#Tropical Hives
silverfroot · 1 year
my frog 🐸 goes BOOOOOO!👻
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starsandsuch · 2 months
Aries through the houses: where are you self-made?
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Aries is ruled Mars. The planet that represents our ability to be independent and self sufficient.
The Aries archetype in our charts shows where we are bold, independent and take self-initiated efforts to achieve something.
Where as Aries’ opposite sign: Libra, is how we collaborate with others to achieve something. Aries is about how we do it on our own.
Check your see where you have Aries in your chart!
*Can work for tropical or sidereal chart*
ARIES 1H: self made in terms of your lifestyle. Choosing your life path based on your own mind vs the hive mind of society. Gaining independence is a key life theme for you. Being your own person, being authentic and expressing that to the world. Developing your identity independently. You’re not influenced by the masses, you influence the masses. A leader with an independent mind.
ARIES 2H: self made with your finances. Gaining financial independence because of your own efforts. Not having anything “handed to you”, but having to create wealth on your own. Your journey leads you to being self sufficient financially.
ARIES 3H: self made with your thoughts and ideas. Having your own opinions formed from doing your own research. You don’t rely on what you’re told, but you do your own investigating and question tradition. You’re a independent thinker.
ARIES 4H: self made amongst your family. Learning how to be self sufficient at a young age. Raising yourself, being your own parent. The first in your family to go to college, achieve success, break toxic patterns, own a home etc. Independent approach to parenthood, being single parent. Owning property independently.
ARIES 5H: self made when it comes to your creativity. Expressing your creativity boldly and uniquely. Creative talents that are so authentic to you they can’t be mimicked. Instead of being influenced by others creativity, you influence other’s creativity. Pursuing passions independently and assertively.
ARIES 6H: self made in terms of your work ethic. Being extremely hardworking until you achieve your goals. Choosing to be self employed and have your own business. Becoming a leader/boss due to your own efforts. Self made with health and routine. Following your own health habits instead of society’s norm. Independently overcoming obstacles and enemies.
ARIES 7H: self made in terms of business partnerships. Defending oneself in partnerships. Setting boundaries, and maintaining them. Looking out for your own self interests in partnerships. Negotiating in a way that you always come out on top.
ARIES 8H: self made in terms of shared resources. Having enough of your own resources so that you aren’t dependent on others, but they’re dependent on you. Independent when it comes to your sexual power. Having strong boundaries s3xually. Self made approach to occult knowledge, doing your own research independently instead of accepting mainstream information.
ARIES 9H: self made in terms of your spiritual beliefs. Deciding your destiny on your own. Holding your own spiritual beliefs you discovered through self initiated efforts. Discovering knowledge on your own. Being your own “guru”. You are your own spiritual teacher. You have an independent mind that is not influenced by others.
ARIES 10H: self made with your career. Owning your own business, being self employed, being your own boss. Self-made with your reputation. Building a name for yourself from the ground up. Being a leader to others. Independently achieving your long terms goals.
ARIES 11H: self made with your goals and desires. Achieving them through your own efforts. Independently gaining success in life. Your dreams and aspirations are unique to you and your authenticity. Creating your dream life despite what is considered the mainstream for your socioeconomic status/demographic. Fulfilling your dreams on your own.
ARIES 12H: self made with your subconscious mind. Creating your own thought patterns not influenced by anyone else. Independent approach to spirituality and interacting with the spiritual world. Implementing your own spiritual practices without a guru. Your psyche is your own creation, you’re not easily brainwashed or psychologically manipulated.
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crevicedwelling · 1 year
hello! i am a relatively new user here on tumblr, less than a year, and i have heard a comment or two about a 'wasp discourse' that happened here, that wasps are much more nice than bees or something among those lines
this caught my curiosity as im writting a wasp based character whos just an ahole as i did it on what i knew abt them from general internet and im stuck on wether i should maaayybe change them up a bit
if its not too much to ask do you happen to know a bit abt this discourse? or have a link to it? or if not to the discourse itself some other link that elaborates abt the same topic? perhaps even someone else i can ask this?
thank you very much!
to start off, there are a lot of bees and wasps in this world and it is not easy to generalize about them. there are ~20,000 bee species, and the vast majority of these are solitary bees that nest in the ground, plant stems, or in holes in wood, and because they produce no honey or have a colony to guard, have no need to be defensive or aggressive towards humans (because “towards humans” seems to be what most people base this idea off of). colonial bees, like honeybees, are actually much more defensive than solitary ones; they have huge food stores and many defenseless larvae, hence their nasty stings (or bites, for the stingless bees) and swarm defense of their hives.
bees, however, are just a family of wasps. their closest relatives are believed to be the crabronid wasps (example: cicada killers) and sphecid thread-waisted wasps (ex. mud daubers). these wasps, and most others, are also largely solitary, and hunting prey aside, don’t typically use their stings for anything other than personal defense. of the hundreds of thousands of wasps, most of them (75%) are not just solitary but also parasitoids that develop inside other insects. it’s hard to say “all wasps are assholes [to people]” when some 100,000 of them are tiny specks smaller than sesame seeds that nobody other than scientists notice.
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two parasitoids: a braconid ~3mm long & something else ~0.3mm long
the wasps most people take issue with are vespids, since they like the same foods we do (sweets, meat) and have powerful stings to defend their nests. these include the social hornets, yellowjackets, and paper wasps, but many mason wasps and the like are solitary (and, you guessed it, want nothing to do with people). vespids are great predators of caterpillars, flies, and other pests that humans don’t like in addition to being pollinators.
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a yellowjacket: Vespula squamosa
the usual anti-wasp, pro-bee sentiments go: wasps attack for no reason, don’t pollinate, don’t make honey, and are “assholes.” wasps do pollinate (most wasps, bees and ants don’t eat solid food, and therefore largely drink flower nectar; some plants are only pollinated by wasps).
some tropical wasps do actually make honey, though it’s not harvested by humans. it’s sort of silly to say that making honey is what makes bees “good” though—a very selfish mindset, and for example butterflies are well-liked by people despite not making any edible products for us.
wasps also attack only when provoked, either because you’re near a wasp nest or when you lean on one accidentally. they are defending their baby sisters and themselves, same as bees would. at least in the US, I think the reason that wasps are so hated is that we have many species of paper wasp and yellowjacket that are willing to nest on or under houses, while the (invasive) honeybees prefer trees or are kept by beekeepers in artificial hives, so it’s just more likely you’ll run into problems with wasps than bees.
wasps and bees are neither “nice” nor “mean.”
bees are mostly loners that don’t bother people. colonial bees will sting to defend their nests or themselves from predators. most bees are pollinators, who gather pollen to feed their larvae. a few species make honey that humans harvest.
wasps are mostly loners that don’t bother people. colonial wasps will sting to defend their nests or themselves from predators. most wasps are pollinators, and most hunt or parasitize other insects to feed their larvae.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 10 months
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Bee Mandala - Gwyllm Llwydd
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“If they’re here—all females in a winter hive—they’re clustered together inside (an oak tree), queen at the heart of their sisterhood. The fine, transparent wings they beat hard in summer’s heat—a constant buzzing fan to keep the hive from cooking—they hold, now, folded and still. The tiny muscles to which those wings are attached shiver. One honey bee shivering her flight muscles does not make much heat. But twenty thousand, huddled together, shivering, can keep the queen and the colony’s honey supply at their core at a tropical ninety-two degrees Fahrenheit, even as blizzard winds, inches away, flail the trunk.”
–Gayle Boss, "All Creation Waits: The Advent Mystery of New Beginnings", p. 14
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aladaylessecondblog · 2 months
Red Mountain Waffle House pt. 8
Sadara hadn't unwrapped the package left on their doorstep right away, mainly because she and Jiub had only seen it when they left for work in the afternoon. It seemed to be some sort of edible arrangement designed to looked like flowers and hearts, judging from the card that came with it.
"Who sent this thing?" Jiub asked, once they'd reached the Waffle House. He glanced at the flowery handwriting on the card and laughed. "Like I even had to ask. You can't get rid of this guy, can you?"
"I wish he'd just leave me alone," Sadara groaned. "A hand, now a fruit basket--I never asked for his attention, so why does he keep doing this stuff?"
Maybe he just wants to see if you're...open to anything?
She ignored the voice. A few ordinators and Temple pilgrims came in then, forcing her to put the basket in the fridge, and it wasn't for another few hours that she had the chance to look under the thing's wrapper.
She tugged off the plastic and looked over the assortment of fruits. Tropical, fresh...expensive.
"What is that?" Nibani asked. She'd just come out from the back and was looking over the schedule, intent on her work, but sight of the fruit basket had distracted her. "We don't offer those...do we?"
"Oh no, this is a gift from Sadara's secret admirer." Jiub laughed, "Dear old Dagoth seems to have taken a shine to her...has been sending her gifts."
"Yeah, the first one was an ordinator's hand...and now this. This is actually normal though, thank the Divine."
It was already there, and being broke more often than not meant she didn't often get a chance to indulge in fresh fruits that weren't native to Morrowind. And that in itself was a rather short list.
"Normal, my--don't touch it. Don't touch ANY of it, throw it in the dumpster. Who KNOWS what he's done to it?"
"You can't sense any curses on it, can you?" Sadara asked.
"I can't, I already checked," Jiub piped up.
Try the--
She reached for one of the hearts first, and took a tentative sniff before taking a bite. For a moment she couldn't quite identify the taste. But after a moment's pause, and a tingling numbness at her lips as she swallowed the bite, she stiffened. "Jiub, was there an ingredient list on this thing? Try one of the hearts and tell me what it tastes like."
Jiub, who wouldn't argue with free food as long as it wasn't at the bottom of a dumpster or halfway down a rat's throat, did exactly as he was told and slipped one of the heart-shaped fruits into his mouth.
"Shit...it's mango."
Why does that matter? Isn't it good?
Sadara had no time to argue with Nerevar; she couldn't think of anything except the itchiness in her throat, the numbness in her mouth, and the sudden rapid pace of her heart. She stumbled back, trying to fumble for one of the healing potions kept in the fridge with the eggs, but found her hands were shaking too badly to do it.
Nibani bustled forward and opened the fridge herself, while Nerevar spoke up in a hurry.
It never did that when I ate it...well not that badly...
Sadara tried to take the potion Nibani held up, but wobbled and then stumbled as she reached for it. Behind her, Jiub guided her to a seat and sat her back.
"Open your fucking mouth before your throat swells up and you can't swallow at all!"
Still shaking, and scratching at the hives welling up all over her jaw, Sadara obeyed, and hastily gulped down the healing potion Jiub poured into her mouth.
The itchiness was the first thing to stop, then the numbness, and the pain from scratching too hard at the hives.
"Gods be damned, that was close. Another five minutes and you'd have been a goner," he said. "Do you need another one?"
She took another one, just in case, and tried to relax as the swelling of her throat receded. She was shaking all over. How could Dagoth Ur have known she was allergic?
I am too! But...but it's my favorite fruit and I never reacted like this! Oh, sure, my mouth tingled...and my lips might go a bit numb, and I'd sometimes get a rash...
You IDIOT, you realize that the next stage after that is your throat swelling up, right?!
It never did that!, Nerevar protested, I'd just take a healing potion...relax for the day, you know. It was great if I needed to blame someone for poisoning me! And Voryn knows--
Voryn would NEVER! He likes us! BOTH OF US!
Your boyfriend is psycho, and the sooner you realize he's not our friend the better!
Sadara kept the debate up to distract herself until her heart rate began to slow back to normal. How, she wondered, could she have not seen through that polite facade of Dagoth Ur's? Maybe he wanted her dead so he could get Nerevar revived somehow...it was hard to say. Nibani had been right. Nibani was nearly always right.
She ignored Nerevar's protests to the contrary, his effusions about whether she really thought of Voryn wanting him as boyfriend after all this time, and when a customer walked in, went right back to work.
I can't afford to take the rest of the day off anyway, she thought, and when Nerevar gently suggested seeing a healer, she replied, I can't afford that either.
Sadara was careful around the next ash ghouls she served, but did let out that she hoped she hadn't offended him or done some to irk him. They'd seemed confused, and she'd related the thought of her allergy being known.
"Surely he meant for no such thing to happen!" one of the ash ghouls said, "Our Lord is quite fond of you, in his way."
"Mango was always a great favorite of Nerevar's," the other added. "From what we've heard, anyway."
"Regardless...I just want you to relay the message that I meant no offense, whatever caused this...your...lord may have forgotten that Nerevar was allergic to the fruit, even."
She ignored Nerevar in the back of her mind insisting that Voryn would never do such a thing, took payment from the ash ghouls, and politely bid them goodbye.
There had been nothing in the couple of days since the mango incident, and she was finally feeling somewhat normal again. There was still the ongoing thought that perhaps it wasn't too late to involve herself with the whole Nerevarine prophecy, and put all this uncertainty to an end - but then, she thought, that would bring a whole other world of shit she didn't need.
Which was exactly what she thought of when she lifted her head to see who had walked in.
Of course, she thought, of course. Everything was TOO normal. Everything was TOO QUIET!
Nothing had been quiet since she took the silt strider to the Ghostgate, had crossed into the Red Mountain region, had picked up that stupid fucking moon-and-star ring!
"Lady Almalexia," Sadara gave a slight bow, "It is a pleasure. If--if we had known you would be here, we would have...prepared better for you."
She hadn't read much about the tall redheaded lady that wasn't about mercy or her desire to punish the unfaithful, but Sadara could conjecture easily enough what sort of care to use when speaking to her.
"Not that there is much else you could have done, but I appreciate the sentiment." The smile that graced Almalexia's face was warm, almost inviting.
Sadara--Sadara, be careful.
She had heard Nerevar in many moods. Fear was not one of them, but he was afraid now.
I am being careful. Calm your tits.
"I have heard you called the Nerevarine," Almalexia said an easy yet authoritative tone, "Is it true?"
"I don't know about that. I'm...not from Morrowind, I don't usually pay attention to prophecies or...things like that. Especially ones that could be hazardous to my health. Ah - will you be wanting anything?"
Almalexia took a seat, and gave a broad smile. "An orange juice to start?"
It was quickly provided, and after a few sips she looked back up.
"I hear," she said, "That the Sharmat made an attempt on your life - with fruit of all things."
"Oh, you heard...that." Sadara looked away. "Mangoes. I'm...terribly allergic to them. He sent a fruit basket...and at first I thought perhaps he was just giving a normal gift..."
"The Sharmat's gifts are always poison. That is the first thing you should remember...he knew, he has always known, that Nerevar had an allergy to those fruits. And yet, what does he do? He gives them when he knows they will cause harm."
"It was just a change from how polite he was before. Nice, almost...but I've been told that's his way."
"By that ashlander manager of yours? That makes sense...regardless of the differences in what they believe versus the Temple truth, we both agree that Dagoth Ur is a threat."
Almalexia ordered a few waffles, and kept talking in between bites once she had them.
(Jiub was in the back, carefully and quietly minding his own business)
"Has he threatened you before?"
"Well, no..." Sadara shrugged, "Showed up here a few times. Liked a few of my posts online...but threatened?"
She thought of the hand, but if Nerevar was right that hadn't really been a threat. But if she was right about the mango then surely she'd be right about the hand too?
"His followers were all interested in the plant, though, but he seemed to want to let me have it."
"Oh, that old thing." Almalexia cast a glance at the bleeding heart plant, "Such a surprise it's still alive. I used to tell Nerevar he ought to give up on it, he'd just kill it like he did every other plant he had."
"...but he didn't listen, and it just grew for him. It was the same way for me."
It was nice, really, to make something grow after so long of not being able to. She could definitely understand Nerevar's previous tending to it now. It made her feel like she'd accomplished something, no matter how small a thing it was.
"So you remember that?"
"Well...well, uh...yes. And no." Sadara shrugged nervously. "I don't believe in this Nerevarine business, my lady. I'd rather not be on the wrong end of the Temple for something I don't even believe in."
"But surely you believe in the Temple? In me?"
"Well--" Sadara stumbled over her words, "--the ordinators don't seem to think so. I've had a few attack me."
"Really, now. What for?"
She wasn't sure what Almalexia's goal was here, and it was unnerving. Maybe the woman was just trying to be nice...and manipulative, but given how Vivec had been maybe this was just par for the course? The Tribunal would naturally want to interfere, right?
"Because I'm polite to the followers of the Sixth House, and some of them take issue with that."
"Well--really! They're not worth being polite to."
"Their money spends as well as anyone else's," Sadara shrugged, "And when you don't make much you don't get to indulge in moral standards to that degree."
'Better hungry and faithful than replete and faithless' she'd heard some Temple faithful say, almost like a hymn. But she didn't subscribe to that. She'd been hungry far too often in her life to want to tie it to something as abstract as faith. There was nothing religious about hunger.
"I had heard," Almalexia's tone sharpened just slightly, "That you have fought a few of them."
"Only if they start it. I'm not going to stand here and not defend myself, regardless of who started it."
"But surely you understand why they might be upset over the Sixth House monsters being treated with the same politeness as they? The ones actually upholding the law?"
"The law doesn't say I have to turn them out, and given this place is behind the Ghostfence it's a good idea to at least be cordial. If I spent my time turning away every customer with corprus...well, I have it myself, so it'd be a bit hypocritical, wouldn't it?"
"You do?" Almalexia looked up from her empty plate, "You certainly don't look it. But--no, I must hear about these fights with my ordinators. One has had to leave my service, you understand, and I want to know WHY."
Fuck, this is about the hand, isn't it?
"I didn't do anything but fight a few of them outside, and I didn't do anything that required a healer, at least that I know of."
"Then explain the hand." Almalexia's gaze shifted into a glare. "Explain why one of my truest defenders lost his hand."
"I didn't do it," Sadara protested, and took a step back when the goddess before her raised a hand to point at her, "I got it in the mail later. I didn't ask for it. I didn't want it, Dagoth Ur's been acting crazy and--I swear, I wanted nothing to do with this!"
"Really. You got a hand in the mail, and you didn't think to say anything? Perhaps he was right, perhaps you are more a Sixth House sympathizer than you outwardly appear to be."
"I'm not, I swear. And if you want to talk about the tattoo, I only did that because Vivec bribed me!"
"Vivec! That fool has no idea what he's doing. Look at me--" She glanced at the nametag, and then back up, "--Sadara. Look. At. Me. I am the only one you should worry about listening to. If you would only LISTEN, you would never have to worry about those sleepers again, nor that foul demon under the mountain."
"The sleepers aren't the problem--"
She yelped slightly as Almalexia reached suddenly up to yank her down by the collar of her shirt.
"They are ALWAYS going to be a problem. Get in with them and you get in with Dagoth Ur, and I will NOT LET my husband's incarnate be ANYWHERE NEAR that--"
Sadara tried to pull back, to no avail.
"I'm not Nerevar!" she burst out, "You've got the wrong woman!"
"Really? Then what about the ring? Is he in there? Hmm? Telling you lies, maybe?"
Get the hell away from this crazy bitch before she punts you into another life! Nerevar was practically shrieking in Sadara's head, utterly terrified by the wild anger in Almalexia's eyes.
"What is he saying?!"
"He's afraid of you!" Sadara burst out, not knowing what else to say.
Almalexia's voice dropped, to a tone that had Sadara shaking in her shoes. "He should be. Neht, dear, you really should listen when your wife is speaking to you."
Never before had Sadara understood "my soul left my body" as an expression, but she certainly did at that moment. Her heart racing, painful adrenaline coursing through her veins--
--and then, suddenly, there was the sound of a shattering bottle and the grip on her shirt fell away, along with Almalexia herself who slumped back.
On the other side of the woman was Jiub, with a now broken bottle in his hands.
Both of them looked down at Almalexia's still body, and then back up at each other.
Jiub half-kicked the woman's leg. There was no response.
"FUCK!" he swore, "NOT AGAIN!"
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thatawkwardmoth · 2 months
I had no power during a tropical storm so I wrote a bunch of shit by candlelight, like a Victorian ruler. So I'm sorry for the spam posts but...
Enjoy I guess.
Let's start with one thing that has been on my mind for a while; if Emma had been able to raise the Cuckoos from day one, she would've put an emphasis on them all being different, not just a hive mind. She maybe would've stuck with the matching outfits but she wouldn't have let anyone group them up. They had names. It's something I see in a lot of twins or parents of twins (being a twin myself) is that eventually, you want to be different. And the Cuckoos were all different at one time, two dead, three dying their hair. But then the Krakoa era started and I understood in a way why they all went back to looking the same. They were a complete set again.
But I think that if Emma had raised them, they'd all be individuals in their own way. Even their rooms, which are important to any kid, are your first chance to portray and discover your interests and a safe haven for you. In the White Palace, they share one room, by choice. And I think they would do that in any universe. They want to be close and probably never slept separately until Phoebe and Sophie (? I think) died. So I think they'd have one room together. But they'd have different decors and aesthetics if they were only allowed to have a character arc outside of being evil, dead, or a hive mind. More than just a few interests shown or spats between them.
I would imagine they'd get to decorate the space by their beds and that would be that. Kind of like the og X-Men dorms, if you've seen that panel, where it's the boy's dorm and everyone has a section of the floor and walls to decorate to their tastes (and sadly, Scott's is empty and barren). But their room would have that vibe.
And Emma would be so organized with them. She's a good mom. On top of her shit, not like Hazel. Not overbearing and with unreachable standards that her father. Everything would be in certain folders, certains baskets, certain bags, their names on each thing. Or even just their initals. Her assistant would have to keep with all of their after-school activities just as well as Emma does because the driver shoulder never be late. Emma would have a fit if her daughters ever thought she forgot. Meaning every dance practice, gymnastics competition, swim meet, beauty pagent, whatever the Cuckoos wanted to join, had to be put in the calander next to Emma's meetings and such. Only the best private schools but Emma is not afraid to pull them out if they want, unlike her parents when she was telling about her being the outcast, or letting her girls pass because of how much money Emma gave the school to improve.
Just let Emma be a mom. Not just an at-arms-length mom.
(The Emma mini-series in the comics really is one of my favorite things, despite the weird teacher thing. It was a wonderful insight into her character and why she acts the way she does with her students/children. Mainly because of how her parents were. I also think Emma enjoys seeing how close the Cuckoos are as sisters because the only sibling she's close to is Christian and all her sisters tried to kill her and they never recovered from it.)
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xgh05tx · 4 months
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Here’s some art I did a while ago of my precious little wings of fire ocs!
Image One (top left to bottom right):
Ghost (Sand/Hive): thinking of changing the design bc they’re supposed to be my wof sona
Tropical Storm (Rain/Sea): one of my main characters, she was my very first wof character, I created her back in elementary school when I first started reading this series lol
Sunset (Sand): adopted her a long time ago back when I was on amino and she was my sona for a while, now she’s just for comfort
Neptune (Ice/Night): my beloved little guy, another one of my main characters in the little story I have
Taipan (Sand): another beloved little guy, Neptunes boyfriend and one of the princes of the sand kingdom in my story
Chili (Sky/Sand): a firescales I created not too long ago, he doesn’t play a big part in my story I just really like to draw him
Image Two (top left to bottom right):
Espresso (Mud/Ice): he’s a royal librarian for the mudwings, not significant I just wanted to draw them
Gecko (Sand): was Chili’s childhood best friend, they parted in a horrible way and they haven’t spoken since Chili left JM
Wendigo (Ice/Leaf): she’s a blind dragon and I was just trying to figure out her design, she’s based off of wenigos lol
Chimaera (Trench): chimaera like the fish not the mythical creature, I adopted a trenchtail on amino when I was still on it and wanted to draw him again
Seaglass (Ice/Sea): they make sun catchers for a living I just wanted to draw them finalizing one of their pieces
Tropical Storm
Sorry for the long read about my characters, I could rant about them for forever but I don’t want to bore anyone. Anyway enjoy the art, that was the main reason of posting it lol
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wuzhere75 · 1 year
So for some reason I got the idea of designing palaces for “all” of the WOF tribes. The specks that appear in most of these are supposed to be dragons to give a sense of scale.
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From top left to bottom right
Rainwing (Modern)
-Modern Rainwings don’t really have “palaces” or separate households for the royal family.
-Most Rainwing “houses” are comprised of a covered platform and a hanging nest (the nest is mostly used by dragonets or for storage). The only difference for the “palace” would be a larger platform for social/diplomatic events, plus some extra adornments.
-The “old” Rainwing palace (not illustrated here, think the Queen Anaconda days) was a far more grandiose structure long sense destroyed in some unknown war (think the classic “lost jungle temple”). Scattered ruins of it can still be found around the main Rainwing village.
-Mostly just the arena; it’s constructed out of a natural “bowl” at the base of some big cliffs. It was commissioned by some queen who wanted a big space for grandiose events, with the royal family eventually moving into a structure next to the arena after the old palace got destroyed in some war.
-The palace is mostly buried into the cliffs. Its pretty modest, at least for Scarlet-types (everything’s still probably gilded and studded with jewels)
-A prehistoric tree that has been carved out over time.
-The tree itself is likely older than the Scorching, a relic of the time when the Rainforest extended further into the Mud Kingdom. In modern times, while the area around it is still very tropical, but there are no trees remotely of its size around it.
-Even before being used as the palace, Mudwings and Rainwings alike had lived in hollows in its side for generations upon generations. It got moved into by some hippie queen who thought it would be badass to live in the big-ass tree that probably technically exists in another tribes territory but they chill.
-Likely amunis-touched or otherwise magically enchanted; no matter how much it gets tunneled into, the tree stayed alive.
-Historically, the palace has also took the form of large adobe buildings or wood cabins depending on what materials they have around.
-Originally built as a military fort; most previous palaces had been more on the eastern side of the Kingdom. Almost every queen that has occupied it has thought about building a new one; not one has ever gotten around to it.
-Bum fuck in the middle of nowhere
-The only remaining palace that has been continuously used as the palace since its creation.
-Created out of an enchanted glacier overlooking the sea. Over the years many additions have been made, magically created or otherwise It looks utterly insane and defies all laws of physics. Largest palace if you don’t count the whole Wasp Hive as a “palace”.
-It’s considered rude and against tradition to try to remove additions made by previous queens, though many work around less ascetically pleasing features by covering it up with even more stuff. This ends up with kind of a full-on Winchester-house situation, there’s a whole bunch of unused rooms and staircases that go to nowhere.
Bugwing (Wasp Hive)
-I don’t have much to say on this one; this is just what the wasp hive looks like (the actual palace is more like a penthouse somewhere in the middle of it).
-I originally was just going to do hydrothermal vents some amunis created; but then I remembered “bubble gardens” where described in the books, so the hydrothermal vents, while still warm (enough to incubate eggs), they aren’t scalding and spewing volcanic fumes
Nightwing (1st volcano)
-This is what the first Nightwing palaces that was created on the volcanic archipelago (not Vigilance era, but maybe the next generation afterward). It’s inside of an extinct volcano that has filled with water (inspired by that one part of 20,000 leagues under the sea). There’s smaller caves that have been carved in the sides, with docks built out into the water.
-This got destroyed in one of the subsequent periods of activity of a the volcano on a nearby island.
-I don’t know what the “old kingdom” palace looked like (maybe like a cave hidden behind a waterfall.
Anyways Leafwings don’t really have a palace because that’s not really part of their culture (“the queen sleeps among her citizens”). A whole colony of Leafwings might end up living in a tree similar to Mudwings, but just one hollow would be reserved for the queen.
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luxudus · 1 year
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An art piece i made about 2 months ago but never got around to posting it. This was the final project for my school's art class in which we had to make a triptych
    In a distant galaxy that glows a faint turquoise lies a remarkable world named Iia’Oo-uo. A tropical water world larger than Earth orbiting three suns. It is home to a menagerie of strange alien forms. The line between Plant and animal life is often very blurred. Photosynthetic life comes in shades of red, purple, yellow, and pink. Colonial organisms flourish everywhere. And radial symmetry is far more common on Iia’Oo-uo than on Earth. One such group consists of Arthropod-like organisms with eight limbs for locomotion and respiration, two antennae, six eyes, and six oral tendrils akin to the Portuguese man of war.
    One such species from that phylum has made a remarkable adaptation. One that changed the course of history forever, Sapience. Referring to their people as the Uueia-Ouoo-Oo, They are a species of four-foot-long Arthropod-like predators that take on a mix of niches. But are most known for filling a role not too similar to Dolphins.
    Their oral tendrils have become strong and more flexible. Aiding in catching prey and crafting tools akin to the tentacles of an octopus. They take on a vibrant shade of magenta to identify each other in the open water. And unlike most of the other alien arthropods of their world. The Uueia-Ouoo-Oo rarely use their front six limbs, only using them to hook onto the seafloor. They mostly use their rear limbs as a set of fins for swimming.
    The Uueia-Ouoo-Oo are very agile swimmers. They are capable of changing between 3 different methods of aquatic locomotion. When relaxing the muscles in their entire body, they can perform Anguilliform swimming akin to eels. By stiffening muscles in the front half of their body, they can switch to a mix of Subcarangiform or Carangiform swimming akin to Trout. By tightening the muscles in their entire body, they can even switch to Median-paired fin swimming, akin to many fish native to coral reefs.
    Yet despite their alien appearance, they think and act like us. They enjoy art and music and feel empathy for one another. With the lack of predators, their love and curiosity far outweighs their fear. The Uueia-Ouoo-Oo may not be human, but they capture what it means to be human.
    The biggest challenge with starting a civilization underwater is the impossibility of fire and metallurgy. Where most intelligent species either stagnate or die out. The Uueia-Ouoo-Oo prevail through selective breeding and genetic engineering. Throughout their history, they have learned to modify the life around them into tools and technology.
    Coral analogs are grown into vast cities. Color-changing invertebrates bred into handheld screens. And Radio communicating hives of small alien cnidarians become the backbone of the Uueia-Ouoo-Oo Internet. Life and its protection and mastery is a focal point of Uueia-Ouoo-Oo culture. Within 20 thousand years, they reshaped their entire planet in their image and created a paradise. But this is just the beginning.
    Once they conquered their world, their eyes turned skyward to explore the heavens. It took over millennia to find out how to do it. Nonetheless, the Uueia-Ouoo-Oo still prevailed. They came to the idea of growing vacuum-sealed organisms capable of photosynthesis and omnidirectional jet propulsion. Chromatophores cover the interior, changing color to match what this bioship sees. Along with a tendril connected to its nervous system, allowing the pilot to insert the tendril into their head, effectively becoming one with the ship.
    Lastly, they somehow learned how to create artificial wormholes, allowing the bioship to teleport anywhere in the universe. They explored the heavens with an unmatched fervor. Surveying millions of galaxies, every star within those galaxies, and every planet around those stars. All the while, they expanded at a similar pace, reshaping dead worlds into ocean worlds as beautiful as their homeworld and protecting the worlds that evolved their own alien ecosystems.
    One day, during a galaxy-wide survey, they found a unique world amongst an 8-planet star system. Like millions of other worlds, this planet had life. But it had something else. One species in this world became sapient and developed a planet-wide civilization. The Uueia-Ouoo-Oo had never seen this before, and they were eager at this discovery.
    Here 3 Uueia-Ouoo-Oo celebrate the discovery before their expeditionary fleet heads through the wormhole. Ready to venture to this world the natives call Earth.
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furrbbyx · 26 days
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somno vine (unedited)
**Note: I go to 1200 words before I realized that "sister" is going to run off some people. I mean it in the way that religious sisters speak about each other, or like...sisterhood. This isn't incest coded. But I can't stop you from thinking what you want.
Inspired by my brain and what I think is happening in my own garden. The passion fruit plant has had very sleepy effects on the ants, so much that I find them napping all over the plant. I think ants work until they die, so it's kid of funny to see them not working, and napping!
I love that. And I thought it would be a fun sexy story to have an alien insect race get seduced by an alien foliage with vines and there's a relationship between the insect girls and the plant by which the ladies are attracted to the thick fleshy nodes on the leaves that have arousing drowsy effects. The ladies help spread pollen all over the huge flowers, the vines fuck them and keep them kind of addicted, eventually seducing most of the tribe. This relationship has been establish in the tribe's lore, but it's been so long since the plant has been seen that the ladies forgot. The plant ends up boosting the longevity and healing of the ladies.
I want to write a story about the effect of a calming substance secreted by a predatory vine on an alien planet. The prey are a race of insect monsters that are probably  a cross of spider and crab-taurs. 4 facial eyes, 4 legs on their torso and two further up like shoulders. They can walk with their bellies and breasts face the the ground and rear up to look more like centaurs. They are  completely the same sex and gender but some have sex organs that extend and some have soft cuticular layers covering the bursa copulatrix.
They are thick big bodied and large, mega fauna on a tropical forest planet. They have lived on the planet in caverns all through the vast tropics since the dawn of time. The plant, which is spread by solar winds across the universe has not been seen in recently memory. Over a few weeks some of the girls have gone missing, and soon it's too obvious to ignore. The sentinels are not at their posts guarding the hive, scouts are over sleeping and abandoning their missions never to be seen again, and the once noisy and communal caverns are empty except for a few drowsy drones. Sisters slumped in archways and on top of each other in the paths as if boneless, appearing oddly satiated.
Runga, an archivist for the race, notices all of this and goes to investigate.
approx 1600 words
NSFW, non humans getting tentacle/vine fucked and having orgies amongst themselves. AFAB insect creatures x non gendered plant alien. Mentions choking and restraint. Also there is substance use mention, an aphrodisiac that makes the ladies horny and sleepy.
Do Not copy, Do Not reproduce.
She finds the vine wrapped around a native tree stretching far into the canopy. When she gets there a few of her sisters call out, intoxicated, happy to see another sister succumb to the plant, and then Runga sees and hears what's going on.
Everyone being fucked and fucking the others. The pollen floating through the air making it hazy and orange. Sisters strung up by the vines suspended and moaning wantonly as their bodies are used an abused by the vines. Some look like they are sleeping in the leaves and under the sepals, some are mouthing the pliant mounded nodes and filling their mouths with the viscous aphrodisiac as if they are mindless.
The air is thick with the smell of the flowers, ejaculate, and the fruits that are beginning to form.
Runga climbs up the tree to the group of sentinels who called to her earlier. She's greeted with cheers from the group and they gather around her. Most of them have larger bodies because of nature things. Runga is addressed by the group's leader and the leader Aesi immediately comes on to the smaller sister. The group closes in and they bully Runga, pull off her bandeau and feed her some of the plant substance.
They also begin to play with the the vines while Runga comes up, but they become so distracted she's able to climb away and deeper into the canopy.
Runga comes upon another sentinel tangled in the the leaves and branches who's being milked and pleasured so much that she seems to be completely submissive to the vines. This is when she realizes that the plant has some ability to chose to pursue the tribe's women and satisfy them sexually. She begins to suspect they are being prayed on and she tries to remember what the old tales and songs revealed about the alien plant. But while she's doing that she also watching that sentinel girl get drained by the vines.
Runga climbs higher as the altitude and the pollen and the substance begins to work on her. She more sisters resting, draped all over the leaves and as she gets closer to the sunlight she notices the pollen getting thicker, buds and fully open flowers. More sisters are writhing all over the flowers spreading the fecund pollen over the plant's reproductive organs.
While exploring, and trying to avoid the the vines which are much more insistent now, she slips and finds her self pressed against a budding flower by the vines. The bud seems to be perfectly textured for Runga to rub her soft cuticular layers all over. It's covered by thick leathery casing with vertical raised bumps and between those are some immature nodes that aren't able to secrete, but they feel really good to rub against. Runga writhes against the bud as the vines tighten around her neck and her nipples. Her senses have been enhanced and she feels lazy and sleepy. She takes her time and uses what little ability she does have to pay attention to the way the vines seduce her.
Runga started early and now the second sunrise has come and gone before she begins to think about a way to escape. The vines aren't as attentive now that she's sated so it's surprisingly easy. Runga suspects the vines are preoccupied somewhere else and she takes advantage by climbing out of the vines' embrace and heading down to the roots.
The roots are not so far down, and since she arrived by a vine she had no map of the plant to go by and was surprised by the bulbous roots poking up from the soil at the base of a single thick stalk. Runga climbs over the tuberous roots and the stimulation from her legs causes the plant to pulsate and twitch and Runga watches in lusty fascination as a bulge travels up the root, then the stalk, spreading up into the nodes and causing them to plump up and start to glisten with aphrodisiac. She experiments and causes it to happen again, which causes more of the sister's moans to fill the air.
Runga decides it's time to explore the rest of the plant and finally makes her way up into the canopy where the heart of the activity seems to be. There are many more sister here where the leaves are large enough to support orgies of them, and of course more of the wide round flowers to lounge and sleep.
There are sisters ass up with tendrils of the plant pumping into their bursa copulatrix. Some are lazily and explicitly slurping at the fat turgid green nodes, and tonguing them back and forth, absolutely entranced by the substance. Runga watches unable to look away as a group of sisters work on another group who have been tied down by the vines, pressed and spread into the perfect positions. 
Aesi was being force fed a thick pulsing tendril and vines had pinned her to a leaf where she was being mounted by another smaller sister who'd positioned herself under the sentinel and was pumping mindlessly into Aesi's quivering body. Many other sister's were in her same situation, being tended to by the vines and the sisters.
Stumbling forward Runga finds herself kissing a tribeswoman, Khedi, a lover of hers in the past. She can't hold back from the effects of the plant anymore. She sucks at Khedi's large breast along with another sister licking the nipple of her other breast. Runga's vision is filled with the sight of Khedi's copulatrix being pumped full of tendrils, a third joins the two already deep in her guts causing a gush of girl cum to splash Runga's face. Khedi moans loudly as her body goes rigid throughout her orgasm and Runga rubs her soft cuticular layers along Khedi's torso. The vines exit Khedi's spent limp body  with a wet creamy sound and slither up to Runga who gratefully rolls over and lets the plant take care of her, lets herself relax, and sleep and wake up to the most delicious pleasure she or her tribe has ever had.
This goes on for a week or two until the cycle of the plant is finished and it is no longer fruiting. The tribe collects some of the fruits and makes them into products they will share with the other societies of their kind at the yearly gathering. She and he sisters have rediscovered the health benefits of the relationship with the alien vine. Longevity and fast healing has been their blessing for helping the plant reproduce and they decide to share the blessing and help to plant more of them across the planet.
Runga has written much about the encounter and has been able to corroborate her experience with the narratives in the memory archives of her people. She still dreams of the days of orgies, often waking up and pleasuring herself so much that she would be tired the next morning. The sisters were closer and more in tune with each other as well. Thriving like never before.
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discodeviant · 9 months
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BILLY HARGROVE / STEVE HARRINGTON Post-S3 Alternate (No Upside Down) | Gen | <800
This is more a vision of mine than a fic, so please bear that in mind and enjoy~ :)
Also on AO3 Made for @harringrove-relay-race!
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It’s midnight, and Steve is asleep at the wheel.
He thinks he is. He must be. In the midst of his slumber, when it’s just getting good and the dreams are turning into sunny vacations deep in the tropics, he swings back around towards a shoe box of a building he passed three minutes ago. It’s the only thing for miles unless he counts the road—singular, flat, no signs or other cars or wild animals to stop and honk at. He hopes it’s still there, bright and inviting, AHOY, STEVE HARRINGTON!
It didn’t read his name, but he thinks it called out to him.
Two minutes and it’s back in view, still twinkling like a star in the frigid, empty sky, which is strange for Hawkins, but which he hasn’t questioned just yet because he’s still dreaming.
It mocks him. He wants to laugh, but there’s no air moving through his lungs, and his heart isn’t beating because in dreams it doesn’t need to. He thinks it did once, knows it did for somebody outside of himself; a girl once, maybe a boy; a mirage in the back of his weary head. It’s vague, but the building is not. The sign blinks.
He hates it and doesn’t know why.
So with the car parked, he sits in the road where the barricade continues right alongside it. There’s neither an exit nor a footpath to the building, only a short, snowy hill, perfectly undisturbed; he fears and dreads to be the one who dips a muddy shoe into its face. He might not if there were another option, but the windows are frosty, his fingertips numb, and he’s losing his legs too. Safety travels from one box to another, and he opens the car door.
Somewhere ahead, snow crunches; he’s out of his body now, looking around, moving between layers of his consciousness to understand that his own feet are still on the curb. When he returns, it’s buzzing like a hive, like television static just behind his eyes. Then he’s walking. The sign above him blinks again, and he blinks right back. Crunch, crunch, it’s styrofoam, a cat swimming in packing peanuts, soft and loud and soft again—someone’s around the back.
It stops.
He steps forward on a ground that remains silent and doesn’t leave behind a single footprint to prove he’s been there at all. Maybe it’s a mistake; this is someone else’s dream, someone whose silence is broken by another of their steps leading away. Steve chases it at a snail’s urgency, trembling, a plume of air every time he breathes despite not feeling the least bit cold. Last he remembers, it was July.
He calls back again—“Someone back there?”—and stalks further up the hill, hugging himself tightly, not ready for an ambush if there were to be one.
Then a voice answers him from the dark behind the building. “You’re not supposed to be here!”
From the first word, Steve’s bones turn to ice, and he kicks up a cloud of nothing behind him as instinct rushes back and he finds Billy Hargrove at the rear door dressed in his Scoops Ahoy uniform. Billy’s freezing, blowing hot air into his hands, pacing back and forth until he comes forth to see Steve watching him from the corner, dumbstruck and remembering all over again. “Why are you—what?” He looks around then down at himself; the white tank and jeans he wears aren’t his own. “What?”
“I was hoping you’d make it out of there,” Billy says, weak and morose, utterly defeated. It’s only when he comes closer that Steve can see the scarring on his forearms and along the whole left side of his body, layered in thick strokes of pale flesh. They both hesitate, but Steve reaches a cautious hand out towards Billy’s arm, hoping for a hand to hold, skin to feel. When he touches the scars, they fade right into the canvas of sandy sheen that’s held onto him for so long, protected him from the real world, let him believe that true love and soulmates and destiny were possible. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t save you, Stevie.”
“Billy, hey—look at me.”
Slowly he does; just as easily, he unravels into Steve’s lukewarm palm as it warms to the stubble on his cheek and leads him to a plush, familiar mouth that kisses his guilt away.
“You did.”
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Thank you for reading! Now, if you will, please look forward to the next participant of the relay race, my lovely mutual whose presence in this fandom I am always grateful for—@destroya-hargrove!
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crosseyedcricketart · 6 months
here’s what i tested this month - march 2024
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if you wouldn’t like to see posts like this, block the tag “🤍 lifestyle tag” 🖤
🕯 little disclaimer: these are all my own opinions; nothing incentivized or gifted; all bought on my own; products will always work differently for different people, so these may work differently for you
BYOMA Cleansing Oil ($12.99)
5/5 - I picked this up from my local target - I have been really enjoying this cleanser. When I have on makeup, I use this then the Milky Jelly Cleanser, but a lot of days I use this as my only cleanser. It’s really gentle on the skin and cleanses it without overly stripping it. This is probably one of the best oil cleansers I’ve ever tried. And it’s at Target. I use two pumps for my face. It removes eye makeup very gently and thoroughly without tugging on the skin or lashes. I was able to remove glitter with this too. I’ve personally used olive oil before when my mascara just wouldn’t come off and this cleanser works better than that. For reference.
PACIFICA Vegan Collagen Recovery Night Cream ($26.00)
2/5 - I bought this at target for $22.00 USD and since then there has been a price increase. I really wanted to like this night cream. Now, this is a collagen night cream, which contrary to popular clickbait skincare, does not increase collagen production. It contains collagen, which does not penetrate the deep layers of the skin (where your own collagen is produced), but what it does do is condition the skin a lot. Topical collagen is very good for that. That’s what I bought this with intentions of, since I tend to have normal to dry skin with topical dehydration, plus skin sensitivity. Now, this cream made my skin flush and it really didn’t moisturize as much as I expected it to as a night cream. This has some fragrance in it and I think that’s the ingredient that my skin did not like. It was not a good sensation. Way too expensive for what it is.
Saltair Serum Body Wash ($12.00)
5/5 - I got this at my local target, in scents “Exotic Pulp” and “Lush Greens”. I love both of the scents. As previously mentioned, I have sensitive skin. All my skin is sensitive. I’ve been really struggling to find a good body wash that isn’t very expensive and works for my skin. It’s probably been 4 years of looking for something that worked. This works. This body wash is very gentle without leaving the skin feeling “grubby” or oily. I can use this on my chest, where I have issues with body ache and breakouts, and I believe the niacinamide in this formula actually helped with that. “Exotic Pulp” is a tropical, citrus scent, like mangos, passionfruit, and oranges .”Lush Greens” is a very green smell, like a kale drink, but with a little bit of fruit, very fresh. I love both of these. A lot. I haven’t had dry patches, irritated areas, or hives, which I have had before from other body washes. And it’s $12.
Necessaire Body Wash ($25)
4/5 - I ordered this directly from Necessiare’s website. This is a really good body wash. I don’t really like the “Eucalyptus” scent, but it does smell like diluted eucalyptus, so it does smell like that. This doesn’t irritate my skin, I’m just not a massive smell of the scents. They do have an unscented version available. My biggest issue with it is the price. I don’t want to pay $25 for a body wash. It’s really good though. I just wish it was a little cheaper for how much you get. My favorite scent is “Bergamot” in this line, which is very bergamot and almost mossy. It’s good.
Necessaire Body Lotion ($28)
4/5 - I ordered this directly from Necessaire’s website. This is one of the only body lotions I’ve used that works for my skin. No breakouts, no greasy film, my skin actually absorbs it, and no irritation. My skin does not like coconut oil and this product has none. This one has no fragrance added so that’s not a factor I need to worry about. I hate the price. I don’t wanna pay $28 for something I go through rather quickly. But this lotion saved me this winter. So. I’ll probably still buy it but begrudgingly.
Frenshe Body Wash ($10.99)
3/5 - I got this at my local target. This is a pretty good body wash. I’m personally not crazy about any of the scents, but they are certainly not bad at all. My biggest qualm about this is that it dried out my skin a bit. It left it feeling tight. However, if you can tolerate body wash better than me, you’ll probably like it. I think the scents are generally very gender-neutral.
The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toner ($13.00)
4/5 - I got this at my local Target since it has an Ulta Beauty inside. I did not buy this for my face initially, I have some areas on my body where I like to exfoliate and my skin reacts to AHA’s very well. This works great on my body, I’ve had no irritation and I‘ve seen improvement in texture/breakouts. I did try this on my face and I did not like it. It has an oily consistency and it just sat on my face really weird. It didn’t really sink into my face well at all. So I really only use this on my body now and honestly, it’s fine because that’s why I bought it in the first place.
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quillpokebiology · 9 months
Butterfree Facts
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(Art by hitofutarai on Twitter)
-The scientific name for Butterfree is "Venosa Nigaetgi" which roughly translates to "Black nettle-veined scales"
-Butterfree are lepidopterans, and while many people think that they're closely related to Venonat and Venomoth, but they're actually more closely related to Beautifly/Dustox and Vivillion
-Butterfree's environment includes meadows and tropical jungles. The Butterfree in jungles tend to be bigger
-Unlike a lot of other bug/flying types, Butterfree don't mind the rain and can fly very well in it due to the poisonous scales on its wings repelling water
-Butterfree's natural enemies are Cutiefly and Combee, with Butterfree always trying to take their pollen and honey. There's been instances where Butterfree will team up with Mothim in order to raid Combee hives
-Butterfree are very "hands off" type of parents, with them not getting in the way of their young Caterpie, but hovering around the area where their eggs hatched and sometimes protecting them from bigger threats. This behavior stops when Caterpie evolves into metapod
-Butterfree don't have long tongues to slurp up nectar, so instead, they gained fangs to help them eat the pollen and nectar
-Butterfree mate for life, usually having 1 egg clutch each year
-Butterfree can lay up to 15 caterpie eggs in once clutch
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-Butterfree travel all over the world, and because of this, Butterfree crossbreeds and pokemon crossed with Butterfree are very common (here's a post about Cutiefly/Ribombee crossed with Butterfree!)
-Butterfree really like foods with high sugar. You can attract Butterfree to your house by putting out Honey, Fruit Punch, or Gatorade
-Butterfree are able to taste with their feet, but only a little bit, and still primarily taste with their tongue (which they do have) Beautifly and Dustox are the ones that taste entirely with their feet
-Butterfree absolutely hate cold weather as it makes it almost impossible for them to fly. This is because they're cold blooded, and can't regulate their own body temperature
-Butterfree's gender difference is there to help males find females when mating
-Butterfree see in an ultra violet light
-The average lifespan for a wild Butterfree is 3 years, and the life span for a Butterfree in captivity is 6 years
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demvalhaken · 4 months
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Welcome to, I’m having an unnecessarily hard issue trying to get the Western Hornets into a smaller size~ (Fancy squiggle)
I think I fixed it?
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Muahaha, the canvases are all different sizes because I just scaled it up as I progress farther in the drawing >:]
Yes, the Eastern Hornets stick out because they were done first
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Berry Hive was bombed
Luna Hive is so awesome though!
If you grab a magnifying glass, you will see the borders! North, East, South, and West!
Okay soooo, the Northern Hornets live in the coldest region
The Eastern Hornets live in like, forests, plains, and cool little mountains
The Southern Hornets live in a tropical area. Imagine a humid, jungle with a ton of water
The Western Hornets are parched… they’re dehydrated grapes… deserts are not that wet
Late Warning: This probably gonna be reallllllllllyyyyy long
Is that what I think I hear?! Their economy? Oh yeah, I’ve got it all figured out and totally not making it up on the spot with scarce prior knowledge
Northern Hornets Economy Trade
What is an economy again? A thing about goods and services? Ha! Yeah, we’re just gonna talk about trade because I don’t got that kind of patience!
Traded items!
The Northern Hornets often trade iron, jewels, glacier honey (An ice-coloured honey that comes from the ice flower that grows on the mountains) They also trade a ton of ores as well
Northerners aren’t that popular in the Klaudin trade
Eastern Hornets Trade
Traded items: Silk, cotton, most other fabrics, exotic fruit and spices, and astronomical stuff
The Easterners are a huge part of the Klaudin trade
Western Hornets do not trade that much with the Eastern Hornets
NETR (North-East Trade and Relations) is a major thing in both the North and East for their trade
The Easterners are also often known for trading literature
Southern Hornets Trade
Traded items: Most exotic fauna used in dishes, lumber/wood, medicinal plants, and most animal products
The Southerners are a lesser known part of the continental trade.
They mostly are known for food products
They have an alliance with the West but not a fancy acronym name
Western Hornets Trade
Traded items: Desert fauna, pottery and clay, textiles and woven goods, and straight up salt.
The Northerners get most of their salt from the Westerners, despite having a bad history with each other
They are mostly just known for their pottery, woven/textile stuff, and art is general
The West Hornets are in an alliance with the South Hornets
I guess we go on to appearance differences?
Now if you look at the Hornets, all of them are unique! They have different mouths, antennae, wings, and eyes
Largest Wingspan to Smallest: Southern Hornet, Western Hornets, Eastern Hornets, Northern Hornets
Best Eyesight: Western Hornets
Longest Antennae: Northern Hornets
Best Average Strength: Northern Hornets
Worst Crime: Western Hornets
Best Reputation: Southern Hornets
Worst Reputation: Western Hornets :(
Each species has different mane styles
Northern Hornets: Often left alone or braided Eastern Hornets: Well-kept and sleek, often just left alone but came be styled in every way
Southern Hornets: Left long and untouched, some braid their manes, some stick colourful things in it like feathers
Western Hornets: Tied back or cut short
Northern Palace
The Tyvin Palace (Could be changed later on) is a massive structure built in between two towering mountains. The palace is insulated and heated. It’s made of timber, iron, stone, and probably other materials.
Halls are lined with carvings and tapestries featuring wildlife or cool events!
Eastern Hive(s)
Berry Hive: Bombed by ? It is still unknown. The hive took half of Queen Berry’s ruling to build, unfortunately, she died with her creation from burns
Luna Hive is a hive constructed by her daughter, Queen Luna (Formerly Princess Luna) The hive is situated in the trees, being elevated. It can be warmed or frozen during winters or summers. It’s made of mostly timber.
Southern Palace (Skra Palace): Just a bunch of buildings built on trees. It’s made of timber, mud bricks, rope, and leaves. It has no insulating, but Southern Hornets don’t get that too extreme cold weather. If necessary, fires will be lit for warmth
Oasis Hive (Palace by some locals): A palace made of sun-dried bricks (Adobe), quartz, and sandstone. It has thick walls and a giant shaded courtyard. The windows are often covered with tapestries during the day if it’s too hot. It’s decorated with wind chimes, tapestry and other woven things, and a ton of greenery!
Everything hurts…. My back, my wrists, my fingers, my legs. I HAVE BEEN SITTING FOR LIKE THREE OR FOUR HOURS WRITING THIS!
I can’t write anymore, maybe I’ll add more in a future post!
Okay, soooooo! Final thoughts!
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Their older selves! Plus this silly thing!
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cambion-companion · 2 years
Roses in his Hands, Fire in her Veins
In collaboration with @lady-phasma
Tag list: @allihavenegativethoughts@sanniebabie@cullenswife@schniiipsel@ohsehunbabyy @dontforgetoctober3rd
Chapter One
A Maellory Tyrell x Aemond Targaryen AU
Maellory Tyrell is the ancestor of Margaery, a copy/paste of our Game of Thrones heroine, during the reign of Viserys I Targaryen. Maellory and her grandmother are summoned from their seat at Highgarden to the Capital. There in the throne room she is first introduced to the royal family, including the one-eyed prince Aemond. Little do they know, with one announcement their lives will be forever changed.
Word count: 4,024
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Aemond strode into the throne room to find a retinue of House Tyrell in audience with the Queen Regent. His mother had taken up the mantle of regent quite well, even if it was unofficial. Her capacity to rule didn’t surprise him. His footsteps echoed in the hall and he excused himself to his mother with a bow and took his place at the far end of the throne’s dais. A young Tyrell woman stepped out from the cluster of lords and ladies at the front of the room.
The blue jewels on Maellory’s dress were almost an exact match to his sapphire though she could not have known it. They gathered the delicate fabric together between her breasts. Her flat stomach was exposed on the sides, tan skin contrasted with the pale fabric. Her ethereal nature, her light footsteps, and ability to command the room enchanted him. He tried not to stare but the shape of her body and the cut of her dress proved too enticing. 
When she curtsied to the Queen Regent he looked away. He surveyed the courtiers in attendance. House Tyrell brightened the throne room like glittering gems. Even her grandmother, Lady Morwenna, wore the bright, near-tropical colors. Maellory stepped to the side of the throne nearest Aemond and she flashed her blue eyes up at him. He was momentarily taken aback by the crook of her lip and the mischievous glint in her eye. He recovered and nodded a small bow as she curtsied.
Her grandmother was speaking to the Queen Regent. He tried to listen, affairs of state were important to him mostly because they weren’t important to his brother, but his attention kept wandering to her. She was watching the exchange attentively, her hands clasped delicately behind her back. This posture only served to draw attention to her breasts, he thought she must know that. She had to. He swallowed and turned his gaze back to his mother. 
Maellory was keenly aware of the Targaryen prince’s single-eyed gaze burning into her. Her lips curled into a small smirk as she ducked her head, feigning humble attention as her grandmother continued speaking amicably with the Queen Regent.
“It has been far too long since we hosted your family within the halls of the Red Keep, Lady Morwenna.” Alicent’s expression was warm as she turned her attention to Maellory, who straightened, returning her smile. “I met you when you were just a babe, how you’ve grown into a beautiful young woman.”
“You are too kind, your grace.” Maellory’s smile widened, her eyes crinkling at the corners as she dipped into a low curtsy. She arched her neck just so, her wavy chestnut hair tumbling over her shoulder, noticing from her periphery how Prince Aemond shifted on his feet in response. A thrill of satisfaction shot through her chest as she rose once more, running her ringed fingers along the satin skirts of her dress.“It is a privilege to be welcomed here at court by your family. Perhaps you will visit us at Highgarden when the Harvest Festival is celebrated.”
Alicent nodded. “I would like that.” She looked to her father, Otto, before continuing. “It has been too long since I visited the Reach. For now, let us retire to the dining hall and make merry for this long-awaited reunion!”
The nobles around the hall shifted and began to depart, a murmur of voices rose, sounding very akin to the sleepy buzz of bees in their hive. Maellory looked coyly over her shoulder, catching Aemond’s eye, noting what a lovely shade of purple it was and how his pupil dilated as she surveyed him, a pursed smile upon her lips.
In that moment she made her decision, turned with a swirl of silken skirts, tossed her long hair, and walked smoothly up to Aemond’s brother. She dipped a curtsy to the eldest prince, noting with studious interest how he drank in her appearance with obvious lust. As she beamed at him, her eyes betrayed nothing of how her skin crawled.
“It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Prince Aegon. I have heard so much about your magnificent conquests.” 
Aemond made a noise that sounded as though he had just barely strangled a laugh before it could escape. Her cleverness surprised and humored him. Maellory tactfully ignored him, instead turning to the silver-haired woman standing beside her brother and husband. “And this must be Princess Helaena.” Maellory gave the girl a gentle smile. “I have heard tales of your beauty, though they have not done you justice.”
Aegon snorted, looking over at his wife. “She prefers the company of insects to that of actual people.”
“Indeed?” Maellory kept her soft gaze on Helaena who had looked at her feet at the barbed comment. “I would love to see them sometime. There are many insects at Highgarden, throughout our prolific gardens. They seem to do quite well in the warm climate. Perhaps I could show them to you when you visit.” At her kind words, Helaena looked back up into Maellory’s earnest face, gracing her with a genuine smile of gratitude and nodding. Aemond quickly glanced at his sister’s pleased face but kept his air of disinterest intact. 
Maellory at last turned to Aemond, her spine tingling as their eyes met. It was so easy for her to read the people around her, but the expression on his face proved difficult to place. It wasn’t the open lechery she’d grown accustomed to manipulating from noble men, something more akin to admiration, maybe a hint of… apprehension.
“Prince Aemond, rider of the largest dragon in Westeros.” She formally greeted him, looking up into his face through her eyelashes. “Your renown proceeds you as well.”
“As does yours, Lady Tyrell, the ‘rose with silver thorns’,” Aemond’s curved mouth twitched slightly as he inclined his head to her. His demeanor had wavered when he spoke the appellation. 
Maellory’s eyes widened in genuine surprise at that, she tilted her chin up, laughing breathily. “Is that what they named me here at King’s Landing, your highness?”
“A silver tongue is more like it. Can’t imagine that gets you far amongst the rabble,” Aegon grinned wickedly at her.
Maellory kept her blue eyes upon Aemond as she answered sweetly. “If you give the people your love, they will return it a thousandfold.”
Aemond’s jaw noticeably clenched at his brother’s antagonism. Still, he held Maellory’s gaze as she seemed intent upon doing. She was as deft with her words as he was with his sword. She didn’t back down, didn’t shield her parries, but feinted to conceal her true thoughts.
Before he could speak she had turned, delicate blue fabric flowing around her legs, and walked to catch up with her grandmother. He watched her hands clasp the old woman’s elbow and lean in toward her conspiratorially. Her exquisite laugh rang out above the other voices.
Aemond shot a spiteful look at his oblivious brother. Aegon had walked off with some vapid lady so Aemond offered his elbow to his sister and escorted her to the dining hall. 
* * * 
Aemond pulled Helaena’s chair out for her. She sat between Otto and Aegon, who had yet to appear. Aemond walked to his place at the table. He stopped as Maellory was seated at the opposite end of the table. With a small, discontented Mmmm he continued to his chair. He was unaccustomed to feeling disappointments on such an inconsequential scale. Large disappointments colored his entire worldview, but meaningless events like seating arrangements had never affected him.
A servant slid her chair forward as Maellory took her place at the far side of the table. Naturally she sat beside Lady Morwenna who had a surprisingly honored place next to the Queen Regent. That was auspicious, he thought, then dismissed it. He pulled out his own chair more aggressively than was appropriate. The Tyrells sat to his left, limiting his line of sight. Perhaps he had only meant to study the intriguing new arrival, try to understand her, but his disadvantage nagged at him. His inscrutable disposition kept most people at a distance and maintained his carefully balanced leverage.
Maellory chatted with her grandmother and he occasionally heard her airy laughter drift down the table as the meal was laid out for them. No one sat to Aemond’s right this evening so he took to surveying the hall. The dark green hues of the Hightowers’ attire combined with the blacks and reds of the Targaryens’ clothing made a pleasing backdrop for the bright colors of House Tyrell. Aemond sipped his wine as he thought about Maellory’s blue eyes, the blue of her dress, and his own blue gemstone eye. He felt some of his composure return as he glared at the people assembled at the dinner. Aemond’s armor took shape in his stoic, unreadable expression and, ironically, his remaining violet eye. 
Thankfully Otto Hightower sat on his left and Aemond was far enough away to only occasionally have to listen to his brother’s drunken drivel. Attending to their sister was something Aemond had been doing since childhood because of Aegon’s disinterest but their grandfather seemed to delight in the task this evening. Aemond sat straight-backed but his shoulders did relax slightly at the sound of his sister chatting happily. The wine helped as well. The servants finished setting the tables and a hush fell over the hall. The attention in the room shifted to the head of the table as Queen Alicent rose from her seat, goblet of wine held in her hand.
“Friends, well met and be welcome. We have summoned you all here today to bear witness and celebrate the imminent union of House Targaryen with House Tyrell.”  Her brown eyes sparkled down upon the smiling Morwenna Tyrell. Aemond shifted in his chair, glancing briefly at the back of Maellory’s coiffed hair, his brow furrowed slightly as his mother continued speaking.
Alicent raised her goblet, encouraging others to toast. “It brings me great happiness to announce that Maellory Tyrell will be betrothed to one of my sons, Aemond or Daeron.” The queen regent nodded to Maellory, Aemond noticed her posture stiffen momentarily, almost imperceptibly. His own shoulders were tense with surprise, he stared at Alicent trying to draw her gaze to his, but she didn’t seem to want to look at him. His eye narrowed, the only outward sign of his emotions. 
“Since Lady Maellory is the eldest daughter of Lord Karlen Tyrell, she will have until the anticipated Harvest Moon Festival to decide who she would like to marry.” Alicent regarded the many faces looking back at her, soft murmurs spread around the table as Aemond lowered his eye to his plate. His face grew hot as the whispers grew louder.
A man’s voice rose above the rest as he addressed the queen.
“Forgive me, your grace, is this not a rather out of the ordinary way in which such matters are done?”
“Thank you, Lord Beesbury,” the Queen Regent acknowledged the slightly impertinent inquiry. Aemond looked up to watch his mother address the old lord. “For long House Tyrell has been faithful to the Crown, thus we extend this courtesy to honor that loyalty.”
“I am Hand of the King and represent his Grace’s wishes in this matter.” Otto spoke up next to Aemond, turning heads in his direction, allowing Aemond at last to look upon Maellory’s candlelit face. Her eyes flickered to him momentarily, long enough for her to raise a thin eyebrow and widen her eyes as if to commiserate in the surprise of their situation.
“The Hightowers are vassals to House Tyrell, and King Viserys has agreed to this plan for the sake of his queen, as well as myself, and our relationship with the lords of the Reach.” Otto drank from his own wine glass, relishing the reaction of those gathered over its glass rim. He trusted his daughter and she listened to his advice but this had been a stroke of cunning that even he could not have foreseen. 
Lord Beesbury looked more satisfied, though still confused as his sunken eyes flitted from Maellory to Aemond. “Very well, however I still think it is not in keeping with our customs.” Some of the heat left Aemond’s face with his grandfather’s defense of the Crown’s position but his analytical mind searched for the reasoning, for something in Maellory’s character that would allow a first born daughter to have her choice of Targaryen prince. Lord Beesbury made an excellent point and Aemond was unsure if he disagreed. The realm was held together by tradition. He detested it but understood that tradition often meant security and peace. This deviation from it was perplexing, maybe even a bit intriguing. 
The sounds of dining commenced, knives and forks against plates becoming a clamor that echoed around the large room. The noise served as a distraction from his instinctive strain to hear the lowered voices and individual conversations at the table. He looked at his plate and pushed it away. 
Alicent lowered herself into her plush dining chair, turning her attention back to Maellory. “Daeron is on his way back from Oldtown where he has been squiring many years for my father’s nephew, Sir Ormund.” Maellory mirrored Alicent’s movements as the Queen leaned forward conspiratorially, lowering her voice. “Some would say Aemond has had an unfair advantage in meeting you first, however I think you will find Daeron to be very charming. He matches you in age, I believe, he just turned seven and ten years last winter.”
Maellory glanced surreptitiously down the table to where Aemond sat, his profile sharp as his long fingers tapped the wood beside his untouched drink. Despite her perplexity, she molded a careful smile upon her lips, turning back to Alicent and Morwenna. “You honor me beyond words, my queen.”
As Alicent’s attention was diverted by the arrival of more food, Maellory’s gaze sharpened upon her grandmother. “When were you going to tell me of this arrangement?” The polite, courtly smile remained on her face but her voice, though she tried to sweeten it, carried an icy undercurrent.
Morwenna looked at her granddaughter grimly, her voice low enough to avoid being heard by any listening ears. “It is not abnormal for sons and daughters of great houses to be unaware of their impending fates.” Her wrinkled mouth pressed into a fine line as she read Maellory’s displeased expression. “My petal, you have been given more freedom than most girls in your position ever have the opportunity to hold.”
As the plates were cleared for the next course Aemond stilled his hand on the table and fought the urge to storm out of the hall. Otto glanced at his grandson, opened his mouth, then closed it as he caught Aemond’s glaring eye. With great restraint Aemond stood and moved his chair silently back under the table. Unlike in the throne room he wouldn’t have to draw attention to his exit from the dining hall. He bounded down the steps of the dais and into the shadows of the side wall. 
Maellory nodded at her grandmother’s words absently as she watched Aemond leave the table. He wasn’t entirely inconspicuous. His striking figure seemed to catch her eye whenever they were in the same room. She looked around the room quickly, noting her possible points of egress. For the moment she turned to Lady Morwenna and smiled warmly at her. Her grandmother was artful in her politics and Maellory admired her dearly. She felt the first twinges of anxiety that she might be left alone in King’s Landing without her grandmother. Maellory had learned so much from her in seventeen years but knew she would need her in the near future perhaps more than she ever had before.
* * *
Maellory wasn’t at all sure where Aemond had gone when he turned down the hallway. Her light, soft steps made nearly no sound but she wasn’t going to race to keep up with his long strides. She caught her breath and her brows knitted together with a mix of consternation and determination. She retraced her steps back to the last corner they had turned and stepped out of the Keep into a small, narrow garden balcony. It was enclosed on only two sides and opened up to a view of the city and Blackwater Bay glinting with the early moonlight in the distance. 
The cool dusk air ruffled along Maellory’s gown, causing her bare arms to erupt in gooseflesh. Hugging herself for warmth, she swept her eyes along the large balcony, her curious gaze alighting upon Aemond’s form. His back was to her, and the way his silver hair shone in the dim moonlight only served to make him more intriguing. 
She didn’t know at all what to expect from the youngest prince but through her observation of the eldest she mused that he would be nothing like this second son. Daeron was most likely as different from his older brothers as they were from each other. The way Aemond tried to be a looming figure in the background seemed to have the opposite effect on Maellory. She thought the contrast with his elder brother made him shine like a polished river rock, hard sides to be sure, but so much more refined than Aegon. She imagined that every thought Aegon ever had passed over his face if not also past his lips. Aemond, on the other hand, chose his words and his facade as deliberately as she did.
He was unaware of her presence, his emotions in turmoil as he clasped his hands tightly behind him. His silver hair stirred in the salty breeze coming off Blackwater Bay, the long strands tickling his cheeks. Aemond's nebulous thoughts pulled at the corners of his mind, unformed but beginning to coalesce as he stared across the city of King’s Landing.  Normally he would be content in readily yielding a betrothal to his younger brother; now, however, Lord Beesbury’s words had stayed with him as much as the shape of her raised eyebrow had lingered in his mind’s eye. Why not let her choose? 
He longed for the clarity of being astride Vhagar. Flying with her gave him the space he required to think. This part of the castle had, so far, proved to be secluded enough from the chatter of the court that he could indulge his racing mind. He had avoided his stuffy chambers, not wanting to pace in front of the fire as he was wont to do. The very last feeling he needed now was encumbrance. One completely solid feeling amongst all of the others, identifiable above his roiling thoughts, was coercion. 
Maellory found the stairs at the end hallway. She smoothed her windswept hair before approaching the balcony’s railing. She kept a slight distance between herself and the prince. Aemond didn’t turn to her immediately. He listened to her footsteps as she walked up to him and saw her hand rest on the railing from the corner of his eye. He kept his hands behind his back but shifted his weight slightly toward her. 
His eye lingered on the waves in the bay. The crests caught the evening moonlight making the bay appear to be filled with stars. The waves could just barely be heard above the noise of the city as it settled its affairs of the day. Leaves rustled on the vines overhanging the balcony. The breeze shifted and he could smell Maellory’s perfume. Everything about this woman was proving to be breathtaking. Aemond disliked being so disarmed.
“I often seek out the fresh breeze in a wide open space when I feel overwhelmed. Being surrounded by moonlight and flowers is calming.” He turned slowly on the heel of his boot. The moonlight caught on her eyelashes as she looked at the garden below. As she lifted her head to look at him he saw it glint off her bottom lip. He clenched his jaw. His hands gripped his forearms behind his back. “I imagine it reminds you of home, my lady.”
“The scent of all these lovely flowers is intoxicating, to be certain.”
The moonbeams falling across Maellory’s face turned her eyes to silver, lighting them from within. Aemond was entranced. “Yes, the flowers as well.” He murmured, pleased to see a slight blush rise to her cheeks.  
“I want to apologize on behalf of my brother for his earlier behavior.” Aemond let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. “He despises being at court, manners have never come easy to him.”
“I was not offended.” Maellory looked out toward the shimmering ocean, the curves of her neck accentuated by shadows and soft argent light. He noticed she wore no jewels at her neck. Her neck and collarbones needed no adornment. The low cut of her dress began to draw his eye back to the gems of her bodice. He rubbed the inside of his knuckles with his thumb.
“My brother, Loras, would prefer if he weren’t the eldest son, he shirks duty in favor of the empty glory of tourneys and a quick tumble with a lover.” She looked back to Aemond, noting how his eye flicked quickly up to her face. “It often falls upon my shoulders to represent our house with the honor it deserves.”
“A feeling I know well.” Aemond nodded, his arms relaxing, unwinding behind his back to rest at his sides. He placed his hand upon the stone wall of the balcony, his fingertips inches from hers. “Now you have been burdened still more with the decision of who you are to wed.”
“I wouldn’t name it a burden.” Maellory felt a twinge of mischievous delight at the way Aemond’s curved lips parted slightly at her words. “A surprise for both of us it seems, but not an unwelcome one.” She searched his face, trying to read what he was feeling, pursing her lips slightly when Aemond gave nothing away. 
He nodded at her slightly, his eye never leaving hers. “No, not unwelcome. I have grown accustomed to proving myself, this is no different.” He wasn’t sure if the story of how he claimed Vhagar had traveled to Highgarden intact. Perhaps Maellory knew precisely what he had sacrificed in addition to his eye to prove himself. The court may have even embellished the tale beyond recognition. A second son having to prove himself was not unusual but his mutilation was something most outsiders felt he must overcome.  
“I would rather you show me who you are, than feel you have something to prove.” Maellory’s gaze was still intent upon Aemond, watching with interest as a flicker of surprise softened his expression.
He smiled gently down at her. “I will keep that in mind, Lady Maellory.”  Her name felt like silk on his tongue.
Maellory shivered again, unused to the chilly nights at King's Landing. She stepped closer to him. He swallowed dryly as she did so. He followed her gaze out to the bay, not turning his body away from her. The silence was peaceful, punctuated intermittently by the first birdsong of the evening. The constant prattle of the court and its ladies made his silence a respite for her. Within that lacuna she saw through Aemond’s imposing presence, saw her own facade mirrored in his posture, in his impeccably curated attire, in the intangible armor he wore everyday. 
“I will leave you to your thoughts, my prince.” Maellory’s eyes lingered on the contours of Aemond’s face. “I hope we can speak together more soon.”
“That is my desire, as well.”
Maellory dipped her head and offered him a tender smile before she walked to the stairs. As she turned the side of her hand coquettishly grazed Aemond’s, their skin barely touching at all. 
Aemond watched her leave, a gust of wind caught the thin fabric of her azure dress while her long auburn curls bounced with each step she took.
His eye remained upon the doorway long after she passed through it. The way her eyes had moved over him, exposed him, it was a unique ability, a challenge he had never had to meet before. With a sharp exhalation through his nose, Aemond replaced his hands behind his back and turned to survey the moonlit landscape, a smile of satisfaction tugging up his lips.
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irradiated-imp · 1 year
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RAHI TIME Made Rahi for Okoto Nui, a bunch of them. Including, so far, two re-done Rahi. The Kikanalo, and Nui Rama. Kikanalo Rhino-like Rahi found across most of Okoto Nui. They are most common in Po-Oko and Onu-Oko. They are highly intelligent, and travel in herds led by a Matriarch. It's not uncommon to see some Kikanalo with Matoran. Nui Rama The ever terrifying giant wasps. They live exclusively in the tropical regions of Ga-Oko and Le-Oko, building their gargantuan nests in the towering canopies of the island's jungles.
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Ciiwah social parrot-like Rahi. They're found in Le-Oko and Ga-Oko, eating the fruits and nuts found in the trees.
Dhovai Wolves predatory pack hunters. Surprisingly intelligent. Occasionally found tamed by Matoran and Agori. They prefer the forested and mountains regions of Ko-Oko and Onu-Oko.
Guluu Fly large pests that live in humid jungle areas. They often invade Nui-Rama hives. They can be found all over Okoto Nui.
Jet Bat speedy nocturnal rahi. They're large enough to carry Matoran in their feet and are sometimes used for travel. They're mostly found in Onu-Oko, but will readily roost anywhere with extensive caves.
Kalluri massive apex predators found in colder regions. Often found in Ko-Oko and Onu-Oko. The only Rahi that don't fear them are too large to be preyed upon or are equally vicious predators themselves.
Khiiva large aquatic predators. They mostly prey on fish, leaving Matoran alone. They can be found anywhere there's water, but are most commonly sighted in the bays of Ga-Oko.
Rewii common fresh water rahi. Found all over Okoto Nui.
Khawii Ray bottom feeders who bury themselves in the sand to avoid predators. Found in the oceans around Okoto Nui.
Muck Crawler generalist aquatic rahi, capable of traversing land. Common in Ga-Oko, and any areas with substantial waters in Po-Oko.
Kiiku Crab small relatives of the Ussal, they use discarded Kanohi as shells. Often found on beaches all across the island.
Kuu large flightless birds native to the cold mountainous regions of Ko-Oko and Onu-Oko. Often used as beasts of burden.
Mask Apes obnoxious, thieving rahi. They're drawn to the power inside Kanohi and steal them, sometimes straight off a Matoran's face. They're found in the jungles of Ga-Oko and Le-Oko, and the forests of Ko-Oko.
Mud shell common and small Rahi that are found anywhere moisture can be found. They are often kept as pets.
Nhuu highly intelligent desert dwelling omnivores. Opportunistic by nature, they'll eat anything they can come across. They are found exclusively in the Muupar Desert of Po-Oko.
Odhi small curious rahi. They're harmless and are often kept as pets. Can be found all over the island.
Rhekanna towering apex predators found in the deserts of Po-Oko and Ta-Oko. They are feared by all but the largest rahi in their environments.
Tunnel Bug large and docile rahi found in subterranean caverns. Often used by miners to help dig or move stone and ore. Though they are naturally found in the caverns of Onu-Oko and Po-Oko, they are used all across the island in mines.
Guurii small and very temperamental rahi. Tho they may look harmless, their tails hit with a shocking amount of forced, able to dent or crack matoran armor. They're found in Onu-Oko, Po-Oko, and Ta-Oko.
Murk Lurker powerful, semi-aquatic predators. They'll eat anything they can fit in their mouths and are highly aggressive. They can be found in almost any body of water on the island, but are msot common in swamps in Le-Oko or Ga-Oko.
Nui Crab large relatives of the Ussal. They like to eat Spike shell Fruit, a large non explosive type of thornax. Some have been tamed by matoran and had their pinchers modified into drills. They are naturally found in Ga-Oko, living on the beaches and in the bays of the region.
Rhukuu small and social scavengers. They live in the forests of Ko-Oko and are close relatives of the much larger and much more aggressive Tarakava.
Tuki skittish and speedy birds. Though they are capable of flight, they are most often seen zipping about on their wheels. They can be found all over Okoto-Nui.
Ihlu large, highly intelligent Rahi that dwell in many areas across Okoto Nui. They travel in pairs, and although they are not immediately hostile, travelers are advised to be cautious in their presence.
Lhokaan massive Predatory birds that plague Okoto-Nui's mountains in Ko-Oko and Onu-Oko. Many Rahi, and even Matoran and Agori, often fall prey to them.
Sentinel Hound dog-like rahi often kept as pets or used as guard animals. They aren't found in the wild naturally, and 'breeders' keep Rahi Canisters on hand to grow more when needed.
Puafa large beetle-like Rahi that live in the swamps of Ga-Oko. They're aggressive and predatory. Though typically solitary, there have been instances of multiple Puafa working together to take down larger prey. They often fall prey to Murk Lurkers. Rahi Canisters In the case of the Makuta being unable to producem ore Rahi for one reason or another, many Makuta allowed their Rahi creations to reproduce on their own. Under the right circumstances, a Rahi is able to produce a Rahi Canister, small pods that function similarly to eggs or cocoons. Once a canister has been placed, it grows to a certain size, and the Rahi begin to dump materials, ideally protodermis of some sort, into the canister. The canister then reassembles the materials into a smaller member of the Rahi species. Most canisters are one use only and produce a single Rahi, some however produce more. For instance, Nui Rama hives have entire swathes of canisters that produce new Nui Rama as the swarm needs them.
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