#Transformers: Mythos
daringdoombringer · 3 months
“The Birth of An Omen”
Transformers Mythos AU
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New interest, new au everypony, and I’m COOKING. Throwing y’all into this headfirst. no prior context. First time sharing fanfiction on Tumblr, it seems to do well here. Whipped this up in like, an hour and a half the same day the idea was made. There aren’t many physical descriptions as these designs haven’t even been finalized i’m hyperfixing HARD chat. thank you Adrian Von Ziegler your Norse music is a lifesaver.
Word Count: 1107
Warnings: none though the vibes are pretty spooky
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Starbolt sprung awake in a panic, sputtering out half-words as he sprang out of alt mode.
“Ajahdv a wh- what?! Am I- Where am-“
The Autobot froze, missiles pointed at his surroundings. He slowly brought down his arms. Composure very, very gradually coming to him through frantic eyes. Darkness. Complete and utter darkness surrounded Starbolt, there wasn’t even a discernible floor.
“He-hello??!” He frantically turned in place, looking around.
“Hello?! ANYONE?”
Silence. Barely an echo returned.
“Where- where…. …w-where am I?” The question devolved into a whisper as Starbolt anxiously hunched over, hands brought to his Spark.
“Am.. am I… …*sigh* oh what am i thinking, of course- of course I am. Not many outcomes after careening straight into a mountain, are there?!” He spat, crossing his arms. Promptly turning his chin up with shut eyes.
“Fine then, fine. Perhaps I wasn’t wOrThY of a noble death anyway!” Starbolt drawled, mockingly directed at whoever must’ve put him here.
A moment passed. Another. And another. Silence.
Starbolt stopped tapping his foot, eyes fluttering open. Confusedly looking this way and that for *any* indication of where or what this place was.
“Heh- ok. So I’m not dreaming. I… I r-really am dead. That’s… that’s what is happening right now.”
“I’m… I’m dead.” He rasped, an inevitable realization creeping up his wings. He stared at his hands, somehow still visible to his optics. Confused, he clasped them together. Touching his face, then patting himself down, thoroughly puzzled at his state. He was still… corporeal. In one piece.
“Huh… ” Starbolt observed. Going over what little he remembered before this point. He was battling a Deception battalion midair, was knocked off course- and now he was here.
He pondered, carefully putting a foot out to take a step; before drawing it right back. No, too risky. There wasn’t much to explore here, he couldn’t even see where the floor ended and everything else began. The bot nervously twiddled his fingers with wings down. Doubt crossed his face once again.
“Well then, this uh… this is… far from what I expected the Allspark to be-“
“That’s where you’re wrong.”
Starbolt jumped at the booming voice, scrambling backwards. He quickly took his arm and shoved it in front of his face, stopping the sudden light burst from radiating into his optics.
He brought his arm down slightly, providing his vision enough space to discover what was pitted for him next.
“WHA- WHO ARE YOU-“ Bolt’s protest was cut short at the sight.
A pair of gargantuan glowing eyes staring down at him. So large he could have easily flown between them, with plenty of room to spare. Their eerie glow faintly illuminated Bolt’s surroundings to his horror.
It was no floor he had fallen on. He was cowering in the palm of an equally gigantic hand.
Still peeking over his arm at the menacing optic gaze, shaking with abject terror. Those piercing eyes, glowing with red, divine Energon.
There was no mistaking their owner.
“M-M.. Megatronus Prime?” Starbolt finally managed to whisper. Words clumsily falling like pebbles.
“I-it’s- you? It’s… it’s really y-you?”
The gaze relaxed slightly, staring with jest at their trembling subject.
“I go by many names, sire.”
Megatron’s response was nearly purred more than said, his words twisted and distorted into something nigh unrecognizable. Yet they were said with such softness. Such understanding. They were coming from everywhere, yet nowhere, reverberating through Starbolt to his very Spark.
Bolt carefully, slowly lowered his arm. Staring in silent awe for several moments. The ultimate evil staring back.
“…. I- I uh- right. of course you do- sire… I- l-listen-“
Bolt reoriented himself to a kneel, a blubbering mess all the while. With hands clasped in prayer, he stared up at his otherworldly captor.
“I… I do not know what I’ve done to deserve your presence. You.. you see, I was a follower of Orion, I- I spent my last moments b-battling your own, I-“ Bolt was nearly to tears, optics squeezed shut at the divine presence before him.
“Please, why do I deserve this?! An afterlife upon your hands? Surely- SURELY there’s been a grave misunderstanding, L-Lord Megatronus-“
“There is no need, mortal. You have done no wrong in our eyes.”
Bolt froze. Slowly gazing up through blurred tears.
“wh.. what…?”
“We’ve both been watching you intently. You possess great speed and intelligence within your Spark. Even I will admit, you have impressed us greatly”
The Autobot was surprised at his comments. Unexpected, yet fairly true comments.
“I..l well, thank you, Lord?” He squeaked, though still decently terrified. “Im- I’m flattered, truly. Granted I wasn’t the greatest at combat but- y-you know, we’re- we’ve all got our weak spots.”
Megatron gave a single nod. Through his optics' glow, Bolt could almost make out a faint smile.
“Though, if it doesn’t bother you… may I ask- a question? A question you’ve likely expected, no less.” Starbolt asked, wings perking up.
Megatron blinked, bringing his hand a little closer.
“if… if I was really a disciple of your opposite… if I truly didn’t do anything horrible, in my life that is so, so very feeble to yours… w-why is it that I’ve appeared to you?”
Starbolt softly pleaded, clasped hands over his Spark once more.
“Out of all the Primes, why did you, deserve me? Why am I… here?”
Megatron was silent, closing his eyes briefly in pondering. When they opened again, they were narrow, almost tranquil.
“Your greatest gift is making yourself known, Starbolt. I’ve been needing someone like you. For a very long time.”
Megatron thrust his outstretched hand upwards, knocking him down. Before Bolt could react, he began to chant.
“May you be my trusted voice to Cybertron, may your wings taste freedom no mortal has known. Your valiant cries shall shake the stars, may every Spark race upon your presence!”
His rattling voice pounded in Bolt’s head, swirling through infinite blackness. Threatening to tear him apart from the inside out.
A brilliant burst of red and purple light enveloped Starbolt. He gave a single shocked scream, one that fell on deaf audio sensors. It ended as soon as it began. In an instant, the Jet Autobot was gone.
Megatron lowered his hand, gazing at his empty palm in triumph. He gave a smug grin, closing it into a clawed fist. He already knew where Bolt had gone, a disciple of his acquaintance no longer. The brazen god chuckled, before turning foot and disappearing. There was much to do, after all.
He had a new servant to attend to.
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cryogeniccrunchbar · 22 days
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whiteboard shenanigans
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salmonpiffy · 5 months
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Cover art and character size comparison for my TFP AU
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mimimonart · 2 years
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when tutu disappeared she actually became trapped in the heart piece and that's how it can transform duck is my current favourite theory
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TFA Decepticon pokeballs!!
Not gonna lie....these were a bit more fun to draw.
I'm imagining the Blitzwing one having the ability to move it's center to switch between the faces.
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jessenitrogen · 1 year
that one barbie meme
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I FINALLY DRAW THEM AGAIN it's been a lil bit, arts been slow. thank you trending(?) barbie meme
anyways first date didnt go as planned/j
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witchofthesouls · 4 months
Honestly I would prefer if Liege Maximo was the "first Decepticon" rather than the Fallen as it usually is. I think he is a better fit for the role, one of his siblings can call him "the first Decepticon" as an insult and him taking it as a point of pride.
Same here, especially since in some canon lore Liege is known the most evil Prime or Prima's true enemy, and has a lot of traits from Loki of Nordic mythos, who's a trickster god.
Either one of the brothers is a sore loser to rewrite things, or something is up 🤔
Plus, it makes a way more interesting dynamic between Leige Maximo as the Prime of Stories/Lies and Prima as the Prime of Light.
Granted, it's based on a lot of personal tf headcanons, but there's something more captivating to me to see two mythic figures go at each other because of their opposing outlooks. Prima is the Eldest and Firstborn, so he would have an extremely set view on how to guide the newborn mortals (the divine light of Prima shining down upom them) compared to Liege, who actively works among so many of them (the quicksilver storyteller with golden horns near a campfire or within the Great Halls). Think of it as an authoritarian parent versus an authoritative parent.
Prima, in the end, still rules by divine right and might. Unlike Liege, whose Domains are centered on connectivity on a personal level, Prima can stand on his own.
If anything, I think of Liege as a major architect (but not the only one) for the Thirteen Primes' downfall as an ode to Loki's role with Ragnarok. Fitting for Prime of Stories because all stories must end.
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
Doctor Agatha Shiny
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Image © @iguanodont
[Writing this entry was very cathartic. Doctor Shiny is not only my Villain OC (and trust me, there's nothing even remotely redeeming about her), but also a way to process the trauma I experienced in grad school. You may have noticed that "collegial mad scientists" are a recurring theme in my work; Doctor Shiny is their boss in the Inner Sea, at least as far as mere mortals go. I’ve been meaning to create a Legion of Doom in my campaigns, and this is as good an excuse as I’m likely to get. As one of the most powerful alchemists on Golarion, I gave Doctor Shiny access to a ton of weird extracts; I'm just posting a link to the Archives of Nethys master list than linking to them individually.
Also? Without any visual reference, Iguanodont managed to make Doctor Shiny look an awful lot like me. Spooky.]
Doctor Agatha Shiny CR 20 NE Humanoid This woman is fat and cheerful, her brown hair done up in a messy ponytail. She is dressed in a lab coat, heavy gloves and boots. Two tentacles grow from her back, each studded with sightless eyes.
Everyone in Absalom knows who Doctor Agatha Shiny is; she’s a celebrity scientist. Head of the Biology Department at Endiron School in Eastgate, her lectures on everything from diet to material science to biodiversity are popular and well attended by the public for entertainment and education purposes. Her column, “Ask Doctor Shiny”, is carried by several broadsheets and circulations. “Ask Doctor Shiny” is a slang phrase in Absalom meaning roughly, “how should I know?” Her various grad students and colleagues have nothing but nice things to say about her. Because the ones who talk out of turn have a habit of ending up dead or transformed.
Despite her jolly exterior, Doctor Shiny is a sadist of the highest caliber, and someone who is disgusted with humanity in general. It is her studied opinion that humans have been the dominant species on Golarion for far too long, and the ultimate aim of her research is to find a suitable replacement. Her primary laboratory for these experiments is the Puddles, which is increasingly home to murderous monsters of her own design. Doctor Shiny and the headmaster of her college, Tontartigan Dellby, have a system of mutual blackmail; both knows the broad strokes of each other’s schemes, enough to expose and humiliate the other if pushed. Agatha knows that she would win any conflict if it were to arise—she would merely shred Dellby with her bare hands and replace him with a simulacrum that obeyed her every command.
Doctor Shiny’s main lab is underground at Endiron School, but she maintains laboratories throughout Absalom and the entire Inner Sea region, each one of which has a doppelganger simulacrum she can project her mind into. Each lab is a facility for collecting monsters from the region, running tests on their physical and magical properties, and incorporating their characteristics into fleshwarped abominations. Her raw materials for fleshwarping often include those aforementioned recalcitrant students, as well as indigents, adventurers and other people who go unmissed. Those that would be missed are replaced with simulacra, or turned into dominated sleeper agents. Doctor Shiny has done some self-experimentation; tentacles grow from her back (she keeps these under her lab coat in her role as a public figure), and her internal organs are no longer fully human.
Like any good scientist, Doctor Shiny maintains a network of colleagues, almost all of whom are just as depraved as she is. Her Number One Minion is a blue slaad named Ranna, who was once a graduate student named Marina Rhinne, and to most of the world is still known by that name and identity. Ranna serves Doctor Shiny as an assassin, collection agent and lover. Doctor Shiny was the first contact point in Absalom for a species of fleshwarping monsters from Sarusan who have decided that the Inner Sea is ripe for their exploitation—these are the zern. She is also the chair of CIS, the Committee for Ingenious Science. CIS is a network of mad scientists throughout Avistan and Garund who occasionally report on their findings and brainstorm new ways to exert their will on the world. And lastly, Agatha Shiny is a religious woman. Her primary deity is Shub Nugganoth, but she sees the Goat of the Woods as the leader of a small pantheon of gods and demigods devoted to nightmares of evolution and knowledge at any cost. These six deities are the kyton demagogue Raetorgash, the sahkil tormentor The Vermillion Mother, the daemonic harbinger Deceid, the demon lord Abraxas, Shub Nugganoth and her green (wo)man daughter, Briarpatch. Doctor Shiny refers to these six as the Xammux, a zern word meaning “council”.  
New Material: Shoggomer Shoggomer is one of Doctor Shiny’s miscellaneous inventions, although she typically refers to it as “self repairing polymer” in public. It is a form of latex, made with both tree sap and fleshwarping reagents derived from shoggoth ichor. Shoggomer can be used to make clothing, or any form of armor typically made from leather, hide or fur. As it is flexible, it cannot be used to make shields or typically metal armors. Shoggomer armor reduces its spell failure chance by 10%, increases max Dexterity bonuses by 2, and decreases armor check penalties by 2. Materials made of shoggomer heal at a rate of 2 hit points per day, or 1 per day if they have the broken condition. While healing, shoggomer materials manifest sightless eyes, small mouths or small flapping tendrils—this both institutes an armor check penalty of 2 when worn, and creatures within 30 feet must succeed a DC 15 Will save or be shaken for 1 minute by the eerie sight. A creature is only affected by the fear effect of repairing shoggomer once in a 24 hour period, whether it succeeds or fails the save. Shoggomer items are always of masterwork quality
Type of Shoggomer Item       Item Price Modifier Clothing                                    +750 gp Light armor                               +1000 gp Medium armor                           +1500 gp Other items                               +450 gp/pound
Doctor Agatha Shiny    CR 20 XP 307,200 NE Medium humanoid (human) Human alchemist (clone master) 20 Init +7; Senses Perception +23; true seeing Defense AC 31, touch 18, flat-footed 28 (+3 Dex, +5 deflection, +5 natural, +8 armor) hp 273 (20d8+180); fast healing 5 Fort +26, Ref +21, Will +14; +4 vs. poison Immune alignment and thought detection Defensive Abilities fortification (25%) Offense Speed 40 ft. Melee spirit blade +23/+18/+13 (1d4+7 plus 1d6 acid/19-20), 2 tentacles +23 (1d4+7) Ranged +1 seeking light crossbow +20 (1d8+1/19-20) or bombs +19/+14/+9 touch (10d4+10 fire) Extracts Prepared CL 20th 6th—beast shape IV, caging bomb admixture, heal (x2), monstrous physique IV, transformation, verminous transformation 5th—dream, greater claim identity (DC 25), overland flight, planar adaptation, simulacrum, spell resistance, undead anatomy II 4th—caustic blood (DC 24), cure critical wounds, death ward, enchantment foil, fluid form, freedom of movement, restoration, touch of slime (DC 24) 3rd—absorb toxicity (DC 23), arcane sight, countless eyes, displacement, dragon turtle shell, heroism, protection from energy, voluminous vocabulary 2nd—animal aspect, delay poison, false life, invisibility, lesser restoration, spider climb, venomous bite, vine strike (DC 22) 1st—anticipate peril, bomber’s eye, cure light wounds, disguise self, polypurpose panacea, shield (x2), targeted bomb admixture Special Attacks bombs (30/day, DC 30), mutagen (+8/+6/+4 ability scores, +6 natural armor) Statistics Str 18, Dex 16, Con 26, Int 30, Wis 14, Cha 20 Feats Craft Construct (B), Craft Wondrous Item, Extra Discovery (x2), Fleshwarper, Improved Initiative, Magical Aptitude, Master Craftsman (Craft: alchemy), Multiattack, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot Skills Bluff +24, Craft (alchemy) +37, Diplomacy +26, Disable Device +31, Disguise +26, Fly +21, Heal +25, Knowledge (arcana, nature) +31, Knowledge (dungeoneering, local, planes) +28, Linguistics +18, Perception +23, Perform (oratory) +26, Spellcraft +31, Survival +23, Use Magic Device +30 Languages Aboleth, Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Daemonic, Draconic, Gnoll, Infernal, Kelesh, Orisian, Senzar, Slaad, Sylvan, Thassilonian, Undercommon, Varisian, Zern SQ alchemy, discoveries (alchemical simulacrum, doppelganger simulacrum, fast bombs, fast healing, feral mutagen, greater mutagen, grand mutagen, infusion, preserve organs, promethean disciple, sleeper agent, tanglefoot bomb, tentacle [x2]), instant alchemy, legendary, persistent mutagen, poison use, rebirth, swift poison Gear manual of gainful exercise +5 (expended), tome of clear thought +4 (expended), headband of mental superiority +6 (Diplomacy, Disguise, Perform (oratory), belt of physical perfection +4, +5 shoggomer studded leather armor of improved electricity resistance, spirit blade, +1 seeking light crossbow, vest of the ultimate alchemist (counts as greater poisoner’s jacket, vest of stable mutation and vest of surgery), amulet of natural armor +5/mighty fists +5, truesight goggles, deliquescent/poisoner’s gloves, charlatan’s lab coat of resistance +5, ring of protection +5, ring of mind shielding and sustenance, boots of striding and springing, boro beads (1 4th level, 2 3rd level, 2 1st level), cauldron of brewing, pale green ioun stone, scroll of greater teleport (x3), 20 bolts, 100,000 gp worth of alchemical reagents and poisons, alchemist’s lab, formula book (as prepared, plus true seeing, clone, greater invisibility, eyes of the void, neutralize poison, stoneskin, claim identity, lesser simulacra, nondetection, water breathing, barkskin, bear’s endurance, blur, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, eagle’s splendor, fox’s cunning, owl’s wisdom, undetectable alignment, crafter’s fortune, identify, touch of the sea), 645 gp. Special Abilities Legendary (Ex) Doctor Shiny’s statistics are built on 25 point buy and she has the gear of a 20th level PC. These advantages increase her CR by +1 Mutagen (Su) Doctor Shiny’s mutagens are built to grant her a +8 bonus to Strength, +6 to Constitution and +4 to Dexterity. With her mutagen (and her vest of the ultimate alchemist), her statistics are as follows: Init +9; AC 39, touch 20, flat-footed 35; hp 333; Fort +29, Ref +23; Melee spirit blade +27/+22/+17 (1d4+11 plus 1d6 acid/19-20), claw +26 (1d6+9 plus 1d6 acid), bite +26 (1d8+9), 2 tentacles +26 (1d4+9); Str 26, Dex 20, Con 32; Skills Fly +23
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fate-defiant · 1 year
it bugs me that it's never made quite clear if the whole raven blood schtick is Possession™ or more of a Jekyll-and-Hyde situation. I personally lean more towards the latter as it's more coherent, like, themes-wise.
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mermaidsirennikita · 9 months
🎄Romance Advent🎄 Day 13: Dark Needs at Night's Edge by Kresley Cole
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One-sentence summary: Blood-maddened vampire assassin Conrad is taken to an old mansion to detox, only to realize that the beautiful dancer he sees (and can speak to) is not a hallucination, but a ghost.
Why read it: I mean, aside from that insane summary, this is a great entry point to Immortals After Dark, and has a hero who is, by IAD standards, baby? I mean, he can and will kill anyone who touches his woman and, again, is clinically insane, but Conrad is allso so wounded and so sweet at his core, and also, much to his eternal embarrassment, a vIRGIN (something his brother loudly points out in front of his ghost girlfriend). And Neomi, our heroine, makes it even better. She's funny, she's angry, she's flirty, and Conrad's brokenness calls to her own in a way that's just gorgeous.
Lives in my brain rent-free: Conrad is in the shower, really determined to ignore the Sexy Ghost Lady because SURELY she's in his head, right? And Neomi, rather determined to get him to break and a former burlesque performer, begins doing an elaborate striptease with lines like "Does Conrad want to see my panties?" (He does. As previously mentioned, Conrad is a 300-year old-virgin.) GOLD. QUEEN SHIT.
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mythosblogging · 1 year
Vic was going to do it this time. He really was.
He had first seen the selkies four months ago, staggering home from the pub, whisky-soaked clouds of his breath hanging in the frigid air. He’d stumbled down to the beach for a piss, kicking cold sand up into his shoes as he fumbled for his zipper. Then he’d heard them laugh.
For a moment he’d just stood there, mouth hung open, gawking like an idiot as three women, bare as the day they were born, frolicked on the sand. They were beautiful, in the flickering snatches of streetlight that made it that far down the beach, shrieking with laughter as they splashed in the surf and rolled together like the box of fat Labrador puppies a ten-year-old Vic had once stared longingly at through the pet shop window. One turned, and for a moment, he thought she had seen him, breath catching in his throat – either fear, or excitement – as he waited for her to scream. Then a car turned onto the road behind him, headlights spilling orange across the darkness. The women startled, all three of them lunging for something hidden in the sand, pulling the dark shadow of it over their pale limbs and a disappearing into the sea.
When they hit the waves, they weren’t women anymore.
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cryogeniccrunchbar · 2 months
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Transformers hand study! Felt like drawing robot hands and just.. kept going. they’re so fun to draw fr
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salmonpiffy · 5 months
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TFP : At The Mountains of Madness
Storyboard Part 1 / ??
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raiiryuu · 6 months
(mentions: character death, loss of control, violence)
During the fight with Alvarez, Fairy Tail lost Makarov.
In that moment, the guildmaster's grandson lost control.
If asked about his experiences, Laxus can only truly describe his emotions in those moments. Rage and grief and some strange feeling of being other, not quite himself. Everything felt slower than it should be, nothing looked the way he expected it to, and the images flashing before him were too muddled and confusing to make out.
Witnesses have a more complete story: After Fairy Law was cast and the dust settled, the sight of Makarov Dreyar standing petrified had just enough time to register before it started. Hair standing on end, people shocking each other when they moved, and at the center of it all was Laxus. Or...should have been.
Instead there was a whirlwind of rage and grief, scales and lightning, and it launched itself into Alvarez's remaining forces and disappeared. Some only caught a glimpse and assumed it one of Mavis's illusions to buy time, some thought it Laxus doing the same. Many didn't catch it at all.
During the fighting, a chunk of Alvarez's forces were found isolated from the rest, armor and bodies shredded and still crackling with electricity even hours later. It took specialized mages and equipment to eventually move them to be identified.
With everything that happened after, no one had a chance to seek Laxus out, and he is not likely to tell just anyone, but the events of that day altered him. High emotions triggered an involuntary Dragon Force, and he lost all control. These factors, combined with the state of his lacrima itself and the residual magics in the area, triggered an accelerated dragonification. His saving grace in his uncontrolled state was being confused for Acnologia at first -- several of Alvarez's troops opened fire, keeping his attention away from his comrades.
As far as the course of the battles in canon, the only thing that really changes here is that he's not around when Rakheid's abilities affect Fairy Tail's mages + Mavis, and when everyone's positions are un-scrambled after Eileen's defeat and they're returned to Magnolia, he's already mostly transformed back -- some scales are still on his arms reminiscent of the Battle of Fairy Tail, but no one has time to think on it then, and after that they're covered again.
Any dragon slayer would be able to tell something's up by the changes in his scent and magic, but he's not too keen on letting many people (outside the Raijinshuu) know otherwise. This is exactly how Acnologia ended up, and the fact it's happened to him is terrifying, but so far he's managed to keep it under control. But with no dragon parent's advice to rely on and the only other dragon slayers to have done so already dead, he's going to have to figure this out on his own.
TL;DR - Laxus dragon AU; he has the ability to transform but is still learning how to control it. Stuff is still pretty WIP and might change to make more sense but this is the gist.
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This was just a random idea that popped into my head. I wanted to color them with copics but I'm honestly not to happy with how they came out so maybe I'll re-do them digitally? I dunno. What do you guys think?
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jessenitrogen · 1 year
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but the real darts were his words
((close up under cut))
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