#Truth in Fiction
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captainfreelance1 · 7 months ago
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Dinosaurs S2 E9 Unmarried with Children GIFset (2/2)
The First Apperence of the Sinclairs neighbor and friend Monica Devertebrate.
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quietflorilegium · 1 year ago
“Only thin, weak thinkers despise fairy stories. Each one has a true, strange fact hidden in it, you know, which you can find if you look.”
Thomas Lynn, Diana Wynne Jones, "Fire and Hemlock"
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brunhielda · 2 years ago
This is how classic literature works man.
Was anyone talking about queer issues at that time? No.
Was the author queer?
Did this story stick around because EVERYONE knows that kid that just doesn’t fit?
When you put truth into fictional stories, it sticks around and speaks to the people it needs to speak to.
This is why stories MATTER
Yeah you're right. It WOULD be pretty fucked up if you were a swan but you were raised by ducks and you grew up never seeing another swan or even knowing that such a thing as a swan even existed so you just thought you were a duck with something super wrong with it.
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mandyraine · 5 months ago
How to create a sense of verisimilitude in your novel | Novel revision tips
Are unicorns real? Convince me! #unicornsarereal
Verisimilitude is the appearance of truth or reality in a work of fiction. It is the quality of a story that makes it seem believable, even if it is not actually true. Verisimilitude is created by the writer’s use of details, language, and characterization. There are two main types of verisimilitude: internal and external. Even though unicorns may not exist in real life, your treatment of them…
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randumblygeneratedusername · 11 months ago
“I try to live in a world where I don’t let the story ruin…
I allow the possibility to go past what I’m told the story is
That things can be even wilder than the rational explanation”
Rick Rubin
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jannahill · 1 year ago
Here Truth & Fiction Collide
“ All eyes were on Wall Street, but truth be told, the market crash paled in comparison to the Navarro County drought.” The news of Black Tuesday came and went as little more than dry morsels between flapjacks and red-eyed gravy. Black Thursday was no different. Margin calls and ticker-talk; it was all a foreign language to the average man of Navarro county. New York, Chicago and any place not…
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deeswriting · 1 year ago
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fadeintoyou1993 · 2 months ago
whenever someone is like you think this ship is better just because it's two women i'm like well yes
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years ago
quotes by Victorians about the 1920s view of their generation's women
"We are frequently told that the Victorian woman...generally behaved like a pampered and neurotic infant. This is all moonshine. I do not think that I ever saw a woman faint before I came to London in 1869, and not often after then...they enjoyed a hearty laugh, and a good many of them a contest of wits with any man." -Nineteenth Century, a Monthly Review, 1927 (written by a man born in 1850)
"What queer ideas the girl of 1929 has about the Victorian period- they are not a bit true...Marriage was by no means the end and aim of our existence. Oxford and Cambridge claimed quite a few of us after school days were over. We had great ideas about 'life' and what it all might mean to us." -St. Petersburg Times, 1929 (written by a woman born in 1853)
"True, debutantes were chaperoned at balls. But that fact did not prevent them from dancing as frequently as they chose with their favorite partners. The idea that girls in the Victorian era spent their days sewing seams and practicing scales is another fallacy." -Gettysburg Times, July 1, 1927 (quote from the Dowager Lady Raglan, Ethel Jemima Somerset, who lived from 1857 to 1940)
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momspren · 29 days ago
It really hurt when Hoid respawned after being vaporized and immediately frantically wanted to go back. He's been such a strange character in these 5 books. I've never been able to unhear him saying he'd let Roshar burn before he let Odium free (presuming that is what he meant), but when push came to shove even he admitted that he didn't know if he could do that. He loves that world. He loves the people on it. He didn't want to return because he thought he actually had a chance at stopping Retribution, he wanted to return because people he loved were there and he didn't want them to suffer alone.
It's only after he realizes that Roshar actually has a genuine chance at winning that he stays where he is. Because Dalinar did something wonderful and frightening and brilliant, and Hoid can use that.
He can do more to help by influencing the other worlds to grow in the ways they need to, and trying to convince the other Shards to listen. And so when he does come back to the place and the people he loves, he will be prepared to help them win.
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bexmontgomery · 2 years ago
This is Why I Write: Embracing Dark Truths
Stop by, we have the lovely Vanessa Morgan kicking off our new series with: This is Why I Write: Embracing Dark Truths
We are super pumped to have Vanessa Morgan guest posting today to kick off our new guest post series This is Why I Write. For those of you that are familiar with our This is Why I Read series; This is Why I Write will serve as a regular feature where we will be offering guests (in this case writers and authors from all forms and genres) the chance to talk about why they write and offer insights…
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captainfreelance1 · 7 months ago
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Dinosaurs S2 E9 Unmarried with Children (1/2) GIFset
The First Apperence of the Sinclairs neighbor and friend Monica Devertebrate.
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reality-detective · 2 months ago
Stranger Than Fiction News: Secret Government Experiments are so horrible they would never have been disclosed. We the people have been lab rats for many decades and we have been funding the government to pay for their atrocities on humanity. 🤔
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doverstar · 3 months ago
can't express accurately how happy it makes me that c.s. lewis did not leave room for many interpretations in narnia. it's christian and you can't get around it. susan chose to care more about worldly things than what matters and he said what he said. the lion is Jesus. evil is evil and good is good and people have to choose. and that makes some readers angry because it's nearly impossible to ignore and they want to ignore it. they want it to be something else and they can't make it something else without making it not narnia. love that. that is doing it right
#that's. how. it. should. be#if there's room for interpretation in your writing as a christian you are doing it wrong#if people read your work and get to pick and choose what it means and you left it OPEN to interpretation-#-and they can divorce your fantasy world from the truth? you are doing it wrong#looking at you john ronald reuel#readers you're upset because susan cares more about “nylons and lipstick” than Aslan? 1. that's not really what lewis said#2. you should be upset because she made the wrong decision#and if you're upset because you can't get around the christianity in narnia let me share something with you - that's the point#it's a christian series#it's telling you christian things. this is not lord of the rings. this is not Cool Fantasy World open to interpretation#you can't worship the fantasy world and ignore the christian truths#you can't separate the two. that's what it should be#that's what all christian writing should be#if you write something amazing and centuries later people host parades for your fictional world and there's no God in it? no truth?#wrong. you did it wrong. they should not be able to separate the two - unless the point of your writing was to write a cool story#congratulations you wrote a cool story. but did it point people to the truth? unavoidably? no? then what a waste of freaking time#what a waste of a beautiful God-given talent#okay I got off on a tangent#my point is: be upset because Narnia is Christian and you can't get around that with ease#I am so. glad. you can't get around that with ease#this is why Lewis is my favorite author in the root of me#he did it right. this is what we as christian authors should aspire to#not LOTR. Narnia. NARNIA.#christianity#narnia#the chronicles of narnia#thoughts in the tags#doverstar's thoughts#writing#authors
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darkodomain · 8 months ago
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one of the more obscure projects i’ve been working on (i think—i don’t know how well-versed the average internet user is in danny phantom fic)
i tried a couple new techniques on this one bc it was a smaller project so i felt i had some room to play around and while it was an immensely frustrating time working on it, i’m not unhappy with the way it turned out <3
now onto shadow of a doubt, already typesetted and printed and ready to be bound!
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ebysse · 5 months ago
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the snape living space
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