#Twinkle-Ship Adventure
renew-al · 9 months
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Fully SNS-based indie animation, <Twinkle-Ship Adventure>will be arrive at YouTube on December 30, 2023.
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cenittxnadir · 4 months
Bad communication (Nightcrawler X FemReader)
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Everything had gone well on the mission until Kurt's delicate landing in the Blackbird set fire to one of the abandoned barns near the mansion.
Hank was going to kill them.
Someone take away Kurt's permission to pilot ships please.
They were both trying to catch their breath. A couple of seconds more and both of them could have been trapped in the fire, but thanks to Kurt they managed to get out.
"First and last time I leave you behind the wheel Fuzzball" Y/N was leaning against the tree trying to gain posture.
"Look on the bright side, the mission was a success." Kurt's accent sounded thicker due to the lack of air. Y/N was going to say something but a crash interrupted her. The structure of the barn ended up collapsing on the remains of the Blackbird causing a loud noise.
"Let's blame Scott. He always destroys those things"
Kurt just nodded.
Y/N stood up and looked in the direction of the mansion, they were a little far away and they had no other means of transportation than walking, yes, Kurt could teleport them but the boy was exhausted so they had no choice but to walk back to home.
"Well... let's go, Azulito, there's still a long way to go" Y/N began to go down the hill, determined to get home as quickly as possible, Kurt followed closely behind her.
"What did you say? 'Azulito?' Well, my dear Y/N, how kind of you to give me a new nickname!" He smiled, appreciating the affectionate gesture.
"You needed a new nickname, and it suits you perfectly." She just shrugged her shoulders.
Kurt's heart skipped a beat at Y/N's compliment, a warm blush spreading across his cheeks. "Azulito…" he repeated, savoring the sound of his new nickname. "I must admit, it does have a rather charming ring to it." He shot Y/N a gracious smile.
"Thank you, my dear, for bestowing such a delightful moniker upon me. I shall treasure it like a precious gem."
"The pleasure is mine," Y/N responded mockingly, imitating an English accent followed by a small bow straight out of a Jane Austen movie.
Kurt couldn't help but smile at Y/N's attempt at a charming English accent. He laughed softly, completely amused.
"Ah, Y/N, you really have a talent for mimicry!" he exclaimed, playfully feigning fainting. "Your attempts at a stately English accent are quite endearing. Are you preparing to play the role of the damsel in distress, perhaps?"
"I'm not a damsel in distress Kurt, that position is yours. I always end up saving you." She winked at him.
Kurt couldn't help but burst into laughter at Y/N's spirited banter. He feigned a wounded look, placing a hand over his heart.
"Ah, Y/N, your words wound me! To be accused of being the damsel in distress, when I am clearly the suave and debonair hero of our adventures," he protested theatrically.
"I'll have you know, my dear, that I have saved your fair self more times than I can count." He smirked playfully, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes.
She squeezed his cheek lovingly "Of course you're a hero, you're my favorite hero Krut."
A soft chuckle escaped Kurt's lips, his cheeks flushed with warmth from Y/N's affectionate gesture. He leaned a bit closer, his eyes twinkling.
"And you're my favorite damsel, Y/-darling," he replied, emphasizing the newfound nickname with a charming smile. He gently reached out to tuck a lock of hair behind Y/N's ear, his touch tender and reverent. "Your beauty and bravery make me feel like the luckiest hero in all the realms."
Kurt's words made Y/N feel something strange in her heart, she felt a warmth inside her.
She always knew what to say and now it seemed like her brain had short-circuited, she couldn't answer anything and just babbled.
Kurt watched her reaction with a mixture of amusement and affection. He could tell her words had affected her deeply, and he couldn't resist teasing her further. Closing the remaining gap between them, he gently cupped Y/N's chin, his thumb gently tracing her jawline.
"Have I rendered you speechless, my lovely damsel?" he whispered teasingly, his voice dripping with warmth. "I must admit, I rather like this flustered state you've found yourself in. It's quite endearing."
How frustrating it was! She couldn't speak and now Kurt was making fun of her! That little blue goblin was going to pay for it! Without thinking, he grabbed Kurt's tail and gave it a little tug, enough to take him without warning but without hurting him.
Kurt's eyes widened with surprise as Y/N seized his tail and gave it a sudden tug. He let out a sharp squeak, caught off guard by his quick move. His expression shifted from astonishment to playful indignation, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He intended to stumble, clutching at his heart as if wounded.
"Alas, a treacherous trick!" he dramatically declared, his voice laced with mock despair. "My tail has been betrayed by its own damsel in distress!"
"That happens when you make fun of me." She crossed her arms over her chest, feigning indignation while sticking out her tongue.
Kurt couldn't help but burst into laughter at Y/N's feigned indignation. He held his tail protectively, pretending to pout.
"Ah, you've wounded me, my fiery friend. Not only my tail, but my heart too!" He feigned a heartbroken expression, pressing a hand to his chest. "But I must admit, the sound of your laughter and the sight of your adorable teasing make me forgive you easily."
Y/N understood, she liked Kurt but she was too cowardly to do or say anything. So she was only content with their friendship, if that was the only way to have him close to her and to have a space in Kurt's heart.
She loved spending time with him, no matter if it meant getting into trouble or making jokes. She wasn't a fan of making jokes but Kurt loved them and she loved Kurt.
Kurt picked up on Y/N's internal conflict, sensing her unspoken emotions. He understood her feelings all too well, for he harbored a deep affection for her too. Yet, like her, he also hesitated to express his true feelings. He had his own reasons for keeping his emotions in check, fearing that revealing them might jeopardize their dear friendship.
Kurt loved the time they spent together, treasured their laughter and shared adventures. But he also yearned for more, to open his heart and voice the profound feelings that resided within. Yet he, too, was held back by a certain cowardice.
The rest of the way was silent and somewhat tortuous. Y/N wanted to hit her head, she ruined the conversation in just a second and now she didn't know how to continue the conversation, for a moment the floor looked more interesting.
Kurt's lighthearted teasing and laughter faded as he picked up on Y/N's internal turmoil. The silence that settled between them grew increasingly uncomfortable, the weight of unspoken emotions hanging heavily in the air. He glanced at Y/N, noting her distant gaze fixed on the ground.
Curiosity and concern compelled him to break the silence. "Y/N," he began softly, his voice tender and caring. "Is everything alright?"
"Eh?" She looked very distracted. "Yeah, sure, everything's fine." She gave him a small smile. "I'm just a little tired, I guess burning barns by accident is more tiring than it looks."
Kurt's concern deepened as she dismissed her feelings with a small smile. He noticed the tiredness in her eyes and the forced cheerfulness in her voice. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder, his voice soft and soothing.
"You don't look alright, my dear friend. Something seems to be troubling you." He leaned in a bit closer, his eyes filled with genuine warmth. "If there's anything you'd like to talk about, I'm here to listen. I hope you know that you can confide in me."
'Dear friend'. God how she hated that word, she didn't want to be his friend, she wanted to just be his darling! Is it too much to ask!
"Thanks Kurt, but I'm just tired" No Kurt! I'm not okay at all! But she decided to bite the inside of her cheek and continue on her way.
Kurt's eyes softened as he caught the subtle longing in Y/N's eyes, a hint of her true feelings beneath her guarded exterior. He wanted to reassure her, to tell her that she was more than just a friend to him. Yet, the words died on his lips, replaced by a warm smile.
"Alright" he finally replied, his voice tinged with a hint of unspoken affection. "If you ever feel like sharing, know that my ears and heart are always yours."
She truly wished that his heart was only for her, but it seemed like a cruel joke and Kurt didn't even notice it; those words caused her pain rather than encouraging her.
"It's not that big of a deal Kurt, that smoke is already taking effect" She laughed "Maybe a bath will take away the discomfort" she tried to calm him down and evade the situation.
As soon as they arrived at the mansion, Y/N said goodbye to Kurt and practically ran to her room without letting Kurt speak.
Kurt watched her run off to her room, his heart heavy with the unspoken words that lingered between them. He longed to tell her the truth, to reveal the depth of his affection, but as always, he hesitated. Instead, he simply nodded and watched her go.
"See you later," he murmured softly, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness and longing. With a deep sigh, he turned and made his way back to his own room.
On the way to his room Kurt ran into Rogue.
"Wow Fuzzball, what happened to you, why the sad face?"
Kurt turned his head to see Rogue approaching him with a concerned expression. He masked his disappointment and sadness with a small smile, feigning a cheerful tone.
"Oh, Rogue" he greeted her, his voice laced with a hint of forced optimism. "Sad face? Ah, it's nothing. Just tired after a long day of… hero duties." He shrugged nonchalantly, not wanting to burden her with his emotional turmoil.
"Hero duties? What are you talking about?" Rogue approached her brother "I know you very well Kurt Wagner, I know something is not right with you, come on! You know you can tell your sister anything"
Kurt's smile wavered, his facade cracking as Rogue's concern grew. He let out a weary sigh, realizing that his attempt to deceive her had failed.
"Ah, Rogue," he finally conceded. "You know me too well, sister. I… I am burdened with emotions I can't quite understand. Longing, frustration, and a deep ache in my heart. And yet, I fear to voice these feelings, for they may change everything."
Rogue invited Kurt to sit next to her. "Looks like this is going to take some time. Luckily I have all the time in the world for you, Sugar. Come on, tell me what's bothering you."
Kurt complied, taking a seat next to Rogue. He took a deep breath, releasing a weary sigh.
"It's Y/N," he confessed softly. "I find myself deeply in love with her. The warmth of her laughter, the brightness of her smile, it all fills my heart with a longing I cannot deny." He paused, a flicker of fear crossing his features. "But I hesitate to reveal my feelings, fearing the potential consequences on our friendship."
Rogue couldn't hide her happiness and jumped off the couch "Y/N! You like her!? I knew it!"
Kurt's eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of amusement and unease at Rogue's enthusiastic reaction.
"Ah, sister, please control yourself!" He tried to feign a stern tone, though a soft laugh escaped his lips. "But yes, I find myself enamored with Y/N's charm, her kindness, her everything. However, admitting these feelings feels both exciting and terrifying."
His sister approached and took him by the shoulders, practically moving him almost like a rag doll. "She has to know, brother, why haven't you told her?"
Kurt allowed himself to be moved around by his sister, a sheepish smile on his face.
"Well…" he began, his voice soft and pensive. "I've been hesitant, unsure of how she might react. I cherish our friendship above all, and I fear that expressing my feelings might disrupt the delicate balance between us. The thought of jeopardizing what we have is… daunting."
"Are you kidding?! Kurt, she loves you!" Rogue was definitely into this "Everyone knows, she's dying for you!
"That's true," Gambit's voice sounded from the hallway. "Come on man, you have to tell her."
Kurt couldn't help but chuckle at Gambit's interjection, though his eyes widened at Rogue's revelation.
"Everyone knows?" he echoed softly, a flicker of hope mingling with disbelief. "Could it be that Y/N returns my affection? The idea makes my heart swell."
He took a deep breath, his gaze lingering on Gambit's knowing expression. "Perhaps you two are right. I must find the courage to express my feelings to Y/N. But…" A hint of hesitation clouded his eyes.
"No buts" Gambit approached Kurt putting his arm over his shoulder "If you want to have the lady you will have to overcome your fear, do you want her to end up in someone else's arms?"
Kurt's expression darkened at the thought of Y/N being with someone else. A surge of possessive protectiveness welled within him.
"No, I do not," he replied firmly. "I cannot bear the thought of her being with another. I must find the courage to tell her how I feel."
He straightened his shoulders, a newfound determination in his eyes.
His brother-in-law gave him a few small pats on the chest. "Well said, now go get her tiger."
"Do you know where she is now Kurt?" Rogue's voice stopped them "You'll need a plan"
Kurt pondered Rogue's question for a moment. "I believe Y/N went to wash up in her room. She seemed tired and overwhelmed, but I couldn't quite discern the cause of her affliction." He scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Perhaps I should take some time to prepare, gather my thoughts and emotions, before I confront her. After all, I want every word to be perfect when I finally confess my feelings to her."
"We'll help you," Gambit offered. "You'll learn from the best teacher."
Rogue punched him in the stomach jokingly.
"I don't think you're the best one for that Sugar, why don't you let me talk to Y/N? We're friends, I can get information about you Kurt"
Kurt grinned at the playful exchange between Gambit and Rogue, appreciating their willingness to help. "Ah, my dear sister, your support means the world to me," he thanked them with a chuckle. "Gambit, while I appreciate the offer to learn from the 'best teacher', I believe that Rogue is the perfect person to gather information about Y/N. Your friendship with her will make it easier, and your understanding of women's hearts is unparalleled."
"Leave it to me, is there anything I should ask specifically?"
Kurt considered the question for a moment, his expression warm.
"First and foremost, find out whether Y/N harbors affections for me. Then, if she does indeed reciprocate my feelings, I want to know how deeply this affection runs, if she would consider a romantic relationship with me." He took a steadying breath, adding with a hopeful gleam in his eyes, "And if she does love me, inquire about her favorite flowers and romantic gestures. I wish to make my declaration of love truly unforgettable."
"Noted" Rogue got up from the chair as she walked out into the hallway "I'm going to go see Y/N, in the meantime you should calm down Kurt, you look worse than a nervous Chihuhua. Everything is going to be fine you'll see. Who knows, maybe Y/N will soon become a my sister in law"
Kurt chuckled softly at Rogue's playful remarks as she left to go find Y/N. He leaned back on the couch, taking a moment to steady his nerves.
"Perhaps she is not far away from the truth," he murmured under his breath, a flicker of anticipation and excitement stirring within him. He couldn't help but hope that Rogue's words would come true, that Y/N would someday become a part of his family. And he was determined to do everything in his power to make it happen.
Rogue arrived at Y/N's room and knocked on the door hoping that she would be in the room, otherwise she would have to look for her in every corner of the mansion.
"Rogue? What happened?" Y/N opened the door, Kurt was indeed right, she had just gotten out of the shower.
"Nothing, I just wanted to talk to you for a while. You know, a girls' night."
"Sounds good" Y/N said with a smile and giving her friend space to enter.
As Rogue entered Y/N's room, a mischievous grin played on her lips. She took in Y/N's appearance, noting the fresh scent of soap clinging to her friend's skin and the way her damp hair clung to her neck.
"Ah, it seems my timing was impeccable," Rogue remarked with a chuckle, closing the door behind her. She took a seat on the edge of Y/N's bed, stretching her legs out comfortably.
"Yes, it's been a while since we've had an afternoon together." Cenitt fell onto her bed next to Rogue. "How have you been? How have things been between you and Gambit?"
Rogue's smile widened knowingly as she reclined on Cenitt's bed. Her friendship with her friend allowed her to feel truly comfortable.
"Ah, Gambit and I are doing just fine," she replied, a spark of mischief in her eyes. "But let's leave aside the talk of my love life for now. I'm more interested in yours, Sugar."
"Mine?" Y/N lifted her upper body carrying her weight on her elbows. She could notice Rogue's mischievous look.
Rogue nodded, her eyes twinkling with intrigue.
"Indeed, yours. I'm curious to know what's been happening in the romantic realm of your life."
She leaned closer, her smirk widening. "Has a certain blue, furry mutant piqued your interest lately?"
"You speak of Beast?" Y/N was pretending not to know what Rogue was talking about. "Don't get me wrong, but don't you think Hank is a little too old for me?" she was trying not to laugh
Rogue chuckled at her friend's attempt to play coy.
"You know very well, Sugar, that Hank is not the object of my curiosity," she teased, her eyes gleaming. "I was referring to a certain mutant with a tail and a penchant for teleporting. A certain Nightcrawler, perhaps?"
"I've never heard of him. Is he new?" She was definitely playing with Rogue, trying to evade reality. She slowly get out of bed with clear intentions to flee.
As Y/N attempted to make her escape, Rogue's reflexes were quick. She darted forward, gently tugging her back onto the bed.
"Oh no, you're not escaping that easily, my dear friend," she teased, pinning Y/N down with a soft but firm hold. "We're going to talk about Kurt and your feelings for him."
Y/N ended up under Rogue, she held her without moving on the mattress "I have nothing to say, you won't make me talk" she tried to squirm.
Rogue kept Y/N pinned with a mischievous grin. "Oh, come now," she teased, her grip tightening. "You don't think I don't know how you look at him? The way your eyes light up whenever he enters the room. The way your breath catches in your throat when he smiles at you. You can fool others, but you can't fool me."
"Am I really that obvious when I see him?"
Rogue nodded, a knowing smirk on her lips.
"Oh Sugar, your feelings for Kurt are written all over your face. It's impossible to miss the way you look at him. Your eyes follow his every move, and your heart skips a beat when he's near."
She released her grip, allowing Y/N to sit up as she continued speaking. "But the real question is, does he know how you feel? Does he know the depth of your affection?"
Y/N looked at Rogue sadly "No, he doesn't know" her voice sounded very sad and almost like a sigh.
Rogue's expression softened at Y/N's answer. "Ah, why haven't you told him how you feel?" she gently asked, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's clear to me that your affection for Kurt is genuine. Why the hesitation?"
"Because your brother doesn't love me, at least not that way. I've seen how Kurt treats other people and believe me, there isn't much difference in how he looks at me and how he looks at the rest of the team." She sat up, leaning her back against the headboard while hugging her knees. "He doesn't love me. Rogue."
Rogue gently shook her head, a sympathetic smile playing on her lips. "Sugar, you couldn't be more wrong," she said softly, putting her arm around Y/N in a comforting but firm hold. "Kurt's affection for you is different. There's a warmth, a depth of feeling that he doesn't show towards others. He may not have expressed it yet, but he loves you. I can see it and I know it."
"You're only saying that because you're my friend Rogue, Kurt likes pretty girls like Amanda or Wanda, not simple girls like me. He deserves to be with someone like them."
Rogue's expression turned firm yet compassionate. She gently turned Y/N to face her, holding her friend's gaze earnestly.
"Listen to me, Y/N. You are not 'simple'. You're intelligent, kind, beautiful in your own way. Don't underestimate yourself or underestimate Kurt's capacity to see the beauty within you. And trust me, he does see it. I wouldn't lie to you about something like this."
"How do you know? How do you know he's not lying?" Y/N looked at her eagerly awaiting her response.
Rogue met Y/N's eyes with a steady, sincere expression.
"Because I've seen the way Kurt looks at you when he thinks no one is watching. There's a depth to his gaze, a longing in his expression that he simply can't fake. When he gazes at you, his eyes light up as if he's looking at a treasure he can't quite touch. I've never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you."
"So… do you think I have a chance?" The color seemed to return to Y/N's face. "Do you think Kurt wants to be with me?"
Rogue chuckled softly, a mixture of amusement and affection in her voice. "Sugar, if there's one thing I know for certain, it's that Kurt Wagner would be a fool not to want to be with you. You have a chance, and not just any chance - a great one. Trust me, he's just struggling with his own insecurities, but deep down, he feels the same for you."
"And what should I do?" At one point she felt like she was going to hyperventilate. "What if I tell him and ruin it? You know I get very nervous being with him."
She thought for a moment before agreeing with Rogue. "Yes, you're right. I'm going to tell him." She got up from the bed and walked out the door, leaving Rogue confused by the change in attitude.
Not two seconds passed when Y/N came back through the door.
"I better tell him later"
Rogue got up from the bed and grabbed her by the shoulders. "No, no way. You'll go right now and tell him what you feel." She turned her around as he pushed her toward the door. "The both of you are like a pair of love-struck teenagers."
"Well, tell me what he likes. You're his sister, you know what he likes." Y/N began pacing back and forth in front of her. "Maybe I can prepare his favorite food."
Rogue rubbed her chin thoughtfully, a smirk playing on her lips. "Ah, Kurt has a weakness for good food. He does have a sweet tooth, and anything involving chocolate usually puts a smile on his face." She chuckled softly, then added with a mischievous glint in her eyes, "And speaking of things that make him smile... don't forget, he's a gentleman at heart. Acts of kindness and thoughtfulness mean a lot to him, especially from those he cares about. Just remember, my friend, be yourself, be genuine."
"I'll make Kurt a chocolate cake, maybe I can get a German recipe." Y/N took out his cell phone and started searching for recipes on the internet. "I can get the ingredients and maybe write him a letter. And, Since you're so interested in my romantic life, are you going to help me with the cake" Y/N took Rogue by the hand and together they left the room laughing on their way to the kitchen without seeing that Gambit and Kurt were behind them.
Rogue shared a secret smile with Y/N as they made their way to the kitchen. She had no idea of the duo following behind them. As they entered the kitchen, Kurt and Gambit silently crept closer, their curiosity piqued.
Gambit whispered to Kurt, who seemed on the verge of panicking. "Easy there, mon ami," he said, trying to maintain his cool composure. "Rogue and Y/N don't know we're here. Let's just see what happens, alright?"
Y/N was finishing measuring the flour when someone entered the kitchen and greeted the two girls. He was the new boy, he had not long arrived at the mansion, he began to talk to the girls, paying special attention to Y/N.
"Oh that's not good" Gambit said quietly turning to look at Kurt.
Kurt's eyes widened as he watched the newcomer's attention on Y/N He glanced over at Gambit, a mixture of anger and jealousy evident in his expression.
"No, it's not good," he hissed through clenched teeth. "I know that look. He's eyeing Y/N!"
Y/N didn't realize the boy's intentions and was just being nice to him. She was more interested in the cake for Kurt but Rogue was beginning to doubt the boy's actions. At one point the boy was very close to Y/N.
As the boy came closer to Y/N and leaned in an all too familiar way, Rogue's protective instincts kicked in, her eyes narrowing.
"Hey, buddy, you're getting a bit too close to my friend there," she interjected, her voice tinged with warning. "Maybe dial back the charm a bit."
Rogue's response calmed Kurt but left Y/N confused. "Come on Rogue, he is just being nice, right?" She looked the boy straight in the eyes.
The newcomer, emboldened by Y/N's naive response, smirked and leaned even closer, his intentions becoming quite clear.
"Nah, Rogue's just jealous of our chemistry," he said, his tone oozing with false confidence. "We have a connection, don't we, sweetheart?" He reached out to touch Y/N's hand.
Y/N tensed when she felt the boy's hand on her and it was worse when he pulled her to his side.
and Kurt didn't like that
"Okay, enough. Hit him." Gambit moved from the door, letting Kurt pass.
Kurt, filled with a mix of protectiveness and anger, stormed into the kitchen without hesitation. His gaze landed on the newcomer, and before anyone could utter a word, Kurt's fist flew straight into the boy's face, sending him stumbling back.
"Hands off," Kurt growled, "Y/N is not a toy for you to play with."
"Kurt!" Y/N expected anything but this, she had never seen Kurt so upset, but it didn't stop her from moving away from the boy.
Kurt's eyes met Y/N's, the intensity of his gaze softened as he realized his reaction might have startled her. He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," he muttered, his voice laced with a mix of frustration and regret. "I couldn't stand the thought of that guy touching you or disrespecting you. I acted before I thought."
"Don't worry Kurt, I'm fine" Y/N gave him a small smile to reassure him "Your hand…" She reached out to take his hand in hers but she was shaking.
"I think it's better that we go somewhere else" Rogue was upset.
Kurt's expression softened at Y/N's concern for his hand. He glanced down at his bruised knuckles, a small grimace on his face.
"It's alright, Y/N. Just a bit of bruising," he muttered, his tone a mix of annoyance and resignation.
As Rogue spoke up, Kurt turned his attention to her. Recognizing the tension in her voice, he nodded in agreement.
"Yes, let's leave this place."
Everyone left the kitchen in silence, they chose to go to one of the rooms on the second floor, at that time there was no one in that part. All the way Kurt didn't let go of Y/Ns hand. Once they arrived, Rogue went to the bathroom to look for a first aid kit.
"You have blood on your hand Kurt." Y/N caressed her knuckles.
As Y/N gently caressed his knuckles, Kurt couldn't help but cringe slightly at the sight of the blood.
"Oh, don't worry about that," he muttered, a hint of pain in his voice. "It's nothing serious. These hands have been through worse. A little blood doesn't phase me."
Despite his dismissive words, Kurt secretly appreciated Y/N's concern for his injury.
Y/N took the first aid kit that Rogue brought "Can I?"
I take out a couple of gauze and bandages.
Kurt was going to refuse but out of the corner of his eye he saw Gambit moving for him to accept the offer, giving him a thumbs up.
"This is your chance" Gambit was trying to tell him, Rogue understood what Gambit was implying and followed Gambit's plan.
"We'll go make sure we haven't gotten into trouble."
Kurt hesitated for a moment, feeling slightly self-conscious about the attention. However, taking a deep breath, he decided to accept Y/N's offer. "Well, fine… If you insist," he said with a hint of reluctance, trying to sound indifferent. As he extended his injured hand towards Y/N, he shot a subtle glance at Gambit and Rogue, silently acknowledging their plan.
"Tell me if it hurts." Y/N began to carefully clean Kurt's hand. "Thank you... Kurt"
Kurt watched quietly as Y/N tended to his injured hand with gentle care. He winced slightly as the cloth touched the wounded area, but a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "It's alright," he muttered softly. "I've suffered worse. Besides, I would do it again to keep you away from that disrespectful fool."
"I'm not going to lie to you, that boy scared me a little. I didn't think he would try something like that."
Y/N was finishing cleaning the wound "But I guess I have the best hero on my side"
Kurt smiled slightly at Y/N's words, feeling a mixture of pride and humility in his heart. He could feel a tinge of blush on his cheeks, but he tried to suppress it, keeping a composed expression on his face.
"Ah, you flatter me too much, my dear friend," he replied with a hint of humility. "I'm just doing what any true friend would do. Protecting you from those who don't deserve your kindness."
Y/N couldn't help but feel a pain in her heart when she heard Kurt call her friend. Rogue was wrong, Kurt was just being nice to her.
"Yes… It's good that you're my friend" She said, turning to look at his bandaged hand.
As Y/N grew silent and tears threatened to spill from her eyes, Kurt gently reached out to cup her chin, tilting her face gently to look at him. His gaze held a deep affection and sincerity as he spoke softly.
"Y/N, please don't feel like you have to say anything. I just wanted you to know that my feelings for you run deeper than mere friendship." He spoke with a gentle vulnerability, his words holding a genuine love for her.
"Please stop" Her voice sounded so broken
"Don't play with my feelings Kurt."
Kurt's heart sank as he heard Y/Ns broken voice, her pain evident in her pleading words. "No, no, Y/N." He rushed to reassure her, pulling her into a gentle embrace, "I would never play with your feelings. You mean too much to me for that. My words come from the deepest depths of my heart. I care for you deeply, and my love for you is -"
Y/N looked at Kurt interrupting him "I like you Kurt"
Kurt's heart leaped in his chest as Y/N confessed her feelings for him.
He gently brushed away her tears with his bandaged hand, a tender smile on his face.
"Y/N," he whispered softly, "I feel the same way. My heart has known for a while, and now my mind understands it too. I like you, Y/N… No, it's more than 'like.' "I love you."
"I love you too..." She hugged him "Why you never said anything?"
Kurt wrapped his arms around Y/N, encircling her in a tight hug. As he held her close, he let out a soft chuckle. "I suppose... I was afraid." He admitted quietly, his voice tinged with a mix of vulnerability and contentment. "Afraid of ruining the friendship we had, and of jeopardizing something so precious. But... I can no longer deny the depth of my feelings for you. It's become too powerful to ignore."
"We both think the same thing, I liked you from the first day I met you but I was very afraid to get close and when you offered me your friendship I knew that I didn't want to be far from you, I accepted it but I always wanted to be something more"
Kurt listened intently to Y/Ns words, his heart swelling with a mix of joy and regret. He gently cupped her face between his hands, his touch both tender and filled with passion. "We were both fools," he whispered, a hint of self-deprecation mingling with his affection. "All this time, we've been yearning for something that was right in front of us. But now... now that we've confessed our love, we can finally make up for lost time."
"I would love that" She looked at him lovingly and rested her head on his shoulder.
Kurt's eyes sparkled with affection as Y/N rested her head on his shoulder. Softly wrapping his arm around her, he gently squeezed her closer, relishing the closeness they now shared. "Then it's settled," he whispered, his voice filled with adoration. "From now on, we'll cherish every moment we spend together. No more hiding our feelings or fearing what could have been. We'll love each other openly and passionately, just the way it was always meant to be."
"I told you they ended up together" "We already know that, everyone in the mansion knew it except them" Gambit and Rogue were leaning against the door listening to the conversation between Kurt and Y/N
Kurt's cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson as he heard Gambit's teasing remark. He had completely forgotten that they were listening in on their heartfelt confessions. With a sheepish grin, Kurt turned his head towards the door, locking eyes with Gambit and Rogue. "Oh, come on," he groaned, a mix of embarrassment and amusement in his voice. "You didn't have to eavesdrop on our private moment, you two."
Gambit chuckled, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Well, what can I say? We couldn't resist witnessing this long-overdue romance unfold." He shared a knowing glance with Rogue, both of them smiling at Kurt and Y/N's newfound relationship.
"Azulito = Bluey in spanish"
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kazuhaiku · 1 month
haikus for you!
summary: kaedehara kazuha loves making haikus, especially if they are about you.
warnings: gender neutral reader, fluff, sappy kazuha (like really sappy), he's so in love with you.
notes: kazuha come back when :( i miss him so much
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everyone knows kaedehara kazuha as the one poetic guy on beidou’s ship.
whenever beidou visits liyue after long trips in the sea, she returns to liyue bringing back a hefty amount of fish or souvenirs. all of this is not as important to you as the man who boards beidou’s ship.
said man is currently standing right in front of you, a small smile on his face as he holds a paper bag in his hands. “hi, y/n.”
“kazuha,” you reply, a smile also appearing on your face, barely holding yourself back from just jumping onto him and giving him the biggest and tightest koala hug ever. “i missed you so much.”
kazuha, possibly sensing your want to hug him, pulls you by your arms into a tight hug, to which you reciprocate immediately. “did you miss me that much?” he laughs at the tightness of your hold.
“shut up,” you mumble in his chest. “you were gone for too long this time!”
“y/n i was gone for a week. that’s shorter than my other trips.” kazuha says in a matter-of-fact tone.
“that’s still too long!” you whine. “do you have to be out in the sea all the time?”
kazuha smiles, gently tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “it’s what i do as a part of the crux fleet. i know you’re going to complain to beidou but as much as she likes and cares about you, i don’t think she’ll allow me to skip those adventures.”
you pout, but you know he’s right. your eyes then train down to the paper bag kazuha is holding and you point at it. “what’s this?”
“oh this?” kazuha replies. “hm, it’s nothing, really. just a small trinket i brought home from the trip,” kazuha looks at your twinkling eyes and stifles a laugh. “want to see it?” 
you nod almost immediately. kazuha hands you the paper bag, and you can feel how… heavy it is. it’s not too heavy yet not too light either.
the first item you took out is a carefully maintained rainbow rose from fontaine. as far as your flower knowledge knows, the rainbow rose in fontaine means passion and romantic encounters. you vaguely remember lumine telling you that the people in fontaine will only give this particular flower to their significant other or someone they find special in their life.
“aw, kazu,” you cooed. “were you continuously taking care of the plant while you were out at sea?”
kazuha sheepishly rubs the back of his neck. “yeah. i wanted to give you flowers since we started dating but i couldn’t find the right one. as soon as beidou told me we were going on a trip near fontaine, i had to get you a rainbow rose.”
you pinch his cheeks gently, giving him a warm smile. the next item inside the paper bag is a carefully wrapped fontaine delicacy, one that you have been talking to kazuha a lot about. “you remembered!”
“of course i did.” kazuha replies. “i got this one the last day we were in fontaine to keep it from going bad. i thank the archons it didn’t go bad on our way back.”
“you’re the sweetest boyfriend ever, you know that right?” you say, and kazuha blushes.
the last item inside the bag is a small piece of paper with words on it. as you are about to unfold it, kazuha stops you. “wait! open this once we go back home, yeah? it’s… kind of embarrassing to have you read it out in public.”
your eyebrows furrow, but you get an inkling that it might have something to do with a love haiku. “okay, i’ll read it later.” giving him a wink, you place the letter back inside the paper bag, taking kazuha’s hand in yours. “well, since you’re back and it’s nearly dinnertime, why don’t we go eat dinner?”
“why are you acting as if you just met me?” kazuha asks, shaking his head. “well then… lead the way, my lady.”
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kazuha’s haiku:
The Essence of You
Sunlight in your smile,
Diamonds dancing in your eyes,
The essence of you.
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cyborg-franky · 8 months
Sitting with them in silence just for company
Law x GN Reader Zoro x GN Reader SFW
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You knew where to find him, every night the Tang was above water, settled near an island he would spend his evenings outside, staring across the ocean, trapped in thoughts as deep as the sea and just as turbulent as the storms that rolled in.
Pushing the big metal door, it groaned and alerted the captain of your presence, Law didn't say anything, simply watching you make your way over on unsure feet. The ocean was calm tonight but the gentle rocking still made you unsure of your balance, used to being in the belly of the sub or on dry land.
“Is it okay if I come out here? I can’t sleep and I just wanted to get some air,” you explained and he nodded. “Sure,” it might have sounded noncommittal to people who didn’t know him but that was near enough an enthusiastic ‘that’s fine’ as you’d get from Law.
You joined him, sitting down, legs hanging off the side, arms hugging a rail to make sure you didn’t slip and fall. Honestly, the cold metal against your flushed skin felt like heaven compared to the stuffy heat from inside.
The water gently sloshing against the side of the sub sounded nice. You liked spending time with Law like this, neither of you needed to waste time and effort striking up a conversation, just settled in the same calmness as you processed your thoughts.
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You sighed, hands in your pockets as you stared at the sky, watching the stars twinkle in the heavens above as the waves gently rocked the ship. The night was perfect. Calm waves gently guided you across the ocean, watched by the moon and stars. A warm breeze filled the sails, ushering the Thousand Sunny to its next destination, another adventure.
The pleasantness of the evening felt wasted, you were bored and alone, and everyone already retired for the night. Save for the swordsman on watch duty, you looked up at the Crowsnest and frowned in thought, would he be happy to see you? Would he want time to himself?
You tapped your foot, fighting with yourself and weighing up your options. Sleep wasn't your friend tonight and you craved the company of your nakama. You clicked your tongue, annoyed at your hesitation when your lonely heart knew exactly what it wanted.
Climbing up to the crows nest and popping open the hatch you saw Zoro mid drink of a large bottle of beer. He stared at you with his brows raised before he took a swig of his drink. “Can’t sleep?” 
You shook your head and clambered up, shutting the hatch behind you and sitting down next to him, leaning against the side of the nest and taking a breath of the salty sea breeze, tinged now with the booze Zoro was partaking in.
Neither of you said anything else, Zoro knew you had issues with sleeping, he didn’t need to pry, your thoughts were yours unless you wanted to share them. He just moved closer, also leaning back with you.
Wordlessly he offered you a sip of beer and you shook your head, he shrugged and gulped down more. Both of you just relaxed in one another's company in a comforting silence.
Two souls swayed gently on the waves of adventure.
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yoonavii · 1 year
Whispers in the Night (pt. 1)
OPLA! Sanji x Reader
A/N: I’ve decided to try writing in third person. It was a little difficult since im accustomed to writing in second, but I wanted to try something new. Hope you guys enjoy :)
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The Going Merry sailed steadily under the vast canopy of stars, its wooden frame creaking softly as it glided through the calm waters of the Grand Line. The night was serene, the sky adorned with a tapestry of twinkling stars. On the ship, the Straw Hat Pirates rested, each finding their own corner of the ship to slumber. Amid the quietude of the night, you had somehow found yourself nestled in Sanji’s bunk. Such sleeping arrangements were not unusual among the Straw Hat crew; the bonds of camaraderie ran deep, and sharing bunks had become a natural occurrence.
As the night deepened, Sanji quietly entered his cabin. He had been engrossed in a late-night cooking session, his culinary skills dedicated to providing his crewmates with the best possible meal for the next day’s adventures. He didn’t want to disturb your slumber but felt an inexplicable urge to check on you. The soft, diffused light from the porthole bathed the room in a gentle, amber hue. Sanji’s sharp eyes fell upon your form, resting peacefully in his bunk, illuminated by the faint moonlight. In your sleep, you clutched a plushie close to your chest, your lips curled into a serene smile.
With the grace that was second nature to him, Sanji silently approached your sleeping figure. A sense of tenderness washed over him as he observed your relaxed expression; you looked like an angel in repose. And then, as if carried by the whispering night breeze, he heard it—a soft, barely audible whisper that made his heart skip a beat.
He blinked, questioning whether he had imagined it. But there it was again, your sweet voice, calling his name. It was soft and tender, like the murmur of leaves in a gentle breeze. Sanji’s heart quickened as he leaned in closer, his curiosity piqued. He realized that you were not awake; you were deep in the throes of a dream. Somehow, he had become a part of your dreamscape.
A faint blush warmed his cheeks. Hearing you say his name, not in distress or worry but with a happy lilt, filled him with a sense of wonder and delight. It was as though, in the sanctuary of your dreams, you were expressing a sentiment that your waking self might never utter. Sanji listened attentively, his azure eyes focused solely on you. He couldn’t help but smile, a mixture of joy and tenderness swelling in his chest. Your sleeping form and the way you softly murmured his name were enchanting, like a melody that had been composed just for him.
Respecting your slumber, Sanji decided not to wake you. He settled into a nearby chair, his gaze fixed on you with an affectionate and protective air. The moonlight played upon your features, casting gentle shadows, and painting you in an ethereal light. As the night wore on and the Going Merry continued its tranquil journey, your dreams seemed to grow brighter. The happiness that radiated from you, accompanied by those whispered words, filled Sanji’s heart with warmth and contentment.
He knew that when morning came, you might not remember these moments, but he would cherish them. Sanji remained in his quiet vigil, watching over you as the night unfolded—a silent promise that he would always be there, both in your dreams and in the waking world, to protect and care for you. And so, the night on the Going Merry continued, two souls intertwined in the realm of dreams, a secret confession of affection exchanged through whispered words—a promise that would endure long after the stars had faded into morning’s dawn.
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©𝐘𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐈— Any sign/evidence of plagiarism made from outside this name will be dealt with by whatever means necessary. Legal action may occur if non fanfiction works are plagiarized.
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Weak Ankles (Zoro x Reader)
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A/N: One big helping of Zoro x Reader fluff, full of pining with a healthy dose of yearning. Somewhat inspired by that scene in Hercules, because it just felt too perfect for Zoro <3 xx
Zoro has never encountered a fight he can't muscle his way out of.
Having recessed into the corner booth of some podunk tavern while armed with nothing but a dangerously low bottle of sake and a healthy dose of self-imposed misery, however, he feels his chances of winning this particular battle dwindle by the minute.
As his swig bleeds the bottle dry, Zoro groans and drags his hand over his face. He succumbs to his desire to wallow.
Hell or high water, right?
Zoro has never encountered a fight he can't muscle his way out of, but the swordsman has never charged head-first into mushy feelings either.
Perhaps that's why he's seeking refuge back on the Going Merry as the sounds of the party rattle on the breeze behind him, trailing him, like a specter.
Zoro grimaces.
Kunia had once explained sword fighting as a language, and the idea has stuck with Zoro ever since. Sparring matches had turned into spelling bees, each hit earning a vowel or letter.
The first one with enough hits to spell out f-u-c-k-y-o-u was always the winner.
Zoro knows the language of fighting well.
There is no training to be had for situations like these...situations that call for finesse with words that can't be spoken with the hilt of a blade.
The ocean is deep and dark with evening and yet Zoro's eyes are glued to the depths, willing divine intervention to give him a direction.
He gives the railing a small shake, mock-pretending the water is like one of those fortune-teller spheres. No reply but his own reflection.
Outcome is unlikely.
A stirring on the deck catches his attention, hand moving to his hilt as he stiffens.
A soft voice breaks through the night.
Zoro's eyes zoned in on a figure through the sake's warped glass, the sight impossible to miss even from his hiding place. Zoro's lip had quirked up, though he'll never admit it - another small defeat at the hands of his unsuspecting foe.
Who could ever miss a sight such as you?
No, there was absolutely no way a soul in the taverna could miss the sight of you - your feet planted firmly on a tabletop with your head thrown back in glee. You're a whirlwind of whipping hair and skirts as a maritime shanty pours from your throat. Grog splashes from the stien in your grip, ale sloshing and spraying like the ocean you merrily sing of. The whole of the island seems to be singing with you, the tavern bursting with music and laughter as patrons slur out the words to the refrain.
When Luffy argued that pirating wouldn't be complete without a bard to chronicle the legendary adventures of the Going Merry, Zoro had staunchly opposed the idea. What good would a bard be in battle? What navigation skills, if anything?
Someone can't sing their way to victory.
As Zoro sat mesmerized, he began to think he was very, very wrong.
This is true power, Zoro mused from his place of solitude, Swaying complete strangers with nothing but the sound of your voice.
When he realized he'd been grinning like a fool, Zoro swallowed.
He was desperately losing this uphill battle.
The deck of the ship suddenly seems miles long.
Zoro can make out your reddened cheeks in the darkness, alight with the warm glow of youth as a sweet smile settles on your lips.
"You left."
Zoro's heart clenches at the simplicity of your words. He doesn't move.
"Yeah, I did."
Undeterred, you begin to move towards him. It's stumbly, though the sound of your soft chuckle lets him know you're aware of how foolish you seem. He watches as you make your way towards him, your eyes never leaving his face.
A homing beacon.
"I was wondering where you'd gone,"
"I was saving a dance for you, Zo."
Your voice is quiet. Zoro's blood runs cold.
You had sought him out - he imagines your eyes twinkling, hair wild and free falling all around you like a halo as you reached for him from your makeshift stage only to find him gone.
To punctuate your confession, your feet seem to shuffle in a dance much too elegant for having been stomping on tables and slamming down ale, and yet here you are - light as a feather in the midsummer breeze.
The bouncing of your body keeps in rhythmic time with the gentle crash of the waves, and realization crosses the swordsman's face.
You're not dancing. You're moving through the seogi he has taught you during training.
Zoro's heart swells, a breath of a laugh passing through his lips.
"That's some fancy footwork, twinkle toes."
As if his words jinxed you, your foot catches hold of a divot in the planks. Zoro's reflexes are quick, securing you to his chest as you squeak out a yelp - an arm around your waist and the other on your forearm without so much as a thought.
A bashful smile blooms on your blushing face, cheeks dusted pink from the alcohol and the proximity of your bodies. You try to stand, pressing your forehead to his.
"Hmm..." You chuckle, closing your eyes tight. You bunch up Zoro's tunic in your fingers.
He wonders if you can feel his skin on fire beneath the flimsy fabric.
He holds his breath.
"Weak ankles."
The thick summer air is sucked from Zoro's lungs. You're near catlike in the way you seem to curl into him, nestling closer and closer...
Before the moment settles too deep, you're speaking again.
"Oh! That reminds me of a story...!"
"Haven't you told enough stories tonight?"
Although he teases, Zoro doesn't mean it. No. Not when the sky is clear and bright and your body is pressed so tightly to his and your eyes seem to glitter as they peer into his own.
As you playfully swat his chest and snort out a laugh, Zoro silently vows to spend a lifetime listening to your tales.
"N-No! No," You insist, "This is my last one - promise! Telling stories is my job anyway~!"
No one is around to hear the giggles from the two of you or to see the way Zoro's smile hangs lopsided, or to catch the slight flex of his fingers as he pulls you even closer.
"Well then," He gently butts your forehead with his,
"Go on."
You begin to weave a tale of a brave young soldier, born with great skill and undefeated in battle. You tell Zoro the hero reminds you of him. He stumbles out a "thank you".
You say that the "great soldier" had lived in disguise as a young woman, sparking a short, teasing aside about how he would make a lovely woman (which Zoro vehemently denied).
You speak of a great battle and your gaze is far away, your fingers tracing patterns along Zoro's chest, every tug and pull of the fabric between your fingers tightening the hold on his heartstrings.
You explain how the soldier's mother had dipped him in a river but forgot the heel, and in his final battle was struck down in the very same spot. You make a quip about everyone having their very own "heel" in life before proclaiming that the tale is very romantic and sad.
Your arms slide up and around his neck, fingers finding their way into his hair.
Zoro's jaw clenches. Your eyes fall to his lips.
There is no wind, no waves. The entire world seems to have stopped breathing in anticipation.
Zoro's mind desperately searches for anything from his training to tether himself to at this moment, foggy from the way your breath tickles his face and the blood pounds in his ears.
In an instant, he makes a move.
"Your...your ankle."
He drops to his knee, breaking all contact.
Your breathing shutters, arms wrapping around yourself in comfort.
Zoro is glad it is dark.
He takes in the delicate slope of your ankle in his hand, pulling the bandana from his head to prep a makeshift brace for your sprain.
You sit in silence as he works, though his mind is far from quiet.
Zoro cannot afford to have soft spots like weak ankles. All of his training will be wasted.
Zoro cannot afford to admit that he's in love with you. Not to you, not even to himself.
Your hand gently raking through his hair pulls Zoro from his stupor, eyes snapping up to meet yours.
"My hero," You hum, "Zoro..."
He can see himself reflected in your irises.
Your hand moves to caress his face.
It never happens.
Zoro grabs your wrist before you can even blink, gaze downcast, and grip uncomfortably tight.
"We should get you to bed."
Zoro hasn't slept in three days.
You've been avoiding him for three days.
Zoro doesn't blame you, though - he knows that he embarrassed you a few nights ago. Nami makes sure he knows just how badly he fucked up as well, throwing glares in his direction and spitting venom his way...
How could you do that to her?
Don't you realize how much she cares for you?
Have you transported all of your brains into your muscles, asshole?!
The Going Merry was certainly a far cry from merry.
Luffy was the only crewmate who entertained the idea of sparring with Zoro without an alternative motivation to beat the shit out of him for what he's done.
As Zoro countered Luffy's hook, the sound of your laughter floated through the air.
In a moment of weakness, he allowed himself to look.
You were seated as Chopper entertained you with his dance moves, clapping encouragement and cooing praises. The smile on your face made Zoro's chest grow tight.
Luffy had taken the opportunity to pounce in Zoro's distraction, sweeping the swordsman's leg clean out from underneath him.
"Ha HA! Gotcha! Victory!"
Nami whoops from down below, and Zoro mutters a curse.
"What happened there, Zoro?"
Luffy's voice is far away as Zoro thinks back to fighting lessons with you. He had taken Kunia's advice, using his sword to speak the words he could not. Every tap, every jab, each little correction of your form follows the sparring language he had made up as a child.
Every time, he finds ways to spell out i-l-o-v-e-y-o-u.
Zoro had promised to teach you how to fight for selfish reasons. He can't afford to let his weaknesses show, but helping you grow strong enough to protect yourself...that will have to be enough. Even if you can't see it that way.
Zoro sucks his teeth, giving his head a shake as he accepts Luffy's help up.
"Tch - weak ankles..."
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binibininghermosa · 1 year
Breakfast in Sunny
Prompt: Sanji's wife makes breakfast for the crew to give him a break. Set after the time skip.
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff. Chopper being cute and the baby of the group.
Reader's Name: Mc (Stands for Main Character but made it look like a name)
Note: This moment takes place in the future from my "Giving Him the Love He Deserves" series. It can be a standalone, but it ties in with the story I've written before, especially the revelation of Mc's powers.
Note: I wrote this while thinking of pancakes for breakfast. Well, I'm off to cook now!
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The Thousand Sunny basked under the golden morning sun, its vibrant deck alive with the cheerful banter of the Straw Hat Pirates. As the crew prepared for the day's adventures, Mc, their talented singer and Sanji's beloved wife, approached them with a warm smile gracing her lips.
"Hey, everyone," her voice, melodious and inviting, rang out across the ship. "How about I take over breakfast duty today? Ji deserves a break, and I'm in the mood for some pancakes and waffles. What do you all think?"
Luffy's eyes practically sparkled with enthusiasm. "Pancakes and waffles? Count me in! That sounds amazing!" he exclaimed, his excitement contagious.
Nami, the ship's navigator, nodded in agreement. "I'm in too. As long as there's coffee with those pancakes, I'm a happy woman."
Usopp grinned from ear to ear, his anticipation palpable. "I can already smell the deliciousness from here! I'm in for sure!"
Chopper, the ship's adorable doctor, couldn't contain his joy. "Yay! Mc's pancakes are the best! Can we have extra syrup?" he asked, his wide eyes pleading.
“Just for you,” Mc replied playfully, brandishing a whipped cream bottle. "But what do we do with this?" she added, her eyes twinkling mischievously.
Chopper giggled in response. "I’ll take both, please!"
Robin, the wise archaeologist, nodded appreciatively. "A delightful choice, Chopper. I'll gladly indulge in your cooking," she said, placing a calming hand on the young reindeer's back.
Zoro, the swordsman with a perpetual green headband, smirked confidently. "I'm not picky. Just make sure there's enough for seconds," he said, his eye on the prize.
Franky, the ship's flamboyant shipwright, struck his signature pose. "Super! I'm always up for some good grub! Everything goes well with cola!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious.
“Of course!” Mc chimed in, her voice carrying the promise.
Brook, the charismatic musician with a skeletal grin, added his own flair to the conversation. "Ah, a feast for the eyes! I'm looking forward to it, my dear," He paused to laugh, "Even when I don't eyes!" he said theatrically, his bony fingers gesturing grandly. "What a wonderful way to start the day, Yohoho!"
Sanji, ever the gallant gentleman, couldn't help but interject, a playful smile gracing his lips. "Stop ordering my wife around, gentlemen. I'll take care of your drinks," he said, his tone light yet possessive. His heart swelled with pride and affection for the incredible woman he had married. The morning had begun with him cuddling her pillow, a comical realization that brought a smirk to his lips. His wife surely did it on purpose.
Seeing Mc in her apron, serving food with that serene smile, transported him back to the days in Baratie. He chuckled softly, reminiscing about the times when they had experimented with her singing every weekend. The sheer beauty of her voice had once lured men like a siren, causing a chaotic frenzy. Now, her controlled and soothing voice became a source of comfort for everyone on the ship. "You're not cooking breakfast. Just helping out with drinks!"
With a heart full of love and pride, Sanji nodded at Mc, his eyes softening with affection. "Sounds wonderful, my darling. I'll assist you in any way you need."
And so, in the heart of the Thousand Sunny, amidst the laughter and camaraderie of the crew, Mc set to work. Her voice intertwined with the sounds of sizzling pancakes and waffles, creating a gentle melody that added to the ship's lively atmosphere. The tantalizing scent of breakfast filled the air, promising a feast that would be a testament to the unbreakable bond shared by the crew, bound not just by friendship but by the profound love Mc and Sanji had for each other.
══════════════════ Thank you for reading! If you're interested in the series here they are: Giving him the love he deserves: part 1,  Part 2.
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tinydefector · 5 months
I feel like it's so hard finding anyone who writes for male reader so I am SO happy I've come across your blog. I was wondering if I could ask for a one shot maybe of Rung with a gn!reader who also makes miniature models? I enjoy making miniature dioramas and things and was wondering if you could write for it. Thank you so much!
Star Ships
Rung x Human reader
Word count: 1k
Warnings: none
Rung masterlist
The human sits watching Rung as he wanders about his office, the mech mumbles to himself as he types away on a data pad taking notes after his last session with Whirl. His smaller companion had taken the opportunity to surprise him with a cube of energon as they sat drinking their own beverage. 
their eyes slowly move from him to take in the small model spaceships that are along the shelves, the last time they had been in here the area was rather bare while now it was filled with small models. "You collect model ships?" They ask while admiring them from afar.
Rung's optics sparkled with a mix of surprise and delight as their gaze wandered over the small model spaceships adorning the shelves of his office. He followed their line of sight, observing the meticulously crafted replicas that he had collected over the years. 
"Why, yes," Rung replied, a warm smile gracing his lips. "I do have a fondness for model ships. Each one tells its own story, representing different eras, factions, and adventures." He explains stepping closer to the shelves, his fingers lightly grazing the smooth surface of one of the models. His optics softened with a nostalgic twinkle as he recalled the memories associated with each ship.
"You see, collecting model ships has become a personal hobby of mine," Rung explained, his voice carrying a hint of wistfulness. "Over the millennias it's been my way of keeping pre war things, small glimpses of hope, for so much lost to war." As he spoke, Rung's gaze shifted to one particular model ship, a sleek vessel with elegant lines. It held a special place in his collection, representing a significant chapter of his own life.
"And this one," Rung continued, his voice filled with fondness, "is a replica of the Lost Light, our beloved ship. The model took me quite a while to figure out the design and craft it out, but I have to say it's almost a replica." Rung's smile widened, a touch of playfulness entering his voice.
"I must admit, I've been known to name these models as well," he confessed, his tone laced with gentle amusement. "It adds a personal touch, you see. They become more than just inanimate objects; they become companions, each with their own personality and history." His optics shifted back to the human, a warm curiosity evident in his gaze.
A soft laugh leaves them as they look over the model. "They kinda remind me of some of the dioramas I used to make, haven't made many after leaving earth, kinda hard to get the right things to make them, but the model ships do seem rather fun, I might have to get you to teach me how to do these ships" they state, fingers lightly dancing over the model ship.
Rung's optics widened with genuine interest, his smile grew, a blend of curiosity and anticipation evident on his faceplate. "Dioramas, you say?" Rung replied, his voice tinged with genuine enthusiasm. "How fascinating! I'd love to hear more about them. What kind of scenes did you recreate in your dioramas?"
He leaned closer, his attention fully focused on them. Rung's curiosity was piqued, wondering what stories and landscapes the human had brought to life through their creative endeavours. He had always appreciated the artistry and attention to detail that went into crafting dioramas.
"I liked making scenes from movies, books and occasionally just landscapes" it really depended on what had my interest at the time " they answer before handing the model ship back. They continue looking at the other ships. “ I have a shelf like yours back home, just filled with little dioramas, models and figures” His optics sparkled with a mixture of warmth.
"Creating scenes from movies and books must have allowed you to immerse yourself in those beloved narratives, to recreate the emotions and atmospheres that made them so captivating," Rung mused, his voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "Dioramas have a way of preserving those cherished memories, like frozen moments in time that we can revisit whenever we please."
"You know," Rung continued, his voice filled with gentle curiosity, "I find it intriguing how dioramas and model ships can both capture a moment in time, allowing us to explore different worlds and narratives. It's as if we're the architects of our own miniature universes, shaping them to reflect our imagination and experiences."
"Please, do tell me more about your dioramas," Rung encouraged, his voice soft and inviting. "What inspired you to create them?"
“well for me it's mainly the fact that each piece is a different memory, and well it's easier to remember things when you have a visually reminder, some are happy memories others sad but each people has a memory or emotional attachment, even the ones I make for other people”  He glanced back at the shelves adorned with model spaceships, contemplating the connection between his own collection and the human's dioramas.
"In a way, our hobbies share a similarity," Rung continued, his tone thoughtful. "Model ships and dioramas both allow us to capture and preserve pieces of our imagination and experiences. They become tangible reminders of the stories that have shaped us, evoking emotions and memories with each glance."
Rung's optics met the human's gaze, a warm smile playing on his lips. “Do you have a favourite piece?” he inquires softly. It takes them a moment to think. “my first ever one would be my favourite, not for the beauty but for the fact the first time ever making something means you at least tired your hand at the craft” 
"I can try and make you a diorama at some point if I can get the right stuff " they offer, 
Rung's optics widened in surprise. His usual composer faltered for a moment, replaced by a mix of curiosity and intrigue. He leaned forward slightly, his voice laced with genuine interest.
"A diorama made specifically for me?" Rung echoed, a hint of anticipation colouring his words. "That's a thoughtful gesture, and I must say” He paused for a moment, considering the implications of such a gift. While Rung appreciated the sentiment and the effort it would require, he also didn't want to impose on the human's time and resources.
"However," Rung continued, his voice polite yet tinged with a touch of caution, "I wouldn't want you to go to great lengths or expense on my behalf. Acquiring the necessary materials can be quite a task, and I wouldn't want to burden you with that. Your offer is certainly kind, but please don't feel obligated to fulfil it."
“Rung it's a hobby of mine, it's not a burden, it also gives me the opportunity to try and source materials, who knows how long we will be out here with limited things to do” they hum. It makes Rung smile softly. “Very well I'd be honoured than to see your crafts” 
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fafnir19 · 6 months
Sailing the other way
Lauritz' sister's fiance Samuel and him were very different. Samuel, the suave and sophisticated heir to a wealthy family, always seemed to have the world at his fingertips.
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Lauritz, on the other hand, was a rebellious and free-spirited punker who didn't quite fit in with the conventional lifestyle his family wanted for him.
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Despite their differences, Samuel and Lauritz got along surprisingly well. Their interactions were a peculiar blend of class and nonconformity that created a magnetic dynamic between them. It was on the cusp of Samuel's impending wedding that an unconventional idea began to take shape.
"Ey, Sam, let's do something wild before your wedding, mate," Lauritz proposed with a glint of mischief in his eyes. Samuel raised an eyebrow, unsure of what adventure Lauritz had in mind this time. "What did you have in mind, Lauritz? Last time your 'wild' idea led to us spending a night in a police cell in Amsterdam." Lauritz replied: “Vegas would be cool, but at the end of the day it’s your bachelor party. I'll do whatever you want!" Flashing a boyish grin, Samuel draped an arm around Lauritz's shoulders. "I want to take our boat out and sail across the Baltic Sea. It'll be an epic journey filled with freedom and salt-kissed air. You in?" Lauritz, with his unconventional mohawk and punk attire, looked askance at Samuel. "Sailing? That's a bit, you know, bourgeois for my taste," he quipped, adjusting the studded leather jacket slung over his shoulder. Smirking, Samuel continued, "Nonsense! It's summer, and what better way to enjoy some fresh sea air? Besides, it’ll be an adventure, and it'll please the in-laws to see you refining your tastes." Lauritz's parents, along with Samuel's family, were indeed relieved by the prospect. "Better than if you were hanging out with those punkers," his mother had remarked with a grateful smile. With their bags packed and spirits high, Samuel and Lauritz boarded Samuel's family's mahogany sailboat bound for Helsinki.
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The sun's golden gaze kissed the cerulean waves, casting a mesmerizing glow upon the Baltic Sea. "Ah, this is the life, isn't it?" Samuel exclaimed, his gaze sweeping over the glittering expanse of the sea. Lauritz nodded, a wry smile playing on his lips. "It's not as terrible as I imagined. But still, wouldn't you rather be planning your wedding festivities than gallivanting with me?" Samuel chuckled, adjusting his nautical cap. "Oh, come now, my dear Lauritz. We have the rest of our lives for all that. Let's revel in the freedom while we can. Besides, you're not so bad to have around, even for a punker." Lauritz feigned offense, his blue eyes twinkling mischievously. "You wound me with your words, Samuel," he teased. As the ship cuts through the gentle waves, Samuel took Lauritz under his wing, teaching him the art of sailing. Despite his initial skepticism, Lauritz found himself unexpectedly enjoying the experience, reveling in the salty breeze and the rhythmic lull of the waves against the hull. Their journey led them to the enchanting city of St. Petersburg, where the juxtaposition of baroque architecture and Soviet-era relics offered a feast for the eyes.
As they wandered through the labyrinthine streets, the allure of the city enticed Lauritz to explore the more unconventional facets. "I've been thinking," Lauritz began, his voice laced with determination. "I want an eyelet in my ear, like the punks back home. It's about time I made my mark, don't you think?" he declared, pointing to a trendy piercing found amongst the punk subculture.
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Samuel's face turned a shade of pale as he frantically tried to dissuade him, envisioning the cocktail of disapproving glares from his in-laws. "Lauritz, you can't just waltz back to the family estate with a hole in your ear. What would my in-laws think? Besides, piercings can lead to infections. How about something more inconspicuous? Like a nipple piercing?" Lauritz let out a laugh, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Oh, Samuel, always thinking about appearances. But where's the fun in that? I want something that screams independence! Something bold." Their banter was interrupted by a raspy cackle that seemed to echo through the narrow alley they were passing. They turned to see an old woman, draped in shawls and adorned with clinking trinkets. Her eyes glittered with an unsettling intensity as she fixed her gaze on the two friends. "You just have to hold him tight, then we'll circumcise him and I'll make a silver ring out of his foreskin," the old woman mused, her eyes glinting with whimsical certainty. "All you have to do is put this ring on your penis and Lauritz will visually adapt to your taste as long as you wear the ring." Samuel gasped, his mind reeling from the outlandish suggestion. But to his surprise, Lauritz entertained the idea, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. "We'll do that, Samuel," Lauritz proclaimed, casting a challenging grin. "After all, you wanted me to do something inconspicuous. What's more inconspicuous than a circumcision?" Despite Samuel's vehement protests, Lauritz remained resolute, and before long, the old woman performed the peculiar ritual, and to their astonishment, the excised foreskin transformed into a shimmering silver ring, which she bestowed upon Lauritz.
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Back on the sailboat, Lauritz couldn't contain his mischievous glee as he gazed at the ring. "Now, it's your turn, Samuel. Put the ring over your... You-know-what," he demanded with a sly smirk. Reluctantly, Samuel acquiesced, only to find that, to his bewilderment, nothing seemed to happen.
As the mahogany sailboat gently cut through the azure waves, Samuel and Lauritz lounged on the deck, basking in the warm embrace of the sun. The sea stretched out around them, a shimmering expanse as far as the eye could see, carrying them toward the next port of their Baltic odyssey, the enchanting city of Tallinn. Lauritz sprawled out on the deck, his eyes half-lidded and gazing at the sprawling cityscape of Tallinn ahead, the gentle sea breeze ruffling his hair. Lauritz raised a hand to his shock of green mohawk, only to find something unexpected. Instead of the vibrant strands he had known for years, his fingertips grazed a neat, blonde faded cut with shaved sides.
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He let out a surprised chuckle, turning to Samuel with an air of amusement. "Samuel, can you believe it? The old woman's prediction must have come true!" Lauritz proclaimed, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. "This silver ring has really worked its magic. Look at this hair!" Samuel's eyes widened, examining Lauritz's transformed hairstyle with disbelief. "But I saw your green hair this morning. You must have cut it just to fool me," Samuel elucidated, struggling to reconcile the inexplicable transformation before his eyes.
Their banter was interrupted by the sight of Tallinn's spires unfolding on the horizon, a tapestry of architectural marvels rising from the coastline. The allure of the city's winding streets beckoned them, and they eagerly embraced the promise of new adventures. In the heart of Tallinn, the cobblestone streets echoed with the lilt of their footsteps as they wandered through the centuries-old alleys adorned with vibrant blooms. They eventually settled into a quaint street café, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the gentle breeze. Lauritz, donning a sailing jacket, leaned back against his chair, relishing the warmth of the sun's embrace. With a casual air, he began unbuttoning his jacket, revealing the absence of his usual body hair, a curious discovery that piqued Samuel's interest.
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"Lauritz, your... your hair! It's gone," Samuel exclaimed, his eyes widening in incredulity. Lauritz chuckled, his voice laced with a roguish charm. "The magic strikes again, my friend. Behold the power of belief and a touch of enchantment." Samuel watched in awe as the revelation unfolded before him, unable to completely dismiss the inexplicable occurrences that seemed to dance around Lauritz like a whimsical symphony. "You must've shaved this morning to jest with me," Samuel suggested, his tone tinged with skepticism. "This can't be real." "Ah, always the skeptic," Lauritz teased. "But I assure you, this is the handiwork of the ring. It's brought a dash of transformation to my life, hasn't it?"
As the sun dipped beneath the horizon, casting hues of amethyst across the sky, they sailed toward Stockholm. The promise of new adventures and unexpected marvels beckoned them as they set sail toward the Swedish capital. The following morning, Lauritz awoke to the gentle lull of the ship, the rays of the rising sun casting a golden glow upon the skyline.
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As he prepared for the day's exploration, his reflection in the mirror above the sink evoked a bout of bewilderment. His eccentric punk ensemble had been replaced by an impeccably tailored ensemble—an unbuttoned shirt and sleek olive-colored pants that exuded an air of refinement and sophistication.
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"What in the world?" Lauritz muttered, his eyes widening in sheer disbelief. "Samuel, you won't believe this!" Samuel emerged from the cabin, his eyes immediately falling upon Lauritz's stupefying transformation.
"Samuel, it's happened again! This silver ring is truly astounding," Lauritz exclaimed, his spirit alight with unadulterated glee. "Look at these clothes! I didn't expect the magic to work on my outfit too!" Samuel's incredulity was palpable as he regarded the sight before him. "Lauritz, you must have changed into this outfit while I wasn't looking," Samuel reasoned, his tone laced with skepticism. "It's impossible for a ring to cause all this. Whatsoever, I still think it’s good that you dressed more refined today. After all, we want to have breakfast today at the Grand Hotel, where the Nobel Peace Prizes are usually awarded.”
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The mahogany sailboat bobbed gently as it sliced ​​through Stockholm's sun-kissed archipelago en route to Visby on Gotland. Samuel manned the helm, while Lauritz was standing at the bow, his gaze trailing horizon. Suddenly Lauritz went through another unexpected transformation. Lauritz's black jeans and baggy T-shirt shifted seamlessly into a wide-open shirt and tight red shorts, his physique now exuding an athleticism that caught Samuel off guard.
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Samuel's breath caught in his throat, his eyes widening in disbelief as he beheld the improbable evolution unfurling before him. "Lauritz, what... what in the world is happening? This—this isn't right," Samuel stammered, his voice trembling with an amalgamation of astonishment and concern. "I... I need to put a stop to this. I need to get rid of that ring." Lauritz, amusement dancing in his gaze, placed a supportive hand on Samuel's shoulder. "Come on, Samuel, don't be so quick to stifle the mystery. Embrace the uncertainty," he encouraged, a playful glint in his eyes. "Let's see what more this whimsical journey has in store for us."
As the sailboat glided toward the shores of Gotland, the island exuded an alluring mystique, its ancient ruins and labyrinthine streets promising an adventure both whimsical and enigmatic. Their footsteps echoed through the quaint streets of Visby, framed by structures that stood as timeless testaments to ancient grandeur. The island cast its spell upon them, ensnaring their senses with the echoes of bygone eras and the whimsy of forgotten legends. As they ambled through the cobbled pathways, Lauritz noticed a peculiar shift in the way the islanders regarded him. Warm smiles and nods of acknowledgment replaced the guarded glances that typically followed his punk façade.
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"Lauritz, did you notice that?" Samuel inquired, his tone laced with a tinge of wonder. Lauritz nodded, a spark of amazement gleaming in his gaze. "It seems the residents of Visby have taken a shining to me, haven't they? The magic of the ring... it's a wonder indeed." The day waned into a resplendent evening, the sun casting its golden embrace upon the island as a symphony of stars unfurled across the heavens. Samuel and Lauritz reveled in the evening's enchanting tapestry, their thoughts drifting toward the next leg of their Baltic odyssey
The melding of disbelief and marvel lingered in the air, enveloping them in a veil of intrigue, as they embarked on their final leg of the journey toward Copenhagen. Clad in polished tuxedos, they reveled in opulent indulgence. Since Samuel had studied in Copenhagen, he knew how to gain access to the most exclusive establishments with a practiced ease.
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Amidst the effervescent allure of the Danish capital, the two friends embraced the revelry of their adventure indulging in the opulence that enveloped them. Their boisterous laughter and animated conversations resounded through the hallowed halls of the city's elite establishments, the allure of upscale soirées and lavish gatherings capturing their spirits in a whirlwind of decadence. "Ah, Copenhagen has a certain allure, doesn't it?" Samuel remarked, a smirk playing on his lips as they strolled through the city's resplendent evening. Lauritz nodded, the vibrant tapestry of revelry and sophistication intoxicating his senses. "It seems your world has its own brand of enchantment, Samuel. I can't deny its appeal."
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Samuel watched with an inexplicable mix of astonishment and fascination as the vivacious Lauritz seamlessly embraced the lavish lifestyle that had once appeared incompatible with his punk ethos.
The morning of their departure from Copenhagen arrived, and the sailboat set sail once more, carrying them toward Helsingborg where Samuel will marry Lauritz’ sister. As the sailboat rocked gently over the calm water, Samuel brought up the topic that had been bothering him. “Lauritz, I think it’s time to take the ring off. After all, your sister expects you to look like a punk – even though I prefer your current, charming look,” Samuel announced with solemn weight in his words. Venturing into the cabin, Samuel endeavored to remove the ring, only to be met with an unforeseen predicament.
His fervent words reverberated with unrestrained urgency, "Lauritz, I can't... It won't... It's... I can't remove it! Lauritz, I can't seem to get it off," he called out in distress, his voice wrought with urgency.  "It's stuck, and I don't know what to do." Lauritz sprang into action, his touch eliciting a peculiar sensation in Samuel, who found himself thrown off balance by an unexpected surge of arousal - Samuel sported a boner. Before their bewildered eyes, Lauritz's demeanor underwent a subtle shift, his gaze now infused with an alluring allure that took Samuel by surprise. As the unexpected surge of desire enveloped them, Lauritz dropped his shorts, parting his legs with a provocative air.
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"Take this opportunity, Samuel. Let's embrace the unexpected," Lauritz uttered with a newfound confidence, the air thick with unspoken desires that coursed between them. Samuel was drawn by the sight and couldn't resist and took the opportunity to penetrate Lauritz.   After they made love Lauritz turned to Samuel, a solemn glimmer in his eyes, and whispered, "Samuel, I... I want to stay like this. I don’t want to become a sleazy punker again." Samuel’s breath caught in his throat, his gaze locked with Lauritz's. "What are you saying, Lauritz?" In an unexpected twist of fate, the ring tightened around Samuel's cock, seamlessly merging with his flesh. As the transformation took hold, a sense of undeniable euphoria washed over him. Gazing at Lauritz, a knowing smile curled Samuel's lips. "Tomorrow, I will marry my dream girl. And as her dowry, I received her brother to have fun with. I couldn't be happier." Lauritz chuckled and teased, "I guess even a trip to Las Vegas couldn't have been wilder. Seems like your gay sailing trip turned us both bi.”
The following day, as Samuel stood at the altar, he exchanged vows with his beloved, the echoes of a union hitherto unforeseen threading through the tender fabric of his heart.
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And in Lauritz, he found a cherished confidant—a companion bound by the threads of an unexpected journey that would endure far beyond the veil of tradition. As the evening unfurled in all its opulent splendor, Samuel orchestrated a future endowed with an unforeseen serenity. With unwavering determination, he ensured that Lauritz was granted a place at an elite university and provided the resources necessary to flourish—a life enraptured by boundless opportunity.
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In the wake of unforeseen revelations, Lauritz embraced the life of a typical, self-assured scion, reveling in the embrace of newfound passions and embarking on an uncharted journey tinged with the allure of possibility.
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x-uno · 1 year
Stolen Glances and Culinary Charms. PT3
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notes : DREAMY SIGH FOLLOWED BY AGONIZING SOB. this took me awhile to write oml ( had writers block ;v; ) butttt I managed to finish it tonight !! sooo yay me!!
<< 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 | 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 >> | 𝙼𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃
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THE GOING MERRY WAS CURRENTLY DOCKED AT A QUAINT ISLAND'S HARBOR, the scent of adventure lingered in the salty sea breeze, and the air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of food wafting from the nearby restaurant. It was a sight for sore eyes after days at sea. 
The crew disembarked, their eyes wide with wonder at the charming coastal town. A Restaurant was perched on a cliff overlooking the bay, and its soft, golden lights beckoned like stars in the night. 
Nami gathered everyone around and issued a gentle reminder, ''Everyone meet back here by 6, okay? - And please, try not to get into fights.'' she added with a pointed look at the male members of the crew, eliciting a soft chuckle from you as you stood by her side.
The boys nodded in agreement, with some grinning sheepishly at Nami's warning about avoiding fights. With that, the group dispersed to explore the town, leaving you and Nami to head off together.
She had insisted on helping you get ready for the evening, promising that the right outfit would make a lasting impression on Sanji. 
The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink as you followed Nami through the winding streets of the coastal town. The soft glow of lanterns illuminated the cobblestone pathways, casting dancing shadows on the walls of charming shops and cafes.
Nami led you to a small, elegant boutique tucked away in a quiet corner. It was a treasure trove of beautiful dresses and accessories. She combed through the racks with the precision of a skilled treasure hunter, her fingers occasionally stopping on a particular dress, considering it before moving on.
You couldn't help but admire Nami's expertise. Her discerning eye seemed to pick up on every detail, and her sense of style was unparalleled. 
After some deliberation, Nami pulled out a dress that seemed to capture the essence of the coastal town itself. It was a flowing, pristine white dress adorned with delicate lace that mimicked the frothy waves of the sea. The fabric felt cool and luxurious to the touch, and you couldn't help but smile at the choice.
''This is the one,'' Nami declared with a satisfied grin. ''It's perfect for tonight. Just wait until Sanji sees you in this.''
With Nami's guidance, you selected a pair of elegant sandals and a necklace that complemented the dress beautifully. The transformation was remarkable, and as you looked at yourself in the boutique's mirror, you felt a newfound confidence.
Upon returning to the ship, you were met with admiration and awe from your fellow crewmates. Luffy gave a thumbs-up, Usopp praised your elegance, and even Zoro managed a rare, appreciative nod. But it was Sanji's reaction that left the deepest impression.
Sanji's eyes were widened, his cigarette nearly slipping from his lips when he caught sight of you. He was known for his impeccable taste, but he seemed genuinely captivated by your appearance. “You look absolutely breathtaking,” he said in a voice that was almost a whisper, a hint of awe in his eyes.
Your heart fluttered at his words. ''Thanks, you don’t look bad yourself.''
As the crew entered the restaurant, the scent of freshly prepared seafood filled the air, and the evening was filled with laughter, delicious food, and shared adventures. The restaurant's interior was just as enchanting as its exterior, with dimmed lights casting a warm, intimate glow over the wooden beams and nautical decor.
You couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and gratitude as you settled in at the long, polished table with them. Nami regaled everyone with tales of the island's history and culture, her eyes occasionally meeting yours with a knowing twinkle.
As the night continued at the restaurant, you found yourself drawn to the bar, its soft, warm lights casting a gentle glow on the polished wooden surface. It beckoned you like a siren, promising a moment of solitude and reflection amidst the lively atmosphere.
Leaving the laughter and conversations of your fellow crewmates you excused yourself from the table with a polite smile, before making your way through the bustling restaurant toward the inviting glow of the bar area.
Taking a seat on one of the cushioned stools, you found yourself lost in thought, gazing at the array of colorful bottles lining the shelves. The bartender, a friendly and experienced soul, approached with a warm smile.
''What can I get you tonight?''
You contemplated your choice for a moment before deciding on a signature cocktail of the house. The bartender nodded appreciatively and set to work, expertly mixing the drink. As he worked, you couldn't help but feel a sense of peace settle over you, as if the world outside had momentarily ceased to exist.
Sanji, ever watchful, couldn't help but notice your departure from the table. His concern for your well-being overcame his hesitation, and he decided to join you at the bar. With a quick excuse, he left the table and made his way toward you.
However, just as he was about to reach your side, he paused abruptly. His heart sank as he noticed you engaged in lively conversation with a stranger. You were laughing, sharing stories, and seemed entirely engrossed in the conversation.
As he stood at a distance, watching you engage in conversation with a stranger at the bar, a mixture of emotions washed over him. Concern for your well-being had driven him to follow you, but now he found himself feeling a bit uneasy. He didn't want to intrude on your moment of solitude, but the sight of you enjoying yourself with someone he didn't know raised questions in his mind.
He decided to give you some space and waited nearby, keeping a watchful eye on the situation. As the minutes passed, he observed your body language and the interaction between you and the stranger. Sanji knew you could handle yourself, but he couldn't help but feel protective.
As Sanji continued to keep an eye on you from a distance, he suddenly felt a gentle tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he was met with the sight of a young woman standing before him, a warm and inviting smile on her face. She looked to be about his age, and her presence was both confident and charming.
"Hey there, I couldn't help but notice you standing here all alone. Would you like to dance?"
Sanji, who had been focused on watching over you, was taken aback for a moment. However, he couldn't deny the allure of the moment, and he appreciated the girl's courage in approaching him. With a suave smile and a slight bow, he replied, "Well, it would be my pleasure."
You took another sip of your cocktail, your gaze lingering on the dance floor. Sanji's graceful moves and the easy chemistry between him and the girl were impossible to ignore. You found yourself torn between wanting to see him happy and feeling a pang of envy at the connection he was forging with someone else.
The woman’s laughter and Sanji's charismatic charm only intensified your conflicting emotions. You tried to push the jealousy aside - After all, you were having your own engaging conversation at the bar, and there was no reason for you to feel this way.
However, despite your best efforts, the jealousy lingered, gnawing at the edges of your thoughts. 
"You really should slow down with that," Dos, the kind stranger you had been talking to, spoke in a gentle but firm tone.  "It's a strong drink, and you don't want to overdo it."
You waved off his advice with a carefree gesture, taking another swig of your drink ''Let’s dance!''
The effects of the cocktails you had consumed began to take hold. Your movements became a bit unsteady, and your laughter grew louder and more exuberant. 
As you danced, the world around you seemed to blur, and the music's infectious rhythm took hold of your senses. You twirled and swayed, laughter spilling from your lips.
Sanji watched you and Dos from a distance, concern etched on his face as he observed your intoxicated state. He couldn't help but worry about your well-being, and when he saw you stumble slightly while dancing, he decided it was time to step in.
With a determined stride, he approached the pair, his voice polite but laced with a hint of concern. "Hey," he said, addressing Dos with a friendly smile, "Mind if I steal her from you for a moment? She's had a bit too much to drink, and I'd like to make sure she's okay."
Dos, understanding the situation, nodded with a kind and understanding expression. "Of course," he replied. "Take care of your friend. She's a great dancer, by the way." He gave you a nod and a pat on the shoulder before stepping back, allowing Sanji to take over.
Sanji's eye twitched in irritation before turning his attention to you, offering a supportive arm. "Come on, darling," he said gently, "let's get you back to the ship. We wouldn't want you feeling too rough in the morning."
“What? No!”
Sanji sighed inwardly, recognizing that your intoxicated state might make you a bit stubborn. He maintained his composure, trying to reason with you in a patient tone. "I know you're having a good time, but you've had enough to drink, and I don't want you to wake up with a terrible hangover," he explained, his concern still evident in his eyes.
You pouted and swayed a bit on your feet, clearly not in the mood to leave the lively atmosphere of the restaurant. "But the music is so fun, and Dos is a great dance partner!" you protested, clinging to the bar for support.
Sanji visibly frowned at your response, continuing to try to convince you to leave the restaurant and head back to the ship for your own well-being. He couldn't help but feel a bit envious of the attention you were giving Dos and the time you were spending together, especially in your drunken state.
However, just as he was about to insist more, you surprised him by wrapping your arms around him. The sudden embrace caught him off guard, and he blinked in surprise, his irritation now forgotten.
You looked up at him with a playful glint in your eye, your smile a bit mischievous. "Sanji," you said, your voice warm and inviting, "Why don't we dance together for a little while? I promise to go back to the ship after this dance."
Sanji's heart skipped a beat at your unexpected invitation. He couldn't resist your charm and the genuine affection he saw in your eyes. His irritation and jealousy melted away as he reciprocated your embrace, holding you close.
A smile graced his lips as he nodded in agreement. "Of course, my dear," he replied, his voice softening. "I'd be delighted to dance with you."
As Sanji led you in graceful twirls and elegant steps, it was clear that his skill as a dancer was remarkable, even in his slightly tipsy state. His movements were fluid and precise, his confidence shining through as he guided you across the dance floor.
"You know, Sanji," you began. "if we ever get tired of the pirate life, we could always become a dance duo. We'd make a fortune!"
Sanji couldn't help but play along with your mischievous idea. He flashed a grin and replied, "Well, my dear, I've heard rumors of the Grand Line hosting various dance competitions. Perhaps we could establish a reputation as the most stylish pirate dance duo to ever grace those waters."
You both chuckled, the idea of swaying and twirling your way to fame in the pirate world sounding both ridiculous and enticing.
You continued, "And just think, our crewmates can be our backup dancers. We'll be unstoppable!"
Sanji nodded with enthusiasm. "Exactly! Nami could handle the finances, Zoro could... well, maybe not Zoro. But we'll figure something out."
Your head tilted back, and the room was filled with the sound of your laughter.
Sanji, in the midst of his actions, came to a gradual halt, his eyes locked onto yours. You, in response, blinked and offered a soft smile in his direction. The feel of your skin against his, the warmth of your gaze, it all etched itself into his memory like a haunting melody that grew louder and more insistent with each attempt he made to forget it. 
There was nothing in the world as beautiful as the sound of your laughter, he realized.
"Sanji?" Your voice, a soft and affectionate whisper, flowed effortlessly from your lips, reaching his ears like a melody he couldn't resist.
His name on your tongue was a sweet symphony, a cherished melody that he longed to hear over and over.
He leaned closer, his fingers gently entangling in your hair, savoring the intoxicating sensation of being close to you. In this moment, nothing else mattered but the warmth of your presence, the tenderness in your voice.
...and just as he was about to close the distance between your lips, the world around you seemed to blur.
In that suspended moment something inexplicable happened. It was as if time itself had taken a sudden twist, and reality slipped through your fingers like grains of sand. Everything became fragmented, and your consciousness spiraled into darkness.
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@narutoskz @honnelander @browneyedhufflepuff
taglist: reply to be added !
© 2023 x-uno ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, edit, alter, or redistribute my work. 
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⋆★ word count : 429
⋆★ warnings : n/a
⋆★ summary : js zoro and m/n being silly cause i’m silly and gay
⋆★ extra : I’ve only watched ops 1st and 2nd ep lol, also I tried a different pov! it’s 3rd person I think idk
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As the Thousand Sunny sailed across the vast ocean, echoing laughter resonated through the ship. Zoro, the committed swordsman of the Straw Hat crew, couldn't resist the charm of his playful and mischievous boyfriend, (M/N). Their relationship was like a refreshing breeze that brought joy to the crew during their adventures.
One sunny afternoon, Zoro found (M/N) sitting on the deck, intently examining the world map with a magnifying glass. Amused by the sight, Zoro couldn't help but chuckle.
"What are you doing there, (M/N)?" he asked, leaning against the railing.
(M/N) looked up, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "I'm trying to find the hidden treasure of laughter on this map! I've heard rumors that it can make even the grumpiest of pirates giggle like a child."
Zoro chuckled, shaking his head. "Only you would seek treasure in laughter. But hey, I'm game! Let's go on a treasure hunt together."
With those words, Zoro and (M/N) embarked on a delightful journey to find laughter hidden within the confines of the ship. Their first stop was the kitchen, where Sanji was busy preparing a delicious meal.
(M/N) wasted no time in putting on a funny apron and cheekily mimicking Sanji's cooking techniques. Zoro joined in, wielding a wooden spoon like a sword, playfully engaging in a mock culinary duel. The two of them ended up in fits of laughter, with even Sanji unable to hide his smile.
Their lighthearted antics continued throughout the ship. In the library, (M/N) playfully donned glasses, pretending to be a super-serious scholar while challenging Zoro to a battle of wits. They both ended up laughing at their 'intellectual debates' that mostly consisted of outrageous theories and ridiculous book titles.
During the training sessions, Zoro couldn't resist teasing (M/N) by pretending to forget his own sword techniques. They both ended up in a flurry of exaggerated movements, failing hilariously at imitating each other's signature moves.
In the evening, as the sun began to set, Zoro and (M/N) settled on the ship's bow, staring at the horizon. "I didn't find that treasure on the map," (M/N) sighed, resting their head on Zoro's shoulder. "But who needs a map when we can create laughter ourselves?"
Zoro smiled, placing a gentle kiss on their forehead. "You're right. We have our own treasure right here, in each other."
And as they sailed into the sunset, their laughter echoed through the ship, reminding the crew that amidst the chaos of the Grand Line, there would always be moments of silliness and love.
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yxlnst · 4 months
Viking Adventure w/ Wonwoo
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Since alot of people loved the theme park date with wonwoo ff, i made another one!
idol!Wonwoo x readet!y/n
🧸 Word count 🧸 : 676
🧸 - - - - - - - - - - - - 🎀 - - - - - - - - - - - 🧸
The theme park was alive with excitement, families and friends exploring the various attractions. You and Wonwoo had decided to spend the day at the Viking-themed area, which promised a mix of adventure, history, and thrilling rides.
As you walked through the entrance, you were greeted by the sight of towering wooden structures, dragon-headed ships, and actors dressed in traditional Viking attire. Wonwoo, always up for a unique experience, had a look of childlike excitement on his face.
“This is going to be fun,” he said, taking your hand. “Ready to explore, my brave Viking?”
You smiled, feeling both excited and a bit nervous. “I think so, as long as you’re with me.”
First, you both decided to try the Viking ship ride, a large swing that looked like an ancient longship. As the ride began to swing higher and higher, you felt a knot of fear tightening in your stomach.
Wonwoo noticed your apprehension and immediately wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you,” he whispered reassuringly in your ear.
You held onto his arm tightly, trying to focus on his steady presence rather than the dizzying height. “I’m not very good with heights,” you admitted, your voice shaking slightly.
He gave you a comforting squeeze. “Just keep your eyes on me, okay?”
Following his advice, you looked at him instead of the rapidly changing scenery. His calm smile and the warmth of his embrace helped to ease your fear, and before you knew it, the ride was slowing down.
Once you were back on solid ground, you both laughed, the tension melting away. “See? That wasn’t so bad,” Wonwoo said, still holding you close.
You nodded, feeling a bit braver. “Thanks to you.”
Next, you wandered through the Viking village, enjoying the various exhibits and activities. You tried on Viking helmets, watched a blacksmith at work, and even attempted to weave a small bracelet together. All the while, Wonwoo stayed close, his hand never far from yours.
As the afternoon sun began to dip, casting a warm glow over the park, you both spotted a roller coaster that looked both exhilarating and terrifying. The ride twisted and turned, with steep drops and sharp turns that made your heart race just looking at it.
Wonwoo turned to you, a mischievous glint in his eye. “What do you say? One last adventure for the day?”
You hesitated, but his infectious enthusiasm was hard to resist. “Only if we can sit together,” you said, trying to muster your courage.
He laughed and took your hand. “Of course. I’ll be right there with you.”
As you both buckled into the ride, you felt your anxiety creeping back. The coaster started its slow climb, and you instinctively reached for Wonwoo’s arm, gripping it tightly.
“It’s okay,” he said, leaning closer. “I’m right here.”
When the coaster reached the peak and began its descent, you screamed, but it was a mix of fear and exhilaration. Wonwoo’s arm was a solid anchor, and you clung to it, feeling the rush of the ride.
When it finally came to a stop, you were breathless and laughing. “That was insane!” you said, your heart still pounding.
Wonwoo grinned, clearly thrilled. “You did great! I’m proud of you.”
As the day came to a close, you both found a quiet spot overlooking the park. The lights twinkled in the evening, creating a magical atmosphere.
“Thank you for today,” you said, resting your head on his shoulder. “I had so much fun, even if some of it was a bit scary.”
He wrapped his arms around your waist again, holding you close. “I’m glad. I had an amazing time too. And remember, we’re in this together, no matter how scary it gets.”
You looked up at him, feeling a deep sense of contentment. “Always.”
Under the twinkling lights of the theme park, you and Wonwoo shared a perfect moment, wrapped in each other’s arms, ready for whatever adventures life had in store.
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kylobith · 5 days
LotR Week - Day 1 (16th Sep)
The Road Goes Ever On — @lotrweek
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Cobble and rubble, mountainside and valley, Ever crackling or sighing underfoot, Twinkling river or shade in the alley, Always far too much to witness to stay put. Emerald oceans of trees along the glen, Rolling forests of froth upon the water, Sun's fiery kisses on the skin and then Sweet relief of Rain like ink upon blotter.
As songs and tales of yore us so often told Through flowery verses or rather stern prose, Home is not where to find such treasures untold. Adventure calls not to whom renounce meadows For the feathery caress of a warm quilt; It comes to those who fear not the looming dark And would embark on a journey rid of guilt, Forsaking a soft mattress for a tree bark. It is for whom minds neither ache in the legs Nor the constant perspiration on their brow; With many fruitful dreams now hatched from their eggs To dread and despair unwilling to bow.
Naturally, there are those who'd rather have stayed, Coddled by a home and life so familiar, Never fathoming to touch the glowing blade Garden and hearth to their life as sole pillar. Tears, despite being dried, linger on their cheeks, Wounds once healed open anew, excruciate, The mind retains the lava and forgets the creeks, Agony and sorrow as its only fate.
For the worthy ones whose bones deserve to rest, Whose souls precious respite so direly crave, There is one silver ship bound to take them West, And the glorious way to a new journey pave.
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 2 months
☠️ Something Dread, Something Red: Chapter Thirty-One
Something Dread, Something Red: Stuck in a proposal to a Marine Commodore, you escape minutes before your wedding in one last ditch effort to avoid getting married to a tyrant. Barely making it to the port of your town, you stumble across a ship just starting to leave and beg for passage off the island. You fail to notice that the people you beg for help, are pirates.
Warnings: Mentions of Miscarriage.
To Note: “Red Haired” Shanks x FemReader
Word Count: ~3.4k
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The crew gathers around the long wooden table, their laughter and chatter filling the air. Plates clatter as Lucky Roux serves up steaming bowls of stew, the aroma wafting through the cabin. You sit among them, your bowl of stew in front of you, untouched. Your spoon hovers above it, but your appetite has vanished.
"Eat up, Aria," Yasopp says from across the table, his eyes twinkling with concern. "You need your strength."
You nod absentmindedly and stir the stew with your spoon. The broth ripples, but you can't bring yourself to take a bite. Your mind drifts back to Yumi's tearful farewell, the warmth of her small arms around you, the bruises that still ache beneath your clothes.
Benn leans over, his voice low. "You alright?"
"Of course I am," you reply automatically, though you know it's far from the truth.
Shanks watches you from the head of the table, his expression unreadable. He doesn't push, doesn't demand you talk about what happened. Instead, he simply keeps a close eye on you, his presence a constant reassurance.
"How about a toast?" Shanks suggests, raising his mug high. "To Yumi's safe return!"
The crew cheers and clinks their mugs together. You raise yours half-heartedly and take a sip, the taste bland on your tongue. Water instead of wine. The noise around you feels distant, like you're watching it all from behind a glass wall.
"You barely touched your food," Lucky Roux comments as walk by. "You need to eat something, little lady, you are still too skinny for my taste."
"I know," you whisper.
"Hey," he says gently. "It's okay to feel like this. You've been through a lot."
You manage a small smile and nod again, but still can't bring yourself to eat.
"Stomach is still just wonky," you whisper, offering a small, forced smile in an attempt to reassure Lucky Roux.
He pats your shoulder kindly before moving on, but his concern lingers in the air. The crew continues to chat and laugh, the atmosphere as light as it can be given the circumstances. They are trying their hardest to pretend that everything is normal. But it’s noticeable.
You force yourself to take a bite of the stew. The warmth of the broth fills your mouth, but it feels like ash as you swallow. The memories of Yumi's fearful cries and the haunting echoes of the crippling pain you endured weigh heavily on you.
Yasopp leans back in his chair, a wide grin spreading across his face. "You know, speaking of adventures," he starts, his eyes gleaming with mischief, "there was that time in Alabasta with the camels. Now that was a wild ride."
The crew quiets down, all eyes turning to Yasopp as they eagerly await the tale. You find yourself leaning forward slightly, curious despite the heaviness in your heart.
"So there we were," Yasopp begins, "in the scorching heat of Alabasta's desert. We had just finished a skirmish with some bandits and were looking for a way to cross the desert faster. That's when we came across these camels."
"Camels?" you ask, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh yeah," Yasopp nods. "Big, ornery beasts with attitudes to match. But we figured they'd be our best bet for getting across the sands without collapsing from heatstroke."
Benn chuckles, shaking his head at the memory. "I remember those camels. They were more trouble than the bandits."
"Trouble is an understatement," Yasopp continues with a laugh. "These camels had minds of their own. No matter how much we tried to coax them, they'd just sit down and refuse to budge. It was like they knew we were pirates and decided they wanted no part in our shenanigans."
"Roux tried bribing them with food," Shanks adds, a smile tugging at his lips. "But all they did was snatch it from his hands and spit in his face."
The crew bursts into laughter, and you can't help but join in, imagining the scene. Lucky Roux waves a hand dismissively, though he's grinning too.
"And then there was that one camel," Yasopp continues, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes. "The one Benn tried to ride."
"Benn on a camel?" you say incredulously, a bit of life sparking in your face. You had a hard time picturing Benn on a camel.
"Oh yeah," Yasopp nods vigorously. "He thought he'd take charge and lead us through the desert like some kind of camel whisperer."
Benn rolls his eyes but can't suppress a smile as Yasopp recounts the story.
"So Benn gets on this camel," Yasopp says, gesturing animatedly, "and it immediately starts bucking like it's possessed! Benn's hanging on for dear life, yelling at us to help him while this camel's doing its best to throw him off."
"And did you help him?" you ask through your giggles.
"We tried!" Yasopp exclaims defensively. "But we were laughing so hard we could barely stand up straight!"
The crew roars with laughter again, and even Benn joins in this time, shaking his head at the absurdity of it all.
"The camel finally calmed down after what felt like an eternity," Yasopp concludes, wiping away more tears of laughter. "But Benn didn't try riding it again after that."
"How long ago was this?" you asked, your eyebrow raised as you eye Benn beside you, puffing on his cigarette.
"About twenty years ago," Benn replies, still chuckling. "It was during one of our runs through the Grand Line. I swear that camel had a personal vendetta against me."
Lucky Roux grins, leaning back in his chair. "I think it had a vendetta against anyone who dared to ride it. That thing was was a menace.”
"Twenty years?" you speak, your eyes the brightest they've been all night. "You all have been getting into trouble for longer than that and have yet to tell me these stories? I'm hurt."
Lucky Roux grins, his eyes twinkling. "Oh, you have no idea. We've had our fair share of adventures and misadventures."
Yasopp nods, leaning forward. "Like that time we accidentally ended up on a Marine-controlled island. We had to disguise ourselves to avoid getting caught."
"Disguise yourselves?" you echo, intrigued. "How did that go?"
Shanks, who had been listening with a fond smile, finally speaks up. "Not well. Yasopp here decided to dress as an elderly woman. He thought it was the perfect disguise."
The crew bursts into laughter again, and Yasopp shakes his head, grinning. "Hey, it almost worked!"
"Almost," Benn chimes in, a smirk on his face. "Until you tripped over your own dress and fell into a Marine officer."
"You should've seen his face," Lucky Roux adds, wiping away tears of laughter. "Priceless."
"If you want pointers in how to not trip over your skirts I can be of service," you offer, causing another roar of laughter across the table.
As the laughter dies down and the crew starts to clear their plates, you rise from the table with plans to head back to Shanks' cabin for some solitude and quiet reading.
"Not staying for dessert?" Lucky Roux pipes up in mock hurt, raising an eyebrow at you.
You shake your head with a smile. "I'll take a rain check, Roux. I think I need some quiet time."
"Alright, but you're missing out on my famous chocolate pudding!" he calls after you as you head toward the cabin.
You give a playful wave over your shoulder. "Save me some, and I'll try it later."
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The crew settles back into their seats, the laughter from Yasopp's story lingering in the air. Shanks takes a long sip from his mug, eyes following you as you leave the main deck. Your shoulders are slumped, your steps slow. Lingering pain. He knows you are trying to hide your pain from them. You're good, but not that good.
"Captain," Benn starts, leaning back in his chair and twirling his cigarette between his fingers. "She isn't getting any better."
Shanks' gaze flicks to Benn. "I know. I'm trying to give her time, space. The last thing I want is to push her to the point where she lashes out."
Hongo clears his throat, drawing Shanks' attention. "Time, yes. But she needs more than that. She needs to talk about it."
Shanks frowns, setting his mug down. "Talk about what? The fact that Collins managed to snatch her under our watch?”
"The miscarriage," Hongo says bluntly, the word hanging in the air like a storm cloud. The table falls silent. Shanks' grip tightens on his mug. He had hoped you might bring it up yourself, but you have remained quiet and closed lip about it since they rescued you.
"She didn't even know she was pregnant," Shanks mutters, more to himself than anyone else.
"Doesn't change what happened," Hongo replies gently but firmly. "She needs closure, Captain. Even if she doesn't think she needs it. You need to be the one to help her find it."
Lucky Roux nods, his usual jovial expression replaced by one of concern. "She hasn't been herself since we got her back. She's putting on a brave face, but you can see it in her eyes."
Yasopp leans forward, resting his elbows on the table. "We've all seen it, Shanks. She's hurting far more than she's letting on."
Shanks sighs heavily, running his hand through his hair. He knew this conversation was coming; he just didn't realize how much it was needed until now.
"And there's something else," Benn adds quietly. "She wanted to talk to you before the kidnapping."
Shanks looks up sharply at that, recalling the night she had asked for a serious conversation.
"Whatever she wanted to discuss," Benn continues, "it's probably eating away at her now."
Shanks nods slowly, taking in their words. His crew always had a way of seeing things clearly when he couldn't. Shanks wasn't perfect.
"You're right," he finally says, pushing back his chair and standing up. "I'll go talk to her."
Hongo places a reassuring hand on Shanks' shoulder as he passes by. "Just be there for her, Captain. That's what she needs most right now."
With a determined nod, Shanks heads toward his cabin where Aria had gone moments before. The crew watches him go in silence, their expressions a mix of hope and concern for their captain and the woman they had all come to care for deeply.
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You stand in Shanks' cabin, the room lit by a solitary lantern hanging from the ceiling. Your fingers absently flip through a book on sea charts, the lines and markings blurring together as your thoughts wander. Each page you turn feels heavier than the last, your mind replaying recent events over and over. And over again.
A knock on the door breaks your tumultuous chain of thought and you glance up. You would have thought the men would drink into the night.
"Come in," you call softly.
Shanks enters, his presence filling the room instantly. He closes the door behind him and stands there for a moment, his gaze fixed on you.
"We need to talk," he says, his voice steady but gentle.
You nod, setting the book aside. "Alright."
He takes a few steps forward but doesn't sit. Instead, he just stares at you, his eyes traveling to the lone earring in your ear. His hand reaches out hesitantly, pushing back a strand of your hair to get a better look.
"Still wearing it," he murmurs, his thumb brushing lightly against your split lip. The contact is soft, delicate. A touch you miss.
Your eyes meet his, and for a moment, the world outside seems to fade away. His gaze then drifts downward, lingering on your stomach. The silence stretches between you like a chasm.
"Shanks," you prompt gently, trying to bridge that gap. "What did you want to talk about?"
Without another word, Shanks kneels before you. He wraps his lone arm around your body and presses his forehead gently against your stomach. You feel the warmth of his skin through your clothes, a stark contrast to the coldness that has settled inside you since that terrible day.
You go still, feeling the warmth of Shanks' body against yours. You've missed it, you've missed it terribly. The world narrows down to this small cabin, to the two of you. You can hear the distant sounds of the men cleaning up, but they seem so far away now.
Shanks doesn't move, his breath steady and warm against you. Finally, he speaks, his voice a low rumble.
"I overheard you talking with Yumi," he admits. "And Hongo... Hongo said you needed to talk about it. Even if you didn't know you were pregnant."
You feel a pang in your chest, a mix of grief and relief that someone finally acknowledges it. You place a hand on his head, fingers threading through his hair.
"I'm so sorry," Shanks continues, his voice cracking slightly. "For everything. For you getting hurt. That's the last thing I ever wanted."
Your eyes sting with unshed tears as he lifts his head to look at you, his eyes filled with sincerity and something else—fear.
"I love you," he says, the words heavy with meaning. "Just as much as I love the sea. And that frightens me more than anything."
Shanks rises back to his feet, keeping his arm around you, his touch firm yet gentle. The cabin feels smaller now, the air thick with unspoken words and emotions.
"Linaria Bonn," he begins, his voice steady. "Your place in this world is with me and our crew on this ship, if that’s what you want."
You look up at him, your eyes searching his face for any hint of doubt or hesitation. But all you see is sincerity and a deep longing.
"That’s where I feel at home," you reply, your voice steadying with conviction. "With you and the crew. This ship... it's where I feel at home."
Shanks' eyes soften, and he pulls you closer, his forehead resting against yours.
"You don't know how much that means to me," he whispers, his voice breaking slightly. "To hear you say that."
You nod, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. The weight you've been carrying for so long seems to lighten just a bit.
"I don't know why it hurt so much," You whisper, your fingers reaching up to sink into his shirt. "I didn't know, so why should it upset me?"
He pulls back slightly, his eyes searching yours with a depth of understanding that makes your heart ache. "It’s not about knowing," he murmurs softly. "It’s about what it could have been. About the life we could have shared."
Your breath catches in your throat, the raw emotion in his voice cutting through your defenses. You blink back tears, swallowing hard to keep your voice steady.
"I just... I don’t want to feel this pain anymore," you confess, the words tumbling out before you can stop them. "And it frustrates me because I just want to stop feeling like this and move on but it's like I have chains around my neck."
Shanks' eyes soften, filled with an emotion that makes your heart twist. Without another word, he lifts you against his body, cradling you against his chest as if you weigh nothing. You instinctively wrap your arms around his neck, burying your face in the crook of his shoulder. His scent, a mix of sea salt and cologne, fills your senses and calms the turmoil inside you.
Shanks carries you effortlessly across the cabin, each step measured and deliberate. You cling to him, your face pressed against his neck, feeling the steady thrum of his heartbeat against your own. The closeness, the warmth, it all feels so right.
He reaches the bed and gently lays you down, his lone arm supporting you until you're settled against the soft mattress. You look up at him, eyes meeting his in a silent understanding. His gaze is intense, filled with a mix of desire and tenderness that makes your heart race.
Without a word, he closes the distance, his lips capturing yours in a searing kiss. It's gentle at first, a tentative exploration, but quickly grows more urgent as the need to feel connected to one another takes over. You respond eagerly, your hands threading through his hair and pulling him closer. The taste of him—salt and a hint of something sweet—sends shivers down your spine.
Shanks' arm wraps around you, his hand sliding down your back and pulling you flush against him. With a quick decisive movement, he is rolling you both so you are laying on top of him. You feel the heat of his body through your clothes, and it ignites a deep longing for him. The kisses become more fervent, more desperate as if trying to make up for lost time.
His lips leave yours briefly to trail down your jawline, leaving a path of fire in their wake. You tilt your head back, giving him better access as he nibbles and sucks at the sensitive skin of your neck. A soft moan escapes your lips, and you can feel him smile against your skin.
You knees press against the mattress on either side of his body and your hands slide up to tangle into his hair, tugging on the locks as you chase after his tongue. Every touch, every kiss ignites a deep longing within you, making you ache for more. You shift slightly, pressing your body closer to his, feeling the heat radiating off him.
Shanks' hand roams over your back, pulling you tighter against him. His kisses grow more urgent, more desperate, as if trying to make up for all the time you've lost. You can feel his desire, matching your own, but there's something else—something that holds him back.
You move your hands to his chest, fingers tracing the hard lines of his muscles through his shirt. Your breath comes in quick gasps as you kiss him harder, trying to break down the barrier that's holding him back. But even as he responds with equal fervor, there's a restraint in his movements that you can't ignore.
"Shanks," you whisper against his lips, your voice a mix of desire and frustration.
He pulls back slightly, his eyes dark with longing but filled with an underlying concern. "Aria," he murmurs, his voice husky but gentle. "We need to stop."
You blink at him, confusion and disappointment warring within you. "What? Why?" you ask, your voice barely more than a whisper.
He chuckles to you, his lips curving into his classic curvy smile. His hand comes up to cup your cheek, thumb brushing lightly against your skin. "You're still recovering, treasure, he says softly. "I don't want to hurt you."
The sincerity in his eyes makes your heart ache. You can see the struggle within him—the desire to be with you warring against the need to protect you. You know he's right; your body is still healing from everything that's happened.
But the emotional pain is still raw and gnawing at you like a persistent wound that refuses to heal. The thought of stopping now feels unbearable.
"Shanks," you plead softly, leaning into his touch. "I need this... I need you."
He closes his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath before opening them again. The look he gives you is filled with so much love and regret that it nearly breaks you.
"I know, love" he says quietly. "And I want this too. But not at the cost of your well-being."
You feel tears prick at the corners of your eyes as you nod slowly, understanding yet still feeling the sting of disappointment. Shanks nuzzles his face against your neck, holding you close against his chest.
You feel Shanks' warm hand running down your back, each stroke soothing the raw edges of your wayward emotions. His touch, gentle yet firm, stabilizes your turbulent thoughts, healing emotional wounds that still fester within you. Nestled against his chest, you can hear the steady rhythm of his heartbeat—a sound that brings a strange sense of peace.
Words bubble up from somewhere deep inside you, ones you didn't even know were there. "I never thought I would ever want to have a child out of love instead of duty," you mumble against his neck, your voice barely more than a whisper.
Shanks' hand pauses its soothing motion for just a moment before resuming. His lips press a tender kiss against your temple, and you feel his breath warm against your skin.
"Someday," he murmurs softly, his voice carrying the weight of promise and understanding. "But not today."
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Date Published: 7/29/24
Last Edit: 7/29/24
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feeling-pushy · 2 months
Upon a Wishing Star Part One
This is my first big fic!! Thank you so much to @grandesteartherquakedreamer for this amazing commission! I had so much fun writing this story and I hope yall love it as much as I do! And I hope I get to write for this person again!
~5k, fpreg, pirates, magical pregnancy.
The deck of the Jolly Serpents, was alive with celebration. Lanterns swayed in the gentle breeze, casting a warm glow over the jubilant crew. Music and laughter filled the air, mixing with the scent of salt and the sound of waves lapping against the ship’s hull. The stars above twinkled across the dark velvety sky, providing a perfect backdrop for the festivities.
Captain Taro stood at the heart of the revelry, her purple captain's coat flaring out as she spun in a merry dance. Her hair, neatly tucked in a bun with bangs framing her face, bobbed with each movement. Her wooden prosthetic, carved meticulously to resemble a natural foot, tapped rhythmically against the wooden planks. Her crew, a motley collection of men and women, mirrored her energy, their faces alight with joy and triumph.
As she danced she held up in her hand the centerpiece of the celebration: a shimmering pendant, The pendant was made of exquisite silver, skillfully crafted into the shape of a star with softly rounded edges that gleamed in the flickering lantern light. In the middle of the star was a circle made of similar silver, encrusted with tiny diamonds that sparkled like captured starlight. Each diamond was meticulously set, catching and reflecting the light in a dazzling display.
At the center of this circle lay a yellow stone, its surface smooth and polished to perfection. In the light of the lanterns, the yellow stone appeared to glow faintly with an otherworldly light, casting a soft, ethereal radiance that made the pendant seem almost alive.
The pendant's beauty was mesmerizing, and as Taro held it up, it caught the eyes of everyone around her, drawing gasps of admiration and awe. It was the prize of their most recent adventure, the fabled ‘Wishing Star’ which was a magic wish-granting pendant that had already become the stuff of legends among her crew.
"To Captain Taro!" one of the crew shouted, raising a mug of ale high in the air. The cheer was echoed by everyone on board, mugs clinking together in a symphony of camaraderie. "To us all!" Taro responded, her energy matching theirs as she raised the pendant above her head, the lights reflecting off of the yellow stone. The crew roared in approval, the sound carrying out across the open sea.
As the festivities continued, Taro moved among her crew, sharing laughter and stories of their latest exploits. She clapped shoulders, exchanged hearty embraces, and basked in the glory of their latest adventure.
Taro raised a tankard of ale, catching the eye of Briggs, the old sailor who had served with her for years. His gap-toothed grin was wider than ever, and he approached her with a raised mug. "To our fearless Cap’n!" Briggs shouted, his voice carrying over the noise of the celebration. "May the winds always be at your back and your enemies always on the run!"
Captain Taro clinked her tankard against his. "And to the best crew on the seven seas! Without you lot, I'd be adrift!" She took a hearty swig, the ale cool and refreshing after the day's exertions. "Briggs, you old sea dog, how's the leg holding up?"
Briggs laughed. "Lot better than yours ever did, Cap’n." Briggs playfully teases, Taro scowls, equally playful, “I ought to make you walk the plank for such talk you old hobby horse!” Briggs merely grinned wider, white mustache curling up with his lips, extending it, “And then who would manage your sails? Hm?”
“I could find a replacement for you in a moments notice, and they’d be far more spry.”  She challenged with a smirk. Briggs leans in and gets in her face, “You hire some green hand and this ship is sinking within the hour.”
Both them pull away laughing. Captain Taro slapping Briggs on the back and sending him on his way to keep celebrating. Just then the music picked up pace, and Taro finds herself pulled into yet another lively dance by a fellow female pirate, a young deckhand who’s cheeks were flushed with excitement and drink, and her eyes sparkling with admiration for her captain, “Come dance with us Captain!”
Taro laughed, her wooden foot tapping in a clumsy rhythm with the music. "Alright, alright! Just don't expect me to be as graceful! I've got two left feet and one of them wooden!" that earned her some laughs by the nearby crew members as she engages in a dance with the female deckhand.
The crowd cheered as Taro and the girl moved in sync with the music, their steps quick and as precise as bibulous pirates could be. Taro’s purple captain’s coat flared out with each twirl, and her captain’s hat stayed firmly in place, adding to her commanding presence. The deckhand’s light steps complemented Taro’s more grounded movements, creating a dance that was both captivating and full of energy.
"Captain, you dance as well as you fight!" the young lady exclaimed, spinning Taro around. “Not as well as you my dear!” Captain Taro states making the young woman flush from the flattery.
The music reached a crescendo, and Taro led the young woman through a series of spins and steps that left the crowd cheering and clapping louder than ever. As the dance ended, Taro who was now a little out of breath, gave her a bow and the deckhand curtsied in returned.
Exhausted and a bit dizzy, Captain Taro makes her way up to the upper deck to catch her breath. Eventually she ran into her First Mate, who unlike their captain who was already half sloshed on ale and dancing her cares away, still stood back from the festivities and kept a generally professional appearance to them as they oversaw the celebrations with a watchful eye. Taro approached, a playful grin on her face.
Taro’s First Mate had always been a person who was methodical and composed, and while some would think such a uptight figure would clash against Captain Taro’s carefree spirit, which it sometimes did, their demeanor had always been a steadying influence on the entire crew and had always helped to keep the Captain in check when she got carried away. She always admired her First Mate for that and appreciated their ability not to pull back on their criticisms. She’d honestly be lost without them.
"First Mate," she said, clapping them on the shoulder, “Captain” the First Mate greeted almost formally. Taro leaned on them a little, her feet somewhat unsteady, "Aww come on, why so stiff? It's a night for revelry!"
First Mate gave them a bemused expression, though their eyes remained vigilant. "Someone has to keep an eye on things, Captain. Besides, it's good to see the crew so happy. They deserve it."
“Ahhh come now First Mate! You know you can always just call me Taro! How long have we traveled together??” she slurs a bit, her head feeling pleasantly fuzzy and light.
“Yet you only refer to me as ‘First Mate’” they pointed out dryly. Taro grinned somewhat mischievously, “Only because you hate it when I call you by your first name. Isn’t that right J-” she begins to say. The affect was immediate as a sour expression crosses their face and they hold up a finger to her lips to stop her.
“Captain Taro. I think you may have had more than your fair share of drinking tonight. I think it’s best you start to sober up. You still need to lead by example you know.” They cut in, scolding Captain Taro as they often do when she gets like this.
“I’m finneee!!” She protests. Her First Mate stands there and crosses their arms. They then proceed to stare her down with a disapproving look. Taro tries to avoid eye contact for a moment, knowing she was weak to their disapproving stare, but even while not making direct eye contact the weight of their stare gets to her and she soon sags a bit in defeat, knowing better than to argue with them. “I suppose some water wouldn’t hurt.” She mumbles. Her First Mate gives her a little smile and rests a hand between her shoulder blades, silently leading her off to go sober up.
The celebration continued late into the night, the crew eventually winding down, one by one, as exhaustion set in. Taro remained awake, a sense of contentment settling over her. She looked around at her crew, now sprawled out across the deck in various states of slumber. Her First Mate was also nowhere to be seen, though she knew they’d most likely had turned in for the night.
With everyone else now asleep, Taro found herself alone, leaning against the ship’s railing, gazing out at the starlit sea, the pendant clutched in her hand. The pendant's cool surface rested in her palm weightily, as she rubbed her thumb across the smooth surface of the yellow stone in the middle. It was just a yellow stone, but even now a bit further away from the lanterns’ lights it still seemed to pulsate with a gentle glow. She turned it over, marveling at the intricate designs etched into the surface of its back, etched with symbols of an ancient language she couldn’t read.
“The legends say you can grant wishes." she mused aloud, talking to the pendant, there was an obvious hint of skepticism in her voice. "But I've seen too many tricks and charlatans to believe in such fairy tales. Still, you will fetch a king's ransom in gold I’d say."
The legend states that the Wishing Star, has the power to grant the deepest, most heartfelt wish of its bearer. The pendant can grant only one wish per person. Once a wish is made, the pendant’s magic will not work for that person again, but it could only grant a wish if the bearer's desire is pure and true.
No one knows where it comes from, or who made it, that information was lost to history. And while the silver was fancy, it was the yellow stone that was the true power of the pendant, it was said to be a fragment of a fallen star, giving it a connection to the heavens and granting it it’s power.
All of this was just rumor though, all folk tales meant to hype up what was most likely just a fancy pendant worn by some royal or a priest in some lost religion. Still, for a moment, she let her thoughts drift away from the noise and excitement. The pendant's glow seemed to intensify, reflecting in her eyes.
Her thoughts drifted to her crew, the loyal men and women who had become her family over the years. Each one had a story, a past, and dreams that had led them to her ship. She cherished them all, from the seasoned veterans like Briggs to the eager newcomers. Together, they had faced countless dangers and celebrated numerous victories. Yet, despite the deep bond she shared with them, there was a lingering emptiness in her heart.
Taro sighed, feeling the weight of her unspoken desires. She had everything she could have asked for: a ship she loved, a crew that respected and adored her, and a life filled with adventure. But there was something missing, something that all the treasure and glory in the world couldn’t fulfill.
“I have the best crew anyone could ask for,” she murmured to herself, her eyes fixed on the pendant. “They’re my family in every way that matters. But... it’s not enough. I want more. I want a family of my own, a child to raise and teach, someone who looks up to me not just as a captain, but as a parent.”
The thought of having a child stirred a deep longing within her. She imagined holding a tiny, fragile life in her arms, teaching them the ways of the sea, sharing the wisdom she had gathered over years of piracy. She saw herself comforting them during storms, telling them stories of her adventures, and watching them grow into their own person.
Taro chuckled softly, the image in her mind both heartwarming and bittersweet. “I want a child,” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the gentle lapping of the waves. “A child to call my own, to love and protect, to teach everything I know.”
With a deep breath, she held the pendant up to the sky, the starlight making the yellow stone glow even more brilliantly. “They say you grant wishes.’ she said, her tone a mix of skepticism and hope, ‘I don’t know if it’s true, but if there’s any magic in you, hear my wish. I want a family. I want a child.”
With a deep breath she slipped the pendent around her neck and she closed her eyes. As she stood there, coat being pulled by the gentle breeze of the sea, a warmth spread through her body, and she felt a strange sensation, like a gentle tug deep within her, and for a moment her heartbeat quickens as she thought for a moment that maybe that was a sign.
But it was a fleeting sensation, gone as quickly as it came and with a sigh she let herself come back to reality, dismissing it as the lingering excitement of the night and hopeful thinking. With a small sigh, she decided it would be best to turn in for the night.
The pendant, now resting against her chest, seemed to hum softly, its magic quietly at work as she made her way to her cabin to rest. As Captain Taro drifted off to sleep that night, the Jolly Serpents rocked gently beneath her, carrying its captain and crew into the promise of a new dawn.
The dawn’s light bathed the Jolly Serpents in a warm glow, illuminating the deck as Captain Taro made her rounds. She moved with her usual confident stride, her purple captain's coat fluttering slightly in the morning breeze and her wooden prosthetic clicking rhythmically against the wooden planks. She nodded and exchanged greetings with her crew.
Most of her crew treated her as they always had, with respect and camaraderie. They shared jokes, stories, and plans for their next adventure, their trust in her leadership unwavering. However, some newer or more cautious members of the crew seemed to hesitate, their eyes lingering on her a moment too long. It made a few of them act as if she were made of glass.
"Morning, Cap’n," said a young deckhand, his voice laced with a nervous undertone as he attempted to offer her assistance down a small set of stairs. "I can manage, thank you." Taro replied, her tone firm. A quick glare from her sent the boy scurrying back to his duties, properly chastened.
She approached another crew member, the older sailor Briggs, who was busy securing a rope. "How's it looking, Briggs?" she asked, her tone brisk but friendly. "Ship's in fine shape, Cap’n." Briggs replied with a gap-toothed grin. "We'll be ready to set sail on your command."
"Good to hear," Taro said, clapping him on the shoulder. "Keep it up."
As she continued her rounds, she noticed another crew member, the young deckhand she danced with at the party, who she later learned was named Lila, struggling with a heavy barrel. Taro approached and grabbed the other side of the barrel. "Let's get this done together."
The young woman seemed relieved at first, but then her eyes seemed to bug out in slight panic once she realized who was helping her, “Ah Captain! are you sure you should be helpin’ me-?”
“Let’s just get this done quickly.” Taro said giving her a look, the young woman, properly cowed just nods and they quickly lifted the barrel into place. "Ah, t-thank you, Captain.’ The woman says as she wipes some sweat from her brow. ‘I was just about to ask for help…"
"Don't hesitate next time." Taro replied. "We're all in this together." Lila nodded, a look of gratitude and slight apprehension on her face. Taro moved on, but not before noticing a few other crew members casting curious glances her way. She ignored them, focusing on the tasks at hand.
Eventually, she made her way up to the quarterdeck, where her First Mate stood, overseeing the preparations for their next voyage. "First Mate." Taro greeted, "Captain." the First Mate replied with a nod. They looked to be as composed as always, "Everything is ready for our next adventure. The supplies are stocked, and the course is plotted."
"Good." Taro said, satisfaction evident in her tone. She glanced out at the horizon, the sea calling to her as it always had. The First Mate, in rare form, seemed to break their normally stoney exterior to look at Captain Taro with concern, and hesitates for a moment before speaking again. "Captain, I again must wonder if it is wise for you to travel the seven seas in your condition?"
It was only then that Captain Taro glanced down at herself and the full extent of her situation was revealed. Captain Taro was heavily pregnant, her large, rounded belly clearly visible for all to see.
The pendant itself was long gone, it had been sold for a substantial sum and allowed Captain Taro to buy herself plenty of supplies for her crew, plus a bonus in their pay which had been a big hit among them. But it was clear now that the rumors of its magic had not been as ludicrous as she had believed them to be. The idle wish she had made the night of their celebration having taken an effect on her and irrevocably changing her life.
Taro placed a hand on her belly, feeling the gentle movements within. She turned to her First Mate, her eyes fierce and determined. "The sea has always been my home, and I won't let anything stop me from sailing it. Besides, this child will be born with salt in their veins. We'll be fine."
The First Mate nodded, though concern lingered in their eyes. "As you say, Captain. But I still suggest you hire a midwife or a doctor of some kind to accompany us on this journey.”
“I don’t need any doctor First Mate! I am perfectly capable of handling it myself.”
“And then are you expecting me to help you deliver the baby?” they ask wryly. Captain Taro shrugs and looks a bit away, “Would that be such a bad thing? I certainly wouldn’t mind you being there…” she mumbles, her cheeks heating up a bit at the subject matter. Her First Mate merely raised a brow at that, “Well as, flattering as that is, I am unfortunately not a doctor and I have no such expertise. So I don’t know what you’d want me to be there for.”  
Captain Taro was unhappy with that answer, seeming to expect or perhaps hoped for a different response, as she huffs angerly, “Fine. You can see about hiring a doctor before we set off then.” She then seems to stomp off, much too the First Mates confusion.
They scratched their cheek a bit, still not accustomed to her seemingly sudden shifts in moods. It definitely kept them on their toes a lot these days, but at least with the permission they’d been hoping to get, they then quickly set about on finding a doctor for the captain.  
By the time the afternoon came, a doctor had been hired and the ship was ready to set sail. The First Mate approached Captain Taro who seemed to be a lot calmer now, “We're ready to set sail Captain." Captain Taro gave a  nod of approval and turned her gaze back to the sea, it’s horizon stretching out before her, “Then lets get going.”
With her crew behind her and her unborn child within her, the Jolly Serpents sails unfurled and soon they were leaving port, the waves ready to carry its captain and crew into whatever the future held.
By evening, the ship was gliding smoothly through the ocean, leaving a trail of white foam in its wake. The crew was settling into their routines, the excitement of the journey tempered by the familiarity of their tasks. The stars began to twinkle in the night sky, casting a serene glow over the ship, while the moon, a silver crescent, hung low on the horizon.
Captain Taro had since retired to her cabin, the day's events weighing lightly on her shoulders. She closed the door behind her, shutting out the noise of the crew and the wind. The cabin was cozy, filled with personal mementos and maps that spoke of countless adventures. Shelves lined with books, trinkets from distant lands, and a large, intricately detailed map of the seven seas covered one wall. A small table held her navigational tools, charts, and half-finished letters to various contacts and old friends.
She made her way to her bed, sinking onto the soft mattress with a sigh of relief. The room was dimly lit by a lantern, casting a warm, flickering light that created dancing shadows on the walls. As she sat on the edge of her bed, she idly dragged a finger across her rounded belly.
She smiled as she felt her child follow the movement, pressing against her skin from within. It was a game she often liked to play with her little stowaway when she had a moment alone, it never failed to amuse her. However, she noted that the baby seemed to follow her finger less easily than before, a sign they were starting to get cramped in there. She knew she was getting closer to her due date.
Leaning back in her bed, Taro closed her eyes and let the natural sway of the ship relax her. The gentle rocking of the Sea Serpent was a comfort she had known all her life, a lullaby that had always soothed her restless spirit. As she lay there, her thoughts turned inward.
She had always been a daring captain, her love for adventure and the open sea driving her to take risks others would shy away from. Memories of past exploits flitted through her mind: daring raids on enemy ships, navigating treacherous waters, and outsmarting foes who underestimated her. The thrill of the chase, the satisfaction of a well-executed plan, and the camaraderie of her crew were what she lived for.
But now, with the unborn child growing inside her, the stakes were higher. She knew that continuing her pirate's life was risky. It was already a dangerous lifestyle, but it was even more so while being heavily pregnant. She had often told herself in the past that when she was ready to have a family, she would settle on land where it was safe.
And to her credit, she did try to do that. For a month after she discovered her pregnancy, she had found herself a quiet coastal town, along the usual route taken by her ship when they needed to stock up on supplies, and bought herself a little cottage up the hill with the money from her personal treasury. She then left the ship in the capable hands of her First Mate, then she settled down for a while, and for a while it had been peaceful.
She had taken long walks on the beach, enjoyed the calm, and tried to imagine a life without the thrill of the open sea. But it hadn't taken long for the restlessness to set in. She missed the salt air, the sound of the waves crashing on the beach bringing up a longing to be in the middle of the beautiful sea, and, most of all, she missed her crew. Missed her First Mate and the other members of her crew who had made up the little family of friends.
Her time on land had been filled with restless nights and days that seemed to stretch endlessly. She remembered sitting on a quiet porch, staring out at the sea, feeling like a caged bird. Desperately she wanted to spread her wings and ride the ocean currents like the many gulls she’d seen.
She had tried to convince herself that it was for the best, that she was doing the right thing for her child. The sea was no place for a baby after all. But the call of the sea was too strong to ignore. So she had found herself coming back.
The day the Jolly Serpents docked for a resupply at the port of that small coastal town. She was already waiting at the docks for them. The moment she stepped back on the deck of that ship, she felt a sense of relief and belonging that she couldn't find anywhere else. The crew, while surprised at first, had welcomed her back with open arms, their loyalty unwavering. Even her First Mate seemed to had missed her, as they gladly stepped down from the captain’s position unchallenged and took their place back by her side.
Ever since then, she hadn't turned back, and despite the dangers, she knew she had made the right choice. Everything just felt right.
As she lay in her bed, Taro felt as if her little stowaway was trying to get comfortable themselves, stretching their cramped limbs out in order to get settled. It made her chuckle as she placed her hand on one of the lumps on her belly which she was sure was a foot, slowly rubbing it to help them get settled. Soon the lump disappeared and the child seemed to finally get comfortable inside her, going still again.
Once again Taro found herself making the same silent promise she always did to her unborn child. She promised that she would keep them safe, no matter what. She would teach them the ways of the sea, and show them the wonders of the world. But she would also find a way to balance her love for adventure with the responsibilities of motherhood.
The cabin grew quieter as the night deepened. The sounds of the crew's laughter and conversations eventually fading, soon replaced by the rhythmic creaking of the ship and the distant calls of seabirds. The soft lapping of the waves against the hull was a comforting sound, a reminder of the vast, untamed world beyond.
Taro's thoughts wandered to the future, imagining her child growing up on the Jolly Serpents. She pictured a small figure running across the deck, learning to tie knots, and listening to the tales of the crew. She couldn’t yet imagine their face, but she figured that would come in time once she was able to finally meet them. She imagined the pride she would feel, knowing that her child was growing up surrounded by the same wonders that had shaped her own life. Captain Taro then let the familiar, rhythmic sway of the ship lull her into a peaceful sleep, dreaming of the adventures that still awaited them on the open sea.
As the Jolly Serpents rocked gently with the rhythm of the waves, Captain Taro lay asleep on her bed, her body curled protectively around her belly. The soft light of the moon filtered through the small window, casting a gentle glow over the room and highlighting the serene expression on her face.
Just then the door to her cabin creaked open, and the First Mate slipped inside, they then turned and closed the door behind them, with a gentle click before moving over to her. Their movements were soft and careful to avoid disturbing their captain as they went to check on them.
They had found themselves getting into the habit of these nightly visits, being spurred on by their deep concern over the safety of both Taro and the life growing inside her. Despite Taro's fierce independence and formidable strength, the First Mate couldn't help but worry, knowing the dangers and challenges of their life at sea.
As the First Mate approached the bed, their steps light and careful, Taro’s face was relaxed in sleep, her breathing steady and calm. The First Mate took a moment to study her, she seemed alright, peaceful even, as she lightly snored.
They noticed that Taro had kicked off her blanket in her sleep at some point, the cool night air touching her exposed skin and making it raise with a few goosebumps. With gentle hands, the First Mate picked up the blanket and draped it over her, ensuring she was warm and comfortable. As they did so, their eyes were drawn to her belly, which rose and fell with each breath.
For a moment, the First Mate hesitated, their hand hovering above Taro's bump. The urge to place a hand there, to feel the life within, was strong. They wanted to offer some form of comfort, to silently communicate their support and care. But they pulled back, respecting Taro's personal space and the boundaries she had set. Taro had stated on more than one occasion she did not want others to touch her belly, and they respected that decision.
The First Mate stood there for a moment longer, watching over her with a tender gaze. Taro’s long hair, that was usually tied up in a tight bun, was now laying loose and free on her pillow, looking like the familiarly gentle waves of a calm sea, her bangs perfectly framing her face. The sight stirred a mix of emotions within them, mostly admiration. No doubt this pregnancy had been harder on her than she let on, the role of leader was stressful and yet she carried on, supporting both her crew and a new life.
Their face softened with a deep, unspoken affection as they watched a moment longer. Finally, they stepped back, moving towards the door with the same quiet care they had when they entered.
Just before leaving, the First Mate turned back, their voice barely above a whisper. “Goodnight, Taro,” they murmured, a small smile gracing their lips before closing the door behind them.
With a soft click, they closed the door, leaving Taro and her unborn baby to their dreams of adventure and the sea.
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estellan0vella · 3 months
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Nothing Is Ever Truly Perfect - Megumi Fushiguro AU Word Count: 4.8K Content Warnings: Death Masterlist for Eras AU
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The wind catches your hair as you step onto the deck of the RMS Titanic. It's a cold April day in 1912, and the grandeur of the ship is breathtaking. You can hardly believe that you and your fiancé, Megumi Fushiguro, are about to embark on a journey across the Atlantic.  
Megumi, ever stoic and composed, walks beside you, his dark hair tousled by the breeze. The two of you are dressed in your finest clothes, befitting second-class passengers, and your heart swells with excitement and anticipation.
"Are you ready for this adventure?" you ask, squeezing his hand gently.
Megumi looks at you, his usual serious expression softening just a bit. "As long as you're with me, I'm ready for anything," he replies, his deep voice a soothing presence amidst the bustle of boarding passengers.
The two of you make your way to your cabin, admiring the ship's opulence as you pass through the grand halls. The polished wood panelling, intricate mouldings, and gleaming brass fixtures make you feel as though you've stepped into a palace. 
The second-class accommodations are more than you could have hoped for, with their own level of luxury and comfort. Plush carpets underfoot and a charming porthole window looking out to the endless ocean add to the enchantment. You can't help but feel a sense of pride and privilege to be on this historic voyage.
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Once you've settled in, you spend the first day exploring the ship. You and Megumi dine in the elegant second-class dining room, where the chandeliers cast a warm glow over tables set with crisp white linens and gleaming silverware. The food is exquisite, and you savour each meal, from the hearty soups to the delicate pastries.
"This beef is so tender," you say, cutting into your dinner. "I've never had anything like it."
Megumi nods in agreement, taking a sip of wine. "They certainly know how to treat their passengers," he remarks, his eyes glinting with appreciation.
You spend long hours on the deck, watching the endless expanse of the ocean. The waves shimmer under the sunlight, and you feel a sense of freedom and adventure that you've never experienced before. 
You meet other passengers, forming fleeting but warm friendships. There's Margaret, a lively woman with a contagious laugh, and Thomas, a gentleman with a passion for storytelling. Evenings are filled with lively conversations and shared laughter, making the journey feel even more magical.
"Did you hear about the captain's dinner?" Margaret asks one afternoon, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "It's supposed to be quite the affair!"
"I did," you reply, glancing at Megumi. "Maybe we should attend."
Megumi smiles slightly, his eyes softening as he looks at you. "If it makes you happy, then we will," he says.
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One evening, as the sun sets in a blaze of orange and pink, you find yourselves alone on the deck. The sea is calm, and the Titanic glides smoothly through the water. Megumi wraps his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. The chill of the evening air is no match for the warmth of his embrace.
"This is perfect," you say softly, leaning your head against his shoulder. The sky above is a canvas of colours, and the first stars are beginning to twinkle.
"It is," he agrees, his voice a low murmur in your ear. "But remember, nothing is ever truly perfect."
You smile at his pragmatism, knowing it's part of what you love about him. "Still, let's enjoy this moment," you say, looking up at the stars beginning to twinkle in the twilight sky.
He presses a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I'm grateful for every moment with you," he whispers. "Whether they're perfect or not."
You look up at him, your heart swelling with love. "I feel the same way," you say, your voice barely above a whisper. "This voyage... it's like a dream."
"A beautiful dream," Megumi agrees, his hand gently stroking your hair.
You both fall silent, lost in the beauty of the moment. The ship's band plays softly in the distance, the notes of a waltz drifting through the evening air. The Titanic's lights cast a golden glow across the deck, reflecting off the calm waters below.
"We should dance," you suggest suddenly, looking up at Megumi with a playful smile.
He raises an eyebrow, a rare smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Here? Now?"
"Why not?" you reply, standing and taking his hand. "Let's make this moment even more special."
Megumi stands, pulling you into his arms. You move together slowly, swaying to the distant music. The world around you fades away, leaving just the two of you, together in this perfect moment.
"I love you," you whisper, resting your head against his chest.
"I love you too," he replies, his voice filled with warmth. "More than words can say."
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The next night, after another delightful dinner in the second-class dining room, you and Megumi decide to explore parts of the ship you haven't yet ventured into. Megumi has heard from one of the other passengers that the third-class quarters often host lively parties, full of music, dancing, and laughter. With curiosity piqued, you both agree to check it out.
As you make your way down the ship, the air grows warmer and the hum of conversation and laughter becomes more pronounced. The narrow corridors are filled with a different kind of energy compared to the more formal atmosphere of the upper decks. You can feel the excitement building inside you. Finally, you reach the third-class common area, where a vibrant party is already in full swing.
The room is packed with people dancing, clapping, and enjoying themselves to the rhythm of a spirited band. The band is playing a lively jig, and the atmosphere is infectious. The musicians, dressed in simple clothes, seem to be pouring their hearts into the performance. The fiddle, accordion, and bodhrán create a joyous cacophony that fills the room. 
"Shall we join them?" you ask, looking up at Megumi with a grin.
He smiles back, the rare twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "I suppose we must," he says, taking your hand and leading you onto the makeshift dance floor.
The moment you step into the throng, you're swept up in the energy of the dance. People of all ages and backgrounds are moving together, their faces flushed with happiness and exertion. You and Megumi fall into step with the others, twirling and laughing as the music guides your movements. 
The steps are simple and easy to follow, and soon you find yourselves caught up in the fun. You laugh as you spin and twirl, your skirts flying around you, and Megumi's normally composed face breaks into a broad smile.
"Isn't this wonderful?" you shout over the music, feeling a rush of exhilaration.
"It's incredible!" Megumi responds, his voice filled with genuine joy. "I never knew such a world existed on this ship."
As you continue to dance, you notice a young girl watching you with wide eyes. You smile at her and extend your hand. She hesitates for a moment, then takes it, and you bring her into the dance, discovering her name is Cara. Her giggles are infectious, and soon others are joining in, creating a circle around you. The camaraderie is palpable, and for a moment, you feel as if you've known these people all your life.
After a while, you both retreat to the sidelines to catch your breath. A friendly woman with rosy cheeks and a hearty laugh offers you each a drink—a hearty ale that warms you from the inside out. You take a long sip, savouring the earthy flavour.
"This is wonderful," you say, raising your voice to be heard over the music. "I'm so glad we came."
Megumi nods, his eyes alight with enjoyment. "It's a different world down here," he agrees. "There's a raw energy that's quite captivating."
You watch as the dancers continue to whirl and spin, their joy palpable. "It's like they're celebrating life itself," you muse, feeling a deep sense of appreciation for this unexpected experience.
An older man with a twinkle in his eye approaches you both, his face lined with years of laughter. "First time in the third class, eh?" he asks, his accent thick and melodic.
You nod, smiling. "Yes, it's our first time. We didn't know what we were missing."
"Well, you're always welcome here," he says warmly. "It's the heart of the ship, where everyone's equal and life's simple pleasures are celebrated."
As the night goes on, the music shifts to a slower, more intimate tune. Couples pair off, and Megumi pulls you close once again. "Shall we?" he asks softly, his voice gentle.
You nod, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. "I'd love to."
You sway together, the world around you fading into the background. His arms are strong and steady around you, and you rest your head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.
"I don't think I've ever seen you so relaxed," you tease gently, looking up at him with a smile.
He chuckles softly, a sound that vibrates through his chest. "You have a way of bringing that out in me," he admits. "I can't help but feel at ease when I'm with you."
You dance like that for what feels like hours, wrapped up in each other's presence. The third-class party continues around you, a blur of happy faces and lively music. It's a night filled with laughter, love, and a sense of camaraderie with strangers who, for this brief moment, feel like friends.
When the evening finally winds down, you and Megumi make your way back to your cabin, your steps slow and unhurried. The memory of the night's festivities lingers in your mind, a bright spot in the journey.
As you close the door behind you, Megumi pulls you into a tender embrace. "Thank you for tonight," he whispers, his breath warm against your ear. "It was... unforgettable."
You smile up at him, your heart full. "Every moment with you is unforgettable," you reply, leaning up to kiss him softly.
With a shared sense of contentment, you both settle into bed, the gentle rocking of the ship lulling you to sleep. In the safety of each other's arms, you drift off, dreaming of the adventures still to come on this incredible voyage.
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The next morning, you and Megumi wake up to the soft light of dawn filtering through the porthole window. The excitement of the previous night's adventure still lingers, and you can't help but smile as you think about the lively dance and the warm camaraderie you experienced.
After a leisurely breakfast in the second-class dining room, you decide to spend the day on the deck, enjoying the fresh sea air and the beauty of the ocean. The ship is bustling with activity as passengers go about their day, but you and Megumi find a quiet spot near the railing, where you can watch the world go by in peaceful contentment.
Megumi leans against the railing, his eyes scanning the horizon. "It's amazing how vast the ocean is," he says, his voice thoughtful. "It makes you feel so small, doesn't it?"
You nod, slipping your hand into his. "It does. But it's also a reminder of how much there is to explore and experience."
He smiles, squeezing your hand gently. "I'm glad we're experiencing it together."
As you stand there, a group of third-class passengers wanders over, their faces bright with curiosity and friendliness. One of them, a young boy with tousled hair and a mischievous grin, runs up to you.
"Hello!" he says cheerfully. "What are you looking at?"
You smile down at him. "Just enjoying the view. It's beautiful, isn't it?"
The boy nods enthusiastically. "It is! My name's Timmy. What's yours?"
"I'm Y/N, and this is my fiancé, Megumi," you reply, introducing yourselves.
Timmy's eyes widen with interest. "Fiancé? That means you're getting married, right?"
You nod, chuckling at his enthusiasm. "That's right."
As you chat with Timmy, more third-class passengers join you. There's a young couple named Rose and Jack, who are travelling to America to start a new life, and an elderly man named Mr. O'Leary, who shares stories of his adventurous youth. The group quickly falls into easy conversation, the barriers of class melting away in the shared experience of the voyage.
"Is it true that the second-class dining room has chandeliers?" Rose asks, her eyes wide with wonder.
You nod, smiling. "Yes, it does. It's very elegant. But I think the real charm of this ship lies in the people we meet and the experiences we share."
Jack nods in agreement. "That's true. We've met so many wonderful people on this journey. It feels like we're all part of one big family."
As the day goes on, you and Megumi spend time getting to know your new friends. You share stories and laughter, and the deck becomes a place of warmth and camaraderie. Timmy, ever energetic, challenges Megumi to a game of tag, and soon you're all running around, the sound of laughter filling the air.
After a while, you all gather by the railing, watching the waves shimmer under the sunlight. Mr. O'Leary pulls out a small harmonica and begins to play a cheerful tune. The music adds a magical touch to the moment, and you find yourself swaying to the rhythm, Megumi's arm wrapped around your waist.
"This is what life should be like," you say softly, resting your head against Megumi's shoulder. "Full of joy and connection."
He nods, his eyes reflecting the happiness he feels. "I couldn't agree more."
As the sun begins to set, casting a golden glow over the ocean, you all sit down together, sharing a simple meal brought up from the third-class galley. The food is humble but delicious, and the company makes it a feast.
Rose smiles at you, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you for spending the day with us. It's been wonderful."
You reach across the table, taking her hand. "The pleasure was all ours. We're so glad to have met you."
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As the evening turns to night, you and Megumi walk to the front of the ship, hand in hand. The air is crisp and cool, and the stars begin to twinkle in the darkening sky. The bow of the Titanic stretches out before you, a perfect spot to take in the majesty of the ocean and the endless horizon.
You walk up to the railings with Megumi right behind you. He gently places his hands on your waist, guiding you closer to the edge. The wind catches your hair, and you close your eyes for a moment, savouring the sensation of freedom.
With a gentle yet firm touch, Megumi helps you step up onto the lower railing, making sure you feel secure. You spread your arms wide, feeling the wind rush past you, the ocean stretching out endlessly before your eyes. Megumi's strong arms wrap around you from behind, holding you steady and close.
"I'm flying, Megumi!" you exclaim, your voice filled with joy and wonder as you giggle.
He chuckles softly, his breath warm against your ear. "You look beautiful," he whispers, his words filled with affection and admiration.
The world around you seems to disappear as you lose yourself in the moment. The ship's movement beneath your feet, the sound of the waves, and the endless sky all come together in a symphony of sensations. You feel an exhilarating sense of freedom as if you could truly soar above the ocean.
Megumi's embrace tightens slightly, grounding you in the safety of his presence. "This is incredible," he murmurs, his voice a low, comforting hum.
You both stay like that for a while, lost in the magic of the moment. The ship sails steadily onward, cutting through the water with grace and power. The night is filled with the soft sounds of the ocean and the gentle hum of the Titanic's engines, creating a serene and peaceful backdrop to your shared experience.
Eventually, you lower your arms, turning in Megumi's embrace to face him. He lifts you from the railing and spins with you still in his arms, making you laugh. The carefree sound of your laughter fills the night air, mingling with the distant music and the whispers of the sea.
"Put me down, Megumi!" you exclaim between giggles, though part of you never wants this moment to end.
He finally sets you down gently, but his hands remain at your waist, holding you close. The moonlight casts a soft glow over his features, and you can see the genuine happiness in his eyes.
"I love seeing you this happy," he says, his voice filled with warmth. "Your laughter is the most beautiful sound."
You smile up at him, feeling your heart swell with love. "I'm happy because I'm with you," you reply, your voice tender. "These moments we share... they mean everything to me."
Megumi leans down, brushing a soft kiss against your lips. It's a gentle, tender kiss, filled with all the emotions words can't fully capture. When he pulls back, he rests his forehead against yours, both of you breathing in the same rhythm.
"We'll have to remember this forever," you say, resting your head against his chest.
"We will," Megumi agrees, his hand gently stroking your hair. "This is a moment I'll cherish for the rest of my life."
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It's late on the night of April 14th when you're jolted awake by a sudden shudder that runs through the ship. The cabin, once so cosy and secure, now feels strangely ominous. Megumi shoots up beside you, his instincts alert. He looks at you, concern etched on his face, his usually calm demeanour replaced with a tense urgency.
"Did you feel that?" he asks, his voice low but steady.
You nod, fear creeping into your heart. The tranquillity of the evening has been shattered, replaced by an unsettling sense of foreboding. "What do you think it was?"
"I'm not sure," he says, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and getting to his feet. "But we should get dressed and find out."
You quickly pull on your clothes, your hands shaking uncontrollably. The thin fabric of your dress feels almost like a fragile shield against the unknown. Megumi remains calm, his presence a source of strength for you. He helps tie the corset of your dress with steady hands, his touch grounding you in the moment before you both pull on your coats.
"Stay close to me," he whispers, his eyes locking onto yours with a mixture of determination and concern. "We'll face whatever this is together."
Once you're both dressed, you leave your cabin and join the throngs of passengers making their way to the upper decks. The narrow corridors are crowded with people in various states of undress and distress, their faces pale with fear and confusion.
Children cry, clutching their mothers' skirts, and men whisper anxiously among themselves. The atmosphere is tense as you reach the boat deck. You overhear snippets of conversations – something about an iceberg, the ship being damaged. The air is filled with a mixture of disbelief and rising panic. Crew members are trying to maintain order, but the sense of urgency is palpable.
"Don't let go of me," Megumi says, holding your hand tightly as you navigate through the crowd. His grip is firm, a silent promise that he will not let you go.
The lifeboats are being lowered, and it becomes clear that there aren't enough for everyone. The stark reality of the situation hits you like a physical blow, your heart pounding as you realize the gravity of the crisis.
Desperate voices rise above the chaos, pleading for a place in the lifeboats. The officers, their faces set with grim determination, are prioritizing women and children. The crowd around the lifeboats is frantic, people pushing and pleading, their voices blending into a cacophony of desperation.
"Get in," Megumi urges you, his voice strained but resolute. "You have to survive."
You shake your head vehemently, tears streaming down your face. The thought of leaving him behind is unbearable. "No, I won't leave you," you insist, your voice breaking with emotion.
"Please," he pleads, his usually calm eyes now filled with desperation. "You have to survive. For both of us."
"I can't," you whisper, clutching his hand even tighter. "Not without you."
Megumi pulls you into a fierce embrace, his arms wrapping around you as if he could shield you from the nightmare unfolding around you. "I love you," he says, his voice thick with emotion, his lips brushing against your forehead in a tender gesture.
"I love you too," you reply, your voice trembling. Your tears soak into his shirt, but you don't care. In that moment, the world around you fades, and all that matters is the man holding you, the love that binds you together.
The ship continues to shudder, a groan of metal and a distant, haunting wail adding to the cacophony of human fear. The cold night air bites through your clothing, each breath coming out in visible puffs as the temperature plummets. You can see your breath mingling with the frantic exhalations of those around you, a mist of desperation hanging in the air.
"Look," Megumi says softly, pulling away just enough to nod towards a lifeboat being lowered nearby. "There's still time. You need to go."
You shake your head again, more adamantly this time, as if the sheer force of your refusal could change the dire reality. "I can't, Megumi. Not without you."
The ship lurches, tilting ever so slightly more towards the dark abyss of the ocean. The tilt makes it clear that time is running out. Megumi's grip tightens on your hand, his eyes searching yours, pleading without words.
"Please," he says again, more forcefully. "For me."
A stern-looking officer approaches, his face hard with the weight of the night's duty. "Women and children first," he commands, his voice a bark that cuts through the noise.
Megumi steps forward, still holding your hand. "She needs to get in," he tells the officer, his voice steady despite the chaos around him. "Please, sir. Let her in."
The officer looks at you, then back at Megumi, and nods curtly. "Hurry."
Megumi turns to you, his expression a mixture of love and urgency. "Go. Now."
"No, there are still children on the deck," you shake your head, glancing at the officer. "I'm not taking what spaces could be theirs, I'm staying."
"What?!" Megumi looks at you and you smile at him but he can see the fear in your eyes.
"I'm not leaving you, Megumi Fushiguro," you whisper. "I suppose we will be dying together."
Tears well up in Megumi's eyes, and he pulls you into another fierce embrace. "You're incredible," he whispers, his voice choked with emotion. "But we have to try to save others. Let's find those children."
You nod, a sense of purpose grounding you amid the chaos. Together, you move through the frantic crowd, scanning for any unaccompanied children. The ship continues to tilt, the groaning of the metal and the distant cries of the panicked passengers creating an eerie soundtrack to your desperate search.
You spot a young boy, no older than seven, standing alone and crying. Megumi quickly scoops him up, murmuring reassurances. "We've got you, little one," he says gently. "We're going to get you to safety."
As you continue to search, you find a little girl, the one from the third-class party, Cara, clutching a ragged doll, her eyes wide with fear. You take her hand, squeezing it gently. "It's going to be okay," you say, hoping your voice conveys more confidence than you feel.
With the children in tow, you make your way back to the lifeboats. The officer's stern expression softens slightly when he sees the children. "Get them in," he says, waving you forward.
You help the children into the lifeboat, ensuring they are safely seated before turning to Megumi. "Are you sure?" he asks, his eyes searching yours one last time.
You nod, resolute. "We'll find more. We can't give up."
He squeezes your hand, then turns to the officer. "We'll find more children. Save as many as you can."
The officer nods, respect in his eyes. "Good luck."
You and Megumi turn back to the crowd, your hearts pounding with fear but also with a renewed sense of purpose. As the lifeboat descends, you glance back, catching a final glimpse of the children's frightened faces, but there is a glimmer of hope in their eyes now.
Hand in hand, you navigate the chaos, each step a testament to your love and courage. You push through the throngs of desperate people, calling out for any unaccompanied children. The deck tilts further, the cold wind biting at your skin, but you press on, determined.
You find another small group of children huddled together near a railing. Megumi and you quickly gather them, your voices soothing as you urge them to follow. The ship's groans grow louder, the sense of urgency intensifying.
As you approach the lifeboats again, you see fewer and fewer spaces remaining. The officer spots you and waves you forward once more. "Hurry, there isn't much time left."
You usher the children into the lifeboat, and Megumi turns to you, his eyes filled with gratitude and pride. "We did it," he says softly.
"One more trip," you reply, your voice steady despite the terror threatening to overwhelm you. "Let's find as many as we can."
Together, you make your way back into the chaos, your hearts unified in purpose. The ship tilts even more dramatically, the frigid water now lapping at the lower decks. The cries of the passengers grow more desperate, but you and Megumi press on, determined to save every life you can.
In the final moments, you find another child, a toddler, screaming his lungs out. Megumi gently picks up the child, his eyes meeting yours with a silent vow to protect. As you make your way back to the lifeboats for the last time, you realize that every second counts.
The officer, seeing you approach with the child, urgently beckons you forward. "This is it, the last lifeboat."
You hand the child to the officer, who places him in the lifeboat before beginning to lower it into the water. The deck beneath your feet shudders violently, a clear indication that the ship's end is near as screams fill the air.
Megumi turns to you, his eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and love. "We've done all we can."
"Now we await our fate," you murmur, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead.
The ship's groaning grows louder, a terrible, haunting sound that resonates deep within your bones. The angle of the deck becomes steeper, making it harder to stand. Megumi pulls you close, wrapping his arms around you in a protective embrace.
"Do you take me as your husband?" Megumi rushes out, looking down at you.
"Yes," you whisper, tears streaming down your face. "I take you as my husband, now and forever."
Megumi's eyes glisten with tears as he holds you tighter. "And I take you as my wife," he says, his voice filled with unwavering resolve. "I vow to love you, to protect you, for as long as we live."
The ship lurches again, a violent shudder that nearly knocks you off your feet. But Megumi's grip on you is firm, anchoring you in place.
"In sickness and in health," you continue, your voice steady despite the quaking deck beneath you. "For richer or poorer, in joy and sorrow. Until death do us part."
Megumi's hand cups your cheek, his touch warm and reassuring. "And even after that, we shall love each other for eternity," he finishes, his voice breaking with emotion before he presses his lips to yours and you respond with fervour.
The ship's groans grow deafening, the end drawing ever nearer. Yet, in this moment, you find solace in your shared vows, a testament to your unbreakable bond.
"I love you," you say, your voice barely audible above the din.
"And I love you," Megumi replies, his eyes locked onto yours, his love shining through the fear.
The deck tilts sharply, the freezing water rushing up around your legs. Panic surges around you, but you remain focused on Megumi, his presence a beacon of warmth and love in the icy chaos. He pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around you as if he can shield you from the inevitable.
"We'll be together," he whispers, his voice trembling but resolute. "No matter what."
You nod, resting your forehead against his, finding strength in his unwavering gaze. The water rises swiftly, engulfing you both in its frigid grip. You shiver uncontrollably, but Megumi's embrace provides a small measure of comfort against the biting cold.
As the Titanic's bow dips beneath the waves, you cling to each other, your hearts pounding in unison. The cries of the other passengers fade into the background, replaced by the roaring of the sea and the creaking of the ship's metal. Your breath mingles with the icy mist, every exhale a visible testament to your determination to face this together.
Megumi's lips find yours again, a desperate, passionate kiss that speaks of love, fear, and an unspoken promise to remain together even in the face of death. You kiss him back with equal intensity, pouring all your love and strength into that final, shared moment.
The water surges around you, a powerful force that pulls you from the deck and into the dark, cold depths. You hold on to Megumi with all your might, refusing to let go, and he grips you just as tightly. Your love is a lifeline, a beacon in the darkness, guiding you as you sink beneath the waves. Your lips refuse to part from each other's as the icy water envelops you both.
The freezing cold bites at your skin, a numbing, relentless force that saps the strength from your limbs. Yet, even as the frigid water surrounds you, the warmth of Megumi's embrace remains, a comforting reminder of the love that binds you.
In the inky darkness, you feel his heart beating against yours, a steady rhythm that matches your own. It is a reminder that you are not alone, even in these final, terrifying moments. The pressure of the water pushes you deeper, but you remain locked together, a single entity facing the abyss.
Your lungs burn for air, but you focus on the feel of Megumi's lips against yours, the taste of saltwater mingling with the bittersweetness of your shared kiss. The world around you fades, the cold and the dark becoming secondary to the profound connection you share.
As the last vestiges of light from the surface disappear, you feel a strange sense of calm wash over you. The panic and fear give way to acceptance, a quiet resignation to your fate. In Megumi's eyes, you see the same acceptance, a mutual understanding that you have faced this together, and that is enough.
You cling to each other until the very end, your bodies entwined as the icy depths claim you. The love you share is a beacon, a light that shines brightly even in the darkest of times. It is a testament to the strength of the human spirit, the enduring power of love.
And as the cold overtakes you, you find peace in Megumi's arms, knowing that you faced the end together, your love a shining beacon that will endure, even in the depths of the ocean.
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The teacher looks at the faces of her high school students, their expressions ranging from boredom to invested interest.
"Now I know you all want to see Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet," she says with a teasing tone in her voice, eliciting a few chuckles. "But I want to discuss the real people on the Titanic and to do that, I reached out to a survivor. She was only a child when the Titanic sank, and she's here to tell us her story. So I want you all to be respectful and kind, okay? Her name is Cara."
As the teacher finishes her introduction, the classroom falls into a hushed silence, filled with a mixture of anticipation and reverence. The students shift in their seats, their eyes wide with curiosity as they wait for Cara to speak.
Cara, now an elderly woman with silver hair and gentle eyes, stands at the front of the classroom, a faint smile playing at the corners of her lips. She takes a deep breath, her voice soft but steady as she begins to recount her memories of that fateful night.
"I was just a little girl," Cara starts, her voice carrying the weight of a lifetime of memories. "My family was travelling in third class, and we were settling into bed. But then there was this sudden jolt, like the ship had hit something."
The students lean forward, hanging on every word as Cara describes the chaos and confusion that followed. She speaks of the fear and uncertainty, the overwhelming sense of loss as the Titanic slipped beneath the waves.
"I got separated from my family," Cara says, reaching into her bag and pulling out a ragged doll. "This is the only thing I had to comfort me until they came."
"Who?" a student asks.
"A young couple, second-class passengers, engaged to be married," Cara says with a small smile. "The woman, Y/N, gave up her seat on a lifeboat, and together she and Megumi, her fiancé, saved eight children. I'd met them two nights prior; they attended a party we had in third class."
"What were they like?" another student asks, their voice tinged with curiosity.
"They were lovely," Cara replies, her eyes lighting up with the memory. "They invited me to dance with them. They adored each other. I reached out to their family to extend my condolences and gratitude when I realized what they'd done. Megumi's father sent me a picture of them."
Cara pulls the picture out of her bag and allows the class to pass it around. A young couple stands in the picture, smiling at each other as if the camera wasn't even there.
"They look so happy," a student murmurs, examining the photo closely.
"Someone who was rescued from the water spoke about them," Cara says. "Said they got married before they died. They said their vows to one another before the ship sank. Vowing to love each other for eternity."
"Were they ever recovered?" another student asks, their voice soft with reverence.
Cara nods, her smile tinged with sadness. "They were found holding onto each other, their limbs frozen around each other. I think they were buried that way."
The classroom falls silent, the weight of Cara's words sinking in. The students exchange solemn glances as they contemplate the profound love that bound the couple together until the very end and even after that.
"Did they have any children?" another student ventures to ask.
Cara's smile softens, though sadness lingers in her eyes. "No, they never had the chance," she replies gently. "But in their final moments, they ensured the safety of the children on board, offering them a chance at life. Offering me a chance at life, one which I lived to the fullest in their honour. Every night, I pray to them and thank them for their kindness even in the face of death. I look at my children who now bear their names and remember how they wouldn't exist without them. At my grandchildren"
"They sound like they were really brave," A girl says and Cara nods.
"Once I was old enough and had the money, I managed to secure a marriage certificate for them. Dated for April 14th, 1912," Cara says. "I have it framed and there's copies framed in the museums for the Titanic"
The students are silent for a moment, absorbing Cara's words. The teacher, sensing the depth of emotion in the room, gently prompts, "Cara, could you tell us more about how you honoured their memory through your children and grandchildren?"
Cara nods, her eyes shining with a mixture of pride and sadness. "Of course. When I had my first child, I named her Y/N, after the woman who gave up her seat on the lifeboat for me. My second child, a boy, I named Megumi, after her brave fiancé. And now, I have grandchildren who intend to give their children their names as middle names. Every time I look at them, I see a part of the couple who saved my life. It's a way to keep their memory alive."
A boy in the back raises his hand. "Cara, what do you tell your grandchildren about Y/N and Megumi?"
Cara's smile widens, the wrinkles around her eyes deepening with warmth. "I tell them that Y/N and Megumi were two of the bravest people I've ever known. That they showed me what true love and sacrifice look like. I tell them the story of the Titanic and how, even in the face of unimaginable fear, they thought of others before themselves. They made sure that children like me had a chance at life, even if it meant giving up their own."
Another student, her voice soft and respectful, asks, "Do you still stay in touch with their families?"
Cara nods. "Yes, I do. We've kept in touch over the years, and we've become like an extended family. It's a bond that was forged out of tragedy, but it's a very strong one."
The teacher interjects, her voice filled with admiration. "Cara, your story is truly inspiring. It's a powerful reminder of the impact that kindness and bravery can have, even in the darkest of times."
Cara looks around the classroom, her eyes meeting each student's gaze. "Thank you all for listening. I hope you remember Y/N and Megumi not just as names in a history book, but as real people who made a real difference. They taught me that even in the face of great fear, we can choose to act with love and courage. And I hope their story inspires you to do the same."
A student raises her hand. "Do you ever visit the Titanic museums?"
Cara nods. "I do, whenever I can. I feel a deep connection to those places. Seeing their marriage certificate framed on the wall, knowing that their love and sacrifice are being honoured, means a lot to me. It's a way for me to feel close to them, to thank them for the life they gave me."
The classroom falls silent again, the weight of Cara's words sinking in. The teacher thanks Cara for her time and her powerful story. As the students begin to file out of the classroom, many of them stop to shake Cara's hand, their faces filled with gratitude and respect.
As the last student leaves, Cara turns to the teacher. "Thank you for inviting me. It's important that these stories are told so that the bravery and kindness of people like Y/N and Megumi are never forgotten."
The teacher nods, her eyes misty. "Thank you, Cara. You've given us all a gift today."
Cara smiles, a mix of sadness and contentment in her expression. "It's the least I can do to honour their memory. They may be gone, but their legacy lives on in every life they touched, including mine."
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