#Twin Brother (David)
389 · 2 months
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Two masks of Richard David James AKA Aphex Twin at the opening of new exhibition "Electronic: From Kraftwerk to The Chemical Brothers" at The Design Museum on July 28, 2020 in London, England.
Photo by David M. Benett
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Chronic Illness - Christina Marie Brown / Helter Skelter (2012) / The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer / Gretel & Hansel (2020) / Pernille Augustson / Spit It Out - Softcult / Sharp Objects / All Eyes On You - Katy McAllister
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Love will always persist in the face of pain and shame and it will always put a lump in my throat
Take Care, Beach House//Space Oddity, David Bowie & Vincent Green on DeviantArt//The Ballad of Love and Hate, The Avett Brothers//Euripides, Herakles Tr. Anne Carson//White Ferrari, Frank Ocean//Twin Sized Mattress, The Front Bottoms//Orestes, Herakles Tr. Anne Carson
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sister-realness · 5 months
The same actor who played the general on twin peaks played Scully 's dad on twin peaks. Dana Scully 's half brother is Bobby Briggs. Change my mind, oh wait you can't.
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multicolored-hell · 1 year
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These are silly things for an AU I am working on called Family Man!
Memes used under cut ⬇️
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I might write a fix for it, which will be new because I have never written fan fiction before! I only wrote little short stories about dragons and cats and griffins, and that was years ago!
The hands ooof don’t look too closely lol. They are sausages attached to wrists of pool noodles. Ha..
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xenodile · 2 years
The way a large portion of the English FFXIV community infantilizes Alphinaud and Alisaie drives me up the wall, like I absolutely understand feeling protective of them, the story is intended to make you care about them, whether you interpret the WoL's bond with them as platonic, familial, romantic, professional, or parental, it's all fair game, yet the way some people talk about them, you'd think they were describing stupid toddlers.
They've graduated college. They drink alcohol. The first thing they do is leave home because they're legally of age and their dad can't stop them any more. Actual child characters refer to them as adults. The final expansion has them returning home after years away and saving the world where everyone that came before them fell short.
Alphinaud founds a private army and talks politics with world leaders, and everyone takes him seriously. He organizes international military actions. He negotiates trade deals with globe spanning businesses, he invents two new varieties of carbuncles just because he can. He solves a problem that has plagued the Forum for decades with a single phone call. He's potentially the smartest man alive and a skilled healer besides. There's a whole bit about how he likes mature women.
Alisaie pioneers the cure for Tempering, something everyone thought impossible for hundreds of years. She's one of the strongest mages in the world and a deft swordswoman to boot. She's practically adopted a war orphan. There's an entire short story dedicated to her mourning her dead girlfriend. When she speaks everyone shuts up and pays attention, even Zenos listens to her.
But because they're short, because Alphinaud bought a sword once, people will act like none of these things happened. People will unironically call them babies and act like the plot just moves itself, like they're tagalong kids that don't actually do anything and need grown ups to protect them. It's maddening.
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stars-and-galaxys · 2 years
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6x12, A Murder Most Foul//“Pictures From a Grown-Up Kid“ - Fanny Latour-Lambert//“Two-Headed Lamb”- Bartolomeo Bimbi//5x19, Sisters//“Antigone” - Sophocles//Succession//“Cain and Abel “- Tintoretto//“Waiting Room (live)” - Phoebe Bridgers
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foodlesoodlesdoodles · 6 months
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Blind Child at most age 9 goes on side quest after her father disappears and her astronaut mother dies in crash, more at 11
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Also, happy Twin Peaks Day. I hope you left a slice of pie and a damn fine cup of coffee out for Agent Cooper last night.
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danadaria · 8 months
AU where Steve Harrington has an older brother and look like this
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leotanaka · 9 months
David dies a hero. He's very active in his death and it's definitely a choice where he chooses to save his brother, because that's more important to him than his own life. It was a wonderful thing to be a part of, and I'm really glad I've been able to finish off the character that way.
Takaya Honda :(
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thefoxesraven · 1 year
hello hello!!
23) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence?
17) Post a line from a WIP that you’re working on.
Hi Rory! I'm really happy you sent me some questions!! 23) I prefer no silence when I'm working or just living period. I just need some sort of background noise, weather that's a podcast, music, or youtube video.
My go music though is any of the Dragon Age Sound tracks. Just gets me in the groove.
For Podcasts is Sawbones but I've also been using Sawbones to help me sleep! I just love medical history and Sydnee and Justin's voices are just really soothing.
For Youtube I typically pick a commentary deep dive or tech history video. Or or Defuncland. Kevin P. my man!
24) Here is a line(s) from Jeremy's portion of the Gordon Family Lore fic I'm writting!
When his youngest brother, his baby brother, Jackson Cole was born on July 21st 1988, Jeremy noticed a change in his dad. He noticed how he constantly smelled of stale beer and cigarettes. He noticed how he wouldn’t even look at Jackson or his Momma. Then when they brought Jackson home Jeremy noticed how much more violent and angry, he got with everyone.
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Michael and David Ross clear Elliot and Beverly Mantle im sorry
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skookumsupine · 8 months
WIL WHEATON/LARRY DAVID/ELMO beef is clearly part of a larger ARG commemorating the end of Curb Your Enthusiasm and announcing he's playing the part of Picard's shitty fraternal twin brother in the new Star Trek series. pay attention yall cmon
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elgallinero · 8 months
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astrito · 1 year
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my favorite edgy white boy LMFAO
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