#Too close to March actually I'm not prepared
ebongawk · 1 day
Hi!! HUGE fan of “even the stars (are taking aim)” here (very patiently waiting for the next chapter to drop😌🙏) and figured I may as well try out this prompt thing:
Eddie and Chrissy having their first Big Damn Kiss in a rainstorm, someplace where no one can see them, maybe after some kind of argument so they’re already passionate. I’d love to see what you create from this decently cliched premise😊✨
omg, thank you so much! 🥹 every star in the sky was updated on Tuesday!! and I'm hoping to be back to a semi-regular update schedule. however:
He shouldn't be pissed.
He shouldn't be pissed.
He shouldn't be pissed.
(He was fucking fuming.)
Because it was August. The absolute tail end of the last summer he would ever spend in Hawkins, Indiana if he had fuck all to say about it. Because this was the absolute last goddamn high school-adjacent party he would ever be posted up at as a dealer, selling the bottom of his stash's barrel and high-tailing it the fuck outta here in four days.
Because he'd spent the last eight months falling into a weird, incredible friendship with Chrissy Cunningham and convincing her she was actually fucking worth something more than her mother let her believe, getting her to break up with her shitty boyfriend and start the process of reclaiming her life, only for her to show up at this stupid party on Jason Carver's arm.
She'd dumped him in March. Before spring break. Yet here she was, tucked under his ugly-ass letterman sleeve as she nursed the same red solo cup the entire night, and it made him want to fucking barf.
Eddie rolled his neck. Tucking another cigarette between his lips as he cranked up the prices of his product out of sheer spite. Taking advantage of the hazy stupor and fading into the background.
Chrissy tried to get his attention. More than once. He just ignored her.
What the fuck else was he supposed to do? Watching her intentionally go back to that asshole wasn't really something he'd even thought was a possibility. So why would he have prepared himself for the blow?
He just didn't think it'd hurt so fucking much.
Finally, after about midnight, he was officially sold out. Out of the game entirely. He snapped his box of tricks closed, protecting the crinkled pack of cigarettes from the summer rainstorm he could see pelting the porch screens. He didn't bother bidding anyone goodnight.
The one person he thought would care was too busy flashing the fakest fucking smile she had in her arsenal at that blond jockstrap.
Whatever. Screw it. Who cared? A year from now, he'd be so far removed from all this bullshit that it wouldn't even cross his mind.
(Even if that thought currently made him want to puke up his guts and choke on them.)
Uncaring of who he hit on his way out, Eddie slipped out the front door after smashing into a few angry shoulders. The shouts of indignation at his back may as well have been whispers for how much of them he heard, bowling his way into the warm rain and rushing toward his van.
He always parked hidden away from these events. Ever since Hopper decided to be happy and move to California with Joyce Byers and company, the P.D. had it especially out for Eddie. Giving Callahan a reason to crash a party would have him on way too many shit-lists to count.
Which was normally fine. Except right now. Soaked through by the rain and barely halfway to his stupid fucking sanctuary.
Her voice still made him stop in his tracks. Shoulders heaving, spine straightening like someone suddenly jammed a rod down it.
Why did it hurt so much?
Turning, he tried to keep his expression as even as possible as he looked at her. Drenched from the stupid water falling from the stupid sky, her hair was already a mess plastered to her skin as she did her best to protect herself from the onslaught.
Too bad Eddie had already been caught in the metaphorical crossfire.
"What, Cunningham?" he asked, giving her obvious pause as she blinked up at him. He'd never been so harsh with her.
He didn't even know why he was being so harsh with her.
(Yes he did.)
"I-I just..." she started, holding an arm over her eyes so she could look up at him. They were standing in the spotlight of a streetlamp, the only thing illuminated in the entire world, and that anger still oozed from him like a bad infection. Festering too close to the surface to remain covered. Like the rain was washing it out, bringing it forward. "You–– You didn't, um, say hi, and you––"
"Okay?" He shrugged. "So, what, I'm legally required to exchange pleasantries with you every time I see you?"
"No, of course not, just––"
"Honestly, kid, I just wanna go home," he said before she could continue. Backing up a step. "Been nice, y'know, being friendly and all, but––" Coming to an immediate halt when one of her dainty little hands darted out and fisted in the wet fabric of his t-shirt.
"Eddie, you're being mean," she stated, her voice hard. Something she learned from him, he knew. Saying things, pointing out when people were being unfair instead of just writing welcome across her forehead and lying down for someone to be shitty to her. "And I–– I know this is about Jason, okay, but you didn't even let me explain––"
"Explain what, Cunningham?" he nearly shouted. "Because, honestly, I cannot for the life of me figure out why you'd willingly find yourself trapped under the weight of that jerk wad's arm."
"Because I need to be!" Chrissy really did shout, shaking her fist in his shirt for emphasis. The other was fisted against her own abdomen. Letting those mascara streaks fall down her cheeks like tear tracks.
Eddie scoffed. "Oh, you need to be? Excuse me, princess, didn't realize you needed him so much!"
"I don't––"
"Could've fucking fooled me, honestly!"
"I don't need him, Eddie! I just need to play her game for three more days and then––"
But she didn't finish her thought.
Instead, before he could even process what was happening, she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and surged up onto her toes, pressing her lips clumsily against his.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
Eddie didn't think. Didn't fucking breathe. He just groaned, cupping her jaw in his hands and kissing her like his fucking life depended on it.
She tasted like rainwater and watermelon lipgloss and the fucking sunrise breaking past the clouds, basking him in her light and warming him against the rain. They moved together, a dance of lips and tongue, her little mewl of pleasure rolling down his spine as he greedily drank in every piece of her she was allowing him.
Shit. Shit. This was gonna hurt, wasn't it?
They fell apart, both of them pulling in air like they'd forgotten they had lungs, and Eddie let his forehead drop against hers. Holding her for however long he was allowed, how ever long she gave him.
"I don't need him," she whispered again, her voice near enough that it was like he could finally hear her. "I'm not even with him. It's just... It's just until I get my college fund, and then..."
"Does he know that?" Eddie asked, hating the vehemence in his own tone.
"Yes, Eddie," she assured him. "He's not as bad of a guy as you want to believe, you know." Her hands came up, wrapping around his wrists as she looked up at him. Blinking into the rain, she gave him a real, actual smile. One of those little ones he kinda hoped was reserved just for him. "He knows how I..."
She shook her head, then blew his fucking mind when she pushed up enough to kiss him again.
"I need you," she informed him. And Eddie could see her opening the little doorway into his chest and reaching in to pull his heart out. Though whether she was doing that now or eight fucking months ago was impossible to say. "I want you and I need you."
Oh, he was gonna explode. Poof into a million little bits, covering her in heart-shaped blood and viscera.
"Only if you need me, too, though," she finished when his fucking voice box wouldn't work.
He kissed her again. An emphasis to a point he couldn't verbally make. And she melted against him like it was everything she needed, everything she'd been craving alongside him for the last eight months.
"Christ, sweetness, I think I'm already in love with you," he laughed, the sound wet around the rain still falling around them.
"Oh," she breathed, looking up at him, her eyes so fucking bright in that subtle streetlamp light that he wanted to claw his way out of his own skin and use it as an umbrella for her. "Oh, that's good."
"Yeah. Because, um, I was hoping you'd have room for two in that van of yours come Wednesday." She grinned. "Should have all my stuff sorted out by then."
Eddie laughed again, bright and loud, letting the rain wash away all that gross upset so he could lift her by the waist and spin her around. She screamed in delight, arms around his shoulders, and he stopped and held her steadily above him so she could bring her lips down to his once more.
"I've got all the room in the fucking world for you, baby."
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
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Been really overwhelmed with the need to kiss Koro-Sensei on the mouth recently. Which isn’t like, a new feelings, but I think this is the first time it’s really be this strong.
#Emile's Arts#Koro-Sensei#Just in a general Koro-Sensei mood I guess?#It's almost March so that tracks#Too close to March actually I'm not prepared#It's 70 DEGREES IN MY HOUSE I'M MELTING#also I might have to get new glasses soon and I'm being veeeeeeeery picky about it#Because I really like the ones I have now they're Yellow#And I love yellow#The only color i'm willing to replace them with is Red#And Adult glasses don't come in the Vibrant Reds I want#They come in loser Maroon shades#anyway that's what all the trying on glasses sketches are about#Maybe I'll get framless shape glasses this time who knows#I've always had thick frames they fit my face and eye size better#Kissu Koro Kissu Koro Kissu Koro#Glasses later right now we Kissu Koro#Tomorrow who knows#Okay ACTUALLY#I've been brainrotting about a very specific scene in my AssClass S/I plotline#Well the entire thing honestly#but right now there's a VERY hyper specific thing in my brain about this one scene and it's so DUMB and NOT CUTE#But I'm obsessed with it like stupid obsessed with it and idk if I'll ever talk about it anyhere#I'm even back and forth about posting it in the discord because it's SO specific and again not cute like in the slightest#It's not even sweet or wholesome or shippy really it's just this funny gag moment I'm so insane about#Maybe one of these days I'll write my favorite AssClass Self insert moments WHO KNOWS#Probably not.#But maybe.#I have so many that are just goofy and weird and silly but also a couple of cute moments and some really good ones with Irina#idk idk there's no such thing as too self indulgent this is my blog after all
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If you are up for it could write more Justice League x Assistant reader?
That scenario did things to me honestly, and I can't find anything similar 😭
Maybe reader calls in sick and the each JL member goes to check on them unanounced (reader never told them were they lived but of course they'd know *sideeyes batman*) which end up on all the members questioning and pointing at each other *cue spider man meme*, because why are you at my darling's- I mean our Assistant's house!
Reader kicks everyone out except the gourmet chef batman brought to cook reader some chicken soup.
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A Day in Life: In Health and Sickness
Synopsis: A day in life were you, the Justice League's assistant, find out that sickness and a bunch of obsessed superheroes are just too much to bear all at once.
Pairing: Yandere!Justice League X Assistant!Gn!Reader; Platonic!Alfred Pennyworth
Tw: Nonconsensual (not sexual) touching; A single mention of obscene acts; Kinda breaking and entering; Reader gets physically restrained; Kinda forced infantilization? But not really, just humiliation; Some members of the League might be out of character bc I don't know them well enough; I was sleepy while revising and editing this so I might fix any mistakes I didn’t see later; English is not my 1st language.
Word count: 2,6k
Requested? Yes.
Extra notes: Thank you so much for your compliments and the request!! Your suggestion really gave me inspiration to write as soon as I saw it. It's not exactly what you asked for but I hope it's the same vibe and you like it!! Also I’ve seen all the requests for a part 2 of “He's My Collar”, but as stated here, I didn't answer bc I’m working on it! I just didn't have any ideas yet!
General masterlist | A Day in Life - Series masterlist
Whatever hit you today, it sucks. Yesterday, in the afternoon, you had a mild throbbing in your head, but not exactly a headache, at night, fever hit you, alongside a cough. Medicine helped enough but today you still felt a little warm, your head hurt, your nose was somehow stuffed and leaking at the same time. You've been awake for an hour and still just couldn't get yourself to care for your basic needs like showering and eating, let alone go to work, so you called in sick. At least you would have some piece for a day.
Or that's what you thought, until you heard some tapping on your window, scaring the shit out of you, and saw Superman outside with a sympathetic smile and holding a pharmacy bag, a crate of water bottles and food.
Ugh, of course you couldn't actually have some peace.
You took a deep breath to prepare yourself and got up, walking towards you bedroom window, and tried sticking your head outside, hoping he wouldn't enter your home if you kicked him out before, but before you could do anything else, he supersped inside and suddenly was at your side, making you dizzier.
— Hey! I heard what happened. How’re you feeling? — The alien’s face showcased his concern on his furrowed brows and he took a step too close (any step in your direction taken by one of the heroes was already too close for you), extending his arm forward to place the back of his hand in your forehead. You took a step back but he didn't seem to mind.
— Uh, I'm fine. You didn't need to come here. — Superman shook his head.
— I wanted to help. Here, I brought som- — Doorbell. The hero looked in the direction the sound came from, most likely using his X-Ray vision to look through the walls and doors, and squinted his eyes. Oh boy. — You called someone? — His voice is weirdly calm, contrasting with the way he abruptly starts marching out of your room and to the door.
Earlier you thought the fast exertion of movements would be too great for you, but apparently adrenaline was on your side, enough to follow him around as if you were the visitor inside your own place.
— I didn't. — You respond flatly and holding back a groan from annoyance, since you also didn't invite him.
Superman immediately opens the door as soon as it's within his reach and what's on the other side surprises you more than when you got the job at the watchtower.
— Superman. — Batman didn't seem surprised, but he also never showed emotions other than anger. — (Y/N). This is Penny-One. — He is surely referencing the old man well dressed on his side. — He is here to take care of you. — You raise an eyebrow, almost speechless.
— T-Take care of me? — You helplessly watch them invading your residency, painfully aware there's nothing you can do. Superman crossed his arms.
— This is not necessary, I came here to do just that. — Superman’s protest unfortunately doesn't give you any hint of how this will all turn out, nor does it scare Batman and his friend away..
— You have your own responsibilities. — Batman simply states. — You should go.
Penny-One simply turns to you.
— It's a pleasure, Miss/Master/Mx (Y/N), even in your condition. Master Batman talks a lot about you. — You don't know what to stay and it probably shows, since no one waits much for your reaction before Penny-One is moving towards your kitchen and Batman and Superman continue with their argument.
You just go and sit down on your couch, questioning your life decisions and escape plans, which will have to wait until this damned curse leaves your body (and your home).
Your hands raise to rub your face and maybe give you some clearance, maybe wake you up from this nightmare, but keeping your eyes closed and sitting down only remind you of your condition. You feel worse or is it just your spirits? Either way, you let your body slide down until your side rests on the couch cushions, arms hugging your own body to try to have some warmth back. When did it become so cold?
At least their voices were low, as if trying not to bother you, it's a little soothing, especially with the promise of having food. Your eyes hurt just from staying open so you don't. At some point, some type of fabric is thrown over your body and a hand combs through your hair. You are too weak to do anything.
Next time you open your eyes, it's due to disturbing noises, your head is no longer on the arm of the couch and instead is laying on someone’s bare thighs. A pair of hands is running through your locks, and a really nice smell is in the air.
Did you fall asleep?
That would explain why your head is on fucking Wonder Woman's lap and she is looking at you lovingly. Also the fabric from before is Superman's cape.
You quickly shoot up, although just as fast, four or five pairs of hands, coming from seemingly out of nowhere — startling you even more — push you back down, you don't go without struggle, and soon, all hands disappear, green lights catch your attention and you can't move your body a single inch anymore. Somehow, you ended up restrained by a green and bright cocoon, as if you were soon to be a butterfly, only your face is free. Green Lantern’s construct.
— Hey, hey, calm down, hot stuff. I know she’s scary and you would never want to be close to anyone else but me, but you still need rest. — You're turned to the ceiling against your wishes. For some reason the fact that your whole body is covered doesn't give you the comfort nor the protection it should give you, instead, it reminds you of how vulnerable you are.
Your wide and paranoid eyes try to search for anything, since your head is being held in place. You can see Wonder Woman above you, glaring at something outside your line of vision, you are still in her lap. A bit of Aquaman’s blond hair on the bottom of your vision. And Batman, towering over you and the amazon, just observing as always.
— You can release them now, Green Lantern. — It's Superman's voice.
— He is not going to. — You see Batman saying at the same time another voice speaks the same sentence, making all of them turn in the direction of the sound, somewhere you can't see, but you recognize the voice. — He thinks they're weak and incapable of making decisions. — I'm sorry, who is weak and incapable of making decisions here? — He also wants to prove he is the only one capable of protecting and taking care of (Y/N), and impress them so they will fall right into his arms, call him a hero and give him a kiss… And other obscene things. — Batman smirks. Wonder Woman and another new and deep voice loudly laugh, the masculine voice being more obnoxious. Someone scoffs indignantly.
— Okay. Get out of my fucking head or I will make you. — The Lantern's voice sounds angry and you hear hurried footsteps. They wouldn't fight right here, right?! Right beside your sick body and in the middle of your crumpled apartament… It would make such a mess…
— I wasn't inside your head. Your thoughts were too loud, it's like you are screaming in my ear.
— I will make you scream! — You hear Superman superspeeding, probably getting in between the fighting duo.
— Ha- Green Lantern, calm down. No one will make anyone do anything here.
The agonizing feeling of restriction grows.
— WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE? — You scream in a husky voice, panting right after. Everyone is silent and the next second, the construct moves you around until you're sitting up, back to the back of the couch. You are still being held and manhandled, but at least you're not in someone's lap and you can see something other than your ceiling.
Martian Manhunter is standing a few meters away from you, Superman by his side. Wonder Woman was still sitting beside you and doesn't look like getting up any time soon, Green Lantern makes his way to sit down on your other side, placing his arm around you, gladly you can't even feel it. Batman is still standing on the side of the couch, his cape covering his body. Aquaman is sitting in your armchair, his face laid on his hand, watching amused, if not a bit annoyed.
It's so weird seeing all of them, suited up, in the middle of your living room, and in plain daylight.
— We came here to nurse you back to health. — Wonder Woman speaks.
— Uhh, don't you think this is a little too much? — The heroes look at each other as if looking for the issue.
— I mean, yeah. I could do it alone, but for some reason when I got here, these freaks had already broken into your house. — Freak Lantern says, pointing an accusing finger at the other freaks in question, the trinity, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. — Those two came in later. — He nodded at Martian Manhunter and Aquaman, not giving them a single look, his eyes solely on you. Like everytime he insists on overly making eye contact with you, it's a bit uncanny. — Worry not, beautiful. I will kick them out for you. — Superman and Wonder Woman snort at his arrogance.
— You could go with them. I'm fine, I don't need help. I’ve been taking care of myself for years and can still do it. — You've been nice long enough, they crossed the line, they invaded your apartment, which is so unprofessional, and you need to set limits. They just look at you with pity.
— I am are aware of my neglect. — Neglect? — But it's going to be different now that we are reunited… — Uh? What is Manhunter talking about?
— Exactly. History has proven how men are unreliable and indifferent to others. I'm the only one you need, darling. — Wonder Woman caresses your face. — I don't even know what they think they are doing here…
— What are you doing here, princess? Don't you have mommy issues to fix or a guy named Steve Trevor to talk to? — The amazon furrowed her eyebrows and glared at the one sitting on your other side.
— Don't listen to him, (Y/N). I left Steve a long time ago, when I met you. — Girl, why? Go back to your man! Leave me alone! — What about Aquaman? Doesn't he have a kingdom to rule? — The man in question dismissed her answer with a hand movement.
— I’m protecting Atlantis’s future by making sure none of you get any ideas and (Y/N) survives their illness. — Batman shook his head.
— I’ve already made sure they're taken care of. You shouldn't be here. There's more important matters for us out there.
— Then why aren't you there?
Their battle of egos is just too fast for your slowed down brain to process and try to formulate any form of strategy. Before their banter gets worse, the older man from before reappears.
— Your soup is ready, Miss/Master/Mx (Y/N). — Penny-One seems unbothered by the commotion around you, walking in with the source of the heavenly smell. Your mouth waters.
— Let me do it, Penny-One. — Wonder Woman gently offers and takes the bowl from him, along with the spoon. The Justice League makes sounds of disgust when they start watching her spoon feeding you (they wanted to be in her place).
You groan, complain, try to wiggle out of the construct but nothing works, especially with your fatigued and sick state. If you weren't claustrophobic before you might be from now on. You are clearly uncomfortable and practically begging to get out but for some reason they just won't listen. It gets to the point where as soon as you finish your soup — after realizing, again, that with those people it's just easier to surrender —, and take your medicine, Green Lantern’s temper apparently gets done with your whining and resistance, and he simply makes another construct. Now you have a pacifier in your mouth. It's your limit.
They start fighting again because some of them find it degrading, some like to hear your voice even if they know how close to cussing them out you are, and some think it's cute and prefer your quietness over your cries.
You can't move. You can't spit it out. You can't bite it off. You can't ask for help.
Green Lantern is rubbing your cheek while — slightly — mocking you. Wonder Woman is cooing at you, while trying to convince the Lantern to stop with his antics. Aquaman is clearly expressing he is on the Lantern’s side. Batman, Superman and Martian Manhunter are threatening him.
Frustration gets the better of you and the dam breaks loose. Now you are wrapped, with a pacifier and crying. Like a baby. In front of your bosses. In front of people who think you are vulnerable and need them. They're practically keeping you hostage. You didn't want them here. You told them no, countless times, and they just blatantly ignored your boundaries.
You have a pa-ci-fi-er. In. Your. Mouth.
And they are talking. They are ignoring you. They're been doing it for hours. No. Months. That's abuse.
This is the most emotion they ever got out of you and it immediately quiets everyone down. They're just staring at you, shocked. This whole thing is just a shitshow. A disaster. They're a curse. You are cursed.
It's so distracting that it makes Green Lantern lose his concentration, which is what fuels his ring’s power, and the constructs start dissipating.
You immediately get up and put as much distance between you and the team, who all have wide eyes and maybe had just now realized the gravity of the situation, while thinking about control damage.
You are searching desperately for how you could effectively kick them out, while also experiencing just the aftereffects of a new trauma, when it looks like it will get even worse. Flash zooms into the apartment.
— Hey, (Y/N)! Sorry I took so long! Busy Day. N-Not that I wouldn't quit anything and everything just to help you. I just now saw the notification that you took a day off today! W-What… W-What are you guys doing here…? — The speedster noticed after his rambles the he is not the only one in the middle of your living room, and points at the whole team, who is on the complete opposite side of you. They also point at him.
— You’re late. — Batman states.
— Slowest man alive. — Green Lantern calls out his friend.
Flash looks around as if gathering his thoughts and notices your distressed state. He turns completely to them, his back to you and him being between you and his team.
— What did you do to them? — At his demand, all of them start pointing at each other and giving some sort of explanation or their side of the story at the same time, turning it into unintelligible sounds, until your yell interrupts them.
— But-
— OUT!
— But, (Y/N)-
They grumble but comply. Penny-One, who was totally unfazed during the while ordeal, just sighs, and starts making his way with them. Until you take a timid step toward him and stop him.
— N-Not you… I-I mean the soup was really good and I don't think I will have the energy to cook later… I-If it's n-not bothering you… — The older man smiles placantinly at you.
— Of course, dear. I'm getting paid either way, might as well just finish my job here.
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cosmic-expressions · 4 months
⋮ ♯; ⤷ hypnotized .ᐟ
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i can't escape you, i'm hypnotized ―୨୧⋆˚
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dan heng x fem!reader; smut, fluff, no plot; first time, emotional, awkward, a bit vanilla(?); multiple rounds, multiple orgasms, missionary, cowgirl; needy & whiney dan heng agenda; unprotected sex (but wrap it up irl); praise, marking, pet names, groping and touching and in general lots of smooching; overstimulation if you squint;
wc: 4.4k
a/n: hello on a new acc and idk what else to say except prepare for lots of nasty thoughts in the future. peace out. and quick taglist: @kuniihoonii @hoonieswhore (sorry if you didn't want to, I thought you'd like some more dan heng content by yours truly)
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the night isn't so early, but it's not extremely late either; or at least you think so, since it's kind of hard to tell time while traveling through space.
but despite that, you're not sleepy; it's actually surprising because you're laying on the pile of bedsheets dan heng calls his bed. granted, the pile is comfortable... sometimes too comfortable, but a proper mattress wouldn't hurt... especially wouldn't hurt his back. and yours, by the way.
prepped on your elbows, you're laying on your stomach with legs up in the air, wiggling them back and forth, while you read a random novel you found in the pits of the archives. you had no idea the bookshelves would contain normal books, let alone such a genre: erotica.
despite its lack of logic or laws of physics, the plot is surprisingly good... or at least good enough to kill the boredom that's washing over you. the silence, at first calming and comforting, soon became too loud, as loud as silence can get. especially when one misses their beloved.
sighing, you close the book and look around the room again. dimly lit, enough to read comfortably, seems... empty. well, no wonder why, because there's only you in there. but usually... usually, even at such hour, dan heng is back, rummaging through the piles of sacred and not texts, books, and other papers he sorts. even if he's quiet, no music is playing, it's still not complete silence. the sheets of paper sweetly swoosh over each other, the pen smoothly traces letters, and the overall atmosphere is... comforting. but without him, no matter how many books you'll go through just to make some noise, it's still empty.
"here you are..."
when dan heng sees you on his... so-called bed, he can't help but sigh in relief. something about seeing you so comfortable in his room makes his heart flutter, even if it's him who had to get comfortable with this. when he lets you in in his little cave, you're a part of it; it's not his room without you around.
"where else should i be?" you frown slightly, confused by his words, features softening the second you hear his melodic voice.
"in my arms, obviously."
you laugh in disbelief, not expecting such a cheesy line from him. but when you see how one corner of his lips curves millimeters up in a snug expression, you can guess he was taking lessons from march and caelus.
"then come here. i've been waiting for you..." you throw the book aside and roll on your side with open arms. that smile of yours, one who could fight the sun with its brightness and warmth, is enough for him to cave in.
but he stops when he notices the title of the book you were reading.
he averts his gaze immediately, but the way his ears redden tell you everything. it wasn't a book from the express's archives. it was from his own collection.
you say nothing; instead, you cuddle with dan heng, limbs tangled and bodies squeezed together in a tight embrace. the moment is serene for a second, with your bodies tangled together and warming each other, being vulnerable and protective at the same time. with closed eyes, both of you relish in this moment of silence; not the empty one, but loud, loud, and intense with all the feelings you two have for each other.
dan heng tries, he really does; he doesn't want to put silent pressure on you, so he bottles up all the need for you. it gets to the point where every single one of his nerves is on fire, every muscle gets tense, and his body gets really warm. warm to the point that even you can feel it.
"is it about that book?"
"what?" he's doomed. he's so over. he's so-
"i know it's a book from your collection. but i don't know why you read such stuff... do you gather intel for... our first time?"
your giggle is cute and innocent, but dan heng can't take it anymore. he's intoxicated by you, swooned over you... straight-up horny for you and he can't keep it in his pants any longer.
"yes." he breathes out, heart thumping in his chest like a ticking bomb. taking a deep breath doesn't help him one bit, and when you look at him with lustful sparkles in your big, lovely eyes while you speak... he feels physical pain.
"are you ready, then? i know i am."
apparently, dan heng wasn't the brightest one, because all the signs, all the teasing you treated him with, were not enough for him to notice. but now it's the time. and both of you know that.
maybe he is horny to the point where he's like a ticking bomb, but he's still a clueless gentleman. his lips clash with yours, intertwining in a slow yet passionate manner while he lays you down on the sheets. your hands cupping his face, the soft skin of your palms, and the sweet taste of your lips make dan heng breath even heavier, coming in ragged pants.
he wants you so bad; to taste you, explore you, praise and worship you, just like you deserve. dan heng never caught feelings that caliber for anyone but you, and this? this is testing his limits. he's so close to cumming in his pants at the mere thought of your naked body, and yet here he is, hands under your t-shirt, reaching for the hem to take it off. he's excited, he's needy, he's so eager; aeons, he loves you so much. and he wants to show you how much he loves you.
"d-dan heng... give me a second."
your voice rips him out of his thoughts. then he realizes your top is off; you're left in a bra and shorts, while he's still fully dressed. that is not fair, he thinks.
"i'll- i'll take mine off, too-" he trails off, reaching for the zippers, quickly getting out of the upper part of his clothing.
"that's not- that wasn't the matter, but- thank you nonetheless," you chuckle and breathe heavily, the sight of your boyfriend's torso, making you only more aroused. trying to reassure yourself, you smile at him softly, hesitating a little to say anything.
"i love you. i love you so much. you know that, right? there's no one else for me but you."
you almost tear up; it's the first time he said it out loud. he told you at the beginning that it's hard for him, and yet... here he is. vulnerable with his emotions, ready to be vulnerable with you.
dan heng is fully aware of how this moment affects you; how it must be hard to feel so... exposed after years of trying to cover up. yes, he's in literal pain still, but he's ready to take it slow and eventually fuck his fist rather than hurt you in any way.
the way his eyes glimmer in the dim light, how they sparkle and glow with nothing but love and devotion while he speaks... that's it. you know he's not lying. you know he's genuine with you, and that he's ready to sacrifice himself for you...
you unclasp your bra and put it aside, getting rid of your shorts too. and when he notices the confidence, love, and commitment, he unzips his pants in seconds.
"may i- kiss you again?" dan heng breathes out, looking you in the eyes and getting lost in them immediately. when you grab his face in your palms and kiss him with urgency he never felt from you, he gives in.
"touch me. everywhere you want, but not there, yet."
"your wish is my command, princess," he mutters back, kissing you again and moving one of his hands to your waist, caressing the soft skin and curves of your body.
you feel his leaking cock against your thigh and by aeons, is it intoxicating. the thoughts to jump on him and fuck him until you pass out are loud, but, surprisingly, you can compose yourself for now. just savor this moment, feel it, and prepare by the way, you say to yourself.
and aeons, do you feel things.
his hands, big yet calloused, touch you so gently, almost as if it's a little fluffy cloud tickling your skin. he continues to spread his warmth across your body, placing his hands everywhere he can; waist, hips, thighs, belly – you name it, he touches it. but he doesn't dare to even think about touching your pussy yet, even if he feels how wet it already is.
dan heng growls quietly, breaking the kiss and resting his forehead on yours with eyes closed, trying to compose himself again. it's hard, with his thoughts racing and spiraling down to his cock, he can't do this anymore, the battles persists and he's not the bravest soldier...
"dan heng? dan heng, can you look at-"
"no, i- i can't. i'm losing control already and- admiring your beauty like that is too much- i'll go to the bathroom and-"
"dan heng!"
the slight bonk you give his head with your hand gets him out of his thoughts, and he finally looks at you with the pain he's trying to suppress. you reassure him with a soft smile before continuing what you wanted to say.
"you can put it in... but slowly. you're- you're quite big and i'm not sure if it fits-"
"i'll make it fit, baby. it'll fit and it'll feel so good- but that's for another time."
the eagerness audible in his voice is adorable, making you chuckle and flustered. he kisses you lips again, exchanging saliva in such a needy and sloppy way. all you can do in such sudden moment is gasp and melt, letting his tongue explore your mouth.
you can feel how his cock is twitching in anticipation and need against your thigh, and the thought of finally feeling it inside makes you dizzy and wet; not in your wettest dreams you imagined his cock to be so... delightful.
"ready?" dan heng suddenly pulls away and breaks the kiss, looking into your eyes for consent. the way you stare at him with excitement, lust, and trust sends him into overdrive. he's not going bonkers thanks to the last thin strings of self-control.
he almost drools and cums on the spot when he feels your dripping wet pussy. smearing the precum and your arousal over your entrance, dan heng lets out a few moans and whimpers; his cock is already so sensitive and the warmth of your folds inviting him almost make him cry.
"i love you so much, baby." he's mumbling into your ear while pushing his cock into your pussy, slowly but surely filling you up. the whimpers you two make mingle in the air, making a new sonata that's meant only for you, for this moment, never played again. this is it, this is the moment of pure bliss, where the usually closed heart of your boyfriend is pouring out all the love he has for you. only for you.
dan heng groans and whimpers in suffering, trying his best not to push himself all in at once. he breathes in and out, warm air getting out of his lungs is tickling your neck and ear, making you even more aroused.
he stops existing for a second, taking in your word. it's only one word and yet it's like a spark to the dynamite of need inside him.
"i need- more of you, you feel so- good," you start babbling, also getting lost in the pleasure. the soft yet demanding stare you give him says a lot; you're sure of what you say, you're sure what you want, and you're sure you want him.
"just a second, baby- i want to stretch you, not rip you in two."
the quiet whine you let out makes him whimper and throb inside you. he's so close to cumming, so close to giving it up... but he needs to wait a little more.
he can't do that when you suddenly cup his face and place a set of sloppy kisses all over his lips and jaw, whimpering and moaning softly.
you relax further, the reactions you get out of him with your little teasing are so cute that you can't help and giggle softly. rolling your hips a little, you help him push his cock further, slowly stretching you in such a delicious way.
"baby, no- i'm gonna-!"
dan heng tries to stop you and your greedy pussy, but he's helpless when his cock is hugged by your tight, velvety walls. with closed eyes, he shudders and rests his forehead on your forehead while he cums, his cock twitching and painting your inner walls already.
"fuck- i'm sorry, baby," he starts, his body still shaking as he speaks. "i couldn't help it- it won't happen again, i promise, baby-"
"you may think i'm crazy or twisted, but i find it hot."
his skin is warm under your palms as you soothe his shoulders and arms, trying to calm him down. with his head still resting on your shoulder, dan heng pants and tries to catch his breath, kissing your skin softly.
"it happens. it's normal and it's fine. i didn't mind it," you continue to comfort him, your soft fingertips brushing over his skin. your breathing is steady, heart beats only a little faster in the excitement as you want him to breathe with you. and he does after a short while, his thoughts also halting to a stop. "if you want, we can stop it here-"
"no. i want to make you feel so good like you never felt before- i want to fuck you so good that you'll get wet when thinking about it again."
such a bold statement makes your eyes widen in surprise, especially when you can hear how determined he is for it to happen. your breath gets stuck in your lungs as you try to pry your inner whore away.
"as long as- as you'll be careful and loving... then i don't- i don't mind."
a consensus has been made between your voice of reason and inner whore, both sides getting what they want; a good and sweet lovemaking session with the only man that there is for you.
dan heng chuckles and lifts his head, looking you in the eyes with undying devotion and utmost adoration as he seeks the confirmation in your stare. seeing your flushed skin, body shivering in anticipation, and lips slightly parted, he doesn't need to be told twice. placing a soft kiss on your forehead, he rests his own on yours and stares right into you eyes, stare piercing right into your soul.
"i'll make you feel so good, baby- you'll feel amazing, i promise-" he continues his ramblings, at this rate getting delirious at the mere thought of how cute you'll look when cumming around him and because of him.
his cock slides out and inside you again with ease, stretching and filling your tight pussy to the brim, knocking the air out of your lungs. gasping and moaning, you reach for his hand, needing to hold it through the whole session.
you two are so needy for each other's body, soul, mind, and heart and it's showing in every little move. dan heng quickly intertwines your hand with his, holding it gently yet in a firm grip. you put your other palm at the back of his head, and with fingers fidgeting with his hair, you pull him closer for a heated and full of devotion kiss.
he's waiting patiently for your walls to adjust to his size, but when they squeeze him so deliciously, it's hard to resist. his kisses and touches get impatient, more needy, and more possessive. taking a handful of one of your breasts, he squeezes the soft flesh and brushes his fingers across you nipple just to tease you and elicit more of those cute sounds from you.
"f-fuck, dan heng-" you whimper softly right into his lips, the stretch being overwhelmingly amazing. your breathing is ragged and shaky, thoughts race out of your mind at the feeling of his cock inside you.
"baby, you're so- so tight, aeons-" he starts grunting and moaning, finally rolling his hips further into your core. "your pussy is so good i- i can't control myself anymore, baby-"
the heated kisses you two exchange while mingled together make you both even more sweaty, smell of sex filling the room, soaking into the walls, bedsheets, everywhere where it can, just to remind you later how fiery and passionate your love is.
dan heng explores your body further with his free hand, the warm palm hovering over your skin sets your senses aflame further. his soft touch is addicting, paired with his throbbing cock thrusting in and out of your pussy makes such a dangerous mix. his hand roams over your breasts, stomach, sides, everywhere he can reach. when he reaches your hips and thighs, you react immediately, making his heart flutter and mind fuzzy with excitement.
"you like being touched here?" he asks softly, fingers brushing over your thighs, from the inner part to the outer, up and down, repeat. you don't say anything, yet he knows the answer to his question right after; the way your pussy flutters around his length, how your legs shake, how you moan louder – all of it makes his head spin and causes a wicked grin to appear on his face.
you squeeze his hand and pull him closer, hand on the back of his head pulling him in for another sloppy kiss. but you trail off your lips to the side, kissing and licking your way from the corner of his lips to his jaw, neck, shoulder, and collarbone, leaving soft marks with almost every kiss. moaning into his skin, you nibble on the sensitive parts of his neck, the need to claim him and show everyone who he belongs to being too alluring to resist.
"oh, fuck-!" dan heng is not prepared for you marking him up but aeons does he love it. tilting his head to the side, he gives you easier access to all the places he wants- no, he needs- to be marked. his breath gets shallow and ragged, cock throbbing and pulsing inside you because of how much he loves this; the marks that he will show with pride, announcing to everyone that he's yours and yours only.
his quiet whimpers and moans sound so pretty, paired with the squelching noises of his cock pumping itself into your pussy give a lovely one-of-a-kind concerto meant only for the two of you; a concerto about desire, love, and trust, a tribute to love you two hold for each other.
"d-dan heng! ah-! you feel- so good- ah!" crying out in pleasure, you arch your back with a loud moan when the tip of his cock nudges at that one sweet spot, having you sob and scream his name further.
it's like the more you scream his name, the more dan heng goes insane. with his eyes closed, he's panting into your neck, sliding inside you with ease and need; he needs you to cream around him, he needs to feel your cum coating his already sensitive length, he needs to hear you more, even if your throat is already dry because of the constant screams.
"mmh- baby, you're doing so good for me, fuck- keep going, moan my name- you're such a good- good fucking girl-"
your thighs shake and squeeze around his waist while your hips stutter, your whole body being lit on fire when you cum, gushing around him and squeezing his cock deeper inside. crying out, your whole body stiffens as you lose control, pussy throbbing, creaming, and milking him with need of his load.
seeing you like this, body flushed, pleasure written all over your face, with one hand holding his and the other one gripping the sheets... dan heng can't take it anymore. he's cumming right after, thick load after load filling your greedy little pussy up to the brim, as it milks his length further.
he rests his head in the crook of your neck, panting and smiling, placing soft and lazy kisses over your neck and shoulder. you still squeeze his hand, placing the other around him, soothing his back with your light and gentle touch. nuzzling your cheeks against his, you try to calm your labored breathing.
"mmm- you did so well, darling," dan heng muses quietly, finally lifting his head and looking at you, eyes full of love and adoration. he grips your hip softly, caressing your skin with his fingers. "are you tired, baby?"
"not that much," you answer, voice quiet and ragged with heavy breaths, as you try to calm down. the intensity of the moment got to you, and now you need a little more time to come back to your senses.
"then- can we go another round?"
you freeze, confused yet... enticed by the offer. you can feel how his cock is still hard, twitching and throbbing, waiting for you. aeons, it feels so good.
with one, swift motion, you pull him closer, kissing him with newly-found intensity, one he never imagined you could even feel for him, boring loser dan heng.
"let's go."
letting out a small chuckle of relief, dan heng looks at you for a second, admiring your sparkling eyes, flushed face, beautiful features. he can't help it; he dives in for another kiss, sloppy and messy, whimpering softly into your lips. the feeling of his breath on your face, how he tries to compose himself further, it's so extremely hot and tempting.
"are you really so needy? for me?" you tease him, knowing smirk glued to your face when dan heng pulls away for a second, his head quickly turning back to you, completely forgetting what he was looking for.
chuckling and cooing, you grab his chin, firmly but not strong enough to hurt; turning his red face to yours, lips millimeters away, you smirk again. as you look into his eyes, your fingers graze over his chin.
"do you want me to take care of you, then?"
his heart stops for a second, mind disappearing right after. with lips slightly parted, he's looking you in the eyes, stare hazed with desire devotion, and everything he's holding for you.
"yes, please."
quickly yet clumsily, you switch positions, with you now straddling his lap, dan heng sitting on his pile of blankets, staring at you with his pretty, pleading eyes. his hard cock nestled between your thighs is leaking precum again, the essence bubbling at the tip, smearing over your skin.
dan heng, the usually composed and collected archivist, is now getting putty in your hands, melting under you, mewling and whimpering for you to take care of him and his length that's aching for you. this mess of horny, insatiable, and devoted nerd that wasn't touched by anyone else is for you and you only. and it's an incredible sight.
"baby-" he's whining, quiet moans slipping past his slightly parted, swollen from all the kisses lips, covered in spit and sweat; the glistening and plump lips you love to devour.
"what is it?" your eyes wander from his lips to his slowly teary eyes, eyelashes sweetly batting the tears and sweat away; but it's his lips that's your weakness. in seconds if not less, you press a sweet yet passionate kiss, tongues dancing with each other as dan heng lets you devour his mouth, whimpering and almost cumming at the mere taste of your sweet lips.
"please, baby- i need you- i need you so bad," he's mumbling, whining and losing everything, ready to cry; all he needs is you and your sweet pussy, yet you keep it all away from him, like a big meanie!
he's kissing the corner of your lips, your cheeks, neck, everywhere he can reach, softly pecking your silky skin while maintaining eye contact, his big, puppy eyes pleading for you to ease his needs. "please baby, i need to- i need to be inside- i need your pussy so bad-"
"i got you, i got you-" you mumble out, needy for him as well. it's a rare occasion to have dan heng all for yourself, so you decide to use this opportunity.
slowly, you guide his tip inside your slick entrance, sucking him inside bit by bit. you need to take deep breaths to calm down and not straight-up impale yourself, but aeons, his cock just feels so good...
finally, you take his length all inside, moaning out loud with a little cry, his throbbing cock finally nestled deep where it belongs.
"mmh- fuck! d-dan heng, you feel- so good-" breathing out, you shiver and throw your head back, chest moving up and down rapidly as you try to continue breathing. with hands on his shoulders, you start to bounce on him, his cock easily sliding in and out as you ride both of your brains out.
you can't even focus on how pretty he looks in his fucked-out state, you yourself giving in to the pleasure. eyes rolled back, mouth parted – the stimulation and overall experience being quite intense, lots of emotions, need, and urgency make you two go non-verbal for a while; only deep panting and whimpers audible throughout the room.
"d-darling, oh fuck! so good-" dan heng lets out slurred words, eyes back in his skull as he starts to drool. quickly wiping his lips, he lets out another pretty moan, pulling your face closer to his own, and kissing you with urgency. his big hands, one on the back of your head and the other one on your thigh, hold you with care, not pushing, not pulling that roughly. he's powerless, too vulnerable, and hazy with lust to even think.
with your pussy hugging his cock so tight he's close again, legs shaking and hips jerking up to meet yours mid-way. you're close too, body shaking slightly, jolts of pleasure coursing through you as you pick up your pace. the need washes over you two, mingling your bodies together as you stay nestled in each other's embrace, fucking your brains out and confessing all the pent-up emotions.
your whimpers, his moans, and screams of each other's name echo through the archives for few hours straight, as you two just can't get enough, ready to pass out then stop. the few short breaks you two take are long enough for yearning to build up again, the whole cycle repeating again.
thank aeons the rest of the crew was out, as march and caelus would complain for the next week again.
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writing-in-the-impala · 7 months
Secret Smokes (Part 14)
Pairing: Teacher! Remus Lupin x Reader
Series Summary: When the reader bumps into the new DADA professor on the bridge in Hogwarts she begins to build a friendship with him all thanks to their shared feeling of not belonging and love for muggle cigarettes. Their friendship blooms while they both fight internal battles deciding what is wrong and what is right leading to a lot of fluff, angst, flirting and a rollercoaster of emotions.
Warnings: Swearing, smoking, drinking, teacher-student relationship, angst, jealousy, fluff, smut.
Word Count: 2400
A/N: I haven't had time to proofread this one but I wanted to get it out in celebration of it being Remus's birthday today. Happy Birthday Moony.
 | SERIES MASTER LIST (All chapters) |
Previous Chapter, Part 14, Next Chapter
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The trees outside were becoming greener, and the air a bit warmer. Remus and you would even sometimes take walks outside together to enjoy the sunshine, obviously distanced and acting appropriately. Acting appropriately was beginning to drain you as the honeymoon stages of being with Remus began to wear off.
January was filled with the thrill of being together and sneaking around, you got comfortable in February and now it was March. You were entering your third month of being exclusive, but not being anything, spending evenings together but barely ever sleeping in the same bed. No matter how much you enjoyed it you couldn't hide it was all becoming slightly draining. You longed for a date, to go the theatre like Remus once promised, to go for a walk and hold hands. To kiss in a public space.
"Any plans for the weekend?" You asked Remus as you strolled through the grass in the morning on Friday, you asked in the hope of finally going on a date again.
"I have a meeting with some members of the order, apparently there's rumours of activity between death eaters" He kept his hands firmly in his pockets. "What's your plans?" He looked at you with a gentle look of admiration as he spoke.
"I was thinking you could take me around London?" You asked slightly nervously.
"I'm sorry, not this weekend. There's too many people from the order around right now. Besides we shouldn't speak about this in public." His body was closed off as he looked around and spoke in a hush tone, it used to thrill you the secrecy, but it was beginning to hurt.
"When can we? You promised me the theatre." You said and he smiled gently.
"As soon as possible."
"When's that?" You pushed and Remus shook his head. "When it's less risky."
"Fine can I at least come officially meet Sirius?" You asked.
"I would like nothing more,"
"But?" You interrupted
"But, the order operates out of his house, and there's been more meetings recently, it's not safe for us to be hanging out there." He explained.
"What about your cottage? Or is that too risky too?" You tried your luck.
"That's actually a good idea, but," You rolled your eyes at Remus again. "I need time to make it habitable, it's a mess there. I'll go this weekend and depending on the progress soon we can go together." He explained and you nodded satisfied with getting at least somewhere. He looked around before continuing. "Tomorrow, after my meeting I'd love to see you. If that's okay? Although I don't know what time I will be back it would mean a lot to me if you were free." He almost whispered.
"Of course, if you won't take me out on a date at least we can have one here." You said and he offered a weak smile.
"Now tell me, how's your preparation for exams going?" He changed the subject now speaking in a louder tone and it felt more like spending time with Lupin than Remus. You enjoyed all sides of Remus J Lupin. You enjoyed learning his habits and quirks, you would sit in your DADA lesson and watch him intensely as he would tap his fingers on his wand when he was nervous. You could quite define what was going on between you both, on one hand he was very reserved, he wanted for you to come over to spend time together and then for you to leave, like you were a way for him to have company. On the other hand he was passionate, he talked about his dreams of showing you the world, about how he saw the future it made you feel like maybe you were special to him. You spent the day alone waiting for Remus to come back, every few hours you would walk past his office to find out if he was back yet no sign of him. It was getting late and you were begging to believe he won't come back today and you wasted your evening waiting for him.
Finally around nine pm as you walked back to your dorm from his office you saw him walking in your direction towards his office, you smiled at the sight of him. He was very dressed up in a nice shirt and blazer, he looked like he really cared about his appearance today as he went to the meeting. You didn't really understand why he got so dressed up to see the order or why his "meeting" lasted all Saturday. He greeted you in the corridor with a nod and you turned around walking side by side to his office. "Hello Professor." You said with a playful tone.
"Hi Y/N, I know it's Saturday but do you mind coming to have a quick discussion with me in the office?" He asked with a smirk on his face.
"My pleasure." You said as he held the door open for you and you stepped inside.
"Hello my dear." He said as soon as the door closed and he leaned in to kiss you. "Sorry for running so late, everyone couldn't stop talking I left as soon as I could." He explained as you walked up the stairs to his office.
"You look really nice." You pointed out.
"I've got to impress you, how else would I keep you interested in boring old me." He said, at this moment you clicked the thing you could smell was fire whiskey, he had been drinking.
"Do you often drink at important meetings?" You asked, a sting of jealousy on your tongue.
"Only when they run late," He explained as he poured two drinks and you sat down.
"I waited for you like an idiot all evening." You explained feeling upset by how you ruined your day waiting while he was drinking and dressing up for a meeting.
"I'm sorry, dear, I tried to leave as soon as the meeting finished but everyone wanted to talk, they wanted to talk to me, which rarely happens, you know how I talk and people lose interest well this one time when I wanted them to not listed they did listen. But I wanted to come back to you this whole evening. Anyway we're here now and I can bore you instead of them." He gave you a soft kiss on your cheek as he sat down next to you.
"So tell me about your cottage." You said making yourself comfortable on the couch, with your legs crossed and your drink in hand.
"What do you want to know?" He re-adjusted himself to face you as he sat on the opposite end of the sofa and music played in the background, he had his favourite vinyl on which filled the room with positivity even if your conversations didn't start on a good note.
"I don't know, we always just talk about music and me, I feel like I barely know you."
"I'm an open book."
"That's a lie."
"What do you want to know?" He said gently ignoring your remark.
"Did you grow up there?" You snapped.
"In the cottage? No, god, no." He snapped back instantly looking down at his glass with the last three words.
"So where did you grow up?"
"Everywhere, we moved around a lot because of my condition. Listen Y/N I would rather not talk about this today. Ask me any other day and I'll tell you, today I want to listen to some records, hold you in my arms and sip some expensive whiskey." He said putting an arm around you and pulling you closer.
"So you'll speak to others all night but all you want is to sit next to me and listen to music?"
"I also want to kiss you." He said planting a light kiss on your lips making you blush.
"Remus, I feel like you don't want to let me into your life."
"You are in my life, dear. I spend more time with you than anyone else. The last time I was around someone so much it was Sirius and I was your age."
"Yet you won't even let me meet Sirius." You left his embrace sitting on the opposite side of the sofa.
"Y/N, we spoke about this..." he said sitting up himself.
"What are we?"
"I don't know." He said slightly defeated.
"Are we dating?"
"No." He replied calmly but instantly without time to even process the question .
"But we're exclusive?" You asked after a moment of thinking
"Yes." Once again instantly.
"Because I can't bear the thought of anyone else kissing you."
"Why won't you date me?"
"Because I'm your teacher." He didn't break eye contact.
"Bullshit. You've crossed that line too many times for it to matter, why?"
"Because it's me. Y/N, I wouldn't want to curse anyone with me, especially not you. You don't understand what I am..."
"I do Remus, and I don't care so drop this self destructive attitude and let yourself feel happy."
"I want you to feel happy!" He almost shouted but controlled himself. "I am sacrificing my job for you to be happy-"
"Yes because you don't get any enjoyment out of it, you're just having sex with me and inviting me over for my enjoyment." You snarked back and he rested his head in his hand as he massaged his temple trying to find the right words to say.
"Y/N, you know what I mean. I care about you, I am smitten by you. But it would be selfish of me to decide to date you to call you mine. You're a young witch, you have so much potential. I have to change jobs before people realise my condition, I am always moving, I'm not safe, and I'm not safe to be around. I want to keep you safe and happy, I don't want to ruin your future by people finding out you're dating not only your teacher but a werwolf."
"Selfish is you not giving me a chance. Do you know what would make me happy? If you held my hand. The day you took me to the British Museum was one of the best days I've ever had, I was so happy, you can offer me happiness but you decide not to. You would know all this if you weren't too busy feeling sorry for yourself to notice." You now raised your voice a little bit too much.
"This isn't how I wanted this evening to go." He simply said looking down at his feet almost defeated.
"I'm sorry but you can't keep running from this conversation Lupin it's March, am I just your plaything or do you hate yourself so much that you truly won't allow yourself to feel okay for a moment?"
"Dear, can we just come back to this tomorrow when you're more calm and I'm more sober?" He asked with a soft tone that contrasted your own.
"Maybe I should go." You said standing up and gathering your belongings.
"Dear-" he began as he stood up and followed you towards the door.
"No Remus, I'm not going to allow you to hurt me with your mistaken nobility, the worst part is you truly think you're doting the right thing." You said emotions getting the best of you.
"Y/N. Please stay." He placed his hand on the door to stop you from opening it.
"Why? Why are you so desperate for me to stay when you won't talk to me about anything real."
"Because it's my birthday..." he said and it hit you like a wall of bricks.
"Remus I'm so sorry-" you began but he seemed dismissive.
"Actually I believe it may be best if you do leave," Remus said letting go of the wall and walking to sit back down, downing the rest of his drink and closing his eyes as he sat there not looking your way.
"Yes I should go, we should go. Let's go to London."
"What?" He shot a confused look at you.
"Let's go, what are we doing wasting away here? Do you really want to spend your birthday sitting here like every other evening? Or do you want to celebrate?"
"I don't celebrate my birthday, I just don't want to be alone this year."
"Why isn't Sirius here?"
"Because I already saw him, they bought out a cake and sang me happy birthday at the meeting. I didn't like the attention but it was nice if Sirius to organise it, but I told them I just want to sit at home today."
"No let's celebrate!" You insisted sitting down next to him and putting hands on his knee.
"I told you I don't want to I just want to sit here and have a nice, normal, evening with you." He said sternly, his body stiff.
"Remus, why didn't you tell me it's your birthday?"
"Because I didn't want you to react like this, it's not important, I didn't want a cake, I didn't want people singing happy birthday, I just wanted to sit with you here and feel normal and happy." He explained it felt like he was lecturing you.
"I don't understand..."
"No you wouldn't would you?" He stood up moving your hand off his knee and walking away to go top up his glass before he continued speaking. "I didn't want to be reminded another year has passed, another year where there no cure, another year where each month is a curse, another year my mother is dead, my friends are dead. Another year closer to loosing my father, to loosing Sirius and another job. What is so fun about celebrating this?"
"Because it's about celebrating the person you are." You emphasised walking over to him, you stood in front of him looking up at him hoping he would kiss you as you moved up your him standing on your toes.
"There's nothing to celebrate about me." He said walking past you to sit on his office chair. You followed right behind him.
"Yes there is Remus. You're amazing, do you really think I'd be waiting for you all evening if you weren't worth celebrating." You moved in closer invading his personal space and straddling him on his desk chair. His body shifted below you as he cleared your throat, you could feel his penis twitch as he was begging to get hard. "I'm sorry Y/N, I think you should leave." He said almost whispering. You looked into his eyes for a moment before storming out. "Self destructive asshole" you murmured as you slammed his office door behind you.
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NEXT CHAPTER | More stuff I wrote
A/N: sorry for the angst I had to do it.
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monarchisms · 1 year
so for those who missed it, geoff talked a bit more about achievement hunter coming to an end on a f**kface break show on september 18th. some of it was stuff we've already learned from the announcement video/thread from AH themselves, but some additional information was mentioned exclusively on the f**kface stream. with rooster teeth being so great (sarcasm) at relaying info to their audience, i had to rely on a fan recording of the stream from twitter to get more context sooner, since the official recording won't be available until the 22nd at the earliest.
i'll put a full transcript of all the clips of the twitter thread under the cut, but if you want a tl;dr:
geoff's known about AH coming to an end for about 6 months (since march 2023), and that the decision to end it wasn't made lightly
he compares AH ending to when he went to quit red vs blue 15 years ago to co-create AH, somewhere between seasons 5-7, and how he continued to work on rvb until he couldn't anymore
also talks about how everyone at the company at the time (like burnie, gus, matt, and jason) were really supportive towards him, and how that led to AH lasting 15 years
he hopes that michael, trevor, alfredo, and joe get the same support he got from the audience when he made AH, and then eventually f**kface. also reassures the audience that all the content on the AH channel will stay as it is
heavily emphasizes that this decision wasn't made by the higher ups at rt or warner brothers, and wanted to nip that in the bud before the rumor went too far. notes that AH didn't fail, it just ended
talks about how there will be a couple more weeks of new achievement hunter content before they close up shop. some of the content includes the members paying an homage to past series and people at AH. it will eventually culminate into a final video that geoff's in where he gets "fucking verbose" about his feelings in relation to everything
gives a shoutout to matt, jeremy, and ray in regards to their streams on twitch, and finally ends his speech by saying that the audience should respect that the past + current AH members are continuing to do the things they love doing while being entertaining, just in their own unique ways
the full transcript:
Geoff: "The Achievement Hunter brand is coming to a close. We have decided to sunset it and to end it. And I've seen a lot of- for a very good reason- and that announcement came in tandem with another announcement, a very exciting announcement about a new brand called Dogbark. And I've seen a lot of excitement, a lot of appreciation from people, a lot of people supporting Michael and those guys [referring to Trevor, Joe, and Alfredo] going off into doing their own thing.
I've seen a lot of fear and uncertainty. I totally get and understand that; you guys are hearing this for the first time. Um, I've known about this for about six months. You know, this has been in some form of discussion or preparation for a while now. This wasn't a decision that was made lightly, uhh... but I think it's the right decision, and I hope that you'll understand and support that, and here's why:
15 years ago, I went to Burnie and Matt and Gus, and I said 'Hey, I'm losing my mind making Red vs Blue.' It was season 5 or 6, and I- I think it was 6 or 7, actually- and I was just so creatively drained and stifled. And I had such a wonderful time making Red vs Blue, but I had made it until I couldn't make it anymore. And I had this idea, and I was very passionate about this idea of this thing I wanted to try. And Burnie and Gus and Matt were so kind and supportive to give me the creative runway to launch and test Achievement Hunter out at a time when everybody- friends- everybody was telling me 'What are you doing, quitting making Red vs Blue? It's a huge hit! You're like, the #2 guy on it. You're a big part of this! Why would you leave that to do this unproven, untested thing?' And I had to! I had to follow my dream, I had to follow my passion. And like I said, Burnie and Matt and Gus and everybody else, Jason, everybody involved in Rooster Teeth at the time, were so fucking supportive and so wonderful to me in that period that 15 years later, we've had 15 years of Achievement Hunter.
We wouldn't be here on this set right now in front of all this Zimmer stuff, in front of fucking dumb pictures of Gavin and Garbage Pail Kids and Barbie and- fucking new Dallas poster, by the way. Uh, all of this has existed because they allowed me to take a chance and supported me taking that chance. And uh- I would be some kind of fucking hypocrite if I didn't provide the same level of support and genuine enthusiasm to Michael and Alfredo and Joe and Trevor as they embark on the same journey I went on 15 years ago! And this is a very- I don't want to speak for them. They didn't make this decision lightly, I guarantee you, and they will explain it in their own voice over the next few weeks as we say goodbye to Achievement Hunter and say hello to Dogbark. [actual dog barks in the background] We worked on that ahead of time.
Uhh... and so I would only ask that you give them the same level of support that the audience gave me when I tried out Achievement Hunter, this untested, unproven thing, and the same level of support you all gave us when we decided that we're going to make F**kface, an audio-only podcast recorded remotely, which is something that I never in a million years wanted to do or thought was a good idea until we did it, and found out it was simply too good, found out that it worked and it ended up becoming, I think, hopefully the best thing I've participated in. I really ju- I really just want to drive that point home. Joe and Trevor and Michael and Alfredo have spent years and years and years making content that they believe in to support and entertain you. And that's all they want to do with this new production.
Everything comes to an end. It's okay for things to end. I know it's scary and it's sad, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen, and that doesn't mean it's going away. We have 15 years of Achievement Hunter content online that you can still watch and enjoy. Hundreds of thousands of hours of content, hundreds upon hundreds of episodes of Minecraft and GTA that are still there for you to go and watch. I mean, hell, I think Emily and I are a great example of that. We've been watching a show that came out in 1978 called Dallas. It ran from 1978 to 1992, and that was 40 fucking years ago. And yet here we are enjoying it, just as if it came out yesterday. Justice for Sue Ellen, I think we can all agree, justice for Sue Ellen. So I would just say that I hope that you'll be excited about this new journey in their careers and this new opportunity for Rooster Teeth. It's sad to say goodbye to a thing, but it's not disappearing. It's still there. You can still go watch all those videos. You can still go enjoy- enjoy all that content, but you can also support them in what they're doing.
And one other little inaccuracy, or not even inaccuracy, but one thing I want to touch on- and then I'll get to breaking cards and being an idiot- is a thing that kind of bugs me, is that- I'm sure you've heard this phrase or some variation of this phrase before where it's uh, said that a lie can travel halfway across the world, while the truth is still putting its pants on, and-"
Emily: "That's kinda deep! I've never heard that before." Geoff: "You've never heard that before?" Emily: "No!"
Geoff: "Yeah, and I've seen a lot of supposition and people saying things that just aren't true. And I want to stop that right now before they travel halfway across the world. Because there is no truth to the idea that like- anytime we make a change that's controversial or a bit scary or different or new or unexpected, there's this idea that there's uh, some dude in a suit from Warner Brothers or Rooster Teeth standing just off-camera, sternly going, 'Make this decision. Follow this algorithm. We're chasing a demographic.' None of that is true. Rooster Teeth would be very happy if they continued making Achievement Hunter forever, but they weren't happy making Achievement Hunter, and they wanted to try a new thing.
They wanted to do what I did 15 years ago! They wanted to do what Ray did when he left Achievement Hunter, right? They wanted to bet on themselves and make their production. I love the work they put into- to mine, and I did my best to make it ours. But at the end of the day, I left Achievement Hunter five years ago! Uh, it would be really foolhardy and stupid and- and dickhead-ish of me to have a problem with them doing the same thing, uh, but it's also them. This is a decision that they made, that they wanted to make. It didn't come from anybody at Rooster Teeth or Warner Brothers. There was no, I don't know, this marketing department you always hear about that's telling them to make these decisions and- 'Chase the Gen Z crowd and come up- This is the name we've workshopped.' None of that's true! They came up with the name. They came up with the logo, they came up with the design, the color palette, the trailer, the content that's going to be released in a couple of weeks, that's all them! That's what they wanna do.
That is them following the same passion that I followed 15 years ago and the same passion that I followed when I created Let's Play, and the same passion that I that I followed when I created F**kface. And hopefully the same passion, the same passion that I created this with, and hopefully the same passion that I'll create the next and the next and the next thing with, and hopefully the same passion that they get to do, uh, as they continue their career. So all I'm asking for is give the new thing a chance, support it. It's a brave thing to do to walk out of the safety of Achievement Hunter into a new thing.
And also, uh, I've seen a lot of doomers that are saying like 'Ah, I called it ten years ago! I knew it was gonna fail!' It didn't fail. It ended. It was 15 fucking awesome years. And I'm going to stop talking now because I'm just going to get rambly. But I will say: There's a couple of weeks left of Achievement Hunter content coming out where they pay homage, if you will, to a lot of the videos and the shows from the past,, and the people from the past, and they have a lot of sweet things that they're going to do. And it'll culminate at the end with one last video that I am in where I get fucking verbose about my feelings about all of it. So if you want to hear more about my feelings of the 15 years of Achievement Hunter, I ask that you tune in to that last Achievement Hunter video. But I also ask that you tune into every video between now and then, because they're going to be saying goodbye to Achievement Hunter with a lot of love and respect and humor. And uh, I think that's what it deserves. And I hope that we all get to share in that together, and then, and then subscribe to Dogbark and give it a shot. [dog barks again] Thank you.
And uh, remember that all of these people that you've loved that have come and gone are still making content right now. Jack and BK, I think Jack's on vacation, but Jack and BK are over there in Inside Gaming, making content, playing video games 3, 4 hours a day, 3 or 4 days a week, playing Minecraft, playing all those old games that you loved to see us play. And Michael is making Face Jam every week. And Michael and Trevor and Alfredo and Joe are going to be making Dogbark every fucking day. And Gavin and I, we're making F**kface every day. And I'm making ANMA and I'm making So... Alright, and Ky has helped producing it all uh, behind the scenes.
Matt and Jeremy and Ray, they're streaming every fucking day of their lives, I believe. I think Jeremy's on, like, 18 days in a row right now, or something? [referring to Jeremy's uncapped subathon]. So all the people that you loved to support and who uh, entertained you throughout the years, they're still doing the thing that they love. They're just doing it in the way that they wanna do it, in the way that makes sense to them. And I just hope that you will be... respectful of that, and give them an opportunity to entertain you uh, in much the same way they entertained you last year and the year before and 5 years ago and 10 years ago. They just want to get up every day and make the best content they can make, and they're not- they're not making these decisions for any other reason than this is where their creative interests are leading them. And much like you gave me a chance 15 years ago, let's all give them a chance today. [dog barks again] That's it. I'm done. Let's open up some fucking cards."
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snezario · 3 months
Catch Me I'm Falling (Part 1); Vo/x
this is an adaptation of a vanilla fic i had been working on and there's definitely going to be some divergence from the original. i've been so hesistant to post this but i finally decided that i just don't care. i'm very much at rock-bottom and this ship manages to be the only thing that still provides me some happiness.
i know a majority of the fandom/shippers like one-sided radi/osta/tic, but i'm tired of acting like i wouldn't sell my soul for a ca/trado/ra ending for them. if you don't like it, don't read it :~)
it's supposed to be slow burn and there isn't a lot of Stuff yet but i'm throwing this out into our little community and maybe someone will enjoy it
part 2 / part 3
It all happened so fast. One minute he was preparing for tonight’s broadcast and the next Vox found himself struggling to pick himself up off the filthy streets of Pentagram City. Lightly pressing a hand to his throbbing head, he could see his reflection in a nearby puddle. He craned his neck to get a better view, doing his best to suppress a frown as he took in his appearance–he was sporting a crack that ran down the left side of his screen, a visibly torn suit, and a heavily bruised ego.
Vox staggered to his feet before brushing himself off. He self-consciously straightened his bowtie as sinners stared curiously at the VoxTek CEO, or ex-CEO now, but they didn’t need to know that just yet. He tried to keep his head high, shoulders square, and his attention forward as he plodded down the sidewalk, giving any passerby who looked at him for a millisecond too long a menacing glare.
It was more of a threat really, he couldn’t be bothered to use his hypnosis on anyone right now nor is he sure it would be successful.
As he marched further and further away from the tower, the television demon’s screen became clouded, a flurry of thoughts swirled in his mind. Sure the relationship with Val was never meant to last or turn into anything more than casual sex between business partners. But Vox did not see any of this coming, and in hindsight he really should have.
Valentino’s legendary temper had not shown any sign of letting up and if anything had gotten worse over the years, the fact that he tore up one of Velvette’s best models over Angel moving out should have set off the alarm bells in his head. He always thought he had been the glue that held the Vees together, the mastermind behind it all. Valentino was more conniving than he thought and Vox had been played like a fiddle.
It was all so textbook too. Valentino approached him after Alastor publicly humiliated him all those years ago. He was the one to suggest bringing Velvette on as a business partner. He was the one that initiated the volatile on-again-off-again relationship that they had shared for the better part of the past 7 years. Some nights Vox had wondered whether they could be just more than fuck buddies, but every time he brought it up Val would shoot him down.
And so Vox gave up on that idea and told himself he was happy to just have something between the two of them. A part of him was clinging onto the hope that Val would see reason and take him back. Maybe if he could just talk to Velvette, she’d get him to consider meeting with Vox, hearing his side of things.
Looking up he realized that he had been so lost in thought that he actually wound up further from the city than he would have anticipated and was now standing at the bottom of the hill to the Hazbin Hotel. His screen glitched and he ran a hand down the crack in his screen which came as a result of Val bashing his head into the wall. It was starting to interfere with his vision too, everything was a bit fuzzy. He looked longingly over his shoulder, back at V-Tower–despite how far away the hotel is, the neon sign could be seen twinkling in the distance.
Pulling a face, he trudged up the hill. Now standing directly in front of the hotel, he realized how gaudy it looks up close. Like a Vegas casino hotel, he snorted softly at the comparison. He moved towards the front door and stared at the stained glass windows. Vox hesitated, his raised fist precariously hovering an inch above the wooden door frame. Was he really about to stoop so low that he was going to his rival?
Long buried memories of Alastor started to resurface, as well as the burning hatred he had been harboring towards the radio demon flared in his chest. His screen chose that moment to glitch again, temporarily extinguishing his anger towards the smiling freak, as well as the pesky memories. He gritted his teeth and relented with a weary sigh. Vox raised his hand again before rapping three times on the door. What did he have to lose at this point, really?
He pulled out his phone to see if there was already any news on his spat with Valentino, he was almost certain that the moth demon was going to start a smear campaign against him. Before he could unlock his phone the door swung open to reveal Charlie, who was bouncing up and down slightly, clearly trying to keep her excitement contained. “Welcome to–” she began to say before her jaw nearly dropped to the floor.
While she had never met the other two Vees in person, she was familiar with them and what they looked like. This had to be the television Overlord, Vox. Although, he looked a little worse for wear, especially for an Overlord. She quickly reestablished her sunny demeanor and started again.
“Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!”
It was almost too much for Vox when the Princess of Hell greets him at the door. He almost expected his knock to go unanswered, but now that he’s face to face with Charlie he has half a mind to turn on his heel and run back to V-Tower with his tail between his legs back to Val and beg forgiveness, not unlike the way Alastor escaped the fight with Adam.
Vox gave his head a slight shake as he pushed down the impulse, even though it was so very tempting, planted his feet to the ground. He looked Charlie up and down, taking in her appearance. She was almost his height, to his surprise, much taller than she seemed based on her interview with the news anchor Katie Killjoy some months back. Which was ever so slightly intimidating for him, but no matter.
“Your royal highness,” he bowed his head in reverence to her before raising it again, fixating a sharp grin on her, “I don’t believe we have been properly introduced. My name is Vox–” Charlie was unable to keep her enthusiasm in check and interrupted him with a squeal.
“Mr. Vox, I have heard of you and I am so excited to finally meet you! We haven’t gotten as many guests as I would have hoped. Please come in! Come in!”
Without another word, she grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him into the hotel. Despite his aversion to touch, especially when he didn’t initiate it, Vox allowed himself to be dragged past the threshold of the front door.
He gazed around, privately impressed–the interior was actually nicer than he would have expected. During this time he realized this was actually the first time he had stepped foot in the building, well the newly rebuilt version of it anyways. It was not nearly as hi-tech as his VoxTek building, but it was most likely due to that radio bastard’s influence.
He turned his attention back to Little Miss Bleeding Heart and continued, “Right, so I hear the hotel is still looking for recruits and what better way to sell your hotel than to have another Overlord’s endorsement?” The media mogul maintained his grin as he spoke but faltered when he felt an uncomfortable increase in static pressure around him, which signaled the arrival of a certain pompous old-timey prick of a demon.
“Endorsement from you? I hardly think that’s something we could use here,” Alastor’s staticky radio voice grated against Vox’s audio input sensors and he couldn’t help but flinch before making the necessary adjustments. The radio demon’s narrowed gaze pierced through him, and Vox knew that the former was silently taking in his appearance, judging him. His fanged grin remained steadfast as ever, although he raised a brow as his eyes lingered on the crack in Vox’s screen. Much to Vox’s surprise, he chose not to pass comment.
“Alastor,” Vox curtly acknowledged his rival, “I’m just here as a professional courtesy.”
Vox shifted his weight as his last statement hung in the air between the three of them. Why did he lie? Didn’t they take anyone here? After all, they accepted Pentious without batting an eye. With his cracked screen and disheveled appearance, it wasn’t like he even looked like the all-powerful Overlord image he was used to exuding. He was positively exhausted, but he just couldn’t bring himself to tell the truth yet, especially with Alastor hovering around.
It was bad enough that he showed up on the hotel doorstep looking like a kicked puppy. At this point, he doubted his ego could take anymore of a beating today. He hoped that at least Princess Morningstar would accept his pathetic attempt of an excuse and not ask any follow-up questions.
Just as Charlie opened her mouth to respond, Angel’s voice cut her off. They all turned their attention to the pink fluffy spider sinner lounging on the couch by the bar.
“Yo, get a LOAD of this! Val and Velvette kicked Vox out of the Vees and have started a smear campaign against him. I’ll bet Val’s going to have me working extra this weekend.”Angel trailed off as he noticed how silent the hotel had become. Alastor and Charlie both slowly turned to look at Vox, his pupils constricted but his eyes were now as large as dinner platters. The sheer horror on his screen was undeniable–well now he was royally fucked.
Vox felt a flush creeping up his screen as the hotel occupants’ eyes bore into him. Angel’s exclamation had invited the curiosity of a few other members of the hotel–the television demon now commanded the attention of the former exorcist angel and cat bartender. And normally he lived for attention, but not like this.
His gaze flitted over each of their faces, most of which seem to be of bemusement. Although there was genuine concern in Charlie’s eyes, which almost made Vox sick to his stomach. Alastor’s expression on the other hand hadn’t changed at all. However, he was the first to break the silence.
“Care to explain yourself, old pal?”
Vox’s mouth opened and his lips moved but no sound came out. His screen flickered as he tried to manually override his audio interface. He was slightly alarmed as his backup fans whirled loudly and liquid cooling kicked in. Hopefully his soundboard hadn’t short circuited. 
“Why don’t we sit down and talk?” Charlie suggested, seeing the distress on Vox’s face. She placed a steady hand on Vox’s shoulder and guided him towards the parlor.
“Mr. Vox, I know you just got here but you’re welcome to stay here while you sort things out. Everyone is wel–”
“HA! Him? Stay here?” Angel interjected, tossing his head back as he laughed. “Pentious was one thing but this is one of the Vees. I’ll bet this is all just another ploy to infiltrate the hotel.”
The pornstar’s mention of Val and the Vees sent a sharp pain in his chest. His claws dug into his palm, but other than that Vox maintained his composure.
Charlie looked contemplative as she considered Angel’s words. She spoke slowly as she worked to process everything.
“Even if he was trying to undermine our efforts… Why did he come here himself? What do the Vees hope to gain from sending the face of their trio to us?”
“Don’t ask me!” Angel threw up all four of his arms in exasperation. “It’s not like I try to understand anything that goes on in Val’s fucked up mind. I’m sure he’s not much different.”
Charlie opened her mouth to speak but promptly closed it, looking reminiscent of a goldfish when she did it.
“Plus did you see the look on Smiles’ face when this guy showed up?” Angel jabbed a thumb towards Alastor. “I’m sure he wouldn’t hesitate to go full demon mode and tear Vox limb from limb.”
Charlie frowned at the imagery. She turned her attention to Alastor leaning on his staff-microphone stand in the corner of the room. Despite his initial question, he’d been eerily silent. The radio demon met her gaze before looking down his hands. She looked between him and Vox. When neither party offered up anything, she pursed her lips together.
“Well the offer still stands, Mr. Vox.” Charlie said definitively. She momentarily put a hand on his shoulder and he could feel her compassion radiating off her. Her angelic girlfriend who also hadn’t said a word the entire time, still leaned up against the wall. As Vox makes eye contact with her she scowled, although her expression softened as Charlie approached her and took her hand in her own. 
She looked over her shoulder and addressed him one last time, “I’m sure Alastor or Niffty can show you to a vacant room, should you choose to stay. Have a good night!”
Angel stretched his arms above his head and yawned loudly.
“Well this has been all sorts’a fun ain’t it? Imma turn in as well. See ya later, Whiskers,” Angel waved genially at the bartender before disappearing down a hallway.
There was an uncomfortable silence now that only Alastor and Vox were left in the parlor. Again, Alastor was the first to break that silence, much to Vox’s chagrin.
“When you first showed up on our doorstep, I was ready to throw you out. You’re quite lucky Charlie intervened and is showing you a kindness that I could never possess,” Alastor tapped his gloved fingers along his chin thoughtfully as he paused, “You know, this actually might not be so bad. It’ll be like old times–”
Vox was lost in thought but managed to catch Alastor’s last sentence. Thankfully, it seemed like his audio issue had resolved itself. He rasped, “Yeah well, you can forget that. I’m not planning on hiding here for the rest of my existence.”
He winced when the radio demon looked at him keenly, he had hoped that Alastor hadn’t also picked up on the hoarseness in his voice. Pressing a couple fingers to his throat, he frowned. Perhaps the audio issue wasn’t as resolved as he thought. 
“Suit yourself.”
Alastor threw up his hands indifferently, adjusting his lapels as he stood to leave.
“Alastor, wait– I didn’t mean… I just–” Vox’s voice wavered as he struggled to find the words, burying his head in his hands when he didn’t quite get there. A couple of tense moments passed and he was sure that Alastor had probably just shadow teleported away by now. But when he peeked between his fingers, he could see a figure still by the fireplace. Although Alastor’s back was turned to him now.
Just as Vox opened his mouth to speak, Alastor’s head snapped around–a decidedly horrifying sound that made Vox cringe. The radio demon’s grin widened in a way that caused Vox’s stomach to churn with anxiety. That’s never a good sign is it? 
“Let’s take this conversation to my room, hmm?”
The heavy radio static in the space between them made Vox recoil. Oh how he hated when Alastor did that. It always made his systems go haywire or well, it used to at least–with his upgraded components he was less prone to Alastor’s radio interference. He watched as Alastor melted into the shadows, his yellow cheshire grin being the last bit of him to disappear into the darkness.
“Do I have much of a choice?” Vox muttered under his breath before focusing his mind to channel his electrical teleportation abilities and follow his rival. He stopped in front of Alastor’s door wondering what horrors awaited him inside. As he stared anxiously at the ornately decorated door, he noticed that it was cracked open. He pondered his next move… Alastor did invite him in.
With a deep inhale, he pushed open the door. The room was dimly lit and Vox had to adjust his screen’s brightness to see much of anything. In his peripheral vision he noticed Alastor sitting in an armchair on the far side of the room. 
“I’m sure you’re dying to snoop around. I will permit you a few minutes to get it out of your system before we begin.”
He looked around Alastor’s bedroom. Huh. Creepy. It appeared to be a hybrid of rustic 1930’s cabin and a Louisiana bayou that stretched past what Vox could presently see. Despite the swamp-like environment, it was surprisingly cool in the room, which was good for Vox because humid climates tended to mess with his components. He idly rubbed a hand down his cracked screen as a fleeting fuzzy sensation skittered through the circuitry in his head.
The radio demon stayed in his armchair, simply observing Vox’s movements. He strolled around the room, picking up various trinkets. Some of them appeared to be remnants of his human life, while the presence of some others puzzled him because of their seemingly ordinary nature. He never really considered Alastor to be a particularly sentimental person but the objects in his room indicated otherwise. Perhaps he didn’t know the other Overlord quite as well as he once thought.
As he turned away from one of the cabinets, his gaze caught a glint of a metal picture frame on a high shelf. Despite the multitude of items, he realized that there are no photographs, let alone framed ones. He reached up to grab it but Alastor’s shadow slid up from behind him and snatched the picture frame before he could get a better look. Startled, Vox spun around to look at the radio demon.
“I think that is quite enough,” Alastor said, motioning for Vox to sit in the armchair across from himself. He waited for the television demon to settle into the chair opposite of him before speaking.
“As you may know, the hotel is a bit lacking in residents following the extermination. I dismissed the idea before, but it could be useful to have the endorsement of other Overlords. Therefore, I have a proposition for you: I help you get back into good graces with your former colleagues and you–”
Vox snorted, before letting out a derisive laugh, “You really think I’m stupid enough to make a deal with you?”
Alastor’s ears flicked back irritably and he rolled his eyes, “Not for your soul, although it would be lovely to own another former Overlord’s soul,” his eyes briefly sparkled mischievously as the thought delighted him. Vox clenched his jaw when Alastor implied he might lose his coveted Overlord status.
“No, my dear. Just an itty-bitty favor. It’s nothing really.”
“Uh-huh… and what favor would that be?” Vox now had his arms crossed in front of his chest as he raised a skeptical brow at Alastor, unconvinced.
“I will reveal more in due time, old pal,” Alastor said cryptically. The finality of his tone indicated to Vox that pressing the issue wouldn’t be in his best interests. He retracted his hand as Vox continued to cast a doubtful gaze upon him.
“Oooor, you become the laughingstock of the Pride Ring, lose your Overlord status, and worst of all what you’ve always feared–”
“Okay! Okay, I get it…” Vox cut off Alastor, which earned him a glare from the other demon.
“So, do we have a deal?” The radio demon leaned towards him, extending his hand again and smiling all the while. What Vox wouldn’t give to wipe that infernal grin off his face.
Vox narrowed his eyes and searched the radio demon’s smile for a sign that he’s lying, going to double-cross him, or worse. The possibilities were endless. Damn, the bastard was always good at masking his true intentions and beyond his usual mischievous grin, it seemed like a relatively normal deal. Well, as normal as deals in Hell went. And with Alastor no less.
And yet, something in the radio demon’s voice tempted him.
Vox stared contemplatively at Alastor’s outstretched hand. As a fellow Overlord, he was no stranger to deals, nor does Alastor’s notoriety for being THE dealmaker go over his head. Sure, it’s not like he was bargaining with his soul but still, deals held a lot of weight in Hell.
This is a mistake. Every fiber in his being was screaming at him to turn back–hightail it out of the hotel and never look back, to grovel at Val’s feet to take him back, that he’s sorry for every argument, every disagreement they had ever had, no matter how small, even if he wasn’t to blame. Before today the thought of begging on his hands and knees would have disgusted him.
There was something that Alastor said earlier in the parlor that brought his spiraling thoughts to a full stop. It’ll be like old times.
Before he had a chance to overthink it, Vox clasped his hand around Alastor’s.
Alastor’s smile broadened ever so slightly when their hands connected. A brilliant emerald light cloaked the entire room as the two demons shook hands, along with a shrill radio frequency that threatened to overload Vox’s motherboard. Not ominous at all. Alastor’s pupils transformed into radio dials and his antlers expanded both in height and length tenfold. Huh, it had been some time since Vox had seen Alastor’s demon form. This wasn’t even a full transformation–his full demon form was truly a sight to behold, lesser sinners would have cowered in its presence.
Vox shielded his face with his free hand until the light faded. The radio demon released his hand, which he let drop almost lifelessly to his side. His heart was pounding in his chest. What did he just do? Before he could dwell on his actions Alastor piped up.
"Now that that's out of the way, let's say we patch up your screen, shall we?" Alastor brushed off his coat as he stood, one hand clasping his staff as he waited for Vox to respond.
Vox frowned. His scree–? Oh! Raising a hand to trace the crack, he clenched his jaw as he’s reminded of Val’s parting gift to him. He had been so wound up that he’d nearly forgotten about the damage. His attention was momentarily diverted when he felt the unusual fuzzy sensation flit along his screen. Although, apparently that was just the beginning of his problems because as soon as the sensation passed, he completely lost vision on his left side.
“Fuck! Give me a sec, I’m just going to reinitialize my visual system.” Vox’s screen went dark briefly. Upon reboot his face reappeared, but not before it’s covered by an error code indicating that his visual I/O ports are damaged and a warning to cease usage until they are replaced or repaired. He manually overrode the warnings and to his luck, his vision was partially restored not to its usual 4K quality but it would do for now.
Alastor rifled through a cabinet drawer, returning to his chair with a small tube of fast-drying glue. He presented the tube to Vox. “Think this will help?”
“Couldn’t hurt, I suppose,” Vox responded with a half-shrug. He shifted his weight to take the glue from Alastor, but was surprised to see the other demon unscrewing the cap.
“Might be best if I apply it,” Alastor said quietly. Vox simply nodded, still a bit stunned that Alastor had not only offered to help but was actually initiating physical contact. He inched towards the radio demon so that the latter didn’t have to reach as far.
“You know, when you rejected my offer all those years ago I thought you were joking,” Vox paused, gazing at a point past the radio demon’s shoulders at the foreboding darkness of the swamp. It was so quiet the sounds of their breathing seemed to overpower the ambient noises of the bayou. Alastor remained quiet, focused on applying the glue to the crack in his screen but Vox can tell he’s captured the other’s attention with the way his ears twitched.
That was until the dull flickering in the back of his screen that he’d been trying to ignore, decided enough was enough. He only barely registered the sensation when his breath hitched urgently. He angled as far away from Alastor as possible as the tickle crested.
Alastor blinked at him in surprise. Vox’s screen felt unusually warm as he cleared his throat and tried to breeze over the interruption by continuing from his previous statement. “I thought you’d come around eventually. We both had the highest numbers either of us had ever seen and people’s tastes change so quickly here, I just felt that we needed to stay up with the times. But I guess some things never change, eh?”
Alastor opened his mouth to address the intrusion, only for his teeth to clamp down as he let out a pained hiss. He dropped the tube of glue as he jerked away from Vox to cradle his chest.
“Hey, are you okay?” Vox tilted his head. He couldn’t help but ask, even though he knows that Alastor would probably rather get his ass handed to him by Adam again than admit anything to him. Although he's not the only one to be loath to admit weakness of any kind, it seems like nearly everyone in Hell has the emotional intelligence of a teaspoon, barring a select few. Perhaps that was part of the “being in Hell” package, keep them at each other’s throats so they wouldn’t amount to anything.
Despite the minor incursion, Alastor’s smile hadn’t wavered in the slightest. He addressed Vox coolly, “I’m fine, don’t worry your noisy picture box of a head about it.”
However, the wince following his statement indicated he’s in more pain than he was letting on. Vox stretched a hand towards him but Alastor flinched away. He bristled, baring his teeth at the startled television Overlord, “It’s none your concern.”
“For once, will you stop being a pompous ass, and just let me take a look?” Vox snapped irritably at him.
As the lights flickered dangerously, Vox pressed up against the armchair fearing that he pushed too far. Alastor’s full demon form began to loom over him and Vox would be helpless to do anything. To his surprise, he shrank back down, his black eyes reverting to their usual crimson sclera, and his antlers returned to their normal size. He made a non-committal sound and motioned for Vox to move in closer.
Vox peeled back the soiled bandages and examined the wound, careful not to aggravate it. He’d never been the squeamish type but still had to swallow the urge to make a face. Not that he’d ever admit it, but he was surprised when he caught wind that Alastor had not been missing for that long and had already returned to the hotel. From what Vox had seen through his drones, the radio Overlord had taken much more pure angelic power to the face than most demons would be able to handle, let alone live to tell the tale.
“A parting gift from the first man,” Alastor said bitterly, jolting him from his musings. He felt a bit exposed, not having realized that the other demon had been watching for his reaction.
Turning his attention back to the injury, Vox inspected it further. He’s no doctor, quite far from it, but it seemed to be healing, albeit slowly. Probably would hurt like a bitch for a good long while, and no doubt would leave a nasty scar.
“You should probably change the dressings more often,” Vox advised, to which Alastor gave him a withering look. Typical. He rolled his eyes and shrugged, “Unless you want it to get infected.”
Alastor hummed, returning back to the cabinet that Vox saw him sifting through earlier. He pulled out a pack of gauze, ointment, and a roll of medical tape placing it on the table between them. If Vox had to guess, he’d probably been taking care of it himself, and was not being attentive enough from the looks of it. Before Alastor had a chance to object, Vox picked up all the items and removed the old bandages swiftly.
“Hold still,” Vox mumbled with the tube of antibiotic ointment between his teeth. He squeezed a thin but more than adequate layer on the gauze before pressing it against the wound, hesitating at the hiss that escaped Alastor clenched teeth. Powering through, he secured the dressing with medical tape, so that it was snug against the wound but breathable to encourage it to heal a bit faster. “There.”
The radio demon blinked at the fresh dressing but said nothing. Vox didn’t expect him to express any gratitude and just a little acknowledgement would have been nice, but he wasn’t about to hold his breath for it either. Against his better judgment, he circled back to their previous conversation.
“I know things weren’t always perfect between us but there were moments where I thought you genuinely enjoyed parts of it at least. And now, I just… Knowing that all this time you cared so little for our partnership,” Vox deflated into the armchair with the last sentence and dragged a hand down his screen. Behind the charismatic businessman persona he put on for the press, he’s tired of it all and being around Alastor again was messing with his head.
“That’s not entirely true,” Alastor murmured, staring pensively down at his hands folded over one another on his lap.
Vox did a double-take, did he hear that correctly? Alastor had spoken so quietly he had to turn up his volume to max, only to barely catch what he said. Did his audio system get fused together because he could have sworn that Alastor just debunked his theory. He alternated between letting the comment pass by or bringing attention to it. Fuck it. He decided to probe, just a little.
“Oh? Care to elaborate, old pal?” Vox smirked as he threw Alastor’s nickname back at him. He passed a hand along the back of his vents, which seemed to be a bit sensitive at the moment.
Alastor scoffed, looking up at the ceiling as he started to relay his thoughts, “We had a good thing going. When you first brought up the idea I wanted nothing to do with it, but you were persistent. You started to wear me down and I thought, maybe the idea wasn’t so far-fetched, maybe I was just being stubborn.” Vox was completely enraptured as Alastor recounted his version of the past.
“Ultimately, it felt like your proposal was inviting too many cooks to the kitchen. I have always worked best alone and our partnership was very much an outlier. After that last night, well…” Vox braced himself to relive the painful memory as the radio demon mentions the night, the night that everything fell apart. But Alastor merely trailed off.
His expression warped into something unrecognizable as he continued, “I thought about apologizing and the next morning I went to your apartment but you were already gone. Within the hour, your alliance with Velvette and Valentino was announced.”
Vox’s eyes widened, he had never heard about any of this before. “I-I had no idea. I–” His words got caught on the lump in his throat as he imagined Alastor at his doorstep.
Alastor shook his head, “Of course not. I left for my seven year “sabbatical” shortly after.” Vox angled his head slightly to see a wistful expression written on the radio demon’s features. Caught up in the moment, he asked the question that’s been on his mind since Valentino first alerted him to Alastor’s return.
“Where did you go all those years?” As soon as the words left Vox’s mouth, there was a sharp uptick in static interference around them.
“You never did know when to keep your nose out of matters that don’t concern you,” Alastor sneered. And just like that, the moment evaporated, gone. Alastor’s mask slid back up, shutting Vox out again. In turn, he shoved down whatever feelings had started to bubble up, back into the furthest recesses of his heart.
“The crack is sealed but I doubt it’s fixed. I’m no electronics expert,” Alastor’s tone was matter-of-fact and he pointedly avoided looking at Vox. Instead, he picked up a book left on the table and began to flip through it.
“Figured as much,” Vox sighed wearily. He craned his neck to examine the drying glue in a mirror on a nearby shelf–hmm, Alastor didn’t do half bad. “I’ll have to visit the electronics store tomoro–hihh’IZZZSHuhh!”
Vox barely managed to curl into his elbow as the sneeze sent him pitching forward. The unexpected outburst caused Alastor to jump and Vox was stunned as well. When he straightened up, Alastor was staring at him with an odd expression on his face.
“Uhh… sorry again,” Vox apologized, rubbing his arm sheepishly before turning to leave. With his hand on the doorknob, he tilted his head back slightly, “Thanks for… this I guess.”
Without another word, he slipped out of Alastor’s room. His screen is warm with embarrassment, having sneezed not once but twice in front of Alastor. As humiliating as it was to lay out his feelings in front of him, this was so much worse.
Wandering the halls aimlessly, Vox found himself thinking about the moth Overlord. Vox was never enough, he could never satisfy him. Reflecting their relationship made his chest ache and tears pricked at the edge of his screen. He stopped in his tracks, choking back a sob, as the emotions threatened to tumble out. Which turned out to be a mistake as he found himself leaning up against a wall when he doubled over with a harsh fit of dry, ticklish coughs.
When it finally subsided he heaved himself off the floor and went to find a place to curl up for the night. He was too humiliated to find the small cyclops maid demon and ask for a room so he settled for a chaise in the lobby. He shivered violently before laying his makeshift bed.  As Vox brought his knees to his chest, the events of the day replayed in his mind. How fast his whole world has come crashing down. One moment he had it all–a company with his name plastered on it, the status and title of being an Overlord with several hundred, if not thousands of souls to boot (he never really kept track), and a so-so situationship, the next he was at rock bottom–stuck at this tacky hotel for redemption, of all things. Redemption. The ridiculousness of it.
He squeezed his eyes shut as his head throbbed. God, he really needed to get his screen fixed.Although… the idea of righting one’s wrongs did have some appeal. His fingers grazed the patched up crack, the crack that Alastor helped patch up. They had a long way to go but maybe, just maybe, things between him and Alastor could follow suit.
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ok-pop-1 · 2 months
a piñata for your troubles
a goofy ficlet, you can either read it below or on ao3 :)
To say that this is a normal dungeon would be an... understatement.
It's not that there's anything particularly wrong about it, Twi thinks as he squints at the wall. The bricks are uniform(ish), there isn't (that) much wear and tear, it's all as grey and drab as some dungeons tend to be. Objectively, he's just standing in a random dungeon room with the other heroes. It could be from anywhere, anywhen, whatever.
But, it's just...
"Why the hell is there a piñata here?!" Legend shouts, pointing wildly at the bright and goofy horse-thing hanging in the center of the room.
Twi sighs. They'd only just learned what piñatas are last week from Wild, who was extremely distressed to know that the others didn't know about them. And now, in a random dungeon, that should be normal and not weird and which definitely isn't in Wild's era, there's a piñata. Just hanging there. Waiting.
"It be thinkin' ye be needin' an aneurysm." Wind marches forward, ignoring Legend's splutters to pick at the pile of fabric strips hanging below the piñata. "Should we be... fightin' it?"
All eyes turn to Time, who just shrugs. "Maybe?"
"Yes," Wars says immediately after. "We have no idea whether it is safe or not, or what could be stored within it. Better to take care of it before we move on."
'Usually it's just got candy!' Wild signs to the room, though most miss the words.
"We're so fucked," Hyrule mutters next to Twi. "Well, ready for this?"
'No,' Twi laughs, accepting a blindfold from the pile that's being passed around. 'But I'm thinkin' it'll be fun!'
Once blindfolded, Twi is left with the realization that he can't actually see Wild, which means he can't see what Wild would presumably want to say about the best way to fight piñatas. And he's left with the second realization that nobody else can see him, so he can't exactly express that information to the group. Although, now that he thinks about it, Hyrule isn't bad at understanding sign by touch alone...
Waving awkwardly in the air, Twi eventually makes contact with Hyrule. And immediately regrets his decision when an extremely pointed punch slams into his gut.
"Monsters!" Hyrule shouts. "One must've infiltrated just now-- it grabbed me!"
"Attack, aim for the piñata first!" Wars shouts. "But be careful of each other!"
"Should we be takin' off--"
A whack! cuts Wind off, the sound of metal on paper, before immediately being followed by an "oof!" from Legend.
"One of-- those monsters-- got me!" he wheezes from the vague direction of the other side of the room.
Chaos erupts. Twi abandons the thought of using his sword, due to the far-too-close proximity of literally everyone else, and just takes to swinging with his fists. He's pretty sure that there aren't actually any monsters infiltrating their ranks, but it's hard enough to tell amongst the repeated callouts of monster locations.
Eventually, though, one of his fists connects with paper. The piñata.
Gritting his teeth, Twi cocks his arm back and gears up. Sets his feet just-so, prepares to fling himself behind the hit and take care of this possibly-or-possibly-not-cursed piñata in one go. Swings, mentally shouting, imagining the piñata before him, quaking in its papery boots at the sight of his fist barreling down on it.
His hand collides with what can only be described as a metal wall, the clang! of it ringing through the entire room.
"What was that?!" "Time, are you--" "More monsters??" "I found the piñata!"
A tearing sound-- and then the sound of someone (Legend) cackling-- ensues. And then, nothing but utter silence.
Well, not entirely nothing. Twi holds his hand to his chest, because he's pretty sure he just broke every single finger on Time's armor, and his ego admittedly feels defeated by that fact. Oh, and it hurts like a bitch.
"Hey!" Wind shouts. "There only be the piñata! No monsters!"
Huh? Twi (and everyone else, apparently) tug off their blindfolds to stare at...
Seven bedraggled heroes, one piñata lying torn to shreds on the ground, and Wild, sitting with a smug grin at the edge of the room.
'You know,' he says, 'you're not all supposed to put on the blindfolds.'
Shouting sounds from several heroes. Twi drops his head in his one working hand. Lesson learned: next time, ask Wild to elaborate before charging in.
...And ask questions before Wind cheerfully hands you a blindfold. Twi makes sure to note that one, too.
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marchtooctober · 1 year
It's been long since i last posted! Since we still have another two weeks before the next chapter, here's a one-shot to keep us company. Enjoy 😉
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It had been raining the whole afternoon, something that was missed off by the weather forcast. The ever-ready Loid marched the road to the subway with his umbrella.
"I guess I have no choice..." He quietly mumbled as he decided to go by one of his shortcuts to cut off his time of travel.
With quick but careful steps, he walked through isolated alleyways. Nothing seems to be out of ordinary until he passed by the old closed-down shop.
By rare instance, he ran into Yor who was taking shelter from the rain.
"You're taking shelter here?"
"Yes. I didn't bring an umbrella. I didn't know it will be raining this afternoon." Yor replied.
Loid thought that Yor would be home by now that's why it surprised him to see her. He wondered how she ended up there.
"My work at the hospital ended later than usual so I got off just now. How about you? How long have you been stranded? How did you ended up here?"
"Actually, I wanted to borrow some books from the library so I went there but it was already closed. And then it started to rain before I could make it to the station."
"Maybe we should get going. Anya is probably home by now. We have to go home quick and prepare dinner. Let's hurry so we can still catch the train." Loid said with a glance on his watch.
"But I don't have an umbrella."
"We can share mine."
Yor stared at Loid with widened eyes.
"Share? But..." Her voice trailed off.
She thought if by agreeing to it would mean intrusion of Loid's personal space. Is the umbrella even big enough to cover them in the first place?
Loid must have noticed her hesitation.
"Don't worry, it's big enough for us." He said in reassurance.
"W-Well then..."
And so the two of them stepped out of the shelter and carefully walked the drenched street. Loid held the umbrella while Yor held his briefcase. At first they were able walk just fine but Yor is slowly walking out of pace.
It finally dawned on her that their closeness under the umbrella is making her uneasy.
She knew that there's nothing wrong with sharing an umbrella together. But she wondered if it is a mandatory thing for couples to always share an umbrella, despite only doing this for the first time. They are a couple, though a fake one at that. Yor told herself that she ought to get used to having to share and doing things together. That this is also part of a married couple's normalcy.
While Yor thought of all these things, Loid tried to keep up with her walking pace. In doing so, he could not avoid brushing against her shoulder. He did not think too much of it but he thinks that he is still fine with this proximity. So far, he's been able to match up with Yor. But when they reached the end of block, Yor suddenly took a wrong footing on the cracked pavement and almost tripped. In a flash, Loid's hand grabbed Yor by the shoulder and pulled her close.
"Oops! That was close! Be careful on your steps."
"T-Thank you, Loid. And I-I'm sorry!"
The sudden gesture certainly saved Yor from being hurt and drenched but it did no good to her current state of mind. She was about to combust from anxiety and embarrassment. She could feel the pressure of Loid's hand despite her thick coat. Loid again noticed her reaction.
"Are you o-"
Loid was cut off by a low rumble. Then came a sudden gust that blew the rain against them. The rain poured stronger.
"Let's stop there for a while."
They hurried to the turn of the street where they stopped outside the nearby establishment. They were barely sheltered but it was better than walking in the strong downpour. Loid kept his umbrella open to add protection from the rain. Then he turned to Yor.
"How are you, Yor? Are you alright? You look feverish."
The man didn't know that Yor's feverish countenance had nothing to do with fever at all. The few minutes they spent close together under the umbrella felt longer and Yor was relieved to be freed from the queasy feeling she had to endure.
"No, no, it's nothing! I'm fine... How about you? You've been holding the umbrella for me. Aren't you drenched?" Yor tried diverting the question.
"I'm okay. I'm not that wet."
"It seems like we're stuck again... How about if I go home first? I can just run all the way-"
"No, Yor! You can't risk getting sick. It will be safer to wait for a little while." Loid protested and thought for a moment if Yor really meant to run all the way home.
"But no one is with Anya."
"Anya is with Bond. They are probably having fun together watching cartoons. Besides, she can be more independent than you might imagine." Loid reasoned, trying to convince himself too at the same time.
"I hope so."
After that, silence ensued and only the rain can be heard. The rain is giving no sign of faltering. Loid and Yor start to feel the dampness through their coats. The both of them are rather confident on their own that they won't get sick even if they dashed out in the rain. But so as to not worry the other, they opted to stay put.
Quickly, more and more people took shelter with them. And as the place became more crowded, Loid and Yor had to adjust closer until they're practically stuck together. Yor felt the agitation coming back again and Loid also realized his own uneasiness.
What felt like an hour was only a mere span of fifteen minutes. It's been only fifteen minutes since Loid and Yor walked through the rain under the same umbrella.
It was only a short time. But they both knew that it will take more than a strong downpour to wash the memory away.
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iheartchv · 2 years
🌷🌻🌷Turtle of choice x F!Reader🌻🌷🌻
Another entry to the March TMNT all 4 1 challenge hosted by: @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 and @post-apocalyptic-daydream
(This piece was actually requested)
🌸Prompt: “Spring has sprung! And like said Spring, I too am sprung!”
Warnings: mating season... need I say more?😂 do not read if you are under 18; this was written by an adult for adults. Everyone depicted is 18+
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You are in the turtles' kitchen, cleaning the dishes. You cooked for your turtle beau and his family. It felt nice to make them something instead of ordering pizza all the time. After the meal was finished, you insisted on helping cleaning up. And your boyfriend wanted to help.
However that was just an excuse to get closer to you. Not that he wouldn't not ever help you; he'd never let you do all the work. Since the warm weather had come back to New York, he knew it was that time again. The urge to have you next to him was greater than any other time... as well was another urge.
He walked up behind you and slid his arms around your waist. He placed his chin on your shoulder. "That was delicious, baby. But even though I just ate, I'm still hungry..."
You could hear that teasing tone in his voice. It was the voice that made you shiver with delight, that made your body grow hot and achy. "Oh? Well, what're you hungry for?" you asked back with the same suggestive tone.
He lightly kissed the side of your neck, moving to the back of your neck, and kissing any exposed skin. He buried his nose in the crook of your shoulder to inhale your scent. His moan was like a purr.
You giggled and reached your hand behind you to hold the back of his head to you. "Spring must be here~" Not that you were complaining. It always felt so good having him kiss you or touch you.
“Spring has sprung! And like said Spring, I too am sprung!”
He pressed himself against your backside. You knew then he wasn't kidding. He was already hard as a rock. You figured thats probably why he moved around in his seat earlier. (He was also giving anyone looks if he thought someone was looking at you the wrong way or even sat close to you at yhe table)
"Well, I shouldn't keep you waiting, then.~"
Last year, he went a little too feral. You forgave him even if you were sore for a while, and it took him a while to actually forgive himself for being so rough with you. He promised to never do that to you again.. unless you wanted him to.
You asked,"Baby, remember last year?"
"I was thinking maybe you could do that again."
"Are you sure about that, sweetheart?" His mutant sized hands held your hips. "Because once I start, I'm not stopping." His teeth scraped the nape of your neck, causing you to gasp and shiver.
"Yes, I'm sure. I'm prepared this year."
"Oh really?" his brow ridge raised and he smirked a sexy grin. "Let's find out"
He turned you around, lifted you by the back of your thighs, and sat you on the counter. One of his hands stayed there to squeeze your butt cheek and the other running up and down your whole body. His lips captured yours in a heated kiss that then turned into a tango of tongues.
"Mmmmm, (Leo/Raph/Mikey/Donnie)....~" you moaned. Heat started to bubble in your belly and spread like a wildfire. Your hands splayed over his plastron and slid down his torso. You felt his muscled thighs and buttocks and snuck downward to stroke his erection through his pants. That earned you a growl like churr rumbling in his chest from your turtle man. You would never get over how sexy it was to have someone who looks like a turtle but was all male.
"You want it wild? You're getting there...." he said in a dangerously low breathy voice. He switched places with you, standing against the counter and holding the edges while he told you to get on your knees and pull his cock out. You did so, undoing his pants and then letting his throbbing cock spring free from its confines, while looking up at him. Your tongue touched the tip and teased him.
"God you're so friggin gorgeous, you know that?!"
"So are you~"
You licked him up, down, around to get him wet, and then took what you could of him into your mouth (he was already at the back of your throat). Slowly you bobbed your head down and up his hard length, adding a swirl of your tongue around the head and using your hands to pump him every now and then. Your eyes looked up to see his face: his eyes half lidded with pleasure, his mouth open as he was lost in the ecstasy. His chest moved as everything he was feeling took his breath away. Plus hearing his sharp intakes of breath and his moans was making you hot and wet. It turned you on that you were making him feel so good and making him want you.
After sometime he stopped you from making him blow his load. "Pleaseplease stop, stop, stop! You're gonna make me cum!" You let him go with a pop. Heavy breathing was all that filled the room. For an instant you had forgotten that you were in the kitchen, not the bedroom; you both were so lost in the moment that you forgot about your surroundings.
You smirked and gave one last lick to a sensitive spot. The look he gave you was one of pure lust, and you couldn't help but squirm as desire took hold of your body. His voice shook you to your core.
"Bedroom..." What he was wanting to do to you, he was going to need all the room and privacy he can get.
Upon entering his room, he locked it behind him and was stripped in a second. He basically tore at your clothes to get you completely naked. He kissed you again quickly before going down your body, past the apex of your thighs, then back up to stop between your legs. He could smell your arousal, and it made his own arousal soar high. He grabbed your hips and had you against the wall. Your legs draped over his shoulders, and cupping your cheeks he started eating you out.
You gasped at the first jolt as his tongue licked your hidden bud. When he started sucking your clit your hands held his head, keeping him there. "Yes, baby! Yes!!~" you cried out. He then used his skillful tongue to plunge inside you, brushing against your gspot. Your head thrashed as you tried to not drown in this sinful bliss. Strings of profanity escaped your lips.
He could feel you clenching around his tongue, so he knew you were close. He slid one of his digits inside, brushing along your slick sensitive walls. "Cum, baby. I know it feels so good~ Cum for me."
The orgasm that hit you made you cry out in pleasure that anyone could've heard you. But you didn't care at the moment. He drank your juices as it flowed out of you. Your body shook as you came down from your high. Catching your breath you leaned forward, pressing your breasts into his face, trying to calm your beating heart.
"Good girl" he growled against you. His hard on was twitching like crazy. You did this to him, and he loved every minute of bringing you to heights of pleasure.
Soon you found yourself on your knees, @$$ up in the air, and a pillow underneath your head. He towered behind you and whispered hotly in your ear,"You want me as badly as I want you?" he teased.
"Yes~~~" you whimpered in response.
"Good. You're gonna take every inch of me, aren't you?" he teased agsin as the head of his dripping cock rubbed up and down your slit. Once he slid inside, there wasn't no going back; he was going to pound you into the matress, and fill you so full of his seed, you wasn't going to feel like getting out of bed.
"Hang on." he warned.
You gripped the sheets under you and steadied yourself for what was to come next. But even though you prepared yourself, you still felt the painful burn of him stretching you fully. You hummed a moan in your throat as he pushed deeper.
Above you, you heard him groan in pleasure. Your walls pulsated around him. You felt every vein and ridge of his manhood. It was stimulating. You gave him the okay to start moving, and he pulled back before thrusting forward.
"Oohh!~ god~~"
He held your hips and rocked himself hard and fast into you. He let all control go. The speed took your breath away. You knew you were going to be bruised later, bu it felt too good. Your sensitive walls was becoming overstimulated. You would come undone sooner than you expected.
"B-babe! I'm close!"
He didn't stop slamming his pelvis against your backside as he leaned down to your ear. His hot breath fanned over you. Hot chills spread everywhere, causing goosebumps yo form on your skin. "Tell me, who do you belong to? Who makes you feel this good?"
You screamed out his name over and over as your answer. As you came, he bit your shoulder and continued to thrust so deep in you. The sounds that erupted from you would've made anyone blush.
He slowed then came to a halt to give you a moment to gather yourself. He checked in on you, making sure you was okay. You felt like jelly, but you was okay. He was still hard inside you. You mentally prepared yourself again for a round 3 of an orgasm because you knew by the time he was through, you were going to be screwed brainless with drool on the sides of your mouth and cum dripping out of you and down your thighs.
Tag list:
@turtle-babe83 @tmntspidergirl-deactivated20230 @leosgirl82 @angelcatlowyn @annaliaandtheturtles @pheradream15 @exovapor @cowabunga-doll @bluesakurablossom @darksaphire2002 @foreignbrunette @greenprincess @half-shell-bo @lady-maria-the-wolf225 @moonlightflower21 @narwals14 @nikitaboeve @nittleboo @raphaelsrightarm @southernblossoms @thelostandforgottenangel @white-masked-beauty @roxosupreme @kawaiibunga @captain-kinda-trash @yumefuusen @sivy-chan-blog @artsolarsash @crazedtmnt @raisin-shell @sacredwarrior88 @leosgirl82 @egg-on-the-run @ashleighclark98 @dilucsflame33 @tkappi @happymoonangel @allybutton @android-cap-007 @androidships007 @turtallyawesome @doctorelleth @crazysarah-98
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tag-if · 10 months
Heyyyy Jester. As always I hope you are just living your best life! I really Do. 😇
I don't know if this has been asked but seeing as the story leans into it I was wondering how the ROs would react if MC took a hit for them and got hurt.
Tho i feel like... you are gonna tell me I'm asking spoilers aren't you....👀
aww, hello!! i've lost my voice so i can't say i'm living my absolute best life (i'm a big talker lol), but i'm mostly good!!
i hope you and your family are well too :)!
after a little bit of consideration i've actually decided that i should be able to safely answer this, if i don't go into too much detail, so you're in luck ;)
An active battlefield. Not quite what you were used to but, of course, that's likely why the Queen had insisted on doing a simulation (something about everyone having to be prepared, you honestly couldn't pay too much attention as you were hustled out onto the palace grounds). It had been going well, you could dodge and parry and strike, then rinse and repeat, until one guard got slightly too close to hitting your charge and all you could do was throw your arm in the way of their blade...
A. Bellefleur;
It wasn't serious. MC was fine. It wasn't serious. MC was fine. It wasn't- There was blood. The blade had slice over your arm, opening a mostly superficial wound into it, though there was blood soaking into your sleeve. The guard was apologising profusely, you were ensuring them you were fine, there were no hard feelings...except. Except A. felt guilt, a burning in their chest that threatened to consume them. They knew it would come, they had felt it once before, as soon as they realised what had happened.
You don't see them again until their next meeting, and you can hear the scratch in their voice when they speak, as though they had been crying for a long, long time.
K. Valiev;
They're at your side in a second, hands hovering over your arm, not quite touching (as though they were afraid to touch you), worry creasing their features. The guard that had hit you, however, seemed petrified, his apology yelped out like a wounded animal's cry, before he scurried away from the two of you, pointedly avoiding your gaze.
They get you settled in the infirmary, and then disappear for a while. When they reappear it's like nothing has happened, they bring you food and drink, and watch over you carefully. You notice, however, that the guard who injured you refuses to approach you, and you could swear he looks afraid if you get too close...
A. Caras;
Their gripes echo over the sounds around you as they march over ("Are you stupid? This is a practice, I'm not supposed to get work during a practice!"), their bag of equipment thrown over their shoulder, having gone to collect it after you protected them. The guard apologises to both of you and scuttles off, and the fire in Caras' eyes turns on you. You don't dare move as they patch you up, disinfecting and wrapping your wound with a firmness that would have been a little frightening if you hadn't known for certain they were being careful not to hurt you.
You notice, being that close, that their hands are trembling ever so slightly as they work, and when they stand they make sure to get close enough so that only you can hear them.
"Don't ever do that again."
They don't sound like they're just being self-deprecating or protective this time.
T. Bellefleur;
It wasn't serious. MC was fine. It wasn't serious. MC was fine. It wasn't- There was blood. That whelp had dared to touch you, to injure you. Their claymore was at his throat in seconds, an almost cruel grin pulling at their lips.
"Aaaand you're dead, better luck next time, hey?"
You had never seen them so angry, their usual bored monotone becoming hard and threatening, mirroring the look in their eyes. It softened, ever so slightly, when they looked at you, but the majority of it morphed into shame.
You don't see them for the rest of the week.
M. Serrel;
You don't see them during the rest of the battle, and you don't see them until Caras has left you alone in the infirmary that evening, at which point they seem to just sort of...appear.
"Now, Dove, what did you go and do that for? You know I can take care of myself."
They are chiding you light-heartedly, but there is something sad in their expression, behind their eyes, as their gaze lingers on your wounded arm. And they know. They know that you know. You can see it in the way they pull back, the way they drop a lingering kiss to the back of your hand and leave you ("to rest", they say, though you know that's not it).
"I couldn't bear to lose you too."
You don't see them again until you've healed, and when you do, they seem intent on pretending that nothing ever happened in the infirmary that night
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rz-jocelyn · 6 months
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[TRANSLATION] Instagram: March 27, 2024
SATO RYUJI @ryuji_japan
This is actually a video of Sato Ryuji's IG Live. Please find the full video at Ryuji's Instagram: HERE
Actor with 4.5D eyebrows [1]
[1] This caption is related to the content of the video where Ryuji talks about how he maintains his eyebrows.
Ryuji then jokingly requested for fans to change his Wikipedia page to reflect this and to trend it on Twitter. Needless to say, the fans responded to this request xD
Ryuji also Tweeted about the phrase trending on Twitter: HERE
[2] Ryuji started the IG Live because he is currently not in Tokyo (for work purposes), and so was alone in his hotel room and wanted some company.
Due to the relaxed nature of the live, he opened up quite a bit and talked quite seriously about various things, including about his perspective on how he creates his portrayal of Kashuu Kiyomitsu.
But, this goes against his policy of not revealing the work he puts in behind the scenes (because he believes that, as an actor, he's an "entertainer" who should make fans happy, so he doesn't believe in burdening fans with the processes and troubles that go on behind the scenes).
Therefore, he was quite embarrassed at how much he revealed during this live, and initially didn't want to leave an archive of it. However, in response to fan request, he has decided to leave it up for one day. Thank you, Ryuji ♥
[3] Some snippets from the live.
Ryuji loves kids, and spends a lot of his time playing with the child actors in the "Musical Touken Ranbu". One of the child actors, Katou Gaku, gave him the nickname "Sleeping Monster" because, coincidentally, Ryuji keeps having work on the day before it's Gaku-kun's day to perform in the "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Michi no Oku Hitotsu Hachisu~", so whenever Gaku-kun sees Ryuji, Ryuji is napping. LOL!
"I'm not married~"
Ryuji's response to fans asking about his rings, clarifying that the ring he's wearing on his fourth finger is his right hand and not his left, so it's not a wedding ring.
"Truly, thank you very much for accompanying me [for this IG Live]. I had a really fun time. Let's work hard together from tomorrow onward too!"
Ryuji's closing for the live.
Ryuji is honestly so precious ♥ He spent a lot of time reading out fan comments, and apologising multiple times for those he missed.
During the IG Live, a couple of his friends dropped by, including Ohno Ryota, Torigoe Yuki, Nakao Masaki, Hideyoshi Kan, Konishi Eito and Takahashi Kensuke.
He had a really cute exchange with Tori, who Ryuji asked to come to Osaka. To which, Tori replied, "I'll go". RyuuPii!
He also had a really cute exchange with Kensuke because Kensuke was supposed to have a live stream right after Ryuji's, and Ryuji was like, "Don't you have your own live stream to prepare for??" (Little signs that Ryuji pays pretty close attention to his friends' schedules ♥)
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herrscherofmagic · 7 months
(spoiler-free discussion of HI3rd Part 2)
So I finally got to catch up w/ the previous chapter (moon shenanigans w/ Helia & Coralie) and dove right into HI3rd Part 2's release- and I've gotta say, I'm actually enjoying it quite a bit so far!
*Quick disclaimer, I'm playing with CN voices, and the voice acting of a character can really influence a person's perception of them, so keep that in mind
So far each of the main cast we've met so far has been fairly likeable. I was unsure what Sena was gonna be like but so far she fits in quite well. She's got the same bubbly personality as Ely and March, but she has neither the pushy-ness that Ely has nor the snark March has. So she's definitely reminiscent of both of them but still feels like her own person, and since we literally just met her there's gonna be plenty of time for her character to develop.
Also really enjoyed the interactions with Helia and Coralie, it's clear that they're not super besties like Kiana & Mei but they're certainly close as comrades and I'd like to see how their dynamic develops! I'm looking forward to new battlesuits for them someday and I really hope Mihoyo follows through on that idea. I'd love to see how their adventures in the Sea of Data shape their world-view as they're challenged by things that Schicksal's Valk training never could've prepared them for.
and Dreamseeker was quite nice, too! They're not a silent protag, though of course the quasi-self-insert thing does make it a bit more awkward than usual. But overall their presence doesn't really affect the story in a negative way so that's no concern at all, and they contribute to the team a fair bit in terms of both knowledge/wisdom as well as how they interact with other characters and move the conversation forward. They're not super bubbly nor are they cold, they're just ordinary in a charming way, if that makes sense?
and then Songque... ooooohhh lord she was a LOT more than I bargained for in so many ways. in a good way, I think? >.> either way, not gonna say much about her because I don't even know how to begin describing her. I just wasn't expecting her to be so... lively. Like, crazy energetic, in a very controlled-chaos sorta way.
Also in terms of worldbuilding/lore I think it's been handled quite well. It doesn't rely on obscure knowledge from Part 1, i.e. not technobabble-heavy, but if you're familiar with stuff like the workings of the Sea of Quanta then it's easy to see how things are working behind the scenes.
It's a super fascinating concept for a setting and I really like the juxtaposition of past/present as well as how the story seems to fully embrace the chaotic nature of the Sea of Quanta, giving us really strange and unusual sights and writing characters who are born into this strange reality and take it for granted.
Oh. and the new music. pretty good so far! it's nothing at the level of Genshin but that's a really high bar to pass anyways. For HI3rd's standards it's solid work and enjoyable enough to listen to while playing the story & fighting. I have a lot of other thoughts about HI3rd's music as a whole but that's a whoooole other story lol
so yeah. Part 2 released, and HI3rd didn't suddenly combust into flames and explode. So far so good, hard to say how it'll change going forward but there's not much of a point in worrying about that yet. My only regeret is I had to skip 2/3rds of the Fu Hua arc for this because of issues w/ my schedule and how busy I've been, but I think it was the right call cause I'm really looking forward to the new Part 2 story, both main story & side content!
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putschki1969 · 8 months
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2024/02/10 Blog post by Wakana おしゃべりガーデン第6回目!〜みんなのバレンタインと美味しいチョコレート♡〜
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Talk Garden vol.6!〜Everyone's Valentine And Delicious Chocolate♡〜
Vol.6 of Wakana's Talk Garden has been uploaded! \\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// First of all, thank you so much for sending me so many Valentine's Day memories! ! 😂😂 I was wondering what would happen after I had made my blog post last time because it was so close to the deadline, surprisingly, it turned out to be the highest number of submissions ever! ! ! *laughs* There were so many people who sent a submission for the first time! ! 😭[I was one of them XD] I really felt everyone's love...😭✨It's almost as if I received Valentine's Day gifts a little early...😭💕I'm so grateful💕 As always, it was fun talking to you! ︎Sharing everyone's stories, tears, laughter, and warmth...♡ But!!When it comes to tragic stories, no one can beat me! ! 🤣 I don't think anyone reasonable would disagree with me on this, right? 😂😂 *laughs* (By the way, now that I think about it, it might have been 3rd grade instead of 1st grade *laughs*) Well, those are treasured memories...😌✨ [Note: She is talking about something "incredibly sad" that happened to her in elementary school. There was a boy she liked a lot so Wakana asked her mum to help her prepare some chocolate for him. After she gave him the chocolate he was quite apologetic and pretty much told her straight-up that he didn't like her. Needless to say, Wakana's little heart was broken into pieces.]
In the last blog post, I talked about a``mysterious chocolate that was so delicious but I couldn't remember its name,'' I did my best to search for it and... I actually discovered it! ! ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+ I managed to order it from an official website that said they would ship it right away! ! Ta da~♡
The mysterious delicious chocolate shop is actually a Belgian chocolate specialty store called “Rêve De Bijoux”! Apparently it's a select shop that sells a variety of Belgian chocolates that are carefully selected every year・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+ It is not the same chocolate I used to eat, their selections seems to have evolved so the "chocolate of memories" no longer exists🤔I decided to choose a chocolate that had a similar shape to the one I had gotten in the past, I also chose a brand that I had purchased before😁
This is ZUUT's new product, "ZUUT Praline -2024 New Selection-"🍫 (I've bought some of their chocolate before) Way too beautiful...✨ It's almost a waste to eat them...✨(I will though)
And this is the chocolate of my memories, Rêve De Bijoux! ! (the box itself has not changed at all) The contents are all new though, I haven't had any of these before! This truffle seems to be very popular 😳💓 I am sharing my reaction on the podcast! ! So be sure to listen to it😆
And here is the decaffeinated coffee I drank with my chocolate ☕️ It's the instant coffee on the right. Although it is caffeine-free, it has a strong refined taste and is delicious 😳 (despite being instant) Personally, I like the fact that there is not a lot of acidity! What's even better is that it's organic and decaffeinated without the use of chemicals ♡
The drip coffee on the left is not decaffeinated but I really like it ☕️ It's called Cafe Verona from Starbucks. It has a very bitter taste that I occasionally crave😍
I had a lot of fun ordering chocolates and taking advantage the talk theme for the episode 😂 If you have any delicious sweets or foods you recommend, please let me know 😄 The next talk theme for March 10th will be “Graduation Memories”! ! Memories of your graduation ceremony from your school days, or when you graduated from ◯◯, etc, everything is welcome🤗 It shouldn't be that difficult! *laughs* I'm waiting for your submissions! ! !
Thank you to everyone who watched “Wakana 5th Anniversary “Prologue” ~Premium Online Live~” held on February 6th! ! ! 😭✨ You can still watch the archived video until the 13th (Tuesday), so I don't want to reveal too much! ! 😂 Let's just say, something quite shocking occured🤣 If you haven't seen it yet, please be sure to check it out! ! 😂😂
During this online event, I also announced my next live! \\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// “Wakana 5th Anniversary Live” Date: May 12, 2024 Venue: I'M A SHOW Yurakucho Marion Appearing artists: Wakana, Satoshi Takebe, etc.
I wanted to start this year's 5th Anniversary celebrations with all of my fan club members. But I also want to use this year to share my music with many more people, that's why we have decided to hold a proper band live for the first time in a long time😄!! ️ Everyone, please come to "I'M A SHOW" in Yurakucho on May 12th! ! \(^o^)/
Lastly , here's a picture of myself and Sakurada-san who joined me on the piano on February 6th♪
Well, that's it for today. Until next time~☆( *'▽'*)/
Wakana’s Talk Garden #6
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Episode #6 »»—— CLICK ME 🎁 CLICK ME ——««
Vol 6 Topic “Memories of Valentine's Day”
OMG, I can't believe she actually read my message😳 I always stress way too much over what to write and I am generally super self-conscious when it comes to my Japanese skills so I never really leave any comments, let alone long messages. But Wakana's blog post from last time made me feel so bad for her that I couldn't help but submit at least something. Apparently, lots of other people felt the same way XD That makes it all the more surprising my message ended up being chosen. I had no idea it would be so embarrassing to hear her read my message🙈 Especially now that it turns out my guess about the mysterious chocolate was completely off. I speculated that she might have talked about a popular Austrian sweet called "Mozartkugel" but turns out she was talking about a special chocolate from Belgium (see images above). Oh well, the message was a great transition to her introducing the chocolate and doing a little taste test. And I am happy that she at least remembers receiving my packages of "Mozartkugeln" during various lives. Also, this is the third time she has mentioned "Sachertorte" in relation to Vienna so I guess she must be pretty obsessed with it. I need to find a way to bring one as present for her.
For next month’s episode which is scheduled to air on March 10th, the topic is “Memories of Graduation” The submission deadline is 02/29.
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Hey did you know that Alligators have a mating season that begins in March or April? And that they become territorial and defensive?
Can you see Killer Croc acting like that with his S/O when his Heat arrives? If so what would he do? Or how would he treat his S/O?
"Mating Season" Arkham Killer Croc x Reader
Hello! You might notice first of all that I wrote this to go to Arkham Killer Croc and there's a straightforward reason for that. My general Waylon Jones is very much a black human man with a genetic condition that mimics an animal aesthetically. So I'm not comfortable giving him actual animal traits! But I really do like this ask and I Get Where You're Coming From- Arkham Killer Croc also has a genetic condition but it's tied a lot more with Having Animal Traits (which gets worse/more animalistic physically as the games go on).
Hopefully win-win for everyone! Also, brief note, not a big thing but "heats" are more of a mammalian trait. For reptiles and birds it's courtship behaviors during mating season.
TW: Animal-like traits (mating), NSFW, breeding kink, oversensitivity, size kink
As Waylon has gotten older, gotten bigger and more into that side of him, he's found he starts getting an itch in the spring. Irritable. Too in his own skin. Normally it goes away in the summer...
It started mild in his younger years. Just keeps getting more intense. At first he figured it was related to wanting to "eat" but eventually he would realize (after several hot and heavy and brief trysts) that it was a different kind of hunger.
How the fuck could he explain it? No one knew why his condition was the way it was. Now, however, it wouldn't be relieved with a quick fuck. He knew that much. He was committed.
He knew the time was coming when all he could think about was rutting into you hard and deep and filling you up- When the sight of any other man near you got him so pissed off he could barely stand it.
He wasn't so stupid to think he was going to boss you around or tell you not to talk to anybody else. No, that'd just drive you away. But you'd notice he'd cling close to your side. A low bellowing noise in his throat. Instinctual, to drive competitors away. And, to a degree, it did keep certain sleazy types away.
Not like anyone would try to two-time Killer Croc, anyways. Besides, you were enamored it seemed. Which was why when he started to explain... to tell you what he was feeling- You understood him completely.
He'd out of Arkham and even though he intended to stay that way, you never knew with the Bat always fucking up plans. And he was not going to go back without having you as many times as he was able.
That means him completely undressing and making the bed buckle slightly under his weight as he lays back. You making a show of undressing for him (too slow and he's tearing your clothes off with his talons) and straddling naked over his thigh.
His cock is bigger than average. Huge balls, sizeable head with a long shaft. Made for going in deep as possible. He loves having you palm it or rub your body along it to prepare. If you need a little lubrication, come on up 'ere, babe. He's got something nice and long that'll get you wet right up here with his face.
He hisses out teasing praise, "You taste good. Might want to take a bite."
Just don't cum too fast. He needs to be inside you. Not unless you want to be nice and oversensitive when he does it. Not that he'd mind much to have you crying out for him.
If he had a tail (later on he will), it'd be thumping for your attention. His whole chest is vibrating as you slick over his cock.
"Is it all gonna fit?" A low laugh under his breath, "Let's make it fit-" He helps pull you over and just barely off the head of his cock over and over. Fills you up with a little more of his cock inch by inch as he goes.
"That's it. Good for me, huh?" He's almost congratulatory as all of him fits inside you and he's close to cumming, "Gonna fill you up-"
You're going to call out his name when you both finish. That's what he aims for, anyways, as his cum dribbles out of you. He looks like he's on cloud nine. That bellowing hum slowing to steady breathing as you pop off of him. Lay over his chest, just a little closer to his face. He wants to kiss you. Hold you.
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fluffhuntress · 2 years
Cold worry- Sova x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, basically Fluff
Warnings: mean Sova, argument, wound mentioned
Words: 1,7k
Note: Aghh I hope that is what you had in your mind, lmk so I can change it maybe! <3
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GIF by partialveil
It wasn't an easy job working for Valorant's protocol, especially when it came to teamwork. You always needed to make the perfect calls, have the perfect synchronization - othrewise things might go wrong, like they almost did today.
"And why didn't you just stay where I told you, huh?!" You heard Sova marching towards you, holding his bow tight. His face was angry, his eyebrows narrowed. That wasn't a common picture of him, rarely ever was he showing his irritation or anger.
You turned around to him while changing the magazine "They got the site, no one was defending it" You shrugged. "And if it weren't for me we all could be dead right now, so I would expect atleast a "thank you"".
When Sova came closer he grabbed your arm, but accidentally so tight, you made a silent painful groan. Hearing that, he pulled up your cloth, just to see a wound on your arm. "Why do you have to be so reckless, why?" He said, making you feel so confused. Why was he reacting like that? What have you done wrong?
"Hey!" You shouted, unleashing your arm from his grip. "If I didn't act fast both of us wouldn't be talking right now. What is wrong Sova?" You gave in an answer as you kneeled to pick up the stuff you left on the ground.
"You should have waited for the call." He stated
"Right!" you sighed with a spice of anger. "And let you and the rest die."
"That is not what I mean, Y/n-"
"THEN WHY DO YOU TREAT ME LIKE THAT" You interrupted, already with tears in your eyes. The hunter went silent, not sure what to say. He didn't expect you to cry. You grabbed your weapon and what might be in use, and quickly turned around to leave the site.
"Hey, wait Y/n" Reyna tried to hold you as you were walking towards the jet, but you pushed her away without a word, still going forwards. Rayna sighed, and gave Sova an judging look.
"You make this right." She stated as she turned back to make her way to the jet too.
It wasn't weird that both you and Sova didn't say a single word to eachother on your way back to the base. Actually, noone did after the argument you had with him. You guys never argued. Yet the man made you cry, for the first time since you didn't even remember when. This time, it was silence that felt safe for everyone.
After you came back to the base, you put your gear to where it belonged and immidiately went to your room. You couldn't handle the sadness that you kept from everyone on the jet anymore. The moment you closed the door to your room, you started crying. It hurt you. Normally, you wouldn't care, but the words you heard came from the person you cared about the most - which made the feeling even more painful.
You weren't the only one struggling with this situation though - Sova was too, as it was an uncommon reaction of his. He knew, he was too harsh, especially for you. He would never want to be a reason of your tears, yet he was this time. You guys didn't talk after the argument, but you perfectly knew, that you are not the only one having hard feelings today.
For the rest of the day, you kept yourself locked in your room, doing actually anything to keep your mind occupied. You tried not to think of Sova's words, but those kept playing in your head all the time. You could even feel his cold words, only making your current well-being worse.
When you were preparing yourself to sleep, you heard a silent knock. You quickly put yourself together, since you looked a little bit like a mess, worn a random hoodie to cover you and rushed to open the door. You weren't surprised, when you saw Sova standing in the entrance to your room.
"I understood my lesson, no need to continue." you sighed, crossing your arms.
"Actually, I'm here to apologize" The hunter answered as you opened the doors wider. "May I come in?" You didn't say a word, and just let the man in, closing the door behind, trying to pretend like you don't care. The truth was, you cared a lot and it meant a world to you that you two had a stable relation. Sova was there for you since the day you've joined the protocol, always supportive, making sure that you feel okay around and that everything is clear for you. So far, it was him who you always looked up to in the team.
"Look... what I said, I didn't mean that." Sova started as he stood before you. You could say that he felt guilty as hell. His worried eyes eyes told everything, and the way he hold his hands, moving one thumb against another. "I'm sorry Y/n" he broke the silence "I was in shock, furious, and what you did was dangerous, you could easily die."
You only nodded your head. Hearing him explaining himself made you want to cry, but you tried to hold it again.
"There was no other way, you know" you started, your voice cracking. "If I didn't rush then the enemies would have taken the area, blowing up us all" Your throat tightened, as you tried to speak further "If... if you just let me explain then!" a small tear left your eye, as you couldn't pretend anymore. "I-I just..."
Sova shushed you, and immidiately gave you a strong hug.
"Shshshhhhh" He whispered calmly to you. "I was worried I might loose you" He added with a spice guilt in his words. It hurt him to see you like that. And the worst was, that it was only because of him. He was the reasony why.
"Didn't sound like a worry" you murmured to his chest, sobbing quietly in his arms. For a while, the hunter didn't say anything. You just stood here in one place in silence, untill Sova has spoken to you unwrapping his arms. His forhead touched yours, forcing your eyes o meet his.
"I was worried that the next time something like that happens, I might not get to talk to you again" He said, putting his hand on your cheek, rubbing away the tears that kept dripping down your chin. "This is the reason I came out so harsh." Despite the sadness, your body felt a little bit warmer after his words. Hi words were honest, and that's what was important to you now.
You kept staring into Sova's eyes, trying to read what was happening in his mind. It wasn't that hard, since you knew him perfectly by now. You could always tell wether he fells sad, guilty, or angry, even if he did his best to hide it. "Don't feel that guilty, please" you said quietly, demanding that he pays attention to you now. "I would probably react the same now when I think of that"
Sova hummed, not even changing his face expression, other than closing his eyes. "Oh no, we don't do that here" you stated and tickled him on his weak spot under the arm. He chuckled a little bit trying to stand back but you didn't let him,
"Promise me you won't beat yourself with guilt. I know how much you overthing stuff like that" You then said, giving him a warm smile, and he gave you one too as an answer.
"It's late" He sighed. "Should get back to my room." And again, Sova wanted to hide in his own guilt bubble. A typical reaction of his. But not this time - you thought.
"You're not leaving untill you prove me you don't feel guilty anymore" you stated.
"I hurt you, Y/n" Sova said as he slowly turned to the door, putting his hand on the handle. "You didn't deserve this kind of treatment..." He felt awfully bad about his reaction. Even though he fucked up and left you crying for the rest of the day, you still felt bad for him. You perfectly knew how it is to blame yourself too much, you perfectly knew the feeling of regret. "Sova..." you said quietly.
You came closer to him from behind, putting your hand on his on the handle. "Come here" Your hand grabbed his, guiding the hunter to sit with you on the bed.
"No matter what happens, I wouldn't hate you" you said quietly, looking forwards, still holding his hand. "And I hate to think of you punishing yourself. Look at me" The archer turned his head to you, and at the same moment you gave him a kiss on his cheek. "You're a dum dum sometimes, but you're my dum dum" you chuckled.
Sova's face slowly changed to a little bit reddish. He looked slightly to his left, not exactly sure, how to react now. You found it cute, how embarrased and confused he was in situations like that.
"Awww, lil owl got embarassed?" you teasted him, giggiling under your nose. Sova chuckled, as a stronger blush painted on his face.
"Okay, I owe you that" he smiled. "But the next time you call me this I won't hasitate"
"Alright, we'll have to argue again then" you said, pretending to be serious.
"NO." he gave you in an answer, which made both of you laugh. "But promise me something, Y/n." he then continued. You rised your eyebrow, waiting for him to end his thought.
"Promise me, that whatever you'd do, you'd make it out alive" Only now you have noticed, how important your life was to him. God, do you really had to have such an ugly argument, to finally realise that? - You thought.
I promise
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