#Okoto Nui
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irradiated-imp · 1 year ago
A COLLECTION OF MELUS! So Melu's my SelfMOC, one of them anyways. He's a Le-Matoran who becomes a Toa. A while back I decided to do designs of what Melu would look like in different Matoran and Toa Builds, and decided recently to update them.
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I'm really happy with how all of these came out looking, especially the Hordika and Mistika builds for the Toa, and the Mahri and Shadow Matoran builds for the Matoran.
Here's the originals if you wanted to see them. I didn't have the AV-Matoran, Shadow Matoran, Phantoka, or Mistika builds with them tho. Some of them really only changed in terms of color. Originally I made them trying to stick to the OG Melu's color scheme and placement, but when I went back and updated them I decided to try and emulate the original color aesthetics of the builds they're based on.
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fakebionicleideas · 8 months ago
takanuva traveling to a universe where mata nui never existed, on the island of okoto
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toomanyinterestsart · 1 month ago
Bionicle years 1-3: the Duty, unity, Destiny Trilogy
So I’ve decided to post a little synopsis for my entire complete AU of Bionicle which not only fuses G1 and G2 together, but also concludes the main story of Bionicle as I see it. I’m not going to spoil everything but I will point which elements are different and some events that happen in every single season (which are supposed to represent the years of the toyline (also I’ll add the usual 6 heroes/toa and 6 villain sets) with that out of the way let’s begin and please if you have any questions, ask them away
2001 The first year/season is divided in two arcs like the generation 2 first year: The Quest for The Masks and the city of the Mask Makers.
The story, as I already began to write it on Ao3, follows the flash animations and novels of generation 1 but instead of Takua, Hahli is the chronicler and protagonist of the second story. In the first arc, The toa, accompanied by their protectors, search their 6 kanohi mask before finding their 6 golden masks in their shrines (A mix of g1 and g2) while in the second story of the first arc, Hahli follows the story of Takua in the flash animations. Some differences or details are:
-The Protectors are all children of the Turaga (Who are the ones of G1), specifically Vakama and Nokama have two children, Narmoto (who is also married to an original Ta-Okotan and has a child) and Kivoda who is the little brother of the fire protector. The Turaga weren’t Toa before they became the elders but were in fact the previous protectors who fulfilled their duties.
-There are no corrupted Kanohis that control the Rahi, but rather there are the Skull Spiders controlled by the Lord of Skull Spiders (LOSS) who is a henchman (henchwoman?) of Makuta who is the evil brother of Ekimu in the story, though I’ll explain how the brotherhood exists anyway.
-Lewa and Kopaka are both females since I’ve wanted to make a 3 males and 3 females group and because Wairuha is a female too I’ve decided that all of her components must be females too. Though you can always change it and it wouldn’t matter much.
-Pohatu has is brooding personality that he had in G2 because honestly that’s how I was introduced to him, but the more he goes on the more he will start to have his personality from G1
-Hahli has a Ga-Okotan that helps her get around the island which is Marka, which is far taller than any other matorans but says it’s because she had been mutated by the waters of the sea of Okoto.
-The Chronicler Company will stay the same with no trouble at all and they will have the same role they had in year 1.Also Melea (A Po-Okotan of G2) is going to take his place in the Inika and Mahri Toa Team because I have other plans for Hewkii in the story. Also for Takua. Ahkmou is replaced with a okotan that is exactly like him called Ahkmou Jr (look at the originality). The reason for it is that Ahkmou is a Toa Metru in this universe instead of Onewa.
-The finale will be at the gates of the city of the mask makers since Kini Nui doesn’t exists. The Toa will first defeat shadow versions of themselves, than the LOSS, making them fall down the bridge and killing them for good (instead of keeping them alive like in G2) and then they’ll face the okotan form of Makuta like in the end of G1 Year 1.
In the second arc, the toa enter the city of the mask makers and have to fight the Skull Army resurrected by Makuta to ensure that the Toa don’t awaken his brother. Every toa will have a opposite skull army member and they will each get their golden mask stolen and corrupted before getting it back.
-While Onua, Kopaka, Lewa and Pohatu still have their respective Skull Army adversaries, Gali and Tahu have Axato and the Skull Assassin (A Lieutenant from the G2 novels and a concept art of the G2 Book). They manage to awaken Ekimu and get to the Forge but Kulta (The Skull Grinder), Fuses with the Mask Of Creation of Ekimu (I’ll explain how Artahka still exists and has one too) and shatters the toa golden masks. Ekimu recovers his weapons and defeats him like in the G2 story.
-Meanwhile the second story of the second arc takes place in the same time of the Toa in the city. After the death of the LOSS, the Bohrok have awoken around Okoto and are terrifying the villages. The Protectors and Hahli work together to track down the hive of the Bohrok in the pit below the City of The Mask Makers and find the Exo-Toa that they wear and the Bahrag Queen. Before I explain the next details I have to specify that the Bohroks launch Skull Spiders instead of Kranas. So the Bahrag queens are the queens of the Bohrok Hive, but the brain of the hive are the Skull Spiders which they control. The original purpose of the skull spiders was to control the Bohrog to clean the island of Okoto, but the LOSS, which arrival was unnatural (and I will explain in year 5), made so that the Skull Spiders fell under the LOSS control and not the Queens who were still in stasis, But now that the LOSS is dead they can control the Hive Again. The story concludes pretty much the same way as they conceal the Queens (But they don’t get thrown into Protodermis) thanks to the help of a Le-Okotan Archeologist named Harvali (G2 Character) Who was trapped under the city for quite a while. (Also Vizuna and Korgot have a intended relationship though it’s never told outloud)
6 HEROES: -Toa Master Tahu -Toa Master Kopaka -Toa Master Lewa -Toa Master Pohatu -Toa Master Onua -Toa Master Gali
6 VILLAINS: -Skull Warrior -Skull Slicer (Survives) -Skull Scorpio -Skull Basher (Survives) -Skull Assassin -Axato/ Skull Lieutenant -Skull Grinder (Survives)
-I put survive because they are important later in the story.
2002 Year 2 is the same as the second year of G2. The Toa Uniters and Ekimu must find the Elemental Creatures to find the Mask Of Control of Makuta before Umarak does. There isn’t a secondary story in this year and this is the weakest of the three chapters of the Duty Unity Destiny Trilogy.
The season goes on pretty much the same as the Netflix episode did, but the masks are inside temples that are protected by trails and elemental monsters (inspired by the ones that appear in the 2001 gameboy games). After defeating them, The Toa obtain their golden masks and unite with the creatures (BTW Melum has his mantis design like in the concept arts because the normal design is just a cheap copy of Terak)
There would also be some more details On Ekimu, Kulta and Hahli story and also the three masks that appear in the Forge would connect to the story in the third year.
The story then finishes the same with Umarak taking the Mask Of Control to himself and becoming the Destroyer.
The Second arc is like the original one of G2, but each Toa has an Elemental Beast assigned to them instead of only three. One detail that changes though, is that Gali's experience in the Shadow Realm gives her visions/nightmares, changing her, and will be an important detail for the next year and also for the end of the story.
When Ekimu reveals his Toa Of Light form and Agil that is where the story changes a little. Ekimu isn’t the Toa Of Light but he’s able to use the power of the Temple of Light and can unite with Agil like the Toa do with their creatures. The Toa also don’t disappear into the stars but instead stay there on Okoto. Umarak is imprisoned like Kulta and the Skull Basher under the forge and turns back into his normal form (though with the red glow like his mask had in the ekimu set) after the Mask Of Cotrol Ultimate Power. 6 HEROES -Toa Uniter Tahu -Toa Uniter Kopaka -Toa Uniter Lewa -Toa Uniter Gali -Toa Uniter Pohatu -Toa Uniter Onua -Toa Ekimu
6 VILLAINS 1-Lava Beast 2-Storm Beast 3-Earthquake Beast 4-Jungle Beast 5-Blizzard Beast 6-Sandstorm Beast 7-Umarak
2003 Year 3 follows the events of the Bohrok kal and Mask Of Light, but not in the way you expect. In the first Arc, The Toa have to stop mercenaries hired by Makuta to destroy his toa seal in the crater of the finale of season 2, but suddenly their powers disappear after their unity symbols are stolen by the Bohrok Kal, wanting to use them to re awaken the queens. The Protectors will have to fight and stop the Bohrok Kal, while the Toa Fight the mercenaries.
Now, this may sound as an original idea, but the mercenaries (which would probably be Dark Hunters that Makuta has brought from the Great Spirit Robot) use the designs of concept art villains that are in the g2 concept art book.
Like in the original story, the Toa will use the Vahi to stop them, but also the Protectors will use the other half of the Vahi to stop them (Lower G1 Half-Protectors, Upper G2 Half-Toa). In the end the Bohrok Kal are destroyed and the mercenaries are banished to the stars by the mask of time.
The Second half is of the Mask Of Light movie. The first half would be similar but with something added at the beginning: the Kohli matches before the finals that Hahli has (It’s shown in the Mata Nui Online Game 2, but that game is pretty much soulless). In the end the first part is pretty much the same: With Hahli and Macku winning the Kohli match against Ta-koro and Onu-koro. The Mask Of Light is found by Hahli at the start of the film and it has the design of the Concept art. Like in the movie it will lead them to the Toa of Light.
Makuta, in his shadow realm, decides to send out his ‘sons’ to get the mask and destroy the toa. But in this timeline, his sons aren’t the Rahkshi: They are the Toa Hagah. (I’ll explain in a second). Pouks and Iruini attack Ta-Koro and make it sink, the Turaga actually recognize them and Tahu and Pohatu fight them while Gali helps evacuate.
Vakama explains how, when Ekimu and Makuta heard the prophecy of heroes, Makuta tried to cheat by creating Toa Masks and powers for six Okotan that then turned into the Toa Hagah. They Fought against the Skull Raiders and won, but when Makuta tried to use the Mask Of Ultimate Power, they were sent to the shadow realm too as they were in the same city.
Later Norik, Bomonga and Kualus will appear too as the other sons, but Gaaki? Well, Gaaki has already appeared since the first year: It was Marka. Marka was chosen by Makuta as the toa of water, but after the war against the Skull Raiders, she decided to quit due to have lost too many friends in the war, and also her right eye. In the final, Harvali helps Marka overcome her trauma, the ga-okotan goes to the Bohrok Hive and immerses herself in the Protodermis, which turns her back into her Hagah Form.
Another storyline explored is the one during the Skull Raiders war from Ekimu’ side. We discover that he was able to have an alliance with the Sea Queen of the inhabitants of the planet (The Planet is Aqua Magna it’s just not specified yet, and the Abissals as I call them are an organic race created by the Great Beings). Later the Sea Queen and Ekimu fall in love together during the war, and after it, they proceed to continue the relationship. After Ekimu goes into his slumber and Makuta is banished. The LOSS rises up with their Skull Spider army and Kulta, informed by Makuta, leads his armies back on Okoto, during his march there, he gets confronted by the Sea Queen, but he is able to kill her easily with the new power that Makuta had given him (For now the Skull creatures are pirates or unknown entities but in later years their true origin will be actually a bit dark and spoiler they aren’t working for Makuta directly). Umarak is also present in this war.
As for why I added the Sea Queen, there are two reasons. One: I saw the Mask of the Sea Queen in the contest they did in 2016 and I couldn’t resist put someone like that in the lore. Two: BionicleChicken who makes amazing arts and was a big inspiration for me. Their designs of the Sea Queen is incredible and the idea of her relationships with Ekimu comes directly from him.
As the original movie did too, Hahli and Macku will go from around the entire island, but this time, they will go to each village of Okoto. After Pouks and Iruini are dealt with for the first time, Makuta releases Norik, Bomonga and Kualus which have the same role of the other three Rahkshi.
Tahu will still be infected by Iruini like in the original, but he won’t be the main threat. After getting him cured, the turning point is where Gali recharges herself in the river. During the arc, Gali will keep having visions of Makuta, or outright just talk to him inside her mind. When she is at a low point, and she is recharging her powers in the waters, Makuta uses his shadow powers to engulf her and control her as a Shadow Toa, ordering her to break the seal.
The Mask Of Light tells Hahli and Macku to go to The City Of The Mask Makers to find the Toa Of Light, but when they reunite with the Toa and Ekimu, they find out Gali is gone and they rush to the Black Crater. Before they can enter, the Toa Hagah stops them, but with the help of Gaaki, who joined the group, they are able to defeat them. Since they are Shadow Toa, their soul is already gone, so they would disappear in thin air and leave their armor pieces behind.
Though the Toa arrive at the Black Crater, Gali, controlled by Makuta, breaks her part of the seal and Makuta is freed in his Ultimate Form (Which is the purple one with wings that they built as mocs. I decided to use all three designs: The Brawler design is when he puts on the mask of ultimate power for the first time in Okoto and gets banished, the one you see in the netflix series is his appearance in Year 2 and also his appearance in the shadow realm, and the final one with the scepter and wings is his form when he gets out of there). Makuta, seeing no use in Gali anymore, frees her from his shadows. The toa try to attack him but they fail, and Ekimu and Makuta have a confrontation where it’s revealed that Hahli is Ekimu’s daughter with the Sea Queen. He is able to defeat them as he flies towards Okoto to rule it.
When They gather up their senses, Ekimu tells the whole story of the Sea Queen and him to Hahli and the Toa. Since Hahli is the daughter of the previous Toa Of Light, then she will be able to use it too, and the mask already knows that Hahli is the new toa, but it needs her to go to the Forge and the Temple of Light to absorb the Light energy. (As for why Hahli doesn’t remember anything previous to the island, The Sea Queen put her in a matoran capsule (the one from 2004) before the Skull Raiders returned after Ekimu slumber).
Makuta arrives in the city and he is initially confronted by the Elemental Creatures and Protectors, but he brushes them off (Destroys Them with Shadow powers). He raises his Skull Army, Skull Spiders and releases Umarak, Kulta and the Skull Basher (The Skull Slicer is alive too, but he won’t make an appearance for a long time). Though Kulta and Skull Basher aren’t mind controlled like the other Skull Warrior, and Umarak just wants to create chaos.
The toa, using their golden masks of speed, arrive to the city. They know they can’t defeat Makuta but they have to distract him so that Hahli can get in the temple. (Makuta doesn’t have the Mask Of Ultimate Control Anymore, but he has one that resembles its powers in shadow form). The Toa and Gaaki fight against Makuta and his forces but it’s all useless. Ekimu (In his forger form not Toa form) tries to attack his brother but he is easily defeated, until the Forge lights up with a beam of pure blue light and Hahli comes out in her new Toa Of Light form (She isn’t called with a different name, she’s just Toa Hahli). The Forge also creates a new vehicle for her (the one that Takanuva had in 2003) with the pieces of the Hagah armors and Bohrok Kal. She is able to hold her ground against Makuta while the Toa destroy the skull army. Umarak tries to get his revenge of Gaaki and he almost kills her until Kulta and Skull Basher knock him aside (VIOLENTLY), they exchange stares and maybe a few words with Gaaki before they disappear (we won’t see them for a while). The toa defeat the skull army.
Hahli uses all of her light powers against Makuta but she is still inexperienced (losing the bike also in the process, it’s damaged but not destroyed). Until Agil unites with her and she is able to use her full light powers. She is able to use so much Light that Makuta evaporates from the blast.
Though they are celebrating their victory against Makuta, the battle had revealed something under the forge and the temple of Light: A Staircase and a door to the inside of something: the inside of the Great Spirit Robot, and the next Chapter of our story: Metru Nui. The new mission for our Toa team? Reawakening Mata Nui.
-Lewa has the green skeleton
-Pohatu has the snake
-Tahu the lava one with his mask on his shoulder
-Kopaka with the one that has his mas
-Onua the squid rock guy
-Gali has the umarak concept art
VILLAINS WAVE 2 -Toa Hagah Norik -Toa Hagah Bomonga -Toa Hagah Gaaki -Toa Hagah Kualus -Toa Hagah Iruini -Toa Hagah Pouks -Makuta Brawler -Makuta Lord -Makuta Ultimate
There you go the first Trilogy (Which I named the Duty, Unity, Destiny Trilogy). If you have any type of questions you can ask them without a problem. As for how Ekimu and Makuta exist as brother but Mata Nui also does here’s the explanation: Mata Nui is the main brain/consciousness/god/ruler of the GSR, BUT he is formed by two different halves of himself: Makuta and Ekimu. Mata Nui is formed only when the two brothers unite. and when he landed on Aqua Magna during the great Cataclysm, Makuta and Ekimu created Okoto as a backup until Mata Nui could come back again (Okoto is like the Mata Nui island but we replace it).
Yours, TMI
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bionicle-baby · 11 months ago
question for the bionicle fandom about bionicle 2015…
Why was “Mata nui” changed to “okoto”?
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mftango · 2 years ago
I think liking G2 is fine but I hardly see any G2 discussion so I never get the chance to go on a rant about what I think is the biggest problem above all else with G2 No matoran/islander/okotan characters The culture and lifestyle of Mata nui, metru nui, voya nui, mahri nui, karda nui, and even the agori of bara magna are so developed and full and really emphasize what exactly the heroes are saving and protecting. okoto feels utterly lifeless because the closest we get to random islanders is people like bingzak and even then they're living plot devices at best
Liking a silly bionicle meme and immediately unliking it when I notice the g2 hate in the tags lol
What did g2 ever do to you let people like things
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sepublic · 5 years ago
Order of Mata Nui
           A paramilitary organization shrouded in secrecy, the Order of Mata Nui was created as a way of fighting back against the Powers That Be in a manner that is discreet and untraceable. The brutality of their enemies and the harsh realities that Xians have to face have conditioned the Order to be similarly ruthless; Many saw the downfall of the Volunteer Militia as being contributed to the heroes’ ‘softness’ and blatant publicity. In contrast, the Order of Mata Nui operates entirely from the shadows, taking great pains to keep their existence a total secret. Even to the Barraki, their potential presence was considered, but never outright confirmed; And in their fight to liberate Xia, the Order has committed many acts of espionage, extortion, blackmailing, assassination, torture, etc.
           The Order of Mata Nui was founded by their ancient leader Helryx, as far back as the War of Six Kingdoms; Back then, Helryx was but a small, young, and fragile human girl who could do little to fight back against the bloodshed that her home regularly witnessed. Determined to make a difference at any cost, Helryx vowed to not let the deaths of others be in vain; She too would kill, but she promised to let her murders accomplish something in the end.
           Since then, the secretive Order of Mata Nui has operated from the shadows, recruiting members from any corner of Xia. They have tracked the progress of Xia’s industrial revolution, working to undermine the Powers That Be as much as possible, to varying success; It is unknown how terrible the situation on Xia would be had they never existed.
           The Order of Mata Nui worked to assassinate dictators and tyrants, and influence public opinion against such groups. In the Artidax District, many of them are employed as hackers, working to undermine the propaganda of Turaga Dume and leak the secrets of the Xian aristocracy to the public; The truth must be known. When the Nynrah Incident occurred, many Order agents worked quietly to facilitate evacuations and contain threat, while just as many also found potential servants and recruits amongst the mutated Vorox.
           Unlike conventional ‘heroes’, the Order is willing to perform unethical acts, in the name of the greater good. Helryx has seen what noble intentions and actions have done; But for now, it is best to keep noble intentions, while trading in heroic actions for more underhanded and even downright despicable means. In the past, the Order have experimented on others without consent, killed, robbed banks to fund their own activities, etc. Many of Xia’s Lekara were experimented upon them without consent to become ideal, underwater assassins. In order to maintain important secrets, the Order has even killed many innocents in the past; All in the name of the greater good.
           Because secrecy and anonymity is their key to survival, all Order members have access to masks, cloaks, and other means of disguise. They are trained in the arts of stealth, interrogation, code-breaking, etc., and communicate with one another almost entirely in encrypted messages, usually delivered manually; Wireless communications can be intercepted and are thus a liability, with the individual known as Nidhiki having accessed a few Order of Mata Nui messages himself.
           And while quick to strike and utterly ruthless, the Order of Mata Nui also recognizes that its numbers and strength is small and few compared to that of the Powers That Be; If they feel the risk is too high, members will not go on a mission to avoid being compromised and found out. Agents that are a liability and at risk of revealing the truth –whether they want to or not- will sometimes be killed by their comrades to keep them silent. Mysteriously-funded projects are supported through proxies, many of whom know little of what they are doing, and are just as quickly assassinated to keep quiet. Many mysterious deaths have been attributed to organizations such as the Dark Hunters; But in reality, it is the Order of Mata Nui. If at risk of being caught, agents have access to suicide pills, and some even have Viruses that will completely devour their body and leave nothing behind; Although these vials are helpful in assassination, at least one is always kept on an agent’s person in case it needs to be turned on themselves.
           Weakness cannot be allowed within the Order, and it is often beaten out of one another in hellish training grounds, the majority located in their hidden base of Daxia. Skills are regularly tested and honed between missions. Code-breakers work day and night to decode encrypted transmissions that pass through Artidax, hoping to decipher the secrets of the Powers That Be and anticipate their move. Official agents have access to personal ‘tokens’ that bear the insignia of the Order, to prove membership; If in danger of being caught, such tokens are to be completely destroyed.
           Due to the secrecy of the organization, many members do not know the identities of one another, and most refer to one another entirely through codenames, their faces entirely hidden. It is not out of the question for two Order members to argue about which mission they should take, before later on passing one another in public life without recognizing each other. These painstaking measures are all for the sake of ensuring that if one agent is compromised, the entire organization will not follow; Only Helryx knows everything about the Order of Mata Nui… allegedly.
           Information and data is stored almost entirely in coded print, to prevent hacking. The locations of data are mixed amongst various high-ranking members, who have miniature-explosives surgically injected into their skulls, designed to detonate at will in case they are in danger of being interrogated.
           The Order of Mata Nui has agents in just about every sector of society, and even a few nobles and their servants serve as faithful members. The Order also operates through countless servants, many of who know nothing about the true order of their commands; Some are just paid and told to keep quiet as they work on their jobs in secrecy. The Order of Mata Nui has even hired Dark Hunters in the past to do their own dirty work, with the mercenaries unknowingly contributing to projects designed to hinder The Shadowed One.
           All agents within the Order of Mata Nui have their minds telepathically shielded to prevent; These mental shields keep them immune to mind-reading, brainwashing, and attacks on the mind. As a result, they are entirely immune to Night Wraiths, and their ability to infiltrate the dreams of others. The exact nature of how Order members accomplish this a closely-guarded secret. Ideally, the mental shielding of Order agents keeps them from having their minds read, against their will; But in case all else fails, the aforementioned suicide pills and explosives are worth considering. Some risks just can’t be taken, especially since the Order doesn’t know everything about the enemy- And to them, knowledge is the true power.
           Members of the Order don’t just exist on Xia, either; Prior to the merging of worlds, there were a select few on Okoto as well. It was through these agents that Helryx knew of the happenings of that mythical island, and for a while, Okoto’s existence remained another closely-guarded secret amongst the upper echelons of the Order of Mata Nui. When they knew of Okoto and how they discovered it is also another mystery.
           Decades after the Great Cataclysm, Helryx sent trusted agents Axonn and Brutaka to Okoto, to find the Mask of Control; She hoped to use it against the Powers That Be. Arriving on the mythical land, Axonn and Brutaka succeeded in locating the Mask of Control, but to their dismay a portion of Makuta’s soul was infesting it. When Makuta’s role in the deaths of several Okotans to create the Mask of Life had been revealed, a mad scrambled by the Mask Hoarder to don his forbidden mask resulted in the Mask of Control being knocked from his face, siphoning a portion of his soul in the process.
           Axonn and Brutaka realized that whoever would don the Mask of Control would be subject to the influence of Makuta, who would then be able to locate his lost mask and use it through the proxy of his soul fragment and whatever puppet he had seized. With no way of purging Makuta’s influence without the Mask Hoarder noticing the Mask of Control’s presence, Helryx gave the order to contain the Mask of Control within the Labryinth of Infinity; It was a liability and could not be allowed to fall into the wrong hands.
           For centuries, Axonn and Brutaka guarded the Labyrinth of Infinity, with only the two of them knowing how to access the specific path leading to the Mask of Control’s chamber. As per Helryx’s orders, they remained a secret to all on the island, choosing not to intervene lest they attract the Brotherhood of Makuta’s attention.
At some point, an Order Agent was compromised, captured by the rogue Morbuzakh and interrogated; When they ingested a suicide pill, Morbuzakh countered this with a rapidly-synthesized antidote. Despite the Order agent’s training and mental shielding, Morbuzakh eventually succeeded in pulling vital information out of them, before killing his unfortunate prisoner- Helryx never learned the fate of this agent and was deeply troubled over what information may have been compromised during this disappearance.
           Eventually, miners in the Voymari District unearthed a massive, hill-sized block of bohrok, one that was later melted down in the Great Furnace to reveal the lost Mask of Light. Realizing this was a dangerous weapon that could not fall into the wrong hands, Helryx had Order agents infiltrate the facility that the Mask of Light was kept in. The Order of Mata Nui succeeded in retrieving the Mask of Light, defeating UP-VK 8596 (later known as Seeker). The Mask of Light was contained within a specialized module to let it be safely handled; Physical contact with the Mask could burn and blind a person, if not outright incinerating them.
           With the help of Order agent Botar, the Mask of Light was transported from the island of Xia, taken to Okoto. Axonn and Brutaka took custody of the Mask of Light, and were ordered to prioritize protecting it over the Mask of Control; Helryx compared the Mask of Light to a Xian Heart that was set to go off at any moment.
           Like the Mask of Control, the Mask of Light was contained within the Labyrinth of Infinity, with additional security measures added to ensure that nobody could find it; Maze-like symbols and cubes would be needed to act as keys, which would unlock the 777 Stairs leading down to a series of chambers. In such chambers, various guardians placed by the Order of Mata Nui would act as obstacles to the Mask of Light. To top it all off, the path to the Mask of Light was even MORE complex and difficult to navigate, than the one leading to the Mask of Control.
           (When Brutaka went rogue and betrayed the Order, he made sure not to tell Makuta of the Mask of Light; He could allow the Makuta to take the Mask of Control, but letting the Brotherhood have access to Nuva would be a step too far for him.)
           During the Okotan Expedition to Xia, the Order of Mata Nui kept track of the Toa, Protectors, and their allies. While Kopaka fumbled his way through Artidax, a few agents anonymously contacted the Toa of Ice, using him to help fight back against Dume’s tyranny and authority. To the surprise of many, Kopaka didn’t die in any of his tasks. Later, Kopaka’s ‘anonymous allies’ helped him and a few others pull off a heist in the Archives, retrieving the Fragment of Earth in the process.
           Since Xia’s relocation to Okoto, many Xians have begun to rise up against their former masters. Seeing the paradise of Okoto and its society, which is able to function without the strict class-hierarchies of Xia, has been the final straw for many; They know now that the order set by the Powers That Be is a lie and a sham, and one too many incidents have piled on, ranging from the disappearance of Kratakal, to the Powers That Be prioritizing the securing of wealth over protecting citizens from the quakes when Xia flew.
           Now, an open Xian rebellion, the likes of which history has never seen, has begun to arise. And with the Okotan Alliance right next door, Helryx has seen a once-in-several-lifetimes opportunity; A chance to finally turn the tides against the Powers That Be. And with the Okotans needing help against the Barraki, and the participation of the Brotherhood of Makuta and the rise of Kraltarak…
           The time has come. The Order of Mata Nui has emerged from the shadows, revealing its existence as a paramilitary organization of spies and assassins. They have aligned themselves with the Xian rebellion, its leaders showing some suspicion; But beggars can’t be choosers. In turn, the Barraki are incensed and seek to utterly eradicate the Order, angered that so many Xians would dare defy them for so long, and eager to kill now that the closest thing to a face –their masks- have been seen.
           The Okotan Alliance is skeptical- There are some who want no part in assisting any Xians. But many, including the Toa, Protectors, and Ekimu, recognize that they need all the help they can against the Barraki… Besides, the Order of Mata Nui helped Kopaka after all. Even if the Order has blood on its hands, it’s better than nothing; And if both groups weren’t to collaborate, they wouldn’t be as effective, which would lead to a longer conflict and thus more atrocities committed for ‘necessity’.
          While the Order’s new allies are skeptical about their unethical acts and will even contend them, one cannot deny the greater threat at large. Thus, their allies in the Okotan Alliance and Xian Rebellion will turn a blind eye, for the most part, as they work together; The help of inside-agents within these organizations has made the Order of Mata Nui’s alliance with them easier. And as the Order of Mata Nui’s more heinous crimes are revealed, Dume has taken towards highlighting such atrocities to the Xian populace as ‘proof’ of the chaotic lawlessness of the rebellion.
          Alas, the average Xian is used to the same, and worse, from the Powers That Be; At this point, most aren’t even fazed. And the difference between the Order of Mata Nui and the upper-class is that one genuinely wants to make a change for the better, and will actually work and die for it…
          Makuta himself is also wary of the Order of Mata Nui; He is curious to how Helryx has lived for so long, and now knows how they have hindered him in subtle ways in the past. The knowledge of their past secrecy has made him somewhat paranoid of infiltrators amongst his ranks, and as he combs his Brotherhood for traitors and spies, he also seeks to unlock the truth behind the Order’s mental shielding.
          Intriguingly, many of the Order of Mata Nui’s higher-ranked agents have unusual abilities… Ones that cannot quite be explained by science. Many agents have subjected themselves to various experiments to become more powerful, but these unique members seem to have inexplicable powers, some related to the realm of Space. How the Order of Mata Nui’s agents can unlock such abilities are unknown, and Makuta hopes to potentially infiltrate the organization himself one day. For now, his Night Wraiths prove useless at accessing the minds of members that he’s managed to capture.
          The Order of Mata Nui knows the risks it is taking. Each agent chose their life of secrecy, with some completing disappearing from society and being reborn under a new face, mask, and name. All agents have accepted their burden; Only the most trustworthy are allowed into the organization. Motives vary, but generally speaking, all members have been hurt and scarred by Xia in some way, shape, or form; Or they’ve seen others been hurt and cannot stand by such injustice. So although many of their past actions are indeed terrible, one has to note that the Order performs them beneath dire, desperate circumstances; And should the war end in victory for Okoto and the rebellion, perhaps finally the Order of Mata Nui can lay down its arms. Some agents are not averse to accepting the consequences of their actions and punishment, if it means that Xia can finally be liberated…
          The Order of Mata Nui has many members, in addition to the elusive Helryx;
          Axonn is a powerful, burly knight wielding a gigantic battle-axe, who can compel others to tell the truth. Once a conquerer, he helped Helryx establish the Order of Mata Nui. He helped to guard the Masks of Control and Light, and while faithful he has been criticized for being too much of a bleeding heart, compromising his own secrecy to help others; He once risked being noticed by Fenrakk when he rescued a young Takua from the Skull Spiders in the past. As the Xian-Okotan War rises, Axonn has been temporarily transferred from his duty of protecting the Mask of Light, to helping in the fight against the Barraki and Brotherhood.
          Brutaka is a rogue member, a former friend and close comrade of Axonn. Disillusioned by the centuries of brutality with no end in sight, he has seen the Order of Mata Nui commit atrocities that have barely made a difference. Seeking to do things under HIS command now, Brutaka has joined the battlefield as his own contendable player; He has assisted the Brotherhood of Makuta, and is allied with them once more alongside the Barraki. Using his knowledge on the Mask of Light, he is also helping a group of rogue Dark Hunters, led by Zaktan, into finding the hiding place of Nuva. Brutaka’s true goals are unknown.
          Botar is a towering giant of a creature, feared by even Axonn and Brutaka. He has a massive, fanged maw and a horrifying visage. One of the Order’s most powerful agents, Botar has incredibly powerful abilities of teleportation, able to warp across entire miles with objects and passengers in tow. While faithful to the Order of Mata Nui and usually serious, he can occasionally have his own dark sense of humor.
          Hydraxon is a senior-ranking Order agent. Once a prison warden, he realized the corruption of Xia and has since reformed, discarding his old name and identity in favor of the mask and codename he now bears. Hydraxon is responsible for training many of the Order’s new recruits, and is armed with a variety of blades, daggers, and boomerangs, a few of which can explode on impact. A master of the martial arts, he is a mentor to many and frequently assisted by his pet Energy Hound, Spinax; A creature capable of taking in the ‘scent’ of a target’s soul and tracking it across the distance between both islands of Xia and Okoto, back when they were separated.
          Trinuma is an Order agent with an uncanny ability to talk others into doing exactly as she desires. It is unknown if this is some sort of hidden power, or merely the result of genuine charisma; Either way, she is a skilled negotiator who has helped in securing useful deals for the Order of Mata Nui. She has recruited a few members into organization herself, and convinced a few of the Order’s prisoners and enemies into performing missions for them.
          Tobduk is a towering Vorox. Once a meek, dainty housewife, she was one of the first victims to be transformed by the Nynrah Incident, after being captured by rogue Visorak spiders and mutated into the being she is today. Horrifically traumatized by the incident, she was recovered by the Order of Mata Nui and inducted into the organization. Feeling a disconnect between her past life and current identity, the new agent renamed herself Tobduk and rapidly rose through the ranks as a feared, ruthless assassin. Tobduk is responsible for many of the Order’s most heinous acts and has innocent blood on her hands. She bears a personal vendetta against the Visorak and the Nynrah Ghosts. As a result of her mutations, Tobduk is an agile, powerful titan who can enter a berserker state. She wields poisoned daggers and machetes, as well as a staff shaped like a Doom Viper’s head, which can shoot forth white-hot beams of energy.
          Johmak is an obsidian, crystalline being, able to shatter into countless tiny crystals. These crystals can form into a floating cloud, or be used to tear apart and penetrate enemies. Johmak’s ability and unusual nature allow her to recover from just about any form of physical damage, and she is practically immune to it as a result. As a cloud of crystals, Johmak can enter tight spaces and is a skilled saboteur. Armed with a shield formed from her own essence, Johmak is a strong-willed agent who believes in ideals of freedom and resistance.
          Krakua is a grey-armored warrior with a powerful control over Sound, able to manipulate it to silence others, amplify noises, mimic voices, etc. Krakua has used their Sound abilities to a devastating effect, able to access frequencies that shatter almost any material, and cause internal rupturing of organs to enemies. For these abilities, Krakua is an ideal assassin, infiltrator, spy, torturer, and warrior. They are armed with a ‘tuning fork’ blade consisting of two long, silver prongs with which to better attune and amplify Krakua’s power over Sound.
          Jerbraz is a charming agent and spy for the Order of Mata Nui. A botched experiment resulted in him being rendered permanently invisible. He wields a Twilight Blade that can turn practically invisible alongside him, or blind opponents. He is a skilled assassin and infiltrator, and has been frequently teamed up alongside Krakua to watch enemies completely undetected, sometimes right next to them. Most intriguingly of all, the failed experiment has caused Jerbraz to have a presence in both the Light and Dark Worlds; If one were to warp between either realm, they would find Jerbraz still there, existing across the veil between worlds. For this reason, he is an ideal enemy against Night Wraiths, and is able to see into the Para-Realm; Allowing the Order to keep track of the Kraahl as well.
          Mazeka is a skilled decoder, encrypter, and hacker amongst the Order of Mata Nui. Once a skilled programmer, a massacre for the secrets of the company worked for led them down a long chain of events that resulted in their status as an Order agent. Now, they regularly work to intercept transmissions in Artidax, decode messages, encrypt Order communications, etc. They made anonymous contact with Kopaka during his arrival on Xia, helping guide the Toa of Ice in resisting Dume; Mazeka has long been stationed in the fight against the dictator’s propaganda and control of information.
           Scowe is a winged member of the Order, skilled in quiet transport across the skies. She has functioned often as a manual messenger, transporting physical letters containing encrypted data within to other agents in the dead of night. An incredibly stealthy flier, Scowe has managed to evade the sights of guards and cameras through her unusual ability to automatically ‘see’ through the eyes of everyone in her proximity. The owners of these eyes are completely unaware as Scowe is able to map out blind spots, navigating a completely unnoticed flight path through them.
           Deralte is a hulking, four-armed warrior armed with horns and a multi-bladed axe. He has the unique ability to ‘ignore distance’; When he swings his axe, the effects of that axe cutting into something will travel through the empty air between him and whatever is closest, immediately cleaving that object. Thus, he can swing his weapon, and in real-time, whatever is in front of him -within the distance of about a mile- will be sliced as if Deralte was right there. This applies to any of his actions; A hi-five will be immediately felt across a field as he reaches to meet it, for example. Because of Deralte’s unique ability to ignore the distance between him and a target, he is an ideal if unconventional ‘sniper’. Although his power only applies to his body and the axe he wields, Deralte has still managed to kill many unwitting targets, who die believing they were attacked by an invisible assailant that had somehow gotten close. The only way to avoid his attacks is either to get out of the way, or place something –or someone- in front of oneself.
           Boggon is a Vorox with well over a dozen, serpentine heads, with which he can survey the area all around him; Or attack with his fangs, while wielding a weapon in his hands. Operating within the Nynrah District, Boggon acts as a spy for the Order of Mata Nui, reporting the goings-on amongst the various Vorox clans, while researching into the potential existence of whereabouts of the mythical Keetongu.
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northmarch · 7 years ago
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So, according to ‘The Art of Bionicle’ the black crater is 50km wide.  Presuming our most realistic looking map is accurate, that means that Okoto is about 1600km from north to south (about 32 times).
The official size of Mata Nui is 489.09km from north to south meaning that, if we round everything off...
Okoto is about 3 times the size of Mata Nui.
No wonder it took them so long to get anything done.
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xenon-noble · 3 years ago
A 28, C 7 and 16?
Thanks for the ask pal
A28: Okay the answer for this one gonna be complicated because I grew up with G2 and some of the things I say about G1 lore might be wrong, but favorite locations are
1: As a concept, the water region of Okoto. All those underwater temples full of seaweed covered naval mines just seem so cool and it's a shame that they don't exist outside of the art book.
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2: Another one I like as a concept is the Red Star, specifically the broken version. I kinda like the idea of every person to ever die being forced to live in the same city. (plus I had this project I abandoned where the plot was "The Order of Mata Nui tries to land the Red Star to make a Toa army to deal with Marendar")
3: In execution, Karzanhi's island seems pretty cool. Not a good place to live, but a good setting for a story. I had a headcannon about Tuyet being from there. Not sure how lore viable that is but I thought it was a neat idea.
C7: I actually sort of can read it. Not very well, but I probably could answer multiple choice questions about translating it.
C16: I do really like the animation style from Journey to One, where it's in between the Miramax Trilogy and The Legend Reborn in terms of toy accuracy. It looks sort of cell shaded, and everything is sort of scratched and dusty, but still colorful. As for plot and setting, I'm thinking make a movie adaptation of one of the Ignition War years. Ignition War is probably my favorite part of the plot. As for which year, I think JTO's bright animation style would fit best with the 2008 setting and characters, so we're going with that.
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rebuiltbionicle · 5 years ago
Hagah Cohort
Shortly after Makuta Teridax’s rise to power, the Brotherhood of Makuta opted to gather elite Toa to serve as bodyguards for their members, called the Toa Hagah. For centuries, the Makuta were flanked by Toa in shining armour. Such an honour guard was a gamble, as it risked discovery of the Brotherhood’s corruption. Their treachery was discovered, but led to the corruption of the Toa instead.
Makuta Teridax seized power by unveiling a plan for the Brotherhood to overthrow the Great Spirit and have the Makuta rule the universe. For this goal he began a military buildup of the Brotherhood’s forces. This meant an increase in War Rahi and Rahkshi, but Teridax wanted to diversify. At first this meant the development of more new breeds of War Rahi, such as the Skull Spiders and eventually the Visorak, but this wasn’t enough for Teridax. The most powerful force in the universe, aside from the Makuta themselves, were the Toa, and he wanted them as part of their army.
Toa were not formally included into the rank and file of the military; they was not feasible way to convince the Toa to serve in that capacity outside of a few (less than ten) that had enlisted as officers. Makuta Antroz was the one to arrange Toa service with the Brotherhood. As the Brotherhood was still maintaining its public persona as the force of order and justice in service of Mata Nui, it seemed reasonable that such noble servants receive proper protection. Antroz organised the recruitment of the finest Toa from across the universe to serve as “Toa Hagah” teams for the Makuta.
A great many Toa were successfully recruited, the best the universe had to offer. There were 80 Makuta remaining in Brotherhood service at the time, with six Toa Hagah for each Makuta for a total of 480 Toa in service of the Hagah Cohort. The Toa were taken from all elements and the Makuta had their pick of what elements they wanted in their teams. Squabbles were kept behind closed doors. The Toa were given protosteel armour gilded with precious metals. They were given their pick of Kanohi and weapons. The sky was the limit for the Makuta’s bodyguards. This was the beginning of the pampering.
Serving as the Makuta’s honour guard opened a great deal of social doors for the Toa Hagah. The Matoran societies they hailed from were generally classless, but now the Toa were invited to the high society of the more stratified cultures. They were the elite, and the Makuta made sure they knew it. They were exposed to luxury and made to appreciate it. This said, the Makuta did not let the Toa Hagah’s skills dull. They were made to practice for long hours and there were plenty of threats to the Makuta to keep them in check and avoid complacency. This training emphasised an ideological aspect as well; highlighting the Toa’s great power and impying a superiority because of it. The prestige of the Toa Hagah did manage to influence some more Toa to become officers in the standard army.
As time went on, the Makuta began testing the waters of what they were creating. Minor grievances against the Great Spirit were voiced in earshot. Nothing sacrilegious, but legitimate concerns over Mata Nui allowing suffering and tyranny to exist within the universe. The Toa Hagah warmed to the idea that the Great Spirit was negligent and that the universe needed a firmer grip. The Makuta contemplated revealing the plan to them, but an incident convinced them to put it off. Makuta Kulta’s unethical experiments on Okoto had his Toa Hagah turn against him and give the Brotherhood a public relations nightmare trying to pretend Kulta was renegade. The long game had to continue.
Five centuries after the recruitment of the Toa Hagah, Makuta Kojol launched an attack on Artakha and stole the Kanohi Avohkii. While the attack was far larger and far more identifiable with the Brotherhood than Makuta Teridax wanted, the Brotherhood was able to avoid public responsibility as Artakha chose to handle this personally and with secretive allies rather than publicly, and thus the Toa Hagah were kept in the dark about the event for the time being. However, a century later this fell apart.
Makuta Teridax’s personal Toa Hagah, led by Toa Norik, attempting to investigate Toa Kojol’s death eventually put the clues together and realised what the Brotherhood had done. They secretly raided the Destral fortress and retrieved the Avohkii, though they were mutated into Rahaga in their attempted escape. The Makuta did their best to keep the incident quiet, and although it failed to reach public ears, it spread to the rest of the Toa Hagah.
The Toa Hagah were given the choice to continue serving blindly or complicitly, or to stand up against the Brotherhood. A total of one hundred and sixty-three revolted, leaving three hundred and five loyal to the Brotherhood. The revolt was short and brutal, with the Brotherhood victorious. One Makuta was slain, thirty-five loyalist Toa killed, and 57 rebelling Toa killed. The remaining rebel Toa were imprisoned and given to Makutas Mutran, Chirox, and Tridax for experimentation.
The Makuta had their test of loyalty. The remaining 270 Toa Hagah were now completely under their sway, and finally allowed into some final locked doors where they could directly aid the plan. As Makuta Teridax had desired, they now had a cohort of Toa serving in the Brotherhood army. There they would serve until the end of the universe.
This was not the end of the Toa Hagah’s story. Those taken for experimentation were subject to all sorts of modifications. Slight physical modifications such as talons and a digitigrade gait, mind altering to make them obedient again, and changing their element to become Toa of Shadow. The viruses used to accomplish this were later distilled into the Shadow Leeches. Makuta Tridax convinced Makuta Teridax that the Shadow Toa were trustworthy and they became a secret special forces unit for the Brotherhood. The obedience viruses were slowly applied to the loyalist Hagah as well.
This would set the tone of the Toa Hagah’s servitude for the rest of the universe’s history. The bulk would serve in the army or occasionally as bodyguards again, while the Shadow Toa would act as assassins and strike teams. The Shadow Toa remained nothing more than a rumour to the public, while the regular Toa Hagah remained a symbol of prestige that gave the Brotherhood of Makuta a good name. The two groups were fully aware and content with each other’s existence, though there was virtually no overlap. The only exchange of personnel occurred when the Brotherhood opted to purge the universe of Toa of Iron and Magnetism. Instead of killing their own loyal subjects, they converted them into Toa of Shadow to replace their powers while keeping them useful. Brotherhood loyal Toa would remain one of the largest surviving Toa populations during the Toa Decline.
When the Brotherhood went to war with the Order of Mata Nui, the Toa Hagah were used in an attempt to maintain good public relations. This was a failure, and the treachery of the Makuta exposed to the entire universe, so the Brotherhood saw no reason to hold back. The Shadow Toa were now publicly serving the Brotherhood, and the body modifications of talons and enhanced strength and senses made universal amongst the Toa Hagah.
The bulk of the Toa Hagah (referred to at large as the dark Toa) survived the Destiny War to become Teridax’s enforcers after his takeover of the Great Spirit Robot. They were disturbed by his destruction of the rest of the Makuta, but their virus-based loyalty kept them in line. Using powerful illusion powers, he even temporarily brought his own Toa Hagah team back into the fold. As part of the Makuta’s effort to turn symbols of hope into symbols of his own reign, he used the Toa Hagah’s status to turn Toa into a symbol of his rule. As the Reign of Shadows only lasted two years, the cultural memory of Toa as heroes held a stronger impression.
After Makuta’s death, the dark Toa fled onto the surface of Spherus Magna and set out to find a place to rebuild. They remain loyal to the Brotherhood, and with the only surviving Makuta being the “traitorous” Makuta Miserix, the dark Toa serve only the memory of Makuta Teridax. They are currently gathering the remnants of Makuta’s forces into a new Brotherhood.
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supernova1us · 5 years ago
My top 10 hated things about Bionicle G2
1.       the overuse of golden masks. I mean all the powerful masks are all gold, the toa happen to have golden masks just like theirs, then there is another set of golden masks that looks like their recent upgraded ones.  It was just all ridiculous and blown out of proportions and diminished the specialty of the phenomenon. Plus they wore the golden mask through a majority of all of g2 so why bother even giving them regular colored masks anyway. They should have ditched the gold mask part in “journey to one” and juts made it about finding/merging with the creatures.
 2.       Diminished characters. While the 2d web series was pretty good with characterizing the toa, though rather simply, they all had distinct traits and personalities.  That was just all trashed in the Netflix show.  Almost all the toa now felt like angsty teenagers. I think lewa was the only one that stayed fairly consistent, though he transitioned from playful and free spirited to the teams wide-eyed kid brother. Or pohatu from a quiet moody ninja to loud emo brawler. It just showed the lack of care or interest in the characters or writing.
 3.       Generic villain. While g1 had this ass well, there were always reasons and history and lore behind them. Each wave of enemies(spiders/zombies/beasts) had no point other than being an obstacle. Even umurak, the most important villain, had no history or drive other than doing what makuta tells him.
 4.       The backstory and history of the toa.  It felt like no thought was put into it and they went with what we were given so as little thought as possible had to be put into it.  Lore and history were never part of g2 and that is prominent nowhere more than the toa themselves.
 5.       Ekimu being a pointless dick. Marketed as a powerful being and sage, he really never showed himself to be so.  He acted fairly obnoxious and he told the toa a lot, but never anything they wouldn’t have figured out themselves eventually, which would have been more interesting.  And we find out that all he knows it just what he read in prophecy, and is so up his ass honoring it that he never reveals things the toa should know. Okoto could have been saved in a day if he came clean with them. And quite frankly not telling them that defeating makuta would mean their own end is the definition of a dick move.  All and all, as the g2 successor to mata nui, he was a piss poor replacement.
 6.       Voice acting. In both the web series and the Netflix show, voice acting really was a second or third thought.  The web series has all the character voiced by the same damn person, and though he did try to differentiate all the characters, it was still a bit jarring.  Heck, casual watchers would prob never even realize gali was a women. Still, it was better than the Netflix series; if I closed my eyes and listened to the web series, just by the detail of the mannerisms and character acting I could tell who was who.  I don’t think I could ever do that with “journey to one”. Aside from gali and maybe lewa, all the toa sound generic and similar, and as I said before, there are so few defining traits or personalities to them now to pick out. I don’t know if they modded the voices to much or just got all deep voiced men but it was just not handled well.
 7.       Not releasing the makuta set or the mask of ultimate power. Makuta was the main villain of the series and they actually said “we areent going to release him”. Makutas backstory, while cliché, was one of the better written and more nuanced part of g2.  Again just shows how little the creators cared for the franchise.
 8.       Figure looks and proportions.  Compared to the last 2 years of g1, first set of toa were kinda disappointing.  They have their good points and highlights, but it felt like they focused  more on grasping g1 nostalgia than making sure they were descent figures on their own. Tahu had the slung up back blades which seemed so awkward and clunky with his legs, which were covered by literal copies of his chest armor. Then onua, the largest toa of the group, ends up being the smallest toa set, effin really.  The uniter sets were no better in proportions; overly long one piece torsos, arms that if not good length were to short and legs that seems either to short or too long.  The uniters all felt like scarecrows.
 9.       Lack of side characters or additional sets. Unlike g1, g2 did not stray at all from the absolutely necessary characters and sets.  They did not expand the story from the main plotline so we never got to meet other important individuals or characters or goings on in okoto.
 10.   Never exploring okoto.  Okoto was the main setting of the story and like mata nui in g1, one of the most interesting parts of the story should have been exploring it. Instead we get the smallest glimpses of each region and everything else it just important location to important location.
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starshipmatanui · 5 years ago
Year 4 Story
Under the cut for length.
The Matoran now occupy the city in the mysterious underworld. They express their distaste for industrial underground living, and the Turaga assure them once Ekimu is awake he will recreate Okoto for them. The Rahaga keep tight lipped on that comment. The Toa still have a long way to go before they awaken Ekimu. The Turaga lead them  further into the dark underworld, and discover its entire structure is slanted until they reach a region that is totally flooded. Not only do the Toa need to find a way to reawaken Mata Nui down there, but they need to find a way to pump an entire ocean of water out.
The Toa are constructed an entirely new set of armour, ready to take them underneath the ocean and confront whatever creatures may be lurking under there. Matoran are still eager to follow their heroes into battle and start constructing submarines. The Elemental Creatures agree to stay behind and protect the Matoran.
They plunge into the depths with only vague directions in their mind. They catch only glimpses of things moving in the murky depths. Eventually they get cornered by a swarm of horrible things, which they manage to fight off. They continue towards where the swarm had been moving and discover a submerged city, peopled by more hideous creatures but which are timid instead of hostile.
One of the creatures builds up the nerve to greet the Toa. They explain that they are in the City of the Lost, and that they are mutants, former Matoran, forced to live underwater under the reign of the Barraki. The Mutant Matoran agree to aid the Toa in their quest if they help defeat the Barraki. The Toa head out to confront the Barraki’s armies as a show of good faith. The battle is a terrible failure and the Toa are captured and taken to the Barraki.
The Barraki confront the Toa, and introduce themselves. Shockingly, they identify themselves as former Toa now mutated into horrible creature by the Lord of the Deep. The Barraki are amused that the Toa don’t realise how many other Toa there have been. They drop some names, revealing that both Rahkshi and Visorak were once Toa.
One of the Matoran submarines causes a disruption and allows the Toa to escape. Kopaka, irritated at the team not doing what they want, decides they want to loner it up and splits up with them. Kopaka comes across a mysterious figure called Malixos who asks for their assistance. There is a figure in the deep called Hydraxon that plagues them, and desires Kopaka’s aid in bringing them down.
The people of the City of the Lost accuse the Toa of being in league with the Barraki, interpreting capture as a rendezvous. The city is besieged by the pursuing Barraki, so the Toa fight them off and the people realise their error. They agree to aid the Toa if the Toa will lead their uprising.
Kopaka goes into battle with Hydraxon, a powerful Earth elemental. It goes fairly poorly for Kopaka until Maxilos aids him from behind the scenes. This has consequences: when the other Toa meet Hydraxon they refuse to help them. Maxilos leads Kopaka deeper into the abyss into some machinery. Apparently it’s used to by the Barraki to manufacture mutagen drones. Maxilos has shut it down by melting the innards, but wants Kopaka to encase it all in ice to delay any repairing of the machine. Kopaka pressures Maxilos for information on awakening Ekimu.
The Toa and Matoran battle Barraki, and eventually catch their first glimpse of Karzahni, Lord of the Deep. They do battle him but withdraw as their forces overwhelm them. A Matoran, Dekar, is captured. While regrouping, they discover an enormous structure in the depths. It is a huge orb, a little  larger than the underworld cities. Hydraxon returns and fights them furiously until they back down. During the battle, Hydraxon reveals themselves as defending Ekimu, and the Toa attempt to reason with them on the basis of mutual goal. Hydraxon doesn’t believe them.
The Matoran in their submarine decide to take a crack at Hydraxon while the Toa try to rescue Dekar. Hydraxon recognises and is pleased to see unmutated Matoran. They reveal that the orb they guard is the Core, which must be activated to awaken Ekimu. Hydraxon will not permit anyone entry until the sea has been drained; they will not risk the flooding of the Core. The Matoran relay this to the Toa who relay this to the rebel mutations. Apparently the mutations have been developing and repairing a pump system for exactly that purpose, but will not activate it until they are cured of their mutations and can breathe air again.
The Toa capture one of the Barraki’s aides and pressure them for information about the mutations. They learn all about the mutation drones, most importantly the fact that they’re manufactured by Karzahni. There is even a cure, which Karzahni has used for executions (since they drown when cured). The Toa resolve to fight Karzahni for the cure, but want to reunite with Kopaka beforehand.
Kopaka continues to follow Maxilos, pleased that they’re making so much progress on their own. Maxlios leads them to the Core, which they claims was used by the Makuta to plunge Ekimu into slumber. Maxilos claims they don’t understand how to stop it, but suggests that if Kopaka could freeze it over it may cut off its effects. As Kopaka does so, Hydraxon reappears and battles them.
The Toa find Kopaka fighting Hydraxon and they help drive the Earth warrior off. Kopaka explains the progress he had made, and the Toa point out that he’s been mislead and need to enter the Core. Mutations point out that their pump system has been frozen over. Realisation dawns on Kopaka that he’s been screwed over. Making amends, he returns to the pump and removes the ice.
The cure is their primary concern now. The Toa, Matoran, and the rebel mutations track down Karzahni and have a great battle. Dekar leads a prison riot in the Barraki’s dungeons, providing reinforcements for the Toa that turns the tide. The Barraki scatter and the Toa close in on Karzahni. A dramatic battle is fought from which they gain the cure.
The mutations activate the pumps and the sea of darkness drains. The Barraki regather their forces and attempt to destroy the pumps, but the Toa manage to defend it. As the cities begin to drain, the mutation drones administer the cure and the mutants are turned back into Matoran and Rahi.
The Core can now be accessed safely. The Matoran vouch for the Toa, and Hydraxon makes amends with them and permits them entry. Kopaka mentions Maxilos, and Hydraxon explains that Maxilos was a companion of theirs long dead. Whoever Kopaka saw, says Hydraxon, was not Maxilos. Hydraxon explains what has to be done to awaken Ekimu, and the Toa continue on into the Core.
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irradiated-imp · 1 year ago
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So, been a while since I posted Rahi so have some of my recent ones. The Kahu and Kikanalo have been updated recently with new wings and feet, tho that's it.
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Tullo Fish Tropical fish rahi found in the oceans around Okoto Nui. They are common prey for numerous rahi and animals.
Khabew Large beetle-like Rahi. They are temperamental and very territorial often fighting with each other or anything else that enters their territory. Bone Hunters have been known to catch them to pit against each other or other rahi for fun.
Tarakava Semi-aquatic lizards. Tarakava are massive, dangerous predators able to punch with enough force to break solid protodermis.
They dig dens for themselves under water, gathering air weed to breath. Some have been known to take stones with coral polyps on them and placing them at the mouths of their dens intending to use the burgeoning coral to draw in small fish to use as bait for larger prey.
Whali Small bugs found almost everywhere. Many matoran consider them cute.
Fikou Nui Massive, venomous Spider-rahi that stalk Okoto-Nui's forests, jungles, and caverns. The only spiders feared more than them are the Vizorak.
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I always thought it was weird that something that spent alot of time under water didn't seem like it could swim, so I corrected that with my Tarakava build. I like the idea that tropical fish will school around Tarakava for protection.
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binkybonkles · 8 years ago
the ideal yet non effective bonkle reboot
MNOG but its G2 rules (canon reproduction, everything on the island is techno organic, its on the surface of an actual planet)
The Toa never magically get stronger, but they become more powerful as the story progresses
Old equipment is stored so Tahu with last years armour but this years weapons makes sense in canon
Toa tools act as actual tools because they’re makeshift weapons made from Matoran equipment
Makuta and Mata Nui and extremely vague and mysterious, but folks know Makuta is influencing the local wildlife to go crazy
The story mainly focuses on (this is per Koro) a Toa, a Turaga, the right hand Matoran, the left hand Matoran, and maybe an extra Matoran (ex, Gali, Nokama, Maku, Kotu and Hahli)
Gender based elements are out the window entirely
Skakdi, Vortixx, Stelts, Minroes(Krekka’s race) are all on the planet but in different places around the world, occasionally a member of one of these races will show up to Okoto for the year and act as a 7th member of the Toa
(ex, we get a Skakdi barbarian looking for a challenge, who shows up to Okoto right after a legendary Doom Viper shows up and terrorizes the Toa)
The Toa are a complete mystery, and the Turaga are just old Matoran
There are other Toa on the planet(Jovan, Chiara, Lesovikk, ect), but how they came into being is unknown, and they simply travel the world protecting people
Kulta, LOSS, Umarak and all the other ditched G2 villains exist on the planet too, and some have even been called to Okoto to cause chaos 
Okoto isn’t part of the main continent, so no one knows why Makuta has such an obsession with attacking the large island
Takua, an amnesiac matoran wanderer acts as the self insert for the series, since he gets all the terminology, story, and characters explained to him, aswell as going on adventures with the Toa he wanders into
Makuta’s main goal is to kill Takua, eliminating the only thing on Okoto that can stop him, no other villains know this
There are more than just one Wahi per region, Wahis are just the capital cities/seat of the Turaga while there are a bunch of smaller little settlements and villages dotting each Koro
Family relations are a thing but rarely ever shown (ex, Korgot is Whenua’s daughter, Kongu and Tamaru are brother/sister)
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tailethefireheart · 8 years ago
Bionicle G3
Ok, I've been seeing various pitches for a Bionicle generation 3, so I thought I might throw my hat into the ring. Hopefully someone from TTV will read this, as I feel like they are struggling to make any progress at all. If I'm being honest, I hate most of their ideas, but I want to contribute, not compete (if that makes sense). Also, obviously it would be nice if someone at Lego saw this and it gained traction. First things first, the aesthetic of Bionicle should remain consistent with the "Golden Age" of Bionicle with bits of the later aesthetic of G1 thrown in for context as to why there are mostly mechanical beings living the tribal life on an island. The tribal fantasy and sci-fi mix really worked to make the world unique and interesting. Second, there should be an entirely new host of characters, including toa. The villagers should be who we relate to, who we can equate ourselves with. While the toa should remain characters that we don't really understand until later on in the line. For those upset about losing the old toa, I would be too, but I took care of that. The old toa would be introduced one or two at a time, as the "ancient masters", and would be in "perfected" forms. This gives set designers the freedom to go a little wild making them, for example, this way Lego could release a titan sized Onua as a $30-$40 set while other "ancient toa" are in the $20-$35 range. Normal toa being $15, villagers being $5-$10. Third, Bionicle must, I mean this, must remain a constraction line. System sets should be made, yes, but primarily Bionicle should remain constraction oriented. It should also be made an extension of Lego Technic once more as it had been. The reason for this is that constraction DOES bring something different from system to what Lego offers. Not a single company of that size can be successful if they started eliminating variety in their products. Constraction has proven again and again that it is successful, it just needs a little push. That push consists of, proper characterization, proper advertising, and proper budgeting. Fourth, NO PIECES MADE FROM PRECIOUS METALS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES EVER! They destroy the budget, and the "contests" hosted to give them away for G2 were equivalent to a 6 blind raffles and 2 foot races run by a few race horses and a boatload of snails. Fifth, the elements should not change, but should be more clearly represented. Now I am talking about using G1 elements, not G2. The G1 elements were distinct; however, the key distinctions between earth and stone, water and ice, was in the larger concept each of those elements represented. I've posted about that previously, so go check it out. I'd post a link, but I haven't got one. Sixth, if the island is divided it should be more like Mata Nui instead of Okoto. This should be obvious as to why. I'm not entirely sure the island should be segregated though, as each village is dominated by a profession, and rarely does that profession cover all of the needs of the village. Seventh, as long as the colors are varied and interesting with a distribution across the spectrum, and clearly represent the elements, it doesn't matter what the colors are. That said, the "ancient toa" should retain at least their traditional primary colors. That is all for now. Please feel free to respond with your own opinions.
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powerful-kanohi · 8 years ago
System Bionicle?
I’m not as active as I was when I started this blog at the start of G2, so I don’t know whether or not this topic has already been discussed in the tag. I haven’t seen anything about it on my dash, so I’m just gonna write this up.
So, in the last two episodes of @ttvpodcast​, they brought up the idea of the hypothetical Bionicle G3 being a System line. Maybe not purely System, they left open the idea of supplemental Constraction sets, like Star Wars, Super Heroes or Chima, but the main line would be System . And honestly? I mostly, if not only, see advantages to doing something like this.
First of all, System just sells better. System is what people think of when they hear “Lego.” System is what Lego itself pushes (compare what, for example Nexo Knights got in contrast to what Bionicle G2 got, in terms of marketing). Kids and their parents are more likely to buy a System set than a Constraction set. And yes, kids are the demographic that Lego is and has to pander towards. They were banking on G2 selling based almost entirely on the nostalgia of older fans, and see where that got them.
But let’s talk about non-financial aspects. Even if it was guaranteed that G3 was a hit, whether it’s Constraction, System, or a new Galidor, I think making it System would benefit the franchise. Because what was the biggest complaint about G2, even among its fans? The worldbuilding, or rather, the lack thereof. If you would make it a System line, that problem would be solved! Because you would be literally building the world! Imagine if we would have had sets of places like the Ancient City, the Temple of Time, The Maze of Control, the Shadow Realm, or even just one singular Okotoan village! We wouldn’t have needed online animations, books, comics, or a Netflix show to tell us about the world the characters live in! We would have learned about that simply by buying and building the sets!
Now, you might think “But could you really convey the aesthetic of a Bionicle character as a minifigure?” Admittedly, it would be kinda tough to portray a (bio-)mechanical being in that way, but...just look at Nexo Knights! Stuff like their armor add-ons could certainly help create that look. I’d be down for an Onua with an Axl build.
And when it comes to the Constraction side of things...well, I see three possibilities there:
For one, you could take certain characters and just release them as separate Constraction sets. These sets would probably be the Toa and the bigger villains, like Skull Grinder, Umarak or Makuta (I’m generally gonna use G2 as a reference, just because it’s more recent). Because really, most kids will probably only buy the Toa (or even just the one or two Toa they like best) and someone for them to fight against (more on that in a bit, btw).
Another idea I had would immediately play into the initial story of G3. Both generations were originally about the Toa having to find masks. G1 was about each of them finding six masks, which would give them a new, non-elemental power each. G2 was about finding a singular mask that would unleash their full elemental power. G3 would, of course, again be about finding masks, probably again one mask per Toa, and that mask would transform them into a stronger form. Maybe not as powerful as the step from Mata to Nuva, but still. The regular Toa would be the ones that come as minifigs in the System sets, but the upgrades would be Constraction sets.
And finally, again taking inspiration from Nexo Knights, maybe they’re not actually looking for masks this time. Or at least, maybe the masks aren’t the main thing. Remember how in G2, they needed the Masks of Unity to unite with the creatures? In G3, you could have something similar, but instead of needing them to combine with an animal, they’d need them to pilot ancient mystical mech suits. The Constraction sets would be those mechs that you can put the Toa into. Kinda like this. So, a mix between Constraction and System. Admittedly, not my favorite option, but still an option.
Now, you might be thinking “But you were talking about Bionicle needs to cater to kids to be viable! And System sets are more expensive than Constraction figures!” You’re kinda right...and kinda aren’t. You see, like I said above, kids are likely to buy figures so they can, well, play with them. Have them fight. Play out the fights and stories they saw on TV (hey, if I can hope for a G3, I can hope for it getting a TV show like Nexo Knights, Ninjago or Chima). So, they’re gonna but at least two sets, one Toa and one villain to fight. So that’s already about 40 bucks. Now, imagine you had a System set for that price, or even cheaper, maybe, and it not only comes with a Toa and a villain, but probably multiple Toa, maybe some mooks, a villager to save and an entire set piece replicating the world the kid saw on TV! Same amount of money, way more play potential. And again, if they want more detailed fights, they can still buy the Constraction sets.
And finally, and this is admittedly a more minor point, making Bionicle a System line would allow it to interact with Lego’s other properties, licensed and original, in things like The Lego Movies, Lego Worlds or Lego Dimensions! How cool would it be to explore Mata Nui, or Okoto, or however the new island would be called with Batman and the Doctor? Or see Tahu roam around Springfield or Middle Earth? Or even just seeing a theatrical Bionicle movie as part of the Lego Movie line?
Seriously, I’m getting actually excited about the prospect of System Bionicle, and it’s just a concept! I’ve seriously considered building something for Lego Ideas...
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our-workis-never-over · 6 years ago
Remember way back when I first got into Bionicle 2015 and attempted to merge G1 and G2′s stories together, then failed miserably and gave up once G2 came to an end? Well, since I got the idea to try to get another Makuta Teridax set and revamp him (and maybe Mata Nui as well?), I’ve come up with a new idea as far as my G2 lore goes.
Simply put G1 is still canon.
Somewhat. What I mean by that is this:
-Firstly, anything past 2005 is non-canon; 2003 is considered the happy ending to the G1 lore (2004-5 are prequels, so they get a pass).
-Secondly, 2003′s ending is altered so that Teridax truly is the noble demon he’s built himself up to be (as described in this theory).
-Thirdly, after Teridax and Takanuva merged to become the Takutanuva, they sacrificed themselves to awaken Mata Nui once and for all. Upon awakening, Mata Nui recognized what his brother attempted to do and forgave him for his wrongdoings. The two are subsequently recognized by the Matoran as deities, with Takanuva serving as their archangel.
-Fourthly, some time after this, the Toa headed off to new lands where others were in need. When landing on Okoto, the group had amnesia on collision. Most of them got better within weeks after the Skull Grinder incident, but Pohatu was never quite the same; were he to reunite with Hewkii, Onewa, or others, it’s unlikely they would get along very well.
-Lastly, G2′s story’s ending has been altered as well. Instead of returning to the stars, the Toa were transformed into Turaga after locking the door to the Shadow Realm. Makuta, meanwhile, is trapped there, driven insane by the “between life and death” state he’s currently in.
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