#Tom x Allison
clonedchaos · 6 days
Machine Memories- Day 5: Secrets
Thomas hated keeping secrets from Allison. But maybe this one was for the best.
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Rating: G/PG
The ink was beginning to seep through the cracks. Thomas was having to spend hours a day patching the holes and restructuring pipes. It was practically all he did these days. The ink machine required his persistent attention if it was ever going to work. 
As the days went on, he was starting to grow more and more uncertain. What Mr. Drew wanted was nothing short of a miracle. He was a mere humble engineer, not a magician. Yet of course, he got stuck trying to make this impossible task come to fruition. Just his luck.
He muttered under his breath, wiped the sweat from his brow, and reached for the wrench. Looked like another bolt had gotten lose under the pressure overloading the pipes. Just another problem he needed to work around.
There came a soft knock from behind. Thomas looked over his shoulder to find Allison standing below the doorway. Her blonde curls cascaded around her shoulders, perfectly complimenting her soft features, rosy cheeks, and subtle makeup. Despite the goings on of the studio, her white and blue buttoned up dress remained as pristine as when she had ironed out its imperfections the morning of.
"You're still here? Most of the studio have already departed for the night," she announced in velvety cadence. She stepped into the room and carefully skirted the edges of some ink puddles scattered across the floor. 
"What about it?" He replied back gruffly, turning his attention back toward the machine. "Why aren't you home yet? You should be resting."
"I could say the same for you, Tom," Allison replied shortly, never losing that light tone. Thomas sighed. He knew where this conversation was going to go. He fetched the wrench and begun to tighten the bolt. His fingers grew slick with ink, making it harder to properly grip the screw. Exhaustion mixed with frustration, and he finally dropped the wrench with a scowl.
"Tom," Allison was suddenly beside him. Her hand touched his shoulder, causing him to involuntarily relax at the contact. "Maybe you should take a break. Mr. Drew wouldn't want you working yourself to death."
Thomas snorted in faux amusement. That wasn't remotely close to the true. The deadline to get the machine done kept changing. No matter how many roadblocks he hit, Mr. Drew always kept pushing and pushing. He never listened to him. He was too blinded by his own vision.
Allison didn't need to know that. As far as she knew, this was just an invention to help the animator's get ink more efficiently from their work desks. Only Joey, Thomas, and the Gent corporation knew it went so much deeper than that...
"I mean it, Tom," Allison continued, her conviction hardening. "Aren't you tired?"
"I've had several overtime shifts. I'm alright."
"What about sleep?"
"I get five hours at least."
"Have you been eating?"
"Tom." Allison's tone had lost all its previous composure. "I'm worried about you! You need to start taking care of yourself."
His shoulders sagged. He was tired. He was starving. He was fed up. Of course she would've picked up on it eventually.
Her brows softened. She reached over and wiped a smudge of ink from his cheek with a petite, gloved hand. "I'm not mad at you. I'm just worried. What's so important that you work yourself to the bone? That's all I ask?"
Thomas leaned into her touch. It would be far simpler if he could unclog the pipe and let the ink flow, so to speak. But messing with the confines of science and technology was something he didn't want to drag her into.
"I just want to get this machine to finally work. It's been a thorn in my side ever since Mr. Drew hired me," He grumbled lowly. "Every day, something in this studio goes wrong. And I have to be the one to fix it."
"There's a lot of weight on your shoulders, dear. You deserve to have a break," Allison replied, reaching out with her other hand to pat the brass machine. A hollow echo gently bounced off the walls. "I'm sure your friend here won't mind if we go out."
Thomas blinked. "Go out?"
Allison smiled. "Why, yes. Why don't we head to the cinema? It would give you proper time to unwind and settle before you get some well-deserved rest. It could do you some good."
Thomas glanced over towards the ink machine. It was silent, inanimate. But it had a certain draw to it that Thomas couldn't quite put his finger on.
"I don't know, Allie..." He muttered hesitantly.
"Well, I will decide for us then," Allison smirked with a flourish and rose to her feet. "I'll go freshen up, and you can finish here. I'll meet you at the cinema uptown in an hour."
"Allison..." Thomas began with a sigh.
Allison was already halfway towards the door. She spun on her heel underneath the doorway, excitement practically radiating off her. "One hour. Don't keep me waiting," She chirped exuberantly. Then, she was gone.
Thomas murmured to himself as the weight of his responsibilities pressed in on him in her absence. He wouldn't keep her waiting. Never. Before then, he needed to get that bolt tightened.
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nikcaday · 4 months
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hunterwritesstuff · 5 months
Tom x Alison?
🔧🎙️ I love them.
🔧🎙️ Allison can carry Tom, Tom can carry Allison.
🔧🎙️ Tom loves dogs :)
🔧🎙️ Tom wants kids :(
🔧🎙️ Allison does too, Tom's just the more vocal one about it.
🔧🎙️ Allison has hidden Tom's tools on the weekends. Tom doesn't need to work on the weekends. This is why Allison does this.
🔧🎙️ Sometimes, Tom will pull Allison into his lap to nap together. She has no real say in the matter.
🔧🎙️ She...tries to not pay attention to anything he mumbles while he's asleep...no matter how concerning it may be...if it really worries her, she'll bring it up later.
🔧🎙️ Allison has met Steve before! She likes him, thinks he's very sweet :)
🔧🎙️ She WILL make Tom lunches!!! This is a threat!!!
🔧🎙️ Tom buys Allison sweaters <3
🔧🎙️ They still go on dates fairly often!!!
🔧🎙️ Tom tries to dress up as best he can for them, but sometimes he's just too tired to :(
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studioshenanigans · 1 year
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Happy pride month from ask-joey-drew-studios!! Remember that you are valid, you are beautiful, and that there is a community full of people who'll gladly take you under their wing when nobody else will! Stay safe gays!!! ^^
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real-godzekiel · 1 year
finsihed watching batdr gameplay
allison and tom's healthy t4t vs sammy and susie's unhinged t4t
everything i say is right
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dudd-ie · 2 years
El ángel y su lobo siendo shippeables como siempre...
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that-one-cat-meow · 1 year
So last time I show you ships that I don't like, so now I will show you mah favourite ships! LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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BENDY X SAMMY (not mine art)
For me this ship is PERFECT
You can say that Bendy hurt Sammy and etc.
But I just LOVE IT!
Sammy was always loyal to his lord, and Bendy finally see that his prophet love him UwU
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BENDY X INK DEMON (art still not mine)
You are very lucky if you find ANYTHING about this ship. Whether it's fanart or a story (good luck finding that), there's very little of it because a lot of people think it's the same person. I think differently - and I stick to it
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BORIS X ALICE (nah, still not mine)
FINE. Told me that Alice want to kill Boris, BUT I STILL WILL LOVE THIS SHIP!!!
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Don't tell me you don't know this one! I saw this ship already in game, so there's A LOT of fanarts in internet!
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INK DEMON X AUDREY (not mine but beautyfull)
Tell me I'm crazy. Tell me I'm dumb. Tell me that they are siblings. TELL ME THAT THEY HATE EACH OTHER.
HOPE YOU LIKE IT! And please don't hate me - I told you that I like most unpopular ships ;v;
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laurrelise · 11 days
“five and lila actually make total sense” “all these fake fans just don’t understand” “the writers have been planning this since lila was introduced”
my honest reaction:
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fishymom-art · 1 year
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Told you this man is now mine lol
His name is Silver hehe uvu
and also he's gay with Sammy coz of course he is
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berlingotesque · 2 years
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Happy wedding anniversary to the Connors, hands down the ultimate canon ship of Batim
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xtraordinaryfangrl · 1 month
S3 Allison Hargreeves is NOT Canon!
I finally bit the bullet and watched Episode 5 of TUA S3 - the episode where Allison borderline SA’s Luther and I have no idea what the writers were thinking when they wrote that into the script.
Actually, no, that’s the problem! They weren’t thinking!
Up until that point, I was genuinely enjoying this season. The Sparrows were annoying but intriguing characters. The Diego and Stanley dynamic was everything and seeing him as a legit father in the final season will break my heart. I loved Viktor (or V, as I affectionately call them) and his transition as well as everybody’s reaction. Especially Allison’s, and her comradery with him in those first few episodes made me feel things. BITTERSWEET THINGS. Their relationship has always been so interesting to watch and I’ve grown fond of them as a duo despite the tension and angst they’ve displayed throughout the show.
I felt the desperation Allison had to get her daughter back, the way it boiled and bubbled up to rage. I understood her motive and empathized with her pain, even agreed with her and the rest of the Hargreeves pack on the Harlan situation. I could see her delving deeper into her “Wandavison Era” and I was ready to side with her on everything, then THAT scene happened.
Her relationship with Luther always creeped me out because of their romantic history. They were raised together before they got together and called the same man father - which is just another weird layer to the incest trope. She forces him to kiss her when she could have just… threatened to rumor him? Or at the very least show she could still control one thing at that moment by making him stand still?? That would have driven her point across just fine, WITHOUT Jedi mind-tricking a non-consensual sexcapade???
What’s worse about Allison’s character assassination is that she most likely doesn’t see anything wrong with what she did, and neither does Luther because like the doe-eyed himbo he is - he immediately skips off to see Sloan as if he’s the male lead in some early 2000s rom-com! They didn’t see an issue with what happened because the writers didn’t see an issue, and that’s MY issue with this.
Nowadays, no matter how a story is told, everything is up to the audience’s interpretation. But sexual manipulation, depression, and other important topics that real people experience should not be treated as an ambiguous “oh it can be taken multiple ways” plot point.
If St*ve Bl*ckman or whoever mapped out Allison’s S3 journey was a competent screenwriter, they would have refocused her contempt on The Sparrows. And if they REALLY wanted to make her past with Luther a central point, they could have put her “you’re blowing me off for some knockoff you’ve known for five minutes?” line to good use by making Sloan her target instead of Harlan.
I don’t know. This was a whole rant and maybe none of it makes sense. But aside from the few good things to come from S3 (such as V coming out as trans and Diego/Lila pre-parenthood shenanigans), nothing else happens. Any “canon storyline” after S2 is an acid-laced fever dream as far I’m concerned.
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from-thoseghosts · 10 months
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90s-kid-sad-adult · 2 months
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seismic tremors
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reanimationstation · 1 year
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maybe i forgot joeys mustache in the first one. you saw nothing. n e ways have some more of the non ink pony designs <3
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BATIM/BATDR ship headcannons????
-i am not doing every single god damn ship so i'm only doing ones that i actually like. Also the BATDR ones are purely what everyone else theorizes or what I think personally about what happens after-
Sammy x Norman:
- Sammy's defiantly a bottom ong
-Norman does most of the cleaning up after se-
-Their first kiss was purely accident, Sammy was facing a different way while Norman was coming over to ask him something. Sammy turned and BLAM they kissed
-Norman towers over Sammy.
-Whenever Sammy tries to tease Norman, he teases him back, making Sammy flustered.
-At first glance Sammy looks like the dom/teasing one and Norman the Sub/easily flustered one. In reality its the complete opposite.
-Neither of them actually confessed. Norman invited Sammy to lunch one day, they had a good time, went for a walk around NY, went to Normans house, kissed, fucked, then boom dating.
-(in machine) Sammy tried to convince Norman to pray to bendy once...it ending in a hour long chase, a little fucking, then Sammy getting killed
-(After BATDR) Norman didnt get his body back cause..idk...so Sammy just carries him on his shoulder or holds him since he can't walk anymore *o^o poor Norman*
Susie x Sammy:
-Susie hinted for the longest time about her liking him, Sammy just thought she was weird
-Their first date was in the recording booth while working after time, their first REAL date was at a nice little dinner.
-Susie once made Sammy a chocolate cake..just for Wally to eat it *not referencing to the game at all*
-Sammy's first kiss with Susie was the day after getting hammered..and still being a little drunk the next day...
-Susie normally wears flats, but when she wears heals she's taller than Sammy by half an inch
-(in machine) Susie once caught Sammy in her domain, so she went out of her way to hunt him down, flirt with him, get things all loving, then stabbed him in the chest, took his mask off, then left. *we love sammy abuse >v<*
-(After BATDR) After Susie got her memories back the first thing she did was kiss Sammy, stab him in the shoulder than go apologize to everyone (Henry, Buddy, 'Allison', ext.)
Henry x Linda:
-Highschool sweethearts ong
-Their first kiss was at night with the NY lights all around them..or underneath a tree getting ready for the fall weather.
-They waited till after marriage to have kids
-Henry proposed to her while on vacation to somewhere that wasnt at JDS or NY
-They had two kids, a boy and a girl *....no i am NOT getting that from a really good comic that you guys should defiantly go read...*
-(in machine) Henry would fiddle with his wedding ring whenever he was sad, nervous or thought about Linda
-(After BATDR) Audrey made an ink version of Linda so that Henry would have his love with him forever
Allison x Thomas:
-They first met after Allison almost face planted into the floor cause she slipped on ink
-Wally set up their first work date. Which was just moving table and chairs to the side then playing music on a record player. Not so romantic but Allison enjoyed it.
-Thomas is actually really quiet, unless it's just him and Allison
-They got married after they got fired from JDS
(Ink clones)
-Alison doesn't mind that Tom can't talk, they actually made up a system for them to talk to each other
(After BATDR)
-Allison and Tom had gotten the memory's of Alison Pedal and Thomas Connor after Audrey took control. So they decided to have their own mini wedding. Which Henry was the priest, Sammy composed music, Alice(Susie)the bridesmaid and Buddy the best man, and Dappers the ring barrier.
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potatobugxo · 2 years
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