#Troy needs to come back obviously
dunne-ias · 2 years
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synchodai · 2 months
When I say Tyland Lannister is my favorite character...
I am being 100% dead serious. Here is why I prefer this seemingly average nobleman over the many many many fan favorites in Fire and Blood.
Tyland Lannister is a second son in a story about second sons. Whether his feelings on this are as strong as Aemond's or Daemon's, we never know for sure in the books, but it's obvious that he's subservient to a mirror image of himself who only has more authority because of a few seconds separation between twins. It's a great display of both the arbitrariness and rigidity of succession.
His initial role in the Dance is as the master of coin for the greens. He's depicted as a typical Lannister: charming, comely, and cunning. He did what any savvy accountant would do and divided the crown's treasury amongst different allied regions for safe-keeping, ensuring that if King's Landing were sacked, their enemies wouldn't loot their coffers dry and they'd still have plenty of gold for their war efforts.
And of course, King's Landing gets sacked. Tyland is put in the black cells and ordered to be tortured by Rhaenyra to extract the gold's whereabouts. Winter is coming, people are starving and rioting, her army is dwindling, so she desperately needs that gold. Tyland is gelded, maimed, disfigured, and blinded but the torturers get nothing out of him.
Mind you, this man has been a rich, pampered bureaucrat all his life and he endured all that without breaking. When Aegon II releases Tyland from those cells, he has no fingernails, his eyes have been gouged out and/or sewn shut, this man who was once known for his good looks doesn't look human anymore — but he still manages to maintain his wits so much so that he plays an important role after the Dance.
Even with Rhaenyra dead, there are still armies raising their banners for her eldest surviving son, Aegon Trois. Tyland tells Adult Aegon to kill Child Aegon because obviously, the latter threatens the former's claim and Tyland's understandably angry over what his mom did. Aegon Dos is like, nah, I'll keep the boy hostage instead — that'll keep the armies at bay more than outright killing him.
So Tyland volunteers to go to Myr to hire sellswords for Aegon 2 since their armies are pretty much kaput after six years of this civil war. Tyland is blind at this point I remind you — there is a huge chance this man will never get to go home again. But he does it anyway, because even after years of fighting, he keeps his unwavering loyalty to the monarch he declared for.
Aegon II dies while Tyland is in Myr, and Tyland goes back to Westeros just in time to see Cregan Stark use his powers as the new Hand to marry Aegon III and Princess Jaehaera to unite the green and black sides. Cregan dusts off his hands, says my work here is done, warns the boy king not to trust anyone, then leaves for the North for everyone else to sort this mess out.
Now comes the part where Tyland shines as a character. He becomes the Hand of Aegon III and when you see his policies detailed in the book, it's clear that his goal is focused on repairs and renumerations. After what happened to him, he has every right to be spiteful and bitter against the blacks, but instead he "claimed a curious failure of memory, insisting that he could not recall who had been black and who had been green." He abolished the heavy taxes imposed on the smallfolk, sent out gold to lords whose holdings had been devastated during war, and set out to rebuild the Realm's granaries and fleet. Cleaning up is a tedious, unglamorous job — and because of his monstrous appearance and former allegiances, Tyland was looked upon with distrust.
And yet, while other regents grasped for power and tried taking advantage of the 13-year-old King Aegon III, Tyland seemed to be different. If he wanted power he could have married his twin brother's widow and convinced the boy-king to route more resources towards Casterly Rock and the Westerlands. But he didn't.
Instead, he genuinely seemed to be a father figure to Aegon III.
Tyland Lannister, blind and crippled, had always treated the king with deference, speaking to him gently, seeking to guide rather than command.
And for that, many lords saw him as a weak Hand. But Aegon, who cared for very little and never laughed and was always sullen, seemed to care for Tyland.
When the plague ravaged King's Landing, Tyland dutifully prioritized it over quashing the Ironborn raids at Lannisport. He was the last person to become afflicted with the Winter Fever, and the king sat by his Hand's side during his final hours. When the council starts discussing who should be the new Hand, Aegon (the boy who rarely ever speaks) says:
I would have Lord Rowan as my Hand. Ser Tyland thought well enough of him to offer him my sister’s hand in marriage, so I know he can be trusted.
This boy trusted Tyland, the man who only years ago wanted him dead.
So it's easy to imagine that this man saw Aegon III as the boy he was responsible for, as the son he could never have because of what the war had done to him. Tyland Lannister was a broken man who despite losing everything, his king and his brother and himself, kept a broken Realm and broken boy together when everyone else swarmed like vultures just trying to pick at carcasses.
What motivated this man's loyalty for a boy whose mother mutilated him? Did he regret pushing for the death of an innocent child and this was his penance? Did this man who gave everything for his cause think that this boy was something that could still give all that sacrifice and tragedy meaning? Was the mercy and kindness he afforded an apology for the horrifying trauma that scarred this boy — did he feel responsible for his mother's downfall and the failure to save his uncle? Did his disfigurement and blindness allow him to let go of the man he once was and become someone capable of seeing the folly of pride and power?
Here is his obituary in Fire and Blood:
Ser Tyland Lannister had never been beloved. After the death of Queen Rhaenyra, he had urged Aegon II to put her son Aegon to death as well, and certain blacks hated him for that. Yet after the death of Aegon II, he had remained to serve Aegon III, and certain greens hated him for that. Coming second from his mother’s womb, a few heartbeats after his twin brother, Jason, had denied him the glory of lordship and the gold of Casterly Rock, leaving him to make his own place in the world. Ser Tyland never married nor fathered children, so there were few to mourn him when he was carried off. The veil he wore to conceal his disfigured face gave rise to the tale that the visage underneath was monstrous and evil. Some called him craven for keeping Westeros out of the Daughters’ War and doing so little to curb the Greyjoys in the west. By moving three-quarters of the Crown’s gold from King’s Landing whilst Aegon II’s master of coin, Tyland Lannister had sown the seeds of Queen Rhaenyra’s downfall, a stroke of cunning that would in the end cost him his eyes, ears, and health, and cost the queen her throne and her very life. Yet it must be said that he served Rhaenyra’s son well and faithfully as Hand.
Tyland wasn't extraordinarily badass, noble, or even skilled. He was an excellent politician but no way the best. But I think that's what makes him compelling to me — that he's this down-to-earth depiction of a POW, a war veteran by all accounts, trying to pick up the pieces and slowly glue what remains of the Realm and himself back into something vaguely human.
We tell so many stories about the glory, the tragedy, and the losses of war. But I think it's important and beautiful to tell stories of those bravely and optimistically choosing to keep living in the aftermath as well.
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ladykailitha · 7 months
Not All That Glitters is Gold Part 8
Hello! This story is just cruising on through. I'm about four chapters ahead now and I know it's weird to say with that much story left, I do feel like it's coming to a close.
Today we have Robin taking a bit of initiative regarding Steve's date to the Gala, Steve getting some fun jobs and Chrissy being cute.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @redfreckledwolf @emly03 @lingeringmirth
Robin arrived bright and early the next morning to find two very hungover omegas passed out Steve’s sofa, a bucket of mostly eaten glob of goo that was once ice cream, two wine glasses and three empty bottles of wine.
She looked down at the two of them and wondered if this was a pity party or a celebration, it really could have gone either way. She tidied everything away and got water and painkillers for Steve and Chrissy when they woke up.
She settled in a nearby armchair and went through Steve’s requests for his services. She quickly dismissed those on his black list. There were always those that thought the rules didn’t apply to them. She noted the new addition that Troy made and went through his notes on the matter. They were thorough and raised both eyebrows.
Robin knew that the omega escorts that were the cream of the Starcourt crop didn’t like Troy because he came off as a creep, but other handlers loved him. Because Troy was meticulous in his notes. Every person that spared more than a passing glance to Steve got a note. Because that was another thing that set Troy apart from other handlers.
He didn’t believe social events were hands off. Even Robin tended to spend it in the car with Xander unless it was a new client. But not Troy. He got dressed up and stayed on hand in case his omega needed to get out.
But that intensity was why he was only a substitute handler. Starcourt had yet to find an omega that could stand it for long periods of time.
Troy had catalogued every little god damned thing. From the mirco-aggressions from the guests toward the band, the meet-cute of the century, the posturing and bullying from the senator afterwards. He noted that he almost interfered twice.
Once when the alpha bullied his way to Steve’s side when he was talking to the drummer. An alpha who had on his arm a pretty male omega who was obviously his date.
The other was when Lombard had pulled Steve away from talking to Joyce Hopper, another congressman’s bondmate.
But each time, Steve was able to calm the raging alpha, so Troy stayed his hand. But Robin could tell from his notes it was a near thing both times.
Robin licked her lips slowly. She almost wanted to put Troy on Steve for his next event.
She didn’t like how everyone looked down on both Steve and the band. Both were gross separately, but together it raised some serious red flags.
She made a note to talk to Steve about it. His instincts were really good.
She then pulled up Steve’s job requests and wasn’t surprised to see that Senator Lombard was on it. She quickly declined it and sent of the usual black orchids and cutting note.
Usually Steve dictated the note, but Robin didn’t want him pulled back into black hole that was this asshole senator. Plus there was the fact that Steve had put him on the pre-check list and Robin had overridden that.
Succinctly put she sent:
I’m no one’s property.
S. Harrington
She went through the list looking for other black listed members to fob off their requests back to management where they would find someone else or black list them from the company all together.
She went back to her list and gasped and giggled when she saw not one, not two, but three requests that would make Steve giddy as fuck.
She did frown a little at the final request. She would have call him and work out all the specifics because it could cause a lot of problems if mishandled.
Steve would want to do it regardless, if Troy’s notes were anything to go by, but it was Robin’s job to make sure everything was fun for all those involved.
She called the number.
“Hello?” the sleep rough voice answered.
“Hello,” Robin said brightly. “I’m sorry if I woke you, but I’m Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington’s handler.”
She suppressed a grin as she heard him scramble to get up. He cleared his throat.
“Um, yeah,” he mumbled. “How can I help you?”
“Yes,” Robin said. “I saw you had some particular requests for your rut servicing and I wanted to ask some questions about that.”
“Oh!” he said with a grin. “I would be happy to answer any questions you have.”
They spoke for almost twenty minutes but at the end of it, Robin signed off on all three requests.
She was adding them to Steve’s schedule when the man of the hour raised his head from the sofa and blinked at her, sleep rumpled and cute.
Steve mumbled his good morning before padding over to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. Once he was sufficiently caffeinated he sat back down on the sofa, careful not jostle the still sleeping Chrissy.
“You two look like you had lots of fun,” Robin said with a big grin.
Steve flipped her off.
Chrissy raised her head and blinked bleary eyed at Robin. When her vision cleared, she squeaked and ran for the bathroom.
Robin raised an eyebrow, but Steve just shrugged. He wasn’t going to tell her shit about the omega’s crush on her.
“Troy left some pretty hair-raising notes about last night,” Robin said wagging her eyebrows, “by the way.”
He rolled his eyes. “Yeah? What about?”
“A hot rockstar alpha got the ultra professional Steve Harrington to scent in a room full of the elite on heavy scent blockers no less.”
Steve blushed. “The only thing I can think of is that I must have sweated straight through it.”
Robin cocked her head. “Or he was just that hot.”
He took a deep sip of his coffee and looked away.
“Which is why,” she said with a feral grin, “you’ll be happy to note that Eddie Munson has requested you three times for three separate events and three separate jobs.”
Steve straightened up. “There is no way.”
Robin wagged her eyebrows again.
“What did he want?” Steve asked, aiming for nonchalant and missing it by a mile.
Robin pulled out her tablet. “The first one is for next Friday. He wants to do a roleplay. One of your favorites, in fact.”
Steve was suddenly on the other side of the sofa, leaning into her space.
She laughed out loud. “Not the BDSM one, you animal.”
“As if!” Steve huffed swatting at her playfully.
“The meet-cute in crowded hotel bar that leads to sex,” Robin clarified.
Steve gasped, clasping his hands to his chest dramatically. “I haven’t done one of those in so long!”
“And he wants you to wear the dress from last night,” she said with a sly grin. She read the note directly from her tablet. “‘I want to see if the dress drops to floor the way you said it does.’ You want to explain that one to me?”
He blushed to the tips of his ears. “He was asking if it was hard to get in and out of.”
Robin cackled. “You sly dog. No wonder you burst through your scent blockers with a line like that one.”
Steve coughed and looked away. “What’s next?”
“The Grammy’s,” she said, looking back at her tablet. “He wants you to wear something black and slinky. Your choice on suit or dress.”
He raised his eyebrows at that one. Most of the time alphas wanted their dates to be wearing dresses to an event like the Grammy’s.
Instantly he had two outfits enter his head. The first was a short sheath dress with strappy heels and minimal jewelry. The second was tight leather pants, a black suit coat with a mess top underneath and ‘fuck me’ killer heels.
He licked his lips thoughtfully. He would send both to Eddie to see which one he’d prefer.
“Sounds like fun,” Steve said honestly with a small smile.
Robin smiled back. “The last one is a rut servicing with a couple of strange stipulations.”
Steve cocked his head to the side. “Like what?”
“He wants you to go on birth control, for starters,” she said.
Steve frowned. It wasn’t that unusual of a request. There had been more than a few clients who didn’t believe that all the omegas were infertile and wanted extra protections.
“And no barebacking,” she added with a wince.
“Now that’s just insulting,” Steve huffed. “I can’t pup. It’s an actual thing.”
Robin chewed on her bottom lip. “Look, I wouldn’t have agreed to it if I thought he was being an ass about it. You know I wouldn’t.”
He let out a long shuddering breath. “Did he say why?”
She nodded. “I even looked it up and there was this whole thing. But the TL;dr is that he shared a rut with a non-escort omega who said they were infertile and they weren’t. The female omega tried to get him on the hook for child support, but when they did a paternity test, it wasn’t his. So the court ruled in favor of Eddie, but it was a near thing.”
It was Steve’s turn to wince. Yeah, all right. He had to admit that if he had had that happen to him, he’d be triply sure too.
“There are a couple other things I just need to go over with you,” she said, “and then you’re all good to go.”
Steve nodded.
“He wants to pay for you to play at being his boyfriend until after the rut servicing,” Robin said.
Steve’s eyebrows went up. “And management is okay with that?”
He had done the boyfriend thing a few times but never with someone as high profile as Eddie Munson.
“According to the notes on the request his new management and Starcourt went over all the details and it’s going to be great publicity for both the band and us.”
Steve frowned, rearing back his head in confusion. “New management? What happened to his old management?”
“Do you remember the creepy gang bang?” Robins asked with a blush.
Steve’s frown deepened. “Yeah, of course. The band was pissed and fired their management...” he said trailing off. “Holy shit!”
She grimaced. “Yeah. Their new manager is Benny Hammond. I can’t imagine what dealing with the other guy would have been like.”
They went over the rest of the stipulations and by the time they were done, Chrissy poked her head out of the bathroom. “Hey, Steve can I borrow some clothes? I got ice cream all down the one side. Somehow.”
Steve laughed. “Sure thing. You know the drawer to pick from. You take from anywhere else and I will hunt you down.”
Chrissy rolled her eyes. “I know, I know. The rest is for clients only. I’ve got the same set up in my place, you know.”
He just grinned at her.
She huffed and dashed to Steve’s bedroom with just a towel wrapped around her slender form.
He looked over at Robin, who was looking dis-repectively. He threw a pillow at her head and she squawked.
“May I remind you,” he said with a glare, “that you have a girlfriend now?”
Robin sighed. “I know, I know. But you know how I am around hot women, I can’t help but look.”
“I do,” Steve said, “but does Vickie?”
Robin looked down, visibly chastised.
Five minutes later, Chrissy came back out wearing shorts that would have barely covered Steve’s ass, but went down to a respectable length on her and a crop top that hung off one shoulder and again went to her waist.
“It’s really not fair,” Robin said throwing her arms in the air, “how you escorts can look hot in the most basic of clothes. Clothes that would look sloppy on anyone else.”
Steve and Chrissy shared a glance with a grin.
“It’s an art, darling,” Chrissy drawled, tossing her hair back seductively.
Steve giggled.
Chrissy kissed his cheek and waved goodbye to Robin and soon they were alone at last.
“All right,” Robin said, “tell me everything.”
He threw back his head and laughed. “Let me get another cup of coffee, and then I’ll spill the tea.”
Oops! This is the chapter I realized I had Hopper as both a Congressman and management at Starcourt! Sorry about that. Hopper has been changed in the earlier chapter (not on here) to being Powell so that when I post it to AO3, it won't have the continuity error.
Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @itsall-taken @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @messrs-weasley @lexirosewrites @goodolefashionedloverboi @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @bookbinderbitch @littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @scheodingers-muppet @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @yikes-a-bee @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @irregular-child @nburkhardt @apomaro-mellow @yellowdevilkitten @eyehartart @mangoinacan13 @ellietheasexylibrarian @rememberthatiloveyou @demolvr @y4r3luv @slowandsteddie @r0binscript @mogami13 @alyelf
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xjulixred45x · 4 months
I was making some drawings with the story of the Trojan War in the background, when I just got to the part of the sacrifice of Iphigenia (Agamemnon's daughter) so that the ships would march towards Troy.
and it gave me a little idea for this little drabble.
Imagine that the reader is a lover of one of the 3 main members of the house of Hades (Zagreus, Thanatos, Megaera) and one day their family tells them to go to a specific place for a matter of EXTREME importance.
Without knowing it, the reader goes to where they plan to sacrifice them to the gods (you decide the reason).
What the family does not take into account when this happens is that using the Aid of the gods, reader calls their lover to help them (could it be possible? I would be upset if it were).
Can you imagine the reactions of each person when they see that mortals want to sacrifice their partner?
Thanatos is definitely against this sacrifice being made with his partner obviously, and he protects them, but he is the most aware of the situation, that if there is a sacrifice, some god asked for it, and he knows that something that would be worse (especially for his partner) than dealing with mortals, would be dealing with a GOD/GODDESS.
Therefore, Thanatos would try to use diplomacy as much as possible, although he would use force if necessary to defend his partner (if they needs it) and would try to fix the situation without bothering any higher entity.
He is the clumsiest when it comes to comforting his partner, but he doesn't want them to feel bad in the long run, so even after the situation is under control, he takes them somewhere nice to make them feel better.
Zagreus is definitely LIVID with anger when he finds out what is happening, I think he would try at first to say that it makes no sense for them to ask for a sacrifice because the gods usually DON'T LIKE THEM (like what happened with Pelops) but as soon as he sees that that It doesn't work, he goes directly to violence.
Do they want a sacrifice to the gods? Well, let them be it themselves. Besides he gets to show off a little with His partner lol.
although he definitely tries to comfort them emotionally after that kind of betrayal while he can be on the surface (or even offer them some time in the house of Hades, if they want). Good and unusual Badass/angry Zagreus.
Megaera....OF...she jumps right into violence. They don't even have to tell her what's happening, she sees her partner in trouble and distressed and she sees RED. brings out her most violent side.
When it's all over she goes to check on her partner and asks what happened and it only makes her even angrier. Of course it was deadly stupid. But he's glad they're okay. she's not as emotionally good as Zagreus, but at least she comforts her partner because she knows what it's like to feel so disconnected from your "family."
She is definitely going to take the time in Tartarus to torment her partner's family or at least she leaves it to her sisters :)
POLY THAN/ZAG/MEG is a weird mix of all of the above. probably having Thanatos trying to make things "right" Megaera and Zagreus try not to go straight to violence. THEY WOULD TRY.
although as soon as they see that there is not going to be a real negotiation, that they ignore them or, gods forbid, they try to kill their partner EVEN WITH THEM IN FRONT OF THEM Zagreus and Megaera will no longer hold back and will go for BLOOD.
Thanatos, seeing that diplomacy failed, would only dedicate himself to checking on his partner to see if they were hurt or if they are feeling well in general. The man wants ANSWERS of how this happened.
When it's all over, probably the three of them (especially Zagreus and Meg) would be much more vigilant with their partner, it was just a big scare. Besides, lots of hugs and cuddles. I don't make the rules.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
This was fun to write:D
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summereviee · 26 days
I need to talk about Athena from Wisdom Saga, specifically her character development and how beautiful it was.
It was a beautiful saga and it takes the crown as my new favorite. The transition of development of her character is one of my favorite things. Back in Troy and Cyclops saga, we see Athena as strict business, warrior of the mind, mentor only to Odysseus. Odysseus sees her as a friend, but the tensions get heated when Ody didn't kill the cyclops and they have their goodbye. The line of Ody telling Athena she is alone just hurts all around. Then we know she is watching in Ruthlessness from the piano motif because she was right about what would happen for not killing the cyclops.
In Monster, Ody calls her mentor and how she is in the list of people he has lost up to that point. His feelings of friendship from her were close to nothing at that point. But deep down she always still cared. The ending animatic of her holding a baby Telemachus made me tear up. The feelings in her at that moment leading to her helping Telemachus. She was always watching in some way, hearing Legendary as a prayer/plea from Telemachus to help him, and showing up to help him fight back. It was her moment to make a move, ten years had passed. From the start of their interactions, Telemachus viewed and accepted her as a friend.
The lyrics of We'll Be Fine just destroy me.
*I had a friend before, and he was a lot like you.
I helped him fight through war, but he has his demons too.
And then we grew apart, then his light went dark*
Because Ody was changing from how she designed him and she was slowly changing too.
*And so I thought,
Maybe if I made a different call,
maybe if I hadn't missed it all.
Maybe, he'd be fine,
Maybe we'd unwind,
Maybe, if I help another soul,
Maybe if I helped you reach your goal,
Life could be that bright
I could sleep at night*
Athena lived with years of guilt too, waiting for the right time to make her mood and try to make amens somehow. She changed, she wanted to make things right. Telemachus' pure heart is the final push she needs for her to make things right again.
*Maybe to fall is to learn one way
Maybe it's all gonna turn out great
I know we'll be fine
I know its light you'll find*
I can't even begin to describe the pain going through me when Athena witnessed Ody in one of his darkest moments being haunted by everyone he has lost.
This brings us to God Games, Athena asking for a favor to free Ody. Zeus obviously will not make it easy and we know Zeus like to make people reveal their true nature like making Ody choose himself of his crew at the end of Thunderbringer. We know Athena is known to be prideful and that is often her weakness. Zeus wanted to see Athena fall and fail and she proved him wrong. So he was angered and attacked, and she stood by her desire to help free Ody all the way to the end, even when gravely injured. Athena has come full circle.
This was beautiful character development and I can't stop thinking about it.
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nexysworld · 1 year
A Real Gamer Moment
Read on AO3 🖤 Make a Request 🖤 Masterlist
Pairing: Ada & Fem!Reader x RE4Gamer!Leon
Summary: You and Ada decide to give Leon some under the desk support to help with his DBD losing streak.
Tags: NSFW, Smut, FMF Threesome, blowjobs, nipple play, face sitting, P in V sex, no use of Y/N, girls kissing girls, use of pet names like Daddy, Princess etc., not beta read, PWP
A special request for @leonsvndtta <3
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“Fuck this fucking Killer!” You heard through the thin walls of your apartment, immediately breaking you out of your attempt to fall asleep. It was Leon again, obviously on a losing streak – not unusual for him at this time of the night if you were honest. In all areas of life Leon was cool as a cucumber, stoic even when upset…but losing his competitive games? Nothing seemed to set him off more.
It was kind of funny actually, seeing him get so riled up over just a game, and maybe even a little hot too, seeing that side of him. Listening quietly, you heard the telltale sign of Ada’s squeaky door opening and closing, footsteps padding down the hallway.
“Will you keep it down? I’m trying to sleep.” Ada’s voice was flat and stern.
“I’m trying, but it’s hard with this fucking sweaty ass killer. Such bullshit!” He yelled in response, huffing as he tapped his fingers angrily against his desk.
“Well maybe that’s because you main as the twinky cop kid. Do better and stay quiet. Some of us have adult-people jobs we have to function for.” You didn’t need to be there to hear her eyes roll.
You knew how it was going to end, either you left them alone to argue further delaying your own sleep, or, you’d act as mediator – also further delaying your own sleep. Fingers coming to pinch the bridge of your nose, you had to make a split second decision on which option was the better one.
Hauling your legs over the side of your bed, you made your groggy way to the center bedroom of the hall, lightly opening the already cracked door further. “Guys….can we seriously not do this again? Leon, it’s just a game you don’t have to be so loud.”
“I’m sorry ok. Just let me do one more round, I don’t want to end the night on a losing streak.” He said, clicking to set up another game already.
Ada, clearly unamused, went to say something but you cut her off to prevent further escalation. “Ok, one more round, alright? I’ll even stay and be your good luck charm.” You offered with a smile, wrapping your arms lightly over his shoulders from behind.
“Thank you Doll. That’s probably why I got a shit killer in the first place. Hard to play without my good luck charm.”
Ada scoffed, sitting on the bed with her legs crossed. “I’m staying too, but only to make sure you actually keep your promise. If you don't, I'm taking the power cord with me.”
Things were already off to a bad start and you could feel Leon tensing under you. This killer was the same as the previous round, and the other survivors seemed to be incompetent to the utmost conceivable degree. “Stop healing me!” Leon groaned at the monitor, clicking his mouse so hard you thought it might break. Looking over to Ada you gave her a knowing look.
She shook her head in return as if to say ‘no way!’ You shot back with a pleading look of your own. The other woman’s body language relaxed despite the huff she let out as she got up.
Unraveling your arms from Leon’s shoulder’s, the man didn’t even seem to notice as you made your way under the desk. While you’d be considered more of a ménage à trois than true roommates, having had many romps in the bedroom, this was new. Never before had you tried to calm one of Leon’s gaming outbursts in such a manner.
Ada replaced you at his shoulders, using her hands to massage into his muscles, leaning forward to kiss his neck. “You’re too predictable when you play.” She cooed in his ear, nipping at the shell.
Leon huffed in response, not moving his eyes from the screen, ignoring the shiver that ran down his spine at the sensation. Between Ada and his focus on the game, it left him open to your own advances. Thankful he was only in his boxers, you reached up gently tugging his softened cock from the confines of his underwear and licked your lips.
You gave it a few quick pumps before leaning forward to lap at the tip giving kitten licks to the sensitive head. Leon let out a hiss in response, jumping slightly once he realized what was happening. “Shit. What do you two think you’re doing?” He asked, jolting slightly in his seat.
“Just offering some gaming moral support.” You said, continuing to pump his cock as you teased the head with your tongue.
“If that’s supposed to be me getting moral support then I’m in a lot of trouble.” He said, letting out an awkward noise. “Almost got me killed.”
“Did we really?” Ada cooed, running her downs down to his chest gently running her fingers over the hardening buds of his nipples. The sensation caused him to buck forward slightly onto your tongue, cock almost fully hard now.
“We’re just trying to help, Daddy~” The use of that pet name was going to be the death of him. Returning to his cock, this time you cleaned the oozing precum off with your tongue before swallowing him all the way in one movement.
“Ah…I…fuck. You two are evil.” He said, hands gripping tighter on his mouse, still determined to make a comeback before the round ended. You didn’t stop your assault on his cock, loving the feel of him twitching against your tongue. The sounds of his rough breathing echoed in the otherwise silent room, getting louder as you worked him over.
“Poor boy, you seem a little uncomfortable.” Ada said, continuing to tweak at his nipples with one hand, and moving her other to run along his abs. “So tense. Maybe we need to try harder to help you relax?”
“Is that right? What do you have in mind?” He grunted, sounding a little winded.
“What if I did this…?” Her hand moved from his abs to his crotch as she circled to the side of the chair for easier access. With a gentle touch she kneaded at his balls through the fabric of his boxers while you continued your own assault on his cock.
You hummed around Leon’s cock, taking it all the way to the base in one movement before slowly bobbing your head, eyes locked with hers noting the smirk on her face.
“Fuck!” Leon leaned back, neither Ada or you letting up. His determination to complete the round was dwindling, but luckily for the two of you, so was any thought about his losing streak as well.
“That’s it, just let go baby. Focus only on us.” Ada whispered, licking her lips as she began pressing kisses onto his stomach in tandem with the movement of her hand.
Neither of you said anything else, both waiting to see what he’d do. Leon’s head rested back on the chair, both hands now gripping the armrests. Body strung tight, you knew he was reaching that point of no return. A few moments later, you could hear him groan as hot cum filled your mouth.
“Such a good girl for you, isn’t she?” Ada asked, patting your head.
“Such a good fucking girl.” He agreed, no thought of the game left.
Ada moved out of the way, giving Leon room to roll his chair back. He helped you up as he stood before removing his boxers completely, cock still half hard. He laid back on his bed, propping himself up with his elbows.
Bringing her hand up under your silk nightshirt, Ada cupped your breast in her hand making you let out a small moan, the taste of Leon still on your tongue as she turned your head to kiss you. Her other hand sunk down into your panties, rubbing circles over your clit, making you moan into her mouth.
“Come here Princess, wanna give you a reward for being so good.” He motioned for you to join him on the bed.
Before letting you go, Ada helped remove your clothing, making a show of sliding the fabric off your body between kissing your soft skin. Freed of the fabric you crawled up onto the bed, straddling his waist so you could lean down to kiss him on the lips. “Such a pretty girl. Come sit on my face.” He said tugging at your hips so you’d move further upwards. Heat and slick abundant between your thighs, you didn’t need to be told twice, crawling up under your were hovering over his face.
He gleefully wrapped both arms around your thighs tugging you down until he was buried in your wet cunt, immediately going to work sucking on your clit. Heady moans left your mouth as you clung to the headboard for support.
Ada with her own agenda made quick work of her pajamas joining you two on the bed. Leon’s cock was at full mast again, and she wasted no time tossing her legs over him, teasing the tip of it at her slit, rubbing it back and forth. She let out a suppressed moan each time it would rub against her own clit. Once she felt it thoroughly coated enough she sank herself down onto him.
Instinctively Leon bucked his hips upward almost throwing Ada off balance, but she steadied herself rolling her hips in an even pattern.
Head fucked out and hazy, Leon had to put some extra focus into devouring you like a man starved. He adjusted to tongue fuck your hole, nose bobbing against your clit, the stimulation overwhelming with pleasure. Obscene squelching noises and the sound of skin slapping were heard behind you as Ada picked up the pace.
“Fuck…fuck…Daddy you make me feel so good fuck…” You whined and wanted to grind your hips down at your own pace, not being able to within Leon’s grasp.
Sensing your struggle, Leon eased up a bit and instead used his arms to support you and let you move freely. “Princess I want you to cum for me, please fuck Daddy’s face.” He said, voice strained by his own pleasure. You obliged the request, rutting yourself down onto his tongue, heat and pleasure feeling like they were about to snap at the very center of your core.
“I think she’s almost there.” Ada added, stilling her movements on his cock so she could lean forward, to suck kisses into your neck and play with your nipples adding as much stimulation as she could.
“Close, so fucking close.” You moaned, biting your lip in anticipation.
“Cum for us Princess, Daddy needs to feel you juices all over his face.” Ada cooed in your ear.
That was all it took, orgasm washing over you as you cried out in pleasure. Barely able to keep yourself up, feeling small aftershocks tremble through your clit, you flopped over next to Leon panting.
“Good girl.” He praised again. “Good fucking girl, you just rest now f’me ok?” He said to you, turning his attention back to Ada. He grabbed her by her hips and fucked up into her, giving her the chance to touch her own needy bundle of nerves, a mewled whine escaping her mouth.
Somehow despite the compromising position she still looked composed and serene, something you admired. Clearly though she was far closer than she let on as it didn’t take much longer before she and Leon were cumming together at the same time.
Watching the look on Ada's face as her head tilted back, mouth slightly agape, you couldn't help but feel yourself getting horny again.
Once she was off of him, you decided to see how far Leon could go this time. You grabbed his softening cock, covered in cum and slick, slowly stroking it in your hand. He whimpered in response to the overstimulation. You stopped and looked back at him "What do you say, one more round, please?"
Leon groaned, pulling you back so he could pepper your face with kisses. "Shit baby, no offense but I need a moment to recover. For right now I'm sure Ada would be happy to play."
"Mhm, that I would." Ada said coolly, pulling you into another kiss. All thoughts of gaming, work, and sleep were left behind, in favor for a long night of play.
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makeste · 11 months
BnHA Volume 35 - A Brief Reaction Journey
hello! so as mentioned in my last post, I’ve started catching up with the BnHA manga again FINALLY after almost two years, and have made it through a fair number of chapters so far! and since I’m not sure how long it will take me to actually post the corresponding liveblogs, I figured I’d make a couple of posts in the meantime to sort of preview my reaction journey thus far with some good old-fashioned OUT-OF-CONTEXT BULLET POINTS taken from my ramblings. originally I was going to make a single post for all 25 chapters I’ve read so far (up to 367), but I quickly realized that was waaaaay too ambitious lol. so for now it’s just this one, and I’ll put up the vol. 36 post probably tomorrow afternoon.
spoiler warning: just fyi, this post will obviously feature spoilers for chapters 342-350*, BUT it will also include some stray spoilers from chapters 362 and 403 as well, so just a heads up for that if you aren’t fully caught up!
*chapters 340 and 341 are not included because I've already posted full reaction posts for each one here and here, respectively.
Chapter 342
Endeavor being taller than Jeanist just feels so WRONG to me regardless of whether or not it is factually accurate. does this mean All Might is also taller than Jeanist?? I don’t want to live in a world where Best Jeanist has secretly been a perfectly normal sized person this entire time. someone please lie to me and tell me that he is tall
LMAO WHAT AN AUSPICIOUS AND NOT-AT-ALL OMINOUSLY FOREBODING NAME. “hmmm what should we name our new class 1-A fortress?” “hmm well I was thinking maybe Troy, after the legendary city with the famously impenetrable walls, which to the best of my knowledge were never breached, or at least that’s what I assume since I never finished reading The Iliad! :) :) :) ...wait, why are you all looking at me like that. they didn’t actually breach them, right? guys? what happened to Troy? GUYS?”
I’m actually so proud of Deku because he’s come such a long way from the days when the mere CONCEPT of even TALKING to a girl was enough to floor him lol. but also I’m legit cracking up at he way he tried to segue into random small talk in the middle of the goddamn apocalypse. gotta be smooth about it!! casual!! you can tell how casual they are because both of them are suddenly struck by the inexplicable urge to fuss with their hair!!
Horikoshi really said “FUCK YOUR SQUADS!! ...but if we had a Todosquad this is who would be in it I guess”
my god. between this and the OchaDeku conversation the villains truly do not stand a chance do they? and they don’t even know how screwed they are yet. REDEMPTION IS COMING!! IT’S KNOCKING ON THE DOOR, TRICK OR TREAT, Y’ALL READY FOR THIS
Chapter 343
so we’re opening with everyone’s favorite Guy With An Old Wad Of Chewing Gum For A Face, AFO!
did this son of a bitch kill Nao’s dad and steal his sexy lie-detector quirk??
sob AFO is all “can I have your son’s cell phone number please” and they’re all “SURE”
bonsoir little Yuuga
do. ...do you not actually know. was this meeting not prearranged. “why are you here Aoyama?” “why are you here, Deku?” truly, why are any of us here??
I’m sitting here trying to play the “guess which parts of this dialogue are real vs fake” game and coming up completely stumped on every single sentence
so Yuuga’s all “can you believe that even though the city of Musutafu is basically down to just U.A., a Dollar Tree, a couple of crumbling park benches, and one very determined Starbucks, we somehow still have functioning courts and lawyers?” I actually can’t believe that at all tbh. you’re telling me “it’s the fucking apocalypse” is still not a good enough excuse to get out of jury duty
damn, Aoyama out here with the trash talk and the ON YOUR LEFT?!
Chapter 344
“Eraser’s” plan, indeed. you dare say that right to Kaminari’s face
HEYA YOURSELF YOU HANDSOME KNAVE!! LOOK AT YOU!! fucking loving the costume my dude! pretty please tell us your hero name to go along with it. is it MindCraft. I think your hero name should be MindCraft. don’t look at me like that Shinsou we need more punny hero names in the world
“yes well you see, I couldn’t do it, so I learned how to do it.” great story Shinsou
the way he’s rubbing the back of his neck there. are we gonna get some real Monoma character development at long last. feels like it’s long overdue and I am thrilled. he’s such a great character and I feel like we’ve only barely scratched the surface of who he actually is as a person and as a hero
THE UNEXPECTED VLAD KING MENTORSHIP WITH THE ARM AROUND THE SHOULDERS?? he really needed that support. outwardly he’s always made a big show of wanting his turn in the spotlight and begrudging class A for stealing the scene at every turn. but how much of that is really just an act. some of it? most of it? maybe even close to all of it? because right now he suddenly seems so small and young here and really wishing he wasn’t in this unenviable position of being one of the many World’s Last Hopes who are all way too fucking young
did Mirko’s giant robot hand just grow into an EVEN GIANTER giant robot hand??
long beautiful flowing mermaid hair. sorry what was I saying I kind of spaced out there for a sec
Chapter 345
“no you don’t understand, we have so many sixteen-year-olds whose coattails we’re all hanging onto. we have sixteen-year-olds who can take over people’s minds. sixteen-year-olds who can create portals to warp you halfway around the world in an instant. and let’s not forget the sixteen-year-olds who can act their damn asses off. we have the best sixteen-year-olds in the world. our sixteen-year-olds are so much better than yours you fucking losers”
Deku I swear. if I’m about to discover that the reason you weren’t there to stop Kacchan from being literally, actually, canonically murdered is because your distracted ass got yoinked into the void by some no-name villain chucklefuck, I’m gonna...
don’t listen to him Aoyama you were magnificent. you were my favorite in all of the stage plays
“I fucked up Ochako, I fucked up so bad” omfg Deku
she doesn’t want to hurt you Deku she just wants to shower you in love. in her own special way. by stabbing you a lot
anyway have fun on this... tropical island??? I guess?? Kacchan will just have to hold down the fort in the meantime. which I’m sure will go absolutely fine
Chapter 346
“th-th-this is really bad, right?” yes Tamaki, yes it is. you’re stuck here on the Super Mega Ultra Radical Gnarly Cracked-Out Wonder Stage with Shigaraki Fucking Tomura and at least two of you are about to die and I’M NOT OKAY
so now we’re also getting this hilarious insight into the inner workings of the Mega Ultra Tremendous Stupendous Incredible Sky Coffin and it is truly, truly phenomenal
Horikoshi stop taking my sarcastic jibes and owning them completely challenge!! all the best sixteen-year-olds. all the finest greatest Hyper Ultra Sparkle Glimmer Wonder Battle Stages
this is genuinely one of the boldest lampshading efforts I have ever seen in fiction you guys
“yes, we acknowledge that this does indeed seem impossible to have pulled off, BUT have you considered that, fucking quirks though???? AND THAT THEY ARE, AS THE KIDS SAY, WILD??”
Chapter 347
lmao they’re shouting at Monoma accusingly and he’s all “I’M HAVEN’T BLINKED AT ALL YOU GUYS I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO TELL YOU”
don’t mind him, he’s just out here growing out his hideously malformed hands and fingers endlessly from every part of his body, normally, as one does. nothing quirk-related about it. anyone could do this if they simply exercise and maintain a balanced diet. this 100% is not a quirk y’all it’s just essential oils
awwww. the way he’s almost panicked, frantically wondering if he somehow fucked the quirk up and desperate for Aizawa to believe him that he’s trying his best. and Aizawa quick to reassure him. this kid is so desperate for approval. and unapologetically careening his way onto my top ten character list, welcome dear boy
so that’s that. see you in two years Deku. his last words spoken out loud to Kacchan were, and I quote, “wha --”
Aizawa is so hopelessly impossibly hot at all times and I don’t know how the universe can handle his existence. he’s even doing it without activating his quirk now. no ponytails or anything. just an eyepatch and a dream
don’t mind me, I’m just out here doing literal algebra to figure out how long it would take Deku to get back here if he traveled at the same speed as All Might did in chapter 90 (30 seconds per 5km, apparently). about 20 minutes, give or take. well shit. hopefully he’s a little faster than Kamino-era All Might was, especially since he can fly and has that Fa Jin shit too. or maybe Rody can fly him lmao. or S&S’s hot fighter pilot boyfriend
“what’d Sensei say, Deku?” “he said no, looks like I gotta uber. can I borrow your credit card, I promise I will venmo you back”
unfortunately for Deku he does not realize he’s accidentally gotten himself caught up in what will undoubtedly end up being the most erotic and bisexual of the various final battles
can’t believe Deku has like 6 love interests and out of all of them, Toga is the first one who actually asks him out. good for you girl. gotta shoot your shot
Chapter 348
anyway so since Deku apparently doesn’t understand how romance works either, he’s trying his best to give an actual response by recontextualizing all of this in terms of the one big thing he does understand: All Might
you’re telling me you never wanted to stab All Might to death and then turn into him?? wow I just can’t believe it
but also... okay lol. so I was thinking about this sarcastically, but was then struck by the very unironic thought that there sorta kinda is someone whom Deku does, both consciously and subconsciously, try to be like, and who he also kinda does apparently share the same heart and mind as. at least if chapter 403 is anything to go by lol. soooooooo. huh
god damn it Toga. absolutely none of what you’ve said or done here has been even the SLIGHTEST BIT reasonable. you can’t just tell someone you want to stab them and be their girlfriend. and if and when they try to let you down easy by responding with the MOST THOUGHTFUL AND GENTLE REJECTION ANYONE COULD EVER POSSIBLY MAKE UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCES, because they’re actually the WORLD’S NICEST MAN, you can’t just respond by doing whatever it is you’re presumably about to do, which I’m guessing is gonna be really violent and unhinged
so Ochako is all “ever since we fought last time I’ve been thinking about you a lot!” and Toga is all “are you serious, YOU broke up with ME bitch” and now she’s standing behind her with a knife
“she’s the least predictable of our opponents” YEAH NO KIDDING LOL
“everyone knows that Toga is actually Ochako’s villain, like ffs Deku you haven’t even interacted with her since the Provisional Exam arc.” Deku they’re 100% right and you’re looking more and more the fool with each passing second
well all right lol. twenty minutes to get back to Musutafu. let’s just hope he doesn’t run into any traffic on the way
Chapter 349
what the fuck is OFA Dos’s quirk exactly and are we ever gonna get to it before I literally die of old age. at this point there’s gotta be a reason why he’s not using it, right?? so what’s the deal there? does he still somehow not know how? is it too dangerous? and I really need to know why II has the Bakugou gauntlets. tell me this isn’t one of the things we’re still waiting on answers for two years down the line because I swear to god I will cry
anyway so Deku’s saying he’s doing his best but he’s still “too slow”. WELL THEN MAYBE IT’S THAT TIME?? DEKU?? WHAT DO YOU SAY
fuck. so has he used it since then?? is he gonna use it finally now that Kacchan’s alive and well again?? oh my god I need to shut up and stop asking questions and just keep reading. fuck
wow so Dabi’s literally just burning the All Might statue while he stalls for time trying to figure out how to beat his OP little brother who was literally engineered to be better than him sob. out of all the villains he’s probably the most screwed right now isn’t he
starting to get an inkling Dabi’s not happy that he doesn’t actually get to fight Endeavor. getting some subtle hints here and there that he might actually be upset about that
apparently wanting to fight Dabi and stop him from helping to destroy the world makes Shouto a pawn. wake up Shouto. stop being such a sheep, Shouto. can’t you see that saving the world is exactly what Endeavor wants you to do???!
this is just going to be seventeen chapters of Dabi talking about nonsense while they both stand around progressively getting hotter both literally and metaphorically isn’t it
Chapter 350
well, well, well. to the surprise of absolutely no one. the real one who was responsible for everything this whole time
but I just have to pause real quick before we continue. because it absolutely cannot be a coincidence that AFO just happened to be there once again. just waiting in the shadows to magically swoop in the minute disaster strikes. and so, just like with baby Tenko, this immediately makes me suspect that Touya burning himself alive was not in fact a training accident at all. which is something I did not expect, and which, just. fuck, fuck, FUCK AFO. fuck this guy.
looks like the children's ward of a hospital?? wait, what??
how the fuck is he still so adorable. when exactly did the transition take place between adorable and sexily unhinged. right now Todoroki Touya still looks to be the absolute most adorable child on the planet
I miscalculated. I was not emotionally prepared to handle this chapter right now. I should not have clicked
really love to see that Touya didn’t just cave right away. wouldn’t have felt right, ngl. just doesn’t fit in with what we know about his character
oh shit wait we’re cutting back to Dabi talking to Shouto and he says he did come back home??
fucking why. goddammit what the hell. why is this the saddest fucking thing I’ve ever read. LOVE HIM!! SOMEONE!! ANYONE!! just love him, please. literally all he has ever wanted!!
JESUS. I HATE THIS. I am so upset right now. out of all of the horrific and traumatic and terrible, awful things that have happened to BnHA characters in their flashbacks, the thing that hits me the most out of all of them is this one image of a sixteen-year-old boy standing before an altar, with his family very much alive and standing RIGHT FUCKING THERE IN THE NEXT ROOM, and yet somehow feeling more alone than he’s ever been. so alone he literally gives up all hope in this one moment. my god I feel all of it and it’s so fucking devastating I keep having to stop typing so I don’t completely break down sobbing
well damn. after a rush of 15 and 13-page chapters, which were all admittedly appreciated by me in my race to catch up to Light Fades to Rain before this coming Friday, Horikoshi finishes up the volume with one hell of a 17 page finale. once again the Tododrama delivers. this was fucking phenomenal
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lesbianwithchainsaws · 3 months
Keep thinking about the Jeff and Annie dynamic so anyway here's how I think it should've been done (with the added bonus of me sprinkling in lesbian Annie Edison):
So s1 goes more or less the same it does in canon. Annie dates Vaughn, gets ready to leave with him, but becomes too scared and goes back to Greendale. And actually I think it makes sense for Jeff and Annie to kiss here. Especially on Annie's side. She's scared and nervous, she wants to be more okay with drastic changes and wants a whole new life, but isn't ready for all that so she goes back to Greendale and kisses Jeff to justify to herself why she didn't go with Vaughn. It's just kind of a thing that happens on a wim. And for the first like second Jeff kisses her back because of the whole confession that just happened with Britta, and because he is also confused about what's going on. The kiss is essentially nothing more than trying to do something they have control over in a point in both of their lives when they feel the opposite. But I think, once Jeff gets that realisation on what he's doing, he pulls away. He tries to let her down, but he does it so badly that Annie doesn't quite process it as a rejection. Because instead of talking to her, Jeff just makes some sarcastic comment and assumes that's enough.
So, over the summer, Annie convinces herself that she is in love with Jeff. When s2 starts, Annie thinks they have a real shot at a relationship and tries to pursue him. Jeff, however, doesn't like her that way, but he is still too asshole-ish to just properly have a conversation with her. So instead he goes to the trouble of doing literally everything else to stop her pursuit. He tries to get other guys to show interest in her and comes up with constant elaborate, weird plans to get Annie to be interested in someone else. At least once Jeff gets Abed and Troy to help him. Of course, everyone just tells Jeff to talk to her like a person, and it's not until his plans fail repeatedly that he finally does so. I think what would be cool for s2 as well is that, in the canon Jeff kinda views Annie as a kid and sometimes an adult, and I think in my mind he'd here start understanding that she is an adult. That she's taking care of herself fully and he needs to treat her like that. Jeff still isn't interested in her romantically, but he stops treating her like she's a little kid.
Anyway, Jeff and Annie have an actual conversation and Jeff properly let's her down. Annie is upset obviously, she's spent so much time on the idea of this one relationship. Maybe she lashes out initially to Jeff, idk. What she does end up doing is talking to Britta and Shirley, looking for advice from them. In short what Annie gets from both of them is that she doesn't need to be in a relationship no matter what anyone thinks or says. That there is more to her than who she's dating.
And then this starts an Annie development where she starts to try figure out who/what she really is. Because she has spent years of her life dreaming of the perfect relationship with a man that she doesn't fully know that much about what specifically she wants. She knows some things she likes, but what does Annie want to do in life really?
So then s3 kicks in and Annie spends her time trying to understand who she is. Maybe she joins every club at Greendale and starts trying wildly different things, even stuff that seems completely out of her comfort zone and incredibly strange in general. She finds that she likes some stuff and gains some new interests and friends. And, in this "figuring herself out" plot, Annie eventually realises that she likes women. I don't think she'd necessarily use the word "lesbian" to refer to herself yet, but she acknowledges that she has those feelings. This acknowledgement is maybe at the end of s3.
Then s4 and onwards would be her navigating this new realisation. It'd be her confiding in her friends about this, it'd be her getting a girlfriend, it'd be her learning more about queer history and finding she has a genuine interest in learning about that too. Specifically with the Jeff and Annie dynamic, Jeff would so totally try to give Annie advice on women. All of it wouldn't be good advice, but some of it would be useful and they could have that older/younger sibling dynamic with Annie trusting Jeff and asking him about all this relationship stuff, and he tries his best to be supportive.
Don't have anything specific or detailed for s5 or s6 but it honestly could just be her figuring herself out still. Maybe Annie learning that lesbian is the label that fits her best. Maybe her having her very first sapphic relationship and navigating that. The rest of the study group interacting with her girlfriend. And at the end of the show, there's still some things Annie hasn't figured out fully, but she now knows that's okay and overall she's just much happier and better
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cantsayidont · 5 months
Something that bugs me a little about the reactions to LORD OF THE RINGS is the way that fans pointedly overlook the sometimes uneasy class politics that are involved in the relationship between Frodo and Sam.
This is in no way denying that it's a homoerotic relationship, which is something that comes through vividly even in the weird, truncated Rankin-Bass RETURN OF THE KING animated adaptation from 1980. However, it's important to understand that until the last few pages of the novel, Sam is literally Frodo's servant.
Tolkien is quick to stress, as stories from class-conscious societies often do, that Sam is happy and eager to serve Frodo, and willingly does so even when there's nothing in it for him, but the story emphasizes throughout that Sam is not the social equal of Frodo, Merry, Pippin, or Bilbo. When Sam calls Frodo "Master," it's not a D/S thing; Sam is Frodo's household employee (and in a sense his batman, which Tolkien said was the inspiration for their interactions), having essentially inherited that role from his father, who was Bilbo's employee. When, in the final chapter, Frodo tells Sam to marry Rosie Cotton and movie her into Bag End, he isn't proposing a menage à trois, he is offering to hire Rosie so that Sam can combine his marriage with his full-time duties. It isn't until Frodo tells Sam, on the way to the Grey Havens, that he has made Sam his heir that Sam becomes Frodo's social equal and the master of Bag End rather than the head of its staff. (Tolkien implies elsewhere that this caused Sam some legal trouble, since there was no indication that Frodo was dead or permanently gone — and if Merry and Pippin hadn't been there to witness Frodo's departure, people would have wondered if Sam did away with his master to try to steal his estate.)
Moreover, Tolkien expressly links Sam's perseverance, loyalty, and ability to resist the power of the Ring to his knowing his place. Toward the beginning, Sam's father recalls telling him:
‘Elves and Dragons! I says to him. Cabbages and potatoes are better for me and you. Don’t go getting mixed up in the business of your betters, or you’ll land in trouble too big for you, I says to him. And I might say it to others,’ he added with a look at the stranger and the miller.
Later (in "The Tower of Cirith Ungol"), Sam is tempted by the Ring, which shows him wild fantasies of his overthrowing Sauron and building a garden in the vale of Gorgoroth. However:
In that hour of trial it was the love of his master that helped most to hold him firm; but also deep down in him lived still unconquered his plain hobbit-sense: he knew in the core of his heart that he was not large enough to bear such a burden, even if such visions were not a mere cheat to betray him. The one small garden of a free gardener was all his need and due, not a garden swollen to a realm; his own hands to use, not the hands of others to command.
The word "free" is doing a lot of work here, since Sam is, back in the safety of Hobbiton, quite literally a hand for others to command; he tends Frodo's garden, not his own. But the point is that he recognizes his humble, inferior position in society and accepts it "freely," and that that choice gives Sam what Gandalf might have called the strength and good purpose to heroically resist a temptation that more noble and lordly types like Boromir could not.
My point is not that Sam doesn't love Frodo, which obviously he does, or the reverse, which the narrative makes plain. However, if you are not so reflexively comforted by classist fantasies of this kind, it's hard not to periodically stop and wonder, "Is this sexual harassment?"
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goginaporter · 11 months
rina + iconic couples in media
this is my fun way of responding to the alternate universe prompt for @rinaweek <3. rina and their parents in every universe, finding each other and falling in love. alsooo this post was slightly inspired by this absolutely brilliant edit linked here (x) and if you want rinatroyella or rinajacey edits, please lmk and I'll send my favorite ones <3333
Tumblr media
the essays that can and have been written about troyella and rina are extensive (and I'm happy to do a longer form one in a separate post). but from being the new girl x boy who's never moved, girl encouraging boy to audition for the musical and actually commit, kissing in the rain, starring in the school musical together, to making a huge commitment to the other person on a stage in front of a bunch of people, rina is quite literally troyella reincarnated. and yeah, lots of people can argue that troyella is perfect as is, that they didn't need another version. and on one hand, i agree. but the way in which rina takes core parts of troyella's story while standing on their own as a ship is beautiful and truly does justice to the original franchise by anchoring the story around these two, both individually and as a couple, just as was done with troyella in the original trilogy. my favorite troyella parallel moment from s4!
4x01 - ricky sneaking into gina's room just like troy would come into gabriella's room through her balcony
4x02 - the note ricky gives gina in the hallway to meet in their secret staircase is just like the note troy slips in gabriella's locker in hsm to meet on the rooftop. (honorable mention to them auditioning for and getting the roles of troy and gabriella in this ep as well <33)
4x03 - of course, it has to go to their rendition of can i have this dance. their voices sound gorgeous and though the choreo they do has similarities to the original, they've made it their own.
4x04 - this one is kinda reaching but I wanted something for each ep! in hsm2, sharpay forces troy to sing a song with her, one she prepared for the talent show, instead of allowing him to go on a date with gabriella. in a similar vein, though with considerably less scheming from dani's side, dani is selected to replace gina as gabriella because she is so busy with the movie, though this is done behind her back.
4x05 - has to go to the rain kiss obviously. although troy and gabriella only ever kiss under sprinklers, it's the same vibes. there's also a still (not included in the scene) of the rain kiss of ricky holding gina's waist as she throws her arms up that's so reminiscent of troyella in the rain during cihtd.
4x06 - ricky and gina running down the hallway at the beginning of the episode feels like a direct parallel to troy and gabriella running to auditions in hsm. also rina fighting to save the show is super similar to gabriella (and troy once gabriella convinces him) pushing for the theater department to put on a show about them for their spring musical.
4x07 - they're literally playing troyella in this ep so I could say so much. i'll just use this space to talk about how much I love them in a night to remember and how much it looked like they were dancing at their wedding. I will say that terri, gina's mom, telling ricky about gina's movie with a smile on her face, reminds me a lot of gabriella's fans setting troy up to talk shit about her on camera to convince her to focus on the decatholon. also reflects sharpay telling troy about stanford, again with a smile on her face.
4x08 - again, this ep is rife with toryella coding because they're literally playing troyella, but the show goes super meta in having them sing the right here, right now reprise as ricky has just found out that gina is potentially moving across the world to film her movie, just as troy finds out about stanford and struggles with gabriella not being there for the rest of their senior year. on a much less angsty note, ricky singing love you forever to gina has the same vibes as troy choosing gabriella and going to school close to her, not to mention that lines in the song directly reference the song "high school musical" (which you can read more about here <3). gina also deciding to move the movie to salt lake is very much her "I choose basketball but I also choose theater but more than all of that, I choose gabriella" her version is "I choose filming this movie but I also choose theater but more than all of that, I choose ricky" just a beautiful perfect scene all around.
these s4 moments only scratch the surface of the troyellarina tether but i'll stop ranting for now and move on to rina's teen drama parent sets.
after s1, tim federle did an interview where they asked him about him about the ricky / nini / gina triangle, he directly mentioned dawson's creek in guiding his writing process, stating that at the center of his thought process was "how do I surprise audience members with who they're going to ship?" (x). for those who don't know the jacey lore, to make a long story short, their love triangle centered around joey, pacey, and dawson. joey and dawson were childhood best friends and joey has a crush on dawson. pacey and dawson are best friends and joey and pacey do not get along initially. after events of life, dawson asks pacey to "look after joey" at the beginning of s3, the two get super close and eventually catch feelings for each other and they secretly date as they figure out a way to break it to dawson (sound familiar?). they do break up but come back together at the end of the show and are endgame. the parallels between jacey and rina exist both on and off screen. dawson and joey were the initial endgame for the show, just like rini was the show's s1 endgame. however, electrifying chemistry between katie and joshua (jackson) & sofia & joshua (bassett) in their respective shows changed everything. rina is one of the strongest examples of continuing this legacy of disrupting the initial plans concocted in the writer's room to make way for insane chemistry. some of my fave jaceyrina parallels
rina and jacey having a formative, chemistry presenting moment in a car (rina in 1x05 during homecoming, joey and pacey in 1x during their science project)
the sheer parallels between them in 3x19 of dawson's creek and 3x08 of hsmtmts with their kiss scenes. just watch here (x) and here (x) to see. the "stop me" "wait" parallels actually make me go crazy
joey tutoring pacey in 3x09 and gina (presumably) becoming ricky's tutor after 4x06
i'm rewatching 3x09 in preparation for this and jacey has a scene where dawson catches them talking about pacey helping joey with a ballroom dance scholarship thing in exchange for tutoring and he asks them what no one can find out about and a) pacey sucksssss at improv just like gina it's like that 4x02 scene with rina and ashlyn and b) it also feels like rina with the chocolates, again with ashlyn LMAOOO in 2x04
ALSO in this ep (wow it's a goldmine), when dawson and jen catch joey and pacey ballroom dancing, they're forced to join the class and the instructor psychoanalyzes both couples. for jacey, she mentions that the tension and bickering between them suggests their underlying attraction for one another. this is literally what val (their choreographer!!) does after watching rina perform wdykal in 3x05
too much to explain for the final scene of this episode but i just encourage everyone to watch 3x09 to get the same sense of a major scene in a coat check and an ensuing apology
pacey telling joey he remembers everything in 3x22 and ricky telling gina he's never forgotten a thing she's said in 4x03
pacey telling joey that the simple act of loving her is enough for him and that she's "off the hook" and ricky telling gina that of course she has to go and be a star, as well as singing lyf not knowing that she was staying in slc, so he just wanted to let her know that he loved her for the sake of it, not to convince her of anything
pacey having to tell joey something but lying to protect her (and ricky having something to tell gina but lying to protect her (3x07)
another paragon of teen drama royalty is naley. literally the best people ever and it makes sooo much sense that rina is similar to them because they're actually rina's grandparents. naley birthed troyella, who birthed rina. a beautiful family tree. anyways, naley doesn't seem to, on the surface at least, seem to have a lot of parallels to rina. a shy tutor girl and a cocky basketball player who get married after knowing each other for less than a year? (though I will go down with my headcanon that rina gets married super duper young, will not be taking any arguments). despite this, at their core, naley's love for each other is so reminiscent of rina's love for each other, not to mention some incredibly direct parallels that the two have, listed below:
nathan dropping haley home after a party & ricky dropping gina home after homecoming ("yeah, this is my house" & "so, this is where I live")
connecting over dubious circumstances (nathan requesting haley as a tutor/getting close to her to get back at lucas & gina convincing ricky to stay in the show so she could get gabriella, attending hoco with ej to psych nini out but instead connecting with ricky)
nathan putting haley's hand to his heart after telling her it's racing (it was because of drugs but still, it beats for haley) and ricky putting gina's hand on his heart after telling her that his heart's racing (i'm telling y'all this scene is the same, just with the characters and setting swapped)
alllllll of naley's s2 angst is like the intense and more painful version of rina's angst in s4
naley invented rain kisses (even if they existed before them, no they didn't) and rina obviously does justice with their own rain kiss in 4x05
when nathan proposes to haley (their first proposal), he tells her that "I could love you forever." audience, what's the title of ricky's love song for gina? i rest my case
haley being nathan's tutor and gina being ricky's tutor <3333
nathan sneaking into haley's bedroom to study and makeout and ricky sneaking into gina's bedroom to sing and makeout
nathan and ricky being haley and gina's biggest fans when it comes to their careers, putting their success over their personal feelings (nathan collecting clippings of haley's tour, paying chris to let her record music & ricky decorating gina'ss trailer, encouraging her to go to nz to be a star)
rina served cheerleader x basketball player (though at different times and both were fictional but wtv) just like naley
this was super nonexhaustive as rina also has parallels to jam, mondler, sethmer, romeo & juliet, and so many other ships. however, I'm lazy and didn't want to write all of those out. maybe I'll return to them another time, but for now, pls enjoy this <3333
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boyfeelxo · 7 months
we need to talk more about evil Troy leaving evil Abed to work for evil Jeff.
Well, it was evil Abed who first left. kind of:
Abed: Hello, Evil Abed.
Evil Abed: It's just Abed now.
Evil Abed: After we met, I abandoned my evil goal to focus on brightening my own timeline instead.
Abed: Do you live here alone?
Evil Abed: Yes.
Evil Abed: Evil Troy moved out when I gave up the cause.
Evil Abed: Now he only listens to Evil Jeff, who sort of took over this year, villain-wise.
How do you think that conversation went? Did Evil Abed tell Evil Troy that he was a good guy now, expecting him to become good too? Did he look at Evil Troy in disbelief, wordless as Evil Troy said he's moving out? Did he beg, plead for Evil Troy to change his mind, pointlessly trying to remind him of how good and nice he once was?
Also, let's think about it from Evil Troy's perspective. Imagine you're chilling in your house as the most evil version of yourself, and suddenly your best friend, your #1 person who stayed with you for so long tells you he wants to give up the cause, give up everything you guys worked toward for over a year. You're obviously angry. Maybe even disappointed in him.
Was there a little voice inside his head, telling him that he's making a mistake, that Abed is the one he's meant to be with? Was it hard for him to ignore the voice? Even after he moved out, was the voice still there? Making sure he knew he was making a mistake?
After the battle in Advanced Introduction to Finality, after the evil timeline lost, did he come back? Did he show up at (no longer Evil) Abed's doorstep, begging for forgiveness and apologizing for everything? Did Abed take him in instantly? Was he mad at him? How long did it take for them to go back to normal OR did they ever come back to normal?
or maybe it's just a silly show about 7 friends in a community college and I'm reading way too much into it
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solitaireobsessed · 5 months
***EDIT*** Okay, so I got a few replies to this post and turns out I’m a wee bit slow here, haha
Joyce was maybe kinda sorta referring to two different groups of kids
Thanks to everyone for explaining 🤦‍♀️
So, it's the time of year where I decide I need to rewatch Stranger Things for the five-millionth time.
While watching last night, I noticed something I hadn't before.
In the beginning of the season, when Joyce is filling Will as missing, and Hopper is sort of brushing it off, Joyce says this about Will:
"He has a couple of friends, but, you know, the kids, they're mean. They make fun of him, they call him names, they laugh at him, his clothes..."
This obviously seems a little weird, considering how hard the boys are looking for Will throughout the season. This led me to two theories:
A) Joyce thinks Will is friends with Troy and the bullies, because they're the only ones in the show who make fun of Will like that. Will was probably too scared to tell Joyce he was actively being bullied, so he played along, and let her believe that he was friends with the boys. Joyce definitely knows that Will is close with Mike, Lucas, and Dustin, though, so it doesn't make sense that she would only refer to the bullies as Will's friends, and not the actual party.
B) S4 sort-of spoilers!!!! So, we know that Mike was sort of a jerk to Will over S3, and especially in S4, and a lot of fans were either wondering why, or saying it was because Mike was dealing with internalized homophobia towards his feelings for Will (I'm in the second school of thought, but it doesn't matter). Anyway, I'm wondering if Mike had always been this way towards Will, and we just didn't see it throughout the first two seasons, because Will was missing, and then infiltrated/the spy. Mike was probably being extra nice to Will, because he thought that he'd lost him, and it made him see how much he needs Will, but as time went by, and Will got 'better', Mike just kind of slipped back into his old habits, and trauma-blocked most of his other feelings/the full memories of S1 and S2.
I also think that Option B opens the door to S5 Byler, with Will almost getting Vecna'd, and Mike having his Moment Of Realization (TM) again, coming fully to his senses (un-trauma blocking stuff), and saving Will.
Then they live happily ever after
(I'm delusional, bear with me)
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adrinoir · 2 years
Lesbian Headcanons Pt. 1: Chloe
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I seriously enjoy writing all kinds of headcanons and analyzing this show. I want to talk about Chloe. She was such a queen from the start and Thomas just hardcore assassinated her character. So, I’m gonna put a good spotlight on her.
Also there are a ridiculous (utterly ridiculous!) amount of signs that backup this headcanon.
Her crush on Adrien seems theatrical & superficial
Chloe has always been very over the top acting as like she has this big crush on Adrien and that they’d be so good together. But, it seems very superficial.
What proves this superficiality is the way she talks about him in Sole Crusher. When she’s trying to teach Zoe how to behave, she talks about Adrien like he’s arm candy.
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“Rule #148: you obviously need a guy BFF to wrap around your finger, preferably gorgeous and very rich. That one over there is mine!”
That is the direct quote from Chloe. Also take note as to how she doesn’t mention him being her crush nor claim that he’s her boyfriend. She only calls him her BFF.
Does she even value him as her friend? That’s tough to say. But, he’s given her ultimatums on multiple occasions and she hasn’t really followed through with trying to better herself. It’s sad.
She only goes after him when Marinette gets in the way
Have you noticed this? Chloe doesn’t really make much of an effort to pursue Adrien unless Marinette is stepping in to make a move on him. She makes it her mission to specifically target and sabotage Marinette. There’s less of an effort to get Adrien and more of an effort to sabotage Marinette.
There are very few times that she actually goes after Adrien on her own. But god forbid Marinette takes action, things start to blow up. She’s gone great lengths just to stop Marinette. For instance, in the Gabriel Agreste episode, she takes a video of Marinette and her friends planning to break into the party at the Agreste mansion. Then, she keeps running around the party trying to make sure the video gets exposed.
I feel like she’s secretly crushing on Marinette but either doesn’t realize it or is purposely hiding the fact that she does.
Try and tell me this sounds like a stretch, but I stand by what I say lol. Let’s do a comparison as some back up: Sharpay Evans in High School Musical is a rich, blond “mean girl” type just like Chloe. She’s friends with Troy and is very over the top about the crush she has on him. However, the difference is that she pursues him on her own plenty of times, not only when Gabrielle gets in the way. She did a fantastic job of impressing him in the second movie, going as far as to give him a scholarship and a connection with people who work for the college he wanted to attend. Chloe has never gone that far to try to impress Adrien on her own, despite having the ability to do something like Sharpay did.
She fits the “Enemies to Lovers” Trope
One could also argue that she’s bullied Marinette for years, which is obviously cruel. If she cared for her, why would she treat her that way? Well, this fits the “enemies to lovers” trope and that unhealthy narrative of “if (so and so) makes fun of you, it just means they have feelings for you.”
Bullies typically have a lot of underlying insecurities which is what makes them bully others - projection. And, while yes, we see Chloe has a bad relationship with her mother, she’s pretty damn confident in herself (like, seriously, this girl thinks she’s so popular knowing damn well most people in school don’t like her) and doesn’t really show many signs of having loads of underlying insecurities. So, with that being said, if it’s not self projection, then what is it? A crush on Marinette doesn’t seem too far fetched.
Will the enemies to lovers trope come to fruition? Will she ever get with Marinette? Obviously NOT. Marinette and Adrien are end game. Chloe won’t get with either of them. But this doesn’t mean it’s completely impossible for her to have a secret crush on Marinette.
Kagami intimidates her
Kagami is very upfront and serious which can be intimidating in itself. But she somehow scared Chloe right away, Chloe - a girl who’s supposedly a big bad bully. 
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In their very first interaction, Kagami is the one to dish out the very threatening line, not Chloe. In the span of this one sentence, she’s able to make Chloe back off which is very unlike Chloe.
After that, notice how Chloe now targets Kagami. She went great lengths to humiliate her in front of Adrien in Animaestro. And even fast forwarding all the way up to Perfection, she gangs up with Lila specifically to sabotage Marinette and Kagami. So, with that repeated behavior on Kagami, there’s that possibility that she’s secretly crushing on her, too. 
Her & Sabrina play as Ladybug & Cat Noir
Of course any friends can dress up as Ladybug and Cat Noir without the possibility of them liking each other romantically (like Ladybug and Cat Noir do). But, Sabrina has shown signs of being fruity, too, which makes this a bit different.
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Sabrina dedicates a lot of time to Chloe and has this undeniable super strong admiration for her. Unfortunately, Chloe abuses this and constantly asks her to perform favors for her. To do another character comparison, if you’ve ever watched Dan and Riya’s YouTube series Beverly Valley High, Rhubarb mirrors Sabrina in a lot of ways. Rhubarb is the dopey friend of the popular mean girl, Cinnamon. She’s often her sidekick in her plans to wreck the two main characters, and is also asked to do favors for her. Initially, the audience is led to think that Rhubarb is sticking by Cinnamon to be popular and benefit from her wealthy lifestyle. However, in recent episodes, it was revealed that Rhubarb has had feelings for her this whole time which is why she doesn’t leave her side. With that being said, I feel like this same thing could apply to Sabrina.
Her own half-sister is canonically queer
It can no longer be denied: Zoe isn’t straight. Not only were there pretty obvious signs in previous episodes, in Deflagration, she openly flirted with Scarabella.
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It isn’t said how Zoe identifies, but what’s interesting is that her color scheme is all the colors in the pansexual pride flag. Obviously there’s many different sexualities that involve attraction to the same gender that Zoe could potentially be, but the colors are just a little sign I noticed.
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Anyhow, considering she is canonically queer, that means Chloe could be too. It’s definitely not impossible. There obviously doesn’t have to be “one straight sibling and one gay sibling.”
She has really high standards
Chloe makes it very clear many, many times that she wants a guy who’s gorgeous and rich. She won’t consider or talk to any guy who she doesn’t think is attractive and isn’t rich. This can be seen as comphet behavior.
In case you don’t know what comphet is, here’s the definition: compulsory heterosexuality (comphet for short) - When somebody experiences "attraction" to the opposite gender because that expectation has been pushed on them by the patriarchal society, this is quite often experienced by lesbians.
Unnecessarily high - or completely unrealistic - standards can be considered as comphet behavior because it gives the closeted lesbian a reason to deny men and validate the fact that they don’t want to date a man. Chloe has only shown desire for Adrien and Prince ? (I forgot his name, oops) who are both rich, good looking guys. But, again, both of those “crushes” are very superficial.
Chloe seems like the stereotypical mean girl chasing after he popular boy in school. But, taking a second look, she doesn’t seem to really be all that attracted to Adrien nor any of the guys in the show like she tries to claim.
I think Chloe shows a lot of comphet behavior and there seems to be far too many reasons to back up the headcanon that she isn’t into guys. I like this headcanon that she’s a lez. It makes sense and seeing her in this way makes me like her more! She has so much potential to be a more well-rounded, in depth character.
This is going to be a multi part headcanon because Chloe is definitely not the only girl in Miraculous who seems fruity. I plan on writing about any who have shown a lot of signs.
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cult-of-the-eye · 9 months
Jon is abed nadir
How much different is film making and an entrenched need to See and Know everything really?
Vaguely off putting
Gets bitches when he wants to
Listen abed is just college Jon, back when he was less traumatised
Evil abed would be Jon in like S4/5 I guess
Does that make Martin Troy Barnes????
It doesn't quite work cause Martin is neither athletic, nor a himbo and Troy wouldn't know how to use a kettle
I don't know
(well pan technically but comes off as A Gay Man)
Tell me that when the jig is up and he's like ah caught them might as well enjoy tormenting them while I can, he wouldn't be a fucking nightmare boss dressing up in costumes
He'd be like how's my favourite archival team?????????
Low key evil and high key manipulative
But super pathetic in the end
Oh my god guys I'm so right
Sasha I think would be Britta
I know Britta was made fun of a lot for her feminist views and stuff but obviously nowadays those views are more accepted
She's got the same level of fierce determination and love for everyone around her, even if she doesn't go about it right
She would totally hack into somewhere if she could
Yeah it makes sense...sort of
Wait would Peter Lukas be pierce???
Old racist white man
Homophobic gay
Has a dynasty
Tim could be Jeff I could maybe see that
That one time where Jeff just
Wait wait wait this makes a bit more sense
Cause Jeff cons his way into becoming a lawyer
He has huge imposter syndrome, he's faking it all
Just like Jon is
Except he's doing a better job
So imagine Jon if he had major daddy issues and a bit more charisma
They have the same level of not chill but desperately trying to cover it up
Like that one episode where pierce tries to find his dad
And he freaks the fuck out
That's such a Jon coded freaking out
He literally tears a magazine in half and then shrieks into mid air
YESSSSSSSSSSS ugh I'm such a genius
Also Jon and Elias relationship mirrors the deans and jeffs
Like the homoerotic favouritism guys
How the dean blackmails Jeff into doing karaoke with him OH MY GOD.
He only difference is the faked confidence and charisma, Jeff does it better
Oh my god wait is daisy fucking CHANG????
Chang once chased a monkey through a vent
The hunt vibes
Or maybe chang is michael
They're both completely and utterly nonsensical
Just sort of appears and everyone is worse for it
Makes everyone's head hurt
I'm 10000% certain Chang has stabbed someone before and would do it again
Yeah that man is the most avatar of the spiral I've ever seen
Basira could be the sane security guard
Georgie is that one girl in season 6, the one who used to be a IT person
Melanie would be Annie I think, she's definitely murderous enough
This has GRIPPED me and will not let go.
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…..hi. My name is [💛] (idk if this reference will land)
Anyways. It’s me 💛. Your favorite anonymous requester. First of all, I wanted to ask how you were doing. I realize that I never really ask about you when I write these requests. Hope all is well and good. Second of all, OMG I love the one shot with Josh trying to explain lore! Between the forest fic reference and Tyler coming through with the survival kit, it was so good!
So, I don’t know if I made another request prior to this one (if I did I am so so sorry. I like to space these out so you’re not just inundated with my requests before being finished with the other one first), but I can’t get it out of my head so I figured might as well put it to paper. Could you do a super fluffy one shot of Josh being the readers first kiss? They’re like, nervous and stuff about it because they’ve been dating for a while and she doesn’t want him to leave, but also doesn’t want to embarrass herself. I just have a soft spot for first kiss stories.
Only if you want to. No pressure.
First Kiss - Josh Dun x Reader
Relationship: Josh Dun × Reader
Warnings: Couple swears
Word Count: 1692
A/N: I’m so glad you liked the lore fic 🙌 I appreciate you asking how I am. I only have a few months left of high school before going to university/college. There’s a lot on my plate right now with finishing high school and doing extra curricular activities which is making me exhausted if I’m being honest but writing everyday makes me feel so much better. It’s like that little burst of happiness at the end of my days! How are you doing 💛?
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When I was 17 all I ever looked forward to was my English class. It was the only class I had with Josh at school and we always sat next to each other at the back. On the first day of junior year we were paired up for class speeches due to both of us having crippling anxiety. We were told to each write a speech, do it in front of the other, and record it for the teacher. It was senior year and Josh and I had been in a relationship for 6 months. Josh was my first boyfriend but I definitely wasn’t his—not that he was popular or a ladies man but he’d been in a relationship before. Despite being together for six months, all we’d ever done was cuddle and hold hands in public. We’d never kissed. I’d never been kissed by him. I’d never been kissed at all and Josh had no idea. It was Friday afternoon and I was sitting in study with Tyler, Josh’s best friend and the school’s star basketball player. He was like a real-life Troy Bolton. Senior students at our school were assigned a couple study periods a week, giving us time to complete all of our work—or gossip with each other. 
“Josh said you’re going over to his place tonight,” he whispered, trying to avoid the librarian from telling him to shut up. I nodded in response, wondering when Josh had the time to tell him. While Tyler and Josh were best friends, Tyler had been my childhood best friend. Our moms brought us up together and he lived a couple houses down from me, meaning we spent a lot of time together as kids. “Are you finally gonna muster up the guts to kiss him?”
“Shhh!!” I jumped, looking around the library to see if anyone had heard. “Tyler we are literally in public I do not need you blasting to the entire school that I’ve never kissed my boyfriend,” I groaned. Tyler tried to hold back his laughter which earned him an annoyed look from the librarian, with whom he had a complicated relationship. 
“Oh come on Y/N, just kiss the boy. He obviously wants to if that’s what you’re worried about,” he nagged. I wasn’t worried about whether or not Josh wanted to, I was worried about whether I’d mess it up. I’d kiss him, we’d pull apart, and he’d yell at me about how awful it was and how we should break up immediately. Either that was going to happen or he’d break up with me because it’s been six months and we’d never kissed. 
“Yeah, yeah ok. If it happens it happens,” I sighed.
“It’s going to happen,” he pushed, earning him a shush from the librarian. 
We sat in the rest of our study period working on our assignments before the bell rang for us to go home. I packed up my stuff and waited for Tyler to follow me out the door. “Thanks Mrs Jordan!” he shouted at the librarian who shushed him again before rolling her eyes and getting back to work. Tyler left the library in a fit of laughter, his favorite pastime seemed to be pissing off the librarian–something I took much joy in watching.
“You know one day she’s going to ban you from the library,” I chuckled, walking into the parking lot and seeing Josh leaning against his car. 
“I look forward to it.” Tyler smiled, waving me goodbye. I turned around and walked towards Josh, who smiled at me lovingly. 
“How was study?” he asked, opening the passenger side door for me. 
“Good, same old stuff with Tyler and Mrs Jordan though,” I explained. Josh had study with us last year, we were the perfect trio, until this year when all of our schedules changed again, leaving just Tyler and I to have it at the same time. We drove out of the parking lot passing Tyler, who smirked at me before wrapping his arms around himself and pretending he was making out with some invisible force. I wanted to jump out of the car and tackle him to the ground. This was not funny. Josh looked out the window to see Tyler making a fool of himself and chuckled under his breath. We turned the corner and parked in front of Josh’s house. His family were away on a ski trip meaning he had the house to himself and that I could stay the night. I leaned my bag up against the couch and went to grab a snack from the kitchen. Josh had gone back to his room to get changed into something more comfortable which looked like a pair of sweatpants and a gray t-shirt. It had been relatively warm and humid that day so neither of us needed a jersey or hoodie. I sat on the couch scrolling through social media and waiting for him to come out, which only took about 2 minutes. I could tell he was rushing considering he was still putting on his shirt when he fell back on the couch. 
“What are we gonna watch?” he asked, grabbing the television remote and flicking through Netflix. 
“Have you ever seen To All the Boys I've Loved Before?” 
He shook his head and pressed play without asking any questions. We sat through the movie watching Lara Jean and Peter slowly fall in love through their ‘fake’ relationship. I loved this movie, especially how Peter put his hand in the back pocket of Lara Jean’s pants–it was adorable. Throughout the movie Josh and I slowly got closer and closer until we were practically on top of each other. We got to the point in the film where Lara Jean describes her first kiss with Peter and how it was during a spin the bottle game. Josh pulled me in close, his arms wrapped around me. “My first kiss was like that. 12 years old and some stupid dare,” he laughed. I wanted to crawl inside a hole and escape this conversation. “It was with Mary Ross.”
“Josh, can we not talk about first kisses? Please?”  
He sat up and looked at me, his eyes meeting mine and pushing me towards the edge. 
“Why? Do you have some horror story about your first?” he asked. I really didn’t want to explain it to him. Tyler was the only one who really knew and I’d sworn him to secrecy. I stayed silent, knowing that if I said anything I’d have to tell the truth. Unfortunately, silence said more than I thought it would. “No way,” Josh muttered. “But–”
“But nothing Josh, let’s just move on,” I interrupted. 
“No, let’s not move on. You’ve never been kissed have you?” He continued to push my boundaries. I wished Tyler was there to tell him to back off, that it was a sensitive topic and when I said I didn’t want to talk about it, I meant it. I shook my head, confirming what he was saying. He cupped my face and smiled down at me. “If you’ve never been kissed then it’s my job to make sure your first is special,” he breathed, leaning in. 
“Wait,” I pressed a hand against his chest and he immediately stopped. He looked worried, as if he’d done something wrong. 
“What? What’s wrong?” He pulled back slightly. 
“I’m–I’m scared Josh, I just–I’ve never done this before so it’s scary,” I explained. Josh let out a sigh of relief and leaned back in towards me. 
“It’s okay Y/N. I’ve got you,” he whispered. I noticed the little hole at the bottom of his lower lip where he used to have a piercing. It had barely closed, but there was no way a stud or ring would fit unless it was repierced. I remember Tyler complaining about how bad it looked one day and the next it had disappeared, never to be seen again. “Am I good to–?” Josh asked, his eyes falling to my lips. I nodded before closing my eyes and  letting him press his lips against mine. They were soft and warm like butter, pulling out every inch of myself. My stomach felt full of butterflies, both nervous and excited energy flowed through my veins, making me feel like I was flying. It took me a second to register what was happening before I started to kiss back, moving my lips against his like I’d seen in every rom-com I’d ever watched. I realized that I had no idea what to do with my hands and as Josh’s shirt brushed against me I decided to tangle my fingers through the fabric. It was soft and warm, like him. I pulled back, my eyes still closed and a breath of air escaped my lips. 
“Better than good.” 
Josh smiled his classic golden boy smile, flashing his perfect teeth. Interrupting the silence, my phone starts ringing. 
“Tyler Joseph,” Siri's voice called out. Perfect. Great timing. Josh chuckled. 
“You should probably answer that,” he passed me the phone and I pressed the green accept button and put it on speaker phone. There was silence on the line. At least until a loud screeching noise passed through the speakers. 
“Did you kiss him yet?” I rushed to turn the volume down or anything to stop Tyler from continuing what he was about to do. 
“Tyler, you're on speaker phone,” Josh said. 
“Oh crap, sorry Y/N!” Tyler apologized but I could tell he wasn’t sorry, he was enjoying this. “But did you?”
“Tyler!” I yelped, wanting nothing more than for him to shut up. 
“Answer the question!” he cackled. 
“She did,” Josh bragged, before picking up the phone and bringing it to his mouth. “Now that you’ve got what you called for I’m hanging up.” He hovered his finger on the red ‘end call’ button. 
“Wait! Wait!” Tyler pleaded but it was too late, Josh and I were alone again. We sat there looking into each others’ eyes and my mind wondered what we would do next. Where Josh and I were supposed to go from here.
“So… where were we?” 
Can't wait for the next request!
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sketching-pasketti · 10 months
These two have taken over my brain so here's headcannons
Jeff & Liu Woods Headcannons
General Headcannons:
Jeff(21) is older than Liu(20) by a year
They are very much Texan, their accents are really strong but they hide it very well
Southern insults are basically the only they insult each other
They listen to country music together
Their family did that stereotypical male and female dynamic (like ladies bake and cook and men grill and do sports and stuff)
Liu has not fully forgiven Jeff for literally anything post-incident
Their mom was mostly strict but a little abusive
Their dad was sort-of deadbeat and would barely ever acknowledge them (he was also an alcoholic)
Their parents were always on the verge of divorce but they didn't, so throughout their childhood they would hear their parents arguing
Jeff would always have to comfort Liu when this happened so that he would sleep
Jeff would purposely hide their mom's stuff (important documents, make-up, jewelry) just to watch her lose her shit trying to find it. This would almost always result in him getting an ass whooping
Liu would mildly inconvenience Jeff, but now that's Sully's job
They and their mom would usually make gingerbread houses and cookies during the holidays (they still keep this tradition now)
They would try to grill with their dad but he never told them how to grill so they had to figure it out themselves
During the Incident:
Jeff(13) and Liu(12) were confronted by Keith(13), Randy(13), Troy(13) on their third day at their new school
Liu took the blame for Jeff because he knew his parents probably wouldn't bail him out of juvie
The only reason Liu was at the hospital was because their parents bailed him out
Liu had a small gut feeling that Jeff was going insane when he saw how he acted towards his burnt face
Liu kinda heard the murdering going on in their parents' room and had initially thought it was coming from outside
He tried to go back to sleep but uh, we all know what happened
Liu did fight back, so Jeff was only able to hit his shoulder and slash a bit of his face
Liu attempted to apprehend Jeff when he started running from the enclosing police sirens but he couldn't catch him
So he went to tell his parents about Jeff and that's when he found out what had happened to them
Slenderman Aftermath:
Jeff(16) was first to be collected by Slender
Jeff was just wandering the woods not noticing the proxies trying to warn him silently
When he saw Slender he tried to fight him
Now, Jeff is very cocky and also very stupid, so of course he would attempt to kill a 10 ft tall eldritch being
It didn't work, obviously, so Slender gave him two choices; get the fuck out of the woods and go somewhere else or stay with him in the mansion and swear to never open his mouth about it
He chose the latter and now chills there
Liu(17) had randomly ended up in the woods while reflecting on all the trauma and Slender saw him and sent Tim to get him
Tim felt a need to recruit him instead of killing him so he took him back to Slender
Slender decided to see how he'd fair as a 'soldier' of sorts
As soon as Liu got his room and stuff he saw Jeff(18), and Jeff saw him
They still had tension from 5 years ago so they tried to avoid each other as much as possible
Slender caught on to this and started scheming to get them to interact with each other
Eventually they start hanging out awkwardly not really knowing how to approach conversation with each other
"So...." "Yeah... uhh..." Is all that they could produce
It slowly got better and Jeff finally realized he was way overdue on the apology
He shooted his shot and it actually worked, kinda
Liu forgave him, at a cost
Individual Headcannons(Jeff):
Still pissed at their mom cause she cut his hair cause he "would've scared the kids at the party"
Reeks of BO, Axe fucking everything, and blood
Blasts music at ungodly hours
Can and won't stop swearing
Doesn't regret killing his parents, they were shitheads anyway
Low-key scared of Sully
Blind (since he has no eyelids anymore)
Refuses to wear glasses though (most of the time)
Looks absolutely coked out when he sleeps like full on ◉_◉ face
Violent sleeper (punches and kicks while sleeping)
"Hey Ben can I borrow your glasses?" "Fuck no"
Spoils Smile, like bro gets hella treats
He'll drop something on his foot and then proceed to violently cuss out the thing in a full on southern accent
His hair is down to his ass now
5'6" but acts like he's 6'3"
High-key pissed that Liu is taller than him
Stopped by their old house while police were still investigating it and took a box of old pictures and some money from his parents' wallets
Individual Headcannons(Liu):
A DID system
Smells like some Dolce and Gabbana cologne
Refers to Jeff by his full (first) name just to piss him off (ex; "Yeah, okay, Jeffrey")
Still gets PTSD nightmares from that night
Is actually 6'3" and humbles Jeff when he says anything
"Who in this family even has green eyes?" "Grandma?"
Sully and Solar are like his besties (I'll do headcannons for them separately)
A sweet tooth
Light sleeper
Desperately tries to convince Jeff to wear glasses
Absolutely hated being in foster care, like actually fucking hated it
Solar was the first alter that formed, Sully formed after the incident
Still mourns the death of one of his ex-foster dads
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