#Toa tahu nuva
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teoft · 2 years ago
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New Powers, New Enemies
My contribution to the 810NICLE Day Zine
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starryknight-dragonarts · 5 months ago
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My First and Favorite Bionicle Character, Tahu the Toa of Fire.
I fondly remember when I got my first Bionicle when I was 4. I was looking around the Toy aisles for a Knight, nothing specific I just really wanted to find a Knight of some kind and was starting to get disappointed, then my father suggested I check the Lego section and there I saw him...a Red Hot Robotic Knight-like Warrior with a Fire Sword Surfing on a wave of Lava! I was smitten with him instantly and since then Bionicle has stuck with me as a series that is dear to me and an inspiration for my current work.
In honor of where it all began, I decided to draw my own version of all of the original Toa Canister art for each of the 6 original Toa.
Tahu is the courageous and determined leader of the Toa Mata, as well as the fiercest and most feared warrior among them. Early on he was a stubborn prideful hothead, he lacked patience, and had a wild flaming temper often leaping into conflicts and clashing with the other Toa (Mainly Kopaka) however his unapologetic brash attitude were sometimes his best traits, He does not stop at any point to mope or feel bad about his mistakes or missteps, instead he immediately course corrects and keeps moving forwards to do better.
Tahu is Loyal, Selfless, and cares deeply about all of his comrades as well as the Matoran and Turaga he protects; He takes his duties as a Leader very seriously and his biggest fear is leading his friends into a situation they weren't ready for and getting everybody killed, so he would often rather try carry the brunt of the problems himself and handle everything before eventually admitting he needs his friends beside him and has faith in all of their abilities, not just his own, transitioning from being the Warrior to a True Leader.
When first confronting the Makuta as a team the Toa merged into more powerful Toa Kaita forms representing the spirits of Wisdom and Valor allowing them to defeat a seemingly insurmountable foe, but as they entered the Makuta's lair their forms were reverted into their original selves. Pohatu and Lewa started to despair that the Makuta would be an even more powerful foe than the ones they just fought and without the power brought by the Toa Kaita forms they had no hope to win. In this moment Tahu tells them "Where wisdom and valor fail, all that remains is faith. And it can overcome all."
Primary Mask: Kanohi Hau (Mask of Shielding) His mask allows him to project force fields to protect himself and those close by.
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beesgav · 9 months ago
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shapey Tahu (+ Nuva)
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bioniclechicken · 5 months ago
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ioannes747 · 3 months ago
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Hi everyone! Here I leave you this commission of the awesome Toa Tahu commissioned by @fanoftoatahu, it's the first time I draw him and I love how it turned out!! :D I hope you like it! ^^
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tempelbeast · 10 months ago
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Star-ish Toa nuva featuring Toa Helryx and Jerbraz
In order, the Matoran here are: Keahi, Kailani, Azibo, Gadjati, Vira, Kantai.
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gruffdasmuff · 4 months ago
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RIP Bionicle Blaster Statues
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2stepadmiral · 11 months ago
After arriving in Metru Nui, the Turaga began to occasionally call each of the Toa ‘brother’ or ‘sister’, partially an acknowledgment of their past lives, partially to acknowledge the success that the Toa Nuva have earned, and largely as camaraderie in the bond that they share as Toa or former Toa.
Tahu outwardly acts like it’s only right that he’d be addressed as such, trying to make others believe that he accepts it in stride, but inwardly, he is humbled by the acknowledgment. The Turaga see through his bluster and appreciate his humility.
Onua is outwardly quite humble and appreciative when it happens, but inwardly, he doesn’t quite see himself as being worthy of being addressed by such wise beings as the Turaga, who he holds in high esteem, so he usually comes off as a little bashful when he responds in kind.
The Turaga started being reluctant to call Gali ‘sister,’ largely because she reacts to the title, by pushing herself a little too hard to prove that she is worthy of the acknowledgment. She once to stayed up all night for two days while repairing an aqueduct in Ga-Metru, and when she could barely keep awake during a meeting with the Turaga, everyone immediately decided that Nokama should not call Gali sister anymore.
Kopaka typically glances at whoever called him this and slightly nods, sort of a polite acknowledgment, but those who know him best, especially Nuju, know that he is actually quite touched by the endearment, and he has to be stoic to keep up appearances. Whenua, having the best hearing, has multiple times heard Kopaka whisper ‘thank you, brother’ in response to Nuju or Vakama.
Takanuva started out being quite flustered when he was called brother by any of the elders, still being unused to being called brother even by the other Toa, but as he grew used to his powers and his responsibilities, he began to accept it in stride. He still won’t return the title, since he still uncomfortable with the idea of calling any of the Turaga by that term, but he is still moved by the respect they show him.
Lewa was delighted when they started calling him brother, But he’s also somewhat amused, often laughing when they call him that. To Lewa, it’s still difficult to imagine these wise old beings as Toa heroes, so he can’t always keep himself from laughing. Even so, he never fails to respectfully return the honorific.
The Toa Mahri have varying degrees of acceptance of the honorific. Jaller is proud to carry the title, and Hahli is eager to prove herself worthy of the honorific (though not as much as Gali). Kongo is a bit smug about it, Nuparu takes it in stride, and Hewkii tends to get sort of ‘aw, shucks’ about it. All of them are somewhat muted in their response, mostly because Nuju was the first to call them brother and sister. They all understand that Nuju calls them that as much as he does in memory of Matoro, and his regret that he never got to see his friend as a Toa and call him ‘brother’ in person. The Mahri learned the bird speak for Brother and Sister, and they always call Nuju brother right back.
And the Turaga universally agreed never to call Pohatu ‘brother’ again shortly after the first few times. After then, he began exclusively referring to the Turaga as brother or sister, always with extreme enthusiasm that the elders often find exasperating and often demanding fist bumps from any Turaga he encounters for days after. Most of them just quietly stopped calling him that, except for Onewa, who continued occasionally calling him brother when he felt he had earned it, but after Pohatu found out that Turaga Dume had been a Toa, the seven had an official meeting where they unanimously voted not to call Pohatu brother anymore. Matau still occasionally calls him that, though, because he personally thinks it’s fucking hilarious when Pohatu tries to fist bump Nuju.
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bionicle-ramblings · 11 months ago
I'm having thoughts, mainly Takua being the Toa Mata's/Nuva' little brother in the sense that when they saw him, they looked forward to seeing him again and wondered if today would be the day they saw him after not seeing him for a few days or a few weeks
Lewa in the tree tops scouting or just swinging around until he spots a Ta-Matoran with a blue mask and decides to pause, scoop him up, and check in before he lets him go on his merry way
Onua sensing SOMETHING in the highway to Onu-Koro/Wahi, and finds Takua without a lightstone and trying to find his way with glowing plants he keeps picking; their light fades out and leave him back in the dark, and Onua found a trail of them that led him to the Chronicler. They both make their way to Onu-Koro/Wahi and Onua tells some good stories on the way to keep Takua from worrying about the dark
Kopaka walking around Ko-Koro above the snow with Takua trudging through the snow, INSISTING he's okay and is doing fine on his own. Kopaka just smirks and keeps a slow pace so Takua’s not left behind, and then carries him when the little guy falls deeper in the snow
Pohatu racing through Po-Koro/Wahi with Takua holding onto him for dear life, but also having the time of his life and, if the two need to stop for the night, sharing tales/stories they picked up on in the day-to-day, like Pohatu telling a story a bet he made with Tahu and won. Takua tells the story of how he got Pewku and managed to convince Jaller to let him keep her, though also had to hide her from Jaller for, like, a week
Tahu finding Takua as he's sightseeing alone for the umpteenth time and first giving him a light scare before making sure the Chronicler doesn't die. While with him, he has to carry him around simply because he doesn't trust Takua's sense of balance. There are "older brother" antagonistic moments of him(Tahu) messing with Takua's mask to prove his point that Takua either needs it abmdjusted or needs a mask that will actually fit him
Gali in the waters of Ga-Koro seeing Takua speaking with Ga-Matoran and just sneaking after him Jaws style until she slips out of the water and... ends up losing him. Not really, though, because he pops out from behind a rock to surprise her, and also as a "gotcha" for trying to surprise him. This is an idea I liked from someone else and just fitting it in: They're both heading to Kini Nui, Gali to meditate and Takua to see if there's anything new to Chronicle. After a while, Gali finds Takua sitting nearby and trying to meditate as well, but is either having trouble sitting still or has just fallen asleep. She just picks him up and holds him as she continues to meditate
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fanoftoatahu · 1 year ago
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Gripping him.
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bobthedoctor27 · 2 years ago
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Classic Jaller
The Retro Mahri collab project came and it spawned some fantastic redesigns of the Toa Mahri using classic TECHNIC and early BIONICLE parts. The standout of the collab for me personally was the Retro Jaller, as built by SIlvakTheMocist. I enjoyed it so much that I decided to build him myself.
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teoft · 1 year ago
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Toa Tahu Nuva VS Rahkshi Turahk
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thereadingaddic7 · 8 months ago
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beesgav · 8 months ago
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@whiteheartlight I see your vision
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bionicle-nostalgia · 8 months ago
Tahu Nuva, Toa of Fire 🔥
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jdrider02 · 1 year ago
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Tahu Nuva art
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