Beating Around The Bush
Author's Note: Titus/Leandros
Summary: Titus and Leandros talk, and fuck.
Warnings: Smut. Certain people not knowing certain other people's identities. Let me know if I need to add more.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @ms--lobotomy , @thevoidscreams, @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
Tagged: @felinisnoctis
Titus had been ordered to speak with a specific Chaplain. It was the same one he's spoken to when he'd returned to the Ultramarine's chapter.
The same one who's watched his progress as he reunites with some of his brothers in the Ultramarines. Some of the triumphs and struggles he's had with Gadriel and Chairon.
"Thank you for joining me, Titus," The Chaplain, says, "We are going to be hm. Bonding. As I am going to be the Chaplain overseeing you and your squad for the foreseeable future. In future bonding sessions, it will be with the whole squad. But for certain reasons, I thought just you and I for this first one would do."
"Very well, Chaplain," Titus says with a nod.
"Excellent, strip out of your armor and lay down on your belly on the bed naked," The Chaplain orders.
"Yes, Chaplain," Titus complies with swift efficiency.
As Titus does so, he noticed that the Chaplain has remained mostly armored, except for his codpiece. Some chaplains preferred to remain anonymous for their own reasons.
"Very good, Titus," The Chaplain says.
There is something about the way this Chaplain says his name that... pings oddly. Perhaps this Chaplain knows him? Does he know who this Chaplain is? At least- without the skull helm?
This thoughts are derailed as the Chaplain takes off one of his gauntlet and dips his fingers into some lube and start to trace Titus's ass. "My, Primaris, created and crossed the Rubicon have such... wonderful additions." The Chaplain murmurs.
Titus shifts a little as the Chaplain starts to stretch him open and the Lieutenant feels a little off kilter. Usually as the highest ranking battle brother he's usually in control of these sorts of situations.
But with a Chaplain involved, they are the ones who hold the reigns for this sort of Bonding experience to ensure that nothing goes too far. "Relax," The Chaplain says almost soothingly, almost chidingly, "submit to me, Titus."
Titus closes his eyes and does his best to do as he's been ordered to, "Yes, Chaplain."
"In this sort of situation, you may call me Chaplain, or Sir," The Chaplain supplies, a husky purr to his voice as he continues to stretch Titus's ass open.
"Yes sir," Titus responds as he groans a little at the feeling of being stretched open and the Chaplain hits the G-spot deep in his hole he lets out a groan of pleasure.
"Oh? I found the pleasure spot, I see," The Chaplain says sounding amused. "Don't cum unless I tell you to."
"Yes sir," Titus says with a pleasured groan.
Once the Chaplain deems him ready he pulls his fingers out and lubes up his cock and thrusts in deeply, and groans, "Oh- you feel so good wrapped around my cock, Titus."
The Chaplain waits for a minute or two, enjoying the tight warmth of Titus wrapped around his cock. He's Bonded with other Primaris Marines before, but it's different with Titus.
With his former Captain. Fuck- being the one in control, the one to set the pace. To have the more dominant role. Fuck. Leandros hadn't known whether something like that would ever occur, not with how things had... ended the last time he'd met Titus before the other came back from Death Watch.
Leandros slowly continues to thrust in and out of Titus, who matches his pace, rolling his hips and groaning in pleasure, as a reward for his good behavior he lubes up his uncovered hand and starts playing with Titus's cock and balls.
Leandros climaxes first- ensuring that he paints Titus with his cum, murmuring words of absolution and holy words of forgiveness and says, "Cum, Titus."
At his words and the way he strokes the older space marine's cock- Titus does- with a groan of pleasure.
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ladymirdan · 5 days
The thing that fucks me up with the whole “Leandros still doesnt trust Titus”, is look how happy he is when Titus wakes up. He is the one there after the sugery. I bet he sat at the end of his bed, watching over him.
Leandros fears that Titus is corrupt. But he doesn't want him to be. And I think its an important distinction to make.
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sleepyfan-blog · 28 days
Rescue Titus
Author's note: This is the next part of the Bully(ing) Cato Sicarius fic. Other fics here
tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @the-pure-angel @i-am-a-dragon34 @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @bleedingichorhearts
warnings: none? Please ask me to tag something if I missed something
summary: You discover some inconsistencies, and begin to research further
You stare at the dataslate that holds a seemingly endless amount of paperwork for you to do. Despite normally finding form-work like this to be soothing, if not a little dull when the information contained within isn’t stuff that you need to know, or find interesting to read about… You’ve been unable to focus for more than ten minutes at a time, before your mind wanders. While you are safely tucked away in the fortress monastery of the White Consuls - a successor chapter of the Ultramarines - Cato, Demetrian and most of the second company are currently deployed, fighting against the Tyranid menace that threatens to consume the entire galaxy, if they are not stopped.
You want nothing more than to believe with all your heart and soul that both of your lovers will come home whole, healthy and victorious… But you’ve seen the ravaged, stripped wastelands that a Tyranid hive fleet can reduce entire systems down to, if they are not driven off of the worlds they attempt to consume and killed or driven out of the system entirely. You’ve seen some of the reports of entire chapters of Astartes being wiped out by Tyranids. Not just a squad of astartes. Not just a company of Astartes, but entire chapters of Astartes being killed and consumed by this insectoid menace from beyond the void of night. 
The Tyranid threat is so intense that you’ve found yourself murmuring prayers to the God-Emp-... To Him on Terra, despite having been ordered not to do so by Lord Guilliman (he himself who brings victory wherever he goes. The last loyal son of the Emperor. More than a few worlds consider him to be a deity as well, though subordinate to Him on Terra). You… You try not to give into that temptation, but your faith has been something that you’ve been taught is Right and Just… Abandoning it has left a void that you grieve, especially when you are left alone to your thoughts.
You had not been left without a protector entirely, though the escort you have been given is not one you would have chosen. You peek at Sargeant Leandros from the corners of your eyes, careful to keep your head turned toward the dataslate in your hands and suppress another sigh from leaving your lips… Wait, what was that you just read? You blink, straightening out of your stupor a little as you refocus on the first of the series of reports that the advanced scouts into the next system to be re-integrated into the greater Imperium of Man. The one that is currently fighting to stay out of the endless maw of the Tyranid Swarm.
“My lady?” Sergeant Leandros asked, his helmeted gaze snapping to you as he noted your movement. “Has something caught your attention?”
“It has… I’ll need to cross-reference what this says, with what the others have sent to me… But I think that - ah. Things may be more fraught than they first appear in the sector where most of the Indomitus fleet is currently embattled.” You respond, reading through the information as quickly as you can without skipping words or whole phrases that could be key.
The Ultramarine is immediately at your side, reading over your shoulder from the way he leans into your personal space. “What do you mean?”
“There was a recent change in power, in the past few years. The cause of the switch over had something to do with an Inquisitor and a suspected gene-stealer Cult that the former Governor may or may not have had ties with. Or at least, that’s what the Inquisitor said. You and I both know how accurate Inquisitors can be when they want something, and-... Huh… Can you bring up a list of Ordo Hereticus Inquisitors who have gone missing or were presumed to be killed in that and the nearby surrounding sectors, please? There’s something about this Lady Evergleam that bothers me.” You answer, the mild frown on your face deepening.
“Yes ma’am.” Leandros answered, snapping you a quick salute.
Despite your reservations about the sergeant, there are aspects to him that are endearing… Mostly when he reminds you of Demetrian, or Cato. One of the corners of your mouth lift up into a small smile “Thank you, Sergeant.”
Months of careful planning and research had led up to this moment. You walked confidently into the large throne room and called out “Lady Inquisitor.” There is a professional smile on your face, and ice in your eyes as you walk over to where Lady Evergleam, Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus was currently standing “What is it that you are doing?”
Lady Evergleam was far too close to a helmet-less and visibly uncomfortable Demetrian, the latter of whom was leaning away from the powerful baseline woman. 
The Inquisitor had one hand lightly touching his chest plate, the other raised, likely to signal several of her retinue who were standing in different points in the room. She took a half-step away from Titus and lowered her hands, answering with an equally professional smile “Merely inspecting one of the Ultramarines off-duty, as the others are helping doing clean up while dealing with the aftermath of the xenos invasion.” She looks you up and down, raising an eyebrow at you “From your dress and brazenness and interrupting me during my sacred duties, you must be Lord Guilliman’s head diplomat.”
You had gotten an SOS message from Demetrian, just before you had been about to present certain information to Lord Guilliman. You’d handed him a dataslate that had a copy of the information that you had gathered before informing him that you needed to help Titus out of an awkward social situation.
Lord Guilliman had been amused and had allowed you to leave, a light chuckle rumbling from the Primarch and a warm if small smile on his face. 
You had used the serfs’ paths in this palace to get to where Titus was faster than using the general access hallways and rooms that were much more winding and circuitous. Your eyes narrow a little as you walk purposefully towards Demetrian, placing yourself between him and the handsy Inquisitor. You are still smiling politely at her “I am indeed one of the diplomats who work directly for the IMperial regent, yes.” You scrutinize her further before answering “I have reviewed inspection protocols, of which you are in violation of several. Lieutenant Titus, should he require Inquisitorial Inspection, should have an Ultramarine Apothecary and Chaplain present. Additionally his superior officer may be in attendance as well, or at the very least should have been informed of this inspection beforehand, which he has not.”
“... Lieutenant Titus? Last I heard he is a captain.” Lady Evergleam inquired, a confused expression flashing across her face. 
Your eyes narrow a little more at the incongruity. Titus shifts a bit behind you. You want to reach out and hold one of his hands, but that would be a breach of etiquette that neither you nor he can afford at the moment. “How strange. I would think that an Inquisitor such as yourself would keep up to date on such things. Besides, Even if Titus was a captain, his superior officer would be the chapter master who had not been informed of your… Inspection, either.”
She bristles at your tone, her eyes narrowing some “And just what are you trying to imply, you silver-tongued -”
You deliberately interrupt her, to provoke her further “Only that you have breached protocols several times, and have outdated information. Which is ill-fitting of an Inquisitor of your status, Lady Evergleam.”
“If you are accusing me of something,stop dancing around the point, you Ultramarine branded harlot!” Evergleam hissed, glaring harder at you.
Normally, an Inquisitor glaring at you like that would make you nervous. But Cato’s voice rumbled in the earpiece you were wearing “I’m in position. Father is coming. Time to unmask her in front of her court.” 
Your smile turns sharp “You are not who you claim to be. After all, Lady Evergleam has been listed as KIA for over a hundred and twenty years. Her ship was destroyed along with everyone aboard her ship after the ship’s Gellar fields fell during a warm storm. You may have taken her face and voice, but you are not her. Nor are your companions her true retinue.” 
“How dare you accuse me of being an IMposter! I will have you arrested for the sheer cheek! Guards -” The false lady Inquisitor growled, playing every inch the offended and innocent party “Guards! Arrest this woman! We must have been displaced in time and the wreckage of another ship and crew were found and mistaken to be myself and my retinue.”
“So you still claim to be Inquisitor Evergleam?” You press, raising an eyebrow at this interloper. She had been playing petty tyrant on this world for several years. Even if she was who she claimed to be. Her actions since she claimed dominion over this world had earned her a swift execution.
"I don't claim to be anyone. I am Inquisitor Amela Evergleam!" The Inquisitor growled, "And you're one to talk about people being declared KIA, Lt. Titus here was declared KIA on Graia, during the Ork invasion of that world." She huffed.
"He was taken into Inquisitorial custody, actually," Primarch Guilliman called out, resplendent in the Armor of Fate, the Sword of the God Emperor in hand and unsheathed, psychic flames dancing along the blade, "That Inquisitor lied about Demetrian's status, among other things, for which he was killed. You stand accused of subverting the resources of an Imperial Word, Inquisitor. How do you plead?"
Evergleam sputters indignantly (and probably from fear. The cool fury of a Primarch is no small thing to bear the brunt of). "We have been trying to fulfill the Imperial Tithes imposed upon us. But recent seasons have been harsh, and an illness has been running rampant among the populace. I offer what we can spare, so as to not starve and slowly kill those left alive, my lord," She paused for several moments before falling to her knees, hands clasped together as if in prayer, "Lord Primarch, I took control of this world due to the mismanagement and foolishness of it's previous rulers. I have been working day and night for three years since I took governorship, to fix what I can... I have been plagued by bureaucratic bloat and internal obstruction and sabotage. I swear on all I hold dear that i have been doing all I can do-"
She fell silent as the Lord Primarch lifted his free hand in a silencing gesture. "Cease your begging and self-aggrandizement. My agents infiltrated your government months ahead of my arrival, to discern the truth of things. I declare that you have been found wanting. I offer you a choice: either you retire and live in quiet luxury, away from the halls of power of this or any other Imperial World... Or I will end your life now. Choose."
Guilliman underlined his words by pointing the tip of the Emperor's Blade at the kneeling Inquisitor, staring down at her, his face an inscrutable mask.
The Inquisitor froze on her knees, eyes wide. Her retinue had scattered away from her at the Primarch's approach, falling to their knees in terrified supplication, "My... my Lord Regent, is there no way I can prove myself an able planetary governor?"
"No, Choose. Wealthy retirement or execution." Guilliman rumbled, unwavering and unreadable.
"I... I will... I will retire quietly, Lord Regent and I thank you for your mercy. I don't know how or why you feel that I failed you, Imp-"
She was cut off by a frown on Guilliman's face, her own growing paler, "Cease. Talking. You need to pack your personal belonging and leave the governor's mansion by the end of the day. Begone." He commanded.
Lady Evergleam scramble up onto her feet and fled, her staff scurrying after her. The rest of her court immediately begin to whisper and murmur to one another. 
A particularly ambitious looking nobleman dares to approach the still thunderously frowning Lord Guilliman, for reasons you can guess at. Your focus, however, is drawn to Demetrian, as he places a large, armored hand on one of your shoulders. You look up into his eyes, smiling gently.
“You came…” He breathed.
“You called.” You answered, smiling gently up at him. “Cato is watching, nearby. Care to go for a walk with me, lieutenant? It’s a tad crowded in here for my tastes, and the Imperial Regent is going to be busy sorting out this lot for some time, I think.”
Titus hummed in agreement, the hand he had on your shoulder sliding gently down to your elbow “It would be my honor, my lady.” WIth that you and he walk into the meticulously cared for gardens.
A tall, broad blue and gold blur slams into Titus as soon as the doors close, hiding you and him from sight.
Titus lets out a startled “Fuck! What the -”
“Shut. Up.” Growled Cato, holding the older Marine in close, a low, warning rumble in his voice “That SOS you sent both of us worried the fuck out of me. Last time you were that close to an Inquisitor, you went missing for three centuries. If Father hadn’t ordered me to watch through a damn sniper’s scope I would’ve-”
“Done something reckless and stupid?” Demetrian teases, pressing his forehead to Cato’s, pulling you in to hug you as well.
One of Cato’s arms wraps around you, the other still holding tightly to Titus. “No. All of my moves are calculated and well thought out.”
“You’re just awful at math, half of the time.” Demetrian teased, a crooked grin on his face.
“Oi! Slander! Dearheart, he’s bullying me! And that’s after getting cornered by that shitty bitch whose been stalking him for weeks. I knew that she was planning something. You just thought it was because she was grateful you saved her life. I knew it was some kind of shady shit. Inquisitors are trouble.” Cato groused.
You chuckle and go up on your tiptoes, kissing both of your beloveds on the neck, which was the highest point that you could kiss both of them, while they were in their armor. Especially since Demetrian had crossed the Rubicon Primaris. He’d somehow gotten even taller. “I think we can head home. What do you think loves?”
“Yeah. We’re off-duty, officially and Father is being watched over by the fourth company. I don’t envy Ventris. When father starts yelling like that, he gets… Really intense.” Cato rumbled. 
“Poor lad. He really has some shite luck. Hopefully he won’t be harassed by either of the Lunatics after his ass, now that Father has taken the Imperial Helm.” Demetrian sighed, shaking his head a little. 
“Blegh. We’ve already fought Tyranids. Please don’t try to summon Renegades, or throne forbid Chaos down upon us. They are annoying as shit to fight.” Cato grumbled. 
You smile softly as you hold hands with both of your lovers, enjoying listen to the two of them bicker and banter with one another, occasionally teasing one or both of them as well. They tease you back, of course.
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shellswritesstuff · 21 hours
listen usually I’m down bad for smut (always am tbh) but what about. what about just….some fluff…..i wanna put my head on those Titus Tiddies and fall asleep…….what if i just gently stroked his hair……..
could be post-coital snuggles
𓊆ᴅᴇᴍᴇᴛʀɪᴀɴ ᴛɪᴛᴜs X ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ - die with a smile.𓊇 .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚(⸝⸝> ᴗ•⸝⸝)
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rating: no rating/sfw. fluff!!! and a hint of angst.  cuddling, intimate skinship. ugh my heart.,, 
ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ oh you got it anon! i love the energy in my inbox, ty friends for the asks! ugh,, i want to hold his and and ruffle his hair and tell him everything is ok sjdalksd- (its not, 40k things u know)
Forget the worlds outside. Forget your endless anxieties, your purpose in life. To hell with it all out there, your whole existence was here in this room. This metal quarter was your paradise.
"Hush, Titus..." A faint whisper fell from your lips, pleading for your lover to relax.
A gruff hum was your response, yielding. You two were in bed like always, stealing another moment from the horrors outside. Titus laid on his back, cradling you gently. Your fingertips graced his skin, tracing the scars of his Rubicon surgery. It was unfair. Titus and his brothers bore the weight of the Emperor on their shoulders. To them, duty and living were one and the same.
You wanted so much more for him. The harsh reality of these times, it must wear him down. You'd never hear it, though. Servitude was in his DNA. His unyielding devotion to his lord and brothers alike; one of the many, many aspects you adored. Is it so bad to be selfish...?
"You told me to be quiet, but your mind is racing." Damn him. He knew you so well.
You whined, your apology coming in the form of a sigh. "I love you too much."
And you did. What would become of you if Titus hadn't returned from his mission? Had he died...
Titus pulled you impossibly closer, your head taking its resting place on his broad chest. His scent, his skin, the rise and fall of his diaphragm; you were in the moment once again. A comfortable silence swept over the room, the only noise being candle flickers. You fought hard against the comfort, not to fall asleep. Your efforts were in vain. The last thing you felt before drifting away; a hand supporting you head, and fingers running through your hair.
"Sleep, my love. I will be here."
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multi-muse-transect · 16 days
Just when you think the Imperium can be redeemed, folks like Leandros shows why it’s collapsing.
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I've noticed in recent years a trend in GWs writing of 40k that honestly kinda frustrates me, and its this tendency to kill off characters with bad fandom reputations especially between works. and like, yeah its not a problem unique to 40k and sometimes ya need to cut an asshole who aint working
but on the other hand, its such a cop out from actually engaging or doing something with the character ya know. buggy from one piece is such an incredible character not just because hes managed to bullshit his way into a position of supreme authority in the setting when he was introduced as an early one off comedy villain. hes interesting cause oda takes that opportunity to give him a really fun and unique story, explore interesting character aspects and depth, throw him into wild situations and see how he reacts or how his skillset can still prove useful.
and perhaps even more importantly, buggy is far from a one off on this kind of character choices! helmempo a poncy rich boy abusing his dads relative position of power to be arrogant ass becomes best friends [with homoerotic subtones] with koby useless exposition fairy in a handful of early chapters with both of them eventually becoming high ranking highly capable marines with strong moral codes and who garp considers the future of the organization itself. hachi is a comedy octoman whos easily fooled and an idiot in general, and he shows up later as a helpful guide with a girlfriend repentant for his past actions as we learn more about the complicated world of racism which spirals into a sympathetic backstory that explains without justifying arlong and his actions. arlong, who is an objective asshole.
god damn jango, a Michael Jackson parody hypnotist who is a fakeout pathetic villain during his introduction, meets up with fullbody, an insignificant asshole jobber to show off how tough sanji is as well as his moral code, in a chapter page dance off competition where they form an inseparable bond of companionship over dancing that crosses the boundaries of their professions. Fullbody risks his entire carrier to save jangos life, and then they both see captain hina once and immediately fall in love with her and proceed to become the biggest simps ever for this one woman. and then they keep showing up outside the chapter pages. and they are wonderfull.
point is, overall, id say partly why one piece is as successful as it is, because that kind writing helps to breath a really interesting living world. they dont just disappear they live weird fantastic lives, and change in often unexpected ways as people. an asshole the one day can suddenly become an amazing bro the next time ya see em, and that breaths life into everything that goes on in one piece.
which is to all say, space marine 2 the game should have been about leandros and not titus. well he hasn't been confirmed as killed off, i have a strong feeling leandros is going to be given gw's current tendency to knock off fandom scrappies. and thats a shame, because space marine 2 should have been about leandros and his experiences following space marine 1. getting to know him, his perspective on things, and how whatever challenges he faced next shaped or changed those perspectives and beliefs.
instead, heres titus. doing what he did last time. yay.
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the-lady-general · 2 years
Aw, I'm still in love with 2nd Lt. Mira of the Cadian 203rd.
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djemsostylist · 1 year
The thing I love most about the Warhammer 40k Space Marine game, starring one Captain Titus of the Ultramarines, is that it explains NOTHING. AT ALL. This game goes "well you wouldn't be playing me if you didn't know what Warhammer was, right?" and they would probably be mostly correct except that no, actually, I didn't even know what a space marine was when I first played, way way back in the early 20teens.
The game dumps you into a world where you play as a Captain of the Ultramarines. What is an Ultramarine, you ask? Why it's Captain Titus of course! and Leandros and Sergeant Sidonus. Are there more of them? Maybe, who knows! What's a Blood Raven? It looks like you, but different colors, and there are also only 4 of them. Are all of the space marines just squads of 4? Did you used to have a fourth and he died? Are you an army or a strike force? Who knows! The game for sure isn't gonna tell you!
What's an "inquisitor?" Well, it's Drogan of course! The one you have you save! And he's a psyker see. (What's a psyker, you ask? Well, it's what the Inquisitor is! Is it the same thing? NO IDEA! Just keep killing!) Now, is he also a space marine? Hard to say! Are space marines big, or just people in like, really big armor? WHO KNOWS! Not you, now kill some orks! Why are we killing orks? Because that's your mission of course!
And oh, hey, you're on a Forge World, fighting through the factories of the mechnanicum. What are these things? Well, you're on them and in them, what else do you NEED to know?
My favorite bit is when the Forces of Chaos show up, and a demon rips his way out of the fabric of reality, and it's just like "oh yeah, did we forget to mention you might have to fight demons? OOPS! Well, they pop as delightfully as an ork, so hop to it!" and then they just give you a different sort of Really Big Gun you can use to get on with the killing. Leandros seems concerned, the Inquisitor and Sidonus don't (and who outranks who? The regular men and women call you "Lord" but you call the Inquisitor "Lord" and all of you seem beholden to a "God-Emperor" (and is he an emperor or a God, or something of both?) but the only thing that matters is whether you chose a Plasma Rifle or a Lascanon to get through this next round, so who are you to question anything?
When the Inquisitor tells you to "meet at the monument" you just do, even though the monument is a nondescript hooded figure that says nothing and means little (except that these people do have monuments to something, and is it a saint? a martyr?) and so you go there anyway because there are more greenskins coming and you are about to get a thunderhammer (and maybe a jumppack, though those never last long.)
There are skulls sort of everywhere and everything looks like some sort of outsized Gothic cathedral and the voice that drones on and on sounds British and clipped and the words she says are dystopian and strange but there are always more orks to kill (and demons and men who look like you but aren't you, and are they really men behind those masks anymore, spilling from yawning purple clouds and splattering the walls with blood before vanishing i a lingering miasma) so you just keep going.
At one point a man who is not a man offers you the chance to become a god, to become a creature of whatever form you wish, and you still aren't entirely sure what the ultramarines are (and who is Lord Guilliman and his tenants your battle brother holds so dear) but there is a certainty in your refusal, a rigid belief that you won't fall because you can't fall (and did the man who is not a man who offers you a godhood fall? or has he always been like this?) but you deny him anyway (because you can, because you must, because you are an Ultramarine or because you believe in something more?) and you fight and fight and fight and kill and kill and kill and kill and kill and bleed until perhaps there is no blood left (your armor is huge and cumbersome and the floor shakes when you land but you move with grace and speed and roll and dodge and kill and live and what are you even, really?) and in the end you have saved a world and when you say "More than you know" you mean it with your whole heart because you are human, you are, you bleed, and you tire, and you grieve and you mourn (but are you human, really? if you can touch the darkness and not give in, not turn aside, if men call you angels and demons speak of gods) and it all means nothing because men you are you but not you show up, men in black and white (they look like Holy Orders, Hospitallers or something close) and a man who is an Inquisitor who is not Drogan, who speaks softly but firmly and they take you away and Leandros looks on with fear and maybe regret (and you do it to save Mira, you think, her and all the others you died a thousand times to save except you lived, and she lived, and they call you Angels and if you can't die maybe it's true, or perhaps you love them, all of them, the men and women who look at you with awe and fear and love, and isn't that being an Angel, in the end?)
Anyway, I've played this game thrice through (easy, medium, hard) and read all the codex and I still, to this day, do not know what happens at the Siege of Terra and what happens to make 30k 40k, and I think that's really sort of beautiful, in the end.
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lemon-russ · 2 months
They tried to flea bomb me but I endured. The fleas return.
Thank you as always @squishyowl for the dividers
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Part 15/ ???
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Cato Sicarius x F!Reader
CW: Mentions of sex, not much going on today
Summary: Cato and Titus have to hitchhike the galaxy, Ambassador is grounded
word count: 1,849
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Cato Isn’t sure he actually wants to go home now. Sure, he and Titus are being forced to work together to find a way to get home, and for once at least have a shared dread that is helping them get along. Nothing brings Brothers together like getting in trouble by Dad, it seemed.
But if he goes home, he has to face the consequences. Has the Ambassador explained anything to Guilliman? How much did she tell him? Was he walking into a guillotine? He doesn’t know the penalty for sleeping with a Primarch’s diplomat / assistant / Pet?, but he knows that he also disobeyed his orders, technically hijacked a ship, and went AWOL for two days. AWOL to go bury his face between the legs of a baseline human that he’s starting to think his primarch is treating like a surrogate daughter.
“Maybe you can go on ahead and I’ll catch up.” He says to Titus, who is looking over the ship ports itineraries for a way home. Titus glances over at him with a confused look.
“What? You want to hang back and see if there are any other vulnerable baseline girls for you to defile?” He says with a small snort, turning back to the papers.
Cato presses his lips into a line. “I may be a little reckless, but I’m not unfaithful.” He grumbles, turning to watch ships land and leave.
Titus chuckles tiredly. “That’s the part you have a problem with…?” He mumbles as he turns a page. “Look, I know you’re afraid of what Guilliman is going to do to you, but you don’t get to just hide.” He gives a casual shrug. “If you die, you die. Face it like a man.”
Cato glowers at his battle brother. “Wow. Thanks. Really comforting, Demetrian.”
Titus rolls his eyes. “Don’t call me that. We aren’t first name friendly. And I’m not going to rub your back and tell you it’s going to be ok. You committed like, four crimes. I know I’m not one to go around thumping the Codex at people like Leandros, but even I have a line. Four is a lot of crimes for a week, Sicarius.” Titus says tiredly. “Plus, I still hate you.”
Cato huffed a breath out his nose and crossed his arms. “It was probably only three crimes and maybe a grey area misdemeanor, Titus.” He grumbles.
“Ah, grey areas, we all know how much the Ultramarines love grey areas.” Titus says sarcastically. “I think I found a route we can take to a trade planet, and from there we can probably get a ride home or at least charter one.” He says, closing the stack of pages. “We have about an hour until the ship arrives.”
Cato sighs deeply, slumping his shoulders. “Do you think Lord Guilliman will believe me if I say I had a lapse in sanity? A mental break from over work?”
Titus chuckles. “I think you would be the first Astartes to ever break their programming to do so, so, no. I don’t think he would. I think your only chance is to confess to it all.”
Cato grimaced. But Titus was right. Guilliman valued honesty and taking responsibility. The issue was to be honest meant he would have to admit he had no regrets. He wasn’t ready to apologize and agree to stay away from the Ambassador. He tried staying away from her and it made him lose his mind and steal a ship. Even now, he was anxious that she was out of his sight again.
Was Guilliman being easy on her about this? Likely. He spoils her, and he probably assumed everything was Cato’s fault. Which was absurd- He is the victim here, if anyone. The Ambassador was the one who wanted to talk about feelings after they slept together, and she was the one to kiss him when they got home the first time. She clawed her way into his psyche and cursed him with obsession. Not that he can be mad with her, which is only further proof of her mind games honestly.
“What about you? Aren’t you nervous, or are you too used to getting reprimanded?” Cato asks, following Titus as he leaves the hangar and walks to the lodging areas.
Titus rolls his eyes. “Getting in a scrap with a brother is not a serious offense, especially not when he finds out why I hit you. I think in this case of ‘I was trying to defend the Ambassador from a predator’ I will be okay. You, not so much. But that’s what you get for being a deviant.” He says with a mocking shrug and smirk.
Cato scowls at him. “And I think when I explain you were checking out her ass all day and just are jealous because of some crush you don’t wanna admit, you’ll be in trouble with me.”
Titus grits his teeth. “I am not- you’re insane, you know that? You’re projecting your perversions on me.” He snaps. Cato rolls his eyes as they walk into the lodging area, heading to their rooms to pack. ”Right, well have fun trying to unravel all that. I just know the way you were looking at her in that dress was the same way I was, and only one of us has her permission to do that.” He huffed, heading to his door.
Titus growls a little, then slammed his door behind him. A moment later he flung it back open. “You still have my clothes, too, asshole, and left your dirty ones on my floor.”
Cato laughs a bit. “Sounds like a you problem, Demetrian.” He says as he shuts his door behind him.
Titus lets out an angry huff. “Don’t call me- argh!” He grumbled as he slammed his already splintered door again.
You stare at your pile of paperwork, pouting a bit and doodling aimlessly on a scrap paper. Things were a little awkward since you returned to the Macragge’s Honour with Guilliman. He knows about you and Cato now, though he has to keep asking you to clarify that yes, it is romantic, like dating, like intimate, and yes you are a willing participant, and noCaptain Sicarius does not have blackmail on you.
He also made you get more head scans, Recalling how Cato was worried you’d bumped your head when you got back from the first mission together. The scans thankfully showed your brain was squeaky clean and, despite what Cato says, full of wrinkles. You even got a copy of the scan to show him when he got back, next time he calls you smooth brained.
None of this comfoted Guilliman though. And now you were grounded. Well, not grounded, but lets be honest. He grounded you. He doesn’t want you to speak to Cato until he does, and in fear of your apparently “erratic and confusing” behavior, you now had new babysitters.
Brother Gallan and Brother Brutus took turns hanging out outside your office door, reporting to Guilliman any time you left the office and where you went. They were specifically not allowed near you quarters though. Embarrassingly, Guilliman would not take your word for it that you don't have some sort of low level psyker effect on his Sons that makes them fall in love with you.
You shudder at the thought. It was a new, previously unknown level of mortification that now your boss is afraid of letting his supermutant soldiers around you too long for fear they will fall for some siren song of yours. He actually locks down your quarters- if you leave, he gets an alert. You’re allowed to go where you like of course, but now he wants to make sure no one is leaving with you, or Emperor forbid returning with you.
You sigh and rub your face. You haven’t gotten any of your work done, because also mortifyingly, you still can’t stop thinking about Cato. Is he ok? Are he and Titus pummeling each other still? How do you get home without imperial ships? You frown and rub your temples.
There’s a knock on your door, and you can tell who it is by the height of the sound. “Come in, sir…” you say tiredly, as Guilliman lets himself in and comes to stand at your desk. He smiles awkwardly down at you.
“Ambassador. How goes your work?” He asks with forced casualness.
You press your lips and move a paper over your doodles. “Uh, fine, sir.” You lie.
Of course he doesn’t actually care how your work is going, so he doesn’t press. “Of course, diligent as always. On another note, I have been… Thinking.”
You frown a bit. “On what, sir…?”
He clears his throat, glancing at the wall. “About… you and Captain Sicarius.” He says. “I think, if I can talk to him- and after he serves punishments for his actions, I can’t let hijacking go- then if he seems sufficiently reasonable and dedicated, and you in turn…” he sighs and gives a resigned frown. “I’ll consider looking the other way on your…. relationship.”
You sit up, eyes widening. “Oh- um, thank you sir” you say with a little surprise. “That would mean a lot to me. I know it is odd but, I do like him a lot.” You add with a small smile.
Guilliman gives a tight frown. “Yes. You’ve made that abundantly clear, Ambassador.” He says with a small sigh. “…I mean… Have you considered Ventris…?”
“Sir!” You gasp, blushing. “Please! Th-this is not just me wanting to hook up with any Astartes-” you stutter.
He lets out a small groan. “Fine, fine. I just thought maybe you could consider your options. I have so many nice, obedient, responsible sons, and you choose Sicarius?”
You frown, crossing your arms, face still pink. “Please, sir, don’t make me explain it in any more detail than we are both comfortable with” You plead.
He sighs a long, deep sigh. “Okay, fine. I’ll be heading back to my office then. Just… keep up the good work.” He says tiredly. He starts to the door, looks awkward, then walks back to your desk and pats you on the back. “You… you do a good job, Ambassador.” He says, clearing his throat.
You blink up at him, knitting your brows. “Uh… thank you, sir?”
He clears his throat again. “I did some reading. Some literature suggests that baseline women who do not feel like they receive approval from their patriarchal figures in their life will seek out men who do not value them well-”
“SIR!” You snap, cheeks burning.
He puts his hands up defensivly and returns to the door, “Okay! I’m going.” He chuckles. “I value and appreciate you, Ambassa-”
“LORD GUILLIMAN!” You interrupt with a shout as he chuckles and closes the door behind him.
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Who is Leandros and why do we hates him
Young Ultramarine side character from the Space Marine game who spends chunks of the game berating the main character for not following the codex astartes to the letter. He later decides that the main character, who is Leandros' captain, mind you, might have been corrupted by the influence of chaos. Because he's doing radical things like thinking outside of the box (the codex).
So, in a moment of hypocrisy that is frankly impressive, Leandros goes to the fucking Inquisition and reports Titus, resulting in him being taken away by them for testing/interrogation/cbt at the end of the game.
The reason this is so very bad, especially if you're like Leandros and spend your early morning hours snorting ground up pages of the codex, is that the codex itself dictates what to do if you're worried about corruption or odd behaviour in a squad member; you tell a chaplain. You absolutely do not involve the separate, private organisation that 8 out of 10 marine chapters would pick a fight with, given the advantage.
Leandros basically backflipped on all of his beliefs the minute his captain told him to grow up, and went crying to the people infamous for involving themselves in space marine affairs and disappearing chapters who upset them.
Dude is basically a narc.
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moodymisty · 2 days
It would be comedy gold if in the century our best boi Titus was away, Leandros the Bitch fell in love with a woman who didn't reciprocate his feelings whatsoever. He probably didn't make a move and stalked her like the loser he is. Then Titus the Gigachad comes back and 5 business days later he's with Leandros' woman. They are happily in love and later married. The Primarch himself officiates their wedding.
Titus would, but he totally meant NOTHING malicious by it and didn't even know Leandros liked her. He just knew of her and she cleans that area of barracks a lot and just, accidentally rizzed her up with that space marine negative rizz without realizing Leandros had a crush
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ladymirdan · 9 days
Ah, lads, I've done it again. Another rare/first-pair.
Absolutely shameless Space Marine smut with our second favourite lieutenant, and.. Our second most disliked chaplain?
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sleepyfan-blog · 3 months
Stern Talk
Author's note: This is the next installment of the Bully(ing) Cato Sicarius fic! First. Previous. Next. This chapter was beta-read by @sistersofthelobotomy
warnings: body horror, medical quarantine,
tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @the-pure-angel @whorety-k @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
Summary: Titus swiftly escorts you away from the monstrous amalgamation of machine and flesh, and you talk with one of the sergeants.
You were baffled when, as soon as the final opponent came into view, Titus and the other Ultramarines watching Cato fight in the arena that the leaders of this system had brought you to in order to watch the fights immediately began moving. Titus himself swept you up into his arms, bundling you close to his chest with one arm and ordering you in a low voice to “Stay close and hold on. I am going to be moving quickly. The situation has gotten dangerously out of hand, my lady.”
“What’s going on?” You ask, looking up into his helmeted face. If you squint, you can just see through his helmet lenses and get a glimpse at his face. Titus’ expression is tense and unhappy, and his fellow Ultramarines are in the process of swiftly gathering up the rest of the noncombatants and bringing them to Maccrage’s Honor.
Titus did not put you down, after he rushed you to one of the massive ship’s ramps. His long legs made getting up the ramp much faster than if he had set you down. He reached for the bulkhead when one of the other Ultramarines - a sergeant from the red paint on his helmet, and also of the second company from the markings on his armor spoke up, coming up next to where Titus was standing, still holding onto you protectively
“Sir, the codex astartes clearly states that -”
“Father has ordered that the quarantine procedures for our diplomatic staff, as well as for the Ultramarines exposed to the entity happen within Maccrage’s Honor’s medical bays. We cannot trust that the local population hasn’t been entirely corrupted and poisoned by the same essence that twisted the thing that Captain Sicarius is currently valiantly fighting in single combat to allow the rest of us time to evacuate our people, Sergeant. If you want to discuss possible Codex violations with the one who gave the order, I suggest you speak with Father, who gave us the order to do this himself.” Titus interrupted the sergeant, startlingly terse with the other Ultramarine.
The sergeant flinched back a little, ducking his head a little “As… As you say, sir. You will need to put the mortal down once we reach the medical bay, sir.”
“And I will do so then, sergeant. In the meantime, tend to your own charge. One of them is about to fall off the cargo ramp, Leandros.” Titus grumbled.
That caused the sergeant to mutter a curse as he rushed after the stumbling baseline mortal.
The stumbling mortal failed as their feet slipped off of the edge of the ramp, starting to plunge downward back to the planet below.
The sergeant dragged them back from the side of the ramp and held them around the waist, tucking them into his side as he grabbed another baseline mortal, following you and Titus into Maccrage’s Honor.
A short period of time later, you find yourself shivering a little after having scrubbed yourself thoroughly with the mildly caustic soap that the armored Apothecary had handed you to use. You were wearing a thin space-linen dress. The ship always felt a little on the cold side to you when you were in few layers. You wrap your arms around yourself as you patiently wait in the small room that you’d been led to.
Apparently, the horrific amalgamation of flesh and machinery had been significantly tainted by Chaos. While you had only limited exposure to the thing itself, there was a possibility that the Chaos Cult behind this may have tampered with the ceremonial food and drink that you had shared with the leading Magos and their advisors. Which meant that you were going to be held in solitary quarantine while they ran blood sample tests, and one of the Librarians scanned your soul for possible signs of infection.
You didn’t feel any different, but the thought of being unwillingly infected by Chaos, if only a little, caused a terrified shudder to run down your spine. You were willing to wait as long as necessary in order to ensure that your mind, soul and body were untainted by Chaos. You were keenly aware of the Imperial Truth that Lord Guilliman espoused… But the temptation to sink to your knees and begin praying to the God Emperor of Mankind was nearly impossible for you to resist.
You’d been taught the Imperial Faith since you could remember by your teachers, by your birth family. You'd heard it espoused all your life until you’d been chosen as one of Lord Guilliman’s mortal negotiators. The awe and religious reverence you felt towards the Holy Primarch and his Guardian Angels of Death had only faded as your… Interactions with a certain prickly Ultramarine grew more frequent, and you learned the sometimes-subtle shifts in mood of your boss and the Lord Regent, with whom you worked with extensively.
He had bid you to abandon the Imperial Faith for the Imperial Truth that he said was espoused by the Emperor Himself and you obeyed to the best of your abilities. Not all of your fellow diplomats had - especially as there were high ranking members of the Ecclesiarchy aboard the Maccrage’s Honor who fervently believed and preached the Imperial Faith to any who would listen… When outside the hearing of the Primarch.
You were also very keenly aware of the fact that Cato had been left to fight off that monstrosity alone, while the remaining two squads of second company Ultramarines had escorted everyone who couldn’t fight such things away to safety. His military career was long and well-decorated. He had clashed with the forces of chaos and emerged the triumphant, untainted victor in the past. You clung to that thought, and -
There was a knock on the door of the quarantine room you’d been placed in, causing you to startle a little. You walk up to the door and press the intercom button, calling out “Yes, is there something else I need to do?” You were told that the Librarians were currently involved in excising the greater chaos threat from the world that Maccrage’s Honor had landed on. The excising could take anywhere between a few hours to several months to fully exercise. During that time you would have limited contact with others until your soul and mind could be properly checked for signs of Chaos Corruption.
Sargeant Leandros was on the other side of the door. He had removed his helmet, and it was clipped to its proper spot on his belt. The other’s sandy brown hair was a touch longer than regulation, but nothing out of the ordinary. You’ve spoken with him from time to time. He’s quite focused on ensuring that himself and others follow the letter of the Codex closely, rather than thinking flexibly, from what you have observed of him. But he tries hard and seems to care for his brothers greatly. “I wished to speak with you. I have spoken with the Apothecaries. You do not show signs or symptoms of infective Chaos corruption, if indeed you have been tainted by Chaos. May I come in?”
Considering the fact that you’re wearing a simple linen slip, you called out “One moment, please.” as you grabbed the provided blanket, wrapping it around yourself and sitting on the cot in the small room “You may come in. What did you want to speak with me about, Sergeant?”
The Ultramarine opened the door to the room you were quarantining in, stepping in and closing the door behind him. Leandros seemed to fill the rest of the room, huge, especially in his armor. He stared at you for several long, awkward seconds, clearing his throat before averting his gaze for a moment, before looking at you again “I… I wanted to talk to you about some of your… Interactions with Captain Sicarius and Lieutenant Titus.”
You remembered that Leandros had been serving with both Titus and Cato for centuries. You silently wondered if you were going to get a space shovel talk about being careful with the hearts of his older brothers Or Else. Leandros wouldn’t be the only Battle Brother to have stopped by to growl at you suspiciously. Captain Agemann and Sargent Numitor among others had spoken to you, asking about your intentions with Cato and Titus. You had been honest with them, and you planned on being honest with Leandros. “Oh?” You asked, gesturing for him to continue.
The sergeant fidgeted a little, looking visibly awkward and unsure as he started to speak “I am aware of the fact that you have become very close with both aCaptain Sicarius and Lieutenant Titus. They also show a concerning amount of preference towards your safety and well-being, even in scenarios where other factors should command their attention more.” Leandros shifted from foot to foot as he continued to speak “Not that you aren’t a useful member of the diplomatic team. But I am concerned that the off-duty activities you get up to with both of them is affecting their judgment and ability to prioritize objectives properly.”
Well, that’s a new angle. Previously you’d been asked - once at sword point - what were your intentions with the two of them and why you were climbing into their beds and trying to steal their hearts. “Both Captain Sicarius and Lieutenant Titus have served the Imperium as Ultramarines for centuries. Do you truly think that I am able to distract them from their duties to such a degree?” You were genuinely curious as to what his answer would be. You loved them both dearly, but had also sworn oaths as a member of the Imperial Regent’s Diplomatic envoy. You worked hard to make sure that your love life did not conflict with your duties. You were certain that Titus and Cato did the same.
If a scenario came up where they had to choose between you or their duties - even if it meant your death or worse, you fully expected both of them to choose their duties. This thought did not upset you, you were well aware of the fact that the Angels of the Imperium had very serious and rigid duties that they tended to. It was an honor that they’d let you in so close, and you would not betray their trust and care.
“Not yet, but I am concerned that if this… If this flirtation and indulgence in carnal activities continues, they may be swayed when you are put in danger again. And it is a certainty that as long as you are a diplomat for Lord Father, that you will be put into danger regularly, much as we do our best to keep the dangerous element from reaching you and the other diplomatic mortals.” Leandros answered, slightly less tense as he explained himself. “From what I observed, you were the one to make the first… Overt moves, yes? Due to the potential power imbalance between yourself, the captain and lieutenant.”
“If you’re asking if I was the one who confessed feelings first and initiated the conversation about where things were to go, if anywhere in our personal relationships? Then yes. I was.” You respond, tilting your head a little as you look him over searchingly, trying to figure out what his angle was. This didn’t feel like a space shovel talk. You weren’t sure what this was, but it didn’t feel like a nosy younger Astartes trying to gather gossip, or trying to figure out how to woo a mortal he was interested in by going to a mortal in a relationship with older Astartes. Your conversation with Titus had been easier as Cato was… Cato was really bad at figuring out how he felt and hid his softer emotions with rage and aggression. He was getting better about that, but could still become quite aggressive when he felt vulnerable. “But the… Personal interactions I have with Captain Sicarius and Lieutenant Titus in our shared off-time is allowed.” You’d checked before initiating the conversation with Titus in the first place.
You hadn’t wanted to potentially either get him or yourself into trouble for pursuing him romantically. You and Titus had been dating for several months before Cato had stumbled his way into confessing his true feelings. That had been the first of several conversations about wants, needs and expectations.
“Unless it conflicts with their duties. And as you were the one to initiate… If you were the one to… Perhaps put a pause on the.. Off-duty interactions for a little while, to allow them to remember their duties and proper priorities, I feel that it would be for the best.” Leandros informed you, looking at you expectantly.
“You. You want me to what?” You sputter, startled by his audacity. What business was it of his what his superior officers got up to in their free time, as long as it was legal, safe, sane and consensual?
Leandros sighed, shaking his head a little before saying “If you are asking me to be plain, I shall be. I am surprised that you need me to say it directly, given your career of choice. I want you to step away from them socially and physically in your off time that you have been sharing with them. I would rather you not mention that this was requested of you by a Brother for their own sakes as-” the Sergeant hesitated for a couple of moments, clearly trying to pick his words with care “Captain Sicarius in particular is known for being volatile and quick to anger. Lieutenant Titus and I have a fraught history with one another, but I truly only mean the best for them both.”
That admission caused you to narrow your eyes a little up at him. You’d been taken aback by the sargeant’s request to break up with Cato and Titus, but had thought that he was doing so out of a misguided attempt to help his brothers, or protect them from the inevitable heartbreak, given that you were a baseline human and would live to maybe two hundred years or so with longevity treatments and space marines - unless they were killed in battle or stricken with chaos-fueled infections - could live for over a thousand years. But now you weren’t so sure if this wasn’t some sort of attempt at social sabotage.
A fairly clumsy attempt at social sabotage for an Ultramarine. You’d watched a group of Ultramarines run diplomatic circles around more than a couple of stubborn and haughty inquisitors during your time serving alongside them.
But outright saying no to him while in this confined space and it being your word against his if anything did happen… You let out a long sigh, affecting a thoughtful and sad expression on your face as you say “I will think carefully about your advice, sergeant. Thank you for coming to me with your concerns. I’m sure that you have much to do, and should get back to them.”
Leandros smiled brightly at that, reaching out and patting you lightly on the shoulder. “I am glad that you listened to my concerns, miss. I do hope that you make the right decision.” With that he turned and left your quarantine room, leaving you to your thoughts.
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turianjournalist · 8 days
Chairon and Gadriel: “brother, please, for the love of the god emperor, tell us what the FUCK is going on.”
Titus, traumatized by Leandros: “no. Hope that helps.”
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taryn40k · 9 days
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I am going to get executed by the closest commissar for this but it has to be said. XD
(Spoilers below)
Yes he is irritating in space marine 1, but he's a baby astartes. He needed to learn and be taught, not to be shut down. Even Titus recognizes that by space marine 2!
And honestly, if I was a chaplain and I saw someone I firmly believed was corrupted get reinstated into my chapter, I would not be as patient and forgiving as he is! So yes, he is intense in his devotion and that's scary, as it should be, but he HAS learned, and he DID get better. People look up to him and his guidance. He doesn't give you any bad advice, he gives you fair warnings. I like how he developed, even if he still isn't likable! :)
Even if I wish he would have had the time to address what happened between Titus and him. But he probably doesn't think he did anything wrong in that regard, so that's not happening. XD
Anyways yes. Baby Leandros was a little shit, like any young soldier is. Matured Leandros aged like fine wine and he looks dope. Had to be said! :D
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space marine 2 spoilers
i do feel a lot of people are getting caught up on the reveal of leandros being the chaplain, that it overshadows the actual interesting bits which are leandros actually being a chaplain during the course of the game. he counsels titus after his surgery, gives spiritual advice and reinforcement, gives sermons and chaplain speeches etc. and of course that by virtue of his position he holds both the trust of the chapter and the chapter master himself.
like theres surprisingly a lot to bite into that i hope does get some sort of follow up.
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