heybiji · 4 months
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cloudiness · 2 years
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Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh!  Don’t you shush me! I missed you 🌸❤️ You missed me? 😏❤️
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vampyearn · 2 years
why is no one talking about rashid/armand the CANON queer british-pakistani!!!! 500 year old muslim vampire. i would like to talk about this.
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feniminomnino · 2 years
me, sighs loudly and opens youtube search sam reid: ok fine time to get weird about this actor guy
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nightcolorz · 3 months
thoughts on the presence of marius’ painting in dubai in the show? ive been thinking about this since episode 7 aired because louis threw a bowl of blood at a painting in one scene which wasn’t marius’, yet made me think it should have been. but its interesting that its there at all? of course they’re art collectors and dealers in 2022 but god. i feel like the painting might end up being a chekov’s gun. it cant be there for nothing, right?
(also the scene of “rashid” armand in s1 telling daniel about it keeps coming back. how did he FEEL about that especially if daniel is indeed someone he loves and has loved for years)
AHHH OMG!!! LOVE THIS QUESTION!! I’ve been thinking about this constantly since s1, which believe it or not spurned some theories about Armand’s relationship with Louis that ended up being surprisingly accurate 😭. I can’t tell u how many times I rewatched the Rashid-mand tells Daniel about marius’s painting scene before s2 aired (definitely more than any other scene in the first season 💀💀). Ughhh!! omg!! U r so right 😭😭 the painting Louis threw the blood at should have been Marius’s. The thematic implications!!! The impact!! The way Armand would feel!! It’s making me crazy thinking about it
I speculate that Armand is trying to seek out and reclaim as many of Marius’s painting as possible. I imagine that Armand acquired the painting in the dining room by searching intently for any paintings of Marius’s that survived the fire. Part of him likely feels entitled to them. Legally he’s just Marius’s slave, but the way he sees it it’s so much deeper than that. Marius is his father, his husband. He should be given his possessions, his works of art, after he’s died. And I think the fact that Armand, by both historical records, and by anyone he knows, will always be viewed as Marius’s slave, his victim, before he is Marius’s closest loved one, feels disempowering and invalidating. Technically, if they weren’t vampires and legal consideration was given to who Marius’s possessions should be given to after his death, as a slave Armand likely wouldn’t be considered. But, Armand believes that because of the role Marius had in his life, he is rightfully owed that inheritance. And the symbolic value of that fact is important to him.
I think sometimes the show fandom doesn’t realize how attached to Marius Armand actually is 😭. If they’re going by the books, Armand is longing for Marius and for Venice. Marius is the love of his life the same way Lestat is the love of Louis’s life (maybe even more so considering he’s not just his lover but his father 😭 Marius played every major role in Armand’s life, he was his father, his lover, his maker and his god). Armand is stuck on him, he is always longing for him, never able to move on. So I think for Armand owning paintings of Marius’s is partly an assertion and a reclamation of the way he perceives his relationship with him. By owning them and displaying them on his wall, not only is he allowing himself to live with a comforting reminder of Venice (which I’ll get to), but hes also asserting that Marius loved him, and he was important to Marius, and he deserves to and is entitled to owning his paintings after Marius has died because he is the person who these things should go to, he is displaying that he is the most important person to Marius, that he is the person who would be in his will.
on the Venice note, Armand is also indulging in a small little fantasy by putting Marius’s paintings on his wall. He lived with those paintings, his father likely painted them while he was in the room. He saw them in the halls in the palazzo, maybe even in his lavish old dining room. In the books Venice was and continues to be Armand’s perceived “best part of his life”. Venice was his childhood, the only time in his life he remembers being taken care of, well fed, spoiled, loved. And from our perspective it was horrible, he was being sexually abused and beaten regularly, literally pimped out and enslaved. But think about how Armand told his story to Louis, he was smiling wistfully, longing despite it all. And I think even in Dubai Armand misses Venice, feels comforted by the memory of it. So it makes sense that he would hang Marius’s painting on the wall, as a small comfort, so that maybe sometimes he can stare at it and picture he is back there, in his master’s studio, basking in the sunlight, loved.
The scene where Armand as Rashid shows the painting to Daniel is so so loaded. Daniel initiates the conversation, but Armand definitely indulges in it more than he needs to. That scene is the first time we rlly see Armand using his Rashid persona to tap into his past. He says, “I serve a God, it’s my honor to serve” which is fucking weird 😭 and no one but Armand would say that (real rashid wouldn’t💀 he definitely sees the vampires in a way that is more grounded and empathy based then god like). He’s clearly tapping into how he felt as Amadeo, a servant to Marius, rather than playing his part. It seems like Daniels interest in the painting and him talking about + bringing attention to it brought Armand back to that Venice mindset in a way. Even with this, he’s definitely pushing Daniel away, trying to change the topic as quickly as possible while remaining in character. Which makes me think that Armand wasn’t happy at the prospect of being so vulnerable with Daniel so soon. The impression I get (especially from season one) is that despite his past and current love for him, Armand sees a different person in old Daniel, and is very hesitant to open himself up to him. Considering how different (and mean) he is, and how painful and loaded their past was, it’s a very hard thing for Armand to approach, and it doesn’t seem currently on his agenda.
What I rlly am curious about is how Louis feels about Armand keeping Marius’s paintings in their home, displaying them on their wall. I imagine it would be uncomfortable for him, if not upsetting, in a similar way to how Armand feels about the presence of ghost Lestat, if not more complicated with the layer of how extremely abusive Marius was. But how can Louis judge? Who is he to give push back on smth like this when he is still actively hallucinating his dead, abusive ex husband 😭🙏there’s a lot going on there.
I rlly hope this painting thing gets explored in depth bcus omg I can not stop thinking about it either. Thank u SO MUCH for the ask I love this topic so much omg!!! Hope my response scratches the painting itch in ur brain<3
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danlous · 5 months
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Dying at how Sam expressed this like Lestat is like 'ughhh Armand 😑. Ehhh i'd rather not see him. I don't think about him much really.' and meanwhile Armand has a centuries long passionate love-hate psychosexual obsession over Lestat. No one is doing it like them
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bivampir · 2 years
Top 5 Louis moments
1. every single time he lies and is VERY BAD at this ("yeah... Claudia's going to pass.... ughhh very soon...... we're just trying to. get her used to the... thought.... oh um. d.. dying??????" and "we sell incinerators 😁🤨😁" BOTH GOT ME DEAD)
2. the ENTIRE killing the racist old fuck scene but ESPECIALLY "why is your heart beating so fast" 😳
4. this fit
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i tried to think of a good note to end this and i just can't. i love him so very much i love how deep and intense all of his feelings are, love, grief, pain, sadness, pride, shame, and yet he tried so hard to bottle them all up. he brings so much nuance to this show and his character has so much LAYERS. the masks he put on to be respected by strangers and by his own family (or. families) the catholic guilt the repression the depression the struggle with identity the eating disorder the covering up to the truth so long you're not sure what's real and what's fake and who is the person you're really lying to. i want to peel him away layer by layer and hug what remains. the character of all time<3
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dlsintegration · 8 months
hi you..... 1, 12, 32 and 40 for the ask game >:D
Hiiii my angel ​🫶🏻​
When did you fall in love with the show:
Started watching a little bit after it started airing, I don't remember the specific tipping point that made my brain fully snap in two and decide to make my entire life revolve around iwtv but. It has to be the Church scene right . Ep1 is a movie of its own and I loved it from the very first scene but the last 15mn are just everything i'd been missing in my life at the time, I remember literally calling my friend and screaming at her to put it on it was already so bad for me...It's almost surreal to think about that period now but yeah . Immediately fell in love and now well. lestatwhiteshirtclaspedhands.jpg
12. What were your favorites moments of season one?
UGHHH so hard to choose just a few but immediately my mind goes to the Dubai scenes and the insane power dynamics going on in that penthouse... the entire show is so gorgeous and smart and thoughtful but there's something about the moments where you catch a glimpse of what's really simmering beneath the seamless surface and it makes me insane. the best example of that is the honey and pineapple scene the tension is so thick and charged and dangerous and . yeah . it just goes back to how excited I am to actually see Dubai armand outside of his rashid persona. but if we're talking new orleans I really have a soft spot for the scenes Louis shares with Paul and Grace.
32. Is there a specific moment or plot point you're hoping to see next season?
Well, yes! Not going to be super original here but I can't wait to see how they're going to rework Armand and Louis' first meeting as I'm having. well. very specific theories about it. Also the "No pain" scene, obviously, and also very curious about how they intend to integrate the political aspects of post-war Paris into the narrative framework of the show. I'm also equal parts terrified and excited to see Louis and Claudia's falling out happen on my screen because of how genuinely heartbreaking I know it'll be.
And um. Armand torturing lestat in that tower, boot on his neck and all .
40. If you made any fanworks of your own, what are your personal favorites? Throw yourself some flowers!
Hopefully will have more things to feel proud of this year but I'm so happy that House exists and that I've been lucky enough to write alongside some of the people I love and admire most <3
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butchkaramazov · 24 days
ughhh where's that meme w lestat trying to touch louis but he moves away w “pride & prejudice hand thing but for mentally ill gay people” as the caption 😭😭😭😭
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agerefandom · 9 months
1, 4, 29, and 37 for the author ask game please!!
Thank you thank you! I love writing questions and this ask game is soooo fun!
Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Ohhh this feels like I'm going to drag myself for only writing one (1) kind of fanfiction
I like spending a few paragraphs on background (memories and how the person got into the current situation, since I write oneshots), then a problem with a little bit of angst, and then it gets resolved and we get a page or two of fluff to fix it all. That's my standard agere formula! Now you can tease me when I follow it 80% of the time.
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
My gosh I have so many requests in the inbox I don't really do my own fic ideas anymore! I'm mentally prepping for the follow-up to my Great Comet of 1812 fanfiction: relistening to the musical and generally turning the characters over in my head.
29. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Ough I have been writing a self-insert version (with the author's permission) of a FNAF fic and it's been so very fun: my partner has been talking about writing a sequel and I've been working with them on it, although I don't think it'll ever really get written.
If you wanna read the best FNAF fic, here it is! It's got an aro/ace nonbinary main character (OC), magnificent robotics writing (to a layman), great character development, and an M rating for violence. It's twice the length of Moby Dick and I read it twice in a month, once by myself and once out loud to my partner. Feel free to hit me up for specific content warnings, since it did make me cry for about an hour, but it was soooo good.
37. Talk about your current wips.
Ughhh I really only have finished fics or fics that I'm stuck on: I do most of my stories in one sitting (and then another for editing), so if I only get halfway through, it's a bad omen.
That said, I'm partway through a fic about Light regressing during the chained-together era and I was having a really good time writing the L and Light dynamic, but got myself stuck right on the edge of Light admitting what was happening and couldn't wrangle him back into character.
And I'm a few paragraphs into the Armand and Lestat part of my IWTV fanfic: I feel like I've really got them down separately but then they start interacting and I'm like ????? who are you????
Anyways this has been me "talking" (complaining) about my wips lol
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jemgirl86 · 2 years
Nah but some fans of the book series have got to chill lol.
All these “I know something you don’t know lol” posts about Armand, and the fact that new fans are excited about his reveal and like him, or think he’s cute, or blah blah blah, are annoying af. Girl, whether people read all the books or not, we all have access to Google. If they want to know about his crimes or any other characters’, they’re just a search away. And, it doesn’t exactly take a rocket scientist to look at the info we have from the show, and people who have been speculating on here for weeks, to know that the character isn’t too great in the books.
Idk man, just the oddly superior tone of these posts, like “ughhh you like Armand, if only you knew!” If they wanted to know, they’d just Google it lol…
And a lot of people are only even doing it as a way to say: “Just you wait! You’ll see that Lestat wasn’t so bad after all!” But that’s another post…
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 years
oh GOD that Armand/Lestat scene in BC wrung me out emotionally! I also weirdly love the scene in the prev book where Armand calls to give Lestat some Important Updates and Lestat acts like a lil bitch about it, like 'ughhh why are you bothering me with this?' and Armand's like 'CUZ YOU'RE THE PRINCE, U IDIOT'. And then they have that little moment where Armand finds out Louis & Lestat are together, and he's really sweet about it. Bless them! They've never had a single normal interaction tho.
*snickers* And that is the charm of them, isn't it :)))
The utterly weird, bitchy but deeply loving state they have later, based in utter fascination from the get-go.
I'd argue they are also much more alike than either of them wants to admit, but what I adore about them is how deep the acceptance runs, because they actually feel the... kinship, this similarity I think. How there is no real jealousy in regards to Louis in the books, not even "right after" Paris (well in the tale^^), when Armand comes to Lestat.
Actually, in regards to Armand and "fledgling" I found it hilarious in Memnoch when Lestat is so prickly about David and Armand knowing each other, lmao.
It also shines an interesting light onto his relationship with David, because he repeats some of the more abusive (and vampiric) actions with David which Armand does to at times, like the force-feeding. But that just as a note.
Ugh I cannot wait to see Sam and Assad interact.
I bet their chemistry will be off the charts as well.
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belschine · 2 years
What are ppl saying about the new vampire show?
I don't watch it + never read the books so I'm not qualified to talk about this beyond repeating a quick summary as it's been explained to me, but here goes - Louis, one of the two main characters, was changed from a white plantation owner (?)(in the books) to a black man (in the new show). Everyone I know who commented on this, up until yesterday's episode, was happy about it and felt it was done respectfully - The show was advertised as a love story between Lestat (other mc / main protagonist) and Louis - This last episode had some scene where Lestat was physically abusive apparently to a pretty bad degree. He was never physically abusive in the books
So people are not happy about this change given like..... Why do you need to change Lestat to be physically abusive only when you've changed the race of his partner? Right? It's out of character for him anyway from what I've been told
And now of course you have everybody and their mother going "UGHHH IF YOU DON'T LIKE STUFF THATS IN HORROR MEDIA THEN STOP PRETENDING YOU LIKE HORROR!!!" Like dude mind your business we are not talking about Saw right now 😐
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swordmaid · 4 years
im making vampire jaime in the sims aND kfsdngKDFSG
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zeussim · 3 years
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nightcolorz · 2 months
The most heartbreaking thing about Armand regarding Marius is that Marius is still alive and very respected by other vampires, including the few people Armand himself respects and loves
Like sure, others have suffered abuse, Lestat suffered a lot of abuse, but all of Lestat's abusers are dead, Lestat is free to process his trauma without anyone telling him he is being overdramatic
Meanwhile Armand's abuser is right there, he is forced to interact and be polite and pretend he isn't fucking terrified of Marius
And to make it worse Marius is a respected member of the community, people value his advice and see him and a wise teacher, Armand must feel so lonely when it comes to thinking about what Marius did to him
It's no wonder people want AMC version of Daniel (and to an extent Louis) to hate the guy, Armand needs someone on his corner and it sure won't be Lestat who also sees Marius as a wise teacher
While I think Anne was a good writer I sometimes resent how uninterested she was in exploring the nuances of her characters interpersonal relationships, she never let the characters feel resentment for eachother for long, the plot was more important for her
UGHHH THIS IS INCREDIBLY TRUE!!! So mf heartbreaking oh my god. Hard agree with ur last point about Anne never exploring stuff like this, idk how she managed to create such realistic abuse dynamics seemingly by accident and then focus all of her attention on the alien invasion plot line that consists exclusively of sitting around at a table and talking 😭😭
but ugh, yeah, as I said this is just such a realistic scenario for a victim of abuse (especiallyyy sexual abuse) to go through. Pedophiles and sexual abusers r so often powerful, well liked and respected people, which suppresses their victims abilities to ever be open about what they went through. For Armand he can’t even truly process it, and is stuck believing that any fear he has of Marius is irrational and Marius was purely good to him. Armand’s dynamic with Marius during the ambiguous post canon era reminds me of how child sa in a family often operates when the family chooses to protect the abuser over the child. I won’t go into detail about this cuz it’s a triggering topic but yeahh, what I love about the vampire chronicles is how often the collective vampire community operates like an abusive and unhealthy family.
God just, yeah, thank u for this ask anon ugh it’s hitting me in the gut in a good, sad way
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