#Ttte jessy🐰
jessythebunny · 8 months
✨Original Oc's: My team✨
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This is littlery me but i'm going to introduce myself for you
✓Zodiac: Sagittarius♐
✓nationality: Moroccan
✓Sexual: Asexual
✓Favorite color: Green and Black
✓Favorite food/drink: Pizza and cola
✓Favorite animal: cats
✓Hobbies: reading books/cooking/drawing
✓fears/things she hates: dark/spiders/highs
Some facts:
💙Jessy likes to spend time with her best friends Lucy, Alex and Liam, and sometimes with her boyfriend Jonathan and her family
💙Jessy has strong fellings for Jonathan and he also loves her back
💙She's an Autistic and loves a lot of music artists like Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Maroon 5,Britney Spears, these are all her favorite music artists
💙Jessy has a bad past with her old friend Anna because when they were young, they were close to each other, but although Anna was jealous, Lucy later came and became close friends with Jessy and forgot about Anna, so Anna decided to abandon Jessy or not speak to her again
💙When she is angry, she draws or listens to music to vent her anger, she hates for anyone to talk to her when she is angry because at that moment she will hit him, so she likes to be alone
💙At school, when she wants to answer any question, for example, she begins to feel afraid and nervous because she is afraid that someone will make fun of her and she suffered from this in her childhood
💙She also had a boyfriend before Jonathan, but he did not treat her well. He neglected her, cheated on her with other girls, and was a pervert, so she broke up with him, but he did not want to do that, and he promised her that he would come back one day to take revenge on her
✓age: 18
✓Zodiac: Virgo ♍
✓Religion: Christ
✓nationality: African
✓Sexual: bisexual
✓Favorite color: brown
✓favorite food/drink: black coffée
✓favorite animal: bunnies
✓hobbies: reading books
✓fears/things he hates: spiders
Some facts:
🤎Jonathan likes to hanging out with Liam because he's his best friend, Rami and Ken
🤎Jonathan has a huge crush on Jessy and he doesn't like when she hang out with other guy
🤎Jonathan confused between Jessy and Messy because they look similar. For example, when he wants to hug Jessy, he hugs Messy by mistake
🤎he is very jealous man and he doesn't like see his girlfriend talk to another man, for example Saiko, he's Jessy's cousin and he likes Jessy, So he wasn't comfortable with him the first time he saw him
✓age: 18
✓Zodiac: Leo ♌
✓Religion: Christ
✓nationality: British
✓sexual: bisexual
✓favorite color: Yellow
✓favorite food/drink: Macaroni and cheese and Cola
✓favorite animal: wolves
✓hobbies: study/football/drawing
✓fears/things he hates: nothing
Some facts:
💛Liam likes to hang out with Jonathan and Rami, but sometimes he likes being alone
💛Liam also confused between Jessy and Messy like Jonathan because they are such a dumba$$
💛he transform into a wolf when he is afraid
💛Liam is a vampire, so his eyes turn into red and he wants some blood, Especially Messy's blood, because he thinks it is delicious and he drinks it in case he feels jealous for her
💛he likes adventures and risks and he doesn't care when he gets hurt
✓age: 17
✓Zodiac: Sagittarius♐
✓religion: Islam
✓nationality: British
✓sexual: heterosexual
✓favorite color: purple
✓favorite food/drink: cakes and chocolat milk
✓favorite animal: nothing
✓hobbies: anything about fasion
✓fears/things she hates : being ugly
Some facts:
💜Lucy likes to spend her time with Me, Messy and Alex
💜she really loves Rami and she thinks that he's her world
💜Lucy loves anything about fasion like make-up, fashion design, hair styles, ect...
💜She's kind and sweet and sometimes she gets nervous and she is a bit vain
💜Her mother is a teacher and her father owns the largest fashion company, which means in short, she is rich
💜she is also very famous in school but there is some girls who are jealous of her and they keep bullying her for no reason
✓age: 16
✓Zodiac: Cancer ♋
✓religion: Islam
✓nationality: American
✓sexual: pansexual
✓favorite color: blue and white
✓favorite food/drink: coffee with milk
✓favorite animal: dogs
✓hobbies: being alone (emo boy)
✓fears/things he hates: people/fighting/math
Some facts:
💙Rami is the most boring person in our team
💙He is kind of gloomy but sometimes he smiles
💙he has a crush on Lucy but he is very shy to admet it to her
💙rarely he hangs out with his friends Jonathan and Liam,but he always wants to be alone
💙he hates when somebody reminds him of his past because he has a terrible past so that's why he is like that now
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✓age: 19
✓Zodiac: Gemini ♊
✓religion: christ
✓nationality: American
✓sexual: aromantic
✓favorite color: blue and black
✓favorite food/drink: pizza
✓favorite animal: cats and dogs
✓hobbies: montage/lestning to music
✓fears/things he hates: dark/Injustice/Treason
Some facts:
💙🖤Owen is a naughty, cute and funny boy
💙🖤Owen has neither a boyfriend nor a girlfriend because he knows that he acts like a little child and that he is not romantic enough and that he does not need either of them
💙🖤Owen has a twin named Otis, Owen and Otis were close brothers when they were young, but because Otis was not receiving attention from his parents for some reason, and he saw his brother receiving a lot of attention and affection, he felt jealous and very sad because he thought he had no importance, so he decided to leave his family and run away forever
💙🖤sometimes Owen could make many disasters and misfortunes at home, and sometimes, if he wants to escape from his predicament, he blames one of us XD
💙🖤Owen's father has a large company and likes to donate some of his money to the poor and do charity
💜🖤i already introduce him to you so you can find all his information HERE
✓age: 15
✓Zodiac: Aries ♈
✓religion: undefined
✓nationality: Italian
✓sexual: pansexual
✓favorite color: cyan
✓favorite food/drink: cookies and strawberry milk
✓favorite animal: butterflies and hamsters
✓hobbies: drawing
✓fears/things she hates: nuts(allergic)/Cockroaches/horror films
Some facts:
🩵🖤Vanessa came from the world of stars, so she has stars in her eyes
🩵🖤When Vanessa dies, she will turn into a star and fly in the sky like other stars
🩵🖤Venessa thinks that Ken is really cute and lovely because she loves hamsters, so she littlery has a crush on him
🩵🖤Venessa likes to spend time with Messy and Alex, but sometimes she likes to being alone
🩵🖤she is allergic of nuts and chocolat because if she ates them she will get stomach ulcers
✓age: 16
✓Zodiac: Leo♌
✓religion: undefined
✓nationality: British
✓sexual: bisexual
✓favorite color: blue and white
✓favorite food/drink: hotdogs and Pepsi
✓favorite animal: hamsters
✓hobbies: sports/swimming/art
✓fears/things he hates: dogs/butter(allergic)/dark
Some facts:
💙🤍Ken has a lot of friends, but Jonathan, Liam are his favorite (famous boys)
💙🤍Ken transforms into a hamster whenever he wants
💙🤍He likes Venessa because she is nice and shy and they suit each other
💙🤍he has a rival past with Anna because she is his ex and she cheated on him a lot of times but he can't stand it and he broke up with her
💙🤍Such a Drama queen
💙🤍he also likes to hang out with Alex because she is his female best friend and that's it no ship
✓age: 17
✓Zodiac: Scorpio ♏
✓religion: christ
✓sexual: transgender
✓nationality: British
✓favorite color: pink and white
✓favorite food/drink: Strawberry soda and pancakes
✓favorite animal: all the animals
✓hobbies: cooking/fighting/gymnastics
✓fears/things she hates:narrow places/Hassle
Some facts:
💗🤍Alex has come from the demon world to start a new life on planet Earth
💗🤍Before Alex came to Earth, she was never happy in the demon world because she was the princess of the demon kingdom and her mother was strict with her and she wanted to be the queen after her, but Alex did not want that and decided to run away without anyone knowing, and to this day they are still searching for her
💗🤍She has a crush on Saiko because he was the only one who understood her, and that he came from the same place, and that they really suited each other
💗🤍Venessa is her only best friend and the others are just normal friends
💗🤍Alex has an evil side and they say she is a legend of the kingdom, but she doesn't want to show it now
💗🤍When Alex came to Earth, she thought that people would be afraid of her because of her appearance, so she turned into a normal humanlike them to adapt to her, but then she decided to show them her true form, and when people saw her, they felt that she was cute and not evil at all. After that, she felt comfortable and decided to stay like this
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jessythebunny · 1 month
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✨💕Fanart for @shikariiin 💕🌹
@shikariiin if you're seeing this, I just want you to know that you are my idol and you're one of my favorite artists!🩷✨☁
Fr your design of James is very dangerous and it's the best design I've ever seen! ❤🌹
I'm sorry if I didn't draw him perfectly but at least I had so much fun while drawing this💖💖
This is just a small gift to express my admiration for your work💎💐❤
Love you so much, and love your artwork🎀🌟✨
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jessythebunny · 5 days
💙 Art trade! 💛
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I made an art trade with @sketalya about drawing our favorite ttte ships, so I drew her favorite ship which is Gordon x Rebecca or Gorbecca💙💛✨✨.
I really had fun while drawing this, I'm sorry if there's a lot of mistakes but I hope you like it Sket!! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ 💖💖
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jessythebunny · 5 months
if I may, good evening how are you? Are you well. What if Douglas and Oliver kiss yes 🥹
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Your wish is on command hun✨✨
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jessythebunny · 15 days
For Duck, What Ya Think Of Abby’s Upgraded Outfit? Also *Virtual Hug for Jessy(Bestie)*
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Oh also *virtuel hug back:3*
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jessythebunny · 1 month
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🚂Luke the Irish engine🍀
💚Luke is the final, youngest member of the group, and also he's the newest member
💚Luke is the smallest engine compared to the others, they don't know why, neither is he. The others think it's because of his young age
💚Luke has a baby deer that he calls Balwie or Deerie to pet him
💚Luke uses an Irish accent more than English, but unfortunately some engines like Diesel laugh at him because he thinks that Luke doesn't know how to talk perfectly
💚he never dares to swear
💚Luke is the engine most protected by others, and he is loved and spoiled by them. Sometimes Luke is a little naive and hasty, but he is very diligent in his work, and he has a caring heart for his friends because he loves them more than anything
💚Luke loves watching cartoons with Peter Sam, and they both love Disney movies
💚He has a tender heart towards Millie, they are known as the youngest couple on the island
💚He always has nightmares about the sea, and has a phobia of the depths of the ocean
💚he's addicted to candy very much, This resulted from his teeth becoming decayed
💚he treats Skarloey as a father, Peter Sam and Sir Handel like his big brothers, and Millie is his future wife
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jessythebunny · 2 days
My Stanley would like to hug your Skarloey and jokingly flirt with him to make my Rhen jealous
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jessythebunny · 27 days
Sir handel x peter sam
Sadness and happiness
A bossy and serious guy x cheery and cheeky guy
💙💚These are our favorite types, an arrogant and grouchy engine and a cute and playful engine
💙💚Sir handel loves to bring some dolls for Peter sam to express his love to him
💙💚Sir Handel, regardless of his mockery of Peter Sam who lost his funnel, felt sorry for him and took care of him and stood with him in every big and small thing
💙💚Peter Sam likes to knit wool sweaters for Sir Handel, and he prefers them to be big and fluffy because he thinks Sir Handel looks cute in them
💙💚At night, Peter Sam feels a little afraid and cannot sleep, so sometimes he hugs Sir Handel to feel safe
💙💚Sir Handel likes to bake cupcakes for Peter Sam because he knows he loves them, and Peter Sam always brings him strawberries for him
💙💚They love playing with the snow and making snowmen together, and they have a good time, drinking hot chocolate with some cake when they are finished
💙💚Peter Sam tries hard to get Sir Handel out of his frown, but sometimes he succeeds and sometimes he fails
💙💚Sir Handel forces Peter Sam to wear a skirt to laugh at him, but when the wind blows and lifts Peter Sam's skirt, Peter Sam feels extremely embarrassed while Sir Handel watches him, his nose bleeding
💙💚Sir Handel affectionately calls Peter Sam Sammy, or Sam Sam, but as for Peter Sam, he likes to call him Falcon or Handy
💙💚 🎵let me love you-dj snake ft.Justin Bieber🎵
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jessythebunny · 21 days
@shikariiin congrats for your 500+ followers🩵🌹
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Shika's 500+ DTIYS is here!
Here's mine wiii X3!!
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jessythebunny · 16 days
🚂 Mia and Jenny 🚂
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Here are some quick and messy sketches of @miasonyson's Mia and my Jenny in their engine form, I'm very sorry if they look very crappy and messy but I'm not good in drawing trains but I hope you accept them.
So in my AU, Jenny is Percy's cousin but Percy doesn't know about that, so that's why she looks like him
Mia is an American steam locomotive and she's Olton Hall type. And that type of the steam engines is very famous in USA
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jessythebunny · 2 months
James and Percy in a nutshell😌👇🏻✨:
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jessythebunny · 23 days
Monty is such a cutie duckling🐤😍
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Yes he is, I love him sm!! <33
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jessythebunny · 28 days
Skarloey x Rheneas
Similar love
Two small and strong engines in love
❤♥Rheneas is a one year younger than Skarloey
❤♥Although they are similar in shape, size and features, they love each other
❤♥In fact, Rheneas and Skarloey are relatives, that's why they look alike, and everyone thinks they are brothers, but they are not
❤♥Skarloey was the only one who took care of Rheneas when his left leg was injured, and he was the one who comforted him and brought him out of grief
❤♥Rheneas and Skarloey like to drink tea together during break time, and they both do not want anyone to interfere with them or disturb them because they are trying to have a romantic time
❤♥They love dancing to 50's songs, especially electro swing songs, as they love it very much
❤♥Skarloey loves giving advice to Rheneas and Rheneas implements it immediately, and this is the main reason why Rheneas gives advice as well because he considers Skarloey his role model
❤♥They like to go to the top of the mountains and sit there together, or go to the beach
❤♥Skarloey loves cherries very much, so Rheneas always brings him some cherries for him after work, and he likes to call him my cherry
❤♥also Skarloey loves to call him Rhen when they were little, But to this day, Skarloey is stuck to this nickname
❤♥ 🎵Sugar-Maroon 5🎵
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jessythebunny · 1 month
Y'all say happy birthday to the most special person in the world!!! 💞💞🎂🎂✨✨🎉🎉
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@asktrio516 aka @dilemmaart / @dilemmaverse Happy birthday miss Emma!!! And I hope you spend it with a lot of tranquility and happiness ‼️🥳🥳💖💖
Also I drew this a while ago but finaly I posted it weee!!!
•Humanized Duck belongs to her✨✨
•the emo controller (The black-haired girl) belongs to me✨✨
Bonus XD (just a joke):
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Now let's get back to our private life👍🏻😌.
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jessythebunny · 4 months
headcanon ship between Oliver and Douglas 🥹🥹🥹🥹
Ok i don't usuelly do those things because they will took me the time and i'm getting tired faster but here's the small thing for ya☁🌟(ignore the image plz)
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🖤°•Douglas and Oliver Headcanons•°💚
🖤💚Douglas found Oliver in the scrapyard with Toad in an unenviable condition. He did not want to leave him there so he would end up as a victim and become scrap, so he decided to help him and get him and Toad out of there. From here, Oliver's feelings began to develop because he saved his and Toad's lives from death
🖤💚Oliver, due to his extreme stupidity (no offense please), cannot differentiate between Douglas and his brother Donald. For example, when he wants to kiss Douglas, he kisses Donald instead of him, and the three of them start laughing and giggling
🖤💚In fact, Oliver has two boyfriends, Douglas and Duck, so each of them takes turns seeing Oliver every day to avoid quarrels and conflict
🖤💚When Oliver was in the scrap yard, he felt extremely sad because he thought that no one would get him out of there and that he would spend his whole life there, and Douglas saving him was a great miracle for him.
🖤💚Oliver can't stop thinking about Douglas and Duck, even if he works, his mind never forgives him.
🖤💚Douglas is talkative, cheerful, and has a childish personality, while Oliver is calm all the time and likes to listen to everything he says.
🖤💚Oliver really loves his nickname "Dougie" so he really likes to call him that
🖤💚In the event that Douglas is involved in an accident, Oliver is responsible for rescuing him and always saves him in the engine form, and vice versa.
So yeah, these are all my Headcanons about those two and i hope you enjoy them weeee (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
FFS Why is it difficult to draw trains and use the jelly style?Ugh💢💢💢
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jessythebunny · 2 months
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🖤Donald the scottish engine🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
🖤Donald is the joker and fun twin, but he sometimes gets sulky like Douglas says
🖤Donald loves to joke with his twin brother, but sometimes he goes to extremes, which leads to Douglas' anger
🖤Donald has pet duck named Dilly. He loves her very much and treats her like his daughter. It was a gift from Duck
🖤Donald has a massive crush on Duck, but Duck has Oliver, but when it gives them both the chance, they make out with echother
🖤Donald has a scar on his back due to the accident he had in Season 3
🖤he really likes the nickname Donnie, Especially from Douglas and Duck
🖤Sometimes he jokes with Duck in front of others that they are a couple, even though they are secretly a couple, and I love their ship name "Donald Duck"
🖤he loves Oreos and KitKat so much, they're his life
🖤Douglas the scottish engine🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
🖤Douglas is also the serious and rational twin, His intelligence is very extraordinary and not like Donald
🖤Douglas knows how to argue with Donald in an intelligent way, and this leads to their argument ending quickly
🖤Oliver and Donald are the ones who have the right to call him Dougie, he likes his name the way it is
🖤Douglas is the reason Oliver and Toad return to the rails, which leads to Oliver developing feelings for Douglas
🖤Douglas treats Toad like a child, and he's very happy for being a father for Toad
🖤Douglas works very well with James. When Donald had the accident, James took his place for the day, and so they formed a wonderful team
🖤the scottish twins🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
🖤🖤Donald and Douglas were the first Scottish engines to come to the Island of Sodor
🖤🖤Donald and Douglas love each other, despite their arguments and disagreements. They eventually get back together
🖤🖤They are two of the strongest engines. They always work together and sometimes cooperate
🖤🖤Emily is their cousin and she's older than them, but altought she has a lot of fun with them and they treat her like a big sister
🖤🖤very close with Duck, Oliver and Toad, BoCo, Edward, Emily, Marina(oc), Skiff, @lovable-chica's oc Abby, Cartoon Jessy, Dark Jessy
🖤🖤good friends with Thomas, Percy, James, Toby, Mavis, Mia (oc), Jenny (oc)
🖤🖤they're still mad at Diesel because what has he done to Duck although he was forgiven but they will never get over this
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