#Uí Néill
stairnaheireann · 5 months
#OTD in 1014 – Battle of Clontarf | The Dublin Norse and the king of Leinster, with Viking allies from overseas, are defeated by Brian Boru’s army at Clontarf.
The bounds between Irish Legend and Irish Myth has often been blurred, especially as the retelling of heroic deeds has been passed on through generations. Brian Boru was no legend although his life deeds were legendary. He was very much a real man and was in fact the last great High King of Ireland and perhaps the greatest military leader the country has ever known. Brian Boru was born Brian Mac…
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varinsson · 2 months
It took me four years almost to realize that Eivor, regardless of player choice on gender, has the same raven tattoo on their temple that Ragnar does in the show. I am suitably not okay.
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This Saint Patrick's Day, don't forget the reason for the season. Celebrate like St. Patrick would have wanted:
Speak Welsh.
Turn your enemies into foxes
Call out your local politicians
Set a bonfire, piss off the cops
Curse your enemies' fields to become barren marshes, unfit for farmland.
Cause an earthquake
Write all your letters in Latin
Despite this, claim that your Latin is bad.
Become a key part of Uí Néill propaganda.
Yeet your enemies into the sky so that they freeze to death.
Adopt a child who refuses to leave you alone.
Bargain with an angel to be allowed to judge the souls of the Irish on Judgement Day
Remind your local surviving members of the Fianna that all their friends are dead and in Hell.
Have two oxen decide your burial place
Develop a long and complex relationship with St. Brigit in the folk tradition, despite neither of you being contemporaries.
Refuse to suck the nipples of the pirates who you are trying to convince to take you back to Britain.
Disguise yourself as a deer
Fight against manmade climate change
Be accused by your former friend of unspecified charges that might or might not have involved gay sex and write a long self-justifying letter about your tragic backstory.
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bible-hunger-games · 2 years
Tribute 11: Saint Patrick
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A fifth century missionary and bishop in Ireland, also known as the Apostle of Ireland and the primary patron saint of Ireland
Captured by a group of Irish pirates at age 16 and was enslaved for six years, during which he strengthened his relationship with God
The banishment of all snakes from Ireland has been credited to him, although there have never been any snakes in Ireland
After his death, his corpse was fought over by three groups of people known as the Uí Néill, the Airgíalla, and the Ulaid
Saint Patrick
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history-time-out · 2 years
Brian Boru “Ireland’s Greatest King”
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Brian Boru was an Irish king who lived from 941 to 1014. He is widely regarded as one of the most significant figures in medieval Irish history and is remembered for his leadership and military prowess in unifying a number of warring factions in Ireland and achieving a brief period of peace known as the “Golden Age”. His life and legacy have been the subject of much academic research and debate, with historians differing on many points regarding Boru’s life, achievements, and impact on early medieval Ireland. This paper will provide an overview of Brian Boru's life story, his major accomplishments, and how his legacy has been interpreted throughout history.
​​Brian Boru was born in 941 at Killaloe, County Clare in what is now modern day Ireland. He was of Dalcassian origin, descended from Conmhaícne Mara (the Clann Cian), a branch of the Uí Néill dynasty that ruled over much of northern Ireland during this period. From an early age he was groomed to be a leader within the Dalcassian confederation by his father Cennétig mac Lorcáin , who had become King of Thomond (modern day Munster) at a young age himself.
​​Boru's rise to power began with his appointment as chief councillor for Máel Sechnaill II mac Domnaill , High King of Ireland from 980-1002. During this period he gained control over much of Munster through military campaigns against rival clans and eventually became its king; he also gained influence over Leinster which enabled him to consolidate more power through political alliances. His rise to become High King began when Máel Sechnaill abdicated in 1002 upon having defeated several Viking invaders in battle; Brian was appointed High King soon after by the other Irish rulers.
Boru's reign as High King proved to be hugely successful for the people of Ireland; he managed to bring a period of relative peace between various warring factions throughout the country, earning him great respect amongst all those living there at the time. In addition to this, Brian also promoted Christianity; according to chroniclers such as Marianus Scotus , he built churches throughout Munster and had relics from Rome brought back to Armagh . Moreover, he worked hard to ensure that justice prevailed throughout his kingdom: according to historical records he held court hearings every two weeks where grievances could be heard without fear or favouritism .
​​However, not all aspects of Brian’s rule were seen positively; some historians have criticised him for being overly authoritarian in dealings with other Irish rulers who opposed him. Nonetheless it cannot be denied that Boru put forward ambitious plans for creating a united Ireland under one ruler which unsettled many experienced political leaders .
​​Ultimately Brian's reign ended with his death on Good Friday 1014 at Clontarf where he led an army against forces led by Sweyn Forkbeard , King of Denmark ; despite defeating many opposing forces it is believed that Boru died after being attacked by a group while praying near his tent during battle . Although it can be argued that Brian failed to achieve lasting peace in Ireland due to subsequent warfare after his death it cannot be denied that he made significant advances towards unity during his lifetime .
​​​In conclusion Brian Boru has gone down in history as one of the most important figures in medieval Irish history; often seen as a heroic figure whose strong leadership qualities allowed him brief periods peace for those living within its borders . He is remembered for numerous achievements including consolidating power across various regions , promoting Christianity throughout Munster , enacting justice without fear or favouritism , and attempting unifying politics which set foundations for future generations . As such it could be argued that despite not achieving long lasting unification during his lifetime there are numerous aspects regarding Brian's rule which continue impacting upon modern day Ireland today both politically and culturally .
​​​​1. Duffy S., 1993 The World Of The Gallowglass: Kings, Warlords And Warriors In Early Ireland 1250 - 1600 Dublin: Four Courts Press pp 24-25
​​​2. Byrne FJ., 1973 Ages Of Invasions In Early Medieval History Dublin: Maunsel & Co Ltd pp 79-84
​​3. O Corrain D., 2000 A New History Of Ireland Volume I Oxford University Press pp 144-151
​​4. Edwards NF., 2011 A Military History Of Medieval Ireland Edinburgh University Press pp 175-180
​​​​5. Ó Corráin D., 1972 Prehistoric And Early Christian Ireland London: Thames & Hudson Ltd pp 26-31
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losthistoryblog · 10 months
The Inishowen Peninsula: Ancient Ring Forts
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Ancient Ring Fort: Pictured here
If the place/name sounds sort of familiar to you, it might be because this is place where they filmed Star Wars: The Last Jedi
The Inishowen Peninsula, located in the north of Ireland is home to something rather interesting. Ring forts.
One of them is called Grianan of Aileach (Greenan Ely) and it stands at 5 meters (that's almost two Irish Giant Elk stacked on each other).
Grinan was established in the 6th or 7th century CE by the medieval irish dynasty of Uí Néill and used by the kingdom of Aileach Kingdom in the 12th century during the Norman conquest.
It was destroyed by king Muirchertach Ua Briain who ruled over Munster. Anyway it was restored in 1870 and is now a national monument.
Grinan of Aileach is one of the revered ringforts in all of Ireland, majority of ringforts are in Ireland, Wales and England as they're a part of Gaelic culture
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whencyclopedfr · 1 year
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Flann Sinna
Flann Sinna (r. de 879 à 916) était un haut roi d'Irlande du Royaume de Mide (Meath) et un membre du Clann Cholmáin, une branche de la dynastie des Uí Néill du Sud. Son nom se prononce "Flane Shinna" et signifie "Flann du Shannon". Il est surtout connu comme un haut roi d'Irlande efficace qui consolida le pouvoir du royaume de Meath tout en honorant ses obligations envers les autres royaumes, célèbre pour sa victoire à la bataille de Belach Mugna en 908, et qui érigea des monuments pour commémorer ses exploits, notamment la Croix des Écritures au monastère de Clonmacnoise.
Lire la suite...
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anarchotolkienist · 3 years
Desire to name my (hypoethetical future) kid Aodh in memory of the arguably greatest historical leader of gaelic anto-colonialism VS recognition that that name would absolutely doom their social prospects with english-speakers, FIGHT
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stairnaheireann · 1 year
Brehon Laws and the Establishment of Copyrights
Copyright law actually began with the Brehon Laws of Ancient Ireland over 1000 years before it appeared in English legislation. It started and ended in a bitter and brutal dispute over royalties. The dispute arose in 563 AD between two of the top contributors in the monastic schools of Ireland: Saint Colmcille and Saint Finian, each claiming to be the original author of a manuscript called ‘St…
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weirdestarrow · 3 years
can- can i ask for headcanonz for your favorite countries/states :]?
Delaware (what I have so far):
Male-Panromatic aceflux
Reincarnation of New Sweden
He has slight abandonment issues due to our states being forgotten.
Doesn't like Rhode because he's smaller than him.
Loves Thrasher's Fries, the beach, scrapple, pizza, ladybugs, and horseshoe crabs.
Tries to act like the mature one, and can be, but he also can act childish when it comes to his state rivalries.
Mourning the loss of the Dolle's sign.
Drinks a lot
Likes blowing things up
Was divided on who to support during the civil war, and stayed quiet on issues involving slavery most time, but became more outspoken after the South kicked him out
Was kicked out by the South after the civil war because he “betrayed” them, and Pennsylvania welcomed him into the Mid-Atlantic
Calls Ladybugs “ladies” or “M’ladies”
Someone you should never trust in a car, as he ignores speed limits
Since the only region Delaware feels like he fits into is the Mid-Atlantic, he hates when Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina try to say they are Mid-Atlantic when they are literally not and have no reason to claim they are
Close with Georgia because they are both peach states
Celebrates Separation Day and refers to June 15 as his other birthday
Delaware stops caring about things and then just never formally gets rid of them. He thinks that if he doesn’t care, then it doesn’t apply, and he shouldn’t have to go through legal means to get rid of it
Ireland (what I have so far):
Unknown Date in 846
Queer. He does not know what he is, aside from the fact he is not straight.
Also questioning his gender, but identifies as male for the moment
Has a somewhat tense relationship to Britain and England
Their relationship varies depending on events happening. If they are on good terms, they consider each other brothers; if on bad terms, they don’t.
Fluent in BSL, ISL, Irish, and English, and is learning Choctaw.
Doesn’t like potatoes all that much, as that was most of what he and could eat during the 1800s, and he got tired of it
Provides food aid to others, as he never wants anyone to suffer the way he did during the Great Hunger
Close friends with Choctaw, although they didn’t meet in person until 1990.
Gave Choctaw a Claddagh ring when they dedicated the Kindred Spirits statue
Ireland was often the babysitter of Britain's kids, and to some of these kids, was more of a father figure than Britain
After the Commonwealth of Nations was born, and Ireland left the British Commonwealth, Commonwealth became the babysitter of Britain's kids and often goes to Ireland for advice
Ireland loves playing music
His father is Kingdom of Southern Uí Néill
His uncles are Kingdom of Northern Uí Néill, Kingdom of Munster, Kingdom of Connacht, Kingdom of Leinster, Kingdom of Mide, Kingdom of Osraige, Kingdom of Ulaid, Kingdom of Bréifne, and Kingdom of Airgialla.
Ireland’s children were the Norse-Irish kingdoms of Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Waterford, and Wexford.
Northern Ireland is also Ireland’s son, but both of them mutually agree not to recognize that relationship, and instead think of each other as brothers.
Montserrat is his only living child that he thinks of as his child
Ireland originally represented the High Kings of Ireland
Children and father/uncles were killed by England and Duchy of Normandy during the Anglo-Norman Invasion in the 1100s.
The Anglo-Norman Invasion in the 1100s made Ireland become the Lordship of Ireland, and gained his first flag.
Ireland hated being the Lordship of Ireland, as he was controlled by other powers who wanted to take away his culture, even if they only really controlled The Pale.
Ireland often lived with his cousins and other family who were not under the control of the Lordship of Ireland during this time.
Ireland avoided The Pale, as he feared if he went near it he would be captured and either killed or forced to become whatever the English wanted him to be.
The Pale also gave him a sick feeling to his stomach, and he knew what it would mean for the rest of his people if The Pale’s influence spread.
Ireland’s cousins, the Kingdoms of Desmond (Deasmhumhain; South Munster) and Thomond (Tuadh-Mhumhain; North Munster), were both able to survive the Norman invasions, but died in the 12th century.
Barony of Carbery (son of Kingdom of Desmond) was the last of Ireland’s family to die, dying in 1606
Became the Kingdom of Ireland in 1542
Despised this because he lost his ability to govern himself, most of his surviving family was killed and his religion was suppressed.
There was also ethenic cleansing in Ulster which infuriated him
Hated the Penal laws and Statutes of Kilkenny with a passion
When England banned harps in Ireland, and Oliver Cromwell ordered them to be destroyed, Ireland secretly saved as many as he could.
Harps were seen as a symbol of resistance to England, and Ireland bore the one on his flag with pride.
Even when it was illegal to speak Irish, Ireland still did, even though he knew the penalty was death.
While he was a colony, Ireland feared losing his culture, language, religion, and traditions far more than he ever feared death, so he would often take part in rebellious actions that could have led to his death.
Hated being an England (later British) colony and did everything he could to not conform to English standards.
Only learned English so he could know what England was planning on doing to him and his people.
During The Great Hunger, Ireland would give up food to others, as he knew if he died, he would just be replaced, while his people couldn’t be replaced. He saw himself as replaceable, and therefore focused more on helping his people than helping himself.
Was touched by the amount of international support he received during the Great Hunger
Incredibly dedicated to preserving his language
Has a budding friendship with Navajo and Hopi
Friends with Lac Court Oreille Band of Chippewa
Likes wearing heels and shoes with heels
Has two cats called Roisin and Aodhan, Roisin is a Manx cat and Aodhan is a British Shorthair
England (what I have so far):
Born on an unknown date in 927
America broke England's jaw during the Battle of Bunker Hill, and it unfortunately never healed properly so England sometimes has trouble eating and speaking.
England is fluent in BSL as he uses it when he has trouble speaking.
England was a pirate and bonded with his niblings who also had pirate phases.
England and Britain would fight over who was actually the parent to Britain's kids, as pre-1707, England viewed Britain as an annoying side effect of the Laws in Wales Acts 1535 and 1542.
England was put in charge of handling relations with America when America was fighting his Civil War, as the British government feared that Britain's overprotectiveness would lead to Britain trying to help America.
England and Scotland always argue about their history together at the most inconvenient times.
England swears. A lot.
England is very good at distancing himself from his emotions
England regrets what he has done to Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, but will not offer an apology.
England is still blind to the many mistakes of the British Empire, as he didn’t feel the pain of the other parts of the entire like Britain did.
Dismissed Britain’s pain about the horrible things the Empire had done because he felt okay, and to him, that meant everyone in the empire was
England sometimes sees himself as the outlier of the British Isles, as he is Germanic and not Celtic, not to mention he is the one who has wronged the others the most.
Since England cannot speak most of the time, he has learned when it is appropriate to talk, and when it is appropriate to listen.
Even when England can speak, he sometimes will not, as he prefers to keep quiet. However, if England wants to make his voice heard, able to speak or not, he will make it heard.
England’s voice is quiet, and he doesn’t like saying long statements.
This is because disuse of his voice means he gets tired quicker while speaking.
England doesn’t understand how Britain and France fell in love
England was very much against becoming part of the same country as France in 1941 and 1956
England still very much remembers his rivalry with the French
America said he would forgive England for a lot of his mistakes during the Revolution if England never said a word about the American Civil War. England accepted.
Lost his pinkie and half his ring finger to Wales during the Glyndŵr Rising. This didn’t bother him that much until he lost the ability to speak, and then England got a prosthetic for BSL purposes
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nickandros · 2 years
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inky-duchess · 4 years
duchess, can I ask what's your favourite royalty story (of your family?)
My ancestor Niall of the Nine Hostages or Niall Noígíallach an Uí Néill is semi-legendary. He and his entourage were travelling one day through the country, searching for water. The only water they could find was guarded by a hideous old woman who demanded a kiss from the yound men. Every one of therm refused save Niall who kissed her. Before their eyes she transformed into a beautiful woman- the Celtic goddess Macha, Laddu of battles, war, horses and holder of the Sovereignity of Ireland - who granted Niall the right to rule Ireland and for many of his descendants.
I like this story because:
Niall got slutty
The Uí Néill line were granted the right to rule
The líne was blessed by a goddess
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margridarnauds · 3 years
Initial thoughts on Wrath of the Droods:  - The initial point about petty kings being everywhere is 100% spot on, you had a ton of kings running around Ireland at any given point in the Middle Ages, up to around 200. Bárid being king of Dublin, as such, isn’t ALL that impressive. (The term “king” could refer to being king of an individual population group, or túath, being king of a province, such as Munster or Ulster, or being high king of Ireland
- That being said, the existence of a true Irish high kingship, as they show it here, is much more debated. There was, definitely, a high kingship of Tara, but the conflation of Tara with Ireland was also a skillful bit of propaganda by the Uí Néill (who are also responsible for the image of St. Patrick as the premier saint of Ireland, over, say, St. Brigit or Columcille.) Still, Flann claimed the high kingship historically, even though there was evidence of dissent, and was himself a propaganda MASTER (we know his name now, ergo he was good) so I’ll allow it. 
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Something to note is that all Irish words having to do with bows and arrows are loan words, with a large number of them being from the Norse (the one exception being saiget, coming from Latin sagitta, arrow, as discussed in Mallory’s In Search Of The Irish Dream Time); the Irish had little need for bows in their usual style of warfare; they found swords and spears to be more their style (drama queens that they were). As such, the Vikings were responsible for the re-introduction of the bow into Ireland, and we actually DO have at least one Viking bow recovered from roughly the period that the game’s set in, which is discussed in this article. Given that the bow was pretty much exclusively used by the Norse Gaels, as opposed to the Gaels (who held off on adopting archery until the 13th century, though once they did, they kept it until around the 17th century) , I’ll give them......some points for accuracy. I’d note that the blacksmith appears to be 100% Gaelic Irish, at least from her accent, but I’ll award them some accuracy points. (I would not that the Ballinderry bow, though, is incredibly powerful, incredibly strong, not a light bow like we get in-game, though apparently some light bows did exist.) For an interesting breakdown, also see this article that, I think, kind of sums up the level of evidence we have succinctly.
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andnowanowl · 3 years
Eivor Battles Balor of the One Eye
Eivor ingests a potion made by the druid Deirdre and faces off against Balor of the One Eye. He was a king of the Fomorii in Irish folklore, a group of beings that lived under the sea. His eye was said to cause blistering destruction when opened. Supposedly he was killed by Lugh Lámhfada in the Battle of Mag Tuired.
"Fjölnir" is one of Odin's many names, so Balor is likely an Isu. What's interesting is that Balor says he slew Cú Chulainn, the Hound of Ulster; in the Ulster cycle, Cú Chulainn was killed by Lugaid mac Cú Roí. What this could possibly suggest is that Lugaid was one of the Isu who reincarnated themselves into the human race. Given the animosity towards Eivor, it may have been Loki. Which makes me wonder if Eivor is even the first incarnation of Havi/Odin to be born, but perhaps the first to shake off the influence of Odin.
The Gáe Bolg was Cú Chulainn's spear, which I was pleased to get the first time around in the DLC because I was seriously disappointed when the Uí Néill artifacts just gave you his shield. Oh, and the spear is mostly why I almost immediately ran off to Ireland because I wanted to smite my enemies with lightning. 😂
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The Brian Bo’rew: Assam and Darjeeling Tea with Hawthorn Berries and Red Clover Blossoms (All Organic)
This tea blend was originally supposed to be called Hiberno-Norse Breakfast...until I was struck with the 'ingenious' pun that ultimately won out: The Brian Bo'rew.
But to explain the pun for those who are unfamiliar with Celtic and Viking History, there was an important man named Brian Boru (or, more accurately, Brian Bóruma mac Cennétig) who became Ireland's one and only High King. Surprisingly, this man wasn't even from the most powerful family in Ireland at the time (the Uí Néill), nor did he live in the most politically dominant region (Ulster). Nay, he came from a lesser-known family known as the Dál gCais from the region of Munster. His rise from obscurity to history, however, came from his strategic use of the 'Vikings' who settled and governed Ireland's very first town and trading center, Dublin. In other words, he embraced the new political landscape that formed after the Viking came and remained in Ireland, while others clung to traditional means for power acquisition. Thus, Brian Boru truly is the quintessential figure of Hiberno-Norse Ireland, for he brought both sides together in order to innovate and prosper.
This tea therefore grants its user the ability to outsmart their political foes through innovation and thus become the High King/Queen of their local kingdom.
Type: Assam and Darjeeling Tea
Brew time: 3-5 minutes
Amount: 1 tsp. per 8 fl. oz.
Water temp: 100°C (or 212°F)
0.5 oz (Sample) yields ~6 cups (58¢/cup)
1 oz (Standard) yields ~12 cups (54¢/cup)
2 oz (Value) yields ~24 cups (50¢/cup)
Organic Assam Tea from Davidson's Organics
Organic Singell Darjeeling Tea from Davidsons's Organics
Organic Hawthorn Berries from Mountain Rose Herbs
Organic Red Clover Blossoms from Mountain Rose Herbs
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lauwrite1225 · 4 years
Broken Crown || Finan x OC || Chapter 02
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Summary :  Since the day he has been enslaved, Finan never thought that he would have to face his origins. But when an old friend made his arrival to Wessex, the Irishman his forced to deal with his past.
(Flashbacks are in italic.)
English isn’t my first language, if you see any mistakes, tell me :)
Warning : None.
Finan was awakened by the sound of knocks on his door. He slowly rubbed his eyes still feeling the effects of the ale he drank last night. It’s been three days since he was in Winchester with Uhtred, Sihtric and Osferth. The four of them mostly spend their time in the alehouse, laughing and drinking. He turned his head when he heard the creak of the door.
“Finan?” He easily recognized the voice of Osferth. “Finan, are you sleeping?”
“I was.” He growled.
“Are you… Alone?” Asked Osferth on a hesitant voice. Finan frowned. For sure, he was naked since he could feel directly the furs on his skin. He also was sure that he was alone when he went back to his chamber. But he was drunk and he couldn’t really trust his mind. So, with his palm he tapped the other side of the bed, searching for any sign of someone.
“I am.” He answered. Osferth sighed in relief and walked in. Finan straightened up and raised an eyebrow to his friend. “What is it?”
“The Lord is looking for you.”
“For what?”
“The Witan has been summoned. He is waiting for you on the palace’s stairs.”
“Oh, Jesus.” Sworn Finan. Osferth covered his eyes when the Irishman took out the furs and walked, absolutely naked, in the room, searching his clothes. He quickly put them on and gently slapped Osferth shoulder. “Thank you, Baby Monk.”
He left the chamber and ran down the stairs of the alehouse to finally join the outside. The air was cold this morning but it has the advantage to clear up his head from the alcohol’s effects. Winchester was waking up too. Merchants were setting their stalls, smiths were already hitting the iron and whores were kissing one last time their client.
Finally, he reached the palace where Uhtred was waiting for him sitting on the stairs. “Just in time, Finan.”
“As always, Lord.” The two men made their way in the palace. Other Lords were following their steps. When they entered the throne room, all the chairs were already taken. So, they took place at right of the room. “Why was the Witan summoned?” Finan demanded.
“I don’t know.” He answered, raising his shoulders.
The King entered the room alongside his father-in-law, Lord Aethelhelm. He went to sit on the throne and shushed the Lords by raising his hand. Not long after, the doors opened again to let in a woman and two guards. She was stunning with her long red hair falling in her back and her piercing blue eyes. Her skin looked like porcelain even though there was some dirt on it. She was not dressed like any other Lady. She was wearing a warrior outfit and a cloak was covering her shoulders. As he stared at her, Finan frowned. There was something troubling him about the woman. He had the impression of knowing her.
“Lord King. Thank you for agreeing to meet.” She spoke with a soft Irish accent. Finan looked into the void, his mind travelling into his memories to remember where he has seen her. It must be when he was still in Ireland, but those days were far from him now.
“The pleasure is mine, my Lady. Please, tell us who you are.” Edward gently asked, raising a hand toward her.
“I am Lady Ailis Nì Sithig. I have been sent here by King Conall of Ulaid.”
It was as his heart had just stopped. His eyes slowly went back to her face and everything made sense. He swallowed as he examined her features. She was not the girl he grew up with. She was now a woman, a warrior. And she was serving his brother. His brother who was King. This couldn’t be real. He brought his hand up to his mouth and bit one of his finger. The pain that it occurred gave him the answer he feared. This was real.
“Why did he sent you ?” Demanded the King.
“My King would like to make Wessex one of his ally.” Ailis announced. Shaking his head, Finan tried to concentrate on the discussion. Lords were whispering but when Edward raised his voice, they all stopped.
“For what reason? Ulaid is far from Wessex.” That was more than true. Ulaid was the Kingdom the most northerly of Ireland. But his cost was nearest of England. The sea that separated the two islands was a common passage for traders, making prosper the port cities of Ulaid. Especially Ulfreksfjord at the North of the Kingdom.
“To defeat the Danes.” This time, no murmur was born. The witan remained silent at Ailis’ announcement.
“That’s not possible.” Simply said Edward. The Irishwoman frowned and made a step toward him, confused.
“Why? This is the occasion for you to end the war against them.” She explained, trying to convince Edward.
“It’s already over. We’ve made peace with the Danes. We have an agreement.” The confusion on her face slowly turned into disbelief. She ran a hand through her fiery hair and looked up to the ceiling. “I gave them land in the Northumbria and in exchange they do not attack Wessex, East Anglia nor Mercia.”
“You’ve made peace with the Danes.” She scoffed. She let out a sigh, almost a laugh. “You must be kidding me?”
“You should remember who you are talking to.” Threatened Lord Aethelhelm, glancing at her.
“Oh, I know who I am talking to.” She walked to Edward until two guards stopped her with their spears. “You can’t expect from the Danes to nicely stay behind Mercia’s border. They will come back and take all you have dear.” Edward’s face almost turned red. He clenched his fist and sat up from his throne.
“You should leave this room, Lady Ailis.” He advocated her on the softest tone possible. Without another word she walked to the doors. The voices of the Lords rose up, chocked at the woman’s audacity.
Finan watched her go and suddenly, he started to run after her, leaving Uhtred behind him. She wasn’t far, he could see her down the hall.
 Ailis was walking in the forest when she heard the sound of something falling in the water. She quickly hid behind a tree as she heard another sound.
“Bloody hell!” She slowly moved from his hiding place to see who was there. She perceived Finan, throwing stones in the water while swearing. She walked to him when he sat down.
“What’s the matter?” The young man turned to her. He seemed surprised, but his face quickly returned to anger.
“Nothing.” He mumbled.
“Then, why are you throwing stones in the water.” She came to sit next to him. “They did nothing to you.” She took one in her hand and shook it on front of Finan’s eyes. “They are just stones.”  
“Leave me alone.” He sighed. She frowned, wondering what was upsetting him. Maybe it was Conall. The two brothers, even if they were close, could easily find a subject of dispute. Ailis was used to see them arguing for stupid things. But both of them were her friends and she took the habit to reconcile them.
Ailis was only thirteen, but she had a sharp mind, thanks to his father. Lord Maoilir was the most trusted advisor and warrior of the King, owning him a place in the castle with his family. Family who was only his daughter. He wanted her to take his place when he’ll be gone and so, he trained her like a son.
“Is it Conall, again?” She asked him, almost sure of his answer.
“No, it’s not.” He grumbled.
“Then, tell me.” She frowned. She knew Finan like the back of her hand, he will tell her what was troubling him.
“I am going to be married.” He finally answered. Her mouth slowly rounded in surprise. She remained silent for a moment. Finan was seventeen now, and was perfectly in age to marry. And being a Prince did not allow him to choose the bride. Finan’s father was an ambitious man and Ailis was certain that he had choose a woman of high rank.
“To who?”
“A Uí Néill princess.” The Uí Néill were the ruling dynasty of the kingdom at the west of Ulaid. It was a powerful dynasty known in all Ireland. Few months ago, some members came to Ulaid. Now she could imagine the nature of their discussion with Finan’s father and uncle when they visited.
“Which one?” Asked Ailis, intrigued.
“Dealla.” If she remembered well, she was the youngest of her siblings. She was only a year older than Finan. Ailis did not spend much time with the Princess, but she wasn’t of bad company. She was a smiling young woman with mesmerizing green eyes.
“Why are you complaining? She’s a beauty. One you’d gladly hump if she was a whore.” She teased him. Finan lay down in the grass. He sighed as he watched the blue sky above them.
“That’s the problem, Ailis. She is not a whore. It’s not one night. It’s forever.” She lied down next to him. They stayed a moment like that, in silence. “I wish I was free.” He almost murmured.
“You are free.” She turned her head to Finan but he was still looking up.
“No, I’m not. As long as my father decides everything for me, I am not.” He took a long breath and sat up. “Conall told me that he’d leave Navan Fort as soon as Father will be dead. I wanted to go with him. But, now that I am going to marry, I guess he’ll go alone.”
Ailis bit her lip. She knew that Finan never wanted to have this kind of life. But what could we do in front of duty? They were born to fulfill a purpose and Finan’s one was to allow Ulaid to thrive by a marriage.
A/N : Thank you for your comments, likes and reblogs on the first chapter ! You are adorable ! I hope you enjoyed this chapter who quite still introduce the story and the characters aha :’)
Tagged : @astral-finan @geekandbooknerd @pokeasleepingsmaug @queen-manning @kelly-fasel @naihqh @ucancallmechlo  <3
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