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grimst4rs · 7 months ago
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abitterberryblog · 4 months ago
i drew my beloveds during That ChapterTM
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@chdarling @chdarling-tle !!!
they're finally here 🫶🫶🫶 and you guys can click for better quality if you want. ahhhh they mean so much to me they are SO important to me guys guys guys guys
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captainamsel · 2 months ago
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Empress Malini. Mother Malini. Empress, Empress, Empress. She felt the tale settle around her, written in smoke and in death. And her ribs still burned, and burned, and burned.
Malini inspired by John William Waterhouse's Cleopatra.
Since Tasha Suri has confirmed that the world of the Burning Kingdoms trilogy takes elements from all sorts of kingdoms and empires on the Indian subcontinent, that leaves a lot of creative freedom. Still: fabric has to make sense! I learned a lot about saree draping. Hopefully the mermaid drape I went for doesn't look too obviously modern to more knowledgeable readers.
Note to self: I should put jasmine perfume on the real piece!
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chdarling · 1 month ago
have you noticed that there is no frank or alice in tle...
Well, they’re adult aurors who aren’t super involved in the day to day lives of teenagers at Hogwarts so they haven’t come up just yet 😂
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yallthemwitches · 2 months ago
Spoiler: I've come here to gush.
I have to admit something: I'm not a big "long sweeping fic" fan. I've snooped around in this fandom for a long long time and was there during the ff.net hayday of many of the 'major' fics and liked them fine, but something was always missing.
For this reason, I fought reading The Last Enemy for some time now. I opened it once, saw it was a multi pov tome of a thing and went noooope. My husband lovingly refers to this urge as my "Sopranos knee jerk" which is to say, I do this with lots of media that is lauded and often I am very very wrong.
THIS is one of those times. I blasted through this fic, literally ignored clients and mailing out (probably) Christmas gifts in order to read. Everything about this was so spot on: the characterization, the world building, the politics (so time specific but believable), the PINING (wow, it was like watching the first few seasons of The Office again and I mean that with the highest pining regards)I could go on. Again, gushing.
Just...in what cruel, upside down world did THIS piece not originate as canon and instead some sequel written by an absolute horrid human being was?? Ours, apparently...but not cruel enough to keep this incredible gem from the public.
Anyways. Go read it. I beg you. Give yourself a Christmas gift. and thank you @chdarling-tle for this absolute masterpiece, I'm just in awe with your talent.
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shelfinthedark · 9 months ago
james “you know how to ball” potter and lily “I know aristotle” evans
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opelman · 11 months ago
Flight Inspection by Treflyn Lloyd-Roberts Via Flickr: Phantom XT914 is prepped for another mission at RAF Wattisham. Seen during a Timeline Events photo shoot. Aircraft: Royal Air Force McDonnell Douglas F-4M Phantom II FGR.2 XT914/Z. Location: RAF Wattisham, Suffolk.
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theresthesnitch · 1 year ago
SOMEOME (@mabelexclamationpoint) forced me (by which I means suggested and I was not hard to convince) to read The Last Enemy by @chdarling and I'm devastated (by which I mean fundamentally changed as a person and completely obsessed now).
You can thank she-who-must-not-be-named (again, @mabelexclamationpoint but also a little bit @chdarling because damn) for putting me back on a Jily spiral
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heatherleighann · 2 years ago
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Just a post for my love of James Potter. But specifically James Potter in The Last Enemy by @chdarling 💕
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ladymalchav · 7 months ago
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He fits, he sits
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sugarmasonmearii · 2 years ago
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[PMD Day] Explorers Camp Under the Cherry Tree
... under one full moon night.
This is my entry for PMD Day, happening at August the 2nd.
Looking back, whenever I do something this grand, (scenic BG, fancy style shading), it's usually in the form of commission. Thought of trying it for the PMD Day Art.
The scenery is partly inspired by Minecraft's Cherry Grove biome, hence the sakura tree acting as the feature piece of the scene. With my PMD AU cast from The Lucid Explorer, and Mountain Luxio, having a good time in the camp, whilst Iago (Floragato) tells stories and folklore of his home region.
Now to those who had followed TLE so far, you might be wondering why is it that Sylvir (Skitty)'s partner a Shinx, and not a Luxio (Mason). Well, that, I cannot answer for now, as this scene is not related to both AUs... This is just a fun little scenic drawing of mine to celebrate PMD Day. --- Team Avant-garde: > ??? (Shinx) > Sylvir (Skitty) > Meredith (Lombre) > Wisteria (Barboach) > Homer (Electrike) Mountaineering Felines from MtLu: > Louise (Luxio) > Iago (Floragato) > Benjamin (Torracat)
If you're interested in a commission from me, [do check here] for details. Or you can check my [Carrd art commissions.] Or you can DM me too.
You can support me via [Ko-fi] and/or [Patreon] too!
The Lucid Explorer is a Novel-format AU based on my first PMD Explorers of Sky Run. Mountain Luxio is a PMD Explorers AU comic series inspired by the game Celeste.
Pokémon, PMD and Celeste are (c) to their respective owners and franchises.
Art and OCs by me. Do not repost elsewhere, or copy!
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grimst4rs · 6 months ago
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v-tired-queer · 1 year ago
Hey! We don't know each other but I found you through the PNES tag. I'm trying to find out more info about PNES versus temporal lobe epilepsy, to help me figure out how likely it is that I need medication for what I'm pretty sure are focal seizures.
My question is: can PNES seizures have an aura?
Are there any ways you know of to tell the difference aside from an EEG during an episode? I am planning on getting a neuro referral at my next doctor's appointment but it's been giving me bad anxiety worrying about it.
Thank you for your time.
Hello! I really hope things go well with your appointment! I know how scary all of it can be. I have full faith that you've totally got this though!!
So, to answer your question: yes, some people with PNES can and will experience an aura before a seizure, but others won't. The way that PNES affects people and is experienced can vary from person to person. For example, like I said, I do experience an aura sensation before I have a seizure. My head begins to fog up in a way that's kind of hard for me to fully describe. For me, it's almost like I'm slowly becoming mentally numb, like a fog is rolling in that puts me on high alert. But I also have other tell-teale signs that I'm about to seize: my left hand always starts to tremble, and I always become vastly less-than-aware of myself and my surroundings. Other people with PNES might have different cues, or similar cues, or anything else entirely. That being said, the seizures themselves can differ, too. While mine include no longer being in control of my limbs and violent convulsions and twitches, some people may have ones that look like absence seizures, or even another type completely.
Before I was officially diagnosed, I went to two different neurologists and had two different EEG scans done: one in office and one overnight. They monitored how my brain behaved both outside of a seizure and during a seizure. PNES seizures and epileptic seizures look very different on EEGs, which is to be expected due to their different causes. It's actually pretty cool to see the difference, I recommend looking up some different scans to see! But outside of the tests, my doctors ran through my symptoms and how I experience having a seizure, and were able to jot down the differences in what I was experiencing compared to someone with epilepsy. For example, I'm actually able to hear everything around me during a seizure, but since I'm seizing, I'm unresponsive no matter what, which tends to be abnormal for the type of seizure I experience. I also go completely nonverbal after a seizure for anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour. But again, that's just how I experience them. Experiences can and often times will vary from person to person, but the cause is the same: PNES is brought on by an emotional response, while epileptic seizures are caused by a physical response from the brains nerves cells.
Now that being said, temporal lobe epilepsy doesn't seem to be caused by an emotional reaction, but rather, can be triggered by an emotional reaction (usually high stress levels) due to the epilepsy being present in the, well, temporal lobes. Which then circles back around to the overall cause being different, though symptoms can be similar.
To be honest, due to their similarities, I'm not sure if you could be diagnosed with one or the other without having EEGs and other tests done. But the good news is, none of the tests hurt! And for all of them you'll be closely monitored so in the event of a seizure you won't be injured then, either.
(I'm a "glass half full" kind of person lmao)
I cannot stress enough how important it is to be honest with your doctor about what you're experiencing. It's definitely anxiety inducing for a lot of us, but the more open and honest you are with them, the more they can help steer you in the right direction. And if you get saddled with a doctor unwilling to listen or simply write you off, please don't hesitate to really advocate for yourself. You really need to be in your own corner so you can get the correct diagnosis, so you can then get the proper help and treatment you need. It'll take time, and at some points it'll probably be frustrating--I know it was for me--but it's so important to get the proper treatment for the true problem.
I really, really hope that things go well for you and that you can figure out what it is that you're experiencing! I'm rooting for you!!
(Also this got very long very quickly, but I hope it helps nonetheless!)
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shootwithintenttokill · 1 year ago
Back with the first chapter of the Last Enemy: Dark Marks by CH Darling. Listen now on AO3!
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chdarling · 30 days ago
Ok can we talk about how your fic isn’t even really a wolfstar fic and yet it’s one of the only fics that’s ever made me ship wolfstar (I never enjoyed wolfstar but I eventually accepted it as unavoidable and just tolerated it).
If that isn’t talent then I don’t know what is!
Hahaha thank you! I’m so glad you’re enjoying it! It’s interesting to me to see people’s reaction to TLE wolfstar. I am not always sure how it will land, particularly since I tend to lean into the toxicity/angst of their relationship 😅
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lethargicdragondoodles · 2 years ago
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"An old colleague of my father’s is rather high up in the Department of Magical Commerce and said they’d love to have me as a Junior Officer. Daddy wanted me to work for his business for a few years, but I rather stuck my nose up at that, to tell you the truth. He means well, but honestly, I think he just wanted to keep an eye on me for a few years before he could make sure I settled down. And I am not interested in that, thank you very much.”
“I’m about to graduate, all right? I’ve got a handful of months left in this castle before they kick me out on my Muggle arse into a world that hates that I exist. I don’t have a job lined up. I don’t even have the hope of a job lined up. ‘Old Sluggy’ didn’t get me a cozy internship, or even so much as a handshake. Seven years of schooling, and I can’t even get anyone to look at me long enough to do me the honor of rejecting me. And on top of all that, there’s a fuckin’ war going on, right? Every day, people like me are being murdered, but at least my head of house gave me some fuckin’ pamphlets on my fuckin’ career prospects.”
A parallel I couldn't stop thinking about, from @chdarling's The Last Enemy: Dark Marks.
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