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nyaskitten · 4 months ago
Arc Dragon of Focus ... welcome back Mask Makers...
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bionicle-baby · 1 month ago
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xtarart · 2 years ago
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i know im slightly late on this but... HAPPY 810NICLE DAY!!! To celebrate i decided to continue my Bionicle G3 system mini figure concepts! This time with the Great Spirits who were sent by the great beings to create the world the Matoran call their home, and the one who was cast aside and now seeks retribution.
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toomanyinterestsart · 26 days ago
Bionicle years 1-3: the Duty, unity, Destiny Trilogy
So I’ve decided to post a little synopsis for my entire complete AU of Bionicle which not only fuses G1 and G2 together, but also concludes the main story of Bionicle as I see it. I’m not going to spoil everything but I will point which elements are different and some events that happen in every single season (which are supposed to represent the years of the toyline (also I’ll add the usual 6 heroes/toa and 6 villain sets) with that out of the way let’s begin and please if you have any questions, ask them away
2001 The first year/season is divided in two arcs like the generation 2 first year: The Quest for The Masks and the city of the Mask Makers.
The story, as I already began to write it on Ao3, follows the flash animations and novels of generation 1 but instead of Takua, Hahli is the chronicler and protagonist of the second story. In the first arc, The toa, accompanied by their protectors, search their 6 kanohi mask before finding their 6 golden masks in their shrines (A mix of g1 and g2) while in the second story of the first arc, Hahli follows the story of Takua in the flash animations. Some differences or details are:
-The Protectors are all children of the Turaga (Who are the ones of G1), specifically Vakama and Nokama have two children, Narmoto (who is also married to an original Ta-Okotan and has a child) and Kivoda who is the little brother of the fire protector. The Turaga weren’t Toa before they became the elders but were in fact the previous protectors who fulfilled their duties.
-There are no corrupted Kanohis that control the Rahi, but rather there are the Skull Spiders controlled by the Lord of Skull Spiders (LOSS) who is a henchman (henchwoman?) of Makuta who is the evil brother of Ekimu in the story, though I’ll explain how the brotherhood exists anyway.
-Lewa and Kopaka are both females since I’ve wanted to make a 3 males and 3 females group and because Wairuha is a female too I’ve decided that all of her components must be females too. Though you can always change it and it wouldn’t matter much.
-Pohatu has is brooding personality that he had in G2 because honestly that’s how I was introduced to him, but the more he goes on the more he will start to have his personality from G1
-Hahli has a Ga-Okotan that helps her get around the island which is Marka, which is far taller than any other matorans but says it’s because she had been mutated by the waters of the sea of Okoto.
-The Chronicler Company will stay the same with no trouble at all and they will have the same role they had in year 1.Also Melea (A Po-Okotan of G2) is going to take his place in the Inika and Mahri Toa Team because I have other plans for Hewkii in the story. Also for Takua. Ahkmou is replaced with a okotan that is exactly like him called Ahkmou Jr (look at the originality). The reason for it is that Ahkmou is a Toa Metru in this universe instead of Onewa.
-The finale will be at the gates of the city of the mask makers since Kini Nui doesn’t exists. The Toa will first defeat shadow versions of themselves, than the LOSS, making them fall down the bridge and killing them for good (instead of keeping them alive like in G2) and then they’ll face the okotan form of Makuta like in the end of G1 Year 1.
In the second arc, the toa enter the city of the mask makers and have to fight the Skull Army resurrected by Makuta to ensure that the Toa don’t awaken his brother. Every toa will have a opposite skull army member and they will each get their golden mask stolen and corrupted before getting it back.
-While Onua, Kopaka, Lewa and Pohatu still have their respective Skull Army adversaries, Gali and Tahu have Axato and the Skull Assassin (A Lieutenant from the G2 novels and a concept art of the G2 Book). They manage to awaken Ekimu and get to the Forge but Kulta (The Skull Grinder), Fuses with the Mask Of Creation of Ekimu (I’ll explain how Artahka still exists and has one too) and shatters the toa golden masks. Ekimu recovers his weapons and defeats him like in the G2 story.
-Meanwhile the second story of the second arc takes place in the same time of the Toa in the city. After the death of the LOSS, the Bohrok have awoken around Okoto and are terrifying the villages. The Protectors and Hahli work together to track down the hive of the Bohrok in the pit below the City of The Mask Makers and find the Exo-Toa that they wear and the Bahrag Queen. Before I explain the next details I have to specify that the Bohroks launch Skull Spiders instead of Kranas. So the Bahrag queens are the queens of the Bohrok Hive, but the brain of the hive are the Skull Spiders which they control. The original purpose of the skull spiders was to control the Bohrog to clean the island of Okoto, but the LOSS, which arrival was unnatural (and I will explain in year 5), made so that the Skull Spiders fell under the LOSS control and not the Queens who were still in stasis, But now that the LOSS is dead they can control the Hive Again. The story concludes pretty much the same way as they conceal the Queens (But they don’t get thrown into Protodermis) thanks to the help of a Le-Okotan Archeologist named Harvali (G2 Character) Who was trapped under the city for quite a while. (Also Vizuna and Korgot have a intended relationship though it’s never told outloud)
6 HEROES: -Toa Master Tahu -Toa Master Kopaka -Toa Master Lewa -Toa Master Pohatu -Toa Master Onua -Toa Master Gali
6 VILLAINS: -Skull Warrior -Skull Slicer (Survives) -Skull Scorpio -Skull Basher (Survives) -Skull Assassin -Axato/ Skull Lieutenant -Skull Grinder (Survives)
-I put survive because they are important later in the story.
2002 Year 2 is the same as the second year of G2. The Toa Uniters and Ekimu must find the Elemental Creatures to find the Mask Of Control of Makuta before Umarak does. There isn’t a secondary story in this year and this is the weakest of the three chapters of the Duty Unity Destiny Trilogy.
The season goes on pretty much the same as the Netflix episode did, but the masks are inside temples that are protected by trails and elemental monsters (inspired by the ones that appear in the 2001 gameboy games). After defeating them, The Toa obtain their golden masks and unite with the creatures (BTW Melum has his mantis design like in the concept arts because the normal design is just a cheap copy of Terak)
There would also be some more details On Ekimu, Kulta and Hahli story and also the three masks that appear in the Forge would connect to the story in the third year.
The story then finishes the same with Umarak taking the Mask Of Control to himself and becoming the Destroyer.
The Second arc is like the original one of G2, but each Toa has an Elemental Beast assigned to them instead of only three. One detail that changes though, is that Gali's experience in the Shadow Realm gives her visions/nightmares, changing her, and will be an important detail for the next year and also for the end of the story.
When Ekimu reveals his Toa Of Light form and Agil that is where the story changes a little. Ekimu isn’t the Toa Of Light but he’s able to use the power of the Temple of Light and can unite with Agil like the Toa do with their creatures. The Toa also don’t disappear into the stars but instead stay there on Okoto. Umarak is imprisoned like Kulta and the Skull Basher under the forge and turns back into his normal form (though with the red glow like his mask had in the ekimu set) after the Mask Of Cotrol Ultimate Power. 6 HEROES -Toa Uniter Tahu -Toa Uniter Kopaka -Toa Uniter Lewa -Toa Uniter Gali -Toa Uniter Pohatu -Toa Uniter Onua -Toa Ekimu
6 VILLAINS 1-Lava Beast 2-Storm Beast 3-Earthquake Beast 4-Jungle Beast 5-Blizzard Beast 6-Sandstorm Beast 7-Umarak
2003 Year 3 follows the events of the Bohrok kal and Mask Of Light, but not in the way you expect. In the first Arc, The Toa have to stop mercenaries hired by Makuta to destroy his toa seal in the crater of the finale of season 2, but suddenly their powers disappear after their unity symbols are stolen by the Bohrok Kal, wanting to use them to re awaken the queens. The Protectors will have to fight and stop the Bohrok Kal, while the Toa Fight the mercenaries.
Now, this may sound as an original idea, but the mercenaries (which would probably be Dark Hunters that Makuta has brought from the Great Spirit Robot) use the designs of concept art villains that are in the g2 concept art book.
Like in the original story, the Toa will use the Vahi to stop them, but also the Protectors will use the other half of the Vahi to stop them (Lower G1 Half-Protectors, Upper G2 Half-Toa). In the end the Bohrok Kal are destroyed and the mercenaries are banished to the stars by the mask of time.
The Second half is of the Mask Of Light movie. The first half would be similar but with something added at the beginning: the Kohli matches before the finals that Hahli has (It’s shown in the Mata Nui Online Game 2, but that game is pretty much soulless). In the end the first part is pretty much the same: With Hahli and Macku winning the Kohli match against Ta-koro and Onu-koro. The Mask Of Light is found by Hahli at the start of the film and it has the design of the Concept art. Like in the movie it will lead them to the Toa of Light.
Makuta, in his shadow realm, decides to send out his ‘sons’ to get the mask and destroy the toa. But in this timeline, his sons aren’t the Rahkshi: They are the Toa Hagah. (I’ll explain in a second). Pouks and Iruini attack Ta-Koro and make it sink, the Turaga actually recognize them and Tahu and Pohatu fight them while Gali helps evacuate.
Vakama explains how, when Ekimu and Makuta heard the prophecy of heroes, Makuta tried to cheat by creating Toa Masks and powers for six Okotan that then turned into the Toa Hagah. They Fought against the Skull Raiders and won, but when Makuta tried to use the Mask Of Ultimate Power, they were sent to the shadow realm too as they were in the same city.
Later Norik, Bomonga and Kualus will appear too as the other sons, but Gaaki? Well, Gaaki has already appeared since the first year: It was Marka. Marka was chosen by Makuta as the toa of water, but after the war against the Skull Raiders, she decided to quit due to have lost too many friends in the war, and also her right eye. In the final, Harvali helps Marka overcome her trauma, the ga-okotan goes to the Bohrok Hive and immerses herself in the Protodermis, which turns her back into her Hagah Form.
Another storyline explored is the one during the Skull Raiders war from Ekimu’ side. We discover that he was able to have an alliance with the Sea Queen of the inhabitants of the planet (The Planet is Aqua Magna it’s just not specified yet, and the Abissals as I call them are an organic race created by the Great Beings). Later the Sea Queen and Ekimu fall in love together during the war, and after it, they proceed to continue the relationship. After Ekimu goes into his slumber and Makuta is banished. The LOSS rises up with their Skull Spider army and Kulta, informed by Makuta, leads his armies back on Okoto, during his march there, he gets confronted by the Sea Queen, but he is able to kill her easily with the new power that Makuta had given him (For now the Skull creatures are pirates or unknown entities but in later years their true origin will be actually a bit dark and spoiler they aren’t working for Makuta directly). Umarak is also present in this war.
As for why I added the Sea Queen, there are two reasons. One: I saw the Mask of the Sea Queen in the contest they did in 2016 and I couldn’t resist put someone like that in the lore. Two: BionicleChicken who makes amazing arts and was a big inspiration for me. Their designs of the Sea Queen is incredible and the idea of her relationships with Ekimu comes directly from him.
As the original movie did too, Hahli and Macku will go from around the entire island, but this time, they will go to each village of Okoto. After Pouks and Iruini are dealt with for the first time, Makuta releases Norik, Bomonga and Kualus which have the same role of the other three Rahkshi.
Tahu will still be infected by Iruini like in the original, but he won’t be the main threat. After getting him cured, the turning point is where Gali recharges herself in the river. During the arc, Gali will keep having visions of Makuta, or outright just talk to him inside her mind. When she is at a low point, and she is recharging her powers in the waters, Makuta uses his shadow powers to engulf her and control her as a Shadow Toa, ordering her to break the seal.
The Mask Of Light tells Hahli and Macku to go to The City Of The Mask Makers to find the Toa Of Light, but when they reunite with the Toa and Ekimu, they find out Gali is gone and they rush to the Black Crater. Before they can enter, the Toa Hagah stops them, but with the help of Gaaki, who joined the group, they are able to defeat them. Since they are Shadow Toa, their soul is already gone, so they would disappear in thin air and leave their armor pieces behind.
Though the Toa arrive at the Black Crater, Gali, controlled by Makuta, breaks her part of the seal and Makuta is freed in his Ultimate Form (Which is the purple one with wings that they built as mocs. I decided to use all three designs: The Brawler design is when he puts on the mask of ultimate power for the first time in Okoto and gets banished, the one you see in the netflix series is his appearance in Year 2 and also his appearance in the shadow realm, and the final one with the scepter and wings is his form when he gets out of there). Makuta, seeing no use in Gali anymore, frees her from his shadows. The toa try to attack him but they fail, and Ekimu and Makuta have a confrontation where it’s revealed that Hahli is Ekimu’s daughter with the Sea Queen. He is able to defeat them as he flies towards Okoto to rule it.
When They gather up their senses, Ekimu tells the whole story of the Sea Queen and him to Hahli and the Toa. Since Hahli is the daughter of the previous Toa Of Light, then she will be able to use it too, and the mask already knows that Hahli is the new toa, but it needs her to go to the Forge and the Temple of Light to absorb the Light energy. (As for why Hahli doesn’t remember anything previous to the island, The Sea Queen put her in a matoran capsule (the one from 2004) before the Skull Raiders returned after Ekimu slumber).
Makuta arrives in the city and he is initially confronted by the Elemental Creatures and Protectors, but he brushes them off (Destroys Them with Shadow powers). He raises his Skull Army, Skull Spiders and releases Umarak, Kulta and the Skull Basher (The Skull Slicer is alive too, but he won’t make an appearance for a long time). Though Kulta and Skull Basher aren’t mind controlled like the other Skull Warrior, and Umarak just wants to create chaos.
The toa, using their golden masks of speed, arrive to the city. They know they can’t defeat Makuta but they have to distract him so that Hahli can get in the temple. (Makuta doesn’t have the Mask Of Ultimate Control Anymore, but he has one that resembles its powers in shadow form). The Toa and Gaaki fight against Makuta and his forces but it’s all useless. Ekimu (In his forger form not Toa form) tries to attack his brother but he is easily defeated, until the Forge lights up with a beam of pure blue light and Hahli comes out in her new Toa Of Light form (She isn’t called with a different name, she’s just Toa Hahli). The Forge also creates a new vehicle for her (the one that Takanuva had in 2003) with the pieces of the Hagah armors and Bohrok Kal. She is able to hold her ground against Makuta while the Toa destroy the skull army. Umarak tries to get his revenge of Gaaki and he almost kills her until Kulta and Skull Basher knock him aside (VIOLENTLY), they exchange stares and maybe a few words with Gaaki before they disappear (we won’t see them for a while). The toa defeat the skull army.
Hahli uses all of her light powers against Makuta but she is still inexperienced (losing the bike also in the process, it’s damaged but not destroyed). Until Agil unites with her and she is able to use her full light powers. She is able to use so much Light that Makuta evaporates from the blast.
Though they are celebrating their victory against Makuta, the battle had revealed something under the forge and the temple of Light: A Staircase and a door to the inside of something: the inside of the Great Spirit Robot, and the next Chapter of our story: Metru Nui. The new mission for our Toa team? Reawakening Mata Nui.
-Lewa has the green skeleton
-Pohatu has the snake
-Tahu the lava one with his mask on his shoulder
-Kopaka with the one that has his mas
-Onua the squid rock guy
-Gali has the umarak concept art
VILLAINS WAVE 2 -Toa Hagah Norik -Toa Hagah Bomonga -Toa Hagah Gaaki -Toa Hagah Kualus -Toa Hagah Iruini -Toa Hagah Pouks -Makuta Brawler -Makuta Lord -Makuta Ultimate
There you go the first Trilogy (Which I named the Duty, Unity, Destiny Trilogy). If you have any type of questions you can ask them without a problem. As for how Ekimu and Makuta exist as brother but Mata Nui also does here’s the explanation: Mata Nui is the main brain/consciousness/god/ruler of the GSR, BUT he is formed by two different halves of himself: Makuta and Ekimu. Mata Nui is formed only when the two brothers unite. and when he landed on Aqua Magna during the great Cataclysm, Makuta and Ekimu created Okoto as a backup until Mata Nui could come back again (Okoto is like the Mata Nui island but we replace it).
Yours, TMI
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makuta-kotok · 1 year ago
Wait a minute...
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From the Biosector1 page on the Mask of Creation
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From Okotan Makuta's biography on the same website
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No wonder he snapped, his bro kept using hax to win...
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cryptid-cuisine · 1 year ago
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Made a digital version of my Ekimu revamp that I did a few years ago. 100% buildable with real pieces, bar the custom hands.
Also did a complete overhaul of his Toa form just today, but Stud.io baked the FUCK out of the image (below)
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i wanted to do him justice, but...wtf???
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bioniclegoodguy · 1 year ago
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po-matoran-workshop · 6 months ago
Another G2 rant since the earlier one and this one are really my only complaints about it. The doubling up of trans light blue to represent both the element of ice and the mask maker/light is stupid, if ekimu is is supposed to be a takanuva stand in he should be pure gold, if they really needed a transparent colour on him they could have used trans yellow. Also the creatures and uniters should have been unified in the colour scheme, Gali, Lewa and Pohatu being smaller sets that Tahu, Kopaka and Onua shouldn't affect their colour scheme, the whole point of 2016 was unity so why aren't the heroes unified in appearance! The silver on the creatures also feels out of place with the unity masks and since we're talking about the creatures, why are Melum and Terak seemingly identical? I only own Melum and Ikir and haven't checked the instructions but aside from colour the look pretty much exactly the same.
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coldgoldlazarus · 5 months ago
Bionicle G3 Concept thing:
One island. Seven tribes. Eight regions. Twenty-Two elements.
I spent too long on this, and I feel like there may be some controversial decisions here.
Ta-Wahi (Fire, Plasma, Magma)
Tahu, Mythic Toa of Fire
Dume, Ancient Toa of Magma
Lhikan, Legendary Toa of Plasma
Norik, Great Toa of Fire
Ekimu, Heroic Toa of Plasma (Turaga of Ta-Wahi)
Jaller, Current Toa of Plasma
Maglya, Future Toa of Magma
Narmoto, Vaaki of Fire
Sarda, Vaaki of Plasma
Mamuk, Vaaki of Magma
Vohon the Trader (Fire)
Nuhrii the Mask Maker (Magma)
Ga-Wahi (Water, Mind, Abyss)
Gali, Mythic Toa of Water
Helryx, Ancient Toa of Mind
Tuyet, Legendary Toa of Abyss
Naho, Legendary Toa of Water
Gaaki, Great Toa of Mind
Nokama, Heroic Toa of Mind (Turaga of Ga-Wahi)
Hahli, Current Toa of Abyss
Macku, Future Toa of Water
Kivoda, Vaaki of Water
Vhisola, Vaaki of Mind
Owaki, Vaaki of Abyss
Kotu the Attendant (Water)
Idris the Explorer (Abyss)
Le-Wahi (Flora, Air, Vacuum)
Lewa, Mythic Toa of Flora
Lesovikk, Ancient Toa of Air
Nidhiki, Legendary Toa of Vacuum
Iruini, Great Toa of Vacuum
Matau, Heroic Toa of Vacuum (Turaga of Le-Wahi)
Kongu, Current Toa of Air
Tamaru, Future Toa of Flora
Vizuna, Vaaki of Flora
Reysa, Vaaki of Air
Orkahm, Vaaki of Vacuum
Harvali the Archaeologist (Flora)
Defilak the Detective (Air)
Onu-Wahi (Earth, Gravity, Fauna)
Onua, Mythic Toa of Earth
Jovan, Ancient Toa of Gravity
Zaria, Legendary Toa of Fauna
Bomonga, Great Toa of Gravity
Whenua, Heroic Toa of Fauna (Turaga of Onu-Wahi)
Nuparu, Current Toa of Iron (Cosmic Prank - Swapped With Hewkii)
Taipu, Future Toa of Earth
Garan, Vaaki of Earth
Korgot, Vaaki of Gravity
Droton, Vaaki of Fauna
Tehutti the Archivist (Earth)
Mavrah the Researcher (Fauna)
Po-Wahi (Sand, Stone, Iron)
Pohatu, Mythic Toa of Sand
Kodan, Ancient Toa of Stone
Orde, Legendary Toa of Iron
Pouks, Great Toa of Stone
Onewa, Heroic Toa of Stone (Turaga of Po-Wahi)
Hewkii, Current Toa of Gravity (Cosmic Prank - Swapped With Nuparu)
Hafu, Future Toa of Sand
Agarak, Vaaki of Sand
Nikluu, Vaaki of Stone
Kerato, Vaaki of Iron
Melea the Trader (Sand)
Dekar the Hunter (Iron)
Ko-Wahi (Ice, Sonics, Crystal)
Kopaka, Mythic Toa of Ice
Ihu, Ancient Toa of Ice
Krakua, Legendary Toa of Sonics
Kualas, Great Toa of Sonics
Nuju, Heroic Toa of Crystal (Turaga of Ko-Wahi)
Matoro, Current Toa of Crystal
Kopeke, Future Toa of Sonics
Izotor, Vaaki of Ice
Mazeka, Vaaki of Sonics
Kyrehx, Vaaki of Crystal
Kazi the Foreman (Ice)
Nixie the Astrologer (Crystal)
Kini-Wahi (AKA Vo-Wahi) (Lightning, Time)
Voriki, Mythic Toa of Lightning
Nikila, Ancient Toa of Lightning
Chiara, Legendary Toa of Lightning
Varian, Great Toa of Time
Vakama, Heroic Toa of Time (Turaga of Kini-Wahi & Karda-Wahi)
Kapura, Future Toa of Time
Dalu, Vaaki of Lightning
Onepu the Ussalry Captain (Lightning)
Velika the Paradox (Time)
Karda-Wahi (Shadow, Light)
Ahkmou, Current Toa of Shadow (Power Split with Takua)
Takua, Current Toa of Light (Power Split with Ahkmou)
Jagiri, Vaaki of Shadow
Zemya, Vaaki of Light
Kirop the Leader (Shadow)
Tanma the Deputy Leader (Light)
Gavla the Delinquent (Shadow)
Midak the Ussal Tender (Light)
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bioniclechicken · 7 months ago
New masterpost to pin:
OC blog: @boriginalcharacter
Volume 1: The Regathering
Volume 2: Thieves and Murderers (in-progress)
Date Night: Bounty hunter Thode reunites with an old flame named Tayluu
Vs Zyglak: Toa Lesovikk defends a village from rampaging Zyglak
Sand And Glass: Order of Mata Nui agents Johmak, Krakua, and Winged Female Member stop a drug deal
Old Friends: Ekimu reminisces about a brighter past
Toa Orde in: Riddle of the Abominable Snowmen: Toa Orde helps a young Toa of Psionics fight a Dark Hunter
Zaria Infinity: Toa Zaria faces his demons
The Beacon: Beacon faces his destiny
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lynns-bonkle-blog · 5 months ago
Bionicle Superhero AU thing but I'm actually like pinning down some aspects the actual lore I guess (some of which are retcons of stuff from here) in a somewhat disjointed way that I might elaborate more on in the form of a document or diagram or something.
Also if you want more details on a specific thing, just like. Send an ask or whatever. Especially since a lot of this stuff is kinda limited compared to what I could do in one of those other formats.
The whole thing takes place on Earth.
Metru City, the main location, is a sort of pastiche of Metropolis from DC, and therefore a stand-in for New York.
If Metru City is Metropolis, then its neighbour, Voya City, is Gotham, being much darker and having a very obvious class divide. It's also kinda inspired by Steelport from Saints Row: The Third, being a run-down industrial city that serves as the base of operations for a powerful crime syndicate.
(Almost) everyone's names are different, but to avoid confusion and because I want to have like a full name list I'll use their canon names. Exceptions will be noted. Characters who lack canon names will have their names [in square brackets].
There are original characters, but they won't be listed here.
There is a metanarrative that's mostly an excuse to talk about hypothetical in-universe game and film adaptations, and also the specific decades different characters and universes are introduced and their earlier versions in cases where I actually have an idea for that.
Alternate timelines/universes
A version of the main timeline where everything is more futuristic, the Mata look and act differently (and are all like 5 years younger), and the Inika and Metru are completely different people entirely (with the Metru acting as the Inika's mentors).
Instead of the Makuta being a species, there is now a single being called Makuta, who is this universe's equivalent of Karzahni. Rather than retiring from godhood and becoming a back-alley surgeon, he was imprisoned for millenia awakening every 100 years; whenever he awakens, he is eventually defeated by...
Ekimu, a warrior that is reincarnated every century and is destined to return Makuta to his imprisonment. This universe's Takua is the next incarnation of Ekimu and can transform into him, magical girl-style. However, every time Ekimu incarnates, so does Umarak, an underling of Makuta with shadow-based powers; the current incarnation of Umarak is this timeline's version of Ahkmou.
Metru City is now called Okoto City and is much larger, covering some of the area that's occupied by Voya City in the main timeline.
There are a few heroes and villains who only exist in this timeline, e.g Exo (who is technically this timeline's version of Dume; more on that further down), Kulta's Skeleton Army, the Elemental Beasts, etc.
Some aspects of this timeline are inspired by Dimension 23 from Ben 10 Omniverse, for example the fact that a lot of characters have different stuff going on than in canon (e.g Vezon is the mayor of Okoto City) and that the "main" heroes are a lot more immature than their main-timeline counterparts.
Literally just the Toa Empire universe, with very few changes. Tuyet and Nidhiki killed Lhikan, Tuyet declared herself god-empress, and now the world sucks.
A morality-swap universe where the Spherans destroyed their own planet and invaded Earth; the Makuta have light powers and are attempting to liberate the planet, and what (specifically human) characters do and don't have superpowers are swapped.
Technically the equivalent of the Melding, albeit much worse.
An inversion of the main universe; the Skrall attacked and destroyed Earth, so humanity travelled through space and made contact with Spherus Magna.
The equivalent of the Spherus Magna Alternate Universe, though instead of the plot never happening, the plot actually happened the other way around.
A world created when Jaller attempted to use the Mask of Time to travel back and save Matoro; the Skrall's superweapon fired, but missed Earth and hit the moon. However, the radiation from the blast turned most of Earth into a desert; a large amount of Earth's population is dead, and Matoro lives in self-imposed exile. However, what remains of humanity have managed to piece together a new civilisation in what used to be Metru City.
The equivalent of the Kingdom.
City of Silver
A film-noir universe where all the old heroes are still active and in their prime, the Metru and Mata are children, and the Inika haven't even been born.
Superpowers are much rarer, and are mostly explained as being magic, or changed to be more realistic (e.g Dume's ability to instantly repair things is just him being really good at fixing stuff, and Jovan's magnetism comes from a pair of electromagnetic gauntlets).
The Barraki are all a single crime family rather than a syndicate, and rather than being immortal, they are all descendants of the original Barraki (though they mostly look the same as their main-timeline counterparts (albeit in period-accurate clothing), with the exceptions of Carapar, Ehlek and Pridak, who are women). Nocturn is one of the few explicitly-supernatural things in the universe.
While it's named after the City of Silver Pocket-Dimension from Bionicle canon, this universe is conceptually inspired by Earth 90214 from Marvel and also Fallen Aces kinda and really just the whole "proto-superhero" concept.
Earth B
A world where everything is a little bit... off. The Mata and Metru aren't superheroes, the Inika Fanclub are older than the Inika and act like mentors to them, Voya City and Metru City swap names, Axonn and Brutaka are supervillains, there are no Makuta or Spherans, and the Piraka are high-ranking gangsters instead of CEOs, among other changes.
Basically this AU's excuse to reference Bionicle Heroes PC/Console's weird BS (other than the main-timeline Piraka's respective businesses).
Golden Age
The original versions of the Metru, Mata, Mangai and Hagah from the early-1930s to the mid-1950s.
Some characters' genders and even races are different, and the queer characters are all. Not that.
The characters' jobs are also different, e.g Lewa is a circus performer instead of a professional gymnast, Pohatu is an explorer instead of a footballer, and Tahu is a scientist instead of a firefighter.
Various characters and factions don't exist in this timeline, as they weren't introduced (in the metanarrative) until later; this includes the Inika and Barraki (who first appeared in the mid '60s), the Cordak and Order of Mata Nui/Federation of Fear (who first appeared in the early '70s), and the Hero Factory (who first appeared in the late '90s).
The Chiara Games
Essentially the AU's equivalent of the Arkhamverse; in the metanarrative, Chiara has her own videogame series. They include grittier reimaginings of her rogues gallery, and plots adapted (usually somewhat loosely) from the comics. There are also a few original characters.
The games play like a cross between actual Arkham games, but with elements of Dishonored, and Zeno Clash in its stealth and combat, respectively; the former works somewhat differently (you can't grapple up to overhanging scenery, but you have superpowers like a medium-range electric shock that can stun guards and disable security cameras), and the latter is based around attacking individual enemies while avoiding other nearby ones rather than bouncing between multiple enemies in a horde.
Very few other superheroes appear, though some that don't appear are mentioned occasionally, and some of their villains show up as bosses.
While Chiara is the main protagonist, Zaria and Vezon are playable in some of the games; the former has a more combat-focused gameplay style, while the latter is even more stealth focused (since his powers are being restrained).
Other minor worlds that I don't have much to say about
The Shadow Timeline (a more straightforward morality-swap than the Invasion; the Shadow Toa come from this timeline)
Cosmic Nightmares (Lovecraft-inspired early 20th century cosmic-horror take on the main universe; Artakha, Karzahni and Mata Nui are unfathomable elder-gods, Teridax is more obviously an alien pretending to be a human, and no-one has superpowers)
Manga (a manga version of the main "comic" where everything is at least somewhat different; based on similar real-world things)
Chiara: The Animated Series (an animated series about Chiara, which introduced a lot of elements that would be used in later parts of the canon)
Pirates (arrrrr, they be pirates!)
Cinematic Universe (the equivalent of both the MCU and the DCEU)
Zombies (because of course)
Obligatory boring realistic version where everything has to make sense and no-one has superpowers (yeah that)
Cheesy 1960s Toa Mata live-action TV show (which is where the idea of Tahu being a fireman instead of a scientist came from)
Assorted one-off what-ifs (including but not limited to "what if the Mata received their powers from Karzahni instead of Artakha?", "what if Umbra had awakened in the 1880s?", "what if the Chronicler's Company were the most recent incarnations of the Inika?", and "what if Pohatu was a wild-west gunslinger?")
Superhero teams
Six heroes from the Mata district, with element-based superpowers gained by exposure to relics created by Artakha, the god of crafting.
They have an honourary seventh Member, Takanuva, who sometimes works with them (and will therefore be listed here).
A firefighter who was given fire-based powers.
His associated relic is the Volcanic Blade.
A lifeguard who was given water-based powers.
Her associated relic is the Oceanic Hook.
An archaeologist who was given earth-based powers.
Once went on an expedition led by Avak, but was forced to leave after he caught Avak attempting to steal one of the recovered artifacts.
His associated relics is the Subterranean Gauntlets.
A professional gymnast who was given air-based powers.
His associated relic is the Atmospheric Axe.
A footballer who was given stone-based powers.
His associated relics are the Ore Boots.
A rescue worker who was given ice-based powers.
His associated relic is the Auroral Shield.
Studied history at Metru University.
Gained his superpowers after coming into contact with the legendary Mask of Light.
Six now-retired heroes who protected Metru City in the '80s and '90s.
A welder.
Can turn almost fully invisible, though he still has a shadow.
A history professor at Metru University.
Able to translate any language (although she has to actively activate her power to do so; without the power active, she can only understand English and Mandarin)
A curator at Avak's museum.
Can see in the dark.
A retired fighter-pilot.
Able to create visual illusions.
A sculptor.
Has limited mind-control powers.
A former astronomer who now presents shows at Metru Observatory.
Can use telekinesis.
A younger superhero team, united by the fact that they're the chosen ones (chosen six?) destined to defeat the Barraki.
They're all students at Voya University.
A newly-hired security guard at Antiderm Inc.
Studying law.
Can increase his body's performance for a short period of time.
On the Voya University hockey team.
Studying history.
Can transform into animals.
Invents things in his free time.
Studying engineering.
Can move silently.
His father was a famous engineer. In the 1980s, he was commissioned by the mayor of Metru City (who was actually Teridax in disguise) to create law-enforcement robots; Teridax then used the robots to turn the city into a police-state, until the Metru defeated him. Almost 20 years later, he was killed by Reidak, who then started going after Nuparu himself.
Really into flight-sims.
Studying ornithology.
Has telepathy.
On the Voya University football team. A massive fan of Pohatu.
Studying sports science.
Has perfect aim.
Helped translate Nuju's observatory shows into other languages.
Was studying linguistics.
Could astrally project.
Sacrificed himself to save Earth, using the Ignika to overload the Skrall mothership's cannon.
A multinational superhero team, brought together to help fight a giant monster that attacked Metru City in the 1970s. Disbanded in 1984.
In the G2 timeline, they're younger (around the same age as the main-timeline Inika) and don't end up breaking up.
From North America (specifically California).
Vakama's adoptive father.
Carries a pair of high-tech swords that can transform into a hoverboard.
From Spain.
A former mercenary.
Was mutated into a crab-like creature by Roodaka, and is now a Dark Hunter.
From Japan.
A professional swimmer.
Can turn invisible.
Went missing ever since the Mangai disbanded.
From France.
The daughter of two very rich, very dead arms dealers. Her parents were assassinated by a Dark Hunter.
Has complete intangibility.
Went rogue after the Dark Hunter who killed her parents came back to finish the job, leading her to kill civilians in the hopes that the murders would be pinned on the Dark Hunters.
In the G2 timeline, she's a full-on supervillain.
[Ice Toa 1]
From Japan.
Has enhanced reflexes.
Returned to their home country, and still helps protect it to this day.
[Ice Toa 2]
From Scotland.
Can use magic.
Stayed in Metru City, and fights supernatural threats that non-magic heroes can't.
[Ice Toa 3]
From England.
Axonn's brother.
Has the same power as Axonn.
Got a job at the Order of Mata Nui's UK branch.
[Ice Toa 4]
From North America (specifically Florida).
Can breathe underwater.
Was killed by the Dark Hunters.
[Stone Toa]
From Australia
Doesn't have any powers, but instead pilots a small mech.
Currently works for the Order of Mata Nui.
[Earth Toa]
From Italy.
Had super-speed.
Was killed by the Dark Hunters.
[Plantlife Toa]
From China.
Has healing powers.
Returned to their original team, before retiring in the 2000s.
Six wildlife conservationists who were given superpowers by a dying Makuta that crash-landed in the jungle.
The Hero Factory Initiative
A team of artificial superheroes created by the Order of Mata Nui.
They still have their canon first-names, but their canon "surnames" are now their superhero pseudonyms.
They're also a band.
Their rogues gallery won't be talked about in this post (for the most part) because I can't be bothered, but they're just like. The various Hero Factory antagonists but adapted to the setting (e.g the Quatros Beasts are just mutated animals, Von Nebula is a rejected Hero Factory superhero, and Core Hunter is a high-ranking member of Mantax's "MANTA" taskforce who was also originally part of the Hero Factory initiative).
In the G2 timeline, they're sentient robots instead.
Extremely resistant to the cold, at the cost of finding even room-temperature too hot.
Plays drums.
Very durable and strong, but still feels normal amounts of pain.
Plays guitar.
Can shout loud enough to shatter glass, but can't control his voice's volume.
Plays bass.
Can control - but not create - fire.
Does vocals.
Has a constant static charge running through his body and across his skin, meaning he can't touch anyone without shocking them.
Plays keyboards.
Can alter the movement of air in a radius, allowing her to glide, but she has to maintain concentration.
Does vocals.
Can control technology.
Helps with the band's equipment.
Can transform into human/animal hybrids, but only for 10 minutes at a time, and he has to wait 10 minutes afterwards because self-indulgent reference.
Helps organise the band's concerts, and designs their flyers and album covers.
An ameteur team composed of students from a school for young superheroes. Most of them died during an attack from Teridax's underlings, leaving only one of them alive.
In the G2 timeline, they are still active, acting as mentors to the Mangai.
One of only two survivors of the attack (the other being Zaria).
Wanders the globe, helping out wherever he can.
A powerful psychic, and second in command.
Supervillain teams
Six extremely rich and corrupt billionaires who coincidentally gained superpowers at the same time, and went mad with power.
In the G2 timeline, they are more cartoonishly evil, have elemental powers, and their superpowers are more visible when not active. Also, Vezok, Thok and Zaktan are women.
The CEO of a tungsten-mining company; gained his powers after being exposed to a strange mineral while visiting one of his mines.
He can fire heat-beams from his eyes, and also has fire-based powers.
His G2 counterpart has a "gauntlet" of cracked stone covering his entire left arm, with a firey glow coming from inside; his eyes also glow.
The CEO of a shipping company, and a hobbyist cave-diver; gained his powers after touching a strange artifact while cave-diving.
His G2 counterpart has fishlike scales around her neck and arms, as well as webbed fingers and a large dorsal sail.
An extremely successful oil baron, and a former engineer; doesn't have any powers, but instead used his engineering skills to build a powerful exoskeleton out of sheer boredom.
His exo-suit has thermal and infrared vision, can adapt to an opponent's abilities or fighting-style, and its limbs contain multiple guns and lasers.
Had a one-sided rivalry with Nuparu's father, who "stole" the "victory" of having his design chosen for Metru City's robotic defenders. After he murdered him, the hate then extended to Nuparu himself, who witnessed the murder and was approaching his father's level of technological aptitude, the latter of which set off Reidak's hate.
His G2 counterpart is a full-on cyborg, with almost a third of his head replaced by cybernetics, as well as his entire right arm up to the shoulder.
A famous architect and ameteur explorer; gained his powers after activating a mysterious, seemingly magical trap in a temple, which broke his body down into a swarm of flies.
Along with being made of flies, Zaktan can also fire lasers from his eyes.
His G2 counterpart has insectoid mandibles next to her mouth, as well as large dragonfly-like wings and an abdomen with a stinger.
The owner of the museum that Whenua works at, and an archaeologist who is infamous for stealing the artifacts his expedition crews unearth; while at a dig, he accidentally activated a mysterious, seemingly magical mechanism (while trying to hide it in his pocket), which gave him his powers.
He has X-ray vision, and can summon energy-cages to trap opponents.
His G2 counterpart is made out of a marble-like substance that can shapeshift into different forms.
The CEO of a lumber company, with an interest in mountain-climbing; while trying to climb Mount Mangaia (which is located in the Pacific in this AU), he fell into a cavern that was actually one of the engines of Teridax's ship, and the alien particles within gave him superpowers.
He can disorientate his opponents, and is also more resistant to the cold.
His G2 counterpart has multiple ice-spikes sticking out of her head instead of hair, as well as "talons" made of ice. She also wears a lot of fur coats.
Six ancient kings who attained immortality thousands of years ago, but lost their thrones after the first holders of the Inika title defeated them; they have since become the heads of a very powerful crime syndicate, with their headquarters in the middle of Voya City, hiding behind the front of Kingdom Security Solutions.
Each Barraki controls a sixth of the city, and has their own themed gang.
Their names are all the same as in canon.
In the G2 timeline, they weren't granted true immortality, but instead tranferred into magical stone bodies resembling humanoid versions of their canon selves' respective animals.
The leader of the Barraki's current iteration.
Greying but handsome.
Likes wearing white suits, which tend to get stained with blood very quickly.
Eats people, which is the most common reason for him getting blood on his suits.
The leader of the Piranhas; classier criminals who wear white and red.
Covered head-to-toe in scars from many fights, and is missing his left eye.
Wears a bulletproof vest at all times, and is rarely seen in public without the three-eyed demon mask he wore when he was still a king.
The leader of the Krakens; an army of super-strong brawlers that have facial tattoos based on Kalmah's mask.
Weak and emaciated from a combination of spending years Not Doing Shit™, and also just being like that I guess. Relies on Nocturn to do all the fighting for him. Speaks almost exclusively in his culture's language (which is basically just Latin).
Still wears his regalia from when he was a king.
The leader of the Anguillae; warriors that carry swords, spears and shields, and wear armour modelled after the soldiers of Ehlek's kingdom, with eel motifs on the shoulders, a helmet shaped like a sea serpent's head, and Ehlek's coat of arms on the chest and shields.
Very buff.
Wears tactical combat gear 24/7.
The leader of MANTA; a squadron of stealth snipers that silently assassinate the Barraki's high-priority opponents.
Big in all directions.
Wore the most casual outfit out of all the Barraki; a white tank-top, a pair of canvas trousers, and also metal kneepads I guess.
He also wore a bandolier, despite rarely ever carrying a weapon that would require one. He saw it in an action movie once and thought it looked cool.
The leader of Claw; a militia armed with powerful weapons.
He was briefly part of the Federation of Fear, but died during the mission to rescue Miserix.
Skinny murder-twink.
Wears an incredibly garish cyan suit, large red-tinted round-lens sunglasses, and silver high-heeled boots with bladed heels.
The leader of the Peacocks; flamboyant fighters who weaponise dancing.
He briefly became part of the Federation of Fear and went on the mission to resuce Miserix, but then abandoned the team early on.
A strange aquatic being that protected Ehlek's kingdom millenia ago. No other members of his species have ever been recorded, and his appearance is basically a combination of unrelated aquatic species in a somewhat humanoid form (a head resembling a crab, but with a shark's mouth; a pair of tentacles on his shoulders, one of which has been cut down to a stump; frog-like webbed hands and feet, but with claws like a crocodile; anemone-like fronds across his back), making it likely he was created through supernatural means.
Fights on behalf of Ehlek, who is too frail to do so himself.
Dark Hunters
A worldwide assassin organisation.
Most of the members are also standalone villains, and a few even left the organisation at some point. They're just sorted here for convenience.
The Shadowed One
The leader of the Dark Hunters.
Like in canon, he does have a name, but everyone just calls him "The Shadowed One".
The wealthy heiress of a major weapons company.
Has a PHD in bioengineering, which she used to create a substance that mutates people.
Her City of Silver counterpart is an archetypical film-noir femme fatale, who is also the woman-behind-the-man for Sidorak.
Her G2 counterpart is a cyberneticist who uses nanites to forcibly augment her captives.
Shadow Stealer
An extremely edgy '90s villain who, in the metanarrative, managed to stay a regular recurring antagonist into the 21st century, being reimagined as either a serious threat or a goofy parody depending on the writer. In the AU's main "comic run", he's the former, with a faintly-Lovecraftian cosmic horror twist to his design and backstory.
He was a researcher in the 1920s, who found a mysterious artifact belonging to an ancient civilisation that worshipped a being known as Tren Krom. The artifact granted him immortality and the ability to control people by manipulating their shadows, but the twisted his soul, turning him into his current form.
His original '90s premise was just that he was an evil Tren Krom hooded-cultist guy who inexplicably was absolutely ripped, had like 10 belts across his entire outfit, and could kill people by ripping their shadows out of their bodies. He was also technically a hero, but this was changed later on when he was rewritten as part of the Dark Hunters.
A warrior who can recreate any action he sees another perform.
Part of Chiara's rouges gallery, though they have worked together in the past.
His wife was critically injured in an earthquake and is now on life support. Mimic works for the Dark Hunters in an attempt to help pay for the treatments required to keep her alive; in the metanarrative, this backstory was created in the '90s as part of the Chiara animated series, and became a major part of Mimic's character going forwards yes that is a Cold Cold Heart reference.
In the G2 timeline, Mimic was injured instead, and his wife has the whole action-copying gimmick instead.
A time-displaced king from an ancient civilisation.
His G2 counterpart is undead, and commands the Skeleton Army (who don't exist in the main timeline).
Literally just canon!Lariska but human.
Was briefly part of the Federation of Fear, but left after their mission to rescue Miserix from Antiderm Inc.; however, she still helps the Order of Mata Nui from time to time.
Teridax's Rebellion
A group of Makuta who tried to usurp their planet's leaders, but ended up being banished into space.
In the G2 timeline, they are all regular humans, and have their human disguises' names as their actual names.
The leader of a failed rebellion against the Makuta homeworld's leaders.
His name is still Teridax in this AU. This applies to all other Makuta.
His human disguise is "Terrence Daxter", CEO of Antiderm Inc.
His human disguise is "Andrew Rose", head of Antiderm's materials research department.
His human disguise is "Vance Emporia", head of Antiderm's nutritional research department.
His human disguise is "Kai Roscoe", head of Antiderm's sonics research department.
Her human disguise is "Gloria Aster", head of Antiderm's neurological research department.
His human disguise is "Bill Tilford", head of Antiderm's quantum research department.
His human disguise is "Christopher Calford", head of Antiderm's communications department.
His human disguise is "Cody Jones", head of Antiderm's cybersecurity department.
His human disguise is "Tristan Daxter", head of Antiderm's dimensional-travel research project, and also "Terrence Daxter"'s brother.
His human disguise is "Icarus Ragnarsson", Antiderm's head of security.
A corrupt politician who Teridax was lobbying as part of his attempt to take over the world.
Was married to Roodaka, but she ended up mutating Sidorak into a giant spider-monster that fought the Metru and was killed by Keetongu.
His City of Silver counterpart is a mob boss, though he's really just a puppet for Roodaka.
The Zyglak
Carnivorous creatures from the Makuta homeworld.
A swarm of them are responsible for the deaths of most of the students at Orde's school, including almost all of the Cordak.
A member of the Makuta council who Teridax's rebellion managed to capture, and ended up being brought with them when they went to Earth. The Federation of Fear were sent on a mission to rescue him from a prison under the Antiderm Inc. headquarters, which led to the deaths of Carapar and Spiriah.
His preferred form is a large, dragon-like creature, based on a creature from the Makuta homeworld.
Doesn't have a name for his human disguise, since he improvised it during the Federation of Fear's rescue mission, and went back to his big scary dragon form afterwards.
His G2 timeline counterpart is called "Mr. Ricks", and is Antiderm HQ's elderly head janitor who has been working there since before Teridax became the CEO.
The Shadow Toa
Evil counterparts of the Mata from an alternate timeline, brought into the main reality by Tridax.
Their overall backstories are the same (six random people who were given elemental artifacts created by Artakha), but their jobs and personalities are different.
An arsonist who was given fire-based powers.
A pirate who was given water-based powers.
An archaeologist who was given earth-based powers.
Once went on an expedition led by Avak, but was forced to leave after Avak caught him attempting to steal one of the recovered artifacts.
A thief who was given air-based powers.
A mob enforcer who was given stone-based powers.
A "tour guide" (actually a con artist who intentionally gets people lost in dangerous and remote places, then refuses to return them if they don't give him their money) who was given ice-based powers.
Has shadow powers instead of light.
Other factions (and also species)
The Order of Mata Nui
An organisation that helps fund and support Superhero teams, as well as storing dangerous artifacts and imprisoning superpowered criminals.
Their name comes from a mythical warrior who is said to only appear when the entire world is in imminent danger; Helryx, who founded the organisation, does not believe that Mata Nui was a real being, but instead named the Order after him because the organisation's goal was similar.
While the public knows they exist, their agents are required to keep their identities secret to anyone outside the Order for the safety of both the agents and their loved ones.
The Order's founder and leader.
In a secret relationship with a Spheran scientist; after the Spherans finally revealed their existence to the public, Helryx proposed to her, and they got married.
The Order's quartermaster, and a former agent.
Can sense if people are telling the truth.
Married to Brutaka; even when Brutaka was mind-controlled by Teridax, Axonn still tried to save him, and they stayed together afterwards.
A high-ranking agent in charge of the Order's prison, The Pit.
During a successful escape attempt by the Barraki, Hydraxon was stabbed to death by Takadox.
Dekar Sr.
An agent who inherited Hydraxon's position after his death.
An ancient demigod who was entombed underground in case the Ignika was disturbed. He awakened in the 1980s when he sensed that the mask has been unearthed, emerging from underneath the roller-rink that had been built on top of where he was hidden, and soon became enamoured with the popular culture of the time, taking his name from a movie poster, adopting a glam-rock fashion sense, and wearing a pair of rollerblades at all times. The rollerblades were eventually upgraded by the Order to have built-in rocket boosters.
Has a very close friendship with Jovan's daughter, who helped him adjust to the modern world.
His name is still Umbra in this AU.
In the G2 timeline, he was instead awakened in the 1990s, and dresses like a character from The Matrix. His purpose in this timeline is to prevent the Mask of Ultimate Power from falling into the wrong hands.
The vocalist of a '90s pop band, and currently a superpowered Order of Mata Nui operative.
Partially responsible for the existence of the Order of Mata Nui's UK branch.
Can manipulate sound-waves.
A fan of Krakua's band; he joined the Order and discovered that one of his heroes coincidentally happened to also work there.
He lost most of his limbs and half of his face to a bomb set up by Carapar's gang, and had them replaced with prosthetics.
An Order commander who becomes stronger the angrier he gets, so he stays constantly angry at all times.
Helryx has an entire portion of the Order's funding set aside to replace the equipment that Tobduk breaks.
An extremely prolific agent who has rejected multiple offers of promotion. He has technopathic abilities.
An Order assassin who can turn herself into a storm of glass-shards.
Literally just canon Jerbraz but as a human and with a sniper-rifle instead of a sword.
A massive human/wolf hybrid, equipped with a Spatial Tether that lets him teleport directly to the Order's underground prison, The Pit.
Lost his memory after seemingly (but not actually) being killed in an explosion, and created a new identity.
The Pit's robotic guards. Basically the same as in canon, but with sci-fi weaponry instead of swords.
In the City of Silver timeline, they look more dieselpunk, have more grounded weaponry (by which I mean actual guns instead of lasers) and communicate via prerecorded clips rather than text-to-speech, but are otherwise the same.
An alternate version of Teridax from a world where everyone's morality is reversed; his true form's exoskeleton is gold instead of black, and he can manipulate light rather than shadows. He can still shapeshift like his main-universe counterpart.
In his home-timeline, he's the leader of a resistance against the Spheran invasion.
His fake human name is "Daxter Terrence", which is coincidentally an inversion of main-timeline Teridax's fake human name.
Federation of Fear
Organised by the Order of Mata Nui to be an expendable taskforce fo dealing with extremely dangerous threats; literally just the Suicide Squad.
Unlike in canon they have more than 7 members, were active long before the "rescue Miserix" mission, and continue to be active afterwards.
Their most well-known missions (in the metanarrative) include the Miserix rescue, fighting an army of skeletons, and helping to defeat Marendar.
The Federation of Fear's handler.
Married to Axonn; even when Brutaka was mind-controlled by Teridax, Axonn still tried to save him, and they stayed together afterwards.
His civilian job is being a narrator for audiobooks. Because of this, he has to wear a voice filter during missions.
Vezok's unemployed nepo-baby cousin, who holds a share in his shipping company.
After going near the Ignika at a museum exhibition that Vezok dragged him to, he gained superpowers (namely a hammerspace-like void behind his back, as well as the ability to conjure spherical energy projectiles) and immediately went mad with power, taking random magical artifacts (including a spear that can fuse things together, and a strange mask that appeared to flicker between realities). Vezok called the Inika's hotline, and the Inika and Piraka worked together to defeat Vezon. The Order of Mata Nui then captured Vezon, confiscated the stolen artifacts, and placed him in their underground supermax prison, The Pit, before eventually transferring him to the Federation of Fear.
In the G2 timeline, he's the mayor of Okoto City, who is unaware of (or maybe purposefully ignoring?) his cousin's criminal activities.
A former member of Teridax's rebellion, who ended up leaving after almost revealing their true identities by choosing a very... out-there disguise. He was then captured by the Order of Mata Nui and offered a place in the Federation of Fear, which he accepted, before dying during the mission to rescue Miserix.
When he arrived on Earth, he took the form of a towering bat-like humanoid.
His G2 counterpart is a towering bat-like humanoid, imprisoned in Antiderm's labs and experimented on by them.
A human/Makuta hybrid, mostly resembling the former but with the latter's chitinous, digitigrade legs. He also has control over shadows.
Channeled some of his power into a swarm of mechanical "shadow traps" that temporarily mind-control anyone who steps on them.
In the G2 timeline, he's Ekimu's evil counterpart and the herald of Makuta; much like how Takua can transform into Ekimu, Ahkmou can transform into Umarak.
A heavily-armoured supervillain with the ability to generate and fire volatile keratine spines from his body.
Usually part of the Hero Factory's rogues gallery, XPlode was willingly recruited into the Federation of Fear after being captured by the Order of Mata Nui.
The Chronicler's Company
Takua's friends, and fellow Metru University alumni.
The name is what their (legally-distinct equivalent of) DnD characters are collectively called (Takua's character is the Chronicler class).
In the G2 timeline, they are basically the same, but in high school.
Studied classical literature.
He can seemingly teleport, though it is unknown if this is a superpower.
Studied geography.
In a relationship with Hewkii, and currently lives with him in Voya City.
Studied geography.
Often mistaken for Hafu, who has a similar fashion sense and hairstyle, but otherwise looks completely different.
Studied marine biology.
The Inika enlisted her help to identify Nocturn's species. The results were inconclusive.
Studied fine art.
Often mistaken for Taipu, who has a similar fashion sense and hairstyle, but otherwise looks completely different.
Studied art history.
Canonically nonverbal.
The Inika Fanclub
Some high school (and like two university) students who run an Inika fanclub.
The club's founder.
Managed to figure out that Teridax isn't what he appears to be.
The club's resident inventor.
On Earth B, he owns a shop.
Used to be very cheerful and friendly, until her father (who was a detective) went missing while he was looking into potential criminal activity in Vezok's shipping company.
Due to a rare condition, his fingers end with sharp "talons" made of bone. He is extremely worried that he might hurt someone with them.
Has a pet dog.
A Spheran scientist who transferred his mind into an artificially-grown human body to spy on humanity completely normal student who just happens to be very interested in photography.
In the future, he becomes a supervillain who uses his access to advanced Spheran technology in order to (repeatedly) attempt to take over the world.
The oldest of the group.
Studying philosophy at Voya University.
Dekar Jr.
The son of an Order of Mata Nui operative.
In the future he joins the Order, taking Brutaka's place as the Federation of Fear's handler.
Dekar's brother.
Idris's boyfriend.
Sarda's girlfriend.
Based on the unnamed silver Toa from the DS and GBA versions of Bionicle Heroes (though mostly the former).
They can temporarily copy the abilities of any superbeing they touch.
Their name is, in fact, Silver.
Silver's younger brother.
Silver's parents asked them to bring Voriki along to the club's meetings. Like them, Voriki also has superpowers (namely energy absorption), but he hasn't learned how to use them yet.
He doesn't actually care about the Inika, but instead is a fan of the Mata, and wants to become a hero like them. He sometimes gets distracted in class, daydreaming about becoming the seventh eighth member of the team.
In the future, Voriki becomes an actual superhero; he is part of a "next generation" superhero team that are to the Inika what the Inika are to the Mata.
An alien species whose homeworld was destroyed by the Skrall Empire.
Their existence hasn't been made public, as that could draw attention to their presence, leading the Skrall to find them and attack Earth.
The Skrall
An alien empire that attacked and destroyed Spherus Magna.
They eventually attacked Earth after detecting the signals from the Order's communications with the Spherans, and tried using a vast orbital cannon to destroy the planet. Matoro ended up using the Ignika to overload the cannon, destroying the Skrall mothership while also sacrificing himself.
The Makuta
Insectoid aliens from the planet Destral.
They have natural shapeshifting abilities, and the power to control shadows. The shapeshifting is mostly used to gain extra limbs to carry more things or eyes that can be used to see in the dark, and consistently maintaining a singular form requires a large amount of practise and concentration, and might require having to adjust to the imitated species' anatomy depending on how different it is from that of a Makuta (for example, a Makuta that's shapeshifted into a human would need to adapt to having plantigrade legs and five fingers). They can also transform into things that don't exist.
In the Invasion timeline, they have control over light instead of shadows.
They don't exist in the G2 timeline; all Makuta characters are humans, with a few exceptions (namely Spiriah).
Unafilliated individuals
Mata Nui
An ancient warrior who only appears when the entire world is in imminent danger.
Still has his canon name.
Doesn't exist in the G2 timeline.
Mayor Dume
The mayor of Metru City.
He was active as a non-superpowered hero in the 1940s (as part of a larger team), and was one of the people who inspired Helryx to found the Order of Mata Nui.
In the G2 timeline, he was a tech-based hero that used a suit of dieselpunk power-armour that he updated over the years, adding computers and more advanced technology. While Dume kept doing his superhero thing for far longer than his main timeline counterpart, he eventually found out that he had a disease that gave him only a month to live, so he uploaded his mind into the armour's systems and became a new hero called Exo.
A teacher at Orde's school for young superheroes; when the school was attacked by Teridax's underlings, Zaria was one of the only survivors, and now seeks revenge.
He is an occasional ally of Chiara.
In the G2 timeline, he's the headmaster of the school, which is still active.
An antihero from the slums of Voya City.
Basically Batman, but more morally-grey and anti-authority, and with electricity-based powers.
One of Helryx's childhood friends, and the former headmaster of a school for young superheroes; the school was attacked by Teridax's underlings while Orde was protecting a nearby town from the Dark Hunters.
A cryptid said to wander the woods near the outskirts of Metru City.
The god of forges, crafting and creation.
Lives in his temple on the top of an extremely tall mountain, near where the culture that worshipped him lived.
On Earth B, he's "retired" from godhood and now lives in a seaside town in southwest England, where he makes furniture.
Artakha's brother, and the god of death, chaos, and - strangely - medicine.
Has since "retired" from godhood, and now lives in Voya City's most run-down area, working as a back-alley surgeon who mostly works on criminals, including members of the Barraki's gangs.
On Earth B, he's still a god, living in a temple at the bottom of a vast chasm.
An interdimensional being that can drain the life-energy of superbeings in order to become more powerful, leaving them either dead or powerless.
One of the Federation of Fear's "main" missions (from the perspective of the metanarrative) is helping to defeat Marendar.
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downtofragglerock · 10 months ago
Ok this Makuta profile is going to be a bit different than the past ones, there's only one today, but for good reason
I didn't just want to fill up the Brotherhood's ranks with random oc ideas, so I searched around for some tertiary stuff that I could incorporate. There wasn't that much that was workable, but I found a few things. Obviously one of the places I looked was g2, because if Transformers can take characters invented in later incarnations and reincorporate them back into their g1, why can't Bionicle do the same?
Unfortunately Bionicle g2's storytelling and short lifespan means there's not much to work with, but I made do, and now let's look at the story of Makuta Kulta.
Kulta was for certain one of the more middling members of the Brotherhood, certainly not at the bottom of the barrel like Spiriah, but there was no chance he'd ever be in Miserix or later Teridax's personal circle. Kulta knew this fact and absolutely hated it, and thusly sought ways to greatly increase his own power. Eventually, he seemed to have found it.
Okoto was a rather remote island in the Matoran Universe, mountainous with a healthy diversity of biomes and a steady population of Matoran. Okoto did have one particularly interesting feature, either due to some technical glitch in the GSR's mechanics or deliberately designed so by the Great Beings in service of some esoteric experiment, the island was supercharged with elemental energy, from the landscape, to the rahi, and even the inhabitants. It was this feature that caught Kulta's eye when he learned of it. An island positively overflowing with energy? Well he just had to see that.
Since the island was quite remote, Kulta was able to set up shop and begun looking into this phenomenon without much fuss. The results spoke for themselves and Kulta became far stronger than he'd been before. He then began to crave even more power and came up with various ways to try and achieve it. This included using his Tryna in conjunction with this energy boost to create an army of undead warriors, hiring out the Dark Hunter Umarak to hunt and capture some of the island's more elementally-supercharged rahi so he could study them and apply their particular manners of power absorption to himself, and even coming up with the concept of a "Mask of Ultimate Power", a Kanohi that could wield multiple elemental powers at once. Kulta, however, was not a skilled mask maker, and had to forcefully conscript the Okoto Matoran Ekimu, a skilled mask maker and unbeknownst to all and even themselves an Av-Matoran that the OOMN had mind wiped and spirited away, to make it.
Worried that some Matoran might get away and tell the greater universe about what he was doing, Kulta created dangerous rahi to terrorize the population and keep them from leaving. He wasn't very good at naming them though, content with just calling them skull spiders and "beasts". The Matoran got fed up with this and, unable to call upon Toa to help them, sent their strongest and most skilled to try and stop Kulta. Narmoto, Korgot, Vizuna, Nilkuu, Kivoda, and Izotor accepted the task and went underway. While on their journey though, they came across a fissure of elemental energy that struck and supercharged them, transforming the Matoran protectors into a Toa team, the Toa Okoto.
The Toa Okoto fought off the skull spiders and their "lord", tussled with the Umarak and freed his captives, came to blows with the elemental beasts, and destroyed Kulta's undead army, allowing those restless souls to finally sleep. However, when they finally made it to Kulta's inner sanctum, they were too late. The Mask of Ultimate Power had been finished and Kulta had put it on, granting him even greater power and transforming his body into a massive titanic form. Joined by Ekimu, the Toa engaged in a fierce battle with Kulta, who beat them down with ease. Just when it looked like all hope was lost however, Kulta seized up. As it turns out, a mask with that many different elemental energies running through it isn't exactly stable. The mask shattered, and the resulting energy blast knocked the Toa and Ekimu back, and caused Kulta to explode, setting his Antidermis on fire and killing him. The Toa were victorious, Umarak fled back to the Shadowed One, and any straggling threats were defeated, ushering Okoto into a new golden age.
When word eventually got out of what happened on Okoto, the Brotherhood, as this was long before their deception was known to the larger universe, denied all knowledge of what Kulta had done and disavowed him, claiming the Makuta had been a renegade. The lie was quite easy to sell, as it was partly true, Kulta had kept all of his going ons a secret to the rest of the Brotherhood. In private, Teridax was quite glad Kulta had gotten himself killed, as when he thought over things like a vast undead army and a "Mask of Ultimate Power", only one word came to mind: Treason
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nattarthetimedragon · 2 years ago
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Turaga Ekimu, the first Turaga. He was built as a turaga and was made before the first toa. Even though the first toa is of water. Ekimu is light, much like the first Matoran. His purpose was to oversee the matoran constructing the great spirit. His mask is a noble mask of creation, that works by being linked to Artakha's mask, allowing Artaokha to send instructions for how to build various parts of Mata nui, this way Ekimu can relay the instructions to the matoran. It also sent the knowledge of how to make the early mask of the universe. Ekimu was the first mask maker of the matoran universe, other than Atakha himself. After Mata Nui launched, Ekimu took up leadership on Metru Nui, leading the matoran for many years until the matoran suddenly developed free will and minds of their own. Afer the matoran rebelled against him for wanting nothing more than perfect drones, he went into self exile in shame for how he treated the matoran. It is rumored that he is still out there, somewhere, forging masks deep within the Matoran Universe.
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fakebionicleideas · 3 months ago
universe where mata nui and makuta used to be matoran mask makers named ekimu and teridax whose friendship fell apart upon the mask of light's creation
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toomanyinterestsart · 1 month ago
So I’ve been writing the first season of my bionicle au where I fused together the first and second generation. But I’ve seen that so much faster at writing my other fanfic which is the hero factory one. For the bionicle one I’ve prepared 20 years of storyline (the first 10/14 are the official ones while the rest are completely fan made). So to not seem like I stole someone ideas or anything else….
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randomwriteronline · 1 year ago
Hello! This is my main blog! (I'm legend-as-old-as-time.)
So, I've got a favorite. But the other two AUs also fascinate me. I'd love to know what the story is for your G3 of Bionicle? What's the atmosphere like?
as mentioned i have a post in drafts thats meant to be like. a vague skeleton of thoughts and ideas and shit that ive talked about to and with @cantankerouscanuck, mainly introducing the various character groups n the environment slightly, but it does NOT touch on the story much (more the backstory and again only vaguely) so GREAT QUESTION LET ME TELL YOU
thinking of like uhhhh diving this in like. cartoon seasons but old school ones yknow, so LONG ones bc oh boy ADVENTURES
Season 1 starts with that Classic Bionicle Beginning of the toa mata crashlanding on the archipelago of Okoto each on a different island not knowing what the Fuck to do and being welcomed in the villages. like in g2 theyre first tasked with finding some golden relics but instead of being accompanied by the protectors/village elders they go with the local Weird Kids (the chronicler's company) who were the first people they actually met; getting the things lets them reach the island of the mask makers and meet Ekimu (and takua!!!! his apprentice!!!!!!!) and theyre like "so what do we do with these btw" and ekimu looks at the pieces and goes. FUCK
TURNS OUT THOSE RELICS WERE SUPPOSED TO BE GOLDEN MASKS BUT SOME MF JUST BROKE THEM INTO PIECES and wouldnt you fucking believe it it was the Children Of Makuta, the spirit of death and animals and darkness, who live each on one of the islands except spiriah the baby of the family who roams around bothering literally everybody and ofc dont want the toa to reawaken the Great Spirit whom their parent put to sleep, AND SO BEGINS THE FETCH QUEST OF THE OTHER FIVE PIECES OF EACH MASK WHILE FIGHTING OFF THESE FREAKS OF NATURE WHO ARE TRYING TO EAT THEM AND BUILDING CONNECTIONS BETWEEN THEMSELVES & EKIMU & TAKUA N HIS POSSE & THE VILLAGERS AND SLOWLY BECOMING A PROPER TEAM N FAMILY which is why they need to be many episodes. i will fucking recreate almost verbatim the tale of the mask kopaka-pohatu story because its already perfect and you will Fucking See It if i have to Kill For It
closes off with a cliffhanger after getting all the masks: during an ambush by Mutran Gali gets dragged off into the sea between the islands to get crushed by the water pressure but whats this??, the pressure suddenly lifts enough to let her breathe as she loses consciousness while strange silhouettes drive off the child of Makuta and catch her in his stead, sinking deeper...
tahu and pohatu decide to look for her in a ball of tempered glass while kopaka, onua and lewa hurry back to ekimu to tell him what happened. back to gali, she awakens to a bunch of... toa???? who know her and her brothers???? personally, apparently????? three of them are like super mad at them for leaving them during their time of need??????? what the FUCK are you people talking about. who are u. how are you breathing under water. why is tHERE A WHOLE FUCKING CITY UNDER THE WATER-
ENTER: THE TOA MAHRI. as it slowly turns out inbetween rounds of beating the shit out of sapient polyamorous seafood that keeps trying to nibble the villagers and the air bubble domes for their crops, they were TRAINED by the mata a few hundreds years ago and were fighting off the cataclysm that broke the continent of okoto into islands and sunk the city of Iniri into the sea together with them before they just Fucking Left, Apparently - which ofc they didnt do for no reason but they essentially got shoved back into the stars against their will. this rightfully rattles the shit out of the mata because What Do You Mean We Have Been Here Before. What Do You Mean You Had Records Of Us Being Here Even Earlier Than That. How Many Times Have We Done This. How Many Times Have We Discovered Kinship And Affection And Had That Stripped Away From Us. I Think I'm Going To Throw Up
while theyre handling THAT they also fill in the mahri on whats been going on and the mahri go oh shit, the great spirit is in a coma and the children of makuta are against you??? bro those guys are super powerful theyve got Crabs, you cant fight em alone. but also if we try to leave the sea the water pressure Will Fucking Destroy Us, so they figure out a way to get out of there and back up and jaller is super anxious bc his mom might be there but like... based on what they said... she might be evil... he doesnt wanna fight her... shes the only family he still has...
S3 AND WE GO BACK TO SEE WHAT KOPAKA ONUA AND LEWA ARE DOING, and theyre off searching the more ruined parts of the city of the mask makers on takua's suggestion - these are the parts of the city that werent very lucky during the cataclysm and are now sacred ground prowled by Krika, daughter of Makuta
at last they find a strange underground chamber with six breathing statues, which, of course, freaky; they manage to thaw one and out tumbles a toa (?) who immediately recognizes onua and starts talking to him excitedly (??) saying that its so good to see him in person for the first time (???) and asking him about the continent (????) and being genuinely distraught that they dont know who he is. same reactions from the other five toa that also get thawed out. ok something is Clearly Amiss pls explain
its time for LOMN...... 2!!!!!! where we learn from vakama abt how Lhikan, who previously filled in ekimu's position, finds out theres Some Shit going down with the great spirit and makuta and tries to call the mata, who however get stuck due to the aformentioned Some Shit. as such she picks out six lads in the city of the mask makers and bestows masks upon them to make them become toa, but on their way to handle the current problem they get werebeast'd and Krika goes oh? free kids? free kids for me? and Lhikan goes NO but its too late. they already have joint custody of the metru. and might be blossoming a lesbian romance but unfortunately due to lhikan being lhikan i have to kill her to protect vakama, leaving krika with him AND his little brother jaller who will inherit lhikan's mask. the metru figure out the way to get the mata in this case is to attempt to contact them themselves, which they manage to do by entering a trance that however slowly turns them into statues: in this trance they are able to speak and train the mata, who also promise to free them once the whole situation is handled
anyways thats A Lot as you can imagine and the time to process it is Not Much bc the other three mata and the mahri are here and (after a round of MASSIVE HUGS for the metru and mahri reuniting and also the metru and Krika) theyve got a plan to beat the shit out of makuta
problem: the children of makuta have realized this is happening and decided to break out The Crabs to beat the shit out of THEM
mahri, metru and krika (and the chronicler's company much to everybody else's heart attacks) hold them off while the mata manage to fight against makuta after being briefly overwhelmed, uniting their powers to uh. Kill Him. which! IS NOT ACTUALLY GOOD. YOU KNOW. BALANCE AND ALL THAT. makuta is saved in the end by The Great Fucking Spirit who wakes up just in time to stop the mata before they murder his brother
the mata awaken before the Great Spirit and after a moment of "where are we? who are you? why didn't you let us kill makuta?" and getting their answers, they realize OH FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO PUT US IN THE STARS AGAIN? AND GIVE US AMNESIA? FUCK YOU YOURE NOT TAKING OUR FRIENDS AND SIBLINGS FROM US
Great Spirit, lovingly: ok :)
and tahu wakes up to ekimu working at the forge and none of his siblings around and he Shits His Pants, but ekimu quickly reassures him that everythings good and its been like, maybe a day or two since they managed to reawaken the Great Spirit. his siblings woke up before him and are probably down at the beach, and Makuta got driven off, all of his children following suit to take care of him, krika included. the mahri and the metru are catching up on the mata's tales from the chronicler's company. things are fine. they wont be like this forever, ekimu tells tahu, but they dont have to live in fear every second of their lives. rest a while. go see your siblings.
and it ends with the mata having a very sweet nap pile on the beach because they FUCKING deserve it after TWO whole generations ending with them not getting to just fucking sleep after EVERYTHING THEY GO THROUGH EVERY TIME
as you can see i have. Enormous Holes in this and theres things i havent explained and stuff (like how i unfortunately had to sacrifice hewkii x macku due to a Very Big age difference but they are still a power pair, just in this case its like older cousin acting as a mentor to the worlds most bloodthirsty weird little girl) but yes. have this. for now. please keep asking questions i love you
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