#Twin's romantic partner brought it to our place
caramelmachatwo · 1 month
"You're a Mystic Force"
my take on magnets by Niki Zefanya
Where do I even start? It's the perfect song for a crush, requited or unrequited It sounds lovely, it's essentially about two people having sparks, where two can't be together but there's an undeniable romantic tension. The two are so alike, "are you the one or are you just a mirror?" A question for all the couples out there, are you and your partner more alike or the opposites? Do both dynamics work?
It's electric when our fingers brush, quit acting like we're not two magnets. A MYSTIC FORCEEEEEE. As much as one can deny that you aren't attracted to this person, it's obvious that you are, they're surreal and all you want is them. Astronomically drawn to them but you're so stubborn, I see you, and you can see it from them too. You try so hard to push aside thoughts of them, keeping yourself busy to stop yourself replaying moments they made you laugh, but no, at this point you should already realize that you're losing this war. Admit it, accept defeat that you like them. But the irony of this is magnets don't actually stick together. There's only one rule in magnets, and it's "Opposites attract". Painfully enough, if you two aren't a bit different then you wouldn't work, but most of the time people seek their lovers to have the same mind as them, I suppose they want familiarity in another body, to be understood immediately since you think the same. And I get it, it's exciting to find someone that likes the same music as you or interested in the same hobbies, and who wouldn't love someone that is like them? Assuming that you're caring and kind, wouldn't it be better to be loved like a twin.
The thing is we aren't ourselves all the time, we are beings that constantly evolves without a pause. There would be times that you completely act like someone you're not, or a phase that you swore wouldn't be in, moments where you aren't in the norm, and I think that's why we go well together with people who contrasts us. Because then your changes wouldn't affect your connection since you've dealt differences from the beginning. It's what brought you together in the first place.
Even if so, you are the same and think alike, you are bound to repel each other according to the law of magnetism, like poles resist, unlike poles pull. What a tragedy, but who knows?
If ever you and your partner are too similar or the same, prove magnetism wrong, defy the law
It would be so funny to see scientists mad at poets that violates their study.
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Fred Weasley x Reader
 Prompt: The three times Fred knew he fell for you, and the one time he told you he loves you.
A/N: I absolutely love this prompt, I’ve seen it a couple times before but if your the creator of it please let me know so I can give you credit. Also credits to the owner of this gif!
Warnings: My longest fic ever, So many commas, Fluff, maybe angst but not really, Fred being cute, you being cute, both you and Fred being oblivious to your feelings, swearing bc its me, I think that’s it
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It all started sixth year. Fred was sitting across the room from you in potions, one of the only classes you had together. You knew each other pretty well, being in the same house and year as each other, but you didn’t really get to know each other until year five, when a certain incident brought you together.
You were working on a potion, trying to read the directions as you simultaneously poured in your ingredients, before looking up and seeing you were accidentally putting in dragons horn instead of dragon claw. You started flipping through you book frantically, causing Snape to walk over.
“Something the matter Y/L/N” He said in his monotone voice, but before you could answer, your potion exploded, causing thick purple slime to cover the both of you.
The class went completely silent, not daring to speak, except for Fred, who after a few seconds was kneeled over laughing.
“Ten points from Gryffindor, and both Y/N Y/L/N and Fred Weasley will be spending the rest of the day in detention” Snape said, dismissing the class before excusing himself to exit to his office, leaving Fred to look at your purple covered self, only to be surprised when you let out a chuckle.
“He’s a lot less scary when he’s purple” You said to Fred, which caused both of you to fall into a new wave of laughter, before you pulled out your wand and muttered a quick cleaning spell.
Fred watched noticing you had missed a spot in your hair, making Fred cross the room over to you and reach to remove the last bits of goo out of your hair, which was surprisingly soft.
You laughed before thanking him and going to collect your things so you could go do whatever tasks Snape had in store for you. Fred watched as you moved your hair behind your ear, and couldn't help but notice how his heart rate picked up.
The next time Fred knew he had fallen for you was much more obvious. You and Fred had become good friends since the potions incident, and he had even let you help with some of his and Georges pranks every once in a while. You three were beginning to get along very nicely.
One night though, Fred and George were up late working on a new type of fire work in the common room, which involved using just the right amount of possibly explosive materials.
This obviously ended badly, sending fireworks flying around the room and causing quite a bit of noise. You probably wouldn’t have noticed if you were asleep, a good bit of soundproofing between the common room and your dorm room, but because you were already awake, having had trouble falling asleep, you heard the sound and assumed the worst, running out of the dorm and down the stairs.
“What's going on?!” You said once you reached the common room, eyes landing on the two boys who were ducked behind one of the couches, and covered in a bit of ash.
“New project” George said smiling looking over to Fred, expecting to join in on his explanation, but Fred was just staring at you. You had run down in a rush and didn’t bother to get changed, so you were still in a tank top and short shorts, causing Fred's brain to pretty much short circuit.
He had always found you attractive, but he had never really seen you in anything accept your robes for classes, so suddenly seeing so much skin was certainly a change.
You didn’t notice Fred's staring, but George certainly did, coming to his brothers rescue and elbowing him, snapping him out of his trance.
“Huh? Oh yes, fireworks, got a bit carried away” Fred said, trying to recover from the seemingly obvious ogling.
“Working with dangerous explosive without me” You said, putting a hand to your chest and putting on a fake sad face “and here I thought we were friends”
“We were planning on inviting you but-” Fred said, suddenly flustered over that he may have hurt your feelings.
“I’m kidding Fred, sheesh what's gotten into you?” You said smiling and shaking your head. “Maybe all that gun power has finally gotten to your head”
“Yeah probably” Fred said, trying to laugh it off.
“Well, I’m off to bed, try to keep it down” You said, before saying goodnight and heading to your room.
“That was painful to watch” George joked, causing Fred to look at him
“How do you mean?” Fred asked
“You’ve got it baaaaad” George said, causing Freds face to heat up before he wacked his younger brother on the shoulder.
“Shut up” Fred said, causing a laugh to erupt from George
After that night George was doing everything in his power to get the two of you together. Leaving the room whenever it was just you three, tripping you so you would fall into Fred, on top of many other things. Sure George thought you two would make a good couple, but to see the flustered look on his brothers face whenever you were near him was enough to keep it going, despite you being completely oblivious to him liking you.
The weekend had finally rolled around, and you and a few friends, including Fred and George, were headed to Hogsmeade to do some shopping and just to have a few hours away from the school grounds.
You were walking with Fred and George, doing some window shopping just as it started to snow.
“Ah shit” You said, looking at the falling particles. You loved the holiday season, but you did not handle cold well. You were already wearing two sweaters and could already feel yourself starting to get cold.
“What's the matter Y/N?” Fred asked, looking down to see you wrapping your arms around yourself.
“Its nothing” you said, trying to seem like it wasn’t a big deal, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out you were cold.
“Speaking of nothing, I need to go get some supplies for some new prototypes, so I’ll leave you to it” George said, quickly parting from the group, but not before sending Fred a quick wink, noticing how George was holding his wand.
“That little” Fred muttered to himself, finally figuring out that George started the snow in the first place.
“What was that?” You said, looking up at Fred, a slight red tint starting to dust over your cheeks as the air got colder. Fred couldn’t help but look a few seconds longer than he should have, thinking about how cute you looked.
“Oh nothing” Fred excused, continuing to walk next you you past the shops. 
After a few more seconds, he noticed your arms wrapping more tightly around yourself, slightly shivering as a particular gust of wind shocked your body with cold. Without thinking, Fred put his arm around you, pulling you closer to him.
You started warming up, his body heat surrounding you almost instantly. You could feel the muscles of his arm underneath the fabric of his sweater as he pulled you even closer to him, causing your face to suddenly heat up. Quidditch practice really had its rewards.
“Is this ok?” Fred asked, noticing your changed expression. you nodded
“Yeah, its actually really nice” you said, wrapping your arm around him as well and leaning your head on his shoulder a bit.
You spent the rest of the day like that, snow falling around the two of you, arms around each other, feeling butterflies swarming your stomach. You had always found the older Weasley twin attractive, but you hadn’t really thought of him romantically until now, and you didn’t completely hate it.
“Warmer yet?” Fred asked, causing you to snap out of your haze.
“Much, thank you” You said, looking at Fred to see a mischievous look on his face. 
“Good” He said, before suddenly plopping a snowball on your head. where had he gotten that?!
“Oh... so this is how its going to be” You said, kneeling down to form your own snowball, picking it up and looking at Fred.
“Now Y/N, lets not get to hasty” He started, before he was dodging a snowball aimed right at his face.
“Get ready to pay Weasley!” you yelled, chasing him, throwing snow balls at each other, laughing the whole time before you suddenly fell flat on your back.
“I cant, I surrender” you said through laughs, trying to catch your breath
“So what you’re saying is that I’m the best snow ball player in the world” Fred said, making you roll your eyes.
“Shut up and help me” You said, holding out your hand for Fred to help you up, but as soon as he grabbed it you pulled him down, causing him to land next to you, causing you both to fall into a fi of laughter.
“That was so evil” Fred said from beside you, after you had both finally composed yourselves.
“Nah you love me” You said, causing Fred to tense a bit beside you at the sudden realization that, he actually might. Before he could say anything tough, you had slapped another snowball to his chest, getting up and running in the opposite direction.
“Race you back!” You said, causing Fred to laugh, before standing and chasing after you, all the while thinking about what the hell he was supposed to do.
The next year you were closer than ever. You had visited each other dozens of times over the summer, and just as you were headed back to school and getting used to the old routine, it was time for the Tri-Wizard tournament. You watched as Fred and George attempted the aging potion, laughing as they both flew back as old men, but also visiting them when they had to go to the hospital wing.
You were in class with Fred, potions once again but this time you two were lab partners. You sat at your desk, talking with Fred about something random when Snape walked in, telling us to open our textbooks and prepare for the lesson.
As you were reading you suddenly felt a piece of paper fall by your hand. You looked at it and then over to Fred, who was already looking at you, nodding to make you open it. you reached for it but before you could open it, the note was snatched out of your hand by Snape.
“No, note passing in class” He said before throwing the note in a trash in the corner.
You looked back at Fred, who glared at Snape as he walked away before bringing his attention back to you. He put his book down and looked to make sure Snape wasn’t looking.
“Do you... want to go to the ball... with me” He mouthed, creating pretending to dance before pointing to himself.
You instantly felt your face heat up. Over the summer your feelings towards Fred had certainly grown, but you didn’t think he would feel the same way about you. You quickly snapped out of your trance though, smiling at Fred and nodding.
“What am I going to do?!” You shouted as you landed face first into your pillow, Angelina and Katie looking at you, rolling their eyes at your dramatics.
“Go to the ball with him you dim whit” Katie said, causing you to glare at her.
“He probably only asked me as a friend anyway” you muttered.
Both Angelina and Katie knew about your crush on Fred. They both also knew Fred had a crush on you, Angelina finding out from George, who was a whole other love story waiting to happen.
“Or... maybe he asked you out because he likes you” Angelina countered.
“I don’t know, I’m just freaking out” You said, sitting up to look at the two girls.
“I have a perfect solution” Katie said, causing both you and Angelina to look at her.
“Y/N, you have a crush on Fred, Angelina, you have a crush on George-”
“I do not-!” Angelina started, before Katie cut her off.
“You do too, now shut it and listen” Katie said. She was pretty close to George and Fred, being on the same quidditch team and all and knew for certain that the twins liked the both of you.
“Angelina, you’re going to go to the ball with George, Y/N with Fred, now if at any point they don't seem interested, you can just ditch and hang out with each other the rest of the ball.” She said, matter of factly.
“That's a stupid plan” You said, earning a pillow to the head.
“It is not! And you wont even need it because they like you you idiots!” Katie said throwing her arms in the air. Literally everyone could see that You and Fred liked each other, except for you two.
“Were doomed” You said, causing both you and Angelina to fall backward onto your beds, Katie rolling her eyes.
Two days later, you were sitting in front of your mirror getting ready for the ball. You had chosen a beautiful blue and silver halter top dress. It hugged your body until it reached your waist when it fanned out a bit. You matched it with some silver shoes that you found comfortable, and had Angelina help you with your hair.
“You look amazing, he’d be stupid not to see that” She said, finishing your hair.
“Says you, you look like a goddess!” you said, looking at her purple dress.
“We all look great now lets go” Katie said impatiently. She had gotten a date from Durmstrang and was excited to say the least. You all shared a laugh before heading out to the ball.
Fred was a nervous wreck waiting at the bottom of the stairs. He was trying not to show it, trying to mask his nerves with his usual goofy attitude but George could see through it.
“You’re going to be fine, chill out already” George said, causing Fred to shoot him a look.
“I’m completely chill! I’m the most chill person in the world, I’m-” Fred’s rambling was cut off when he saw George suddenly looking at the grand staircase behind him. Following his eyes, Fred turned to see Angelina, Katie and you. All he could see was you.
Suddenly all the nerves he had, all the things he practice he was going to say, all the worry, left his head. You were Y/N, you were his best friend, and he couldn’t believe how absolutely head over heels he was for you.
“Good evening sir” You said, doing a little curtsey, causing Fred to smile.
“Madam” He said, doing a deep bow and causing you to laugh. “Shall we” he said, holding out his arm.
“We shall” You said, taking his arm and following him to the ball room.
You spent the whole evening either dancing, or talking when you needed a breather. You would drink punch and people watch, trying to guess what people were saying to each other.
Suddenly the music changed, starting a slow song. You looked at Fred to see he was already looking at you. Wordlessly he held out his hand, causing you to smile while you took it. You walked out to the dance floor and started to sway to the music, suddenly very aware of the feeling of his hand on your waist. 
“You look amazing Y/n” Fred said, leaning down so he could almost whisper it in your ear, causing chills to run down your spine.
“You don’t look to bad yourself” You joked, not wanting to get caught u in the moment and forget that you were only here as friends. Right?
“Can I take you somewhere really fast?” Fred asked. you felt your cheeks heat up at his sincerity but nodded none the less, allowing him to lead you out of the ball room.
He lead you to the outside of the castle. You walked side by side, just taking in the scenery before Fred suddenly stopped, causing you to as well. You had stopped at the bridge, being able to get a full view of the Black lake, the moon reflecting off of it. 
You were too busy looking at the water to notice how Fred was looking at how the moon fell on your face, and made your eyes seem to glow. Or how he felt like he was suddenly seeing you for the first time all over again. Or how badly he wanted to just lean in and-
“Thank you, for asking me to the dance” You said, snapping Fred out of his trance.
“Of course, they ’res nobody id rather go with” He said looking at you, but you refused to meet his eyes.
“I’m sure that's not true. I’m sure there's someone here that you fancy” You said.
Fred looked at you confused. “How do you mean?” He asked.
“George told me that you liked someone... over the summer” You said. Fred mentally face palmed. That idiot! Of course he was talking about you, but Fred guessed George was just trying to get you to confess, which you obviously didn’t.
“Well, yeah... I do like someone” Fred said, an idea coming to mind.
“Oh... well who is she” You said, trying to mask you disappointment.
“Well, she’s in Gryffindor, she’s the absolute funniest person I’ve ever met, she has this smile where you see it and you can’t help but smile yourself, she's able to just walk into class and make the whole room brighter, ya know?” He said, looking down at you, trying to hide the sadness on your face.
“Is it Katie? Because I can talk to her and-” You started
“Oh my god, its you dumbass!” Fred suddenly exclaimed, causing your head to shoot up to meet his eyes.
“Wait, you like me?” You asked, Fred nodding, turning his body and gently grabbing both of your hands, holding them in front of him.
“Yeah, I have since last year” He said. Now it was his turn to not meet your eyes. “I knew I liked you from the moment you turned Snape purple, and ever since I’ve just fallen for every part of you, and I’m sorry I didn’t say it earlier, I was just worried that-”
You cut off his rambling, quickly lifting yourself on your tip toes and quickly pressing your lips to his. The kiss lasted less than a second, and you couldn’t read the expression on his face, causing you to panic a bit.
Meanwhile, Fred was wondering if what happened actually happened, or if he suddenly died and went to heaven, he didn’t see your worried expression though.
“I’m sorry, I-” This time Fred cut you off, moving one hand to cup your face while the other went to rest on your hip. You reacted quickly, closing your eyes and moving to wrap your arms to rest around his neck. 
This kiss lasted much longer, the two of you moving in sync as you finally did what he had wanted to do for almost a whole year. After a while you both finally pulled away for air, smiling at each other like idiots.
“I think I might be in love with you” Fred said, causing you to blush
“I think I might be in love with you too” You said, causing you both to laugh a bit before leaning in to reconnect your lips, but not before-
“Its about bloody time!” George shouted, causing the both of you to jump apart, fearing it might have been a teacher, but as soon as you both saw it was only George and Angelina, Fred started fuming while you just laughed.
“No thanks to you, arsehole!” Fred yelled back, causing George to laugh, before you suddenly realized the situation before you.
“Wait what are you two doing out here?” You asked, causing both George and Angelina to stop laughing, a slight tint forming on their faces.
“Well we were just going to... um...” George started, trying to find the words
“We were going to snog” Angelina said bluntly, causing George to look at her with a look of shock on his face, while you and Fred just laughed.
“Well Its about time yourselves then!” You yelled, giving Angelina a quick thumbs up before they left towards the Gryffindor common room.
“How did that not happen sooner, its so obvious they liked each other” You said, shaking your head in mock disappointment.
“completely oblivious, the both of them, couldn’t be us” Fred joked back, making you giggle before reconnecting his lips to yours.
A/N: I'm still in the denial faze of grief because Fred Weasley is my dream man but he doesn't exist, so please feel free to enjoy my coping mechanism :)
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liquid-luck-00 · 3 years
Angst Edition
Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) x Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Ladybug)
I am late. SO, so , so late but here it is
1: Soulmates @maribat-angst-fluff-april
My partner is the wonderful @thedragonbug
Fuffy Edition
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Soulmates exist, and Marinette hates hers. You see everyone is born with their half or part of a complete soul mark. The other parts would appear when you were closer to your soulmate and be permanent when they were close emotionally. For everyone, the appearance or 'drawing' of the mark was light and warm. But not for her, no her drawing was heavy and hot, like a hot knife digging into her arm.
Her parents knew this, and it was concerning, to know that their child was in pain because of their soulmate. Seeing as the marks were not supposed to be painful. Yet as there was no good reason given by medical and mark professionals, and the fact that her soulmate didn't stay near her for long there was nothing that they could do. They did tell her that few, this phenomenon affects one in a million people and she was just lucky enough to be one of them.
Over the years she grew used to the pain, but every time she did it would come back even stronger than the last. She slowly hated her mark and in turn her soulmate. Marinette would cover her mark, ignore it, even wish it away. All her soulmate did was bring her pain. Sure, it upped her pain tolerance, but it hurt her still.
When she turned fourteen, she became Ladybug. She then recognized that her mark was actually the wire of her yo-yo.
The first time Chat Noir claimed they were soulmates she broke down in tears. luckily for her he told her during patrol and not an attack.
"We aren't soulmates, Chat, and I'm glad we aren't." She nearly whispered.
"Why Bug?"
"Because I hate my soulmate, and I don’t want to ever hate you."
"Why would you hate your soulmate?" He seemed genuinely curious. But no one outside her parents knew, not a single person knew what happens to her.
"Because it hurts when they are close, it hurts so badly. The drawing is painful. I never want to meet the person who keeps hunting me." Tears formed in her eyes and Chat hugged her.
"I'm not your soulmate, then." She shook her head. "Good thing I'm your partner, and Plagg help me I am going to be your best friend. Got that Bugaboo?"
A half-hearted chuckle and a small smile escaped her. "Sounds good Kitty." The first person she has ever told, the person who was convinced that they were soulmates, cares for her, to help alleviate some of her pain.
The two became inseparable after that, to the point that most of Paris believed they were in a relationship.
When Nadia asked them about it during an interview, their reactions were memorable. Both all but gagged, turned to face each other, and then laughed almost falling out of the seats.
"I believe we have missed the joke." Nadia commented, worried, and confused.
"Why would I date my sister?"
"Ladybug and I consider each other siblings in all but blood."
"Everything between us is simply platonic, not even close to romantic.” Ladybug answered after Chat.
“Then why would the whole of Paris believe you to be soulmates?” She may be good at hiding her pain, but the question must have made her react slightly, or Chat knew how sensitive the topic was to her.
“We aren’t soulmates, not the bonded ones that everyone thinks of.” He began. “We are the holders of the black cat and ladybug respectively because our souls resonate with the miraculous. Sure, they are two parts of a whole, but we are practically twins, two halves of coin. She is the sister I choose, she is my partner, and that is our relationship.”
“He’s completely right, now I think it’s time for us to start our patrol, BugOut!” Her smile now in place and their excuse to leave perfectly timed and respectful they made their exit.
They went on their patrol as normal, except just as they arrived at the Eiffel Tower to end the patrol. She was about to land on the platform when a searing pain flashed and radiating affecting her entire body blinding her momentarily. A single moment caused her to collapse on the tower landing, crumpling on the platform.
“LB!” Her breath came out in short bursts, she was clutching her upper arm eyes squeezed shut. This was the worst it has ever happened before, and she wanted it to end. As soon as the cause of pain came it disappeared. Leaving only the memory and a phantom pain.
"Just give me a minute." She slowly got her breathing under control, starting to get accustomed to the new level of pain.
"You weren't kidding that is the worst I’ve ever seen you hurt."
"Yeah not fun."
A month after that her mark burned again. This time during class. The teachers knew she would randomly stop due to pain, but they were told they were random migraines. To the point Mari would hold her head and rub her arm to sooth herself, while playing up a headache. Adrien stayed back after the class let out." You know you don't always need to put on a brave face Bugaboo."
Her attention snapped to him. "Well it's easier than constantly answering questions Kitty." She figured quickly.
Sure, they found out one another's identity, but that worked in their favor. After Tikki got sick, Fu started training Mari, and after a month Marinette was given guardianship. Fu still hasn’t lost his memories because Mari let Wayzz stay with him, for the time being, he eventually returns it to Mari in order to move on with his life, his memories fading gradually.
When Adrien got his hands on the grimoire, he of course showed it to Marinette.
“Kitty I know you don’t want to hear this, but I think your dad might be Hawkmoth.” This seemed to perfect for him to have without him being a villain.
“I know, but…”
“Adrien is there any motive anything that might be what he would wish for?”
“My mom. Dad closed himself off when she disappeared. I bet he would wish for her back.”
“Okay, so I’m going to be blunt okay.” He nodded. “So, if your mom is dead there isn’t anything that can be done without the wish, meaning at least one other person is dying.”
“But if she is anything but.” She flipped through the grimoire recalling the studies she’s did with Fu. “There are ways we can find or even heal her.”
“This is all riding on an if.” He looked unsure as if this was too much to accept.
“Do you trust me?”
“If I didn’t, I would have turned tail and run a long time ago.”
“You dork.” She lightly shoved him, but he swayed dramatically.
“You two are close.” The new student in their class came up to them.
“Lila, right?”
“That’s right.” She answered sickly sweet, almost fake. “Are you two soulmates by any chance?”
“No.” Adrien answered. “Why?”
“You’re Adrien Agreste! Why would you be in public school?” She finally seemed to recognize.
“Let’s just say it’s a bit of rebellion.” He chuckled.
“We’re still on for video games, right?” She brought up to end the conversation seeing that Adrien was getting uncomfortable.
“Your winning streak is going down.” He announced.
“You want to join us, Lila?” She offered.
“Because your new and I want to get to know you.” Marinette answered honestly.
“Because we know you lied but still want to know you, the real you.” Adrien added.
“Why?” She asked suspiciously now.
“Question! Is it a felony to kidnap her to play video games, have snacks, get to know her, then let her go?”
“Well the kidnapping part is but if she goes willingly, I call that a hangout session.” Adrien mused.
“True, true.” She hummed. “So, what do you say, because now I am determined to get to know you.”
“Kidnapping it is.” Adrien decided and grabbed the new girl’s wrist pulling her out of the library. Mari picking up their bags.
Lila herself wasn’t too bad once she started telling the truth, lying is a coping mechanism she created, because she is constantly moving schools, cities, and even countries. She is pretty interesting when she isn’t exaggerating. She was on a Hollywood movie set, but she was there on accident, she was looking for the bathroom in a restaurant and they were filming there that day. She did save a kitten on a tarmac once, but one it wasn’t Jagged Stones, it was a kitten who spooked out of their carrier and rushed down the stairs. Lila dove and caught it before it could leave the passenger unloading area to get the tram to the airport. (Some small airports unload passengers in a certain area of the tarmac and either shuttle them to the building or have a sectioned of walkway that is cleared for passengers, to walk back in only.)
After almost two hours Lila left for home when Adrien’s father called, and he was angry. Together she and Adrien ran back to the Agreste Mansion.
“Adrien!” Gabriel came out disheveled and slightly panicked. “And Miss Dupain-Cheng.” He slightly composed himself.
“Sorry I kept him.” She apologized. “He showed me this really cool book and you know how it is when inspiration hits.”
“Ah yes the inspiring fashion designer friend.” Adrien had walked up and handed his father the grimoire.
“It’s quite an interesting spell book.”
“You can read it?”
“Yes, I can. (Come on out little butterfly.)” Nooroo flew out from his hiding spot. “Hello kwamii of transmission and to you as well Hawkmoth.” She was calm deathly calm.
“How?!” Gabriel growled.
“Calm down. I have a question for you first. You want the jewels used by Ladybug and Chat Noir, why?”
“Would my answer change your plan of action to urn me into authorities and to the heroes?”
“My response may change, but you’ll have to answer to find out.”
“My wife wielder the peacock miraculous, it is broken, and she fell ill, and is in a comatose state.”
“Ah! So here is what is going to happen.” She took the grimoire from Gabriel and flipped over pages. “There is a way to revive her without resorting to using the wish.”
“How do you know this?”
She simply smiled. “You mind gathering these ingredients please Adrien?” She text him a list.
“How do I know that this isn’t a ruse?”
“One I hate liars, and two because all magic has a cost, and this way is less than if you were to use the wish.”
“What do you mean cost?”
“Just like using your transformation wears on the kwamii, and the power affects your limit. Magic has its cost. The wish because it will always rewrite reality, the price is steep. Bringing back one life means you lose at minimum one other person from your life most likely more.”
“And this?”
“From what I understand. Everyone involved in the spell will have their energies deprecated so they will sleep for a day to a week.”
“No, the more people the less each person sleeps.”
“Here they are!” Adrien burst back in the room.
“Do you have the peacock miraculous?” Gabriel nodded. “Okay we’ll need that first, so lead the way to the kitchen.” Both men shuffled confused. “You do know where the kitchen is right?”
“Um well find it eventually.” Adrien chuckled. They were lucky and form it easily and Gabriel left while she and Adrien began to individually brew two separate potions. Adrien the more complex one for his mother’s revival. And she did the simpler one to fix the miraculous. Sue her Adrien is the better one in chemistry, sure he can’t cook to save himself, but he has a gift for chem, and Tikki help her she will teach him to cook. It’s practically edible chemistry, right?!
She took the Brock from Gabriel and fixed it, allowing Duusu out. “Okay so who is going to do this?”
“We will,” Adrien answered for himself and his Father, who nodded.
“Please let be help as well.” Miss Sancoeur offered.
Nooroo, Duusu, Tikki, and Plagg (they came out of hiding now) came to her. “We can help.”
She nodded and saw that Gabriel and Natalie were staring wide eyed between her and Adrien. She thought she heard Natalie say, ‘That explains so much’ but she isn’t sure.
Long story short they were able to wake up Emile, but she took back the peacock and butterfly, leaving Plagg with Adrien. Funnily enough the Agreste’s became a second family to her, once Gabriel finally grasped how to be a father. They told Paris that they had found Hawkmoth, but he would be tried by the order of Miraculous, meaning he would be stripped of the gem and his memories of the miraculous erased. It was a lie but Tikki told her that was what would have happened. There was some outcry, but they explained that they would have no recollection of it, and it wouldn’t make sense to try them.
The next few years of her life were blissfully normal, aside from the fact she had a contract under the Gabriel brand as the designer MDC, who was also endorsed by Style Queen. Chloe isn’t as bad as she puts on when she isn’t masking the hurt of being constantly ignored and bought by her parents.
- - -
It wasn’t until she was twenty-two and accompanying Adrien to a Wayne charity gala, one he didn’t want to go alone and two she was invited anyways, Chloe, Kagami, and Luka were also there on their own merits and invitations so they all stuck relatively together. Since arriving there Marinette was a constant pain, her arm burned and ached, but she forced herself to simply breathe and tried her hardest to push it out of her mind. But her luck wouldn’t hold, three hours into the event she was approached by who she recognized as Bruce Wayne, the host of the gala, and a woman to his left, the pain was almost unbearable the closer the two approached. Her friends noticed, they knew what her pain actually meant, as she opened up to them about it after a while, but she grit her teeth and tried to push through it.
“Mr. Agreste, Miss Bourgeois It is good to see you both again.” Bruce Wayne acknowledged. “It’s nice to meet all of you as well, Bruce Wayne.” He introduced to the rest, shaking hands. “And this is a good friend of mine.”
“Diana Prince.” She also went to shake everyone’s hands and had left Marinette for the last. The moment their hands touched she almost crumpled, she shrunk back and into Adrien and Chloe. “Is she okay?”
“Diana?” Bruce pointed towards her upper arm, the mark most of them overlooked before was now complete and glowing lightly. What Marinette remembered was that there was her yo-yo string and a golden rope that she only saw once before on her own arm. She felt sick, Diana was staring at her now, she recognized that Marinette was her soulmate.
“Melody?” Luka now stepped up.
“I want to leave.” She answered flatly.
“You are…”
She completely turned away, but by now her friends knew what was going on and were glaring at Diana. “I want to leave, now.” She repeated.
“Come on bug, let’s get you away from… this.” He threw a look at Diana, who was looking confused and seemingly alarmed.
The other three were putting as much space as they could between their friend and who is unknowingly causing her pain.
“Please is she alright?” Diana asked stepping forward barely grazing her hand covering her mark. This time it felt as if the skin itself was burning and stung almost like it was being pricked over and over and over again.
“Don’t touch me and stay away from me.” On the outside she looks clam and relaxed, but her voice was soft and raw, her eyes burned in pain. “You and that completed mark can stay far from me.”
“Luka, Kagami mind taking her back to the house?” The two in question led her away and once a safe distance away she broke down in tears, sobbing from the pain she was biting down.
- - -
The two that stayed were simultaneously glaring at her and watching their friends leave the gala.
“Is she alright?” Bruce finally bole the tension.
“As soon as she is far enough away from her.” The girl, Chloe, snapped at her. “Now that we know who is the the person causing her pain, we can keep her from them.” She snapped towards her, but it was a slap to Diana.
“I don’t follow. We are…”
“Soulmates, yeah we figured.” Adrien this time spoke.
“They why would she want to leave, without speaking?”
“One one in a million people are in pain when they are close to their soulmates.” Adrien spoke calmly but stoically. “No one knows why.” He began to fidget with a ring on hi# finger, she couldn’t recall if she saw any jewelry on her soulmate, Marinette, but she has a suspicion. After all she feels similar to her Mother’s aura and presence, that of a Ladybug.
“You are wrong. There is an explanation, but only a few know why that is.” She feels certain that she knows what this is.
“Let me guess you know why.” Chloe remarked, sarcastically and unamused.
“Allow me to explain this another time and place, as this is neither.”
“Fine call this number at noon est tomorrow.” Adrien handed her a phone number and the two turned and left.
“Diana?” Bruce snapped her attention. “What was that about?” He was still calm and collected but she knew he would be the one to ask, figuring out what was the next step, what had the best options of success.
- - -
The next day she called the number and she was invited to a video call by the recipient. It turned out to be Marinette.
“Hello Diana.” Her voice was not cold but it was emotionless, as if she was forced into this conversation. Granted she did think she would be speaking with Adrien and Chloe.
“I never wanted to harm you, I swear that on the river Styx.” she began but before she could continue Marinette cut in.
“Let’s be clear, I don’t care about your apologies. I just want to know why this is happening and how to either get rid of it or to never have contact with you in any way or proximity.”
“I am apologizing because this is known as the curse of the ladybug and black cat.” She saw the young woman tense at that. “The reason I know of this is from by Mother, Queen Hippolyta Of the Amazon’s.” She allowed that to sink in and the other woman allowed her to drop her defense, nodding to what is said.
“When you say the curse of the ladybug and black cat what do you mean by that?”
“True souls of the miraculous, when in their life they come into contract with their given gems, cause a reaction.” Diana explained. “For the ladybug they receive the pain of their soulmate through their marks. Which is what I assume is going on.”
“Yes you’re right, but this has been going ever since I could remember.”
“Call it what you will fate, destiny, but you were always going to wield the ladybug jewel, that is why the curse manifested itself.”
“What about the black cat?”
“I am unsure, the black cat of my Mother’s time died before meeting their soulmate, but I would assume it would be similar to our situation.”
“Then how do we solve this?”
Permanent Taglist: @itsmeevie01 @adrestar @miraculouspenta @vixen-uchiha @animegirlweeb @jumpingjoy82 @thedragonbug@astoriaandroses @icerosecrystal @t1dwarrior-of-earth @moon5606 @zalladane
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billnoncipher · 3 years
Losing Time
This story is not in my usual continuity, but was written for Wendip Week 2021, topic "Time Travel."
for Wendip Week 2021
Mabel faced a hard decision when she called in that favor.
She was nearly thirty, she was a successful clothing designer, she had a steady romantic partner, life was good. But then on a visit to Gravity Falls, she visited the grave of good old Waddles, whose heart had given out the previous winter, while she was off in New York.
And she hadn't been able to say goodbye.
And despite the fact that she was all grown up and everything, it ripped at her heart—that she hadn't said farewell to her most favorite pet of all time. It wasn't that he hadn't been well cared for—Soos saw to that, giving the pig all the comforts and plenty of food. It wasn't that he was cut off in his youth—seventeen is a good long life for a pig. It's just that—
Well, now she knew how Dipper felt.
Speaking of whom.
Dipper and Wendy were coming up on their tenth wedding anniversary, they had adorable twins, age six, names Alexander and Amanda, and they lived in the Mystery Shack. Grunkles Stan and Ford still technically owned the place, and Soos ran it, but over the years he and Melody had expanded it until their own growing family caused Soos to have a separate house built just across the road, and he and his family of six—he, Melody, Benny, Betty, Alma, and little Stanley—had made the short move. Dipper had inherited Grunkle Ford's role as investigator of the weird, Wendy was a nationally-known consultant on forestry issues, and they took over the living space that Soos had left vacant.
Ford, now semi-retired, still came over to work with Dipper down in the secret labs when some project was afoot. Grunkle Stan came over to help when the Shack was swamped with tourists in vacation season, but he spent a lot of his time visiting casinos all over the world, where his odd luck always brought him a steady income.
The attic bedroom had become disused.
"Can I stay?" Mabel asked in a small voice just at sunup that day. "Just for a couple weeks?"
"Sure, Mabes!" Wendy said. "Any time, you know that."
Dipper, now sporting a goatee and wearing glasses to correct mild myopia, said, "Sis, what's wrong?"
With a sad smile, Mabel said, "You can tell, huh? Just getting all sentimental. Missing Waddles."
"Oh," Dipper said. "That. We're sorry you couldn't make it back in January."
"It was so unexpected," Wendy said. "He was OK, you know, kinda slow and sleepy all the time, and then one morning we found him in his stall. He'd passed in his sleep."
"He was comfortable to the end," Dipper said. "The heat was on. He didn't freeze or anything. He looked peaceful."
"We buried him down the hill," Wendy told her. "Come on, we'll walk you down."
The place was pretty, a small clearing off to the right of the Mystery Trail. Grass had greened the mound, dewy now with the dawn, and—Mabel couldn't help sobbing—Dipper and Wendy had put up a marker, one of those you could buy for a cherished dog or cat. It read,
Always Loved
"Could you just leave me here for a few minutes?" asked Mabel.
Dipper hugged her. "Sure, Sis," he said. "Take y our time."
Wendy hugged her, too. "You gave him a good life," she said.
When the two had left, Mabel took a deep breath and took something that looked like a thick button from her jeans pocket. She held it between finger and thumb, close to her lips, and said, "OK, Blendin Blandin, you owe me one."
And without fuss, explosions, or special-effects noise, he was there, beside her, in his old uniform. "M-Ma-Mabel," he said, smiling. "Hi. It's be-been a wh-while."
"Yeah," she said. "You're looking—exactly the same. How's Time Baby?"
"Te-te-teething," Blendin said with a grimace. "The ne-next thou-thousand years are go-gonna be hard. I gu-guess you want your fa-favor now?"
"I do," she said. "Waddles passed away last January. I don't want to bring him back to life or anything. I've learned better than that. But I didn't get to see him before he went, and I really want to visit him one last time. So—could I borrow a time tape?"
"I pro-promised," he said. "I always carry a sp-spare these da-days. Here."
"And I also need your advice," Mabel said, accepting the heavy time-travel device. "I want to visit Waddles on the happiest day of his whole life."
"You-you'll have to a-avoid meeting yourself," Blendin warned. "That would be cat-cata-catas—bad."
"Agreed," she said.
"Let me find out how to se-set the co-coordinates, then," he said. "Just a se-second."
He blinked out of existence for just three seconds, then reappeared, slapping at his hair, which was smoldering. "Th-that was two we-weeks of hard wo-work!" he said. "Lucky this-this is m-my va-vacation month. OK, I've reviewed Wa-Waddles' s li-life and this will ta-take you to the ex-exact day when he was happiest. You can ha-have the wh-whole day, or eight hours any-anyway, bu-but remember to a-avoid me-meeting yourself."
"Will do."
Blendin set the time tape, warned, "It will br-bring you ba-back to the present automatically. Ha-have a g-good time-tr-trip."
The strange noiseless explosion, a moment of spinning disorientation, and poof! there she was, at the edge of the woods behind the Shack. The sun was just rising.
"Out you go," she heard a girl's voice say from the back door.
She saw a rectangle of yellow light. Oh, my God, that's me, in my old sleep shirt! I'm twelve! I'm so young!
Her younger self held the door for Waddles—He's so cute and tiny!—and the pig stepped out, sniffed the air, and waddled over close to the woods to take care of his morning business.
Let's see. I always let him out, then had breakfast, then called him back in, so I have about half an hour before I have to duck out of sight.
"Waddles," she called softly.
He heard and galumphed over to her. He knew her. Her different size, her different voice, didn't matter. She scooped him up. "Oh, I love you!" she said as he curled into a ball and nuzzled her cheek. "Let's go for a walk."
She set him down, and they went down the Mystery Trail, past the Bottomless Pit—not yet fenced off—and as far as the bonfire clearing, where she sat on a log and played with him, laughing through tears. "I'm gonna have to say goodbye, later," she whispered. "But remember, no matter what, I'll always love you!"
Too soon she heard her own younger voice calling, probably for the second time and more loudly, "Waddles!"
"Go on," she told the pig, patting his bottom. He trotted back to the other Mabel, his Mabel.
What day is this? Mabel wondered. What day made him happiest?
She sat too long. Someone spoke, startling her. "Whoops, sorry, didn't know anybody was here!"
Mabel stood up. "I was just, uh—I used to come here when I was a girl—" she began.
"Mabel?" Wendy asked, blinking and staring. "Mabel? Is that you?"
"Haven't changed all that much, have I?" she asked. "Oh, my God, you're so young! Can—can I hug you?"
She was a little bit taller than the fifteen-year-old Wendy, who would add a few inches to her height in the next two years. Mabel couldn't help crying again. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I didn't mean to let anyone see me. Time travel. I came back to—to visit Waddles."
"Oh, man," Wendy said. "Dipper's told me about this kind of stuff! Come on back to the Shack and surprise him!"
"No, I can't," Mabel said. "Don't even tell him you met me. That would cause problems with time."
Something in Wendy's voice hit her then. "Uh—what's wrong, Wendy?"
"Just—just the end of summer," Wendy faltered. "I—I hate that you and Dip are goin' home today."
Oh, my God! Of course! Waddles thought I was gonna leave him, and I nearly had to, but Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford made the bus driver take him aboard—of course he was happiest on that day!
"Oh, yeah," Mabel said. "Our birthday was yesterday. We turned thirteen."
"Technical teens," Wendy said with a ghost of a grin. A tear ran down her cheek.
"But you don't have to cry," Mabel said.
"I—I guess I can tell you a secret," Wendy said. She sat on the log, and Mabel sat beside her. "See, Dipper admitted to me a while back that he has a crush on me. I already knew, but I had to let him down. You know, me fifteen, him twelve. But now he's going away, and I'll never see him again, and—I just can't tell him I'm kinda-sorta in love with him, too. It's hard, Mabel."
Mabel bit her lip. "Listen," she said. "I may get in big trouble because of this, but—OK, I'm gonna say it. You gotta give Dipper a note. Have all his friends here sign it. You sign it, too. Here's the most important part—write on it 'See you next summer.' And wait for him. He'll come back. And he'll grow up, Wendy. And if you wait for him—it's gonna happen. I promise. Just stay in touch, and—most important—when the time comes, the age difference won't mean a thing."
"Yeah. Trust me, I know. OK, I've got a few hours today. I'm gonna stay close to the Shack and get in as much time with Waddles as I can. Then I'm going back to the future, and thirteen-year-old Mabel and Dipper are going back to Piedmont. But he doesn't just have a crush, Wendy. He really and truly loves you. So write the note, give it to him before he gets on the bus, and things will all work out. Promise me?"
"Yeah. I promise."
"Oh—and tell Grunkle Stan that when the time comes for us to leave, to make sure Waddles gets on the bus, too! I—Oh, I love you like a sister, Wendy! You won't believe how happy you're gonna be with Dip."
"That—that means a lot to me, Mabes," Wendy whispered.
"OK, you'd better get back. Don't say anything to anyone about this. Be sure to do the note thing. Oh, and Wendy—do me one more favor?"
"Sure, what?"
"Tell Pacifica that Mabel's waiting—in the future. Don't explain."
"All right," Wendy said with a lopsided smile. "I'll do it." She mimed zipping her lip.
The day passed. Out of her eight hours, Mabel spent about three in Waddles's company as her brother and her younger self got ready to leave Gravity Falls. She spent more time standing out of sight, watching things unfold—finally the kids coming out, glum, with their suitcases, the bus pulling up, Dipper and Mabel and—finally—Waddles climbing aboard. And all their friends running as far as they could to see the twins and the pig off.
She stood alone near the Shack. The flash came. Benjamin stood there. "How d-did it go?"
"It went good," Mabel said, handing over the time tape. "I said goodbye." She sniffled and a tear ran down her cheek. "I'll still miss him but I—I can handle it now. Uh, how much time has gone by while I—?"
"A m-minute," Blendin said. "Well, I-I g-guess we're e-even."
"Thanks, Blendin. Goodbye."
"N-no, I d-don't think it's g-goodbye," he said, smiling. "I'll s-see you again. In time."
He flashed out of existence.
"Aunt Mabel!" It was red-headed Amanda, running down the hill to meet her. "Hi!"
Mabel swept her up in her arms. "Hi, Sweetie! Where's your bro-bro?"
Squirming, Amanda laughed. "He can't find his shoes!"
Carrying the six-year old up the hill to the Shack, Mabel laughed. "When your dad was six, he had the same problem! All the time! Every morning!" She paused and looked back at the green grave. "Hey, let me tell you a story about the most special pig in the whole world," she said, and they went back to join the family.
The End
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Bølger (2)
Merman!Kae x Reader.
Words: 3,183
bølger means waves.
Chapter 1.
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Merfolk were almost divine to your eyes, living near the coast gave you the blessing of discovering these amazing creatures, well, or the thought of actually seeing them. 
You were 7 when your mother gave your guard to your aunt Betty, your mom grew sick and she wanted to be sure you would be cared for when she passed. But it took her cancer to reach stage 4 to allow you to live with Betty. 
The thing was, your mother hated the coast, the town, and the ocean.
When Betty went to visit you, she would take small cards with fairies, merfolk, werewolves painted on it. She would tell you to believe in magic and accept that we aren't alone on the big blue planet.
Which made your mother mad because she hated the mere idea of mermaids, so much that the little mermaid movie was never allowed. But she had to swallow her revulsion to be sure you would be cared for and not thrown on the orphanage in the end.
So you went to live on Walrey Coast with your aunt. She was a good woman, a bit light-headed but good nonetheless. She taught you how to cook, even though you hated it, taught you how to work in her small restaurant and how to read and love Julio Verne's work. 
The house was small but notably comfy and colorful, each room had a color and somehow it didn't get overwhelming. Your bedroom had fairies painted on the walls, and a lamp with a mermaid painted in gold.
But you never saw a mermaid or a merman in your life.
And since your city was a small place each person ended up knowing another.  You were homeschooled till your 11, but Antony -your aunt friend- told that his nephews were your age and that his sister could teach you too.
Antony's nephews were three, a girl called Hope, and two boys, Archie and Hunter. Hope and Archie were twins, and Hunter was a year younger but their mom taught them the things at the same time so they could always be together if they ever went to a "normal" school.
So, with your 20's and seeing Archie leaving the town to persuade his dream university made you happy, but sad in seeing Carla's tears, after all, she always wanted her kids together.
"C'mon, Y/N, I consider you like a daughter so let us re-form your brother's bedroom..." Carla tried to smile through her tears, Hunter hugged you and Hope rolled her eyes at her brother's trial of reaching your interest, the poor boy has been crushing over you for 6 years already.
You kept your routine of woking at your aunty Betty restaurant, Antony tried to coax you to leave town and go to uni -as every elderly person tries to tell us to-; But something held you in Walrey Coast, maybe it was the trauma of the last time that you left your home was due to a loved one passing, or maybe Betty being abandoned in her big picturesque house... or who knows, perhaps something else, something unseen, or forgotten.
Hope didn't want to go to university, she craved to open an auto-shop, Carla said she didn't mind, but everyone knew deep down she wanted her small girl to be the perfect wife-to-be. And Hunter wanted to become a biologist, the boy adored the sea more than the air he inhaled and after years and years of Antony pulling his ear telling him that the idea of being a professional surfer was as idiotic as his hair, he swallowed down and picked another profession that connected the sea, too.
You loved them, and the town, but you were lonely. You had your first kiss, and even that you studied in "not a homeschool but it was basically one" you knew the other people in town, the men in their 20's that lived near and also the visitors that came and go. And working in the restaurant you saw lots of people, soldiers, biologists, families, even sailors, travelers, wanderers, et cetera. 
So you had your 'first times' but nothing serious, and even that Hunter tried several times to date you, you couldn't see him farther than a brother. He was attractive, smart, polite, liked animals as you do but he was... a brother. Through and through.
So your life was based around this minimalist and simple presence. Waking up, helping Betty at home, go to the restaurant, visit Carla and your dear friends, go back to the restaurant, sit in the pier where Antony lived while you ate your dinner looking at the sea, go home, shower and sleep.
Antony tried to make you go swimming or try to surf with Hunter, but you were terrified of the ocean, you loved it, it was fascinating and very very beautiful, but scary.
Yet, gazing at it brought you a level of peace that couldn't be accomplished in any other form.
So finishing your meal and making sure to set any trash inside a bag so you could throw in the trashcan later, you stood up and gave one last look at the dark waters and went home.
Deep in the waves, stood Kae, gazing at you leaving your favorite spot in the docks, each day you went there and in each one he approached the surface to make you company, a silent one.
Sometimes you hummed a song, one that of course he had not heard before. And sometimes you would put music to play in a small black device he saw humans carrying around all the time, the music was a mixture, but he enjoyed them, and loved when you sang along.
Merfolk took singing into high consideration, it was important to lull food, to find a good partner, to... well, everything!
And he hummed back with you, but he knew you didn't hear him. You didn't remember him.
It was funny how different worlds that co-existed, should know about another, should collide.
Humans are evil, everyone says. But what Eros did with you wasn't it? Hurting an innocent cub, or better saying: a child, and bringing your unconscious body as a trophy was the most repugnant thing he ever witnessed. After that episode years prior, Kae never glanced at his cousin in the same way, Eros was still family, but he wasn't the good merman Kae thought he was.
And with their adult forms and getting the spot of protectors of the ocean society, the mating season was approaching. 
Jaxi was in love with a mermaid that was from oceans away, they found each other in a hunt for food and after that, they've been planning their wedding ever since. Melin grew to be an insatiable lover, the mating season was an open feast to him, especially since it didn't involve a mandatory loyalty. Eros had the most beautiful sea creatures he could find, he was handsome and strong, but he was a player, which wasn't so shocking.
And Kae had some encounters, had his first sex in his 16's but he didn't like the notion of marrying and being away from the bare soil, away from his little friend that didn't even remember his existence.
He wonders if you still have Eros's nails wounds scarred in your skin, or maybe you healed after he rolled the algae around it? The alkaline water helped sea beings to heal and regenerate their skin, maybe oxygen did it too to humans? And if it hasn't healed, have you ever questioned the origin of it?
Kae didn't see himself as a stalker, he was more of a curious merman. And after leaving you in the waves near the sand, he has been reaching the surface searching for you. Ecthelion realized his peculiar interest in you, so he at least told Kae that his human friend, Antony, has told him that you were alive and well. And that the human's healers said you declared that you floated too deep in the ocean and the waves took you away.
Only that.
And as much that was a relief to hear you didn't remember the evilness Eros committed, Kae was still disappointed that you wouldn't remember him, or Jaxi and Melin that were also very much curious about human's anatomy and helped to save your life.
He wanted to talk to you, to see how different you are, would it be shocking for you to see him? Would you run away seeing his different form? He was very pretty, and one of the most desired young merman between the merfolk, but their physiology are different for various reasons. Maybe you wouldn't think he is pretty, his monster form would push you away. Scare you.
Hunter lost his mind, inviting you to go surfing? Insane.
"You know I'm afraid of the sea,  Hunter!" You told him and your friend only shrugged.
"Y/N, i know but we can try. There won't be big tides today, and I'm an expert at it."
His sad voice made you feel bad, you loved him dearly but couldn't answer his romantic feelings. "Is just... we are not kids anymore and with our brother away and Hope getting you away for 'girls night i barely have time with you. And i don't want to be an asshole, i swear, but that accident that happened years ago was an accident. You were a kid and now you're all grown."
Yu chuckled and hit his shoulder slightly. "All of this only to convince me to go with you?"
He narrowed his eyes and gave you a shy smile. '"Only if you say it worked."
"It did. But! If the waves get too big or anything we will come back, alright? Don't try to prove a point."
"And which point would that be?" He seemed offended.
"That you know how to suffer."
"Right, I won't do anything stupid."
Carrying Hope's board firmly you questioned if the straight material could hurt your palms. "Come on." Hope yelled cheering you up, she agreed with Hunter that it would be good for you to test the waters. Being afraid of it was a dangerous thing.
Hunter extended his hand while his other one was carrying the board under his arm. "Trust me?"
"Yeah, but please if I want to come back help me."
"Don't worry."
You held his hand and walked to the waters, Hope clapped her hands a couple of times yelling "you got it" to give you motivation.
It was a pretty day, the sun was out but it wasn't awfully warm Some seagulls flew through the skies and you admired the blue water touching your skin.
The water wasn't cold, and so far no big waves came and snatched your nor Hunter's life.
"Now in the way we tried back there." Hunter held the surfboard you were firmly grasping and helped you to jump on it. He did the same on his and held your hand looking at you with nothing but honesty.
You laid your chest on the board and moved your arms in the water to push you a bit far from the sand. Hunter was smiling, he adored the ocean and adored you so he was very happy.
A small wave came and you looked at him. "Hunt!"
He didn't tell you to go, he gave you a tiny nod and told you the two of you could swim around until you felt more relaxed.
After some minutes you tried to surf in a tide, it was small, amen for that, and Hunter seemed proud. He went to the bigger ones and even when he fell in the salty water he would emerge smiling and laughing.
Hope entered the water too and swam around, you never swam with your friends before.
Some minutes passed and you lost your fear from the ocean, the salty water, the rays of sun, Hunter's smile and Hope's laugh was a blessing and you wondered why you never gave Hunter a chance when he asked you to surf with him since you two were 12.
A medium-wave came in, and you told them you would try. Hunter has surfed and tides four times bigger so he was secure you wouldn't get hurt.
You moved your arms in the water to push you near the growing wave, you managed to feel it moving the surfboard, and you got on your feet and yelled in euphoria when your body kept firm above it. It was amazing, a sensation of pure joy.
The adrenaline, the beauty on it.
Hope and Hunter were cheering you up, and you smiled at then before noting a big movement near the tide, head got out of the ocean and the creature knocked your breath out of your lungs.
Was it... a mermaid? Well, better saying a merman?
"What?" You lost balance and fell into the water, the string holding the surfboard to your ankle made a pressuring pull and you whimpered at the pressure. You shut your eyes as the salty water burned your eyes but soon your foot was realized from the surfboard-pull.
You opened your eyes terrified that you lost the board because you were being dragged further in, but you saw something, someone. 
The strong features, the gills on his neck, the floating long hair... the tail. 
"Y/N!" Hope yelled. "Where are-", "Y/N!" Hunter yelled too.
He swam to you and leaned in, you got terrified, the water was burning your eyes, the lack of oxygen making you anxious and this creature was placing his hands on your cheeks. The cold hands made you stare at him but he only leaned in to kiss your forehead and then your nose. 
Hope's and Hunter's yells going deaf to your ears. You could only stare at the merman.
Before you could do anything else he smiled and touched your feet pushing you up to find oxygen.
You broke out of the surface and coughed as Hunter pulled your body to his chest. "Jesus Christ! You scared me." He said and kissed your forehead over and over making sure you were alive under his touch.
Hunter's kisses were gentle, urgent, and you enjoyed them, but it wasnt like the creature's touch. 
The monster's touch that could certainly snap your neck in a fraction of seconds, but the same touch that made your heart beat faster a moment prior.
And when he held your feet... you thought he would pull you in, to kill and eat you.
He launched you up, assisting you, freeing you!
"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have brought you." Hunter cried and you leaned in his touch, holding his neck and looking over his shoulder seeing familiar eyes gazing at you miles away in the water.
Sitting in Hope's bed and having her blow-drying your hair, you told Hunter for the 45° time that you were okay and wasn't his fault. He gave you a cup of hot chocolate and checked your fingertips again searching for any hint of extremity cyanosis. He was terrified of losing you, shit, he even argued with Hope when he told her he wanted to help you to take a shower. And even if crushing on you, his intentions weren't sexual, he only wanted to be sure you were warmed up.
"It's okay, it was my fault. I thought I saw something. I got distracted."
Hope brushed your dry hair and you held Hunter's big sweater closer to your chest, he was taller than you so his clothes were the most comfortable. "Hope, i'm sorry for-"
"No no, it's okay. The thing was old anyway." She hugged you from behind and assured you it was okay the loss of her surfboard. "But i wonder how the safe-string got out of your ankle."
You remembered the pressure the string was making, remember the relief it was when it was snapped away from you... the merman did it.
"I don't know either." You lied and tried to get up, only to have them push you back in Hope's bed and ordering you to rest.
Hunter called your aunt to tell her it was all okay and that you would have a sleepover.
You fell asleep, dreaming of waves and gentle touches.
Waking up you looked at the covers and searched for a clock to see how long you've slept. It was 2 AM and Hope was passed out, you gently got up from the bed and grasped a pair of Hope's boots.
You got off the stairs and unlocked the door discreetly before closing it behind you.
You walked to the docks and sat in your dining-spot. The vision of the water moving slowly under the stars always eased your thoughts. 
Yes, you consumed a bit of seawater but you didn't imagine what you saw. "Hey, uh, thank you for saving me." You spoke, feeling stupid and looking over your shoulders to be sure no one was near to listen to your nonsense.
"I... nearly drowned and if it wasn't you... I... Fuck!" You swore under your breath. The quietness of Walrey Coast at the dark night was comforting, silence was everything, it meant peace.
Holding your legs together and leaning your head on your knee, tears formed in your eyes. You missed Archie, you felt bad for making Hunter so worried, for destroying Hope's surfboard, the silence that engulfed you, and the thought of going crazy.
As tears drop reached the water, Kae got the courage to break out of the surface. He cursed himself so much earlier on, he should have reached you, if you haven't seen him you wouldn’t fall. So saving you was nothing less than his obligation. 
And touching you... well, that's another story. He couldn't help himself, you were so soft, so grown and stunning. Watching you from afar was something, but perceiving you centimeters away was enchanting.
With your eyes closed, you moaned a song that you loved, and even that the music spoke about heartbreak and a lost lover... it was beautiful.
Stopping to hum while you cleaned your nose, you opened your eyes startled when the song kept resounding,
Widening your eyes you looked at the water and placed your hands on your mouth to avoid a scream to leave your mouth.
There he was, the same thing that saved you.
"Hm, hi-hi!" You gagged.
Kae looked down at his torso, he hated how the human guy held you in his arms early on. His chest was free of hard skin, freed of scales, his skin color was near yours... it wasn't pale as his.
"Maybe you don't speak my language, I, uh actually I'm sort of believing i'm dreaming. My name is Y/N."
The smile on your features was all he could see, the previous shriek apparently wasn't from his ugly self. But surprise, or so he hoped.
"I know," His stark tone of voice made you gasp, he spoke! He could speak, and your language! "Hi, little human."
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sonnetthebard · 3 years
Sypaul getting ice cream?
You know that SAF Horror Movie post that was supposed to be headcanons and I wrote it into a oneshot instead? Yeah, I'm back at it. Look, there's nothing I love more than those two wholesome gay werewolves. Genre: Fluff/ Romance Words: 2054 TL;DR: Paul and Sybilus go out to get ice cream? Is it a date? Not officially. Could it be? Very possibly. TW: There's literally none. It's all wholesome. It’s just a lot of gay panic.  ________________________________________________________
Paul sighed, walking down the streets aimlessly. He was back in Connor Creek, just for a visit. He liked to visit as often as he could- especially around the full moon. It made things a *lot* easier on him. Because even if he hadn't gone full werewolf yet, he did still experience a lot of the struggles that came around that time of month. It was good to be around other wolves- especially Desmond. And of course with the silver reserves, most of the less-than-ideal urges that came up that time of month were kept at bay. The full moon happened to be in two days, so... here he was again.
He wasn't quite sure where he was going. He was just walking, a bit bored. He felt a hand on his shoulder, and he pivoted... so quickly that he fell flat on his ass. Smooth, Paul. Even worse: It was Sybilus. Sybilus, the one person he didn't want to see anything like him flat on his ass. Paul had developped feelings for Syb. He had always though Syb was cool, but... he'd started to catch himself daydreaming. He was good looking, sweet, smart, and... god, he had the coolest name! Paul hadn't meant to fall so hard, but... damn. Both men blushed at the situation they found themselves in. Paul felt bad, reacting like that. He was a bit jumpy... especially with the full moon so soon. Sybilus offered him a hand gently, and Paul took it, standing up.
"T-terribly sorry to have startled you." Sybilus blushed. "I, um..."
"Nah, my bad." Paul chuckled softly. "I'm just jumpy."
"I only meant to say hello... and ask you if you had any t-time- ah! P-p-plans?" Sybilus bit his lip nervously.
"Well... hello." Paul smirked. "And no I don't. Why?"
"I-I was thinking p-p-perhaps we could go into town." Sybilus proposed. "Not this town... the r-real city. M-m-maybe get something to eat?"
"Oh... I actually just had lunch at the Dead Canary." Paul told him. Shit. What was he doing? He actually wanted to go out with Syb.
"We could get ice cream, then. For d-dessert." Sybilus offered.
"Oh yeah! I would be so down for that!" Paul grinned.
"I only say we go into town b-b-because... I-I was going to suggest ice cream anyways. W-w-we don't have a-any real i-i-icecream places here." Sybilus sighed, walking with Paul. They now knew where they were going. To his car. "I-I would start one myself, but I'm rather busy with my other work."
"Maybe I should move here and start one." Paul thought aloud.
"Oh, Paul... y-you've got a very important job." Sybilus shook his head. "We need people like you t-t-to keep sharing the important news with the world."
"Oh yeah, but... I could podcast from up here. Drive into the city to record when I need to..." Paul theorized.
"Well... if you wanted, we could live together." Sybilus offered. "I-I mean you could live a-at my house. You're welcome."
"You know, I'm genuinely considering this." Paul chuckled, climbing into the car. "This could be fun. And it makes sense for me to be here, right? Why just... keep visiting for full moons?"
"You make a v-v-valid point..." Sybilus considered.
"Are you actually cool with me crashing with you?" Paul checked. "Because like... it makes sense, with the two of us being wolves."
"O-of course." Sybilus assured him, starting the car. "And you're right."
"Well that settles it. I'm moving to Connor Creek, running an ice cream shop, and working on my podcast from here." Paul decided.
"M-maybe you should think it over a little bit m-m-more." Sybilus chuckled, driving down the road.
"Yeah, you're right." Paul chuckled nervously.
There was silence in the car for a bit. Neither Paul nor Sybilus knew what to say. Paul had honestly just kept talking about the ice cream shop because he didn't know where to stop. It was awkward, but not tense. Overwhelmingly, if either one had been paying attention, they would have noticed the romantic tension. Both were very evidently interested in each other. But they weren't even able to look at each other with nerves. Paul tapped his fingers nervously. God, now he’d committed to *living* with Syb. He was so nervous that he couldn’t look at the guy but apparently he was going to live with him now. God, he was an idiot. Paul rested his head on his hand, looking out the window. 
“So... have you any idea w-what season three of Wayward G-guide is going to look like?” Sybilus asked. 
“No clue. Lesly hasn’t even told Artie and I that we get to do it yet.” Paul chuckled. “Who knows who it’ll go to.”
“Oh.” Sybilus frowned. “But you and Artemis did so well with it!”
“Yeah. Lesly’s weird like that.” Paul sighed. “Last I heard he’s looking for siamese twins. Who are also podcast hosts.”
“Have y-you considered podcasting independently?” Sybilus suggested. 
“I mean... kinda.” Paul shrugged. “But like... I don’t know. There’s something about Wayward Guide specifically that I just... I loved it.”
“Do you know what in specific that s-s-something might have been?” Sybilus tried to help. 
“I... not really.” Paul admitted
“Could it have been the s-story you were t-t-t-telling and not the actual podcast itself?” Sybilus pointed out. 
“You know... you could be right.” Paul realized. 
“Well... m-m-maybe you could do a podcast on the h-history or Connor Creek while you’re here. S-s-set up a little studio. My office is always rather quuiet, so you could use that.” Sybilus suggested. “M-maybe you could do a podcast on p-paranormal and s-s-supernatural histories throughout our country!”
“You know, that would be really cool.” Paul agreed. “I’ll talk to Artie about it. You know, since... we’re a pair.”
“Oh, of course!” Sybilus nodded. 
“Yeah...” Paul bit his lip. He looked to his feet. “Hey, Syb, can I ask you a kinda weird question?”
“Of course.” Sybilus assured him. 
“Is there anyone in Connor Creek who’s LGBTQ+ other than Donny?” Paul asked. Oh god. What was he doing? Where was he going with that question. How was he going to play that off? He got an idea. “I mean... just in case APN wants to use that kind of information to celebrate during Pride month.”
“Well... let’s see...” Sybilus thought aloud. “I believe that C-Crispin and Odie Doty were seeing each other before Odie’s unf-fortunate demise. Madison once brought a girlfriend to town council. They’d met at a ‘S-Small Town Law Enforcement Summit’. I always wondered what happened t-to that girlfirend- she was l-l-lovely. And, erm... I’m gay.”
“You are?” Paul started to beam. He caught himself too late, a blushing mess. Goddamnit he was giving himself away!
“Erm... yes.” Sybilus blushed. “I-I’ve never technically come out... no one really d-does in Connor Creek. You just sort of show up with a p-p-partner or two and everyone knows.”
“Huh.” Paul hummed. “I’m bi.”
“Oh.” Sybilus nodded. Paul nearly groaned at what he’d just said. He was real smooth, wasn’t he? Both drove in silence again for a moment. Sybilus pulled into a driveway. “We’re here! T-this is the ice cream shop.”
“So I can get the scoop on my competition.” Paul smirked. 
Internally, he was killing himself. Why was literally everything he was doing and saying to this man today the cringiest, most embarassing stuff in his playbook? Seriously. As far as impressions went... he was not making a good one, and he was sure of it. Well at least Sybilus was gay. He had half of a chance. Maybe if he could just calm the fuck down (or whatever it was he needed to do to stop acting like a total dumabss) he could talk Sybilus into getting dinner with him sometime... or maybe he would somehow manage to drive Syb away after he had made the first move. Paul froze. Oh god. Syb had made the first move.
“Are you okay?” Sybilus checked, already out of the car. 
“Hm? Oh, yeah!” Paul blushed, getting out. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be s-sorry.” Sybilus chuckled. “I get lost in my head sometimes too.”
“Right...” Paul sighed, walking into the ice cream shop with him. Even though it was a hot day, it was just the two of them and the teenage girl behind the counter. Sybilus walked up to the counter ahead of him, knowing how things worked there. 
“H-hello... I was h-hoping- ah! liking- ah! I-I would like two d-double scoop waffle cones please.” Sybilus stammered out. 
“Sure thing.” The perky sales attendant smiled knowingly. “What are the flavours on those scoops?”
“Y-you go first.” Sybilus blushed, looking at his feet. 
“Um... I’ll take one scoop rocky road, one scoop chocolate chip cookie dough.” Paul told her. 
She got to work scooping that. And that’s when Paul found himself doing somethign far too quickly to stop himself: he patted Sybilus’ back to comfort him. He could see how distressed the werewolf was, and... he felt bad. He shouldn’t have to be ashamed of his impediment. Both men blushed, looking to the floor. The tension was high. Paul was frozen, unsure of whether to own his actions or... retreat as fast as was humanly possible. But... he decided to own it, going further and rubbing his friend’s back. Sybilus was blushing even harder. Oh god. Had that been too much. He thought so until... a small smile creeped onto the werewolf’s face. Paul smiled back softly. What in the actual hell was going on with those two?
“Alright, here you go hon.” The attendant smirked, passing an ice cream to Paul. She turned to Sybilus. “What about you, sweetie?”
“One b-birthday cake and one cotton candy.” Sybilus told her. She scooped those two fairly easily. 
“Those ones are always so soft.” She told him, still smiling brightly. She handed him the cone. “Here you go.”
“H-how much d-do I owe you?” Sybilus asked, reaching into his pocket. 
“Those are on the house guys. Happy Pride.” The ice cream scooper winked. 
Both Sybilus and Paul blushed, looking at each other. They seemed to be silently asking each other if they let the girl do that for them. Paul shrugged as if to say ‘why no?’, and they both looked back to her. Paul smiled softly. 
“Thank you.” He sighed, taking Sybilus’ hand and walking back outside the shop. There was a little table out there, and he sat them down at that. 
“Well...” Sybilus chuckled nervoulsy. 
“Yeah.” Paul blushed, chuckling with him. 
“I suppose it would be appropriate to wish you a happy pride...” Sybilus smiled shyly at Paul. “I-I... suppose we’d make a handsome couple- o-or at least she thought so.”
“I mean, she’s not wrong...” Paul shrugged, before freezing. Him and Sybilus just stared at each other for a second, and Paul immediately felt guilty. “I am so sorry if that made you uncomfortable, it just-”
“I agree.” Sybilus cut him off. Both just stared at each other, a look of mutual realization hit them. 
“So, um... maybe she wasn’t so wrong then.” Paul tested. “Thinking we were a couple...”
“M-maybe she wasn’t.” Sybilus sighed. There was a pause. 
“So... is this a date?” Paul checked. 
“I-if you would like it to be.” Sybilus bit his lip. 
“Yeah... I think that would be great.” Paul smiled softly. 
“I-I know of a walking trail nearby i-if you would like to go- ah! W-walk for a bit.” Sybilus offered. 
“I’d love that.” Paul beamed. 
And so the two men got up and started down the road, still eating their ice creams as they went along. Paul hesitantly reached out and grabbed Sybilus’ hand, squeezing it. Sybilus blushed, looking over and him ans smiling softly, squeezing back. Paul supposed now that he had a boyfriend he’d probably have to come out to Artemis... if she didn’t already know. He was like 99% sure she was a lesbian though, so he should be fine. Twinsense... he supposed it made them both gay. He was pretty sure that he couldn’t be any happier than he was in that moment. And he was pretty sure Syb felt the same way. It must be the pride month magic, bringing them together- or maybe it was always meant to be this way. Who knows? Paul was just excited for the journey.
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clockworkgraystairs · 4 years
Christmas Dinner || Jurdan X-mas in July
AHHHH there is more Christmas!Jurdan!!!!!!!!! 🎄🎄
Rating: T
Summary:  The Duarte's are hosting their Christmas dinner and Vivi sets a trap for Jude to bring his boyfriend and introduce him to the family.
I guess this can be considered a little prequel to You got me trippin? 
This is also my first time posting somethin in 1st person sooo...let’s see how it goes lmao
Tags:  @jurdannet @jurdannetrevels @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 @sweetlyvillainous @aesthetics-11 @thesirenwashere @jurdanhell @demydreamer-otaku-and-book-lover @nightbringer @b00kworm @mysweetvillain @thefolkofthefic @yafandomsdotnet @vanessa172003​
[if you wish to be tagged/untagged or if I forgot to tag you pls let me know!]
A massive thank you to Becca @sweetlyvillainous​ for betaing this for me!! Love u 🧡
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This is a terrible, terrible idea I keep repeating myself.
If I’d shown a little more steadiness with my sister I wouldn’t be in this situation. I knew she was nervous about presenting her girlfriend to the family, specially to our father. And because she is extra as hell, she couldn’t choose another date that wasn’t on Christmas Eve. For weeks now she’d been texting me, grumbling about how was she going to be able to pull it off. I told her to relax and just go with it.
What I didn’t expect though, was for Vivi to arrive out of nowhere to the school where I work, talking nonsense about me bringing a fake date to dinner with hopes of taking the attention away from her. 
After spending 15 minutes trying to convince her it is not necessary for me to do that, her insistence is such I end up babbling how bad that idea is since I already have a boyfriend, and fake dating someone else would certainly create problems.
Big mistake.
Looking at me with something like betrayal in her eyes, now she starts questioning me about that boyfriend who I’d never talked about before. I bite my lip. When it comes to personal stuff I prefer to keep it private, even with my own family. I have my reasons. 
And just because luck is not on my side today, in the middle of her inquiries I hear a faint “Hey, babe!” behind me. I groan. Of course. Of course he had to arrive in that moment. 
We both turn to look at him. Cardan approaches us wearing that mischievous grin reserved only for me, so different from the polite smile he uses with his students. His hair is tied up in a bun as he also wears it for work, few curls escaping it in the most adorable way. 
With a pang of panic, I notice Vivi noticing how dumbfounded I’m looking at him. Her eyes light up in a way that I know means nothing good. I frown at her. 
“I was looking for you on the cafeteria, one of your students told me you were here.” He pauses. “I- didn’t notice you were busy though, sorry.”
“Not at all!” Vivi says with exaggerated enthusiasm. “I’m Jude’s older sister, Vivi! You must be her lovely boyfriend.”
“Oh, yeah I am. Nice to meet you!” If I didn’t know him so well I wouldn’t notice the slight blush on his cheeks or the way he looks at me in contained alarm.  
It’s too late by the time I put the pieces together. When I realize what is about to happen, my sister is already handing Cardan a rolled piece of paper.
“I came to make sure Jude invites you to our family Christmas dinner! She’s so absentminded sometimes isn’t she?” 
I’m going to kill her. Slowly.
Horrified, I stand there and see Cardan take the invitation, grinning. His polite, charming smile.
“I wouldn’t miss it,” He says. “Thank you so much Vivi.”
My sister turns to me and whatever look it’s on my face makes her hesitate. Although, not enough. She claps her hands once and makes an excited squeal. “Well I must go now! But I’m so excited you’re coming to join us Cardan, see you there. Ciao!”
With that she turns and leaves.
So here we are. My boyfriend driving by my side, as we are about to arrive to my parent’s house.
My knee bounces without control as I twist my scarf between my fingers. At any moment now, I’m sure my heart is going to bolt out of my chest. 
“Jude dear, is everything ok?” He asks. I notice I’ve been quiet almost the entire road.
I turn to look at him. He looks dashing, even if it’s not a strictly formal dinner he always finds a way to dress as it was. Black ensemble and green scarf that stands out his pale skin, though his nose and cheeks have a touch of color because of the cold weather. 
“Yeah it’s just... My family is a little,” I pause. “I don’t know how to explain it.”
We are not the type of family that introduces romantic partners, ever. My twin sister tried to do it some years ago with a terrible and embarrassing outcome. At some point in the middle of breakfast, she’d asked her daddy to pass the salt. Both our father and Locke moved to grab it at the same time. What came next, well… if that Locke dude had restrained himself to make a sarcastic and really tacky comment about it, maybe he would still be welcome in the house. Alas, he is not. 
Ever since that day, every time someone brings a guest to the house my father gets in a mood that is pretty uncomfortable for everyone. Sooner or later he makes everyone run.  Not exactly the first impression I want Cardan to have. 
We’ve been together for some time now, about eleven months. But the topic of introducing our families has never been on the table so far. I know he comes from a problematic family even if he doesn’t talk much about them. As for me, I have to admit I’ve grown so attached to him that I’m terrified of Madoc, or any other of my relatives, scaring him away.
He takes my hand in his, warming it, and smiles softly. “It’ll be ok. Breathe.”
I sigh, hoping he’s right and grip his hand tighter.  
The inside of the house looks as if Santa’s bag had exploded. There are lights and ornaments everywhere. Even the tree is bigger than previous years. A delicious smell of food fills the place. As I stare in awe I hear voices coming from the living room.
“Jude? Is that you?” Hurried steps sound in the wooden floor and a few seconds later my little brother appears wearing an absurd red and white onesie. He crashes against me and I laugh, hugging him back.
“You do realize that’s for little kids don’t you?” I ask. “It looks good on you, though.”
Oak scoffs and pulls back. “Well of course it does. I look good on everything.”
Cardan chuckles next to me and for the first time my brother notices him. His eyes and mouth open widely, blinking at him and then turning back at me. Once. Twice.
“Jude,” He murmurs. It cracks me up how shy he can get around new people. “Who’s this?”
Ah, here we go. I take a deep breath and grab Cardan’s hand again. 
“Don’t be rude,” I warn him. “His name is Cardan. Cardan, this is my brother Oak.”
Cardan greets him, extending his hand to him. Oak shakes it, visibly puzzled. “And Cardan is…?”
“My boyfriend.” 
A slow, mocking and devilish smile spreads on his face. I swear to god that kid was taken out from the movie Cheaper by the Dozen. All the shyness is suddenly gone.
“You and Vivi are really trying to give dad a heart attack today aren’t you?” He turns to Cardan and adopts a serious expression I almost believe. “Please tell me Jude doesn’t call you daddy.”
“OAK!” I hiss. I look at Cardan and he gazes back with amusement, I notice he’s biting back a laugh. 
“WHAT? I need to know earlier if I need to take my phone out, last time I didn’t have time to record when dad…” He motions with his hand. Yeah, I remember.
“She doesn’t.” Cardan affirms. Mimicking my brother’s mischievous smile he asks. “Is there a story there I need to know?”
Oak hesitates, even though I’m sure he’s dying to spill it out.
“Taryn would kill you.” I remind him.
“She’s not coming. For what I’ve heard, either it’s Locke’s turn to visit his family or something about dad running him under the car if he dared appearing. I’m not sure.”
“What if I beat you at Mario Kart?” Cardan asks, pointing at the console resting next to the tv. 
Oak squints at him. “Are you challenging me?”
“It’s not a challenge when I know I’m going to win.”
Turning to me, my brother grins. “I like him.”
I know this is the first time I’ve brought someone home, but still I don’t know if I should be offended at my parent’s surprised faces. Oak had to tell my mother twice that Cardan is my boyfriend before she nods in understanding.
On his side, Cardan is being the full gentleman. To be fair he always is, but I notice the extra effort he’s doing today. It warms my heart. The only sign of nervousness I notice in him are occasional deep breaths he takes when he thinks no one is watching.
We get to meet Heather too, who is adorable and I honestly don’t know how on earth she fell in love with my lunatic sister. In a matter of minutes Cardan is already friends with her which helps with her evident tension. Vivi seems to relax as well. 
Christmas music plays on the background as we eat. This is probably my favorite part of the evening. Don’t get me wrong, I love gatherings with my family but food calls me on a spiritual level. Cardan knows it too, chuckling at my excitement while I’m serving us mashed potatoes. 
“So, Cardan.” My father starts, serving the wine. My heart leaps in my chest, oh no. “You met my daughter at work?” 
He nods. “Yes sir, I arrived there about two years ago. I teach preschool and first grade.” Winking at me he adds. “Jude used to hate me.”
Madoc turns to me, frowning. “What happened?” I roll my eyes, classical worried dad.
I take a long drink from my wine and shrug. “Nothing, he stole the ‘best teacher award’ from me, on his first six months. I’m pretty sure he bribed the students that year.”
To my surprise, my father barks a laugh. We all stare at him wide-eyed. 
“Keep repeating that to yourself, love.” Cardan teases. “It was a clean triumph.”
“You’ve always been competitive Jude, that’s no secret.”  Vivi adds. “It’s nice to finally meet someone who can pull up with that.”
I turn to glare at her. You and I are going to talk later. She sticks out her tongue at me. 
“Do you guys have sex?” 
“Oak!” My mother shouts as my father and I both choke on our wine.  
When Cardan parks the car outside my apartment it’s already past midnight. 
Surprisingly, this turned out to be one of the best Christmas celebrations I’ve ever had. My boyfriend somehow managed to not only avoid any uncomfortable moments around my family but also to wrap them up around his little finger. With jokes and tales about us the night had passed incredibly fast. 
Toasts were made, hugs and gifts were given. By the end, we were sprawled on the floor wearing silly sweaters and watching the merciless Mario Kart match between Oak and Cardan. It ended up in a tie. Rematch was already set for New Year’s Eve.
It was everything I never thought it would be.
“Well, did Vivi’s plan work?” Cardan asks.
I turn to find him already looking at me with a knowing smile on his face. Still, it doesn’t reach his eyes.
“C’me on, you weren’t really planning on inviting me to your family’s dinner. Something was surely going on the day she gave me the invitation.” 
Sighing I whisper. “I’m sorry.” 
He knows me too well, more than I even know myself sometimes.
“Don’t be, it’s not a topic we usually discuss.” He shrugs, reaching my hand with his. His thumb makes slow circles on my skin “Still, I should’ve asked if it was ok with you. Forgive me if I crossed a line.”
“You didn’t. I just wasn’t planning for you to meet my family yet.” I regret those words the moment they leave my mouth, knowing how they sound. Cardan doesn’t let go of my hand but he stops his ministrations. “Wait, that wasn’t…”
“Jude, it’s ok.” He says, turning to the windshield. I know him well enough too, and notice the touch of sadness behind his words. 
“No it’s not. Please listen.” I insist, my heart is beating fast now. That look on his eyes is exactly what I tried to avoid the whole night. “The reason why I wasn’t thinking to introduce you to my family is that they’re ridiculously hard and annoying with every new person that visits. And this is the first time I took someone home and…I don’t know, I-”
“You thought I’d leave?” He turns his gaze back to me, warily. 
At the beginning of the day I did. But I don’t find the words to admit it, so I don’t answer.
After a moment of silence he asks “Do you want to know why I agreed to go?”
I swallow and nod. Cardan inhales deeply..
“We’ve been together for some time now. And you know, you must know, I’m not playing around Jude.” I start to say something but he silences me with a soft finger against my lips.  “I love you. If I agreed to whatever scheme your sister had in mind it was because I wanted to show you that I’m not going away. No matter what.”
“My family…”
“They love you. It’s only natural for them to ask what my intentions are… and maybe tease us about it too. I’m willing to admit your dad is a little scary. But not enough to make me run away.” He winks, cupping my face.“There is nothing on earth that would make me want to run away, Jude. That’s how much I love you.”
Feeling my eyes sting I blink. “I love you too.”
We’ve said those words before. But I find that they acquire a different meaning, somehow deeper. My chest is suddenly too small to hold everything I feel for this man. He’s not going anywhere. He loves me. I’m grinning like an idiot and I’m proud of it. 
I lean to rest my forehead against his. “Since it’s our first Christmas together… and you already met my family.” His smile widens at that. “Would you like to stay the night?”
“There’s nothing I would like more.” Cardan angles his head to give me a kiss that I accept gladly, coiling my arms around his neck.  “I usually spend Christmas alone, I guess it’s time for new traditions.”
We remain entwined for some minutes, it fastly turns into something hotter and desperate. I’m already straddling his hips when I pull back a few inches. I bet my lips are as swollen as his. He is looking at me with hunger… and love.
“How about a tradition in which we spend Christmas night undressed and watching some crappy Netflix movies?” I suggest.
My toes curl when he leans to bite my lobe and purrs. “Yes, please.”
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papipopsicle · 4 years
Pairing: Archie Andrews X Reader
Genre: fluff and some angst
Summary: In which two best friends since childhood test whether sex and friendship can co-exist without causing conflict. Including OC's Flick and Cherry, a bisexual and lesbian in a sapphic relationship who are best friends of Y/N.
Song: Candy by Doja Cat
Warnings: swearing, minors consuming alcohol
Words: 3.6K
feedback is always appreciated
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     Y/N lasted two weeks before thoughts of even throwing the bet came to mind. She had been strong so far; making sure to wear her tightest outfits and highest heels, being extra touchy-feely with Archie and not reacting to his moves in the slightest. Her personal favourite moment was sitting on his lap at the Twilight Drive-In and giving him a hard-on whilst Kevin and Betty sat next to them non the wiser.
But now, on day eighteen, she needed reinforcements. The redhead realised his attempts were failing miserably and he couldn't help his reactions to Y/N’s provocative movements. He turned it up a notch, becoming rather possessive of the five foot blonde knowing she enjoyed that side of him. He carefully walked the line of teasing and taunting like a tightrope, always whispering in her ear and letting his hand rest on her inner thigh under the table. And now, Y/N found herself wanting to pounce him whenever he caught her eye. It was getting out of hand, so she called for the only two people who could possibly help.
"Have you tried doing the bend and snap?" Cherry asked out of the blue, her head rested on her girlfriends lap as the three watched Clueless from the comfort of Felicity's bed.
"Babe," the blue haired girl said with a sigh and took a handful of M&Ms, "I love you but I don't think our answer lies in a two-thousand's rom-com."
"Hey, it worked on you, didn't it?" The brunette grinned smugly and leaned up to kiss the girl above her, earning a handful of chocolate to be launched in their direction and a disgruntled groan from the blonde sitting beside them.
Y/N pouted, "Please stop reminding me how single I am."
At this, the two girls pulled away and sent her the same bewildered look, "You wouldn't be if you told that hunky ginger you're in love with him!" Flick barked, a hand playing with the hem of her partner's shirt whilst the other flew up in desperation.
The y/h/c girl sent her friends an incredulous glare, it only growing when their shared 'you know I'm right' smile made an appearance. She took a handful of sweets and irritably shoved them in her mouth, "I am not in love with Archie Andrews... I just want his body on my body... in a variety of ways, and locations... multiple times."
"Right, so let me just get this straight," Cherry sat upright and gathered her hair over one shoulder, she paused the film and sent the petite girl a serious look, "you really think a no-strings-attached relationship can actually work? Have you even seen Friends With Benefits? It doesn't work! Sure it's all fun and games now but it's only a matter of time before one of you catches feelings and shit gets real. Then we'll have to pick sides, obviously you automatically get us, but I really liked Archie, he was promising..."
"What my gorgeous girlfriend means, is that we won't have this relationship ruined because you two can't keep it in your pants. We've put a lot of work and effort into this ship and it isn't going to waste, this isn't some TV teen drama shit, there's no need to wait until season 6 to actually be happy. Don't be Lydia and Stiles." Flick rounded up, taking the remote and pressing play.
Y/N simply sighed and slouched against the pillows, her attention turning back to the TV as she sulked, "I came here for your advice, and honestly now it feels like my moms are telling me I can't have sex with my hot best friend because they ship us too hard romantically. How can sex ruin a friendship? That's like saying extra sprinkles ruin ice cream! Anyways, none of that matters unless I win this stupid bet."
"You know Y/N/N, asking a lesbian and a bisexual whose only ever been with a girl on how to seduce a boy isn't exactly your best move." Cherry commented, snuggling under her blanket with a near-empty bowl of mini-pretzels at her side.
"My advice? Just be yourself, dumbass. Clearly for some weird reason he's into that, so it's only a matter of time until he gives in and this insanity will end. Boys think with their dicks and have a lot less will-power than us. For fucks sake, he's sprung when your name's mentioned in passing conversation, clearly he wants to bone your brains out. Wait it out, you're one stubborn chick when you want to be, you got this."
Two days later, on one rather fateful Friday night, Y/N found herself in the midst of a party thrown by none other than the Blossom twins. It had been a while since she'd spoken to either of them, but since their entire year was currently making out on the couches, the invitation wasn't all that strange. She and Betty had spent the evening getting ready whilst rocking out to the cheesiest music known to their generation. The smaller blonde wore a little red number with lace cutouts, and only managed to convince her taller friend to ditch the mom-jeans for a conservative royal blue knee-length dress. Baby steps, she told herself whilst trying her best not to cut a deeper neckline in the mass of material.
Betty Cooper had absolutely no idea what was going on between two of her three best friends; and although she'd always been silently jealous of their closeness, she was used to it and didn't think twice to question it. Y/N spritzed her neck and wrists with her favourite perfume, Daisy Dream, and gave herself a final once over in the large mirror beside her wardrobe.
With perfect timing, like some magical intuition, Y/N’s phone buzzed, notifying her their ride was outside. She grinned at the taller girl and slipped her black Louis Vuitton's on, "Ready, m'lady?"
"I-I don't know, Y/N/N." Betty panicked, wringing her hands together as a worrisome look etched onto her face, "What if my mom sees us leave? She'll kill me if she finds out we're going to a Blossom party."
"She won't. And even if she does, she'll only see us getting into a car with Cherry and Flick, just tell her they invited us over for a girl's night or something... Stop worrying about the future, and start living in the now! You look smokin', I look hot, we are not wasting my precious work on Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore again, capisce?" Y/N didn't allow even a millisecond to pass before dragging the taller girl downstairs with her where they met Polly and Ren.
The four took a few quick photos together and hightailed it out to the red convertible sitting on the edge of the drive. Polly switched places with Flick and the happy couple sat in the back on each other's lap, leaving Y/N and Betty sat beside them like two spare wheels.
When the group of girls arrived, Cheryl graciously directed them down to the basement. Thoughts of being led down to a torture chamber came to mind as the redhead opened a large squeaky door, but those died down when the smell of liquor and sound of house music hit them like a brick wall.
So now, an hour into the night, it was just Betty and Y/N standing at the side of the room with a red solo cup in hand. Polly ran off to find her beloved boyfriend as soon as she arrived and Y/S/N just so happened to find herself hitting on a nearby houseplant. 'Flicky' were playing beer pong, well cider for them, against Reggie and Moose, and were winning with only one cup standing.
The petite girl, who still stood below her friend even in four inch heels, was about to save her sister from some terrible mugshots, but a strong arm stopped her in her tracks and pulled her back into a muscly chest.
"Where'd you think you're going, gorgeous?" A deep voice breathed in her ear, and a second later she ripped herself away from the boy, instantly recognising him and wishing to be the other side of the building right now. Though her actions were quick, the brunette pinned her to the nearest wall and stared hazily into her wide chartreuse-coloured eyes. Y/N actually laughed at the irony of the location, finding it funny that the last time she was in this position it was rather enjoyable.
"Fuck off, Chuck." The girl took another sip of her drink, not bothering to pay the boy any attention because that's exactly what he wanted. Though, when his arms moved from the wall to around her waist and neck, forcing Y/N to look up at him, she felt like punching the stupid smile off his smug face. But with one hand stuck at her side and the other holding her drink, she simply settled for chucking her remaining vodka-lemonade at the boy.
He chuckled cynically and wiped his face down, eyes darkening as he pushed himself against her with even more force, "Now, now. That's no way to treat the best fuck you've ever had. Why don't we go find somewhere quiet, for old times sake." He commanded, his tone leaving no room for questioning or any form of verbal consent.
But Y/N scoffed and chucked her now empty cup at his face, "Do you really want to be known for rape, as well as leaking a fifteen year old's sex tape, that you were a part of let's not forget?"
He sighed and brought a hand up to cup her face, coarse fingers gripping her jaw achingly tight, "Y/N/N, aren't we past that? I was mad and you embarrassed me in front of the entire football team, what did you expect me to do? Can't we just forget about that?" His other arm aggressively tugged her closer, "C'mon, you know you want me, slut."
Y/N had her eyebrows raised intolerably the entire time he spoke, and when she realised this had no affect on him, she cocked her head ever so slightly. That word felt so good coming from Archie's lips weeks ago. But with Chuck's intoxicated breath panting down on her made up face, she felt completely and utterly violated, physically and mentally.
She hid the look of disgust as best as possible and simply let her best fake alluring smile grace her features; Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck and looked ever so sweetly into his darkened eyes, "Clayton, we were together for what, eight months? And somehow, in that entire time, you never made me orgasm, not even close. I feel sorry for any girl, or whoever else who has to put up with your shitty oral. Don't you ever, ever use that word against me or any other girl. Don't touch me, you do not and shall never have consent to touch my body, remember that." She smoothly spoke, her voice laced with sugar-coated venom.
Using his drunken and shocked state to her advantage, Y/N unhooked his arms and rushed off to find one particular individual. She fought through the endless crowd of teenagers and after ten minutes of searching, Archie was nowhere to be found. A light tapping on one shoulder caused the y/h/c girl to spin on her heels, ready to slap a bitch if it were another jock.
But thankfully it wasn't, and Y/N let out a sigh of relief when her eyes found Betty's figure. She took her taller friend by the arms and asked, "Have you seen Archie at all? There's three fucking gingers at this party and I can only spot two."
"Last time I saw him he was in line for the bathroom, and that was around five minutes ago." The taller blonde said, peering down at her friend in concern as a hand smoothed down her signature ponytail instinctively, "Is there anything I can help with?"
Betty's question almost flew right past her as she searched for the toilet queue, but thankfully she managed to make out a few words, and quickly put two and two together. Y/N shook her head and finally looked at her friend, "It's alright, but one of us is about to lose a bet, I'll tell you who once I find out."
Betty's expression contorted at that, and she began to feel an uneasiness settling in the pit of her stomach. The Cooper girl did her best to hide her jealousy along with her crush on Archie. She'd always viewed Y/N as the unwanted cog in the machine, but as the months went on she couldn't help but feel like a spare part.
With that, the petite girl marched off and soon found herself pushing through throngs of her drunken classmates until a head of fiery-red hair poked up above the crowd. He was joking and laughing with Reggie, both wearing giddy smiles whilst sipping from from their cups every so often.
Y/N was used to being easily knocked, because she was so tiny in relation to the 6 foot something masses of muscle she called her friends, so it came as no surprise when someone practically rammed her right into the middle of the boys' conversation. Luckily, being the gentleman he was, Archie's arm instinctively wrapped around her waist to steady her toppling body. Their chatting ceased and it took Reggie no less than a second to start talking to someone else, leaving the red-haired boy looking down in confusion at his best friend.
"You okay there, Tiger?" He asked, gingerly hooking a few strands of her y/h/c hair behind her ear, making Y/N crane her neck up to watch him intently for a moment. She bit down on her lower lip and let out an intoxicated little giggle, "My knight in shining armour, however will I repay you?"
Archie breathed out a deep chuckle and smirked, "I can think of a few ways..." he all but muttered. Y/N’s thoughts flickered back to just moments ago in the lull of silence, and that was all the boy needed to lead her out of the packed basement. He saw the look confliction in her eyes, not quite understanding it, "has something else happened, Y/N/N?"
"Do you remember last spring, when I finally broke it off with Chuck... and then he, you know?" She tried to clarify, but her words wavered and fell short.
"Released a video of you two without your consent and only got suspended for a week?" Archie almost growled his voice felt so heavy. He hated remembering their relationship. Not only because he wanted Y/N to be only his, but because he was forced to see his best friend humiliated and heartbroken all at the same time and couldn't stop it.
"That's the one." The girl looked down, unable to meet his eyes as her mind raced back to one of the darkest weeks of her life. But she pulled herself away from the horrible memories, "Look, it happened and I can't change that, but I really don't want to be around him right now."
"We'll go back to mine right now, Tiger." Archie affirmed with his hand now cupping her made up face, bringing her gaze back to his own.
"Woah, didn't realise you two were a thing." A slurring Reggie turned back around and winked at the pair with his usual cheeky smile, "Don't worry, I won't tell."
Y/N giggled and hiccuped at the same time, "Fuck off, Reg."
"Hey, if you hurt her, Andrews, I'll knock you into next year." The Asian boy only partly joked with his best friend.
The Robins girl pulled herself away from the wall and wrapped her arms around Reggie, "My hero!"
"Yeah, yeah." He hugged her back, not too hard though as in his drunken state he was scared he might snap her in half with all his muscular might. "I love you too, Y/N/N."
She gave him a sweet peck on the cheek before returning to Archie's side, clasping his hand in her own and leading the both of them away from the raucous party. Nobody seemed to notice in their happy little haze, even if they did, most people assumed the two were sleeping together anyway.
"Does it bother you at all?" Y/N small voice called as they walked down the narrow roads back home. She didn't know whether the answer would be something she wanted to hear, but it had been bothering her for the past minute or so.
Archie's brows furrowed, slightly more sober and completely not understanding his companion's train of thought, "Does what bother me?"
"That people assume so much about us? That we're sleeping together? That we're a couple?" She pondered.
"Not unless it's something that puts you in a negative light, otherwise I really couldn't care less about other people's opinions. Everyone has them, but the only ones that matter to me are my friends and my family's." Archie reassured her.
Y/N giggled at her own joke, "I thought you were going to say they're like assholes?"
The boy looked at her incredulously.
"Everybody has one." She grinned and wrapped her arm around his waist as his own found its way to her shoulders, pulling her into his warmth. The rest of the walk was silent after that, cool summers air bringing an ease to Y/N's tipsy frame. Twenty minutes must have gone by before they saw the Andrews' household finally in view, it was anything but awkward though. Their hands clasped swinging between them, the girl's feet beginning to ache from the regrettable choice of five inch heels.
They shared giggles and passing comments that wouldn't make sense the next morning, gleeful smiles hanging from cheek to cheek. Before Archie had the chance to hunt for his key, the front door opened with Fred sending the two teenagers a short look of annoyance.
"Get in already." He rolled his tired eyes, not wanting to question why his son's best friend was currently looking up at him with hidden adoration as she slipped off her shoes.
Y/N hiccuped and sent the adult an apologetic smile, "Sorry if we woke you, Freddie."
"I couldn't sleep anyway, kid, don't worry about it." Fred gave her a kind smile and felt her small frame hug his own. He returned it as always and after a few moments, let the teenagers carry on upstairs. The girl immediately went into the bathroom and found her small bottle of cleanser under the sink, removing her heavy make up before returning to her best friends room.
Y/N couldn't help but gawk at the sight her eyes were greeted with, the redheads body clad with tight boxers with his warm bedside lamp lighting the room, and his muscular build, perfectly. Her hands lightly traced his back, making Archie jump before leaning into her touch.
"I'm still going to win this bet," She whispered, shutting the bedroom door and pulling the boy down to his bed with her, "but Arch, can I ask you something?"
Y/N's head nearly reached the wall as the redhead towered over her, hot breath tickling her skin while he rest himself against her without putting any weight down. "Of course." The words floated from his lips so easily, knowing his whole life he'd do anything or answer whatever she wanted.
"Do you think we're meant to be more than friends? I think I've finally realised it's not that we were never and will never be romantic in each other's minds, it's always been that way but we've just never really known." The Robins girl seemed so sure of her words, staring up into his amber eyes with so much honest admiration.
He watched her for what felt like forever, not knowing whether it was the alcohol in them both or just that the little game they were playing didn't matter anymore, and decided to throw that away. A short gasp fell from Y/N's lips as Archie caught them, rolling over and pulling her on top of his chest.
"You're right, I've always wanted us to be more than friends Y/N/N, ever since Leonardo went missing when we were in sixth grade and you kissed my cheek when I found him." Archie propped himself up and returned that same gesture. She stole a kiss but he didn't let it end, running his fingers through her curled blonde hair.
"Arch?" Her small voice called out, sitting atop of his torso still in her revealing red dress. He nodded back with the biggest smile, unable to control the pure joy as her next words tumbled into the world, "Will you be my boyfriend?"
"I don't have a choice, since I lost the bet, do I?" He mocked, smile not falling as she hit his chest and rolled her eyes. "Yes, of course, yes, I'll be your boyfriend."
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scapegrace74-blog · 4 years
Don’t Call It Love
A/N  With Saorsa done and dusted, it’s time to return to the Metric Universe.  When we last left Jamie and Claire in October 2017, they were sharing comforting silence and attending a Depeche Mode concert together.  Will things fall easily into place now that they have tripped over the line from being roommates to being friends?   Oh, hell no.  What would be the fun in that? 
All other parts of the Metric Universe are available on my AO3 page.
The song by Zero 7 (another guest artist!) that inspired the title is here.
Winter, 2017 - London, England
It happened by accident.  Happenstance.  Serendipity.   Fate.  The words she used to explain the fact that she and Jamie started seeing each other outside of the flat in social circumstances that would typically be characterized as dates varied, but her opinion remained fixed.  They weren’t dates.  Jamie was her roommate, a good friend, a fellow enthusiast of the culturally obscure, and a brilliant pub trivia partner.  They had both agreed that a romantic relationship between them would be disastrous; ergo, there was nothing romantic about their increasingly frequent outings.  If she could memorize the names for the 206 bones in the human skeleton, she could certainly manage to keep her feelings for Jamie inside the tidy box she had built for them.
Non-Date #1
They crossed paths inside the massive Spittalfields Market, both of them with shoulders damp from the chilly November rain.  Jamie was on his way to the fishmonger, while Claire carried a cloth bag filled with late-season vegetables, determined to eat something other than take-out on a rare day off from lectures and the hospital.
“Are ye on yer way back tae the flat, then?” Jamie asked, physically fighting the urge to offer to carry Claire’s wee sack.
“No, I’m off to the charnel house first.”
“The what, now?”  Surely he’d misheard her.
“The charnel house.  Don’t tell me you’ve been living over top of a medieval burial ground all this time without realizing it?” Claire teased.
Intrigued as much by her beguiling smirk as the opportunity to explore a bit of London’s history, Jamie followed Claire to a commercial highrise near the edge of the market.  Descending a non-descript stairwell in Bishop’s Square, they came to a halt in front of a glass wall.  On the other side was an excavated ruin, the crypt of the long-vanished chapel of St. Mary’s Spital hospital, a quick scan of a nearby information plaque informed him.
“They only discovered it was here when construction of the office tower began,” Claire said, a wistful look on her face.  “For centuries, travelers and the victims of London’s many plagues were buried around the hospital, quite literally in the Spital fields.  When the graves overflowed, they brought the excess bones here and stacked them for safe-keeping until the Apocalypse.  Imagine, forgetting something so...fundamental.”
Jamie grunted in acknowledgement, seeing the reflection of Claire’s face superimposed on the glass.  He couldn’t decide if this human tendency towards forgetfulness pleased or disappointed her.
“Tis rather...”
“Macabre?” she suggested with a grin, turning away from the display and climbing back into the cloud-roofed square.
“I was gonna say morbid, but as ye like.”
“We build our present on the bones of our past, my Uncle Lamb used to tell me.  He was referring to archaeology, but I’ve found it to be true of life itself.”
They walked back to the flat, collars raised against the hastening rain.  Jamie had bought enough hake for two, so they shared the narrow worktop, dicing fresh vegetables and letting their shoulders bump together occasionally.
Claire ate at the two-person dining table while scrolling social media on her phone.  Jamie used the coffee table to hold his plate and the gaming magazine he was flipping through.
It wasn’t a date.
Non-Date #4
Her cellphone rang as she was leaving the bathroom, thoughts bouncing between her end-of-semester exams and her non-existent plans for the Christmas holidays.  She accepted the call with one hand while starting the tedious job of separating her soaking curls with the other.  At first there was only static.  She glanced at the screen, recognizing the familiar number.
“Jamie?” she tried.
“...mac na ghalla, Hamish...” followed by muffled noises and masculine jeering.  She switched hands and started to towel off, making certain first that the video call button wasn’t active.
“Hal-lo.  Paging Mr. Fraser.  You have a call on line one.”
“Ach, sorry Claire.  I didna mean tae... That is, the lads were just... How are ye?”
She giggled at his discomposure.  “I’m well, thank you.  And you?”  They had seen each other that morning, as he came off shift and she was leaving for her morning lectures, so she assumed there was more to this call than a polite inquiry into her state of well-being.  She had learned over their months as roommates that sometimes you just needed to wait for Jamie to get to his point.
“Braw, thank ye.  I was... weel, I’m at the park with some o’ the lads, tryin’ tae put t’gether a side, an’ we’re short a winger, an’ I was jus’ thinkin’, ye said ye wanted tae learn tae play an’...”
Another James Fraser quirk was that he rambled in broad Scots when he was nervous.
“Jamie, are you asking me to play rugby with you?”
“Aye.  Aye, I am.  If ye wish, o’ course.”
“I did just step out of the shower...” she mentioned, already peering outside at the threatening sky and mentally assessing her wardrobe for something suitable for a ruck and maul in the rain.  “Hello?” when there was no sound from the other end in some time.
“Aye, I’m here.  Nevermind, Claire.  I dinna consider, ye must be gettin’ ready to study fer yer finals, an’...”
“Where are you?” she interrupted, opening a drawer and pulling out a pair of yoga pants.
“Victoria Park?” Jamie replied, sounding hesitant and hopeful.
“Give me twenty minutes.”
“Splendid!”  She could hear his smile down the line.
“I better not get mud in my hair, Fraser,” she retorted before hanging up, her own smile lingering on her face.
There was nothing romantic about rugby.
Non-Date #7
The flat was strangely forlorn, even with Christmas lights twinkling merrily in the living room windows and a tiny fir tree precariously balancing its five ornaments standing in the corner.  
They had exchanged their gifts on December 23rd, sipping on hot chocolate spiked with Kahlua and grinning shyly at each other.  She’d bought Jamie the next Call of Duty game for his XBox.  Nothing intimate, just something he’d mentioned in passing he was looking forward to trying.  His boyish glee upon unwrapping the package warmed her more than her drink.   Hands shaking slightly, she delicately opened the tastefully wrapped rectangle he presented to her.  Inside was a cashmere scarf, luxuriously soft beneath her fingers as she stroked it.
“Is this?” she asked.
“Aye, tis the Fraser plaid.  Ye ken there’s no’ a clan named Bee-cham, right?”
She was deeply touched, and thanked him was a kiss against his scruffy cheek.
Jamie had left for Scotland the next day, having somehow managed to secure a week’s worth of leave from his uncle over the holiday season.   As was her wont, she’d put down for as many shifts as possible while medical school wasn’t in session, but by some fluke she wasn’t scheduled to work New Year’s Eve for the first time in recent memory.
Some of her classmates from nursing college had invited her along to a “raging party in Shoreditch”, but she’d made up some excuse.  The truth was, she wasn’t in the mood for loud music and over-priced drinks with a group of virtual strangers.  If Geillis had been in town, she would have allowed her friend to coerce her into whatever mayhem she had up her sleeve, but Geillis was still in Columbia and eight months’ pregnant with twins, to everyone’s collective shock.  Especially the mother-to-be.
No, what she really wanted was a quiet evening at home, snuggled under her favourite fleece blanket on their couch, the latest Ferrante novel in her lap and a glass of Pinot Noir at the ready.  Jamie had a turntable and a surprisingly well-curated selection of vinyl in his bedroom, but she didn’t like entering his domain without his permission.
Without giving it a second thought, she rang his cell.  It was only upon hearing the raucous sounds of a party in full swing that it occurred to her that just because she was spending New Year’s Eve alone, it didn’t mean Jamie was as well.
“Claire?” he yelled over something that sounded a lot like live music.  “Are ye all right, lass?”
“Oh!  I’m so sorry, Jamie.  I just wanted to ask... never mind.  It’s not important.  Enjoy your party...”
“Wait!” the background noise mutated, sounding like a riot underwater, and then there was a wooden slam.  Jamie huffed a sigh of relief.
“Mu dheireadh.   Are ye still there, Sassenach?”
“Still here,” she confirmed, suddenly feeling sorry for herself.  She might be the most pathetic thirty-year old in London.
“Did the hospital no’ call ye in for a shift, then?”
She tucked the blanket under her feet, warding off the chill that always seemed to creep in from the wall of windows.  The Christmas lights she’d strung reflected against the glazing in alternating colours: blue, red, green, blue, red, green.
“No. By some miracle of the festive season, I have the night off,” she joked halfheartedly.   “I’m sorry for interrupting your night out.  I wanted to ask if I could borrow your turntable and a few of your albums?”
“O’ course.  Ye didna need tae ask.  An’ I’m no’ out.  I’m at home, at Lallybroch.”  He pronounced the word with a guttural flourish that made Claire think of an exotic kind of pastry or a rare tribal custom.  Any time Jamie spoke of his family’s home in Scotland, he imbued it with an otherworldly quality, like a fortress in a fairy tale, a far away land of warriors and mist.  It was strange to think of him there now, while she sat alone in their flat.
“It sounds like quite the party.”
“Aye.  The Frasers take their Hogmanay celebrations verra seriously.  Ye shoulda come wi’ me.”  Then, as though realizing what he’d said, he added quickly, “We could use a doctor.  Dougal sprained his ankle doin’ a sword dance, and Angus singed his arse somethin’ fierce jumpin’ o’er the bonfire.”
She laughed, her mood suddenly much lighter, and asked for more particulars as to how his cousin’s naked ass came to be in close proximity to open flame.  Without either realizing it, the last minutes of 2017 crept by.
Fireworks erupted outside, followed by the tolling of bells and honking of horns.  On the other end of the call, she could hear cheering and an off-key rendition of Auld Lang Syne.  They were both silent, embarrassed to have been so caught up in their trivial conversation as to have missed the arrival of midnight.
“Happy Hogmanay, Sassenach,” Jamie’s voice came soft and sure over the line.
“Happy New Year, Jamie,” she replied.  “I should really let you get back to your party.   Your family must be wondering where you’ve disappeared to.”
He hummed noncommittally.  It occurred to her that had they been in the same place, they would likely be kissing right now.  It sent a shiver of want down her spine.
“Jamie?”  Her voice sounded thready, like she had just woken from a deep sleep.
“Hmmm?”  Shivers, again.
“What’s a Sassenach?”
He laughed softly, and she had to bite her lip.  What was the matter with her?  “Tis a Scottish word for a foreigner, particularly an English one,” he explained.
“You’ve never called me that before,” Claire remarked.
“I’ve ne’er spoken tae ye while on Scottish soil.  T’wasn’t an accurate description ‘til now.”
There was a long silence.  She could hear the sound of revelry through the door of whatever room at Lallybroch he’d hidden inside.  Outside the flat there were firecrackers.   They reminded her of mortar rounds heard from a distance in Afghanistan.
“You don’t like fireworks, do you?” she guessed.  It didn’t take an advanced degree in psychology to know that bright flashes and sudden pops of sound would trigger his PTSD.  They really were a mess, the pair of them.
“Nay.  Jenny an’ Ian’s bairns love them, an’ I told them no’ tae hold off on my account, but they insisted on a bonfire instead.  It reminds me o’ when I was a lad, a’fore ye could buy fireworks along wi’ yer ham at the local Tesco.”
Jamie launched into a long account of the significance of bonfires in Highland culture, and she let herself drift on the melody of his voice, the turntable long forgotten.
“Tell me about yer most memorable New Year’s,” he prompted after his cultural diatribe wound down.
“Oh, well, they all rather blur together, actually.  Too much drink, too much spent on the cover charge.  You know how it is.”
“Nah, I mean when ye were younger.  Ye must ‘ave celebrated in some remarkable places.”
She thought back to her time spent following Uncle Lamb around the globe.  Truth be told, traditional holidays weren’t something that stood out in her memory.  They felt like a foreign custom, a series of drawings taken from a picture book that showed a mother, father and children crowded around a loaded table while snow piled up outside.  They bore no relation to her reality.  It was no wonder Christmas and New Year’s left her feeling ambivalent.
Still, she didn’t want Jamie to feel sorry for her, so she launched into one of her favourite tales.
“One year, I must have been eleven, Lamb was leading an excavation of a Berber oasis town in northern Mali.  The site closed down for the Christian holidays, but Lamb decided to stay behind rather than travel back to England.  We ended up riding camels through these enormous sand dunes, following a local guide on an ancient caravan route.  On December 31st, just as the sun was setting and we had begun to make camp, the camel Lamb had been riding let out this infernal noise, leapt to its feet, and started to gallop away.  Lamb and the guide set off after it on foot, hollering and waving their keffiyeh in the air.  It was the funniest thing.”
“They left ye all alone in the desert?” Jamie asked, horrified.
“Oh, well, they came back eventually.  The camel had been stung by a scorpion, you see.  Once it got over the fright, they were able to catch it and bring it back to camp.”
“Were ye no’ scared, tae be out there in the dark by yerself?”
“No.  Not as I remember it.  The sunset was glorious, and little by little the sky came alive with a million stars.”
“Ye brave wee thing.”  Jamie sighed.  “I wish I was there wi’ ye.”
She didn’t know if he meant with her on that sand dune, or with her at their flat.  Either way, her answer was the same.
“I wish you were too.”
They finally hung up well past two o’clock.  It didn’t count as a date if the other person was five hundred miles away as you whispered goodnight.
Non-Date #12
The Royal London was expanding its pediatrics wing, and Claire was invited to a fundraising gala held, fittingly, in the Museum of Childhood.  The invitation included a plus one, and she’d been putting off asking Jamie if he could join her all week.  It wasn’t that she doubted his suitability as an escort.  Far from it.  But the gala was taking place on February 14th, of all nights, and the symbolism made her nervous.  Still, the alternative was spending the night being hit on by a drunken internist or hedge fund investor, and that was a headache she could do without.
“So,” she began casually a few nights before the event, “any plans for Valentine’s Day?”  If he said he was working or had, god forbid, a date, she would just have to go stag.
Jamie set down his gaming controller and turned to face her desk.  The pulsing  colours from the screen lit his curls like a neon nimbus in the dim room.
“Nah, nothin’ definite.  An’ ye, Sassenach?” he asked tentatively, as though easing himself out onto a frozen lake, unsure of the depth of the ice.  The nickname he had assigned to her during his holidays in Scotland had stuck.  She didn’t correct the inaccuracy, as she rather liked the idea of having a name that was only his.
“Well, I’ve been summoned to a fundraising gala for the hospital, and I was wondering... not that you need feel obliged... it’s black tie, which is really the height of pretension, if you ask me... anyway, there’s no way to decline gracefully short of an aneurysm, so...”
“Out wi’ it, Sassenach,” he prodded.
“Mightyouconsiderbeingmydate?” she blurted, before taking a large gulp of tepid tea.
“Yer date?” he asked as though he had never heard of such a thing.
She sighed, resigned to the fact he was going to make this difficult.  “Yes.  My date.  My plus one.  My social companion.  And hopefully, my defence against spending the evening being pitied and set up with someone’s second cousin, Nigel, the chartered accountant.”
“Do ye have somethin’ against accountants, then?”  The corner of his lip was twitching with the birth of a grin.
“Oh, very funny, you bloody Scot.  Look, I need a date on Valentine’s Day and you are the only man in the Greater London Area who won’t interpret that as an opportunity for a pity shag.   The offer is on the table.  Take it or leave it.”
Something flashed behind his eyes that she couldn’t interpret.  Then it was gone.
“Ne’er fear, Sassenach.  I’ll protect ye from all the wee Nigels.”
She’d forgotten to ask whether Jamie had suitable attire for a black tie event.   It was too late now, regardless.  They were meeting at the museum, since she was on shift until eight.  Using the nurses on-call room to get changed, she slinked into her burgundy chiffon gown, its gauzy layers wrapping around her like millefeuille.   Her hair was a lost cause, so she slicked it back into a tight bun at the nape of her neck and hoped for the best.  Silver chandelier earrings and a dab of cologne below her jaw, and she was ready to go.  She carried a small beaded clutch and her dress shoes - there was no way she was navigating the Tube in stilettos. 
The museum was a single massive space, conversation and the tympani of glassware echoing against its high-arched ceiling.  She stood in the entryway after checking her coat, spinning in circles and trying to get her bearings.  More than one lascivious glance was directed her way, but she studiously ignored them in favour of looking for Jamie.  With his height and red hair, he shouldn’t be hard to pick out of the crowd.
There was an appreciative murmur from behind her, a gust of fresh air, and then a soft tap against her bare shoulder.  She turned around.
No.  Not hard to pick out from a crowd at all.  Standing before her was James Fraser in full Highland regalia.  He wore his family tartan, a black velvet waistcoat, brilliant white dress shirt and a black bow tie.  When her gaze fell to the floor, she noticed his polished brogues and white socks pulled up to his knees.  She’d never before considered how a man’s knees might be alluring, but there it was.   Jamie had very sexy knees.
“G’d evening, Sassenach.  Ye look... weel, ye look bonnie.”  Jamie’s normally deep voice was gruffer than usual, perhaps on account of the cold night air.  Or maybe his bowtie was tied too tight.
“Good evening, Jamie,” she replied once she found her voice.  “You look, well, if you were a Jacobite, I’d say you looked regal.”
The tops of Jamie’s ears went red, and he ducked his chin, his tamed curls falling briefly forward.  It gave him the look of a bashful child receiving unexpected praise, completely at odds with the strikingly masculine figure he cut.
“No’ a Nigel, then?” he teased.
“No.  Definitely not a Nigel.  Come, let’s get something to drink before all the top-shelf liquor runs out.  You wouldn’t believe how much some of these doctors can put away!”
Jamie was a perfect date.  He stood by her elbow as she mingled and greeted various colleagues and professors, nodding at their tales of medical misfortune and smiling at their awkward jokes.  He spoke confidently about his work and current affairs, and patiently tolerated endless jibes about what a true Scotsman wore beneath his kilt.
When she politely excused them from one such conversation, he leaned over to whisper in her ear as they walked away to fortify themselves with more alcohol.
“I’ve a mind tae lift my plaid an’ moon the entire assembly the next time one o’ yer wee doctor friends asks about my underthings.  Are ye sure they arena raising funds for a new proctology department, Sassenach?”
She snorted in a truly unladylike fashion and turned to meet his unrepentant smirk.  Just then, a figure approaching from the bar caught her eye.
Oh no.  It couldn’t be.  After five years, she’d finally relaxed her vigilance, had ceased anticipating his presence at every turn, and now, here he was.
“Sassenach?” Jamie was watching her with concern.  The blush had drained from her cheeks, leaving her wine-stained lips and sintering eyes the only colour on her face.
“Claire!  Fancy meeting you here!”  Had his voice always been so nasal?  His eyes so glassy and vacant, like portals into nothingness.  He’d obviously been drinking heavily.  A blond woman half his age had her arm linked through his.
“Frank,” she uttered his name.  Jamie stepped into her side, his posture erect, somehow sensing that she needed his protection from this unheralded threat.
“Well, isn’t this a surprise.  I’d heard you’d gone into the army, or some such thing.  Afghanistan, was it?  Well, with your penchant for violence, I suppose that’s fitting.”
She breathed deeply through her nose.  She would not let him get the better of her.  She wasn’t that person anymore.  With a clammy hand, she grabbed onto Jamie’s fingers where they rested around her hip.  He squeezed back.  He was here.   She wasn’t alone.  It was all the strength she needed.
“Yes, that’s right.  I served overseas for a time, but I’m back in London now.  In medical school.   Now, if you’ll excuse us, we were just leaving.”
Focusing on each step, she turned towards the exit, Jamie’s hand now warm upon the small of her back.  Her chin wobbled, but she bit down hard to stave off tears.
“A doctor?” Frank taunted from behind her.  “Wouldn’t a demolition expert be more apropos, darling?”
She froze, spine trembling with anger.  Jamie made a questioning noise, asking without words if she wanted him to intervene.   She didn’t.
Glancing over her shoulder, she dealt her parting blow.
“Give my best to Amelia and the children.”  Without waiting to witness the aftermath of her pronouncement, she made her way out into the chilly night air, Jamie’s bulk a silent sentinel at her side.
It wasn’t a date if it ended on the floor of your bathroom, crying ugly sobs as mascara stained your cheeks, while your partner held your shoulders and made soothing noises with his throat.  
That wasn’t dating, that was survival.
mac na ghalla = son of a bitch
Mu dheireadh = finally
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Please, Don’t Ever Leave Me
This is a happy birthday fanfic for @layschips12. Sorry that’s it’s late, I hope you like it.
Pairings: Analogical, Background Roceit, Background Queerplatonic Intruality
Warnings: Depression, Anxiety, Bullying, Self Deprecation, Minor Panic Attack,  Cursing, The Rest is Fluff.
This fanfic includes: Nb!Logan, Trans!Roman, Neopronouns!Janus (Ve/ver)
Word Count: 2,535
Virgil and Logan have known one another since they were 2. They met since their parents were friends with one another; they quickly became friends. They practically grew up together. 
They were always there for one another. Virgil always helped Logan when they were stressed out, overwhelmed, having trouble with their emotions, forgetting to care for themselve, or struggling to be productive. He was there for Logan when in they’re last year of middle school, Logan was diagnosed with Major Depression.
Logan also tried their best to be there for Virgil. They stood up for him when others tried to pick on him. They helped him when he was having family issue. They helped Virgil when he had to go to crowded places or when he was scared/panicking. They were there for Virgil when he was diagnosed with Social Anxiety in their first year of high school.
Of course, when they couldn’t be there for one another they had their other friends to check on them.
They met Roman in 4th grade. Logan and Virgil where walking down the hall when they saw a group of 5-7 kids gather around a specific spot. At first they didn’t think anything of it, but when they got closer and heard someone crying; they quickly stopped walking. They turned to see that these kids were all making fun of a younger looking girl on the floor. 
This small girl was a black haired Asian kid with dark brown eyes. Light freckles were peppered all along her warm ivory skin. She was relatively short and despite her skinny structure, you can tell she did some sort of exercise. 
The second they realized that this group of kids were bullying this younger kid, they quickly intervened. However, they didn’t became friends with her until a couple week later, when the three of them were put in a group project together. A few years later they found out that Roman, was actually a transboy. 
They met Remus at a sleepover in Roman’s house shortly after. However, for the longest time the two of them weren’t really close to Remus since despite being twins, Roman and Remus didn’t go to the same school. Due to Remus’ poor behavior he was put in a special school for difficult kids. They became a lot closer in college since Virgil and him ended up going to the same school.
Patton joined their little group in 6th grade when he transferred to their school half way through the school year. Patton was a tall, chubby, mexican kid with curly brown hair and hazel eyes. He was a huge social butterfly so he tried making friends with everyone. At first, Virgil didn’t like Patton one bit. But that changed when Patton helped him through an anxiety attack. 
Finally, there was Janus who joined the group when ve started dating Roman. The two began to date in their junior year of High school. At first, ve didn’t really get along with the others but ve eventually got close to them. 
Virgil began to have a crush on Logan in middle school. He loved how they were always so smart, kind, passionate, and understanding. He knew that no matter how much they were struggling, Logan would always be there for him. Sadly though, due to his Anxiety, he was afraid to act on these feelings. He didn’t want to lose his friendship with them, so he ignored them.
Of course, it wasn’t easy though. Apparently his little crush was very obvious since the others constantly teased him about it. They also claimed that Loan liked him back but he was hesitant to believe them.
So despite how much they pushed him to do it, Virgil refused to confess. But that only encouraged the others to try a different strategy. 
Instead of trying to convince Virgil to confess, they would convince Logan. Thankfully for the group, after a few weeks of bothering them, they caved.
Roman, the self proclaimed love expert help set up the date. He had chosen a Saturday fall evening for Logan to confess on, since he claimed that it was the perfect weather and scenery. He told Logan the plan they had to follow for the day and send them off.
Logan walked to Virgil’s college dorm and knocked on the door. They were wearing a black suit with a blue shirt underneath and a blue tie. 
Remus opens the door and smirks, “Virgin, your lover is here,” he calls out.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. No one else who visits us knocks!” Virgil walks to the door and blushes when he sees Logan.
Logan blushes as well. Virgil was wearing a a dark purple suit with a black shirt underneath and a black tie with a spider web design on it. 
“Are you guys going to leave or are you just going to continue eye fucking one another?” Remus loudly cuts through their moment.
They both turn bright red and Virgil punches Remus in the arm, “Shut it! We’re going!”
Remus laughs as Virgil walks out of the dorm, taking Logan’s hand.
“I’ll be back later.”
“Okay Emo!” Remus waves before closing the door. 
The date was going amazing. They started by going to watch a scary movie that had recently came out since Virgil wanted to watch it for a while now. Once the movie was over they took a walk in the park before eating at Virgil’s favorite restaurant. They ate some food and by the time they left it was dark outside.
“Today’s been amazing Lo. Thanks for taking me out.”
They nod, “Of course Virge. Before we go home can we go to one last place?”
“Sure,” Virgil smiles more, “Where do you wanna go?”
“I’m sorry but I’m going to have to retain that information from you. I want it to be a surprise. Also it’s want to not wanna.”
Virgil laughs, “Alright, alright. Lead the way then.”
“Close your eyes.” They say with a soft smile
Virgil chuckles, “Alright then,” He closes his eyes
They begin to lead him to the last destination of their date. The place where they will confess.
“We’re here.” They say softly as they come to a stop.
Virgil slowly opens his eyes and he lets out a gasps. They were on top of a hill. On the hill were tons of beautiful flowers. What was the most breathtaking though, was the view of the night sky. You could see thousands of stars and the beautiful full moon.
Logan had to admit that Roman’s decision to take Virgil here was adequate and ingenious. 
“Wow.” Virgil mumbles, dazed from the beauty in front of him.
Logan chuckles softly, “Do you like it? It’s beautiful, right?
He nods, “Yeah, I love it. Thanks for bringing me here Lo.”
Logan smiles softly, “Of course,” They take a deep breath, “I, actually brought you here so that I can tell you something.”
A sudden wave of anxiety hits Virgil. Endless worst case scenarios and toxic thoughts fill his head. Before he knows it, he’s hyperventilating and shaking. Tears blur his visions and he can’t even look at Logan.
Logan frowns softly and gently cups his lover’s cheek.
“Virgil, can you hear me?”
A small nods accompanied by heavy breathing and sobs is the answer they get but it was more then enough for them.
“Alright good. It’s okay, everything’s okay. Just focus on me, clear you head and breath. I’ve got you.”
They spoke in a soft calming voice, one that made Virgil’s head clear up a bit almost immediately. Logan holds him close, whispering sweet nothings in his ear and running him through a breathing exercise. 
Eventually they manage to calm him down.
“S-sorry.... I didn’t mean to interrupt you like that...” Virgil mumbles quietly and ashamedly.
Logan shakes their head, “It’s okay Vee. You don’t have to apologize.”
“Okay,” Virgil caves quickly, “Well, what were you gonna say?”‘
Logan takes a deep breath before gently letting go of Virgil. They stand in font of him and holds his hands.
“Virgil, we’ve been friends for 17 years now and I cherish our friendship so much. However, I can’t help but be unsatisfied with our current relationship statues.”
A blush dusts Virgil’s cheeks, “What do you mean?”
They take a deep breath before continuing, “I have romantic feelings towards you Virgil. I have for a while and I was wondering if you would accept me as your romantic partner.”
For a second, Virgil can feel his stomach fill with butterflies and his heart pound out of his chest. He stays quiet for a few seconds, trying to make sure that what he just heard was real.
Once his brain fully comprehends the situation he threw himself into Logan’s arms and started crying.
“Yes! YES YES YES YES YES! A million times yes!”
Logan held him close and laughed, blushing and tearing up a bit, making a mental note to thank Roman tomorrow. 
Logan and Virgil stayed together for the rest of college. They eventually moved in together when they were both 23 and they were happy. Yes, they had their arguments here and there but it never got too serious. They had a nice healthy relationship. They continued talking to their group of friends and life was well.
Virgil is now 27 and Logan is 28. He woke up in the morning to find that his significant other wasn’t there. He was a bit shocked but just assumed that they went off to work earlier like they did sometimes. He got up and started off his day. 
He got a knock on his door at 12:00 which surprised him since he didn’t remember inviting anyone over. He gets up and walks to the door, opening it to see Remus and Patton.
“Oh, hey guys. What are you two doing here?” He asks, pleasantly surprised. 
“We’re here to hang out with you emo!!” Remus announces loudly.
Patton laughs softly, “Yup!! Sorry for the suddenness but I got a day off work and Rem wanted to come visit you!”
Patton and Remus have been in a gueerplatonic relationship for a while now. They moved in together right next door to Roman and Janus, mostly cause the twins wanted to stay close to one another.
“It’s alright, but can I ask why?”
Remus lets himself in, dragging Patton in with him, “Cause we want to Virgin!”
“I hate that nickname,’ Virgil mumbles as he closes the door.
The day was going amazing. The three of them played some games, baked cookies, made lunch, watch some dramas, and even painted each others nails. It was 7 p.m when Remus received a message. He checked his pohne and then smiled brightly.
“Hey, Mr.Sunshine,” Remus called to Virgil.
“What?” Virgil turns to him.
“Let’s go out somewhere real quick.”
Virgil checks the time, “But it’s pretty late and besides I have to call Logan, he should have been home by now”
“Kiddo, come on! It’ll be quick! Besides, I’m pretty sure Logan is fine, he’s probably just decided to work a bit overtime.”
He thinks for a bit before giving in, “Fine. Who’s car are we taking?”
“Mine!” Remus says, taking out his keys, “Let’s go!”
They walk out of the house and get into Remus’ car.
The whole car ride Remus and Patton avoid any questions Virgil has, which infuriates the clueless kid.
They park in a parking lot near a hill that Virgil immediately recognized. 
“Why are we here?” He asks cautious.
Remus stops the car and gets out, “Please just follow us. Everything will be explained soon.”
Patton also gets out and holds out a hand for Virgil. He hesitantly takes it and lets himself be taken out of the car and led to the hill.
When they make it to the top they stop walking.
“Hey, kiddo, we’re gonna go get something real quick, can you stay here?”
Virgil starts to fidget with his sleeve getting more and more anxious by the second.
“S-sure...” He mutters out weakly.
They both smile at him softly and reassuringly before walking off in the direction of the car.
To try and stay calm, Virgil looks at the starts, taking shaky deep breaths and continuing to fidget.
Minutes that feel like hours pass before suddenly, footsteps start approaching Virgil from behind. He immediately tuns around, alarmed. But to his surprise, he it’s Logan. They're wearing a nice suit, one that looks like Janus’ mom made. After all, such an intricate Victorian design can only come from the best designer in town.
As soon as Virgil recognizes Logan he calms down, blushing at how wonderful they look. 
“Hey, love. You scared me,” Virgil says with a soft smile.
They return the smile, “Sorry, dearest. I actually have a question for you.”
“Oh? What is it?” Virgil suddenly feels anxious all over again. Afraid that they want to break up with him.
They take a deep breath and take out a small box from their pocket before getting down on one knee.
“You're the sun in my shine, The spark in my plug, The heart to my beat, The day to my night, The twinkle in my eye, The hot to my spicy, The yin to my yang, The soul to my mate.Need I say more? Now all I want to hear from you, Is to say, "I do."
“Virgil, will you marry me?”
Virgil can’t believe his eyes or ears. It this real? It has to be. He’s crying. He can feel the wind through his hair and the ground below his feet. He can see the stars light up the sky and the moon shine down on them. He could hear the quite clamor of the animals around them.
He nods, “YES!”
Now they’re both crying. Logan puts the ring on Virgil before standing up. They share a warm hug and a perfect kiss. 
They stand there in each other's arms. 
“Please, don’t ever leave me,” Virgil mumbles into Logan’s chest. 
“I won���t. I promise,” Logan whispers softly, kissing his lover’s head gently.
Suddenly a loud cheer comes from a tree near them.
“IT WORKED! CONGRATS YOU TWO!” Roman rushed out from behind the tree, smiling brightly.
Logan gently lets go of Virgil and turns to their friend, “I THOUGHT WE AGREED THAT YOU WOULD WAIT BACK IN THE HOUSE!”
The other sighs, “I know! But I couldn’t help myself!” He whines.
Janus suddenly comes out as well and grabs vis’ husbands hand.
“Sorry about him. I tried to hold him back but he somehow managed to escape my grip,” Ver explains, trying to tug Roman back to where they were before.
VIrgil sighs fondly, “It’s alright Jan. Anyway, are the others here too?”
Roman nods excitedly, “Yup! Rem! Pat! You two can come out!”
The two of them do so
“Hey, congrats Kiddos! I’m happy for you guys!” Patton says cheerfully.
The two of them blush and thank him.
“Welp! Let’s go home! We have a party to start!” The twins say at the same time. 
And with that, they start making their way to Roman’s and Janus’ house.
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
Sanders Sides AU-gust Day 16: Treasure Hunters
Patton and Logan are husbands and partners, traveling across the globe in search of hidden treasures. The one expedition that Patton can’t attend, Logan bites off more than he can chew. Patton/Logan POV, Logicality and Prinxiety
Day 15 | Masterlist | Day 17
Patton sighed as his husband ran around the kitchen. “Lo, I can clean up on my own.”
Logan huffed as he finished cleaning up breakfast. “Your metatarsal is fractured, Patton. I do not want you performing any strenuous activities and potentially hurting yourself.” He gestured to Patton’s foot, which was wrapped up in a light blue cast. “Besides, what kind of husband would I be if I couldn’t help my love when he’s injured?”
Patton smiled. “You’d still be my perfect hubby.” He slowly got out of his chair in the dining room, using his crutches to maneuver himself. “If you won’t let me clean up, then I’ll be crocheting in the living room.” He made his way to the living room, his eyes briefly moving towards the different photos and artifacts that lined the walls. Every inch of this room painted a picture of their lives. Patton and Logan Sanders. Archaeologists/Treasure Hunters of 12 years, husbands of 10. Patton sighed dreamily, remembering when they’d met on the outskirts of Turkey. It had been love at first sight (in Patton’s opinion at least). Patton continued to reminisce as he sat on the couch, pulling out a scarf he was making. It was currently early November, and Patton wanted to make scarves and hats for the two of them to wear when it started to snow here in New York.
Eventually, Logan finished cleaning the kitchen and joined Patton in the living room. Patton made his scarf while Logan leaned on his side, reading a book. Patton glanced at the book a bit back a snort. Judging by the images, it seemed to be an instructional book for reading hieroglyphics (in Egyptian of course. Logan was so extra when it came to learning). They spent the next few hours in relative silence, the occasional clink of crochet hooks or the turn of a page lulling them deeper into the peaceful scenario they’ve created.
Eventually, Logan sat his book down and spoke. “I can still cancel my trip.”
Patton shook his head. “You’ve always wanted to go to Egypt, Lo. And who knows when you’ll get another opportunity like this. You’re gonna be the first person to see inside that tomb!”
Logan sighed. “But it won’t be the same without you there beside me.”
Patton chuckled, running his fingers through Logan’s hair. “I’m sure you’ll have fun. And as soon as you get back, we’ll have the rest of the years to ourselves. I’ll even bake you a pie for when you get back!”
Logan winced. “Please don’t. I’ll just be worrying about you getting burnt the entire expedition.”
Patton smiled softly. “Then I’ll make you something that doesn’t require an oven.” He leaned down to kiss Logan’s forehead. “I’ll be fine on my own, I promise.”
Patton sighed as he took in the now empty house. The expedition was set to last for three weeks. Three weeks of crocheting and cleaning and not having a worrywart husband breathing down his neck (Patton loved Logan’s protectiveness, but sometimes it was just too much). Patton hummed to himself as he sat down to finish his scarf. He wanted to get all of the scarves and hats done before Logan got back.
Logan sighed as he listened to the local’s ramblings. Usually Patton was the one to gather public information while Logan gathered written information, but sadly his love wasn’t here with him. Logan ignored the thoughts and focused on what the man was saying.
Apparently, one of the men had stumbled upon the undiscovered tomb of King Roman, one of the less commonly known Pharaohs. That was because he never took a lover. Well, he never took a female lover. While his twin brother Remus provided heirs and directed the kingdom financially, King Roman was the general of his armies. He was present in nearly every battle alongside Virgilius, his second-in-command. They were suspected to be in a romantic relationship, and it was rumored that after Roman and Virgilius died on the battlefield, Remus preserved both of their bodies in the pyramid. While the textbooks say it’s because Virgilius was Roman’s loyal protector, most people believed it was because of their relationship. It was said that after King Roman was killed on the battlefield, Virgilius slaughtered the opposing army single-handedly before dying. Whether he died from battle wounds or if he took his own life was up to interpretation.
None of the locals wished to enter the pyramid, lest they be cursed. Logan knew the real reason, however. Homosexuality was still illegal in Egypt. They most likely either didn’t wish to sully themselves by entering the resting place of a homosexual ruler, or they were afraid that they would get ‘cursed with homosexuality’ if they trespassed. The amount of aggression towards homosexuality upset Logan greatly, and for the first time on this expedition, he was thankful that Patton was not present. It was upsetting enough to still be using his original surname (he had taken Patton’s last name when they married, but he used ‘Croft’ in all work-related scenarios in case the country they were in was homophobic), but it was always soul-crushing to treat Patton as nothing more than a coworker on these expeditions.
Logan fiddled with the thin chain of his necklace, where his wedding ring sat under his clothes. He was only a few days in, and he was already wishing to see Patton again.
Patton took off his wedding ring and pulled on a pair of rubber gloves. Today was cleaning day!
Patton hummed several tunes under his breath as he cleaned the house from top to bottom. Even with a broken foot, he completed each task efficiently and enthusiastically. He cleaned the bathrooms, the kitchen, the bedroom, the guest bedroom, and now he was cleaning the living room. He whistled as he dusted off different artifacts and photo frames. He smiled fondly as he dusted a photo from their wedding day. He let his mind be pulled back to memory land as he cleaned. Everything from that day brought happy tears to his eyes. From the preparations, to Logan’s face as he saw Patton walking down the aisle, even the brief scare when they couldn’t find the rings. Patton felt his eyes water as he blew some dust off of the frame, their wedding vows playing in his head.
‘I will love you, forever and always’
Logan felt his eyes water as he blew the dust off of the sarcophagus. There were multiple hieroglyphics and what appeared to be old Latin written on the casing. Logan struggled to read it.
‘...find...afterlife...live again...forever and always’
Logan snapped a few pictures with his camera. Latin was Patton’s area of expertise. Maybe he could decipher it when he got home. Logan examined the sarcophagus. It appeared to be the tomb of Virgilius. Logan opened up the sarcophagus and was unsurprised to find a mummified corpse. What did surprise him was the necklace around the mummy’s neck. Logan readjusted his gloves before carefully removing the necklace. It was a beautiful onyx color with what appeared to be amethyst gemstones. Logan carefully sealed it in a plastic bag before setting it inside of his satchel. Once he discovered nothing else of value in the room, he closed the sarcophagus before making his way to the next room. He left the mummy alone for now; it would most likely be donated to a museum, and he had multiple days to analyze the body before then.
After a few more hours of searching, Logan finally found what he assumed to the sarcophagus of King Roman. The inscription on this tomb was less corroded, and Logan was able to read another part of it.
‘...find...afterlife...blood...awaken...live again...forever and always’
Logan took another photo before opening the sarcophagus. Like Virgilius. Roman’s mummified corpse had a piece of jewelry on it. It was a gold bracelet with ruby gemstones. Logan went to remove the bracelet when it suddenly moved. Logan watched as the bracelet shot up and latched itself onto the sliver of bare skin between Logan’s glove and arm. He went to remove the bracelet and quickly found that he couldn’t. It looked as if it had melded to his skin. Logan turned back to the mummy and screamed.
Patton screamed as he smacked the wall with his broom. Spider spider HATE SPIDERS! Patton continued to scream and smack until he was sure that the spider was dead. Even then, Patton couldn’t stop his racing heart. Not for the first time since Logan left, Patton had wished he didn’t tell Logan to go. Patton depended on Logan, just as Logan depended on Patton. They needed each other for physical, mental, and emotional support. And for killing creepy-crawly death dealers.
Patton jumped as he heard his phone ring. He smiled as he read the caller ID: Lolo <3. Patton quickly answered the phone. “Hey Lo, you will not believe what just happened-”
“I’m coming home.”
Patton was shocked at being cut off, then frowned at what Logan said. “Why?” Logan was only 3 days into his expedition. This was probably the first day he’d entered the pyramid. So why was he already leaving?
Logan’s voice was shaky as he answered. “I-I’ll show you when I get home, Pat. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you over the phone.”
Patton snorted. “Lo, I took you to a fairy circle on our anniversary. Try me.”
Logan sighed. “King Roman, the dead Pharoh? He’s not dead anymore.”
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gb-fics · 4 years
The Sexual Implication of Beds
Golden Bomber
Note: This fic is Jun-centric, since it’s his birthday today! <3 I actually wanted to write something in relation to the song Abare Kyoku, since Jun is such a fanboy and a few lines are referring to the lyrics indeed. However, since I couldn’t think of a way to include headbanging, etc. into a fic, I looked for another fan habit I could give Jun and ... yeah, here we are XD The story is slight self-parody for my usual kirikyan fanfiction :D
„I’ll get some snacks!“, Yutaka shouted as soon as the car pulled to an halt.
Jun got out on his side of the backseat. He stretched his arms, trying to relax after the long ride. Neither of them was a morning person and they had left Tokyo well past noon. By now, it wasn’t quite dark yet, but twilight had already set in. The streetlights across the parking lot were illuminating their surroundings.
They would arrive at the hotel shortly, but luckily Shou had insisted on a toilet break and Yutaka had whined about his low blood pressure and needing something to eat urgently. Of course, they had stopped only an hour ago for an early dinner, but that certainly didn’t inflict Yutaka’s appetite.
Jun was relieved about the last stop. When he had called the hotel from the restaurant, no one had picked up. The change would come at a short notice now, but at least there was still hope it would be possible to alter their reservation.
“I’m going to look for the toilets”, Shou announced. Yutaka had already dashed across the parking lot and vanished inside the nearest store.
“I’ll check out the store”, Kenji said and looked over at Jun, who shook his head.
“I just want to catch some fresh air”, he lied. It was too warm to spend time outside actually, but he needed an excuse to be left alone. He thought of the air conditioning inside the store and almost grew weak. Although the sun was nearly gone, the air still felt stifling. But he couldn’t give in, even if the chances he’d get through to the hotel this time were low. It was his duty to try. Someone had to. And no one was in a better position than him.
Kenji shrugged and Jun looked after him and Shou taking off, before he got out his phone.
The thing was, that Jun was Kiryuuin Shou’s biggest fan.
He had been from the very first moment he had seen him on stage. He was funny and charismatic and creative and talented and he deserved the world. Jun knew that his admiration seemed more appropriate for a fanboy than for a bandmate. But he didn’t really work with Shou on the music or even the stage programs. Just like the fans, he got confronted with the finished product. And the product always made him marvel at Shou’s wit and genius. Jun wasn’t ashamed to refer to himself as a fanboy, even if he tried to limit his outbursts in Shou’s presence, not to make his bandleader uncomfortable. But as his fanboy, Jun wanted nothing but to see Shou happy. He would do anything to provide him with the happiness he deserved.
Unfortunately, Shou seemed blind to what would make him happy. After all those years, he was still oblivious. But Jun knew. He knew better than Shou what Shou needed and he would make sure he got it in the end.
Jun would make sure, that Kiryuuin Shou noticed his love for Kyan Yutaka, and if it was the last thing he did.
Funnily enough, Yutaka didn’t seem to have noticed, either, that his perfect partner was right in front of him. They treated each other like friends. They were oblivious to the amazing couple they could be.
But even if Shou and Yutaka couldn’t see it yet, Jun had noticed. He had noticed all the small touches, the affectionate gestures, the looks they exchanged. They were meant to be. Jun lived of those little moments, their playful fights, the screenshots the fans posted. They made him trust in the fact that love was real.
He dialled the number of the hotel they were supposed to stay at before the shooting tomorrow.
From Tokyo it was quite a long trip and Kenji had driven all the way so far. Jun had tried to secure the passenger seat for himself - to enable Shou and Yutaka to spend more time together on the backseat, where it was a little more private and their hands could brush against each other accidently, or where on of them could watch the other in secret, while he dozed off. Unfortunately, Shou had won the game of rock, paper, scissor, though, and it was Jun, who had ended up on the backseat with Yutaka. He had been sulking for the entire ride.
Jun pressed the phone to his ear. The screen had heat up and felt uncomfortably warm against his cheek. His shirt was sticking to his back with sweat, too.
It took a while for someone to pick up, but finally the voice of a woman greeted him.
“Hello?”, she asked.
Jun cleared his throat, suddenly nervous. He looked around the parking lot to make sure no one was in earshot. It wasn’t the first time he pulled tricks like this, but he always felt like a criminal. Shou would get mad, if he knew.
“Hello, I’m from Golden Bomber”, he said. “The band that will stay at your hotel tonight. Our staff booked two rooms for us.”
He waited a moment for the woman to check their reservation on her computer.
“Is there a problem with the booking? Would you like to cancel?”, she asked.
“No, no.” Jun spoke hastily now, worried the others might come back, before he had made all the necessary arrangements. “I was just wondering, if we could arrange a change of rooms?”
“I need your booking code for that”, the woman said apologetic. “To confirm your authorization.”
“Sure”, Jun mumbled and quoted the booking code from memory. He had read the confirmation mail their staff had forwarded to them over and over again, until he knew it by heart.
“Great”, the woman announced. “You have booked two rooms with twin beds. Would you like separate rooms? I need to check our capacities for that.”
“No.” Jun cleared his throat again. “You see, this is a little embarrassing. But I would like to change one of the rooms to a regular double bed.”
“That is no problem”, the woman said, still friendly and very professional.
“And, uhm, if I could ask you to be, you know, a little private about it?”, Jun asked. “Me and my bandmate are, you see, kind of an item. But our colleagues don’t know about it. So, it would be good, if it looked like a booking mistake. Like, oops, we only have one twin bed room left. Two of you will have to share a bed. No single rooms available. Would that be possible?”
Although the woman could not see him, Jun felt himself blushing. He felt embarrassed at the thought she might assume he was in a secret relationship with one of the other guys. To Jun, that thought was ridiculous and absurd of course. But she might buy into it. He had figured he’d have to tell this little lie, though, for the greater cause. Shou and Yutaka would thank him later, in a few years, during their anniversary celebration.
“That is no problem at all”, the woman confirmed. “We are here to be of service.”
“Thank you”, Jun said. “We should arrive in about thirty minutes.”
“We are looking forward to your stay”, the woman said.
They exchanged their goodbyes and Jun hung up with a sigh of relief. He hadn’t actually expected it to work out this smoothly. But he had done it. He had done his part to make the world a slightly better place, in which Shou and Yutaka would love each other.
“You called the hotel”, a voice behind him announced.
Jun flinched hard, but relaxed immediately when he turned around and found Kenji standing behind him.
“You are scheming something again, aren’t you?”
Jun smiled slyly.
“I changed our reservation, so Shou and Yutaka will have to share a bed”, he declared proudly.
Kenji sighed and shook his head slightly. The heat didn’t really seem to bother him. While Jun felt awkward and sweaty, Kenji looked like he was modelling for a calendar shooting right now. Relaxed and handsome and in very good shape.
“They will be so mad, if they find out”, he said. “You should really just leave them alone. You can’t force something like that.”
Jun crossed the arms in front of his chest.
“I’m not forcing it”, he said. “I’m helping the natural course of things along.”
Kenji shook his head again.
“I don’t understand, why you want them to be together so badly. They obviously don’t care for each other romantically.”
Jun wiped his forehead absentmindedly. He considered running up to the shop as well to get himself something cold to drink. But then, Shou and Yutaka would probably be back shortly and he didn’t want to delay their trip.
“You don’t understand”, he claimed. He had always been very open with Kenji about his feelings for Shou and Yutaka. Kenji had never shared his enthusiasm, though. He did not seem to believe in their love as much as Jun did.
“They would make each other happy, if they just realized, what is right in front of them. Yutaka is actually very caring of Shou, Shou just doesn’t see it.”
Jun pulled on his shirt, hoping to prevent it from clinging to his chest even more. It was just too hot.
To his surprise, Kenji held out a full water bottle to him. It hadn’t been opened yet and the condensed water on the outside indicated that it had only just left the fridge. It would be cool and refreshing.
“Here”, Kenji said. “When you wanted to stay behind, I figured it was something stupid like that, and not that you didn’t want anything. I thought you’d like a cool drink, so I brought a bottle of water for you.”
Jun took the bottle gratefully and unscrewed the lid. That was typical of Kenji. He was very thoughtful. He also knew that Jun despised the sweet, artificial drinks, that Yutaka and Shou would have chosen.
Greedily Jun drank. The water was so cold, it hurt while he swallowed. He breathed out with relief.
“Thanks”, he announced and put the lid back onto the bottle. “Anyway, what Yutaka and Shou share is really special. Yutaka has always supported Shou, even if he thought some of his ideas were very stupid. To believe so fully in someone and wanting to see them happy even if you disagree – that’s love.”
“I disagree, but whatever you say”, Kenji said and smirked. He had a handsome smirk, too.
Jun turned the water bottle between his hands. His palms were wet from the condensation.
He wished Kenji would understand how much this meant to him.
“Ah, seems they are back”, Kenji observed and nodded across the parking lot.
Jun turned his head and felt something in his chest tightening. There they were, coming out of the grocery store together. After shopping together. Like a couple.
“Hey, Kenji”, Shou called out. “I can drive the last bit, if you are tired. It might be stressful to find the hotel and you drove for quite a while already. Unless you want to.”
“No, that would be great, I could need a break”, Kenji said and tossed the keys at Shou, who had gotten quite close by now.
Shou missed the keys and they hit the ground. He had to bent over and pick them up from the dirty pavement. He did so gingerly. It looked pretty awkward.
“Idiot”, Yutaka scolded him. He took a hearty bite out of an energy bar. The corner of his mouth was already smeared with chocolate. “How can anyone be that clumsy?”
“At least I can eat with dignity”, Shou replied and shot Yutaka a sour glance.
Jun thought their gentle bickering was adorable.
“Can I take the passenger seat now?”, Yutaka changed the topic.
Jun thought that would be a great idea. It would enable Yutaka to gaze at Shou longingly from the side, while Shou kept his eyes on the road, painfully aware of Yutaka’s presence right next to him. Oh, the longing, the pining.
“Actually”, Shou said. “I think Kenji should take the passenger seat. His legs are the longest. He always looks so cramped on the backseat. It can’t be comfortable.”
“According to that logic, you should have traded your seat with Jun earlier”, Yutaka muttered.
Shou shrugged and unlocked the car.
“I’m the leader of this band. The laws of logic don’t apply to me.”
Jun nudged Kenji in the side.
Kenji looked at him. Jun raised his eyebrows.
Kenji exhaled a little too soundly.
“Yutaka can have the passenger seat. I don’t care.”
Jun beamed at him, while he got in on the back himself. Kenji was reliable. Jun could always count on him.
Shou took a while to adjust the driver seat, so he was able to reach the gas pedal at all. Then he started the car, following the instructions of their navigation device.
Jun watched him for a moment. Shou always looked very focused while driving. Jun was surprised he had offered to take over at all. He didn’t mind driving as much as Jun did, but he wasn’t at ease as much as Kenji and Yutaka. He looked pretty, when he was concentrated, though. Jun hoped that Yutaka noticed.
He turned to look at Yutaka. He wasn’t looking at Shou, but out the window. Jun frowned.
He shot a quick glance over at Kenji, who had rested his head against the window and closed his eyes. His features looked very relaxed and even, when he was dozing off like that.
Jun turned his attention back onto Yutaka, staring at the back of his head as if he hoped to make him look over at Shou by sheer force of will.
It didn’t work. Yutaka kept gazing out the window. Jun felt highly frustrated with his bandmates. All three of them did not to understand how romance was supposed to work. At least the air conditioning was working in the car. Jun’s body started to cool down. He felt somewhat less gross and sweaty already.
When they pulled into the parking lot of the hotel, he almost dreaded getting out of the car because of the heat. After fixing his luggage from the trunk, Jun felt sweaty again. This wasn’t the season for travelling. It was the season for staying at home and hardly moving at all.
He dragged his suitcase into the lobby of the hotel. Shou and Yutaka only had backpacks with them, Kenji something that looked like a training bag. Only Jun had brought a suitcase and it was actually quite heavy. He regretted not packing more lightly.
Behind the reception desk a young woman with bangs greeted them. Jun wondered, if she was the one, he had talked to on the phone. He hoped she wouldn’t recognize him. Maybe he should have disguised his voice. The safest thing would be to stay quiet.
“Hello, nice to meet you.” As usual, it was Shou who took over the talking. “It’s Golden Bomber. We reserved two rooms for tonight.”
“Yes, of course.” The receptionist beamed at them. “Two twin bed rooms, is that correct?”
Jun’s throat started to feel uncomfortable dry. He licked his lips. Had his plan failed? Had the booking not been changed? Would Shou and Yutaka stay oblivious to their true love forever?
The woman turned to her computer.
“Oh, dear”, she said. She sounded genuinely sorry. Jun was quite sure now, that he recognized her voice from the phone. “I just see there has been a problem with your reservation. We only have one twin bed room left.”
Jun could not see Shou’s expression, since he was standing behind him. Yutaka groaned soundly, though. He still had chocolate sticking to his cheek.
“We can only offer you a regular double bed”, the receptionist continued. Jun had to give her credit for staying throughout professional. If it was up to him, he’d nominate her for the Oscars. “The price will stay the same of course.”
Shou turned around, looking at them questioningly.
“We could split up and look for another hotel. But I’m not sure it’s worth the trouble”, he observed.
“It’s not like we didn’t share beds before”, Jun said hastily.
He was aware that Kenji watched him from the side and was probably smirking.
“Well, I don’t care”, Yutaka said.
Jun took that as a good sign. Of course, he didn’t care. Secretly, he hoped to press his small, sexy body against Shou’s small, sexy body, embracing him, placing kisses all over …
“Okay, we’ll take it”, Shou said and turned back to the receptionist.
She handed him two key cards after he signed the papers.
“307 is the one with the twin beds. 306 the double bed one”, she explained sweetly. “Unfortunately, our elevator is out of service currently. You’ll have to take the stairs. We can get someone to carry your luggage, if you wish.”
Shou waved it off.
Jun thought he had been a little fast to decline the offer. After all, Shou only carried a backpack. It was Jun, who would have to drag a heavy suitcase to the third floor.
“Well, I’m sorry about the inconvenience, guys”, Shou said and held the card with the number 306 out to Kenji demonstratively.
Kenji hesitated and cast a quick glance over at Jun. Jun glared at him. Kenji did not take the card.
“Actually”, he said, obviously highly uncomfortable. Jun knew how much Kenji hated to pick an argument with about anyone. “I think you guys should share the bed. You are much smaller than me and Jun after all.”
Shou furrowed his brow.
“Also”, Jun chimed in. “Yutaka said he wouldn’t mind.”
“Sure, I don’t mind, loser”, Yutaka agreed. “Because I’m sleeping in a twin bed anyway. I don’t care how cramped up you and Kenji are sleeping.”
Jun stared at him wide-eyed. He couldn’t believe his plan would fail like that.
“But … but …”, he stammered. “It’s my birthday this month! Let me chose the room.”
“You wish”, Shou said. “Yutaka may be small, but he takes up the most space. So, we ought to get the twin beds.”
Jun turned to Kenji for help.
Kenji made a face, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. It looked oddly cute. He moved like a child, who had gotten caught doing something forbidden. His body was much too tall for such a gesture.
“I think Jun is right”, he said hesitantly. “Doesn’t he deserve to chose his room this month?”
Shou exhaled gravely.
“Fine”, he agreed. “I can share the twin bed room with Jun then. You guys take the double bed.”
“Oi!”, Yutaka shouted. “Don’t make it sound like a sacrifice! If you want Jun to sleep in a twin bed so badly, you can share the bed with Kenji!”
“Rock, paper, scissor?”, Shou suggested.
Yutaka shrugged.
Jun started to panic. Splitting Shou and Yutaka up would be even worse than them not sharing the bed. He hadn’t considered this option at all.
“Fine!”, he shouted hysteric. “We’ll take the double bed. You guys share the twin bed room.”
He snatched the key with the number 306 from Shou’s hand and picked up his suitcase. It was really heavy, but the weight wouldn’t have been a huge problem for Jun. The problem was, that he was awkward and not very good at carrying unwieldy objects in general. He dragged the luggage up the first three steps, aware that he looked completely ridiculous and didn’t exactly manage to storm off impressively.
He was highly upset. Why did Shou and Yutaka struggle against their happiness like that?
“Hey, let me take that”, Kenji said gently and caught up to him, taking the suitcase out of Jun’s hand. He carried it up the stairs easily, his gym bag in the other hand. The weight didn’t seem to bother him at all.
Jun followed him up the stairs, listening closely if Shou and Yutaka were bickering behind them, but they stayed quiet.
On the third floor, they found their doors easily. Of course, they were right next to each other. Kenji dropped Jun’s suitcase, while he waited for him to unlock the door.
Jun waited a moment, until Shou had unlocked the door to the room next to them. Somehow, he was still hoping for a change of mind.
Shou opened the door, holding it open for Yutaka, who walked past him. Jun waited until the door had fallen shut behind them, before he turned back to their own lock.
“Did you see that?”, he asked Kenji excitedly. “Shou held the door open for Yutaka! Usually, they are not that polite around each other. Maybe he is starting to acknowledge his feelings for him? I mean, holding the door open for him has to mean something! You don’t get treatment like that from just anyone. Shou was acting like a real gentleman!”
Jun pushed open their door and entered first.
“A real gentleman, indeed”, Kenji said somewhat dryly, took up Jun’s suitcase again and followed him into the room.
Jun stood frozen and stared onto the bed. It was a double bed alright, but not a very large one. It would be impossible to avoid body contact in it.
“Are you kidding me?”, Jun howled out. “It’s so small! Two people will be pressed together in there!”
“Well”, Kenji said apologetic. “If it’s bothering you, I can …”
Jun turned around to stare at Kenji wide-eyed.
“It would have been perfect!”
Jun imagined Shou and Yutaka having to share that small double bed. Damn, that would have been hot.
Kenji sighed and dropped Jun’s suitcase on the left side of the bed. He knew that Jun preferred to sleep closer to the window than to the door.
Jun sat down on the edge of the bed and hung his head low.
“I was this close”, he muttered. “This close to making all of my dreams come true.”
“If they are attracted to each other, they will figure it out in twin beds, too”, Kenji tried to comfort him.
Jun looked up to him and managed a thankful smile.
“I appreciate you trying, though”, he said. “It’s nice you support me in this. I know you don’t believe in their love.”
Kenji shrugged and started to unpack his things from the training bag.
“Do you mind, if I take a shower first?”, Jun asked. “I feel sweaty and disgusting. I really can’t force you to sleep next to me like that.”
Kenji smiled at him.
“I don’t think you are disgusting, ever”, he said. “But sure, you can go first.”
Jun collected his stuff from the suitcase, before entering the bath. He always brought a lot of cosmetics with him on trips. His hair was usually dry from dying it so often and his skin needed a lot of care, too. That was probably, why his suitcase was always so heavy. That, and the fact that he couldn’t settle for an outfit beforehand and always took too many clothes.
He stepped under the shower, and allowed the warm water to wash away his worries. He wondered, if Shou and Yutaka were taking a shower right now, too. Probably not together, Jun didn’t get his hopes up like that. But maybe Yutaka walked around the room with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist afterwards, Shou’s eyes following him through the room, taking in his bare skin and wondering, why the sight made him feel so flustered. He’d blush and Yutaka would notice, gently teasing him about it. It wouldn’t cause the ultimate confession yet, of course, just set the right atmosphere for what was going to happen later. Jun knew how stories like these were supposed to go.
He tried not to imagine things between his bandmates too vividly under the shower, though. It got him a little too excited. Two handsome men like that. Way more handsome than Jun himself at least. They would surely look good together.
He turned off the water, drying himself off with a fluffy, white towel. He wrapped it around his waist while getting ready for bed applying moisturizer, brushing his teeth, combing his hair.
Then he walked back into the room. Nudity had never been a big deal between him and Kenji. For Kenji nudity never seemed to be a big deal in any context. Jun did not feel embarrassed, even as Kenji watched him now, while he searched his suitcase for the pyjamas.
“Are you done?”, Kenji assured, after Jun had gotten dressed again and fixed himself a book to read a page before going to sleep.
“Sure”, Jun assured and made himself comfortable on the bed. “You can use the bath now.”
He watched Kenji as he got up and disappeared into the bathroom. Those hotel rooms always seemed too small for Kenji. It wasn’t just his height and his broad shoulders that looked weird in this cramped place with the small bed. Kenji usually seemed to burst with joy and enthusiasm and the small room seemed unable to contain his whole personality. When it came to character, Kenji deserved to be on a huge stage all the time, Jun thought.
He turned towards the book he was holding without even opening it.
He thought of Shou and Yutaka next door again. If something happened between them, would he even know? Would they tell their bandmates? For all that Jun knew, they might be in a happy relationship for years already. Shou hadn’t seemed too pleased with the possibility of changing roommates. But then, why not take the chance of sharing the bed? Maybe Yutaka really used up too much space in his sleep.
Jun put aside his book and checked his phone instead. He loved checking out the posts of fans, whom he followed with his fake account. There were usually cute pictures of Shou and Yutaka together. Sometimes, very rarely, there were pictures of himself, too. He always scrolled past them very fast.
Of course, occasionally he felt weird about swooning over his bandmates like this. When he wanted to see them, he didn’t have to stare at pictures on his phone like a creep. He could go over next door and knock. It was different for the fans, who didn’t know them in person. Jun should have a little more respect for their privacy. However, there was something soothing in fading in with the crowd of fans. They all wanted the same thing. They wanted Shou and Yutaka happy together. It was a goal they shared, something that made Jun escape from his own life and his own worries for a little while.
Kenji entered the room again. Jun looked up shortly. Kenji was naked. He hadn’t even bothered with a towel around his waist. Jun looked back onto his mobile screen.
There was a moment of silence, in which Kenji towelled off his hair.
“You think we could hear them, if they banged?”, Jun asked without looking up. “The walls seem to be quite thin.”
Kenji chuckled.
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s going to happen”, he observed.
Jun sighed.
“You are right. They have twin beds. Nothing will happen between them”, he agreed.
Kenji pulled a goofy face. It did nothing to hide his handsomeness, though.
“I don’t think the problem is the beds.”
Jun shook his head and finally lowered his phone to get a better look at Kenji. He kept his eyes fixed on Kenji’s face, though.
“If they had to share the bed, they’d surely have sex. If there is only one bed, the potential couple is bound to have sex. Don’t you read at all? It’s science.”
Kenji snorted and put the towel over the backrest of the armchair by the window.
“I don’t see how that should be science”, he said.
“Well, think of all the sexual tension it would create. Shou and Yutaka in a bed together this small. Their limbs would brush against each other. They could sense each other’s body heat. The sexual tension would get sheer unbearable. There is only one blanket, too. They’d have to snuggle up to each other, painfully aware of only the thin layer of clothing keeping them apart.”
“Yeah, about the clothing”, Kenji interrupted him. “I kind of thought we’d have separate beds and you know I prefer to sleep naked. I didn’t bring pyjamas. You won’t feel harassed by that, will you?”
Jun waved it off absentmindedly. He had spent so much time around naked Kenji already, sleeping next to him like that wouldn’t feel weird at all.
“Sure, I don’t care”, he said nonchalantly and turned back to his phone.
Kenji pulled back the blanket to sneak in next to Jun. The bed really was small and Kenji took up a large part of it. His upper arm was resting against Jun’s, but there wasn’t enough space for either of them to back off. This would be a very cuddly night.
“Don’t tell me you’re staring at pictures of them again?”, Kenji assured and peaked over Jun’s shoulder.
Jun shuffled a little closer, snuggling up against Kenji’s shoulder, so Kenji could get a good look at his phone screen, too.
“Look at this!”, he said and zoomed in. “The way Yutaka looks at Shou here. Full of hunger and greed and longing and affection. He is clearly in love.”
Kenji sighed. Jun could feel the heaving of his chest against himself.
“I think he is looking past Shou at the buffet actually. You remember? There was a live barbecue that day.”
Jun flicked his tongue and he pulled back from Kenji again, trying to create a distance that was impossible to achieve in the small bed.
“You just lack sense of romance”, he declared.
Kenji gave nothing but a low hum.
Eventually Jun put his mobile aside, picking up his book again. He held it in his hands indecisively. Reading a novel was surely more acceptable than engaging in weird fantasies about his colleagues. But he felt weirdly distracted and unfocused.
“Hey, Jun”, Kenji said softly.
Jun turned his head, surprised to find Kenji had rolled to his side and was watching him currently.
“Why is it so important to you? This whole thing with Shou and Yutaka? It’s really starting to get out of hand lately. I don’t mean to lecture you. I’m worried.”
Jun sighed and put his book back onto the bedside table. He didn’t know where to look, so he kept his eyes on the opposite wall.
“Reality is just unsatisfying”, he confessed lowly. “I’m feeling sick with worry all the time and just … dizzy with everything that’s going on currently. I need to believe in something nice.”
“But why them?”, Kenji asked. He had dropped the topic many times before already, but Jun had the feeling, that today he would keep pushing. “You could believe in world peace. Or romantic comedies. Why Shou and Yutaka?”
Jun exhaled soundly, then he rolled over, too, so he could face Kenji. He was the only one with whom he had ever talked about his obsession. With Kenji he didn’t have secrets. It was work that had brought them together. He knew a handsome, sporty guy like Kenji would never had ended up in Jun’s company otherwise. Still, he was his best friend.
“I just want to believe that a love like that exists. Supporting someone else with a crazy concept like an air band. Always fighting, but knowing you’ll never break up, because your love is just too strong, turning all the arguments gentle and playful. I want to believe someone could look at me the way that … Yutaka looks at barbecues.”
Kenji chuckled at Jun’s admittance. He remembered where Yutaka had looked that day. It hadn’t been at Shou.
“Also”, Jun added. “I really admire you guys, but especially Shou. He is a huge role model for me. It would mean so much to me, if … if we were the same, you know? If he validated the things I felt. It would be great to know he’s in love with another man.”
Kenji reached out, gently touching Jun’s lower arm.
“Hey”, he said quietly. “You don’t need him to feel the same to be valid. And if it’s about wanting to be loved … why don’t you ask for something for yourself? Why not fantasize about Shou yourself, if you admire him so much?”
Jun could hear the hesitation in Kenji’s voice. He didn’t seem too excited about the perspective of Jun crushing on Shou.
Jun smiled sadly.
“I don’t know, for me, the world just seems to be on hard mode. I don’t really believe I could ever find that kind of love and keep it. It’s unrealistic. I want to believe it’s possible for them, though. They deserve it.”
“You deserve it, too”, Kenji said.
“Also, imagining them together is just hot”, Jun added. “I can’t imagine anything that hot involving myself. I’m awkward. I’d ruin my own fantasy.”
Kenji chuckled again and nudged Jun’s chin lightly.
“Okay, fine”, he said, obviously not willing to argue, although he usually scolded Jun for being too self-deprecating. “But why Shou and Yutaka? You might as well ship me with one of them.”
“They have chemistry”, Jun snorted, trying to dismiss the question.
“I do have chemistry with Yutaka as well”, Kenji clarified. “We’re close. And you know, that I actually do like men. Neither Shou nor Yutaka ever confirmed something like that. It would be logical to think of me first.”
Jun looked at Kenji’s chest, instead of meeting his eyes.
He imagined Kenji kissing Yutaka. It didn’t cause the warm fluttering in his chest, that he experienced whenever he imagined Shou and Yutaka together. Instead, his whole stomach bolted and he felt like throwing up.
He raised his gaze, meeting Kenji’s eyes. Their dark brown was tender, as always when he looked at Jun.
“I’m not good at asking for things myself”, Jun confessed quietly, his voice hoarse. “That doesn’t mean I’m selfless. Even if I don’t dare to want something, it doesn’t mean I can bring myself to share.”
Even if Jun didn’t dare to watch Kenji for too long, while he dozed off in the car. Even if he didn’t dare to think about the fact that he wasn’t wearing any clothes right now too intensely. He couldn’t bring himself to even imagine Kenji kissing someone else.
“You know”, Kenji said and reached for Jun’s hand. He took it and placed it against his chest, right above his heart, holding it in place. Jun could not sense his heartbeat, but he sensed how warm Kenji’s body felt and how smooth his skin. “You are allowed to want.”
Jun swallowed hard. He had known he was allowed to want for a long time already. Kenji had made that more than obvious. But still, Jun hadn’t dared.
“If it’s Shou and Yutaka”, he started hesitantly. “It’s not my fault, if it doesn’t work out. I can hope, and I can fantasize. But I don’t have to act on it and I can’t do anything wrong, that will ruin it. I can be happy, when I think about them, but I don’t have to be scared. It will never be my fault and it will never be me getting heartbroken. There is always a risk when you want things for yourself.”
“Don’t be scared”, Kenji whispered.
And Jun looked at him and finally allowed himself to let his eyes linger. He saw Kenji’s handsome features, his beautiful smile, his dark eyes - that always followed Jun through every room. And he allowed himself to feel his body against himself, the heat they were sharing underneath the one blanket. And with Kenji this close to himself, he hardly felt scared at all.
“Oh no”, Yutaka groaned, when the moaning started. The walls of the hotel were so thin, they were able to hear everything perfectly.
“Ha!”, Shou exclaimed happily from the twin bed at the other side of the room. “Told you. Only one bed. It’s science!”
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eldonash · 4 years
Love to an Immortal || Harsh&Orobas
Location: Harsh’s Place Featuring: Harsh and Orobas, and mentions of Carrington @notsoharsh​ Timeline: Beginning of August Triggers: None, its pretty soft Summary: Harsh invites Orobas over to enjoy some wine and blood, and they snuggle on the couch and talk about what love is for an immortal. 
Orobas has been passing his days in a cloud of confusion. It was worn with a blank face, his attitude and temper short, and most of the people he worked with kept an even wider distance. Harsh had suggested they share a couple blood bags, which was frankly so disgusting. Orobas brought instead, two bottles of blood and wine from his favorite dolls. He already had a lot of strings pulling in the right direction involving Lydia. She may have him bonded into a failed situation, but it didn’t mean he wasn’t sitting idly by as it devoured him. No, he was working on gaining access to her house, and he was setting her up for something heinous. 
“Harsh,” he poured the wine in one glass, wanting to smell it and savor the bite of tang and dryness that most food carried. He sniffed it, fingers long and cradling the liquid, his eyes have been blood red since his injury and even now, they were eerie in the comfortable environment. His complexion was grayed, like he was starving himself, but it wasn’t anything to do with that. The scars on his face would always be there from the holy water, small pockets just along his jawline, only caught when the lighting in a room struck his profile. “Before you decided to get rid of your soul, did you ever love someone?” 
Honestly, the stuff Orobas had brought over was better than what Harsh had tucked away in the fridge. He always forgot how much better it was when it was fresh. Maybe he should go for a hunt. Orobas would probably be up for it. It wasn’t like there was much point in playing the good little vampire now. No one was watching. No one cared. It didn’t matter. As days had gone by since that call, it was starting to seem like nothing did. Breaking things, getting into trouble, it wasn’t the same as it had been before the deal. It was all just hollow. 
The question caught him by surprise, but he nodded as he considered his own glass. “Yeah, I did. I think I’ve told you about her… well, a little anyway. Eleanor. She was the one who turned me. But that was a loooong time ago,” he said, pausing to take a sip. Spiked blood at least never lost its appeal. A rueful smile snuck onto his face. “Back then, I thought she and I were going to be together forever, like you and Haxian. But… even before it all went to shit, that might’ve been wishful thinking. I don’t think I really knew what I was asking for. All I knew was that I wanted to be with her as long as possible.” He paused, shooting Orobas a curious look. “Why do you ask?”
Orobas unbuttoned his deep blue suit jacket, exposing a crisp white shirt underneath, and leaned back on the couch, lounged out over sitting stiffly like he typically did. Likely wrinkling his nice clothes, but Orobas didn’t seem to care right now. He sipped the drink slowly, crimson gaze on his friend. “Hm, I hadn’t entirely put that together. I assumed we all have a bit of a relationship with our masters, not always with our consent.” Orobas absolutely hated that Eleanor died, it was a moment he dwelled on for his friend often. “But love isn’t something I’d define it as. It’s, something else-- I don’t know what.” Orobas didn’t think he loved Haxian. He wanted to please him, keep him impossibly close, and it felt more like they were one of the same person versus a partner. A lot of people said often that any definition of relationship with Orobas was also one with Haxian. 
It made more sense at Harsh’s pain, and though Orobas’ face usually lacked much emotion to it, a soft snarl curled his lips as anger coiled easily. “Mhm,” he took another drink, wanting to relax and not fall into the pit of anger again, and the numbness of wine and blood was welcomed. “I’m in a binding with a Fae at the moment. I have to find true love, or I will keep feeling as bad as I have been. Not sure on the time table, but it’s getting a little unbearable and such things will dissolve for me. Last time I felt this ache, I might have picked a fight with a brood in Berlin. Results, more enemies to say the least. I left that Elder with no one.” He glanced over, Harsh with his suave energy and easy smiles, even when he was brooding. 
“Carrington seems certain I already love someone. I just don’t know who. I’m that ignorant over it.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s true.” Harsh nodded, even as he scrunched up his nose at the word ‘master’. Eleanor had never been that for him. She taught him and guided him, but she was a partner, not a master. And he definitely wasn’t that for any of the vampires he had turned. Most of them had gotten what they wanted and left, or he had. Maybe some of them had wanted that. Harsh never bothered asking. He could tell them how to avoid slayers or the best places to go looking for people to eat, but beyond that, he didn’t really have much in the way of sage wisdom to offer. “Really? Huh. With how long you guys have been together, I guess I kinda figured you guys would have it all worked out by now.”
Brow furrowing, Harsh leaned forward, eyes flicking over Orobas’s face. He hadn’t missed the way he seemed subdued and the almost sickly color of his face. Fae bindings, he had heard of them, but… honestly, he didn’t know much. Someone had told him ages ago to watch what promises he made to certain people, but Harsh hadn’t given that much thought. “True love, huh? I’m guess the fae didn’t give you any instructions on how to do that. That’s… kind of a fairy tale thing though, isn’t it? I mean, how is your fae promise supposed to know it’s true love?”
That last bit did catch his curiosity. “Oh yeah? Did he say who he thought it was or just that you act like you’re in love or something?”
The two definitely didn’t have anything worked out. They existed, like twin shadows that slid into countries, cities, and homes and tormented the world. There weren’t many relationships formed in their long life. A few at most, and the rest of the world simply passed by. Perhaps that was a problem, but to Haxian and Orobas, existence was enough for them. At least until recently, when Orobas wanted more of something he didn’t know how to define. He was the one straying from the norm, the one causing ripples in their relationship. Four hundred years later, and Orobas still might not have felt every emotion. 
“I barely know love, to add the word true as a defining factor means little more to me. This Fae enjoys power, I understand them profoundly in that way, this was a guaranteed way to keep me from killing them. Something impossible, hm? Not a bad play.” 
Orobas drew his hand up into his hair, and combed it back in a sweep to brush it from his eyes. It was rare for him to ever let himself appear this disheveled, but in the back of his mind there was the second piece to that promise that he knew very well. To be vulnerable in front of them. Orobas glanced over to meet Harsh’s gaze. “Hm, Carrington is a romantic. Someone who sees the world differently even while carrying the same immortality burden. He would be the only one who would think I could feel such a thing, or already have..” Orobas chuckled. “Carrington would believe evil could somehow feel such an emotion. I wanted to cut him up for suggesting it, and he still hugged me.”
Orobas still intently looked at Harsh, “I don’t know what sort of love would fulfill the promise. I was hoping it was you to make my life easier. I do care about you more than others.” 
“It seems pretty unfair if they made an impossible promise. Is that allowed?” Harsh sipped at his drink. That didn’t seem right. But he knew next to nothing about fae. He had met a few in his time, maybe more than he knew, but as far as he was aware, he had never made a promise to one. “Even if they like power that much, swearing you to something you can’t do seems like it should backfire on them. But, I don’t think it’s impossible. It’s just… worded weird, like a fairytale. I think true love is out there for you, man. You’ve just gotta find it.”
He couldn’t remember ever seeing Orobas so messy looking before. It wasn’t a bad look on him. Then again, he wasn’t sure anything would be. Orobas had that natural sort of prettiness to him that even four hundred years had not managed to dull. Harsh had noticed before. He wasn’t blind. “Carrington’s sweet, a little soft though. But I mean, he might have a point. I wouldn’t say I’m romantic, but I figure that love looks different to different people. Yours might just look, y’know, different.”
A slow grin spread over Harsh’s face. “Oh yeah? Well, I am pretty loveable. You do give me a lot of leeway on… well, everything. I know I’m your favorite. I… don’t know if I’m a great pick for your ‘true love’ though. The whole, y’know, soul thing… but I’m working on it. Maybe after, I don’t know, we could see what happens.”
“Who knows, I don’t know enough about the Fae,” Orobas laughed gently, greatly amused at how Harsh worded it. He wasn’t one to read like Haxian did, and the word fairytale always sounded so funny to him. Humans write stories about the supernatural, creating warnings for the future generations, or their children. It almost made what he was so much worse-- their glamoured ideas to what was terrifying a little off from the true monster. 
“Carrington had said that exactly as well afterward, so that makes two of my friends believing in me. How cute.” A deep throb of pain made his eyes close, the longer he allowed this promise to feel unobtainable, the worse it was getting. “You are my favorite. Emotions will probably feel overwhelming and beautiful. I can’t wait to see you kill someone with it-- the rush, the entire moment, the feed. Mmm.” His voice tapered off, the thrum of pain wearing on him even with the blood. Maybe he should have brought one of his dolls over the bottles. Blood wasn’t enough to curb this feeling though. 
“Friendship was omitted with that one little word. True--,” Orobas set his glass down and settled more on the couch, clearly in mild distress, but keeping most of it from showing. “Hm, there is someone that might fall into that, but it’s not something I ever cared to admit. Nor she.”
“Me either,” Harsh said, with a little frown. “Maybe I should work on that. I, uh… sort of still have people thinking I’m a slayer. It would be way more convincing if I actually sounded like I know what I’m talking about.” The fact that it hadn’t actually been an issue so far was probably more just dumb luck than anything else. And given the warnings he had gotten since arriving in town and some of the strangeness he had seen and heard, it would probably be a smart move in any case. 
“Aw c’mon, that’s what friends are for, old man.” He gave Orobas a teasing grin as he shifted, lightly nudging at him with his knee. Preening, he pressed a hand to his chest. “Go on, tell me how much you like me. I could listen all night, baby.” 
Smile fading, Harsh sat up, shifting closer to Orobas. His hand was careful as it landed on his back, moving in gentle circles. “Yeah? Who’s that? If you need help tracking her down, I can do that. You seem… rough, man. And I mean that as nicely as possible. Is there anything else we can do to make this easier on you? You wanna go kill something? That always cheers you up.”
Orobas let himself plop, only five people in existence could see him this way, vulnerable and trusting, and Harsh was near the top. He shifted until his head was in his friend’s lap, tossing his legs over the edge of the couch and closed his eyes. With a gentle shift, he encouraged Harsh’s hand into his hair and simply stilled to enjoy the closeness. “I don’t want to do anything right now, just being with you is nice. You have more friends then I don’t you, slayer?” Orobas asked playfully. “I’m jealous, I want all your attention. Playing with hunters, too. How fun. Have you killed any vampires to prove your role?” 
There would be a time that Harsh might want to not do that. But Orobas understood the thrill if could bring, or the necessity.  “No, I see her often. I don’t even know if I feel that exact thing for her, but of anyone-- less Haxian, I have no idea. There isn’t much I can do though. This is what happens when you break promises on this scale apparently. To be honest, this isn’t nearly as bad as gargling holy water. I’m not sure I will ever fully heal from that ordeal.”
Harsh didn’t need much prompting, threading his fingers through Orobas’s hair without hesitation. The closeness was nice, comfortable. Having someone so ruthless, so powerful curling up with him like a kitten was surreal, but in a good way. “I am pretty popular,” he said, teasing right back. “Hey, you get plenty of my time, babe. You know you’re my number one. Not yet. I’m… kinda hoping it doesn’t come to that. If I do, I’ll make sure it’s not anyone you know. There’s this asshole I turned a while ago--Caleb, he could use a good staking if I need to prove myself. But I’m mostly just trying to lay low.”
Grimacing, he gently stroked Orobas’s hair. No wonder he looked so off. Gargling holy water sounded like a nightmare and a half, Harsh would sooner stake himself than try that. “Well, you might as well keep trying with her, see if the feelings start to click. So uh, why were you gargling holy water? I don’t think you told me about that one.”
“I can get you whomever when you need it. There are always vampires coming here that don’t need to be here,” Orobas said easily. Better Harsh uses their death to his advantage, though Orobas wasn’t very shy about dealing with younger vampires. It was an interesting problem to have, being that Harsh could sever a bond with his own blood, but Orobas didn’t judge him for it at all. It was what it was, if Harsh figured that was worth it to keep up appearances. 
Orobas tilted his chin, exposing the underside of his jawline where pocketed scars now resided in blemish. “It burned through the side of my mouth, and jaw. My gums are scarred over as well, enough that it's always aching to even eat. Hm, she requested it, so I really had no choice in the matter. That is the entire thing, my debt to her must be seen as significant if the magic is so binding. I did weirdly enjoy it though, but I have quite the relationship with pain and torture. It will be fine-- in the end, I will have my way with her.” He seemed to ponder a moment. “Do you think love comes from a place of good, Harsh? Or that it’s designed for mortals? What I feel for you and a few others, never felt like any word was enough to describe it.” 
“Oh yeah? If you’ve got some suckers who need to go, I can take them out. That might be easier. If anyone’s giving you trouble, just let me know.” Maybe it was callous, but Harsh had never felt much connection to anyone he had sired. There had been one or two before he had thrown his soul away, though he had lost track of them more than a century ago. And any that came after… they had their uses, he had taught them the ropes and then moved on. It was better that way. 
Harsh’s fingers were careful as they brushed gently over the scars. “Shit,” he muttered. “How long ago was that? You think there’s, I don’t know, some kind of magic that could fix it? I know a couple people, maybe one of them could make some kind of potion.” That was probably a pretty big if. Still, it couldn’t be that hard to fix, right? His fingers moved back to Orobas’s hair almost idly as he considered the question. “I mean, I don’t really know. I feel like it’s a pretty abstract thing. I think… good and bad don’t have much to do with it. It’s just what you feel, right? I don’t think there’s any kind of checklist to fill out on how love works. But if someone’s important to you and they make you happy, I don’t know, maybe that’s love.”
“There is no need,” Orobas grinned, “though magic is fascinating, my body is covered in such things. It’s just another mark, maybe this time, a small reminder of my slip up. I was due one, you can’t go through time like we do and not make mistakes.” Though what wasn’t said was the obsessive factor in all this, that Lydia could keep hurting him if she desired, it would eventually flip, and his turn would be something incredibly worth the pain and frustration. Orobas listened to Harsh explain further on the topic that drew him here. He could listen to him speak for hours, could maybe even humor falling asleep even if it was dreamless meditation. 
Carrington had been intense and direct with his expressions on love, and Harsh seemed to be easily satisfied with the simplest words; happiness, importance. To a mortal who had circles of friends, and family, Orobas only had a handful. Immortality for him wasn’t lonely, he was satisfied with who he had, but it did make his view on this difficult because of it. “Abstract is a good word to describe it, it almost seems impossible to define. Maybe that will be how I get around it. What it means to me, believing my version of it could fulfill the promise. She doesn’t even need to love me.” He said, but the softest furrows met his brow. 
“Tell me, if love is abstract in how you see it, then how do you see vulnerability?” 
“Yeah, I guess your scars are pretty sexy. I’m more talking about the whole… part where it still hurts to eat and stuff. Cause that seems like it would be rough.” Harsh didn’t think about it naturally. Empathy was one of the many things lost to that hollow inside. But… if he forced it, he could at least say that if he was in pain every time he ate, he would start ripping heads off to try to fix it. Then again, Harsh had never been the type to be patient about that. If there was a problem, he was going to fix it as soon as possible, no matter what it took or how many spellcasters he had to go through to get it. 
“That could work. Loopholes are always good. Unrequited love is still love.” That sounded right at least. It probably wasn’t healthy, but whatever. If this fae was going to jerk Orobas around, making him chase after some fairytale dream, why couldn’t he sneak around to get it? “Vulnerability? I don’t know. I guess… it seems a little like a weakness. But I don’t know if it’s always a bad thing. I think I used to like it, kind of. At least with some people. When I was with Eleanor, I could let her see everything, and it was kind of scary, but it also made me feel… safe. Or like she understood me. So… I guess I see it as being kind of risky, but it can be worth it sometimes.”
“I see,” Orobas could picture Harsh enjoying that time. It was a nice visual in his mind, and compared to others, he’d likely not think about it in such a way. Trust and feeling safe were too rare things in his existence. Even if right now he felt both, along with content, and calm. “I think, I don’t stop to think about any emotions-- now that I have been asking about them. For existing as I have, it wasn’t something that required it. It’s funny-- people make the assumption that I don’t have a soul, and I always had wondered why. Maybe not acknowledging the smallest of emotions has given that impression.” 
He didn’t aim to poke that sore spot for Harsh, but Orobas, even in such a good mood, could be cruel. “I wonder if Haxian can feel love, now transforming-- going beyond what we are. I have never had the desire to mutter such things to him. Through so many centuries. I should do it shouldn’t I? I might get thrown out a window though, and I live in a high building.” Orobas laughed genuninely amused by the visual, there was a lightness in him that he rarely felt. Like the pain from the promise was unraveling slowly without his awareness. “Hm, it’s probably saying too much. But I’m not opposed to learning new things. Come on, read to me. Anything, I don’t care what. Let me rest a little.”
“Yeah? I mean, I don’t think most people think about those things too much. People just kinda feel their feelings.” Harsh laughed softly as he brushed Orobas’s hair back from his forehead then smoothed it down again. Honestly, he had thought the same at first. Orobas did sort of fit the bill, he was similar to other soulless vampires Harsh had crossed paths with. But… not completely. Despite the blood dolls and the casual way he dealt with killing, Orobas could understand other people in a way Harsh had left behind two centuries ago. “I think most people just don’t really get how the whole ‘lack of soul’ thing works.”
Harsh cocked an eyebrow before shrugging as he dug his phone out of his pocket. “I’ve got a couple ebooks on here, some news stuff--oh yeah, I took a bunch of pictures of these books from the old Scribe HQ. It’s a lot of informational stuff, but some of it’s actually pretty interesting.” He flicked through his pictures for a minute before settling on a nice long passage. “This one’s actually about soul stuff. Let me see, ‘the soul is less of a spirit and more a manifestation of the self’...” 
Harsh didn’t even delay. Not a millisecond pause to give him grief over his small request. The undercurrent of exhaustion from not fulling this promise, and even pushing back against it had made him tired. “Thank you,” Orobas hummed lightly, and listened to Harsh read until it seemed like he fell asleep. 
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sweet-royalty · 4 years
I Don’t Want to Make You Feel Uncomfortable
Summary: Roman wanted to dedicate a song to Virgil on a karaoke night but is afraid his Social Anxiety will make him not enjoy this so much
Genre: Songfic
Word Count: 1,467
Pairing: Romantic Prinxiety
Content: Karaoke; Tooth-Rotting Fluff; No Angst; Just Pure Fluff; Genderqueer Roman (They/Them); Brazilian Roman and Remus; Morally Neutral Remus; POC Sides; Song: Still Into You (Paramore); Portuguese written with no translation
Trigger Warning:  Implied/Referenced Drug Use and Addiction; Cocaine; Juul;
Ao3 Link
Wattpad Link
The lights on the club were blindly bright and Virgil was not comfortable with this at all. He tried to sit as far from the crowd as possible so he wouldn’t deal with all those self-absorbed people staring at the weird black goth there, more than they were already.
- Urgh, of all places why the fuck did you brought me here, Roman? - he mumbled with himself wondering where his partner could be.
They went to get some drinks and Virgil asked to stay waiting but he was starting to get anxious. What if they never come back!? What if they got lost!? What if some weirdo spiked their drink and they fainted on their way and Roman was kidnapped!? What if-
- Helloooo – Roman’s voice gladly interrupted his thoughts with an angel voice and a kiss on the cheek. Virgil immediately sighed in relief and snatched the drink from their hands taking a long sip from the straw
Roman giggled.
- I’m sorry, this place isn’t as good as I thought it would be. I saw some good reviews on it but this place is full of snob people.
- It sure is… - Virgil grunted.
- We can go home if you want-
- No way! You spent your money on it – Virgil laid his head on the latine’s shoulder and took another sip - I’m not letting it be on waste. Let’s stay for a while.
Roman smiled as they also laid their head on him. Feeling those soft hair locks on their cheeks and his shampoo smell was so relaxing that they almost forgot about where they were… Well, both of them.
Virgil’s hand slowly reached Roman’s as he closed his eyes just feeling their warmth on him. If it wasn’t for the crowded space, this would be a perfect relaxing time. Why didn’t they just stayed home watching some random Disney movies until falling asleep like they always do? It would be so good… Just the two of them.
- Well… There’s another reason why I brought you here, actually – Roman said scratching their neck nervously.
- Oh, yeah? – Virgil arched his eyebrow with a small smile – What is it, Ro?
- Well... I know how nervous you are with crowds but there’s something I’ve always wanted to do for you and I didn’t know how because I know how anxious you get around other people… - they took a deep breath that filled the goth with curiosity – It’s karaoke night and I wanted to dedicate a song to you BUT don’t worry, I’m not announcing it or anything! – Roman started to avoid Virgil’s eye contact at this point, too scared that their boyfriend would be mad at him or even disappointed. Their green eyes staring their own lap – I know you’d feel desperate if everyone started to look at you or if I announced your name in front of them but… I’ve always wanted to sing something for you just to say how much I love you so-
- Hey, your majesty… - Virgil smiled at them, turning their head to look at him while rubbing his thumb on their cheek – You are the loveliest dumbass I’ve ever met, you know that? You didn’t have to plan all of this for me, I’m not even worth all this effort-
- Yes, you are! – Roman frowned at him - Out of all people you’re the most worthy of any effort I can make and I’ll not accept you saying otherwise!
He scoffed, sealing his lips on Roman’s gently. That hopeless Disney royalty would never fail to try and make something big and elaborate to that embodied nightmare, and he’d never complain about it.
- You’ll never learn, huh?
- You should know that brazilians never give up, my love – they winked mischievously, making him smile
- Pff, yeah I can totally see that. Well, go there then, make this night worth it
- Glad you said it, because I’m the next one to sing and I need to get ready! – They kissed Virgil’s forehead before rushing off – I’ll be right back!
Virgil waited anxiously until he heard his partner’s name being called.
That beautiful human coming up the stage with the spotlight illuminating their light brown hair, Roman’s eyes landing on him followed by that heart-melting smile. He wished he could be mad at Roman for dragging him to this stupid place just to sing a song for him… But he couldn’t… He could never.
"It's not a walk in the park to love each other But when our fingers interlock Can't deny, can't deny you're worth it ‘Cause after all this time I'm still into you"
He smiled. Virgil would never guess this type of song for Roman but his voice somehow fitted wonderfully with this song. And the goth boy found the lyrics perfect for them.
"I should be over all the butterflies But I'm into you (I'm into you) And, baby, even on our worst nights I'm into you (I'm into you) Let 'em wonder how we got this far ‘Cause I don't really need to wonder at all Yeah, after all this time I'm still into you"
Well, he could reciprocate with this part a lot. The butterflies he was feeling at that exact moment were the best proof to it. If they were a Disney character they should be the one with the best and most powerful song and he was sure that Roman would ace on it like literally everything they do. He would never admit it but Virgil could stand there and listen to Roman sing all night long, no matter what.
That voice, that dedication, that love they give to their own work like a blacksmith forging a sword to a god… He was in love with it. He was in love with every single aspect of that proud, stubborn and perfect human.
They were both SO into each other.
Roman came back to Virgil cuping his face into their hands and kissing him, while feeling the embrace of his arms around their waist. They touched each other's foreheads, Roman was gliding their thumb on the black shiny skin looking deeply in his eyes.
- So… What did you think?
- You tried to find an emo music, right?
Roman laughed, now putting their arms around Virgil’s neck.
- Yeah, I did
- Well, you failed miserably because Paramore is not emo anymore but it was a lovely song and I could see the meaning you gave to it so... – he kissed them again – I loved it, baby
- Haha, well at least I tried
They were about to kiss each other again when Roman’s cellphone started to ring making them sulk in frustration
They answered it and sat beside Virgil
– Hello? – Roman sulked after hearing the answer – Que foi, rato de esgoto!?
“Oh, they’re speaking portuguese” Virgil thought “It’s probably, Remus”
- E quem disse que eu sei onde tá essa porra!? REMUS, EU TÔ COM VIRGIL PARA DE LIGAR PRA FALAR MERDA!
- Uhhh... Is everything ok? – Virgil didn’t know portuguese but all this time with the twins were enough for him to learn that hearing “porra” and “merda” meant that someone is cursing, and that someone was Roman
After a few seconds of silence Roman put their phone back on their pocket mumbling furiously about how Remus is a “puto nojento” which means double angry, not in portuguese, but in Roman language.
- He hung up in my face, that stupid asshole!
- What’s wrong, Ro?
- Urgh, Remus is doing drugs again in our apartment and asked me if I knew where his... – Roman stopped looking around as if searching for something - Uhhhhhh… His… - they started to snap their fingers, nervously - Caralho, qual o nome desta merda em inglês? … Uhhhhh you know that thing people use to smoke but is not really a cigarette!? Like an… e…letric thing? Eletronic? I don’t know…
- … A juul?
- YEAH, THIS THING! He asked me if I knew where it was and when I said I didn’t know, because I don’t mess with this stuff, he said he was going look for it in my bedroom! BUT IT'S NOT IN MY BEDROOM, DAMNIT!
- Oh… I see…
They sulked really hard throwing their back behind to lay in the wall.
- I don’t know what to do with him at this point
- Well, maybe we should go home then. We have our own things to take care of – He said, fixing on his jacket and getting up.
- Yeah… Sorry about it, little nightshade
- Eh, it’s fine, your majesty – he kissed them quickly, holding their hand – Next time we’ll go to my place and binge something on Netflix, deal?
Roman smiled and rubbed their noses together before getting up.
- Deal.
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