#Top Ceiling Speakers for Home Theater
ookaaudio · 7 days
Unleash sound power: Ooka AUDiO’s wireless ceiling Bluetooth speakers
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POWER IT. CONNECT IT. PLAY IT. Get ready to take your sound quality to the next level with one of the finest Retail Audio Solution provider in India, Ooka AUDiO’s cutting-edge Wireless Bluetooth Ceiling Speakers.These 20-watt twins are set to transform your auditory experience with unparalleled convenience and top-notch sound for both businesses and homes.
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
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Someone was having trouble getting decent sound in his living room and instead of recommending a room treatment or better speakers this person just casually suggests PUTTING AN ADDITION ONTO THE HOUSE.
Trying to get advice on audio forums is often a challenge because a lot of these dudes just have *so much* disposable income. And they just assume everyone else is wealthy too. You can even tell them you have a budget and they'll be like, "You should save up longer and buy this thing that is three times your budget."
And it's not like there aren't wonderful options that are more affordable. I think I may have about $3000 worth of home theater equipment that I have collected over the last 20 years. They will spend that on a single speaker and suggest you do the same.
The people in these forums would have a fit if they knew I had a single subwoofer. Apparently, the cardinal audio sin is having only ONE subwoofer.
Your room could have NULLS!
Seriously, they will lecture you anytime you mention having a single subwoofer. "Your seat-to-seat response is going to be inconsistent!"
I also saw a guy say that a 15" subwoofer was "tiny" and "pointless."
My 70-pound, 12" subwoofer is currently vibrating items off the shelf in my house ever since I moved it upstairs and don't have concrete floors like in the basement. I'm going to have to buy special subwoofer feet to decouple it from the floor. I can't imagine what a 15" sub would do to my house. It might collapse on top of me.
So you can only get a sub that is at least 18" and you need a minimum of 2... but 4 is much better. Actually, 4 is the minimum. 2 is garbage. 2 in front and 2 in back.
And, of course, you have to get a Rythmik or PSA subwoofer. Don't cheap out on the brand!
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You have to build an addition to the house AND buy $8000 worth of subwoofers and then MAYBE your sound will be somewhat listenable.
But only if you calibrate the subs with a MiniDSP and the proper UMIK calibration microphone.
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Wait, do you have a regular AVR with built in amplification? That won't do. What you need is an audio processor with individual external amplification.
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You'll need a 9.4.6 configuration for the proper surround sound experience. That is 9 ear-level speakers, 4 subwoofers, and 6 atmos ceiling speakers.
So 2 of these.
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1 of these.
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3 pairs of these.
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6 of these... plus professional ceiling installation.
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And an individual amplifier for each speaker.
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Do you really need a 600 watt amp for the ceiling speakers too?
Comfort is important too. So you'll want a Valencia leather power recliner with LED cup holder.
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And... by far... the most important home theater component...
The power cable.
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This will assure that only the highest quality electrons are delivered to your audio equipment.
Don't think about it too much.
Don't think about all of the janky powerlines that deliver electricity to your house.
Or all of the generic power cables inside your wall.
This cable magically negates all of that and turns the last few feet of electricity into pure, audio-grade power.
Guaranteed to drastically improve your sound quality... somehow.
It can't be nonsense, otherwise someone would have never written such beautiful prose about a power cable in a review...
"I was smitten by the piano’s extra depth in its nether regions. I’m not talking about what some audiophiles like to refer to as testicular bass, but rather, a rich and absorbing presentation."
$14,000 for rich and absorbing testicular bass? WORTH IT!
So that's roughly $65,870 for all of that and between $50,000 and $100,000 for a 500 square foot room addition.
A small price to pay for a room that is not junk for listening to music.
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theapangea · 1 year
Hawkins High Confessions
Characters/Pairings: Steve Harrington x Reader, Billy Hargrove, Robin Buckley
Summary: You accidentally confess your feelings for Steve Harrington in front of the whole school.
Warnings: None, Embarrassment??
A/N: I really really like this fic so I hope you do too!!
Request me anything in my bio <3
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Hawkins High. 
Home of the Tigers. 
The typical middle American high school, stuck in the suburbs, decaying away as the years continue to pass. The weather stained panel ceilings and worn outer bricks hold the next generation of citizens practically begging to not be there.
The bell blares through the speakers of the hallways and courtyard, signaling to all students the beginning of the 7 minute long passing duration to get to first period. Suddenly the school becomes overwhelmed with laughing, shouting, shuffling kids trying to move their way through the cramped, long hallways.
Eyes wandering along the dozens of passing faces that you’ve known for most of your life. You and Robin maneuver your way through the herd of students. Saying your goodbyes before parting ways, counting down the minutes until you can regroup again at lunch.
Strolling your way to the front office, taking up as much of the passing period as possible before your inevitable morning with the one, the only, Billy Hargrove. Your face contorting in disgust at the sheer thought of him.
Hawkins Morning Announcements was not your first choice for extracurriculars. You would have much preferred photography or theater or literally anything else besides having to do this silly little talk with Billy every morning. But you guessed this is what you get for getting caught smoking behind the bleachers. Though the punishment could be worse. The foul taste of Billy sitting by you every morning for 180 days out of the year makes you want to barf. 
Well actually has made you barf. Beginning of the semester, right after he tried to kiss you, right into the principal's trash can. Not a pretty sight.
Walking through the open double doors into the front office area, minding your own as you observe your shoelace becoming loose.
And then it hit you.
Stumbling back, your textbooks suddenly falling all over the floor. 
He hit you. Your mind racing at the abrupt collision.
“Shit, sorry.” The voice says, just audible enough not to be considered a whisper.
Regaining your balance as you follow his movement to the floor, piling the textbooks and loose papers. Racking a hand through his brown locks as he straightens up, handing you the collection of school supplies.
Steve Harrington hit you.
“Y/N, right?”
Steve Harrington is talking to you.
Nodding your head in affirmation to his question, eyes immediately darting away. You haven’t had much interaction with Steve other than giving him a pencil in math class when he forgets (which is almost every other week) or a quick smile while passing in the halls.
He shoves his hands into his front pockets, rocking back on his heels. His demeanor is friendly, his lips lifting up slightly in the corners. He wasn’t as cold as you had imagined. And oh did you imagine being this close to him often . “I’ve got to go.” He utters after a couple of silent moments, flashing another sweet smile before walking past you.
“Yeah.” You breathe as he is already gone.
Pathetic .
How pathetic can you really be is all you can think. To basically have Steve Harrington standing right in front of you and barely be able to speak a single word to him. Slumping your shoulders as you continue on the way to your final destination.
The chatter filling up the space as the room is full of middle-aged women attending to students and daily duties. Your mind is still floating as Steve Harrington swirls through your thoughts. Turning the handle of the door marked Announcement Studio , flicking the lights on in the enclosed room before placing the messy stack of books in your hands on the table where two microphones and a switchboard station sit on top.
Overhearing giggling coming from the front desk area, you stick your head out to investigate, only to see Billy Hargrove, in all of his unwanted glory, flirting with the office secretary. You really can’t believe these women fall for his act. 
You watch as Billy winks to the secretary before walking your way, the light giggles still follow even after he is standing right in front of you. His walk is confident and maybe, just maybe, if you were completely drunk you would give him a chance. But sober you has full control now and doesn’t want anything to do with him.  
He is irritating, persistent and overall probably the most annoying person you have ever met. And for some reason he seemed as if he enjoyed sitting in the cramped room with you every morning. Shoulder to shoulder for the first 10 mins of the school day. 
Leaning against the door frame as he passes you. Walking closer than he should have been, pressing your back against the cold metal that seeps through your shirt. The heat radiating from his body, your noses almost touching
“You love me.” He whispers, his breath of pure cigarettes. His mouth pulled into his annoying signature smirk. 
“Let’s just get this over with before I barf… again .” Your voice follows him into the room. Plopping into his designated seat while pulling your seat open for you. His arm finding its final resting place along the back.
“ Baby ,” the words falling so easily from his lips, “how about you just stop with this whole act of you not liking me and we go take a trip out to my car after this little party.” His pointer finger waving in the air as if he is trying to cast a spell on you. You smile and then laugh. Really having to hold in any amusement that you were having at Billy trying to make advances at you again .  
Sitting down in the empty seat, prepping the switch board and microphones as the seconds grow closer to morning broadcast across the school.
“You’re killing me.” His head tilts back, the subtle whine in his tone as the word drags, echoing more in the small room. “Come on, you know you want me.” His fingers play with the ends of your hair that fall down your back.
“That’s definitely a negative.” You shake your hair, wiggling out of his grasp.
“Fine then who do you like?” He crosses his arms over his chest. Puffing that his usual tricks weren’t working on you. 
You straighten up at his words, side eyeing as he watches, “None of your business.” You freeze for a moment, just a moment , hoping that it wasn’t long enough for him to tell.
Oh but he did . He can tell how anxious you got over the little question. Could tell how you swallowed abruptly, your brain going a hundred miles per hour trying to think of a good answer. Any answer to get him off of your case. Leaning forward, his head resting on his knuckles as his elbow rests on his knee. Studying your face. “Tommy Hagan.”
“The guy you like, Tommy Hagan.” He sounds almost proud of himself. 
You’re now looking directly at him. “ Ew , gross. No.” 
“Patrick…” He stops to think for a moment, snapping his fingers hoping that will somehow make him remember, “Patrick Wright.” His pointer finger aimed in your direction.
Then it was as if a light bulb had switched. 
“Steve Harrington.”
“Ok we’re so not doing this.” You basically snap, fixing the pieces of paper with the announcement script in front of you.
“So you do like Harrington.” He laughs. Laughs . At you for liking Steve. How could he laugh? How could he not realize that before his sorry ass got to Hawkins that literally every girl would pay anything to sleep with Steve. 
“I-never-said-that.” You say right away. Barely any breath between your words.
“You didn’t have too.” The melody of his words string your lies together. 
“Shut up,” was all the comeback that you could think of. 
Billy leans in close, “Just admit it.” Grabbing one of the microphones to plug it in. Adjusting it to side perfection by his mouth.
“I will not,” speaking through your teeth.
“Can’t say he’s my particular taste.”
“Well no one asked you, did they?” Rolling your eyes. 
The bell blares again through the now empty hallways. The hundreds of students packed neatly within the closed classrooms. 
Steve finds his normal seat in the back of the full class. Sliding into his desk as he lets his backpack hit the floor. His fingers lightly tap against the wooden desk as he glances at the clock.
Another dreaded Monday morning. His tired eyes fall heavily as the conversion between the two of you fades quickly. The chattering of the students falls silent as the intercom comes to life. The static filling the classroom before Billy’s voice plays throughout the school.
Billy: Good Morning Hawkins High. It looks like it’s going to be a great day in paradise. Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The class of students stand, lazily placing hands over their hearts as they all face the flag near the door. The groggy voices follow along to yours and Billy’s voices.
You and Billy: I pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands. One nation, under God, individual with liberty and justice for all.
You: You may now be seated.
The students shuffle back into their desk. The squeaking sound of the metal stoppers against the panel flooring sounding through the small room. 
You: This is a very special week for Hawkins as the winter formal is just around the corner, do you know who you’re asking yet?
Billy: I sure know who I’m going to ask. Say, Y/N, any idea on who you’re going with.
You: I guess it’s still too far out to know yet, Billy.
Billy: I can surely think of someone who should ask you.
Kicking him instantly after his comment. The words shut up following just under your breath before you continue.
You: Principle Coleman wanted us to remind you all to remember to throw away all your trash in the yard after lunch.
You and Billy: Let’s keep this school clean!
Billy: We also want to give it up to the Tiger’s Basketball Team for a great game last Friday. Though we lost 3-7, it was still a great game. 
You: I agree with Billy. Our Tigers are not ones to miss.
Billy: Especially a certain player.
The inaudible words of I am going to kill you towards Billy fall from your lips. The speakers hold the moment of silence as the hundreds of kids can hear some kind of commotion on the other end.
You: Well that’s all the news for today. 
Billy: We hope you have a great day Hawkins High
You: I’m Y/N Y/L/N
Billy: And I’m Billy Hargrove, 
You and Billy: Signing out. Go Tigers!
The static immediately disappears as the switch is turned off. 
The teacher stands from his deck, chalk in hand as he begins to write on the board. The class settling in for another uneventful history lesson. This was definitely not going to help Steve stay awake. 
But just as the words of some war were leaving the teacher’s mouth, the intercom comes to life. The static quickly fading as Billy’s voice fills the hallways and classrooms once again. 
Billy: Ok, seriously just admit it.
Dozens of students are looking between each other trying to figure out what is going on. 
You: Admit what?
Billy: That you like Steve Harrington and maybe I’ll leave you alone.
The class practically gasps in union as all students, including the teacher, turn to look at Steve in the back of the classroom. His face washes white, hues of soft red forming on his cheeks as he sinks lower into the plastic seat.
And as much as he was embarrassed by the whole interaction, he had to admit that he was a little bit curious. He hadn’t talked to you much in the past but he couldn’t say that he didn’t at least find you a little attractive. 
You: I’m not going to admit anything if it isn’t true.
Billy: Baby, It’s just you and me here. No one's gonna know outside this room.
You: Ugh, fine.
There is a pause. The entire school on the edge of their seats as they wait for the next words to come out of your mouth
You: Yeah, I like Steve Harrington.
“Happy?” You question. Almost happy yourself to finally get that secret off of your chest, even if it was to someone you despise. 
But before Billy could answer, the door frantically flies open to showcase a heaving Robin. Her face bright red, her body heaving from the loss of breath as she points towards the dashboard. 
Following her pointer finger across the room to the small table where the dashboard sat. Realizing then that the small red light signaling that your microphones were on. The small red light signaling that the private conversation that you and Billy just had was broadcasted across the entire school.
The color in your face completely washing away at your realization that Steve just heard your confession.
“More than ecstatic.” Billy’s grin overcomes his face, his teasing laugh playing in your ears.
And all you could think about at this moment is Oh shit.
Part 2???? Let me know what you think!
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headhedgehog · 6 months
Part one
Kunigami shook out one of Keiko’s school uniform skirts and tossed it in the washer. Keiko had mostly slept through the night and was now in the kitchen with Chigiri, baking something. Kunigami and Chigiri had been texting most of the night and agreed it was probably best to keep Keiko busy until she felt like talking about her date again; there wasn’t much else they could do until she decided what she wanted, and they didn’t want her to spiral about it too much.
He was setting the wash cycle when his phone rang. 
“Kunigami?” Isagi Yoichi’s voice came through the speaker. He sounded exhausted.
“Wondered how long it would be before I heard from you, Isagi.”
Isagi sighed. “So it was your Keiko Haru was out with.”
“Yes it was.”
“That all you have to say? Shit?”
Another sigh. “I’m not even sure what happened, Kunigami, all I know is Haru called me from an emergency clinic when he was supposed to be at a movie with a girl named Keiko. He won’t tell me anything else. Your Keiko is the only one I know, so I started with you. I’m just trying to find out what happened.”
Kunigami leaned against the washer, looked up at the ceiling. “Let me tell you what my night looked like, Isagi. My daughter was excited about a date with your son. Your son didn’t even bother to ring the doorbell when he picked her up. A couple hours later, I get a call from my daughter, who is scared and crying, asking me to come get her. Chigiri and I get to the theater, and she’s crying and shaking and bleeding. Won’t talk to us at all. We finally get her home and calmed down and she tells us that not only did your son tell her the date was basically a joke but that he kissed and touched her when she explicitly said she didn’t want him to, so she punched him. Now I’m waiting for Keiko to be up for talking about it so we can decide if she wants to do anything else.”
Isagi was silent for a long moment. Kunigami did his best to breathe, slow his heart rate. I will not threaten Isagi or his punk son. I will not threaten Isagi or his punk son –
“Do you think she’s going to report it?”
Kunigami blinked. “What? That’s your concern?”
“I just want him to be prepared for what’s going to happen to him.”
“Happen to him?”
“What happened to Keiko is awful, and I’m very sorry about it. But I just can’t imagine Haru doing something like that maliciously.”
“Is there a non-malicious way to assault someone?”
“I’m just saying maybe there was some miscommunication. He’s a very popular boy, captain of the football team, top of the class –”
“His resume has nothing to do with whether he groped my daughter in a movie theater.”
“You said yourself Keiko was excited about the date. Lots of girls want to date Haru. Maybe she was uncomfortable, and that’s terrible, but it’s not unreasonable for him to think that –”
“Isagi. I’m not sure you want to finish that sentence.”
Isagi sighed again. “I’m sorry, Kunigami, I don’t know what I’m saying. I’m just…it just doesn’t sound like something Haru would do.”
It took every ounce of Kunigami’s willpower to keep his voice level. “But it does sound like something a boy raised by the world’s chief egoist would do.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Out of everyone I met at Blue Lock, you were the one who absorbed Ego’s bullshit most completely. Anything you had to do, anyone you had to step on, morality be damned, if it fed your ego and pushed you forward, you did it. Why wouldn’t you raise your son the same way?”
The line was silent for nearly a minute before Kunigami realized Isagi had hung up.
The rest of the weekend passed quietly. Keiko seemed to feel a bit better and insisted she just wanted to move on, that she would just avoid Haru at school and let that be the end of it. Chigiri and Kunigami did their best to make peace with that. As much as they wanted to destroy the little bastard, Keiko’s argument that it would just make school worse for her was hard to refute.
Keiko was studying in her room Sunday evening when Chigiri looked at  Kunigami over his book, brow furrowed. 
“You don’t think Isagi would do anything to try and get ahead of this, do you? Like to try to make Keiko look bad?”
Kunigami chewed his lip. “I guess he could. But I doubt it. It’d involve putting ‘Haru’ and ‘assault’ in the same sentence, and I don’t think he’d risk that.”
Chigiri didn’t respond, but he fidgeted with his bookmark in a way that told Kunigami he was still nervous. 
“Hyoma, Isagi was a dick on the phone but that doesn’t mean he’s actively out to betray us. You know that, right?”
“I know. I just keep thinking about how excited he was to take everyone down at Blue Lock.”
“We’ve all grown up since then.”
“He has no loyalty. He’s opportunistic and he’ll do anything and hurt anyone to get what he wants.” Chigiri’s breath was ragged; Kunigami could see the panic attack coming and tried to speak as calmly as he could.
“We knew him best when we were all in a situation that rewarded that. The real world doesn’t, and again, he’s 25 years older than he was in Blue Lock.”
Chigiri’s breathing was still fast, but he let Kunigami pull him into a hug.
“It’s been a hard few days, but that doesn’t mean things are going to get worse. Keiko is safe, we’re safe, we’re taking care of her as best we can.”
Chigiri buried his face in Kunigami’s chest, crying quietly. Kunigami held him, tried to breathe in a steady rhythm. Eventually Chigiri’s tears stopped and he fell asleep, still in his husband’s arms. 
Keiko entered her classroom Monday morning to find that most of her classmates wouldn’t look at her. 
She made her way to her desk, stomach sinking as one by one her classmates turned away and whispered to each other. 
Isagi said, she heard. Can you imagine? I know!
Keiko got to her desk and did her best to act as if everything was normal. Until Isagi Haru crossed the room to stand next to one of his buddies in the desk next to hers.
“Dude, what happened to your face?” 
“Had a date, got a little carried away.”
“She must be some kind of a freak, shit.”
“Yeah, but that’s okay with me,” Haru turned to Keiko. “What’cha say, Keiko? Do it again next weekend?”
Keiko opened her mouth but couldn’t get any words to come out. Her ears were ringing and her face was hot; she felt every eye in the room staring at her.
“Shut the fuck up, dirtbag.”
The voice came from the back of the room. Keiko turned to see Barou Kyoji on their feet, leaning over their desk with a look of pure disgust on their face.
“You have a problem, Barou?”
“I sure as fuck do, Isagi. You’ve been running your mouth all morning, saying disgusting shit about someone who wasn’t even here to defend herself. I don’t care what happened, you shouldn’t be talking about it to everyone you can find.”
“Shut up, what’s a virgin like you even know about this?”
“I know you’re a garbage footballer that can’t even score a goal on his own, let alone a girl.”
“You fucking –”
“That’s enough!” 
The teacher came through the classroom door and slammed her bag on her desk. “Everyone in their seat! If I hear one more swear word you’re all getting detention for a week.”
Keiko practically ran from the room at the lunch break and found a quiet corner of the schoolyard to unpack her lunch. Her dad had given her the last of the leftovers, even though it was both their favorite and they usually bickered over who would get them.
She burst into tears.
She was just pulling herself together when a box of tissues appeared over her shoulder. 
“You okay?” asked Barou Kyoji. They towered over Keiko as she sat on the ground; as if sensing her unease they crouched closer to her level. Keiko took the tissues and wiped her face. 
“He’s an asshole, like, constantly. Isagi, I mean.”
“So I’ve learned.”
“Whatever actually happened with his face, he probably deserved worse.”
Keiko huffed. “Yeah, he did.”
“Uh, well. I’ll leave you alone then. Hope you’re okay.”
“You can stay if you want,” Keiko said. She surprised herself with the offer, seemed to surprise Kyoji even more, but after a beat –
Haru was hanging around the front of the school when Keiko left. He started toward her, but before he could reach her, Kyoji appeared next to her.
“Mind if I walk with you?” 
Keiko raised her eyebrows. “Aren’t you supposed to be at football practice?”
“In an hour or so, I’ve got time.”
She smiled. “Thanks, Barou.”
Kunigami and Chigiri pulled into the driveway to find their daughter on the porch with a kid that looked a lot like a scaled-down Barou Shoei.
“Do you want to come in?” they heard Keiko ask.
“Nah, not if your parents aren’t home. And I should get to practice.”
“Thanks for walking with me, I really appreciate it.”
“It’s no big deal, I hope you don’t feel like I don’t think you can take care of yourself or something, I just thought you didn’t really need to deal with –”
“Who’s your friend, Keiko?” Chigiri called out from the footpath. Kyoji straightened up and walked out to meet the older men.
“I’m sorry, sir. I’m Barou Kyoji. Your daughter is my classmate.” 
“You’re Shoei’s kid, right?” Kunigami asked.
“Yes, sir. I think we might’ve met when I was younger.”
“Isagi was hanging around after school, Barou was helping me get away,” Keiko added from the porch.
“Please, it was nothing. But I do need to get to football practice. It was nice to meet you both again,” Kyoji said, and turned back to the porch. “I’ll see you at school tomorrow, Chigiri Keiko.”
“I told you it was still normal to introduce yourself to people’s parents,” Kunigami whispered at Chigiri as they watched Kyoji leave.
“You’re insufferable,” Chigiri whispered back.
Keiko attempted to sneak into the house but Chigiri caught up with her. He threw his arm around her shoulder as he steered her toward the kitchen. “So, what was that about?”
“What, a cute kid plays the hero, walks you home even though they have practice, introduces themselves to your dads –” 
“Barou Kyoji is a nice person, that’s all.”
“Mhm. If you say so.”
Behind them, Kunigami smiled and stepped through the front door. He let Chigiri tease Keiko in the kitchen, but pulled out his phone to fire off a text to his husband.
“Do you think it’d be too much to invite the Barous over for dinner?”
Bzzt. “Yes. Let’s do it anyway.”
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Rat Dad AU - Chapter 3 - The return of the feline - (Part 3)
(Warning:English isn't my first language)
(Munch's Make Believe Band is speechless seeing the area they just got in. Gregory is also suprised by the room, it looked like a old resturant with the walls being made to recreat the look of wood. He looks around and sees 2 staff only doors in the wall that the door they just enter is located, in the middle of those 2 staff door there a giant window inside it looks like the control room for this area, beyond the second staff only door there another set of doors the same set from the other room they just enter.) Gregory: What the… (Gregory looks up that wall and sees a small half cylinder stage with red curtain on the wall, is located on top of the giant window but is really high but not high enough to touch the ceiling. Besides the stage in both the corners of the walls there some kind of giant selfs with many speaker on them.) Gregory thinking: Why is there a stage so high on the wall? (Then he looks at the side walls of the room. They look like parallel to each other. Both walls have a 2 set of doors each with signs on top of them. In the left there Party Room 1 and the Arcade and the right there the Party Room 2 and the kitchen. Both walls have a set of 5 empty portrait high in the walls.) Gregory thinking: What with the empty portraits? Did the art escape? (Then Gregory looks at the back wall and he sees another staff only door in the middle of the wall. Up high in the wall there another set of selfs in the corner of the walls this ones look smaller and they shape like one fourth of a cylindrical and they also have speakers on they but they look like a differnt kind from the other selfs. And in the middle of the wall there one empty portrait.) Gregory thinking: What with this place? (Gregory looks around the middle of the room. There only a few tables but a ton of boxes. Probably still finishing building this place.) Chuck: …Is this place… what I think… it is? ???: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls- (Everyone looks at the right self in the corner of the back wall. And from behind the speakers pops up Pizzacam.) Pizzacam:-Fazbear Entertainment would like to introduce to you, the brand new Pizza Time Theater! Sun: SUPRISE! This is were you guys are going to stay! And best of all, we will be area neighbor! Pasqually: I can't believe it… Jasper: I feel like I'm having a dream looking at this place… Munch: Is like… being in home… Gregory: Pizza Time Theater? … Weird name. Chuck: That was the name of my first ever location… And back then… we were the Pizza Time Players… Pizzacam: You ARE the Pizza Time Players. I'm sorry Munch but the Munch's Make Believe Band is no longer a thing. Munch: I don't mind at all! THE PIZZA TIME PLAYERS ARE BACK! ???: What with all the noise?
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The Ultimate Guide To Ceiling Speakers 2024
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When looking for high-quality audio without having to clog their homes with floor-standing speakers, sound enthusiasts and home theater enthusiasts are fond of ceiling speakers. Technological developments will provide more possibilities for powerful ceiling speakers by 2024. The advantages, varieties, installation advice, and top choices for the best ceiling speakers of the year are all covered in this guide.
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atipro-blog · 1 month
ATI Pro Ceiling Speakers
ATI Pro Technologies the brand is more precisely into research and development of pro audio & lighting products. We specialize in offering top-tier lighting solutions at competitive prices. Ceiling Speakers are audio devices installed directly into the ceiling, providing discreet and high-quality sound distribution. Ideal for home theaters, commercial spaces, and multi-room audio systems, they offer a sleek, space-saving design and are often paired with amplifiers and subwoofers for enhanced audio performance.
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Can Residential Acoustic Panels Enhance Home Theater and Entertainment Areas?
Home theaters and entertainment areas are increasingly popular additions to residential spaces, offering homeowners a private retreat for enjoying movies, music, and gaming experiences. However, achieving optimal audio quality and immersive sound within these spaces can be challenging due to factors such as room acoustics and background noise. This is where residential acoustic panels come into play. In this article, we'll explore how residential acoustic panels can enhance home theater and entertainment areas, creating a superior audiovisual experience for homeowners.
Understanding the Importance of Acoustics in Home Entertainment
The success of a home theater or entertainment area hinges on its ability to deliver high-quality audio and video experiences. While top-of-the-line audiovisual equipment is essential, the acoustics of the room play a critical role in sound reproduction and clarity. Without proper acoustic treatment, sound waves can reflect off walls, floors, and ceilings, causing echoes, reverberation, and sound distortion. This can detract from the viewing and listening experience, leading to reduced immersion and enjoyment.
How Residential Acoustic Panels Improve Acoustics
Residential acoustic panels are specially designed to absorb sound waves, reducing unwanted reflections and echoes within a room. These panels are typically made from materials such as fabric-wrapped foam, fiberglass, or acoustic fabric stretched over a rigid frame. When strategically placed on walls, ceilings, or even as freestanding partitions, acoustic panels absorb excess sound energy, creating a more balanced and controlled acoustic environment.
Benefits of Acoustic Panels in Home Theater and Entertainment Areas
1. Improved Sound Clarity:
Acoustic panels help eliminate echoes and reverberations, allowing viewers to hear dialogue, music, and sound effects with greater clarity and detail. This enhances the overall audio quality of movies, music, and games, creating a more immersive entertainment experience.
2. Enhanced Audio Fidelity:
By minimizing reflections and acoustic distortions, residential acoustic panels help preserve the integrity of audio signals, ensuring that the sound reproduced by speakers is faithful to the original source. This results in more accurate and lifelike audio reproduction, enhancing the realism of movies, concerts, and gaming soundtracks.
3. Reduced Ambient Noise:
Acoustic panels absorb ambient noise from outside the room, as well as noise generated within the space itself (e.g., HVAC systems, footsteps). This creates a quieter and more focused listening environment, allowing viewers to enjoy content without distractions or interruptions.
4. Customizable Aesthetics:
Residential acoustic panels come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and finishes, allowing homeowners to customize the look and feel of their home theater or entertainment area. From sleek and modern designs to more traditional or decorative options, acoustic panels can complement any interior decor style.
5. Flexible Installation Options:
Acoustic panels can be installed directly onto walls, ceilings, or other surfaces using adhesive mounts, brackets, or suspension systems. They can also be freestanding or incorporated into existing furnishings such as room dividers or furniture. This flexibility makes it easy to integrate acoustic treatment into virtually any home entertainment space.
Best Practices for Using Acoustic Panels in Home Theaters
To maximize the benefits of residential acoustic panels in home theater and entertainment areas, consider the following best practices:
Strategic Placement: Position acoustic panels at reflection points where sound waves are most likely to bounce off surfaces, such as the primary listening area and walls adjacent to speakers.
Coverage Area: Aim for uniform coverage of acoustic panels throughout the room to achieve balanced sound absorption and minimize acoustic hotspots.
Room Calibration: Use acoustic measurement tools and room correction software to fine-tune the placement and configuration of acoustic panels for optimal sound performance.
Integration with Other Acoustic Treatments: Consider combining acoustic panels with other treatments such as bass traps, diffusers, and acoustic curtains to further optimize room acoustics and address specific sonic issues.
In conclusion, residential acoustic panels offer a practical and effective solution for enhancing the acoustics of home theater and entertainment areas. By absorbing excess sound energy and minimizing reflections, these panels improve sound clarity, fidelity, and immersion, resulting in a more enjoyable audiovisual experience for homeowners. Whether you're building a dedicated home theater room or upgrading an existing entertainment space, incorporating residential acoustic panels can elevate the quality of your home entertainment setup and bring your favorite movies, music, and games to life.
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avtechnologysworld · 5 months
Integrating Audio-Visual Design in Smart Homes
With the advancing technology, smart homes have become popular in recent times. These homes allow automation and remote access and control of various home appliances and functions using devices and internet connectivity. An important aspect in designing a smart home is integrating audio-visual solutions which enhance the lifestyle and experience of living in these homes. This blog discusses how audio-visual design can be incorporated in smart homes effectively.
Audio visual service contract template is a legal document used for maintaining audio-visual equipment installed in homes, offices or other establishments. Integrating quality audio-visual systems in smart homes requires proper service and maintenance which a contract ensures.
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Components of an Audio-Visual Design
Home Theater
One of the primary considerations for audio-visual design in smart homes is the home theater system. It includes equipment like LCD/LED TV, surround sound system, Blu-ray/DVD player, set-top box and streaming devices. Quality screens ranging from 55-75 inches along with 7.1 channel surround setup with dedicated speakers and subwoofers create an immersive theater-like experience. Popular brands for theater components include Samsung, LG, Sony, Bose, Polk Audio etc.
Home Automation
The whole idea of a smart home is to automate various functions using voice commands or mobile devices. Audio solutions need to be integrated with smart devices and virtual assistants like Google Home and Amazon Alexa for remote control. Speakers placed in various rooms can be linked to play the same or different audio depending on the zone. Automation simplifies entertainment and enhances user experience.
Whole Home Audio
Instead of limiting audio to just the home theater area, a whole home audio system distributes music to different rooms. In-ceiling and in-wall speakers are installed throughout the house along with streaming modems/decoders to play the same or independent audio sources zone-wise. Brands like Sonos and Bose offer modular wireless solutions ideal for whole home setup.
Outdoor Audio
Smart homes make the most of indoor as well as outdoor spaces. Weatherproof speakers are placed in patios, gardens, pools or decks for uninterrupted music. These can be part of the indoor system through additional amps/receivers or operated separately. Brands like JBL, Klipsch, Polk offer outdoor speakers suitable for smart homes.
Home Automation Technologies in Audio-Visual Design
Smart Speakers and Virtual Assistants
Intelligent speakers from companies like Google, Amazon, Apple and Samsung act as control hubs for audio systems and other smart devices. Commands for playing music, switching inputs or changing volume are given through voice. Notifications, reminders and queries can also be handled using virtual assistants like Alexa, Siri or Google Assistant.
WiFi Streaming and Multi-Room Audio
Streaming audio wirelessly using network or Bluetooth offers flexibility to play the same or independent sources all over the house. Sonos, Bose and other brands have solutions allowing multi-room synchronous or asynchronous playback using a mobile app or voice. Sources can be locally stored music or audio from online streaming services.
Home Automation Protocols
Popular protocols like Crestron, Control4, RTI and Savant allow integrating audio, lighting, security, HVAC and other systems on a single platform. Scenes and activities can be programmed through interfaces to automate complex functions as desired. For example, dimming lights and playing romantic music with a single command. These are ideal for high-end luxury smart homes.
Installing an Audio-Visual System in Smart Homes
System Design and Layout
The first step is consulting an AV professional to understand owner's requirements, do a site survey and come up with the best design. Important factors like speaker locations, sizes of screens, placement of equipment racks and streaming devices are determined based on the home layout and budget. Installation feasibility is also assessed at this stage.
Equipment Selection
After finalizing the design, specific products are selected based on criteria like features, reliability, reputation, pricing and aesthetics. While big brands are preferred, lower cost or niche options are considered if they meet audio quality standards. Equipment for core components like TVs, projectors, receivers and networking gear are purchased.
Installation and Configuration
Professional installation ensures neat wiring hiding cables and optimal mounting of speakers and screens. Equipment is set up, wired together as per schematic and configured through on-screen menus or dedicated apps. Sources are linked, streaming accounts configured, control integrated with smart home system through programming.
Configuration and Calibration
An AV professional fine tunes the system for optimal performance. Screen sizes and projector placement is optimized through calibration. Speaker levels, positioning, distances and crossovers are set for accurate soundstage. Bass management and room correction through Audyssey, AccuEQ etc is done for clarity and fidelity.
Maintenance and Service Agreement
Though smart home AV systems have evolved to require minimum maintenance, critical annual checks need to be performed to ensure longevity and reliable performance. A service contract signed with the installation vendor looks after maintenance tasks like cleaning, firmware updates, testing cables/connectors, and addressing minor/major issues if any come up. Replacement of obsolete components down the line is also planned through such agreements.
Integrating Audio-Visual Systems with Other Smart Home Features Audio can be integrated with various smart capabilities through home automation platforms:
Control lights, motorized shades or sprinklers through scenes triggered on audio activity
Get notified on mobile if alarms or door/windows are opened when music is playing
Automatically lower volume or pause when Ring or Nest doorbell is pressed
Sync audio with activities like starting workout videos on a TV or mirror
Use voice commands to play music, check weather or latest news throughout the house
Remotely access security cameras, doorbells and baby monitors on TVs using streaming devices
Benefits of Incorporating Audio-Visual Systems in Smart Homes
Creates a true connected home entertainment experience for residents
Enhances lifestyle with flexibility to enjoy music or movies anywhere Automation using voice assistants saves physical effort of controlling via remotes
Multi-room audio offers intimate listening zones tailored as per activity
Adds a luxury aesthetic appeal to modern smart homes Future-proofs the property, maintaining resale value through latest technology
Safety features like voice activation in risky environments like kitchens or workshops
Whole home audio helps keep families connected across floors
Incorporating well-designed audio-visual systems tailored for smart home capabilities greatly elevates the lifestyle and user experience in modern residences. Right from the project planning to maintenance stages, an expert integration ensures seamless control and enjoyment of multimedia all over the living spaces. As technology evolves with trends like personalized audio, immersive experiences and AI assistants, AV design too will adapt to deliver superior connected lifestyle solutions. Installing such solutions at the construction phase future-proofs homes for many years through upgradable components and ongoing service agreements. Overall, integrating pro-standard audio-visual design in smart homes completely transforms the way residents experience music, movies and connectedness through technology
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ultimea · 11 months
How to Choose the Right Projector for Your Viewing Needs
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Thanks to modern technology, it's easier than ever to transform a spare room into a home theater. All it takes are some comfortable seats, a good set of speakers, and a high-quality projector. But with so many options, how do you find the best projector for watching movies?
Here we’ll break down everything you need to know about how to choose the Right Projector for your ciewing needs.
Think About Your Budget
As with many of today's technology products, the price range of projectors is becoming wider as the technology continues to evolve and iterate. A decent projector can cost as little as $100, while a top-of-the-line projector can cost over $5,000.
Your budget will determine your needs. If you just want a simple machine that can project a clear image on a wall, then there may be no reason to spend more than $1,000. But if you prefer a cutting-edge model that can play video in stunning, vibrant colors at the highest possible resolution, be prepared to pay more.
What do you intend to use the projector for?
1. For Movie
If you spend most of your usage time watching movies, you should invest in a full HD projector that can reproduce all or most of the Rec 709 color gamut used for HDTV and home video distribution. Ideally, it includes a close-to-reference theater or movie mode, along with the controls you need to fine-tune the image for optimal performance. But if you want more movie quality, have a penchant for 4K Blu-ray players or other 4K sources, be prepared to spend more on a projector with 4K resolution and support for high dynamic range video
2. For Sports and Gaming
Refresh Rate and Low Latency are the ultimate factors. Ideally you should buy a projector with a refresh rate of at least 60 Hz or higher, which reduces motion blur in fast-moving images. And a projector with very low input lag means less time between when something happens in the game and when you see it on the screen. Many home entertainment projectors now include a game mode with low input lag. (A lag of 16 ms or less is recommended.)
What type of room will you use the projector in?
1. In Home Theater Room
Would you like to have a truly big-screen movie experience, seeing all the finest details in your favorite dark, moody thrillers? If so, it may be worth spending more money on a high-end home theater projector that delivers a truly deep black image with exceptionally high contrast and a richer, more engaging picture. These projectors often use higher-quality lens systems that allow for better contrast and crisper images, but they’re also bigger and heavier—so you’ll likely want to place them permanently in a projector mount attached to the wall or ceiling, as opposed to setting them on a table or shelf.
2. In Living Room
If you'll be using the projector in a brighter room, or if you're looking for a projector for your living room or den that can also show movies, TV shows, and sports during the day, then black level performance becomes less important and the brightness of the projector is more important.
You can choose from a good quality living room projector or a relatively inexpensive home theater projector that may not offer high levels of performance but still produce large, bright images with respectable color accuracy. These projectors are usually smaller and lighter than dedicated home theater projectors, so you can easily move them around.
What resolution do you need?
Projectors that support for 4K has become so common in these days. 4K resolution is one of the best ways to take advantage of the larger screens that projectors support, so it’s a great spec to look for. On the other hand, budget projectors are much more likely to cap at 720p or Full HD 1080p, which can cut the cost of the projector significantly. Our advice would be to buy the highest resolution (Native resolution to be precise) that your budget allows.
To better understand the distinctions between 4K, UHD, and 1080p resolutions, explore our informative guide on "What's The Difference Between 4K, UHD, and 1080p?" while considering the best native resolution that aligns with your budget.
What size projection screen do you need?
The first thing you need to know is that the larger the screen size, the more light output the projector needs to produce a well-saturated image.
A projector's brightness capabilities are often listed in ANSI lumens, but keep in mind that manufacturers' light specifications can be misleading; in actual use, projectors typically emit far less light, at least in the more accurate picture modes. We recommend at least 1,000 ANSI lumens for a 100-inch screen. (How to Convert LED Lumen and Light Source Lumen to ANSI?)
What special features do you want?
1. Special Features and Connectivity Options:
Discusses the need for special features and connectivity options in home entertainment projectors, including HDMI inputs for media players, cable/satellite DVRs, and gaming consoles. Suggests using streaming sticks like Roku or Amazon for content streaming and highlights the importance of checking for specific inputs like RGB, component, and composite connectors if required.
2. Power Supply and Automation:
Mentions the inclusion of powered USB ports in many projectors to supply power to connected devices like wireless HDMI receivers. Also, points out the presence of a 12-volt trigger in higher-end projectors, which enables automatic commands for motorized screens when the projector is turned on or off.
3. Audio Considerations:
Notes that dedicated home theater projectors typically lack built-in speakers and assume users will have a separate home-theater-worthy sound system. Discusses how many budget projectors have internal speakers with mediocre sound quality and suggests using external speakers. Mentions that while few traditional projectors have built-in Bluetooth or Wi-Fi for wireless audio, most have a 3.5 mm audio output that can connect to tabletop speakers via cables or Bluetooth transmitters for a better sound system.
Are the Built-In Speakers Good Enough?
Most projectors come with built-in speakers. But that doesn't mean you don't have to buy a set of external speakers.
Built-in speakers are usually of low quality, producing weak and distorted sound. Plus, they'll also compete with any loud fan sound the projector produces.
Investing in a set of external speakers to play the sound is a much better idea, whether it's a single sound bar or an entire surround sound system, and is a huge step up from getting the full cinema experience. (Be sure to double check that any speakers you buy are compatible with your projector.)
Selecting the ideal projector involves a thoughtful assessment of budget, intended use, room environment, resolution, and special features. Understanding these factors ensures a well-informed decision that caters to individual preferences and delivers a satisfying projector viewing experience.
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priyanshisingh · 11 months
In-ceiling Speakers Market Analysis Demand, Statistics, Top Manufacturers, Revenue by Reports and Insights 2030
The latest market report published by Credence Research, Inc. “Global In-ceiling Speakers Market: Growth, Future Prospects, and Competitive Analysis, 2016 – 2028. The global in-ceiling speaker market has witnessed steady growth in recent years and is expected to continue growing at a CAGR of 7.30% between 2023 and 2030. The market was valued at USD 5.5 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach USD 9.006 billion in 2030.
In-ceiling speakers are innovative loudspeakers that integrate seamlessly into the ceiling of any room, generating an immersive, omnidirectional soundscape across the entire living or working space. Primarily, the market bifurcates into Active and Passive In-Ceiling Speakers, both fulfilling unique acoustic requirements.
Active In-Ceiling Speakers
Active in-ceiling speakers are virtually invisible, designed to float on the ceiling without visible wires or cables. These models deliver a clear, resonant sound that fills the entire room.
Passive In-Ceiling Speakers
Passive In-Ceiling Speakers lack an inbuilt amplifier, instead utilizing external amplification to drive sound from their drivers, akin to dynamic loudspeakers. The integration of these speakers within the ceiling allows for a more minimalistic and elegant interior design.
Anticipated Growth: Active In-Ceiling Speaker Market
The active In-Ceiling Speaker market is predicted to witness substantial growth over the forecast period. These speakers outshine their passive counterparts with superior performance and affordability, making them a popular choice for commercial applications like offices, restaurants, and retail stores.
Propelling Factors for the In-Ceiling Speaker Market
Several crucial factors drive the growth and development of the In-Ceiling Speaker market:
A spike in the penetration of home theater systems increases the demand for In-ceiling Speakers in the household segment.
The rising trend of installing soundbars or surround speakers with TV sets enhances the market volume.
Technological advancements lead to better performance of ceiling/in-wall mounted speakers, fueling their adoption among new customers.
The rise in disposable income and increased expenditure on renovation & upgradation projects serve as significant growth drivers for the forecast period 2021–2028.
Browse 250 pages report In-ceiling Speakers Market By Type (Active In-Ceiling Speaker, Passive In-Ceiling Speaker) By Application (Household, Commercial) -Growth, Future Prospects & Competitive Analysis, 2016 – 2030)- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/inceiling-speakers-market
Top Industry Players
The market includes notable players such as Klipsch Audio Technologies, Polk Audio, Highland Technologies, Q Acoustics, Yamaha, Bowers & Wilkins, and Bose.
The In-Ceiling Speaker Market: A Look Ahead
This In-Ceiling Speaker Market research report provides a comprehensive overview of emerging trends, market drivers, growth opportunities, and impediments that can potentially alter the market's trajectory. The detailed analysis covers market segments that include products, applications, and competitor analysis.
In-ceiling speakers have witnessed a significant surge in demand over the past few years, largely due to their ability to seamlessly blend into any room decor while delivering superior audio performance. The market dynamics of in-ceiling speakers reflect this growing popularity, as manufacturers and retailers strive to meet the increasing consumer demands for high-quality audio solutions that do not compromise on aesthetics. One notable trend within this market is the integration of smart technology features, allowing users to control their in-ceiling speakers through voice commands or smartphone applications. This innovation has revolutionized home entertainment systems by offering convenient and hands-free operation. Additionally, advancements in acoustic engineering have led to improved sound dispersion and enhanced bass response, further elevating the listening experience provided by these ceiling-mounted speakers.
Key stakeholders will glean significant benefits from this industry report, including a neutral perspective on the market performance, the latest industry trends and developments, a comprehensive analysis of key players' competitive landscape and strategies, potential growth areas, and an in-depth analysis of the In-Ceiling Speaker Market.
Why to Buy This Report-
The report provides a qualitative as well as quantitative analysis of the global In-ceiling Speakers Market by segments, current trends, drivers, restraints, opportunities, challenges, and market dynamics with the historical period from 2016-2020, the base year- 2021, and the projection period 2022-2028.
The report includes information on the competitive landscape, such as how the market's top competitors operate at the global, regional, and country levels.
Major nations in each region with their import/export statistics
The global In-ceiling Speakers Market report also includes the analysis of the market at a global, regional, and country-level along with key market trends, major players analysis, market growth strategies, and key application areas.
Browse Full Report: https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/inceiling-speakers-market
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Browse Our Blog: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/in-ceiling-speakers-market-expected-generate-revenue-usd-singh
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
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My friend Brittany and her beau William helped me set up my home theater upstairs with the new TV. It's not quite as involved as my downstairs setup, but it has my nice front speakers and my huge subwoofer, which are the most important components. No surround sound or Atmos ceiling speakers.
I'm still dialing it in, but having home theater sound is so nice. With a good center channel I can hear dialogue so crisp and clear that I rarely need subtitles. And the subwoofer just adds so much heft to everything. Gunshots are visceral. Music sounds like you are there. And if you don't mind the learning curve, there are systems you can put together for under $1000 that would still blow you away. That may sound like a lot to some, but home theater components can last for decades. There are folks rocking out to 40 year old components that still sound worlds better than those cheap soundbars you can get at Costco. (There are actually some great soundbars. But they cost a bit more and they must have a center channel and a subwoofer.)
One thing I am fighting are the streaming apps. I really wish companies would prioritize app development to create a consistent experience across all platforms. And maybe seek out top UX designers to work out the usability kinks. Paramount's app is a design clusterfuck.
Right now I have to use the Hulu app on my TV because the Nvidia Shield Hulu app doesn't do HDR. I have to use the Paramount Plus app on the Shield because the TV app doesn't do HDR. I have to use Plex on the Shield because the TV will not passthrough DTS audio.
So instead of being able to use one remote for one device I have to use 3 remotes to control everything and switch back and forth.
Put the picture is beautiful and the sound is immersive. Can't complain about that.
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valorousflower · 1 year
What sort of home does Fumiko have?
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Typically, the most expensive homes in Shinjuku are composes of extremely expensive condos. For the likes of Fumiko and her father, it is not the case. Hiroshi has bought an overwhelming amount of space enough to build a top-of-the-line mansion of his likings, which became the only mansion in all of Tokyo.
Shiny white in exterior and interior design, it has superb, gleaming designs all-around, from the furniture, design of the rooms, floors, ceilings, and a plethora of views from varied parts of the mansion. Decorations across the mansion serve as multiple masterful artistries.
In the living room, there lied a huge widescreen television that can stream at 8K, although there was a television in the broadcasting room that had a far higher and more crisp resolution. On top of that, there were even more decorations around the tables and ceilings. The couches were commissioned by some of the best furniture makes in the world, all the way from North Germany.
The kitchen has everything that a chef needs in a day's time, top-tier equipment all-around. An extremely extensive pantry also lingers around in the area. These are the grounds of the culinary legend Ameline De Saint-Pierre, awarded the second most Michelin stars, owning a culinary empire throughout the world, and taking part in many cooking shows, before being signed to Hiroshi Arai for nigh-perfect cooking with his own colossal fortune to give. She cooks for both Fumiko and Hiroshi with different immaculate meals each day.
The mansion hold the world record for most bathrooms and bedrooms in a single home, all of which are immaculate and overwhelmed with comfort. Hiroshi swaps between multiple bathrooms just to get a different feel for each of them, Fumiko prefers to stick with one.
Of course, the mansion has most expensive-everything. Many, many items throughout the dream home are considering to be the most expensive items in the world.
The guest room is two times larger than the living room, with multiple TVs with superb audio speakers, all of the old and new game consoles for guests to play, and further down, a piano made of diamonds, which Fumiko likes to play on the occasion. The same couches from the living room are present. There are also extensive bowling alleys and movie theaters.
The rooftop is open, and its design doesn't disappoint either. Multiple seatings and tables some with covers on top, a telescope to look at the moon, pretty lights, and most important, at the center of the rooftop, a drone base which can be used to fly and look around Tokyo. Hiroshi has commissioned this drone to be on par with Classic Order technology.
There's also a dojo where Fumiko trains, consisting of ancient, super expensive designs. It is complete as a training dojo, including the amount of equipment and training obstacles and dummies there are.
In the backyard, there lies Fumiko's garden, which you can learn more about here. Next to it, there's a swimming pool.
Hiroshi has a specific large room for him to do investing business, Desolation research and intel, and monitoring the many parts of Tokyo. Aside from that, his bedroom is a perfect breathing space for him to nap and sleep.
As for Fumiko's room, it is extremely cozy. On the walls are multiple wallpapers of idol tours and albums, including hers. Multiple CDs are stacked on the side of her room by a table, and she has her own tremendous idol collection. She has her own PC setup which she tends to do her own searching from time to time. Her grand bed was meant to be even more comfortable than Hiroshi, contacting international makers to build it for her.
The mansion itself is pretty secure. Locked, fortified doors, security alarms, and large walls. Groups of fans of Fumiko Arai get to pass on by to look at the gorgeous mansion.
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climaxavcorp · 1 year
10 Essential Components for a Top-Quality Home Theater System
A top-quality home theater system is one that provides a truly immersive audio and video experience that rivals that of a commercial movie theater. A high-quality home theater system should be fully customizable, allowing the user to configure the system to their preferences and adjust settings for optimal performance. Here are 10 essential components for a top-quality home theater system:
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A Large-Screen Display: Whether you prefer a projector and screen or a large flat-screen TV, a large-screen display is essential for a true immersive home theater experience.
Surround Sound Speakers: A high-quality surround sound system with front, center, rear and down firing Dolby Atmos in-ceiling speakers, as well as a subwoofer, will help create an immersive audio experience.
AV Receiver: An AV receiver acts as the central hub of your home theater system, connecting all of your components and managing the audio and video signals.
Source Devices: A media source such as a Blu-ray player or streaming device provides the content for your home theater system.
Speaker Stands and Mounts: Properly positioning and mounting your speakers is crucial to achieving optimal sound quality.
Remote Control: A universal remote control allows you to easily control all of your home theater components with a single device.
Cables and Connectors: High-quality cables and connectors are essential for transmitting audio and video signals with minimal interference or signal loss.
Power Conditioner: A power conditioner can help improve the performance of your audio and video components by filtering out electrical noise and providing clean power.
Acoustic Treatments: Acoustic treatments such as sound-absorbing panels or curtains can help reduce echoes and improve sound quality in your home theater room.
Seating: Comfortable seating, such as recliners or theater-style chairs, will enhance your viewing experience and add a touch of luxury to your home theater.
By investing in these 10 essential components, you can create a top-quality home theater system that delivers high-quality audio and video, immerses you in your favorite movies and shows, and enhances your overall entertainment experience.
CLIMAX AV is your one-stop solution for professional home theater installation in Toronto! The process of our professional home theater setup in Toronto typically begins with a consultation to assess the space, determine the needs and preferences of the homeowner, and discuss the available options for equipment and configuration. Our installers can customize the system to the homeowner's preferences, ensuring that the system meets their specific needs and delivers the desired entertainment experience. Feel free to schedule your consultation today!
Source From: https://climaxav.wordpress.com/2023/04/10/10-essential-components-for-a-top-quality-home-theater-system/
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wemounttv01 · 1 year
We Mount TV
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usbestgear · 1 year
How to Hang Surround Sound Speakers Without Nails?
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Surround sound speakers can enhance your movie and music experience. You can use them to build a DIY home theater. 
However, many building owners occasionally forbid drilling because it might harm the structure. If it is your case, you should be here to learn how to hang surround sound speakers without nails.
There are several choices, depending on how heavy your speakers are. Let’s discuss all the solutions in this article!
How Do You Hang Surround Sound Speakers Without Nails? 
Alien Tape and Command Hooks might work well for speakers that are light and medium in weight. You should utilize Picture Hooks to support the weight if your loudspeakers are heavy. 
You can mount light or heavy speakers using any of these three techniques without any nails.
Command Hooks 
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Command Hooks
The command hook should be your first option if you’re a tenant. Even when it is permissible, renting out a room may result in you having to cover the expense of drilling the wall.
Lots of supermarket stores sell command hooks broadly. Alternatively, you can purchase it online. 
You can mount them for different purposes, including attaching pictures and holiday decorations. You may also apply them on window sills, metal, and even surfaces other than the wall.
Choosing command hooks is a good idea for several factors. They are available. 
You may remove the wall hooks quickly and easily without leaving any residue. Moreover, it endures a long time, even for years. 
How do you stick small speakers to the wall? Let’s look at the guides below.
Decide where you want to hang the speaker.
After immersing the towel in rubbing alcohol, wipe the area with a moist one. 
Take the paper out.
Attach the adhesive back of the command hook to the cleaned region. Stay in place for sixty minutes to give it time to form an adhesion.
Then mount the surround speaker on the hooks.
A command hook can support up to 7.5 pounds of weight. So if you hang a bulky speaker on it, it may come loose from the wall. 
It indicates that heavy speakers shouldn’t use command hooks. They work with speakers that weigh less than five pounds.
Alien Tapes 
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Alien Tape
Our second suggested technique is to use Alien Tape to place your home speakers without nails. It’s a good choice for installing a soundbar as well. 
A two-sided tape with a high adhesive backing is known as Alien Tape. It, therefore, holds greater weight than hooks and is more sticky.
The best factor of this tape is that you can trim it to fit the soundbar’s length. Otherwise, it can also accommodate speakers of any size. 
You can remove the Alien Tape just as simply as command hooks without hurting the wall or leaving any residue. But it can firmly support speakers that are of average weight.
However, remember that corrugate or porous surfaces like bare brickwork do not adhere to Alien Tape well. It is recommendable to adhere to a flat surface, such as glass, ceramic, wood, or plastic.
Because this tape is reusable, you can utilize the same item in your new place. The following detailed instructions will show you how to hang surround speakers with Alien Tape.
Decide where you want to hang the gadget.
Clean the surface with rubbing alcohol. After cleaning, dry the area.
Cut the tape into segments to suit the length of the speakers. 
Stick the tape to the just-cleaned wall.
Place the speaker on top of the tape and press it for a while.
According to the manufacturers, Alien Tape can sustain up to 17.5 pounds which is more than twice as much as command hooks. A large load, nevertheless, increases the chance of slipping off the tape. 
Hence, use Alien Tape if your speaker weighs less than 13–14 pounds. If not, we advise thinking about picture hooks.
Picture Hooks 
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Picture Hooks
The principal use of picture hooks is to hang pictures on walls. But they also provide a good alternative for hanging surround sound speakers from the ceiling. 
Screw the speakers to the wall so there is almost no chance of them falling. There are several types of hooks for hanging large speakers, depending on the weight constraints.
Follow these procedures to hang speakers from picture hooks:
We will apply the same method as we did with Command Hooks and Aline Tape in steps 1 and 2.
You need a hammer to install the hooks. Then, draw a position with a pencil where you will connect the picture hook.
Attach the hook with a hammer after you’ve placed it there. 
You should check if there is a pre-drilled gap on the back when purchasing your speakers. Otherwise, you may have to drill some holes.
After that, gently attach the speaker to the picture hooks.
Can I Hang Speakers With Command Strips?
I recommend utilizing Command Hooks for lighter speakers, such as ones weighing 5 pounds or less.
Most hardware and home stores carry these. They are white plastic hooks attached to the wall using a strong adhesive.
Should You Wall-Mount Surround Speakers? 
A wall mount is the best option for these speakers. It is correct for two sides and back surrounds because four feet is the minimum you want to position a surround speaker. 
Additionally, wall-mounting height channels for a Dolby Atmos system are necessary if you have them.
Can You Hang Surround Speakers On The Ceiling? 
The answer is yes, provided your amplifier supports surround sound. In a typical setup, you can connect five ceiling speakers in maximum back to an AVR.
But this approach is complex, calls for numerous cords, and doesn’t offer a great user experience. You can watch this video to find the best ceiling speakers:
Final Thoughts
Now, you’ve already known how to hang surround sound speakers without nails. You can use these three easy methods above to mount speakers on walls without using nails. 
You can select whichever choice among them best fits you. Yet, it would help if you examined the weight restriction of the methods to protect your investment.
Article Source: https://www.usbestgear.com/how-to-hang-surround-sound-speakers-without-nails/
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