#Top Web Designers in Canada
genzmediamtl · 3 months
Top Web Design & Development Agency in Canada
Looking for a leading web design and development agency in Canada? Look no further than Genz Media! Because We are specializing in creating stunning, user-friendly websites and innovative digital solutions. Genz Media is the go-to choice for businesses aiming to enhance their online presence from bespoke web design to cutting-edge development. Our expert team ensures your digital success. Discover why Genz Media is the top-rated web design and development agency in Canada. Visit Genz Media website https://genzmedia.agency/services/web-design-development/ to learn more and take your digital strategy to the next level!
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dotitioo · 4 months
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innovativeprosolution · 7 months
Online Payroll Services
Revolutionize your payroll process with Innovative Pro Solutions' Online Payroll Services. Say goodbye to manual calculations and paperwork. Our user-friendly platform streamlines payroll tasks, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. Simplify your payroll management today with Innovative Pro Solutions.
Address: Ottawa, Ontario K2C0B9, CA
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webzian · 2 years
What type of software development will be most common in 2023?
Software engineering will break through technological barriers in 2023. Businesses quickly understood the value of IT professionals and technical innovation during the Covid-19 epidemic. You must be aware of cutting-edge development technologies before releasing an app or website because software development is prevalent everywhere. To further exemplify these trends
What innovations and developments in software development may we expect in 2023? Let's examine the state of software development today and make some predictions about which novel technologies will have the biggest influence in the upcoming year. This article will examine the software development technologies that, in our opinion, will be most crucial in 2023 and the years that follow.
Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI)
Although the terms artificial intelligence and machine learning are frequently used synonymously, machine learning is actually a subset of AI. Although AI may seem like science fiction to some, it is one of the trends in software development that is expanding the fastest. Additionally, applications development for AI and machine learning are no longer limited to HiTech. Modern software has tapped into the enormous computational and predictive capabilities of Machine Learning and AI, particularly in the FinTech sector. We anticipate that the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for consumers will grow quickly. The Teak Smart Cube, an AI-driven power adaptor created to help people reduce their energy costs, is a wonderful illustration of this. The teak outlet is a ground-breaking technological innovation that uses adaptable hardware and clever software to convert today's energy users into tomorrow's energy conservers. It will make your home smarter, your energy bill less, and the world greener through AI and intelligent hardware design. In the coming ten years, there will be an increasing concern that AI will replace human workers. Humans will have to rely on our best traits—our emotions and ingenuity. The era of robot and human contact will begin in this decade.
Platforms with Low-Code and No-Code
Future scalability, security, and general flexibility are the primary issues with low-code/no-code platforms used in mobile and web development projects. You shouldn't base your entire software development approach on low-code platforms, in our opinion. These tools still have a lot of flaws, but they are developing quickly. To fully utilize these platforms as they develop, it may be beneficial to experiment with them.
Low-code tools will usher in a new era of widespread digital accessibility and spur breakthroughs in ways we can now only imagine.
Increase In The Metaverse:
We've been reading a lot about how the Metaverse's software is being developed and what the future of Facebook's new project might entail. Although living in the Metaverse is not now conceivable, we believe it will be feasible in five years.
The World Wide Web was where the Metaverse is right now in the mid-1990s. The Metaverse, according to many, will revolutionize digital culture once it develops and improves, much like the Internet did. The way we interact socially, at work, and in our daily lives is anticipated to alter forever as a result, and organizations that fail to adapt to the Metaverse risk extinction.
Augmented and virtual reality
The metaverse has two sides: virtual reality and augmented reality. With new specialized glasses, augmented reality could expand the amount of real-world advertising area. By itself, virtual reality would open up an entirely new digital market for advertising. Before the technology can be categorized as one of the quickly emerging technologies, it still has some catching up to accomplish.
Why then does the Metaverse fit within the tech trends? We might someday reach a stage where people spend the majority of their time in the Metaverse, which could serve as a summary. One of the more important technological trends is the development of the Metaverse.
Edge Computing
Edge computing reduces reaction times and bandwidth usage by bringing computer processes and data storage technology closer to companies.
Some benefits of cutting-edge technology that we'll witness in upcoming trends are:
reduces issues with privacy laws, local compliance, and data sovereignty, raising cybersecurity to a new level. While many people believe that edge computing increases the likelihood of assaults, the reality is that it lessens the impact on the organization should an attack happen.
Edge computing will significantly boost computer speed since it will eliminate latency. For instance, quicker computer processing is required for self-driving automobiles since every millisecond that the vehicle is traveling is crucial.
reduces the expense of retaining the data by classifying it from the management's perspective. It is possible to store data at edge locations, which lowers bandwidth costs.
Blockchain Business Models and Services Adoption
Additionally, unimagined new business models will be produced via blockchain. Increased control over new digital world organizations enables the development and marketing of distinctive goods and services.
One of the technological trends, blockchain, is constantly spreading into new digital use cases in industries like finance and healthcare. In the digital sphere, this technology is still in its infancy.
There are a number of fascinating trends in software development to be aware of. We have discussed a handful of the trends and technologies that most excite us in this post. Contact Us for app development if your firm requires assistance identifying which cutting-edge software development technologies are most appropriate for your business's requirements.
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RIP, Roger Wood, genius assemblage sculptor
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Last week, my dear old friend Roger Wood died, very suddenly, of cancer. He was 80. Roger was a brilliant sculptor, a Canadian veteran navy gunner, and gay. He was my neighbour for a decade. I miss him already.
Roger and I both lived in an old WWI munitions factory in Toronto, which had been turned into 15 illegal live-work studios with 20-foot ceilings which leaked, massive south-facing windows (which leaked), and a warm and collegial vibe of weirdos and artists.
Roger was a self-taught sculptor, a mad collector of all sorts of junk: scrap metal, old toys, discarded electronics, decorative items. He tore these apart, painted and mutated them, and turned them into whimsical assemblages.
Many of these were built around clocks; often with a small feather attached to the second-hand that quivered as it revolved around and around the clockface. Roger was making things that could be called “steampunk” before the term existed — and once he learned it, he embraced it.
In those years, I was working very long hours on the early web, but I was often and easily sidetracked at Roger’s studio, where I’d sit and smoke cigarettes with him and hear navy stories (his time with the big guns had left him somewhat deaf) or just tour his beautiful new pieces.
Roger, too, had an incredible work ethic. He told the Toronto Star’s Barbara Turnbull, “Even on Sunday mornings, when good citizens are off to church, I’m off to the local flea market, always scrounging different bits and pieces.”
And he was content: “But I survive, so why complain? I think mere survival as an artist in Canada propels me into the top 10 per cent of the ranks in this country.”
Turnbull really captured Roger’s studio when she wrote: “But it’s the overwhelming number of storage containers, loosely labelled and filled with the items he uses for his fanciful designs that makes the jaw drop: picture lamp bulbs, lamp parts, wooden balls, drawer pulls, buttons, clock springs, gears and faces, dials, jewellery, candlesticks, shoemaker moulds, picture frames, musical instrument parts, vacuum tubes from old radios, gas lamp parts, typewriter keys, bottle caps, old gauges, camera lenses and nameplates.”
Roger loaned me dozens of his largest, most impressive pieces for my wedding, where he was resplendent in a hall that was filled with his sculptures. I was living in the UK at the time, and shortly after, high Toronto rents pushed Roger out of the city and to Hamilton. I saw him again a few years later when he came to an event of mine in Hamilton and we had dinner.
But then he moved back east, to Nova Scotia, where, he emailed me, he built the studio he’d always dreamt of. I didn’t see him after that, though we corresponded some. Mostly, I felt in touch with Roger because I’ve got so many of his sculptures in my home, including the diptych he gave us as a wedding gift.
Knowing Roger is gone has left an ache in my heart. He deserved to be so much better known, and better treated by the cities he graced with his art and his presence. He was a sweet, kind, talented, funny man and it showed in his art.
In Roger’s obituary in the Globe and Mail, his family says, “Donations to the Charity of Your Choice or support an artist, buy an original piece of art.” Support the artists in your life, folks, and cherish them. Goodbye, Roger. I was very lucky to count you a friend.
Here are some of my photos of Roger, his studio and his work:
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cheerfullycatholic · 11 months
The Wreck of The McIntosh
If you work on the water for long enough, you start to see things. If you decide to stay on the job afterwards, you start to accept them.
I was young when I joined The McIntosh’s crew, a cargo ship transporting logs from Canada to Michigan over Lake Superior. The other men on the ship told me their ghost stories at night, but I never believed them until I started seeing things for myself.
The McIntosh is named after the man who designed her, Fredrick Vaughn McIntosh. He spent the last half of his life making her the fastest, most efficient ship on the Superior. Stories say he loved her more than his own wife, Marianne. The first night she set sail after her completion, Fredick died on the bow. They say the crew found him with a glass of wine still clutched in his hand, head turned toward the sunset. When I saw him for the first time, standing in the same place he died, watching the horizon, I hadn’t realized who he was. When I questioned how he got on board, he just smiled and said, “Isn’t she a beauty?” before fading away. I was terrified, running to the bridge as quickly as my legs could take me. Everyone laughed after I told them what happened.
“He’s harmless, don’t worry too much about him, yeah?” The captain said, patting me on the shoulder.
“Yeah,” another crewmate said, “it’s that old weeping widow you gotta worry about!”
The crew burst out laughing again as I demanded her story. Twenty years ago, one of the crewmembers, a man named Henri Tautou, died during a storm on their way back home. A wave hit the side of the ship and the giant cedar logs came loose, sending him into the water. His wife, Angela, so overcome and distraught with grief, snuck onto the ship and jumped overboard, joining her husband at the bottom of the lake. Some say you can still hear her moans of agony during storms, late at night, and if you’re not careful, she’ll take you with her to their watery grave.
After a while, the ghosts that haunted the ship stopped scaring me. What I saw on the Superior is a different story.
When you hear sailor stories, they’re usually about beautiful women singing their siren song, but all I ever heard was screaming. The first night I heard it, I ran to the side of the ship, searching frantically for its source. In the distance, illuminated by the full moon’s bright light, I saw a figure standing on top of the water, reaching their hands out towards me. I only got a glance before hands were pulling me back, my name being cursed.
“You must never pay heed to the demons of the lake, boy!” A crew member, an old man with an angry face only ever called Haggard, yelled as he roughly pulled me below deck. “They’ll swim off with your soul, do you understand!?”
Despite Haggard’s warning, I was intrigued. Any moment I could spare, I was at the bow, gazing into the water. I learned that there was a whole world under the surface. Humanoid creatures with fins and long, stringy hair would inspect the boat, banging on the metal with stones to listen to the echo. Some would spot me and wave with their pale, webbed hands. Others would screech and dive below the surface, never to be seen again.
Occasionally, Fredrick would join me. He did and said the same thing each time, like a broken record, perhaps reliving his last moments on earth. My Ma always warned me about meddling with the dead, but I didn’t consider it meddling. I never spoke to him, we just watched the sunset, and he’d say his line; “Isn’t she a beauty?”
A year and a half into my time on The McIntosh, I started smuggling extra food onboard to feed the creatures. The merpeople had their own language that I couldn’t understand, but they learned my name, and I theirs. With a basket tied to a rope, we’d pass each other trinkets. They loved most dearly the jewelry I would bring them, and I adored their shells and agates.
The creature I was most taken with was what I could only describe as a mighty dragon. The first time I saw her, I thought I was dreaming. I was gazing over the side of the ship, like I usually did, when a darkness overtook the water. I had looked up, thinking a cloud had shielded the sun, but that wasn’t the case. The great mass in the water was longer than The McIntosh, its sleek, scaled head, peering up at me from just below the surface. I stared back in absolute shock, horror, and wonder, pondering if this was my last moment on this earth. However, she only stared at me, her shining, amethyst eyes piercing my very soul. I gave her that name, and told her as much. She looked wholly unimpressed, seeming to roll her eyes at me before swimming off. Yet, she came back the next night, and all of the ones after. She became my closest friend, and I loved her, but the time I would spend at the bow had been noticed by the crew, and they were unhappy.
On the third night of The McIntosh’s last sail, I stood at the bow, a pistol in hand.
“You can’t hurt her, she’s peaceful, and my friend.”
“That thing is a beast! You’ve brought death onto this ship, and if you don’t move aside and let us take care of it, you will be cut down, too!”
The crew yelled in anger, torches and petrol cans in hand as I pleaded with them, but they were too overcome with fear to understand that the lake and its creatures weren’t what we thought they were. For so long we lived afraid and unwilling to accept the world as it is. In that moment, I worried that it was too late for change.
“Amethyst, you must leave. Never return to the surface!” I cried behind me, at the beautiful sea dragon in the water below. With a look as sorrowful as she could make, she disappeared into the inky depths, and my heart sank with her.
“You were never meant for life on the water, boy,” Haggard growled, moving to the front of the crew. “I knew that as soon you stepped on deck. You’re weak. You got no guts.”
So overcome with grief, I didn’t act quickly enough to stop him from driving his filet knife into my stomach.
As if a siren went off, all around us, the lake wailed in agony. I saw the crewmembers cover their ears against the noise, before a large, black mass shot out of the water and landed on the ship as I went overboard.
As I sunk deeper into the lake, icy, webbed hands stroked my face and hair. Through blurry eyes, I saw the merpeople gathered around me, weeping as they pulled the knife from my stomach. The pain faded as I looked up at a great, yellow light on the surface; fire encasing the sinking ship as the crew jumped into the water, dodging debris and spears as the creatures of the lake attacked.
Amethyst swam under me, allowing me to rest on her back, as my eyes slid shut, and water filled my lungs.
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Expanding Horizons: Elevate Your Brand with Our Comprehensive Digital Solutions
In today's competitive digital landscape, having a strong brand presence is essential for success. At Digi BREAD, we are a leading branding agency dedicated to helping businesses thrive with innovative strategies tailored to their unique needs. With expertise in digital marketing, graphic design, and website design/development, we provide end-to-end solutions that ensure your brand stands out. As a marketing company with a global reach, we are excited to announce the opening of our new branch in Canada, further expanding our ability to serve clients with top-tier services.
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Why Branding and Digital Marketing Matter
In a world where first impressions are often made online, effective digital marketing is crucial. Whether you're looking to enhance your search engine rankings through SEM (Search Engine Marketing) or create an engaging organizer website that drives conversions, our team has the expertise to deliver results. As a leading digital marketing agency in Canada, we understand the nuances of both local and global markets, ensuring your brand message resonates with your target audience.
Our Comprehensive Services
Digital Marketing: We offer a full suite of services, including SEM, SEO, content marketing, and social media management. Our goal is to increase your online visibility and drive targeted traffic to your site.
Graphic Design: Our creative team produces visually stunning designs that communicate your brand's message effectively. Whether it's for web, print, or social media, our designs captivate and convert.
Website Design/Development: We build responsive, user-friendly websites that reflect your brand's identity. Our websites are optimized for both aesthetics and performance, ensuring a seamless user experience across all devices.
Expanding Our Reach: New Branch in Canada
As part of our commitment to providing exceptional branding services, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our new branch in Canada. This expansion allows us to better serve clients in North America, particularly in the competitive markets of Toronto. As one of the top creative agencies in Toronto, we are positioned to offer innovative solutions that meet the diverse needs of businesses across various industries.
Why Choose Us?
Digi BREAD stands out among advertising agencies in Toronto, Canada due to our holistic approach to branding and marketing. We combine creativity with data-driven strategies to deliver campaigns that resonate with your audience and drive measurable results. Whether you're searching for a digital marketing company in Canada or exploring your options among all SEO companies in Canada, we are your go-to partner for success.
As we continue to grow, our commitment to excellence remains unwavering. We invite you to partner with us and take your brand to new heights with Digi BREAD, your trusted marketing agency in Canada.
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The trucking industry is one of the most regulated in the U.S. and Canada, which means compliance is always a top concern for transportation industries. This is especially true when it comes to cross-border freight. These days, border officials rely on digital documents to make the customs process smoother. Having the right software can make this process easy and reduce the risk of errors. Here are a few ways AVAAL eManifest software can make border crossing easy for your business.
Compliance Made Simple
To run a successful trucking business, compliance always needs to be a top priority. Not following the required customs process or accurately filling out documentation can result in lost time, reduced profits, and even legal consequences. Both Canada and the U.S. require carriers to submit their eManifests one hour prior and send their paperwork to customs brokers two hours prior to a driver’s arrival at the border. With AVAAL’s eManifest software, submitting this has never been easier. Our software is tailor-made to meet all the requirements so that you can cross the border without any hassles and be confident that you’re complying with all regulations.
Easy to Use Platform
Both the U.S. and Canada currently offer their own free eManifest portal. Unfortunately, these are difficult to use and not designed to support carriers that regularly cross the border. These platforms also don’t share data between ACE and ACI, creating issues for cross-border trucking companies. AVAAL eManifest is easy to use and reliable. It’s web-based software, meaning you can submit your manifests at any time and from anywhere. Our software also comes with 24/7 support, so we will be available to help you if any issues arise.
Tailored to Your Business' Needs
Not all trucking companies have the same needs, even when it comes to border-crossing. One thing that sets our eManifest software apart from others is that it can be tailor-fit to meet your company’s needs. Whether you’re a single operator or a multi-national company, we offer the greatest level of flexibility and have an eManifest plan to suit your requirements. We have a team of experts on hand ready to help you with all your businesses’ needs.
PAPS and PARS: How to Speed Up Your Cross-Border Shipments
PAPS (Pre-Arrival Processing System) and PARS (Pre-Arrival Review System) are essential components in cross-border trade between Canada and the United States. Let’s explore what they are and how they facilitate the movement of commercial goods across the Canadian and U.S. borders:
PARS (Pre-Arrival Review System):
Designation: PARS is used by the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) to clear commercial goods through customs.
Functionality: It involves bar code labels placed on commercial invoices. CBSA agents scan these labels to determine whether goods need immediate release or further inspection.
Integration: PARS works with the ACI (Advance Commercial Information) electronic manifest system in Canada.
PAPS (Pre-Arrival Processing System):
Designation: PAPS is the U.S. counterpart of PARS.
Functionality: Similar to PARS, it allows U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to process goods as they cross the border.
Integration: PAPS operates within the ACE (Automated Commercial Environment) electronic manifest system in the United States.
Similarities and Differences:
Both PARS and PAPS serve the same purpose: facilitating the movement of goods.
The main difference lies in their geographical scope: PARS for Canada, PAPS for the USA.
Having similar systems streamlines importing and exporting between the two countries.
When Do You Need PARS or PAPS Numbers?
Any commercial shipments entering Canada or the U.S. by truck use PARS or PAPS numbers as the default shipping type.
The PARS/PAPS process involves carriers, shippers, and customs brokers working together to ensure smooth border crossings.
Here’s how it works:
A carrier assigns a PARS or PAPS number to a shipment.
The customs broker uses this number to request the release of the shipment from customs.
The carrier prepares an eManifest listing using ACI (Canada) or ACE (U.S.), referencing the PARS or PAPS number.
Only when both the broker’s entry and the carrier’s eManifest listing are accepted can the goods proceed to the border.
Customs officers verify the PARS or PAPS number to release the goods or refer them for inspection.
In summary, PARS and PAPS play a crucial role in expediting cross-border trade, ensuring compliance, and enhancing efficiency for carriers and importers.
For more information kindly visit – ACE/ACI emanifest Portal
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sarahdawnsdesigns · 8 months
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It's February, and things are weirdly warmer then normal right now.   At least here in Southern Ontario, February is traditionally the coldest month of the year - which should makes a warm winter hat (like the Wrought Mithril Hat), so important. But, it's supposed to get colder through the week, and all of that is at least a small reason why I've chosen this hat as February's Featured Pattern and Knit-Along!
The pattern is 50% off for the month of February, plus, if you finish a hat by the end of February you have the chance to win a Gift Card from Knit Picks (US/Canada only at the moment, sorry!) or 4 patterns of your choice from my web shop!
Other cool stuff to know:
The stitch pattern has both full charts and written instruction. The written instruction is a separate download, but it's available when you buy the pattern
The pattern has a large-print version for folks who need it (this version also works with screen-reading tech)
It's non-gendered. Hats are not gendered. Hats keep your head warm and your ears from getting frostbitten. (They are also the Destroyers of Cute Hairstyles, /sigh/) None of these things are constrained by gender.
It comes in two adult sizes, with a head circumference of 19.5 (22.25) inches, or 49.5 (57) cm. It measures 9.5 (10) inches or 24 (25.5) cm, from edge of ribbing to top of crown. Like most hats, it is designed to be worn with approximately 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.5 cm) of negative ease*
Sample is worked in Northbound Knitting Merino/Silk Fingering in the colourway "Ethereal", and shown in size S.
If you're a Patron, you can download the pattern here
You can find all the details about how to enter the Knit Along on the Pattern Page, and if you've got any questions, please, drop them on this post or in the Ask Box!
*Negative Ease - where the measurements of the thing are smaller then the measurements of your body, and the fabric stretches to fit. So, the 19.5 inch circumference is designed to fit a head circumference of about 21.5 inches.
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ottawaseoservice · 9 months
Web Design Meets SEO Mastery: Crafting High-Performance Websites
Discover how SEO Services Canada blends artful web design with cutting-edge SEO tactics for a holistic digital strategy that propels your site to the top. Elevate your online presence with designs that attract and SEO that performs. #WebDesign #SEOStrategy
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nectarbitsca · 11 months
Top Custom Software Development Company in Canada
Nectarbits is a top custom software development company in Canada. We provide custom software development solutions including web design & development from startup to enterprise businesses. With seasoned expert developers and a track record of successful projects, we specialize in crafting cutting-edge software applications across various industries. Contact us!
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nodesolutionsca · 1 year
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innovativeprosolution · 7 months
Online Payroll Services
Revolutionize your payroll process with Innovative Pro Solutions' Online Payroll Services. Say goodbye to manual calculations and paperwork. Our user-friendly platform streamlines payroll tasks, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. Simplify your payroll management today with Innovative Pro Solutions.
Address: Ottawa, Ontario K2C0B9, CA
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developer4u · 1 year
Top 10 Mobile App Development Companies in USA | Develop4U
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Here are the top 10 mobile app development companies in New York USA:
Deligence Technologies Inc. - It is serving global clients since August 2014 in the areas of EduTech, FinTech, HealthTech, eCommerce, CRM Solutions development, and implementation, based in Toronto, Canada.
Fueled - Fueled is a full-service digital agency that specializes in mobile app design and development, based in NYC.
Blue Label Labs - Blue Label Labs is a mobile app development company that creates custom software solutions for startups and enterprises.
Appnovation - Appnovation is a global digital agency that provides mobile app development, web development, and digital strategy services.
Dom and Tom - Dom and Tom is a digital product agency that creates custom mobile apps, websites, and software for businesses.
Worry Free Labs - Worry Free Labs is a mobile app development company that provides end-to-end digital product design and development services.
Fuzz - Fuzz is a digital agency that specializes in mobile app development, web development, and UX/UI design.
ArcTouch - ArcTouch is a mobile app development company that provides custom software development services for mobile, web, and IoT devices.
DMI - DMI is a digital transformation company that provides mobile app development, enterprise mobility, and UX/UI design services.
Prolific Interactive - Prolific Interactive is a mobile app development company that specializes in creating custom mobile applications for businesses.
These companies have a strong track record of delivering high-quality mobile app development services to businesses in NYC and beyond.
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This day in history
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There are only four more days left in my Kickstarter for the audiobook of The Bezzle, the sequel to Red Team Blues, narrated by @wilwheaton! You can pre-order the audiobook and ebook, DRM free, as well as the hardcover, signed or unsigned. There's also bundles with Red Team Blues in ebook, audio or paperback.
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#20yrsago Your customers don’t want DRM, part MMMCCXI https://www.wired.com/2004/01/stores-nix-disposable-flicks/
#20yrsago Jason Schultz on American Blind versus Google https://lawgeek.typepad.com/lawgeek/
#20yrsago BugMeNot: circumvent annoying registration https://bugmenot.com
#20yrsago Hundreds of BBCers protest director’s resignation http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/3442825.stm
#20yrsago Marxist fairy tales https://web.archive.org/web/20040420002251/http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/~wright/Audiopage.html
#15yrsago Bruce Sterling on our global psychosis, ca. 2009 https://web.archive.org/web/20090201010959/http://www.seedmagazine.com/news/2009/01/2009_will_be_a_year_of_panic.php
#15yrsago Digital Britain report proposes to save Britain’s future by destroying the Internet https://www.openrightsgroup.org/blog/digital-britain-leaving-consumers-out-of-the-picture/
#15yrsago UK fingerprints foreign six-year-old children at the border https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2009/jan/29/eu-idcards
#10yrsago Not just Environment and Health: Canadian government attacks libraries from 12 ministries https://web.archive.org/web/20140303074337/www.desmog.ca/2014/01/27/loss-librarians-devastating-science-and-knowledge-canada
#10yrsago Republican Congressman threatens to kill reporter after State of the Union https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2014/01/29/1273288/-GOP-Congressman-Threatens-to-Kill-Report-After-SOTU
#10yrsago Network Solutions not sure if it will opt random customers into $1,850 “domain protection” plan https://www.techdirt.com/2014/01/28/network-solutions-tries-to-auto-enroll-users-into-its-1850year-domain-protection-plan/
#10yrsago Writers Guild of America tells US government that copyright shouldn’t trump free expression https://torrentfreak.com/hollywood-writers-warn-against-draconian-anti-piracy-measures-140127/
#10yrsago Top lawyer finds GCHQ spying is illegal & UK spies who help US drone strike may be accessories to murder https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/jan/28/gchq-mass-surveillance-spying-law-lawyer
#10yrsago Extorted out of a one-character Twitter ID by a hacker who seized control of Godaddy domains https://medium.com/@N/how-i-lost-my-50-000-twitter-username-24eb09e026dd
#5yrsago Undercover who targeted Citizen Lab over Israeli cyber-arms dealer is an ex-Israeli spook linked to black ops firm used by Harvey Weinstein https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/28/world/black-cube-nso-citizen-lab-intelligence.html
#5yrsago Major vulnerability in 5G means that anyone with $500 worth of gear can spy on a wide area’s mobile activity https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/01/5g-protocol-may-still-be-vulnerable-imsi-catchers
#5yrsago Citing terms of service and “bad actors,” Facebook locks out tools that catalog ads and ad targeting https://www.propublica.org/article/facebook-blocks-ad-transparency-tools
#5yrsago A 70% tax on income over $10m is designed to correct inequality, not raise revenue https://www.commondreams.org/views/2019/01/28/alexandria-ocasio-cortezs-70-percent-tax-rich-isnt-about-revenue-its-about
#5yrsago Words, but not deeds: the Democrats as climate-deniers https://jacobin.com/2019/01/climate-change-2020-democrats-green-new-deal
#5yrsago The EU’s plan for algorithmic copyright filters is looking more and more unlikely https://memex.craphound.com/2019/01/29/the-eus-plan-for-algorithmic-copyright-filters-is-looking-more-and-more-unlikely/
#1yrago “Conversational” AI Is Really Bad At Conversations https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/29/conversational-ai-is-really-bad-at-conversations/
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Berliners: Otherland has added a second date (Jan 28 - TOMORROW!) for my book-talk after the first one sold out - book now!
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Back the Kickstarter for the audiobook of The Bezzle here!
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nodesolutions · 1 year
Top web design & development company in canada offers best online business solutions to end users. They can provide wide range of IT services including web development, softwares, app development and digital marketing. Their main aim is to provide maximum benefit to the clients in the trend of global competition. One can take their affordable services by contacting them.
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