#Trident Aviation
beachcam · 2 months
Bahamas Seaplane
Bahamas Seaplane by Daniel Piraino Via Flickr: Cessna Caravan 208 EX seaplane on the water at Bakers Bay, Bahamas in the Abaco Islands.
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brianfrench1995 · 11 months
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BEA Trident Postcard G-ABEA
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trrickytickle · 1 year
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//collab with the notorious @tickle-beans - this one is a big boy!!//
History often repeats itself.
Once again, the Anti-Life Equation was within the grasp of Darkseid's iron fist. The Unity was upon Earth. Darkseid's forces had once again managed to get their hands on two out of three Mother Boxes, and Apokolips' chaos was once again leaking around Earth like a deadly oil spill, which had already engulfed a quarter of the planet with the carnage caused by Darkseid and his two best lieutenants- DeSaad, and with him the formidable Granny Goodness leading her flurry of Female Furies and the armies of Parademons that came with. The Blue Planet was no New Genesis- but the air was rife with disparity and darkness.
But just as history would have it, metahumans- this time led by a sole Kryptonian- would come to the rescue.
The Justice League. A name respected and idolized by many civilians for saving the planet time and time again when it all seemed helpless. On the smoggy streets of Gotham City, which were less rampant with the duochrome flashes of police sirens and outrageous criminal masterminds, lights flickered and hellish red aviator lenses glowed faintly. The usual reign of terror by any such member of the Caped Crusader's rouge's gallery was replaced by the anguished feral hisses of shrinking piles of Parademons swooping in from all directions- drifting past the Iceberg Lounge, dive-bombing down from Wayne Manor, and from behind the clock tower.
There was a bloody struggle in the melancholy heart of Gotham. Diana, with a swish of her lasso, caught a Parademon by the neck, and with the strength of the gods, slammed it head-first onto the tar-black street.
"Behind you!" she warned. Clark flew out of the way and swiveled, only for yet another Apokoliptian barrage to surround him, the Parademons pouncing and snarling at him like wildcats, one clawing at his cape and attempting to overpower him, to no avail. As quickly as he was cornered, the Man of Steel squinted, his red-hot laser vision searing through each and every one of their broken and bruised hides, which were branded with a flash of red light, which disintegrated them into fine dust of pure destruction. While the ash fell to the ground, Barry corralled the Parademons on land, grunting in exertion.
"Got ya guys covered!" he yelled, as the horde of hungry husks' gazes followed him and attempted to catch up, only to be sliced by the speed of sound, their reconstructed constructs falling to bits down to the ground at the same speed as Victor's gatling-fire of plasma, which wiped out the last of the teeming mass of Parademons led by Granny Goodness in Gotham with the help of the swift and sudden STAB of Arthur's trident and his quick-witted waterboarding of a row of demons, who fought with brutal struggle. Looming over the scattered bodies of Parademons along the floor of the city, the Justice League stood, scarred and determined, and ready to move on and stop the plan that they had failed to- the one that would prevent the inevitable end of Superman- and in turn, them. The Knightmare, as Bruce called it. It was what would split their group apart if Darkseid's forces were to conquer.
"Quick, quick, we gotta go!!" Barry urged, running past before the sound of suffering lurches could reach his ears. Another horde. Though they looked weak and sickly, they were another horde no less, though more comparable to the lowly Hunger Dogs, but still without conscience. They seemed… harmless- they weren't armed as they'd usually be- but they were mangled, more or less- defective traits like extra arms and blunt, though still long claws. Still, they were that Apokoliptian, alien brand of horrifying- unsettling for the Justice League, but instilled an uncanny-valley fear in the average civilian's eyes.
"There's more." Bruce scowled. The Justice League swiveled, preparing for a fight that seemed like more of an obstacle, as the (surprisingly fast) Parademons lunged and sprinted at the group with a feverous hunger for agony. He readied his Batarangs, fixing his gaze on one, causing it to bleed out from its scalp- significantly softer, likewise with its teeth and claws. One-hit kill. A freeze breath barrier was set by Clark to placate them, but this was quickly crossed by the agile army. This fight was proving harder. With ease, Diana readied her lasso, drawing it towards one Parademon in the middle- but before she could move a single muscle, they pounced. One came after another, and with another were two more. No big deal. Diana thought. This'll be nothing compared to the Furies.
But as soon as one's claw sunk into the space between her rib and stomach, she winced. Not in pain, however. A weakness she had failed to hide. And with another attempted scratch, Diana screamed- more of a squeal, but a scream nonetheless. The demons, encouraged by the feeling that was new, different, but unmistakably suffering, kept going. Their multiple claws ravaged her, keeping in mind different areas that would cause her to shriek or heave or even cackle- out of force- at different volumes.
"What's-" Cyborg, shocked from shooting off the horde, exclaimed.
She unhanded the Lasso of Truth, but when one got its hands on it, her hands were kept above her head, and she exclaimed.
"kH-AAAH-hhUH-huhhuhAaah- ee-Ahaha-I cch-Ha! I- It tickles! hh-hahh-hI'm ticklish!" Diana screamed. Hoist by her own petard, she was compelled to tell the truth- no matter how embarrassing for the strong Amazonian. "Please, it tickles!" Cyborg, immune to the scraping sensation, shot a few away, but they just kept coming after her- as if embarrassingly uttering just HOW and WHERE she was ticklish ("Not there! No, not my tummy! Please! No, no, no- just- don't tickle my aHAHA-ampihits!) against her will wasn't enough. Like an impenetrable fortress, the Parademons were flowing in like a flock of seagulls from Palmera City next over, cybernetic neon hues barely visible from Gotham's gloom.
"I can't take it there! Puhh-hehah-hhAH, no, no, no, not the belly agHAHAIN!"
Clark yelled out. "Diana! I-" He dove down, taken aback by her squealing giggles and aggressive thrashing as the Parademons attempted to tear at her by biting into her ribs with their cartilage teeth, and scraping at her vulnerable and toned stomach with their tactical claws. They licked their lips at her specific screaming and squeals when certain spots were hit, and as soon as they noticed the Kryptonian, one pounced at his torso. "You have to hold out, I'm surrounded!" The same Parademon chomped at his left side, causing his legs to jolt up and throw it into the air with superhuman strength to no avail. It flew back, grabbing his arms while more merciless creatures took his legs, stretching out his upper body for Parademons to pounce, and that they did. They snarled and hissed, moving their claws around in a drunken haze of violently enacted laughter from his sides up to his ribs and back down. A blow to the belly also proved incredibly effective, reducing the Man of Steel's dexterity to a state of incapacity.
/Continued in Part 2/
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runwayrunway · 1 year
No. 38 - SriLankan Airlines (Air Lanka)
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Thank you to anon for requesting SriLankan Airlines! This was a lot more interesting of an airline to talk about than I expected.
To begin with, take a look at that logo. I love that. The stylized bird looks fantastic and the typeface really matches it well. This is good.
But I will talk more about the logo in a bit. Let's talk about the planes they fly.
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A gay plane has...taken off?
And in the process reflect on planes of years past.
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An old plane has also taken off.
SriLankan Airlines, which was known as Air Lanka from its establishment in 1979 until 1998, is the second flag carrier of Sri Lanka. It was launched after the demise of former flag carrier Air Ceylon as a fully government-owned company. Though it was briefly partially privatised, it is now re-nationalised. There are apparently plans to potentially re-privatise it, but we will see. They're very recently announced and tentative.
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Based on the wording of anon's ask, I get the sense they want me to specifically talk about Air Lanka, and to be totally honest I think I would be doing the airline a huge disservice if I didn't.
I can't read Sinhalese or Tamil, which impacts my ability to really fully understand the apparently quite eventful history of the airline. There are a few op-eds in English written for Sri Lankan publications, but as I'm not the intended audience I would need to research a lot of context before I could really understand much of it. It's a shame, because I am now curious about this.
Thankfully images transcend language, so I can understand how its livery has developed over time. Well, 'developed' is sort of a strong word. They had one livery, and then they had another. They really don't like to switch up their liveries every ten years how many airlines do, and I actually really respect that. Don't get rid of something good if you don't need to.
But was it good?
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I never really thought about the landing gear on the L-1011. It feels like it's located so far back. Is it similar to the Trident's sideways gear to leave space for its massive electronics bay that it used to autoland? Also, that's not that many wheels for a plane that big.
This livery looks sort of standard for something invented in 1979, but it has hidden depths. Even just in terms of its broader design I prefer it to a lot of 70s cheatline liveries. The way it loops down to envelop the tail is nice and the smaller line outlining the main block of color feels almost anachronistic in the sense that it's quite a modern choice. Somehow the two lines on the nose make it look distinctly beaklike, which I think is neat. The wordmark is...acceptable, though unfortunately it seems to only be in English. They primarily used TriStars, which is quite discerning of them. But what's that thing on the tail?
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I like the modern logo but I prefer this one far and away. It's really pleasing to look at and looks graceful despite its sharpness. Just very nicely designed. I think, if a good modern designer was given this logo, they could design a truly fantastic livery incorporating it.
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Actually, although it undeniably looks like a peacock, it's got a bit less immediately visible of a meaning. Aviation is actually a pretty big part of Sri Lankan folklore, and according to the airline itself that peacock is actually the Dandu Monara, a flying machine flown by the legendary king of Sri Lanka Ravana in the Sinhalese version of the Ramayana. This is incredibly cool. Apparently, flying machines in a broader sense are a common feature of Sri Lankan folklore, and they are generally described as being wooden peacocks. I'm genuinely quite sad that I can't find very much about this in English, except for this article by an American researcher, so if anyone knows of any books in English on the subject please let me know.
It's a very elegant execution of the concept. It's easy to buy this blocky, geometric peacock as a machine, without it losing the ability to be recognized as a bird.
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The red, meanwhile, is taken from the Sri Lankan flag. I would honestly love to see a livery for this airline that's on a base of yellow with these gorgeous secondary blue-green, orange, and the absolutely stunning burgundy shade used on the largest square. I think it's very unfortunate that Air Lanka chose a redder shade, because I think the warm hues of the flag are both uncommon in combination and very, very harmonious with each other. Normally I would find four distinct colors a bit busy for a livery trying to be on the simpler side, but with the yellow as a base, the burgundy making up most of the design, and the other two colors used for accent something truly great could be created.
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The red they chose, while a more conventional pick that I feel is a bit of a let-down relative to what they could have done, is still a very nice vivid red. The logo is well-positioned on the tailfin, the entire design looks clean, and especially for the time this was thoughtfully designed and well executed.
I'm giving Air Lanka (1979-1998) a C+.
That grade, though, is for the livery. If I were just talking about the logo by itself, this would be one of my favorites I've covered so far.
And then in 1998 something happened.
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Remember Air Lanka? This is them now. Feel old yet?
Just kidding. They only owned 40% of Air Lanka. In 1998 Air Lanka was partially privatised and Emirates purchased a minority state. One of the first things they did was completely rebrand the airline.
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Well, it's certainly more modern. It is...very very white, and it looks...very much like the Emirates livery. Different colors for the text, different literal logo, but otherwise much is the same. The placement of the text, of the logos on the engines, and of the design on the tail - a sort of swoop from the tip of the fin to the fuselage body.
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I think I prefer the old logo. While the new one does incorporate the rest of the flag, which I like, it distinctly feels alive. It feels like a bird. Normally I would like that, but given the inspiration of a wooden flying machine it feels a bit harder to recognize. The original logo was just...really really fantastic.
That said, the way it looks like the peacock is climbing up the tail, and the way it flows onto the main body, is nice.
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I'm not sure how I feel about the blue underbelly on some of their planes. I mean, I'm kind of a fan of just telling everyone on the ground to visit Sri Lanka, but the blue feels very strange. If it were up to me I would have just done something which occupied more of the plane for a primary design, so it didn't feel like the wings and tail have a wholly different color scheme from the wordmark and underbelly, but that's how it feels.
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It also feels...distinctly Emirates-y in a way I don't like. I actually think Emirates's execution of this particular concept is uninspiring but acceptable, but I just don't like the amount of resemblance here. It isn't exactly Continental and Copa, but it's far from KLM and Air France either.
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These planes are mostly all white. Whether or not that's jarring or not really depends on the angle, and I think more often than not it looks okay. Nothing here bothers me, but I feel disappointed. Maybe my visions for how fantastic a livery based on the Sri Lankan flag and the Dandu Monara emblem could be were a bit unrealistic, with how airlines are, but it's a shame to see traces of Emirates in an airline that hasn't even associated with Emirates for over a decade now (it was renationalised in 2008). This is not fantastic, but this is not bad. It is not Lufthansesque, and if I saw this in 1998 I think I would actually be slightly nicer to it. But it's also mostly white, doesn't do anything spectacular, and passes up so much unique potential which could have made it one of my favorites.
I'm giving SriLankan Airlines a C.
I did debate taking that down to a C-, but I ultimately don't even think I can say I dislike this. I just wish it was more. I hope, whatever its future is, somebody commits to making SriLankan Airlines the legendary flying machine it has always had the potential to be.
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honuofhawaii · 1 year
Funeral Wings
So I know as a fandom when we aren’t denying Ice’s death, we love the scene when Mav hammers his wings into Ice’s casket. I love it too, it’s a phenomenal example of visual story telling and the whole sequence gets me every time. 
For those of your who are not aware, this isn’t a tradition amongst any aviation subbranch of the US military. (I can’t say for other countries military funeral traditions) It is based on the tradition of the Navy SEALs. They slam their Trident aka The Budweiser into the caskets of fallen squamates. I’m guessing/hoping that the TG:M team consulted with SEALs to make sure it was okay to adapt the tradition. 
Bearing in mind the fact that it is not a Navy Aviator tradition in the real world, I am wondering whether it is in the Top Gun universe. Because there are all sorts of things that are different between the real world and the Top Gun universe. For instance the Top Gun program was moved to NAS Fallon in the 90’s (which is situated in the Nevada desert), so if they were actually training a special detachment at Top Gun, they would have had to drive well over a hundred miles for that glorious golden hour beach day of dogfight football. So we could choose to say Mav was doing something normal and expected in his universe. We would then expect other Aviators to do the same at other funerals. However, another interpretation is that the tradition is the same as our world and that Mav was doing something unusual because he didn’t have a better way to express his grief admiration and love for Ice. (I am using love in all its meanings)
What do you think? It definitely changes view of the scene whether you consider it a tradition that’s expected, or Maverick being a maverick. 
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icemankazansky · 2 years
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790 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
@misanderousmisfit this was going to be super long and also I have a picture, so I decided just to make a post.
About Maverick's wings
Okay, SO.
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I just posted this gif with a new set, prompting @misanderousmisfit to say, "Wait how did I not notice that Mav takes his own wings and snaps them on the casket??!!!"
Then she asked for an explanation, and I am happy to provide one, not least of which because I actually already researched this and explained it to someone else like right after TGM came out.
What Maverick does with his wings at Ice's funeral is based on a tradition by the SEALs. Similar to naval aviators, Navy SEALs are given a specific pin that is unique to their role. Pilots have wings; the SEALs have what is called a Trident. It's a symbol not only of the group they belong to, but of all the work they had to do to acquire this specification.
When a SEAL team loses a member, the other members hammer their Tridents into the top of the casket. It's basically taking an incredibly valuable item and giving it to your friend as a sign of respect, and to show that a piece of you is going with him.
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theglitternet · 2 years
SKINTOBER | Day 15 of r/MinecraftChampionship’s MCCtober – favourite MCC Rising moment Presenting: Owen flying into first in Ace Race!
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I didn’t watch Owen in MCC Rising, but it’s how I (like so many others – not least including the Noxcrew) was introduced to him, and since then it’s been super cool as a viewer to see him gain opportunity after opportunity! Plus, that Ace Race win is still pretty sick.
The skin is aviator-themed, but I didn’t know how to put an elytra on him, so he just has a trident.
Download and PNG below the cut.
4px: https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/20951612/owengejuice-mcctober-15/
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airsllides · 24 days
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airsLLide No. 5319: G-AWZR, Hawker-Siddeley HS.121 Trident 3B, British Airways, Zürich, July 10, 1984.
The Trident, by some also called the masterpiece of the British aviation industry, was quickly nearing the end of its service life when I started using my first, half-decent camera and lenses when going for a spin to the airport. She was already an exceptional visitor in July 1984, replacing the assigned, newly delivered Boeing 737-200 on the evening schedule into ZRH when G-AWZR whined into finals.
It is an example of the Tident's largest and final version, the -3B. Its most noteworthy and unique feature is clearly visible in the trailing edge of the tail fin: Although the Trident 3B was a trijet like the Boeing 727 or the Tupolev 154, it had a total of four engines - the small, additional booster engine - intake is in the bulge above the inlet of the center engine, exhaust is the nozzle at the base of the tail, above the exhaust of the center engine - was mounted to increase performance on take-off when operating in hot and high conditions, or when flying in a maximum density single-class leisure configuration to distant destinations.
Hawker Siddeley managed to sell a total of 117 Tridents, with some customers far away from its homeland. Besides British European Airways, later merged into British Airways that used an impressive total of 67 Tridents of sub-series -1C, -1E, -2E and -3B), customers also included CAAC in the People's Republic of China (36 units), Air Ceylon (1 unit), Cyprus Air (3 units), Iraqi Airways (3 units) or Kuwait Airways (3 units).
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head-post · 2 months
Ukraine shows first F-16 fighter jets
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky unveiled the first US-made F-16 fighter jets that Kyiv received from NATO allies.
Following US approval, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Norway pledged to deliver more than 60 F-16s to reinforce Ukraine’s struggling air defences.
These jets are in our sky and today you see them.
Two F-16s with Ukrainian trident on their tails and disguised with camouflage netting acted as a background for Zelensky’s address at Air Forces Day.
Since the beginning of this war, we have been talking with our partners about the need to protect our Ukrainian skies from Russian missiles and Russian aircraft. Now we have a new reality in our skies. The F-16s are in Ukraine. We made it happen. I am proud of our guys who are mastering these aircraft and have already started using them for our country. (…) Our combat aviation will bring us closer to victory.
However, a senior military official stated that Ukraine might leave some of its F-16 fighter jets at foreign bases to defend against Russian strikes, as Ukrainian bases remained vulnerable to attacks. Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that facilities in NATO countries could also become “legitimate targets” if military equipment used by Ukraine was stationed there.
Although the F-16s will upgrade Ukraine’s air force, they are actually old aircraft donated by Western allies. US President Joe Biden gave the green light in August 2023 to deploy retired F-16s to Ukraine, despite the fact that the US would not provide any of its aircraft.
The F-16s are believed to bolster Ukraine’s military strength, particularly air defence, but military analysts argue that the fighter jets will not produce the expected major impact on the military conflict.
Zelensky made the speech at an undisclosed location to protect the fighter jets from Russian missiles. However, the venue could have been the Vasylkiv Air Base, located 40 kilometres from Kyiv, according to some Ukrainian media.
F-16 footage oddities
Meanwhile, Ukrainian social networks are actively discussing whether the delivered F-16s are decommissioned US equipment. Critics claim that servicemen have allegedly covered the fighters with camouflage nets to deliberately hide technical inscriptions. They also drew attention to the supposedly empty compartment where the gun is supposed to be mounted.
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Some Ukrainians also raised questions about the colouring of the demonstrated fighters. The F-16s look as if they were hastily painted on, with the Ukrainian trident painted on the tail.
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Besides the absence of technical inscriptions and a 20 mm six-barrel Vulcan rotary cannon, the experts noticed the antennas typical for F-16s of the ADF model designed for the US Air Force. However, the first to be delivered to Ukraine were F-16 Block 10/15 MLU from the Netherlands, which have antennas in a different configuration and physical shape. The autocannon can also be seen on the demonstrated footage with the pilot, but not in the video featuring the president.
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Relying on this data, critics claimed that Ukrainians were shown decommissioned aircraft from the United States, which were used to train technicians or as decoys for Russian air forces. Ukrainian media are actively spreading opinion on the controversial issue, but no one has yet officially confirmed that the fighters shown on the F-16s are indeed American mock-ups.
Read more HERE
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airspotters · 5 months
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LHR Tridents and Tristars August 1977. The leading plane is G-AWZX and ended up at :GW as a fire trainer in 1984. I have a picture of it sitting there as well. Finally it was broken up in 2004. I have tried hard to repair this photo and it alot better then when I first posted it on facebook. I remember seeing a Aer Lingus 707 park with the Tristars, can anyone shed any light on that. Airspotters.com Please follow and like our page. #AviationIndustry #aircraft #aviationarchives #aviationhistory #airspotters #aircraftspotter #planespotter #aviation #aviationworld #aviationgeek #CivilAviation #heathrow #heathrowairport #trident #hawkersiddleytrident #tristar
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vehicleservices · 1 year
Skyway Gateway: Hyderabad international airport
Hyderabad Airport is one of the busiest airports of peninsular India that connects the city with the rest of the world. It is also known as Rajiv Gandhi International Airport located in Shamsabad locality of the city.  It is one of the well equipped airports of India that is coping with the emerging passenger’s demand of time. The airport has an integrated passenger’s terminal, a cargo terminal and two runways for the growing passenger’s footprints. Further here tourists will also have every civic amenity that is provided by the airport authority like currency exchange, Post office and medical assistance on passenger’s requirements. The airport is also known for its major focus on Air India, Alliance Air (India), Blue Dart Aviation, Spice Jet, and Indigo.
Founded by the Mohammad Quil Qutub Shah in the 16th century, Hyderabad is a capital city of Telangana state of India. Emerging as one of the IT cities of the south, the narrow lanes of the old city are still dotted with the impressive heritage haven of India’s diversity. Flourished on the incredible landscape of peninsular India the every essence of the city is drenched with the sore beauty of India’s diversity. It is also a erstwhile homeland of the Nizam. Dotted with iconic monuments it captivates the eyes of tourists to its distinctive minarets of mosques, intricate figurines of Hindu temple gods, beautiful Churches and distinctive architecture of Gurudwaras. Apart from that, the culinary culture of the town is another attraction for the food lovers.  Hyderabad is a perfect destination for the history buffs, foodies and nature lovers.
Places to Visit in Hyderabad -:
Ramoji Film City
Chowmahalla Palace
Hussain Sagar Lake
Golconda Fort
Salar Jung Museum
Innovative Film City
Wonder La Water Park
Taj Falaknuma Palace
Nehru Zoological Park
Chilkur Balaji Temple
Sudha Cars Museum 
Osman Sagar Lake
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Taj Deccan
Lemon Tree Premier
Vivanta Hyderabad
Red Fox Hotel
The Peerless Inn
The westin Hyderabad Mindspace
Leonia Holistic     
Oakwood Residence Kapil
The Golkonda Resorts & Spa
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honeysfashion · 2 years
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US Navy Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 9 HSC 9 Tridents Hawaiian Shirt
The US Navy Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 9 (HC-9) traces its lineage back to the 1950s when Sikorsky S-51 and S-55 helicopters were used for anti-submarine warfare (ASW) missions. HC-9 was established on 1 October 1987 as an air wing of the USS Independence (CV-62). The squadron's mission is to provide close air support (CAS) and anti-surface warfare (ASW) capabilities to naval forces in the battle space. The HC-9 squadrons are based at Naval Air Station North Island, California.Each HC-9 squadron consists of a mix of MH-60R Blackhawk and MH-65E Seahawk helicopters. HC-9's primary mission is search and rescue (SAR), but they are also equipped with electro-optical/infrared sensors, Hellfire missiles, and AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air To Air Missile launchers. All HC-9 pilots are qualified Naval Aviators or Naval Flight Officers.The squadron's crest features a trident shaped device in purple, white, and gold. The colors are derived from the flying flag of the United States of America. The shield on the crest is blue for the ocean, gray for the clouds, and yellow for the sunrise over the Pacific Ocean. The motto "E Pluribus Unum" is inscribed on the shield in Latin.
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diver-up · 4 years
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a few requests from insta the other day cuz i dont have anything new to post... in this order: reynabeth, clarisse, percy, luke, baby annabeth, and zoë! (creds to @bunkernine​ for inspiring the hunters logo!)
detailed image description under the cut:
Note: all images are black and white and digitally drawn.
first image: reyna and annabeth from the waist up. annabeth is hugging reyna from behind with her eyes closed, smiling. she has lightly tanned skin and curly, shoulder-length light hair. she’s wearing a t-shirt. reyna is latina with a medium skin tone and has long, dark hair with bangs. her hair is braided. she’s wearing armor and looking at annabeth, grinning.
Second image: clarisse la rue holding a spear and looking up at the viewer and grinning, her eyebrows furrowed. she is muscular with short, dark hair and a round face. her lightly tanned skin has several scars, most notably on her nose, jawline, and left eyebrow. she’s wearing a floral, unbuttoned short-sleeved hawaiiain shirt over a camp half-blood t-shirt that features a greek helmet. she’s also wearing a beaded necklace.
Third image: young percy, looking at viewer and smiling gently. he is afro-latino with dark, curly hair that’s shaved on the side. he’s wearing a camp half-blood t-shirt featuring a trident and basketball shorts. he’s holding riptide in his left hand and water rises behind him. his right hand rests in his pocket.
Fourth image: luke castellan staring at the viewer, the master bolt held up in his right hand. he has short blond hair and a scar tracing the bottom of his left eye to his jawline. he’s wearing an aviator jacket and a t-shirt that reads “chb?” the background of this image is black, and the master bolt is white. it’s shaped more like a cartoon lightning bolt than a realistic one.
Fifth image: annabeth during the scene in the lightning thief in which she plays fetch with cerberus. she’s looking up at the viewer, a tear tracking down her right cheek. she has lightly-tanned skin and her hair is pulled back into a ponytail. she’s wearing a camp half-blood t-shirt and denim shorts with a backpack on her shoulders. in her right hand she holds up a bouncy ball colored a bright red - the only part of the image that isn’t black and white. the background is black, but a light grey directly behind annabeth.
Sixth image: zoë nightshade looking at the viewer and grinning. she has a medium skin tone, almond-shaped eyes, and dark hair pulled into a braid. she’s wearing a light-colored winter jacket with a hunters of artemis logo on the sleeve. the logo features a black circle with a glowing white bow, arrow drawn, facing upwards. underneath the jacket she’s wearing a light-colored scarf and a dark shirt. she also has a few moles on her neck and face. 
End ID.]
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harrowharksoup · 4 years
Things that spark joy: two-hander swords, marrow broth soup, aviator sunglasses
Things that do not spark joy: trident knives, tea and biscuits, giant space wasps
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Thelnea’s various military awards and badges
aka an excuse for me to rant about modern AU Thelnea
Medal of Honor: Highest award that can be bestowed upon anyone by the US government. Thelnea earned hers for taking a knife in the gut to protect a completely ordinary, rank-and-file soldier who’s name she didn’t know, and then proceeding to continue fighting with the knife still in her abdomen.
Combat action ribbon: all SEALs, Marines, and sailors who have actively participated in combat can wear this. Thelnea most definitely has.
Expert rifleman medal: for exceedingly impressive performance in a marksmanship competition. Has qualified for it seven years in a row.
Naval aviator and marine aerial navigation badges: She earned these simply by being qualified to operate a plane, both as a pilot and a navigator.
Combatant diver badge: She can dive really deep in the ocean, she can kill you from underwater, she can mess up enemy boats and ships, she can gather data. She’s just cool like that.
4 service stripes: 16 full years of service.
SEAL trident: Earned simply by qualifying to be a navy SEAL, even if you go on to find a different military career.
Command at sea insignia: Worn by commanders and former commanders of warships.
probably some others too
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icemankazansky · 2 years
@misanderousmisfit this was going to be super long and also I have a picture, so I decided just to make a post.
About Maverick's wings
Okay, SO.
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I just posted this gif with a new set, prompting @misanderousmisfit to say, "Wait how did I not notice that Mav takes his own wings and snaps them on the casket??!!!"
Then she asked for an explanation, and I am happy to provide one, not least of which because I actually already researched this and explained it to someone else like right after TGM came out.
What Maverick does with his wings at Ice's funeral is based on a tradition by the SEALs. Similar to naval aviators, Navy SEALs are given a specific pin that is unique to their role. Pilots have wings; the SEALs have what is called a Trident. It's a symbol not only of the group they belong to, but of all the work they had to do to acquire this specification.
When a SEAL team loses a member, the other members hammer their Tridents into the top of the casket. It's basically taking an incredibly valuable item and giving it to your friend as a sign of respect, and to show that a piece of you is going with him.
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The reason they punch them into the casket like that is just to drive the metal into the wood, so the pins stay there.
Those are Maverick's wings. He is giving them to Ice to send a piece of him with him.
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