#Hearing Aids Services in Florida
deltrontech · 9 months
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inceptrasolutions14 · 9 months
Hearing Aids Services in Florida -
Hearing loss is an unfortunate condition affecting millions of people worldwide, and if you’re experiencing issues related to hearing, knows that there are resources, such as Hearing Aids Services in Florida, available to you to assist on this journey.In this comprehensive guide, we’ll focus on finding the ideal Hearing Aids Services in Florida by exploring Tri-County Hearing Services and similar centers’ services, expertise and patient-centric care offerings.
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What is the role of Hearing Aid Specialists in providing Hearing Aid Services in Florida?
Hearing is our connection to life's vibrant symphony, yet hearing loss imposes a substantial challenge for millions in Florida and beyond, diminishing their enjoyment of these precious sounds. Hearing Aid Specialists play a crucial role in audiology by helping individuals enjoy improved hearing through their services for people with hearing impairment.
In this article, we will explore their vital contribution and reveal their dedication towards enriching the lives of those with hearing impairment.
Understanding Hearing Aid Specialists:
Hearing Aid Specialists are professionals trained in audiology who specialize in fitting, assessing, and maintaining hearing aids. Their speciality lies in identifying various forms and degrees of hearing loss and matching appropriate technologies with individual needs to deliver tailored Hearing Aid Services in Florida throughout their journey to hearing rehabilitation.
Hearing Aid Specialist Education Journey:
Becoming a Hearing Aid Specialist requires an intensive educational journey. Prospective specialists typically pursue degrees in Audiology Sciences or related fields before enrolling in training programs accredited by the Florida Board of Hearing Aid Specialists. Through rigorous instruction, they develop an intimate knowledge of hearing anatomy, hearing disorders, hearing aid technologies, and ethical considerations in patient care.
Florida Hearing Aid Specialists and Their Role in Offering Hearing Aid Services:
Hearing evaluation and diagnosis
As part of their Hearing Aid Services in Florida, Hearing Aid Specialists perform comprehensive hearing assessments to ascertain the type and severity of hearing loss in each patient. By employing state-of-the-art equipment for audiograms and diagnostic tests, these experts conduct audiograms and other diagnostic tests to pinpoint exactly where hearing aid solutions must be tailored specifically for individual needs.
Personalized hearing aid selection process
Selecting the ideal hearing aid can be daunting for someone with hearing loss. Hearing Aid Specialists in Florida offer their patients compassionate guidance through this selection process as part of their Hearing Aid Services in Florida. They consider lifestyle factors like budget constraints, cosmetic preferences and technological requirements in recommending suitable devices.
Hearing aid installation and adjustments: What to know and expect?
Once the perfect hearing aid has been chosen, Hearing Aid Specialists in Florida carefully fit it to ensure optimal comfort and effectiveness for their Hearing Aid Services in Florida. This process may require fine-tuning adjustments specific to each wearer's hearing profile - as the Specialists work closely with their patients as they adjust gradually to hearing new sounds.
Counseling and Rehabilitation
Hearing Aid Specialists in Florida go beyond technical aspects by offering emotional support and counseling for individuals experiencing hearing loss as part of their Hearing Aid Services. They understand the psychological repercussions of hearing impairment and urge their patients to embrace rehabilitation with patience and perseverance.
Follow-Up Care and Maintenance Services are also provided as necessary
Hearing Aid Specialists develop lasting relationships with their patients, offering ongoing care and maintenance as part of Florida Hearing Aid Services. Check-ups are scheduled regularly to ensure the devices continue performing at their optimal performance level while offering invaluable insight on maintenance, cleaning, and troubleshooting to prolong the devices' lifespan.
Hearing Aid Specialists and their Impact on Quality of Life
Hearing Aid Specialists go far beyond providing hearing aids; their unwavering commitment to their patients is instrumental in improving their quality of life. Hearing Aid Specialists open doors to meaningful conversations, enriching social interactions and reconnecting individuals with nature through sound.
Hearing Aid Specialists in Florida offer hope and empowerment to those with hearing loss. Their expertise, empathy, and personalized care create an opportunity for rediscovery and transformation via Hearing Aid Services provided in Florida. As we recognize their extraordinary impact on countless individuals' lives, let's continue raising awareness about hearing health and its critical role in creating societies where all individuals can embrace sound's beauty together. You can depend on Tri-County Hearing Services for hearing aid services in Florida. Whether it is for an online hearing test or getting customized hearing solution, the clinic has experts for your assistance.
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Especially if you are on HRT!
HB1421 is a bill that severely affects access to gender affirming care, including for adults. It outlines goals to:
1) Prohibit changing gender markers on birth certificates
2) Require that gender affirming care only come from physicians (not nurse practioners) who take on liability insurance for 30 YEARS after they provide care to a patient
3) Require informed consent forms at every single appointment, including distributing literature to dissuade patients
4) Ban transition care completely for minors
5) Make it so providers who accept state funds cannot provide gender affirming services (this is the big one that stands to affect anyone who takes medicare/aid, is a university, etc.).
6) Make it so providers who accept state funds cannot reimburse for gender affirming services.
We are facing a return to the Harry Benjamin days, or worse, an effective ban unless you are fortunate/wealthy enough to find a willing provider.
If it passes, this bill would take effect July 1, 2023. That is not a lot of time.
I would not count on any Rx or refill request to be honored after this date if the prescribing and dispensing sources no longer are allowed to grant care or decide to drop care because of the penalties.
July 1, 2023. Unless we hear otherwise, that is your clock.
This sucks, but there is comfort in seeing a clear date to plan around and the worst case is no longer completely unknown. It begins July 1.
1) Get any and all your HRT appointments in now, including picking up your meds and doing bloodwork promptly.
2) If you think you will be living in FL come July, start looking now for providers where physicians - not NPs - provide the care. Get an appointment on the books for July. Be prepared to go in person for everything after July 1, because I believe telemed will also be shit-canned. Here is a map of informed consent providers.
3) If you are an old like me, also dig up your HRT permission slip from your therapist. Fuck, make a packet of all your transition documents, including Rx history.
4) If you are on private insurance, start budgeting now to prepare to pay out of pocket.
5) Create a simple spreadsheet of all your HRT dates (pls forgive, my experience is with shots on a 2 week cycle, so this is pretty easy for me to do) and plan out how long your current supply will last. Then, forecast how long all your upcoming refills before July 1 will last. Update it every time you pick up and take your meds. Refer to it for decisions like moving or finding backup providers.
6) Subscribe to the bill to get notified of changes asap
7) Follow this site to keep tabs on other very scary bills happening in Florida, including a bathroom ban and a child custody bill that is effectively kidnapping
8) If you need to change your birth certificate, do it now, pay the rush fees and write RUSH on the envelope. The Department of Health has the most up-to-date forms. Processing time for rush I last saw was around 18 business days.
9) Now that your own oxygen mask is on, so they say, boost mutual aid and recruit allies to assist in any way possible.
Do try to continue seeing your current provider as long as possible, as they likely will need your support. Talk to them frankly about their plans if the bill passes.
Now. I am just a little guy and not a legal expert, but the aggressive enactment date on this bill makes me feel like everyone should plan now instead of waiting to see if it passes.
Be safe, plan, and then get a little rest. Do not lose hope - this bill could still fail.
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oldguardleatherdog · 1 year
For Father's Day:
"The One Decent Thing I Ever Did"
This is a monograph from 2015, previously posted here some time ago, a tale of my maternal grandmother, a below-zero winter night, the New York City subway West Side express during post-9/11, that mentions my father only in passing... and it's about my father.
A long time ago, during a time of struggle, I did one decent thing:
I'd just gotten on the subway in Midtown Manhattan on a brutal winter night, the No. 2 uptown express, when a couple with a small child boarded the car I was riding.
They were having a very loud conversation with their child (about four years old, I think) who was crying or somehow behaving in a way that was "bad". The mother took the belt from her jeans and raised her arm to strike her child with it.
Don’t ask me why I did this, but I rose from my seat, grabbed the mother’s arm mid-swing, and said, “As long as I am on this train, you will not hit that child with that belt.” She and the child’s father were stunned into silence for a moment as I made my way back to my seat.
Immediately after I sat down, the mother and father began leveling all kinds of vitriol my way, calling me every name in the book, including all the variations of “faggot” in use at the time. I just sat there, smiled wide, laughed loud, and shined ‘em on:
“You can call me ‘faggot.’ You can call me anything you like. Because every minute you focus on me, you are not beating that child with that belt.”
The crowded train car fell silent.
Yuletide, 1982. I was in the service in Germany and took leave to see my grandmother in Florida. My grandfather had passed away the previous March, and something told me to seize the chance to see Grandma while she was still with us. I was only 20, born late in life to my parents, and never got to know my grandparents in the way my older brothers did.
We were in my Grandma's airy, air-conditioned Fort Lauderdale kitchen having coffee one morning when the rest of the family had gone out for breakfast. “Would you like a little pick-me-up in your cup, dear?” I laughed. “No thanks, Gramma, it's a little early for me.” The joys of Florida.
I'd had a rough upbringing by any measure - my father was first-gen shanty Irish born in the early 1920's with a mean spirit and a violent edge, mother not Irish but still violent - but at age 20 I hadn't yet realized just how rough it had been.
“You know,” I said to Grandma, “Harold and Evelyn did the best they could. I mean, I turned out all right, right?”
Grandma leaned back in her chair, took a nice drag off one of her unfiltered Camels, and said in her declarative New England way the words that always meant Listen up, you're about to hear gospel truth:
“Well, I'll tell ya, Joe.” I was all ears.
She took another hit off of her cigarette. “I held my tongue. More than once, I held my tongue.
“But one day, your mother and father were in the front yard with your grandfather and me, and I walked up to your father and said, “Harold, I just want to tell you something. It takes a real man to beat a child with a belt.”
I only wish she hadn’t held her tongue!
I sipped my coffee, looked for palmetto bugs on the lanai. “Grandma,” I said, “I'm all right.”
She looked away, and I saw the colors of the rainbow in the prism of her pendant.
What was I doing on the 2 train heading uptown in the bitter blistering freezing cold New York winter?
Heading “home” – that is, to one of the many rundown firetrap SRO hotels paid by the City of New York to house homeless people with HIV. The City's AIDS regulations set the policy: if you showed up at the HIV center at 30th and 8th before 7 PM on a given day, New York City was obliged to find you housing for the same night and for the next 30 days in a row at the very least.
Strange - in those days, New York would house you but not feed you, and San Francisco would feed you but not house you. Come to think of it, that's the way it is these days.
My dank, filthy, crawling with roaches and vermin crack-house "shelter" was way uptown, near 96th and Broadway. (I had always dreamed about making it to Broadway, ha ha.)
96th Street and Broadway stop was next. The train car was still silent as the parents sat sullenly and the child - Jesus, he can't be older than 3 or 4 years old, I thought - was staring at me, no expression on his little face, but eyes wide as saucers.
The train screeched to a stop. I got up and headed to the door, passing the couple with the small child and the loose belt. They were silent and did not regard me as I passed; the child, I think, might have glanced at me, but I’m not sure. I knew that after I got off the train, or after they got off the train, that poor kid was probably going to get beaten. Severely.
Out the door and onto the bone-chilling platform at 96th Street. A young woman who had witnessed the mother wield that belt came up to me and said, “I’m so glad you did that, I wanted to say something, but I was too…” Her voice trailed off as the pained look on her face finished her thought.
“I understand,” I said to her as our eyes met in that New York way of speaking the unspeakable, then made my way up the stairs into the below-zero winter breezes of the Upper West Side of Manhattan.
What the hell, I thought as I made my way out of the station, I had nothing to lose. Those were dark times, desperate days. I'm no angel. But just once, on that long-ago Number 2 train, I was granted the grace to do one decent thing.
Animal J. Smith San Francisco, California July 22, 2015 and June 18, 2023 v2.0
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My maternal grandparents, Ed and Ethel (Schirmer) Olson, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, c. 1980
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simonalkenmayer · 2 years
Pro-life MAGA candidate Herschel Walker is in another scandal, as today it came out first that in 2009, he paid for his girlfriend’s abortion. Shortly after that, his son went on a rant on Twitter, calling his father a violent abuser and womanizer. He threatened the family so often they had to move multiple times to escape him.
Turkish citizen and ex-Turkish military, “Dr.” Oz murdered over 300 puppies, including disposing of a litter of dead puppies by throwing them into a bag with live ones and throwing them in the garbage. He should not be in the senate. He is not only a national security risk, but a psychopath.
Trumps former lawyer is now cooperating with the DOJ.
The J6 committee has obtained over 800k communications from the Secret Service, proving they lied about the events and deletion of text messages from J6.
Yesterday Elon Musk said that Ukraine should give up and hand Crimea to the Russians as a peace concession. The ambassador said “fuck you”. Literally.
Trump went on Truth Social and called Mitch McConnell’s wife and former Trump Cabinet member Elain Chao “China loving Coco Chow” and threatened Mitch’s life. Nothing whatsoever has been done about it.
Every single Florida Senate and House member voted NO on receiving Federal disaster aid for Hurricane Ian. Ron DeSantis, Florida’s governor, has been telling people not to donate to charity, but to the state, and then put his wife in charge of the fund. Then today Matt Gaetz decided to use the lack of funding as a talking point even though he voted against it
It was revealed that not only did Trump lie about returning the love letters from Kim Jong-Un to the National Archive, he also stole them. They were among the documents seized.
The Leader of the Oathkeepers just threw Trump under the bus, defending himself in court by saying everything he did on January 6th was legal because it was under Trump’s orders.
The Supreme Court has DECLINED to hear Mike Lindell's appeal which effectively destroys his efforts to block the $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit against him.
The US ARMY fell 16,000 troops shy of its recruitment threshold.
The next J6 hearing will be on 10/13
Happy ADHD month.
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emma-m-black · 17 days
The Daughter - Chapter Five
Tim Gutterson x OC (FanFiction) - MATURE 18+
Tim Gutterson comes to the unconventional aid of one Elenora Crowder, ward of Art Mullen and daughter of Raylan Givens.
This will be a multi chapter story and will get spicy as it goes. This is a rough draft and only slightly edited for grammar and spelling. Just needed to finally get it out because Tim Gutterson is one of my favorite characters, and there is not nearly enough fanfic for him.
Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four
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Chapter: Five
Elenora was placing a box in her bathroom while Tim leaned on the door frame, watching her. “You know, this place ain’t half bad.”
“See, I told you it was worth it.” Whispered Elenora as she set the box down on the counter.
“Oh, it was worth it.” Said Tim with a sly smirk. “Just make sure you leave that top drawer open for me. Also, I’ll be wanting the side of the bed with the view of the door, and I figure I should warn you I like to drink my juice straight from the carton.”
“Shh, now. There are others around, and I would really rather not have my second dad hear you. I would like once this is all said and done for you to leave in one piece, so you can circle the block and come back up.” Elenora said as she walked past Tim and into the main area of the apartment, just as footsteps could be heard coming through the front door.
“Guess who Art found wandering around on the street?” Announced Rachel as she entered the room carrying a box.
“New guy? Bout time he showed up.” Asked Tim as he walked across the room to take the box from Rachel.
Rachel confirmed his suspicions with a nod and a look of displeasure. “He’s that gun happy cowboy from Florida we heard about.”
Tim let out a laugh. “No shit? He must have really pissed off Florida if they sent him out here.”
“Wait? Cowboy from Florida?” Elenora questioned as her eyes went wide. “Cowboy hat? Lean? Looks like an asshole?”
“Yeah?” Began Rachel in response, her eyes narrowing as she looked at Elenora. “How’d you know?”
“Guys, I want you to meet the new guy,” Came Art’s voice as he walked into the room. “Old buddy of mine from Glynco. One of the fastest draws in the Marshal’s service.”
As Art said this, a man fitting the description Elenora had just given entered the room. His eyes landing straight on Elenora and a smile raised on his lips. “Hello, sunshine.” The man greeted as he scanned her over.
“Daddy?” Elenora questioned. Her hands shook, and she felt the sweat forming. Her mind was racing, and she could not seem to form a proper thought.
“There it is.” Said Tim under his breath, and Elenora could only think back to the previous night’s conversation about Tim waiting for the ball to drop on their relationship. Because this was a big fucking ball. She noticed her father seemed to eye Tim and look him over as though he was trying to piece together a puzzle.
Elenora stepped forward as she looked her father over. “What are you doing here?”
“I was transferred. Told Art to keep it a surprise. So, surprise.” Raylan approached Elenora and wrapped his arms around her in a hug. Elenora followed suit, but it was more of an automatic response than anything out of love.
“You’re Elenora’s father?” Asked Rachel, as the father and daughter pulled apart.
“Yup.” Raylan popped his ‘p’ as he replied and shoved a hand out towards Rachel. “Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens, pleasure to meet you.”
Rachel took his offered hand and gave it a shake with a smile on her face. “Deputy U.S. Marshal Rachel Brooks.”
When Raylan released Rachel’s hand, he turned to look at Tim. “That must make you the man that saved my little girl. Deputy U.S. Marshal Tim Gutterson, if I’m not mistaken?” Raylan stuck out his hand and Elenora noticed the way his eyes narrowed. Tim, who was still holding the box he took from Rachel, finally moved to set it down.
“I didn’t do much savin’, mainly I just threw a set of cuffs on the guy,” Said Tim as he took Raylan’s hand in a shake. “I’m sure she has you to thank for the skills I saw that night.”
Raylan had not released Tim’s hand. “I taught my baby girl how to protect herself against any unwanted male advances.”
“Daddy!” Elenora narrowed her eyes at her father and he finally released Tim’s hand. “Why are you really here?”
“I told you I was transferred.”
“You were the one that gave that perp twenty-four hours to leave town.” Tim said with realization. “Then shot him dead at the table, when he didn’t comply. I’m guessing it wasn’t a transfer so much as Art was the only one that would take you in?” Tim’s voice held a slight harshness to it, and Elenora could tell that Tim was making sure her father knew he was not the type to back down.
“Apparently, this is my punishment for takin’ out the bad guy.”
“Or mine.” Voiced Art as he walked over and placed a hand on Raylan’s shoulder. “Rachel and Tim will be your best friends here. Rachel will keep you out of trouble and Tim, well, Tim will watch your back and take out anyone before they have a chance to draw.”
Raylan looked between Elenora and Tim once again. “Army?”
“I thank you for your service. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to have a word with my daughter, in private.”
Nodding her head, Elenora looked from her father to Art. “Did you wanna order that pizza? Beers are cold and in the fridge.”
“Will do.” Replied Art.
Leading Raylan out of the apartment and into the hall, she walked a few more steps before leaning on the plastered wall. The only closed off rooms in the apartment were a washroom and a walk-in pantry. It left little privacy, but because the whole top floor was hers, the hallway was out of the way. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”
“I didn’t wanna worry you.”
“Worry me?”
Raylan leaned against the wall and took his hat off. Holding it in his hand, he turned the hat over and ran his fingers along the brim. “With what happened to you down here, and what I did back there. I just wanted you to finish your school with nothing distractin’ ya.”
“You shot someone and got yourself shipped off back to your home state. This is after you shipped me off cause it wasn’t safe for me in the same state you were working. Please tell me you don’t expect me to up and leave again.”
“I mean it wouldn’t...”
“You have got to be fuckin kidding me, daddy! I have a home here, a job, friends, a life.”
“And I got people that will eventually want to use you to get to me.”
Elenora pushed off from the wall. “That ain’t anything new, daddy. I defended myself then and I will do it again. I love you, but I can take care of myself.” Moving past her father, Elenora walked back into the apartment, where it was apparent that everyone had been listening to their conversation. She paused and looked around the room as both Rachel and Art attempted to make themselves busy with opening some boxes. Tim, on the other hand, was leaning against the counter, next to the fridge in the kitchen, beer bottle in hand. His eyes were watching her from the second she entered and while she walked across the room to the fridge.
Pulling the door open, Elenora then reached in and grabbed a beer. Throwing the door to the fridge closed, Elenora twisted the cap to her bottle off and tossed it on the counter before bringing the bottle to her lips. Taking a large swallow, she let out a sigh as her father entered back into the apartment. She watched as he made his way to Art and, as the two of them started to converse, Elenora felt herself relax.
Taking a few steps, Elenora put herself at the counter next to Tim. “My daddy’s here.” Whispered Elenora.
“And he’s got a gun,” Replied Tim before taking another drink from his bottle.
Keeping her gaze on her father, Elenora took another large drink from her beer. “I understand if you wanna start runnin’.”
“Ah, you’ve had a long day and I don’t feel like it’s much fair to make you run after me. So I think I’ll just stay right where I am.”
A buzz sounded through the apartment and everyone turned their heads toward Elenora and she just responded with a shrug of her shoulders. “Hey Art, said he was on pizza. I assume that means he’s payin?”
“Oh, alright. Wanna give me a hand, Rachel?”
“Fine old man, I’ll carry your pizza’s,” Said Rachel as she followed Art out the door with a laugh.
Once it was just the three of them, Raylan made his way towards the kitchen and looked between Elenora and Tim and when he reached the fridge, he held a hand to the door handle in question. “May I?”
“What’s mine is yours.” Said Elenora, before downing the last of her bottle. Once she was done, she placed the bottle on the counter and then reached forward for the bottle her father had just taken for himself. She cracked it open and took a drink.
“Good, because I’m gonna need a couch.” Elenora nearly spit out the mouth full of beer as she looked at her father. “Good to know that would have been your reaction. Don’t worry, the Marshal’s Service is paying for a motel until I get the living arrangements sorted. Besides, I don’t wanna get in the way of whatever boy it is you’re shaking up with.”
Eleanor just rolled her eyes at her father. “There is no boy.”
“Sure there is. Art told me you haven’t slept in your bed much this last week. With finals, I tend to find that a little odd given your study habits.” Said Raylan as he pulled another beer from the fridge.
“I’ve been staying with Mandy, and if I wasn’t studyin’, I was drinkin’.”
“Sure, sure. You keep him a secret for now, unless.” Raylan began as he closed the fridge and cracked a beer. “You two seem awfully chummy. Deputy Gutterson, you wouldn’t be the one preoccupying my daughter’s evenin’ time now, would you?” Raylan asked, starting down Tim. The tip of his bottle pointed at the man.
Tim responded with a cock of his head and a laugh, and when Raylan did not negate his hard stare, Tim straightened up. “Oh, you’re serious.”
“I’m not dating anyone, daddy.” Said Elenora with a smirk.
“Well, you best be tellin’ this non existent boyfriend of yours that at some point in the near future, him and I are going to be having a talk. Most likely at the firing range or a dark, empty alley.”
“If I was seeing someone, why couldn’t you just be happy for me? Why do you need to threaten him? I’m not a little girl anymore, daddy.”
“Sunshine. No man will ever be good enough for you and you will always be my little girl.”
Soon Art and Rachel were back, pizza in hand, and the discussion of Elenora’s love life came to a close. After eating some pizza and drinking a few more beers, the group helped Elenora build up about a dozen bookcases and a few large cube storage units that she had situated as a divider between her living area and her sleeping area. When you entered the apartment, you were put into the middle of the living space. To the right of that was a large open kitchen area with a makeshift island that Elenora had created out of some rolling wooden workbenches, and to the left was the sleeping area, with the bathroom and a sliding glass door out to a small balcony. The balcony was just big enough for one chair but there was a small six step staircase that let you on to the roof, and a private area. There, Elenora had been gifted a patio set that had been left from a tenant five moves earlier. It was easier than actually trying to get anything back up or down.
“Nell, you know, you have the entire Harry Potter collection in five different languages right?” Tim ran a finger along the spine of each one as he inspected them. Everyone had left hours ago and Tim, too. He went home, gathered a bag of overnight items and a fresh set of clothes for tomorrow. Making sure that he took the long way back and that Elenora’s trigger happy father did not follow him. He even parked two blocks away and Elenora helped Tim enter through a back service door, just to be safe. “How did you afford all these? Didn’t realize being a student paid so well.” Elenora watched from the floor, where she was unpacking another box of books.
“I worked in the library at the university, and at a bookstore both before and after coming out here. I got to save up most of it. Got a little money from the government when my momma died. Daddy and a scholarship helped with the school. I like books. It’s nice to get lost in a good one.”
Elenora watched as Tim plucked Storm Front by Jim Butcher from the shelf and flipped it over in his palm. “This is a good series.”
“You, read fantasy?”
“Between the sandbox and my ass-hole of a father, it was an escape.” Tim placed the book back on the shelf and walked over to Elenora. “Speaking of fathers, yours is interesting.” Tim held out a hand and pulled Elenora to her feet. “Almost had to change my pants.” Tim had a sly smile on his lips as he spoke, and it made Elenora laugh.
“Well, you aren’t running, so that must be a good sign?” Elenora placed her arms on top of Tim’s shoulders and put her hands on the back of her neck.
Tim placed his hands on her hips and smiled down at her. “I said almost, and something tells me you might be worth staring down the barrel of your daddy’s gun.”
Pushing forward, Elenora brought her lips to Tim’s. She kissed him softly, and he responded in kind, his hands tightening on her hips but his pace matching her own. Tim was patient in many things Elenora had noticed, but with her, she noticed he would give off signs he was restraining himself. Trying to let her take the lead, let her be the one in control of the moment. It all made her toes tingle and her stomach tighten. It was one of the many reasons she was falling hard for Deputy United States Marshal Tim Gutterson.
Chapter Six (Incoming)
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Matt Gaetz has been one of the most vocal Republicans in Congress when it comes to cracking down on China. It had to be more than a little embarrassing on Tuesday, then, when the Florida congressman got called out in a House Armed Services Committee hearing for citing Chinese propaganda while trying to make a point about cutting off U.S. aid to Ukraine.
“Is the Azov Battalion getting access to U.S. weapons?” Gaetz asked Colin Kahl, the U.S. defense undersecretary for policy. The Azov Battalion is a controversial, far-right unit within Ukraine’s national guard. Kahl seemed confused. “Not that I’m aware of,” he said. “But if you have information I’d be happy to hear it.”
Gaetz then entered into the record a report from the Global Times about how the Azov Battalion was getting U.S. weapons as far back as 2018. “Any reason to disagree with that assessment?”
“I’m sorry, is this the Global Times from China?” Kahl asked.
“No, this is—” Gaetz began before looking at his notes. “It might be, yeah,” he continued.
“As a general matter, I don’t take Beijing’s propaganda at face value,” Kahl said.
Gaetz asked him to answer the question. “I don’t have any evidence one way or the other,” Kahl said before reiterating that he doesn’t take Beijing’s propaganda at face value.
“Fair enough, I would agree with that assessment,” Gaetz said before quickly moving on.
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Khal wasn’t the only one who dunked on Gaetz on Tuesday. Rep. Eric Swalwell called him out for inviting Corey Beekman, a combat veteran, to lead the Pledge of Allegiance ahead of the year’s first Judiciary Committee hearing. “It is my pleasure and distinct honor to introduce to the committee Staff Sergeant Corey Ryan Beekman, an American hero and a constituent of mine residing in Pensacola, Florida,” Gaetz said.
As Swalwell pointed out on Tuesday, Beekman is an accused murderer who wound up in a standoff with police. “That’s why there’s a trust deficit here,” Swalwell said. “You pull off a public stunt to try to own the libs, and what you did is you brought in a guy who allegedly shot two people and killed one of them. That’s where the trust deficit is.”
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Gaetz apologized to the family of Billy Buchanan, whom Beekman allegedly shot and killed, in a statement to the Daily Beast earlier this month. “The family of Billy Buchanan brought the situation to my attention, and I’m glad they did,” Gaetz said, adding that the decision had some “unintended consequences.”
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missheatherlee · 8 months
Heather at a glance
“It's not a disability, it's a damn superpower”
NAME: Heather Anne Lee ALIASES: Miss Lee AGE: 46 [Born April 6th] OCCUPATION: ASL Teacher at Huntsville High/Elementary; provides private tutoring on the side ARRIVED: Resident, Returned 2003 GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cis Female, She/Her SEXUALITY: Demi QUIRKS: Even if the person she's communicating with doesn't know ASL, if Heather's upset her hands will go a mile a minute. She was a bit stubborn at the idea of a service dog, but when she laid eyes on Sebastian (Sebby) it was love at first sight. Heather isn't afraid to express exactly what's on her mind, consequences be damned. She's either smiling or frowning, rarely any in-between. Also knows LSM (Lengua de Señas Mexicana).
It didn't take long for Heather's parents to notice that she never seemed to hear them talking to her. For her first year at Huntsville Elementary she wore a hearing aid, but after complaining of chronic headaches the adults in her life agreed she no longer had to use one. Her family was working class, and though they wanted desperately to move to a bigger town or city that offered more resources for Heather, that simply wasn't an option. That didn't mean her parents didn't try their best though. So it came as a pleasant surprise when the young girl absolutely flourished in school, demonstrating a passion for knowledge.
As an adult that passion turned into a degree in education, and Heather moved right back to her hometown so that she could offer services to those that needed it, just as she did growing up. She has always loved Huntsville and has never regretted moving back, even with the paradox. Heather is only thankful that her parents retired and moved to Florida before the monsters appeared.
A year into the paradox, Heather decided to move into the commune. She hated to admit it, but there was a greater safety in numbers, especially if a window didn't shut properly and she hadn't noticed. It was a hell of a learning curve, as being surrounded by so many people every day exhausted her. For those that didn't know ASL Heather began keeping a whiteboard and marker on hand, though she can read lips.
Heather grew up in the house next to Declan's parents, and so when he was born she immediately attached herself to the young boy. She was always happy to look after him when his parents needed it, or to simply come over and play whenever she had free time. It shocked her to her core when Declan showed up to the commune, and she immediately brought him back under her wing like the big sister she always has been.
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ins4dallas · 5 months
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Understanding Health Insurance Options in Dallas for Children's Hearing Aids
"Explore the pathways of health insurance in Dallas to secure essential hearing aids for children, ensuring their developmental success."
Dallas Small Business Health Insurance often presents a complex landscape for families seeking coverage for essential medical devices such as hearing aids for children. This is particularly challenging for families with children diagnosed with hearing impairments, where timely intervention is crucial for their language development and overall learning. The high cost of pediatric hearing aids, which are essential for children with hearing loss, places a significant financial burden on families, especially when their insurance plans do not cover these costs. In Dallas, like many other places, private insurance plans may not always include coverage for hearing aids for children, leaving families to navigate a maze of healthcare policies and funding options. This gap in coverage underscores the importance of understanding and advocating for comprehensive health insurance that addresses the specific needs of children with hearing impairments.
More information can be found at :
Group Health Insurance Dallas TX policies vary widely, and navigating these can be particularly challenging for parents of children with special healthcare needs. The need for customized solutions in healthcare coverage is evident in cases like pediatric hearing loss, where standard insurance packages may fall short. Parents and caregivers are often required to become advocates for their children’s health needs, pushing for legislative changes or seeking alternative funding sources. This journey highlights the importance of insurance policies that adapt to the unique healthcare challenges faced by families. The challenge is further compounded by the evolving landscape of healthcare regulations and the varying coverage provided by different insurance plans. For families in Dallas, the key lies in diligent research and understanding of their insurance policies, coupled with advocacy for more inclusive healthcare coverage.
Dallas Group Health Insurance plans play a pivotal role in providing coverage for a range of medical needs, including those of children with hearing impairments. The quest for comprehensive insurance coverage that includes pediatric hearing aids is a common struggle for many families. This need is often met with varying degrees of success, depending on the state and the specific insurance policy. Efforts by various advocacy groups and individuals highlight the ongoing need for insurance policies that adequately cover essential medical devices for children. As insurance plans and healthcare policies continue to evolve, the hope is that more families will gain access to the necessary medical support, ensuring that children with hearing impairments receive the care and equipment they need for their development.
Insurance4Dallas, (I4D), helps insure all of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Arizona, Louisiana, New Mexico, Alabama, Virginia and Florida. Insurance4Dallas provides consumers with detailed information on health insurance with the ability to purchase health insurance online. Insurance4Dallas provides a full spectrum of health, dental, vision, life and ancillary insurance products, providing a diverse selection of price and benefit options complemented by personal customer service. Available via phone, email or fax, Insurance4Dallas answers consumer questions throughout the purchasing process and during the utilization of its health insurance policies.  
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freegovernmentiphone · 9 months
Deep Dive: SafeLink Wireless & Their Free Government iPhone Initiative 📱
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SafeLink Wireless, a government-backed cell service in the U.S., is making waves with its offer of free cell phones and tailored service plans for those who qualify. Partnered with TracFone Wireless, they're one of the big players in the U.S. wireless scene.
The Free iPhone Offer Deconstructed:
SafeLink and the Lifeline Program: Together, they're offering free government iPhones to those who meet the criteria. Cool, right?
How to Get On Board:
Check If You Qualify: Got an income at or below 135% of the federal poverty level? Or maybe you're part of federal aid programs like SNAP? That’s a start!
Apply Online: Eligible? Great! Hop onto the official SafeLink Wireless site or dial them at 1-800-SAFELINK.
Submit The Docs: Prove you're eligible. This could be income papers or documents showing you're in federal assistance schemes.
Wait & Receive: Once you're approved, voila! Your free government iPhone will be yours.
Where's SafeLink Active? Places like Alabama, California, Florida, New York, and a bunch more states.
Phones On Offer: Ranging from iPhone 7, Samsung Galaxy models, to Nokia flips and more.
The Plans: Once in, you get a phone with a monthly plan. Standard offers include 250 minutes of talk time, 250 texts, and 500MB data. Need more? They've got add-ons!
The Good & The Not-so-good:
Upsides: Free phone & plan for qualifiers, great service quality, budget-friendly additional plans, and a decent variety of phones.
Downsides: The free plan's data & minutes are limited, customer service can be a tad slow, and some phones in the offer might feel outdated.
Hear From Users:
Maria from California says it was her financial lifesaver, while John from Texas found it invaluable during job searches. Samantha in Florida loves the network coverage, and Daniel in New York finds the application process smooth.
Bottom Line: If you're strapped for cash but need a reliable phone service, SafeLink Wireless might just be your best bet. They're bridging the tech divide, one phone at a time.
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broadwaterhearingcare · 10 months
The Role Of Audiologists In Florida
Hearing loss can be a challenging & isolating experience for individuals of all ages. Fortunately, the state of Florida boasts a dedicated community of hearing audiologists who play a vital role in diagnosing, treating, and improving the quality of life for those with hearing impairment. In this blog post, we'll explore the essential role of hearing audiologists in Florida and how they make a difference in the lives of their patients.
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Learn About These Essential Roles Of Audiobiologists In Florida
Hearing doctors in Florida play a very crucial role when it comes to treating your hearing-related issues. Get a clear understanding of them by reading the below pointers.
1. Expert Diagnosis
One of the primary responsibilities of a hearing doctor in Florida is conducting thorough evaluations to diagnose hearing issues accurately. These professionals employ state-of-the-art equipment to measure hearing abilities, pinpoint the root causes of hearing loss, and determine its severity. By providing a precise diagnosis, audiologists lay the foundation for effective treatment strategies.
2. Customized Treatment Plans
Florida hearing audiologists understand that every patient's hearing loss is unique, so they develop customized treatment plans tailored to individual needs. Whether recommending hearing aids, cochlear implants, or other assistive devices, these experts ensure their patients can access the most advanced and suitable solutions.
3. Hearing Rehabilitation
Hearing audiologists in Florida address the physical aspects of hearing loss and offer crucial hearing rehabilitation services. They educate patients on communication strategies, lip-reading techniques, and auditory training exercises. This holistic approach empowers individuals to adapt to their changing hearing abilities and improve their overall quality of life.
Facing Hearing Issues? Contact Top Hearing Audiologists In Florida
Broadwater Hearing Care, Inc. has the most reputed hearing audiologists in Florida, who play a vital role in assisting individuals regain their sense of hearing and enhance their quality of life. Their expertise, customized care, and community support are invaluable resources for those facing hearing challenges. Whether you're dealing with hearing loss or seeking assistance for a loved one, the compassionate audiologists in Florida are here to help you navigate the journey toward better hearing.
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rediscoverhearing · 10 months
Top 5 Hearing Clinics in Perth
Your hearing is critical to your ability to communicate, enjoy your favourite activities, and live a fulfilling life. At HearCANADA Perth (Formerly Helix Hearing Care), we pride ourselves on providing the highest quality of hearing care, dependable advice and compassionate service. We offer the latest hearing clinic Perth aid technology and work with you to determine the best solution for your unique needs. We offer substantial discounts to self-funded Australians and make sure that you have complete understanding of the range of options, styles, features and technologies available.
We’ve helped tens of thousands of people with their hearing loss to enjoy a better life by finding the right hearing aid for them. Our audiologist will help you understand your hearing loss, discuss your lifestyle requirements and explore the range of hearing aids that are suitable for you. We have a large range of styles and technologies to suit any hearing loss, ear shape and budget.
With over 350 clinics across Australia, Amplifon are your local hearing experts. We specialise in diagnosing your hearing difficulties, hearing aid fitting, servicing and maintenance. If you’re experiencing hearing difficulties, visit your nearest Amplifon clinic for a free hearing test.
At Pristine Hearing, we provide Professional Earwax Removal via Microsuction Technology. This is the safest and most thorough method to remove earwax. We are also one of only a few clinics in Western Australia that offer customised Custom Hearing Aids. Our audiologist will assess your individual ear shapes and sizes to create the perfect custom fit.
The team at Lions Hearing is passionate about helping you to hear the world around you again. With a wide range of hearing aids, tinnitus management and balance services, they are dedicated to offering the very best for their clients. They are commission-free and use the world’s leading hearing aid manufacturers to ensure you receive a superior outcome.
At Value Hearing, their audiologist Raza Hashimi has a Doctorate in Audiology from University of Florida (USA) and a Masters of Clinical Audiology from the University of Western Australia. They aim to deliver a superior, empowering experience that leaves you with a full understanding of your hearing loss and the solutions available for you.
Whether you’re a pensioner or eligible veteran, they have a number of government accredited programs that can help you with your costs and eligibility. Their gold standard processes ensure that they are the most cost effective hearing specialists in WA. Their team can also help you with Medicare, DVA and NIB funding.
Corey Benson is a 22-year-old mental health team leader who received an Oticon Medical Ponto 5 Mini bone conduction implant through the Ear Science Institute Australia’s ‘Change a Life’ initiative. The implant has changed his life significantly, allowing him to focus more on the important things in life. Hear what he has to say about his journey and the impact that the device has had on him in this video.
Rediscover Hearing the Joy of Hearing with Your local & WA owned Independent Audiologists. Your local Hearing Aid and Tinnitus Specialists. Combined experience of 38 years.
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vitalurgent · 1 year
Exploring The Importance of Occupational Health in The Workplace
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Employee health and safety should be a primary consideration for any business in the hectic workplace of today. Employees and the company may suffer because of diseases, injuries, and stress at work. Because of this, organizations that specialize in occupational health services, like Vital Urgent Care, a Primary Care Centre West Palm Beach, Florida, are essential in assisting employers in establishing a safe and healthy work environment. This blog talks about the value of occupational health in the workplace and how services like those provided by Vital Urgent Care assist in safeguarding the health of your employees.
What Is Occupational Health?
The multidisciplinary field of occupational health is concerned with identifying, evaluating, and controlling health risks at work. The physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic, and psychosocial components of the workplace are only a few of the many potential causes of these risks. Through proactive measures, including risk assessments, safety procedures, and employee health screenings, occupational health seeks to avoid work-related illnesses, injuries, and health conditions.
Medical Assistance for Workplace Emergencies and Illnesses
Workplace diseases and injuries are quite common in certain industries. In these situations, timely and suitable medical attention is crucial. A wide range of services in occupational health can offer prompt medical care for workplace injuries such as cuts, burns, sprains, or fractures. There are also specialized care systems for occupational illnesses brought on by exposures at work, such as respiratory problems or skin issues. Prompt medical attention can aid in a quicker recovery and assist workers in returning to work in a safe and effective manner.
Psychological Wellbeing
The psychological well-being of employees is also included in the concept of occupational health. Employees' general health and productivity can be greatly impacted by work-related stress, burnout, and mental health problems. For encouraging work-life balance, reducing workplace stress, and taking care of mental health issues, there are various support systems under occupational health. Some of the services offered to support employees' mental health include stress management training, employee assistance programs, and counseling services.
Preventive Care
An important component of occupational health is preventive care. Regular health examinations and evaluations can assist in identifying early warning signals of illnesses linked to workplace exposures. You can seek Occupational Health Services Palm Beach, which offers specialized services like pulmonary function testing, hearing evaluations, and ergonomic assessments to recognize and address these health issues among employees. Early diagnosis and action can stop the deterioration of health conditions and guarantee that workers receive prompt medical care, lowering the risk of complications and enhancing general well-being.
A Healthy Work Environment
Occupational health services can assist companies in setting up a healthy work environment. This includes supporting healthy behaviors like hand washing, suitable ergonomics, and safe work procedures. Additionally, wellness initiatives and programs that motivate staff to adopt healthy lifestyle choices like regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress reduction methods are a wonderful idea. A healthy workplace can increase employee engagement and productivity while lowering the risk of occupational diseases and injuries.
To ensure the health and security of individuals at work, occupational health is a crucial component. Vital Urgent Care, a Primary Care Centre in West Palm Beach, plays a crucial part in helping companies build a safe and healthy work environment. The occupational health services at Vital Urgent Care include pre-employment physicals, drug screening, work-related injury management, X-rays, vaccines for flu and other diseases and more. Employers can develop a productive work environment that encourages the wellbeing and productivity of their employees by prioritizing safety first and investing in occupational health. So, contact Vital Urgent Care today for expert and complete occupational health services in Palm Beach.
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geekshealths25 · 1 year
Hearing loss doesn't have to happen to you
My patients often complain that they cannot hear me. They still cannot hear me clearly, even when I shout. I then know that they are among the 28 million Americans who suffer from sudden or progressive hearing loss. The condition affects their quality of work and leisure.
A sudden hearing loss can be caused by an infection, trauma, atmospheric pressure changes, or earwax accumulation or impaction. Certain cases can be reversed with the right care and treatment.
Presbycusis is the gradual loss of hearing caused by many factors, including drugs, disease, and environment. Although we cannot reverse the gradual loss of hearing, we can prevent further loss.
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Causes of Hearing Loss
Adults who suffer from gradual hearing loss are affected by both heredity and exposure to loud sounds. Your ancestors cannot be changed, but your environment can. Other less common causes include disease or illness caused by a virus, bacteria, heart condition, or stroke. Tumors and head injuries could be the cause. Hearing loss can also be caused by side effects of medications, such as chemotherapy drugs or some antibiotics. Aspirin, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), loop diuretics or antimalarials can cause temporary hearing loss.For more detail visit here.
Exposure to loud noises at work or in leisure can cause noise-induced hearing loss. Nearly a third of Americans who suffer from hearing loss have NIHL. The use of safety equipment can prevent it. Tinnitus is a constant ringing or buzzing in the ears.
Environment noise can either be continuous or impulse. Jet engines, a loud music, sirens, or a jackhammer are examples of continuous noise. Impulse noise can be described as a sudden burst of sound. Musicians, transit employees - especially airport and railroad workers -, farmers, construction workers and members of the armed services are all susceptible to NIHL.
Living with Hearing Loss and Managing Treatment
Here are a few steps I take to improve the quality of life and combat this loss for my patients.
First, I remove earwax. The mineral oil or the glycerin loosens the wax. I then suction out or scoop it. This quick, painless treatment can often result in an improvement in hearing.
If I suspect that my patient is losing their hearing due to a disease, then I would recommend they see a specialist. A specialist in otolaryngology can diagnose the problem and prescribe treatment to prevent further damage. In some cases, they may even be able to reverse the loss.
Mechanical aids are recommended when no obvious disease is present. Hearing aids direct sound into your ear canal and amplify it. Many hearing aids are now available that are not noticeable. Others are barely visible and fit in your ear. Some rest behind the ear. You can try different types and find one that suits you best. In most states, there are laws that require you to try out different types before making a final decision.
Cochlear implants are used for severer hearing loss. These electronic devices replace damaged or non-working inner ear parts.
How to prevent further hearing loss
Protect your ears against loud noises. It is important to wear ear protection when working around machines. When a firetruck or ambulance passes, turn down your music and put your hands on your ears.
Regularly test your hearing. Early detection can stop further decline and treat some loss. Audiologist can measure your hearing and provide you with tools to help deal with the loss.
Improve your diet. According to my reading, adding manganese into your diet can help prevent hearing loss. Manganese is found in mustard greens (kale), chard, collards greens, lettuce, raspberries and maple syrup. According to research by the University of Florida, taking vitamin supplements that contain the antioxidants beta carotene and vitamins C and E as well as the mineral magnesium may protect against age-related and noise-induced loss.
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Senior Living Selections Offers Memory Care Services in Venice, Florida
Senior Living Selections Offers Memory Care Services in Venice, Florida
Venice is known for its world-class beaches and natural beauty, and residents enjoy a casual, laid-back lifestyle that celebrates Florida’s tropical flair.
Memory care services Venice offer a safe, supportive environment for seniors suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. These services are designed to keep senior residents safe from wandering and help them build new memories.
Memory Care
A memory care community should provide a full schedule of activities for its residents. These activities can include exercise classes, games, live entertainment and trips to local attractions like parks, shopping or cafes.
A community should also have ways for families to stay informed about their loved one’s health, such as publishing a monthly newsletter and posting a schedule of events. The community should also have trained associates who are on the premises 24-hours a day.
Venice is an affluent city on the Gulf Coast of Florida that supports a vibrant social environment for older adults. Its high Senior Score of 78 in the General Quality of Life category indicates that this city has a lot to offer seniors.
In addition to providing affordable long-term care options, Venice also offers a variety of free resources for seniors. These include counselors, age-friendly recreational programs and informational resources to help seniors find affordable assisted living.
Respite Care
Respite care is a great way for caregivers to take a much-needed break from their duties. It can be provided by a geriatric aide visiting your loved one in their home, at an adult day care center or at a residential community.
Senior Living Selections offers a number of respite care options for your loved ones in the Venice area. Find the right fit for your family with our comprehensive listings and searchable directory.
Respite care is a great way to give your loved one the time of their lives without having to worry about their safety or well-being. It can be provided by a specialized geriatric aide visiting your loved ones in their home, at an adult day care or at a residential community. It can be an especially smart move for seniors with Alzheimer’s or other memory-related illnesses. The best part is, you won’t be burdened by the cost of a full-time live-in aide.
Alzheimer’s Care
Alzheimer’s and dementia are no picnic for the elderly. That’s why senior living selections offers a myriad of options including a memory care facility of its own, a geriatric assisted living and a variety of home health agencies to choose from. We can also help you navigate the maze that is Medicare and Medicaid.
Our team will help you find the best possible fit for you or your loved one. Schedule a consultation to see how we can make your life easier and more enjoyable. We look forward to hearing from you! The most important part of our mission is your satisfaction. You can reach us through our website, email or call. We’ll help you find the right fit for your needs and your budget.
Assisted Living
Venice is one of the most popular places in Florida to live and retire. Its beaches, intercoastal trails, and wildlife sanctuaries make it an ideal place for anyone looking for relaxation.
Assisted living communities offer a variety of services for senior residents, including personalized care, nutritious meals, and social activities. They also provide 24-hour supervision and assistance with daily tasks, including bathing, eating, toileting, dressing, and more.
These facilities often include memory care, which is designed specifically for seniors with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. This type of care is highly focused on improving quality of life and preventing wandering.
If you or a loved one need senior care in the Venice area, contact Senior Living Selections. Our local advisors will help you find the best community to meet your specific needs and budget.
Senior Living Selections 
Address : 1079 N. Tamiami Trail #359 Nokomis, FL 34275
Phone No. : (941) 218-3813
Website : https://www.seniorlivingselections.com/
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