#Trump is a psychopath
sadiet63 · 2 days
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tomorrowusa · 3 months
« The 45th president is a disturbed person. He cannot be trusted with any position of responsibility—and especially not with an nuclear arsenal of more than 1,500 weapons. One wrong move could lead to global incineration.
Why hasn’t there been more sustained and serious attention paid to Trump’s emotional state?
[ … ]
A second Trump White House will be staffed with the bottom of the barrel—the opportunists and hangers-on willing to work for a reprehensible man. His Oval Office will be empty of responsible and experienced public servants if the day comes when someone has to explain to him why war might be about to erupt on the Korean peninsula or why the Russian or Chinese nuclear forces have gone on alert, and he starts talking about frying sharks with boat batteries.
The 45th president is deeply unwell. It is long past time for Americans, including those in public life, to recognize his inability to serve as the 47th. »
— Tom Nichols, writer and retired professor at the US Naval War College, writing at The Atlantic (archived).
Trump is a dangerous psychopath who never should have been in office in the first place. And when Senate Republicans had a chance to cleanse their party of Trump, they failed to do so in the second impeachment vote in 2021. Now they form long lines to perform political fellatio on him.
And every time we learn something new about Trump, it's something which make him look even more unfit for office.
Former White House staffer says Trump called for leaker to be executed
There's no provision in the US Constitution to keep psychos from running for president or taking office. So it's entirely up to us to prevent a disaster through our volunteerism, our outspokenness around undecided or soft Trump voters, and our political contributions.
Don't expect some unrealistic deus ex machina to remove Trump for us. And entertaining some bizarre fantasy about third party voting is asking for a rerun of the disastrous results of the 2000 election – but even worse.
While accurately referring to Trump as a convicted felon and adjudicated sex offender may nudge public opinion a little, regularly mentioning his psychological unfitness may help more.
We need to remain focused, determined, and willing to step outside our comfort zones in order to defeat the not-so-phantom menace. And no matter what anybody else says, the only way to defeat Trump and his flunkies is to vote Democratic.
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nanso · 10 months
Just a reminder that the Biden administration does not want foreign/western journalists to be able to enter Gaza and document/show the public the full carnage of Israeli's actions:
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And another note because it doesn't get talked about enough - the reason that the wide majority of foreign press are not in Gaza right now is because Israel will not allow them in, as they've regularly done for years; and because these organizations have never cared enough to establish a permanent presence.
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abs0luteb4stard · 2 months
Trump: "You have to get out and vote. You won't have to do it anymore. Four years, it will be fixed, it will be fine. You won't have to vote anymore.. In four years, you won't have to vote again."
Can you believe he's just openly saying he's planning on becoming a dictator, never having to vote again? And these Christians are just eating it up. They're happy. They're insane.
America isn't perfect, but by God, the search for that perfection is dead under Donald Trump and these White Christian Nationalists nightmare theocratic dictatorship.
This is sickening.
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stuffromymind · 2 months
What sane, rational person, (IE: Someone who isn't a psychopath), after being shot at and while bleeding pumps their fist in the air like Benito Mussolini and screams: "FIGHT! FIGHT!", before throwing off a few Nazi salutes?
I'll tell you:
A clinical psychopath who is also a Professional Victim.
A malignant narcissist who doesn't care for a second about the 10s of 1,000s of people he's killed with lies and propaganda.
The father who was killed because he took his family to a Hate Rally, the other 2 injured in the shooting:
Trump doesn't care about them.
Not. For. A. Second.
He will play the martyr, he will be a Whiny Little B***** about this but will he and his party joke about it and laugh the way they all did about an old man being nearly killed with a hammer, simply because of that victim's wife's job?
Nah! Time to play the Victim Card.
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what's with these weird accounts that reblog spop critical posts with captions that basically sound like bots?
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mugiwara-lucy · 19 days
So this was brought to my attention….and Trump said if he gets back in office he’s going to have police SHOOT Shoplifters??
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What in the actual FUCK is wrong with this guy?! Like i can’t imagine actual teenagers who shoplift (they’re the main ones who shoplift) dying?? Like….WHAT will this accomplish?? This sounds like some North Korean shit because if you all don’t know, Kim Jong Un had someone EXECUTED for SLEEPING on their job. SLEEPING!!
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And we know Trump and Un are best buddies:
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And when you remember that Trump actually wanted to SHOOT BLM protestors and was only stopped because that’s you know….illegal (although with the immunity clause, he could say it’s an “official act” 🙄)
At least under Kamala we wouldn’t have to worry about LITERALLY DYING for SHOPLIFTING. Let that sink in.
Like we all know, Trump is a deranged psychopath who has said he will use his second presidential term for “retribution” and we can NOT let him in office.
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loveandthings11 · 19 days
Ooooh we have a clip!!!
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sadiet63 · 2 days
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jadeseadragon · 4 months
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Dᴀᴠɪᴅ MᴀᴄDᴏᴡᴇʟʟ
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whatthehelloh · 4 days
You know how during the debate Trump said that Harris wants to give illegal aliens in prison transgender sex change operations?
Yeah, I got a new tee
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phroyd · 9 months
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can-of-pringles · 2 months
Anytime I see people trying to diagnose trump with certain stigmatized mental disorders I get concerned about regular people just living their lives who happen to have those disorders
I'm just saying you need to be very careful about that stuff, you could be possibly endangering/putting a target on people...
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galerymod · 2 months
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Sociopaths are people who suffer from a dissocial personality disorder. They have difficulty forming long-term relationships. Others often describe them as unscrupulous, callous or manipulative. You are extremely willing to take risks and behave irresponsibly in the eyes of others. Sometimes you come into conflict with the law.
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What is the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath?
In specialist literature, the two terms sociopath and psychopath are not always strictly separated, although a distinction is useful. Psychopathy is the most extreme form of a dissocial personality disorder. While the sociopath acts impulsively, the psychopath plans his actions precisely and acts coolly and deliberately. There are the following differences in behaviour:
Sociopaths have feelings such as fear or anger. They quickly feel attacked and then react aggressively. This behaviour gets them into trouble and ensures that relationships are usually only superficial and short-lived.
Psychopaths, on the other hand, have themselves well under control. They also lack compassion, but they are very good at covering up this lack of empathy.
Psychopaths are highly functional and usually well integrated into society. They are extremely manipulative and easily gain the trust of others. As they can exploit others cold-bloodedly and unscrupulously, they are very dangerous.
There are also thought to be differences in the development of both clinical pictures. Experts believe that sociopathy is more likely to be triggered by a childhood trauma. The typical sociopath has almost always experienced abuse, violence or neglect as a child. Their antisocial behaviour often even serves as a survival strategy. Psychopathy, on the other hand, appears to be innate.
In psychopaths, the areas of the brain responsible for impulse control and empathy are not properly developed from birth.
The treatment options and prognoses are correspondingly different. While a dissocial personality disorder can be treated psychotherapeutically - an approach that plays a major role in the reintegration of offenders into society - it is apparently not possible to cure a genuine psychopath. Some experts even assume that the symptoms can be exacerbated by treatment. Accordingly, psychopaths have the highest recidivism rate among offenders.
Why pursue therapeutic measures when one can simply engage in the overtly illicit act? One need only join a party, and the criminal behaviour will be resolved when one has sufficient influence to petition a judge.
Regardless of the fact that the act is an assassination, the assassin has given the emotionally unstable individual and his party, which acts without moral constraints, a considerable advantage.
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Causes of dissocial personality disorder
How an antisocial personality develops has not yet been conclusively clarified. Most scientists today assume a combination of genetic and environmental factors:
Genetic disposition: the likelihood of antisocial behavior is higher if one or both parents have already been affected by the disorder. A scientific study of twins has also confirmed that there is an overall genetic predisposition to all personality disorders. Other favorable factors are probably anxiety disorders, depression, alcoholism, drug addiction and suicide risk in the family.
Traumatic childhood experiences: Physical violence, sexual abuse and other traumatic relationship experiences in childhood increase the risk of developing antisocial personality disorder.
Serotonin deficiency: A lack of the neurotransmitter serotonin presumably ensures that sociopaths are unable to react adequately to emotional signals and generally feel less fear. On the one hand, this explains the lack of empathy for the suffering of others, but also the strong tendency towards risk-taking behavior. Some experts assume that people with a dissocial personality are generally understimulated. This is why they are constantly looking for a "kick" - on the one hand in dangerous sports, but also in criminal acts on the other.
Neurophysiological factors: Imaging studies indicate dysfunction in the prefrontal cortex of the brain in antisocial personalities. This is likely to be the trigger for the extreme emotional coldness, especially in the strongest form of psychopathy.
Signs: How to recognize a sociopath
People with antisocial disorder stand out due to their socially intolerant behavior. This often becomes apparent in childhood and adolescence.
Possible signs of a dissocial personality can be
Lack of empathy
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emotional coldness
pronounced egocentric behavior
Lack of a sense of guilt and responsibility
Low frustration tolerance
strong impulsiveness
Problems entering into long-term relationships
High willingness to take risks
Disregard for social norms and laws
Diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder
Both the ICD-10 and DSM-V classification criteria can be used to diagnose the personality disorder.
According to ICD-10, dissocial personalities must have
character abnormalities such as egocentrism, lack of empathy and a lack of conscience and
there must be a considerable discrepancy between the behavior displayed and social norms. Criminal acts may occur, but are not essential for the diagnosis.
For a clear diagnosis, organic causes must have been ruled out.
In addition, at least three of the following characteristics must be fulfilled:
The affected person has a lack of empathy and shows callousness towards others.
He (or she) shows a clear and persistent irresponsible attitude and repeatedly disregards social norms and obligations.
He (or she) is unable to maintain lasting attachments or relationships with other people, although he (or she) has no difficulty forming relationships.
He has a low frustration tolerance and often behaves impulsively or aggressively.
The affected person feels little or no guilt and is unable to learn from negative experiences, especially punishment.
He tends to blame others or make excuses to explain his behavior, which has brought him into conflict with society.
The DSM-V is based on similar behavioral patterns, but emphasizes the criminal component, which manifests itself, for example, in violations of the law. In addition, according to this classification, the person affected must be at least 18 years old for the disorder to be reliably diagnosed, and the conspicuous behavior must have been apparent since at least the age of 15.
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tomorrowusa · 7 months
« Donald Trump has absolutely no loyalty to the country. In fact, there's a perverse way in which I think he takes pleasure in destroying America. That is a function of his malignant narcissism. I have no doubt Trump would sell America's secrets and likely already has given his psychopathic behavior. Malignant narcissists take joy in destruction. An emotionally and psychologically healthy person can't understand it. »
— Dr. John Gartner, a psychologist and former professor at the Johns Hopkins University Medical School. Quoted at Salon in an interview by Chauncey DeVega.
Dr. Gartner also says...
[A]nybody with an IQ over 90, who isn't brainwashed by Fox News can see that Trump is unwell, dangerously unfit, malignant personality who has reaped massive destruction (have we just forgotten the hundreds of thousands of Covid deaths?) but even "mainstream" news sources have been normalizing Trump's dangerous and aberrant behavior because the corporate owners of the media want the ad money and don’t want to alienate their potential public by telling too much of the truth about the situation. Instead, they waste precious time talking about if President Biden is too old.
Seriously, if you had little kids who exhibited the same sort of behavior as Trump you'd take them to a psychologist for evaluation. Trump is an overgrown demented toddler who has the potential to do much harm if given the reins of power.
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mugiwara-lucy · 25 days
Now I've seen people at length discuss how not to rely on polls and I will do that today!! For those unaware, Kamala Harris got a 4 point lead ahead of Donald Trump following the DNC Convention.
Now like we've all said since the shit storm of 2016 do NOT get complacent with polls as the ONLY POLL that matters is the election on November 5th, 2024. If we just shrug our shoulders and think everything will work out and we don't need to do anything and we'll get Trump BACK in the White House and he's already talking about "restricting the first amendment".
The person whining about "communism" but who sounds more like a communist?
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