#srilankan airlines
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A New England Planespotter In...England (And Scotland)
So I've just gotten back from two weeks in London, almost directly beneath one of the arrival paths to Heathrow. One weird thing about being in London was that...my home airport, Logan, is big, sure, lots of international flights, but it's weird in that it's only a hub for three airlines, one of which is domestic. Being sandwiched between NYC and Newark does that to a place. So we get a pretty small selection of airlines here, all things considered.
Heathrow? Literally while taxiing from the runway to the gate I saw us go past an Air Mauritius and a Royal Brunei Airlines plane (and I didn't have my camera out to take a picture!). On the way out on my way home I saw a RwandAir plane (and it was at an angle behind me where I couldn't get a picture of it either!). I saw multiple A380s a day from British Airways and Singapore Airlines, and even a 747 flying for Korean Air Cargo went overhead! (747s never fly to Logan.) I saw THAI, Air India, TAROM, Air Serbia, and the full complement of gulf carriers - which I expected - and China Southern Airlines, which I somehow didn't.
Hey, wait, is that tailfin...
There she is! (I was so happy to see her that I think I startled the person sitting next to me.)
There were of course the usual faces as well - Delta, American Airlines, and even JetBlue now flies to London. I didn't see any full-size FedEx planes, but I did see a FedEx Feeder ATR 72 (at least I think it's a 72) at Edinburgh Airport.
(she was quite far away and the image is inevitably very crunchy)
A few other cargo airlines more typical of Europe were parked nearby her - DHL, Maersk Air Cargo (in the old Star Air livery), West Atlantic, and whoever that is at the end - the livery feels so familiar, actually, but there's no wordmark and half of me thinks it's a wet lease that hasn't been painted. If anyone remembers what's on the tip of my tongue, please do tell me.
While entirely expected, I also enjoyed seeing little Loganair ERJs around in Edinburgh. They're so short! I was arriving in an A320 and even then I had to wait until I was on the ground to take a decent picture that wasn't half cut off by the plane I was actually in.
I don't know enough about Loganair's routes to know what they actually fly to Edinburgh, but a tiny part of me was sad I didn't see any of their littler prop planes. I have a huge soft spot for the Britten-Norman Islander, the first prop plane I ever got to fly on, which Loganair operates two of. Among their uses in the fleet is operating the shortest scheduled route in the world, which lasts around a minute and is about as long as the runway I landed on when I took all those pictures. I won't pretend it's not on my bucket list. (To be fair, I am also legitimately interested in the archaeological sites on Papa Westray...just maybe not interested enough to take a longer flight to see them.)
These aren't all the airlines I saw, but the rest I'm saving for other days and other posts. Still, there is one more type of airplane I saw which I think I have never actually seen in Massachusetts. When I was at Edinburgh I heard this bizarre loud thing that sounded like nothing I'd ever heard before and looked up and saw what I thought was a C-130. Then I realized it was actually an A400M with its weird scimitar propellers. As far as I'm aware this is the first airlift plane I've seen in person that wasn't a static display and it's definitely the first plane I've seen that sounds like that. I also got to see my first ever helicopter that wasn't a tiny little general aviation thing in the form of a Chinook going right over my head at...really not that high, but it didn't have its transponder on so I couldn't tell you more exactly. Is that a thing in London? Airplane-sized military helicopters at low heights over populated areas with their transponders off? I don't remember ever seeing that before but I suppose it has been a while. It was very, very strange.
And that's a non-exhaustive list of the things you just don't get to see in Boston! I will definitely talk about some of these airlines in full someday, but some of them I probably won't. I at least had a lot of fun pointing at airplanes and going "wow...".
#off-duty#runway runway travelogues#polairoids#loganair#fedex#srilankan airlines#dhl#maersk air cargo#west atlantic uk#west atlantic airlines#star air (denmark)
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Software Engineering Jobs in Sri Lankan Airlines 2024
Explore software engineering jobs at Sri Lankan Airlines and join a dynamic team shaping the future of aviation technology. Apply now!
#job vacancies 2024#lanka career#sri lanka job vacacnies#job vacancies in sri lanka#srilankan airlines
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'Fly the Sapphire Service'
London travel poster by Air Ceylon (now SriLankan Airlines) featuring an illustration of a busy London city street (c. 1950). Artwork by Mart Kempers.
#vintage poster#vintage travel poster#1950s#london#air ceylon#Mart Kempers#ceylon#sri lanka#city#bus#travel#tourism#holiday
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「おめーの席ねぇから!」というのは、とあるドラマの有名なセリフである。普通、それが許されることはなかなかない。なかなかないはずだったのに、飛行機に乗ろうとしたら、本当に席がなかった顛末をレポートしたい。 オーバーブッキングとは? オーバーブッキングとは、日本語でいえば「過剰予約」ともいう、航空業界や旅行業界ではよく使われる用語である。ほとんどの場合、キャンセルされることを見越して定員を超えて多めに予約を受け付けることを指すが、予約時のトラブルなどにより重複して予約されてしま��ようなこともオーバーブッキングという。どちらにしても、平たくいえば「おめーの席ねぇから!」ということだ。 航空会社がオーバーブッキングを受け付けること自体は、問題ない。だが、オーバーブッキング後の対応を誤ると、問題になることがある。例えば、2018年に日本航空(JAL)がオーバーブッキングした国内線の便の座席調整に失敗。定期便が欠航したうえ、搭乗予定だった乗客には補償として少なくとも2万円を配布するなどした。 「おめーの席ねぇから!」という状態は、必ず出発前までに解消する必要がある。航空機は定員を上回って出発することは許されない。全日本空輸(ANA)は2016年、定員を超過して空港を出発しようとするトラブルがあり、国土交通省から厳重注意を受けた。航空機の安全運航のためなので、もちろん日本だけではなく、世界共通のルールであることは言うまでもない。 実際にオーバーブッキングになったみたいだが…困惑 2024年3月、筆者はインド・ムンバイからシンガポールに向かうことにしていた。いくつかの選択肢があったが、トリップドットコム(Trip.com)経由でスリランカ航空を予約した。コロンボ経由で3万円弱だった。筆者はワンワールドアライアンスのエメラルド会員(上級会員)だったので、なるべくワンワールドアライアンスの便で行きたいという思惑もあった。 予約したのが5日前だったが、その2日後、スリランカ航空ムンバイオフィスを名乗るメールアドレスから「Flight Over booked」というメールが届いた。本文が「Dear Sir, Greetings from SriLankan Airlines !!!!!!」から始まり、予約システム「アマデウス」と思われる文字列が乱暴に貼り付けられて説明されるメールをみて、呆れてしまった。どういうテンションで顧客にメールを送り付けているのだろうか… メールの内容は、スリランカ航空のムンバイ→コロンボ間の航空便がオーバーブッキングしたので、シンガポール航空のムンバイ→シンガポール直行便に振り替える、という内容。ただ、提案されたのは、当初予定の前日に出発する便。約26時間出発が早い便だ。こういう振替は普通は時間が近い便を提案してくると思っていたが、もしかしてそういう常識は通用しないのだろうか…。 メールで、ワンワールドアライアンスの便で振り替えられるか確認したところ、梨の礫。直接やり取りをしても埒が明かなさそうだったので、発券した旅行代理店であるトリップドットコムのカスタマーサポートに連絡する。「いきなりオーバーブッキングの連絡が来たんだけど、把握してます?」「把握してないです」。それはそう。とはいえ、トリップドットコムのカスタマーサポート自体はしっかり対応してくれている印象を受けたので、しばらく任せることに。 搭乗前日「オーバーブッキングは解消されました!」という連絡が 任せた結果、スリランカ航空とトリップドットコムのそれぞれからほぼ同じタイミングで「オーバーブッキングが解消された」連絡が届く。数年前の空売り問題でおなじみ(?)のトリップドットコムも、スリランカ航空も信用していないけれど、とりあえずそういう事らしいので、悪い予感はするものの信用してみることにしてみる。もちろん、代替案はいくつか考えたうえで…。 今回、ムンバイの空港到着はスケジュールの都合上約2時間前となった。座席がないかもしれない不安があったので、なるべく早くチェックインカウンターに向かいたかったが、前の予定との兼ね合いもあっての対応となった。このとき筆者は、「いろいろすったもんだあったけど、搭乗はできるんじゃないか」という淡い期待を抱いていた。 「やっぱり席ないです」→猛抗議→結果は? 予定通り、フライト2時間前にムンバイ空港の、スリランカ航空のチェックインカウンターに向かったところ、悪い予感は的中。当初聞いていた座席が用意されているなんてことはなく、非情にも「オーバーブッキングのため、ムンバイ→コロンボの席が用意されていない」旨が告げられる。やっぱりか…という心の声が洩れる。そして、数日前からの不毛なやり取りは何だったのか改めて責めたいところだったが、ここは我慢。もう諦めの感情が大きい。 努めて冷静に、代替案を尋ねる。回答はシンガポール航空の直行便。直近の便はムンバイをお昼頃に出る便なのだが、この代替案を確認しているのは、深夜1時前である。仮に待ち時間を潰せるホテルが用意されたとしても、空港とホテルの行き来などを踏まえると、あまり上質な睡眠は確保されなさそう。すでにスリランカ航空への信頼はないので、10時間後に飛行機に乗れるという口約束を信頼する気にもなれなかった。 ワンワールドアライアンスのステイタスポイントが欲しかったので、シンガポール航空の選択肢はない。近い時間でワンワールドの航空会社便は1便だけ。カタール航空のドーハ行だ。ドーハに行けばシンガポール行きとつながるし、ステイタスポイントも稼げる。到着時間もそこまで遅れないのでよい選択肢になるはずだった。 だが、担当者は1度ノーと返した。時間がないという。カタール航空便がムンバイ午前3時10分発で、現在の時間が午前1時過ぎ。翌日便だったら振り替えられるけどね、というコメントとともに返答。今思うとやる気がなさ過ぎなコメントだと思うが、こんなことで腹を立ててもしょうがない。粘り強く交渉した結果、1時間くらい時間もらえれば何とかやるという回答を得た。 「どっか適当なところで座っていていいよ」というありがたいコメントをいただいたが、信用できないので、カウンター周辺で待つ。宣言通り1時間ほどで、カタール航空利用のチケットが出来上がる。時刻��午前2時過ぎ。もう疲労困憊であるが、やっと飛行機に乗れるという気持ちだけがモチベーションだった。こんなはずじゃなかったのだが。 カタール航空のチェックインはとくに問題なく進行。また座席がないとか言われずによかった。ほぼ満席のフライトだったが、オンタイムでドーハに出発。ドーハのトランジットもあっけなく、無事にシンガポールに向かえた。こうして、とんでもない1日はなんとか収まった。 後日談と振り返り 後日、JALマイレージバンク(JMB)の積算状況を確認したところ、カタール航空のフライトについてマイルが積算されていた。ただ、当初の予約はスリランカ航空の予約クラスV(JMBでは積算率50%)だったのに対し、振替でカタール航空の予約クラスV(同30%)と処理されたようで、積算されるマイル数はちょっと損した気分。もちろん、マイル以上に失ったものが多いのだが。 今回、5日前にスリランカ航空をトリップドットコムで予約し、3日前にオーバーブッキングを知らされるという状況。そもそもトリップドットコムで買った時に、「空売り」状態だったのではと思わざるを得ない。過去にも遅延・欠航・目的地変更などさまざまな経験がある筆者だからなんとも対応できたが、正直言ってこういう対応をすると、スリランカ航空はおすすめできないし、トリップドットコムの「空売り」騒動を思い出してしまう結末となった。 そして、スリランカ航空からはアフターフォローは何もない。別に今後当分乗らないので、正直どうでもいいが、ワンワールドアライアンスのエメラルドステイタスを以てしてこの扱いなので、顧客を大事にする姿勢はあるのだろうか。ちなみに、トリップドットコムからはアフターフォローはあったが、目的地に着いたので特に補償などは提供できないという回答だった。ここについては旅行代理店としては妥当な対応だと思うが… 最後に、これは愚痴なのだが、オーバーブッキングの連絡を受けたことにより、自動でスリランカ航空ムンバイ支店のメールマガジンに登録されてしまったようだ。定期的にオーバーブッキングをリマインドさせられる羽目になるので、本当に勘弁してほしい。メールマガジンを停止する方法も書いてないので、正直困る。スリランカ航空、もう少ししっかりやってくれないだろうか…
「おめーの席ねぇから!」 トリップドットコムで購入したスリランカ航空のチケットが"空売り"だった話【レポート】 - TRAICY(トライシー)
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Abu Dhabi: una ciudad más allá de sus sueños más salvajes
Abu dabi es la capital y segunda ciudad más poblada de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos tras Dubái que se encuentra en una isla al sureste del golfo Pérsico que cuenta con una población de 1,567,000 habitantes y las mejores atracciones del mundo. Es la ciudad más cara de la región y la 26 ciudad más cara del mundo. Ya que es el centro de la vida política del país, alberga importantes oficinas del gobierno federal y también es la sede del Gobierno de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos y la sede corporativa de muchas empresas multinacionales. Además, es el centro de las actividades industriales y de gran tradición cultural. Abu Dabi Emiratos Árabes Unidos es conocida por la espléndida Gran Mezquita Sheik Zayed que está considerada la mezquita más bella del mundo y la mezquita más grande del país con una capacidad de 41.000 espectadores, por la montaña rusa mas rapida del mundo que es Formula Rossa, numerosos centros comerciales de lujo, Palacio de los Emiratos, las torres Etihad y museos de clase mundial el Museo del Louvre. Ya que es una de las ciudades más seguras del mundo y ofrece fantásticas atracciones turísticas con mejores opciones de gastronomía y actividades aventureros, vaya a este lugar lo tanto posible. Etihad Airways, Flynas, Air New Zealand, Air Canada, Garuda Indonesia, Avianca, Gulf Air y SriLankan Airlines vuelan directamente a Abu Dhabi. Puede reservar los y pasar unos días divertidos.
El Idioma
El árabe es el idioma oficial del gobierno y los negocios en Abu Dabi pero el inglés también es ampliamente utilizado por los lugareños y turistas. Aquí, la mayoría de las señales de carreteras y escaparates están escritas en inglés y el árabe. Otros idiomas hablados ampliamente incluyen hindi, urdu y persa.
El Clima y el mejor tiempo para viajar a Abu Dabi :
Abu Dabi tiene un clima desértico que se puede caracterizar por temperaturas medias altas y precipitaciones muy escasas. Los meses más cálidos son entre los meses de junio a septiembre con temperaturas que pueden superar los 40 °C. No es un buen momento para visitar la ciudad porque hace mucho calor y humedad. No podrá hacer actividades y explorar atracciones al aire libre también, existe la posibilidad de deshidratación en el calor abrasador. Puede visitar Abu Dhabi en los meses más frescos de invierno entre noviembre y marzo cuando el tiempo es agradable y más fresco. Es la época más popular para visitar esta ciudad porque las temperaturas son mucho más suaves de lo que son en el verano y es mucho menos húmedo. Aunque experimenta el sol brilla pero no hace mucho cálido y no hay ninguna posibilidad de lluvia.
Atracciones mundialmente famosos que ver en Abu Dabi :
La Mezquita Sheikh
La Mezquita Sheikh es una hermosa mezquita situada en Abu Dhabi Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Es una de las mezquitas más grandes del mundo y una obra de arte arquitectónica masiva que combina diferentes escuelas de arquitectura islámica. Esta mezquita cuenta con 82 cúpulas, más de 1.000 columnas, candelabros dorados de 24 quilates y alfombra aunada a mano más grande del mundo. Esta mezquita fue la visión del jeque Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyn que es el padre fundador de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Es muy famoso por sus hermosos diseños y detalles intrincados. Desde los suelos de mosaico de mármol más grandes del mundo hasta las distintivas cúpulas brillantes cubiertas con impresionantes agujas de hoja de oro, cada característica y detalle representa una forma de unidad global y atrae a millones de visitantes cada año.
El Louvre Abu Dabi
El Louvre Abu Dabi es un importante e icónico museo de galería en Abu Dabi que tiene una superficie de unos 24 000 m². Además de ser el museo más visitado del mundo es también el museo más grande del mundo. Este museo es considerado una de las maravillas urbanas modernas del mundo, no solo es el primer museo universal del mundo arabe, sino también un poderoso símbolo de la ambición y el logro de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Este museo alberga más de 600 piezas de obras históricas, culturales y artísticas de todo el mundo. Aquí encontrará desde pinturas renacentistas hasta antiguas tallas chinas, mapas del mundo del siglo XV y artes contemporáneas hechos por artistas de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos.
El Centro comercial Yas
El Centro comercial Yas es el segundo centro comercial más grande de Abu Dhabi y los Emiratos Árabes Unidos que tiene una superficie aproximada de 235.000 metros cuadrados. Está situada muy cerca del aeropuerto internacional de Abu Dabi y solamente lleva alrededor de 16 minutos para llegar por coche. Si quiere ir de compras el momento en que aterriza puede fácilmente hacerlo.
Este centro comercial sirve como un lugar para ir de compras, para comer y entretenimiento para los residentes de Abu Dabi y la Isla Yas. Es el hogar de más de 370 marcas internacionales, restaurantes de cocina diversas, bares y cafés fantásticos, increíbles tiendas de zapatos y ropa. Se presenta en una serie de calles, avenidas, bulevares y plazas y se caracteriza por un patio interior rodeado de árboles, restaurantes y tiendas y también una piscina poco profunda.
Mejores hoteles para alojarse en Abu Dabi :
Yo no creo que tenga ningunas dudas sobre las condiciones y calidades de hoteles de Abu Dabi. Ya que es un destino lujoso para vacacionar, ofrece hoteles lujosos y de cinco estrellas que proveen mejores instalaciones y servicios de talla mundial. Mayoría de ellos, ofrecen Wifi ilimitado, piscina en la azotea, gimnasio, salón de spa, servicio de aparcacoches gratuito, centro de negocios, conserje, servicio de habitaciones, una gran cantidad de servicios rejuvenecedores, desayuno de cortesía, acuerdos excelentes y mas. Ahora, voy a compartir una lista de hoteles en Abu Dabi a precios bajos y altos para que pueda seleccionar según su preferencia cuando viaja a este fantástico lugar.
Top Stars Hotel
36 USD
Aloft Abu Dhabi
116 USD
Andaz Capital Gate Abu Dhabi
208 USD
The St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort
306 USD
W Abu Dhabi, Yas Island
436 USD
Emirates Palace Mandarin Oriental
545 USD
Cozy Al raha Beach Home
811 USD
Nurai Island, Saadiyat
908 USD
Abu Dabi es la capital de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos que se encuentra en la costa del Golfo Pérsico. Es el más grande de los siete emiratos que conforman los Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Es mundialmente conocido por sus lujosos centros comerciales, su impresionante arquitectura y famosos monumentos culturales. Su perfecta mezcla de la modernidad y rica cultura pueden ser vistas en sus atracciones de gran arquitectura como La Mezquita Sheikh y sus modernos centros comerciales como el centro comercial Yas. No solo eso, la ciudad ofrece varias opciones de cocina diversa y asombrosa y ropa de marca.
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SriLankan Airlines’ Ramayana ad wins hearts #ramayan #srilanka #india | ...
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Comandante se tranca e impede a copiloto de retornar ao cockpit durante voo #ÚltimasNotícias #Portugal
Hot News Comandante do Airbus A330 da SriLankan Airlines trancou-se após desentendimento com uma copiloto em voo de Sydney a Colombo, no Sri Lanka A empresa aérea SriLankan Airlines está investigando um incidente em que um comandante se trancou no cockpit, impedindo o retorno da copiloto do voo. O caso ocorreu durante um voo de Sydney, na Austrália, para Colombo, capital do Sri Lanka, na…
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Embassy of Sri Lanka presentation
INVITATION We requested the pleasure of the company of Cawa Media – for an evening reception followed by dinner with SriLankan Airlines on Wednesday 16th October 2024 at the Embassy of Sri Lanka Strandvägen 39, in Stockholm Kapila Fonseka Ambassador – Stefan Holmstrom SriLankan Airlines SriLankan Airlines är den nationella flygbolaget för Sri Lanka. Flygbolaget ersatte 1978 Air Ceylon som det…
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Maldives Honeymoon: A Tropical Paradise for Indian Couples
A New Era of Travel: Maldives Reopens to Indian Tourists
Following the normalization of diplomatic relations with India, the Maldives is now open to Indian tourists. This exciting development has made it easier than ever for Indian couples to experience the beauty and charm of this island paradise.
Airlines Options from Mumbai to Maldives
Several airlines offer direct flights from Mumbai to the Maldives, making it convenient for Indian travelers to reach this tropical destination. Some of the popular options include:
Air India
Qatar Airways
SriLankan Airlines
Best Months to Visit as per Weather
The Maldives enjoys a tropical climate with warm temperatures year-round. However, the best time to visit is during the dry season, which runs from November to April. This period offers pleasant weather with minimal rainfall, making it ideal for outdoor activities and beach relaxation.
Indian and Vegetarian Food Availability
While the Maldives is predominantly known for its seafood cuisine, there are plenty of options for Indian and vegetarian travelers. Many resorts offer Indian food, and some even have dedicated Indian restaurants. Additionally, you can find vegetarian dishes at most restaurants, including those specializing in international cuisine.
Suggesting 4-Star Properties in Maldives for Indians
Here are a few recommended 4-star properties in the Maldives that cater well to Indian tourists:
Kurumba Maldives: This iconic resort offers a mix of traditional Maldivian charm and modern amenities. It features a variety of dining options, including an Indian restaurant, and a spa offering Ayurvedic treatments.
Sun Siyam Iru Fushi: This all-inclusive resort is known for its excellent service and diverse range of activities. It has a dedicated Indian restaurant and offers Ayurvedic spa treatments.
Adaaran Select Meedhupparu: Located on a picturesque island, this resort offers comfortable accommodations and a variety of dining options, including Indian cuisine. It also features a spa offering Ayurvedic treatments.
How to Opt for Honeymoon Freebies in Your Maldives Honeymoon Package
Many travel agents and resorts offer honeymoon freebies to make your trip even more special. These can include complimentary upgrades, romantic dinners, spa treatments, or special amenities. When booking your Maldives honeymoon package, be sure to inquire about any available honeymoon freebies and negotiate for the best deal.
Approximate Budget Range in INR to be Considered for Maldives Trip with Flights from Mumbai
The cost of a Maldives honeymoon can vary depending on factors such as the time of year you travel, the type of accommodation you choose, and the activities you plan to do. However, a rough estimate for a 4-night honeymoon package with flights from Mumbai to the Maldives would be around INR 1.5 lakhs to 4 lakhs for a couple. This includes accommodation, flights, meals, and basic activities.
The Maldives offers an idyllic setting for a truly unforgettable honeymoon. With its pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and luxurious resorts, it is the perfect destination for Indian couples seeking romance, relaxation, and adventure. By following these tips and planning your trip carefully, you can ensure a memorable and enjoyable honeymoon experience in the Maldives.
Additional Tip: When searching for a Maldives honeymoon package, be sure to look for deals and discounts offered by travel agents and online booking platforms. You can also consider booking your flights and accommodation separately to potentially save money.
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No. 38 - SriLankan Airlines (Air Lanka)
Thank you to anon for requesting SriLankan Airlines! This was a lot more interesting of an airline to talk about than I expected.
To begin with, take a look at that logo. I love that. The stylized bird looks fantastic and the typeface really matches it well. This is good.
But I will talk more about the logo in a bit. Let's talk about the planes they fly.
A gay plane has...taken off?
And in the process reflect on planes of years past.
An old plane has also taken off.
SriLankan Airlines, which was known as Air Lanka from its establishment in 1979 until 1998, is the second flag carrier of Sri Lanka. It was launched after the demise of former flag carrier Air Ceylon as a fully government-owned company. Though it was briefly partially privatised, it is now re-nationalised. There are apparently plans to potentially re-privatise it, but we will see. They're very recently announced and tentative.
Based on the wording of anon's ask, I get the sense they want me to specifically talk about Air Lanka, and to be totally honest I think I would be doing the airline a huge disservice if I didn't.
I can't read Sinhalese or Tamil, which impacts my ability to really fully understand the apparently quite eventful history of the airline. There are a few op-eds in English written for Sri Lankan publications, but as I'm not the intended audience I would need to research a lot of context before I could really understand much of it. It's a shame, because I am now curious about this.
Thankfully images transcend language, so I can understand how its livery has developed over time. Well, 'developed' is sort of a strong word. They had one livery, and then they had another. They really don't like to switch up their liveries every ten years how many airlines do, and I actually really respect that. Don't get rid of something good if you don't need to.
But was it good?
I never really thought about the landing gear on the L-1011. It feels like it's located so far back. Is it similar to the Trident's sideways gear to leave space for its massive electronics bay that it used to autoland? Also, that's not that many wheels for a plane that big.
This livery looks sort of standard for something invented in 1979, but it has hidden depths. Even just in terms of its broader design I prefer it to a lot of 70s cheatline liveries. The way it loops down to envelop the tail is nice and the smaller line outlining the main block of color feels almost anachronistic in the sense that it's quite a modern choice. Somehow the two lines on the nose make it look distinctly beaklike, which I think is neat. The wordmark is...acceptable, though unfortunately it seems to only be in English. They primarily used TriStars, which is quite discerning of them. But what's that thing on the tail?
I like the modern logo but I prefer this one far and away. It's really pleasing to look at and looks graceful despite its sharpness. Just very nicely designed. I think, if a good modern designer was given this logo, they could design a truly fantastic livery incorporating it.
Actually, although it undeniably looks like a peacock, it's got a bit less immediately visible of a meaning. Aviation is actually a pretty big part of Sri Lankan folklore, and according to the airline itself that peacock is actually the Dandu Monara, a flying machine flown by the legendary king of Sri Lanka Ravana in the Sinhalese version of the Ramayana. This is incredibly cool. Apparently, flying machines in a broader sense are a common feature of Sri Lankan folklore, and they are generally described as being wooden peacocks. I'm genuinely quite sad that I can't find very much about this in English, except for this article by an American researcher, so if anyone knows of any books in English on the subject please let me know.
It's a very elegant execution of the concept. It's easy to buy this blocky, geometric peacock as a machine, without it losing the ability to be recognized as a bird.
The red, meanwhile, is taken from the Sri Lankan flag. I would honestly love to see a livery for this airline that's on a base of yellow with these gorgeous secondary blue-green, orange, and the absolutely stunning burgundy shade used on the largest square. I think it's very unfortunate that Air Lanka chose a redder shade, because I think the warm hues of the flag are both uncommon in combination and very, very harmonious with each other. Normally I would find four distinct colors a bit busy for a livery trying to be on the simpler side, but with the yellow as a base, the burgundy making up most of the design, and the other two colors used for accent something truly great could be created.
The red they chose, while a more conventional pick that I feel is a bit of a let-down relative to what they could have done, is still a very nice vivid red. The logo is well-positioned on the tailfin, the entire design looks clean, and especially for the time this was thoughtfully designed and well executed.
I'm giving Air Lanka (1979-1998) a C+.
That grade, though, is for the livery. If I were just talking about the logo by itself, this would be one of my favorites I've covered so far.
And then in 1998 something happened.
Remember Air Lanka? This is them now. Feel old yet?
Just kidding. They only owned 40% of Air Lanka. In 1998 Air Lanka was partially privatised and Emirates purchased a minority state. One of the first things they did was completely rebrand the airline.
Well, it's certainly more modern. It is...very very white, and it looks...very much like the Emirates livery. Different colors for the text, different literal logo, but otherwise much is the same. The placement of the text, of the logos on the engines, and of the design on the tail - a sort of swoop from the tip of the fin to the fuselage body.
I think I prefer the old logo. While the new one does incorporate the rest of the flag, which I like, it distinctly feels alive. It feels like a bird. Normally I would like that, but given the inspiration of a wooden flying machine it feels a bit harder to recognize. The original logo was just...really really fantastic.
That said, the way it looks like the peacock is climbing up the tail, and the way it flows onto the main body, is nice.
I'm not sure how I feel about the blue underbelly on some of their planes. I mean, I'm kind of a fan of just telling everyone on the ground to visit Sri Lanka, but the blue feels very strange. If it were up to me I would have just done something which occupied more of the plane for a primary design, so it didn't feel like the wings and tail have a wholly different color scheme from the wordmark and underbelly, but that's how it feels.
It also feels...distinctly Emirates-y in a way I don't like. I actually think Emirates's execution of this particular concept is uninspiring but acceptable, but I just don't like the amount of resemblance here. It isn't exactly Continental and Copa, but it's far from KLM and Air France either.
These planes are mostly all white. Whether or not that's jarring or not really depends on the angle, and I think more often than not it looks okay. Nothing here bothers me, but I feel disappointed. Maybe my visions for how fantastic a livery based on the Sri Lankan flag and the Dandu Monara emblem could be were a bit unrealistic, with how airlines are, but it's a shame to see traces of Emirates in an airline that hasn't even associated with Emirates for over a decade now (it was renationalised in 2008). This is not fantastic, but this is not bad. It is not Lufthansesque, and if I saw this in 1998 I think I would actually be slightly nicer to it. But it's also mostly white, doesn't do anything spectacular, and passes up so much unique potential which could have made it one of my favorites.
I'm giving SriLankan Airlines a C.
I did debate taking that down to a C-, but I ultimately don't even think I can say I dislike this. I just wish it was more. I hope, whatever its future is, somebody commits to making SriLankan Airlines the legendary flying machine it has always had the potential to be.
#tarmac fashion week#grade: c#grade: c+#era: 1980s#era: 1990s#era: 2000s#era: 2010s#era: 2020s#region: south asia#region: sri lanka#srilankan airlines#air lanka#flag carriers#double sunrise#requests#retired liveries
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