#Tom [around a mouthful of snake]: He started it!
What's something you always wanted to write into your Eleutherophobia fic that you just never had a spot for?
David. Love him as a character, even if I hate him as a person. But if I were to put him in the series, then:
This'd presumably have to involve him making some kind of deal with Crayak. And I don't want Crayak or the Ellimist in my fic.
The consequences for everyone's reputation would be massive and catastrophic. At minimum Rachel would get canceled by the internet. At maximum, the idea of charging all six kids with war crimes would suddenly be back on the table.
I have no idea what I'd do with him after the first scene or two of him interacting with the Berensons. Killing him would be inexcusable. But if he lives, he's going to do everything from rob banks to stalk Rachel to charge Jake with attempted murder.
Either he's no threat at all (because he's still stuck as a rat) or he's a life-ruining level of threat (because he's not stuck as a rat) to Jake. There is no in-between.
That said, I'd dearly love for him to interact with Tom at some point. Just long enough for them to get into a snake-measuring contest. And then for them both to discover that king cobras aren't cobras; king cobras are called that because they eat cobras.
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wh0reforcoriolanussnow · 10 months
Red Carpet || Tom Blyth x gf!reader
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Summary: Tom takes you to your very first movie premiere and it happens to be the movie that he is the protagonist in. A sweet moment happens between the two of you which leaves fans further fangirling over your relationship.
A/n: I have been constantly asked If I will ever do a Tom Blyth x reader imagine and the answer is yes :). Btw I absolutely love @yzzart’s Tom Blyth x actress!reader imagines and you should totally go check them out!
Warnings: none :)
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Divider by @pommecita
You were beyond nervous and excited to attend the red carpet Premiere for The Hunger Games The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. Especially since you would be attending as your boyfriend’s plus one who happens to play Coriolanus Snow in said movie.
The two of you kept your relationship as private as you could, but at some point along the way of him filming, everyone knew the two of you were together. Your public affection towards each other during the behind the scenes did not go unnoticed by fans who recorded it and took pictures.
It was bound to happen someday. "You look absolutely gorgeous, darling," Tom hugs you from behind, your exposed back flush against his outfit, as he admires your reflection in the mirror. You hold his arms that were protectively on your waist.
"Thank you, Tom. You look as handsome as ever," You giggle, turning around to place your hands on either side of his face, admiring every little detail on his face that you have already noticed about a thousand times, before placing a gentle kiss on his lips.
You two were on your way to the event, his hand never left your thigh as you lean your head against his shoulder. Your phone suddenly buzzed as you look at the caller id. It was Rachel. You immediately answered it as it went through to face time.
"Where are you guys!" She yells in the speaker, loud chatter in the background. She was already at the event. "We are literally around the corner," You say taking a look around your surroundings as Tom chuckles. "Let me see your outfits!" Rachel stares at you with a wide grin.
You laugh at her energy as you pass Tom the phone as he holds it up so that the both of you were on screen. Rachel gasps as she covers her mouth, "You guys look fucking amazing!" She squeals as you chuckle.
"Wait until you see the back of Y/n's dress," Tom lets out a whistle as you nudge him with a smile. "I can't wait to see! Oh wait, I think I see your car pulling up right now. See you soon!" She quickly says before hanging up.
Tom squeezes your thigh, his way of asking if you were alright without any words. You nod with a small smile. You arrived at the premiere and the flashlights coming from the cameras shone through the windows.
Tom steps out first before lending you his hand, aiding you as you get out of the car. He gives you an encouraging smile as you smile back at him. Everyone started screaming when they saw the two of you, causing you to smile even more.
His hand rested on the small of your back as the two of you were whisked into interviews. "Tom! It's so great to see you, we'd like to ask you a few questions if that is alright?" The woman smiles as she passes Tom a microphone.
"Of course!" Tom offers the man a smile. "What was your favourite things about filming this movie?" You stayed quiet as you look at Tom, giving him a smile. "Well, I was super grateful to be able to work with such incredible actors and actresses, Peter and Viola just to name a few, I really enjoyed the atmosphere on set, we were all like family," Your boyfriend answers.
You saw a lot of cameras pointed your directions so you wave and smile, "Would you like to explain to us and your fans who this beautiful girl is beside you Tom?" You snap your attention back to Tom and the woman. Tom smiles as you as you look at the woman. "I think you and everyone already have a pretty clear idea on who she is," Tom laughs as does the woman.
"This beautiful girl is my girlfriend. She's stuck with me during the whole filming of the movie and I'm so grateful that she's mine," He answers, his eyes not leaving yours as he pulls you closer to him. "He's just too sweet isn't he?" You chuckle at the camera making them laugh.
Tom presses a kiss on your cheek as you could feel your face heating up slightly. "You two are just too adorable! Thank you for your time, the woman smiles as Tom hands her back the microphone. "My pleasure," Tom gives her a final smile before the two of you are once again whisked into other interviews, where you would sometimes be included.
Then it was time to take pictures. Tom's hand never left yours as you both stood where they were taking the photos. Tom protectively places his hand on your waist as you both pose for the cameras. You were almost blinded by all the flashing and deaf from the shouting.
The string on the back of your dress suddenly became loose as you curse under your breath. Tom looks down at you before moving to stand in front of you in a protective manner to cover you from the cameras. "You okay?" He asks concerned. I look at him with a smile from his sweet gesture.
"The back of my dress came undone," He looks over your shoulder. He then pulls you into a hug as you were slightly taken back. You then feels his hands working on tying your dress back. You let out a chuckle as you rub his back.
The cameras directly in front of you were confused but the cameras by the side all awed at his actions. "There you go, darling," He kisses your cheek as he pulls back. You give him a grateful smile, "Thank you."
"Y/n! Tom!" You hear a feminine voice call out as Rachel and Josh make their way towards the two of you. "Hi!" You smiled, pulling Josh into a hug and then Rachel. "Oh you look stunning," Rachel holds your forearms as you couln't keep the smile of your face.
"Have you looked in a mirror? You look gorgeous Rach!" You pull her in for a second hug as you all laugh at something funny Josh had said as the four of you pose for a picture.
After the premiere, Rachel sent you so many links to nearly every single social media platform. There were a bunch of posts and tiktoks about what happened with your dress and how Tom helped you by hugging you.
You chuckle as you show Tom the posts and hundreds of tiktoks that had already been posted. "They love you," Tom chuckles, kissing your forehead as the two of you lay in each others embrace.
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lenoraslament · 6 months
Tom Riddle x Y/N
Hot Mess Part 2
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Humor/smut/angst 2.2k words
Tom leaves you at the party, but he isn’t going to leave you wanting more for long. Still mad about you beating him at a duel, the prince of darkness just can’t leave you alone.
Warnings: smut, spanking, teasing, degradation.
Read Part 1 here.
You watched Tom disappear around the corner, and for a moment a rogue thought appeared in your head
Stop Him
Time slipped away as quickly as he had. You were dancing alone for so long.
The bass pounding only disoriented you more. Too many drinks, too much to smoke.
But you didn’t. You leaned your head back as you swayed to the ever present beat of the music. You felt a hand snake around your waist from behind and pull you in. Enzo? Theo? No, if was unfamiliar with a pair of lips that started kissing your neck.
You took a sharp breath in and realized familiar cologne was pouring over you. Teeth softly met your shoulder blade and began to nip at the spot that made your eyes roll back. Your lips part into a gasp as the hand traces along the line of your hips, dipping down to stroke your thighs.
“The whole wizarding race depends on us ,”you hear his voice teasing you.
“Hello Satan,” you slur out in response,”what happened to the girl you were with? Did she take one look at your little basilisk and die of disappointment?”
You’re about to laugh at your own joke but his hand comes down smacking you firmly on your left asscheek. You let out a strangled moan.
“You are so tawdry Y/N, you know that?” He growled in your ear.
“Maybe you should be reading up on Legilimens instead of studying the thesaurus” you tease but his hand comes down on you hard again making a gaspy scream escape your smart mouth.
“Do you ever shut up, you whore?” He asked, one hand has a vice grip on your hip bone the other one drawn back ready to meet your quip. His hips are pushing into your back
You lean your head back so it rests on his chest, looking up at him daringly.
“Not unless you make me”’you say giggling. This time he doesn’t spank you, he only tightens the hold on your hips.
“Come with me. Now.”he said whirling you away before you argue.
He whisked you down the hall, his hand intertwined in yours. You stumble after him taking in his dark hair, his broad shoulders, the musculature of his arms. Every substance you stockpiled in your system seems to fuel the burning heat of arousal coursing through you,
He unlocks the door to his private headboy dorm, before you can register the change in atmosphere he’s pushing you against the closed door.
One hand in his waist and the has a tight grip on your jaw. His eyes burn fire into yours, heavy with need. Tom’s lips part and inch closer to yours.
Your eyes flutter closed and you breath in the anticipation.
“How did you do it?” His low grumbly voice surprises you.
Your eyes snap open,” what?” You look at him honestly confused,”do… do what?”
“Beat me at the duel?” He growls.
Your mouth drops open into a scoff and you shove his chest away as roughly as you can,
“Seriously!?” You yell,”you’re asking me about the fucking duel!?”
Tom narrows his eyes as he uses his hands to push your hips back into the door. He crushed his lips into your neck, nuzzling and biting as he groped you
“How!?” He lets out a frustrated groan into your neck
“Oh and you’re going to fuck the answer out of me!?” You cry out and shove him again,”just get off of me Riddle for the love of Merlin!”.
He pulls away and picks his hands up, not because he wants to stop but because you’re screaming too loudly. He doesn’t want anyone to hear.
“Get out” he snaps and you gladly open the door behind you and stomp down the hall.
Someone has laid an anchor on your head and a snake in your belly. Those are the thoughts that come to you as you sit up the next day at nearly 1pm.
“Accio water” you mumble and the glass of water on your desk flies towards you. You barely catch it, it lands mostly on your face and lap as you groan. The couple of sips you manage to get feel like rain hitting hot asphalt.
You stumble into the bathroom, garnering a couple of stares from girls who looked fresh and pretty. Pretty girls, who and been up drinking coffee and gallivanting this beautiful Sunday morning. These girls giggle in the library, and share chocolate frogs. These girls never throw up in the shower.
Thank Merlin for magic. You think as you make it disappear with a spell. You’re determined to stand under that shower until the hot water boils off all your sins. Or at least all your thoughts about that dark haired psychopath, who keeps slipping in between the pounding in your head.
You scrub your skin until it shines. You brush your teeth with a vengeance. You put on lotion and perfume, even blow dry your hair. You wear lipgloss and mascara. You’re only 65% sure you’re not dying.
For hours you wander, into the Great Hall, into the Slytherin common room. Mumbling to your friends to shut up. Hiding behind your sunglasses again. But you can’t hide from Tom who lurked in the shadows like a lion hunting his prey.
Tom had been watching you since he saw you stumble into the Great Hall. Your little sundress and sandals, your perfect hair and those giant fucking sunglasses. His eyes wander over your body, your legs, your hips your breasts. He almost had you last night. After you left he was furious, not only because he didn’t get the answers he wanted. He didn’t get you either.
You fluttered around the castle as if the constant movement could hide the pain you were in. He fingered the potion in his pocket, he had brewed early this morning. A hangover potion, trying to decide when to make his move.
Finally you landed in the Slytherin common room, stretching into the couch like a cat. The hem of dress flirting with the top of your thighs. The sight pained him so badly he bit his own lip.
Your head was tipped to the side as you laid on the luxe green couch. He couldn’t tell if you were asleep .Those giant sunglasses he wished he could confringo were covering your eyes too well. He put his tongue in his cheek trying to decide if he should take the chance and Legilimens you or if he should give you the hangover potion.
Of course, he didn’t know that you had been watching him contemplate the two options as he stood over you. You tip your sunglasses down and glare at him.
“Did you ever consider that I beat you at the duel because I’m simply that good.” You say not hiding your annoyance.
Tom nearly jumped when you spoke, his look of surprise quickly turned into a grimace.
“Impossible. You’re a vapid whore” he spat angrily.
You pushed yourself up on your forearms, finally fed up with him.
“And you are a pretentious little know it all, who is not nearly as smart as he thinks he is!”’you rant chest practically heaving in anger,”you’re arrogant, only leaning on your fathers name and status, the dark lord should be ashamed to see you resting on your laurels. I could occlude you in my fucking sleep!” You snap, cheeks flushed in pure rage.
Tom looks peaked by your words. His mouth drops open and closes. He is…impressed. By your anger and confidence. You insulted him the same way you duel, with fire and passion. He says nothing, he only shoved your legs over so he can sit down next to you. You sit up. He takes the small vial of hangover potion out of his pocket and hands it to you.
You give him a side eye, and open to smelling it. You recognize its scent immediately and take it. You play with the empty vial in your hands.
“I still hate you,”you grumble at him.
He looks at you sidelong and pushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear,”I hate you too. Slut.”
“Sociopathic fuck”
“Superficial bitch”
“Brown nosing-“
You get cut off as he grabs your face, he tips your head back softly. Your lips brush against eachother making you gasp as you part them further. Your tongues touch with voltage, they dance against eachother and your eyes nearly roll back. Your arms are around his shoulders as his hands tangle into your hair.
Silence follows you both down the hall. Into his room. Before the door is closed his lips are on your neck, sucking and biting as you make quick work of the buttons on his shirt.
His hands nearly claw up your thighs to take two handfuls of your ass as his lips roughly crash onto yours again. Your teeth scrape together, tongues fighting for dominance. He pulls back panting, taking the straps of your dress and pulling them down your shoulder as you tug his hair needily.
Zip. The sound of his slacks falling in time with your dress. Nearly tripping over his pants, he shoves on the bed. Nothing about your movements are sensual. They are furious with hunger. He bites your neck as you claw his back, your flurry of breaths and whines are silenced as he pulls back.
You lay beneath him as the starkness of both of your expose bodies hits you. He lays kneeled between your legs, one hand gripping your waist. Both of your eyes survey eachother, mouths open in lust.
Finally they draw together, a gaze that only deepens the fire that is threatening to set the bed ablaze. He pushes into you making you gasp and arch your back. His thumb traces over your lip as he moves slowly, teasingly. His eyes never leaving yours.
Drawing breaths and gasps from your mouth as you feel yourself being stretched and released. His hand drops down slowly to wrap around your throat. His deep controlled pace never faltering, you expected fast and hard. Somehow the smooth, painfully slow and measured pace is maddening to you.
Your eyes roll back as you moan loudly, the heat coiling inside you threatening to snap as he draws out your orgasm. His hand squeezes as you scrunch your face, teetering onto the edge of your climax.
Right as the heady feeling rips through your body, he picks up his pace. It earns a breathy scream from your lips, he fucks you right through your peak. Hard. Making you writhe your hips and grasp at the hand still around your throat. White hot pleasure blinding out all of your other senses.
He smirks at you only making your hatred and desire intensify.
“You even fuck like a deranged-“ you start but he cuts you off by flipping you around. His hand clamping against your mouth as he takes you from behind.
“Shut up for the love of-“ he mumbles between thrusts and moans. He bites your shoulder softly as his free hand reaches between your legs to stroke your swollen clit.
You begin to come undone, making his excitement grow. Your legs give out from the intensity, as your stomach hits the bed he continues to fuck you into the mattress, the hand that held your mouth now softly tugging at your hair. He leans closer and you feel his breath tickling your shoulder blade, his moan near your ear nearly has you close again. Is this why all those girls are so obsessed with him? You wonder
“Get off” you mumble suddenly surprising him. He slowly pulls his hips away and you turn to look at him.
“Lay back” you tell him, he only raises his eyebrow in amusement.
“No” he says plainly as he moves to kiss you again.
You draw your lips away and smile, “Lay back or I leave”. He glares at you before letting himself lay back on the bed. You crawl over and straddle him, sinking your hips down onto him slowly as payback. He immediately grips your hips to move you but you surprise him by slapping him across the face softly.
“Patience” you whisper. He can’t help but smirk and loosen his grip. Your hips roll like waves in the ocean, his eyes shut and his head falls back as you ride him with the same intensity as he tortured you with.
“Fuck…” he mutters as you squeeze your kegel muscles and begin to snap your hips forward faster. His fingers dig into your waist as you both pant and moan.
“You really are a good little slut” he mutters and you draw your hand back again to strike but he catches your wrist and pulls you towards him.
You fall forward on his chest and he holds you there; bringing up his hips to take control and fuck you at a faster pace. Another sweet burn makes you whine into his chest as his arms interlock around the small of your back. His movements are getting sloppy and slower and he mumbles your name breathlessly.
“Oh fuck Y/N…oh “
Hearing your name escape his lips, is enough to throw you over the edge as you both buck and gasp into your shared climax.
A chorus of breaths overtake both of you, as you collapse onto him covered in sweat. You feel his arms ease up on you, his hand strokes your back softly. His lips nestling against your forehead.
“I want a rematch” he says as he pants,”to the duel. I need a rematch”.
You roll your eyes as you breathe into his chest.
“You’re impossible.”
Taglist: @abbiesxox
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muddyorbsblr · 10 months
everybody's watching him…but he's looking at you
'one look and they'll know' collection masterlist See my full list of works here!
Placement: morning after 'after hours visits'
Summary: Old scars start hurting once again in the wake of your brazen and disrespectful visitor from the night before, and Tom's there to comfort you…on and off the field
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Warnings: 18+ | smut (minors & pearl clutchers, exit stage left); unprotected p in v sex; morning sex; insecure Reader in the first scene; language; sleazy pervy teammates [let me know if I missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: established relationship
Dick-tionary: smut starts at "He moved his large hand" and ends at "nothing but a distant memory"
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You and Tom were once again woken up by the blaring of your alarm filling the room, your boyfriend adorably groaning before tightening his arm around you in a near perfect repeat performance of yesterday morning.
"Do you have to be at the briefing room early again today?" he grumbled, his fingertips tracing up and down along your spine. "Draw names again?"
"No…" you sighed, your tone immediately making him tense up.
"Sweetheart?" He tilted your head to look up at him, his sleepy eyes gradually becoming more alert as he met your gaze. He moved your hair away from your face, tucking the stubborn front strands behind your ear. "What's wrong? You look like you haven't slept."
"I couldn't," you blurted out, wincing the second the words came out of your mouth.
"What's wrong?"
There was a lump at your throat so large you could barely choke out the words. You already felt like shit making him worry about you like this, you didn't want to make it worse.
"Please talk to me, my love," he whispered, tracing this thumb along your lower lip before bringing you closer to press a kiss to your forehead. "I won't much help if I'm flying blind. Something's eating at you and--"
"Why aren't you tired of me yet?" The words just flew out of your mouth, your voice tiny and if you were being completely honest with yourself…you were embarrassed that you'd even allowed the question to take over your thoughts to the point of sleeplessness. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have--"
Before you could say anything else, he tightened his arm around you and sat up, positioning you so that you were sitting on his thighs.
"I should have seen it," he whispered, concern filling his eyes as he traced the lines of your face. "That woman's words from last night, they got to you. Affected you in a way neither of us thought of preparing for."
"Sweetie, this isn't on you." You did your best to just wave off the conversation, placing your hands on his shoulders and trying to work at the now tense muscles. "I know we've been through this before, we don't have to do it again, I shouldn't have said any--"
"Stop." He wrapped his hands around your wrists, stopping you from what you were doing. "It doesn't matter if we've had this conversation before, if we have to, then we'll have it again. As many times as you need." He gave a quick tug and your chests were pressed together, his arms snaking around your back and offering you no escape. "I love you." He pressed a kiss to your lips. "Only you. You know that, right?"
"I do, I really do. I just--I didn't realize how bad what happened last night fucked me up until I realized I couldn't close my eyes without reliving…" You took a shaky breath, the memories of the last serious relationship you had before Tom trying to drown you. "Without reliving what happened before. I mean…if I had a nickel every time a would-be homewrecker knocked on my boyfriend's hotel room door dressed in lingerie, I'd have two nickels. And that's just the ones that I know about."
He didn't say anything in return. He just proceeded to press light kisses across your face, holding you tighter against him. "My sweet goddess," he whispered into your skin, sighing when he'd kissed his way to your lips. "No one will ever succeed in luring me away from you. If you only knew how in every moment I have to myself, all I can think about is having you with me again…" He kissed along your collarbone, repeatedly whispering your name and declarations of love with every kiss.
"God why do you even put up with me I can't be that good in bed--" You let out a yelp as he flipped your positions on the bed, your back landing on the mattress with a soft thud.
"You should know by now that nobody gets to talk about the love of my life like that. Even you, sweetheart." He latched his lips onto the spot between your neck and shoulder that had you weak and squirming beneath him. "I've known since before our first night together, before you first kissed me, that I would spend my future loving you. Regardless of how you felt for me. I resigned myself to the fact that part of me was forever yours before you ever let me share your bed."
"Sweetie…" How was it that he somehow always knew how to draw you back from that dangerous ledge your mind often went to? "How are you not sick of handling my stupid little moments yet?"
"Firstly, they're not stupid. I would never belittle your fears like this," he mumbled into your neck, working his arm underneath you to lift your hips off the bed and pull you closer as you writhed underneath him. "And secondly…I quite like handling you." You felt him smirking against your skin at the squeal that hitched at the back of your throat. "Comforting you, loving you, is not and will never be a chore for me."
As he captured your lips in another soft, slow kiss, his words from last year began to echo in the back of your mind all over again. I know you're not ready yet, but I want you to know that I am. I've always been.
The guilt sat heavy in your heart knowing that you knew exactly where he was and where he wanted to go, and yet you couldn't bring yourself to stop looking at your life in complete disbelief. Waiting for the other shoe to drop. It happened before, what was stopping the universe from making it happen again?
"I'm still scared that one day I'm gonna wake up and you've disappeared," you confessed when he pulled away, inwardly wincing at how pathetic the words made you feel. "I haven't been as afraid the last few years but last night…it brought all those fears back to the surface I mean what if I wasn't here when she showed up--"
"Then I would have told her that I'm in a happily committed relationship and I have no need for anyone else. I would have turned her away," he said, answering your unfinished question. He laid you back down flat on the bed, proceeding to kiss his way down your body, stopping when his lips hovered over your heart. "I need you to know that I'm not going anywhere. That I'm yours for as long as I live. You're the last woman I'm going to love."
You inwardly cursed at yourself for still being unable to say the words, the sentiment still refusing to move past the lump in your throat. I'm on the same page with you. I want to be yours for the rest of my life. Can I keep you?
Instead you lifted a shaky hand to weave through his short dark blond curls, finding yourself breathing a touch easier when you heard him sighing in contentment at your touch. "You should know I feel the same way. I'm no good with words but I'm getting there I'm trying I really am--"
"You don't have to say anything right now, sweetheart. When you're ready, and only when you're ready, I will be right here with you. I always will." 
He moved his large hand down the side of your body, curling around your knee to hook your leg around his waist. Your moans began to fill the room when he lowered his head and captured your nipple between his lips, licking and sucking it into a stiff peak. "What're you--"
"What time do you have to start wakeup calls?"
The words threw you in for a loop, your mind stumbling and scrambling to recall your morning schedule. Briefing room by 8, players should be in the field by 7:45, twenty to thirty minutes to run across the hotel and get to the other three players assigned to me…
"7:15," you said between heaving breaths, letting out another moan when he repeated his attentions on your other breast.
"Then we have time…" he mumbled, kissing his way back up to your lips, a devilish grin painted across his devastatingly handsome features. "We'll leave this room together and I'll go to the field, then you can go start the rest of your wakeup calls."
You started to whimper and moan against his lips as he started to roll his hips into yours, already feeling his quickly hardening member rubbing against your entrance. "Wait sweetie I still have to take a shower, change my clothes." Dammit Y/N keep your mouth shut why are you turning down morning sex, you absolute buffoon, you hissed at yourself. "I can't go to the field smelling like sex--"
"We can shower together," he answered back smoothly, stealing another kiss from you before speaking again. "And I packed a change of clothes for you for this exact scenario."
"And what scenario is that?" you asked him breathlessly, a thrill running through your whole body as he stroked your thighs before parting them the slightest bit more and settling his hips between them. Your hand slammed down on the mattress, gripping the sheets when you felt the tip of his length rubbing up and down between your folds, teasing your entrance.
"The one where I want to keep you in bed a little while longer," he rasped, starting to inch his way inside you, letting out a shuddering breath before pressing a kiss to your shoulder. "We're not leaving this room until last night's insolent visitor is nothing but a distant memory."
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There must have been an angel smiling down on both you and Tom today, seeing as you were assigned to work the field again, even functioning as an assistant cameraperson as a few people from one of the crews set to shoot footage of today's Training Week events fell ill.
You were set to assist in filming the penalty shootout later on in the afternoon, handling a relatively smaller camera that would focus on the players watching rather than the players shooting for the home dressing room. For the morning, however, you were mostly guiding the photographers through the field, ensuring that they were at a safe enough distance so that the chances of them getting hit by a stray ball were significantly slimmer.
"Oi, if you stare a little harder your eyes'll burn a hole through 'er head," Jill's voice broke Tom out of his thoughts, elbowing him lightly when he stole one last glance at you before running into the playing area.
When he finally got to his teammates, his skin brisled at the discovery that they too were staring shamelessly at you, talking about the little mouth-shaped bruises that peppered your neck and chest. It didn't help that he might have added to that count this morning while he was comforting you.
"I mean if she didn't want us to look then she woulda worn something that doesn't show off her tits so much. And those hickeys are practically a red neon arrow going Look over here, gents."
Tom shut his eyes, making a conscious effort to unclench his jaw before facing them, putting on a whole performance as he smiled at them and pretended he didn't want to conveniently forget that he was a gentleman and strike them clean across their cheek. "Lads," he greeted them through gritted teeth masked as a smile. "Shall we proceed with some drills?"
"In a minute, Y/L/N is about to lean down and--No, come on sweet thing, move your hand outta the way!" The loud holler from his teammate had you snapping your head in their direction, and he could see your neck visibly tensing when you saw his teammate with hands cupped over his mouth, not even bothering to seem ashamed of the distasteful remark.
You were called over to a table by the bleachers, and finally the immature lewd comments about you seemed to stop and they all proceeded with drills for a short while. If only his teammates hadn't once again opened their mouths once they paused to take a break.
"You gents think she and her boyfriend would be opposed to a threesome? Too pretty of a thing for just one man to keep to himself."
Another one chimed in. "Downright greedy is what it is. Everyone should have the God given right to see a mouth that sinful stuffed with--"
"You know, I really don't think her boyfriend would appreciate hearing you all talk about her like she's some sentient sex doll," he finally blurted out, fighting the urge to clench his fists as his heart thundered in his chest.
"Pssh come on, I know you have your woman but even you with your A-list standards have to admit that she's a looker."
She is and she's mine, he inwardly seethed. "You can appreciate someone's beauty without being so crass about it."
"Loosen up a little, Thomas. Pretty sure her boyfriend would be proud knowing nearly every man with a pulse here wants a go at that. And it's not like he can even hear us, whoever the lucky bastard is." His teammate sighed as he looked over at that table again, making Tom hold himself back with all his strength as he watched him so brazenly adjust his shorts in front of everyone in the field. "Just one night. Lucky bastard just gotta share for one night."
Your words from last night rang loud and clear in his mind. He refused to let this go on. It was time to make things less private.
"Actually the lucky bastard can hear you all just fine," he announced loud enough for all the horny assholes to snap their heads to look at him. "And I can tell you right now neither of us are open to sharing."
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"You know…I didn't see you come back to the room this morning," Simone commented with a teasing tone when she passed by the table you were sat at. "Not to be a bit of a Nosy Nancy but…if your clothes were with us, where'd you--"
"Boyfriend," you answered simply, smiling at the memory of this morning's shower with Tom in his room. And the numerous, extensive kisses you shared before parting ways for the morning. "Apparently he kept an outfit change for me in his luggage. Contingencies."
"Nice boyfriend," Joelah commented, plopping down on the seat next to you and jutting her chin toward the laptop in front of you. "Whatchu workin' on?" Before you could answer, she placed a hand on your shoulder, making you face her as she silently counted the marks on your neck and chest. "Fuckin' A you weren't kidding about your boyfriend thinkin' he's a vampire do you have more…"
"I do," you answered with a little chuckle, giving them a casual shrug. "The ones from earlier haven't even started showing yet--"
"What?!" Joelah and Simone all but shrieked, eyes wide and jaws on the ground as the former waved Douglas over. "Please tell me you know something about who the mystery man is, we still have three guesses."
The player shrugged in response. "All I know is that Jill knows and she refuses to share with the class. Just said something about if we paid enough attention we woulda figured it out by now because, and I quote, it's 'damn near impossible to miss the smitten on that man'."
"Honestly you guys Jill just basically dropped a name and asked me point blank if we were a thing," you offered, giving them a tiny smile. "So I said yes." You turned your gaze back to Joelah. "As for your earlier question, I'm doing security penetration testing on the auction site for the match-worn jerseys. Trying to make sure no one can just insert their bid without actually putting in the money and all that."
You turned back to the laptop to go through a few more test cases before sending over a checklist of some more advanced attacks for the development team to test out, as you wouldn't have enough time in the day to spare in this consult for those. From the corner of your eye you saw Joelah lean back in her chair, facing the England team.
"Ungh Don't talk about penetrating right now, babes, it's making me think things" she groaned, the frustration in her tone so potent you could practically hear her pout. "Unholy things. For a certain Player Number 6 with that obscenely tight jersey and that arse I mean just fuck me running look at the sheer power in those moves."
Without looking up from your computer you darted your eyes toward the field to sneak a fleeting glance at Tom, the stupidly tight shirt you masterminded him into stretched so tight across his back muscles you could see the definition even from this far, and his stance putting his ass and thighs on borderline sluttish display. You had to purse your lips and bite back your words before you voiced a similar sentiment, only yours mentioning that you knew exactly what power those legs held while he took you against the shower wall earlier this morning.
"Ohh Christ on a bike was I too loud?"
"I don't think so," you answered her, typing away your findings and starting on your final test. "Why what's up?"
"He's looking at the table, I'm no better than those horny asshats making crude comments at you I feel like a right knob--Wait…hold on…" She pointed at herself and you heard a faint "Me?" coming from her before she started patting your shoulder to call your attention. "Never mind he's not looking at me I think he wants to talk to you."
That was enough to make you look up completely from what you were doing, meeting your boyfriend's gaze from ten yards away. You gave him a tiny smile, raising your eyebrow in a playful questioning look. He raised his hand and gave you a little wave, prompting you to do the same.
He then started to mouth a message to you that had your breath catching in your throat with a borderline inhuman sound. I. Love. You.
"Wait hold on--?!" Simone shrieked from the side. You could hear that she and Joelah had clasped their hands together like best friends in a high school hallway, watching one of their own getting a Promposal.
"What?" you mouthed back, barely able to hold back the smile that was pulling at your mouth. What he did next had you breaking out into a full on toothy grin, joyful tears prickling at the back of your eyes.
He cupped his hands over his mouth and hollered his message again. "I said I love you, Y/N!"
You felt the air leave your lungs, unable to hold back your joy as you saw that heartbreakingly handsome face beaming at you. With cupped hands over your own mouth, you hollered back at him, "I love you, too!"
A hand clasped around yours, and Joelah looked at you with wide excited eyes. "He's--??"
"He's the boyfriend," you confirmed with a vigorous nod of your head. The other women looked at you jaws slack and silently prompting you to give up some more details. "Going on seven years."
"So he did all…" Douglas motioned at all the marks on your chest. "That??"
"And the ones that haven't started showing yet," you shot back with a cheeky wink.
"Ohh my lordy me I just realized," Joelah gasped. "Keeping things low key?! You already told us before and we were just being so fucking dense about it! You were so slick with that!" You only gave her a little shrug, giving yet another confirmation, before she jutted her chin again to point at something behind you. "Your man's coming over."
You took a breath before turning to see Tom breaking into a light jog making his way to you, immediately reaching for your hands when he got close enough. "Hello, sweetheart," he said with a heaving breath, the exhilaration radiating off him in waves as he moved his hands up your arms until he got to your shoulders. "You looked so tense, I needed to check on you." Once your shoulders relaxed he wrapped an arm around your waist, grasping your chin with his free hand, coaxing you to unclench your jaw. "Are you alright, goddess?"
"I am now," you sighed contentedly, feeling the tension steadily leaving your body with each passing second. "Thank you for checking on me."
He leaned in, brushing his nose against yours. "I'm here for you, my love. Always," he said softly, framing your face in his hands. "But now that I'm here, perhaps I could…steal just a little kiss?" He looked at you with those pleading eyes that never failed to get you weak in the knees.
"You know I can't say no to you…especially when you ask so nicely." You barely had time to take in a breath before he braced his hand behind your back, tilting his head to close the remaining inches of distance between you and press his lips to yours.
The faint sound of the ladies next to you clapping and squealing surrounded you, made louder when he splayed his hands at your upper back and your hip before dipping you. He smiled against your lips when you let out a muted squeal of your own.
Jill's voice broke through your moment, remind you both exactly where you were. "Alright adorable as you two are, get your arse back out on that field, Hiddleston. You can kiss your girlfriend all you want after today's training."
You giggled from your position, holding on to his shoulders as your upper back rested perfectly comfortably on his thigh, as he pulled away with numerous soft pecks to your lips. "I love you," he whispered against your lips, pressing one more kiss before righting both your stances.
"I love you, too," you said back, unable to wipe the smile off your face as he jogged toward the field. Once you turned to face the rest of the women at the table, the sound of a frustrated shriek and stomping on cement hit your ears. Followed by a distant 'It's not fair!!' that had you all laughing amongst yourselves before Jill called out to Douglas to get back on the field as well.
Later that night you knocked on Tom's hotel room door, a look of slight concern on your boyfriend's face as he eyed the bag in your hand before a smile graced his features, realizing why you had your luggage with you.
"My roommates kicked me out," you said, making a whole show of sticking out your bottom lip in a little pout. "Something about it being pointless to keep my things there if I don't sleep there anyways." You tried to bite back the smile as he stepped toward you, running his hand down your arm until he took the handle of your overnight bag from you. "You don't happen to have a place for me to crash, would you?"
Your giggles filled the hall as he wrapped his other arm around your waist, your feet leaving the ground as he brought you into the room, kicking the door shut. "I only have the one bed," he answered you, his voice raspy as your bag hit the floor with a soft thud. "You'd have to adhere to a few rules, however."
"And what exactly are these rules?" you shot back, failing to stifle your whimper when he laid you down on the bed, smirking down at you as he worked his hands under your shirt.
"First…no clothing." He made quick work to pull your shirt over your head before pressing his lips to your now bared stomach, sucking and biting another bruise onto your skin while he unclasped your bra. "And second…you'll have to sleep in my arms at all times." He kissed his way up your body until his lips ghosted over yours. "Do we have a deal, goddess?"
You closed the last bit of distance between you, pressing your lips to his before answering him. "Always."
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A/N: Meow meow protecting his bb is precious and must be protected at all costs. Everyone working the event finally knows and that means we're on to…game day! I might be giving these two a little break though to work on other series and also…the rest of my requests that've been there since 500 followers and we're already here at [information redacted] so…I'm hella late 🤣🤣
'everything' taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemis @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @anukulee @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog
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It happens by chance, and while Harry wishes it hadn’t, this will at least clear up any lingering uncertainty for him.
There’s a skirmish between Harry and some friends from the Order and Voldemort and his Death Eaters, and a couple stray curses happen to catch him – one slices shallowly into his upper arm, the other sends him rolling across the ground. The upshot of this is that the left shoulder of Harry’s shirt is now in ribbons and hanging down around his waist, leaving his chest – and soul mark – bare to the world. Including Voldemort.
Who looks like he’s having one doozy of an emotion.
And that basically confirms the dark wizard hadn’t known, but right now Harry’s bleeding sluggishly and wants to go home and have a drink and pass out for at least a few hours, so Voldemort can rage on his own time. Everyone else from his side has already buggered off, so he’s not abandoning anyone if he does the same.
Unfortunately, the blood loss – while not severe – is enough to slow his reaction time, which leads to him apparating himself and the Dark Lord latched onto him to his flat. Not ideal.
There are a tense few moments of staring at the snake man, waiting to see if he’ll attack or start destroying Harry’s home, but when he doesn’t take advantage – when he just stares and frowns and stares some more – Harry decides he’s too tired for this shit.
“You are just impossible to ward out, aren’t you?” he sighs. The curse of being so physically and magically intertwined with the other man. (Well. And at the soul level, too, but he tries not to think of that.)
Voldemort yanks him by his uninjured arm towards the kitchen light that comes on automatically and stares at Harry’s chest, and the elegantly written Tom Marvolo Riddle thereupon.
Harry scowls when the staring drags on. “Oi, could you quit perving on me and piss off already?”
“You were never going to tell me?” Voldemort demands, ignoring Harry’s half-arsed attempt at distraction.
“Of course not,” he scoffs. “Why the Hel would I? Either you already knew and it didn’t matter to you, or you didn’t – and I wasn’t about to risk baring my soul to someone who has a history of wanting me dead.” He shrugs. “I’m reckless, not suicidal.”
Voldemort opens his mouth with an angrily indignant look, and Harry looks to the ceiling for patience before pulling out of the other man’s grip and opening his emergency bottle of firewhiskey, hidden in the pantry, because this conversation needs alcohol. He pours two glasses (his to the brim) because he tries to be a good host, even to the bane of his existence. And if Voldemort doesn’t want it, well, it’ll save Harry getting the bottle out again.
All throughout this, Voldemort is ranting at him. Harry tunes most of it out – he’s had to hear enough of the man’s monologues to know he doesn’t need to listen to the preamble; the meat of his diatribe won’t come until a couple minutes in, at least.
After he casts a quick episkey on the cut on his arm, Harry leans against the counter, watching Voldemort pace around his modest kitchen. He takes a long, slow drink, welcoming the fire flowing down his throat and warming his belly. And either the other man is taking even longer than usual to get to the point or Harry’s more exhausted and irritable than he’d thought, because he’s suddenly completely out of patience with this situation.
He cuts in boredly, “It’s not like it changes anything. It doesn’t matter.”
Voldemort is immediately before him, looming and enraged. “It matters to me!”
“I’ve waited decades for you,” he says vehemently, leaning closer in an attempt to physically intimidate or pin Harry in place.
Harry barks a harsh laugh. “You waited for a fantasy. You’ve spent my whole life killing and hurting the people most important to me. Some silly mark doesn’t change that – it doesn’t make it better, it won’t make me love you.” He takes a sip and rasps through the burn. “It won’t change who you are.”
“I never received a mark–”
“And that’s unfortunate. Clearly it affected you. But plenty of people don’t get soul marks and they don’t commit mass murder and incite civil wars.” He gives Voldemort a dismissive look, standing up straight and slipping out from between the dark wizard and the counter. He can almost hear the other man grinding his teeth. 
“You have no idea what it’s like, not having a mark,” Voldemort hisses caustically, face contorted in a furious snarl. “The contempt, the ridicule I had to endure. I was denied one of Magic's basic gifts and they took it as proof they were better than me, those worthless fools.”
It’s difficult to know how he would’ve reacted to not having a mark. His burden has been to have the mark of the worst possible person, and he thinks he’s handled it far better than anyone could’ve expected of him. Having no mark would’ve confirmed that he’s meant to be alone, that there’s no one out there meant just for him, but having Voldemort’s mark as Harry Potter essentially means the same thing.
“Maybe you mutilated your soul too much to deserve a mark,” Harry says in a fit of cruelty. Behind the wrath crackling in the other man’s eyes, he can see the misery bloom. As good as it feels to score a hit against Voldemort, he regrets it even more. And isn’t that the exact reason why this damn war has dragged on for so long?
(Harry pushes that thought away wearily.)
“You had choices, Voldemort, and you made yours,” he says quietly but firmly. “I’m making mine, and it’s that I don’t want anything to do with you.”
“This is not a unilateral decision,” Voldemort says, the frustration in his tone edging close to desperation. “Do my wants mean nothing?”
"Your wants." Harry slams his almost empty glass down on the table; his voice comes out dangerously even. “Alright then. Can you bring my parents back to life? No? How about Cedric, or Sirius, or any of the dozens of others whose lives you’ve cut short?”
Voldemort’s mouth is pinched shut, a thunderous frown on his face.
“Hel, let’s start small. Stop this war, swear to never harm another person and get your followers to do the same. You want me to care about what you want? Start by addressing all of that.”
“You ask this of me and promise nothing in return?” Voldemort says bitterly.
“That’s the bare minimum it would take for me to see you as anything more than a murderous, blood-supremacist monster. And I honestly don’t think you can do it, but feel free to prove me wrong.”
That puts an unsettling gleam in the other man’s eyes. Harry thinks back on what he might’ve said to cause that reaction and feels his stomach drop. Oh bother. He’d challenged Voldemort. Harry knows exactly how he'd react to someone saying that; apparently Voldemort is equally competitive (and motivated by spite – he should’ve guessed that).
“...If I am able to–”
“You won’t–”
“When I fulfill your requirements,” Voldemort arrogantly says, face intense. “You and I will explore our connection, and you will meet with me frequently to do so.”
And now Harry is in a quandary. If Voldemort does what he’s been asked, Harry will have achieved what he’s been fighting for all six years of his adult life; if Voldemort doesn’t, Harry’s no worse off than he was before. And he knows the dark wizard won’t give up his cause simply because his soulmate asked, but if Voldemort does…
“You do realise that your soulmate is me, yeah?” Harry clarifies, unnerved by the shift in the other man's demeanour. “You don’t like me. At all.”
“Nonsense,” Voldemort says, waving off Harry’s really very logical point. “We simply haven’t had a chance to become properly acquainted.”
“...Because you’re always trying to kill me.”
“Details, details.” 
Harry would very much like to strangle the megalomaniac who is still in his apartment. “...Uh-huh. Sure, you become a completely different person and we’ll talk.”
He sometimes forgets that magic occasionally disregards sarcasm. This appears to be one of those times, as the heaviness in the air snaps tight around them, signifying Harry’s flippant “sure” just turned this discussion into a magically binding agreement. Merlin’s pierced nipples. So much for intent over phrasing.
Catching sight of Voldemort’s smug smirk, Harry suddenly feels genuinely homicidal for the first time in his life. Sensing his non-existent welcome is well and truly worn out, Voldemort says, “I look forward to it,” and apparates away. Harry pitches a cushion through the space the dark wizard just occupied. It helps settle his irritation a little.
He drops onto his couch with a deep, bone-tired sigh and tosses back Voldemort’s untouched glass of firewhiskey. 
He wonders if he’ll feel disappointed or relieved when Voldemort realises he’d rather keep trying to subjugate Magical Britain than have Harry as his soulmate.
Three days later, the war ends.
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estxkios · 4 months
2007 tom kaulitz x fem!reader
summary: tom is annoying the shit out of you on a road trip so u teach him a lesson :3
warnings: sub tom, risky, semi-sublic blowjobb
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your boyfriend was annoying the shit out of you. you had been in the car with him for thirteen hours at this point.
he thought it would be fun to go on a road trip instead of a plane, saying, “It will be a new experience!” and, “It would be a good time for us to bond!”
“we aren’t already bonded enough?” you would retort.
and now you are here. in the passenger seat longing to get out of this hot, crammed car.
you don’t know how you can last six more hours in this enclosed space with him.
you asked him for aux?
you ask him for some of his candy?
he shoves it in his mouth, smiling at you as he finishes the last bite.
what has gotten into him? was it the lack of sleep from the previous night of driving? was it the coffee from the hotel?
“tom you are so fucking annoying today!”
you shout over his loud music as he had turned it up the last time you asked for him to play a different song.
“suck my dick!” he shouts between the lyrics he was obnoxiously singing.
he dances around playfully in his seat and you huff, turning away from him and crossing your arms.
your thoughts start to linger as you stare at the open road, your eyes following cars as they pass by.
what would it be like to suck toms dick right now? would it suck the annoyingness out of him too?
jesus christ, maybe the hotel coffee was getting to you too.
or maybe it was just the urge to fuck your boyfriend.
“do you really want me to, tom?” you spoke over his music.
“do i really— what?”, he turned to you for a moment, giving you a perplexed stare and turning the volume of his music down before looking back onto the road.
“do you really want me to suck your dick?” you blatantly said, staring right at tom, who kept his gaze fixed on the road in front of him.
“babe— what?” he repeated.
“jesus christ you are fuckin’ deaf,” you let out a breathy laugh to yourself at toms confusion, “let me just show you—“
unbuckling your seatbelt, you climb over the center console and snake yourself towards toms seat, situating yourself under the steering wheel, between toms legs.
tom was shifting in confusion as you did this, muttering small what the fuck?'s under his breath.
“babe, what’re you doing..?” his voice trailed off as he connected the dots.
you grabbed the waist of his sweatpants, he lifted his hips up to make it easier for you to take them off, he was very compliant for someone acting so confused.
“what if someone sees us?!” he diverts his gaze away from the road as he says this.
“they will get jealous that you have such an amazing girlfriend.”
he scoffed.
you took his boxers off.
tom gripped the steering wheel tightly, knuckles so white they were nearly blue.
he sucked in a shallow breath between his teeth and swallowed thickly, the sight of your pretty mouth wrapped around his cock was enough to make him cum.
you kept up your fast, desperate pace with your mouth.
he tasted so fucking good.
you moaned around toms beautifully hard cock as you moved your head forward, taking tom all the way.
he took one hand off of the wheel, bringing it down the back of your head and taking a fist full of your hair.
he held your head down on his sweet cock, making your muscles constrict around toms cock as you gagged, your eyes watering.
he let out a guttural moan as you fully took in his pretty length.
“f-fuck baby im s’close!” he takes his hand off of your head, too lost in the pleasure to hold it there any longer.
he tried to keep his eyes open as his climax neared.
you take your mouth of off him with a ‘pop!’
“why’d y’stop?” he whined, looking down at you then hastily looking back up. “you tease me too much..”
“aww, sweet boy can’t take a little bit of fun?” you chuckled, looking straight into his eyes which stayed on the road. you couldn’t tell if it was because he was actually focusing on driving, or if he was too embarrassed to look you in the eyes.
but your attention quickly diverted from his eyes onto his cock as it twitched, just longing for your touch.
tom bit his bottom lip, fidgeting with his lip ring.
his hands kept a tight grip on the steering wheel, which he tried so hard to keep from snaking down towards his cock and pleasuring himself. 
you couldn’t help but smile at how patient he was being.
“hey, tom.” you said casually, “look at me.”
he did as you said, reluctantly “wha-?”
you quickly gripped his cock and brought it towards your mouth, using all the strength in your body to suck him off perfectly.
you swirled your tongue around him, flattening it out every so often.
“holyfuckingshit!” he breathed, “im so fucking close--! mphh- please!”
he was so sensitive he could cum any second now.
you knew it.
he definitely knew it.
you pushed the most of toms cock in your mouth as you could, and with one final moan of your name tom shot his hot seed right into the back of your throat.
the pressure of the seatbelt on toms abdomen as he strained his hips made him whine as he rode out his intense high.
he threw his head against the seat, jaw hanging slack. 
his body bucked forward as you took your mouth off of him.
“so if i want head like this again, all i have to do is annoy you?”
hope u enjoyed :p
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babyisa1 · 5 months
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ jealousy/TOM
warnings: smut, blowjob, p in v, singular mention of „slut“, unprotected sex, overall a little rough but fluffy ending!
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„im going to get a drink, do you want one?“ you ask, the both of you sitting on the corner couch in a club downtown. „no thanks baby“ tom replies, sending you a soft smile as you get up and walk towards the bar. the place was pretty crowded, and the beat of the music vibrated off of the walls as the colourful flashing lights illuminated off of your figure.
you sat on a bar stool after ordering your favorite cocktail, sex on the beach, when you feel someone tap on your shoulder. „hey y/n, god i havent seen you in years!“ a familiar voice exclaims, as they sit on the stool beside you. your face lights up when you see ethan, an old school friend. „ethan?? what are you doing here!“ you reply, pulling him into a warm hug.
time passes, and the two of you have been catching up for about 20 minutes, completely unaware of tom eyes piercing through both of you from the other side of the club. his jaw clenched and the sunglasses in his hand almost snapped at the sight of you and how close you were with the stranger, trying his best to keep calm. any sense of control he had completely dissapears when he catches the man whispering things in your ear while placing his hand on yours, making you giggle.
he storms towards you both, pure rage flowing through him. „who the fuck is this?“ he exclaims, making you jump. „fucking hell tom you scared me“ you remark, taking another sip of your drink. „answer my question!“ tom almost shouts, becoming impatient. „calm down! this is ethan, just an old school friend. we were just catching up“ you reply, a concerned look on your face.
tom sighs out, still not satisfied. he grabs your hand, pulling you towards him. „cmon lets go“ he mumbles, attempting to take you with him as he walks away. to his dismay, you pull back, not wanting to leave. „we only just got here tom! whats gotten into you?“ you respond, trying to escape from his strong grip which just tightens. „i said lets go“ he demands, sending you a look that told you that you werent going to be able to walk for a good couple of days.
you sigh out, grabbing your purse as you wave goodbye to ethan, who has a „good luck with him“ expression on his face. tom drags you through the crowd of people, out of the busy club and onto the path outside, the cold night air hitting you both.
wasting no time, he rushes over to his cadillac, rummaging in his pockets for the keys. „get in“ he mutters coldly, as you open the passenger seat door and sit down, closing it behind you. tom slams his door shut, making the whole car shake. you didnt dare to say anything in an attempt to not worsen the situation. he let out a frustrated sigh as he started the car, turning out of the parking spot.
tom speeds down the highway, driving 20mph over the speed limit. he wasnt stupid though, he took a route that he knew didnt have any speed cameras. „tom, slow down! do you want to get us fucking kille-” „shut up, we will talk when we get home“ he cuts you off, his hand tightening on the gear stick as he pushes it forward.
about 10 minutes later, he pulls into the driveway, silence filling the car as he turns off the motor. he gets out, walking over to your side and opening your door. you take his arm as you both walk towards the front door, opening it.
he swiftly pulls you into his embrace, pushing you against the door which slams in shut in the process. he crashes his lips on to yours, darting his tounge into your mouth and lapping his wetness around yours. „mm..you shouldnt have flirted with that fucker“ he muffles in between kisses, his hand snaking behind your neck to deepen it. you kiss him back, struggling to keep up with the fast and rough pace of it.
he breaks the kiss, catching his breath as he bends down and picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder. he slaps your ass harshly as he walks over to the couch, causing you to hiss in pain. „you obviously haven’t learnt your lesson from last time liebe“ tom mutters, before letting go of you on the couch as you bounce slightly from the drop.
you gaze up at him with doe eyes, faking your innocence when tom knows you are anything but that. „msorry.. he was just a friend i promise baby“ you reassure tom, however he doesnt seem convinced. he grabs your chin, squishing your cheeks slightly but not enough to hurt you.
„no other guy gets to talk to you like that, understood?“ he snaps, letting go of your face. you glup, nodding as his hands reach for his belt. „youre gonna be a good girl and let me use that pretty mouth of yours?“ he taunts, his belt already clanking as it hits the floor along with his jeans. „yes tommy“ you respond obediantly, nodding eagerly as his clothed cock just centimetres away from your face.
he swiftly pulls down his boxers, as his cock springs free and slightly hits his abdomen. god, he was massive. his tip was red and nerdy, pre cum leaking out of it. the enticing smell of his sex lingered in the air, increasing the growing heat between your legs. he groans in satisfaction following the release of his cock, gazing down at you to see it covered the whole length of your face.
he pumped his dick a few times, his hand sneaking behind your head as he pushes you closer. he rubs his tip against your pink lips, smearing the pre cum over them. „open“ he demands, as you quickly oblige, wrapping your soft lips around the crown of his cock. you swirl your tounge around it, causing tom to let out a low grown, before flattening your tounge on his shaft and sinking your head down it. you hollow your cheeks, gagging slightly as his tip nudges the back of your throat.
„fuckk.. such a pretty slut, taking me so well..“ tom mewls, his head lolling back as your warm mouth engulfs him. you moan at his praises, bobbing your head up and down slowly. he grips your hair, forming two messy pigtails as he uses them to guide you. he forces himself into your mouth faster, forming a rough pace as a mixture of your saliva and his pre cum escapes and drips down the corners of your lips.
you place both of your hands on toms thighs, bracing yourself with each harsh thrust. your eyes pricked with salty tears as you felt the oxygen quickly slip away, smudging your mascara. „mm fuck- m‘close!“ he moans, his thrusting becoming sloppy. you help him chase his orgasm through massaging the underside of his dick with your tounge, causing loud squelching noises.
tom lets out a prolonged groan, holding your head in place as he coats your throat white in his hot cum. he pulls his cock out of your mouth, causing you to gasp for air. „shit- you okay baby?“ he breaths out, chuckling. you nod, smirking playfully as your eyes glint in lust.
his loving expression soon turns back to a merciless one, his tounge sneaking out to play with his lipring. he picks you up effortlessly, walking you over to the back of the couch before putting you back down and bending you over. with your ass rubbing against his cock, he hurriedly lifts your dress over your head before quickly unclipping your bra with ease. your tits fall free, and his hands fly to play with your nipples. you gasp, and he uses this as an opportunity to turn your head towards his and slip his tounge in your mouth. your back was flush against his chest as he rolled and pinched your nipples, leaving you a whimpering mess.
you were squirming in his hands, your panties probably soaked by now. you grind yourself against his cock out of impatience, before feeling a strong stinging on your right ass cheek. tom slapped your behind harshly, an annoyed expression on his face. „dont be s’fucking needy, this is a punishment for your behaviour earlier remember?“ tom hisses, his hot breath on your ear spreading goosebumps all over you.
you let out a sigh of relief as tom yanks your panties down, revealing your dripping cunt, his mouth watering at the sight. he rubs his cock between your warm folds, gliding effortlessly before nudging your sensitive clit with his tip. „mm..“ you moan, finally feeling some type of friction.
without warning, tom slams his length into you, a buldge forming in your stomach. „jesu- fuck!“ you almost shout, almost falling forward as tom quickly gathers your hair in a makeshift ponytail and pulls you back towards him. „god- so fucking tight“ tom breaths out, forming a rough pace.
your ass jiggles with each thrust, as toms cock deliciously rams against that gummy spot inside you. tom yanks your hair to the side to gain more access to to your neck, before planting sloppy open mouthed kisses up and down it. „only i can fuck you this good.. shit- isnt that right?“ he growls, drilling himself into you.
you can do nothing but nod, the intense pleasure preventing you from forming proper words. both of your bodies were coated in a thin sheen of sweat as he fucked you relentlessly, one of his hands gripping on your hip so tightly it would for sure leave marks.
„you“ thrust „are“ thrust „mine“ thrust tom breaths out between each harsh snap of his hips, making his possessivness very clear. your moans mirror each slam of his cock, your hair becoming messy and sticking to your face from the sweat.
„mhmm.. fuck- tom!“ you reply, struggling to form words as the tip of his length keeps abusing your favorite spot. his hands graze over your skin from your hips and spread your ass, pushing himself deeper in you. you clench around him in response, earning a loud groan from him.
„fuck baby- do that again“ tom mewls, the sudden tightness clearly having an effect on him. you somehow find the energy to repeat what you did, causing his pace to become inconsistent and sloppy. you grip tightly on the leather couch, feeling your high approach.
„shit m‘gonna cum!“ you manage to blur out, the pleasure slowly building up by the second. tom angles his hips upwards, hitting your g spot juusstt right. „cmon baby.. cum all over my cock“ he groans and he finally sees white, his orgasm washing over him as he shoots ropes of his hot cum into you.
you let out a high pitched moan, sounding almost pornographic as your orgasm hits you like a truck, falling forwards as your knees buckle. tom exhales sharply through his teeth, his movements coming to a halt. „shittt“ he breaths out, watching his cum spill out of your cunt as he slips out, a ring of cum appearing on his cock.
you both chuckle as you gain your breath again, relishing the pleasure. tom walks a few steps to the open kitchen, grabbing a paper towel before coming back and wiping you. you whimper slightly, feeling slightly overstimulated. „sorry baby“ he giggles, turning you around and pulling you into a gentle hug.
he rubs up and down your sides lovingly, pressing soft kisses in your hair. moments later he pulls away, stroking you hair out of your face and gazing into your droopy eyes and fucked out face. „you okay? did i go to rough?“ he asks while planting a warm kiss on your nose.
„not at all.. i have to talk to other guys more often if it means you’ll fuck me this good“ you whisper, smiling brightly. he chuckles, taking your hand and leading you upstairs.
„cmon, lets get cleaned up sweetheart“
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
i realised i kinda use clubs as a setting pretty often ;-; i will lit marry u if u like or reblog, this is only my 5th post i think :)
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itsangelll · 6 months
LOVE LOVE UR WRITING could I please get a fic of 2010 Tom smut of where he’s like a teacher and the reader is in college? Love your writing 🤭
A/n: of course enjoy!! <3 TOOK ME AGES TO WRITE always wanted a teacher Tom smut I can’t lie.
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Nothing to say now? ★
2010 era!!
reader is 19!!
warnings:smut swearing reader is rebellious (at the start) angst?
You were a rebellious kid, parents kicked you out at a young age partying every night staying at your friends houses, with the some money you saved up you started college because you wanted a career at least to get you somewhere. But it wasn’t going so well you couldn’t care about grades, you talked back with teachers always having the last word. Getting into fights you almost had to leave college but you just shrugged it off.
It was a new day and you walked into music class but there was not your usual teacher. He had deep brown dark eyes had black braids over his shoulders and a bandana his lip piercing shimmering in the light, “So who’s this asshole?” You said while walking over to your desk. “This asshole is your new music teacher for the semester call me Mr. Kaulitz or Tom you choose” He said not wasting any time. (I’d call him that any day.)
After a while you started to get pretty bored so you decided to go out get some fresh air maybe light a cigarette? you walked up out of your seat, just to leave the classroom “And where do you think you’re going?” he spoke while writing the last thing on the whiteboard.
You rolled your eyes and turned around meeting his sharp gaze “Um getting some fresh air isn’t it obvious” crossing your arms together leaning against the doorframe, “you didn’t ask to lea-“ he got interrupted “Yeah yeah kiss my ass” you left the room not caring what was gonna happen.
You were probably gonna get another talk with the principal or whatever but did you care? Not at all you were sick of college and wanted to leave as quick as you could but still wanting to achieve something, 10 minutes or so later you came back the class was silent.
You sat back down in your seat eventually Tom came over his tall figure towering over the desk. “So you wanna tell me why you left class without my permission” he spoke calm but firm “Because I wanted fresh air this class is boring anyways.”
Your voice was raised a bit cause you were getting sick of him pushing you, this went on for a few minutes you were starting to get really pissed off, and so was Tom “Fuck sake can you stop getting up all in my business you aren’t my parents!!.” You yelled out not breaking eye contact.
Tom’s facial features was now tense he leaned down and whispered “Look sweetheart I’m getting sick of this are you gonna shut that pretty mouth of yours or do I have to shut it for you?” His voice was rough you were dead silent you didn’t know how to react no one has said that to you ever. He leaned back up looking down at you his eyes were filled with some sort of emotion you couldn’t describe?
-time skip
After a while class was finally over thank god you were packing your stuff up about to leave Tom stopped you. “Sorry you’re gonna have to stay for a while” he spoke his gaze directly on you looking you up and down you groaned and tried leaving pushing past him.
That was no use Tom grabbed you and pushed you against the wall “Are you always this fucking problematic in every class” He spat out You were quiet, you were hitting him trying to get out of his grasp but he already had a tight grip on your waist.
His other hand lifted your chin up to meet his eyes, you felt like you were about to collapse Tom’s gaze was mesmerising he smirked his tongue grazed over his lip piercing, next minute Toms lips crashed with yours his cold metal piercing pressing against your mouth which got you even more weak his lips were soft but very rough at the same time. His hands snaked their way down to your sides having a firm grip you whined giving his tongue access. (I didn’t know what to say. 🙏)
Your tongue was battling his trying to gain dominance Tom won of course no matter how much you wanted to stop you couldn’t it was too good, after a bit he pulled back your plump cherry red lips coated from his salvia. You couldn’t believe what just happened, But was Tom finished of teaching you a lesson? oh no.
“On the desk” He demanded you sat up on the desk he came over towering over you his hand rested on your thigh, while his lips travelled down your neck leaving some marks in their wake but not enough to be seen his hand moved up towards your inner thigh “May I?” Tom whispered his voice was so gentle so soothing (help my soul atp) you nodded his hand moved upwards till he reached your underwear, lightly using his thumb to press over your clothed clit.
Your lips were pursed trying not to make a sound your hips grinded against his hand wanting him to do more “wait Schatz I’ll give you what you want soon” Tom murmured out leaving a kiss on your cheek. Slowly he removed your underwear letting it fall down to your ankles he was in a daze, your pretty pink cunt was glistening “So pretty” his voice tangled with lust.
Tom moved your legs apart giving him more access he kneeled down and dipped his head between your legs without any warning his tongue develd deep into your cunt, “Fuck Tom!” You arched your back squirming a bit his grip on your thighs was that hard they were bound to leave marks tomorrow.
He lapped back and forth between your folds going harder each time, his lips moved up to attack on your sensitive clit. He sucked harshly against your clit causing a loud moan to escape your lips your thighs were about to suffocate him but did he care? no.
Tom’s hand moved up to kneed your breast your nipple getting hard underneath his touch. He wouldn’t stop his attack his tongue felt great against your cunt, “You taste s’good schatz” he mumbled vibrating against your clit. You couldn’t answer moans were escaping your mouth your knot in your stomach was begging for release at this point.
“S-shit Tom I’m close” you whined out your legs starting to shake “cum for me liebe” with those words your orgasm rode out cumming all over his tongue. Tom groaned he lapped at your folds one last time collecting any remaining juices. He stood up and pressed a kiss to your lips you grimaced tasting yourself Tom pulled away, helping you get yourself back together.
You packed your things but then Tom asked “So now are you gonna listen to me during my lesson?” He asked slightly amused his tongue moving across his bottom lip you looked back at him smiling and shrugged “I’ll think about it.” But one thing was true you were now gonna enjoy your music class.
@bunniesthoughts @jadedchar @memzyyy @madzandmore
A/n:this was a lot but I did pretty good :) but I hope you guys enjoyed keep sending me requests cause there amazing I’ll try and post more mwah bye cuties <33
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starrykaulitz · 1 year
could you write more older tom🙏🏼 i love the way you write for him🩷🩷
$ shameful, sinful, immoral.
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when you let me start to love you, its like a bunch of broken picture frames.
warnings; language, smut (18+), dirty talk, rough tom, unhealthy?, p in v, cheating, cigarettes.
it was so wrong of her, so immoral, so against anything she’d ever stand for; but she was doing it for him, with him.
she gripped onto his long locks of hair, fingers almost carving into his scalp. his tongue lapped up any juices in which she’d released. he was acting starved, vicious in the way his mouth engulfed her aching bud.
the prey which now writhed under tom’s animalistic grip was letting out puny whines, groans and moans falling from her plump lips.
“stay still.” he monotoned between licks, his fingers pressing marks into her thighs as he split her open.
he groaned deeply against her, her eyes rolling to the back of her head, her grip on the pale sheets bellow her curling and scrunching them in ecstasy. she felt as tom’s large hand snaked upward from her thigh, gently washing his digits over her concaved stomach until he met with her soft breast.
he massaged it, palmed it until it seemed to mould to his hand. then, her aching core was met with the cool summer air of the open window. his head had left the crevice of her legs, left her longing for his rough and brutal touch.
she whined at the absence of his beard against her now aching pussy, though she was met with an exquisite view. tom, sat on his knees between her legs, unbuckling the belt to his jeans. she observed intently as they fell to his knees, his boxers joining them in suit.
she would never get used to looking at how big tom was, at how his size seemed to threaten her whole body whenever it’d enter her, tear her in two, mould her pussy to its exact form.
she hated that she wasn’t able to call him hers, wasn’t able to be invited into his home—only into motels on those secret friday nights, picking her up out the front of some bus stop hidden beneath a singular street-light.
his wife, what was she doing right now? most definitely not thinking that her most innocent husband was off fucking some young, petite model in some cheap, tacky motel.
though the girl didn’t care, she’d never care as long as tom continued to meet her on these friday summer nights, make her forget all her concerns, make her feel special for only mere moments as ecstasy and tension overcame the two lustful beings.
he stared into the girls eyes, searching for the okay as he began to enter her, as he caused that familiar preliminary pain.
she let out a throaty moan and threw her head back against the pillow below her, he’d barely given her enough time to get used to his size before he began to pound into her relentlessly.  
“tom!” she cried out, gripping onto his arms as crescents from her acrylic nails became fruitful against his tan skin, now slick with sweat.
he groaned deeply against her neck, muffling curse words as he took advantage of her tight pussy. he bit softly at the clear skin on her neck, placing purple marks soon to be dappled amongst her pale skin.
“fuck… you always feel so good.” he grunted as his pace quickened with ease, the familiar feeling of her legs wrapping around his slim waist only encouraging his roughness.
“harder, tom!” she cried, needing to feel the pain that came amongst the pleasure of his sex.
tom attended to her request, the sound of skin slapping against skin heightening, echoing throughout the small motel room-- neither cared if anyone could hear them.
her hands slowly slithered from his brawny arm to his tense back, scraping and clawing at any skin she could. she needed him closer, needed him deeper. he cried out at the grazes and aching marks which the girl left from beneath him, paying him back for the pain his length was causing her.
“i-im…” she tried to let the words fall from her mouth, but they seemed to catch on her tongue. her body bounced backward and forward as his demanding and rough pumping only became more and more vicious. he wanted to destroy her, eat her alive until she was just a longing mess.
“use your words, sweetie…” he trailed off before nibbling at the lobe of her ear.
“im close!” she finally cried out, uncrossing and untangling her tongue as she felt the knot within her begin to loosen intensely.
“god… already? your just made for this dick, arnt’cha.” he hummed lowly into her ear, his breath heated against her already boiling skin.
and with a yelp, the pathetic girl came undone beneath her predator.
he threw his head back as her hole tightened around him, guttural groans leaving his body as he continued to hammer pumps into her now throbbing entrance.  
“tom, please!” she squealed, though that wasn’t enough to stop him. tom was now drowned in lust, his long hair swaying back and forth as he watched how her breasts bounced in time with his plunges.
watching her struggle beneath him only encouraged the pounding and overstimulation the girl was receiving, only lured him further into the way her body seemed to almost become numb to the feeling.
finally, he’d halted his thrusts for only a mere moment. his rough hands snatched the overwhelmed girl’s waist, flipping her over with absolute affluence until her ass had been in the air, back arched and almost begging for his entry.
he admired the state she was in, the way that she’d barely been able to hold herself together, how she was almost fucked to pieces after only one orgasm. his wife couldn’t give him this, couldn’t give him the satisfaction of fucking someone until they’d forget their own name, until the only name they could remember was his own.
he’d never fucked someone like her, someone so pathetic yet so alluring. someone so petite yet so full of fiery lust. she was perfect to him, a doll in which was created for his own sinful satisfaction, used by him until broken, fucked out until hollow.
she cried out against the plush pillow below her as she felt him enter once again, slamming directly into her uterus. her knuckles turned a milky white as they clung desperately to the same pillow which seemed to be the only thing keeping her from falling to pieces.
tom let out a long, lustful, rasping moan as he connected their skin. his pumping hastened, his body beginning to mould to her back all whilst his long arm reached under her until it met with her swollen clit.
“tom, no!” though he continued to rub figure eights into its wet centre, just how he knew she liked. every ‘no’ had only been an invitation to keep going—the girl knew exactly what to say if she really wanted tom to stop.
she felt pathetic beneath him, pathetic because she already felt her second orgasm building in her guts, building in her brain as her vision became blurry.
soon, the only sounds her body had been able to produce were slurred and slippery moans, desperate and sloppy attempts in releasing her pleasure from some hole other than the one being stuffed by tom. she couldn’t think against his dick, couldn’t think as she listened to the way he praised and spanked her ass.
she felt his hot breath against the skin of her nape before another bite mark was planted, then another, then another, until the entirety of her back seemed to glow a dark purple.
“you look so fucking good like this, taking me so well.” his german accent pricked at the tip of his tongue as he interchanged between dialects.
“you gonna cum again? fucking slut, twice before I’ve even finished once.” she had no idea why, but his harsh words only made her fall deeper into his trap, deeper into the way she was already so close to finishing for the second time that night.
though not only was she near her end, she felt as tom began twitching within her, felt his fingers grip and rip into the skin on her waist crueller, more desperately, as if preparing himself to be slammed by a tsunami of desire.
as the pathetic girl beneath him came undone for the second time, he listened intently to the whines that fell out of her gaping mouth. the noises she was producing were utter sin, vulgar and filthy to those who weren’t within the act—animalistic and loutish.
and with that, with the feeling of her body collapsing in on itself, the feeling of her organs tightening and twisting around his dick, he came undone in a singular thrust. a rasping moan escaped his parted lips, followed by a string of curses as he filled her with his seed—keeping himself planted within her to ensure that none of it would seep out.
his head, which was thrown backward, finally tilted upright until facing the mangled girl, the only thing holding her up and toward him being tom’s pure strength—or what was left of it.
as he slowly left her aching hole, he watched as the singular string of mixed liquids followed. he smirked, attempting to ignore the ringing in his ears and the darkening behind his eye-lids.
“you okay?” he let out finally, tone laced with worry as he watched the girl unmoving beneath him. though that concern was soon lost as he watched the small nod of her head against the pillow.
his fingers tenderly fluttered against the skin of her waist, following the crevices of her body until they had reached the hair which stuck to her forehead by sweat. he brushed it away, placing it gently behind her ear, watching amusingly at her chest rising and falling.
she was perfect—so utterly perfect, could be compared to even a doll. he moved from hovering over her to sinking the bed beside her, instantly reaching to the bedside table alongside him, taking a packet of cigarettes and a lighter from it. removing one from its paper packaging, he placed it between perked lips as it lit to life, a long puff of smoke leaving him as if the ghost which possessed him during his heinous act vanished into the heavy air of the night.
finally, the girl beside him had gained enough vitality to move faintly, using this energy to turn to her side, to face the man who sat in silence.  
“tom.” her tone was laced with worry, questioning, just as his was.
“your wife… what will-“
“do not mention her.” almost instantly, he shut down the girls question, another cloud of smoke leaving his red lips as his frows burrowed, though his eyes swayed from her own. he couldn’t look at her, couldn’t face the consequence of the very action in which had been happening for much too long now.
silence lingered between the two, both pairs of eyes looking at everything that wasn’t the other.
then, tom’s deep voice spoke, uttered the words in which she had never wanted to hear, words in which would shatter and break her heart in two.
“I can’t see you again.”
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floravqx · 7 months
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Bill Kaulitz x Fem reader!
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭: 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐲 𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥 <𝟑
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: 𝙽𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏!!ꨄ
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You woke up early and I'm talking about really earlyyyy so you went to the cafe to get stuff for you and your boyfriend and his band! You had gotten them waffles and coffee your had a hard time getting out of the cafe it was POURING with rain so you ran to your car..After getting in your drove your way to the studio.
As you got there You went in the room Seeing Georg, Gustav and tom taking pictures of bill sleeping as their giggling “Hey guys knock it off also I brought breakfast“ You said to them. As they all turned around running to the food as you walk over to bill. “Hey bill are you up?“ you asked him as he mumbles “nooo“ you giggle a little “Billy can you eat I brought food I can feed you if you want just sit up meine liebe.“
Bill groans a little as he sits up a little rubbing his eyes as he looks at you then the food “yes please can you feed me I don't wanna get up“ he said you smile “of course Schatz“ you walk over to the food getting some for bill as you sit besides bill getting the fork and picking up some food “open ur mouth schatz.“ you said he opens his mouth as you feed him. “mm..“ he said “more please..“ he mumbled as you fed him more soon he finished his food “there all done billy wanna go take a nap“ you asked him while putting the trash in a bag “yes please Meine liebe.“ he says “okay go wait in bed for me“ you said as he gets up going to a bed room.
When you finish cleaning up you go to the room bills him seeing him in bed like this.
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You smile making your way over to him “wanna cuddle.?“ he asked you nod your head getting under the covers with him as you scoot closer to him as u wrap ur arms around him and he wraps his hands around ur waist “can u come closer I'm cold..“ he asked “of course my love“ you scoot closer to him as u snake ur hands up to his hair playing with his hair as he closes his eyes and u kiss his face and lips “I love you so much bill.“ You said as his cheeks tinted a soft pink.“I love you most..“ he mumbled as he lowers his head a little to kiss you as the rain outsides soothes you both to sleep while you guys cuddle closely. This is what you guys looked like
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But the rest of the band had other plans while u were sleeping They came into the room and started going next to you taking photos next to u guys (you guys woke up from tom jumping on top of u both.)
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The Snake and the Badger - Tom Riddle
Summary: Tom Riddle has taken an interest in you...
Warnings: None!! Wait... Tom is being... nice?
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You smiled at your friends at the Hufflepuff table as you ate your dinner. As you were talking to one of your classmates, your friend tapped your shoulder.
"Y/N"! Tom Riddle is looking at you!" Your eyes widened. Whipping around to face her, she smiled at you.
"What?!" You have had the biggest crush on Tom since your first year but you didn't think he even knew your name.
"Don't look now but he has been eyeing you for the past 3 minutes!" You started to blush.
"What do I do?"
"Laugh or something!" You pretended to laugh, running your hand through your hair and stealing a glance at the Slytherin table. Sure enough, Tom Riddle, Slytherin Prefect, and Head Boy, not to mention the smartest and most attractive boy in all of Hogwarts, was in fact staring at you. Well, glaring mostly.
"He's glaring at me." She grinned.
"But he is looking at you!" You rolled your eyes, brushing away the disappointment you felt.
"Not the same." You finished eating your dinner, not entertaining Tom's gaze, or your feelings, for the rest of the night.
As dessert appeared you got up from the table. "I'm going to go to bed guys. Enjoy dessert." Your classmates said goodbye as you walked out of the Great Hall. You didn't notice the young man getting up from the Slytherin Table as you went.
You walked towards the Hufflepuff Common Room, hoping to get some reading done before bed. As you neared the entrance you heard a voice cut through the silence.
"Y/N." You stopped, knowing exactly who had said your name. Turning slowly, you made eye contact with the Slytherin Prefect himself. He looked perfect, as always. His tie was perfectly straight, not a hair out of place, his slacks not wrinkled, and a small smile adorned his handsome face.
"Yes?" Your voice came out smaller than you had wanted it to. He walked closer to you, his height intimidating you. You ran through what you looked like at the moment. Your hair was probably a mess, your makeup was probably all gone, and your clothes were probably wrinkly. Definitely not impressing.
"What are you doing tomorrow?" Your mind blanked for a second.
What are you doing tomorrow?
"Uh..." Was all that came out of your mouth. The corners of Tom's mouth went up the slightest bit.
Hogsmeade! The Hogsmeade visit is tomorrow!
"I'm going to Hogsmeade." You said.
"No, you aren't."
"What are yo-"
"You are spending the day with me." He turned around, walking back down the hallway. "Wear something nice." He said before stopping and turning around. "Not that you don't already look nice." He turned around again. "I like that uniform on you."
You were left by yourself in the hallway. Tom Riddle just asked you on a date. Or, told you you were going on a date.
You woke up with a start, seeing the empty dormitory.
What was the time? You clambered around, trying to find a clock to check the time. Had you missed breakfast? It was Saturday, so no classes.
11:00 AM.
You racked your brain, trying to remember. Your mind flashed back to last night, your conversation with Tom, the lovely chapter of the book-TOM.
Tom Riddle had never actually given you a specific time to meet him, so technically, you weren't late.
You quickly fix your hair, throwing it up into a ponytail with a white ribbon. Deciding mascara and blush would be enough, you run to the bathroom to brush your teeth before completing your makeup, and then to your dresser to put on a nice pink dress.
You glance in the mirror, hoping this will be presentable enough for Tom. The Hufflepuff common room is quiet as you walk into the room but you are startled to see a dark-haired male, dressed in a dark green sweater sitting on one of the many couches in the room. The contrast between his dark clothing and the yellow couch is impossible not to notice. 
"Hello, Tom." Your voice surprises you. He glances up from, reading a book and offers you a very small, tight-lipped smile. 
"Good afternoon, Y/N." He stands, setting the book on a side table with a few others. He crosses the room to meet you, and with his long legs, this takes very few steps. You cannot take your eyes off of his beautiful green ones. "Did you sleep well?" He towers over you. You knew Tom Riddle was tall, you had had a conversation with him face-to-face last night, but now, in the daylight and with your mind only on him, it is basically all you can focus on. "Hm?" You blink back to reality and Tom smirks. 
"Oh, I uh, I slept very well, thank you for asking." You blush and look away so he doesn't notice...He most definitely does. His hand reaches up to tuck a stray piece of hair away from your face, your cheeks turning even redder. 
"I'm glad to hear it." His hand returns to his side, and you let out a shaky breath. He smiles a real smile, something you had never seen him do. "Follow me." He turns on his heel, walks to the door of the common room, and holds it open for you, You rush to the door.
"Thank you." You manage to get out before walking into the main hall, the smell from the kitchen overwhelming your senses. Your stomach grumbles. 
"Hungry?" His cool voice comes from behind you, sending a small shiver down your back. His lean form bends down next to you. "Let's go eat darling." You can't help the blush that spreads across your cheeks. He walks next to you, guiding you down the empty corridor. You glance at him out of the corner of your eyes to examine him further. You had never seen him dressed so casually. His dark pants and sweater were still "preppy" and put together but it was new for Tom. 
"Were you waiting long?" you ask. You look towards him, finding him looking ahead, a pleasant smile on his handsome face. 
"I've noticed that you don't show up to breakfast on the weekends so I gathered that you like to sleep in. Your friend let me into the common room around 10." He looks down at you, a smirk playing on his lips. Your eyes widen because you had made him wait for an hour. You stop. 
"I'm so sorry Tom! I should have set an alarm or woken up sooner-" Tom grabs your hands that have been gesturing in the air to stop you. You look up at him, his dark green eyes amused. 
"Darling don't worry. I would have woken you up myself if I wanted to." He let one of your hands go, but kept his grip on the other, leading you back down the hall. 
Your mind flashes briefly to Tom waking you up, making you blush.
"Where are we going?" You ask, curious as you two climb the stairs of the castle. 
"Don't you trust me, my love?" He is still holding your hand, your heart racing at the contact and the nickname.
You remain silent for the rest of the walk, enjoying his presence and his hand in yours. 
This is cute. Made me smile.
Also from my Wattpad.
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hp-hcs · 10 months
Please more Tom riddle x ftm Reader 😩
vine? what’s that, like, herbology? (chapter four of phoenix tears) — 40s! tom riddle x ftm! dumbass! granger! reader
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uh okay so i accidentally gave tom religious trauma so that’s a thing in here
imagine being cool and requesting lmfao couldnt be yall
“What in the Goddamn Hell did you do?!”
You fall off of your bed with a shriek when a pillow hits you straight in the face with a whap!
You hit the floor with a solid thunk, picking up your nearest weapon—a single converse sneaker—and chucking it at Harry, who’s practically dying laughing on his bed.
Tom looks alarmed, partially at your fall, partially at the abhorrent language. Glancing down at where you’re sprawled on the floor—when you’d been sitting on your bed beside him just moments ago—Tom shifts his gaze to an overdramatic, whining Harry, clutching his shin and pouting like a petulant child, then finally, settling his gaze on a furious, fuming, irate Gryffindor girl with bushy hair.
“You Goddamn fucking dumbass-” the mystery girl arms herself with more pillows, chucking them at you with a surprising amount of force. When Harry laughs again, at your expense, he receives a pillow to the face as well.
She stands in the center of the boys’ dorm, her hands clenched into fists and her eyebrows furrowed so deeply, Tom wonders for a second if she’ll start steaming at the ears like the characters in newspaper comics do. Who is this girl, who so freely speaks the Lord’s name, as if she isn’t afraid of being beaten?
Hovering in the doorway to the boys’ dorm is an apprehensive redhead, who flounders for what to do for a moment before slowly joining the angry girl at her side like a demure, kicked stray. Tom tilts his head as he examines the two newcomers. The redhead… yes… yes, this must be one of the little Weasley girl’s older brothers. Which one, he’d never be able to guess.
The angry girl was currently cursing out Harry, Y/N, Tom, and God, which, Tom found rather egregious; but it was also a bit exciting, seeing someone do something so taboo.
“And you,” Angry Girl whirled around, her index finger pointing straight at Tom.
(Tom was a year older than Angry Girl. He had to be at least a foot and half taller than her. He came from a time of Nazis and economic depressions, for Christ’s sakes. Regardless, Angry Girl absolutely terrified Tom out of his wits.)
“You, you insufferable, good-for-nothing reprobate! You motherfucking scuzzy lowlife snake!”
Tom scrambled backwards on your bed as Angry Girl took a few purposeful steps forward, her finger in his face.
Honestly, her language was appalling. Who was this girl? A street urchin? Certainly not well-mannered, that was for sure.
“You utter pig! Don’t look at me like that! Oh no, I’m speaking right now. Be quiet!”
Tom was at a loss for words. He just stared, wide eyed, mouth agape as this unknown girl cursed him out and damned him to the deepest parts of Hell.
“‘Mione, lay off the poor guy. I think he gets it,” you said dryly, apparently in no concern to rush to Tom’s aid, if the game of… poker? you were currently playing on the floor with Harry and the Weasley boy was anything to go by.
Angry Girl, ‘Mione, as you had called her, stopped talking, but she still looked furious. She whirled around, a single angry look making the Weasley boy and Potter scramble to shove the cards back into their box. You seemed unbothered though, sitting cross-legged on the floor with a bored expression.
How the Hell were you not terrified of this girl?
“Oh, no,” ‘‘Mione’ said with a humorless chuckle. “You don’t get to say anything either. I leave you alone for an hour- You told me you were helping Harry clean out his trunk!”
“Well I was!” You defended. “It just so happened that good ol’ Tommy-boy’s diary was in Harry’s trunk. So really, you should be, like, yelling at him, for being so irresponsible as to still have it.”
“Oh, I’ll get to him shortly,” she snapped. “But you, dear brother-”
(Brother? Tom wondered. He could only vaguely see the resemblance, but when you ran your fingers through your short hair and it started to puff up, it finally clicked. Twins.)
“-you resurrected the guy who tried to fucking kill a bunch of eleven and twelve year olds! The same guy who tried to kill Harry as an infant- Jesus fucking Christ, this is why you’re not in Ravenclaw you dumb fuck-”
Tom gaped at her profanity. Not only using the Lord’s entire name, but giving Him a middle name that was a curse? The blaspheme this girl spoke was extraordinary.
‘‘Mione’ ran her hand down her face in exasperation. “There is a collective total of three brain cells in this room…”
“And all of them are yours?” You muttered sardonically.
“…and all of them ar- hey, that’s my line.”
She crossed her arms over her chest and let out a loud exhale, closing her eyes. “Okay. Okay. Oka-”
“If you say ‘okay’ one more time, I’m punching you.”
Mother Mary, this boy was awfully violent. Nearly as bad as his sister.
“Right. Start from the beginning, please,” her tone made it obvious that it was not a request, but a demand. “Oh- Ronald, really. What are you two doing?”
The Weasley boy, Ronald, looked up—as did Harry—at her scathing tone. They were both still sat on the floor, but now had a garishly bright magazine between them and appeared to be solving a crossword together.
“Two bros, chillin’ on the floor, five feet apart ‘cause they’re not gay,” you chimed in, with an odd sing-song voice that Tom was baffled by.
“Shut the fuck up, Y/N,” Harry mumbled under his breath, his quill scratching on the magazine’s page and the ink turning green as he scribbled in the correct answer to number ten across.
‘‘Mione’ sat down on the floor next to Ronald, sighing heavily. She snapped her fingers at Tom, pointing at him, then making a sharp motion down towards the floor. “Sit down here, Thomas. You’re not sitting at a higher level than anyone else.”
Tom wordlessly slipped down onto the floor, sitting cross-legged with wide eyes as he scooted as far away from her as possible, which, coincidentally, was right next to you.
‘‘Mione’ seemed caught off guard when she saw Tom’s loaned clothes: green flannel pajama pants, a thick knit sweater with an ‘F’ on it, and fuzzy blue socks with penguins on them.
He was not intimidating in the slightest.
It’s kind of hard to be intimidating fifty years in the future, especially when future you is way scarier that current you.
But Tom digressed.
“We are not quoting Vines when we break into Malfoy Manor, Y/N,” Hermione, as her full name turned out to be, let out a long-suffering sigh.
You pout, your lower lip sticking out.
Tom nearly chokes on his tea when he sees this, his cheeks flaming red as he hurriedly wills away any depraved thoughts.
Don’t look don’t look don’t look don’t look oh dear God don’t loo- don’t take the Lord’s name in vain either Thomas! Oh no oh no no no-
He can almost hear his old headmistress at Wool’s chastising him after boxing his ears.
“You’re a child of God, Thomas Marvolo! Do not speak His name in vain!”
But you know what? Jesus fucking Christ, he hated his Goddamn name.
Tom let himself look up from his tea mug at you, let his gaze fall from your mirthful eyes to your pouting lips.
Goddamnit, I’m fucked.
chapter five
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lulublack90 · 7 months
Prompt 4 - Hair
@jegulus-microfic March 4 Word count 983
Previous part First part
It took them a week to figure out where the chamber was, and that was only because Pandora came floating in while they were arguing back and forth about where the entrance could be. 
“It has to be in the dungeons. That’s where the Common room is.” Evan had argued. 
“Yeah, but where could it be? It’s all classrooms down there.” Barty was getting frustrated at their lack of progress. Pandora had peered over at all the notes they had spread over the floor and said. 
“Oh, the entrance is in the second-floor girl’s bathroom.”
“Yeah, sure, it is Pandora.” Evan rolled his eyes at his sister. Pandora flicked around, her hair billowing behind her with the sharp movement. 
“There is a snake carved into the tap of the sink, and moaning Myrtle was killed the last time it was opened when Tom Riddle was at school.” They all stared at her. Regulus pulled out his mirror and flipped it open. 
“James, we think we’ve found it.”
So now that’s where they stood. Regulus, James, Sirius, Barty, Evan, Pandora and Lily. Seven people who had left Hogwarts years ago and who shouldn’t have had any reason to be in that bathroom. 
They all had some sort of blade made of goblin silver. Luckily, there were enough old families in the group that they managed to scrounge enough pieces. 
Sirius also had a small bag strapped to his hip. It had one of his expansion charms on it. They’d been down to Hagrid’s chicken coop and stolen two roosters. And put them in it. 
The trouble they were having now was that none of them spoke parseltongue, so they were having trouble getting the chamber to open. That’s when moaning Myrtle appeared. 
“Ooo, it’s the Black brothers.” She cooed. “What are they doing here with all their friends?” 
“Hi, Myrtle.” Sirius grinned at her with his best smile. It was one he’d used many times to get what he wanted. “We’re trying to get into the secret chamber but can’t seem to open it. Do you know how?” He twirled a lock of his hair around his finger as he batted his eyelashes at her. 
Regulus hadn’t known that ghosts could blush, but apparently, they could. Myrtle’s ghostly pallor brightened under Sirius’s gaze. 
“There was a boy right before I died. I think he opened it. He said something in another language.” She floated closer to Sirius. 
“Can you remember what he said? It’s very important, Myrtle.” Sirius asked, keeping his voice soft and husky. Myrtle glowed even brighter. She opened her mouth, and she let out a strange hiss. Immediately, the sink behind them started moving, and a sliding passageway was revealed. 
Sirius looked at the ghost with wide eyes. “Myrtle, you’re amazing.” He grinned a real grin this time and lifted a hand to cup her cheek. 
Apparently, ghosts could also swoon. They left Myrtle floating horizontally along the floor as they clambered down the chute, one by one. 
“I’m so telling Remus about that,” Regulus whispered to his brother once they safely made it to the ground. Sirius shrugged. 
“It’s for the good of the cause. He’ll understand. Beside’s, he’d have to see me to be mad at me anyway.” Regulus had touched on a sore spot, and he knew it. Fenrir had been very possessive of Remus, only letting him leave when Voldemort requested the Wolves at a meeting. 
Remus hadn’t looked great the last time Regulus saw him. He was skinny, and his clothes were tattered. He hadn’t said much about it when he’d come and stood with him, Barty and Evan. The other wolves were keeping a close eye on him.
Regulus, had a plan to get Remus away from the pack for a bit, but it would have to wait until after they fought the Basilisk.
“You okay, love?” James had come up behind him and wrapped an arm around his waist. Regulus let himself relax into James’s touch just for a second before he untangled them. 
“We need to get moving.” He said as he squeezed James’s hand. “Don't forget to either keep your eyes closed or make sure you don’t look into its eyes. If you do, you’ll be dead.” He raised his voice so the others could hear him. 
“Wow, great pep talk there, Reg. Really feeling confident after that.” Barty groaned at him. Sirius slapped him on the back before Regulus could say anything to him. 
“Come on, Crouch. If everything goes right down here, we’re going to be legends.” Barty turned to grin wickedly at Sirius. 
“Let’s go kill this bloody snake.” 
The group walked cautiously down the stone passageway. It was littered with bones, and there was no way of moving without the sound of cracking bones echoing off the walls. 
The passageway went on forever. Turning this way and that, before they came to a wall blocking their way emblazoned with two entwining serpents.
“How do we get through that then?” Lily asked, running her hand over the stone. 
“Probably the same as the sink,” Pandora moved to stand beside her and hissed the same way Myrtle had. The snakes began to move, and the wall split in two. It moved out of sight, leaving the way before them clear. 
The chamber finally opened up. They all paused on the edge, looking at the pillars, each with a snake carved into it. 
“This is it,” Regulus said, his voice barely a whisper. He looked into James’s eyes. “I love you.” James smiled down at him and ducked his head, kissing Regulus softly. 
The other couples followed suit. 
“Alright enough, or I’m going to feed myself to the Basilisk!” Sirius complained. The others pulled away from each other, looking sheepish. 
They walked forward into the middle of the chamber and watched as a statue of Salazar Slytherin slowly opened its mouth.        
Next part
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adoresbutlers · 8 months
prompt : based on a recent request. sucking your very adorable bf off during a family dinner
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warnings : 18+ mature audiences only. no sub or dom mentions. m!oral. teasing. cum swallowing. use of the word cock, if that bothers anyone! face fucking. let me know if i forgot anything. first time writing smut in forever, please be gentle 👍🏼 it’s kinda a short little blurb honestly
You never expected earlier on in the night that a harmless invite to a pop-up family dinner would end up with you slipping under the table when no one was looking. Never expected the sudden urge to course through you as it did, but you were bored and the heat that was starting to pool between your legs at the sight of your boyfriend with his stupid black dress shirt and the first three stupid buttons undone and rested against his equally as stupid collar was getting near impossible to ignore. Did you mention it was stupid?
It doesn’t take long at all for Tom to notice the lack of your body besides him at the dinner table, his eyes wandering down to your figure that was snug perfectly between his legs. His blue orbs seem to be already pleading down at you to at least do something if you were going to surprise him in such a manner that your parents would be appalled by, your fingers ice-frozen and dancing playfully along the zipper of his dress pants.
You flash a teasing smile up at him, meeting his just as desperate eyes, pupils expanded with his lip already sucked into his mouth. It’s what you always did to him, and not only did you use that power for perfect situations that present themselves such as these, but you loved every second of it. While you still had that hold over him, of course, he always managed to snap you out of your ego and bring you back down to the surface. Not this time, though, you were going to make the upmost sure of it.
Your calmed fingers finally reward his worries, finding the metal zipper with ease, thankful that your dad had been on about one of his never ending golf stories for your family to notice the noise of his zipper being undone. You reach into his strained boxers as soon as you find a way to open his legs just enough to snake your way through, pulling out his cock that had somehow already stood at your attention with barely any help at all.
Your hand stays squeezed at his base, your lips leaning over to press a soft kiss along his pre-cum covered tip, cooing softly from above you at his eagerness. His hands find their way to your hair, his fingers tangling around the top of your head, his thumb tapping along your scalp to urge you forward. You look up at him through your dark lashes and scoot forward so you were face to face with him, raising yourself up so your lips ghosted along his tip.
It takes you a few teasing licks to his slit for you to finally give in to your own desires and wrap your slick lips around him, popping his tip in your mouth. You ease yourself down every inch, breathing in through your nose as you relax your throat to take him all like you’ve done time and time again. His hand helps prevent from bumping your head as his scent pulls you more and more into him.
You can hear him try to hold a decent conversation with your mom from above, humming around his cock as he stiffened in your mouth at the contact. You’re lucky that you’re in such a position that any noises you ever made was silenced or mere sounded like a soft hum that rumbled through the home. You tap your thumb against his thigh to signal that you were okay, his hand gripping your hair tighter when it registers with him that you’re used to the position. No time is wasted before he’s pulled your head all the way off of him the best he could and forced yourself back down.
You make sure your tongue runs along his cock, swirling around the skin as you’re brought to a soft thrusting pace into your mouth. Tom was only using you to get himself off now, and oh, did you love it a bit too much, he regains an easy composure compared to his increasingly hardened thrusts. You force yourself to try your best not to gag around his cock, breathing around him when your eyes meet again for a brief second, his lips curled into a small smirk at his pretty baby beneath him. Your spit is glistening around him with every time your nose meets his pelvis, resting your hands along his inner thighs so you could match with your own rhythm. That only seems to do him in, resulting in a much better reaction than expected, cock vibrating against your mouth. You tighten your lips purposely around him to create a tighter entrance and a longer pull.
God, he loved you.
A low hum emits from the bottom of his throat as he forces your head down making your nose directly hit his pelvis once more, your throat swallowed him whole as he starts to cum down your channel without any care or warning, he knew you preferred it when he didn’t tell you making you more surprised with the outcome. He always seemed to ask you a million times before he ever got any rough with you, he never liked hurting you. Even if you seemed to be a little too obsessed with the idea.
You could only smile around him, or at least try to, as you drink it all no hesitation. He takes a little too long to catch his breath, waiting until he’s fully softened before pulling you off of him. He could curse at the sight alone as your spit pulls in a string when the contact is lost, hurriedly tugging himself back in his pants before you could realize the effect you had on him.
Moments like these made him wonder what he ever did to deserve you.
PLS PLS DONT HATE THIS 🙏🏻🙏🏻 i haven’t written in a long while </3
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mikalame · 1 year
can u pls do 2007 tom and f!reader having an angry love confession that ends up with sex but it's the f!readers first time doing it? btw i love ur writing sooo much!! 🩷
First time
taglist: @violentnewmarley @saumspam
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"GOD ___, YOU DIDN'T SEE HOW HE WAS LOOKING AT YOU!" tom yells, trying to defend him from the situation he got himself into back at the club the two of them went to as the others were off doing something else.
"SO DOESN'T MEAN YOU PUNCH THE GUY, HE WAS NICE" ___ yells back confused on why tom punched the guy she was talking to, the guy who had been cracking jokes, though they weren't funny it was the thought that counts.
"SURE, THE ONLY REASON HE WAS NICE WAS CAUSE YOUR ASS WAS PRACTICAL BEGGING FOR ATTENTION" immetatly regretting what he said and pit formed in his stomach from the words, he really did feel bad, he was just so jealous and seeing you talk to that dimwit got him so angry, mabey it was the alcohol that made him lash out, thats what toms gonna blame it on.
"W-WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH HUH" "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU AND, FUCK I GET SO JEALOUS WHEN YOUR LAUGHING CAUSE SO IDIOT SAID SOME HALF ASS JOKE" He yells his eyes widening after realising what he had said, he stutters trying to back track before soft lips were on his own.
Realising she was kissing him he pushed back, opening his mouth making hers open as well making there tongues fight for dominance (ew), tom wins all the adrenaline from confessing forcing itself out.
He grabs her butt patting it signalling that he wanted her to jump up, she took the hint hopping up, his hands how holding her firmly as he walks them over to his room in the hotel.
They keep kissing when they're in the room before he chucks her on the bed, he crawls on top of her, his thigh opening her own up, placing his leg between the two just where she needed it.
His hands move slowly up her top, making sure that if she needed to say no she could but with no complainants he decides to go for it and grope her boob over her bra, snaking the other own to undo the clip, beofre sliding the straps off along with her top, throwing it over his shoulder, in one smooth motion he takes his own off aswell
when looking back at the girl he sees she has her arms covering her tits "i haven't done this before tom... im kinda nervous" she mutters looking away embarrassed, wondering if he would think less of her now that he knows shes a virgin.
"That ok baby, ill make sure you feel good, so good" he says kissing down her neck leaving purple marks on it, finding her sweet spot and attacking it wanting her so feel as good as possible.
"Move your arms baby please, i love all of you" he whispers into her neck pulling her arms away slowly.
Once her arms are fully pulled away they cling onto his neck tracing patterns onto his tan skin, focusing on the feeling hes giving her, her eyebrows knitted together mouth slightly apart, enough to let his know he doing a good job.
He pulls back to admire his handy work, her neck littered in different shades of purple. He leans down again placing soft kisses on her chest and stomach before reaching the wait line of her low-rise jeans, just hours before he wished about this moment and now he actually doing it, he prays to what ever god there is that this isnt a dream.
"Please tom i need you" she groans pulling her jeans off impatiently, leaving her panties on though wanting him to pull them off, he pulled them off slowly, not pulling his eyes for her own.
"Fuck Schatzi, you dont know what your doing to me" Tom groans before placing wet kisses around her inner thigh sucking slightly in some areas.
"Please tom, dont tease" she whines, moaning when he finally kiss where she needs it, her hands clinging on his dreads when he starts using his tongue, his nose budging against her clit sending waves of pleasure all though out her body.
She hears some groaning from tom, looking up from her spot seeing him grinding against the bed, his thick eyebrows knitted together, his hand slowly moving to her heat, a finger prodding at her entrance before sliding in when he pulls his face away from her heat.
"There we go baby" he praises slowly trusting his finger in and out using his other hand to rub tight circles on her clit, making her back arch up from the bed, Tom adds another feeling his finger pump in and out smoothly from her.
"Tom please hurry, want you now" she whines her hands gripping the bed sheets tightly, "i know baby but i need to stretch you out before, or else it gonna hurt like a bitch" tom chuckles to himself.
A few minutes of this goes by ___ whines and moans getting louder and louder turning tom on even more before she can even start to beg again he takes his fingers out licking them clean before undo his belt and taking him boxers and jeans off, instant relief washes over him as he cock hits his stomach.
He crawls on top of her again rubbing his tip over her pussy collecting her wetness before pressing into her warmth, groans make there way through his throat tilting his head back enjoying the feeling, his ears picking up the little squeal ___ did moving his head down to check that she was okay.
Her breathing was heavy, knitted eyebrows, and knuckles white from holding the sheets so tightly, Tom leans down whispering sweet praises into her ear rubbing her soft skin.
"Please move tommy" she gasps out trying to regain her breathing, her arms wrapped over his neck, scratching lightly when he did some shallow thrusts becoming harder when he really starts to fuck her.
She moans loudly, her hand trying to grip something frantically when tom starts going faster he whispers how good she feels.
"Ah, fuck tom, so good.." she trails off her eyes rolling back, he grabs her thighs pushing them onto her chest, now ploughing in and out.
"Ha, yes right there... oh god yes" She moans loud "yeah r-right there baby" he groans back the knot in his stomach forming faltering some of his thrusts.
"Tom im-im gonna-" her moan cuts her off, back arching and nails digging deeper into his skin is enough for him, he pumps into her a few more times riding out her high before quickly pulling out pumping himself a few times and then cumming all over her stomach.
"be mine" he whispers looking down at the girl who was wiping off his cum, his heart beating nervously, a fear of getting rejected bouncing all around his head.
"you really think that i would just give anybody my virginity tom, i was yours as soon as you kissed back" she giggles kissing him sweetly.
Hope you guys like, i have major writers block so im really glad for this request please send more love you all
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tomklover · 7 months
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SMUT ‼️⚠️
(Also sophies a random name btw 😘 but it’s also in my Wattpad book)
"Oh fuck." I moan out while he thrusted from behind, his hips smacking against my ass and his hands gripping my waist tightly.
His veiny händes gripped my hair roughly and forced me to look into the mirror infront of me "see that baby" he whispers and I nod "that's how sexy u like when I fuck you" he says before pulling out then slamming back into me "OH SHIT!" He was too big for my tiny hole, way too big. Once I tightened around his cock he let out a small moan, one loud enough for me to hear.
"Baby I'm...fuck.close" I whisper out while moaning "cum with me" he gasps out, I arch my back while he roughly fucked me, going harder every second. I couldn't stop moaning and my legs staring to shake, I felt his hand go down under and start to rub my clit "oh baby!" Fuck this felt so good no words could describe it, I wanted more. Suddenly he pulled out and flipped us over so I was ontop, he held his dick up and gestured me to sit, I did.
I slid right on, moans coming out of mouth as so, I bounced up and down while he gripped my hips starring right at my boobs as they moved while I moved up and down, I felt the knot in my stomach telling me I need to cum. I was gonna cum "baby I need to cum...." I moaned out, Tom's two fingers pinched my nipple "not yet darling" he said before leaning up to kiss my boob, he put his back against the bed head as I continued to ride him but both of us sitting up, this was my favourite, it always felt so fucking good and nice, I started to go a bit faster as I was so close to orgasm, his händes snake around my waist and he kisses my neck and bites it's, leaving hickeys all over.
I felt the knot get harder to hold in, I just came, I moan and the feeling and so did too, my walls clenching around his hard length caused him to cum aswell, his warm seed shooting into my womb, I feel his slowly pull out of me with a wet pop, he looks at me with a smile and says "shower time!" With a sing song voice, I laugh at such his cuteness.
MMMMM I LIKED THIS ONE, ALSO POSTED IT ON MT WATTPAD ON MY STORY ‘punishment||Tom kaulitz, PLEASE READ 🙏🙏 also I know this is short but I needed to post this short cause school is so fucking hard and Ik I said I’m homeschooling but I have to fucking go back to school now 🙄
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