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paystery · 6 days ago
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sd sprites for Riddle Rosehearts in his twistune for the Lantern of Wishes event~
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paystery · 7 days ago
yuki sohma. that's the post.
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paystery · 10 days ago
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azul having a villain origin story and floyd and jade just being born fucked up and evil I love those two weird fish
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paystery · 10 days ago
hey pals, i actually REALLY don't like the dragon games lineup
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like... this is just so random. it doesn't fit. i don't like this. if ever after high didn't solely exist to market dolls, these are the students that i can see playing in the dragon games. but first, i wanna start with an explanation of why i'm removing who i'm removing from the lineup
the wonderlandians: i'm gonna be so fr, if scott morrison came to my hs and was like "yo guys i'm starting a basketball team" i am NOT joining that shit. and bro wasn't even incarcerated for poisoning the other country i have citizenship in OR idk stealing some other lady's job. he's just a prime minister that i don't really like. and i'm not a refugee. the wonderlandians on the other hand... yikes. they would NOT have played dragonball with the evil queen
the o'hair twins: now first of all, holly has expressed nothing but wanting to follow her destiny, which very much includes damselling and distressing. plus that hair is a fire hazard ;-; as for poppy, when i first watched dragon games i deadass thought that the twins ONLY got armour because they were just modelling what everyone else would get, and they wouldn't take part. especially because i think she'd be more concerned with maintaining the integrity of the armour and doing routine checks just making sure that a piece of equipment wouldn't become faulty and responsible for one of her friends or classmates getting injured
melody piper: what do you MEAN that this girl isn't emceeing the event?? she was born for that
who would actually play:
raven queen, for the exact reasons in the show
apple white, but only because the evil queen blackmails her
now, an argument could be made against darling charming, since she'd been working so hard before this point to maintain the whole "damsel in distress" thing she had going on since her parents were legacy book-thumping royals, however i think she would've been able to make the case to them "well daring is gonna marry apple one day so i think it's good for me to start getting along with snow white now since she's his future mother in law", plus everyone practically worships snow white
daring charming. bro has a DRAGON RIDING LICENSE. yet he wasn't on the field lmao
cerise hood. girlie is canonically a jock. she would live for dragon games. all she'd need to do is pin her hood to her hairline and she'd be fine
briar beauty because she's literally an adrenaline junkie. it's honestly more surprising that she WASN'T the first one to sign up. like make it make sense
i can see jillian beanstalk also joining since she's got that big ol sense of adventure
now, last spot is a bit of a tossup. i could probably see hopper croakington joining just to try to impress briar, or sparrow because it's "rock 'n roll". i'm leaning towards hopper slightly more since sparrow's whole thing is "i look out for the number one: me" or whatever and he's probably more afraid of dying than like. looking cool. especially because i actually don't think he does any hero classes or anything (just going off memory)
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paystery · 13 days ago
In a Darabella mood lately I guess so I'm just gonna rant a bit more about them.
I feel like people genuinely underestimate the effect that Daring had on Rosabella when they get together, because a really common criticism I see of the two of them is that Rosabella doesn't get much out of the relationship and ends up kinda parenting Daring, but I really think this is a misunderstanding of her character?
Rant continues under the cut cause it turned out super long lmao
Now, I'm gonna admit this right now, but Rosabella was a huge favourite of mine when I first watched the show. Her, Maddie, Raven, Cedar, and Darling were my absolute favourite characters, so I do have a bit of bias in her direction. But I also think people don't really understand what I thought was pretty obvious about her personality. She's a huge animal rights activist, but she's also just big on social justice in general, and because of this she's a pretty big outcast among the other royals. They're friends with her, sure, but apart from Darling we don't really see people reach out to her until something goes wrong in their lives, and then they come to her for her to fix it. This is a role I'm sure she's played for the majority of her life, so she's probably used to it by now, but she also just genuinely enjoys helping others. Still, even though she puts all this effort into helping others out and making Ever After a more accepting place, when she actually tries to speak out on problems that she cares about, everyone tunes her out. We see this especially in A Semi Charming Kind of Life. Even Darling, who I would say is her closest friend, does this, although she seems to have mixed feelings on the whole thing, which makes sense considering she's going through her own doubts about the royals at the time.
A little bit of a personal rant here, but when I was a kid I was really into environmental activism. As in, went vegetarian and would try to start up protests for environmental rights and was the head of that club. I also got bullied for it, which didn't really register as bullying at the time, but seeing a character like Rosabella on screen was really refreshing for me, because that is what kids are like sometimes. Not trying to make this too personal, I just wanted to point out that she's not that unrealistically written, because there are people like her irl (like me!). She's a teen, a young teen at that (I think I said in another post she's fifteen cause I thought she was Darling's age, but then her wiki says she's seventeen, so idk how old exactly, but either way she's in high school), and teens are kind of known for having a lot of big emotions about the things they care about, even if they don't express that in the best way. So while I understand critiques against her character saying she's a bit abrasive with her advice, I honestly always saw this as intentional writing, because her telling people what they need to work on (even if they may not have asked for her advice) is part of what ostracizes her from the other royals.
So what does Daring have to do with this? Well, his first interactions with Rosabella are pretty similar to every other royal. He dismisses her and her interests, and doesn't see why animal activism is so important. This changes in Epic Winter. I've got my own issues with how they wrote that special, but I think Daring and Rosabella are actually written pretty well. Daring's going through an existential crisis after Dragon Games, and this leads to him regressing in character a lot, but that's a reasonable reaction for someone who essentially just got told his whole life is a lie. Rosabella sees him struggling, and does what she always does. She helps.
Where people get this wrong, imo, is that she doesn't do this out of a sense of obligation, she does this because that's who she is. When something goes wrong, she tries to help as much as possible, because she enjoys helping others. It's not taxing for her to reach out to other people. Was her advice to Daring a little assumptive? Yeah, but if you look at the interactions they've had in her diary and Darling's diary before that point, you can kind of see why she would think Daring's just another big-headed prince, and wouldn't understand why he's spiraling this badly. The thing about this is that I think she wasn't actually expecting Daring to take her seriously. She berates him the whole special, but he keeps pushing off her advice because he's knee-deep in an existential crisis, and nothing about his behaviour seems to surprise her. That's because she's used to this. It's what every royal has been doing to her for her entire life.
And you see her surprise when he starts to take her words to heart! She's surprised, because she's been tuned out by so many people for so long, and Daring has done the exact same thing to her time and time again. If I had to guess, she was probably expecting him to brush her words off and go about his daily life. But she tried reaching out anyway, because she can't help herself. She saw that he was hurt, and she cares about him because she cares about everyone, so she said what she thought would help or set him on the right path. He rolled his eyes like always, and she shrugged it off and kept trying anyway.
So imagine you're her for a second. You're passionate about acceptance and social justice and you care about everything, and your whole life this has been seen as a negative quality by all your friends until it serves them. So, you accept it. It's the way life is. Then, you see your roommates brother feels terrible, so you try to help him because you help everyone, and you expect him to not take you seriously because he hasn't every other time you've interacted, but he does. He takes you seriously, and it's probably the first time in your life someone other than your parents has actually taken your advice to heart and listened.
That's why she likes him. Their relationship is built on helping each other, I think people just don't see how Daring helps her, which is such a shame. He gives her acceptance and understanding, true understanding, for the first time ever. And to someone like Rosabella, who wants to make a positive change so badly? Imagine how much it must have meant, for her to realise that she actually had an impact on someone.
I dunno, you guys don't have to agree and I'd love to talk about it, these are just some thoughts I've had about her for a while.
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paystery · 13 days ago
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Old pictures. 2020
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paystery · 13 days ago
All for one and one for all (1627 colorized)
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paystery · 13 days ago
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Baba Yaga and Apple's dynamic is so fun to me... ok i watched the Wicked movie again but they kinda give me Glinda and Morrible vibes. I think that sort of dynamic would be very fun for them
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paystery · 14 days ago
i love neighborhood story so so much
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ご近所物語 (Neighborhood Story), Ai Yazawa
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paystery · 14 days ago
if i was barbie in a fairy secret and i lost my memories of gloss angelous and had to lose my fairy wings because raquel couldn’t keep her mouth shut i’d be SOOO MADDD because barbie was like i won’t tell and raquel was like I WILL and so they BOTH lost their wings and memories ooooo id be so pissed
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paystery · 14 days ago
if anyone deserves to have a cult it’s me. i’d be like okay guys let’s get into our pajamas and watch ever after high and giggle and they’d be like “yes sire”
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paystery · 14 days ago
i bet video essays in the eah universe were insane after legacy day
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paystery · 14 days ago
if i was a wonderlandian kid and i got stuck at ever after high id be pissed cause not only is there a curse on my home that i can’t return to and im stuck in a world where nothing makes sense- i have to go to school every day instead of once a year. that’s just terrible. like not only do kitty and lizzie not get to see their parents, they’re stuck at a school with a power hungry headmaster that hates fun
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paystery · 14 days ago
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i think about how different she looks in the books vs the show a lot
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paystery · 15 days ago
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okay i know it says they’re not related but that genuinely messed with my head so much like this isn’t accurate to the original story. is it because the evil queen went super off book so she just married who she felt like marrying? is this part of her straying from her story? i need more context on how they’re not related cause it truly doesn’t click for me
if raven had a sibling i wonder which would be expected to follow the path of their mother and which of their father. or is their mothers destiny so much more important that the good king is put on a back burner? there are so many charming princes/ses. if raven was older and refused to sign, would they change their aim to her younger sibling? in the books it’s mentioned a few times that someone else could take her place since her story is so important. also, if the evil queen marries snow whites father, and raven is going to have to marry apples dad (also mentioned in the books), does that mean that raven is technically apples aunt? i think at one point they say that’s not the case but thinking about it, how else would that have worked out? snow and raven would be half sisters. even if they’re not blood related is she like her step aunt? or is the good king that the evil queen married different from snow whites dad? but then that would be off book because the evil queen is supposed to marry snow whites dad. that’s part of why i can’t get behind rapple. also though, i just really like them platonically. i loveeee when characters are just really good friends, especially between two girls. there’s something so special about your best friend when you’re 16
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paystery · 15 days ago
if raven had a sibling i wonder which would be expected to follow the path of their mother and which of their father. or is their mothers destiny so much more important that the good king is put on a back burner? there are so many charming princes/ses. if raven was older and refused to sign, would they change their aim to her younger sibling? in the books it’s mentioned a few times that someone else could take her place since her story is so important. also, if the evil queen marries snow whites father, and raven is going to have to marry apples dad (also mentioned in the books), does that mean that raven is technically apples aunt? i think at one point they say that’s not the case but thinking about it, how else would that have worked out? snow and raven would be half sisters. even if they’re not blood related is she like her step aunt? or is the good king that the evil queen married different from snow whites dad? but then that would be off book because the evil queen is supposed to marry snow whites dad. that’s part of why i can’t get behind rapple. also though, i just really like them platonically. i loveeee when characters are just really good friends, especially between two girls. there’s something so special about your best friend when you’re 16
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paystery · 18 days ago
I started drawing the Ever After High girls in random historical fashion eras… why? I have no idea
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Raven Queen in 1890s, Apple White in Italian Renaissance.
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Briar Beauty in 1920s, Madeline Hatter in 1880s
No particularly reason for the eras, just the vibe I get from the characters and their designs!
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