#Training centre in London
jfktechtraining · 1 year
The Training Centre in East London is a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to providing exceptional learning experiences to individuals seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge. Situated in the heart of East London, this centre offers a diverse range of training programs designed to cater to various industries and professions. With cutting-edge technology and experienced instructors, the centre creates an engaging and immersive environment for participants. Whether it's professional development courses, vocational training, or specialized workshops, the Training Centre ensures that learners receive comprehensive and up-to-date instruction. With its convenient location and commitment to excellence, the Training Centre in East London is a premier destination for individuals looking to advance their careers. For more information visit our website: https://www.jfktechtraining.co.uk/
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groovytimes · 11 months
So, remember that long post I made about my sister’s friend I don’t really like that she was gonna meet up with? It got cancelled. I ain’t surprised.
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patrice-bergerons · 2 years
I feel like I've succumbed to the British sense of what counts as "far" -- I am thrilled that I'm going to be in Oxford in 48 hours when it's literally a 2 hour journey door to door from my flat and I could have gone any time in the last 2 years ☠️
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chqnified · 2 years
"we should go on a backpack trip across Europe" ....... Excuse me?!
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pitchsidestories · 11 days
looks can be misleading II Beth Mead x Vivianne Miedema x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1928
a/n: the inspiration for this oneshot came from this adorable request here.
Playing for Arsenal had always been your dream, even as a little child. But now that you were actually here, at the Arsenal Training Centre, reality looked much different. You hated everything.
From the way the other players stared at you, taking in your tattooed arms when you were first introduced to team to the fact that they never seemed to shut up and kept yelling at each other.
As a person who liked it quiet and to keep to herself, it was all too much, too loud. Your social battery had been empty before the warm-up was even over.
So while your new teammates stayed on the training pitch, chatting away, you headed for the shower. Maybe if you were fast enough, you had a few quiet moments to yourself.
You could even be done before the others joined. You walked with quick, impatient steps towards the dressing room, missing the conversation right behind you.
“What do you guys think about the new girl?”, Leah asked the others, genuine curiosity in her voice.
Kim shrugged with a small smile: “I like that she doesn’t talk much.“
“Of course you do.“, Lia laughed, bumping her arm against the smaller midfielders.
“Hey!“, Kim protested.
Laura chimed in, the sweetest smile on her lips: “I like her. She’s so mysterious and her tattoos are cool.“
Katie eyed the young Austrian like she just said the most stupid thing she ever heard: “Nah, I think she’s a bit weird, ye know?”
“I think I agree. She didn’t even say hello when Jonas introduced her.“, Leah stated.
Beth who had been listening quietly, assured her teammates: “We’ll tell you how she’s with us at home.“
“Good luck with her.“, Manu grinned at her.“You know, I’ve gathered quite some experience with quiet, broody women.“ She inconspicuously nodded towards her girlfriend.
With a frown, Vivianne turned to her: “Wait, are you talking about me?”
“Who else would I be talking about, babe?”
Viv rolled her eyes with clear fondness for girlfriend: “Time to go home. Bye, guys.“
“Bye.“, their teammates echoed in unison. 
Beth and Vivianne were the ones that you would stay with until your own flat was ready to move in. If that meant days or weeks, who knew.
At least their apartment was close to the training centre and you had their guest room to yourself.
Sitting on your bed, you enjoyed being in your own company for a moment. A very short moment as you came to realize.
“Y/n? Do you want to come down and cook dinner with us?”, Beths called for you, her voice echoing from the walls and you wondered if the neighbours had heard her too.
You didn’t want to. But you also didn’t want to seem impolite so you joined them in their kitchen.
“I’m not great at cooking…“, you admitted.
“No problem, we can do this together.”, Beth assured you with an encouraging smile.
“Okay, sure.”, you shrugged.
“It’s easy.”, Viv added.
“Yes, you can start with cutting some veggies.”, her girlfriend advised you in an uplifting tone.
While you did as she said the Dutch woman cleared her throat nervously. “How did you like your first training session y/n?”
“Good.”, you answered monosyllabically as you focused on cutting the vegetables in front of you.
“And how do you like London? Do you have any family close by?”, Beth wanted to know curiously.
“I haven’t seen enough of the city yet to say if I like it and no, my family isn’t from here.”, you revealed. From the way you phrased your answer it was clear that you preferred to not talk about your familiar relations.  
“Oh.”, the blonde muttered surprised.
The rest of the cooking and dinner passed uneventfully. During the dinner Beth tried to get you to talk a little bit more, but that turned out to be unsuccessful.
“I’m going to bed, good night you two.”, you announced once you were done with eating.
“Good night, y/n. See you tomorrow.”, the English forward chirmed. She watched you leaving the kitchen with a loud sigh.
“She’s truly intimidating, Beth.”, Viv whispered when you were out of ear-sight. An amused twinkle was in her light eyes.
“Even you think so?”, Beth chuckled, resting the head on her girlfriend’s shoulder.
Reluctantly the Dutch player put an arm around the smaller woman. For a moment she paused before admitting thoughtfully. “No, I think what she really needs is time, it’s not easy to be the new girl in the team.”
“You would know, huh?”, the English forward gave her a teasing smile.
“Yes, I do actually.”, Viv acknowledged, pressing a soft kiss to her girlfriend’s blonde hairline.
In the past she had quite often confessed that the beginning of her Arsenal career was quite tough for her.
As a young foreign girl who already had made herself known in the national team the Dutch forward had to accustomed to a new country, different playing style and a fresh pressure which came with playing for such a big club.
“We’ll see.”, Beth answered hoping her girlfriend was right about you.
“Morning y/n.”, she greeted you warmly the next morning, next to her the young dog was already bouncing excitedly.
“Morning.”, you mumbled suppressing a yawn. It was clear for everyone that you were in desperate need of some caffeine.
“We’re taking Myle on a walk. Would you like to come with us? We can get coffee or something.”, the blonde offered smiling friendly.
“Uhm okay.”
“You don’t have to, obviously.”, Viv added quickly.
“No, I do.”, you smiled shily at them.
The couple seemed happy that you accepted their offer. You all shrugged on jackets and left for a stroll around the neighbourhood.
Beth and Viv walked slightly in front of you, politely giving you your own space while Beth kept talking and Vivianne just listened. You were perfectly fine just taking everything in and watching Myles’ floppy ears bounce with every step. You could feel a smile tug on the corner of your mouth.
When you reached the coffee shop, you offered to wait outside with Myle. Patiently, you sat at a table outside and rubbed your hands together. It was an unusually cold morning. Even the little dog at your feet seemed to shiver slightly in the cold air, despite the thick brown fur.
“Come here.“, you mumbled to yourself as you gently pulled Myle onto your lap, in hopes that your body warmth would help. She immediately curled up on your lap and let you pet her.
“Your puppy is really cute.“, you said softly as your two teammates reemerged from the coffee shop, steaming cups in their hands.
Beths’ face lit up as soon as she saw you two together: “Oh, looks like she likes you already.“
Myle lifted her head as if she was listening attentively.
You could feel your cheeks heating up: “She was getting cold so I warmed her…“
“That’s sweet of you. You like milk and sugar with your coffee, right?”, Beth smiled and pushed a cup of coffee towards you.
You gratefully reached for it, wrapping your hands around the warm drink. “I do. How did you get that?”
“I was hoping for the best. It was either that or black coffee.“, Beth laughed as she took the chair next to yours.
You sipped on your coffee and smiled: “Not bad.“
“Oh, so she can smile!”, Beth exclaimed happily.
You grimaced, slightly embarrassed.
"This is your and Myles' achievement, Beth.”, Vivianne told her girlfriend.
Beth laughed again and you had to admit, you could actually get used to that sound. “I think Myle deserved the majority of the credit.“
“She’s just so cute.“, you mumbled as you looked down at the puppy on your lap.
“Yes, she is.“, Beth agreed, her eyes wandering from Myle to your face.
There was something intense in her gaze and it made you immediately feel insecure, the blush creeping back into your cheeks, so you set the little dog down and got up from your seat, indicating that you would like to continue your walk. “Let’s go.“
Even though you were in London for almost a week now, you still preferred to run your laps away from others in training. You couldn’t focus on yourself when everyone kept talking. Besides, you didn’t care much for the gossip anyway that was so willingly shared during the warm-up.
As you ran by yourself, you didn’t hear any of the conversation Beth was having with her teammates on the other side of the pitch.
“Wait, are you serious, Beth? Are you still talking about her over here.“, Leah asked as she jogged alongside her teammate. She subtly nodded in your general direction.
“Leah! Of course I’m talking about her. She’s such a sweetheart once you get to know her.“
“One could think you’ve a crush on her, Beffy.”, Steph teased the friend grinning.
“I mean.”, the English forward run her free hand nervously through her blonde hair.
“Stephs not wrong here.”, Alessia commented with a cheeky smile.
“She’s kind of cute, don’t you think?”, Beth turned her head to look at her girlfriend, searching for the confirmation she needed.
“No, I do.”, Viv agreed.
“Well, this is going to be interesting.”, Kim remarked with a meaningful glance toward the couple.
The piece of their talk you did hear left you almost speechless.  “Wait, what?”, you interrupted them stunned.
“Oh, y/n.”, Beth sighed softly.
“I forgot my cleats I’ll be right back.”, you lied, you were desperate to get out of this uncomfortable situation as quick as possible.
“Shit.”, the Dutch forward cursed under her breath. There was a mutual understanding between Viv and her lover that didn’t need words, so they quietly followed you into the changing room.
“Y/n? If you feel more at ease not living at our home your place is ready.”, the younger of the two offered heavy heartedly.  
“Yeah, I’ll move out.”, you decided unable to look into their sad eyes.
“Sorry, for our teammates talk from earlier.”, Beth apologized biting her lip guiltily.
“Beth, Viv, stop.”, you demanded.
“We’ll leave.”, Viv nodded.
“No, I want to tell you something,. I like you two .. like a lot.”, you confessed it took all your bravery to say these words out loud.
You know your looks could be misleading, they made you appear tough: your muscles and tattoos were like your armour against a world which hasn’t always treated you with the kindness you and everyone really deserved.
But you were tired of being alone and the two women showed you a way to break out of the loneliness.
“We like you two.”, the Dutch woman assured you earnestly.
“Y/n, what are you trying to say?”, the blonde asked confused by the turn this discussion took.
“I don’t know what I’m trying to say, that’s the problem.”, you admitted.
“That’s okay.”, Beth replied.
“I guess thanks for everything. I’ll get my stuff later.”, you smiled sadly at them.
“Actually, Viv paused a second before continuing, you could stay with us.”
“Really? To be honest I’d like to stay at your home.”, you looked up surprised.
“Our home.”, Viv corrected you as Beth pulled you into a tight group hug.
“We got to keep her.”, the blonde hummed happily.
“Beth, I’m not Myle!”, you protested.
“No, but you’re just as cute.”, she answered giving you a kiss to your cheek which immediately turned red.
Despite the banter these two and the dog were the closet thing you had to call home.
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russo-woso · 3 months
Enchanted || Alessia Russo
Based on this request here. Thank you for the idea :)
Summary Yours and Alessia’s first date
Joining Arsenal had been one of the toughest parts of your career.
You were happy playing at Manchester City but when they got a record breaking bid for you, they couldn’t say no.
You knew a few of the girls internationally, for example your Australian teammates, Steph and Caitlin.
What also helped was that one of your best friends, Kyra Cooney-Cross was also joining Arsenal.
You were even more at peace when kyra told you the news.
You and Kyra hadn’t been friends for a long time, only becoming close within the last two years whilst she’s been in the senior Team.
At camp, it was always you, Kyra and Charli, everyone knew that was the iconic trio.
So it was no surprise when Kyra also announced her move to Arsenal.
When you arrived at training for the first time, there was a group of 6 of you that had been taken to the side for a tour around the training grounds.
Arsenal had signed 6 new players over the course of the summer, one of them being a player you knew quite well.
Alessia Russo.
With you playing for Manchester City and her playing for United, it was a big deal when it came to playing each other.
The Manchester derby was a time to show off the true colour of Manchester so it was always a violent game.
Alessia was a centre forward and you were a centre back so when it came to the pitch, you were always around each other.
Every time there was a tackle, you both showed your respective, kind personalities by asking one another if you were okay.
It wasn’t a big deal and it wasn’t necessary but you both chose to do it.
You always liked Alessia, but more in a friend way.
It wasn’t until after the World Cup when that changed.
In the semi finals of the World Cup, England beat Australia 3-1, Alessia scoring the final goal.
After a moment celebrating with her teammates, Alessia walked over to you where you were sat on the floor.
You weren’t sad, in fact, you were happy.
You’d seen the growth of women’s football with your own eyes, and it was all because of the World Cup, and that made you so happy.
Of course, it was devastating being knocked out of a home World Cup, especially when you were so close to reaching the final stage, but it is what it is, and you along with your team, had put up an excellent performance over the summer.
But seeing Alessia made you even more happier.
She crouched down next to you, rubbing your back as you smiled at her.
“Thank you.” You told her, making eye contact with her.
“Don’t thank me.” She replied, and you smiled at her kindness. “Shirt swap?”
You nodded embarrassingly quickly, and you found yourself taking your shirt off and giving it to Alessia, her doing the same thing.
As you and Alessia said your goodbyes, you stopped her quickly.
“Alessia?” You shouted
“I’ll see you in London.” You smile at her, a big smile also appearing on her face.
“You will.”
That’s what lead to the moment where you actually saw her in London.
Your eyes caught hers as you were shown around the gym.
Her silhouette crosses the room over to you and you start to make a playful conversation with her.
The conversation never seemed to stop, the both of you talking about your backstories, your families, just everything.
It wasn’t until you finished the tour when you realised just how long you’d been talking for.
You noticed Alessia shy away as the tour finished, a whole comparison to the Alessia who was just talking to you.
“What’s wrong, Alessia?” You asked, worried that you’d done something wrong.
After the semi final, you realised you liked Alessia more than just a friend, and you wanted to make a really good impression during the first time you actually got to have a full conversation.
“Would you up for continuing this conversation over a coffee, or dinner. We don’t have to, it’s just—” Alessia blurted out, but you cut her off before she started rambling.
“—Of course, less, I’d love to.”
“Oh, okay.” Alessia took a breath, clearly shocked with your answer. “When are you free?”
“Tonight I’m unpacking all my boxes but tomorrow night?” You ask her, and she nods quickly.
“That’s perfect.”
“See you tomorrow, less.”
That same night, you couldn’t get any sleep.
It was far too difficult to get to sleep.
Question and thoughts flowed through your head non stop.
Did Alessia like you back or was she just being nice?
Do you love Alessia?
Was she even into girls?
The one thing that you couldn’t keep your mind off was the thought of Alessia being in love with someone else.
The only thing you could do was pray that Alessia wasn’t in love with someone else, that she doesn’t have somebody waiting for her.
The following day, was one where you wish the world could have swallowed you up.
You were so excited for your date dinner with Alessia, but the nerves of the whole thing was starting to set in.
You had a fashion emergency and had to call Kyra to come over.
You had no clue what to wear. You were originally going to wear some jeans and a crop top but you didn’t know if you liked the combination of them.
Although Kyra wasn’t the best at fashion, having someone else’s opinion always made it better.
“I like it, but it’s missing something. Here, try this on with it.” Kyra looked through your wardrobe, handing you a denim jacket.
“Thanks, Ky.”
“Now, go be yourself, enjoy yourself, and have fun.” Kyra said, and you gave her a worried look.
“I’m sorry, this isn’t the normal Kyra I know. The Kyra I know is never this mature.” You joked and she shoved you lightly.
“I’m being serious, have fun, okay? Don’t worry.”
“Thank you.” You squeezed her tight before she left the house.
It had been agreed that Alessia would pick you up and drive you to the restaurant.
When you heard a knock on the door, you took a deep breath in, before opening the door.
“Hi, less.” You welcomed, hugging her as she also said hello to you.
“You look incredible, Y/N.”
“Thank you. So do you.”
She guided you to the car, before driving to the restaurant.
On the way there and during your dinner with her, a smile never left your face.
Everything Alessia said made you so intrigued and made you fall more and more in love with her.
You and Alessia paid the bill before driving you home.
You couldn’t help but blush on the way home.
You were so caught up in wonderland that you didn’t realise the familiar driveway of your home.
“Thank you so much for tonight, lessi. It was flawless.” You said, leaning over to hug her.
“It was. We’ll do it again. See you tomorrow, Y/N.” Alessia said, and you nodded.
“See you tomorrow.”
You got out the car, grabbing your keys and walked up your driveway.
You didn’t know what to do.
You didn’t know wether to go inside or wether to turn around and smash your lips onto Alessia’s.
At the exact same time, you both shouted each others names.
Alessia had gotten out of the car and was starting to run towards you.
As you met in the middle of your driveway, Alessia grabbed you hips and your hands landed on the back of her neck.
After what felt like hours, you both leant in and your lips connected with one another’s.
You smiled into the kiss before you both broke it for air.
“It was enchanting to meet you, lessi.”
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thirstywoso · 11 days
Modern Loneliness - Jessie Fleming (18+)
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A/N: just a quick random one to keep people appeased - as per usual it was a rushed job whilst I work on some other stuff :)
W/C: 2.1K
Synopsis: Jessie and yourself find a way to relieve the tensions of a long distance relationship
Warnings: smut mdni 18+, descriptions of sex, breeding link, praise kink, masturbation
You were used to Jessie being away for long periods at a time, that's the way it had always been.
You'd met her one night at a bar after she had won the super league for the first time with Chelsea, you didn't have any interest in soccer and didn't even know who she was. That didn't stop the high of the win and the buzz of the drink in her veins from chatting you up, in fact being oblivious to who she was only made her want you more and you, you loved a girl who was a mystery.
You'd worked in the small exclusive bar that Jessie and her teammates had partied in all night for quite some time, so you were fairly used to having customers flirting over the bar. However, something you weren't as used to was them stood by the back door at 2am after you'd finished locking up for the night.
Looking for someone to help end her night on a high and you deciding a famous soccer player being added to your "bedded" list would be a cool story to tell at parties was what led you to wake up naked the next day in her bed, a mixture of clothes scattered around the room.
What was supposed to be a one night stand turned in to two nights, then three and then four. Before you knew it you and Jessie had moved in together and were celebrating three years together, of course it came with the ups and downs. One of those being her endless away day trips or National camps, you'd coped though, you both did. That was until Jessie had moved to Portland and you were finally thriving in you career that had taken off a year after dating the brunette.
Although you'd managed to get a job in Portland with the same firm, your life in London wasn't quite wrapped up and the Portland office wasn't ready for you just yet. This meant you'd been apart from Jessie for two months, the longest you'd ever gone without curling into her side or kissing her cute little freckled nose.
It also meant you were very frustrated... sexually. That's what led you to tonight, you were kind of tired but it was a Friday night, you'd finished work for the week, Jessie had not long been home from training and she had just finished an early dinner.
You were already in bed as it was one in the morning but as you doom scrolled your frown quickly turned upside down as you saw the picture of Jessie flash up on screen.
"Hey baby" you answer as her sweet little face came into view.
"Hey beautiful!" She says excitedly blowing you a kiss.
You talked about your days and before long you were fidgeting from how restless you were. Jessie being as observant as she is soon noticed this.
"What's wrong baby?" She asked with a hint of concern in her voice, of course you tried to brush her off but she was persistent.
"I just miss you Jess" you whine, looking at the camera pointedly.
"Is that so..." she smirks her voice lowering.
"So bad, my own hands are nothing compared to yours" you say with a sigh.
Suddenly Jessie disappears and you find yourself staring at her ceiling before you hear her scramble for her phone and she comes back into view, only this time she is shirtless.
"Take your top off baby" she says with confidence "let me see those pretty tits" she smiles at you as if butter wouldn't melt.
"Oh" is all you manage to squeak out, seeing Jessie's bare skin even through the phone screen sent a rush of arousal to your centre.
You remove your shirt quickly before appearing back on the screen, an audible gasp coming from the other side of the phone.
"I may not be there to touch you, to fuck you or to make your legs shake as you come apart on my fingers..." she says matter of fact "...but... I can still tell you exactly how I'd touch you if I was there" she smirks
"And I expect you to follow my instructions" she bites her lip looking at you, judging by the movement on the other side of the screen you know exactly where Jessie's free hand has just gone. All you can do is just nod in response.
"Firstly I want you to slide your hand into those sleep shorts I know that you are wearing" she says with a slight laugh. You do as you're told, even though she wasn't there physically, you knew better than to disobey those orders of hers.
Your hand snaked it's way down your toned abdomen and under the waistband of your shorts, tilting the phone down you show Jessie where your hand was now resting on your pelvic bone.
"Good girl" she mutters "Now be even better for me and put those fingers to good use, circle that pretty little clit baby girl" wasting no time the pads of your fingers start by gently swiping across your bundle of nerves and then back again.
Within minutes you're picking up a rhythm in which your fingers switch from gentle circling to a more desperate rub. You look back at your phone screen checking that your brown eyed girl could see exactly what you were doing, her lip tucked between her teeth didn't go unnoticed by you and the gentle shifting of her bicep gave you a clue to exactly how she felt about watching you.
"Oh you look so pretty when you touch yourself" she praises you as you wiggle out of your shorts. "Fuckkk" she groans out seeing your naked form now filling her screen. "Think you can dip those fingers inside for me?" She asks.
You continue to tease and rub your clit, a slight moan or whimper accidentally falling from your lips from time to time. "Don't hold back, let me hear you" she almost whispers in awe as she stares at the screen her own hand rocking back and forth across her heat now also visible on the screen.
You let out a loud guttural moan dignity be damned as two of your fingers slide into your entrance bottoming out at the knuckle and curling into your soft spot. A little more than she had asked for but you couldn't resist the hug of your fingers from your tight walls.
After opening your eyes that you hadn't realised you squeezed shut you tilted the phone back up to look at Jessie, her lip still tucked between her teeth as faint noises of satisfaction filtered through the phone, as you strained to hear them you realised the noise that was drowning out her slight whimpers was the sounds of her fingers curling in and out of her dripping pussy.
"Fuck Jessie, you sound so wet baby" you moan, eyes rolling back as your fingers now copy the speed and motion that Jessie has now showed you her fingers are doing. "All for you" she sighs curling her fingers deeper, the squelch proving just how much she was dripping for you.
"I've missed you so much, I can't wait until I'm there with you" you say swallowing your sadness and instead focus on the task at hand.
"Between your legs, the pad of my thumb circling your clit, two digits on my free hand stroking along your entrance... before pushing into you nice and deep" you pause taking a deep breath.
"You panting as I curl my thick long fingers against your weak spot over and over, hitting nice and deep Jess" she groans and whimpers at your words her fingers speeding up on herself. You can't help but bite your lip as you reach for the toy in your dresser, urging Jessie to do the same. Both back on the bed with your toys begging at your entrance you both talk each other through taking such big toys.
As you stretch around the plastic and watch Jessie do the same you continue talking to her "My lips suckling down on your throbbing clit as I add my third finger, your arousal dripping down my hand and wrist as I hit a delicious angle"
A moan rips from Jessie's throat as you continue, your words dripping with lust "funny Jessie, you told me you'd instruct me but look who is here weak for my words" you let out a sarcastic laugh.
"What can I say, you're so fucking hot" it comes out all breathy and you groan, grinding your hips against the palm of your hand for extra relief.
"As soon as I pull my fingers out I'll replace them with my tongue, lapping at your entrance before fucking you with it, curling deeper and deeper inside of you. Tasting every fucking inch of you whilst you suck my fingers clean" she cries out as brings herself to the edge, just as you think she's about to cum she pulls her toy out and the screen flashes up to her face where she begins sucking on the silicone that only moments ago had been deep inside her.
"Fuck Jessie, I want to taste you so bad" you pant as you slow down to keep your orgasm as bay.
"Not long now, I'll be back in London in two weeks for a friendly" she says removing the toy from her mouth with a pop.
"Not soon enough" you gasp out as you begin circling your clit again.
"I can't wait to be so full of you" she sighs somewhat sadly, to give her thought emphasis she shoved the phallic object in her hand inside her to the hilt again her toes curling.
You copy her actions before fumbling with the base of your toy flicking it to life as you find the right button. The slow vibration of the toy inside you causing you to squeeze your thighs together your walls fluttering as you stretch yourself once again.
"I can't wait to fill you, you will take my cock so well won't you princess? You look so pretty as you stretch yourself around me. Your mouth agape as I pound you closer to an earth shattering orgasm. I want you to feel so full of me and know that I am all yours" you groan almost dropping the phone as you turn up the vibration.
"I want your babies y/n" she says before her eyes shoot open realising what she said as your hand stills momentarily before speeding up. "Oh Jess, that's so fucking hot" you can see the relief wash across her features as she fucks herself harder.
"You want me to fill you baby? You want me to fuck you nice and good? Stretch out that pretty pussy? Watch you take every inch of my cock before I unload in you? Filling you with my babies?" You're so turned on you can't even stop yourself from letting it all out.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!" She chants. "I want to watch you swell with my babies. You'd be such a good mumma" you pause "look how wet you're getting, you really are a slutty girl aren't you Jessie" you giggle.
"So wet, I want it bad baby, I know it's not possible, but when I'm back in London I want you to try, try and knock me up"
"There's no harm in trying, I won't stop until you're filled with mini Flemings" you gasp as you flick up to the highest vibration, as you sit up straddling the pillow from Jessie's side of the bed, helping the toy angle up inside you.
It's been so long since you remembered being stretched in such a way, the way you rocked back and forth driving it deeper inside you. Your eyes screwed shut and your lip tucked between your teeth.
You ride the pillow imaging it's Jessie, you watch as she copies you. Both of your hips stuttering back and forth across your pillows as your toys hit the spot you needed each other most. You begin to bounce lightly with ever roll of the hips, the toy hitting you so deep. "You feel how deep that toy is?" You ask Jessie as she nods.
"That's how deep I'll cum inside you" a shriek rips through the phone, you're not sure which one of you it came from as you both fall forwards onto the bed as you orgasms wash over you. You have no energy to lift the phone but neither does Jessie.
The sounds of you both panting is the only noise to fill the air. "Well, that was better than doing it solo" you say with a laugh.
Jessie let's out a sound of approval, too spent to string an actual sentence together.
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pers1st · 7 months
i can't handle change - leah williamson x reader
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part two of let down
pairing: leah williamson x barça!reader
warnings: bit angsty
You had expected your first day, merely a day after arriving in the city, to be full of football. Barcelona did media duties occasionally, for sure. But you had expected to throw yourself into training immediately here, mostly in an attempt to conceal your emotions and at least act as though you wanted to give everything for this club. In truth, you wanted to give everything for yourself. You wanted to keep yourself a candidate for the national team, you wanted to keep yourself a candidate for Barcelona once they were ready to sign you back, you wanted to play, partially, out of spite as well. Anger was one of the emotions in your mess of a mind, and although you knew that it was no use, you wanted to show Jona the mistake he had made.
What you hadn't expected was the absolutely overwhelming amount of cameras, catching every inch of you they could. London Colney, otherwise known as the Arsenal training centre, was nice, but it was different from what you were used. The corridors were small and you feared they'd squish you if you stared at the white walls for a second too long. The friendly woman from the entrance, who's name you had missed due to her heavily accented English, had led you all the way to Jonas' office on the first floor, and the man was gauging at you with a grin you couldn't quite place. You shifted uncomfortably.
"So, let's put pen to paper!", he clapped his hands as he gently motioned to the seat next to him after having shaken your sweaty hand.
"Yes", you croaked as you sat down, taking the pen with the Arsenal logo into your shaky grip. The smile on your lips was fake as ever as you scribbled your name onto the dotted line. You fooled them again when holding up your shirt for the cameras. And again as you sat in front of the social media's team, answering all of their questions.
Your move surprised everyone in the Women's Football Community, can you tell us what exactly made you choose Arsenal?
Of course. I think Arsenal are very good with the fans, and they play really good football. I'm really excited to maybe play at the Emirates, and yeah I think anyone can see they are a real family so that's why I'm happy to be a part of it.
They payed the most. That was the answer you would've given, had anyone actually wanted to hear the truth from you. But people didn't want the truth. People wanted you to love Arsenal. And although it pained you, you had to admit that so far, it wasn't that bad.
Leah gave you a tour of her home that was now yours too, and the training grounds were nice. The gym was nice. The changing room was nice. The cafeteria was nice. You couldn't hate the club as much as you had when you hadn't seen it yet - hadn't been a part of it.
"So, do you like it here?"
You thought for a second that you would choke on your food when Wally asked you this, completely blindsiding you as you sat with her, Leah, Laia and Teyah in the dining hall, letting most of their conversation slip past you. Their English was difficult for you, not because you hadn't learned (or, attempted to learn) them language, but because you'd never heard it as much as you did here. The words were starting to become a constant, distant noise somewhere in the back of your mind, but as Wally looked at you expectantly and the others turned towards you, you knew that this wasn't something you could escape.
"Yeah, sure", you smiled. "It's nice here."
"Your contract is two years, right?"
You nodded. "Sí."
Two years. Two long years of being away from Alexia, except for Spanish camps. Two long years of being away from your parents, your actual teammates, your actual home. The thought didn't scare you as much as it used to.
"So, two years and then you'll go back?", Leah nudged you playfully, sipping her water as she smirked.
You shrugged. "We should see."
Over the next few days, you got to know the team, and London, even better. Leah spent every minute she could with you, always partnering with you during training and offering to show you her favorite cafés and places in the city when you weren't kicking balls around, inviting you over to her flat for a movie night or taking you to the little Spanish market she'd found halfway across the city. You appreciated her company, knowing that she was trying to make this transition as comfortable for you as possible. She didn't succeed completely, as you still felt homesick whenever she spared you a minute to call Alexia, or when you checked Barça's social media to see all of your teammates together, seemingly not even missing you.
Logically, you knew that they did. Barça was a family, and Alexia told you everyday that the girls were asking about you. Many of them texted you as well, informing you that they would try and find a livestream of your cup game against Reading, in which you would likely make your debut for your new club. Still, seeing them without you felt like someone was shooting daggers through your chest, piercing the skin and leaving you to bleed. You wanted to be there. You should be there. They had taken that opportunity away from you, ripping it out of your hands and tearing it apart like a piece of paper.
Anger and longing rose within you interchangeably, and if you didn't know any better, you would've believed you were simply going through a breakup like any other. But you forced yourself to push through the first week as hard as you could, keeping conversations with Alexia short in order to not be pulled back into memories and instead attempt to enjoy the present.
You were glad when Laia told you about her birthday party just a few days before your first match. The team had planned to go to Laia's favorite Spanish restaurant, and as you were a part of the team now as well, Kim had extended the reservation for another person. That was how you had found yourself, dressed in a tight black dress with a pullover on top, in Leah's car, allowing yourself to accept her offer to share a ride, trying to ignore the ringing phone in your hands.
Your ringtone cut off the soft country music playing in the background, which you had told Leah many times you would not enjoy. When the ringing finally stopped, you breathed a sigh of relief. Just for it to start again mere seconds later.
"Maybe you should answer that", Leah huffed, her eyes focused on the road but a soft smile on her lips. You shrugged.
"It's Alexia."
"You're ignoring the Alexia Putellas?" Leah's expression turned into a shocked one at once, but you could only chuckle.
"You're feeding her ego. She's just- my best friend, you know?", you attempted to explain how Ale's success had never driven a wedge between the two of you, not only because many believed you were equally good at football, but because Alexia was likely the most down-to-earth person you knew. Of course, the woman knew how good she was. Everyone did. But she'd never let it change her.
"Isn't that just more of a reason to not ignore her?"
You shrugged again.
"I dunno. Don't want to talk to her."
Leah's eyebrows furrowed as you finally reached your destination and she put the car into park. Your phone began ringing again. This time, you declined her call, texting her quickly that you couldn't talk right now.
You shrugged again. It seemed like all you knew to do, but as you looked at the way Leah's expression didn't relent in the slightest, you knew that it wouldn't work anymore. Maybe it was good to talk to Leah. Maybe she would understand.
"It just reminds me of home, you know. I miss it", you croaked, suddenly overwhelmed with longing once more. You wanted nothing more than to be in your apartment again, to drive to the Barcelona training grounds in your blue and red shirt, to join Mapi's banter, you even missed being yelled at by Irene and Marta.
"Are we really that bad?", Leah attempted to joke, a hand of hers flying out to gently land on your knee. Your breath hitched at the sudden contact, your eyes leaving hers to stare at her fingers on your skin.
“No”, you huffed. “Not at all, that’s the problem.”
Sitting in the car with Leah, nothing but the annoying country music in the background, for a second felt like a breath of fresh air. For just a second, you could focus on the warmth of her skin, on the air refresher dangling from her rearview mirror, on the eyes that she lay on you gently, on the softness of it all.
“Should we go?”, you broke the silence, knowing that Laia would not be happy if you were late. It was past ten already, and you softly smiled at the knowledge that some Spanish habits never truly left. It felt comforting to eat this late, as stupid as it sounded. It reminded you of the countless team dinners you’d had with Barça. You didn’t allow yourself, once again, to dwell on the fond memories as you pushed your door open without awaiting Leah’s answer, her hand retrieving from its position as she followed you into the restaurant, a bottle of Spanish wine in your hands. You had brought as much as you had been allowed to bring, and you figured passing Laia one singular bottle couldn’t hurt too much.
The restaurant held a nice atmosphere, one that immediately pulled you in as the bell jingled above your head. Most of the girls were already sitting at the table reserved for you, who all turned as they waved at you happily, grins plastered on their faces. Laia caught your eye first - she was wearing a little plastic crown, grinning like a kid on Christmas as she rose from her seat, hurrying to welcome you and Leah, who seemed to be the last ones to have arrived.
"¡Feliç aniversari!", you hugged Laia shortly, rubbing your hand across her back before pushing the bottle into her hands.
"Merci", she smiled as she accepted it, taking Leah into a short hug as well before you made your way towards the only seats available. The warmth of Leah's body next to yours, the familiar food and music playing softly in the background almost made you forget about the guilt in your stomach. You weren't supposed to enjoy all of this half as much as you did.
Seemingly as a distraction, though you figured you subconsciously wanted to remind yourself of what was your actual home, you opened Instagram. A video of Aitana singing the Barça chant, laughing into the camera with golden confetti around her shoulders, made you halt. You scrolled. You saw the trophy.
Shit - that was what Alexia had been calling you about. Of course. It came back to you flying - the supercopa final was today. How could you have forgotten? It was all you had been looking forward to ever since the winter break had ended. Yet you were so far away from it all, the match had slipped between your fingers, and you were left with nothing but the reminder that Barcelona functioned just as well without you, that they had simply moved on, while you were stuck here - in a Spanish restaurant, with your "friends", trying to remind yourself that if you tried hard enough, this could feel like home.
With a screech, you pushed your chair back and wobbled out of your seat uncomfortably.
"Just need the bathroom", you excused yourself in response to Leah's surprised expression, before marching through the restaurant and leaving all of the girls behind.
The bathroom was empty, luckily, and you let the tears flow at once. How had you been so stupid? How had you thought that, even for a minute, you would be okay so far away from your home, watching your teammates do all the things you wanted to do with them, while seemingly not missing you at all?
It didn't make any sense to you- Barcelona could win every trophy they wanted, while you were stuck in London, not even sure whether they would want you back after your contract was over. Were you delusional? Were you ever going to return to Barcelona?
Just as your brain started spinning further, and you had to steady yourself on the sink, knuckles turning white from how hard you wanted to keep yourself grounded, the door to the bathroom swung open. You didn't need to look up to know who it was - her body was right behind you, and she smelled of vanilla, just like her car did.
Leah. It was Leah who had entered the bathroom. Leah who was frantically trying to get you to talk to her, all the while you were choking on your sobs. Leah, who had tried her best to make you somewhat comfortable in the club she loved so much. How were you supposed to look her in the eye?
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woso-dreamzzz · 10 months
Travel Day
Wonze x Child!Reader
Summary: Travelling with you is always eventful
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If there was one thing that Keira hated, it was travelling with you.
It was always hit or miss if you behaved or not. Sometimes, you were just so full of wiggly energy that you were incapable of sitting still.
"Alright," She says as the plane levels off," What do you want to do, peanut?"
The flight from Barcelona to London only took two and a half hours so putting on a movie wasn't really on the cards to keep you entertained - you also despise wearing earphones so it was already out.
You blink at her, bottom lip still poking out in a pout since she wouldn't let you get the model plane at the shop in the airport. You huff, arms crossed over your little chest.
"No, Mummy," You say, shaking your head.
"No? You don't want to do anything?"
You stick your tongue out at her and your Mum, sitting on your other side says in warning," Peanut, put your tongue back in your mouth. You're being rude."
You huff again but do as you're told. "Mummy being mean," You tell Lucy.
"She's not being mean," Lucy replies, trying to not laugh at the look of offence on Keira's face," You're being mean. She asked you a question, peanut. What do you want to do?"
"Okay. Now, what do you want to play?"
"Run." You reach for your seatbelt and try to unbuckle it yourself.
"We can't run around on the plane," Keira tries to tell you but you're too preoccupied with pulling off your shoes.
You get the first one off easily but Mum has tied your laces a bit tighter on your other one so you just kind of try to blunt force wrench it off your foot.
Keira and Lucy let you do it but Lucy makes sure that her hand keeps you in your seat when you finally work out how to unclip your seatbelt.
"Why?" You whine as you try to get her off you.
"Because you can't run in a plane," Keira says again.
You're wriggling around and trying to throw your Mum off but Lucy soon grows bored of your fighting and lifts you onto her lap.
Keira digs around in your backpack, bringing out one of your story books and plush bunny. "This should keep her occupied."
You want to whine that it won't but you're already distracted by Mum putting on a silly voice and reading. You grumpily settle in her arms and rub your bunny over your face as you glare at Mummy.
Keira just lets you be, happy to relax back in her seat as she reads over some paperwork sent over by her manager.
It's tough travelling on flights with you now that you're older. When you all arrived in Barcelona, you were only little and didn't have nearly as much attitude as you do now. All you wanted to do now was run around and kick the ball and play with Keira and Lucy's teammates, which was all well and good at the training centre but not as fun when the three of you were trapped on an aircraft.
Lucy manages to keep you mostly entertained for almost all of the flight until you fall asleep in the last half an hour - completely dead weight on her lap until you wake up as the plane descends with your ears popping which sends you into a fresh wave of tears.
Keira kind of assumed this would happen, you crying at some point today, and expertly takes you into her arms, tucking your sobbing face into her neck and covering you with a blanket.
You're still a little whiney and tearful when they get through customs and you hide away in your little blanket tent as Keira and Lucy wait around for their bags.
"Keira! Lucy! Where's the baby?!"
Georgia skids through customs to baggage claim, uncaring of the strange looks she's receiving from other people. You peek your head out from your blanket tent.
"Peanut! Hey!"
Aunt Georgia is always like this, loud and crazy and you're tired so you manage a wave before tucking yourself back under your blanket.
"What have you done to her? She's all sad!"
"She's tired," Lucy explains," We got up early. She had a late night. She was napping and her ears popped. It'll take her a bit to get used to being awake again."
"Poor baby," Georgia coos and you feel her hand rub at your head even though you're hidden away," She'll perk up though, right?"
"She'll perk up," Keira confirms, bouncing you lightly," Isn't that right, peanut?"
You grunt and kick your legs a bit in answer.
You hear Mum laugh slightly and then Mummy's moving again. It goes quiet for a bit before really loud when you all step outside and then quiet again when you slip into the taxi.
You're transferred from one set of arms to another and you recognise Mum's grip instantly. You sag against her and finally emerge from your cocoon of warmth.
Aunt Georgia smiles at you when she catches your eyes and you smile back.
"Hey, peanut," Mum says as the driver heads towards St George's Park," You feeling better now?"
"Little bit," You reply though your ears are still achy and you're fighting through a cloud of exhaustion.
"I'm sorry, peanut," Mum says, rubbing your back," But, hey, we're nearly there and then we'll have a proper cuddle and some food. Won't that be good?"
You grunt neither approval nor disapproval and just stare at Aunt Georgia, your face smooshed against Mum's shoulder.
"She's grumpy," Georgia laughs as you grip at Lucy's shirt like a lifeline.
"She's just a bit moody today," Keira replies as she digs around in her backpack for your bunny, passing it to you quickly and watching how you immediately release Lucy.
You don't speak (or make any noise at all) when the car finally pulls up at St George's Park. It's with practised ease that your mothers get everything out and ready and, by this point, you've perked up significantly.
You're happy to hold Aunt Georgia's hand as she leads you up the ramp to the main entrance.
The silly social media man is filming as you approach.
"Last camp of the year," He says.
Georgia laughs. "I know. I'll have to fly out to Barcelona to get my monthly peanut fix." She looks down pointedly at you.
"Good morning, y/n," The silly man says and you smile.
"Hi! Mum and Mummy are slow." You stop and turn to see where they're lagging behind.
"They are," He confirms.
"I'm not," You boast," I'm super speedy."
Mummy has finally caught up and she swings you up to sit on her suitcase as Mum talks with the silly man.
"Alright," She says," Naptime for you, peanut."
You pull a face. "Not tired."
She laughs. "Yes, you are."
"Want to run."
"Peanut, you can't-"
"Oh, let her run," Mum says," She can run off that energy and she'll crash in a bit."
"We've got training soon," Mummy replies but she's already tying your shoes again and setting you on your feet.
You're vibrating in excitement as you see more of the girls milling around.
"Even better. She can nap while we train. Come on, Keira. There's so many of us, it's not like she's going to disappear."
Mummy sighs and she crouches down next to you, helping you take off your coat and straightening out the bunches in your hair. "You need to stay where someone can see you, okay?"
"Uh-huh." You nod even though you're only half listening, focussing on the way that Ella and Alessia are none the wiser about your arrival, meaning you can run up and scare them.
"And if you get tired or thirsty, you come straight back."
"Yes, Mummy."
"Alright. Off you go, run wild."
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 10 months
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Stuck On You
Pairing: Michael Gavey (Saltburn) x f!reader Warnings: Dark themes, slut shaming, obsessive behaviour, smut.
Word count: ~6k
Summary: When her email is hacked and racy photos she'd sent to her boyfriend find their way onto Myspace, she becomes the social pariah of Oxford University. She turns to the only person she believes is intelligent enough to be able to help; Michael Gavey. Could uncovering the truth of the situation make things worse than they already are?
Author's note: Written to celebrate one year of my blog existing. Sorry for the delay. Crumbageddon beat the shit out of me. No tag list. Follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications. Community labels are for cops.
“Using a painting of that former duchess as a conversation piece, he describes what he saw as her unfaithfulness, frivolity, and stubbornness, and implies that he prefers her as a painting rather than as a…as a living woman,” her voice shakes, stumbling over her words, watching as her essay papers slip from her hands, fluttering towards the rug of the study.
“Sh-shit…I’m sorry,” she stammers, leaning down to snatch them back up, feeling her skin heat up with embarrassment as she attempts to rustle them back into order.
“Everything alright?” Professor Ware asks, shifting in his seat and clasping his hands in his lap.
“Distracted by her own portrait, I should imagine,” snarks Farleigh, cutting her off before she has a chance to reply. 
He smirks up at her, before returning his focus to the screen of his Macbook, fingers tapping quickly across the keys as he sits on the floor with it in his lap, leaning back against the armchair she currently sits in, his legs crossed at the ankle.
Of course he’d left it until the last minute to do his essay. Lazy prick.
“Stop it,” she hisses, knocking his shoulder with her knee.
“Why? It’s up again already anyway,” he retorts with a casual shrug, not bothering to look at her this time.
Her blood runs ice cold, dread gnawing a pit in her stomach. That would be the fourth time this week.
“Where?!” She demands, leaning down to snatch Farleigh’s Macbook from him, ignoring his protestation of “hey!” as she clicks on the minimised Internet Explorer window to see her Myspace profile already open.
Just as he’d said, there she is. Her profile picture depicts her in a lacy two piece lingerie set, laying on her bed, her cleavage, stomach and thighs on full display. She’d thought the angle flattering when she’d first held the digital camera above herself and snapped the picture, but now it’s splashed all over the internet for everyone to see. It makes her feel sick.
“I have to go,” she says hurriedly, shoving Farleigh’s Macbook back into his lap and stuffing her essay papers into her bag.
She almost trips over Farleigh’s long legs in her rush to escape the tutorial room, the air suddenly feeling too thick and difficult to breathe, as her heart hammers in her chest. Her feet carry her down the hallway in quick strides, no particular direction in mind, just eager to get away.
It had all seemed like innocent fun at first. She had felt excited on the second day of Fresher’s Week when a group of girls from the floor of her accommodation had invited her to go shopping with them
They had wrinkled their noses as she had beelined for the Ann Summers in Westgate Shopping Centre, lured by the big, red sale banner in the window.
“Oh darling,” India had cooed, “don’t buy that rubbish. We’ll get the train into London and take you to Rigby and Peller in Mayfair, if it’s lingerie you’re after.”
She had balked inwardly at the thought of how expensive that would be, but had simply smiled politely, stating “this is fine”, more than happy with the matching black lace set she’d picked from the sale rail.
Back in her room, she’d tried it on, loving the way the material hugged her curves and felt against her skin. Excitedly, she’d dug out her digital camera, contorting herself into various poses that she felt best displayed her assets, until she was satisfied she had several that looked good.
She hadn’t seen her boyfriend, Jake, since she had left for Oxford and he had gone to Brighton. Their reading weeks didn’t align, which meant they’d have to wait until the term came to an end to see each other at Christmas.
Emailing him the photos had felt like a nice way for them to maintain some sort of intimacy, despite the distance, and he’d certainly appreciated it, as a couple of hours later she’d gotten a text from him which simply said “wow!”
The high from that had left her with a smile on her face for days, until she’d stepped out of a tutorial a few days later to see a missed call and a text from him.
“What the fuck are you playing at?!” It had read.
She’d called him back straight away, the urge to vomit growing acrid in her throat as he’d told her what he’d seen, holding the phone to her ear with her shoulder, she’d scrambled with shaking hands to free her laptop from her bag, to confirm what Jake was saying.
There it was. Her Myspace profile picture had been changed to one of the lingerie photos she’d sent to him. This one was a full length photo she’d taken, aiming the camera at the mirror in her room.
The hot prickle of tears had burned beneath her eyelids, as she’d drawn in a shaky breath. “Wh-why would you do that?” She’d whispered tearfully into the phone.
“It wasn’t me!” Jake had snapped angrily. “Perhaps if you hadn't taken those bloody photos in the first place then this wouldn’t have happened.”
“Are you seriously blaming me?!”
“It just looks bad. I think maybe we should cool things for a bit, I can’t with be someone that—”
Tears had rolled down her cheeks as she’d pulled the phone away from her ear, seeing the call had cut off. She’d run out of credit. In a way, she was grateful; she didn’t want to listen to Jake ending their relationship, to continue to blame her for something that wasn’t her fault.
She had taken the photo down, changed her profile picture back to what it was before, and changed the password for both Myspace and her email. However, the damage was done, the whispers of “slut” as she walked to lectures had already started.
Another two days later she had entered the IT lab to print out her essay, and saw a group huddled around a computer, laughing together. They had turned, immediately quietening down, their voices hushed whispers as they looked at her. 
She had pushed them apart, already knowing what it was they were all looking at, but wanting to confirm it. Just as she’d suspected, her Myspace profile was open. This time her photo had been changed to an over the shoulder shot. The side of her face and her buttocks visible as she’d arched her back.
Running back to her room, tears of humiliation blurring her vision, she’d taken the photo down again and changed all her passwords. But once again, it was too little, too late. A print out of the photo slipped beneath her door that same day, with the word “whore” scrawled across it.
Her friends were already starting to pull away, the invites to the pub had dried up into nothing. When another photo had been uploaded, Felix had pulled her to one side.
“Look, I think it’s incredibly daring of you to be doing what you’re doing, and I respect the fuck out of you for it, really I do,” he’d said, eyes filled with sympathy as he’d looked down at her. “But a few of us really aren’t comfortable with how you’re going about…getting attention, so I just think it’s for the best if we take some space until you’ve figured out whatever this is.”
She had been stunned by his words, her eyes going wide as her mouth had dropped open. “You think I’m doing this to myself?!”
“Well, what else are we supposed to think? We’re worried about you. There are better…healthier ways to make yourself stand out. Just come clean and all of this can stop.”
Turning away in disgust, anger and betrayal flaring white hot in her chest, she’d walked away. This was happening to her, she wasn’t complicit in it, and yet people continued to act like it was her fault. She had started to wonder if she really was to blame. Had she tempted fate by taking those photos in the first place?
Today was the fourth time a photo had been uploaded and having fled from the tutorial with Professor Ware and Farleigh, she finds herself in the Bodleian Library, having walked on instinct. 
It serves as a quiet refuge for her in moments when she feels overwhelmed, hiding among the shelves, admiring tomes that are older than she is. She’d come here on her first day, when the influx of new people, sights and sounds had become too much, and she had crouched between the stacks the first time one of her photos had been leaked. The smell of old books and the peace and quiet feels safe.
Walking silently between the study tables she spots him, alone, as he always is; Michael Gavey. He is hunched over a notebook, scribbling furious notes, stopping occasionally to push his glasses up the bridge of his nose with his index finger.
She had thoroughly embarrassed herself the first time she’d met him, the only time she had ever spoken to him. It had been the night of the fresher’s welcome dinner. She’d heard his outburst in the dining hall, heard how he had answered the subsequent multiplication sum flawlessly and been bowled over by how effortlessly brilliant he was. It was intimidating.
Yet, later that evening fuelled by the courage of five tropical watermelon flavoured Bacardi Breezers, she’d stumbled over to him in the rec room, ignoring how he’d recoiled slightly at her advancing towards him.
She’d wrapped an arm around his neck, taking no notice of the way he’d stiffened beneath her touch.
“Wha’s nine hundred and ninety nine divided by thirteen?” She’d slurred into his ear.
He had bristled slightly, before answering quietly. “Seventy six point eight five.”
She had giggled, patting his cheek, knocking his glasses askew. “Don’t even know how to check that, but I’ll take your word for it, genius.” 
Kissing his cheek, she’d stumbled away, leaving him to wipe away the sticky residue her lips had left behind, while Felix and Farleigh had fallen about themselves, laughing, finding it far funnier than she’d intended for it to be. She had ended up making him a laughing stock without even meaning to.
The memory fills her with shame. She really did find him impressive. He was precisely the type of person she had wanted to rub shoulders with when she arrived at Oxford, yet she had made a fool of herself instead.
She smiled at him whenever she caught his eye on the rare occasions they crossed paths, but he’d either look away or stare at her expressionless.
Perhaps now was her opportunity to make amends. She has no friends now anyway, so it’s not as though she has anything to lose.
Walking over to his table, before she has a chance to talk herself out of it, she sits down heavily in the seat next to him, depositing her bag onto the tabletop.
Michael’s pen pauses its movements, and slowly his head turns to the side, narrowing his eyes at her in silent question.
She suddenly has the urge to run, realising this was a terrible idea. She feels enormous discomfort beneath the scrutiny of his gaze yet, determined to push through it, she offers him a bright smile.
“You’re Michael, aren’t you?” She says, attempting to sound more cheerful than she feels.
“Yes,” he replies simply, placing his pen down and straightening in his seat.
“Thought so. I’m–”
“I know who you are,” he cuts her off. “What do you want?”
“Oh,” she swallows, shifting awkwardly in her seat. She hadn’t anticipated him being quite so blunt. “Well, I wanted to apologise for how I behaved on the first night. I thought maybe we could be friends?”
He scoffs, the corners of his mouth turning up into the faintest of smirks. “As if I’d be friends with someone who’s reading literature. Why pay all that money in tuition fees for a glorified book club?”
For a moment she doesn’t know what to say. Shock, offense and hurt swirl in a hot mixture in her chest. She fights the embarrassing urge to burst into tears. Her voice is small and weak when she finally asks “How do you know what I’m studying?”
Michael nods towards the desk. “There’s a book of Robert Browning poetry sticking out of your bag.”
“Right, yeah…” She feels her skin heat up, turning to slowly tuck the book further down inside, still able to feel his eyes upon her. It’s disconcerting to be observed so closely.
“Where’s that group of losers you usually hang around with anyway?”
The question takes her by surprise, and she laughs softly, though there is no real humour to it. “I don’t think they want to hang around with me anymore.”
“So you’re a Norman no mates too then?”
His expression has softened, a slight playfulness brightens his blue eyes as she looks back at him, and she can’t help but smile. “Yeah, I suppose I am.”
He leans forward, resting his elbow on the table and propping his chin up on his hand. “Hmmm. So they got bored of you then?”
She sighs exasperatedly, running a hand through her hair, before digging through her bag to pull out her laptop. “It’s probably easier if I show you.”
Setting the laptop down on the table, she loads her Myspace page, the same picture she’d seen on Farleigh’s Macbook earlier still set as her profile photo. “Someone keeps changing my profile picture to this. I sent my boyfriend…ex-boyfriend…some photos and now someone has them and keeps doing this every time I change it back.”
Michael’s expression is impassive as he stares at the screen. “Have you changed your passwords?”
“Yes,” she sighs.
“So, you’ve been hacked.”
“Looks that way…I don’t suppose you know anything about computers? Maybe you could help me figure out who’s doing this?”
“Ah,” he clicks his tongue, staring intently at her, “so there it is, pretending to befriend the college nerd because you need computer help. Do you not think it’s a bit of a tired stereotype to assume that because I’m reading maths I’d be able to help you with your IT issues?”
“No, it’s not like that!” She protests, her eyes welling up with tears. She turns away, defeated, deciding this is a lost cause and closes her laptop. “I’m sorry, I’ll leave you alone.”
He sighs. “Well, there’s no need to cry about it. I can help you, just not right now. Are you free later this evening?”
She sniffles, her eyes going wide as she looks at him in surprise. “Really?”
He nods, closing his notebook and slipping his pen into his breast pocket. “I’ve got a tutorial in twenty minutes, but I can help trace the IP of whoever’s hacked you. I’m on the first floor of the Brasenose, second room left of the staircase. I’ll be back around five.”
Nodding, she immediately feels lighter, the possibility that this may finally come to an end instantly lifting her spirits. A chance to get her life back. “That’s perfect, I’ll see you then. Thank you so much.”
He rises, his gaze remaining fixed upon her. “See you later.” 
The way he addresses her, first and last name, sends a shiver down her spine as she watches him turn away and walk slowly out of the library. She wonders what she has gotten herself into, but with no friends and no other options there is little else to be done.
She is filled with restless energy for the rest of the day, unable to sit still or concentrate during the only other lecture she has that afternoon, until eventually she finds herself standing outside of Michael’s room at quarter past five, the hours leading up to that feeling as though they’ve lasted an eternity.
Where there is the faint sound of music or talking coming from the doors she’s passed already on her way here, she is struck by the eerie silence she is met with from his, and wonders for a moment if he’s even home.
Nervous excitement crackles like electricity through her body and her knock is louder than she intends for it to be. She hears shuffling from the other side, until the door swings slowly open. Michael stands poker straight on the threshold, staring down at her.
“Did you bring your laptop?” He asks.
Yet again she is taken aback by how forthright he is, but she nods, stepping in as he moves to the side to let her pass.
Looking around the room, she takes in the plainness of his bedspread, the shelves of mathematics and physics textbooks, the desk set up in the corner that has his laptop open on it. There is nothing that gives even the slightest indication as to who he is as a person.
The sound of him clearing his throat startles her attention back to him, and she turns with an apologetic smile to face him. “Sorry, always weird being in someone else’s room…”
“Right,” he replies, his gaze unwavering as he looks at her. “Laptop?”
“Oh, yeah, sorry,” embarrassment heats up her skin, as she rummages in her bag, taking it out and handing it to him.
He settles it next to his own on the desk, before taking a seat.
She stands awkwardly in the middle of the room, looking around, not quite knowing what to do with herself. “Um…where should I…?”
“Anywhere,” he says with a dismissive wave of his hand, not looking at her.
She settles on the edge of the bed, running her hands over the soft cotton of the duvet cover. It’s an odd sensation to sit so casually in the space that she knows he sleeps. It feels too familiar, too intimate.
Glancing to the side, she notices the shimmer of gold and purple in the bin. She smiles to herself, having learned something about him in spite of the lack of personal effects in his room. He has a sweet tooth, evidenced by the Crunchie bar wrappers in the bin.
“Password?” He asks, and her head snaps up towards him.
He turns in his chair, resting his arm on the back of it, glaring at her over his shoulder. “The password for your laptop, what is it?”
“Oh!” She exclaims. “Is it safe for me to tell you that?”
“It is if you want me to help you,” he sighs.
She squirms uncomfortably. He has the innate ability to make her feel small, foolish, but what’s most disconcerting is that she doesn’t dislike it, there is something about him that draws her to his condescension. 
“It’s Shakespeare,” she tells him sheepishly, “with a four in place of the first A.”
“What about the passwords for your email and Myspace accounts?”
“The same.”
“The same?!”
“I’ve changed the passwords each time a new photo has been posted, but it’s just easier to have the same one for everything.”
He groans, pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. “No wonder you’ve been hacked, typical fucking liberal arts student.”
She lowers her gaze, fingers plucking nervously at the bedspread. “Different passwords for every account, got it.”
“Well, that’s a start, yes,” he tells her, turning back to the screens. “Has anyone but you had access to your computer?”
“No, it stays in my bag when I’m not using it.”
She sits watching him tap away at the keyboards of both laptops alternately for a few moments before she speaks again. “I’m not stupid, you know,” she tells him, her voice sounding meeker than she means for it to. “English Language and Literature is no less of a respectable course than Mathematics. I wrote an essay on the Robert Browning poem, My Last Duchess, recently. It’s a fascinating piece, focusing on the Duke of Ferrara using a painting of his former wife as a conversation topic. The Duke speaks about his former wife's perceived inadequacies to a representative of the family of his bride-to-be, revealing his obsession with controlling others in the process. Browning uses this compelling psychological portrait of a despicable character to critique the objectification of women and abuses of power. It’s a compelling commentary on social status and elitism.”
“What would you know about either of those things?” He asks, continuing to type.
“More than I’d like to,” she says quietly, “I don’t fit in here, not really. I earned my place with a scholarship.”
He pauses, stiffening, glancing over his shoulder at her with a “hmm”.
“I’ve managed to get into the access logs for both your email and Myspace accounts,” he tells her. “There are two sets of IPs that have accessed both accounts in the last week, but both are eduroam IP addresses.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means that whoever is uploading those photos is doing so from the university.”
The revelation hits her like a punch to the gut, she feels paralysed, unable to speak as his words sink in. A part of her had wanted to believe it was Jake. To think there is someone at the university who is doing this to her makes her feel nauseated. Her mind races with the possibilities of who it could be. Felix? India? Farleigh? What reason could any of them possibly have to want to do that to her?
“What should I do?” She asks worriedly, staring at Michael with her brows pinched together. “Do you think reporting it would help?”
He swivels his chair fully around to face her and shakes his head. “Not if you intend to keep your scholarship. Rocking the boat over leaked nudes won’t look good to the university board, they’ll take issue with the fact that you even took those photos in the first place.”
“So I just have to let this keep happening?” She feels her throat tighten, wetness rims her eyes.
“Change your passwords,” he says matter of factly. “A different one for every account.”
She nods, expelling a shaky breath, before standing. “I should probably get going. Thank you…for everything.”
Before she goes to bed that night, she changes her passwords - a different one for every account she owns, and deletes the newest uploaded photo, returning her profile picture to its original state.
As far as she is concerned, that should be the end of it. However, her breath hitches, icy cold fingers of fear gripping her heart when she logs on the following morning. Not only has her profile picture been changed to another photo from the set she’d taken for Jake, but the “about me” section now reads “vapid cunt”.
On autopilot, she dresses, taking her laptop and walking the six minutes from Christ Church Halls to Brasenose College.
As soon as Michael’s door opens, she flings her arms around his neck, sobbing into his chest. He stiffens, not returning the gesture, until she finally pulls away.
He straighens, adjusting his glasses. His hair is rumpled from sleep, clad in a t-shirt and plaid pyjama bottoms.
“God, I’m so sorry, I woke you up,” she says tearfully, “I should go. I didn’t think, I just–”
“It’s fine,” he says flatly, ushering her in.
She sits down on the bed. It’s unmade, still warm from where he’s been sleeping in it. The feeling sends a shiver down her spine, despite her emotional distress.
Gingerly he sits next to her, keeping a respectable distance as she removes her laptop from her bag and opens it. “It’s happened again. I did everything you said to do, but it’s happened again, and it’s worse this time. Look–”
Handing him the laptop she shuffles closer to him, her thigh pressed against his. She can feel the warmth of him through her leggings. It causes butterflies to flutter in her belly, it’s been so long since she’s been this close to anyone.
Michael doesn’t stiffen at her touch this time, whether it’s because he doesn’t mind it or is too distracted by what he sees on the screen, she’s unsure, but it’s progress.
“Hmm. And you’re sure you changed your passwords?”
“Yes, all of them. I don’t know what else to do. If I report it, I risk my scholarship, but if this carries on I’ll lose it anyway, because how can I concentrate when this keeps happening?”
He says nothing, closing her laptop and passing it back to her.
“I’ve worked my arse off to get here, to earn my place, this can’t be what ends it,” she says miserably, tucking her computer back into her bag.
“I’d suggest focusing on your studies and less on your peers,” Michael says matter of factly. “You haven’t made the best choice of friends since arriving here.”
“They’re not my friends,” she whispers, her hands fidgeting in her lap. “At least not anymore. Do you think it’s one of them doing this?”
“I wouldn’t put it past them,” he replies bitterly, “stay away from them. I’ve got a lecture this morning, but maybe when I’ve got some downtime, I can do a deeper dive, perhaps see if I can track the logins to a device type.”
“You’d do that for me?” She whispers, looking at him with eyes full of appreciation.
“That’s what mates are for, right?”
“Thank you…just…thank you,” she tells him with sincerity, holding his gaze.
She reaches for his hand and gives it a gentle squeeze, desperate to kiss his cheek as a gesture of her gratitude, but remembers the first time she’d done it and cringes inwardly. Though Michael’s hand doesn’t clutch back, he doesn’t move it away and, after a few moments, she realises they’re simply sitting holding hands, looking into each other's eyes.
He is beautiful in his own way. His stare, though intimidating, is piercingly blue, and his lips are soft and plump. She swallows, lashes fluttering in embarrassment when she realises she’s staring at his mouth.
Chancing her luck, she leans in, planting a lingering kiss to the corner of his lips. “I’ll be back at lunchtime, okay?” She whispers, before standing and moving towards the door.
He simply nods, fingers raising to brush over the spot where she’d kissed him. The sight puts a spring in her step for the rest of the morning, almost enough to forget about her being hacked. Almost.
She stops at a vending machine in the rec room on her way back to Brasenose at midday, deciding to buy Michael a Crunchie, an additional thank you for him going out of his way to help her.
As awful as having her privacy violated has been, she is grateful that it has brought her and Michael closer together. She had started the term wanting nothing more than to be his friend, and had royally fucked it up.
Now it seems they have mended their rift, and the prospect of being more than just friends is on the cards. Admittedly, he isn’t her usual type, but there is something about him that excites her. She hopes that once this is all over, this can be a fresh start for her at Oxford; her and Michael, just the caliber of intelligence she had wanted to associate with when she’d first applied.
She knocks at his door, hesitating when he doesn’t open it.
“Michael?” She calls out, brow furrowing in concern when he doesn’t answer.
They’d agreed upon lunchtime to meet, where was he? She tries the door handle and it’s unlocked, gingerly she pushes it open, peering slowly inside. He’s not there, but if he’d left it unlocked then he’d surely be back soon and wouldn’t mind her waiting inside for him.
She steps into the room, finding it much the same as before, only this time the bed is made. Walking over to the window by the desk, she stops to admire the view of the church, startling slightly when her bag knocks the computer chair, disturbing the mouse and taking Michael’s laptop out of sleep.
As she is about to turn back to the window, she notices her Myspace profile is open in edit mode in his browser. She frowns, a feeling of unease washing over her, as she steps towards the desk, her hand trembling as she reaches for the mouse.
She minimises Internet Explorer, gasping when she sees a folder open on his desktop, filled with the photos she had sent to Jake, all of them, even the ones that hadn’t yet been set as her profile picture.
Her heart pounds as she selects all of them, deleting them before clicking on the recycling bin to empty it.
“You didn’t think I’d be stupid enough to not create back ups, did you?”
Turning, she sees that Michael has returned, so quietly she hadn’t noticed. His fingers clutch at the USB stick that’s clipped to his cargo shorts, lips turned up into an expression of smugness.
Tears prickle her eyes, as her heart lurches, the only word that escapes her is “why?” as she looks at him with arched brows, her face pinched into an expression of emotional hurt.
“Why?” He repeats, cocking his head, advancing towards her as she shrinks back into the corner. “Because someone needed to take you down a peg or two.”
“You’ve ruined my life!” She cries, tears slipping down her cheeks, looking at him in disbelief.
This has to be a dream, it is too surreal. Any moment now, she’ll wake up and all of this will have been a terrible dream.
Only it’s not, it’s real, real as the heat of his breath that fans across her face as he looms over her, having backed her fully into the corner between the desk and the window. 
“What life? Pretending to play a part with people that don’t really like you? Using your pretentious choice in reading material to make yourself seem intelligent?”
“You don’t know anything about me!” She says defiantly.
“Oh, I know all about you. Hiding your scholarship from those vapid cunts, so they won’t sniff out your working class background and drop you. The variations of John Browning as your password - adding a different number to each variation doesn’t make it a different password, stupid girl.”
“I was nice to you…” She offers feebly, almost pleading with him.
He smirks, taking her chin between his thumb and forefinger, gripping harshly, forcing her to look at him. “You felt sorry for me. But it’s not me that needs pity, is it? It’s you. Poor little scholarship slut. You love that My Last Duchess poem so much because you see yourself in it, don’t you? Think you’re being objectified, treated unfairly. Well, let me tell you something, you are like that poem, but in the sense that you’re better in pictures than you are in real life.”
“Stop it,” she whispers, trying to pull away from him.
“Truth hurt, does it?” He asks, his grip on her face remaining tight. “That’s a pity. I enjoyed those pictures, really enjoyed them. It’s a shame the real life version is so whiny and pathetic.”
“I’ll report you,” she says quietly.
“Oh, I don’t think you will, somehow. You love the attention,” he tells her, dropping his hand from her chin to her shoulder, turning her and backing her up towards the bed. “I’ve seen how you look at me. If I wanted to fuck you right now, you’d let me.”
“I–I wouldn’t!” She stammers, feeling her face grow warm.
With a gentle shove from him, she topples back against the mattress, and he is quick to move over her, caging her in. “Liar,” he whispers in her ear.
She shudders at the sensation, despising the way her body betrays her, as heat pools between her legs. She shouldn’t be turned on by this, yet she can’t deny the way he sets her pulse racing.
“I haven’t ruined your life, but I could and you’d let me, wouldn’t you?” He hisses.
The weight of him on top of her, his warm breath fanning against her neck, it’s dizzying. She wants to tell him to get off of her, to push him away, yet she cannot find it in herself to do so. There is a part of her that’s curious to see how far he’ll push this.
When she doesn’t say anything, he carries on, nimble fingers moving to the waistband of her leggings, tugging them down. “I’m going to treat you like the desperate, little slut that you are, and you’re going to let me, aren’t you?”
She whines, lifting her hips as he rids her of the bottom half of her clothing.
“That’s what I thought,” he smirks.
His gaze falls between her legs, tentative fingers reaching out to brush through the wetness that has gathered there. She sees a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes and wonders if he has ever done this before.
She knows his moment of hesitation would be enough for her to push him away, grab her clothes and report him, yet she feels compelled to stay. If this is his first time, then she wants it to be her. She enjoys the dynamic of the power he has over her, while simultaneously being able to take something from him.
Wanting to bolster his confidence, urge him to continue, she sits up, eager hands unfastening his belt and unzipping his shorts. It flips a switch inside him, and he’s surging forward once more, pinning her beneath him as he pushes his boxers down just enough to free his cock.
“Tell me you want this,” he rasps against the shell of her ear.
“I want this,” she mewls desperately, feeling the head of him resting at her entrance.
“You’re going to keep letting me do this to you, aren’t you?”
“You’ll wear that tarty underwear from your photos for me, won’t you?”
He presses forward and is met with resistance, not having fully prepared her. He draws back and pushes against her again, repeating the motion until he’s fully sheathed inside of her. It’s exquisite torture, a pleasurable hurt to be split apart by him, to feel so full.
Breathing heavily through his nose, he stills and she can feel his inexperience in the way that he tenses, but isn’t prepared to give up when they’ve already come this far. She rolls her hips against his, a breathy sigh escaping her as she feels her sweet spot rub up against the head of him.
He screws his eyes shut, jaw going slack, before beginning to move his own hips, pulling back to slam forward once more, quickly finding a rhythm that suits him. This isn’t careful, considered lovemaking, they rut against each other like animals, both of them allowing instinct to guide them as they seek out the movements that feel most pleasurable.
She clings tightly to him, meeting him thrust for thrust, their breaths coming in hot, shallow pants.
“Fucking knew this was all you needed,” he mutters, “someone to teach you a lesson, see you for what you really are.”
“Please,” she whimpers, her hands sliding down to his backside to push him in deeper, causing him to groan.
“F–fuck,” he stutters, picking up his pace when he feels her start to tighten around him. “Tell me you’re mine, you don’t need anyone else, just me.”
“‘M yours,” she gasps, pushing her hips against his, zeroing in on the precipice she is about to fall from.
A particularly harsh thrust is the final shove she needs, and white hot waves of euphoria wrack her body, as she cries out in ecstasy. Suddenly, Michael is withdrawing, leaving her to clench around nothing as he paints her inner thigh with sticky warmth.
He collapses beside her, and she stares into the lightly fogged lenses of his glasses, their noses bumping together.
“Are you still going to ruin my life?” She asks, hazy with pleasure.
For the first time, their lips meet, a messy clash of tongue and teeth, that’s sloppy and wet, their breaths still heavy and movements uncontrolled. 
“You’re going to let me,” he whispers when they finally break for air, “because you’re mine.” Resistance is futile, she will let him. She wants this, needs this. After all, Michael Gavey is the type of person she came to Oxford to associate with in the first place, and she’s gotten exactly what she asked for.
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samkerrworshipper · 10 months
sticker chart | kyra cooney cross & reader x arsenal women’s team
r and kyra r the pranksters of the team… but what happens when they take it too far and the arsenal parents seperate them as a result
no warnings just some fluff angst and chaotic bestfriend energy
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“Kyra, Y/n, time out, right now.”
It was Steph’s burst of anger that had your eyes bursting open, both you and Kyra sharing an apprehensive glance. The both of you looked up from your current predicament, which was the drink bottle that you’d just emptied onto Alessia’s head. Her jaw was almost on the ground, and her body was shaking already from the cold water.
In a split second telepathic decision you and Kyra made the decision to bolt, sprinting away from the training ground and your teammates as fast as possible, the both of you cackling as you made it into the safety of the London Colney gym, running as fast as possible into the team room and the both of you searching for a hiding spot.
“In the cupboard.”
Kyra motioned towards the cupboard in the corner of the gym, the long rectangular cupboard being just large enough for the two of you, so you squeezed into it, just closing the door in time to hear a series of footsteps running towards the gym.
The both of you held your breath, holding in the laughs that were building up in the bottom of your stomach.
The two of you were trouble. Always setting up pranks and getting on the nerves on your senior babysitters. Majority of your pranks were centred around Vic and Alessia, the two of you taking advantage of the younger, innocent girls who were so easy to target. It got you in a lot of trouble, especially with Steph, Caitlin, Kim, Leah and Viv, who were stretched thin trying to stop whatever menacing plans that you and your best friend were plotting.
It was a pointless task, the two of you were unstoppable, and always finding yourselves in trouble. It had gotten to a point where you’d been separated indefinitely in training, and the two of you were on your last chance at Steph’s house, being told that the next time you shaved her dog in the middle of the night or woke her and her fiance up with screaming noises. The two of you for whatever reason just couldn’t stop, you were invincible in the world of pranks and it was completely destructive to the Arsenal community, no one was safe.
The both of you bit down on the insides of your cheeks as you heard the doors to the gym open, and a pitter patter of cleats tapping against the floor of the gym.
“The both of you have three seconds before all of your tv privileges and cheat days are taken away for the next month.”
You shook your head at Kyra, whos eyes bursted open at the mention of the removal of your cheat days, Kyra, for whatever reason, had been craving deep fried chicken and a icecream sundae. It was weird, and normally every Thursday you had a cheat day, so her craving could be relieved, but last Thursday the video review, for whatever reason, had gone over by two hours, so by the time it was over it was far past the time window of getting food, leaving a very grumpy and hangry Kyra who was desperate for the foodher body was craving.
Cheat days were her weakness, so you pulled her hand down before she had the opportunity to open the cupboard doors and reveal your hiding spot to Steph.
Kyra’s body shook against your own, her bones jumping inside of her body in an attempt to try and leave the box that you’d inserted yourself.
“I swear to god if I get to three and neither of you are out here I’m calling mini and Sam.”
That was definitely another weakness for the two of you, the both of you slightly terrified of the idea of your seconds moms getting a call about your less than adequate behaviour.
Steph’s voice loitered, she was leaving room for the two of you to come out.
You were stubborn, Kyra was not, you fought to keep her from fighting her way out of the cupboard, but it was a losing battle, that had the two of you tumbling out of the wooden box and leaving you completely vulnerable to Steph, who marched her way over to the two of you immediately.
“I’ve had enough of you two today, your going to go to the lockerooms, sit in your cubby for twenty five minutes and think about your fucking behaviour before you go and apologise to Vic and Less, am I clear?”
With Steph’s towering form above you, neither of you were in any position to refuse, so you just nodded like kicked puppies and picked yourselves up from the floor, dragging your feet towards the locker rooms, your bodies slowly moving like prisoners walking into a jail.
When you got to the locker rooms, the both of you walked over to your respective cubbies, sitting down and facing the wall.
It was a fairly common occurrence for you two, you spent probably eighty percent of all your time at London Colney besides training in your cubby, at least one training a fortnight saw you here, if not more. You didn’t really mind, it was worth it considering all the fun you and Kyra got up too.
Replacing Leah’s shampoo bottle with pink hair dye, stealing all of the girls clothes whilst they were in the showers, tying everybody's cleats together, mixing up all of the jerseys in the laundry room, replacing the water jugs with apple cider vinegar, replacing all the name tags on the secret santa gifts, taking Alessia’s beloved car for a joyride, showing up to training on moon boots and crutches, faking running away.
The list was endless, concerningly. It got you into trouble, for sure, but for you guys it was some light hearted fun, your way of keeping yourselves entertained in a foreign country that was still new to you.
You could hear Kyra thinking from the other side of the room, out of the two of you she was the more remorseful one, but she was also the plotter and cheekier one. You ran along with whatever she came up with, and your commitment to whatever plan she had was unmatched, once you decided you were doing something you committed.
“Kyra for fucks sakes stop the tapping.”
It was driving you insane, listening to Kyra’s fingers tapping against the wall of her cubby, one of her anxious habits.
“Time out is silent time, speak up again and I’ll start the timer over.”
You tried to block out Steph’s voice, but it hung over you like a big grey cloud, your brain silently drowning itself in your skull as you studied the uniform wall that was the inside of your cubby. It was exceptionally boring, and it didn’t seem to matter how many times the two of you found yourselves in this situation, it was still as boring as ever.
You listened out for people coming in and out of the locker rooms, the door swinging open and the sound of studs against concrete. You weren’t rewarded with the sound of voices or conversation, everyone who filtered in being silent. It was hard to monitor who was coming in and out with your vision completely compromised.
You sat as still as you could manage, not at all wanting to have to sit for any longer than what Steph had already ordered you.
You didn’t doubt that she would reset the timer if you did speak up again, Steph was a softie, but she never let up on a promise, especially when it came to taking care of you and Kyra, something that you knew she was getting sick of, the both of you toeing the line constantly.
It did get you thinking, sure a harmless prank was fun, Katie was the biggest supporter of your pranks, always egging the two of you on from the sidelines, and yet she never got in trouble for it, it was always you and Kyra, the troublesome duo that had been adopted by the Arsenal parents.
“Both of you, turn around.”
You took a deep breath, shuffling around on your ass and blinking to adjust to the bright lights that were a vast contrast to the darkness of the corner of your cubby.
You were rewarded with the sight of Steph, Caitlin, Viv, Kim and Leah all with their jaws set and looking at you with significant disapproval. Alessia and Vic were loitering at their own lockers, sitting in the seats in front of them their hands and heads pointing down towards their laps.
“We’re sorry?”
Steph’s frown only managed to deepen, it was clear that she was nothing short of furious.
“You’re sorry? The two of you have single handedly pulled a series of completely destructive pranks that have taken it too far. Do I need to bring up the chalk spray paint on Manu’s car? Or the midnight door knocking at Stina and Amanda’s house? We’ve all given you chances, all enabled you to have a little bit of fun, but you’ve pushed it way past the point of funny.”
Kyra just closed in on herself, you had a little bit more fight in you, a little bit more defiance.
“We didn’t even do anything that bad today.”
Steph’s eyebrows rose even more than you thought humanly possible.
“That’s a joke right?”
You bit your lip, tossing up the day's events in your mind.
“I mean I don’t understand why Vic is here to be honest, Lessi whatever but we didn’t do anything to Vic.”
Steph blinked at you, her jaw almost dropping to the floor.
“So throwing Vic’s shoes on the roof of the building was nothing?”
You snorted as you recalled Kyra and your happenings of the mornings, which had included tossing a pair of Vic’s shoes on the roof, not to say that you didn’t get them down when the time came around for her to need them.
“We gave them back?”
This time it wasn’t Steph who answered your question, Caitlin stood up from her seat Walking closer towards you.
“You should be fucking glad you did. Look, I understand, you guys are young and you like to have fun, but it constantly being at the expense of everyone else is getting annoying, and neither of you have made any motions to stop or even begin to think about how your fucking pranks affect everybody else, Steph is stressed out of her mind having to babysit the two of you twenty four seven, we all are.”
You could feel the conversation leading somewhere, Kyra’s puppy dog eyes were pleading with Caitlin but her tough guy act didn’t fade.
“I’m getting the feeling that this is leading to something and I just want to put it out there that I dibs anywhere but Chelsea if we have to move clubs.”
Caitlin just rolled her eyes at your attempt at humour, it was humour hidden behind genuine fear, because there was no way in fucking hell you were trading breezy arsenal for Sammy’s Chelsea, where you knew she would drill sergeant you and Kyra into being boring and non pranksters.
“You know what we all have every right to send you off to Sam, how do you think she’d react hearing about all the shit that the two have you have gotten up to?”
She’d probably go ballistic. She’d gotten a taste of you and Kyra’s trouble making at the women's world cup and had very quickly put a stop to it, nipping it in the bud before it got to your current spiral.
“But you aren’t?”
You noticed from the corner of your eye that Kyra was looking very stressed from her corner of the room.
“Ky, come here.”
You opened up your arms to your best friend, unbothered as to whether or not you were disrupting Caitlin’s spiel, you were just worried about your friend. She slid her way across the benches until she made it to your side, digging her head into your neck and shoulder.
“No, we’re not, but honestly I think you’d prefer to stay with Sam then what you’re going to be dealing with.”
You visibly cringed, there wasn’t a lot of things that were worse than being in Sam’s bad books. You let your eyes flash across to the other captains and women who were in the room, aware that they were probably a part of whatever plot Caitlin and Steph had formed. Your curiosity peaked as you squinted at Caitlin, your anxiety spiking a little bit.
“W-what do you mean?”
Kyra’s voice quivered from your neck, her soft puppy dog pout hopefully doing wonders to convince the older women to back out of whatever they had planned. It was her signature move, and you were fairly sure that Steph would see through it, but there was always a point in trying.
“You’re both moving out of Steph’s, it’s not fair to her anymore to be burdened with the both of you. So Kyra, your going to Leah and Lia, Y/n you are staying with Beth and Viv.”
Your jaw slackened, Kyra jerking up in your arms as soon as the words left her mouth.
“What? You can’t separate us, we’re like conjoined twins, we’ll like die if you separate us.”
Caitlin kept up her stern facade, leaving zero room for vulnerability.
“You should have thought about that before you chose to take it too far. We’ve given you plenty of chances and you blew every single one off. So until the two of you can learn how to cohabitate without causing serious danger to the people around you, you’ll be separated. Beth and Lia have already been over to Steph’s house and collected your things. You both have sticker charts, when the two of you can go a whole two months without any seriously debilitating pranks then we’ll look at potentially letting the two of you move back in together.”
Kyra’s eyes lit up at the mention of a sticker chart, you were focused on your dignity, so even if the idea of shiny gold stickers did appeal to you, you tried to fight it.
“A fucking sticker chart? We’re not fucking six year olds and last time I checked this is a free country, so who says that you guys can control who and where we live anyway?”
This time it was Kim who stood up, intimidating both you and Kyra slightly.
“You’re acting like bloody six year olds. Last time I checked neither of you own apartments, neither of you have earned that kind of responsibility. So you are going to suck it up, your going home with a trusted adult and if you even try to pull anymore of the shit you’ve been pulling for the last few months there will be calls to Sam and Minnie who I have no doubt will have a lot more to say. Am I clear?”
Kyra and you nodded deftly, the both of you taken aback by Kim’s sterness.
“Do we get gold star stickers?”
You rolled your eyes at Kyra’s question, her big doe eyes peaking out of your neck to look at Kim.
“You can have whatever fucking stickers you like, I doubt they’ll be any need for them any time soon considering just how much trouble seems to find the two of you.”
You and Kyra played the pitiful act as you were led away by your respective caregivers, faux tears falling down your faces as Leah and Viv practically dragged you in the direction of their cars.
As soon as the car doors closed though and the babysitters were focusing their energy on the roads though, the two of you were already texting, plotting your next move in retaliation to the banishment that had the two of you grounded to Viv and Leah’s homes.
thinking of turning this into a series of kyra and t just being completely chaotic besties so lmk how we feel about that !
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magicfootballstuff · 1 year
First Day (alessia russo x reader)
Summary: In which Alessia joins Arsenal and you have to learn to navigate the new stage of your relationship at training.
“I can’t wait for you to meet everyone,” you gush, as Alessia signals and turns her Mercedes into the drive that leads to the Arsenal training centre at London Colney. “Not just the girls, but the staff too.”
“Well, I did meet some of them already,” Alessia points out. “When I first signed. The physios, some of the training staff. Even some of the girls, like I’ve played against most of them before.”
“Yeah, but now you get to play with them.”
Alessia pulls up to the barrier that blocks entry into the training ground and waits as the porter emerges from his cabin and approaches the driver’s side window. As she lowers the window, you lean across the console in the middle of the car and give him a little wave.
“Morning Harry!” you greet him with a cheery wave. “This is Alessia, by the way.”
Harry smiles at you in recognition when he spots you in the passenger seat, then turns his attention to Alessia.
“You must be the girlfriend,” he says. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too,” says Alessia.
“Have a good day, girls!” he says, as he returns to his cabin to raise the barrier so that Alessia can drive through.
“The girlfriend?” Alessia says, as she drives through the gate and enters the car park. “Seriously? Is it going to be like that all day?”
She’s not actually mad at you, but you can tell she’s possibly a little disheartened that her first interaction with an Arsenal staff member on her first day has gone like that.
“It’s just that I talked about you so much last season,” you try to reassure Alessia. “It’s probably just weird for them to finally put a face to the name.”
She pulls into an empty space under your direction - there aren’t allocated spaces for players but there’s a certain amount of unspoken carpark politics about who can park where - then switches off the engine. You’re practically humming with excitement in the passenger seat and can’t get out of the car quick enough, eager to show Alessia around her new home and introduce her to more of her new colleagues. 
As Alessia gets out of her side of the car, she looks a bit like a kid on the first day of school, eyes wide with a slight fear of the unknown and her teeth chewing at her lower lip.
“Nervous?” you ask, collecting both of your bags out of the back of the car before wandering around to her side.
“A little,” she admits with a nod. “It’s all brand new, isn’t it? But I’m sure I’ll settle in quickly.”
“Lucky you’ve got me to hold your hand,” you grin at her, doing exactly that and taking her hand in yours.
“Yeah, I am,” Alessia replies, her face cracking into a more relaxed smile, her eyes crinkling at the corners.
She’s so pretty that you forget where you are for a second, trapping her between your body and the side of her car as you lean in for a quick kiss.
A kiss that is interrupted before your lips can even meet by the obnoxious triple toot of a car horn.
“Oi oi!” Beth shouts through the open window of the newly arrived car, which Viv carefully pulls into the parking space next to Alessia’s. “The lovebirds are here already.”
You step back, putting a bit of space between yourself and Alessia as Beth gets out of Viv’s car, closely followed by Laura, who was in the back seat.
“Exactly what this team needs,” the Austrian says sarcastically. “Yet another couple.”
“She’s just kidding,” you reassure Alessia.
“She’s just salty that she’s still single,” Beth teases Laura, draping an arm around Laura’s shoulder and ruffling her hair affectionately. “We’ll find you someone soon, Laur, don’t worry. It’s good to see you again though, Lessi.”
“Yeah, you too,” Alessia agrees with a smile.
You follow Beth, Viv and Laura towards the training building, Alessia walking in step beside you.
When you get inside the building, you find a few more of your teammates, greeting the old ones with hugs and meeting a couple of the other new signings for the first time. Lotte’s there too, and Alessia greets one of her closest friends with a long embrace even though it’s been barely a week since they last saw each other at the end of the World Cup.
You’re almost bursting with pride as Alessia pulls away from Lotte and starts introducing herself to the rest of the team, watching your two worlds collide for the first time. It’s surreal to have Alessia here with you, to know that she’s going to be training and playing alongside you, sharing the same experiences and friends as you.
“Do you want me to give you a little tour?” you ask Alessia, once she’s finished having a bit of playful banter with Steph about the goal she scored in the World Cup semi final.
Alessia grimaces slightly, then says, “Sorry, I sort of promised Lotte she could show me around.”
“Oh,” you say, trying to mask the disappointment that washes over you. “Okay.”
You can’t have done a very good job at hiding your emotions, because Alessia reaches for your hand and reassures you, “It’s nothing against you. I just … if we’re attached at the hip all day then I worry people are just gonna know me as your girlfriend. And don’t get me wrong, I’m so proud of that, but I want them to get to know the real me too.”
“I get it,” you promise her with a nod. You nudge her away in the direction of Lotte, then say, “Go. I’ll see you later when we start training.”
You understand Alessia’s reasoning, even if you’re a little disappointed when she keeps her distance during training too.
She’s not ignoring you, far from it in fact, but she stands at the other end of the line to you for the dreaded bleep test, then always seems to end up in different groups for the training drills that follow.
You’re so happy to see her with a smile on her face, joking around with people who have been your teammates for the last couple of years, but the longer training goes on, the greater your urge is to just skip over to her and ask her how she’s getting on.
You manage to resist the temptation - only just - but you’re struck by yet another blow of disappointment when Alessia sits on a different table at lunch, leaving you to sit with Beth, Viv, and a couple of the Scandinavians, watching Alessia and her new friends from afar.
“What’s up?” Viv asks, nudging you out of your trance with her foot under the table.
“Nothing,” you answer quickly, turning your attention back to your lunch.
“Alessia’s making new friends,” Beth answers on your behalf, shooting you a knowing look. “She’s sad that she’s no longer Lessi’s favourite Gooner.”
“That’s not even a little bit true,” you protest. “I’m happy she’s settling in already.”
“But…?” Beth asks, prompting you for more with a raise of her eyebrows.
You let out a sigh, then admit, “But I had this idea in my head that I’d get to show her around and introduce her to everybody. That we’d get to train together and hang out all the time now that we play for the same team.”
You hear Alessia’s laugh from across the room and glance over to watch as she creases up at something that Steph says. 
“I’m glad she’s enjoying her first day, but I thought she’d be enjoying it with me, you know?” you explain.
Viv nods along thoughtfully, then says, “The thing is, if you spend all day at training together, then all evening at home together, you’re gonna get sick of each other pretty quickly.”
Beth nods along and adds, “Yeah, trust us on that one. And we’re both experts on dating a teammate. We know all the tricks to staying sane.”
“Apart from when we were out on the pitch, you’ve been glued to each other’s sides all day,” you point out.
“Yeah, and some days are like that,” Viv reasons with you. 
“Some days she can’t get enough of me,” Beth jokes.
“And other days I want to strangle her by lunchtime,” Viv counters, rolling her eyes at Beth. “The trick is to find the balance. It takes time, but you’ll both figure it out.”
“Yeah, it took us a while,” Beth agrees with a nod. “I’m a bit like you, I thought I wanted to spend all day with Viv when we first got together but I learned that she likes a bit more space.”
“Especially when she wants to make a TikTok,” Viv jokes. “But the main thing is that it’s healthy to want space from each other. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you.”
You feel eyes on you and when you look up, Alessia is looking straight at you. Your eyes meet across the room like you’re seeing each other for the first time and your breath catches in your throat, still not quite used to the sight of Alessia in the new black training kit with the Arsenal badge displayed proudly on her chest. It’s just the two of you for a moment, her blue eyes piercing into your soul from the other side of the room, then her face breaks open into a big smile that you know is because of you and not anything that’s been said by one of the girls on her table, before she turns away.
Your heart does a little flip in your chest and you glance back down at your food, trying to smother the smile that threatens to break across your own face.
Unfortunately for you, Beth and Viv seem to have witnessed the entire interaction. 
“Told you,” Viv says smugly. 
“Yeah, we’re always right,” Beth announces.
Viv pushes her chair back and gets to her feet, collecting her tray as she says, “And that’s my cue to take my own advice before Beth’s head gets so big that it’s taking up all my personal space. I’ll catch you later.”
You reflect on their words, feeling a little less weird about keeping your distance from Alessia for the rest of your day. Jonas holds an extended team meeting, first introducing the new signings (and so what if you clap a little more enthusiastically for Lessi than the others?) before he lays out his objectives for the season and starts talking about the Champions League qualifiers. 
And before you know it, it’s the end of Alessia’s first day at Arsenal. She waits for you outside the dressing room once you’ve collected your things, pushing herself off the wall opposite when she sees you leaving the room with Katie.
“Hey, you,” she says, falling into step alongside you as you make your way back out to the car. “Want me to cook dinner tonight?”
Alessia a far better cook than you, probably thanks to those Italian genes and her Nonna’s influence in the kitchen, so you’re never going to turn down her cooking.
“Ooh, yes please.”
“Let’s stop at Tesco on the way home then. I think we need a few bits.”
It’s so cute, so domestic, and you really could get used to this. Living together, working together, doing the weekly food shop together - all little things that you didn’t get the luxury of doing together when she lived in Manchester. You’re never going to take that for granted again.
Remembering the conversation with Beth and Viv over lunch, as you climb back into the passenger seat of Alessia’s Mercedes, you say, “I’m sorry if I was smothering you a bit this morning.”
“Don’t be silly,” Alessia tries to reassure you, as she starts the engine and checks over her shoulder for cars as she reverses out of the space. “I know you were just excited and wanting to help me settle in.”
“Beth and Viv talked some sense into me at lunch,” you tell her. “All about boundaries and personal space.”
“From those two?” Alessia asks, glancing across at you to arch an eyebrow as her mouth curls upwards into a smile. “They were making such hearteyes at each other across the gym earlier.”
“That’s what I said!” you agree excitably. “But they do have a point. As excited as I am to have you on the team with me, I know it’s not reasonable to expect us to spend all our time together. Nor is it healthy.”
“It doesn’t mean we won’t ever spend time together at training,” Alessia reminds you. “Just not all the time. We’ll figure it out.”
“Yeah, we will,” you nod.
Alessia follows the trail of cars slowly making their way out of the training facility and winds down her window at the gate.
“See you tomorrow!” she calls out of the window to Harry the porter.
He responds with a cheery wave and replies, “Good first day, Alessia?”
“Yeah, it was great, thanks.”
“I’m glad to hear it. Have a nice evening, girls.”
Alessia pulls through the gate and out onto the main road, then asks you, “You’ll be my partner in training tomorrow though, right?”
You can’t stop the grin from spreading across your cheeks.
“Just try and stop me.”
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 2 - Doctor
@jegulus-microfic July 2, Word count 1000
Regulus had always dreamed about being a doctor. His parents had mostly approved. They would have preferred he’d chosen to be a solicitor or an accountant, but they decided that doctor was also a respectable profession as long as he went into the correct area. Such as plastics, where all the money was. They had a friend who ran the plastics department at St Thomas’s in London and they arranged for him to train under him once Regulus finished medical school. 
But Regulus had other plans. He secretly sent out feelers to other hospitals and got offered a job in York. It was the one that he’d secretly hoped for. Sirius had moved up to York after he’d fled their family home. He’d gone to university there and fallen in love with the kindest man Regulus had ever met. Of course, his parents didn’t know that he knew any of this. 
He’d had all his correspondence sent to Sirius’s house and he’d go out on daily walks to phone his brother on a separate phone Sirius had sent him and paid for so they could talk without their parents finding out. 
Graduation day came. He was top of his class and a highly sought-after new doctor. He had his picture taken, said goodbye to his classmates and made a run for it. He left his parents complaining about the pitiful excuse for food that had been laid out for them and ran to Sirius’s waiting car. 
“Hey, Reggie!” Sirius’s smile was full of love and Regulus couldn’t help himself. He flung himself across the gear stick and hugged his brother as tightly as he could. “I’ve missed you too,” Sirius spoke quietly into his ear. 
They rushed back to his parent’s house and hurriedly carted the few boxes of his belongings down the three flights of stairs and out to Sirius’s car. Soon they were on the M1 and on their way north. 
He hadn’t just left his parents with no idea where he’d gone. He’d told them he had found another job and was sorry he left like he did, but he had no interest in learning how to pull back wrinkly old skin, so people could kid themselves that they looked younger than they were. He thanked them for everything they’d done for him and hoped that they would still want him in their lives. 
Remus was waiting for them at the front door. He flung his arms open and gave Regulus a firm, warm hug. 
“I’m so glad you made it, Reggie,” He said as he ruffled Regulus’s hair. They’d become good friends over the years since he and Sirius had met, even before they’d started dating. Sirius would drunk dial him and Regulus would spend most of the night chatting with Remus while Sirius did keg stands and made a show of himself. 
“Can we take you on a tour tomorrow? You can get to know the city before you start your first shift.” Sirius asked over dinner. Sirius had braved the locals to go to the chippy round the corner. It was excellent, the best fish and chips he’d ever had. 
Regulus went to sleep that night, finally feeling free for the first time in his life. He took Sirius up on his offer to see the small city. They ate breakfast and hopped on a bus into the city centre. Sirius took him to see the giant cathedral towering over the other buildings. Then through the Shambles, an ancient medieval street. The narrow street was jam-packed with shops and shoppers. The top levels of the buildings overhanging the street below. They took a walk along the bar walls that wrapped around the entire city, protecting it from enemy armies. Sirius took him on a river cruise down the Ouse and then into the Dungeons to learn about Dick Turpin. 
“Stand and deliver, your money or your life!” Sirius had yelled at him as he jabbed him in the back with a fake sword he’d gotten from the gift shop. 
“Turpin would have used pistols, not a sword,” Regulus pointed out. Sirius shrugged and poked him again. They walked down by the river to get home. His feet hurt but it had been worth it. The city was beautiful and he’d spent more time with his brother than he had for years. Tomorrow he’d start at the hospital and he needed to be wide awake to be on his game. 
Sirius dropped him off at the door, kissed his cheek and handed him a packed lunch. 
“Look at our boy Remus, all grown up and off to be a doctor.” Sirius pretended to wipe a tear from his eyes. 
“There, there dear. He’s a big boy now, we have to let him go,” Remus made his voice deep but struggled by the end, as he couldn’t help laughing. 
“Yeah, yeah, love you too. C'ya later.” He blew them a kiss anyway and walked through the doors. 
The resident in charge of them was the most handsome man Regulus had ever seen. He had to take a few deep breaths to calm his speeding heart. He felt suddenly very warm and could feel himself beginning to sweat. 
“Dr Black?” Dr James Potter looked up from his list. “You wouldn’t happen to be related to Sirius Black would you?” 
“Yes, he’s my brother, Dr Potter,” Regulus replied in as even a voice as he could. 
“He’s one of my best friends, I’ll be sure to let him know how you’re getting on,” Dr Potter winked at him. Regulus felt lightheaded. Oh, great, now he not only fancied his mentor but the guy just happened to be Sirius’s friend. He should have known better than to move in with his brother. Well, he was going to prove he deserved to be here. 
Dr Potter looked at him, his eyes glimmering with something.
“Well, this is going to be fun,” James grinned widely before they began the morning rounds. 
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A Love Match
Note: this fic is a bit of a birthday present to my dearest @neonhairspray. Thank you for helping me with further inspiration for this fic during our unhinged convos. I wrote this because of our conversations and want to dedicate it to you, so I hope you like it and you may notice I added some stuff for you in here!
extra note: again, we're talking FOOTBALL football, not American football ;) I edited this while watching a match, any mistakes left will be corrected over time.
Warnings: 18+! fluff/smut/mainly just very suggestive.
pairing: FootballPlayer!Sihtric x Maid!Reader (f)
summary: You accidentally fell in love with a famous football player. 
wordcount: 8,3k
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You were never into football. It was a sport you just never cared for, because what was the bloody point of watching people run after a ball for an hour and half? It bored you greatly and, beside all that, you believed that football players were ridiculously overpaid for the bare minimum they did of playing a match every few weeks, and most of them were overly dramatic on the field too. You also thought that most footballers weren't that smart either, but in truth, what did you know? Not much, because you just weren't impressed with the whole football world. Therefore you also weren't phased when you got to work for Sihtric Kjartansson, a talented football player and a huge name in the business. You had vaguely heard of him before but you didn't care about his profession, you were only interested in the paycheck that came with being his maid, which was a royal one.
A quick google search would tell anyone that Sihtric had started out playing for the local Dunholm team as a young boy, but he outgrew the club quickly and eventually travelled all over the world to play football. He stuck around in Denmark for years, but he recently moved back to England after purchasing a massive mansion in the fanciest part of London, as he transferred back to England and was also selected to play for England's national team as the World Cup was approaching. He was one of the most interesting centre-forward players right now, and the insane amount of money he was paid to transfer back to England was sickening.
Despite your lack of interest in this job, you couldn't deny that the famous footballer was handsome. Incredibly handsome, actually. His long dark hair was always braided during a match, but tied into a nonchalant bun during training, and his well kept facial hair was always on point, highlighting his sharp and godly facial features. And the glimpses you had caught of his body weren't a punishment either, his football shirt hugging his biceps tightly while his football grip socks accentuated his calf muscles, and his thighs looked more than firm enough to make you feel good when grinding those alone. 
Sihtric had the looks but he clearly wasn't the brightest at times as you became aware he was often impulsive and reckless on the field, staining his kits with his own blood after he had injured himself in various ways, by colliding into others or by simply tripping over the ball in the heat of the moment, which only seemed to confirm your thoughts about football players not being very bright.
However, you weren't completely right about everything you always suspected about footballers, because you found out the first few weeks of your new job that Sihtric wasn't doing just the bare minimum. On the contrary, as he worked hard and was incredibly focused on his career, you were actually shocked by the amount of training he did. And you were also shocked by the amount of football kits you had to wash for him every week, with the smell of his football socks after every training and friendly match being almost lethal. But doing his laundry was a part of your job, just like keeping his entire house clean and getting groceries for him, to make sure his fridge was always stacked with the nutritious foods he needed to stay in the perfect shape he was in.
Because he had such a busy schedule you had only seen him a handful of times in passing, so you didn't know much about him, but he seemed kind and generous. Every now and then he'd leave a thank you note on the kitchen counter for you, a small way of showing his appreciation for all the work you did for him so he could dedicate every waking second to football. And it became evident one morning that despite the fact you were working for Sihtric for a few months already, you both weren't up to date with each other's schedule. You thought he was out training, as usual, thus you being the only person in his home, while Sihtric was apparently completely oblivious to the hours you worked, so he thought he was alone too.
And therefore Sihtric didn't think twice when he hopped out of the shower, not covering himself with anything except for his long black football socks because he hated the feeling of his bare feet touching the floor, and so he went downstairs to quench his thirst before getting fully dressed in his football kit and leave for training. You had been downstairs in the laundry room on the other side of his mansion, so you hadn't heard the water run while he took a shower and you also hadn't heard him come down the stairs as you were busy loading the laundry basket with his clean clothes for you to fold, which you always did in the kitchen you had cleaned prior to that.
And when you quietly made your way to the kitchen, laundry basket in hand, you froze upon the sudden sight of Sihtric standing in front of the refrigerator, his back turned to you as he drank some sparkling water straight out of a bottle while being completely naked, apart from a pair of socks. His long hair slicked back as it was still wet from his shower, and your jaw dropped as your eyes wandered over his muscular back, trailing over his broad shoulders and toned biceps, then down to his perfectly shaped waist. You then gaped at his muscular thighs and lowered your gaze down his long and toned legs, finding his socks highlighting the muscles they covered from view. And then your eyes went back up again, only to land on his firm and deliciously shaped buttocks, which were perfect, just like the rest of his body.
You gasped lightly and seemed to lose all control over your own muscles, dropping the laundry basket which landed with a dull thump on the tiles while you had to grab onto the cabinet right next to you as your knees weakened, all which in return startled Sihtric. He jumped in response to your sudden presence and turned around, completely exposing himself before he dropped the water bottle to cover up his goods with his tattooed hands, while the water oozed out of the bottle and soaked his socks slowly.
'Oh my god!' you yelled and averted your eyes as fast as you could, but not before you had already gotten a good look at his full frontal side, which wasn't any less impressive than his back, 'I'm so sorry!'
'No,' Sihtric said, panicked as he searched for something to cover himself with, 'I'm sorry,' his eyes darted all over the kitchen as he blushed, but that small kitchen towel he saw wouldn't even cover his thighs, and he knew it, 'I- I didn't know you were here.'
'I am always here,' you argued with flushed cheeks, still shocked as you knelt down to gather the laundry back in the basket, desperately trying to not look up again, 'I thought you weren't home!'
You realised Sihtric was still frantically looking for a way to cover himself with not just his hands, and you quickly threw him one of his clean football shorts. Sihtric hid behind the kitchen island and pulled up the shorts, while you feigned great interest in sorting out his clothes on that same kitchen island before folding them. Sihtric cleared his throat awkwardly before he cleaned up the mess he had made by dropping his drink, insisting he'd clean it up and not you, and he left the room without saying another word, leaving you to your work before he left for his.
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Sihtric messed up his entire training as he was stuck in his head about the embarrassing encounter he had with you earlier that day. He missed every shot to score and, as a centre-forward, it was not making him look good. Pyrlig, his coach, had tried to snap Sihtric out of the weird state he was in several times, but to no avail. The coach hoped it was just a temporary state of nerves before the Euro Cup started, but in truth it had nothing to do with football. 
Sihtric just couldn't forget about what had happened that morning, and not just because he was ashamed he had fully exposed himself like that to you. He wasn't ashamed of his body at all, but he did not want you to feel awkward around him because you had seen all of him without asking for it. But the main problem for Sihtric was actually the fact that this was the first time he had gotten a good look at you, as you had only met in quick passing before while he was always in a rush, and the reason why he had been so desperate to cover himself up was because he felt a certain… excitement. And he found himself thinking of you for the rest of the day while he had to awkwardly readjust his shorts a few times.
When he came home late in the afternoon after his training, he was surprised to see you were still around. He considered avoiding you but then took a deep breath and greeted you as you locked eyes in the living room in passing, after you had just vacuumed the place. Your shift was basically over and so you tidied up the last things before going home, but Sihtric came up to you before you could grab your coat.
'Hey, so,' he said as he looked away from you, looking everywhere but into your eyes, 'I'm really sorry about what happened this morning. I never wanted to, you know, just expose myself to you like that. I would have never walked around naked if I knew you were here. I'm sorry-' he rambled on and became inaudible while he nervously raked his hands through his loose hair.
'Sihtric,' you said with a shy chuckle, 'it's okay. I know it was an accident, don't worry about it.'
'Yeah, well,' he mumbled and shrugged, 'but, eh, I was wondering if maybe, you know, we could… we could maybe go for dinner or something. I have the evening off, so, I don't know,' he began to mumble too quietly again for you to understand him.
'Dinner?' you frowned, 'tonight?'
'What, like a… uh, a date or something?' you asked carefully.
'I guess you could call it that,' Sihtric said with a shy and cautious smile, 'I mean, we barely know each other while you're in my house every day and- oh, fuck,' he suddenly groaned and buried his face in his hands, 'fuck, I'm sorry. You're probably married or something-'
'No,' you interrupted, a little quicker than anticipated and you tried to keep your cool, 'I mean, no, I am single. I just, eh, I'm just surprised is all. But, yeah, sure,' you smiled, 'but I really want to go home and change my clothes.'
'Sure, no problem,' the footballer said while he fought a huge smile, 'just give me your address and I can pick you up later.'
You slightly panicked a few hours later when you had decided to take a look at Sihtric's social media. He had millions of followers on every platform he had, and you suddenly felt ridiculous for accepting to go out with him. You weren't looking for a fancy life, you liked the humble and good life which you had created for yourself and you had no interest in changing that or somehow becoming the centre of attention when you were seen with a famous football player by your side.
You sighed and checked yourself out in the mirror a few more times. You were dressed in a figure hugging dress and some comfortable but classy shoes underneath, with a matching purse in hand. You felt silly for being nervous. You didn't care about Sihtric's fame and money, but you lied when you tried to convince yourself that you also didn't care about his looks. Because you did. You were attracted to him and you hated yourself for it, because falling for a footballer when you don't care about the sport is such a cliché. And you hated yourself even more when your doorbell rang and your heart skipped a beat before you jumped up, because you knew it was Sihtric.
Your breath hitched in your throat when you opened the door. Sihtric was dressed in black jeans with matching Oxford shoes and black socks. He wore a tight fitting black long sleeve with a turtleneck, and on top a grey blazer that was tailored to him. The tattoo on the side of his head visible as his hair was tied back into a messy but sexy bun, and around his neck hung a bronze Mjölnir pendant, which matched with the several bronze rings around his tattooed fingers. He looked simply dashing.
And Sihtric was in his turn speechless as well, seeing you all dressed up but not overdoing it. Your natural beauty made his heart skip a few beats while his mismatched eyes darted all over your figure, and he checked out your bare legs a little longer than he should have, already imagining what it would be like to kiss those up while he had you at his mercy.
After you both managed to compose yourself and indulged in some small talk, he walked you to his fancy car; a ridiculously expensive black lamborghini. You were almost terrified to move as you sat in the vehicle, afraid you'd somehow damage the pristine condition of its dark interior. And as if Sihtric didn't quite daze you enough yet, his warm amber-like scent gave you a rush of butterflies and you couldn't stop staring at his hands as he drove the fast car so smoothly and with care, never being reckless or showing off the speed it could get to. 
But despite his calm nature, you felt like you could only breathe again once Sihtric opened the car door for you and helped you out, his warm hand holding yours as he closed the door behind you and walked you to the restaurant he had picked. The place was fancy and expensive, but luckily not over the top or making you feel underdressed, and when you sat down at the table and Sihtric finally found the courage to compliment your outfit, your nerves slowly began to disappear.
That night you learned that Sihtric was kind and funny, and he was not quite as dumb as you thought he was. He was actually very smart, his problem was just that he was impulsive on the football field which often made headlines and portrayed him as a good player but also as a hotheaded player, which was the ultimate combination to be a fan favourite. But you were glad to see nothing of that hotheadedness during your pleasant dinner, as he was nothing but sweet and gentle. 
You also felt Sihtric was flirting with you every now and then, for there was a mischievous spark in his piercing eyes when he gazed at you with his half smile as you spoke. You were enamoured by him, and you had no idea he was just as smitten with you. But then he had no idea about your interest in him either, as you both downplayed your emotions throughout the evening. And when Sihtric brought you home afterwards, he walked you to your door and departed with a firm hug and another apology for earlier that day. And you hated how you found yourself in bed later that night, scrolling through his tag on instagram to look at photos and videos of him until you dozed off.
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The following weeks after your sudden dinner date were surprisingly normal. Sihtric trained daily while you did your own job, and you smiled every time you arrived at his place and found he had written you an appreciative note for you before leaving the house. You rarely saw each other, which wasn't uncommon but you now thought was unfortunate because you wouldn't mind seeing him some more. And because you barely saw him, your next conversation with him a few weeks later came as a total surprise when you helped him pack his bags one evening, a few days before he was to travel to Germany for the World Cup. Sihtric looked stressed, and you asked him if he was okay, to which he nodded and then out of nowhere blurted out the question if you wanted to accompany him to Berlin.
'What?' you asked for a fifth time.
'There won't be much work to do here as I won't be home for weeks,' Sihtric shrugged while he leaned back against his ensuite bathroom door, completely dressed this time after a shower, 'and I also thought it's a way for me to thank you for taking care of my house and also for taking care of me in a way, I suppose.'
'Taking care of your place is my job, Sihtric,' you chuckled, still not sure of how to respond to his invitation.
'I know,' he shrugged, 'but still, you know? I'd like it if you would accompany me, but it's okay if you don't want to.'
'I'm just not sure of what I'm supposed to do there, I'm really not into football, I hate it,' you confessed, revealing your zero interest in his line of work.
'Oh,' Sihtric said with a grimace, slightly offended, 'I… I didn't know that.'
'No offence to you,' you blushed, feeling stupid for being so blunt.
'It's okay,' he smiled and brushed his hand through his loose hair while he looked at you, 'but, yeah, if you'd join me you would be able to see all the games, if you'd want to, and also do some sightseeing in the city.'
'Well, I have some days off too.'
'But not many.'
Sihtric had no response to that as he knew you were right. You had already figured out how busy his regular training schedule was, and you couldn't even imagine his schedule during the World Cup. You noticed Sihtric's hopeful look after inviting you slowly began to turn into a saddened one, and it broke your heart. You had no idea that he invited you because he just couldn't stop thinking about you after that dinner, but also because he had felt at ease with you that evening, and that was a feeling he hadn't felt in forever. 
His team mates would all bring their partner on this trip, if they had one, and Sihtric knew how lonely it could be at night and during his days off, as his friends all went to spend time with their loved ones while he had no one to keep his mind from spiralling. He knew that the quiet evenings after a match always became deafening to him, as he'd keep replaying every mistake he made in his head. It made him a wreck, and he thought that maybe you would be able to keep him from feeling low.
'I mean… I'm not saying no,' you said as you looked at him, 'but I also don't want to be stuck in a boring hotel room on my own all the time.'
'But I'll be with you every night and every morning,' Sihtric said, and then made a disapproving face at his own words, 'that sounded weird. But you know what I mean, right?'
'I do,' you sighed softly, 'I think I'm just afraid I'll feel out of place. I'm just your maid and not even into football.'
'I know. But just think about it,' Sihtric said with a sweet smile, trying to keep his hope alive.
You smiled and rolled your eyes, because he clearly knew the effect his smile had on anyone, and he then winked before taking off his shirt as he planned on going to bed. And you couldn't help but take another look at his perfectly polished torso again before you left his room and went home.
You pondered about his offer and, after your friends had encouraged you to take this chance and see something of the world too, you decided to accept the once in a lifetime opportunity. Sihtric was ecstatic but played it cool on the outside, and he immediately made all the arrangements for you to be his companion during the most important trip of his life. You packed your bags with disbelief one day before the trip, and it only hit you once you sat in the plane with Sihtric's team and their partners that you realised what life you had just stepped into.
You felt out of place, as expected, as you weren't dating Sihtric or even really considered yourself friends with him, he was your boss in a way and you knew that everyone present knew that too. It made you a little embarrassed, but regardless of everyone being aware of who you were, you felt moved by how welcoming his friends were and no one ever asked any questions about your relationship with Sihtric. He had invited you because he wanted to have you around, and that was the only thing that mattered. You grew fond of Osferth, the goalkeeper, who was surprisingly still single and rather shy, and you also got along with Finan and Uhtred, who were both centre-midfield players, and their wives were a joy to chat to during the flight from London to Berlin. Sihtric's teammates and friends gave you some more insight about him, from stories that praised him to his most embarrassing moments, and you loved to hear every word while Sihtric occasionally glanced at you with a light blush on his cheeks as he had to endure the stories about his life.
You always smiled at him in return, and you thought about how good he looked again as he sat across from you in the private plane, dressed in black sweatpants with England's national team logo on it, combined with a matching hoodie. His hair was tied back again, but you knew his locks would be braided before his first match only a few days later. 
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Once you landed in Berlin you automatically stayed close by Sihtric's side, as you were overwhelmed with all the new impressions of being in a different country you had never been to before, and by the fancy lifestyle that came with travelling with a team. It seemed that Sihtric sensed your anxiety at the airport and he instinctively took your hand, reassuring you that he wasn't just going to wander off and leave you on your own. 
You were brought to the hotel and you couldn't believe your eyes when you arrived at the place, it was so fancy and so expensive, everything felt surreal and you had to remind yourself to enjoy it. The hotel room you were staying at with Sihtric was huge and incredibly tidy. There was a huge bed in front of the enormous window, which overlooked the entire capital city, and in the middle of the suite was a jacuzzi. There was also a huge tv, a fancy sofa, a dining area and a luxurious bathroom. The place was unlike anything you had ever seen before, and you were simply speechless.
You took it easy during the first day while Sihtric had some interviews scheduled, and you'd meet up later to have dinner and spend the rest of the evening together, as he had promised. Sihtric was sweet to check in with you whenever he had a moment, texting you if you needed anything and if you were okay. The entire day was quite overwhelming and you decided to go to bed rather early after dinner, and Sihtric said he would join you as he had another busy day tomorrow. And it was then that he realised there was only one bed. He didn't want to overstep any boundaries, so he insisted on sleeping on the sofa while you took the huge bed, which you did without arguing, even though you had no problem with sharing a bed if he had asked.
The following days were more or less the same. Sihtric was busy during the day so you just relaxed in the hotel while he often checked up on you, and in the evening you dined together and talked about your day. Sihtric really did his best to make your stay comfortable, and he truly spoiled you whenever he could by bringing you delicious local snacks and little presents such as flowers and an occasional small stuffed animal. You weren't sure what you were to him, but you couldn't deny that you loved how important and cared for Sihtric made you feel, despite being one of the busiest men on the planet right now. And you never got the feeling that you had to give him anything in return, as there was still a comfortable distance between you two that Sihtric also allowed to be there, by continuing to sleep on the couch and not making any advances, even if he was longing for you.
But that comfortable distance changed suddenly after you both decided to get into the jacuzzi after dinner one evening. And despite the fact you were both in swimwear, there was a clear shift in energy that night. It was the night before England's first match, and you noticed that Sihtric wasn't as lively as usual and he seemed to be brooding.
'Are you okay?' you asked after a long silence while Sihtric stared out of the window, sitting back in the warm water across from you.
'Hm?' he seemed to snap out of his distant gaze and looked at you, 'yeah, I'm fine,' he said with a forced smile.
'Are you sure?'
You couldn't help but admire his beauty as he looked out the window again. The jacuzzi was lit up with a pleasant purple colour as the water bubbled gently, while the rest of the room was dimly lit, the lights highlighting Sihtric's sharp features and his impressive body. His hair had been braided earlier that day, and it was a look that had taken your breath away instantly. You stared at Sihtric, waiting for another response from him, but it seemed he hadn't heard you.
'Sihtric?' you carefully asked for his attention again, 'are you sure you're okay? You're so… quiet.'
'Just nervous,' he eventually murmured and looked at you, 'I guess I'm just nervous.'
'Well, that's understandable.'
'No,' Sihtric shook his head, 'I'm never nervous before a match. I don't understand it.'
'But it's an important moment in your career,' you reminded him as you mindlessly moved closer, 'I think it would be strange if you weren't nervous.'
'Maybe,' he said, almost sadly, and he looked down into the water, his shoulder faintly touching yours, 'I guess I'm just afraid I'm going to fuck it up.'
'You won't,' you said and took his hand underwater, 'you shouldn't think like that.'
Sihtric hummed softly and shrugged, then sighed and allowed his head to fall back, clearly stressed while his eyes were shut and his neck tattoo completely exposed to you.
'Hey,' you whispered and took his face, 'you'll be great, Sihtric,' you smiled as he looked at you again, 'I know you'll give it your all. Everyone knows you will give it your all. Don't doubt yourself. You were selected for a reason.'
'I guess,' he mumbled and lightly trailed his fingers over your arms.
And then without thinking you wrapped your arms around him and he immediately did the same, locking into a sudden and tight embrace while being completely silent, the only sound heard being the comforting buzzing of the jacuzzi. You held each other for minutes, your face buried in his neck while he rested his chin upon your shoulder.
'Thank you,' he whispered after a while as he still held you.
'For what?' you chuckled and pulled away to look at him.
'Consoling me,' Sihtric smiled faintly and looked away again, 'I never had anyone around who did that before other important matches.'
'Well,' you smiled and took his face again, 'I'm here now.'
Sihtric chuckled and couldn't help but gaze at you, now that you were so close to him in such an intimate setting, and he then suddenly leaned in to kiss your lips. You froze for a moment before he broke the kiss abruptly, and you stared at each other with big eyes while both being breathless.
You then pulled him closer and kissed him in return, to which he wrapped his strong arms around you again and kissed you back eagerly. Gently at first, but the kiss deepened quickly and before you knew it you straddled his lap while his tongue was in your mouth and his hands grabbed you wherever he could. You moaned against his lips while his ragged breaths filled your lungs, and he hooked his arms under your knees to pick you up effortlessly and carry you out of the warm water, towards the sofa.
'No,' you giggled as Sihtric sat down with you in his lap, both soaking the entire sofa with your wet clothing, 'we'll ruin the sofa like this.'
'I don't care,' Sihtric hummed and kissed you again, 'I'll pay for it,' he murmured and then softly bit your lower lip before kissing you deeply again, his hands in your hair while you felt his arousal press up against your clothed folds.
He grabbed your hips, guiding you to grind down on him while you made out passionately, and it didn't take long before you both became a desperately moaning mess for each other, wanting more.
'No,' Sihtric suddenly breathed against your lips before he kissed you again and again, 'no, no,' he murmured, which confused you.
'What?' you pulled away, thinking you were doing something he did not want, but Sihtric was quick to pull your lips back onto his again.
'I can't be doing this,' he whispered out of breath in between kisses, 'I can't,' he moaned heavily when he pushed you to grind down on him once again, torturing himself as he wanted you so desperately but couldn't allow himself to have you just yet. 'I can't have sex before a game day,' he sighed and dropped his head, leaning his forehead onto your shoulder, 'I'm sorry.'
'Oh,' you gasped softly, 'I… it's okay. I didn't know that, I'm sorry too.'
'Don't be,' Sihtric whispered, 'it's my fault. I shouldn't have allowed myself to kiss you like that.'
He shook his head, saddened, and you moved to sit next to him. You both stared out of the massive window, overlooking Berlin at night time while you tried to get a grip on yourself again. A few minutes later you excused yourself to the bathroom, getting out of your swimwear and slipping into some comfy sleeping clothes before you snuck into the large bed. Sihtric changed his clothes not much later and you enjoyed the sight of him walking out of the bathroom in just his tight fitting boxers, the thin fabric hugging his perfectly shaped booty of which you couldn't keep your eyes off, and they only got pulled away from his backside when you realised he was putting towels on the sofa so he could sleep on it.
'What are you doing?' you asked as you sat up in bed.
'I have to go to sleep,' Sihtric chuckled a little confused, 'it'll be a long day tomorrow-'
'I know,' you interrupted, 'that's why I don't want you to sleep on the sofa. Take the bed,' you said as you attempted to move out, 'I'll take the-'
'No,' Sihtric said sternly, 'I won't let you sleep on the sofa.'
'And I won't let you sleep on the sofa either,' you said with your hands on your hips, showing him you were serious too, 'you need a good rest before tomorrow. I insist you are taking the bed.'
'And I insist you are not taking the sofa.'
'I don't mind sharing the bed, Sihtric,' you rolled your eyes, 'I never had a problem with that, you just went for the sofa so I figured it was a gentleman's gesture. But if you wanted to sleep in the bed too, I wouldn't have refused. We're both adults,' you scoffed and got back under the sheets again, 'so get that nice ass of yours in bed.'
'Nice ass?' Sihtric mumbled as he grabbed his pillows and joined you in bed, 'you think I have a nice ass?' he asked after a while as you laid in the dark.
'Sihtric,' you sighed, 'the entire world thinks you have a nice ass.'
Sihtric laughed softly at that and moved to lay on his side, facing you as the moon faintly illuminated your face, and he gently cupped your cheek in the darkened room.
'I'm sorry that I kissed you,' he whispered, 'I should've known better, but I couldn't help myself. I just can't be intimate before a match, even if I wanted to. I'm sorry I didn't tell you.'
'It's okay. I feel bad too… I guess it was just a mistake.'
'No,' Sihtric said softly, 'it was not a mistake. The timing is just not right, but it was no mistake on my end.'
'Oh,' you breathed as you mindlessly moved your hand up the side of his body and to his neck.
'Maybe,' Sihtric began, 'we could, you know… just kiss a little?'
'Just a little,' you chuckled shyly.
'Only a little,' he whispered, and you heard the smile in his soft voice before he planted his lips onto yours again. 
You kissed with a little more self control this time, until you felt his hand move down to your thigh, and he suddenly trailed his fingers across your panties, to which you broke the kiss.
'What are you doing?'
'You… you don't want me to?' he whispered.
'No, I mean, I do, but… I don't understand,' you said with a soft chuckle.
'Just because I can't have pleasure doesn't mean I can't give you any.'
You smiled and kissed him again, you weren't saying no to that and you allowed his hand to explore your skin further and let him pull down your underwear. You felt his warm fingertips slide teasingly over your wet folds, and you gasped mid-kiss when he slid two digits inside you with ease. He kissed you again, loving the way you moaned against his lips while he pleased you with his hands and felt your walls clench around his fingers.
'Making such pretty sounds for me,' he hummed softly, 'but I'm sure you can sound even prettier for me,' he whispered and pulled away from you, only to disappear under the warm sheets.
You felt his hands grab your ankles, and then your legs were suddenly resting upon his back while you felt his mouth leaving wet kisses on your thighs before you felt his hot breath against your sweet spot. You gasped loudly when he gently kissed your pussy, before he delved his tongue between your folds while he held your hips tightly, and you accidentally scratched up his back and neck in pleasure as you couldn't grab onto his hair, because you could not ruin the footballer's braids the night before an important match.
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The next morning you woke up with Sihtric's arms around you, moments before his alarm blared as it was time for him to wake up. It was way too early for you to get up yet, so you turned around in bed a few more times while Sihtric was going for his morning jog. You met him a few hours later for breakfast and he told you what his day would look like. He also invited you to watch the game in the stadium, but you still didn't feel quite comfortable enough to go there, so you declined and said you'd watch it in your room, which he completely understood. You were both a little unsure where you and him stood now after last night's adventure, and neither of you dared to kiss each other again, so you just gave him a few encouraging words instead and a firm hug before he left.
You hated how nervous you were for him. And you hated football, so how could you possibly care about it now? But you cared about Sihtric though, and you wanted him to win. So with a nauseating feeling you paced around the room until the match started early in the evening. You bit your nails off while watching, and you actually stopped breathing for a second when there was a close up of Sihtric on your tv screen where you noticed a red mark in his neck; a scratch which you had left on him the night before as he had gone down on you until you had moaned his name over and over again.
You blushed at the memory and couldn't help but smile every time you saw Sihtric on screen, looking so good with his braided hair and that black and white football kit on. You cheered embarrassingly loudly when Sihtric scored the first goal of the evening, just before the second half, and you held your breath when he was suddenly down on the field after he had taken a tumble. A player from the opposite team had deliberately pushed him over while trying to take the ball, and you watched the guy receive a yellow card for his vile actions. You felt relieved when Sihtric got up again and was able to continue the game, but it was nerve wracking regardless. Sihtric eventually received a yellow card himself after he tackled someone, and if looks could kill, Sihtric would've killed that referee right on the spot. Sihtric made many more attempts to score another goal in the second half, but the opposing team was too strong to let the ball pass, yet too weak to make a goal of their own. And so the game concluded with England's first win, and you jumped up on the sofa as you cheered.
You didn't understand why you were so happy about that damn game, but when Sihtric returned to the hotel room a few hours later he was more than thrilled to have you run up to him and jump into his arms.
'Congratulations,' you smiled down at him as he held you, leaning your forehead against his, 'I told you you'd do great.'
'Thank you,' he smiled shyly while looking up at you, desperately wanting to kiss you but not being entirely sure if he should or could, so instead he just walked you over to the sofa and sat you down.
Sihtric had already showered and changed into his comfortable sweatpants and hoodie before leaving the stadium, and despite the fact he looked tired from the match, he still looked as handsome as ever and you couldn't keep your eyes off him. Luckily for you, he couldn't tear his own eyes away from you either while you discussed the game until the early hours. Again you shared the bed with him, quietly laying next to each other with the lights still on until you both couldn't contain your desire for each other anymore, and your lips crashed together into a passionate kiss, just like the night before. But this time Sihtric had no reason to hold back, no matter how tired he was, and he kissed you deeply. You felt his hands all over your body as he undressed you before he moved up from the bed and took your hands, pulling you up towards him as he stood next to the bed. He took off his sweater and took your hands again, sliding them up his perfect body so you felt every single muscle underneath your palms, almost making you forget how to breathe.
You then curled your fingers around the elastic band of his sweatpants and you slid them down, revealing his trapped arousal as it was desperate to be freed from his tight boxers, but first you cupped his big and hard cock, teasing him while you pulled him in by his necklace to kiss his lips. Sihtric took your face, his hands trembling from all of the adrenaline in his body after winning the game and having been desperate to fuck you stupid for days already. He groaned while you taunted him with your hands, and he pushed you down on the bed before taking off his underwear and sneaking under the covers with you. You made out again, and it was as desperate as it was passionate, and you dishevelled his braids with your fingers while you got lost in each other's touch before you finally experienced the bliss of feeling him deep inside you.
You made love for hours, Sihtric desperately fighting his urge to make you both finish quickly, as he wanted to savour the feeling of being inside you and being intimate with someone who genuinely cared about him. And when you both finally came, just when dawn arrived, you fell asleep in each other's arms and slept almost through the entire day.
You woke up late in the afternoon and ordered some room service, not wanting to spend your day being around other people, just each other. You made out whenever you could in your hotel room; while taking a shower together, while watching some tv and even while trying to get dressed once the sun had set so you could explore Berlin at night together, as Sihtric had another day off tomorrow. 
You explored the darkened streets hand in hand, stopping every few steps to kiss each other's lips or nuzzle each other's noses, like a teenage couple disgustingly in love, which made your sightseeing trip last ridiculously long. You kissed underneath the Brandenburger Tor and at the East Side Gallery, as well as in front of the Berlin cathedral and at the museum island, where you even snapped a few cute selfies together for private use only.
'I think I'm falling for you,' you smiled against his lips, while being surrounded by the impressive museum buildings at night.
'I already fell for you,' Sihtric smiled and kissed you softly, 'and I've been down here for a while already, waiting for you. And I'll catch you, don't worry,' he whispered, his lips brushing faintly against yours.
His words reassured you, no matter how crazy this entire trip had been so far. And once back in the hotel again, long after midnight, you once again had passionate sex for a good hour, and you fell asleep all cuddled up.
The next day it seemed that life started to go back to normal again, whatever normal was at that point. Sihtric had training to attend to and a bunch of press to do with his team, while you allowed yourself to be lazy in the jacuzzi until it was time to grab dinner with the handsome footballer in the evening. Everything seemed perfect, and Sihtric gradually became affectionate in public with you, which you enjoyed more than you thought. But his mood changed again upon entering the hotel room after dinner, as he had another match again tomorrow.
Sihtric seemed to shut down again while you laid in bed, and you took him in your arms without saying a single word because you already knew he felt stressed, as all eyes would be on him again tomorrow. It was only when you saw the tears in his eyes that you became worried, but Sihtric said he was fine and that those tears weren't tears of sadness. He reassured you he was okay, and he kissed you lovingly before saying good night and switching off the lights.
Sihtric held you tightly in the dark as he wanted to tell you how he felt, but he couldn't find the right words. All he knew was that he felt complete, for once in his life, because he was now experiencing something he never had before yet always longed for; someone waiting for him to celebrate a win with, someone to console him after a loss, and someone to encourage him when he felt uncertain about himself. He finally had someone to come back to and feel safe and loved with after the whirlwind of a match day, someone who made him forget about his worries and allowed him to relax again. But most importantly, he finally had someone who made him happy, and it was overwhelming to him.
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The second match was just as stressful as the first one had been for you, but you watched it regardless in your hotel room and were screaming your lungs out when England won the game again. The following weeks continued to go as the previous one. You and Sihtric grew closer together while keeping your relationship private as much as possible, and you encouraged him before every match day. England continued to be undefeated and eventually found their place at the World Cup final. Sihtric was more stressed than ever but having you by his side soothed him, and he kept saying you were his lucky charm.
You decided to watch the final match in the stadium, with the other wives and girlfriends, and Sihtric was over the moon when he walked out on the field and saw you there, wearing one of his own football shirts with his name and number on it. He blew you a kiss before the game started, and you almost scared yourself with how passionate you had gotten about the sport. You loved the feeling you got when Sihtric scored a goal, causing the entire crowd of England supporters to go mental. Your seat vibrated each time the crowd celebrated, as thousands of fans jumped up and down while cheering on the man you had fallen in love with, and you also became more vocal during the match too, shouting and cheering along with everyone else. And when the whistle sounded after ninety minutes, signalling that the match was over and England had won with an amazing 4 - 0, you screamed just as loud as every other England supporter in the stadium while you watched Sihtric run around the field with his hands up, celebrating their victory with his team and their coach.
Uhtred and Finan were fast to depart their team and ran to the side of the field where you were at, as their partners were seated next to you, and the girls jumped down to celebrate with their man while a low fence separated them. You smiled as you watched them and then you suddenly saw Sihtric run over to your side too. His eyes were locked with yours while he closed in on the fence, and he gestured you to come down too, which you did. You shyly approached him, but he made you forget about everyone around you when he pulled you in his arms, as far as the fence would allow it, and then placed his hand on the back of your neck to pull you in for a steamy kiss. You were too shocked to pull away, but at this point you could also care less about who saw it, because you were in love with him and you didn't want to hide it anymore. And clearly, neither did Sihtric.
You left the stadium before the team did, and Sihtric rushed back to the hotel as fast as he could, after having showered and changed outfits at the stadium and giving some interviews. Sihtric jogged up to the elevator and impatiently pressed for the doors to close and take him up to the right floor. His shoulders collided with the elevator doors as they opened and he made haste to get out, and he chuckled to himself while he grabbed the key out of his pocket, wasting no time to enter the room he knew you were in. And he was pleasantly surprised to find you waiting for him, sitting on the bed while wearing nothing but his football shirt. He gave you a sly smile and kicked the door shut behind him, then stalked over to you while taking off his shirt and pulling out his hair tie, letting his long, wavy and damp hair fall down before he climbed in bed and pinned you down.
'Congratulations,' you whispered as you looked up at him, your hands trailing over his chest, 'I'm proud of you, baby.'
'I couldn't have done it without you, darling,' Sihtric whispered and smiled.
And he then kissed you with that same passion as he had done every other night, and he fucked you three more times before you had to take the flight back home to London the next day. He took you everywhere he could; on the sofa, on the bed, on the table, in the jacuzzi, on the floor and even on the balcony.
And on your plane trip back home, you sat cuddled up against him instead of across from him, as you had done the first day of your trip, and you couldn't imagine being without him anymore.
'Are you my girl now?' Sihtric asked, shortly before the plane landed.
'Do you want me to be?' you asked with a cheeky smile.
'Hm,' he hummed, 'no… I want you to be my wife, actually.'
'Okay,' you chuckled, 'but I'm also still your maid, right?'
'No, darling,' Sihtric smiled and took your face, 'if you're mine, I promise that you'll never have to work another day in your life again. I got you,' he whispered and kissed your lips, 'just like you had my back these past weeks.'
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woso-dreamzzz · 10 months
Hardersson x Teen!Reader
Summary: You can't hide anything from your mothers
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Your hood stayed up as you limped home. The stones on the pavement made your socked feet ache but you gritted your teeth and continued on.
You glanced down the street and hurried on. You couldn't spy either of your parents' cars parked so you slipped inside without a care in the world.
In your rush, you had completely forgotten that both of the cars were at the mechanics so both of your mums were definitely home - especially since their training had finished hours ago.
It was totally wishful thinking to believe that they would have stayed out for team bonding or something.
You almost groaned and slammed your head into the hallway wall when you heard the low hum of chatter from the tv and the sizzling of food in a pan.
"y/n?" Pernille called when she heard the front door shut," Is that you?"
"Er...yeah!" You chuckled awkwardly," I'm...I'm just taking off my shoes." You stared at your shoeless feet. You were silent for a moment, keeping up the charade before you made a break for the stairs.
You nearly got there too, nearly got to safety upstairs but then there was a hand on your backpack and you were slowed to a halt.
"You're home a bit late," Magda said, still holding onto your backpack.
"Yeah, I stayed behind to work in the library," You lied," I must have forgotten to text you."
Magda sighed. "Don't let it happen again."
"I won't."
She still didn't let go of your backpack.
"Ma," You said," I should go and put my stuff away."
You could hear her impatient foot tapping and your throat bobbed in worry.
Your mothers had adopted you nearly two years ago now, a girl that they had met while in Denmark during the offseason. They had bonded with you instantly and soon you had made the move with them to London.
So, you knew them both well enough to know when they were getting a little ticked off at you.
"You know the rules," Magda said," Hoods and hats off in my house."
You tugged your hood down but didn't turn around.
"Better," Magda said," But what about my hug? I don't want you escaping upstairs for the rest of the evening before my hug."
You cursed your past self for creating the routine of giving your Ma a hug when you got home from school. Hugging her now would require you to turn around. You just needed a moment to put on some concealer.
"I won't disappear. Let me just put my stuff away."
Before Magda could decide, Pernille spoke up. Her voice took a dangerously hard edge yet still softened enough to remain nice - like she was about to soothe a wild animal. "y/n...can you turn around for me?"
You tried to laugh it off. "I've had a long day. Let me just put my stuff in my room."
"y/n, I need you to turn around," Pernille insisted.
Tears sprung to your eyes.
"Please don't make me."
Gentle hands moved from your backpack to your shoulders and Magda turned you around.
Both she and Pernille looked horrified at what they saw.
You knew what they were looking at. Your left eye was bruised and swelled almost shut. The corner of your mouth had a dribble of blood rolling down it. Your nose was slightly off-centre.
Pernille made a keening noise that broke you instantly.
You burst into tears and buried yourself in her waiting arms. Magda joined you in the hug too, pressing her front against your back so you were sandwiched tightly between your mothers.
"I was just...I was just leaving, I promise, Mum. I promise. I didn't do anything but they jumped me." Tears flooded your cheeks and once you started speaking, you couldn't stop. "They took my shoes, Ma. They took my shoes."
You wiggled your toes.
Pernille guided you to the sofa, sitting on the ottoman in front of you. Her hands ghosted over your cheeks, not willing to touch you in case it hurt you further. "Who jumped you, y/n? Who hurt you?"
"Some people in my maths class," You blabbered," They don't really like me. They make fun of me having you and Ma and my accent and...and...and..."
"Shh, shh, it's okay, y/n. It's okay. We're going to make this all better. It's all going to be okay."
Your Ma was a few feet away, close enough that she could hover over you but far enough away that her anger couldn't scare you away. Magda got angry quiet, her rage simmering just below the surface. "Hello," She said into her phone," I need to speak to the headmaster. It's on behalf of my daughter...Yes...It's extremely important. Yes, I'll hold."
When she looked back at you, you were sat in Pernille's lap, looking a lot smaller and younger than you actually were. You were sobbing and she could see that Pernille looked halfway to tears away.
You looked pathetically young in your school uniform, your favourite hoodie tucked under your blazer and your socks having holes in them from when you walked from school to home without any shoes.
Magda paced the length of the room, her phone still pressed against her ear, on-hold music ringing through it.
Pernille whispered things into your ear, a hand coming up to brush through your hair. "Is your nose okay?"
"It's not broken," You replied. Your sobs had diminished to silence although tears still rolled down your face. You were content to sit there in your Mum's arms forever. "But it still hurts."
A hand was thrust into your view. "For your eye," Your Ma said as she helped to press the cold compress to your swollen eye," It'll help."
"All the doctor's will be closed by now," Mum said," Is it bad enough that you need to go to the hospital?"
"I don't need the doctor," You said," I just want my shoes back."
"We can get you new shoes, y/n/n."
That just caused more tears to drop down your face. "You can't. They were special. They were the shoes I wore to the adoption ceremony. Mum, they're special." You blew out a noisy breath. "And they took them from me."
Ma came to crouch in front of you, her phone still pressed to her ear. "What are their names? Tell me their names?"
You rattled them off without even stopping to think - first and last name and what form group they were in. Ma pressed a kiss to your temple before her eyes lit up with malice as she spoke into her phone.
"Yes, is this the headmaster? I would like to report-"
Her voice faded away as she headed to the kitchen and you curled up more incessantly into your Mum's side, wishing nothing more than to just merge with her very being so she could keep you safe and protected within her.
But you couldn't so you settled with getting as close as possible.
You remained tucked under her chin as she held the cold compress Ma had given you. Your eye and nose ached as did your jaw. You looked down at your toes. You wiggled them.
Ma appeared in front of you, taking a seat on the ottoman. She took your hands.
"Those little-" She said several words in Swedish that you didn't quite recognise but got the gist of," -Were still in the school, the little idiots. Your shoes have been recovered and those punks have been expelled - effective immediately."
"They're lucky we're not pressing charges," Pernille said through gritted teeth.
"I'll go and pick your shoes up tomorrow morning," Magda continued, taking your hands and laying kisses across your knuckles.
"I can get them, Ma," You said," Just tell them to leave them at reception."
"You're not going back, y/n," Pernille said from behind you," Not to that school. Not ever again."
You glanced between your parents in confusion. "When...You two didn't have time to discuss it with each other."
"We don't need to discuss anything when we're on the same page," Pernille replied," We talked about it when we adopted you, that if you ever came home from school injured then we'd pull you out immediately."
"There's a lovely online program we can sign you up for. No bullies, no one beating you up or making fun of you for having two mums or an accent. You can work at your own pace and you won't have anyone telling you to hurry up."
"Really?" Your voice sounded so pathetic in your own ears that you nearly started crying again.
"Really," Your Mum confirmed, pulling you tight against her," But not for another few weeks."
"We'll get you all sorted once you're feeling better."
Your Ma joined you on the sofa, curling up into your Mum's side and holding your hand, fingers rubbing soothing circles over your knuckles.
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queen-of-reptiles · 8 months
description: in which charli meets her future girlfriend in a coffee shop in london problem however - she’s bethany england’s cousin
charli grant x female reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction! Do not take any of this seriously.
warnings: language, cuteness
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y/n just posted
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liked by, y/f/n1, y/f/n2 and 609 others
y/n smiley :))
tagged bethanyengland4, daisy_c1 and 6 others
view all 200 comments
y/f/n1: vibe 😎
y/n: ikr 😏
y/f/n2: so many smiley faces
y/n: 🙂🙂🙂
y/f/n3: ☺️☺️
y/n: 😘😘
bethanyengland4: 💙💙
y/n: 💙💙
username1: omg who is this ?!?!??
y/f/n4: that night was a weird vibe tbf
y/f/n5: i blame y/n 🤷‍♀️
y/n: oi fucker
y/f/n6: you kiss your mother with that mouth 😏
y/n: no but i kiss yours 😏
mart.thomas: what fun!!
y/n: love you marta !!
username2: how does she know the spurs girls ?!
username3: 🧐🧐
y/f/n7: coffee, fashion, night out, wanna be aesthetic, bethany, TRAIN, daisy and the best band set up ever
daisy_c1: thanks for the info 😭
y/n: why did he just dissect my post lmao
daisy_c1: oi leave him alone - he can do whatever he wants 🖕
y/n: you wanna fight 🧐
daisy_c1: Y E S
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y/n hummed as she flipped another chair over, the morning sun slowly pushing through London, Bulls Cross road was just starting to get busy as people rushed toward the centre of London for work.
y/n flipped the sign at the door, smiling at Daisy the two workers letting out a joint sigh as they waited for the usual morning rush the coffee shop always had.
Since y/n could remember, her parents had wanted to own a coffee shop, and when y/n's father passed away when she was 18, her mum decided to do it.
The woman baked the best sweet treats and savoury paninis which people adored, she and her five kitchen staff worked out back - switching shifts and y/n with her rotated seven out front worked serving the customers.
y/n enjoyed the ability to bond with people over drinks, and the fact she and her mother mainly employed college/university kids who really enjoyed working and did so with a smile.
The bell echoed and the three shared a look before bursting into it, rushing and bustling as they worked swiftly for the next two hours, battling the morning rush, until the clock finally hit 9am.
"Oh my god!" Daisy groaned, the two slumping onto the counter in relief that the cafe was finally empty. The bell went once more and y/n sighed.
"Slacking on the job?" A voice asked, an amused tone shining through.
"Beth!" y/n grinned, rushing over to her cousin who scooped her up in a tight hug.
"Hey mini!" Bethany cheered. "Here for my morning dose of caffeine!" She adds and y/n nods as Daisy starts making Bethany's usual coffee order.
"How are you?" y/n asked her cousin as she moves back behind the counter.
"Good, we have a new signing starting today, so I'm excited." Bethany nods and y/n smiles.
"Yeah, Charlie Grant right? The Australian?" y/n asks and Bethany nods.
"You do pay attention, you do care!" Bethany says, grinning at the fact her cousin, who didn't really like football knew who their new signing was.
"Meh, a little bit." y/n laughs, holding up her pointer finger and her thumb to make a small space between them.
The two cousin's share a laugh before Daisy hands Bethany her coffe, the woman thanking her as Daisy shrugs it off, miming to y/n she was going to go outside for a minute and have a vape which y/n allows with a nod and a smile.
"I will see you tonight yeah, for dinner?" Bethany asks y/n who nods happily.
"Yeah of course." y/n smiles and Bethany grins, leaning over to press a kiss to her younger cousin's cheek.
"See you tonight! Love you." Bethany calls.
"Love you too!" y/n calls out, before the door shuts and the cafe is quiet once more.
Only twenty minutes after Bethany had got her coffee the door opened again and a blonde wondered in, eyes wide as she looked around at the menu, mouth every so often moving along with the words of the items on the menu.
Daisy had been sent to get some school work done in the staff area out the back, y/n telling her to come back just before quarter to eleven, which was when their lunch rush would start until 2 - Leonard would also be in by then and then once 3 hit Daisy would go home.
"Hiya, can I help?" y/n asked, a smile on her face as the girl looked at her and her cheeks reddened.
"Oh, hi. Um, what's good in here?" The woman asked and y/n smiled at her.
"Depends, what do you like the look of?" y/n asked, turning to look at the menu which was big enough to have some variety on but not stupidly big.
"I like the look of you." The girl said, seemingly without thinking and y/n's head snapped to her, the girl covered her mouth in embarrassment and y/n giggled.
"Thank you, however I am not on the menu." y/n laughed and the girl giggled slightly. "I'm y/n." She added, holding out her hand.
"Charli." The girl introduced, shaking y/n's hand.
"I'm guessing from the accent, you're not for around here?" y/n asks.
"No, I'm from the motherland of Australia." Charli smiles and y/n chuckles.
"Well Charli, welcome to London! Now what can I get for ya?" y/n asked.
Once Charlie had ordered her drink, y/n got on with making it quick and putting it in a to go cup. She then handed it to the woman opposite, ignoring the way their finger bushed as Charli took it.
"Can I get your number, maybe you could show me around London, y'know?" Charli asks and y/n smiles.
"Tell you what, come back tomorrow morning, and I'll give you my number." y/n nods and Charli grins brightly.
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow chick!" Charli before she leaves the cafe and y/n smiles.
"Wasn't that Bethany's new signing?" Daisy asks, y/n jumping in shock having not heard her appear in the back doorway.
"Maybe." y/n chuckled, Daisy rolling her eyes playfully. "What?" y/n asks. "She's really really hot." She adds and Daisy chuckles, grabbing a diet coke at the fridge and going back to studying.
daisy_c1 just posted on her story
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y/n just posted on their story
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y/n huffed as she pushed through the restaurant door, moving toward the loud noise of what she was sure were the Tottenham players.
She lid off her coat, her relaxed yet classy dress being on display as she moved toward the table, Becky being the first one to notice her and get up.
"y/n!" Becky cheered, pulling the girl in for a hug.
"Hi Becks!" y/n smiles hugging her as several of the team also raised to their feet. After doing her rounds and saying hi to everyone, y/n noticed Bethany and Charli walking back from the bar, clearly having ordered some non-alcoholic drinks for everyone.
"There she is!" Bethany cheers, moving over to y/n and pulling her in for a tight hug. y/n looked over Bethany's shoulder, winking cheekily at Charli who was watching her with wide shocked eyes.
"Hi Beth, you okay?" y/n asks pulling away, her cousin nodded as she dragged Charli over.
"Charli, this is my cousin and the best coffee maker in town, y/n." Bethany smiles.
"Hi." y/n smiles offering her hand.
"Hey." Charli nods, shaking her hand as Bethany pulls y/n down to sit, Charli the other side.
"I ordered you your usual?" Bethany asks her cousin and y/n nods thanking her with a kiss on your cheek. Bethany then gets into a conversation with Marta, so y/n turns to Charli.
"So, Bethany is your cousin?" Charli asks. "My captain?" She asks again and y/n chuckles.
"Still want my number?" y/n asks hopefully.
"You are really fit." Charli sighs and y/n chuckles, the two sharing a laugh. "I guess you'll just have to see if I come in tomorrow." Charli hums.
"You better." y/n warns and Charli just giggles, before the two turn to separate people to talk.
The next morning, y/n went through the rush and the watched the door impatiently, hoping to see a familiar blonde walk through the door.
At 9.05am y/n sighed and assumed Charli had gone straight to training so started making herself a hot chocolate, and one for one of the newbies that was currently studying out back.
"Can I get some service?" A voice asks and y/n jumps, turning to see Charli waiting with a cheeky grin. y/n furrows her brows wondering how she didn't here the bell of the door.
"You came." y/n said with a small smile.
"Well you see, there's a really good offer on the table of this beautiful chicks number." Charli sighs and y/n chuckles.
"Oh yeah, want me to go get her?" y/n asks and Charli nods.
"Would ya? She's stunning and may be related to the Tottenham women captain." Charli nods.
y/n chuckles before spinning on the spot and mockingly gasping at Charli, as if she didn't know she was there, at this Charli bursts into laughter.
"Charli, lovely to see you." y/n smiles and Charli smiles softly back.
"So..." Charli says, resting against the counter.
"You looking for this?" y/n asks, holding up a napkin with her number scrawled across.
"Yes I am indeed." Charli nods, leaning over and snatching it from y/n's hand before she could blink. The blonde had the number in her phone and ringing quickly.
y/n's phone vibrated on the side and Charli nodded, happy to know that the number was correct and y/n now had her number. y/n chuckled slightly as she grabbed her phone and added Charli as a contact.
"I have to go." Charli says softly. "But do you think we could meet up, outside of Spurs dinners and coffee shop counters?" Charli asks and y/n smiles softly, texting across her answer.
to charli: tomorrow here, 7pm.
Charlie looks up back at y/n, a bright smile on her face when she realises they are going on a date and she nods her head.
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." Charli nods before leaning over the counter and pecking y/n's cheek. "Bye!" Charli calls before rushing out.
y/n bit her lip, smiling softly before running a hand over her cheek, she then sighs and opens her phone quickly texting Bethany, who replies far quicker than expected.
to bethyyyy <3: if I asked to date one of your team-mates, what would you say? x
from bethyyyy <3: this abt Charli?
to bethyyyy <3: wtf - what the actual fuck - how did...
from bethyyyy <3: please a lesbian always knows
to bethyyyy <3: hahahahahahahah
from bethyyyy <3: go for it btw! xx
to bethyyyy <3: love you x
from bethyyyy<3: love you too xx
y/n smiled as she looked up from her phone, before grinning at the ceiling and fist bumping herself - all she had to do was take Charli to a good first date. And she had just the place.
charli_grant just posted on her story
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maryfowlerrr just followed y/n
caitlinfoord just followed y/n
elliecarpenterr just followed y/n
kyracooneyx just followed y/n
stephcatley just followed y/n
alannakennedy just followed y/n
100, 098 others just followed y/n
y/n just posted
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liked by daisy_c1, bethanyengland4 and 108, 287 others
tagged charli_grant, bethanyengland4 and 6 others
y/n umm hi everyone ?
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y/f/n1: soooooo many people omg 😶😶
y/n: 🫣🫣
y/f/n2: a lotta coffeee that day ! 😝
y/n: it was quite the day ! 😅
y/f/n2: 😂😂
username1: is it me or is she so pretty ?!! 😍😍
samanthakerr20: was great to meet you pookie !! I WILL BE RETURNING FOR YOUR MOTHERS CAKES 😍😍
y/n: 🥰😘
beckyspencer91: that night was so good ‘kiss me martinis’ yummm 😌😌
y/n: 💋💋
username2: so she’s bethany’s cousin?!?!
charli_grant: i need to STOP taking selfies on your phone ! 😭
y/n: no I like them !! ☺️
cailtlinfoord: ‘no i like them’ 😶
daisy_c1: omg those flowers 😍😍
y/n: you got them for me ?!!!!
daisy_c1: i know i just wanted to make sure everyone knew what a great bff i am ☺️
charli_grant: 🚨 DAISY IS A GREAT BEST FRIEND 🚨
y/n: 😂😂😂
bethanyengland4: love you little one!!
y/n: Love you tooo!!!!!
kyracooneyx: that last photo took Charli and I wayyyyy to long to do 😅
y/n: in the rain as well
charli_grant: NO Y/N WAIT YOU HAVE TO GET THE AESTHETIC ANGLE - kyra after making us stand in the rain for five minutes 🙄
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y/n chuckled as her phone continued to go off, neither her or Charli bothered as they continued to skate around the empty roller rink, everyone having gone home.
y/n held her hand out for Charli, the blonde grasping it as they rolled over the wood, singing along to the music as they did so, Charli pulled y/n slightly, arms wrapping around her waist as she pulled the girl into her chest.
y/n breathed in shock, arms wrapping around Charli's shoulders as the blonde skates them both, y/n not attempting to skate backwards, just letting Charli bring her along.
"I really enjoyed tonight." Charli whispered quietly, pushing a strand of hair away from y/n's eyes.
"Does that mean you want another one?" y/n asks hopefully, Charli smiling as she skates them toward the exit.
"I'd love to." Charli nods, as she holds y/n's hands, letting her get from the rink.
"Yeah?" y/n asks, smiling as Charli nods.
"Yeah." Charli smiles, the two taking their skates off and thanking the workers before sliding their trainers back on and walking back outside.
"Come on, there is one more thing to do." y/n smiles, dragging Charli toward her car where the two get in, turning the heat on to keep them warm as y/n drives to a spot just outside the woods, the Tottenham training centre the other side of them.
"Have you brought me here to kill me?" Charli asks as they get out, coats zipped up.
"Shut up." y/n laughs.
"No, cause I warn ya, I'm scrappy." Charli says and y/n laughs more.
"Oh shush." y/n hums climbing onto the roof of her Volvo. "Come on." She adds as she lays back, Charli joining her with a furrowed brow.
"What are ya doing chick?" Charli asks her.
"Lie down and look up Charl." y/n says, Charli doing as she was told, a gasp falling from her lips. "Out here, the light pollution isn't as bad, so you can actually see all the stars." y/n smiles at her.
"It's beautiful." Charli says, y/n humming in agreement as she watches the scene above her. "Thank you for tonight, it's been fantastic." Charli admits softly.
"I think the company's been the best thing." y/n says, turning her head to face Charli, the blonde doing the same.
"You know, I would agree." Charli smiles softly, her hand reaching out to find y/n's, the two linking their fingers as they turn back to the stars.
charli_grant just posted on her story
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okay there will deffo be a part two to this but once I have fought my way through requests!
Queenie! x
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