#Tri-County Hearing Services
deltrontech · 9 months
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What Is Tinnitus — Causes and Treatment
Have you ever experienced a persistent ringing, buzzing, or hissing sound in your ears that keep bothering you? That’s tinnitus—a condition that affects millions worldwide. Let’s dive into what it is, what causes it, and how you can find relief.
What is Tinnitus?
Tinnitus isn’t a disease but a symptom of an underlying issue such as age-related hearing loss, ear injury, or a circulatory system disorder. It's commonly described as a ringing, buzzing, or other sound in the ears when there's no external sound present. Think of it as your ears playing a tune you didn’t ask for!
Tinnitus can be temporary or chronic and may impact concentration, sleep, and overall quality of life for some individuals. While it's not always curable, various treatments and management strategies exist to alleviate its effects. Consulting a healthcare professional is crucial for proper diagnosis and suitable management options.
Causes Behind the Ringing
There's no one-size-fits-all cause for tinnitus. It can be triggered by various factors, such as:
Exposure to Loud Noise: Have you ever been to a concert or worked in a loud environment? Prolonged exposure to loud sounds can cause tinnitus.
Earwax Buildup: Sometimes, a simple thing like excess earwax can lead to those unwanted sounds.
Health Conditions: Issues like high blood pressure, ear infections, or even stress can play a role.
Medication Side Effects: Certain medications may trigger tinnitus as a side effect.
Living with that constant noise in your ears can be tough. It might disrupt your sleep, focus, and overall well-being. But there’s hope! While there's no magical cure, there are ways to manage it. Hearing Aids for Tinnitus.
Sound Therapy: Playing soft background sounds can help distract from the tinnitus noise.
Stress Management: Stress can make tinnitus worse. Finding ways to relax can alleviate symptoms.
Healthy Habits: Protecting your ears from loud noises and maintaining overall health can make a difference.
Seeking Help
When tinnitus disrupts the rhythm of your days, seeking professional guidance is key. At Tri-County Hearing Services, our experts understand the impact of this condition on your life. Let us guide you toward tailored solutions, unravel the causes, and pave the way for a more harmonious existence. Take a step towards reclaiming your peace of mind. Your journey to relief starts here.
In Conclusion
Tinnitus might be persistent, but it doesn't have to control your life. Understanding its causes and exploring ways to manage it can bring relief. Remember, you're not alone, and seeking help is a positive step toward finding peace from those unwanted ear sounds.
Take care of your hearing, and don't hesitate to reach out for support when needed. You deserve a life without constant ringing!
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inceptrasolutions14 · 9 months
Hearing Aids Services in Florida -
Hearing loss is an unfortunate condition affecting millions of people worldwide, and if you’re experiencing issues related to hearing, knows that there are resources, such as Hearing Aids Services in Florida, available to you to assist on this journey.In this comprehensive guide, we’ll focus on finding the ideal Hearing Aids Services in Florida by exploring Tri-County Hearing Services and similar centers’ services, expertise and patient-centric care offerings.
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izooks · 4 months
From: JoJoFromJerz
Dear Ma & Pa MAGA,
You say that Donald Trump “loves our troops.”
So, I want to know why that is.
Is it because he received 5 deferments from the draft for military service during the Vietnam War?
Is it because he demeaned a POW, attacked a Gold Star family and told a military widow that her deceased husband “knew what he had signed up for.”
Was it the time he downplayed the traumatic head injuries suffered by our troops after a missile attack as “not real” because they weren’t ‘missing hands and limbs.’
Is it due to all the years he tried to slash benefits for our veterans, the time he said he didn’t want to be seen with war-wounded amputees, and to keep them forever out of his sight, or the time he called our fallen heroes of war “suckers” and “losers”?
Is it the all the times he called our military leaders “dumb” and “overrated” while calling terrorists like the Taliban & Hezbollah “very smart”?
Was it the time he demanded the flags after McCain’s death be returned to full mast, or the time he demanded that a ship bearing his name be blocked from view?
Was it when he stole, hid and lied about our national security secrets, potentially imperiling countless men & women in uniform all over the world?
Or was it when he suggested that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff deserved to be executed?
Maybe it was when he asked Gen. John Kelly (who lost his son in combat) at Arlington National Cemetery, why anyone would sign up for service because as far as he saw it, there was “nothing in it for them.”
Perhaps it was hearing him say that as President he would allow our adversary to attack the same allies this county’s Greatest Generation fought beside and died defending?
Or was it when he insulted Nikki Haley’s husband for currently serving our country overseas?
Which of those things was it that made you believe he loved our troops?
Because I’d really love to know.
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proxima-writes · 8 months
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pairing: tommy miller x waitress!female reader
rating: explicit (18+ MDNI)
word count: 2.9k
summary: what if joel didn’t answer tommy’s call from jail? and what if the waitress he’d been defending that night bailed him out instead?
author’s note: a brief tommy interlude inspired by a line from taylor swift’s song “slut!”. i hope you enjoy and if you do, please consider reblogging or commenting! 🩵
tags/warnings: explicit sexual content (18+ MDNI), no outbreak au, no use of y/n, reader gets harassed by a drunk bar patron and physically grabbed, bar fights, mentions of alcohol, friends to lovers, tommy smoking cigarettes, i gave tommy an insane amount of game and for what reason, thigh riding, semi-public sex, car sex, vaginal fingering, unprotected p in v, dirty talk, pet names, creampie. if i’ve missed any, please let me know!
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“You’ve reached Joel Miller. Sorry I can’t come to the phone right now…”
“Son of a bitch,” Tommy hisses. The voicemail tone beeps and he continues with, “Joel, answer your goddamn phone. I’m at county. And no, it ain’t my fault. Just…get here when you can, I guess.”
He hangs up the receiver, head low. The officer watching him clears his throat.
“C’mon, Miller. Back to the tank,” he says. Tommy sighs.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m comin’, Chuck.”
Tommy drags his feet across the dingy linoleum. His jaw aches from a sloppy right hook that managed to hit its mark and his eyes burn thanks to the unforgiving drunk tank fluorescent lights. There are two other people in the cell with him this evening — a man who reeks of vodka slumped in the corner in a wrinkled suit and another man who is staring solemnly at a spot on the floor as he tries not to topple over. 
Tommy takes a seat on the long concrete bench and stretches his legs out, crossing them at the ankles and folding his hands over his stomach. He might as well get comfortable, there’s no telling when his brother might check his voicemails. As he sits his thoughts drift to what even landed him here in the first place.
Tommy watches you as you approach the bar, a frown tugging at the corners of your lips. You tap the service machine, entering an order with more force than strictly necessary.
“Everythin’ alright?” He asks. You glance at him.
“Yeah, just some group of assholes over by the darts table that think cleavage is an invitation,” you reply. “It’s an invitation for tips. Not hands.”
“You need me to step in?” He offers. You wave a hand at him but your frown turns into a bright smile.
“No, no, I can handle it. Thank you, though, Tommy.” You slide another bottle of beer across the bar. “Here you go.”
“Thanks, darlin’,” he says with a wink. “You let me know if you need savin’.”
“Always such a gentleman.” 
The bell to the kitchen window rings and you leave to pick up the order. Tommy watches the sway of your hips in your low rise jeans that hug your ass just right, wondering what it would be like to peel them off and get his hands on the soft skin underneath. 
He’s watching the fight on the TV above the bar when he hears a glass shatter behind him. He turns toward the sound, thinking that maybe someone had gotten too rowdy and knocked their glass off the table, but instead he sees you struggling against the hold of a man who’s pulled you onto his lap.
“Let go!” You shout, kicking your legs.
“Come on, sweetheart,” the brute says, arms wrapped around your waist. “Just one lil kiss is all I’m askin’ for!”
Tommy is out of his seat with red in his vision, hands curled into fists that are begging for a target. Other patrons watch with interest, and he’s not sure if he’s angrier at the man putting his hands on you or the crowded room of people not bothering to help.
“Get your fuckin’ hands off of her,” he barks, the same tone he developed after years of service in the Army. 
The man releases you, the sudden loss of support causing you to slide to the ground with a shout of surprise. Tommy moves to help you up but the asshole stands, blocking him and shoving his shoulders.
“This don’t involve you, pretty boy,” the man snarls. Behind him, you’ve managed to get up and you hurry away from the scene. “Mind your fuckin’ business.”
“It became my fuckin’ business as soon as she said no and you didn’t listen,” Tommy says, straightening his shoulders. The man laughs and looks back at his friends.
“This fuckin’ guy,” he slurs. “Defendin’ some whore waitress.”
Throw the first punch, Tommy thinks. Come on, asshole.
The man focuses his attention back on Tommy, stepping close enough that they’re toe-to-toe now. He’s maybe an inch taller and he tilts his chin to stretch that inch as far as it will go and he’s breathing through his nose like a bull about to be released from its holding.
“Get out of my fuckin’ face,” Tommy says. The man laughs, the stench of beer pouring from him. A fist cracks across Tommy’s jaw and he stumbles backwards from the force of it.
Showtime, he thinks.
“Miller!” An officer calls out, yanking Tommy from his thoughts. He looks up and the officer jerks his head towards the door. “You made bond. Come get your stuff.”
Tommy stands, relief flooding him. Joel must have finally check his voicemail. At least he won’t have to spend the whole night in here. 
“‘Bout time you showed up,” he says as he enters the lobby while he tries to thread his belt through his jeans at the same time. 
“Sorry, had to finish my shift,” you reply. His head snaps up in surprise, task forgotten as you wave your fingers at him.
“What’re you doin’ here?” He asks. 
“You said your brother was busy tonight, so I was worried you might not have someone to bail you out,” you tell him with a shrug. “Besides, you’re in here because of me. It’s the least I could do.”
Tommy laughs. “Ain’t your fault, sweetheart.”
“Thank you, by the way. Guess I did need saving, after all.”
“You could’a handled him fine. I just sped up the process.”
He’s staring at you now, gaze caught with yours as you give him a soft smile. Tommy spots the time on the clock hanging on the wall above your head.
2:32 a.m.
“You wanna get breakfast?” 
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The diner Tommy directs you to boasts a neon sign that advertises twenty-four hour breakfast. The booths have cracked red vinyl and the menus are faded from use but you can read it well enough to order French toast while he orders chocolate chip pancakes with a side of hash browns. He builds pyramids out of the coffee creamer cups while you talk and talk and talk. You laugh as he drowns his food in syrup and you steal a bite of them despite giving him a hard time about it. 
Afterwards, as you walk together to your car, your palms are a little clammy and your heart pounds the slightest bit faster. You’ve had the biggest crush on Tommy since the first time he slid onto a bar stool at your shitty bar and ordered a Miller Lite (“It’s funny ‘cause it’s my last name!”). He’s always polite, never leaves a mess, and makes you laugh even when you’re having a tough night. 
"You alright? You got quiet," Tommy says. You swallow nervously.
"Yeah, I'm totally fine," you reply. He looks like he doesn't want to believe you but he doesn't press for more.
"You mind if I have a smoke before we go?"
"That's fine."
He digs a crumpled box of Camels from his back pocket, sliding a cigarette out and bringing it to his lips. He pats his thighs and then his chest in search of his lighter, finding it in the pocket of his button up shirt. Metal Zippo lighter finally in hand, he flicks it open and brings it closer to his face, flickering flame casting an orange glow over his features.
He breathes in as the cigarette catches the flame and closes the lighter with a quick snap, exhaling the smoke with the cigarette still held between his lips. Lighter tucked away, he inhales again and pinches the filter of the cigarette between two fingers to pull it away and exhale the smoke into the air.
“You gotta quit lookin’ at me like that,” he says. “You keep watchin’ my mouth and it makes me want to do somethin’ real stupid.”
You lean against your car and he steps close. He smells like a mix of smoke and syrup and sweat, three things that shouldn’t have your pulse pounding and yet combined with the way Tommy’s dark eyes focus on you and the dimple in his cheek as he smirks, you don’t stand a chance.
“More stupid than getting in a bar fight?” You finally ask.
“That wasn’t stupid. Got me here with you, didn’t it?” He inhales another lungful of smoke and tips his head back to exhale. “You gonna let me kiss you?”
You smile at him, lifting your hands to smooth your palms over his chest. His cheeks turn a faint shade of pink that trails down his neck, disappearing beneath the white tank top he wore beneath an unbuttoned pink shirt. 
“That’s your big stupid idea? Just kissing me?” 
Another drag from his cigarette, another smirk, a hand on your hip as he shuffles closer. “Mm, to start.” He brings his lips close to your ear, warm breath tickling your skin as he murmurs, “You didn’t answer the question.”
“What question?”
“You—“ a kiss beneath your ear “—gonna—“ another to your jaw “—let me—“ a third to your cheekbone “—kiss you?”
“Yeah, Tommy. You can kiss me,” you whisper. He wastes no time, greedy lips pressed to yours as soon as he gets the green light. His tongue explores your mouth and tangles with yours, leaving behind the taste of pancakes and smoke. 
A thigh presses between your legs, a new pressure and friction that you explore with a tentative roll of your hips. That hand on your waist urges your movements — forward and back at a slow and steady pace. He pulls back from your kiss and brings the cigarette to his lips.
“So goddamn pretty,” he whispers, smoke spilling from his mouth and disappearing into the night air. “Pretty as a fuckin’ picture.”
He flicks the butt of his cigarette to the ground and then he’s on you with renewed purpose, kissing you deeply with a broad palm to your cheek, tilting your face to the best angle to devour you. When he’s gotten his fill of your mouth, his hungry lips slide across your jaw and down your neck, teeth digging in roughly against your pounding pulse and making you gasp.
“Hush, sugar,” he says, a reprimand with little heat as he smiles against your skin. That hand on your waist has found the fly of your jeans, deft fingers working the button open and the zipper down. “You want a little more attention?”
“Mhm,” you reply, nodding your head quickly. He slips his hand beneath the elastic of your panties, quickly swirling over your needy clit. He lets out a deep groan, one that has you clenching on nothing and desperate for more.
“God, you’re fuckin’ soaked,” he says. He presses two thick fingers to your tight entrance. “You can take it, right?”
He doesn’t wait for an answer before pressing them inside, the tight pressure making you rise up on your toes in surprise. He’s got a limited range of movement thanks to your jeans but he still manages a sloppy grind of his palm to your clit and curl of his fingers that has you squirming as your release builds inside of you.
“You want more, baby?” Tommy asks, dark eyes a little wild and desperate. “You feel so good in my fingers, I just know you’d take my cock so fuckin’ good.”
“Tommy,” you pant, your hands clutching at his shoulders. “Oh, fuck, I’m gonna cum.”
He yanks his hand from your jeans and before you can complain, he’s opening the back passenger door and urging you into the back seat of your sedan.
“Pants off,” he demands as you shuffle across the seats. He sits beside you and starts to unbuckle his belt. “If you’re gonna cum, it’s gonna be on my cock.”
His words have you scrambling to remove your boots and pants, graceless movements in the cramped space. Your elbow connects with his ribs and he hisses as you giggle, wiggling your pants and underwear off. It’s dark in the car, dim light from the parking lot filtering in the windows enough for you to catch the smile on Tommy’s face.
“C’mere,” he drawls, patting his thighs. He’s freed his cock from his jeans and you admire the thick length of him for a brief moment before obeying, straddling his lap. You drag your wet pussy over him, twin groans filling the still air of the car as you do. His hands flex against your thighs and his head tips back against the seat. “Fuck, you feel so damn good.”
It’s not the most comfortable encounter you’ve ever had, with your neck bent so that you don’t hit your head and your skin already slick with sweat from the cramped space and the Texas heat but, heaven help you, the look on Tommy’s face makes it worth it. You reach between your bodies and wrap your hand around him, holding him still as you position him at your entrance. 
“Oh, fuck,” you hiss as you lower yourself, your eager cunt adjusting to him with only the slightest pinch of pain that quickly transforms into a delicious fullness. “Oh my god,” you whimper.
“You can just call me Tommy,” he teases, but his voice is just as wrecked as yours. You rise up slightly on your knees and drop down sharply, a satisfied smile on your face when his laughter morphs into a choked curse and his hands grip your hips tightly.
His fingers find the hem of your shirt and lift it up only enough to expose your bra, the cups of which he roughly pulls down until he’s able to get his hands on your breasts, groping you roughly. You moan as his lips wrap around one pert nipple, tongue swirling over the sensitive flesh and light dragging his teeth across it.
The windows grow foggy and your skin starts to get slick with sweat the longer you work yourself over his cock. It’s messy and dirty and uncomfortable, your thighs burn and your neck aches, but Tommy’s making it his goal to get his lips on any skin he can reach, whispered praises between each bite and kiss that has your head growing fuzzy and your core getting tight.
“Feel so good, darlin’,” he groans. “Goddamn, I need you to cum, baby. You were so close before, weren’t ya? I can get you there again, right?”
You nod, mouth open in a silent moan. He presses his thumb to your bottom lip, slipping it experimentally over your teeth until it presses against your tongue. You suck on the digit, reveling in the way his eyes roll back and he groans, hips flexing to meet yours and making you cry out.
“‘M so close, Tommy,” you whisper when he withdraws his thumb from your mouth. 
“Yeah, I can feel it, sweetheart,” he growls. When you lift up he holds your hips steady, suspended above his lap. He pounds into you from below, rough slaps of his hips that make you press a hand to the ceiling of the car to steady yourself against the onslaught of sensation. “Come on, baby, come on,” he says through gritted teeth.
It’s the dark look in his eye and the flex of his jaw, the shimmer of sweat on his light tan skin and the feel of his fingers digging bruises into your hips, the lewd noises and the desperate moans against each others mouths that all combine to shove you over an edge you’d been balancing on since, if you’re being honest, he rushed over to help you back at the bar. You bite into his lip as your orgasm crashes over you, his sloppy thrusts and the heat blooming inside of you telling you he reached his peak as well.
You slump forward, panting heavily against Tommy’s neck. His head tips back against the seat, chest heaving with his own labored breaths. His fingers draw patterns against your sweaty back.
“I feel gross,” you groan. Tommy laughs.
“Sure know how to make a guy feel good about himself, don’t ya?” He teases. 
“I just meant I’m all sticky.”
“Mm, don’t worry. You can take a shower at my place.”
You pull back to look him in the eye. He’s sporting a satisfied grin as you raise your eyebrows at him. “Oh yeah? You taking me home, Miller?”
“Sure am.” His confident look falters the slightest bit. “I mean, if you want.”
You kiss him, slow and sweet. 
“Yeah. I want that.”
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The loud ringing of a phone breaks through Tommy’s slumber. He reaches out a hand from beneath the sheets and blindly finds the offensive device amongst the clutter on his nightstand.
“What,” he groans when he’s managed to flip it open.
“Tommy! What the hell, man,” Joel snaps. “I just got your voicemail. Left my phone upstairs and fell asleep on the couch. Are you alright?”
“What?” Tommy asks again. Joel sighs.
“You called from county and said you’d gotten arrested. I called ‘em this morning and they said you got bailed out. One of your friends come by or somethin’?”
Tommy glances over to you, where your bare shoulder peeks out from the sheets, the fabric draped across your curves. He smiles.
“Yeah, a real good friend. Guardian angel, even,” he says. 
Another sigh from Joel, this time one of relief. “Well, good. Quit gettin’ into trouble after ten, I can’t stay up that late anymore.”
“Sure,” Tommy agrees. You turn over, sleepy eyes blinking up at him. “I gotta go.”
He hangs up without waiting for a goodbye. You scooch closer and lay your head on his chest.
“A guardian angel, huh?” You ask. He kisses the top of your head.
“Yep. Saved my ass from the wrong place at the right time.”
Masterlists available here!
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leanteam43 · 1 year
Little Ways They Show They Care (Criminal Minds HC's)
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summary : how different members of the BAU would show they care !! <43
pronouns : they/them | GN!reader!
warnings : swearing, i think thats it
a/n's : guess whos bacckkkkk - 🌿 | heyy bookie beeaaarsss- 🎸 | what should i say - 🐇
Aaron Hotchner
with a healthy sprinkle of gift giving~~
bro will travel across the COUNTY to pick up food from your fav restaurant
he just loves doing things to make your life easier
"i was planning on moving my couch against that wall but-" "done." "wtf-"
when y'all first started dating, you were a little overwhelmed by how willing he was to help with chores around your apartment
"you're my boyfriend not my maid..."
but he assured you he liked doing things for you, as it helped him know you were taken care of while he was away on cases
somehow always knows when you want/need something
like if you run out of your fav makeup/personal hygiene product
expect it to be gifted too you the very next day
basically he just really likes helping you out in (mostly) subtle but sweet ways
Derek Morgan
i mean come on
we allllllllll (and i mean ALLLL) hear how he speaks to penelope
so of course with you he wouldn't be any different
except he's a bit less confident because i mean come on
random calls at any point throughout the day
*3 am* "..hello?" "did you know spencer likes cheetos??"
derek is an extremely spontaneous man
like my guy is pulling up to your house with no heads-up and SHOWERING you in compliments
he's your personal hype man
Spencer Reid
if you wanna sit down and ramble to this man, feel FREE
contrary too "popular belief", he actually can listen too others talking without interrupting, he just chooses not too /hj
he chooses to bite back his facts and quips for
refreshes himself on the classics while you sit with your legs thrown over his lap rambling about a stray cat you saw on your way too work
"did you know most calicos are females? of course you did, you're a genius" "...thank you?"
of course you do allow him to ramble too you, you're not a monster
tries to prepare you for any and every disaster
"what do you do if a car is following you?" "...peddle away?" "you don't even own a bike."
he really just wants you to be safe
"could i, hypothetically, put pepper spray on chicken?" "what do YOU think?"
JJ Jareau
after long days of speaking to press, she still makes an effort to create a comfortable space for the two of you
it doesn't matter how late
or how tired
she finds a way to make time for the two of you to sit together on the couch and relax <43
after extremely hard cases, she'd just want to be around you
laying her head on your shoulder while you both recharge
the next morning,
y'all would wake up at different times but she always makes sure to make your coffee/tea exactly too your liking before rushing too the office
sometimes at the expense of being late, but oh well :D
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irondiotallica · 2 months
Flare Up
I went a little ham with this one. Couldn't stop writing it seems, but here is a new blurb. It's def a little clunkier than the other one, but I like the idea of Steve becoming a physical therapist after everything and offering his services to the cute metalhead he's had a crush on since the upside down. Idk. Oh and fun fact, Times Square used to be the porn capital before the 1990s when Mayor Rudolph Giuliani shut it down to clean up the city. Anyway, enjoy the blurb! -Silas
Eddie’s hip furiously blazed with a flash of stabbing pain. His joints had been bothering him underneath the scars left by the bats and their fucked up little teeth. The scarred flesh on his left hip was uncomfortably tight, pulled taut over his muscles and bones.
The damaged skin constricted his right shoulder, as though the skin would burst into a bleeding fissure with the tiny struggling breaths that Eddie was pushing through in labored waves. He was moments away from caving and taking a dosage of pills despite having agreed to take them less.
He felt as though his insides weren’t aware that he had been kept alive. It felt like his nerves had continued to decay turning into soaked cotton doused in kerosene with one little spark of discomfort able to render him incapacitated. 
Eddie shuffled to his phone with dread flooding through his system like an unprepared county during monsoon season. He knew that he had to call, but he was reluctant to do so. Even if he had been told it was no trouble, he knew it was more than it was worth.
He fidgeted, clenching his fingers around the coiled cord that connected the phone to the receiver. He dialed the numbers still imprinted in his brain from the day they had been hastily scribbled with a wolfish grin and intoxicating charm. The phone rang once, twice, three times, and Eddie began to put the phone back in its cradle when he heard a warm voice call out.
“Hello! This is Hawkins Physio Clinic, Dr. Harrington’s office. How may I help you?”
Eddie felt his face flush at the rush that hearing Steve’s voice gave him.
“Um H-hi,” Eddie coughed as he tried to clear the nervous lump from his throat,” Hey Steve.”
His words came out weak and nervous to his ears, he couldn’t imagine how it sounded to Steve.
Eddie could practically hear the grin that Steve was wearing through the phone.
“What can I do for you Eds,” Steve huffed out behind quiet chuckles.
Eddie tried to think before he spoke, but the words were flashing like the overwhelming neon signs that covered the porn capital of seemingly the world, Times Square. He continued to stumble through his words.
“Well, you said, uh,” his words were stubbornly refusing to come out of his mouth, thick with nerves,” you said if my joints were giving trouble, to call you.”
Eddie was not used to this. Asking for help was difficult and normally he wouldn’t ask, letting the issue fester, but he was dying. The pain was consistent and recurring. Somedays were good, but for the last week, he had mainly bad days filled with tears and laying on the floor praying for the pain to pass.
“I did say that. Are you finally taking me up on my offer? I’ve been told that I’ve got the magic touch.”
God, the cocky assurance in his voice was enough to make Eddie stand at attention in more ways than one, but another jolt of agony quickly snubbed that thought out.
It slipped past his lips before he could stop himself. His free hand gripped his thigh as he slid himself down to the ground waiting for the pain to pass. His breath was coming out short and a little frantic.
“Eddie, are you okay?”
Steve’s voice was warm and sweet like heated milk before bed as the cockiness dissipated, replaced with concern. Eddie wanted to answer, but the pain was crashing in waves and drowning him mercilessly. Still, he tries to answer.
“Ye-,” Eddie takes a deep breath in, feeling a few tears slip past his bottom eyelid,” Yeah, Steve. My nerves are just-”
Eddie breathes in again. He can’t stop the slew of pants leaving his lungs. 
“-misfiring. Just misfiring or whatever the fuck the doctor said,” he finally choked out, his voice tense and seizing with stress.
“I’ll be right there, okay? Just stay put.”
Eddie laughs at that although it comes out weak and soft.
“Where am I gonna go?”
“Oh shut up, you dork. You know what I mean.”
Eddie laughs a bit more before a groan leaves his lips at another jolt. He hears the click of disconnection and puts the phone down on the floor before laying on the tiles hoping for the chilly ceramic to ease the continuous, seizing torture. 
Eddie is still on the floor when a series of knocks echoes around him. Three rapid ones followed by four spaced out. Steve was here.
“It’s open,” Eddie calls out as he strains with tension.
Steve steps in and immediately heads to Eddie with graceful movements. Eddie looks at him through slitted eyes. Steve reaches down, pulling Eddie close, and murmuring sweet words to him. You’re so good, doing amazing, such a strong guy, so strong for me; flowing past his plush lips into Eddie’s ears.
A warm, secure, big hand grips Eddie’s hip as the palm presses down and drags his hip, resulting in a quick crack and Eddie feeling his joint loosen. Eddie pushed his face into Steve’s shoulder letting those hands massage his hip and the muscles surrounding it.
 God, Steve did have the magic touch, Eddie thought to himself with each warm bout of pressure. 
He let a sigh slip as those hands deviated to pop his shoulder before massaging the sore blades. He felt good, floaty in Steve’s care.
“There we go. Good job Eds. Always so good for me.”
Eddie feels his cheeks glow red as he tries not to think of the implications of those words. Eddie stays wrapped in Steve’s arms, comfortable.
“Thank you,” he stutters out with relief weighing his voice down.
Steve grins down at him with something akin to infatuation glimmering brightly in his gaze. Eddie couldn’t help but stare unabashedly at the pretty picture that Steve Harrington made. His warm brown eyes brimming with life. His little moles that were perfectly placed on his face as though planned. Those stupidly perfect, stupidly white teeth that Eddie had thought only possible in movies. Who could forget the hair? That stupidly styled mop of gorgeous mousy brown hair. Steve was stunning in Eddie’s eyes.
“If you really want to thank me, you could let me take you out this Saturday; see that new sequel to Alien?”
“You have the worst timing for things. Robin was right, you are a dingus,” Eddie teased, laughing at the way Steve looked away with a blush that went as far as the tips of his ears. 
“Shut up,” he grumbled out, squeezing Eddie just a little tighter. 
After Steve had finally collected himself, he looked at Eddie questioningly,” So? Are you letting me take you out?”
Eddie nodded with a grin, boyish and wide. 
Steve responded with a match grin and confirmation.
“It’s a date.”
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sadhours · 5 months
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scumbag blues • go with the flow
gator tillman x f!oc
previous chapter • masterlist
cw: 18+ minors dni, sex work, mention of drugs and cannabis, roy tillman
Campbell is arrested. Daisy sees it on the news the next morning as she’s preparing breakfast for the random couple that stumbled in here not knowing what Stark County actually uses the Inn for. She tries not to think about Gator while she cooks, which is difficult because the last time she’d seen him, he cooked her breakfast which… that was fucking weird, right? Her dad laughs, standing at the counter while Daisy prepares the food.
“They got the bastard,” he shakes his head, “Did you help them out?”
“That’s why I was with Gator yesterday,” she lies, smiling to her dad while she mixes pancake batter in a bowl.
The news cuts to Roy as he makes a statement, Gator standing proudly next to him. The pair of them looking all too smug. There’s a handful of drug pushers in Stark County they know about and they do nothing to stop them. Aside from stopping and stealing their supply, for Gator and his buddies to have fun with. Gator mentions to Daisy that they don’t ever actually arrest the guys. But this Campbell guy, was just passing through and he was a good cover for them. A nobody to explain the opioid abuse in Dickinson and where it comes from. It actually makes her sick. Then again, it’s the same corruption that keeps her safe in her home. Sweeping her prostitution under the rug. She knows if Roy truly had a problem with Gator seeing her, he could arrest her and Gator wouldn’t have a lick of power in it. Yet, he doesn’t.
She pulls her phone from her pocket and shoots Gator a quick text.
Good job. Shame you didn’t need my help after all.
As she serves the couple the complimentary breakfast, they point to the TV and the husband says, “You guys have a safe community thanks to those guys, huh?”
“The Tillman family has been keeping this county safe for decades,” she lies through her teeth, smile not quite reaching her blue eyes. She’s bitter. About Gator. The things he said to her. Calling her a hole. Acting like she’s nothing to him in front of his father, yet she hears the gossip. Knows that Roy is ashamed of his son, thinks he isn’t good enough. She has half a mind to tell Gator, tell him his father isn’t as great as he thinks he is. That Gator doesn’t have to be just like him because Roy already knows he’ll never be.
All Gator wants is to be just like his dad, strong and powerful. It shows in the worst ways. Daisy’s seen Karen walking around with bruises, knows that’s all Gator knows. How he would treat her if by some miracle they became more than transactional. Yet, she liked being slapped by him during sex the other night and it makes her sick to her stomach.
“You two enjoy your breakfast,” she smiles at the couple and excuses herself back into the kitchen to work on dishes.
Her phone vibrates in her denim shorts and she fishes it out, scoffing as she reads Gator’s reply.
You help me in all sorts of ways, darlin
Hates the way his words have her stomach filling with butterflies. Daisy hates Gator. Well, she wishes she did.
“Thanks for staying with us,” Daisy tells the couple as they’re checking out. As they’re parting, Roy walks in. Tall, ten gallon hat and big, lined coat. He tips his hat at the couple as they cross paths and once they’re out the door he smirks at Daisy.
“Didn’t know you accepted couples,” he quips, “Maybe Karen and I—“
“They’re regular guests,” Daisy interrupts him, her stomach curling at the thought of Roy wanting her. Hell, his sons had her every which way. She’s done disgusting things with Gator she can only assume Roy would disown him for. “What do you want?” she asks.
“Need you to stop seeing my boy,” Roy tells her point blank.
“Feel like this is a conversation you oughta be having with Gator,” Daisy raises a brow, “I offer a service and he’s the one walking in here for it.”
“Gator’s… weak. You distract him and I need him sharp as a tack. You’re gonna stop seeing him,” Roy insists, pulling out a stack of cash.
“Sheriff, with all due respect, I’m not going to stop seeing him if he’s the one initiating it. Gator’s appointments are honestly what’s keeping this place afloat,” Daisy eyes the wad of bills in Roy’s hand, “A one time payment from you ain’t gonna cover it.”
Roy chuckles, “I know. The boy lives rent free in my house. Every paycheck he has goes to you.”
“Exactly,” she smiles, “I’d be bad at my job to say no to that.”
Roy sighs, “I’ll pay you weekly. A thousand cover his bill?”
“A thousand a week?”
“Yeah, I hear your rates are about $500 an appointment and I know Gator’s over here twice a week,” Roy says and Daisy doesn’t correct him, doesn’t tell him she gives Gator a discount but she does admit something.
“He’s here more than twice a week.”
Roy frowns, counts out another five hundred bills and sets the stack on the desk. “Should’ve figured. You’re the prettiest girl in the county. $1500, then?”
“That… Sheriff Tillman, I can’t… I work for my money,” Daisy argues and he chuckles, low and dangerous.
“This will be work. He’s gonna come here, you’re gonna turn him away and $1500 a week is in your pocket,” Roy insists, “And you're not gonna tell him I’m paying you.”
It’s a fair deal. Except Daisy is also weak. Unsure if she’ll be able to turn Gator away when he comes in with those eyes. But really, $1500 a week helps a lot. Considering Gator almost never pays the rate she usually charges. And she lets herself think about all the times she doesn’t even charge him. Soon enough, the money on the desk is looking more appealing than Gator.
“Fine,” she mumbles, “But I need more. Not money. Gator’s gonna be mad, he’s gonna try to arrest me for soliciting to get back at me. I need to know that won’t happen. That I will be safe and my pops will not find out about what I do.”
Roy nods, “You hold up your end. I never forget a friend, and we’re friends, now. Aren’t we, Daisy?”
“Yeah,” she sighs as she picks up the stack of cash, “We’re friends.”
It’s not long before Gator’s strolling in. A whole two days. He’s got this fucking grin on his face as he looks at Daisy, struts to the desk and smoothes his hands over the oak. Daisy sighs and blinks up at him.
“Busted some asshole for pot,” he holds up the baggie and bites his lip, “Let’s have some fun.”
He looks handsome. Daisy hasn’t had an orgasm since the last time she seen him and it’s driving her a little mad. But, Roy is scary. Scarier than anything Gator could do, so she holds her ground.
“I’m booked,” she shrugs, “Sorry.”
“Come on,” Gator scrunches his face up, “Would you rather suck on some old balls or smoke this pot and cum on my face?”
Oh. That again? He’s… Daisy has to be strong, she can’t give in so easily. She pouts, “Sorry. You’re not my only regular. And as ya know, I don’t pick favorites.”
“That’s bullshit,” Gator snorts, “Sometimes you don’t even make me pay. If that don’t make me a favorite, I don’t know what would.”
Daisy shrugs again, “Money. Can’t afford to be canceling on my clients.”
“I’ll give you extra,” Gator insists and Daisy shakes her head.
“Sorry, Gator. Call next time,” she frowns.
“You’re fucking kidding,” Gator scoffs, “You’re turning me down? I just said I was gonna eat you out.”
Daisy wants to scream, she wants to say yes and have him lick her out right on this desk. But more than that, she wants to keep Roy happy. He terrifies her.
“Sorry,” she shrugs again, “Maybe call up that girl you’re courting.”
“Oh, fuck you. Is that what this is about?” he laughs, bitter and dry. “You don’t even have a client, huh?”
Daisy grins, grabbing the check-in book and slamming it down in front of him as she points to the name scribbled at the bottom of the page. A name she knows Gator will recognize. A co-worker.
“Like I said, call up your girlfriend,” she bites, scowling up at him.
Gator scoffs before pulling from his vape and exhaling the acidic, false fruit scent in her face. Turns on his heels and slams the door behind him.
Soon after Gator peels out, Deputy Douglas steps in all smiles for Daisy and she takes a deep breath before putting on the charm. Saying hello, handing him his key and winking. She’ll find herself in his room soon enough, though the whole time she’ll be pretending it’s Gator to make it bearable.
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fields-of-grimes · 2 years
Sleepover Secrets | Carl Grimes
Carl Grimes x Fem!Reader
CW: scary stories,mentions of su!c!de
This is a long one so
Y/N,Carl,Ron,and Enid were having a sleepover, they were all just talking about random things when Enid had an idea.
“Guys! We should play truth or dare!” Enid said squealing. You all agreed and sat in a circle.
“Okay um Carl truth or dare?” Enid asked looking at him. “Um dare.” Carl said after a few minutes of thinking, Enid smirked as she thought of a dare.
“Okay i dare you to go scare Tara on watch.” Enid said, Carl sighed and got up leaving the room. The rest of you ran to the window and watched, you all laughed as you saw Tara nearly sucker punch Carl.
Once Carl returned he sat back down and looked at Ron. “Ron truth or dare?” He asked the other boy. “Truth.” Ron said, giving Enid a stink eye as she giggled and silently called him a wuss.
“Is it true that you suck at pool?” Carl asked smirking since he already knew the answer, Ron rolled his eyes. “Fuck off Grimes.” He said making everyone laugh. “Alright, alright Y/N truth or dare?” Ron asked you smirking. You sighed thinking, “um truth.” You said looking at Ron.
Ron thought for a minute before speaking. “Is it true that you have a crush on Carl?” He asked you making you look over at Carl, Carl just looked at you intently. You and Carl had been dating in secret for a while, no one knew not even the rest of your group. “Well are you going to answer?” Ron asked you chuckling. You blushed slightly, “Yeah it’s true.” Carl’s eyes widened as he choked on his water, you all looked at him, he quickly winked at you. “You got a crush on me wow um that’s..that’s news to me. I uh wow this is awkward.” He said making you look away, you knew he only said that so Ron and Enid wouldn’t be suspicious but it still hurt to hear him say it.
Enid noticed you getting upset, “How about we tell scary stories instead?” She said  getting up to turn the lights off, she sat back down sending a smile your way, Ron smirked. “Good idea, i’ll go first, ”Talmadge Brothers North was erected in the summer of 1961 when the brothers decided there was an even larger demand for their services. Since the original Talmadge Brothers Funeral Home required both brothers to remain on site for a majority of the day, they were forced to hire a young man by the name of Neville Talmadge, their nephew. For the first two years of operation Neville excelled in his new position as manager of Talmadge Brothers North, impressing not only his customers, but also his uncles. In December of 1963, Neville was introduced to a young lady by the name of Constance Lee. Constance was the daughter of the local fire chief Robert Lee, and had been desired by all the men in Butts County for years. Constance was always timid about the idea of being in a relationship, but when she met Neville she knew that she had met a perfect match. After almost three years of dating, Neville and Constance decided it was time to make their relationship official, in both the eyes of the Lord, as well as the State of Georgia. The ceremony would be small - a service in the county courthouse - and then off on their honeymoon. However, Neville and Constance would never make it to their destination. Minutes before they were to leave for their appointment at the courthouse, Neville received word of what had happened between his uncles in Ball Ground. Devastated by the news, Neville removed a gun from his top desk drawer, believing that there had to have been a third party that killed his uncle. Neville was going to get to the bottom of the situation, and make things right any way that he could. Before Neville was able to get out of his desk chair Constance excitedly ran into the room, questioning Neville about their honeymoon. Neville was in no mood for questions and tried to tell Constance that one of his uncles had just died, but she wouldn't listen. An argument broke out between the two, and ended when Neville pulled the trigger. Constance slumped against the desk, her eyes slowly closing as the life ran out of her body. When Neville had realized what he had done he screamed in horror, and turned the gun on himself. Local legend says that Constance haunts Talmadge Brothers North, cheated out of her life and wedding by a Talmadge. It is also said that Constance lives within the mirrors of Talmadge Brothers, beckoning all who enter to join her on the other side. Strange happenings have been witnessed around the building and grounds of Talmadge Brothers North.” Ron said smirking. “Well that was something, anyways my turn.” Enid said smirking.
“The first hotel to have more than thirteen floors had a huge Halloween party to celebrate its opening. Each floor was set up like a maze, decorated with cobwebs and other Halloween decorations. There were lots of people dressed up as ghosts and ghouls to frighten the party goers. An exciting prize was hidden on the top floor, and the first person to reach the prize would win it. Jack and Jill were two of the party goers. They worked their way easily through the mazes on the first few floors. As they headed up through the building, the hallways on each floor got darker and scarier.When they got to the twelfth floor, Jack and Jill heard a blood-curdling scream. As they made their way through the maze, they heard more screams and cries for help. Finally, in the lobby by the elevators, they saw blood dripping from the ceiling.The elevator dinged, and the doors slowly opened, which was strange because every other time they used the elevator, the doors had been quick and smooth. The light in the elevator was flickering as they stepped in and, as the doors began to close, the lights went out completely.And then, screams so loud the entire building heard them begin to ring out. At first, the party goers thought it was part of the scary Halloween theme. But then, the owners of the building turned on all the lights and asked everyone to return to the lobby.But when people tried to use the elevator, it never came. The bell would ding, but the doors wouldn’t open, and they were all forced to use the stairs. Down in the lobby, the building owners explained they had not played the sounds of the screams. And, as they did a check of everyone who had come back, they realized Jack and Jill had not returned.Just then, the doors to the elevator opened. It was empty except for Jack’s watch, one of Jill’s shoes, and a pool of blood. Jack and Jill were never seen again, and the building owners took away the button for the thirteenth floor, so nobody would disappear there again.” Enid laughed at Ron’s scared expression. “You scared Ron?” She asked in a teasing voice. He just rolled his eyes. “Y/N your turn.” Enid said giving you a thumbs up. You sighed and shifted your body so you would be more comfortable. “Okay well, two sisters were spending the summer at their grandparents’ house. When the sun was shining, they had plenty of fun, swimming in the lake out front, exploring the woods out back, and playing all sorts of games in the gardens.However, one week, toward the end of their stay, it did nothing but rain. The girls had played board games, read books, made things with their crafts supplies, and now they were bored.The grandparents’ house was large, and the girls thought it would be an excellent place for a game of hide-and-seek. The younger sister wanted to hide first. She ran off to find a hiding place while her sister covered her eyes and began to count to fifty.The older sister heard her sibling’s footsteps running up the stairs and along the hallway to the back of the house. After reaching fifty, she opened her eyes and went in search of her sister.The girl went into every room. She looked under the beds and in the closets. Behind the curtains and behind the doors, but her sister was nowhere to be found. finally, she reached the only room their grandparents had told them never to enter.She reached out and grasped the doorknob, turning it slowly and pushing the door open. Much to her surprise, the room was almost empty.The only item was an old, tall, carved wooden cupboard, covered in cobwebs. But the door was slightly open.The girl ran over, laughing, and swung the door open expecting to find her sister, but the cupboard was empty. She leaned in, and as she did, a cold, icy hand reached out from the back of the dark cupboard and grabbed her wrist. She let out a scream and tried to escape, but the hand started to pull her into the cupboard.The girl’s sister heard her screams and ran to find out what was happening. She entered the room and looked on in horror as her sister began to disappear into the cupboard. Luckily, the little sister was quick thinking she ran toward the cupboard and grabbed her sister’s legs. After a brief tug-of-war, she managed to pull her sister out of the cupboard, and the two girls ran from the room, slamming the door behind them.” You finished and looked around. “Alright  Carl your turn.” You said yawning.
 Carl had staring at you for a while, he knew his words hurt you, it killed him knowing he was the reason for your pain, hurting you was the last thing he ever wanted to do. “Carl bro hello?” Ron said again causing Carl to jump. “Yeah sorry okay so, a man was lying in bed one nigh, when he heard lots of sirens in the streets outside, there was a helicopter flying around,and the sounds of dogs barking and people shouting. He looked out his window and saw a bunch of police,so he turned on his TV to discover what was going on. “Serial Killer Escapes!” said the headlines. As he watched intently, the man discovered a crazed killer had broken loose and that he was believed to be in the neighborhood, but he wasn’t too worried. As the night went on,the noise stopped, and he went to bed. Then he was startled awake, he thought he had heard a noise, he listened carefully and was just about to fall back asleep when he heard it again. This time he was sure someone was trying to get in his front door. The man looked down the hallway, terrified, he didn’t know what to do.The only way out of his room, without going into the hallway, was through the window. He didn’t think he could climb out, but his mind was made up as he saw the door wobble in its frame as someone threw their entire weight against it.Without any thought, the man leapt out of his window and ran into his yard. He paused to look over his shoulder, just in time to see the light go on in his bedroom and a team of police officers pile in.The man was amazed and relieved at the same time. Until he felt a hand clamp tight over his mouth and the cold steel of a serial killer’s knife against his throat.” Carl said looking at everyone, you all had your mouths wide open. 
You weren't gonna lie, Carl’s story had scared you. Enid decided that you all should go to sleep, you all got settled in your spots, everyone fell asleep pretty quickly, except for you. You couldn't get Carl’s story out of your head.
You jumped as you felt someone touch you, your turned quickly but calmed down when you saw it was Carl. “Come here.” He said pulling you into his lap and holding you tightly. “I’m sorry, i didn’t mean to upset you or scare you.” He said kissing your cheek, you leaned into his body. “You didn't upset me, but you definitely scared me.” You said looking at him, he just sighed. “I saw your face after you told them you liked me, it hurt you and i’m sorry.” He kissed you softly, you kissed him back wrapping your arms around his neck.
“HA I knew it!” Ron screamed turning on the lights. “We had suspicions of you two dating, Enid just thought telling stories would get you guys to admit, and she was right!” You and Carl just rolled your eyes at him, you looked at Enid and stuck your tongue out at her making her laugh. “Alright whatever let’s all actually go to sleep now.” Carl said laying down, pulling you down with him, Ron turned the light off again and laid back down falling asleep.
This took so long lol
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maryellencarter · 3 months
yo tunglr how goest it
so! things keep Happening. i am like "i should make a post" and then things happen and i would need a whole additional post
so uh. where to start. i was in minnesota. i did not like minnesota. the social services are pretty damn solid but i did not know anybody except john and it was looking like a three year wait to get into housing, and i had to park a mile and a half away from the shelter because clearly letting homeless people park their cars next to the homeless shelter encourages them to remain homeless or something :P
and i have been trying for ten years to get back to the east coast, to the only place where i know more than one person in meatspace in the entire world. and then my tax refund came out to be Enough that i could afford to go to there. so i was like fuck it i will go to there
(can i afford to exist on the east coast? probably not. but i can't afford to exist anywhere that allows trans people. may as well be not affording to exist in a place where i have some sort of a network.)
so first i went to leia's and got a bunch of my stuff. mainly electronics and knitting. and then i came to here. i had arranged with a friend to use her address to receive mail and do laundry and shower and all those fun things you cannot do in a car. also i acquired some car-camping gadgets that plug into my car's cigarette lighter, such as an electric blanket.
(i even found out that my car has a 15amp cigarette lighter circuit like a semi truck, instead of a 10amp circuit like most passenger cars, so i can use a trucker's cookbox to heat up food! very exciting. still don't have an electric kettle but i saw a hopeful looking one at a truckstop, i'm just trying to pinch my pennies.)
anyway SO! got to friend's house. things went well for 2 nights. i successfully tested riding the metro and did not get the motion sickness. this was excellent news as i had to quit my last job in this area due to inability to arrive on time as i kept having to hop off metro and let my tummy settle
then friend's husband decided actually the plan that we thought had been cleared with him was Not okay, because he had managed to hear a totally different plan that only existed inside his head. (he does this. he has not managed to grasp that friend is against the palestinian genocide. they are both jewish so this is. a topic of regular conversation let us say)
so. i have been put up in a hotel for a week. very cozy. i just figured out how to use the coffee maker to make hot water for instant mashed potatoes. the week is running out but i have been looking into options.
so yesterday of course my phone had to go and fucking brick itself. (i think it was yesterday. time has been. somewhat. look i don't have a phone okay i can't exactly look at the date every five seconds as normal)
phone repair place gave me a free diagnosis, which was, the battery swoll up just enough to pop the back slightly open (it is not a phone that is supposed to open) and let water in and now the motherboard is ruined. it cannot be fixed
thank fuck i had picked up my electronics at leia's, thus i was able to communicate via ipad and laptop that this Had Happened. navigation is being *really goddamn hard* because i have to memorize directions from my wifi-only ipad before going out, and then somehow correlate them with very bad interstate signage (the only way i survived getting back from the phone repair place is that i'd been to an aldi in the same shopping center while my phone still worked)
i mean i could take transit but have you ever tried to take transit without a phone when transit maps are digital only
any fucking way. so then i went to the department of food stamps and all that stuff, to ask about assistance. the department told me i would have to be a resident in the county for nine months before i could even get into a shelter. also i got shuffled between several desks that were supposed to help me applicate for food stamps and medicaid before my name just... fell off the big monitor that showed all the people waiting and where they should go.
so my friend mara who is well connected in the local activism community began making Noises and we emailed a bunch of people. there is a place (nondenominational even! in minnesota you had your choice of the catholics, the "union gospel mission", or the sally army) that does free hot meals and helping applicate for shit and sometimes has charities come to give away free phones and so forth. sounds very much like the big central shelter and help center i was at in minnesota, except crucially not catholic.
(the catholics are better to deal with than the folks who require you to attend services in order to receive help. but they're still very... catholic about it.)
anyway that place says i can park there and not get towed, which is my largest concern. i have not actually gone to there yet because i did not feel like driving that far from my hotel with no gmaps until i have to. but it sounds extremely promising. i have some other emails to follow up on too but today i went and got one of my roughly-annual migraines so i was flat on my back in a dark room all day.
(at least the migraine had the decency to hit while i have a room and a bed and darkness all available. very polite of it. this has not been the case any time in the past six months and it has been a worry)
anyway i can't friggin get my lifeline provider (aka free government phone service for teh poors) to log me in on their website to look for a new phone without them being able to text my old phone, even though they offer me email verification and then just don't load the next page, so there is a solid nonzero chance i may lose this phone number. my contacts *should* be backed up to my gmail if i can get another android phone though.
so. uh. let's see. a new smartphone and service would run me close to $200 minimum. (i've been checking on a cheap service i had before becoming eligible for lifeline, which i was happy with. their very cheapest smartphone is like $114 on sale and their cheapest from a brand i've ever heard of, which i would strongly prefer, is a motorola running about $140 on sale. it's giant and clunky with a badly placed fingerprint reader but "able to get cellular service and run google maps therefrom" is my main priority right now.)
i have about $200 of my tax refund left in the bank. also i still need to buy gas. and some more food soon, i'm about down to canned chili (very edible cold in tortillas) and instant mashed potatoes (can make with cold water but they are significantly less delicious that way). and probably some other things i'm forgetting, and i haven't even started looking into the emissions test or my maryland ID and license plates. which i also wanted to budget about $200 for in case i have to pay excise tax for moving states like i did in minnesota (i don't know if i was supposed to or if the dmv fucked up). i forgot to ask if the one place does gas cards but i need to.
anyway i have to be out of my hotel room saturday morning so i am planning to spend tomorrow packing my shit back up and hauling it mostly down to my car. also i need another bath at some point. too much has been happening
sleeping in a bed has been very nice though. hadn't done that since august. i can sleep in my car and it's mostly comfortable but i'm fat and my steering wheel does not respect that
anyway. um. until more things explode i guess that is my update? jesus murphy. it's holy week and you can friggin tell. really bringing my catholic out. tomorrow is good friday and i definitely expect something more to explode. hell, my micro sd card was making noises about being corrupted and i was going to transfer stuff off it onto a new one via my computer and i haven't even started that yet because i've been so frazzled. it better not die along with jesus tomorrow, it's got all my music on it
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offender42085 · 1 year
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Post 944
Kyle Steven Boldrey, Michigan inmate 423368, born 1991, incarceration intake in 2017 at age 25; earliest possible release date 08/25/2038, maximum discharge date 08/25/2066
Murder, 2nd Degree
In 2017, behind the prosecution table, 11 men and women quietly but palpably longed for the two missing men who they would never see again.
Behind the defense table, 11 men and women sat in support of a loved one at the beginning of many years of bars and cement block walls.
Between them stood a young man who, according to police and the prosecution, in 2016 ingested a drug and brutally murdered an elderly man and his own childhood friend.
Another hearing was held in February 2019, in which that afternoon, Kyle Boldrey, 26, was resentenced for the 2016 murders of Keith Atkinson and Trevor Hubbard, murders police said Boldrey committed while under the influence of a synthetic hallucinogen called 25i-NBOMe.
Judge Michael Mack of the 26th Circuit Court handed down a sentence of 22 to 50 years for each of two counts of second-degree murder, to be served concurrently.
The court already sentenced Boldrey once. In October 2017, Mack assigned Boldrey 25 to 50 years in prison, exceeding the recommended guidelines because of the brutality of the case.
Boldrey appealed the 2017 sentence, indicating that he had pleaded no contest under a misunderstanding about the number of years to which he could be sentenced. At the second hearing, Boldrey formally withdrew his plea and entered a second no-contest plea, this time under full understanding of what might lie in his future because of his decision in the past.
A no-contest plea is not an admission of guilt, but an admission that the charges cannot be fought. It is treated as a guilty plea for sentencing purposes.
At the heart of the crime was the hallucinogen 25i-NBOMe, known by it street name of “N-Bomb.” Now fallen out of favor, the drug had a spike in popularity four or five years ago, when it was sought out as a substitute for LSD, according to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. The drug sometimes leads to very extreme physical effects, with even minuscule amounts leading to seizures, cardiac and respiratory arrest, and death, according to the federal Drug Enforcement Administration.
Medical examiner reports studied by the DEA, as well as news items out of Britain and Australia, reveal stories of violent behavior leading to death as a result of ingestion of 25i. Teens and young adults have died when the drug caused them to burst into violence, flinging themselves at poles or walls or tearing up the inside of a vehicle before dying with very little internal evidence of the drug’s presence.
In Montmorency County in 2016, Boldrey decided to try 25i. The drug was given to him by Hubbard as they celebrated their upcoming adventures – Hubbard’s impending departure for college and Boldrey’s entry into the U.S. Air Force.
Shortly after ingestion, Boldrey exploded into a rage. He stabbed Hubbard and struck him with a vehicle, then broke into the home of Atkinson, who died trying to defended his wife, Debbie Wells, and Jeffrey Bauer, who was also in the home. Wells and Bauer survived but were beaten badly.
Eyes were dabbed with Kleenex on both sides of the courtroom at the second hearing as Boldrey gave a statement to the court before his sentencing. At his last sentencing, he said he tried to minimize his behavior, distancing himself from the thing he had done.
Now, though, he wanted to take ownership of his flawed thinking and bad decisions, of the fear and hurt that he had caused to strangers and to people he loved.
“I caused a whole community to feel unsafe,” Boldrey said. “It should have never happened. And it’s my fault.”
Boldrey’s attorney, Dan White, shared that, while in prison, his client has agreed to help with a drug and violence awareness program, a law enforcement effort to keep children and young adults from making the kind of mistake Boldrey made.
Behind the defendant, his mother and father watched their son silently, knowing that, whatever Mack’s decision, their child would still walk out of the room wearing chains.
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you seem like you are from north america, so i'd be interested to hear: do you have regional public transit? what is it like? i seem to have never heard anyone discuss it. here (czech republic, central europe) the standard is that towns of around 100 people are connected to the national system by a reasonable number of buses (at least few a day) and towns of 1000 people are basically as a rule connected by hourly or bihourly service. (considering that my country is aproximatly big as one state, is there at least something similiar in one american or canadian state?)
thanks in advance
So for one the US and Canada are too large for national buses most of it is done at the state/province or Metropolitan level I'm in Seattle we have two transit operators King County Metro (the county bus operator) and Sound Transit (they run light rail, commuter rail, intercity buses, and the Tacoma Streetcar) but oftentimes a state DOT will run some regional train service (usually as a partnership with Amtrak or VIA rail or in the case of Metrolinx just run their own thing)
The Amtrak Midwest and Amtrak California services are a good examples of this but they only serve a few areas and only run a few times per day and usually there is absolutely nothing in rural areas anyway the only Electrified service in country is along the Northeast corridor and one route out of Chicago into Indiana oh and also the Keystone corridor and the commuter railroads in Denver and San Francisco
Also the largest US city without any intercity train service is Phoenix Arizona which is the 5th largest city in the entire country behind Houston which only has a single tri-weekly train The Sunset Limited that runs from New Orleans to Los Angeles (although I think they are trying to reroute it through Phoenix)
The only US state with comparable service to Europe is New Jersey since the fastest section of Northeast Corridor runs straight through it and most towns their received electrified train service in 1920s new Jersey has a statewide Transit operator called NJ Transit
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Although the Toronto area has a pretty transit system and it's being massively expanded right now GO transit (run by Metrolinx) is planning to electrify several lines over the next few years and the TTC is building several new Light Rail lines and the New Ontario Line Subway
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I honestly wasn’t really planning a villain POV for this but inspiration struck and I couldn’t, like…not write it (>.<) so here we are, in another another POV — enjoy!!
@hobiesgender @royallydivinelesbian
“Damn it!” Olivia threw her goggles onto the sand, glaring unhappily at the empty place where the cave had initially been. She was several miles outside of the kingdom, several very long miles outside of it, in fact, and her one hope had been dashed against the very rocks she was now pouting at. The cave had collapsed in on itself for the moment, not to be attempted again just now, leaving just Olivia and one of her scientists with her as the only people to stare at the empty space where it had been just several minutes prior.
Damn it.
“Well. That was a bust.” She said plainly, packing her stuff back into her bag. Olivia groaned again, running her hands through her hair and yanking on the ends of it twice before letting it go. Her scientist looked unamused with her antics, too used to her boss’s weird moods to really care, and threw her bag into the back of the vehicle they’d taken.
“We’ll just have to try again.” Olivia picked her goggles up again, dusting off the sand as she did so. “We tried some of the harder criminals already, but there’s simply too many.”
“A lot of them just aren’t willing to do this.” Her scientist added. She adjusted her own glasses, flicking through the one tablet that still got service all the way out here — Olivia was willing to bet she had some kind of transportable signal with her, there was no other way it worked otherwise — as she went through the system Miguel insisted on keeping. “Especially since nobody’s ever come back. Makes it difficult amongst the ones who’ve been there the longest.”
“So, new route.” Olivia sighed heavily through her mouth, pursing her lips as she thought. “What if we manage someone newer, someone more gullible? Someone who hasn’t been with the rest of the criminal population long enough to hear rumors about this…little outing?”
“That could work.” Her scientist mused as they started the drive back to the castle. “If we caught them early enough, I suppose. But aren’t there criteria that need to be met? In order to even access the cave, we’d need someone who’s rough but kind, idealistic with a basis in reality, flighty yet dependable…that’s a lot to be looking for in criminals, I think.”
“Ah, that’s what it says,” Olivia waved her hand dismissively as they entered the castle gates, “but, I mean…I don’t think anyone I’ve sent down there so far has had any of those qualities. Maybe they’re not as important as we think they are.”
“I suppose not.” The scientist hopped out of the vehicle, leaning through the open window as she did so. “I’ll see you in a couple of days, ma’am.”
“See you in a bit.” Olivia ran her hand over her face again, sighing in frustration.
Wilson was likely to have her head on a pike, if he could manage it in this day and age; he was growing ever more and more irritated with her failures, though she suspected it was for different reasons than her own irritation. He was…incredibly short-sighted, Wilson was, and Olivia couldn’t really fault him that when it was giving her so many opportunities to further her own researches on the side.
Hell, she’d told him, point blank to his face, that he didn’t need to rely on magic and hearsay; if he’d give her people the chance, they could probably build something that could bring his family back (and honestly, it’s been over twenty years…Olivia would’ve thought the man would’ve moved on by now, but…again, funding for research. He was, inexplicably, one of they very, very few counties in the country making any sort of money. The amount of money he was giving her for research meant that she would help him with this project if it meant reviving the childhood dog he’d had for three days if he wanted it, with absolutely no complaint and a smile on her face.)
Anyway, now she needed to go though the criminal population again, just to see if she could get one of those —
She slammed right into Miguel and one of his guards, who were walking quietly as they walked, making them both drop the papers in their hands. Miguel glowered at her, and she narrowed her own eyes back mockingly before all three of them dropped to their knees and began picking stuff up.
Olivia had just picked up a paper with a picture on it — Hobart Brown, the top of it read in Miguel’s very untidy scrawl — when she got a good look at the picture underneath it.
The piercings, the glower on his bruised face, the way his head was tilted away from the camera in order to shine light on the bruises and cuts on his face while still maintaining eye contact with the photographer…
Olivia almost couldn’t breathe. He looked…
He looked perfect.
“Hey! Octavius!” Her head snapped up, eyes wide, at the guard’s hand waving impatiently in her face. She met her eyes, watching as she lifted a brow and, with a teasing tone to her voice, said, “you, uh…planning on handing it back or what?”
“Sorry, sorry, I just — ” She stood up quickly, brandishing the paper at both of them; she held both edges in her hands, displaying the picture prominently as if it wasn’t Miguel’s paper to begin with, as if he didn’t know exactly what was on it. “Who is this?”
“Just some lowlife punk giving the guards issues in the city.” Miguel snapped, snatching the paper from her hand. The guard sighed, sounding disappointed as she rubbed at her temples, but Miguel ignored her. “What do you care, Octavius?” Olivia felt her lips purse as she thought, mind going through different angles as to why she cared without spilling the plan out for everyone to see, but — “Octavius, I’m warning you…”
“I thought I saw him!” She burst out, and they were all stunned into silence. While she had the upper hand, Olivia followed through. “Here, on the castle grounds. Well, outside it, really, but you know, close enough — ”
“You saw him?” Miguel cut her off, showing her the slightly crumpled paper now. Hobart Brown glared at her from the paper, and Olivia followed him with her eyes. He really did look like the ideal candidate, just from the image alone, and she was so excited — “Him? Here — dammit, you scientists — when?”
“I’m pretty sure it was him, yep? Yep! Definitely him.” Olivia felt her head move up and down quickly. She was practically vibrating, she was so excited right now, she just had to — “recognize the-the hair, you know, that hair is very memorable, big, wild, all over — ”
“Olivia, when?” The guard was the one who pressed this time, and Olivia’s eyes darted her way now. She glanced to the side for a moment, arm crossed over her stomach as she pressed a finger to her cheek and thought hard.
“It was…the other day? A couple of days ago?” She made a face, like she couldn’t really remember accurately, “maybe like…a week? Ago? Time tends to move quickly, you know, days all blend together for me! So it was definitely recently, I think, but I don’t know exactly how — ”
“That doesn’t make any sense.” She said, frowning to herself now. “Hobie doesn’t come near the castle, not usually. Why on earth would he — ”
“The Prince.” Miguel said darkly. “He got fed up with the measures he was taking to fight the guards, and stepped up his game to make the king and queen listen.”
“But Hobie wouldn’t — ”
“Whether he did or not, we need to bring him in now.” Miguel snapped, and she looked annoyed that he cut her off. She looked even more upset when he turned on his heel and marched back the way they’d both come from, hand holding tightly to the paper with Hobie’s picture on it. She followed after him though, still trying to convince him that maybe it was all a misunderstanding, but Olivia barely paid it any mind.
She turned and went the opposite way, sending a message to her scientist about another trip out to the cave. Wilson was still likely to be mad at her about her failure, but she couldn’t wait to tell him about the success rate for this last trip.
She had…a really, really good feeling about it.
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The Priest and The Apostate
CW//Mpreg, Non-Con, Religion, Demons, Tentacles, EggPreg
That morning was quiet, a typical Monday after seeing the local congregation all together at Sunday Mass, and now all had to return to their daily lives until next Sunday. Father Fox didn't mind it all too much, he enjoyed the moments of solitude he got after dealing with every little old lady in town barricading him, thanking him for such a beautiful service. The people of the town respected him as their only clergy man and so attention was constant, not unappreciated, but just overwhelming and sometimes he needed a good reason to get away.
There was peace in the church, the only signs of another human was a fellow older gentleman, lighting a candle and soon leaving the building after a quick prayer, along with Sister Saoirse leaving the sacristy before wishing Father Fox a cheerful farewell. After all, it was starting to get late and Fox would soon have to return to his parochial house to settle down for the night.
Although the old man took to the habit of sitting in the confessional boothe before returning home, in case any anonymous people wished to have their sins forgiven. But Father Fox, now used to the congregation, knew the voices of everyone, so there wasn't much secrecy on who was on the other side, but he would keep such things between only him and God.
He rested himself on the hard wooden seat in the confessionals, smoothing out his cassock to prevent creases. Taking a deep breath and sitting in silent prayer. There was some unusual favours he prayed for from God, or whoever up there cared to listen.
His whole life he had spent studying for priesthood and as soon as that was achieved he had been sent to the smallest parish known to man in a village in a small county and now in his old age, close to retirement, he prayer for at least one thing new to happen.
But, never considered that he should be careful for what he wished for.
He was suddenly pulled out of his moment of prayer only to hear the large, wooden front door being tugged open and slamming shut, and soon footsteps. At first, Fox assumed it was Sister Saoirse, but the footsteps were too heavy and intrusive for such a shrinking violet as herself, so more likely was it one of the older nuns, like Sister Assumpta, she always let her presence be known. Yet again, it still sounded to heavy too be her own, and last he recalled, the old woman never wore heels that made loud and ear shattering clacks against the hardwood floors. There was also a distinct smell as the unknown figure came closer to the boothe. That of... Cigarettes? No, smoke, from a fire. If it were not for the unusual and unfamiliar sounds of the footsteps, he would have assumed that it was some old farmer who just got back from burning down bushes on his land.
Of course, Father Fox's attention was met and his arms were open to any lost soul wishing to pray their sins away. The unknown figure did after all, take a seat in the boothe, on the other side of the panel. Fox couldn't see much from the dotted, metal sheet that separated them, but he could make out jet black hair and a sort of beard... Then the figure spoke.
"Father. I wish to confess, for I have sinned."
The voice was so unfamiliar. It didn't sound like the typical Irish country man, nor did it sound like anyone he knew at all. He must not have been from the town, of course that was no excuse to turn down any child of God.
"What troubles you, my child."
The stranger cleared his throat with a cough, which seemed to allowed his breath to be so intrusive and Fox could soon smell it. Once again, it just smelled of smoldering ash, burning rumble, fire and even Satan's own sulfur. Fox tried to find reasoning for this, assuming that maybe this man worked in some sort of factory.
"Well father. I'm a restless man, a vagabond. I've been from town to town. And I've caused a lot of trouble."
Father Fox cocked his brow.
"What troubles have you caused?"
"Well, you see. I like to drink, father."
Fox couldn't really judge him too much for that, he himself enjoyed a tipple of sherry or port some nights.
"And well, it makes me become, more promiscuous."
This was the part that made Fox blush. Never had he really heard about much in the ways of Lust, besides the few lonesome people that come to tell him about what they did alone in their bed that night, and wished not to see the fires of Hell for.
"You see, I just get so drunk that I'll fuck everyone. And I'm rather popular with everyone I sleep with and they always come back for more, so I can't help myself."
The sudden rudeness of his words made him jump out of his seat almost. Not hearing anyone mutter such words around him.
"Well, first of all, that's two Hail Marys for that language."
"Ah, sorry Father. As I was saying. I just can't seem to keep my cock in my trousers."
Father Fox got startled by such words again, blessing himself for hearing such profanities.
"Not too long ago I was in another village, not too far from here. Lovely place. But they had a new priest. Fresh out of Seminary School. Young man, a little wet behind the ears. You know. But needless to say he wasn't cut out for the job, cause I had him riding my cock in no time, and he wouldn't stop begging me for it afterwards."
Father Fox felt as if he was going to have a heart attack with what he had just heard. Another priest committing such acts with a stranger like this. He almost couldn't speak, from the sudden shock.
"You probably don't know him. He was quick to leave the place."
Fox's throat was all choked up, he couldn't say a word, he couldn't move a muscle. He was almost sick from the thought of the profanity of it all, but then he felt something unusual. Something he hadn't felt in a long time.
"There was another priest. Another parish of course, but he was an older man. A real arsehole, who wasn't much fun. Somehow I convinced him to let me plow my cock into him."
That's what Fox felt. A sudden, sickening arousal from the man's words, no doubt the same words to entice those other priests.
"Yeah, I had him face down behind the pew, ramming him cock into him until he was screaming my name. Begging that I don't stop."
Fox felt the arousal creep through every inch of his body. First his cheeks felt flush and his stomach clenched and his limbs went heavy. A spark of adrenaline rushed through his body, followed by the slow precession of ecstasy that waded through his very begin, from mind, into his body, cascading into his soul, and causing the blood to rush right to his penis, making it stand up right, forming a small tent in his cassock. It was a feeling he hadn't felt in years. Not since he was a lad, not since his adolescent years when he was first sent to seminary school and would come to realise his desires towards his own sex.
The years he had spent with pent up arousal had dimmed with age, but now it was all coming back.
"Of course I wasn't just done with that old man. Of the amount of nuns, monks, priest, bishops, decons, archbishops I've had my way with. I think I knew a Pope well."
The mysterious stranger began to laugh. His once shy and regretful sounding voice now became one of joy and laughter, and if only Fox knew of the Sadistic turn it would take.
"I recall some of them, because I used to leave parting favours for them. Almost like my own little form of a calling card."
There was a sudden feeling, that of something slimy and slug like, maybe even more like an aquatic creature, inching it's way up Father Fox's leg, jolting from his ankle, up his calve and latching on to his inner thigh, feeling it's sharp suction cups, that of a cephalopod.
The tip of this tentacle like appendage reached out in the direction of Father Fox's groin, which now was pulsating with excitement, despite the thoughts of fear and uncertainty, confusion and dismay that cycled through his mind.
"You know the story of fallen angels. I'd assume so. Well they were also well known for their dalliances with humans and the creatures they left behind. I'm no stranger to it myself."
The tentacle was now crawling along the base of Father Fox's cock and running up the shaft to reach the tip, causing it to ooze his pent up seminal liquids.
Another tentacle raced up the side of the wooden chair that the old priest was now stuck to, and darting straight for his behind, slipping its way under his cheeks to soon been stopped by the fabric of his clothes, not allowing it entrance at first, but one or two cut seams later and soon the auxiliary tentacle was scurrying its way up his rectum.
"I think you're just like those others. Sure, to the these people you're a good man of the cloth, but on the inside you're just as sick and perverted as any other man or woman. You too long for the excitement of lustful persuits. But not to worry, be glad that I helped you find this out."
How could Fox even hear, nor concentrate on such monologuing, when he was now being fucked by something so demonic and ungodly as the feeling of a sea monster ravaged his insides. Spreading his whole and pushing forward until meeting with its sweet spot.
The stranger went silent, only the sound of the wriggling, pulsating tentacles could be heard. It was soon replaced by the slithering of another appendage that now crawled its way from a passage made by the man on the other side. It didn't look like the two other tentacles. It resembled more of a tube like shape or a siphon. It followed the way of the second tentacle that had crawled its way up Fox's backside and was even led in by it.
Only one three words could escape Fox's quivering lips.
"Please. Don't. Stop."
And why would he, now he had Fox in place and the siphon was now crawling up his hole and reaching to the end where the other tentacle was stopped. There was a sudden bulge at the base of the siphon which pushed its way up, but then stopping when reaching Fox's cheeks, not being able to get underneath.
For a moment the stranger thought he would have to call upon another tentacle to help the priest up and to allow the turnip sized object to get through, but it seemed the old man was compliant now, pushing himself up from his seat and allowing the object to make way.
At first of course the object was stuck, pushing at Fox's opening. It was simply too large to fit, but it wouldn't seem to allow such resistance against it, giving it one more push before shooting up his body and into his stomach, causing it to suddenly bulge.
Fox's stomach felt heavy. The object felt like it weighed at least a kilo, which wasn't great for Fox as another object made its way up the siphon and into his stomach, weighing roughly the same as the other one and causing his overtaxed stomach to stick out even further.
Five more of the same sized things followed behind the last, each one shooting up into his belly, causing sudden surges, but each time would make it feel as if he was being roughly fucked by some large demon, shoving it's cock in and out of his begging whole.
Another three eggs followed behind the five, except they looked a tad larger, maybe the size of a celeriac. And like the other five they shot right into his stomach, finding room within his now vast belly.
Fox's mind could only process so much, but when he glanced down he noticed a huge change in his once, tall and slender figure. His stomach was gigantic. Full of these strange objects, now that he could see the outlining shapes, looked like giant eggs. They rummaged around in his belly, looking for a cozy spot to nestle into and expand. Sweat dripped down Fox's face and all over his exhausted body as the eggs finally found a nice place to settle and once they had a sudden rush of fluid came from the siphon, filling up the rest of Fox's belly with the thick liquid, which turned his belly from tight and squirming with eggs to a soft one sloshing all over the place, the pressure causing his navel to pop, and his cassock to finally tear, revealing his huge, red, stretch mark covered pregnant belly.
The two tentacles and the siphon slowly slipped out and away from the panting priest and back of the direction of their owner, who gave a remorseful chuckle as he stood up and opened the door of his boothe.
"I promise not to hit the bottle so often father. Five Hail Marys and ten Our Father's. Will be done. Slan now father."
And as soon as the stranger had arrived, he was gone. Leaving Fox with a belly full of ten eggs, so large and exposed, so painfully obvious.
The sheer size of it made it almost impossible from the man to move and the constant moving of it was sheer signs of life in it and perhaps the superstitious and God fearing people of the village wouldn't really like.
Maybe this was his true excuse to leave this old place.
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September 11, 2023
NEW YORK (AP) — Americans are looking back on the horror and legacy of 9/11, gathering Monday at memorials, firehouses, city halls and elsewhere to observe the 22nd anniversary of the deadliest terror attack on U.S. soil.
Commemorations stretch from the attack sites — at New York’s World Trade Center, the Pentagon and Shanksville, Pennsylvania — to Alaska and beyond.
President Joe Biden is due at a ceremony on a military base in Anchorage.
His visit, en route to Washington, D.C., from a trip to India and Vietnam, is a reminder that the impact of 9/11 was felt in every corner of the nation, however remote.
The hijacked plane attacks claimed nearly 3,000 lives and reshaped American foreign policy and domestic fears.
"On that day, we were one country, one nation, one people, just like it should be. That was the feeling — that everyone came together and did what we could, where we were at, to try to help,” said Eddie Ferguson, the fire-rescue chief in Virginia’s Goochland County.
It’s more than 100 miles (160 kilometers) from the Pentagon and more than three times as far from New York.
But a sense of connection is enshrined in a local memorial incorporating steel from the World Trade Center’s destroyed twin towers.
The predominantly rural county of 25,000 people holds not just one but two anniversary commemorations: a morning service focused on first responders and an evening ceremony honoring all the victims.
Other communities across the country pay tribute with moments of silence, tolling bells, candlelight vigils and other activities.
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In Columbus, Indiana, 911 dispatchers broadcast a remembrance message to police, fire and EMS radios throughout the 50,000-person city, which also holds a public memorial ceremony.
Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts raise and lower the flag at a commemoration in Fenton, Missouri, where a “Heroes Memorial” includes a piece of World Trade Center steel and a plaque honoring 9/11 victim Jessica Leigh Sachs.
Some of her relatives live in the St. Louis suburb of 4,000 residents.
“We’re just a little bitty community,” said Mayor Joe Maurath, "but it’s important for us to continue to remember these events. Not just 9/11, but all of the events that make us free.”
New Jersey’s Monmouth County, which was home to some 9/11 victims, made Sept. 11 a holiday this year for county employees so they could attend commemorations.
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As another way of marking the anniversary, many Americans do volunteer work on what Congress has designated both Patriot Day and a National Day of Service and Remembrance.
At ground zero, Vice President Kamala Harris is due to join the ceremony on the National September 11 Memorial & Museum plaza.
The event will not feature remarks from political figures, instead giving the podium to victims’ relatives for an hourslong reading of the names of the dead.
James Giaccone signed up to read again this year in memory of his brother, Joseph Giaccone, 43. The family attends the ceremony every year to hear Joseph’s name.
“If their name is spoken out loud, they don’t disappear,” James Giaccone said in a recent interview.
The commemoration is crucial to him.
“I hope I never see the day when they minimize this,” he said. “It’s a day that changed history.”
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Biden, a Democrat, will be the first president to commemorate Sept. 11 in Alaska, or anywhere in the western U.S.
He and his predecessors have gone to one or another of the attack sites in most years, though Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Barack Obama each marked the anniversary on the White House lawn at times.
Obama followed one of those observances by recognizing the military with a visit to Fort Meade in Maryland.
First lady Jill Biden is due to lay a wreath at the 9/11 memorial at the Pentagon.
In Pennsylvania, where one of the hijacked jets crashed after passengers tried to storm the cockpit, a remembrance and wreath-laying is scheduled at the Flight 93 National Memorial in Stoystown operated by the National Park Service.
Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff, is expected to attend the ceremony.
The memorial site will offer a new educational video, virtual tour and other materials for teachers to use in classrooms.
Educators with a total of more than 10,000 students have registered for access to the free “National Day of Learning” program, which will be available through the fall, organizers say.
“We need to get the word out to the next generation,” said memorial spokesperson Katherine Hostetler, a National Park Service ranger.
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multi-muse-transect · 2 months
Vault 76 Resident: Kara Vander Zee.
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Name: Kara Van Der Zee.
Age: 35
Preferred Weapons:
Scatter Shot Laser Rifle
.50 Cal Machine
Armor Piercing Revolver
Plasma Rifle
Light Machine Gun
US Army (formerly)
Brotherhood Of Steel
Date Of Birth: June 12, 2049
Description: Kara was born in Appalachia to an upper class family where she started off as the only child. Her father was a former army ranger turned lawyer while her mother was the sheriff of her county. Kara always had a bit of an adventurous streak to her as she would hike in the mountains looking for cryptids but came up with nothing and grew bored of life. She was an average at best student compared to her successful twin sister, Holly, who she held dear. Kara wanted more out of life and decided to join the army to have more thrills.
But what she got was more death and destruction. Especially during the Annexation Of Canada. She later participated in the Sino-American War where she fought alongside Elizabeth Taggerdy who she considered a mentor and somewhat of a mother figure. An injury caused her to return home where she stayed in the house for days looking at the ceiling. Kara served exceptionally well during the war to the point she was nearly considered for Taggerdy’s Thunder.
Due to her family ties and service, Kara was put on the list for Vault 76. When the bombs were dropped, Kara tried to contact her sister and Elizabeth Taggerdy but couldn’t as power lines were being destroyed left and right. With no choice, Kara went into Vault 76 much to her disdain. She didn’t sleep on her first day as she kept hearing the all too familiar sounds of the bombs going off…and finally silence.
Life in the vault started off rough for Kara as she barely knew anyone. But she made a friend with a Vault 76 resident named Jamie Wantanabe and his sister, Dana Wantanabe. She soon began dating Dana and life started to ease up a little for her. Still, the stories she’s been hearing from the overseer made her prepare for the worst to happen. Soon it was time for the vault to open and Kara was one of the residents who ventured out into the wasteland…and discovered the horrible truth of what happened to Elizabeth Taggerdy.
Kara was one of many residents that followed the overseer’s orders and her journey led her to Fort Defiance where she learned of the origins of the Brotherhood Of Steel, a militaristic organization dedicated in the retrieval and preservation of technology. Because of this, Kara signed up for the Brotherhood to make a real difference and hoping she would find her mentor. But as she saw more dead members, she expected the worst…and she got it. Kara found Elizabeth Taggerdy dead after her attempts to stop the Scorch Beast as an enraged Kara slaughtered the monster.
A distraught Kara later buried Elizabeth and the rest of the unit in Fort Defiance. There she would try to recruit new members of the Appalachian Brotherhood Of Steel while waiting for any members to arrive and became the unofficial temporary leader of the chapter waiting for any reinforcements. Her hopes were affirmed when the expedition team arrived.
Personality: Kara appears to be a carefree woman but she’s really a more selfless and noble yet also conflicted Vault 76 resident. She craved for adventure most of the time and had an interest in cryptozoology as a child. This led to her being an adrenaline junkie as a teenager as she would get in trouble most of the time with adults. When she graduated high school, she joined the army to get away from her boring life. Till this day, she regrets that decision…
War changed Kara as it warped her view on humanity and the government. But she did find some solace with Elizabeth Taggerdy who she regarded as a mentor and served under. The two struck a friendship as they would work together to survive the war. Returning home felt off to Kara as she just wanted to rest most of the time and try to take things in but her family kept wanting her to find a high paying job fast. Kara felt dead returning home and she knew it, everything she tried to do to keep that feeling away didn’t work but she tried most of the time.
It wasn’t until the bombs fell was when she felt alive again for just a split moment or hours but in a twisted way. She soon went back to her dead inside personality when it all stopped and there was nothing but silence. But having a girlfriend changed her, it made her feel alive in a good way and while the two broke up, she felt better.
Like many vault 76 residents, Kara looked up to the overseer who she saw as a great leader. She considered her the best woman to lead the vault and would gladly follow her to Hell. She understood her orders and was among the other vault 76 residents to try and pacify any division. Because of that, she became one of the recent initiates of the Appalachian Brotherhood Of Steel to honor Elizabeth Taggerdy.
She has mixed opinions on Roger Maxson as a whole. Kara does respect and admire him for his attempts to bring back order and the Brotherhood’s goals but the fact he indirectly caused Elizabeth Taggerdy’s death made her not forgive him for that. She believes in the cause but not the leader as a whole.
Kara also deeply blamed herself for not leaving the vault and assist Taggerdy. She often wondered if things would’ve been different if she joined her. Everyday the thought haunts her when she tries to sleep or wander in the day.
All in all, Kara is a leader who had to grow first before becoming who she is. But with the Brotherhood arriving in Appalachia, she finds herself at an impasse when it comes to deciding the fate of the region around her.
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