#Tunnel Hill Georgia
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Thanks to #WDEFNews12 viewer Sierra Johnson for a view of #CherryBlossoms in the rain from #TunnelHillGeorgia, Thursday's @LangleyRoofing #WeatherWindow #PictureOfTheDay.
Got weather pictures to share? Email your snapshots to [email protected] or go to wdef.com/photos
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4xplay-or-2not · 10 months
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conandaily2022 · 2 years
Tunnel Hill, Georgia's Tony Payne wanted to deliver documents to Supreme Court?
Tunnel Hill, Georgia’s Tony Payne wanted to deliver documents to Supreme Court?
United States Capitol Police (USCP) officers noticed a van illegally parked on U.S. Capitol grounds in Washington, D.C., USA at around 3:45 p.m. on October 19, 2022. Tony H. Payne, 80, of Tunnel Hill, Georgia, USA was the driver of the van.
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Tunnel Hill, Georgia
built in 1938
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sleepy-frog-lady · 2 months
(btw if one animal is the domesticated version of another then I counted them as the same cuz it makes the list feel less redundant)
#1 Bear:
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These guys are so big and fluffy. I wanna hug one so bad. There’s this video of a bear just sitting next to a guy and it’s my favorite thing ever. I’m so jealous. I also fed a baby bear once!! Out of a baby bottle!! At Yellowstone!! It was dope. They’re also kind of scary, which is good. It makes me feel like if I could convince one to trust me, then it would keep me safe.
#2 Wolf (and dogs):
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This is really a classic pick all around. They’re a good mix or edgy and cute, which are the two essential traits of a good beast to me. This is a very social and friendly beast, I feel, although they can be untrusting of humans at times. One of my most fond memories is feeding a sheep liver to wolves. Really quintessential to my development. Dogs lean more into the cuteness than the edginess but they really make it work.
#3 African Wild Cat (and domestic cats):
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These gentlemen are absolutely delightful. They just look like domestic cats but longer. They’re so cute. I learned about them very recently so I don’t have much to say about them, but I have rapidly become quite fond of them. I like domestic cats too! They have a very wide spectrum of slightly spooky to violently cute and silly. I think that’s good.
#4 Ravens:
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Honestly, I can’t tell the difference between ravens and crows so I just picked the one with the cooler name. I love these guys. They’re edgy cranked up to 11, at least at first glance. Very spooky, Halloween vibes. They’re also really really smart! They use tools, they remember people, and they communicate with each other. Did you know, that they’re also silly :3? Ravens have been observed rolling down snowy hills just for fun. I love that for them
#5 Rats (and mice):
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This might be the single cutest entry on this list. I don’t understand how anyone is afraid of them cuz they’re just little tiny guys. They make happy noises when you tickle them! (Although these noises have to be pitched down to be audible to humans). And sometimes they grab food with their little hand while they nibble it! This is also probably the beast that humans have put in the most situations over the years. Honestly some of it makes me feel pretty bad for them. One time they made a rat with snake genes, and it just didn’t grow legs. I’m sad now. I’m going to stop talking about this.
#6 Elk:
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This is a bit of a wildcard in this list, as it might be the only entry that isn’t all that cute or edgy. Instead, they have a real elegant and mysterious aura about them. They intrigue me. I would like to have a conversation with one. I also associate them a lot with when I lived in Colorado, which makes me even more fond.
#7 Pigeon:
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I’m back on my cutesy shit. They guys are ADORABLE. I love the kind of absent look on their faces. I love the way the walk (and I often mimic it when I see them). I think these guys get an unfairly bad reputation. They’re so cool, and honestly, the subtle green on their necks is very pretty. They also tend to be used to humans so they might let you get pretty close to them or even touch them. I have a friend who regularly befriends and picks up pigeons. She’s very cool, and I send her pictures of birds whenever I see them.
#8 Sheep:
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I used to ask my friends what animal their fursonas would be, cuz I think it’s a fun and silly question to ask people who mostly had never thought about it before. This naturally led to many of them asking me the same question, to which I didn’t have a good answer. After much deliberation, I eventually reached the conclusion that my fursona would be a sheep. Anyways, sheep are cute! Very fluffy, very social, and I love their baaaaa sounds. Good beast.
#9 Whale Sharks:
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When I was young, I lived in Georgia for a few years, and I would often visit the Atlanta aquarium. In this aquarium, there is a glass tunnel surround and all sides by water and marine life. The grandeur and majesty of watching whale sharks swim peacefully overhead cannot be overstated. It was magical. It would only be years later that I learned that this was the biggest aquarium in the world, and that no other aquarium I would ever visit could quite capture that same magic.
#10 Frog:
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I really expected these guys to end up higher on the list! I feel like they’re a big part of my brand, and yet they’re all the way down here. I still love these guys though. I like how slimy they look, and I like that they really small and cute, or really big and sage-like. I like that they jump far and have really long freaky tongues. I wish I had a long freaky tongue, honestly. They’re also very vocal, which is cool when you’re in their home but less cool when they’re in yours. When I was in Oklahoma City, I had to take frogs out of my apartment sometimes. Never figured out how they got in.
Honorable mentions:
* Hyena: they’re kind of dogs to me. Also they laugh funny. And I like that the males are small and submissive. Yay femdom (?)
* Fruit bat: ughhh talk about a perfect cute-edgy combo. They look so precious when they eat, by the way.
* Cow: these guys used to be my favorite! I’m shocked they fell down this low. They are very cute tho. I want to pet one
* Koi fish: these guys are very elegant and I really really like imitating the way they go “pop pop pop” with their mouths
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eliaswyler · 4 months
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FULL NAME: Elias Brian Wyler
NICKNAMES: Ellie, to close friends
AGE & BIRTHDAY: 37 & May 11, 1987
GENDER IDENTITY: Cis man, he/him
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
MARITAL STATUS: Married (technically), but separated
ZODIAC: ☼ Taurus ☾ Aries ↑ Aries
+ TRAITS: Empathetic, Spontaneous, Sensual, Practical
- TRAITS: Pretentious, Stubborn, Cynical, Unreliable
OCCUPATION: Fisherman & Charter Guide @ Finest Catch
His good days are good and his bad days are the worst -- Elias leads a life with no middle ground. He tends to exist on a high frequency, abundant energy transformed into a tunnel vision focus for errant hobbies, often shirking basic responsibilities and bailing on those closest to him. He's little talk and all action, impulsivity and passion creating a colorful reputation in his wake. Even when he's deemed pretentious and cynical, he still takes pride in the fact that no one could ever call him lukewarm.
Elias would tell you that he was born on the run (most likely while sitting in a nondescript bar, fishing cherries out of a Dirty Shirley), but that's not quite the truth. It sounds like it, on the first telling, when he carries on to list everywhere he lived between the ages of zero and eighteen; Hawaii, Georgia, Italy, Japan, Washington, Illinois, etc. It's a lot, sure, but there was never any urgency to it. No fear or rush as the Wyler family packed up for the umpteenth time and moved across the country again. The excitement of getting a fresh start in a new neighborhood and new school district wore off somewhere around the sixth grade for Elias. It had become routine. After all, that's just the hand you're dealt as a military brat, huh?
For being a Marine, Elias never viewed his father as a particularly strict figure in his life. He was absent, mostly, sometimes even missing holidays at home. And his mother, overburdened with five children and a part-time job as a school nurse, never became a fully-formed individual in his mind, either. As he grew up, he became thankful for their habitual moving, frequently acting out and never facing consequences because of it. It wasn't until they moved to Illinois just before the start of his junior year that Elias felt like anything would ever be permanent -- and even then, it still wasn't. He made sure of it.
With stars in his eyes, he graduated from Blue Harbor High in a rush, desperate to start his life in every conceivable way. The first thing he did was get married, impulsively (AKA stupidly) tying the knot with his then high school girlfriend. They ushered in a rocky relationship that had no chance at lasting. Elias stuck it out for a few years, determined to believe that he'd put down roots for good, but after a few summers working at The Finest Catch, he cashed out. He left without warning, not telling a soul when he booked a one-way ticket to Australia and just went.
Elias would argue that it's his upbringing that kept him on the move for so long. After a paradoxically sheltered yet cultured life experience, he wanted to explore the world in his own way. To literally broaden his horizons, bounding between countries and states. Somewhere along the way, Elias picked up photography, becoming half-decent at it and garnering a few minor publications. His recognition peaked with his thirties, taking him to New York and thus beginning his lover era. Meeting and falling for Danika turned Elias into an idealist, swept up into the notion of a charmed life he'd never known before, but reality came knocking when they started to talk marriage -- and he remembered he had a wife back in Blue Harbor. Using his mother's hometown and the inheritance of a fishing boat as a two-pronged excuse to transplant their lives, he hoped to make quick work of his divorce in private. Naturally, it didn't go that smoothly. He was found out, his relationship unspooled right before his eyes, and he still didn't get those damn divorce papers signed. If he wasn't so stubborn, Elias would've hit the ground running, but with a lease hanging over his head and the accidental rekindling of histories starting again, he's making a valiant attempt at weathering the storm… for now.
one of the least judgmental people you'll ever meet! considers life to be one big joke of an experiment and maintains that nothing is ever set in stone.
that being said, elias has his bouts of pretention -- catch him on a Sad Drunk night and he'll for sure lament the death of print media.
very much a failed photographer (emphasis on failed as his professional career petered out over the last 2-ish years), but he still enjoys the rare silence of a darkroom now and then.
has several scattered tattoos that lack any sort of meaning. his oldest ink is the marine corps emblem on his upper arm, which he got to match his baby brother who'd just enlisted at the time -- jake didn't find it as funny as elias thought it was.
partied hard in his 20s, dabbling in all sorts of substances, but he's since pulled back. he won't turn down a good offer if it comes his way, buuuut... yeah, he's feeling his age more often than not.
unironically could still describe his nights out tho (catch him gettin' booted from the pour house!)
for as flighty as he is, elias is exceptional at his job. he's felt at home within the sway of waves, often extending his visits to more tropical locales, so he's right at home on the docks. the only drawback? charters. he gets reprimanded a lot for rolling his eyes at people who don't know how to bait a hook.
never had any pets growing up, so he's one of those freaks that sort of treats animals like independent human beings themselves.
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chrysaliseuro2024 · 2 months
Georgia Day 3
We met up with our guide for the day Sergio who despite the Italian sounding name was a local. He in fact ethnically was Armenian but had been born in Georgia.
His English was pretty good and we set off from our hotel for the 30/40 minute drive to Mtskheta, the ancient capital of Georgia. First stop was the Jvari church on a hilltop overlooking the town. A lovely looking building, pretty bare inside but with a stunning view over the town and the surrounding rivers and hills.
It was a hot day around 30 certainly that in the sun. Next stop was down to the town which was really small and a bit of a tourist town (though a pleasant one). We strolled past a range of little stalls selling tourist bric a brac, plus food and a wine store where we sampled a local wine and some Chacha the local spirit (firewater). Sergio was proving a good guide telling us as much as he could about the locale and generally guiding us along well.
Our goal was the star attraction of the town the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral. Built in the 11th century it is a beautiful building inside and out and pretty large. Christ’s robe is said to be buried under the nave. After looking round the inside, guided by Sergio, we walked the circumference outside and a tranquil setting it was. Also quirkily stumbled on some topiaried olive trees in the grounds which were a first for me as they are usually a tad unkempt.
Back through the town and we set off for Stalin’s birthplace Gori to look at the museum built to commemorate him. We also saw the house he was born in. The tour of the museum by a resident guide was fascinating and fairly detailed. As we looked at various pictures of Stalin from boyhood, to activist and then leader and many stops in between our guide described various key moments in his life and the impact that had on him (including a violent father). There was a lot of ruthlessness to achieve end goals. Many acquaintances, political foes and friends were eliminated let alone those who needed to be made an example of, in his opinion. On the other hand our guide advised he could take credit for things such as improved health systems which were pretty appalling in Russia prior to his rule. We didn’t walk away though thinking he was “a good bloke”.
Our guide was straightforward and a touch whimsical in his delivery. It was very interesting and we learned a lot more than we previously knew about Uncle Joe and his associates.
On we ploughed. Next stop was the Uplistsikhe Cave City. It was a cave town unearthed in 1956 and dating back to the 10th century BC. It included a whole complex of streets, temples, tunnels, wine stores, defensive walls etc - now that was the spiel. In fact it was a bit of a barren area with caves which were dilapidated and seemingly large if shaped holes in the rock-face. We trundled up and down across an uneven surface under a pretty warm sun for 30/40 mins but it was a tad uninspiring as each cave seemed to resemble the next apart from some size differential. This was an area where a guide was essential to bring things to life but that would have needed to be a specialist local guide which did not seem to be on offer. Also Sergio even if he knew a bit more than us was not keen on venturing out into the scorching sun. Probably the one disappointment of the day.
Time to head back to Tbilisi and Sergio offered to go the “village route” rather than the freeway which we gladly accepted. Always good to go through laneways and narrower streets and see how the locals live.
That night dinner was at Balcony 12 restaurant in Tbilisi. Sitting outside in a garden area with a crooner at the mike. Liz able to enjoy a nice rose wine. Very relaxed and a pleasant wind down to the day.
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nourahhseo · 3 months
Top Must-Visit Destinations in Georgia
Georgia, a captivating country at the intersection of Europe and Asia, offers an array of enchanting destinations that promise to leave every traveler in awe. With its rich history, diverse landscapes, and vibrant culture, Georgia is a treasure trove of unforgettable experiences. Here are the top must-visit destinations in Georgia that should be on every traveler's itinerary.
For more: أفضل عروض جورجيا.
Tbilisi: The Heart of Georgia
Start your journey in Tbilisi, the vibrant capital city that effortlessly blends old-world charm with modern sophistication. Wander through the cobblestone streets of the Old Town, where you can discover ancient churches, traditional bathhouses, and bustling markets. Don't miss the iconic Narikala Fortress, which offers stunning panoramic views of the city and the Kura River. For a taste of contemporary Tbilisi, explore the chic cafes, art galleries, and boutiques in the trendy Vera and Vake districts.
Mtskheta: The Spiritual Capital
Just a short drive from Tbilisi lies Mtskheta, Georgia’s spiritual heart and a UNESCO World Heritage site. This ancient city is home to some of the country's most significant religious landmarks, including the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral and the Jvari Monastery. These historic sites, set against the backdrop of beautiful landscapes, offer a glimpse into Georgia's deep-rooted Christian heritage.
Kazbegi: Nature's Majesty
For breathtaking natural beauty, head to Kazbegi (now officially known as Stepantsminda), located in the heart of the Caucasus Mountains. The Gergeti Trinity Church, perched high on a hill with the majestic Mount Kazbek in the background, is one of the most iconic sights in Georgia. Hike through the picturesque valleys, explore hidden waterfalls, and immerse yourself in the tranquility of this stunning mountain region.
Kakheti: The Wine Region
Kakheti, the renowned wine region of Georgia, is a must-visit for wine enthusiasts. This fertile area is dotted with vineyards and charming villages, offering a taste of Georgia's ancient winemaking traditions. Visit the historic wine cellars in Telavi, sample exquisite wines at family-owned wineries, and enjoy the scenic beauty of the Alazani Valley. Don’t forget to try the traditional qvevri wine, made using ancient methods in large clay vessels.
Svaneti: A Step Back in Time
Journey to the remote region of Svaneti, where medieval watchtowers rise above verdant valleys and snow-capped peaks. The villages of Mestia and Ushguli, part of a UNESCO World Heritage site, offer a glimpse into Georgia's past with their well-preserved towers and ancient churches. Svaneti is also a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, with opportunities for hiking, horseback riding, and exploring pristine alpine landscapes.
Batumi: The Black Sea Jewel
On the coast of the Black Sea, Batumi is a city of contrasts, where modern architecture meets charming seaside promenades. Stroll along the Batumi Boulevard, relax on the pebble beaches, and explore the lush Batumi Botanical Garden. The city’s vibrant nightlife, with its casinos and nightclubs, adds to its allure as a dynamic and exciting destination.
Vardzia: The Cave Monastery
Discover the ancient cave monastery of Vardzia, a remarkable complex carved into the cliffs of the Erusheti Mountain. This 12th-century site, built by King Giorgi III and his daughter Queen Tamar, once housed thousands of monks and is a testament to Georgia's rich history. Wander through the labyrinthine tunnels, marvel at the frescoes, and soak in the panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
Source: السياحة في جورجيا.
Georgia is a land of endless discovery, where every corner reveals a new story and every destination offers a unique experience. From the bustling streets of Tbilisi to the serene mountain landscapes of Kazbegi, the spiritual sanctuaries of Mtskheta, and the coastal charm of Batumi, Georgia promises to captivate and inspire. Embark on a journey to these must-visit destinations and uncover the magic of this enchanting country.
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boltedgarlic · 4 months
you’ll have to use the search function unfortunately :( i am no longer linking all my tags. if you’re on desktop, my theme should have a search bar!
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updated: 09/13/2024
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Events 5.3 (before 1940)
752 – Mayan king Bird Jaguar IV of Yaxchilan in modern-day Chiapas, Mexico, assumes the throne. 1481 – The largest of three earthquakes strikes the island of Rhodes and causes an estimated 30,000 casualties. 1491 – Kongo monarch Nkuwu Nzinga is baptised by Portuguese missionaries, adopting the baptismal name of João I. 1568 – Angered by the brutal onslaught of Spanish troops at Fort Caroline, a French force burns the San Mateo fort and massacres hundreds of Spaniards. 1616 – Treaty of Loudun ends a French civil war. 1715 – A total solar eclipse is visible across northern Europe and northern Asia, as predicted by Edmond Halley to within four minutes accuracy. 1791 – The Constitution of May 3 (the first modern constitution in Europe) is proclaimed by the Sejm of Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. 1802 – Washington, D.C. is incorporated as a city after Congress abolishes the Board of Commissioners, the District's founding government. The "City of Washington" is given a mayor-council form of government. 1808 – Finnish War: Sweden loses the fortress of Sveaborg to Russia. 1808 – Peninsular War: The Madrid rebels who rose up on May 2 are executed near Príncipe Pío hill. 1815 – Neapolitan War: Joachim Murat, King of Naples, is defeated by the Austrians at the Battle of Tolentino, the decisive engagement of the war. 1830 – The Canterbury and Whitstable Railway is opened; it is the first steam-hauled passenger railway to issue season tickets and include a tunnel. 1837 – The University of Athens is founded in Athens, Greece. 1848 – The boar-crested Anglo-Saxon Benty Grange helmet is discovered in a barrow on the Benty Grange farm in Derbyshire. 1849 – The May Uprising in Dresden begins: The last of the German revolutions of 1848–49. 1855 – American adventurer William Walker departs from San Francisco with about 60 men to conquer Nicaragua. 1901 – The Great Fire of 1901 begins in Jacksonville, Florida. 1913 – Raja Harishchandra, the first full-length Indian feature film, is released, marking the beginning of the Indian film industry. 1920 – A Bolshevik coup fails in the Democratic Republic of Georgia. 1921 – Ireland is partitioned under British law by the Government of Ireland Act 1920, creating Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland. 1921 – West Virginia becomes the first state to legislate a broad sales tax, but does not implement it until a number of years later due to enforcement issues. 1928 – The Jinan incident begins with the deaths of twelve Japanese civilians by Chinese forces in Jinan, China, which leads to Japanese retaliation and the deaths of over 2,000 Chinese civilians in the following days. 1939 – The All India Forward Bloc is formed by Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.
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ayush021 · 6 months
Explore Georgia's Charm: The Best Georgia Tours for Unforgettable Adventures
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Nestled between Europe and Asia, Georgia is a land of diverse landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture. From the majestic peaks of the Caucasus Mountains to the charming streets of Tbilisi, Georgia offers a plethora of experiences for travelers seeking adventure, culture, and relaxation. Embarking on one of the best Georgia tours promises to unveil the hidden gems and captivating beauty of this enchanting country.
Tbilisi City Tour: Begin your journey in the heart of Georgia with a Tbilisi city tour. Explore the historic Old Town, where cobblestone streets wind past colorful balconied houses and ancient churches. Discover the Narikala Fortress, offering panoramic views of the cityscape below. Dive into the bustling flea market at Dry Bridge Market, where you can find unique souvenirs and local crafts. Indulge in Georgian cuisine at traditional restaurants and sample local wines at quaint wine bars scattered throughout the city.
Kazbegi and the Caucasus Mountains: Venture northward to Kazbegi, a picturesque region nestled in the Caucasus Mountains. Embark on a thrilling jeep tour through rugged terrain, passing by cascading waterfalls and verdant valleys. Hike to the iconic Gergeti Trinity Church, perched atop a hill with Mount Kazbek as its backdrop. Experience Georgian hospitality firsthand with a homestay in a traditional mountain village, where you'll savor homemade meals and immerse yourself in local customs.
Wine Tasting in Kakheti: No visit to Georgia is complete without exploring Kakheti, the country's premier wine region. Join a wine tour through vineyards dotted with ancient qvevri (clay vessels used for winemaking) and picturesque villages. Visit family-owned wineries to taste a diverse array of wines, from robust reds to aromatic whites and amber-colored qvevri wines. Learn about traditional winemaking techniques passed down through generations and toast to newfound friendships with locals.
Vardzia Cave Monastery: Journey to the southern region of Georgia to discover the fascinating Vardzia Cave Monastery. Carved into the cliffsides of the Erusheti Mountain, this sprawling complex dates back to the 12th century. Explore the labyrinthine tunnels, chapels, and dwellings carved into the rock, offering insight into Georgia's medieval history and religious heritage. Marvel at the stunning frescoes adorning the cave walls and soak in the spiritual ambiance of this UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Embarking on the best Georgia tours unveils a tapestry of experiences that will leave a lasting impression on any traveler. Whether you're wandering through the charming streets of Tbilisi, trekking in the Caucasus Mountains, indulging in wine tasting in Kakheti, or exploring ancient cave monasteries, Georgia captivates with its beauty, history, and hospitality. Prepare to be enchanted by the allure of this hidden gem in the Caucasus, where every corner reveals a new adventure waiting to be discovered.
Visit for more information: Travejar
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twiainsurancegroup · 6 months
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cathygeha · 1 year
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Catawba Falls by W.F. Ranew
Red Farlow Mysteries #6
Nearing 70 but not slowing down, Red Farlow begins this pro bono murder investigation while in town for a summer camp’s administrative board meeting. Two male college students, counsellors for the summer, are missing when Red arrives. Having been a counsellor decades ago, he is soon on trails with the search team following paths he once tramped long ago. His memories of those long-gone days intertwine with the current case as it moves from missing to murdered young men and increases to multiple murders with a sinister serial killer on the loose.
What I liked:
* Red: retired Bureau of Georgia Bureau of Investigation, husband, private investigator, attended summer camp where some of the murders took place, puzzle solver, follows clues, has a network of friends in the area, tenacious, team player, motivated, loving husband, teen in the sixties
* Being able to relate to the summer camp counsellor reminiscences having been a camp counsellor in the sixties myself
* The myth of Boojum and how it tied into the story
* The close friendships that lasted decades – at least for red – and wondering why my time as a counsellor did not provide the same
* The police procedural aspects of the story
* Finding out the motivation for the multiple murders and the eventual solution of the cases
* The surprises, twists, and turns – and finding out new information as it came along
* The teamwork and effort exerted to bring down more than one evil person
* Catching up with Red and hearing a bit about his earlier years
What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Knowing that there are people in the world as evil and amoral as the ones in this story
Did I like this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Yes
Thank you to the author for the ARC – This is my honest review.
4-5 Stars
Does a killer roam the Western North Carolina mountains? Red Farlow travels to Camp Ridgemount for Boys for a reunion with his summer camp friends. On arrival, he discovers two camp counselors have been found in the woods, hacked to death. Red’s investigation soon widens with more mysterious deaths, one of them a close friend. Far-right extremist Troy Unsworthy knows the hills and hollows after a lifetime of growing up in these mountains. Red soon learns all the victims are connected to Unsworthy in the years leading up to a deadly auto accident which put him in prison. When he learns Unsworthy was released just before the counselors’ deaths, Red goes into the mountains. His trek requires sure-footedness over rocky terrain and old-growth forest as he explores caves with endless tunnels, shafts, and deep-water pools searching for his suspect. But, did Unsworthy really murder these people, or should Red turn his attention to other suspects? Red treads a treacherous path on his quest to find the killer and bring him to justice.
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discoverhowitworks · 1 year
10 Beautiful Outdoor Wedding Venues for Your Dream Wedding
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Are you looking for the perfect outdoor wedding venue for your big day? With so many options to choose from, it can be overwhelming to find the right one that fits your style and budget. In this article, we'll showcase 10 of the most beautiful outdoor wedding venues that will make your dream wedding come true.
Tips for Choosing the Perfect Outdoor Wedding Venue
When choosing an outdoor wedding venue, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, consider the weather and choose a venue that has a backup plan in case of rain or extreme heat. Second, think about the location and accessibility for your guests, especially those who may have mobility issues. Finally, consider the amenities that are available on-site, such as restrooms, parking, and catering options.
Top 10 Outdoor Wedding Venues in the US
Yosemite National Park, California: For a rustic and adventurous wedding, Yosemite National Park is a stunning location. With its towering mountains, lush forests, and roaring waterfalls, Yosemite is the perfect place to say "I do" in the great outdoors. The Inn at Erlowest, New York: If you're looking for a more elegant and refined outdoor wedding venue, the Inn at Erlowest in Lake George, New York is a stunning choice. With its historic architecture and picturesque gardens, the Inn at Erlowest offers a romantic and intimate setting for your special day. The Barn at High Point Farms, Georgia: If you're looking for a charming and rustic wedding venue, the Barn at High Point Farms in Georgia is the perfect choice. With its sprawling meadows, rolling hills, and a picturesque red barn, this venue offers a cozy and intimate setting for your big day. The Sonnenalp Hotel, Colorado: For a luxurious and elegant outdoor wedding, the Sonnenalp Hotel in Vail, Colorado is a top-notch choice. With its stunning mountain views, lush gardens, and exceptional service, the Sonnenalp Hotel offers a truly unforgettable wedding experience. The Biltmore Estate, North Carolina: The Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina offers a stunning and regal outdoor wedding venue. With its grand French Renaissance architecture, sprawling gardens, and breathtaking views of the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Biltmore Estate offers a one-of-a-kind wedding experience. The Four Seasons Resort, Maui: If you're looking for a beachside wedding venue, the Four Seasons Resort in Maui, Hawaii is a beautiful choice. With its pristine white sand beaches, crystal clear waters, and stunning sunsets, this resort offers a picturesque location for your dream wedding. The Little Nell, Colorado: The Little Nell in Aspen, Colorado is a luxurious and elegant outdoor wedding venue. With its stunning mountain views, gorgeous gardens, and exceptional service, the Little Nell offers a truly unforgettable wedding experience. Calistoga Ranch, California: For a rustic and charming outdoor wedding, Calistoga Ranch in Napa Valley, California is a beautiful choice. With its vineyards, rolling hills, and picturesque lake, this venue offers a cozy and intimate setting for your big day. The Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bay, California: The Ritz-Carlton in Half Moon Bay, California offers a stunning coastal wedding venue. With its breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean, gorgeous gardens, and exceptional service, the Ritz-Carlton offers a truly unforgettable wedding experience. Tunnels Beach Weddings, Hawaii: If you're looking for a tropical paradise, Tunnels Beach in Kauai, Hawaii is the perfect destination. With its crystal clear waters, golden sand beaches, and breathtaking sunsets, it's no wonder why Tunnels Beach is a popular choice for outdoor weddings. Choosing the perfect outdoor wedding venue is an important part of planning your dream wedding. With so many beautiful locations to choose from, it's important to consider your style, budget, and the amenities that are available on-site. Whether you're looking for a rustic barn, a luxurious resort, or a picturesque beach, these 10 outdoor wedding venues are sure to make your special day unforgettable.
What should I consider when choosing an outdoor wedding venue? When choosing an outdoor wedding venue, consider the weather, location, accessibility, and on-site amenities. Do outdoor wedding venues offer backup plans in case of bad weather? Yes, most outdoor wedding venues have backup plans in case of bad weather, such as tents or indoor spaces. How far in advance should I book an outdoor wedding venue? It's recommended to book your outdoor wedding venue at least 6-12 months in advance to ensure availability. Can I customize the decor and layout of the outdoor wedding venue? Yes, most outdoor wedding venues allow customization of the decor and layout to fit your specific style and preferences. Do outdoor wedding venues offer catering services? Yes, many outdoor wedding venues offer catering services as part of their packages, but it's important to inquire about this beforehand. Read the full article
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mwcowan · 2 years
Returned, Life as Usual
Chapter 4 – Life on the Beach
Since our return from Bangkok a few weeks ago, we’ve sort of settled down into a normal routine. We try to take a walk every morning, usually about an hour and 2+ miles. With Kawayan Cove mainly situated on a ridge overlooking the beach below, there is little level land. Every walk, in any direction, involves some steep hills that turn our walks into even better exercise. The photo below, taken from the road in front of our house, might give you an idea of the hills we walk every day.
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The shot above also reveals a couple other things, one being the weather. It’s been absolutely perfect the last few weeks: sunny, highs in the upper 80’s, overnight lows in the mid 70’s, and for now, fairly low humidity and gentle breezes. Very tolerable, we haven’t even turned on our A/C’s since we’ve been here and we sleep with open windows at night. That’ll change as we head into summer, but we’re enjoying it for now!
The other thing in the photo explains why get up pretty early, at least compared to our California habits. You can see an intersection and a skid mark. The road going to the left leads to the service entrance, where all commercial vehicles enter the village. There are currently 20+ homes being built in the village and that means a lot of heavy trucks. Most of them turn right from the service road and pass in front of our house. The majority of them are heavily loaded and can barely make it up the hill after the turn. So, about 7am every morning except Sunday, we're awakened by straining engines and grinding gears. No sleeping late here!
Max has new Philippine cousins! After coming back from Bangkok we stayed a few days in Manila. Georgia’s mom’s caretaker has 4 dogs… one of them had given birth to 4 puppies at the first of December. Unfortunately, the caretaker doesn’t have the means to take care of them, and even worse, the pup’s mom, a first-timer, didn’t have much interest in them. Another dog, also pregnant, was doing the nursing job. Although it might have been a bit early (at 7 weeks) to take them away from their littermates and mom, they were undernourished, full of fleas, worms, and other parasites, causing them to be pretty lethargic and lose most of their hair. We worried they might not make it much longer, and didn’t have the heart to leave them all so we picked out a little boy and girl to take with us. Since the dad dog (we’re pretty sure of this although he claims no responsibility…) is known to us as Philbert, we named the boy Philo and the girl Philly. They were a sad sight at first. If you looked up “mangy mutt” in the dictionary you’d see their pictures. A few trips to the vet so far for de-worming, flea and parasite care, plus nourishing food and a dose of love has them back to being normal puppies, and their hair is coming back. Philo is pretty smart, full of energy and mischief. Philly is a sweet one that likes to cuddle.
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...and Philly
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They are known as “Askal” over here, which is short for Asong Kalye, meaning “Street Dog” in Tagalog. So far they’re proving that a dog is a dog; if you love them and care for them, they’ll give much more back to you.
More Things that Will Eat You
I was sitting outside with one of our guests the other evening, when this thing buzzed his head and landed on the steps behind him. I’m not sure what prompted me to grab it, but it hissed ferociously and snapped its jaws. Not a happy creature. It looks like a demon with those long antennae and black eyes!
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After some research we found that it’s called a Longhorn Beetle. Not dangerous to humans but it’s damaging to trees and timber operations as its larvae tunnel through trees. Various species of this insect are native to North America, so don’t get too comfortable over there!
Kawayan Life
Last time here, our neighbors Graham and Lori organized a pot luck dinner with a number of fellow denizens of Kawayan Cove, and we loosely formed an organization we call “Kawayan Life” and started a Viber chat where we can all keep in touch. Before we left in July we hosted a similar party at our house. Since then the group’s continued to be active and has grown to around 25 couples. Last night Graham and Lori hosted another party to kick off 2023. By my unofficial count we had 40 in attendance, a fun and diverse group representing places around the world, including a few other Californians.
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Today we had a post-party party with a few of them, hanging out all day at the beach.
Cute Clownfish of the Week
A few days ago I was snorkeling in the cove, and spotted a striking orange anemone, with a resident clownfish family. When we went back to the beach today I took my camera, and managed to get a few decent shots, although the fish, except for the biggest one, were pretty shy.
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Sunset of the Week
This was a hard pick. The beautiful weather we’ve been having has produced just the right amount of clouds to make gorgeous sunsets. It’s hard to believe you can look at the exact same view every evening and see something completely different and unique, and I never tire of it. Here’s this weeks’ winner, I hope you enjoy it.
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Take care everyone!
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Marla maples biography, age, net worth and more. check out
Marla maples biography, age, net worth and more. check out
Marla maples Early life Marla Ann Maples was born in Cohutta. Stanley Edward Maples was a real estate developer, country commissioner, singer, and songwriter, and her mother, Ann Locklear Maples, was a model and a homemaker. Maples was a rising basketball star and class secretary while she attended Northwest Whitfield High School in Tunnel, Hill, Georgia. Maples was crowned homecoming queen for…
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