#Toronto Motorcycle Show
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Researchers establish commercially viable process for manufacturing with promising new class of metals
Nanostructured high entropy alloys—metals made from a chaotic mix of several different elements—show a lot of promise for use in industries such as aerospace and automotive because of their strength and stability at high temperatures compared with regular metals. But they are expensive and energy-intensive to produce. Now, researchers working with the Canadian Light Source (CLS) at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) have found a much cheaper and easier way to make them, opening the door for commercial applications. Michel Haché, a materials engineer at the University of Toronto, and colleagues confirmed that electrodeposition is a cost-effective and easily scaled way to create these alloys. Electrodeposition—which involves dissolving metal ions in water and then using an electric current to pull them out of the liquid and form solid materials—is the same process that is used to make chrome-plated motorcycle parts. The findings are published in the journal Surface and Coatings Technology.
Read more.
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yeats-infection · 9 months
do you maybe have a post somewhere that is a quick rundown on history of the band? (THE band) wanted to fully appreciate your new story, but have no idea where to get some coherent lore 🤍
ok thank you anon, this is a very reasonable question which i also find quite intimidating lol. i will TRY to attempt the history up to the point of the story in a way that's not just recapitulating the wikipedia page...
so the reason they were called the band was that they were the backing band for a number of different artists before they started recording their original songs. all five members (the drummer levon helm who was from rural arkansas, and the guitarist robbie robertson the bassist rick danko the organist garth hudson the pianist richard manuel who were all from various parts of ontario) came together between 1958 and 1960 as the backing band for a rockabilly guy named ronnie hawkins, an arkansas native who was huge in toronto for some reason. there are some "my mom sold me to ronnie hawkins" elements of the narrative (according to levon's memoir robbie's mom was like "my son can play guitar and write songs... i'm worried he's gonna end up in jail... can't he play with you or something..." he was fifteen years old). so they toured as ronnie's backing band throughout ontario and then throughout the south. this went on for several years during which they all became very strong players.
in late 1963 they had broader musical horizons and had had enough of ronnie telling them they couldn't smoke weed so they decided to go it on their own as levon and the hawks, because levon had the longest tenure in the band. they honestly struggled on their own at first to the extent that they were stealing food from supermarkets but eventually found their footing RIGHT ABOUT THE TIME that bob dylan was looking for an electric band to back him after the notorious newport folk festival 1965. bob went to see the hawks in toronto and asked levon and robbie to join his band; they did for a couple shows and then said they didn't want to do any more without the rest of their band and bob agreed and hired the rest of the hawks too. people were NOT FANS of dylan's new electric direction and they were booed during most of their sets. after about a month of this levon couldn't take it anymore and left in the middle of the night with the rough idea to work on an oil rig in the gulf of mexico. he only told robbie he was leaving and they each describe this moment fairly differently in their respective memoirs ...
so the rest of the band continued backing bob on a world tour in 1966 and some of them went to nashville with him to record blonde on blonde. in summer 1966 bob has a motorcycle accident and holes himself up in the town of woodstock, on the edge of the catskills in ulster county in the hudson valley in new york state, where he owns a house and so does his manager albert grossman. the band continues backing various other artists and session playing etc. but in february 1967 bob invited them to come up to woodstock. they took him up on the offer and three of them (rick, richard, and garth) moved into the house called big pink in west saugerties. for months robbie and bob came over every day and they recorded the basement tapes. around this time albert grossman managed to get the band a deal with capitol records. with this news they convinced levon to come back from the gulf...
so THAT is the simplified history up to the point of the story. the relevant history AFTER the point of the story which of course motivates how we now look at this moment in time is that levon completely excoriates robbie in his memoir (published in the 90s) for 1) being authoritarian over the direction of the band starting in the woodstock era, including the decision to end the band in 1976, and 2) taking sole songwriting credit and therefore making the most money for most of the music when levon contends a lot of the songs especially on the first two albums were written collaboratively. my perspective is that robbie can be forgiven for #1, because the rest of the band were increasingly using heroin, everybody was getting into numerous debilitating car accidents from constantly driving drunk, and other bad behavior abounded. and i think #2 is interesting, because 1) this is a larger conversation over who owns what and who gets paid for making art, and 2) i can also understand why, if nobody else could get their shit together to do anything, you would be like, well, i should reap all the fruits of my labors. but 3) i can also understand why you would be especially upset by this if you were the voice behind all these songs and had once been the bandleader! levon's memoir is really interesting (full disclosure i actually haven't read robbie's) because it is at times like a heartbreaking sketch of willful male emotional blindness. he admits many times "well, probably we should have talked about this" but they never did...
there's a lot more painful stuff we can dig into but here's their first album music from big pink and their second album the band. TO NOTE: levon, richard, and rick did almost all the singing, they each have quite distinctive lovely voices. something really excruciating and tantalizing to me i guess is captured in the idea of a person from toronto writing these beautiful americana songs about simple country mountain life for his friend who had actually lived that simple country mountain life to sing, like this gesture of genuine admiration and love for your friend's story, which is then haunted by the question of ownership of those songs for all time. you can believe robbie wrote those songs for levon to sing out of genuine friendship and then what happened is really heartbreaking.... or you can believe he was a sort of pretender after levon's story and purposefully never gave him credit... which is also a deeply poetic narrative... or it could be a little bit of both... or first one and then the other growing out of bitterness... we will never know. as always when we will never know there is lots of room to ruminate :)
lastly, here is a clip of them in 1976 from the film of the band's last concert (the last waltz) in which levon takes his own cigarette out of his mouth to light robbie's first
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Day 16, Sunday, June 11: Amarillo, Texas to Pampa to Wheeler to Binger, Oklahoma to Oklahoma City, 444 km.
While I am tempted to take advantage today of Rte 66 to Oklahoma City, the fact is 75% of it mirrors or, in fact, is Interstate 40, so I ask Garmin for an "avoid freeways" route and it comes through. I am in for a spectacular, alternative ride.
I leave Amarillo via US 60 and continue to be amazed by the industriousness of the Texas Panhandle - trains, wind turbines, wind mills, huge farm equipment, irrigation systems, power lines and feed lots. And an increasing scattering of oil derricks.
My first stop is Pampa. A town of 16,867 in the eastern Texas panhandle, its elevation is only 400' lower than Amarillo at 3,668'. It's been a flat but beautiful ride - country roads, interesting scenery, and small towns. Pampa benefitted greatly from the panhandle oil boom in 1916. But it seems to have declined since. The water tower reminded me of Toronto's Stanley Cup record, and the deserted buildings and gas stations reminded me of rust belt towns like Flint, Michigan.
As I ride east from Parma, I pass by my first and only buffalo feed lot. I had to look twice and go back and take a picture.
As I pull into Wheeler, my last town, before reaching the great plains of Oklahoma, I spot Mel's Diner. Perfect, I love this stuff - small towns, small diners, and tons of local flavour. I order bacon, eggs, and coffee. I strike up a conversation with the young family at the next table who have a son and a daughter, my grand childrens' ages. I ask the boy if he has "show and tell" at his school and give him an American dollar and a Canadian loonie to show his class. An old timer at another table comes over to chat and offers me a saddlebag for my motorcycle that he isn't using. I don't need it, but I still love this s**t. At 1,462 pop. and 2,507', I'm still riding flat through Wheeler, but I absolutely love the scenery, the peacefulness, and the long, empty roads.
Thirty miles east of Wheeler, I hit the Great Plains of Oklahoma. As I enter, I start to climb, but it is short-lived, and I soon give it back. Like its name, "the great plains" suggests, it is long and flat. But seemingly more treed, with rich red soil and more gratutitous greenery than Texas. Lots of cattle farms and ranches line my route, and I have to stop, do a double take, and go back for a picture when I spot some long horn cattle in with a field of horses.
An hour short of Oklahoma City and still on on US 152, I hit Binger, Oklahoma. Elev. 1,319 and pop. 672. It is the proud home town of Hall of Fame catcher Johnny Bench.
I gas up in Binger and hit the home stretch to Oklahoma City. To cap off what has been a perfect day, my hotel is full, and I have to find another. Lucky me, I get a better room around the corner at a motel with a pool. At 31°, I know where I'll soon be.
On a final note, it would appear my service call yesterday was a success. The bike ran like a Swiss watch today. If every day was like today, I might not be home until September.
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ekstan · 2 years
Continuum article
Hey, guys!
Today i'm bringing to you an article made by online magazine "suite101" about "Continuum" TV show. This article was released in 2012 and, as usual, the link with the original source is down, but at least i've got a copy years ago a i'm sharing it with you.
Continuum Cast Dishes at Fan Expo Canada 2012
Aug 25, 2012 by Anthony Sin
Creator Simon Barry dropped by the Toronto Fan Expo with cast members of Continuum to speak with fans and confirm that a second season is on the way.
Among the myriad of events on the third day of Fan Expo Canada 2012 was a real treat for fans of Continuum. Cast members Rachel Nichols, Victor Webster, Erik Knudsen, and William B. Davis arrived alongside writer/producer Pat Williams and series creator Simon Barry to spend time with fans of the Canadian sci-fi show.
Serving as moderator, Simon Barry got things under way with a surprise announcement that the fans welcomed: Continuum had been picked up for a second season. After letting the fans celebrate, the series creator moved on to some prepared questions, first asking the cast for their thoughts on the surreal elements of the show.
Rachel Nichols felt that Continuum's more fantastic side worked because the world created in the show was believeable. "Kiera didn't see a forest until episode six," she offered as an example of a detail that helped ground the show.
Favourite Scenes
Barry then asked the actors what their favourite scenes to perform were.
Erik Knudsen responded with, "Sonya and Garza coming to the motorcycle guy in the hydroponics house."
For Victor Webster, it was "two action sequences. The fight in the kitchen with Terry Chen. And the shower fight was a lot fun."
"When Kiera goes rogue, all 'Terminator,'" was Nichols's choice.
The question that followed involved how difficult it was for the actors to work with someone who was not there. This was directed to Erik Knudsen in particular since his character (Alec Sadler) is always talking with Kiera (Nichols), but the two never film together.
The actor revealed that Nichols's lines were recorded and fed to him via an earpiece. "It was weird to have the earpiece," revealed Knudsen who explained that he wore it underneath the Bluetooth that the audience sees. He worried about not knowing where to look while speaking, "but usually I have stuff on computers that I can look at, so it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be."
Season Two
Prior to asking the next question, Simon Barry explained that the cast had only found out about a half hour before the question-and-answer session that Continuum had been picked up for another season. The series creator then asked the cast, "What would you like to see in season two?"
"It's going to be all about Alec Sadler, Senior," quipped William B. Davis.
Rachel Nichols replied by saying that she only learned of the plot "on a need-to-know basis." The actress was fine with this. "I like to be surprised."
She did suggest that she would like an explanation of how Kiera became invisible at the end of the first season. Then she added she would like to "go away on that boat with Kellog."
Victor Webster noted that Continuum "has so many possibilities. I'd like to know where Carlos came from and why he left Colombia. I'd also like to explore his self-deprecating humour."
Webster had to agree with Nichols about the element of surprise. "I don't want to know," he remarked of the series' plot. "We play along and we're along for the ride like you guys."
Erik Knudsen said, "I'd like Alec to be a good guy. A lot of people don't like him right now" because of the revelations about his character, but the actor remains optimistic about the direction and intentions of Alec Sandler.
"I think he should make a black suit for himself," he joked.
Producer Pat Williams pointed to Liber8 as being the driver of much of what happens on the show. His hope was to explore their stories and to have enough time to tell them all. Williams hoped that Continuum would make it to season 15.
Nichols laughed at the idea and replied, "You better write in a pregnancy for Kiera 'cause I want to have kids."
Shades of Grey
On the subject of Kiera's adversaries, the actress noted that as the series progressed and more was revealed about Liber8, the good versus evil dynamic changed considerably. "There's no black, no white," observed Nichols about the shift to moral ambiguity in the series.
She also noted that Liber8 is extremely diverse. "The more we flesh out [these characters] the more people will be able to identify with a different member of the group."
Victor Webster suggested, "Liber8 does the right thing, but they don't necessarily do it the right way." The actor admitted he empathized with their cause but did not agree with their tactics.
Barry moved things along by asking the cast, "What questions do you have for Simon Barry?"
William B. Davis quickly responded, "How many episodes will I be in?"
"Just the right amount," was Barry's response.
"Is Alec a good guy?" was Erik Knudsen's question.
Victor Webster wanted to know "How did Carlos's fingerprints get on the ceiling fan of the crime scene?"
Barry laughed and said that Carlos drove around with a trampoline.
Rachel Nichols asked, "Did I sleep with Kellog?" Then she followed with, "How many people came back?"
The series creator remained tight-lipped and turned to the Fan Expo audience for questions, the first of which concerned whether or not he worked out the story arc beyond season one before pitching the series.
"I knew what the plan was [for the story] but didn't pitch it," Barry said and then elaborated that the story beyond the first season was not a necessary part of his pitch.
The Future of the Show
Barry also noted that Continuum had been picked up by a major U.S. network that he could not name and that episodes would debut Stateside in January of 2013. The creator also mentioned that seasons one and two would be shown one immediately after the other in the U.S.
When asked which model of time travel was used in the series, Simon Barry said, "The time travel theorem we use embraces many notions of time travel and physics. When we reveal how it works, I think you'll find it very satisfying."
Nichols, in responding to a question about the social issues Continuum raises, agreed that "some episodes seem like they were ripped from the headlines. Like corporations running governments."
Barry added, "I think it's the responsibility of the genre to comment on issues. We just want to repurpose and repackage them so it's not preaching."
Future Technology for Today
Regarding future technology, a fan wanted to know what technology the cast and crew would want to have today.
Victor Webster answered, "Ever since seeing Back to the Future, I've wanted a hoverboard."
For Erik Knudsen, it was a teleport.
Pat Williams said, "A jetpack. They showed one in 1967, but it never came around."
"The technology that created 2077" was what William B. Davis wanted.
For Rachel Nichols, it was the Multi-Tool. "It can do anything I need it to. I can make Simon pregnant with the Multi-Tool."
On the subject what brings the actors back to genre work, Webster credited the fan base. "The most loyal fans are in science fiction," he observed, and then added how much he loves the appreciation that fans show.
"I'm a little bit of a nerd," confessed Knudsen, "so I like sci-fi."
Noting that television has few strong female leads in action-oriented series, a fan asked Nichols for her thoughts on Kiera.
"When I joined Alias in season five," she began, "I watched Jennifer [Garner] pregnant do an unbelieveable job." Nichols drew inspiration from the Alias actress when she decided to take on Kiera.
"There's a lot of depth to Kiera," she pointed out. "It's daunting, but I wanted to do justice to the character on the page."
Another fan wanted to know what time period the panelists would go to if they could travel into the past.
For Nichols it was the Roaring '20s.
"I'm the kind of guy that likes putting on a suit of armour and swinging a sword," was Webster's response.
"The '60s," said Knudsen. "I like the music."
"Well, it depends if I were rich or poor," said William B. Davis. "I would love to have been in Elizabethan England if I were rich."
Pat Williams chose the present, feeling that there has never been a better time.
Barry said, "I'd like to go back and relive season one."
Settling In
Regarding Kiera's journey in the first season, Nichols highlighted key points in her character's transformation. "She didn't know if she would see her husband and son again. But then she settled with the idea [of being in 2012] to serve a purpose, which turned into 'I'm going to figure it out.' It's kind of like when life gives you lemons, make lemonade."
For a fan seeking advice on working in television, the cast had a few tips.
"Always say thank you," suggested Nichols. "A handwritten thank-you note goes a long way."
"Love it," said Barry. "Love what you're doing."
"Never give up," offered Webster. "Don't take 'no' for an answer."
"There's going to be a lot of rejection," warned Knudsen. "You've just got to suck it up."
The final question went to a fan who wanted to know about the origin of Kiera's name.
"In the original outline, the character was named Kyle," revealed Simon Barry, explaining that it was a nod to Kyle Reese in Terminator. "Then it became Kyra, but for legal reasons we couldn't use that so it became Kiera."
Source: suite101
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youkaidaimaou · 4 months
オートバイショウと文化 / Motorcycle Show and Culture
source : Bike EXIF 
カナダのトロントで、6月7日から3日間、Moto Craft Show が開催されるに合わせて、そのショウでも展示される、世界的に有名な ビルダーたちが製作したカスタムバイクが紹介されています。 In conjunction with the Moto Craft Show being held in Toronto, Canada for three days from June 7th, custom bikes made by world-famous builders that will also be exhibited at the show are being introduced.
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【 Moto Craft / Speed meets Art 】 https://thevintagent.com/2024/05/01/moto-craft-where-speed-meets-art/
このショウの共同プロモーターの Alex de Cartie 氏の言葉ですが、「この国でのオートバイショウの伝え方を再定義したい」「オートバイショウのシーンには文化が本当に欠けています。基本的に私達が持っているのはトレード(商売)ショウだけだからです。」と述べており、そういう意味で、ビルダー達が製作したカスタムバイクを「Speed meets art」と題してショウに組み込んだ狙いは良く理解できます。どの作品も とても手が込んでいて、市販車では決して味わえない上質な香りがします。
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Ontario Cold Cases - The Podcast: Specials 15 & April 28 Trailer
Specials 15 & April 28 Trailer
Ontario Cold Cases - The Podcast next episode coming this Sunday, April 28th on the abduction and murder of Cindy Halliday.
On June 16, 1992 a skull belonging to Cindy Halliday, 17, was found in a wooded area off Horseshoe Valley Road, north of Barrie.
She was reported missing April 21, the day after she had hitch-hiked to Barrie.
Ontario Cold Cases - The Podcast: Upcoming Episode on the disappearance of Mabel Crumback
Mabel Crumback was last seen at her home in Toronto on May 28, 1950.
An investigation would reveal that Mabel's bed had been slept in that night.
Her pyjama bottoms were found neatly folded under her pillow but her pyjama top was never found.
Ontario Cold Cases - The Podcast: Upcoming Episodes on the murder of Patricia Bovin
Patricia Bovin was murdered on April 24th, 1969 when she was only 22 years old. She lived at 790 King Street in London, Ontario with her two children.
Ontario Cold Cases - The Podcast: Upcoming Episode on the disappearance of Pamela Harvey
Pamela moved to Sudbury, Ontario with her son, Ricky, in 1977 after leaving her husband in BC.⁣⁣
She found work at the Kingsway Hotel – a popular hangout for the Coffin Wheelers motorcycle gang.
She began a relationship with one of its members. The member killed a man.
Four days after the murder, Pamela left Ricky at a neighbour’s house and disappeared.
Ontario Cold Cases - The Podcast on the disappearance of Jane Smith
The last time anyone saw Jane Winifred Smith was around 2 a.m. on August 9, 1975, just before she went to bed at her apartment on Charlotte Street in Sudbury. By 7:30 a.m., the 20-year-old Laurentian University social work student had vanished.
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#OntarioColdCases , #NicollInvestigations , #ColdCaseShortFilm, #CanadianTrueCrime , #ColdCaseCanada , #ColdCaseFiles , #ColdCaseInvestigation , #ColdCasePodcast , #CrimeStories, #JusticeForVictims ,#OntarioCrimes, #OntarioMysteries , #PodcastDetective , #PodcastMystery , #SeekingJustice , #SerialKiller , #TrueCrimePodcast , #UnsolvedCrimes , #UnsolvedMysteries ,#Ontario, #TrueCrimeOntario, #TrueCrimeCanada, #CanadianMysteries, #Canada, #Toronto, #ColdCase,  #Missing, #Murdered, #Homicide, #TrueCrime, #CindyHalliday , #Midhurst, #Barrie , #MabelCrumback , #London , #PatriciaBovin , #Sudbury , #PamelaHarvey , #JaneSmith
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519magazine · 11 months
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thiswatchcassie · 1 year
Murdoch Mysteries s1ep2 "The Glass Ceiling"
After the break is my bullet point live reaction to/ thoughts about the episode. the final paragraph is my concluding thoughts!
TWs for this episode:
This fucking theme song SLAPS
I my body is ready (in bed, two kinds of snacks)
“Good good man, how do you come up with such a conclusion?” *insert Murdoch HUD timelapse* “sometimes these things just come to me”
I always forget that Murdochs autism crime solving HUD predates bbc Sherlock.
Oh my inspector what could be in this large human shaped box, that weighs as much as a human?
“A HUMAN????”
I love inspector heavy episodes hes just a silly goofy girl
Im jealous of this dudes ye olde ebike
Or I suposed it’s actually a ye olde motorcycle
Yassss murdochhhhhh you pop off about the irrelyability of car/motor based infrastructure!!
What is Julia listening too? It’s clearly some sort of recorded audio or radio, WAIT IT JUST CUT TO IT
She’s listening to an LP????
Time to unlock Murdochs traumatic backstory
Oh yeah Murdoch was engaged prior to the show
Hiiii crabtreeeee 🤪😚☺️😫😮‍💨
First “finger marks” mention
Yay the first appearance of Margaret and thier kids
Now it’s time to unlock brakenreieds tragic backstory
Its hard to make brakenried my little meow meow when he spends the entire episode acting like the poster boy for police brutality
Julia you’ve smelt worse
“I would be sorry to see you leave” okay Julia don’t worry he’s not gonna leave
“Pardon my language, DARNED motorcycle buissness”
“I had an idea once to put meat in a can, think about it you could send it half way across the world if you wanted to” FIRST EVER GEORGE THINKING UP SOMETHING WE NOW SEE AS COMMONPLACE
Julia you’ve fucking smelt worst!!!
Yasssss William use your HUD!!!
Oooo sawdust
We do a lil religious descrimination💅💅
“Toronto is a protestent city”
Um no the fuck it ain’t
Murdoch didnt cross himself… and he calls himself a CATHOLIC
The look on George’s face when Murdoch gets the Moyer cycle and he’s stuck on a regular bike in precious
Yay they found the baddy
Boooo the baddy sliced brakenreid
Yay brakenried is back!
And Murdoch is going on about how the crime of the week ended
And brakenried is now tasked with telling Murdoch about him not getting the job
Or he is just taking the easy way out by simply telling Murdoch that he’s better suited at station #4
Like I get Murdoch is the kind of hyper smart autistic that everyone coddles especially in a period piece written in 2008 that would never dream of actually making him autistic (both because the diagnosis didn’t exist when it’s set, and also because well… it was 2008) but like… he’s like 30 AT THE VERY LEAST!!! You can tell him that he didn’t get the job because he’s catholic!!!
Wait i just checked the math, (aka I looked it up) William was born in 1963, even if we assume that this particular episode takes place in 1890 he’s still TWENTY SEVEN!!! …. TELL HIM
Okay my thoughts on this episode… we’ll it’s not amazing. I don’t hate it. It feels like a nothingburger kinda episode, the only big pay off we get is seeing brakenrieds kids and wife, no real development in plot besides julis actually telling William to his face that he would be missed if he left. The story of the week was nice… overly convoluted. But nice. It would’ve been better if they had gone the route of doling the crime in flashbacks between talking about it at the like fancy dinner party the episode opens with.
Over all… not super amazing. Not super bad. 6/10
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sonyadance · 1 year
Travels and Dancing 18
What a year.  What a fucking year.  This note contains the summary of all the good things that happened through travels and my crazy life, as always.  I’m not ready to write about the bad.  So when you read this, whoever you are, don’t compare yourself or imagine how great of a life I have… this is only one side of it, how I am ready to shed light on it or how I prefer to recall it so I can trick my own mind into thinking I have an amazing life.  Only amazing.
 I ended last time with the trip to Guatemala and my flight to Toronto.  I found dance again there.  Canada zouk congress and all its amazing people, the Toronto wcs community that welcomed me with open arms, some creative projects, a great circus school where I met sweet people to train with, a somatic school I was finishing a certification with.  Again, over and over, I still end up with beautiful people around me.
 I think this is going to be the shortest Travels and Dancing I’ve ever done… I kind of just want to get it over with and forget about that year, I’m just not managing to not write a text.  So here it is:
-A nice road trip to Montreal for one of my best friend’s birthday, crazy late night karaoke and fun
-A freediving trip to a quarry close to Ottawa with sweet guitar and singing by the fire
-Being reunited with my two best friends for a week after 10 years apart
-Teaching workshops and privates in Toronto
-A cozy retreat close in Ontario’s countryside
-The best event of the year: Rock the Barn.  Northern Sweden, the sun never sets, kind people
-A three weeks road trip through Québec and a music show on the edge of a cliff
-Visiting my best friend’s new place in British Columbia and spending time with her family
-Going to choreo camp in Seattle and reconnecting with dance and community once again
-Being welcomed in the Victoria wcs community like it was family, having a blast with wonderful people, teaching so many workshops and privates
-Doing a road trip around Vancouver island and discovering one of the most beautiful place in Canada
-A nice Christmas and New Year in Toronto
-Visiting friends I met at an aerial retreat in Mexico two years ago in New Orleans
-Being part of the best dance cruise on the circuit and seeing Jamaica, Mexico and Grand Caiman
-Exploring Medellin, an exciting, vibrant, contrasting, interesting city
-A weekend in Guatape and a crazy motorcycle ride
-Taguanga and its national park, an insane boat ride, crazy taxi drivers and freediving in the ocean
-Falling in love with Cartagena.  I want to live in the walled city for a month and just walk around
-An insane two days flight back to Toronto
-An emergency exit towards Montreal and…
 And we’ll see for the rest.  I’ll I can tell you, is that it’s off to a great start.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“POLICE STILL SEEK GIROUARD'S BROTHER,” Toronto Star. February 6, 1933. Page 4. ---- Learn Both Left U.S. Together Last Thursday - Are Air Pilots ---- While Joseph Girouard of Detroit, alleged gunman bank robber, is recovering in Toronto General hospital from the bullet wound he received Friday in a gun duel with Motorcycle Officer Oswald Brown following the robbery of the Wellesley and Church St. branch of the Royal Bank, Toronto police are carrying out an intensive search for George Girouard, a brother of the wounded man. 
Joseph Girouard vigorously denied his brother is in any way implicated and denies he was with him. Police, on the other hand, allege it was George Girouard who escaped from the taxi cab with over $3,0000. Since he is unfamiliar with the city and, if he is still here, headquarters detectives are satisfied they will soon capture him. A $1,000 reward has been offered for his apprehension.
It was learned at detectives headquarters last night that the two brothers left United States on Thursday. Whether they came from Detroit, the police could not say. It was also learned both are qualified air pilots, having their papers, which show they have put in the required number of flying hours. Police, however, did not believe they flew here from United States.
Joseph Girouard. the wounded man. is married and his brother is single. To-day the man hunt will continue and police are optimistic about their chances of locating George Girouard and the partner of Frank West. alleged Markham bank robber.
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laresearchette · 2 years
Thursday, December 01, 2022 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHAT IS NOT PREMIERING IN CANADA TONIGHT CMA COUNTRY CHRISTMAS (ABC Feed) A HOLLYWOOD CHRISTMAS (Premiering on December 4 on Crave at 5:00pm) SESAME STREET'S THE NUTCRACKER (Premiering on December 12 on Teletoon at 6:00pm) LUXE FOR LESS (TBD - HGTV Canada) SERVING UP THE HOLIDAYS (TBD - Lifetime Canada)
FIFA WORLD CUP SOCCER (TSN/TSN3/TSN4/TSN5) 9:45am: Canada vs. Morocco (TSN2) 9:45am: Croatia vs. Belgium (TSN/TSN3/TSN4/TSN5) 1:45pm: Costa Rica vs. Germany (TSN2) 1:45pm: Japan vs. Spain (TSN3) 8:30pm: Match of the Day
NHL HOCKEY (SNEast/SNPacific) 7:00pm: Avalanche vs. Sabres (SN1/SNOntario) 8:00pm: Oilers vs. Wild (SNWest/TSN2) 9:00pm: Habs vs. Flames (SNPacific) 10:00pm: Panthers vs. Canucks
NBA BASKETBALL (SN360) 7:00pm: Mavericks vs. Pistons
DESIGNING CHRISTMAS (CTV Life) 7:00pm:  Complicated and unexplored emotions may jeopardize everything between Stella and Pablo, co-hosts of a home renovation show, as they work together during the holidays.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILL (CBC) 8:00pm:  Following "Coronation Street" legend William Roache in the build up to his 90th birthday; with appearances from past and present cast members.
DIO: DREAMERS NEVER DIE (Crave 2) 8:00pm:  The extraordinary life and career of Ronnie James Dio, the iconic heavy metal singer of such bands as Black Sabbath, Dio and Rainbow.
NFL FOOTBALL (TSN/TSN4/TSN5) 8:15pm: Bills vs. Patriots
THE FIFTH ESTATE (CBC) 9:00pm: To the families of two women slain in Toronto in 1983, the killer seemed like a ghost who vanished without a trace; the remarkable search for a suspect; Mark Kelley hosts.
NATIONS AT WAR (APTN) 9:00pm:  In the mid-1600s, the Dakota found themselves surrounded by rivals and under threat from waves of Indigenous and European migrants. Desperately outmatched by the industrial eastern civilizations, they spent decades courageously defending their territory.
THE LAZARUS PROJECT (Showcase) 9:00pm: George learns that having the power to turn back time doesn't mean getting everything he wants.
SHOCK DOCS: THE VISITORS (DTour) 9:00pm:   For the first time in nearly 40 years, Whitley Strieber agrees to return to the stone circle that marks the spot of his first abduction, while investigative journalist Melissa Tittl and UFO researcher Jeff Belanger conduct a paranormal investigation.
GOING NATIVE (APTN) 9:30pm: Hit the highway with a motorcycle club from Six Nations! Later, Drew heads to the race track to meet with Billy Cook. Lastly, Drew waxes up his surfboard with a group of Indigenous youth from Nova Scotia.
PAMELA'S GARDEN OF EDEN (HGTV Canada) 10:00pm: Pamela's dream of turning the Boathouse into a masterpiece are in jeopardy when she gets news from the government about the building.
THE GREAT BIG TINY DESIGN CHALLENGE WITH SANDI TOKSVIG (Makeful) 10:00pm:  Their individual challenge against the clock is to create tiny toys that would have been found in a Victorian nursery; the two winners of the individual challenge go on to lead a team to tackle the whole nursery.
CANADIAN REFLECTIONS (CBC) 11:30pm:  Marco & Polo Go Round; Such a Small Thing
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This was the first molson show i ever snuck into...i remember sitting down on the grass to do poppers and luke hauling me up to try to sing along with him and the others off a lyric site on someones phone. I had never heard a bunch of lana del rey songs all together before. All the previous couple years i would hear summertime sadness playing in public and i had finally figured out oh its that headdress girl. Ive told this story before. The ocad kids, especially the poc one, loved flirting with the problematic. Hanging out with luke even tho a famous artpunk said his band was a nazi band. Listening to lana del rey even tho she has colonial entitlement baked into her ethos. The question was are you having FUN? And if the answer is yes how much do you really care about the rest.
Hedonism is an ethic i respect the honesty of.
(You can tell im a virgo because i am compulsively compelled to couch my hedonism in self-critique and reflection)
(Also, to include a list)
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I dunno like what am i saying? Try to place yourself there. Look at this setlist, at least. The amyl is probably pretty important...... I think you have to have a partly melted brain to sign off on listening to lana del rey for the aesthetic peak of it all, when that aesthetic is a bunch of weird coquette bullshit. What an artist, i mean that. Hard to know how to sum it all up. Tom sharpling says lana del rey writes songs about california the way bruce springsteen writes songs about NJ. Speaking of the boss, he wrote born to run and i guess thats a good enough segue into: probably born to die is where i was totally sunk wrt ever maintaining the abstentious highground. I was like welp, gonna be listening to this forever, now. I dunno i just didnt go into it expecting her sheer caliber to undermine my predisposition to dismiss her, and i got served so hard, i was undone by the whole experience. Actually being there was so viscerally impressive. But i think thats the selling hallmark of her music like even for home listening--its visercally impressive. She'll getcha. Now youre in a gingham halter pushing milfdom and hanging off the back of a motorcycle with an american flag, too.
It was cute when she was trying to rehab her brand of whiteness by working with the weeknd. She feels about hollywood how i feel about toronto. It fit neatly to me that they would collab. But like imagine having such a crackerific image that a "my black friend" cardpull was a step UP? Sort of like luke changing his band name and hanging out with me & those kids at a lana del rey concert haha
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Earl "Lucky" Teter (9 October 1901 – 5 July 1942) was an American stunt driver, showman and entrepreneur. He pioneered and popularized the touring stunt driving show, performing across the country until his death in a car jumping stunt.
Born in Noblesville, Indiana, Teter was a gas station attendant who, by 1932, was performing automobile and motorcycle stunts. "Lucky Teter and His Hell Drivers" performed across the United States and Canada beginning in 1936, and had great success for six years.[1] His show was so popular that, in some years, he performed at the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto in the afternoons, then flew to Syracuse, New York, to appear in the New York State Fair at night, which required two sets of equipment. He is credited with creating such now-staple stunts as jumping a car from ramp to ramp and rolling a car. He was also the first to team up with an automobile company, in his case Plymouth, promoting its products in exchange for backing.
He entered the 1936 Indianapolis 500, but did not race. He also appeared in some documentary shorts and did some (uncredited) stunt driving for the 1936 film Speed, which featured James Stewart in his first starring role.
On 5 July 1942, he was the last performer at an Army Relief benefit at the Indiana State Fair Grounds. He planned to break his own world distance record by jumping 150 feet (46 m) over a transport truck. He drove a 1938 Plymouth at 65 miles per hour (105 km/h) and jumped off the first ramp, but came down several feet short and crashed into the supports of the landing ramp. He died in the ambulance taking him to the hospital.
His widow sold the show to Joie Chitwood.
He was the subject of a 2011 documentary, Lucky Teter and His Hell Drivers, which has been released on DVD and can also be rented online.
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theinkedfoxsl · 3 years
*pretends like i read any of the actual questions* i saw cocktail asks and i am asking for the whole menu for grimshaw <3
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𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗿 〜 if your oc can drive, what kind of vehicle do they have? do they have a dream vehicle?
Given that Valorant takes place in the future, I'll have to go with a motorcycle that isn't even really "real" yet. The Damon HyperFighter! In a dark navy blue with plum accents of course. He doesn't particularly have a dream car though.
𝗯𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗻 〜 what does your oc wear to sleep? do they have a dedicated set of pajamas or do they just wear whatever?
If Grimshaw isn't careful he'll fall asleep in his regular clothing. And given how many straps and belts he wears he wakes up often with imprints in his skin. Though beyond that he sleeps in purple/black plaid sweatpants and a long sleeve light grey shirt :)
𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗮 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗮𝗱𝗮 〜 if your oc has a bag or a purse, what are five things that’d be inside?
Cigarettes, mini first aid kit, old fashioned engraved lighter, photographs of he with Pua and Mua Lan, an older photo of his mother and sister smiling in front of the University of Toronto.
𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 〜 what was one of your oc’s favorite tv shows/movies as a child? do they still enjoy it now?
Again future, so I don't know how prevalent this would be but; Grimshaw loved the old old Scooby Doo show, the 1969/1970 one. He loves all the movies too. He liked solving the crimes with the gang, idk it's cute. He won't ever complain if Scooby Doo gets put on the TV now. (He in fact owns a Scooby plushie in his apartment)
𝘄𝗼𝗼 𝘄𝗼𝗼 〜 what’s their relationship like with their parent(s)/guardian(s)?
It's sort of hard to put into words; Grimshaw isn't from the world he's currently inhabiting. He doesn't really know what the man whose position he took was like with his parents. In his home world though he's a bit of a mommy's boy. It's that old quote; "I have my father's anger and my mother's joy." I think that sums it up.
𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗴𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗮 〜 does your oc have any disorders or disabilities?
Grimshaw has the "magical" version of my genetic illness pretty much lol. His body is rapidly decaying and regenerating, it can't stay together properly. It hurts. A lot. Besides that he's got some PTSD and a going eye to spare.
𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗲𝗮 〜 who are some of your oc’s best friends?
Mua Lan, Pua, Cypher, Sakurai, and Killjoy 100%. Four of these people claimed him as their best friend and the other he claimed as his lol.
𝗴𝗿𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗿 〜 describe your oc’s personality
It is incredibly difficult to describe the personality of a character who wears lies like a badge. Originally? Grimshaw was quiet, plotting, cunning. His main goal was always helping people, yes, but he did it by prodding into them, discovering who they were. Now? It's all of that but dashed with self destruction and a sort of 'look over my shoulder' mentality.
𝗷𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲 𝗯𝗶𝗿𝗱 〜 has your oc ever made any choices they regret?
Grimshaw regrets that he hurt those he loves.
𝗵𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 〜 post some images or a moodboard that fit your oc’s aesthetic
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𝗱𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗻𝗮 〜 post a song or a lyric that fits your oc
"Don't look away
I'm afraid of who I am today
The winds howl on and on
Please hold onto me
I'm slipping away."
𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗶 〜 does your oc’s name or design reference anything? i.e. music, movies, etc.
Grimshaw means 'Dark Woods', Achlys is the personification of Sorrow, the 'Death Mist' that covers one's eyes as they die, and Hajime means 'Beginning'. Everything(including his sister's name, Hemera) is a reference to the Cycle of Life.
𝗺𝗼𝗷𝗶𝘁𝗼 〜 does your oc have any tattoos and/or piercings? if so, what are they? if not, do they want any?
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He has this on his right hand! His fingers are also 'stained' a darkish blue/black, they look like a tattoo, they are not. He also has a barcode on the right side of his neck that reads "111108" Oh! I forgot he has dangly silver earrings too :)
𝗱𝗮𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗿𝗶 〜 is your oc a smoker? (tobacco, cannabis, etc.) if so, do they plan on quitting?
He smokes tobacco, and he knows he needs to quit. It isn't the hardest thing he's ever had, he's smoked way worse, so that's how he justifies this to himself.
𝗺𝗶𝗺𝗼𝘀𝗮 〜 has your oc ever committed any crimes? if so, what did they do? if not, what would they be most likely to commit?
I mean... -gestures- he's killed people? Treason as well... Anyways..
𝘁𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗮 𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲 〜 what kind of hobbies does your oc enjoy? is there anything they’ve always wanted to do but never had the time/resources to try?
Grimshaw likes reading of course, but he also really enjoys cooking. It's a peaceful hobby for him outside of stitching up wounds. He'd like to get into woodworking one day too.
𝗺𝗮𝗶 𝘁𝗮𝗶 〜 how was your oc’s life growing up? did they do well in school if they attended? do they have any awkward teenage memories?
It was fine. His father pushed him into getting two PhDs by the age of 24. Psychology and Medicine. He was never really focused on being an awkward teenager because he sorta... Isolated himself going through school. However his sister's best friend, Vera, wiggled her way into his heart. They accidentally had a child at a very young age, and he did everything for that kid.
𝗯𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘄𝗮𝗶𝗶 〜 does your oc speak any other language(s)? if they didn’t learn to speak the language(s) when they were growing up, when and why did they learn it?
English, French, Japanese. <In that order of fluency. He learned all three growing up. He does speak a bit of Arabic as well! Only swears though.. (Thanks, Cypher).
𝗰𝘂𝗯𝗮 𝗹𝗶𝗯𝗿𝗲 〜 if your oc wears any perfume/cologne, what’s their favorite?
He doesn't. It irritates his patients, it's best not to wear any scents.
𝗰𝗮𝗶𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗵𝗮 〜 what does your oc’s voice sound like?
A bit higher, slow, steady, a HINT of an accent of some kind.
𝗴𝗶𝗻 𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗲𝘆 〜 what does your oc consider to be their best feature? alternatively, what’s something they’re most self conscious about?
He's most self conscious about his eyes. But he likes his height! Baby boy do be 6'7. (He hits his head a lot, help)
𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗵𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗮𝗻 〜 what kind of people does your oc hate the most?
-looks at world-2 valorant protocol that he abandoned- anyways.
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