#Ttte Emily 💖
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just-an-emily-existing · 1 month ago
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Ok everyone I think this is the final time I change my pinned post photo lol wdyt?
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jammyjams1910 · 4 months ago
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Controller Rendezvous 🩵🩷💚
@just-an-emily-existing @jessythebunny
I finally finished this dfljbkfrjs
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uselessalexis165 · 3 months ago
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tried making some ttte memes (352)
@jammyjams1910 @just-an-emily-existing @jessythebunny addition
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flamingoprincess25 · 1 year ago
psst @just-a-douglas-simp-existing
Merry Christmas c: 💖
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blackwolfflame · 2 years ago
Family of Enchantment Goes to The Beach
Alex is the worried parent who makes sure EVERYONE is wearing sunscreen.
Dash and Bash hold competitions between themselves to see who can do certain things faster(ex. run into the water, swim to shore, touch the bottom of the lake/ocean first)
Donald and Jamie wade in the shallows and try to find cool trinkets.
Douglas and Emily float on their backs together like otters.
D.T and Alex make intricate sand sculptures together.
After lunch, Alex gives each pair(Donald/Jamie, Douglas/Emily and Dash/Bash) $20 to go and spend on the boardwalk.
Jamie spends everything trying to win a plush for their puddin'.
Emily and Douglas buy souvenirs for the group.
Dash and Bash buy TONS of sweets.
Alex and D.T get ice cream for themselves. Mint Choco Chip for Alex and Tiger Tail for D.T.
@jammyjams1910 @just-a-douglas-simp-existing
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just-an-emily-existing · 29 days ago
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Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I may be single irl, but I have Douglas in my daydreams lol
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jammyjams1910 · 6 months ago
A personal extra boost of serotonin whilst perishing from plague ehe @just-an-emily-existing
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Original inspiration by @uselessalexis165
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year ago
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tried making some ttte memes (316)
@jammyjams1910 and @just-an-emily-existing oc addition
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blackwolfflame · 2 years ago
Sick Day Ep 2: Dougie x Emily
Second part!
Emily couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong with Douglas. He appeared to be more lethargic than usual. Work seemed to be more tiring for Douglas, so Emily waited for Douglas to take his lunch break to approach him.
"Douglas? Are you okay?" Douglas glanced up from where he was sitting. Now that Emily was closer to him, she could see just how horrible he look. His nose was red and raw, most likely from him constantly wiping his runny nose on the sleeve of his uniform. "M'fine Ma'am." "Douglas Fleming-Sutton." Douglas flinched. His head was pounding and having his manager bother him wasn't helping. Yes, he knew that Emily was also his girlfriend, but, at this point in time, he didn't care. "Ma'am, please leave me be. I'm fine." Emily sighed. "Douglas, you're unwell. As your manager, I have to ask you to go home." Douglas sighed, grabbing his things. "But as your girlfriend, I want to take care of you. Your going to spend the rest of the day in my office, resting." Douglas smiled. "Ok luv."
It was four o'clock. Alex had just gotten off of work and was going to go see Douglas. He had texted Alex, letting him know that he was in Emily's office. When Alex arrived, he knocked on the door. Emily opened it and welcomed him in. "Be quiet, Dougie's sleeping right now." She whispered. Alex glanced at the couch in Emily's office. Douglas was curled up under a blanket, with a cup of tea on the table next to him. "Thank you for looking after him." Alex said. "Actually, I wanted to ask if he could stay the night." "Oh, of course." Alex smiled. As he was leaving, he couldn't be more happy about that fact that Douglas had gotten a loving partner.
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jessythebunny · 5 months ago
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Ft. @jammyjams1910 and @just-an-emily-existing
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sketalya · 1 year ago
ITS 12/12...Emily's Day 🌹💚✨
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just-an-emily-existing · 6 months ago
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Finally gave myself a proper ref sheet for my “Pink Conductor” self lol, wdyt?
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jammyjams1910 · 2 years ago
Cw: Scary faces
Me: *has a bad thought*
Me, the next minute: *ruins my oc*
Me, after: i still feel sad
Me: *ruins @just-a-douglas-simp-existing & @blackwolfflame too*
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Does this count as digital art? Am I cool yet?
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uselessalexis165 · 2 years ago
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tried making some ttte memes (190)
@jammyjams1910 and @just-a-douglas-simp-existing oc addition
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blackwolfflame · 2 years ago
Family of Enchantment Main Character Bios
For @just-a-douglas-simp-existing ‘scharacter bios(Which has info for Emily) go here and here for how the elements function/ what they even are
For @jammyjams1910​ ‘s OC, Jamies bio go here
Lets get into the rest
Thomas ‘Alex’ Sutton
Age: 41
July 15th 1981
Married to D.T Sutton
Adoptive father to Dash, Bash, Douglas, and Donald
Goes by Alex to avoid confusion
Element: Wind/Crystal
Weapon: Elemental Bombs
Has tiny red wings as part of his wind element
Has a ruby embeded on the back of his neck
Can make bombs out of smoke, air, and gems(usually rubies), so he works best with a fire elemental in fights, due to the constant smoke their fire would produce
Mechanic at Steamworks
Thomas had an ischemic stroke(stroke caused by blood clots) at 21
Lost most fine motor control on his left side
Needs a crutch to walk
Has memory loss and it can be really bad somedays
Will repeated ask people for their names, no matter how many times they’ve met
Doesn’t know it, but he’s the only one the Logging Twins(Dash and Bash Harris-Sutton) and the Scottish Twins(Douglas and Donald Fleming-Sutton) don’t switch places to trick, as they know it would frustrate him more
Is extremely frusterated by how it has effected his life
Diesel Sutton
Age: 47
Bisexual(Male Leaning)
October 1st 1975
Married to Alex Sutton
Adoptive father to Dash, Bash, Donald and Douglas
Element: Fire
Weapon: Gun
Gun can shoot flame bullets
Train Driver and Manager at Diesel Works
Does his best to help Alex live a normal life
Bash Harris-Sutton
Age: 21
November 7th 2001
Adopted son of Alex and D.T Sutton
Dashes twin brother
Adpotive brother to Douglas and Donald Fleming-Sutton
Changed his name to Bash when he was 18
Element: Earth
Weapon: Flail
His flower is a magnolia which represents preseverance and a love of nature
Flail is made out of vines
Train driver on Mist Island
Bash was the unplanned twin
Was named Braxton at birth
His parents veiwed Dash as the ‘golden child’
Had almost none of his acheviements recongnized
When his acheviements were recognized, it was only to compare him to Dash
Was known as ‘Dashes Brother’ at school
Has panic attacks when people use his bio name
Dash Harris-Sutton
Age: 21
November 7th 2001
Adopted son of Alex and D.T Sutton
Bashes twin brother
Adpotive brother to Douglas and Donald Fleming-Sutton
Element: Earth
Weapon: Flail
His flower is a magnolia which represents preseverance and a love of nature
Flail is made out of vines
Train driver on Mist Island
Donald Fleming-Sutton
Age: 26
June 10th 1996
Jamies boyfriend
Grew up on a farm
Adopted son of Alex and D.T Sutton
Douglas’ twin brother
Adpotive brother to Bash and Dash Harris-Sutton
Element: Plasma
Weapon: Morning Star
Train driver on the North Western Railway
Pa passed when the twins were sixteen from repeate brain injuries
Twins dropped out to help their mum on the farm
Mum got cancer a year later and passed six months after
Lost their home, as neither could get jobs and the farm had lost money
Both went to Sodor, as they knew whoever stayed wouldn’t make it through the winter
Douglas Fleming-Sutton
Age: 26
June 10th 1996
Emilys boyfriend
Grew up on a farm
Adopted son of Alex and D.T Sutton
Donalds twin brother
Adpotive brother to Bash and Dash Harris-Sutton
Element: Plasma
Weapon: Morning Star
Train driver on the North Western Railway
Pa passed when the twins were sixteen from repeate brain injuries
Twins dropped out to help their mum on the farm
Mum got cancer a year later and passed six months after
Lost their home, as neither could get jobs and the farm had lost money
Both went to Sodor, as they knew whoever stayed wouldn’t make it through the winter
Manager of North Western Railway
Element: Wind
Weapon: Battle axe
Train driver on the North Western Railway
Longest post! This took forever.
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jessythebunny · 9 months ago
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Another shirtless James bc of my simping ass ❤👄❤
Poor Emily had enough of his shit
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