#Touhou music
touhoutunes · 2 months
Title: ばか (Idiot)
Arrangement: fratanity
Album: 憧憬の地
Circle: Atelier Atmos
Original: Tomboyish Girl in Love
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noctiilio · 11 months
SWEETEST SCARE A Gensokyo 199x Halloween Original: "The Centennial Festival for Magical Girls" + "U.N. Owen Was Her?" Source: Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil Happy halloween everyone this is the proof that outside of the mainline releases I can rearrange Touhou themes in that end of the last century goodness as many times as I want Also it was my birthday just a few days ago so this is like my little gift for you all and ESPECIALLY for little miss flandre herself who's been my best friend for exactly half of my current lifetime now Here's the Youtube version Here's the bandcamp link And here's the cover which I painstakingly painted like those semi realistic painted posters from the time period which my whole gimmick as a multimedia creator is to emulate
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vixic97 · 1 month
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ZUN style Sonic
Mostly based on MoF Aya because speed obviously
I also made a Green Hill Zone Touhou style arrangement
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pixelkip · 1 month
LETS GOOOO yet another WIP that may or may not go unfinished but i have confidence in this one i genuinely love how this sounds so far
what hyperfocusing on Dolls In Pseudo Paradise and coming up with an awesome idea for an animatic and remix of a song based on it for 2 weeks straight does to a mf
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joshconfirmed · 2 months
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Remilia Scarlet versus Flandre Scarlet! A battle of Touhou's iconic vampire sisters is sure to be brutal!
and accompanying this art piece is what it would sound like!
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crimium · 5 months
A ted talk on why Neo-Traditionalism of Japan is underrated
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The album announcement has put me in a hifuu mood which made me fall in love with NToJ. At first, I never really cared for the album. In fact, I used to think it was the worst one out of ZUN's Music Collection. But after listening to it thoroughly, I think this album rocks actually. And I'm gonna tell you why.
the remixes
The songs that ZUN chose to remaster for this album are great picks imho, i mean, Unkown X? Fate of Sixty Years??? The new versions of these tracks are all fantastic, because they update the instrumentation to sound more akin to that of TD and DDC, while not straying too far from the original versions, making for an awesome listening experience. The best remix in this album hands down is Let's Live in a Lovely Cemetery, which adds a nice blend of traditional Japanese instruments. I'd go as far to say it's an upgrade from the original from Ten Desires.
2. The originals
Now even though the remixes are great, that doesn't stop the original tracks from being just as fantastic. They al have this really calming, soothing vibe to them, that really makes the album nice to listen to when relaxing. The instrumentation is also fantastic, blending traditional instruments with electronic ones, perfectly fitting the "Neo-traditionalism" aspect of the album. All of the tracks were great, but there are two that really stuck with me. First, Izanagi Object. It starts mysterious and slowly builds it's way up to a relaxing but up-beat melody for the climax of the song. This one in particular leans more to the futuristic side of things. On the other hand, Led On By a Cow to Visit Zenoku Temple leans more to the traditional side of things, with a serene, almost nature-esque vibe. I also love how the Theme of Eastern Story leitmotif is handled here, it sort of starts off like a title theme, and ends up sounding like a stage theme towards the end. Love it.
3. The story
The story (and the entire album to an extent) is a sequel to Trojan Green Asteroid, where Merry is done recovering from her otherworldly sickness. After Renko and Merry reunite, they start exploring Shinshuu. There's a lot of neat lore in here! It mentions how there's no real vegetation left on earth, and that it's all artificial, which is a nice reminder that hifuu takes place in the future, and it also states that Merry has no family living in Japan, suggesting she's from another country. It also shows that Merry's power getting stronger caused Renko to worry, showing that they do care about each other. It's a good read.
In conclusion, go give NToJ a listen! It's a great album, and also a nice recap for the upcoming new hifuu album.
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cinnabutcringy · 6 months
Hey! Looking for a Touhou server that's openly LGBT friendly?!
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If you or anyone you know's looking for an LGBT-friendly space for Touhou fans, you're in luck! Grassroots Youkai Network is the place to be if you wanna talk to fans of Touhou in a space you can be comfortable to be yourselves in.
LGBT allies are also welcome!
You can interact with a diverse range of content creators from different parts of the world, including:
Game devs
and more!
And, hey, maybe you can talk about other common interests as well, or just come in to hang out! It's an all-ages server but, we also have a corner for some adults who want to mingle with adult content as well (you will need to provide your age) if that's more your speed.
Regardless of what you come in here for, we want this server to be open to those who have a hard time finding a fandom space they can be comfortable in.
PluralKit is also available for system usage! More info can be found in the server rules and info threads!
We hope you enjoy GYN and what it has to offer!
Click this link to join!
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7grandmel · 7 months
Todays rip: 13/02/2024
NIGHTMARESCAPE 〜Unrestrained HyperCam 2〜 (Final Boss Phase 2)
Season 4 Episode 1 Featured on: FINAL BOUT ~ SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day Tournament Original Soundtrack VOL. 3
Ripped by Princess Sylvysprit Visuals by 813N
I covered KFAD just two posts ago with Unhealed, and a big point I wanted to drive home in that post was just how much effort each and every ripper and contributor put into the event, in a way that still feels unbelievably impressive to this day. It's no secret that the King for Another Day Tournament absolutely ballooned in scope from its initial proposal, with tons of things added and changed last-minute to keep raising the bar even higher. And that scope is, again, the main reason why I cover the event so prominently when discussing Season 4 Episode 1, as its unprecedented scale and quality throughout eclipsed anything the channel had done up until that point (and, arguably, since!). Yet for as troubled as production reportedly was, as unchecked as that ambition might have been, its incredible to think that...most all of it still managed to stick the landing? And there's no better example of this in action, I find, than NIGHTMARESCAPE 〜Unrestrained HyperCam 2〜 (Final Boss Phase 2).
I think it came as a surprise to most of us, especially those who had followed the original King for a Day tournament just a year earlier, that the second contest slowly began to grow itself a sort of storyline. It wasn't much, and it wasn't in the forefront - but ones who remembered to check the King for Another Day MOJO website would get to see in universe "interviews" with the event's contestants, small little side stories in their time between matches, and full-on emotional beats of character development. As I mentioned way back in mines.ogg (unused) (and of course in Unhealed), a contestant like MissingNo wound up actually becoming a fleshed-out, fully-rounded character, more than just a vague concept attached to a source list. I truly salute the team who worked on the MOJO writing, being able to effectively improvise such an effective narrative and writing wholly unique dynamics and developments based on the per-match outcomes of the tournament. All of this all-around development, this investment into the entire cast of the event, and the excitement for the final match, made the surprise reveal to come so much more exciting - the reveal that the King for Another Day Tournament had a final boss to defeat.
Winner of the prior year's King for a Day Tournament and the in-universe host of the entire second tournament, Unregistered Hypercam 2 fell victim to possession by the mysterious "crown", set to be awarded to the Tournament's winner. Controlled by a still-unexplained sentient life found within the crown's ruby, the final match between DJ Professor K and Mariya Takeuchi wound up suspended - as this new monstrous force threatened to keep the Tournament running forever, eternally suspended with no resolution, yet another timeloop right alongside the one the Christmas Comeback Crisis already presents in the channel's main story. The Tournament calls for the help of both finalists, every other contestant - and the power of us, the viewers, to use the "MF LIKE BUTTON" from all the way back in Season 1's lore - to fight against and destroy the concept of eternal safety, the concept of maintaining stagnation for the sake of not losing those temporary moments of joy.
...look, I could over-analyze and dissect this finale as much as I want, about how pitch-perfectly each storybeat fell into place to truly connect the King for Another Day Tournament to the theming and narrative that the prior three Seasons had been so rigorously following, but...we're here to cover the theme of the battle itself. But I felt that all this context did need to be conveyed in some way - becuase NIGHTMARESCAPE 〜Unrestrained HyperCam 2〜 (Final Boss Phase 2) reflects the tone and energy of the entire event so pitch-perfectly, it amazed me to learn just how last-minute its production truly was. Princess Sylvysprit employs her expertise and familiarity with the Touhou series to arrange Dreamscape, anthem of the old internet that Hypercam represents, into a rhythmic, hectic, exciting melody, with a sense of dread overlaid on top of it all from the heavy synth covering it (see, there WAS a point in covering Nostalgic Blood of the Gregg ~ Old Source right before this!). It becomes a full-on back and fourth, triumphant higher-key brass responding to the droning eternity of Hypercam's synth melody - made even clearer as the melody and instrumentation occasioally changes to reflect the two finalists' own sourcelists. The amount of layers present in this theme are absolutely incredible, from the choir adding a sense of dread to the track's Hypercam-led sections, to the lone piano sounding as if the original Hypercam is trying to break free from the eternal spell he's been cast under, to the incorporation of the King for Another Day Tournament's main theme for the chorus - we may not see the battle play out, yet the music all on its own conveys a battle in such an engrossing, layered way.
The visual of the Unrestrained Hypercam 2's looming figure just adds the final touch upon it all, wielding the same spinning buzz-saw that was seen severing the thread of hope for all contestants way back in the "opening" to the tournament as a whole. The finality of the story was conveyed so expertly on every front, and the excitement back then was palpable - I still have my contribution to the MF LIKE BUTTON's power left on the video from all the way back in 2019, alongside 14 thousand other viewers (19 thousand on the video announcing the battle!). A duel with the Hypercam, and NIGHTMARESCAPE 〜Unrestrained HyperCam 2〜 (Final Boss Phase 2) by extension, may not have been part of the initial plan for the event - but I am so, so happy that it wound up happening. Because the sense of community and excitement that I, and so many others, felt at this very moment of the channel's life, is one I'll forever cherish.
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lilystargazerwhite · 11 months
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One of my touhou ocs and one of my favorites design wise
Name: Angelinia Glandeco (アンジェリーニア・グランデコ)
Species: Blengigomenean (Blengian for short)
Ability: to protect children (子供たちを守る程度の能力)
Location: the Unreal Realm
Theme: I’m still working on it but “guardian angel~world divorced from earth (守護天使~地球から切り離された世界)
Other info: she’s kinda dumb, thinking everyone always means well. She’s very sweet and hard to anger. The realm she’s from is extremely bright and colorful and she finds the world of humans dull by contrast.
Is kinda like a Shepard for children, most trust her, adults often find her Naïve or nonsensical
Heavily based off of Henry Dargers realms of the unreal.
Her theme is heavily modeled off this song which is also based on his works so it comes full circle lol
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iloveyoushikieiki · 2 months
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吊るし処 - Toho Her Album 3
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solrin · 3 months
It's so sad that LiLa'c Records fell through the cracks of the Touhou doujin music scene because there's a whole lot of absolutely killer tracks that I don't think most people have ever listened to, and maybe never will.
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touhoutunes · 4 months
Title: Melo☆Melo Meltdown!!
Arrangement: ELEMENTAS
Vocals: あき, あやぽんず*, Napoleon, さちぶどう, & まめみ
Album: Toho Eurobeat Vol. 19 -地霊殿-
Circle: A-One
Original: Hellfire Mantle, Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion
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abluehappyface · 2 months
Time to begin the late Marisa Kirisame Takeover Event! I've decided from now on that Instead of reblogging the original with the remaster, I'm just going to make the remaster its own post. This is SO much better than the original! I based this on off the Rock-esqe Cover I made for Yuuma and I LOVE the way it sounds! This isn't even comparable to the old one, it's THAT much better. I especially like how the guitars came out! Some of my mutuals are NOT ready for this...
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funbil · 1 year
i'm sure others have done this before but this one's mine
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kurenai-works · 7 months
The Lamentations Known Only by Jizo
Here's another commission I had finished last year, for tannenboom @ Discord.
It's an EoSD-style arrange of the Stage 1 theme from Wily Beast and Weakest Creature. Not much to say about that, really.
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crimium · 5 months
My thoughts on the new Hifuu Album
Well, Taboo Japan Disentanglement just came out! after reading the story and listening to the tracks, I thought I'd share my thoughts on the album!
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The tracks
I'm going to go through the album tracks in order and give my individual thoughts on them.
1 - Morning Comes on Tanabata Hill (Original)
This is surprisingly emotional for an opening track. The new drum set here is wonderful, and the piano is soothing and atmospheric. I do think the melody is kind of all over the place though, and it's a bit hard to follow. All in all, a really nice calming song.
2 - Tinkerbell of Inequality (Original)
I've been excited to listen to this one ever since the album got announced because of the interesting title, and HOLY SHIT THIS SONG IS AMAZING. The instrumentation is so weird but oh so good. The track is ominous but jazzy. The melody is catchy. It reminds me of GFC and CoSD, with it's apocalyptic futuristic vibe. This is easily the best track in the album. Solid.
3 - Does the Forbidden Door Lead to This World, or the World Beyond? (HSiFS arrangement)
Now we get to the arrangements. The song is sporting a new drum set and piano, and I can safely say that the instrumentation is a huge improvement to the original. To be frank, I'm not too much of a fan of HSiFS's instrumentation, now don't get me wrong, the songs are great, but they suffer a bit because the instruments ZUN uses are a bit lackluster. Here, that is not the case, this a great arrange. Something I do want to note, is that the BPM of the arranges seems to be lowered a bit from their original counterparts. Not a bad thing, but it's interesting to keep in mind as you keep listening.
4 - Smoking Dragon (UM arrangement)
HOOOOOOLYYYYYY SHIIIIIIIT. The key change. the new drumset. the new, climactic/triumphant atmosphere. The new section added in??? It's all so perfect, this does the original song justice. I love this so much. One of my favorite arranges in the whole album.
5 - Mugen Noh ~ Taboo Marionette (Original)
This song is calming, but sinister sounding as well. It hits a nice balance of calming and uneasy. The instrumentation, once again, is really good here. I do feel that the electric guitar a bit later in feels a bit out of place, but in general, the song creates a really good atmosphere, and it's definitely a standout track.
6 - Crazy Backup Dancers (HSiFS arrangement)
I don't really have much to say about this one, other than that it's a fairy good arrangement of the original song. ZUN added a new synth(?) into the mix, which gives it a distinct sound from the original. It's fun!
7 - Yorimashi Between Dreams and Reality ~ Necro-Fantasia (AoCF arrange)
ZUN. you can't keep getting away with this. This is peak. The song has a newly added intro of the Necrofantasia main theme before the song kicks in, and WOW does it create an atmosphere. The instrumentation is once again great and the key change (that just dissapears half-way through lmao) is also really cool. This is a great track.
8 - The Lonesome Path in Hitachi (Original)
A surprisingly upbeat track given the title. It's composed in swing rhythm, and because of that, it kinda reminds me of Let's Live in a Lovely Cemetery and Like the Brilliance of Fairies. Not that that's a bad thing, but it does make it sand out a bit less for me. Still a good track, though! Also ZUN chill out with those reverbs
9 - The Lamentations Known Only by Jizo (WBaWC arrange)
I like the new choir here, it makes it sound more dramatic. I am a bit disappointment that the flute kind of overshadows the Spooky Lead from the original, but it's not a bad arrangement at all. And man this drum set is really doing wonders rn
10 - The Concealed Four Seasons (HSiFS arrange)
WOW. TALK ABOUT A GREAT FINALE. This arrangement tweaks just enough without completely changing the vibe of the original song, and it's fantastic. About halfway through, there's a key change that makes it sort of feel like a phase 2 to the song, and it really completes the whole package. Fantastic.
11 - Apparitions Abound Even Outside of Night (Original)
Oh cool, what a nice, calming, uplifting trac- ZUN WHAT ARE YOU DOING. So the song starts off very calming and atmospheric, and then turns into digi-rock like a minute in. It's kind of jarring but I think it works, the song is still fantastic, and does a good job wrapping things up for the album, and the story. Speaking of which...
The story (spoiler warning)
Without going into too much detail, because I highly recommend you read the story on your own, the predictions of Merry and Renko being separated where not exactly wrong, although I think the story was a lot less heartbreaking than everyone thought it would've been. It serves as a nice drama and really shows how these characters relate to each other. Seeing Renko drop everything just to save Merry shows that even if they get on the wrong foot, they're still the Hifuu club, through and through.
In conclusion, this album is absolutely stellar. ZUN's instrumentation this time around is incredibly diverse, and I can tell he was having fun experimenting. The story is also well written, showcasing these two characters and their conflicting yet similar ideals. Please, go give this album a listen! It may have been 8 years since the last hifuu album, but it was definitely worth the wait.
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