossip magazine was to make ends meet, heavens know I despise this job and all I want to do is work with artists. My true passion was to become a music journalist, diving deeper with the artists on their albums and understanding who they are behind the mic was all I want to do but alas I have to survive. Plus this is closest I can get to meeting some of my role models, for now that is.
“Eventually we will get there, but first let’s get through today,” I slap my face in my car mirror to psyche myself up before entering the office. Even before I can properly enter the office lobby, I spot a rougue human hurtling towards me. “Girl- woahhh,” my office bestie nearly crashes into me, so I her shoulders and face towards me. “YOU HAVE TO GET TO THE MAKE-UP DEPARTMENT NOWWW,” she pushes me hastily along the office floor and I try my best not to fall flat on my face and acknowledge my coworkers. “First of all, WHY?!” I question as soon as we stop. “Second of all, why the fuck are our co-workers looking at me like I stole their paychecks ?” her face goes ghost-white. “Hello, are you ok?” What is up with this girl…
That’s when I hear him chuckle,
my heart dropped
I send an SOS and he’s-behind-me-isn’t-he? sharply to my friend, and in return receiving an encouraging yeah-hahahhahaha-but-you-got-this. I carefully turn myself to face Seonghwa, “Excuse me, are you who is supposed to interview me today? Sorry for any last minute trouble,” I feel the Earth shift beneath me and feel a shock that could send me into my grave along with my ancestors. “Yup yup,” my friend covers up for my shaken state. “Just give us a few moments to prep,” she leads me away. “HWAT !?” our make-up team promptly gets to work after not-so-gently placing my into a chair. “You got this, alright,” my friend shoves the interview questions I’ve worked on in my free-time, turning over in my head, thinking of that What if I ever got to meet him. I look over the questions, the words and letter slide around the page and my heart begins to pound with a strong presence. But they aren’t perfect, I am not ready. My thoughts are left as scattered as my questions.
I sit opposite Seonghwa, lit by the studio lights looking like the angel he is and fitted into a simple sweater and grey trousers that fit the homelness of the set. I cannot bring myself to look up at him as the make-up touch up his face and he glances towards me, my hands grip my clipboard with ferocity. “We can start whenever you are ready,” the director shouts out. “Ok, thank you,” Seonghwa replies politely. “Like he said whever you are ready,” I feel a gentle touch on my finger tips. I meet his face as he pulls back, he’s contorted with concern, but with a firmness that is comforting. I can’t help to think to myself of the times where his lives and content helped with my anxiety, and more importantly helped me to feel like I deserve to exist.
Thank you Seonghwa, let me prove to you and myself it was worth it.
With a deep breathe I signal to the staff that I am ready, “So you will be releasing a solo album soon..”
The interview had gone by somewhat smoothly, but minimal stuttering and edits which is a win for me. “Thank you for your time, anyways that’s all from me, your fav shinestar,” I finish cheekily.
I head to the roof after grabbing a muffin to munch on and clear my thoughts. I hear a door open but muffled as I stare into the baby blue scenery the sky displays. The knots that wind up during an anxiety attack slowly unfurl as I create shapes out of the fluffy clouds. “Good job by the way, you did amazing,” Seonghwa begins gently. I swiftly face him watching as the wind picks up his dark hair that the stylists, graciously, had left loose and soft. His eyes meet mine when the wind settles down after dancing around him in joy, leaving him with his signature smile. Absolutely mesmerised, I’ve forgotten to reply back, “Sorry, thank you” I shake myself awake. “Don’t be,” he tilts his head as though offended by my apology. “Also,” he jumps up, “your fics are just as good too. I love the way you portray me in each character, makes me feel like a shapeshifter,” he chuckles. I chock on my muffin,
“Thank you ?” I force out settling myself. After he assures I’m ok, he continues his attack on my wellbeing. “I thought they would be more you know…” he fades off with smirk, I chock once more on my poor muffin, “I know what Atiny like…” he turns away. “HAHAHAHAhAHAHHA, yeah” I laugh obnoxiously. Sensing my obviously convincing casualness, “thank you again.” He shifts the conversation to something I don’t pick up right away because all I can think about what he was saying.
Sending my thanks to anyone looking out for me, I tune into the conversation with Seonghwa, today was perfect and sweet like him. What more could I ask for, right?
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This is what I sent to my poor best friend in the late hours of the night:
(i’m too tired to continue but basically, last minute she finds out she’s interviewing Seonghwa as he’s releasing his own album soon and after some nearly embarrassing moments, he realises that is the author of some of his most favourite ff of himself, and confesses this to her. She gets flustered but appreciates his words, he jokes about how he thought that the fics would be more raunchy since he knows what atiny like, and she brushes it off casually by laughing but thanks all the forces of the universe that her smut is on another more hidden account.)
(Sorry and love you lots !!!!)
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Reader making BNHA boys flustered
: Tamaki, Bakugo, Midoriya, Shinsou
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You didn't even do it on purpose
Your boyfriend is just too much of a tomato
And you love that about him
You are currently face to face with monoma glaring at each other on the cafeteria
"Are you fuckin blind, how can you not see Tamaki's godly features" you shouted raising a foot on the table
"bitch pls, you're the only one who thinks that" he also slammed his feet on the table
"HUHHH, Whoever's your eye doctor deserves to be fired, look at this you piece of shit" you shoved your wallpaper at his face
"that floofy hair, those elf like ears, those soft kissable lips, those gorgeous pair of slanted eyes, and most of all his blushing face, how can you not see how much of an eye candy he is"
"he's j-"
You failed to realize everyone in the cafeteria was just enjoying you shouting at the blonde and they were also giving glances to the red tomato behind you who was desperately hiding his face in his hands, in which the friend beside him just gave him a pat on the shoulder
"Well, it's good that you are loved this much tamaki" Mirio said still staring at you shouting the life out of monoma
You were sulking because of how he always denies holding hands when you're in public
And you're one petty biatch
You thought of a good way to get back at him
"Morning katsuki" you greeted entering the classroom
He just grumbled a mornin too, seeing how nonchalant he is made you start up your petty revenge early
"by the way katsuki did you have lucky charms for breakfast? because you look magically delicious" you said trying to sound seductive
Everyone in the room quickly looked at both you and bakugo's direction and the blonde was about to answer when Aizawa sensei came in
That didn't stop there, for every break you get , you bombard your pomeranian with thirsty pick up lines
"Are you a campfire? Because you're hot and i want s'more"
"Does your name start with " C" cause i can totally "C" us getting down"
"This might seem corny, but you make me horny"
Well you can tell what you're doing is working since he's full on glaring at you, with a face that's about to blow up
For every pick up line you say, Denki takes notes, Idia starts a lecture of how inappropriate it is and the rest are just enjoying the tea
Class is over and Katsuki was ready to blow you up jk
"YN LET'S FUCKIN TALK" he said obviously pissed, while you on the other hand was just staring at the sunset
"You know katsuki, I'm really not into watching sunsets but I'd love to see you go down" you beamed at the steaming blonde in front of you
"why? Cause it makes you hot and bothered" you teased
"shut up"
You are currently fighting with toga
You just wanted to buy a birthday present for your cinnamon roll when fate decided to screw you up, throwing a psychopathic blood obsessed chick on your way
"Whaaaa, are you crazy? Don't damage the gift you crazy chick" you shouted cradling the gift you bought
"hmmm, is that for your boyfriend, izuku?"
"yes" you grinned at the blonde with eyes saying, too bad someone single like you can never relate
"hmm, i bet he's bad in bed anyway" toga clearly picking a fight with you
"excuse you, just so you know he's good at it" you say oh so dreamily which made the blonde mad and launch an attack to you
"He's finger's are thick you know" avoiding a kick
"He's a beast when he's thrusting" throwing a punch
"Gets you quivering under his touch" a back flip to avoid a slash
"makes you not walk for a week" avoiding a dagger
"SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, I DON'T WANNA HEAR ABOUT YOUR SEX LIFE UGHHH" toga had enough of your bullshit, no motivation to fight, she just fleed
Laughing to yourself, you picked up the gift and turned around, when you're suddenly met with three pair of eyes
A soba addict, an angry pomeranian and a fluffy cinnamon roll
You asked how long they have been there and shoto just replied
"Pls take a look at your boyfriend's face and you'll have the answer"
"From the beginning huh"
Toga to Dabi: I want a boyfriend, give me a boyfriend!
What in the world did you eat woman
Or did you take the wrong medication
Cause why in the world are you saying these things to him
You have always been discreet in expressing your affection for your boyfriend but not today i guess
"I want a hug, can we hug? Let's hug" you said latching unto your boyfriend
"You're very pretty, i want you to be mine forever, I'll be the one who will meet you in the altar "
All these statements have made even the tips of his ears go red, His happiness meter is just off the chart, whatever medication you took, praise it
" You are so warm, i wanna hug you forever, but i also wanna kiss, lots of kisses pls" you said
Shinsou basked in the overflowing affection you were giving him
However on the next day, you can't face your boyfriend at all
Remembering all the things you said to the boy made your own face heat up, he had to basically corner you on why you were acting so differently
You feel like you want the ground to swallow you whole after confessing that you were hit by a truth quirk, which makes you spill out everything your heart keeps
People who passed by you two were wondering what was happening cause you are hiding your face in your hands while your boyfriend was staring at the ceiling tomato faced with his hand covering the squiggly smile he has
"I also want to meet you at the altar" he blurted, but he quickly realized how that sounded like a proposal
Blushing lovers round 2
A/N: I was grinning while writing this 😩
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zozophoenixxx · 3 years
Serotonin Booster :D 🐉
How to train your dragon edition
Here are some things I had forgotten or little details I just noticed on my rewatch, maybe even Unpopular Opinions 🤭👀
✨Race to the Edge ✨
Tuffnut choked on a stun dart- I think I've seen it all regarding the twins HAHDHSHHA
Fishlegs really had Meatlug opening its mouth WIDE JUST TO SAY ABORT THE VERY LAST SECONDHAHSHGSGG
I love how Hiccup and Astrid can communicate without actually talking 🥺
I love how all dragons are a reflection of each of their owners like even tho Barf and Belch aren't the smartest they can be whenever they actually try
- Snotlout and Hookfang are both hotheaded and never really listen
- Fishlegs and Meatlug both are sweet, smart, resourceful and jealous sometimes hehe
- The twins and Barf and Belch are crazy and dumb but can be smart and strong whenever they need to be
- Astrid and Stormfly are both authoritative and badasses but also caring
- Hiccup and Toothless are both natural born leaders
Astrid built the ballista
Fun fact: Mala means bad in Spanish and it makes sense if you think about it cause Mala is BADASS HAHDHSHAHA😂 sorry I make bad jokes like that
Hiccup referring to Tuffnut as one of his best friends is adorable 🥺
"Flattery has no effect on me, mainly because I never hear any" dudeee ruff that's so saddd🥺😭
And then him actually fighting Gruffnut is pretty badass I mean they threw actual punches and kicks and everything 😳
Why was Hiccup so cold towards Astrid? When she was just trying to help with his bounty problem
The way Toothless prevented Stoick from killing Savage 🥺🥺🥺
Now that I think abt it Hiccup got kidnapped so many times
Stoick punching Ryker and threatening him is one of the best things I've seen 🤩
Dude poor Snotlout was just insecure in ep4 And I love how Hiccup tried to help him and even then Snotlout still tried his best to show that he can be a leader
- i really loved how he learned that he couldn't just stop covering someone, I mean even when Astrid told him to "peel off and help Hiccup" he was like "no way I'm not leaving your wing" 🥺🥺🥺
Submaripper - tidal class, super powerful, prefer deeper open water and typically very reclusive. Extremely territorial and dangerous.
I LOVE HOW THE SUBMARIPPER SAVED HICCUP, and Toothless's face whenever he couldn't get Hiccup out and Barf and Belch breaking the pod to get him 🥺🥺🥺I can't
𝕃𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕝𝕖𝕖𝕡 𝕕𝕖𝕡𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕤𝕪𝕞𝕡𝕥𝕠𝕞𝕤 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕤
- multifaceted disorder
Uncontrollable euphoria - Astrid
Lack of coordination - Heather
Mood swings - Snotlout
Complete catatonia
Cold ankles
Paranoia - Fishlegs
Stoick is so fine 🤩
JAHDHAHSHA HICCUP REALLY OUT HERE FAT-SHAMING HIS DAD when poor Stoick is just trying to tell him that going after Viggo only for revenge is neither safe nor the right thing to do
- "What? What do you mean? You love revenge. Revenge is your thing. Weren't they gonna name you Stoick the Vindictive before... Well you know." *signals to Stoick*
Shadow wings - ep7 they follow, herd and shadow. Big one isn't as fast or maneuverable. Small ones are smart and quick. The big one looks like the submaripper.
The Flying Shatter-Scatter move with Shattermaster and Windshear was so cool and it's also basically the only thing that has pierced through dragon-proof ships
Bro I really wanted to see Astrid saving Toothless when she saw he was in danger in ep8
Everyone's shocked faces whenever Hiccup and Fishlegs weren't thinking the same thing HAHDHSHABA
Toothless's facial expressions whenever he saw Astrid was in danger and the way he grabbed Snotlout and went down the volcano just to try and save her- I love their relationship 🥺
And how Hiccup was so worried when he saw Astrid in the lava and the way he grabbed her 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Dude I shipped Throk and Mala so harddd
And the red night terrors ufff we love them
Tuffnut just killed Macey
Ruffnut is so badass bro I love her she really had a sword to her neck and was like "take your best shot pal"
Project Shellfire: a weaponized dragon, Shellfire - tidal class, Titanwing, bigger than a submaripper, long range firing capabilities.
Hiccup just saved Astrid from falling to the water and the way he looked at her right after he put her down- he seemed so concerned I can't 🥺😭
First name Astrid calls out is Hiccup's 🥺
Her eyes omg
The way she started hyperventilating and the way he held her hand with both of his and the way he kneeled down next to her and made sure she knew that he was still there and the way Toothless's facial expression went 🥺😔 and the way he put his wing on her legs to try and cover her or protect her 🥺🥺🥺I can't
I mean Imagine how Astrid must've felt I just can't I'd be so stressed out and desperate and the next day she was just like I'm going to look for my dragon idc
No dude because the way Hiccup grabbed her by the waist to prevent her from falling off of Toothless and how both of their expressions softened whenever he told her not to apologize and whenever she hugged him 🥺
I love how the twins are trying to learn how Astrid feels but Ruffnut takes advantage of "blind" Tuffnut and has him run off of a cliff
AND HOW HE CAUGHT HER AND GOT SO NERVOUS WHEN THEY BOTH FELL DOWN 🥺 wait now that I'm watching it again he actually prevented her from getting hit in the head omg
"Of course she's not gonna hide. What was I thinking? She's Astrid."
MISTAKE whenever Astrid took the dragons out of their pens they weren't wearing their saddles and now that they've found them they have them on.
Them spending time with each other's dragons is so funny
Nonono I can't this is the beginning of it all! The beginning of Hiccstrid dating is HERE!!!! and that scene whenever he tells her that she's strong and they'll get through it and he holds her arm and then slowly moves down to her hand 🥺 I love them too much I can't- I want what they have. HE WAS GOING IN FOR THE KISS TOO I CANTTTTT OK THIS IS TOO MUCH
"There will always be a Hiccup and Astrid. Always."
I love how Meatlug got so serious after she heard Toothless's distress call
Fishlegs riding Hookfang is HILARIOUS
That final scene is gold bro I just can they're too perfect I mean we get Toothless and Stormfly messing around in the background and then we get Hiccup scooting towards Astrid so that their shoulders were touching and also Hiccup asking Astrid if she's really ok and then him telling her that he never stops worrying about her and her saying that she feels the same way AND HER ASKING HIM ABOUT THE ALMOST-TO-BE-FIRST-KISS IN THE FOREST and him getting all nervous and being like "no it wasn't perfect" and telling her that he thinks abt kissing her a lot AND HER BEING LIKE "this seems pretty perfect to me" AND THEN BAMM THE KISS UGHHH IM NOT CRYING OK... yes I am😭
Hiccstrid kiss count: 2😘
I love how Astrid comforts Hiccup and puts her hand on his chest
Wait shit I completely forgot That Snotlout is actually the one that came up with ~Hiccstrid~ hehehehe -> also the first one to notice that they were acting kinda sus (nvm he thought one of them had a gambling problem)
Ruffnut's impression of Viggo is actually pretty accurate
Heather knowing about Hiccup and Astrid and just getting the gang away so that they can have a few seconds alone
OMG THE SUBMARIPPER I LOVE IT!! It is the natural and hated enemy of the Shellfire
The Triple Stryke let Dagur ride him
No and when they kissed IN FRONT OF THE GANG AND THEY WERE ALL LIKE 😳😦 AND "This. Changes. Everything." Iconic
I can't imagine watching this season by season and having to deal with that cliffhanger LIKE WHUT- the whole volcano just exploded and ur telling me that's IT!! Nope nope nope
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pwnyta · 2 years
I was on Twitter and saw this thread where dude posted the “apology” from the other dude who have severely bullied him in school years ago (the one who was bullied have become successful and the wanted to get something from him lol), there were a lot of people talking about their own bullies and their shitty “apologies”, but there were also people who were talking bullshit like “ugh 🙄🙄 you people are SO mean‼️‼️ what, can’t person grow up and CHANGE⁉️⁉️ forgiveness is for the STRONG ✌🏻” or some something along this line and I was like…….. but the victims were KIDS too??? Bro, those bullies’ actions have tremendously hurt and altered lives of some people, and now you sit here and try to pretend like someone saying “sorry” shit ton of years later is going fix everything? Lol?
Mind you, I have never been bullied myself and have never been a bully, but holy shit some people are really insensitive 🙄 Why should victim care about the feelings of the bully? At this point it just feels like bully just tries to feel better about themselves, not to actually make amends. Some those people were also saying “your hurts as much you do/did‼️‼️‼️” and I’m like nooooooo lolololol bitch that’s not how it works, the feeling of being punched in the face =/= a little bit of angst over your shitty past behavior.
Ughhh, some of those bully apologizers made me really angry and I’ve immediately thought of Bakushit 🙃🙃🙃 and how some people STILL try to defend his actions… like bro, that’s fine, you can say that you like him because he is hot, you can both like him AND acknowledge that he is full shit/shitty person… it’s not that deep, but IMO, that makes YOU look much worse…
Yeah I have been bullied especially in like middle school after we were homeless and living in a shitty motel for a bit I had to go to this other school where everyone seemed rather well off so my timid, chubby ass didnt stand a chance. The only one of that bully group Id feel anything for was the Chinese kid that came in and he didnt speak much English and the bullys little group kept him around because they seemed to enjoy mocking him without him particularly understanding. Which was just shitty.
I did almost stab the like… leader of that little group though cause he put his hand on my paper while I was trying to draw so he almost got a pencil through the hand… and he had the nerve to tell on me and the teacher went 'Well what did YOU do?' because the teachers knew how shitty he was LMAO.
But yeah. I wouldnt forgive that guy even if he was on his death bed trying to make amends. Like fuck you, its not my job to make you feel better about yourself after tormenting me.
Im not one to think Bakugo stans are appologizers… they just like a character, not a particularly well written character. Douchey pretty bad boy characters have always been popular and they will continue to be no matter how shallow they are.
IDKY I suspect its because people associate asshole characters with 'realistic' characters… its very much in line with people feeling superior over 'realistic' superheroes.
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eternalstann · 4 years
hi could i request a smut where reader and tom are best friends and she’s living with him and all the boys during quarantine and they’re both basically oblivious to the fact that they’re both drooling over/pining after each other and all the boys wanna see how long it goes on for and she hears tom having a steamy dream ab her or smth idk take this wherever u want it to go ilysm boo
im a sucker for housemate & domestic Tom ughhh. i love you more thank you for sending this I got you babes 🥺🥰
“TOMMMM!” You screamed.
He’d gotten water all over the bathroom floor again and you were about to take a shower. You listen to his quick footsteps grow closer before he burst in the door. Eyes frantic he scans the room, pausing when they reach your frame covered in nothing but a towel. He took in the way your hair fell, the annoyed look on your face. Then swell of your breasts, and the curve of your hips. He forces his eyes back to your face.
“Tom you got water all over the floor again!” You complain, gesturing to the puddles of h2o on the tile.
“Y/N seriously I thought you were hurt..” he rolls his eyes and you glare. “Yes Tom seriously! It’s so gross walking through all of this barefoot, or getting my slippers wet! And, you could cause mold to form. What’s so difficult about closing a fucking shower curtain!” You ask angrily and you didn’t mean to go off like this but you were frustrated.
“There’s three bathrooms in this house just use a different one if it’s such a big deal!” He yells.
You squint your eyes at him and take a deep breathe. “Whatever Tom, just get out” you snap and he turns around, closing the door harder than necessary.
As soon as the door is closed he adjust himselfs in his pants, he was mad... but you looked other worldly. Harrison walking by see’s him and his problem, laughing loudly at his hopeless friend.
“Why don’t you just tell her mate?” he asks, and Tom shushes him.
“Shut up you div she might hear you!” He warns, punching his arm.
“Ow! I’m just trying to help!” He frowns, but they both freeze when they hear the shower cut on through the door.
You don’t know why you went off on Tom like that. Maybe because your feelings for him were getting stronger every day and you were scared to show it? Or maybe because you were reaching critical levels of horniness and it was making you cranky. Probably both you shrug, stepping into the water. The hot pellets beating your skin instantly relax your tense muscles. You rub your neck, sighing, and let your hands wander downwards.
Between the valley of your breast and lower. You don’t stop until your hand is cupping your wet heat and pause, listening for sounds outside the door. You continue when nothing but silence can be heard, unaware of your audience.
Tom and Harrison are still as statues, only turning to look at each other when they hear soft moans echo through the small bathroom.
“This is super pervy, cmon Tom” Harrison drags him away.
“What was that all about?” Tuwaine asks, eyeing his friends coming down the stairs.
“Just a lovers quarrell between Tom and Y/N” Haz waves his hand nonchalantly and Tom denies it immediately.
“We are not lovers!” He clarifies and both his friends smack their teeth.
“No but you wanna be” Harry adds, walking in from the kitchen.
“Fuck off, I’m going to bed” Tom grumps. He trudges up the stairs to his room. He wishes sleep would take him as soon as he lays down but his mind is heavy with thoughts of you. His chest grew tight whenever he heard your name....which was a lot because you lived together. You were all he could think about. The way you looked in your towel, the way you sounded in the shower. The semi he sported earlier was now a full on boner and groaned, trying to ignore it.
Jerking off to the thought of you? How could he look you in the eye after doing something like that? But his brain wouldn’t let him rest. He let his mind wander. To what you’d taste like, or how you talked as you came. Tom didn’t even realize he’d started stroking himself until he heard something clatter in the living room.
‘That’s enough’ he tells himself firmly.
He tosses in his bed a few more times before finally falling asleep. But even in his sleep you wouldn’t leave him alone.
You run your fingers through your wet hair and stand at the top of the steps, peaking through to see if you saw Tom. You decided to put your pride aside and apologize.
“Hey guys where’s Tom? I wanted to say...sorry” you explain sheepishly and the boys all gasp.
“You! Say sorry?” Harry laughs and you glare. “I literally cannot remember the last time you apologized to any of us three...” he recalls and just turn on your heel to find Tom; ignoring all their snickering.
You stop in from of Toms room and take a deep breath. Go in, say sorry, get out. You tighten your towel and raise your hand to knock when you see the door is already cracked open. You call his name but hear no response.
You take a half step inside and can’t help the small smile when you see him sleeping peacefully. “Awww” you coo, watching him for a moment. He deserved some rest you think, you were about to turn and leave when you hear him murmur something in his sleep.
It’s quiet, but you hear it. Your eyes widen, and watch his hips push up against nothing. His face tinted red and lips parted. You keep reeling your self to walk away but your legs won’t move. He was having a wet dream about you! Your hand clamps over your mouth, and you finally force yourself to take a step backwards.
But of course, you lose your footing and hit the ground with a thud. You scramble to get up, but you’re too slow. You hear the bed shift and in three seconds tops a disoriented Tom is pulling his door open and looking down at you.
You stare up at him, trying to ignore the bulge in his shorts and take the hand he offers to you. You both just stand, looking at each other for a moment before he gestures for you to come inside. You sit down on his bed, him beside you.
“I uh, I just wanted to say I’m sorry for how I talked to you earlier. It wasn’t that big of a deal and I shouldn’t have yelled” you apologize and e smiles.
“No you’re right, it is kind of gross. But I appreciate it” he laughs, and you do too.
You get quiet again, and try to work up the nerve to ask him, was he really dreaming about you?
“I heard you before I came in...Tom were you having a dream about me?” You rush through your words, nervousness encompassing you. You watch the color drain from his face.
“Shit, Y/N, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what that was all about and I..” he speaks even faster than you did and you cut him off.
“I thought about you today while I was in the shower” you admit, and you don’t know where this sudden burst of courage came from but you hoped it would see you through.
“I thought about you fucking me from behind. What was your dream about?” You ask and Tom eyes are darker than usual, he was staring at you so intensely and with so much fire you could melt.
“I dreamt the same thing” he whispered. Your breathing quickened as he leaned closer to you. You let yourself fall backwards, and Tom climbs over you. His hands go to you towel, unwrapping it from your body. He’d seen you in close to nothing before, but never like this.
He eyes roam your now bare frame, and lets his hand rest on your cheek. “You’re so beautiful” he compliments before coming down to kiss you. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Your lips smack loudly and shamelessly together. You’d imagined this for so long and now it was reality.
“Can I touch you?” He asks, parting lips for second and you squeak out a yes, connecting your lips again. Toms hand runs down your torso, and parts your thighs. You gasp when he runs a finger through your folds and finds your clit.
“Right there baby?” He asks, and you nod; eyebrows furrowed in pleasure. He rubs you just right, like you’d done this together a million times. He kisses your collarbone, letting his tongue trace over the raised ridge.
“Tom..” you moan, back arching into his kisses. He goes lower, pulling a nipple between his lips and sucking. You moan again, and Tom quickens his fingers between your legs. Your toes curl into the sheets as you grow closer to your peak.
“Not loud enough” he growls, hand reaching up and wrapping around your throat. “Cum for me Y/N” hums, mouth next to your ear and he squeezes the sides of your throat. You grips his bicep as you cum, squirming while he works you through it.
He lets go of your neck and you pant, trying to catch your breath. You look up at him and watch as he kicks off his shorts. You can’t take take your eyes off his dick, much thicker than you’d expected and your pussy clenches at the thought of it stretching you open.
“Please fuck me Tom” your voice is wobbly, probably from literally being choked you think.
“Fuck, flip over” he instructs and you comply happily. Face down, ass up in Tom Holland’s bed. He slaps your ass and you whimper.
“Look so pretty” he whispers and you dig your nails into the bed when the head of his cock pushes inside of you.
“Jesus Y/N” he groans, pushing in all the way He pulls out slowly, then slides back in. You let out a shaky breath, you felt so full.
“Want you to scream my name like earlier” he chuckles, giving you an extra hard thrust. He keeps up the quick, hard thrusts and you bite your arm to keep from screaming. You feel his hands hands grip your hips tighter and pull you back onto him. You have to lift your head up to breathe before biting your arm again but Tom notices this time.
“Fuck that!” He grabs your arms and pulls them behind your back, pounding you even harder. “Tom I’m gonna cum again” you cry out, and he moans, “Me too, baby”
Tom shifts behind you, the bed creaking. He puts one foot on the mattress, and rails into you. The sound of skin clapping echoes through the room, and you know the boys can hear.
“Tom!” You scream, just like he wanted; and your legs shake as your high washes over you. Tom thrusts sloppily a few more times before cumming inside of you.
You both pant, and Tom lays down beside you. “Do you think they heard?”
“Oh, they definitely heard”
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gamergirl929 · 4 years
Scare Tactics (USWNT x Reader)
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@heathtobination Request: A tour through a supposed ‘Haunted Hotel’ ends up giving the team more than they bargained for. As for the reader? She just wants to go to sleep.
Utter chaos and comedy ensues. 
You weren’t just exhausted; you were incredibly grumpy.  
You hadn’t slept well for the past few nights, stressing over making the Olympic Roster, so needless to say when team bonding meant going to a supposed ‘Haunted Hotel’ for a tour, you were even grumpier.  
“Seriously… I could be sleeping right now.” You gripe, following your teammates as they enter the ‘Haunted Hotel.’  
“You’re not even scared a little?” Sonnett mumbles and you shake your head.  
“I’m so not scared, that at the first couch I see, I’m taking a nap.”  
The front door slams shut behind you and everyone lets out a shriek, except you, instead, you turn to the door with an impassive face.  
“This is stupid.” You mumble, yawning loudly.
“You seriously aren’t even scared, are you?” Megan asks and you shake your head.  
“I’m too tired to be scared.”  
Just then the light above you starts to flicker, your teammates jumping while your eyes narrow.  
“I could be asleep right now.”  
Your tour guide had ‘mysteriously’ disappeared, leaving you and the team alone in a ‘haunted hotel’.  
“Ughhh, she wasn’t kidnapped, she’s probably hiding in one of these locked rooms.” You knock on one of the locked doors before trying to shoulder it open.  
“Jesus Christ Y/N, don’t break the door down.” Kelley snorts and you shrug.  
“I’d be willing to smash a window if it meant I could go back to the hotel and sleep.” You stretch, shaking your head when you see someone round the corner a few feet away from the group.  
“DID YOU SEE THAT!?” Ashlyn shrieks, hiding behind Ali who nods, swallowing hard.  
“UGH.” You groan, turning to walk down the hallway, ignoring your teammate’s pleas for you to come back.  
“If you’re really a ghost, please come back and murder me.”  
You glance into the doorway the supposed ‘ghost’ walk through and grin.  
“A COUCH! SANCTUARY!” You yell, running to it and flopping down on top of it with a lengthy yawn.  
“She seriously doesn’t give a fuck, does she?” Kelley mumbles as she and the rest of the team look into the room you just entered, finding you already fast asleep on the couch.  
“No, no she doesn’t.”  
The team decides to leave you behind, considering if they woke you up you’d probably be a lot scarier than any ghost in this hotel could be, they decide to continue their trek upstairs.  
Luckily for them the hotel wasn’t all that huge and when the power had gone out they could simply take the flight of stairs upwards.  
It’s when they reach the last floor, the third floor that Ashlyn feels a presence behind her.  
“Decided to come after all?” She asks, getting no response.  
Ashlyn lets out a terrified screech when something grabs her shoulder, she and her teammates all jump in fear.  
Ashlyn meanwhile is terrified, looking up and down the stairs for any signs of you, but you’re nowhere to be found.  
“I... Someone touched me!” She shakes her head, Tobin snorting.  
“Seriously?” She asks, unconvinced and the goalie nods.  
“There’s nothing here to touch yo-
Ali lets out a high-pitched squeal, shuffling backwards against her wife’s chest.  
Downstairs, you’d been woken from your peaceful slumber, your eyes narrowed.
“Yeah, a group of scaredy cats who won’t let me sleep.”  
Just as the words leave your mouth, you see someone peek around the corner into the room you’re currently lounging in.  
You snarl, grabbing for something blindly and throw it at the ‘ghost.’  
“Fuck off, I’m tired.”  
“Is Y/N just sleeping downstairs? It must be nice to be an unaffected-
Emily screams when something flies off a nearby shelf, crashing to the floor.  
“BITCH!” She yells the rest of her sentence, earning a slap in the head from Kelley.
“She’s not a bitch, she just hasn’t been sleeping.”  
Alex ducks down behind Kelley when the door the group had just entered through loudly slams shut.  
“Protect me.” She mumbles, Kelley turning around to look at her with a blush before grinning cockily.  
“I am a defender.”  
Emily smirks, stepping in front of Lindsey.  
“I am too.” She grins charmingly, but when the sound of a woman crying penetrates her ears she ducks behind Lindsey.  
“I’m a mid-fielder.”  
Alyssa surprisingly, is using Julie as a human shield, holding her effortlessly in the air, the blonde grimacing.  
“Seriously?” She asks, Alyssa shrugging with an apologetic grin.  
Meanwhile, further down the hall, Ashlyn and some of the others, Megan, Ali, Christen, Tobin and Mallory are slowly making their way down the hall, peeking into each room nervously.  
“Why do I have to go first?” Ashlyn grumbles and Megan grins.  
“You’re the largest.”  
“Why not Christen? She runs the fastest...” The goalie mumbles, but before Christen can even open her mouth to speak she remember both Tobin and Mallory are basically hanging off her back.  
“That’s why.” She whispers, pointing over her shoulder at the two of them.  
“What? Us?” Tobin snorts. “We aren’t scared.”  
Mallory steps on a creaky floorboard and Tobin lets out a literal blood curdling scream that makes everyone else scream.  
Everyone turns to Tobin, the woman chuckling nervously.  
“Uh, sorry?”  
“Look, there’s a perfectly logical explanation for what... Why do you have a broom?” Carli turns to Sam, the Tower of Power shrugging.  
“I think you mean why-
Rose lets out a screech, stopping midsentence when someone peeks out of a nearby room.  
“NOT.” Crystal finishes her sentence for her, ducking behind Sam along with Abby.  
Sam glances around, realizing Carli has vanished, but when she turns around, she realizes she too is ducked down behind her.  
“Y-You go right ahead. You’re armed.”  
The women jump when they hear someone yell, but quickly relax when they realize it’s you.  
Sam shakes her head.  
“How the hell is she unaffected by this...” She mumbles, slowly inching into one of the empty hotel rooms.  
“Is that blood...” Rose whispers, nodding to the ceiling where blood is seeping through.  
Becky winces.  
“I feel sorry for whoever is up there.”  
“Please, please, please tell me that isn’t blood.” Julie whispers over and over again, Alyssa peeking over her shoulder to see the massive puddle of blood on the floor.  
Kelley turns around to give Alex an apologetic grin before sliding behind her.
“I’m retiring, you’re the defender now.”  
Alex scoffs.  
“Thanks Kel.”  
“No problem.”  
Slowly, Emily approaches the puddle of blood, her head turning back and forth as she kneels down, touching the sticky substance.  
“I swear to god Dasani.” Lindsey mumbles, grabbing her and pulling her away from the blood.  
Emily grimaces before reaching over and wiping her hand’s on Alex’s shirt, the woman scoffing.  
“Are you fucking serious?!” She squeaks, Emily shrugs.  
Sonnett leads the charge towards the next room, slowly pushing the door open.  
It’s in that moment that utter chaos ensues, Sonnett isn’t even able to scream before something connects hard with her face and she’s sent sprawling, the women behind her shrieking in terror.  
“CHRISTEN!” Kelley yells and everyone goes silent, the forward’s green orbs wide.  
“Seriously!? You punched me in the face!” Emily yells, holding her nose.  
Alex snickers.  
“Serves you right.”  
You’re stirred from your slumber by the heavy breathing of someone nearby, so close you can feel their breath on your face.  
“Jesus Christ, you need a mint.” You grumble, swatting your hand at them, it’s only when you open your eyes that you see the grossly disfigured man standing before you.  
You quickly realize you aren’t in the same room as you had been, now resting on a fairly comfortable bed that brings your exhaustion into stark relief.  
You simply roll over, your back now to the ‘ghost.’  
“Go away.”  
The ‘ghost’ taps your shoulder and you growl, scooting away from it.  
“Look buddy, you are your crew are doing great. I’m not in the mood.”  
You yawn when he pokes you again.  
“Listen, if you touch me again I’m going to turn you into a real ghost. Fuck off, I’m tired.”  
Much to your glee, the ‘ghost’ shuffles away sadly, unsuccessful in its attempt to scare you.  
“That’s better.”  
“Wait, where the hell is Y/N? We can’t leave without her!” Mallory cries, glancing around worriedly.  
“She’s probably still downstairs.” Ashlyn whispers, the group of women heading towards the room where they last saw Y/N.
“SHIT!” Emily yells when she’s smacked hard in the stomach with what looks like a broom handle.  
“SAM!” She growls, the taller woman grinning apologetically.  
Everyone glances around, eyes wide in horror when they see the room now has blood on its walls.  
“Where’s Y/N!?” Christen yells, swallowing hard, terrified at the thought of what could’ve happened to the young forward.  
“We have to find her.” Kelley whispers, abruptly leaving the room in search of one of the babies of the team.
Everyone freezes at the sound of a snort, Kelley turning to Alex with narrowed eyes.  
“She’s still fucking asleep, isn’t she?” She asks, pushing the door open where the snoring is coming from, shaking her head when she sees you fast asleep on the bed.  
“Someone, grab her so we can get out of here.” Becky whispers, Ashlyn rushing into the room and lifting you into her arms.  
“Ugh, if it’s the ghost again, I told you to fuck off.” You yawn, humming tiredly.  
“It’s not the ghost.” Ashlyn whispers and you smile tiredly.  
“Good, because you smell nice.” You nuzzle into her chest, the blonde shaking her head.  
The team rushes down the hallway, rounding the corner that leads to the entry way when it falls from the ceiling.  
Everyone let’s out a blood curdling scream as the bloody body falls to the floor, the team all rushing out the front door and out into the sunlight.
“We’re all running around the damn house scared out of our minds, and you’re lying in bed telling a ghost to fuck off?” Kelley snorts and you shrug, watching on the television as Ashlyn carries you out of the ‘haunted hotel’ after they’d all decided they’d had their fill.  
“I’ve seen Scooby Doo, I know my shit.”  
Inevitably, it turned out that the ‘haunted hotel’ you’d toured was in fact set up to scare unsuspecting guests, much like yourself and your teammates, recording your reactions in real time.
Ashlyn throws her head back, scoffing.  
“I knew it was a TV show all along.”  
Ali snorts.  
“You screamed when the TV crew approached us outside.”  
“I did not!”  
Just then on the TV it shows Ashlyn letting out a horrified scream, the woman ducking behind Sam.  
Everyone turns to Ashlyn, brows arched.  
“I was in character.”  
You shake your head, smirking when you watch yourself send Ashlyn a glare, the woman waking you with her terrified scream.  
“I’m still too tired for this shit.”  
You nod, agreeing with your past self.
“You’re always tired, you slept through a haunted house for fucks sake.” Emily mumbles voice a bit altered thanks to the bandage on her face.
You nod.  
“And I’d do it again.”  
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nazario-sayeed · 5 years
Interruption (Ethan X F!MC)
Author's note: It's been forever since I've posted an Ethan fic so I was searching for prompts to help me out of my writer's block and came across the following prompt: "I was wondering how long you two were going to make out like that before you realize you weren’t alone" and this is the result. I miss Open Heart, y'all. English is not my first language. Also, I can't pick a decent title even if my life depends on it. 
PS: This has been sitting on my drafts for weeks and after that blog post that made me lose my mind, it seemed like a good timing. 
Warnings/rating: M (some implied sexual content, kissing, swearing; it's mostly a dumb pointless fic. Seriously, it's the dumbest thing I've ever written, that's the biggest warning, I don't even know why I am posting it) 
Word count: around 1800
Tag list (general): @kayden-vescovi​ @lahelalove​ @donutsgirl36​ @queenkaneko​ @msjpuddleduck​ @zadieschoi​ @brightpinkpeppercorn​ @jlpplays1​ @desiree-0816​ @embarrassingsmartphonegame​ @mfackenthal​​ 
Tag list (Ethan): @chasingrobbie​​ @a-i-n-a-a-s-h​​ @akacalliope​​ @perriewinklenerdie​​ @lastfirstcupcake​​ @sparklinglilac​​ @sofreakingdonewiththeworld​​ @furiouscloddonutpeanut​​ @paulfwesley​​ @vankittenheart​​ @heauxplesslydevoted​​ @theroseduelist​​
let me know if you want to be added/removed from my tag list please
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Ethan and Lexie tried to keep away from each other. They really did. For about two months, they actually managed to not run back to each other and both of them felt miserable because of it. If they weren't so committed to their jobs, it would have taken a week rather than a couple of months until they found their way into each other's arms again. They kept ending up intertwined in his office, a supply closet or even an on-call room and saying it'd be the last time. In one month, they had at least 5 encounters that were said to be "the last time". After a while they stopped lying to themselves and simply fully gave in to their feelings. 
He was still her boss, though, so they had to be careful with their relationship. Keeping it a secret was not ideal and not what they wanted, because honestly neither of them were ashamed or thought they had something that had to be hidden, but their coworkers might not think the same- especially now that Ethan was working as her direct supervisor. Lexie's roommates kind of knew about them, but they pretended they didn't; they didn't really say anything after that awkward moment when they ran into Ethan sneaking out of their apartament the morning after the hearing and Lexie wouldn't be the one to bring it up. All of them- Ethan, Lexie, her roommates- pretended nothing had happened. 
But then the two of them got together again and it felt painfully hard to pretend nothing was going on.  
Ethan used to despise those doctors who couldn't keep their personal life away from work; even when he dated Harper, none of their coworkers knew because they acted like professionals within the hospital walls. Even the thought of hooking up inside the hospital used to make him almost physically sick- how could these doctors not show one bit of self control at work? But with Lexie, it was pathetically easy for him to forget what self control was. They spent so much time apart that when they finally did get together again, it was like something lit up inside of him: he couldn't get enough of her once all of those feelings that had been eating him alive- need, longing, passion- were finally released. And even the smallest thing was enough to light up the fire inside of him. One stole glance during rounds, or an "accidental" touch while they were working with the diagnosis team was enough to distract him for the rest of the day- and then he wasn't able to think about anything else at all until he could get her alone. 
On the middle of a particular crazy shift, after he had spent all day thinking about the little glance she had given him during rounds followed by the smallest lip bite, he ran into her just outside an on-call room and he had no choice but to take her inside before she could say anything. He immediately locked the door and pushed her against it, kissing her in a way that made her knees weak.
"Dr. Ramsey, what was that for?" she asked him with a mischievous glint on her eyes, a little breathless with her arms still around his neck. He looked at her with so much intensity that she thought she would melt.
"I have been thinking about you all day, Lexie. I couldn't wait to get my hands on you" he said, leaning down to kiss her neck. She let out a soft gasp, tenderly threading her fingers through the soft hair on the back of his head.  
"Well, this is way more fun than running labs, so please carry on" she pulled him to her lips again, moaning quietly into his mouth as his hands explored her back underneath her scrubs, his touch setting her skin on fire.
Their kisses grew more heated and passionate as they both stumbled across the room until the back of her knees hit one of the bunk beds and she fell down with a loud thud, pulling him on top of her. Their mouths didn’t part as Lexie pushed his white coat over his shoulders to the floor.
They kept kissing urgently on the small bed as their hands explore each other's bodies, but just as Ethan reached to pull her scrub top over her head, they were interrupted by the beep of a pager.
"Ughhh" she groaned as she reached to check her device "It's not mine" 
He kissed her jaw and picked up his pager from where it was tossed on the floor, somewhere inside the pocket of his white coat.
"It's not mine either."
"Uh, actually, it's mine" they heard a voice above them. Fuck.
Ethan and Lexie just looked at each other and froze, not sure about what to do- not sure if there was anything they could do at this point. Just then, they felt someone moving on the bed above them and watched, petrified, as Bryce climbed out of the bunk bed and looked at them with a smirk on his face.
"I was wondering how long you two were going to make out like that before you realize you weren’t alone" he said, picking up his stethoscope and hanging it around his neck.  
Lexie was the first to break out of their shocked state- she gently created some distance between her and Ethan, pointlessly trying to regain some of her dignity. She could feel her face burning and couldn't bring herself to look at Bryce's face- he didn't even have to say anything to tease her, just one look would be enough to let her know he would never ever let her forget about this.
"Bryce, I'm so sorry, we obviously thought we were alone in here and we know on-call rooms are for sleeping and not for- well, you know- but..." Lexie finally met his eyes as she desperately tried to explain herself but the surgeon cut her off, holding his hands up in mocking defense.
"Hey, relax. I don't care about what you do in here. I mean, I've definitely thought about pushing a certain hot paramedic inside an on-call room more than once, so no judgment. Let me just grab my stuff and I'll be out of here in a second and you can get back at it" he said with a bright smile, trying to ease the tension. Ethan had not said a word this whole time- he looked like he wanted to bury himself in the floor or punch Bryce but wasn't sure about which one he should do first. Instead, he cleared his throat.
"Uh, Dr. Lahela isn't it?" Ethan asked, his voice not as firm as it usually was. Bryce noded, trying as hard as he could to keep a straight face. "I would appreciate if you didn't mention what you saw here to anyone. Given our situation, I'm sure you can understand a need for some, uh, discretion"
"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. Next time, just make sure you're alone." he said and then smirked at the two flustered doctors, deciding to tease them just a bit more "Or, you know, you could ask me to join you, you two look hot together."
Ethan mouth hang open in shock as Bryce winked at them.
“Okay Bryce, time to leave. Don’t you have someone to cut open right now?” Lexie jumped off the bed and practically shoved a laughing Bryce out of the room, her face impossibly red.
Once he was out of the room, she shut and locked the door behind her with a heavy sigh. Ethan buried his face on his hands and groaned.
She opened her eyes and looked at Ethan- who seemed at least as flustered as she felt- and as their eyes met, they both burst out laughing. Out of breath, she closed the distance between them and sat by his side on the bed, still laughing. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer, smiling.
"I don't think I'll ever be able to look into Dr. Lahela's face again" Ethan said while he laid down and pulled her to lay with him, arms around each other. She turned on her stomach and rested her chin on his chest, looking up at him. As his blue eyes stared into hers, she decided to take a risk.
"Maybe we should tell people about us, Ethan. What happened today would be uncomfortable no matter what, but we were lucky it was only Bryce here. What if it had been someone else? Someone who might not had taken it as easily as he did? Maybe we should come clean before anyone uses it against us. If we really have nothing to hide, why are we keeping it a secret, you know?" Lexie tried to read his face but he was as stoic as ever. Her emotional side wanted to scream at the top of her lungs that she and Ethan were in a relationship, but her rational side knew it was better to keep it low for as long as they could. It was delusional to think that everyone would take it as smoothly as Bryce did- and being a female resident in a relationship with an attending, she knew they would come for her, not him. But as she looked deeply into his eyes, she realized she didn’t give a shit about what other people could say or think.
“You’re right. Are you sure that’s what you want?” he asked, gently pushing her dark bangs off her face. He knew it as well as she did that their relationship could negatively affect her career and reputation more than his, and he would never forgive himself if their relationship was the reason why she had a future and career anything less than extraordinary. She smiled and took his hand on hers, bringing it to her lips and kissing it with a soft glow on her eyes.
“Yeah, I’m sure” I’m ready to tell the world you’re mine.
He gave her a rare, true smile- one of those that could light up even her darkest moments, that made her sure they could get through this as long as they had each other’s backs. She couldn’t help but smile with him as he pulled her face to his, kissing her deeply.
It didn’t take long until the kiss grew more heated, and soon enough her hands found their way to the buttons of his shirt.
“We can tell people later, don't you think?" she said, kissing his neck. He mumbled an agreement and pulled her to straddle his lap, running his hand through the side of her body. She smirked and unbuttoned his shirt slowly. "Now, where were we before we got interrupted?"
Just like that, Bryce’s interruption was quickly forgotten and they went back to do what they originally went to on-call room for.
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@strangegames Perhaps this was quieter than I expected, but someone did tell me that the realization kiss from Mork is going to- well, I won’t tell you when it’ll be. Maybe you don’t want to know just yet. Let’s imagine that Mork comes to realizations rather quickly, I mean he kind of was when Kitty entered the picture, but I also want to (for now) eliminate possible angst and (any of) the dreaded scenes where Mork is getting beat up (not ready)...However, here is your fic request: 
Mork wanted Sun to win the coffee competition more than anything else in this entire world. Okay, so he wanted him to win and he also wanted him. Mork shook his head at that inner voice inside his head making the confession. It’s true. He had feelings for him. It’s just Mork didn’t know what to do with those feelings. He never considered himself a romantic. How in the hell would I be able to do all that cutesy stuff in a relationship? Like the other night when P’Sun stared at me in bed. Mork dived under the covers to hide. Sun never saw that he went to sleep with a pleased smile on his face. 
Kitty’s laugh broke Mork’s thoughts. No, more like intruded them. He put a hand to his cheek and rested an elbow on the counter, watching them at “their” table. Mork muttered, mimicking their talking. A hand waved in his face. 
“Excuse me,” a customer called him. “Kitty?” 
“My apron is in the wash so I’m wearing a former employee’s,” Mork said through gritted teeth. And girlfriend the inner voice told him. Shut up. “You can call me Mork. What can I get for you?” The customer raised curious eyebrows and gave the menu a glance. 
“Just a skinny vanilla latte, please, thank you.”  Mork smiled and went to making her order. This time Sun’s laugh reached his ears. What are they laughing about? It felt bizarre to watch Sun interact with her like it was a coffee date. Excuse you, Kitty, but we had a two day coffee date to find these coffee beans. Mork composed himself. Mork! What are you thinking? Calm down. You never go out looking for fights to blow off steam. Just calm down. Also you made a promise. 
The customer thanked him for the order and took a table with her friends. Sun sauntered over to the counter. A hand landed on Mork’s. He gulped. “Thank you for keeping it steady while I work with Kitty.” 
“No problem,” Mork managed to speak. “You two have a lot of work if you want to win the competition. I believe in you…” Mork stopped himself just short of that last bit. Sun gave him that smile. The one where his eyes were smiling too and Mork scoffed. “Uh...yeah, just go.” Mork shooed him with a hand. Sun kept smiling at him and he slowly backed away to join Kitty again. 
“You’re not seeing Kitty today?” Mork asked Sun when he appeared in the kitchen to put on his apron. He was getting used to working the cafe alone. It was becoming fun. 
“I am seeing Kitty today,” Sun answered. Mork’s face faltered. Sun only laughed. “She’s standing right in front of me.” Mork huffed. I need my own apron. For the love of… 
“There’s actually a new drink I want to make for you. We came up with it yesterday and we think it gets rid of that peach flavor.” Mork knew that perhaps Sun was only doing this for that snide remark he made. They weren’t open for twenty minutes so Sun made the drink. Mork tried it. 
“There’s no peach flavor here, but it doesn’t mean much because I didn’t try it the way it was before,” Mork told him. 
“Mork, what you think means very much to me. After all, it was you who convinced me to keep my head up and go for my dream. It’s why I took you to the mountains to find our coffee beans.” 
Our coffee beans. Mork didn’t know what to say. Sun said that he’d spend time convincing Mork that he no longer hates him. Sun said he would show him how he feels. Mork finished the drink. It was good and besides he needed the pick me up. Sun didn’t say much of anything else as time dwindled down to start another work day. 
Later that night, they were doing the usual closing up routine. Chairs up on tables so they could easily mop the floor...etc...etc...Mork was putting up a chair when he mumbled, “I think I have feelings for you.” Sun stopped in his tracks, standing in the middle of the cafe, feeling like a giddy idiot holding a mop bucket. 
“What did you say?” Sun didn’t want to jump to conclusions. 
“Never mind,” Mork shook his head. Sun let go of the mop. He planted himself next to Mork who was still gripping the legs of the upside down chair. 
“What did you say?” Mork didn’t dare look at him. Did he? Shit. 
“I’m falling in love with you? Is that what this is?” Mork exclaimed, his voice rising a little louder than he wanted. A patient Sun took both of his hands and brought fingers to his lips. Mork let out the breath he’d been holding. 
“So you’re saying you love me?” 
“I don't know.” Mork took his hands back. “Why else do you think I couldn’t stand watching those men insult you? Why else do you think I intervened...though me intervening still got you hurt so there’s that.” Mork kept looking at the floor because that was best. If he looked at Sun’s face he’d lose all self-control. Sun apparently wanted him to lose it because his face was grabbed. 
Mork whined. “Stop it.” He shut his eyes, clearly aware of hands on his cheeks. Clearly aware of a thumb raking over his bottom lip. But he didn’t open his eyes. Mork imagined he was probably giving him a smile that would blind him like the very thing that is his name. 
“Sun,” Mork mumbled with eyes still closed. “If you’re going to kiss me you better do it now before I make an escape.” Mork was nervous on his feet, swaying a little bit. 
“Open your eyes.” Mork stomped his feet like a petulant child. He didn’t care what it looked like. He shook his head. “Open your eyes.” 
“Ughhh, fine.” Mork opened his eyes. Sure enough he was blinded by a smirk and smiling eyes. “Your face is going to be the death of me.” 
“Mork, I lo-” Mork interrupted him with a kiss. Sun stumbled backwards a little bit, but caught his face with both hands. Mork didn’t need to hear Sun say it just yet. They’ll have time to throw those three little words around in several hundred different ways, but right now all Mork wanted to do was show Sun how much he cared. He wanted Sun to know that he hurts when Sun hurts. Mork wanted him to know that he will defend him at all costs even if he promised no more fighting. Mork didn’t think a kiss would make him realize all of those feelings so quickly but it did. Sun tangled fingers into hair, his other hand falling to Mork’s waist. With lips still connected Mork felt himself pulled closer, his body now fully against Sun’s. They broke the kiss. Sun dropped the hand from his hair to press it into the small of his back. The feeling from just a simple touch was enough to knock the wind out of him. Differently than a punch to the gut, but nonetheless, nearly the same. Then Sun, with a beaming smile, pulled that cutesy shit again by laying his forehead against his. That inner voice popped into his head: Is this what love feels like?
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candyshua · 5 years
It’s a Long Way Home | Chapter 4
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Pairing: Joshua x Minghao x Reader
Synopsis: It was dark, and then it was light. You’re finally lucid. After 15 years of not being conscious, you wake up in a desolate and post-apocalyptic earth where infected flesh-eating beings roam the streets. Soon enveloped into a mysterious group of survivors, you consistently wonder who they are. But most importantly, who are you?
Genre: Heavy angst, some fluff here and there
Warnings: Gore, bad language, physical & verbal abuse
Word Count: 2.6k
Throughout the time period of a few weeks, you drifted in and out of consciousness hazily. Joshua and Minghao checked up on you daily, along with Cleo, Margo, Junhui, and of course Seungkwan. You were high on morphine for the majority of the first week, the second week you slept most of the time. The third week is when you started to slowly get better, recuperating with baby steps. The fourth week is when you were again coherent, and most of your bruises and wounds had healed. Of course, there would be some scars that never faded.
Throughout your hazy isolated rendezvous, you had dreamed of many things. You were convinced some of the dreams were memories, but you couldn't remember them. All you could process is that there was a doctor whom you were terrified of.
Now on the fifth week, you decided to contribute to Fort Lockwood. You had gained everyone's trust (even Junhui's) much to your surprise. Today, you were to go back to your assigned house, where you'd live with Cleo and Margo. They welcomed you warmly, for which you were eternally grateful. Everyday, you'd help out just about everywhere, until working with Seungkwan is where you realized you were much more useful than you thought.
Many important bits of knowledge came to your head while helping out various patients, until you realized that you were very educated on the topic of medicine. You knew how to address a wound, what medication to give them, yet you were still frustrated. Where had you learned this?
One night, while walking back from a shift at the community "hospital", Joshua had approached you. You walked in each other's silence quite comfortably, until he broke it. "Are you okay?" He asked, and you knew he wasn't asking about your injuries, or your recent experiences with Seungcheol, he was just asking you if you were comfortable.
"Slowly, memories are coming back to me. I don't know if I'm okay, but I don't think I am." You admitted, the two of you walking down the sidewalk. You reached his house, and he made the notion for you to come in, and you did so quietly. Junhui was passed out on the couch, so the two of you sneaked quietly up stairs. You arrived in his room, which was next to Minghao's (his door was closed which did not surprise you in the slightest). His room was quite plain, the beige walls and king sized bed were the main parts of it. There was a plain wooden dresser, and the floor itself was a tan rug. His curtains were closed (it was a rule to do so at night when a lamp was turned on), but you had a feeling it'd be closed anyway. What grabbed your attention was a picture on his nightstand. It was a framed, old photo, with him and what looked like his mother in front of the Statue of Liberty. You picked up the frame without thinking, while Joshua closed the door. He looked over to you and you smiled shyly, and he didn't know why he smiled so easily around you, but he just did.
You two sat on the floor of his room, legs crossed while you held one of his pillows. He admired the way you leaned on the pillow you head, your cheek squished against the soft material. "Can I tell you a secret?" You questioned, positioning yourself to a more upright pose. Joshua merely nodded. "I-I'm not okay. But no one is, because everybody has lost somebody, but I just lost myself." You admitted, Joshua's intent gaze on you the whole time.
"Can I tell you a secret?" He said, and you nodded just like he did. "I'm really fucking scared, Y/N. I don't know how exactly I became the leader of this place, and I don't know what to do with it. I just want to keep the human race alive for as long as possible. But it's hard when people are trying to kill you, and it's even harder when you kill them. I've done a lot of fucked up shit, but everybody has. Everybody. I'm just afraid that this is it for us - humans - I'm afraid that there will be no more future generations to clean up the mess that was created. I'm just so scared." Joshua rambled, his brown eyes sad and intent while his soft voice said all the words that made him more likable. You looked up into his eyes, those beautiful brown orbs swimming with many unreadable emotions. You swallowed.
"I'm scared too. I'm getting to know myself, all while comprehending the fact that I killed people when I could've solved it differently, but I killed them." You said, eyes distant and empty.
"We have all killed. Even the kids here have, it's what you do to stay alive. The first person I killed was my mother." He said, those words hanging in the air. You sucked in a sharp breath, letting him continue.
"She was bitten. I shot her before she could turn. This was about six months in, and a part of me still isn't over it. It's a miracle that I've survived three whole years in this mess, but I stayed alive for her. So her death wouldn't be another meaningless end to a sad unlucky life." He explained.
"You've managed to stay a good person throughout all of this. I think that's why you're the leader of this place," You began abruptly, "because you're genuine. Your intentions aren't malicious, you aren't power hungry nor evil. You're a good human being, and that's why you're still alive. It may seem like the evil people rule this world now, or those infected things, but if you manage to stay a good person you're stronger than other those other evil bastards. You're strong, Josh."
He gave you a small but authentic smile, and you returned it shyly. You were glad that you came across a person like Joshua throughout this horrendous confusing life, because with him you felt a little less lost. "I should get going." You muttered, standing up. But Josh reached up to your wrist and held it, looking up at you with hooded, tired eyes.
"Stay." He almost pleaded, so you sat down next to him immediately. You wanted to stay anyway.
You didn't realize how long you two had been talking until it started to get a little lighter outside. You told Joshua everything that you could remember, from waking up in the city to your experiences with Seungcheol. You talked about your memories, showed him your scar, and tried to figure out what your memories meant with him. But in between those heavy topics, lighthearted ones bloomed peacefully. You'd share the occasional giggle with him, along with playful banter. It felt like you had known Josh for years, and he felt the same. His heart felt light when talking to you, which was quite odd. Even when talking to his best friends, the stress of responsibility weighed him down. But when talking with you, he forgot all of his troubles in the world. His undivided attention was focused on you, and you only.
"Have we been talking for that long?" You giggled, and he nodded with a light frown on his face. You heard the door of Minghao's room creak open, to which you looked at Joshua confusedly.
"He gets up at dawn, and goes and works out in our gym." Joshua explained, and you nodded. "If you want to sleep, go ahead. I don't get much sleep anyway, so this won't affect me much."
"I don't get much sleep either, to be quite honest." You admitted, so you walked downstairs with Josh and started making breakfast with him. "What are the plans for today?" You asked while Joshua was frying eggs.
"Since you're kind of weak from all of your injuries, Minghao is going to train you today, since he just wants you back in shape. When you finish eating, head over there ASAP."
"'ASAP?'" You questioned.
"As soon as possible." Joshua chuckled, and you nodded innocently.
To be quite honest, you needed to get back in shape. You became soft after five weeks of doing absolutely nothing, and softies didn't survive in this world. "Hey Minghao." You greeted, walking into their "gym" casually. It was merely the basement of their "hospital" with punching bags, various equipment, and some mats.
"Mhm." The preoccupied Minghao responded. He was sprinting on a treadmill, his harsh eyes completely focused on the task at hand.
"It's Y/N. I'm here for 'training'." You further explained, which caused him to realize that it was you, and then turn off the treadmill.
"Hey! How are-"
"I'm so sorry." Minghao interrupted, which only made you chuckle lightly.
"I know, and I forgive you. We've been over this many times." You responded, with a warm grin plastered on your face.
"I'm such a pussy. I shouldn't have ran, it was selfish of me. I only ran because I needed to get more people so we could come and save you, Y/N. I would never run solely to save myself-"
"I know." You sarcastically said, already exhausted.
Within 15 minutes of your training session, you were burnt out. But, Minghao was merciless. He pushed you until you physically couldn't move, and the moment you could you were back on your feet.
You worked on your fighting, your stamina, and your overall strength. You lifted weights, ran for what felt like hours, swung at the punching bags mercilessly, and now it was time to face off with him. "Please go easy." You huffed.
Minghao couldn't help but find you incredibly cute. Whenever he trained, he became serious, strict, and quite mean. You were no exception, but your cuteness definitely challenged him. "No." He spat, and you rolled your eyes.
To be fair, you held up a good fight. It took Minghao a good fifteen minutes to pin you to the ground, and even then you still fought. You struggled underneath his tight grip, his legs sprawled across you so you couldn't kick him. "Ughhh!" You groaned, which resulted in a slight smirk on Minghao's end.
He lied next to you on the mat you just fought on, breathing slightly quicker than usual. He was barely fazed, unlike you, you were a glistening sweaty mess whose breathing could not slow down. Suddenly, a pang reverberated through your head. You closed your eyes, knowing what exactly was about to happen.
"You need to learn all of these things, Y/N, so you can survive when you're down there." Your father explained while you were hunched over, hands on your knees.
"I know, Dad. I'll try harder." You promised, and the both of you knew that your promises were sacred. You continued to fight with your father, until you managed to flip him over when he attacked you. He landed with a loud thud, but he showed no sign of pain.
"Good job, Y/N!" He encouraged, and you wore a genuine smile after succeeding. Smiling was a rare occasion, so your dad savored the moment. He savored every moment with you, because you were the most important thing to him. He loved you, and he made sure you knew that while you still could.
You were sixteen, and at that age you were a desperate and curious soul. You would indulge in books about medicine, human anatomy, and much more. Learning is what kept you sane, along with your dad.
"One more round, Y/N." Your father demanded, and you nodded and got back up. He loved you so much, and you would never remember how much he did.
"Oh my god." You said breathlessly, holding your head in a hunched over position. Minghao's worried face was actually quite cute, and he held you trying to calm you down. Each time you remembered something, the pain was less severe. "Minghao...I think I know why I can fight. My father taught me." You mumbled, while Minghao furrowed his eyebrows.
"My father. He trained me how to fight, so I could survive while I'm 'down there'." You explained.
"My exact thought." You responded. Was "down there" here? Why was earth down? Where were you at that time?
"Y/N, your memories will come back slowly. But eventually, all of your questions will be answered." Minghao said with an insightful tinge to it. A few moments of comfortable silence passed until Minghao spoke up again. "Y/N," He began, "why'd you tell me to run? Why did you save me, instead of yourself?"
"Because, people need you. You're important. I'm not." You muttered, shrugging casually. You soon felt his hands on your shoulders, long, calloused fingers and a large palm. He forced you to face him, his brown eyes boring into your irises, while he clenched his jaw tightly.
"You're important to me." He stated, his words leaving a thick tension in the air. "Don't ever pull shit like that again, I was worried sick about you."
"But you barely knew me." You argued, which was quite true.
"People who go out of their way to save my life are automatically important to me. You have saved me twice now, and I owe you just about everything. I'm sorry if I'm a jerk at times, it's just who I am, but don't ever doubt your importance."
His gaze was intense, and you - a naturally dominant person - felt vulnerable under his dominant eyes.
"Minghao," You muttered, "who are you?"
He sighed. He knew he owed it to you, you had to know who exactly he was. You deserved to know the horrible things he had done, because he knew that you enjoyed his company, but usually nobody ever does once they find out the truth.
You had learned that his parents were Chinese immigrants, so he was fluent in the language. You had also learned he had a girlfriend he was engaged to when the outbreak began, and he watched her turn because he was too scared to save her. "I just stood there, frozen, as the love of my life died right in front of me." Is what he had said specifically.
He also told you about what that had turned him into. After the death of his girlfriend, he became a monster. He killed survivors, stole their supplies, and continued to live on his own.
That was until one night, when Joshua, Junhui, and Seungkwan weren't important figures but mere struggling survivors, came across Minghao in a house on Lockwood Street. He had begged for them to kill him, because he was horrible, he was a monster, worse than the infected. He was a fucking monster.
But they refused. And slowly, Minghao unwound his past to them, thinking he was horrible. But he changed, and slowly he got over the love of his life, and he built Fort Lockwood with them, and two women they met along the way.
He expected you to hate him, and spit on him like you did with Seungcheol. Instead, you hugged him. "I'm glad I saved you." You whispered in his ears, the soft echoes of your voice making the hairs on his neck stand up straight.
"When you're lost, you let yourself go. You lose all sense of who you are, and I never exactly had one in the first place. But if it weren't for you and your group, who knows what would've happened? You don't need my forgiveness, nor your victims' forgiveness as well. You need your own, Hao." You stated sagely, giving him a spontaneous new nickname.
He was taken aback by how wise your words were, and how much he needed them. You were completely right, and it surprised Minghao to no end. Instead of dwelling over your words, he got back up.
"We need to continue training," He said, but he did that for selfish reasons. He needed you to get back in shape, so that you could protect yourself again. He needed you to survive.
He just needed you.
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xserpentlife · 5 years
Requested: @louistwinslover Hey, Love! I was wondering if I could send in a request with Sweet Pea where the reader is dating him and is Fangs' sister and she wants to get initiated in but knows the boys won't approve of her doing the dance. So she doesn't tell them she's doing it and they walk into the Wyrm ready to see a girl dance and realize it is her and freak out and go into a protective mode? Thank you!! You're the best and I love your blog layout.
A/N: I love this, thank you to my beta @wayward-river as always check her out she is incredible
Warnings: Dirty talk kind of? That’s it I think
Summary: What happens when you wanna do the dance but your brother and boyfriend say no? What happens when you do it anyway and they catch you?
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“Hey, babe so I’ve been thinking…”
“What are you up to Y/N?”
“Well, you and Fangs are Serpents and I…”
“No, hell no”
“And why the hell not!”
“It’s dangerous baby, and to get initiated I don’t want you to do that”
“But Pea”
“No, Y/N and Fangs won’t say yes either”
“But initiation cannot be that bad”
“It is and even if I said to join, Fangs would never let you anyway”
“So you won’t join”
“No I guess not, but I am still going to talk to Fangs and see what he says”
“Alright, but he is going to say no”
“I guess we’ll see”
“Alright, baby I gotta run class starts in five I’ll see you later okay?”
“Bye babe” Pea leaned over pecking you on the lips quickly before getting up and walking to class. You made your way to the student lounge where Fangs would be during the free period you both shared.
“Y/N what the hell are you okay?”
“Yeah, why?”
“What do you mean why you burst in here yelling what’s going on”
“I wanna join the Serpents”
“Your not joining, that’s final we have talked about this before���
“You said I could join eventually I’m 19 now”
“Yeah and you asked me last year when you were 18 you’re too young”
“Fangs we are literally the same age that makes no sense, just let me join”
“No baby sis”
“I am not a baby again, same age”
“I don’t care your still not joining and that’s final” Before you could say anything else Kevin came in grabbing Fang’s arm and dragging him out of the classroom.
“Girl what’s got you so mad”
“Fucking Fangs and Sweet Pea”
“Why what’s going on Y/N”
“So much Toni, so much”
“Tell me, maybe I can help”
“You know what maybe you can…”
“So what’s going on”
“I wanna join the Serpents but I asked both of them and they said no. I mean I get they don’t want me to get hurt during initiation I remember how they were when they came home from it but I don’t care I want to be a Serpent”
“You don’t know do you?”
“Know what?”
“The girl initiation isn't a beating like the guys is”
“What do you mean Toni?”
“The serpent dance”
“The what now?”
“That is initiation, the Serpent Dance. It is misogynistic. Girls dance and guys get beat”
“Your kidding right”
“Nope you have to dress skimpy and dance on a pole for like a minute or two and then you get your jacket”
“That’s it?”
“So you're telling me Fangs and Pea are not scared of me getting hurt they just don’t want me to show my body”
“I guess… they probably just don’t want guys gawking and catcalling you, the dance is stupid anyway”
”Yeah I get that it is stupid but how the fuck can they tell me no and act like they control my body that’s bullshit. I am doing that fucking dance, and I am getting that damn jacket Toni”
“If you wanna do it I’m with you girl, how soon do you want to do it?”
“As soon as possible I guess, I am tired of being under Serpent protection I want to be a full Serpent I basically have been for years, I just want to be official”
“Well how about tonight”
“You said you wanted to do it as soon as possible tonight is the night than”
“What about Fangs and Pea”
“I’ll talk to Jug and I’ll get him to give them a job”
“Alright thanks, Toni, I’ll see you tonight” You listened as the bell rang and Toni left. You walked out to Sweet Pea’s bike waiting for him to come out.
“Hey baby girl”
“Hey Pea, we hanging out tonight?”
“Can’t baby me and Fangs have a job and then we are going to the Wyrm, I’m sorry”
“Don’t be I’ll just get some homework done, see you later tonight yeah?”
“Yeah” You walked to the shared trailer between you and Sweet pea and dug for an outfit to wear. You decided on a black bra with a pair of black underwear. You thought the outfit was too simple so you took a black t-shirt you had and cut it up wrapping the material up your leg. You grabbed the only pair of heels you owned which were black and luckily matched slipping them on. You hated heels and never wore them but you were glad you had them at the moment. You looked your self over in the mirror realizing your outfit seemed a little too simple for a Serpent dance so you grabbed a belt Sweet Pea never wore off the table and wrapped it around your body letting it hang loosely. You then grabbed a bandana. Everyone knew you as the girl that wore them. If they ever saw someone with a bandana in their pocket or hair it was always you. It was like a signature you had. You threw on one of Sweet Pea’s hoodies before locking the trailer door and heading to the Wyrm.
“Hey, Toni!”
“Hey girl you ready”
“I think so, the outfit may be a little much but I guess we will see”
“What do you wanna dance to”
“Pour some sugar on me, we gonna go coyote ugly up in this bitch”
“You’re insane”
“Gotta get in the mood right?”
“I guess so, you're going on in ten okay?”
“Go backstage when you hear the song start come out, there's a girl in front of you then it’s your turn”
“Okay” You went back behind the stage and watched the girl before you dance. She did everything right. The way her body curved to the music and the fluidity she had around the pole was almost mesmerizing. You hoped you would be that good. She walked off stage after being handed her jacket and you knew that you would be up soon. You heard your music star and walked out beginning your dance. In the distance you saw Toni clapping and cheering you on, you got more and more into it.
Sweet Pea’s POV
“Fangs get in the truck I wanna get going”
“Me too dude thank god we got done early, I’m excited”
“We’re going to the Wyrm right?”
“Well dances are tonight bro, and we’re gonna get back early enough to catch some of em”
“Eh I don’t really care  about them too much ever since Y/N and I started dating, but yeah I’m down to go watch only for like an hour ago I wanna get home to spend some time with her”
“Is my baby sister making Pea soft!”
“I’m not soft I just love my girlfriend, okay, plus I'd rather watch her sexy ass than those girls dancing anyday”
“You are vile Sweet Pea, that is my sister your talking about!”
“Just be glad you live a few trailers down”
“OH MY GOD, thank god we are here I can’t deal with you any longer, let’s go” It was always fun to tease Fangs about his sister. Fangs and I walked into the Wyrm hearing the familiar song that Y/N loved playing. We walked to the bar waving to Toni.
“Hey Toni two beers please”
“Sure thing Pea, Hey Fangs”
“Hey Toni” I took a sip of the beer turning around before it split directly out of my mouth and onto the floor in front of me. I punched Fangs making him turn around and I pointed to the stage.
“Is that…”
“No way”
“I’d know that ass anywhere”
“There’s no way, we told her no”
“You act like she listens”
“But still that isn’t her”
“Dude I know the body, also what other girl wears bandanas it’s like her call sign, that ass is definitely Y/N’s and damn does she look good in that outfit holy shit”
“Sweet Pea! That is my sister! Shut up! We need to get her down” I looked to my left hearing a guy moaning about Y/N’s dancing
“Hold that thought Fangs.” I walked over to the guy tapping him on the shoulder.
“Talk about my girlfriend like that one more time and that beer bottle is gonna end up inside your ass got it, I suggest you get out of this bar before I change my mind” I walked back over to Fangs. He tried walking up to the stage but I grabbed him first.
“You can’t the song is almost done anyway, if we take her down now, she doesn’t get initiated and she’s just gonna do it again”
“She has 30 seconds exactly”
“25 is all she needs, and I’m gonna enjoy the view for the time being” “Sweet Pea!”
“Shut it, Fogarty, not like it’s the first time I’m seeing that much of her”
“Oh my god Toni, give me a shot”
“On it Fangs” The song was slowly coming to an end as Y/N got off the pole. Fangs and I running up to the stage. I stripped my jacket off before placing it over her shoulders and blocking her view from all the guys and girls that were gawking at her. I dragged her backstage.
“Y/N what were you thinking” Oh god they were not supposed to be here. They were supposed to be on a job so they missed your dance
“Fangs, Pea. I didn’t think you would be here, I-”
“Y/N how could you be so crazy, I had to stand here and listen to Pea saying how hot your ass was”
“Look Fangs I wanted to be a Serpent I was going to do it with or without your permission regardless, and there is nothing you can do about it now” You were worried that Sweet pea was mad at you considering that he hadn’t said anything yet.
“I’m going to get a drink Y/N, Sweet Pea keep her covered” You looked to Sweet Pea staring at you mouth agape.
“Pea… are, are you mad”
“Woah. That was hot baby girl”
“You liked it?”
“Of course I did, I mean the guys and girls looking at you not so much, but the dance, you looked hot as hell”
“Really, so your not mad?”
“I never thought you were going to listen, when have you ever listened”
“You weren't supposed to see it you or Fangs”
“Baby girl if you didn’t want us to know it was you try to not wear your call sign, the bandana was a dead giveaway, plus your ass I’d recognize anywhere” He brought his lips to yours pecking them quickly before pulling away. “Wait is that my belt?”
“Oh so you stole my belt too, what do you say we put that belt to a different use when we get back to the trailer, you know I really should punish you for not listening”
“Let’s go”
“The only sad thing is we can’t leave your brother” You let the jacket slip off your shoulders as an “accident” and you bent down slowly to pick it up. “Oh fuck it we are definitely leaving your brother, Toni can bring him home later” he grabbed your hand walking out of the bar before Fangs stopped the both of you.
“Where are you two going”
“She has to be punished Fangs, See ya” You were dragged out of the bar shocked as yous topped in your tracks.
“Why would you say that to my brother”
“I’ve been teasing him about you all night, it’s funny”
“Plus he would've kept talking if I didn’t shut him up, now let’s go before I have to punish you more, you barely have any clothes on and we are out in the open”
“what if I want to be punished”
“Maybe dress like this more often baby girl, get in the truck”
“Okay, Noah” Using his real name was always a way to either make him very angry or get him riled up. In this case, it at least worked to your advantage. You placed a kiss to his serpent tattoo as you stood on the step of the truck before sliding in.
“Oh now you're going to get it”
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spadesinglasses · 4 years
Love Victor (series)
oooh new format for this post let’s get into itttt.
Below are my reaction per episode. I will be writing them as i finish each so its more clear and fresh and all that jazz.
Let’s see if tumblr posts has a word count limit.
lol wrong title earlier X_X
Note, the #glassthoughts tags is a reaction tag. Its never a review, or an intellectual essay about stuff I watch. I dont have the capacity to do all those.
Spoilers below so beware. Episode 1 is posted separately because I intend to make posts for the first and last epsiode only but that did not work out lol.
it took me a looong time to finish this episode. I kept on pausing it because something just feels so wrong about it. I didn’t know what it was when i was going through it, but when it finally ended it finally clicked.
The episode reminds me of the sentiment most homophobes use against gay people. “If you focus on the emotional part of the relationship, you will be happy with the opposite sex.” Growing up ive heard this phrase used against other people so much. Hearing it in my native language has always been a punch in the gut. 
And now this show who is supposed to be something happy and nice, is just having this kind of phrase of mentality just well up there.
I’m sure that its not Victor’s and that he is just exploring his sexuality. But the usual tinge of homophobia whenever he talks that he might be like Simon is honestly grating.
It’s definitely a me issue because other people seem to be enjoying the series immensely, but whenever Victor gets into that headspace, I just hear my child self crying myself to sleep because of internal homophobia.
Also i can see why people say  that for a show that is supposed be about Victor’s sexuality and growth, it does sure show a heck lot of heterosexuality of those who are around him.
Maybe in the future i will rewatch the series again with a more patient mind, but for now, expect me to skip a lot of scenes X_X
Episode 3
Okay the audacity of Victor saying “he tries” to be a good friend. Like dang okay chill with the lies. You’re already lying about your sexuality lmao.
Sorry im being very critical and bitter about this show, but i must persevere for the fanfics and fanarts i will gorge myself into later.
anywho reaction time!
Mia and Victor would’ve been cute if only Victor doesn’t sound like he keeps on enforcing this compulsory heterosexuality he has in mind.  BUT hey he might be Bi people! 
I keep censoring myself because of how bitter and hateful i sound. My apologies for the phrases i forgot to delete above and beyond this line xD.
Anyways im over anything about Andrew. He can go fuck his egotistical self. If the series will show 
Hmm i wonder if the term “Comp Het” will even drop in this series.
Back to reaction,
Honestly Felix is just a lesbian in a man’s body at this point. Making his own shampoo? Like wow give me some of that kind of friend. 
The number of times I rolled my eyes at Andrew is ridiculous. 
Whilst typing this part it was more enforced in my mind that Love Victor is just a “supposedly gayer” Teen Wolf without the wolfing parts.
Lake is Lydia Felix is Stiles Andrew is a walmart Jackson Benji is basically a less grumpy Derek or Danny tbh Victor is Scott
I really hate this idea now.
The parents drama! Honestly, very unnecessary in my opinion. Victor is already dealing with a religious family, now he has to deal with a religious and broken family? Like dang they could’ve just chosen one struggle for him, now everyone will think his sexuality is a consequence for his parents’ sin or sth.
Maybe it’ll play into a bigger plot twist in the future?
Maybe Victor’s mom is cheating with Mia’s father? Seeing as how there was an unnecessary shot of her father with the back of a woman facing on the camera which is weird but okay. 
Im theorizing now X_X
Anyways have y’all seen how poor Felix was so nervous because his goddamn friend isn’t there to supposedly help him?
Sorry im hating on Victor too much but this scene reminds me of how awful Simon’s friends are and like bruuuh is Felix supposed to be the lead character?
He really is like Stiles who is supposed to be the lead for Teen Wolf in my opinion, he’s just a much better written character that Sc/tt
lmao sorry my issues with other series is bleeding into this one X_X
Episode 4
Not much to say without getting too salty so moving onnn.
Episode 5
This series is just showing all the fear and pain i went through and am going through back when I was a teenager and til now. Without getting into any personal stuff, that last bs Victor’s father spewed just hit me so much.
I guess one of the reasons why its hard for me to watch Love Victor is because it shows me the teenager side of me way back when. Minus the girlfriend one because i never really persevered that much to tamper any likes for men. Internal homophobia really hit me back then tho xD
Episode 6
This episode is a mess and I hate it.
We saw yet again Victor literally using Felix’s ignorance and naivety to get himself out of a situation he put himself into. 
AND Felix even got the wrong idea or got fed with the wrong idea that the reason why Victor brought him along is to act as a buffer because he wasn’t ready to give up being a virgin or have sex in general. Yep that is definitely the reason, no other reason at all that involves making latte art with a known barista.
Lake and Felix kissed so there was that. I still am shipping Victor and Felix together despite Victor’s continuous bs with him being a good friend, but that’s just me.
And totally knew Andrew and Mia got a thing. If this blew up and hurt Lake im suing.
Lake and Felix are literally the two people keeping this show intact. Not gonna drop some political statement here no sir.
Again Benji needs to grow a personality out of this whole barista thing. One thing i am grateful for this show is that there was no family drama at all!
I think.
Episode 7
Ive been making a conscious effort to stop saying that heterosexuality is normal. That shit is hard to unlearn because its what ive always heard in my asian household for yeaaaaaaars. And now this twink is just gonna throw the term around like he has no issues with it. TO SIMON EVEN.
Like brooooooh. Im over my 2010 internal homophobia, no need to dig it all up again. Every episode.
Aww the dancing in different clothes is cute but,
Homeboy be doing the most to keep his fucking sexuality from bursting out, with his foot both planted firmly inside the closer AND THEN THE NEXT SECOND would end up as if he is ready to risk it all just to see Benji naked.
I AM FUCKING livid, confused, and just intense emotion everywhere.
Ive seen a couple of dumbo scenes from other shows that got the “closeted” man be doing literally the most obvious shit that could make anyone catch them, BUT THIS, with how VEHEMENT Victor is against being “NOT NORMAL” AND THEN LIE JUST TO STAY IN A MOTEL WITH THE GLORIFIED HOT GUY, takes the goddamn cake.
The fucking hypocrisy man. Ive battled internal homophobia before, AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT WE ALL DEAL WITH IT DIFFERENTLY but holy fucksticks. I’m not this evil.
The thing is, there is so much a person could do that you could go “ah its because they are in the closet and is afraid to come out” before it goes to the territory of “fucking hell, this is not just about his sexuality, this is just him now doing stuff consciously to take advantage of his supposed fear”. The girlfriend thing is even waaay over the top, but we all went with it because he’s supposed to be figuring things out. BUT most of the time, he literally could not even imagine going beyond the line HE CREATED for their relationship. AND YOU’RE TELLING ME THAT HE WILL LIE JUST TO SPEND THE NIGHT WITH A GUY? Now he wants to test the male side of his sexuality? BECAUSE PORN DOESN’T EXIST?  BECAUSE LOOKING AT MALE UNDERWEAR MODELS IN THE UNDERWEAR SECTION IS NOT ENOUGH? HE NEEDS IT TO BE ACTUALLY PHYSICAL TO CONFIRM SOMETHING?
Im ahead too much, real time the scene im in the episode is still them about to leave the shop but holy fucking hell. If this lie ended up becoming something more in this same episode, expect more capslock because jfc.
And people will still claim he’s somewhat attracted to the other gender. 
Also i was very very worried that Pilar and Felix will be a thing BUT THANK GOD THAT DIDN’T BECOME A THING. Still unsure whether i like Lake and Felix together, but i love them individually.
I cant really comment on any of the parents drama because to be honest i skip them whenever its just her and him.
Im tired.
But i hafta finish the show for fanarts and fanfics.
okay Benji has a legitimate reason for lying. I’ll take that.
See people you see me live writing this whole rant thing :D.
Huh I wonder back when I was his age, would I also just kiss the first gay guy i became comfortable with? Despite being so into the closet and battling internal homophobia via punching the walls?
Dang that monologue tho. We as non het doesn’t want our lives to be hard. But at this point, i stopped blaiming my own sexuality and just started blaming heterosexuals for making the world this fucking horrible for us. That’s when my internal homophobia SLOWLY lessen. It’s still there but hey at least every crosshair  is not on me.
Okay i get people saying that Simon is irresponsible for making Victor like put his family on the back burner for a bit etc etc. Also the reaction against Benji getting mad when Victor wanted them to stop being gay while in their house, is reasonable. Victor did calmly told Benji and his beau that his family is stretched thin etc etc. I get that. I get that sometimes hiding your sexuality for other people is what is necessary.
BUT  fucking please recognize how damaging that is to the person you are talking to. Even if you think Victor is in the 100% right about this, AT THE VERY LEAST acknowledge why Benji is mad. Sure he could’ve just left with his boyfriend instead of just staying there. And sure Victor pulled through in the end and put that dusty grandpa motherfucker to his place, but that’ll fucking sting okay.
Also i might be saying all this in a place where I’m not really that close to ANY of my relatives, so ya know, call me ignorant or ungrateful whatever.
Episode 8
Okay uhh Mia and Andrew is still a thing APPARENTLY.
Lol Simon’s “Yay boobs” like please Victor keep the heterosexual drama out of this chatroom lmao.
Also Felix group texting the others is hilarioussss.
If Victor touches or says one bad thing at Bram? its on sight.
Also Im not sure what to feel with Mia getting jealous at Andrew. Like girl you were the one who said he’s nothing, and now this? Issa bad look honey.
Victor is embarassing. Are all extroverts just this i dunno peppy? 
You know what makes me happy in this episode? Keiynan’s attitude bleeding out to Bram’s character. I love it!
Goddd Keiynan is so hot XD
hahahaha this episode is lighter thank god.
“why would they want to help a complete stranger” because they are good people and surprisingly they still exist! 
Ohhh So it seems like Nick Robinson filmed his scenes for this episode on a different day. Ive never seen him be with the main group. That’s weird.
Episode 9
Benji distancing himself because he wants to make his 1 year relationship work? Good guy! Him not saying to his boyfriend about the coworker of his kissing him? Bad move.
Sure we can all talk about how little stuff doesn’t need to be told to your lover if you’re sure its not gonna happen again. The thing is,  communication is key. Y’all will talk about communication being integral in a relationship but keep shit like this in the DL because yOU’RE JUST THAT SURE IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN AGAIN? Fo real?
Also Benji is feeling guilty for a reason.
Vincent is very in the wrong for kissing a taken man just because said taken man is comfortable with him or showed vulnerability. Victor is in the wrong 100% and I’ll never forget that.
Felix and that hug with Victor is adorableeee. Love that coming out scene. Again raising my eyebrows at those who say Victor is Bi.
Felix showing what’s in his apartment is fucking great. No wonder we don’t see his mom or anything. They say that the saddest people are always the one who will do their best to keep everyone happy. Felix is being peppy, have these random phrases he use to just amuse people makes sense.
In this household, we protect Felix no matter what. HOPEFULLY next season we get to fucking know his surname or sth.
Again nothing new with the drama surrounding the parents. I hate them and honestly i am so annoyed by the father’s face and everything. (still have that hatred from One day at  time but we don’t talk about that here)
The letter is stupid and i wonder what Pilar will do about it. Are we gonna get a To All the boys i loved before thing?
OH Felix giving Lake an ultimatum. Wow what a move honestly. On one hand Felix has the right to protect himself. He wants to be free with who he loves, and keeping it a secret stopped being amusing because he knew what it feels like to hide a part of yourself.
Lake’s confidence has been obviously shot and damaged by her mother. Not saying that justifies what she is doing  BUT it came from somewhere. A night with Felix talking to her about his life IS NOT going to just uproot all those thoughts from her mind. As much as i love Felix, he is not a solution.
hmm what else. The father can go die for all i care. Lmao.
Episode 10
Also i cannot get over Andrew’s actor looking like Stromae. They have the same eyes, eyebrows and expressions X_X
YOU BET YOUR ass i skipped the whole confrontation scene. I’ll go back to it maybe or just look at gifs but nope. My cancer rising and moon can’t handle that shit.
Is ... is Mia going to see Victor and Benji together and then theorize? Because god freaking damnit im tired of that plot twist.
Oh Benji. Honey honey honey please don’t do whatever I think you’re about to do.
wait the way the ending was shot is weird. The cliffhanger is weird. Everything is weird.
ILL MAKE A HUNCH that it was actually just Victor in his dream land thinking that coming out is that easy and that you just blurt it out.
Bet you the next season will start with no body but Felix and Mia and Andrew know about his sexuality.
The shot was too much on Victor. There was no sound cue from the family etc etc.  I hate the ending so much. Love Victor could’ve been so much more. Could’ve pioneered a fresh way to show lgbt stories and how coming out is this and that. Even if the show is for Gen Z and this generation, coming out should reflect to how coming out is generally perceived nowadays. But i guess that was too much. Foolish me for having my expectations waay too high.
The End
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bandpreferences15 · 5 years
The Life of a “Tour Mom”
Requested by the lovely @hiworlditishumbleme 
Hey I was wondering if you could write something for Mötley Crüe where the reader has been with the band since the beginning and is a motherly influence. Like she is roughly their age but just takes care of them and is the only one that can truly control them if need be. I just think it would be so cute and like they could call her Ma. I feel like if she were to get with one of them though it would ether be Mars or Tommy. It’s just something that I would love for you to bring to life
A/N: I did leave out the bit about the reader dating one of the boys because I couldn’t decide which one to use lol. If I do a second part to this, I’ll pick then 👌
Update: As I wrote this it kinda turned into a Tommy x reader.....my bad
“Same old shit every damn day....” you mumbled under your breath, sliding the scrunchie off your wrist and tying Vince’s blonde hair into a little topknot while he was hunched over the toilet. Another late night of partying sent you into mom mode, trying to make sure the boys survived at least until the next show. 
“Ughhh..” Vinced moaned, his stomach no doubt churning from the amount of alcohol he’d consumed a few hours prior. You rubbed his back soothingly, placing a cup of water next to him before making your way to the doorway of the bathroom. “Thanks, Ma.” you heard him mumble.
As you exited the bathroom you went in search of the remaining aftermath of last night’s party, thankful that the boys were staying in a house rather than a hotel. It made it easier to keep track of them. You found Nikki passed out on the couch in the living room. He looked otherwise intact, however, the closer you got, the more you could see how wrong you were. There was gum in his hair, he had a cut on his left eyebrow, and his shoelaces were tied together. You sighed, grateful that the rental house’s kitchen came fully stocked. You plucked a jar of peanut butter from the cabinet just as Mick was walking in, rubbing his temples.
“Coffee’s on the counter, Mick. House meeting in a half hour.” He waved you off but nodded nonetheless, pouring himself a steaming cup and sitting down at the kitchen island. He rested his forehead on the cold marble, sighing in relief as it seemed to help the pounding in his head. 
Nikki stirred on the couch as you approached, looking around as if he didn’t know where he was. He stretched, nearly rolling off the couch, the only thing stopping him being your own body as you sat beside him. 
“Morning, Ma. What happened last night?” He tried to run a hand through his hair, wincing when he got stuck in the gum. 
“Nik, it’s 1pm. Not exactly morning. And hold still, I’m trying to help you, you big baby!” Nikki batted at your hands flitting around his face and hair, only stopping when you grasped his wrists and gave him a stern look. He pouted, folding his hands over his stomach while you worked. After a few minutes, and peanut butter covered hands, you were finally able to get the sticky pink substance out of Nikki’s hair. 
You gently punched his arm.
“All done. Go get yourself a shower, you stink.” Nikki rolled his eyes, standing from the couch but falling to the floor soon after.
“Son of a bi- TOMMY!” Nikki fumed from the shaggy carpet under his cheek. It was then you realized that you had not yet seen the tall drummer. A giggle sounded from behind the kitchen counter and you caught the tail end of Tommy’s escape from the room as you looked up. You rolled your eyes, pulling off Nikki’s boots that you’d completely forgotten were tied together.
Tommy peeked around the corner again and you pointed a threatening finger at him.
“You. Sit.” Tommy hung his head, stalking over and slouching to the couch in front of you. Nikki gave him a glare and made an attempt to take a swing at the tall brunette, before you chucked the pair of boots at him. “You, Shower. Now.”
You turned back to Tommy, folding your arms over your chest and cocking one hip. “Did you tie Nikki’s boots together?” Tommy snickered, quickly catching himself and trying to put on some semblance of a poker face. “Jesus, Tommy! What if he fell down the stairs or into the pool?!” 
“Could you maybe not yell?” Mick groaned from the kitchen.
“You stay out of this!” You glanced back at Tommy, raising an eyebrow. “Why are you fine?” 
“What?” Tommy looked utterly confused.
“Why are you fine? Hey, look at me.” You gently grasped his chin, looking into his eyes. The weren’t dilated and he didn’t smell like alcohol.
“Take a picture. It’ll last longer.” Tommy smirked, the flirty comment knocking you out of your thoughtful state. You gave him a little shove. 
“Are you sober right now?” you asked, the surprise clear in your voice. 
“Why, yes, I am.” he smiled innocently. You backed away slightly, lowering yourself into the chair opposite him. Tommy leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees and giving you a megawatt smile. “Close your mouth, darlin’. You’ll catch flies.” He laughed, tapping your chin. You closed your mouth, giving him a questioning stare.
“Do you mean to tell me that you didn’t drink yourself into oblivion or take any kind of drugs last night? I find that extremely hard to believe.”
Tommy sat back, slinging an arm over the back of the couch. He smiled softly, almost as if he was embarrassed. 
“I didn’t want....” he trailed off, speaking so low you could hardly hear him.
“Speak up, Tommy. What are you up to?!” 
“I said I didn’t want you to have to deal with all of us while we were down for the count, ok! Last time we had a party like that we were all so wasted and you had to take care of us even though you’d hardly slept yourself and we had a really busy day that day and I know you work really hard and I just wanted to, you know...help, I guess.” The words rushed out of him and he shrugged gently, not meeting your eyes. 
You hand flew to your mouth, hiding a shy smile.
“Tommy? Hey, come on!” you tapped his knee and he finally met your gaze, a light blush on his cheeks. “You were worried about me?” you asked softly. 
“Yes, Ma. It’s because he loves you now will you please shut the fuck up? My head is killing me!” Mick interjected from the kitchen.
“Fuck off, old man!” Tommy yelled, an exasperated sigh leaving his lips as he stood abruptly. 
You glanced up at him, words lost on your lips as Tommy awkwardly shifted in front of you.
“Tommy? Is that true?” you whispered.................
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unikornu · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Page 14, Hit In The Head,
- Whoa easy there, Boss. We still have a lot of work ahead of us tomorrow. Gage could barely unglue Lucy off his chest once she had again one too many drinks that evening.
-Ughhh… the work never ends here Gage so who the hell cares, lets have some fun once in a while. She mumbled under her nose, the heat from the alcohol bringing a warm color on her cheeks. On a one side Gage didn’t like her drinking, alcohol was good for relaxing the atmosphere but in a raider world it was also be the fastest way to get yourself stabbed in a back with the senses dulled to a level of a butter knife but on the other side he almost enjoyed her mumbling and how openly she was flirting with him and teasing to a point that he could feel something twitching in his pants. It was kind of funny but also dangerously tempting.
Normally Lucy used to drink only when she was sure that the only company that was around was a bottle in her hand. The only time before the war she let herself drink with someone around was Rosey, a red haired girl….from the Sapphire strip club - a huge room filled with neon lights and round tables covered in silky dark red cloth each already set up with expensive drinks, ashtrays and a tall candle.
 Rosey was one of a strippers working in a place so exclusive that the most important figures did tend to stroll there when no one else was looking. Letting their families wait for them home, thinking they got caught in work while actually finishing some dirty business with bare asses shaking around them and neon lights blinding out every sharp sense from the brain. Be it politicians, important high figures, policemen, but also Lucy along with her employers from the gang secretly lurking around there. She got assigned to that club as intelligence agent to look out for anything that could be useful in their favor, information, gossip, hell maybe even steal some documents when targets were too busy throwing the money out and getting themselves choked in alcohol. 
The barman and owner were both working for the gangs so they could assign the people in the spots they needed to be. No one knew about the schemes in this place as no one would believe such an exclusive club could be owned by some under law criminals. The reputation was there for years and that’s what was covering them. Lucy was assigned as a stripper’s assistant, helping them getting ready and looking out for them as they performed. That was letting her have access to their rooms in the back and pretty much whole club. And with the outfit, and tons of make up as well as mask no one could recognize her as oppose to her soft innocent look at the office during daytime.
Rosey was also working for the gangs and there were no barriers she wouldn’t cross. Fucking their clients and letting them spill out their dirtiest secrets. Money was top for her too but then again she had no one else to take care of, just herself. Lucy on the other hand was just a big liar, still pretending to have a normal life, moving on to smaller office after what court mobs did to her, making them think she understood and stepped out. But that was also on a plus for her boss as she could easily slip into the court when she wanted, knowing where all the achieves and documents are stored along with keeping some contacts inside as well. At the beginning it was hard to lie, in face of a man who just slipped a ring on her finger one evening, telling her how much he loves her, moving in together but the longer she went with a lie the more it shaped into her reality and became just part of her routine. She knew she was a bitch and a coward to hide like that but after she tasted the money and freedom of her actions she wouldn’t let it go. She was already crooked at this point.
She loved working in the Sapphire. The luxury, the lights, the music, smell of the money and perfume from the strippers dancing on their platforms and stage. She respected them as she got to know Rosey. They weren’t putting up with any shit that was being thrown their way, they knew how to throw a punch and just live the most out of their lives, not scared of anything. In time they got to work together and became quite efficient in their job, putting their charm first while slipping their dirty fingers for anything that could be pulled out of fools pockets or mouths. Lucy polished few skills there, stealing, lying, charming and eventually some dancing too as Rosey performance was always on top.
Back at Fizztop, Gage eventually did let himself to be pushed on a couch, a grin slowly stretching on his face as he watched her approaching, swaying her hips to the side in a sound of a tune from radio. But as she sat on his lap, with her legs spread the hard knocking on a door occurred.
-Seriously…what the actual fuck. What is it?! She shouted towards the door angry on being disturbed yet again in a heat of a moment.
- Boss…i don’t want to disturb but we have a problem at the bottling plant. A familiar operator voice responded from behind the door.
-Well…you already did disturbed me so just tell me what the hell is going on? She pulled herself up from raider lap and looked around for her gear gulping down a bottle of water to make herself at least sober enough for eventual fight.
-The Mirelurk Queen…Boss. Just poped out of nowhere, and started attacking our people there. We could use both of you there too. Its all glowing and just refuses to fucking die. Lucy almost choked while drinking a water.
- Fuckin hell, ya told me there was no Queen before, Boss… Gage stretchted his back and started gathering his gear as well.
- Maybe she just hid so well i didn’t notice her. We get there right away! Lucy shouted and let out a deep sigh. - It can’t be...not now.
As they arrived the situation indeed seemed a bit too much out of control. The queen was enraged, slashing and pushing everything and anyone in her way. The blue bright acid flying from her burning on the ground and melting every piece of skin of the ones unfortunate to find a cover in time.  
- Well…shit. I thought we cleared this place thoroughly last time we were here, Boss? Gage took a cover with her to not drag the mirelurk attention just yet.
- Because we did. I mean u do not miss something like that eh? She rolled her eyes at him. But in the back of her head she had an idea what actually went wrong there.
She got herself stocked up on grenades' from Lizzie on a way there and started throwing them hiding after each one to not let to be spotted. Gage moved towards the other operators to help them with the firepower from there.
-Porter…last person i would expect to be here right now. Said one of them ironically.
- At least i’m dressed for the battle, not a fucking banquet. Just shut up and lets get rid of this shit. He responded, saving the swears for later and nodding towards the creature.
After a short struggle and a cooperation they managed to put the queen back to the bottom of the lake, dead for sure this time. Gage took a step closer and poked one of her legs with his rifle. The strong quantum glow from her body almost  shed him a tear from an eye. Lucy walked around, pretending to do same thing but was actually looking for something. A small box, device, something that Insititute planted there as she started her career in Nuka World. She spotted it, small chip blinking a red light from under the water. She snatched it when Gage wasn’t looking, stuffing it in her pocket.
- So…did u stare enough at it to make sure its dead? Lucy approached him and looked around at the wounded operators, feeling a twinge of regret.
- Yeah, let’s hope that was last of it. They walked away but as soon as they reached the corner of the building Gage pulled her abruptly by the arm and pushed to the wall.
- Maybe i have just one eye but its enough to see what’s going on. What did u pick up and why the hell i have a bad feeling about it? Gage growled under his nose, squinting his eye at her.
- That…was not suppose to happen, i swear. She responded fast without thinking too much about it. -Shit….
-So u fucking knew about it all that time?! What is going on again Boss? He kept his voice low to not drag attention but firm enough to send a shiver down her spine.
- It was a job from…Institute. The data on mirelurk queen spawn in exchange for some supplies back then. But they said that the device would also keep her asleep, hidden deep in the lake before it grows. I swear that was not suppose to happen. Lucy started explaining waving her hand around. Gage caught it by the wrist and leaned down.
-But it did fucking happen now. Putting your fucking people in danger and i don’t understand for shit why i do not know about it. I accepted these fucking eggheads because it does indeed sounds like a good deal. Keeping their shit under ground and us doing our shit up. But you fucked up and you lied to me Boss.
- I did not…lie. I just..didn’t tell you about it. It was still early and..i wasn’t sure if it was good idea to tell you back then and then..i forgot. She pulled her hand away from his grip.
- I’m not sure what is worse Boss. You lying or you avoiding to fucking enlighten me with all your little plans cooperating with goddamn Institute. I thought we had this behind us.  You know what. Fuck you, i need a fucking drink and a break right now. He pushed her aside and walked away towards Nuka Town.
-Break from what Gage? She shouted at his back moving away from her in the distance.
-You, Boss. It was sharp, right in her gut.
The next day she spent alone. Fizztop was silent without him swearing around, tinkering around the gear and lending her ear for more advices on the next steps. It felt weird. Lucy got used to his presence too much, strolling confused around the town as well as to what to do.
She decided at last to pull her thoughts back on preparations for the galaxy park and visit the Lizzie for the rest of the remaining day and help her with the grenades' and gear but she kept what happened to herself. Pretending was her talent after all, tinkered through years.
As the sun was going down she was hoping to see the familiar face back at Fizztop but to her surprise it was a sharp metallic one instead, leaning against the table at Porter’s room.
-Savoy…what a surprise. What brings you in? She remained calm. Savoy was not the one to fuck with and neither to trust.
- Nisha wanted to be sure you know what your next step is. If u don’t want to make her more angry than she is. That last park is gonna be fucking ours, right, Boss? He pushed himself from the table and approached her right away, looking sharply through the gap of his mask.
-I told her to be fucking patient. Preparations are needed. She will eventually get what she deserv…wants. Lucy responded as sharply looking up at him.
- Fine Boss. He moved past her side but turned away right after. -Just last warning as she ordered. Lucy faced him. A knife fell in his hand hidden in the sleeve and slashed her under the ribs so fast she couldn’t react in time. -Also..its a shame that your tiny little device failed…but it was fun to see those fancy fools run around like a bunch of rad chickens. 
-Fuck! So it was him… She thought and pushed a hand into the cut. Her kneels felt suddenly soft but she didn’t fall until Savoy left the Fizztop chuckling with a low voice under his nose. Disciples knives were no joke, leaving not just a cut but a skin ripped apart in a very brutal manner making sure the pain lasts longer than it should.
- Easy..ye its just an ordinary cut. Nothing that stimpak and some med-x cannot handle. She said to herself looking at the blood dripping to the floor and moving slowly towards the bathroom. She would not allow herself to wait for Gage, he wasn’t here and she had to deal with it. With shaky hand she searched the drawer and finally pulled the stimpak out, shoving it in her skin. After a while she managed to get herself under a control, stopping the bleeding and sitting with her legs stretched on the bathroom dirty tiles. She knew Gage would come back because the work was almost done and the goal was higher than some arguing and fucking around, she just wasn’t sure when.
It was late. Porter still wasn’t back. Lucy was sitting at her dressing table near the working station that was an ordinary furniture before but she managed to make it resemble almost the one the strippers had in her quarters back then. With a round half broken mirror attached, a shiny silver brush lying beneath and all the jewelry and shines hanged and put around. She was sitting in her underwear, shoving a whiskey bottle down her throat and looking in the mirror mumbling to herself. The pain from the wound was still sharp and booze was the only thing that was around right now. She still couldn’t resist it.
- What would i do to hear your take on this…Rosey. She sighted and pulled the hair away from her face. The corner of her eye spotted a syringe popping out of the half open drawer. It was calmex that Maddox made for her before to help her with phobia and overall stress that was kicking her up from time to time. In this world it felt understandable to her to shove one or two in a while. And Maddox indeed had a talent, boosting the mixture even better than regular one. Calming down her need for doses for a longer time.  
- What the hell…what’s the worse that can happen tonight anyway. It was stupid but Lucy was known for being impulsive and acting so. That’s where Gage was stirring here in the right direction most of the time but he wasn’t present now. She hesitated a second but at last pushed the needle in her vain and watched the violet liquid pump in her blood. The feeling of relaxation filled her immediately but mixed with high amount of booze her mind drifted deeply away. She leaned on the chair, her head falling slightly backwards.
The flashes of the Sapphire coming back in her mind. Rosey calming her down in her room and handing her a pistol. - If u want to last in this business u need to know how to count girl. But on yourself, fuck. Don’t depend on the words or care of others, even Harrison’s. Now go.
The memories banging her head, first betrayal on the new grounds, second in her life. Learning the survival and fucked up rules of the city jungle and its roots. The blood started dripping from her nose and she could feel the strength keeping her on a chair slowly evaporating. She spotted the shadows growing behind her in the mirror, forming into the well known figure. 
- Fuck. Before she could move or turn its hands grabbed her by the throat. 
- Ohh, poor Feit. Going all sobby and soft on yourself? I won’t allow that, i made you for something more than that but apparently you forgot. Let me remind you, kid. 
She dropped heavily to the floor, hitting her head. Not sure if she was so high, throwing herself down like that or Harrison’s shadow was becoming more and more real to her. 
- Why are you still there, you ain’t even real! She shouted at him and reached for a pistol at the edge of the table.
- Oh, you don’t want to do it, Feit. After all that care i gave you, all the training and opportunity to be one of my best. He just stood, the smoky clouds raising around him and colorful check patterns blurring around his face in a disturbing manner.
- I don’t want to...but i had to, you left me no choice. She pointed the gun at his face, her hand shaking, leaning against the table, trying to hold herself up. 
- Feit...turn around. You can’t just get rid of me, i’m stuck with you the moment you entered the cryo. Just look at yourself. He pointed at the mirror behind her.
She turned around slowly, gasping and throwing the pistol away, as it was actually pointing at her head in the reflection. As she turned back she saw only Harrison’s shadows coming back at her, almost slamming inside her body before dropping to the floor.      
As the vision got more blurred and her eyes were slowly closing the last thing she could hear were the heavy familiar steps approaching the door, saving her again and the smoke around her vanishing away. The last feeling she remembers were the big strong palms under her back carrying her and putting down on a soft fabric. She knew she fucked up and didn’t deserve it at that moment but after all maybe she learned something.
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clubdolan · 6 years
& They Were Roommates ... | NC
When long time friends become housemates and everyone sees it but them.
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“Whoaaaa-kay, Noah. Who is that, why is she here and why haven’t I met her?” Erik stopped dead in his tracks as he walked into Noah’s kitchen.
“My name is Brooke, I’m staying here for a while and.. you’re meeting me now.”
Noah nodded at Erik as she had answered all his questions. “We were friends in high school, lived in the same neighborhood and our moms are good friends…. and our sisters are the same age.” 
“So you just moved your girl-next-door in without telling me? Or anyone?” 
“I lived across the street and down a few houses.” She corrected him, “not next door”; grabbing her plate of food and heading to the room that she had been given. 
Noah lowered his voice, “It was super last minute, she got a job out here and needed to move. We’ve kept in touch and I saw she needed a place so until she finds one by herself, I said she could stay here.”
“And I ask one more time, why didn’t you tell me?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t know you needed to know who was living at my house.” He shrugged, grabbing a drink from the fridge. 
“I needed to know, because she’s… gorgeous.” 
“Yeah, she’s cute.” Noah said, “She’s a dancer too, I know you’ve got a thing for—
“Ughhh, fuck yeah. Hook me up, bro. Give me the digits, introduce me, let’s all go get—
“Not gunna happen.” He laughed, “She’s on the ‘independent I don’t need a man’ train right now.”
“She didn’t know she needed a man until she met me.” Erik brushed off his shirt, “I’ll go introduce myself—
“Duuuude, you’ll see her here sometimes. Talk to her then. I don’t want my friends annoying her, I said you all would be normal…”
Two months in and Brooke’s schedule was never the same as his. She would leave at six in the morning and arrive back home to a living room full of boys yelling at video games. Noah would be gone for three days in New York and she invited her friend Shanna over who just gushed that ‘everything smelled like Peter Kavinsky’. They went to eat with groups of friends, went shopping with people, her mom and sister visited for a few days and he invited her to the movies with Jack and him.
One day their schedules collided, both heading to work out at the same time. “Come with me to Unbreakable, do some boxing.” 
“I’m more of a hot yoga type.”
“C’mon, try something new.” He nudged her shoulder as she grabbed a banana off the counter. “It’s fun, you’ll get muscles and cardio at once.”
“Fine. You want a banana?” She asked, tossing one to him as he nodded and following him out to his car. 
Two hours later they were both laying on the floor of Unbreakable Performance Gym, out of breath from the trainer doing fast sets with them.
Brooke held her hands over her face, trying to catch her breath and gain feeling back in her legs. “Told you it’d be fun.”
“Yeah, loads of fun.” She felt someone sit next to her and water dripped on her chest.
Her eyes opened quickly to see Noah holding a cup of water over her, “Drink.”
“I can’t even sit up.”
Noah groaned and sat the cups down, grabbing her hands and pulling her to sit up. “Hot yoga must not be much of a workout?”
“It’s more of a relaxing work out.”
“Punching things isn’t relaxing?”
“Two different types of relaxing.” She agreed.
“Big workout with Noah Cent today!” The trainer videoed them, walking in a circle. “It hit Brooke a little hard or I might have just gone a little tough on her for her first day.”
“Not fair!” She pointed right at the camera before drinking her water in one gulp. “Totally not fair.”
They headed home, grabbing food on the way. Brooke tried to stay awake and get some work done but as she did some internet research in the living room while watching Noah play video games, she fell asleep.
She woke up on the same couch. Her computer was on the table next to her and a blanket was draped over her body. 
“Bout time.” Noah laughed, “It’s almost four.”
Brooke fidgeted with her phone, “What are you doing?”
“Scripts.” He pointed to the pile next to him, “I need to read through them all and see what I’m interested in.”
“Got any for a girl that can’t feel her legs or arms… orrrr whole body?” She groaned sitting up, “I’m going to get a hot shower.”
“If you want to take a bath there’s a tub in my bathroom. Tay left some bath bombs or something in the cabinet that I will never use.”
Brooke didn’t object his offer knowing his bath tub was loaded with jets and could fit about four people at one time. Hot water ran, bubbles piled up, bath bomb fizzed under the water leaving glitter in its path as she tried to relax her sore muscles.
“Hey B, did you fill the fridge?” Noah asked, staring at the contents, “I swear there wasn’t any milk, yogurt or fruit here yesterday.”
She paused on her way out the door, “You said yesterday, I wish we had yogurt and fruit and so when I went to get a few things I grabbed yogurt and fruit.” She shrugged, closing the door behind her.
“I thought tonight was video game night or something?” Brooke asked, passing Noah on his way out the door. “Usually there’s a bunch of dudes here—
“Oh, you said you had some friends coming over for the finale of that show you watch, so I told Jackson we needed to play at his house.”
The door closed before she saw a perfectly clean living room, no video game controllers in sight. The fridge not only had her bottle of wine but a few more plus her favorite snack, strawberries dipped in chocolate.
Brooke: Did you really supply the wine and snacks for The Bachelorette finale?
Noah: I figure we’ve ruined enough of your girl’s nights yelling at Fortnite so I thought I’d be nice.
Brooke: You didn’t have to! But thank you! We’re all enjoying it. :)
“Wait, don’t come in!” Brooke yelled as she heard the front door open. Noah froze mid way, “Just, stand by the door and don’t come any further!”
She hustled around the kitchen, finishing icing on the cake and checking the clock, “You said you wouldn’t be home for another two hours!”
“They cut my last scene for the day, so I’m early. Do I need to leave? Do you have someone here? I ca—
“No, just give me one second!” She lit a candle and pushed the pan to the edge of the counter. She caught her reflection in the glare of her iPhone before looking down at her outfit; icing on her cheek, her hair tied up out of the way from baking, barely any makeup on, an old t-shirt she found and a pair of leggings.
Brooke had planned to look a little better as she threw a ‘mini red carpet’ for Noah since his movie came out on iTunes that he filmed two years ago. She had remembered hearing all about it and saw it never released until now. 
The cake was white with a red square across it, a toothpick with a picture of Noah’s head was poked in the top of it, ‘SWIPED’ written in black icing, below it ‘#2 on iTunes all day’ was written in chicken scratch of leftover red icing.
“Okay, you can come in.” 
Noah turned the corner slowly and a party popper went off in the air, “Happy movie release day!”
“Oh yeah, it came out today.” He reminded himself, laughing at the cake. “This is awesome, thank you.”
“I was going to make it fancier in here, I had a whole red carpet planned but you came home and you don’t have a red carpet.” She kicked the rolled up red rug that set on the floor.
“No, no, this is fine. This is amazing. The last time anyone did this was… the Austin and Ally episode.” They both laughed, “You and your sister’s made that horrible cake and you all threw it at me before we all watched it.”
“I promise this cake is much better.” Brooke pointed to the box of ready made mix that sat on the counter, “And I wanted to make this like the Austin and Ally party. Every movie needs a red carpet.”
“I mean they’re fun but Swiped was such a small budget. I didn’t even think it was going to come out after that long of waiting.”
Brooke looked in the reflection of the microwave and tried to fix the messy bun on top of her head, but there was no hope for it. “I look like complete shit.” She wiped under her eyes, remnants of mascara were smudged below her lashes. “I should have—
“You look fine.”
“Huh?” She turned around, picking a piece of dry icing off the back of her hand. 
“You said you look like shit and I was saying, you look fine.” He leaned on the counter near the cake, “You always do.”
“I look like I have slaved over this damn—
“Shut up, Brooke. You’re beautiful. You never look like shit.” She finally looked up from her red stained hands and made eye contact with him, “What?”
“I mean... I just... thanks?” She awkwardly leaned on the counter opposite of him, “Even though like my hair—
“No, no, no, stop. You look fine.” He stood up and gestured to the cake. “This is more than you needed to do. Thank you.” 
He opened his arms for a hug but Brooke barely looked at him, “Oh, sorry...” She stopped herself from rambling and quickly hugged him. Her stomach flipped and her face went hot as his arms wrapped around her, they hadn’t hugged in a long time. Since he left to move to California; when they were sixteen.
“You even smell like cake.” He mumbled into the top of her messy hair. “You need to stop being so negative about yourself.”
“Huh?” Brooke asked, pushing herself back from him. 
“You constantly put yourself down, I hate it.”
“I don’t realize I’m doing it. I’m my biggest critic, I guess.” She tried to laugh it off, “Speaking of, I suck at alphabetizing and need to get a whole box done before work tomorrow, so I’m gunna…” She pointed behind her, “Enjoy the cake.”
“Do you—“ He paused, hearing her door close, “Want a piece?” Noah mumbled to himself, sticking his finger in the top of the icing and licking it off.
“Wow a house party, is this the LA life style?” Brooke joked, walking in after work. People flooded their kitchen and living room, “Excuse me…. excuse me… oh hey, Kyle… where did that ping pong table come from?”
“We bought it today!” Noah yelled, trying to shoot a ping pong ball backwards into a red cup. “You better not hide in your room.”
“I’m just going to put my stuff down.”
After forty minutes of ‘putting her stuff down’ and two interruptions from Kyle and Jack she finally made her way to the living room.
Brooke recognized a few girls and chatted with them while she downed a few glasses of wine. Kyle got her to open a cabinet which he ‘iced’ her with and she got him back by hiding one behind the radio and asking him to change the song.
“Everyone in here! Game time!” Jack yelled, standing on the ping pong table. Chairs pulled up around it, the couch was drug towards it and a few people stood. 
“It’s an easy game just read the card you pick out loud and do whatever it says, kapeesh?”
Brooke walked in as piles of cards were being sat around the table. Two guys did rock, paper, scissors to decide who would go first.
“Brooke! Over here!” Noah waved from their couch which was parked at one end of the table. She balanced a beer and a hard cider in one hand while she weaved in and out of the people waiting their turn. 
“Scoot over!” She yelled at the company on the couch, “Guys! Move over, I’m sitting here.” She pointed next to Noah and watched Jack yell at the person drawing a card. “I’ll go get a chair out of my room—
“Just sit.” Noah opened his arms and looked at his lap.
Brooke did a bit of thinking, taking time to watch a girl chug the rest of her beer before she sat down on his legs. “On a scale of one to Jack, how drunk are you?” 
Noah closed his eyes and thought, “Six? You?”
“On a scale of one to Jack, I’m about a four.” 
“BROOKE!” She turned and looked at the table, everyone was looking back. “Brooke I nominated you to drink.” 
She tipped her cup back and finished the beer, tossing the empty cup on the table before drawing her own card. “Person to my right has to chug.”
“Noah!” Kyle yelled.
“Kyle!” Noah yelled.
She looked at the both of them before Noah spoke, “Technically, I’m underneath her.” 
Without an argument Kyle chugged his drink and picked his card. 
The pile of cards was endless. People were dancing, singing, drinking, making other people drink and some had left as it was already around one in the morning.
“There’s no fucking way I’m getting into an uber and riding somewhere when my bed is fifteen feet away from me.” Brooke groaned, leaning back on Noah. “Please tell me you’re not because I don’t want to get up—
“I’m starving so I am.” He laughed, wrapping his arms around her and standing up, “The diner is right down the road, are you sure?”
“My bed is right there.” She pointed to a door across the room. 
An hour and a half later Noah, Jack and Kyle came back in the apartment, begging for a bed, couch, or “literally anywhere with a blanket”.
“Couch!” Noah pointed to the living room, choosing to ignore the mess in the kitchen and just turn the lights off. “I’ll be in my—
“If she’s sleeping here I am one hundred percent taking her bed.” Kyle pointed to Brooke asleep on the couch that still sat at the end of the ping pong table. 
“She will kill you.” Noah laughed, making his way towards them, “B, come on, go to your bed before Kyle gets in it.”
“Don’t fucking touch my bed.”
“Then get up!”
“C’mon..” Noah grabbed her hands and pulled her up. Brooke stumbled and fell into the ping pong table, blaming Noah. “Ten feet away.” He wrapped his arms around her and guided her to her room, “Do you want to—
Brooke groaned and tugged her shirt off, tossing it across the room. “Ohhhh kay, Brooke. I will see—
“Take my shoes off.” She demanded from the edge of the bed, holding her boot up in the air.
Noah cautiously tugged at the black leather before grabbing the other one, sitting both of them beside her bed. 
“Can you get the red sweatshirt from my closet?” She yawned, pushing her covers back. Noah walked to the closet, pulling the red sweatshirt from a shelf. 
By the time he turned around her pants were off and she was under the covers, “Do you still want this?”
Her hand stuck out and she grabbed the fabric, pulling it towards her, “Thanks babe.” “You’re welcome?” He laughed, “You’re going to feel like shit in the morning.” 
“Happy birthday, Noelle!” A group of girls yelled, snapping pictures, boomerangs and video of their friend blowing out candles on a cake. 
They all shuffled around taking selfies, posting before they went out, eating cupcakes and continuing their drinking from the dinner they had just gotten home from.
Brooke left the girls to chat and ventured down the hall, “Hey No…” She knocked on his bedroom door, “Noah?” She opened it when he told her to come in, “We’re about to leave, can you take a group picture of us?”
“For sure.” He tossed his book on his bed and followed her down the hall. 
“Noah!!” They all screamed as he walked in.
He laughed and said hi, “I’m just here to take a picture.” He held up Brooke’s phone. The girls all moved around, getting into a row of six, “Smile!”
“Okay but we need a serious one too.” He took a few more.
“And a funny one!” He took three or four.
“Try a candid!” Another suggested. They all moved and talked while he continued taking pictures. 
“Bus is here!” One yelled, looking at her phone. “Get your birthday sash on, Nora!”
In no time they all had gone out the door and down the drive way, “Thanks.” Brooke smiled, taking her phone from Noah. “Be honest with me. Do I look like a slut or just like.... an average LA girl?”
He took a few steps back and looked her up and down, “You look better than an average LA girl but a little on the provocative side.” He saw her face change, “It’s not a bad side, it’s good. You deserve to show off your lil boxing abs.” 
Brooke glanced down at her flat stomach, a few abs finally poking through from weeks of early morning boxing. 
“And I like your hair up.”
She looked back at him, the ponytail swinging behind her. “Thanks. I trusted Jen with my hair and makeup.”
She kept glancing in the reflection of the fridge next to her, fidgeting with lipstick and mascara. Noah kept looking at her, taking her in head to toe, “Are you going to go?”
“Oh yeah.” She tossed her lipstick in her clutch, “Everyone’s going to their own houses when we’re done so it’ll only be me coming home.”
“Why do you keep pulling at your outfit?” 
Brooke caught herself tugging at the cleavage of her shirt, “I just.. I’m not used to the top or bottom.. or shoes. I feel like everything is hanging out.” She laughed, pulling at the bottom of her skirt. “Is my butt hanging out?”
Noah laughed, watching her spin around, “Not at all.”
“It’s dark in the club too, no one will even see anything.”
“You’re right.”
“I’ll just stand in the middle of everyone.”
“Good plan.”
“How are they so comfortable in like no cloth—
“Brooke, they’re all waiting on you. Call me if you need a ride.”
“Oh shoot, yes. Bye!” She tried her best to walk fast in her heels, slamming the door behind her. 
Different pictures were posted all night on each girl’s profile. 
@brookeitsme: Happy Birthday @NO_L !
—@ncentineo: photo cred: ME
A picture of Brooke and Jen hugging in the girl’s bathroom.
@brookeitsme: MY H&MUA BABE @jennyfaye
—@ncentineo: team ponytail
A picture of Brooke behind the DJ booth with his head phones on.
@brookeitsme: How did I end up at the DJ booth?
—@ncentineo: 😍
“Brooookieeee I’m going home with you so I can go find Noah.” Her friend Steph mumbled in her ear, holding onto her arm. “Let him take more pics of me if you know what I mean.”
“Nice try but Noah’s after Brooke.” Jen laughed, helping steady Steph. 
Brooke almost spat out her drink, “What? No he’s not. Oh my god.”
“Are you oblivious? To the both of you?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Yeah..” Steph got closer to them, “What are you talking about? Because I want th—
“Have you been on instagram? Seen the notifications?” Jen grabbed her phone out and began typing and searching. Brooke had her notifications off since people realized she lived with Noah. Her instagram was non-stop so every notification was annoying.
“He commented on all three pictures you posted. The one of you has a HEART EYE EMOJI.” Jen put the phone in her face, “And he likes your ponytail.”
“Yeah he told me that earlier.”
“Did you see the look on his face when he looks at you? Do you pay attention?” Jen laughed, “You too! You get the melty look when he’s around. I’ve only seen you like that one other time and it’s when we saw Zac Efron at The Grove.”
“And he’s always complimenting you.” Steph added, “I get SO jealous. Like isn’t my outfit hot enough for Mr. Noah Centineo??”
“Ask any of us, we’ve all noticed it.” She pointed to their table of friends, “Right, Meg? Noah and Brooke?”
“Oh their constant oblivious flirting?”
“Are you all joking? You planned this. I told you all I didn’t like him that way—
“You didn’t. Past tense.” Steph pointed out, still leaning on Jen for balance. “What about now?”
“We’ve been friends forever, there’s nothing more than that—
“She didn’t say no.” Jen smirked, “Have you even been looking at apartments to move out?”
“We went a few times but…”
“But what?”
“Noah didn’t like the ‘area’ I had picked out.” Brooke looked down at her heels, “It was sketchy or something.”
“What about the other time?”
“It was too far from his place.”
“What did he say before you left?”
“To call him if I needed a ride.” 
“BROOKE!” It seemed like they all yelled her name at her, “COME ON!”
“What? It’s what friends do…”
“When we went to eat the other day he was allllll about you.” Meg said, “He drove us, paid for your food, drove an extra like forty minutes to get you your favorite tea and then carried your to-go food in the house.” 
“Well when you point it all out…”
“And you told me about the day he said you were beautiful.” Another friend spoke up, “That you always look beautiful.”
“It was because—
“He said he loved your laugh at that party one night. He let you sit on his lap. He kept wrapping his arm around you. You almost fell asleep on him. He helped you change before you went to bed….”
“He calls you B all the time, even to his friends. Ster told me.”
“You always talk about him too.” Jen laughed, wrapping her arm around Brooke’s shoulder, “You always see movies with him and go eat with him and sit at home and watch shows with him and you’d rather order pizza in than go meet me for lunch and then I find out Noah’s home. When he’s not there you always ask to stay with one of us…."
“Why are you all just telling me this now?!” Brooke asked, overwhelmed.
“We thought you would catch on at some point.” Meg laughed, “Apparently not.”
“First of all, rude. Second, where is Noelle?”
“She left with that youtube guy she’s been seeing.” Steph downed a glass of water, “I’ve been waiting to go home with you but now I won’t be inviting myself.”
“Meg was trying to get the attention of homeboy over there but his friend keeps winking at her.”
“I’m here for moral support of everyone and their decisions.” Jen said, “And to make sure we all get a ride home.”
“Can we drink a little more, not you Steph, and dance a little more before I have to go home realizing everything you’ve all just thrown at me?”
Two hours and two bottles later they were all on their phones ordering rides, “No, don’t get an uber.” Meg covered Brooke’s phone, “I asked Noah to come get you.”
“MEG!” She whined.
“BROOOOOKE!” She mimicked her, “You live in the hills and fares are tripled right now. All of us live downtown except for Steph who’s going with me tonight. He’ll be here in like ten minutes.”
Brooke flipped to her texts with Noah and clicked the info button, a map popped up of where he was at that exact moment.
“You’re tracking him?”
“We both share locations in case I get stolen and sent over seas to be sold as a sex.” Brooke explained, “It’s a big fear of mine... He’s right down the road.”
“My car is almost here, I’ll get Steph and we can go wait outside with you.”
The little breeze was welcomed on their skin as they exited the muggy, hot club. They ignored the random guys who shouted at them and stood down from the door, watching for their rides. 
“Really, man?” Meg asked, rolling her eyes at the guy who kept looking at them. “We’re probably half your age, leave us alone.”
“I’m always looking for Sugar Babies.”
“You’re disgusting.” 
“Just an offer for—
“We’re not interested, please leave us al—
“But the three of you can—
“Please, leave us alone.” Meg tried to look around him for the specific car picking them up.
“I was just—
“Oh my fucking god, stop it!” She screamed, grabbing Broke and Steph’s hands. “Please move so we can cross the street.”
The man didn’t move, he kept looking at all three of them; up and down, up and down.
“Excuse me, sir. Please move so the ladies can get through.” Brooke looked up at the familiar voice and Noah stood there with his hand out. She grabbed it and stepped aside the guy; pulling her friends with her. 
“Oh my god, thank you, thank you.” Meg sighed, “I was losing all will power not to punch him in the face.”
“I parked across the street and saw you all with him. Figured it wasn’t going well. Do you guys have a ride?”
“Yeah” Meg looked at her phone, “Black Ford Escape, license plate Y35— right there.” She pointed up a few cars. “Thanks, Noah.”
“Yeah, thanks.” Steph grinned, following Meg to the car.
Brooke grabbbed onto Noah’s arm and rest her head on his shoulder. “I feel like I’m on a boat.”
“You’re a little wobbly but I’ve seen you worse.” He joked. “Seems like you guys had a fun time?”
“Yeah, even though Noelle left with some dude early on. We kept the party going.” She laughed.
“I saw the DJ booth picture, did you have a good set? Play some jams?”
“Killed it. Got a job offer immediately. I even did the one head phone on and one off, felt like a real DJ.”
The car ride home they chatted. She told funny stories of the night, he asked about certain instagram stories, she played a new song she heard and he even stopped by McDonalds so she could have french friends and a Coke.
Her phone started firing away, their group message was blowing up. “Oh fuck off.” She mumbled, shoving it back in her bag, hearing dings continue to go off.
Meg: Snuck a picture of our favorites. *picture*
Jen: SHUT UP I DID TOO *picture*
Meg: Great minds think alike.
Steph: I told her it was creepy, she made the uber driver slow down.
Noelle: BROOKIE that’s so cute.
Steph: He was so hot in sweatpants and a hoodie. 
Jen: Are you alive, Brooke?
Noelle: Is she finally getting the D?
Steph: He deserves it from someone tonight.
Meg: NOELLE! lolololol but really
Jen: She’s going to kill all of you.
Steph: Not if she gets good enough D.
Steph: She’ll be a happy B.
Meg: Happy B because of the D
Meg: Shut up Noelle I hate us.
Jen: I truly wonder what’s happening. Maybe she’s just ignoring us?
Steph: Maybe she fell asleep?
Meg: Maybe she’s finally getting the french fries she’s begged for all night.
Noelle: I still think she’s getting it onnnnn.
Noelle: And then she’s gotta tell us every detail.
Steph: Literally every detail. I need to know these things.
Brooke pulled up the photos and swiped back and forth. Meg’s was a view from behind of her leaning on Noah’s arm as they walked to his car. Jen’s was from across the street as he let her in his passenger door. 
Brooke: You all are sneaky little bitches. I finally got my french fries and Coke. We aren’t even home yet you freaks. Of course I could tell you some details if THAT EVER HAPPENED but he’s just driving me home. I could fall asleep at any moment though.
She recorded a video with random alternative music playing as she ate french fries, her lipstick was half off her lips as she sipped her drink and put it back in the middle console. As she bopped her head to the beat a random hand snuck into her french fry bag and stole some. She followed him with the camera and Noah smiled as he snuck them all in his mouth, looking at the road.
Meg: Brooke you are living the dream.
Jen: I want a guy that gets me french fries.
Steph: I just want a guy.
Noelle: His little smirk he does at you!! I can’t take it!! 
Jen: Do you see it now, B? Are you noticing things?
Brooke: I’m noticing that he carried my shoes inside and made sure I didn’t fall up the stairs.
Brooke: He offered to make me a BATH but I’m too lazy so I’m just laying on the couch resembling a dead body.
Noelle: GET. IN. THE. BATH.
Meg: Fuck youuuu, B. I’ll come take a bubble bath.
Jen: It’s funny because I know exactly what you look like right now without even seeing it.
Brooke: Oh you can see. Noah took this picture of me. *picture*
One leg hung off the couch, one was up on a pillow, her bag of french fries on her chest and her ponytail was let down, giving her a major bad hair moment. 
Steph: Brooke you’re a dream girl.
Jen: I like your smudged lipstick.
Meg: You do kind of look dead. Dead but enjoying fries.
Noelle: Can I use this as album cover art? I’m not even joking.
Noelle: 100% would use this for a single. Black and white. 
Brooke: I give you my drunk permission to use it as an album cover but don’t forget to thank me when you win album of the year.
Jen: The party girl song, Noelle! The one you played a clip of on our way to Brooke’s.
Meg: Wait, why did he take that picture of you? To prove you’re a mess? lol
Brooke: Because I told him not to speak of how messy I look right now so he CAPTURED IT FOREVER.
Jen: Can’t wait to frame it at your wedding.
Brooke: I’m going to throw my phone in the toilet so there’s no chance that Noah ever sees these messages.
Brooke: He could easily look right now because he’s right next to me.
Meg: Feet or head?
Noelle: Head or feet?!?!???
Jen: Both of you can stop being twins.
Brooke: ………
Brooke: …….
Brooke …… I may be resting my head on his lap. 
Brooke: He wanted more fries and thankfully I ordered two larges.
Meg: Stop texting us and talk to him.
Steph: Just turn your head over and go to wooooork!!
Jen: He put you on his instagram story. I’M DYING.
A black and white picture of Brooke from the neck down with the caption: “Two large fries and a coke, please.” You couldn’t even tell she was laying on his lap, but all of her friends knew.
“Oh fuck youuuuu.” She groaned, looking up at him, “I look so stupid and drunk.”
“No one even knows it’s you.”
“Jen did.”
“Okay well your outfit may give it away.” He shrugged, “It’s just funny you’re so content eating french fries right now.”
“I love french fries.”
“I know.” He smiled, continuing to look at her. Without a word he wiped his finger along her face, trying to remove the stain of lip stick she had smeared while eating. 
“It’s a lip stain.” She laughed.
He tried to wipe it again, pushing harder. “They don’t joke when they say stain.”
“It’s three in the morning.” Brooke groaned, “I need to get up and wash my face and change and probably brush my hair and probably go to bed.”
“You definitely need to go to bed.” He pushed a hair from her face, “And wash your face or you’ll be angry when you wake up. Do you want to go to brunch whenever you wake up?”
“If there’s bacon involved, yes.” 
“Those are like.. front row…”
“It’s called court side, but yes.” Noah laughed, “Please go?”
“Doesn’t Jack or like.. any of your guy friends want to go?” Brooke asked, sitting cross legged on the kitchen counter, eating a bag of pretzels. “Not that I don’t want to but I’m sure they’d be willing.”
“But I want you to go.” He leaned on the counter next to hear, flipping the two tickets in his hands. “Please?”
“How much time do I have to get ready?”
He glanced at the clock on the microwave, “Two hours.” He smiled up at her, shaking the gold and purple tickets. “We can go eat anywhere afterwards.”
“Anywhere…” He sighed, tilting his head on her leg, “Please just tell me you’ll go. Because I really want to go.”
“Awwww..” She messed with his hair, “He really wants to go.” She frowned, “If he gives me forty-five minutes I can be ready for a Laker game and In and Out.”
Brooke filmed the outside of the arena as they walked in their ‘private’ door before Noah put his face right in front of the camera and yelled, “GO LAKERS”.
Paparazzi caught them as they entered, Noah guided Brooke with his hand on her back, not answering any of the questions they were yelling.
As they entered the building they ran into someone Noah knew immediately, “Noah Centineo…” James Cordon shook his hand, his other held onto his son who was sporting a bright gold Laker’s jersey.
“Nice to see you again, James.” He waved down at the boy, “Hey little man.”
“This is my son, Max. He loves basketball games.” Max looked up at the both of them, “He has no idea what’s going on.” 
“This is my friend, Brooke.” He put his hand on her back as she shook James’ hand. “It’s her first Laker’s game. She also loves basketball.”
James took a picture of the four of them and shared it on his instagram. Both Brooke and Noah shared it to their stories as they sat down. A few fans noticed Noah and yelled at him across the court before the game started.
Brooke’s friends were texting her that she was on TV a lot and she had to laugh at some of the screen shots she got sent to her. But one caught her eye, it zoomed in on Noah and had a title on the TV screen, “Movie Star Noah Centineo” to inform all that were watching that he was there.
But Brooke didn’t notice that. Neither did her friends. They noticed his hand on her thigh, sitting there nonchalantly as they watched the game and didn’t see the camera zooming in across the court.
People caught pictures of them laughing together, Brooke whispering something in his ear, him stealing her popcorn, her resting her head on his shoulder for a selfie and of course, the internet went wild.
They were a trending topic, every news outlet had them on the front page, her instagram ‘tagged’ page kept continuously changing as his fan accounts posted images. 
Neither of them spoke a word. They smirked at each other as they left their seats after the game, she grabbed his arm and followed him through the crowded halls till they were outside. They needed to make it to the parking lot next to the stadium which required leaving the gated space and entering the public.
It seemed like hours but Brooke finally got her hands on In and Out, snacking on it as they made their way home and onto the kitchen counter where they ate most of their meals late at night.
“All of these pictures of us. Endless instagram opportunities. Good thing I wore a good outfit.” She scrolled through her instagram tags and saved a few, sipping the end of her milkshake.
Her feet dangled off the side of the counter as she answered back her million texts from friends. Normally she would hate the attention but for some reason she didn’t even care.
“Oh, this one’s cute.” She showed Noah her phone, a shot of them exiting the venue, holding hands, both smiling; until her phone started ringing ‘MOM’.
“Don’t tell anyone that I’m muting her call right now, I don’t want to talk anymore. She’s called me three times today.” 
“What about?”
“She said since it’s been six months I need to move out so she’s going to come out here to look for apartments with me since I can’t ‘do it on my own like an adult’.” She rolled her eyes, “My mom has no idea about apartments or neighborhoods around here.”
“So she wants you to move out?”
“It’s been six whole months.” She mimicked her mom, shaking her head. “Like I get it, but I really don’t want her to come help. She’ll be checking crime reports and make me get a place somewhere expensive so I’m not in danger.”
“You’re in danger everywhere in LA, does she know that?” He laughed, tossing their empty bags away before standing in front of her. “You’ll be in a cardboard box in Calabasas if she bases it off safety.”
“I’ve told her that so many times.” Brooke groaned, pushing her phone to the side as her mom texted her. 
“How about you tell her something else?”
“What? Tell her I’m moving home? Tell her I’m moving to the neighborhood full of gangs? Tell her I’m movi—
“Tell her I don’t want you to move out.” He rested his hands on her knees. “I want you here… with me…”
Brooke tried to hide her smile, “I’m sure that’ll go over well.”
“It’s safer than living alone, right?” His hands moved up the side of her legs, “Security system, good neighborhood, you’ve been here for six months already so why move?”
Brooke grabbed his cheeks, “Because it’s been six whole months.” She mimicked her mom again, watching him laugh and push his face against her hands. “You’re not serious, are you?”
“I’m very serious.” He moved closer, his hands went around her bottom and he rested his body between her legs, “I don’t want you to move out. I want you to stay here.”
“Wouldn’t it be… tricky… to continue…. this…. and for me to live with you?”
“It would be opposite of tricky, it’d be easier.” He winked, “Not that I would tell your mom that.”
“Oh now you’re going to talk to my mom about it?” She laughed, “Go ahead.”
“Hi, I don’t want Brooke to move out… I promise she’s not a pain…” He faked being on the phone, “No, no, I’m not just being nice…. yes I’m talking about the same Brooke…..” He fake laughed as her hands fell around his neck, “No she’s not annoying… opposite actually…” Brooke laughed, “….my friends get along with her fine, I promise… it’s just that…. I don’t want her to move out.. I think I’ve realized in the past…” he checked a fake watch, “...six years. That I really like Brooke… like reallllly like her.”
Brooke’s eyebrows rose up at the statement before she whispered back to him, “And I realllllly like you, Noah.”
He hung up his fake phone and stood up in front of her. He bit his lip and held back a laugh, looking down at her. His hand went up to her neck as he brought his face down to hers and they kissed. 
For the first time in six years, they kissed. 
“So you’ll tell your mom…?” He asked, his thumb rubbing along her jaw.
“That I’m not moving.” 
“Perrrrfect.” He smiled, picking her up and carrying her down the hall, kicking his door open, “I hope you don’t mind sleeping in here tonight.”
“Every night.” She quickly said back, tightening her grip on the curls at the top of his neck.
It made Noah stop in the middle of his room and smile before dropping her on to his bed and falling on top of her before repeating, “Every night.”
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