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sleepyzz0h · 7 months ago
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Dude these are literally years old omd (oh my days)
Should I redraw my old bois-?
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alchemyofazeroth · 6 days ago
Fire Oil
Intermediate alchemy. Alchemy trainers in every major city will teach you how to make it as you advance in skill. The oil itself is not complicated to make, but is involved in several intermediate potion and elixir recipes.
Two whole Firefin Snapper fish, freshly caught the day of.
Makes one bottle of oil. Adjust number of fish for larger batches.
The process of creating Fire Oil from Firefin Snapper fish involves several key steps. First, two fresh Firefin Snapper specimens must be obtained, ideally caught from any coastline of Kalimdor or the Eastern Kingdoms.
The Firefin Snapper is a colorful marine fish species belonging to the snapper family. This shallow-dwelling fish is widely distributed throughout the coastal regions of the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, ranging from the Great Sea to the Forbidding Sea and the Veiled Sea. Firefin Snappers have elongated, moderately compressed bodies that typically grow to around the length of a house cat or up to twize as long. They are named for their striking coloration - bright red bodies that transition to yellow towards the face, with characteristic blue eyes.
Firefin Snappers inhabit coastal waters and do not stray far from the shoreline. They tend to school and hunt small fishes, crustaceans, and other invertebrates. Unlike many other snapper species, the Firefin Snapper is not often a popular target for anglers due to its poor eating qualities. However, this species is valued by alchemists of the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor for the creation of Fire Oil, a type of fish oil used in alchemy for fire-based potions.
The fish are then carefully filleted, with the skin, bones, and entrails removed and discarded. The remaining flesh is cut into small cubes approximately one inch in size. Next, the cubed fish flesh is placed into a large cast iron cauldron and combined with purified spring water and sea salt in a ratio of ten parts water to one part salt by volume.
This mixture is then heated to a slow boil over an open flame, a critical step for rendering the oils from the flesh. As the concoction boils, the oils separate from the flesh and rise to the top of the cauldron. After boiling for two hours, the cauldron is removed from the heat and allowed to cool.
Finally, the orange-hued Fire Oil is meticulously skimmed off the top, strained to remove any impurities, and decanted into glass vials for storage and use. The remaining water and fish flesh are discarded.
When prepared properly under exacting conditions, two average sized Firefin Snappers will yield one vial of the prized Fire Oil.
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malesub52 · 1 year ago
Never touch unwished other thinks ! Or you get punished very hard....not only one needle...by every mistake try to touch ans stimulate you ..you get twize as much needles...on every finger...and a hard spank and CBT too , until you have learned your lession...
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bestgynecologist · 2 years ago
Body Hair is a curse.We spend lots of money in waxing,threading and twizing,so time comes for bid a bye to unwanted hair with us. Dr Anita Rath,Hair and Laser Specialist and other experts use this advance technique to make you more beautiful at our clinic.Our clinic is renowned within a short span of time in Bhubaneswar because of latest technique and good equippments used for treatments by experts with many years of experience under the guidance of Best Skin Doctor Dr.Anita Rath. Visit More - https://www.anitarath.com/ +91 9090044000, +91 8270088880 ASHU SKIN CARE , Near IDBI Bank, Biju Pattnaik College Road, Jayadev Vihar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751013 [email protected]
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444names · 2 years ago
list of clone troopers from star wars form fandom.com
Ablon Adeng Alver Ammass Apper Arcanst Arper Astatery Astatfor Astie Astiony Atchess Attann Attle Avock Backs Ballots Banctans Barliema Barlii Barris Bashi Basse Bastroop Batch Battau Bellut Belvaull Besief Bethit Better Bling Blorn Bodyrel Bogeadv Bogmazy Bogutaav Boida Boild Bolus Boophaw Bothawn Botiego Botsh Bounidav Brayk Bredii Breer Brester Bropkick Brost Bylongan Bylow Camma Cammer Candomet Canks Capots Capsiot Cargus Cassar Casser Cator Chain Chara Charsh Chess Choupeck Chrevis Chrings Ciank Clasho Cleam Cloroth Closioth Clughth Clurbes Colsull Colut Comegard Comer Comliust Commer Compatis Coper Coringan Corns Crafel Cravo Croot Cruell Daarguel Daven Davenc David Dawuines Deadsio Denno Devaan Deyod Dicker Dionengs Dionst Diont Doric Draikan Draird Drazy Droge Dyref Eigge Enark Enatrust Entoak Entor Entros Epunche Eyeron Fainfa Fainly Fairow Fairt Fattiton Fican Ficky Figer Fight Finch Finker Fintrank Fireker Fireno Flacc Flace Flack Flamm Flamp Flampy Flanc Flassill Flast Floody Flotan Flybyler Formtrek Freem Frexce Frothawk Fynda Gafet Gaffand Galvo Ganks Geamp Ghridge Ghtnings Gliito Gother Gredo Gremy Grexce Groghr Guara Gunita Gyncher Hadda Hamikit Hamplass Harclur Heamer Heven Hitch Hockeel Homer Hompy Horen Horrist Hotar Hunaxer Hypoince Hypota Iiter Inaddals Incet Incho Inste Ivent Jagin Jayalsix Jesteadv Jestrak Jininke Jocks Jumadoga Jumag Jumber Jusca Kadevals Kadey Kanten Kapava Kaptaa Kassioth Kayarps Keffo Kiellus Kieucko Kilon Kiraceta Kixer Klief Kourider Kouthez Landsis Leatio Lockeye Lonsta Losixer Lucker Macer Malphez Manky Marfir Marrage Medenarg Mentit Merak Meron Mettle Miker Moope Mozne Munino Nacelven Nebury Nesold Neyellie Nidel Nilowzer Nindomee Noban Nobii Noghn Noryle Oaddak Oader Oaliilit Offal Offord Olfir Omeel Omegs Omidge Oppoth Ordcalle Orgeoner Ority Packohot Pands Parre Patchai Peema Phsin Piloss Pitak Plashpo Poidogma Potshil Preld Pripio Proil Prows Prudi Pubar Publongs Pullug Punce Quadeye Qualvo Quark Racks Raika Ramme Rancel Redged Reenneye Reepare Rennew Rhoth Rodic Roink Rolut Rooke Roommuzz Rostrin Rylony Ryloon Sabob Salor Sarger Sarine Sariss Sarmat Scirs Scomer Scommen Scons Scrawk Scuebace Scyth Secia Secit Secks Seker Sepuble Shaos Shast Shatter Shavo Sheta Shill Shorn Shypolt Silfice Sketa Slimixer Sliter Slity Slunce Sluri Slutu Spadenn Spadicel Spanda Sparr Spatam Spatis Spatt Spaum Speno Splak Sprenc Sprion Squaris Squilow Stalick Stanks Stards Stenonds Stice Stictice Stifires Stifix Stitch Stoake Stonnet Storrir Suards Sulasser Suller Sulsui Swinx Tacat Taizappe Tandawn Taner Tanzag Tareer Tatoke Tearr Tetinack Thami Thawk Thiatorg Thing Thivilon Thons Thordo Throyell Tiremy Toake Tokeer Tonno Toody Tored Torgut Torit Torrir Tracard Tracat Tracc Trackle Trameden Tratch Tratt Tredic Treng Tridgeon Triped Troye Trudiver Tryndox Tuarge Tucitu Turace Twiller Twillust Twize Ukilvo Unner Valak Valex Valice Valink Vancer Vandii Vauls Verot Vidbace Vidka Vijaa Vilfir Visood Wanaree Waris Warys Waviii Welles Welli Whird Whivider Winlyby Witer Wolder Wooper Wrecubar Wreding Wreek Wreeps Wreer Wremoup Xuthess Zireadv Zireye
same thing but shorter names
Acker Ade Ail Aitz Amed Ance Arge Arger Ars Ashawk Asma Astech Bace Backer Backs Bal Ban Bance Bane Bar Barge Bashpo Baster Bayl Ber Bii Biii Blashe Blio Bobi Bod Boo Bood Boom Boot Bor Bot Botie Bots Bounto Brashi Breek Breel Breena Brexce Breyeb Bridox Broy Bull Cad Cal Calimp Cam Carch Cass Cast Catar Catchr Cedor Chai Chatte Chawn Che Chirc Choter Cipe Cirev Ciron Cirst Citant Cless Clevau Cley Clig Clins Clon Clorn Clota Colfpa Com Comer Comlia Con Coner Cor Corrt Cran Crawk Cree Crol Cry Dalt Dard Darvy Ddak Ddevet Delva Dent Der Deven Dic Dii Dive Dog Doge Domine Dommer Domran Droped Dross Edo Enarc Enc Enne Eno Ent Enter Entifi Esty Everm Eville Facker Faing Fal Fata Fet Fill Fineed Fira Firayk Fire Firet Fix Flaa Flank Flast Fle For Forbek Foris Forps Fremag Frest Furyl Gaft Gammag Gance Gead Geaker Geo Ger Gerash Get Geyel Glia Gre Greeka Gren Guarc Gue Gunine Gut Gyn Haoss Hatter Hawn Hawui Heo Her Het Hockef Homish Homme Hon Hoper Horneb Hotho Houper Huni Hunne Hype Ike Inden Ing Jagion Jain Jayal Jed Jeker Jesta Jum Jus Kaleak Kam Kammer Kap Kaper Kapold Kark Kayk Kic Kift Kiluca Kir Kirch Kixe Klege Kot Kotace Koup Koura Kup Kutter Las Ler Leuck Lia Liedo Liid Linin Litz Lon Loss Luck Macks Man Marc Mastor Mattle Med Mego Mins Mirt Mon Mone Mont Mor Muum Nacc Nader Nan Navo Negent Nego Nild Nince Nintra Noneen Nov Nut Oad Olfix Oper Ophir Opper Ord Oznew Pane Panker Pann Pard Pat Pata Pion Plast Platim Pon Prid Pro Pross Proyar Psil Psis Pull Pun Qiide Qiii Quader Race Rack Racker Radel Rank Rantra Rap Reamer Redge Redo Reer Res Reye Rion Ris Rka Rks Roider Ronte Rope Rose Ryn Salth Sand Santer Sar Sara Sarec Sarks Scomer Scor Scort Sec See Shane Shir Sho Shony Shoo Shoper Sia Sinobi Sion Sione Sis Sixer Skefox Sker Skil Sla Sliida Slion Sni Snin Spe Spo Spone Spont Squi Squo Stag Stal Stard Stel Ster Stio Stleva Sto Storr Strid Sty Swole Taan Tack Tactal Taka Talcon Tance Tapped Teader Teadv Tels Temp Tence Ter Terbet Thec Theon Thev Thi Thirex Thon Thood Thred Thri Thris Toaka Tokell Ton Toos Toriid Tra Tracke Trag Trant Travo Trayl Tre Treger Trica Trighn Triner Tristy Tro Troal Tron Troot Tros Tucia Tuper Turan Twilow Twity Tyl Ukion Umater Uncer Undsil Upecia Uper Vad Valer Valthe Van Vaner Vantem Vashar Ver Veste Vidge Ving Visec Vist Warfi Welun Wifixx Win Witch Wizak Wre Wrem Wren Wyle Xon Xuth Yer Yov Zarty Zeell Zef Zeffix Zek Zer Zircar Zirem Zirsh
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herecomesthekpop · 7 years ago
Kpop Vampire Vibes (female ver.)
Hwasa (Mamamoo)
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Hyejeong (AOA)
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Ga In (Brown Eyed Girls)
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Momo (Twice)
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Tzuyu (Twice)
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Victoria (Fx)
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Krystal (Fx)
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Male Version (1,2)
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positroniccunt · 7 months ago
you missed it, i cummed twize
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ended my show early, gonna Watch Some Tv now
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anxsity · 4 years ago
when people say "life works in mysterious ways" they usually are referring to god or the universe or some higher power. but its actually talking about the elderly lesbian couple that gave me lemonade and a screwdriver
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alienstagestanaccount · 2 months ago
Yeah, the crowd likez freekz, cuz theyre diffirint. Im only stating factz. Nd you won twize bc your a freaak. In a creapy way. My zizter iz a freak bc zhe'z weerd and ztupid nd nobudy likez her.
And Im naut a kid. Im 13. Im pricatally an adualt.
Zaw you talkd too my zizter zo hey. I ztole her fone, zhe'z mad @ me lol. Juzt wnted too zpread the wurd that zhe'z lowkiy a bit of a lozer lol. Zhez frmed that ztupid ottograf u gave her abuv her bedboard nd I havnt herd the end of it at all, zhe'z obzezzed with it. Itz weird nd zo iz zhe. Juzt wanted to let you know!
-@alienstagestanaccount (also @alienstagehateaccount
Hmm? You stole it? I hope you plan on returning it. I don't appreciate you calling your sister a loser. I think its flattering that she's done that! It warms my heart to know I have such a dedicated fan out there. :) I hope she can treasure it for as long as she's a fan of me!
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verbeeldfoto · 4 years ago
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Twize creative technology
Voor een bedrijfsreportage gingen we naar Twize in Breda. Twize levert diverse online oplossingen. Benieuwd naar wat precies? Kijk dan hier www.twize.nl.
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praesaes-is-neh · 5 years ago
hailey  pushing  men  twize  her  size  around  still  got  me  shdofush
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5am-the-foxing-hour · 6 years ago
I'm watching the video again, For the 6th time. Here we go again.
i watched it twize will watch it more when i’m free, which is on Thursday
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origsmocs · 6 years ago
oops, accidently posted the lazarus suit twize. ah well
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chwuberry · 5 years ago
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cumuluslife · 6 years ago
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Lake Ruataniwha Twize by Daniel Murray
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beingsolo · 6 years ago
Forgive Me!
Dear God, forgive me for being ungrateful, for crawling under my blanket with pain you already weighed off me.🙏🏼
Lilian forgive me, for undressing your already naked truth, for begging for love beneath your strength, for belittling your presidential energy in the glitterly ashes believing it will sparkle when held under running water.✍🏼
Mama forgive me, forgive me for not carrying the stealness you have, forgive me for abandoning the boldness you birthed on 18th of june. Mama forgive me i still need time to feel messed up.✍🏼
Time, well you should be patient my vacation is still at infant stage please wait i still need to get shower and a two hour makeup trial before i start twizing my eyebrows. Kindly be patient i need you to be still and wait for i am in unconcious mood and i am no where ready for maturity mood😎
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