#4) cadia
the-lady-general · 2 years
Aw, I'm still in love with 2nd Lt. Mira of the Cadian 203rd.
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kit-williams · 8 months
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The big Black Legion/Luna Wolf story. Because of the dark nature of this story aka the rape and other heavy themes like with other dark themed stories there is no use of you or I. There will be an OC that is going to be sent into the dark depths. I will say this with scensarity. When I write for 40k I do take advantage of the grimdarkness of the far future. You are all probably aware of this if you've read a lot of what I write. This is one of the fics I pushed to the limit. I'm also going to apologize for combat scenes I'm not very good at them.
tw: Rape (dead dove do not eat), Forced Pregnancy, some mind break, stockholm syndrome, Breeding and impregnation talk and kinks, clothed male unclothed female for one part, and please let me know if there is something I have missed
Zhur Painbane
Dolli Quest: purple eyes, prosthetic left leg, prosthetic left hand, scars on her arms, large aquilia tattoo on her back from shoulder to shoulder, red hair
Cadia would fall... it was inevitable really. The crusade would succeed but Zhur Painbane was simply here to cause terror within the Cadian trenches as they push hard. His furred cape was black and sooty still hanging together since the days he was a Luna Wolf... a faded wolf head holding the center red gem on his chest. His golden mask turned upward as the booming crack across the sky as the Maelstrom seemed to lash out against the Imperials.
They were trying to surround him. How cute. He thought as they shot at him with heavy munition.
"Dolli call artillery!" He heard someone shout. As his head whips to the soon to be dead Cadian shooting him in his head!
"Yes Sir!" She shouts as she forces Zhur to snarl and reel back slightly to avoid a shot in the eye lens. You're going to die slowly little rabbit. Though he might have fun with that one... he enjoys the shape of her face... the strong jaw and the vibrant amethyst eyes that practically glow. Zhur wants to see that face of hers look hopeless.
He began the quick slaughter as he watched her run down a section of the trench, hopping over holes and dead bodies. When she got far enough... he shot a few rounds and rushed after her.
Dolli got the radio warning of the Chaos Space Marine on her tail. She unloaded a few hand grenades feeling them blow up behind her and causing a chain reaction with unexploded ordinance behind her or grenades. Even the heat of that behind her kept her going as she knew he would be right there. She slid herself to the vox. "This is Vox Alfa 4 fire on our position. We have a Charlie Sierra Mike running through the trench. Emperor Protect our souls."
"Emperor Protects." Was all she got on the other end of the line.
The heavy and chunky thud of her rifle bought her a few seconds as he rushed down upon her. She pressed the barrel of her gun to his throat and pulled the trigger several times. His head jerking back as she barely missed his vocal cords and spinal cord. Snarling as those black and gold fingers dug into the blood filled mud as she overcharged her las and burned several holes into his arm. She kept him on his toes as he played with his food... Dolli knew he was playing with her... she just had to be enough fun.
Zhur heard the whistling and tackled her into the bunker nearby as the earth shaking rounds threw dirt into the air. He was snarling as he could feel his organs shutter. He ground his sharp teeth looking at the body under him. He wasn't a dedicated slannshi to fuck a warm corpse. His fingers cupped her chin as he looked at her, nose and ears bleeding from the explosions and most likely ruptured her organs.
He turned away and walked toward the entrance. She would have made a fine subject to his experiment... a refinement to Honsou's design. Honsou was onto something but he did it wrong... the human body is already capable of flushing out the rejects naturally. Zhur was on the cusp of success... just the last female he had went insane and had died outside of his control but she gave birth to what was essentially a space marine.
Dolli pulled out her knife as she looked at the space marine just standing there. She was going to die... she accepted this... but if she could be the reason this traitor dies she could be happy with it.
Zhur snarled as the knife buried itself into his side and he heard the mechanics of a priming grenade. His honey brown eyes flicked to his side seeing Dolli there with her hand on the knife and the grenade in her hand. She was making a reach to try and tangle herself against his armor.
Dolli doesn't know what happened exactly in that moment as she had stabbed him and was ready to meet the Emperor. The next moment the grenade was out of her hand and her breath was knocked out of her as she felt herself being cradled. Had a loyalist space marine come and saved her? No... it was still black and gold armor against her... NO... NO NO NO NO NO. Dolli began to thrash as nothing good ever came of being saved by a Black Legionary.
He snarled over his vox down at her as she realized her hand holding the grenade was gone and she didn't feel the way he just cut the metal off. "You little bitch. Thought you could get the drop on me?" He snarled as he began to rip the leather and thick cloth of her trousers, crushing the metal and the armor plates on them.
She kicks and tried to slam her prosthetic leg into him trying to get it to go beyond what it was suppose to do. She could hope it would decide to kick a hole in his chest but so far that wasn't happening. "Die in a hole you filthy traitorous scum!" She spits and snarls at him. Dolli had a dreaded feeling of what was going to happen she tries to grab her knife but he throws it away. Its a horror of the battlefield no one talks about... well when one of the enemy's entire perversion is sex... she remembers being warned as a little girl what could happen. She remembers how many of her friends couldn't stomach the idea... it wasn't guaranteed that it might happen... most likely you'd be blown apart but... the thought that you could be an unlucky victim. Dolli never thought it would be her.
Agent Quest?
"Behave!" Snarled Zhur as he grabbed her organic leg and threatened to snap it.
"No!" She screamed back as Zhur pressed his hand down on her stomach as he pushed himself between her legs and pulled his cock out. Zhur would play nicer after this... if she survived.
For Dolli she gritted her teeth as she could feel the cockhead pressing hard against her entrance. She couldn't even kill herself to save herself from this... either it would be a slow painful death via internal bleeding or she would be found later... discharged and always given pitied looks as if there was some sign around her neck that everyone could notice that she had been defiled by a traitorous and tainted space marine.
Zhur watches her face... he expects that fire to go out... to see that delicious helplessness... the begging and pleading for mercy where it wouldn't be found. Instead he found a fire... warp fire in her amethyst eyes. How she was still snarling at him... she looked like one of the corpse emperors living saints right now... the way her eyes glow with righteous anger... the paleness of her skin smeared with dirt and blood... how her hair is splayed out making a halo a dirty halo full of dirt, blood, sweat, and soot. Zhur snarls as he pushes into the unwilling cunt.
Tears prick the corner of her eyes as she could feel it all and the pained cry as he forced himself into her dry. She hissed with pain as he bobbed his hips working each painful inch deeper into her sex.
Mattis go get the others she's having an episode.
Mattis go!
Mum please... wake up.
Zhur felt himself bottom out and moaned. He let her cunt spaz about him as blood, his pre cum, her piss, and her own forced arousal helped get him this far. He leaned his head back and savored the feeling of her around him. She glared up at him with wet eyes still looking like a fallen saint. Zhur was hardly a word bearer but perhaps he had found someone who was chosen by the corpse... he grins at the thought of stealing her away from him.
"Oh I think I'm going to do more than just fuck you till I feel better... there will still be that." He moved his hand to her throat as he had to be gentle given he was still fully armored as she was at an awkward angle. "I'm still mad at you little mortal... I didn't appreciate the headshots and nearly taking out an eye." He chuckled as she replied with a snarl.
"You are going to be part of something much more than yourself."
"Fuck you! The Emperor protects me and I will never join Chaos!" She screamed causing him to laugh.
"Silly mortal. I'm currently fucking you and who says I need you to join. Oh what will be happening to you... please do pray. Pray to him and let him see what will happen to you." He purred as he was kind enough to let her adjust to him as he enjoyed the feeling between her thighs.
Dolli refused to scream... refused to cry as she just glared up at the grunting marine above her. She tried to focus on the distant gun shots and explosions instead of the lurid wet squelches that was starting to happen. The wet fapping noise as she felt herself become aroused. Remembering the woman from that class explain that it could happen... its nothing about want... sometimes the body is like a machine and when something goes in there it reacts like how it is suppose to.
For Zhur he was panting and grunting and growling above her jerking her hips to his over and over again...
What's going on?
Mum is having an episode.
Mama's done so well... what triggered it?
I don't know Zekyr!
Calm down Naxos.
... it felt like heaven between her thighs. Oh yes he was going to keep her. Zhur felt so warm inside of his armor as he started to jerk her hips faster. Oh yes he was bringing her back. Zhur groaned as he pulled her tightly against him and spilled inside of her.
For Dolli she didn't know what to expect next... she couldn't stop her thrashing as he grabbed her head and slammed it down. Making everything go dark.
However there was no throne to greet her in the dark. Just a whisper... I'm sorry. The weight of those words sat like a stone in her stomach as she knew she was still alive. Her eyes opened for brief moments... all she could see was black and gold... profane shapes that hurt her eyes... twisted individuals draped in skin... someone touching her face and grabbing at her aquilia before she saw them turn to red paste as the space marine holding her snarled something in a foul tongue.
Dolli felt sore... there was a throbbing in her face... the throbbing between her legs... she wasn't on a shitty medical cot. Dolli was on a soft bed... she opened her eyes she was naked save for her aquilia... her leg prosthetic was missing as was the reminder of her forearm prosthetic. She had been cleaned and that feeling made her feel sick as she had an idea who... seeing hickies blooming on her thigh and one of her breasts.
"Ah welcome back." A clear voice purred to her. Honey brown eyes looked at her from a face that seemed to have some 5 o'clock shadow growing in with short neat black hair shaved to a military standard. His canines were long and so was his tongue but he was dressed in a black compression shirt and some shorts. Dolli was confused... she would have mistaken him for an Ultramarine or even a Blood Angel if it was not for the star of chaos on the door. "So Dolli, that is your name if I remember right. I'm going to tell you what is going to happen."
She looked at him unimpressed, "I assume rape me again and twist me to Chaos?" She said before spitting at him.
Zhur liked his little wife clean. Her hair was a deep red that looked better clean... oh he was eager to see it long and see it pool under her head like a blood pool. "Oh perhaps if you continue to resist it will be rape. But no... in fact I want you to try to resist... I want you to cling to the Emperor as long as you can as I think I like your fire. But no... you're going to help me make more space marines." He said running his tongue over his teeth looking at her on his bed.
Zhur quickly realized when he became a Luna wolf all those years ago that he felt a deep longing for something... he should have been like his brother... having a wife on his hip to come home to... he wanted that. He didn't know why he did and perhaps if everything had succeeded and the Astartes were no longer needed he would have settled down, probably several times given his life span, and had his own wife on his hip. He couldn't explain the deep covetous need it bloomed into and seeing Dolli clean and laying on his bed once again triggered that need.
Lucky for him... she would be the first test of what was his final plan for an improved demoncubula. Though less demons involved and a lot more dark mechanicus involvement and flesh shaping psykers. "No snide comment on that?" Zhur says tilting his head to the side before continuing, "You see I realized that getting pregnant was hard as was staying pregnant... the human body is very good at detecting genetic defects and reabsorbs the fetus'... oh look at me explaining your biology to you." He coos softly as he walks closer, "You are going to be my little wife. " He grabs her chin as she looks at him with wide eyes, "And we're going to make a happy little family."
"You're insane." She hisses softly.
"Perhaps but that is what happens when you want something so badly you are forced to make it yourself. Your womb will be modified and you will be given an organ called a progenoid that will feed into your modified womb. You will give birth to Astartes whom all they need to do is grow up and get the remainder of their organs with no fear of rejection. You," He cups her face, "Will be my reward."
"Oh yes I already proved that it worked. But I want to make sure it works for multiple babies..." He crawls on the bed and watches her try to crawl away but he holds her in place, "You will also be modified in a few ways to handle my... hmmm tender affections?" He chuckles softly at his own joke. "A wife must be able to handle her husband isn't that right my little wife?" He groans and Dolli watches as he gets hard.
She pushes against his head but he runs his tongue along the valley of her breasts as he grinds against her, "Oh my little wife I shouldn't... you'll be having surgery soon enough... but I'm so excited." Dolli scratches at him as he pushes his ring finger inside of her this time to try and work her. "See darling I can be nice I'll make you feel good." He pants with perverse pleasure, "You'll make such a good mommy for our boys. Won't you? Yes... say yes... you'll be such a good-"
"Mommy?" Dolli finally blinks as she looks up at pair of bright purple eyes, belonging to her eldest Thallos. She looks around seeing three other concerned looking pairs.
"B-boys. What." She looks down at the railing she is holding onto with a white knuckle grip.
"You were thinking about Da- um Zhur again weren't you?" Thallos says.
"You can still call him Daddy, Da, Dada, Dad, or Father if you want I know you all still hold affection for him." She says with a sigh as they look guilty at that fact. They look like a mashup between Horus and their father with a few features from her. She was happy they all had her eyes... "Boys don't feel guilty for what your father did." She no longer flinches when calling him that... she hardly realizes she calls Zhur their father.
Dolli Quest was now an inquisition member along with her four boys... Thallos Quest, Naxos Quest, Zekyr Quest, and Mattis Quest. They were an unidentified 4 man astartes group that just would affectionately refer to their inquisition liaison as mother sometimes. That was the cover the Inquisitor gave her... she couldn't help herself as they were her boys. Zhur gave her four little angels that she loved so much... they were a happy little family.
Dolli knew something in her broke during her time with Zhur... she never fell to chaos even during what eventually turned out to be century with him. But, she was the one who wanted Mattis... she seduced him to give her one more little boy. She was scared that they would have to leave Mattis behind given how close he was to his father when Thallos wanted to help her escape.
She pulled Thallos close before opening her other arm and feeling her boys get close. "I love you four so much... don't ever think I don't... I love you all from the tops of your heads to the bottom of your toes... to the sky above... and the earth below... to the stars beyond... and forever and ever after." She whispered to them kissing their cheeks or foreheads as she let tears fall. Dolli broke... because she couldn't find it in her heart to hate Zhur anymore.
However, she wouldn't go back... she was a loyal Imperial citizen! She wiped her face and straightened up, "Alright boys we've got a mission!"
Mattis was a good boy... all of his sons were good boys in his eyes. But Mattis could not keep anything hidden from his father. It is how he learned about Thallos' plan to steal his mother away. Only reason Zhur allowed it and in fact helped it succeed was because he was going on a long deployment and had a feeling someone was going to try to kill his precious little wife. The last kiss he gave her still warmed his lips... the uncertainty in her eyes... nearly giving up the ghost herself it would seem.
Zhur smiled as he watched on the screen as he could see his Dolli! She walked with her retinue and their sons. Zhur keeps telling himself that he allowed this... he allowed all of this... but really the separation was killing him now. He wanted his boys back... he wanted his wife back. He inhales hard and calms his eager voice as he connects to the private family vox channel and purrs out, "Daddy's home"
Thallos: Mommy
Naxos: Mum
Zekyr: Mama
Mattis: Mom
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taryn40k · 1 month
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My friends have graciously allowed me to play with their Darktide characters as well on this blog! :D So we might see them now and again!
Captain Harken was arrested for complaining about the corpse starch's taste, and ended up here. Actual military experience, doing his best to train his people!
The lightning-wielding Estaie would have become a Commissar, if the voices didn't start manifesting... The inquisition saved him from the Black ships at the last second. He is sanctioned. We promise.
Chucking ice knives at the enemy, we have Meliota! An ex-Sister of Battle, also forced to take a different path once her powers started manifesting. She talks quite often to her beloved. (It's the Emperor) (We think) (We hope)
And finally, the hive city ganger currently getting over 4 different substance addictions, Phosphex! Unlike the others, he was RECRUITED after witnessing the fall of Cadia, the planet he saw as an oppostunity after the disorganized violence of his original hive city. He is a walking jumpscare. For allies AND foes! (handle with caution, do not try to restrain!)
Harken @girugin
Estaie @hands-of-fate-ocs
Meliota @ember-menia
Phosphex @techpirate1
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djpain619 · 1 year
84th Sigman Kerberos Regiment, aka The Wolf Brigade
The story of how they Earned that nickname.
In the 42nd Millennium, after the Fall of Cadia, In the Imperium Nihilis, A company of the Wolfspear Chapter was under assault by a fleet of Chaos Reivers led by a Single Ship of Huron Blackhearts own Red Corsairs.
Their Battle Barge crippled and the enemy ships circling like sharks, they prepared to go down fighting. The Red Corsair then fired some Ursus Claws into the Battle Barge and began reeling them in like a fish on a line for a Boarding Action.
Then a small Rouge Trader Fleet drops out of the Warp. After hailing the Wolfspears to confirm their Loyalty, the Traders escort ships break off and begin harassing the Chaos Reivers. Meanwhile the Massive Rouge Trader ship makes a b-line for the Red Corsair firing all its forward weaponry.
The Red Corsair, currently in the middle of boarding the Wolfspear Battle Barge, then found itself being boarded by numerous Valkyre Drop ships loaded with Tempestus Scions.
The Corsairs Traitor Astartes soon found the tables had turned as they now fought a two front war against their former prey the Wolfspears and thier new attackers, the Scions. With this newfound breathing room and smelling blood in the water, the Wolfspears pressed the counter attack. Repelling the Corsairs from their Battle Barge the Wolfspears continued on into the belly of the Red Corsairs Vessel. It was there that they Met the 84th Sigman Kerberos.
After a quick parlay wherein each side confirmed the Loyalty Status of the other, the Scions and Astartes quickly began coordinating their efforts to Assault the enemy vessel and its crew. With their combined efforts they managed to place explosive charges throughout the Corsair in its most vulnerable areas.
The Scions and Astartes then exfiltrated the Corsair and returned to the Battle Barge. Once everyone was on board, save a single 5 man fireteam of Scions left as a sacrificial rear guard, the explosives were detonated and the Corsair was reduced to space debris.
Their Red Corsair Flagship destroyed, the rest of the Chaos Reivers scattered and fled.
The Rouge Trader Fleet then enveloped the battle barge as numerous teams of squat engineers begin making repairs to the vessel. Meanwhile the Rouge Trader begin offloading numerous supplies and equipment to the Battle Barge.
The Rouge Trader's Squat Captain and the Scions Tempestor Prime report to the Wolfspear Captain that Rouge Traders mission was to deliver the Scions as reinforcements to the first Loyalist Imperial authority they encountered in the Imperium Nihilis. This just so happened to be the Wolfspears.
Thus 3 companies of the 84th Sigman Kerberos Regiment were attached to that Company of the Wolfspear Chapter of Adeptus Astartes.
After 9 years of service with distinction, of the original 3 companies, only 4 Platoons are left. In recognition of their deeds in Aid to the Wolfspear Chapter, the remaining Platoons are sent back to Ørnverden with the Chapters blessing to add the Wolfspears Iconography to the Regiments Heraldry. The Wolfspears Captain also gives them the honorary title of "the Wolf Brigade"
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runoriginal · 2 months
@feralbeing I got a notification for being mentioned on your post but I don't see my tag in it so I don't really know but it sounded fun so I did it anyway
Three ships: I have shit memory but I'll try. FitzChivalry - The Fool; Sypha - Trevor - Alucard and I honestly don't know for the third one
First ship: Boring answer since it's already there but FitzChivalry - The Fool
Last Song: Drunk Drivers/Killer Whales by Car Seat Headrest
Last TV show: The Boys, litteraly just finished season 4 (it was insane, holy shit)
Currently reading: The Fall of Cadia by Robert Rath
Currently watching: X-Files
Currently eating: a caramel and chocolate biscuit
Currently craving: More TTRPG sessions
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maiemorrae · 11 months
CalmWriMo Day 4
Word Count 382
Today's writing was working more on the Ellis prompt. I'm pretty confident now this will be a Luctine Archives post on my site, especially after I got some more ideas for it. I'm excited since I'll be getting to write some stuff with her parents, Cadia and Mathias.
Here's a little bit of what I wrote today.
"There's got to be something we can do." Mathias laments as he holds the finally sleeping Ellis close. "She... she can't last if this continues...." Cadia paces the room, coming to a stop in front of them. She sighs as she brushes some of Ellis' hair from her forehead, frowning when she feels how warm she is. "I... I'll look around for help tomorrow. I think I might know of someone who could help her." Mathias stays silent, knowing full well this would be no normal physicker... it would be an arcanist.
Can I just say I'm actually really glad I decided to take part in this? Had some major writer's block after getting my wisdom teeth out last month, couldn't get any ideas down even though I really wanted to write. So happy to be getting the writing flow going again.
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crabbng · 2 years
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The traditionally drawn, full-color, most beloved webcomic series Kings of Sorts returns for an 11th book!
In a world of magic and lost tech, a decree from the king of Cadia upends Hana's lonely life, into a world of ulterior motives and magical atrocities.
“A figure from Hana’s past brings hope to his dark situation. With the castle set on breaking him, how long will he be able to keep it?”
Hana receives a message he was meant to hear years ago. Chaar struggles with which path to take. Kiigari is given an impossible assignment. Tera and Bon go to a library for some very rare literature.
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sign up to get notified on launch!
starts in 4 days! check out the blog post on the kos website to see what all will be available 💕
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boardgametoday · 1 year
Games Workshop Pre-Order Preview: Black Library and Warhammer Heroes Series 4
Games Workshop Pre-Order Preview: Black Library and Warhammer Heroes Series 4 #warhammercommunity #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #killteam
It’s an intriguing light week for next week’s Games Workshop pre-orders with multiple releases from Black Library being the highlight. Creed: Ashes of Cadia picks up decades since the Fall of Cadia. Ursula Creed heads to the shattered remains of the Cadian homeworld, a broken hellscape of deadly secrets. The book by Jude Reid will be available as a regular hardback, eBook, and audiobook formats…
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mrsarnasdelicious · 7 months
Restful Respite - dark crystal polyship fic
We’re not getting a Season 2, so I’ll make it up myself.
This is unbeta'd and I commit my wordcrimes without apologies.
Ch 1: The Council Ch 2: Puncture Wounds Ch 3: Expeditions
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Ch 4: The Stripping of Ha’rar
Gurjin returns the following afternoon. Rian runs to him. “That is about time!” He throws his arms around Gurjin’s neck. “I have missed you too.” Gurjin wraps one arm around the Stonewood’s waist. Rian noses the underside of the Drenchen’s jaw. Gurjin laughs heartily and spins Rian around. “You are not leaving my side again, you hear.” Rian says. Gurjin chuckles and his ears perk up. “I hear you, my love.” He says, nuzzling Rian’s fragrant hair. More gelfling approach to welcome Gurjin home. “Where are the warriors?” Naia asks. “On their way here from Sami Thickett. I traveled ahead.” Gurjin gently puts Rian down and turns to his sister. “How is mother?” Naia hugs her brother, sounding more gentle. “Tough as nails, just like you know her.” Gurjin happily hugs his twin back. “And pa?” Naia steps back, but her hands she keeps on Gurjin’s shoulders. Gurjin snorts and shakes his head. “He got gored by a Nebri Bull again. Ma’s got him on bedrest.” He replies. Naia shakes her head as well.
Other gelfling greet Gurjin and hug him.
“Oh yeah. I got a few things I needed to give to you.” Gurjin reaches into the bag at his hip. “Rian, ma says this whintleroot helps against the nightmares. Eat a little before bed, she says.” He hands Rian the first of two stachells. “Thank you.” Rian mutters. “You know mother cares for you.” Gurjin says. The second satchell he gives to Naia. “Mother embowed these stones with her Vilyaya. Give them to Elder Cadia in his tea. You do need to support it with your own Vilyaya, but it will restore his mind.” He says. “Elder Cadia is still here?” Rian asks. He has been far too busy with the council to pay much mind to who exactly lives in Stone-in-the-Wood outside his close personal circle. “Maudra Ethri says he has to stay on land until his mind is whole again.” Onica informs him. “We had best get to it quickly.” Naia tells the Sifan gelf. She takes Onica by the arm and draws her along. “And this is for you.” Gurjin hands Brea a letter. “The Drenchen wrote me a letter?” Brea whispers, beyond impressed. Gurjin begins to laugh. “No, I was handed this letter by Maudra Mera. She says a friend of yours asked her to write it to you.” He replies. Brea plucks the letter from Gurjin’s fingers. She examines the wax seal, now recognizing the symbol of the Spriton Maudra. She breaks the seal and begins to read.
Dearest Princess Brea,
We are joyous to share the fact of our betrothal with you and yours. We are to be wed in Sami Thickett after the pass of two unum. We would like to invite you and one other guest of your choice.
Best Regards And hoping you are well,
Juni and Denys Brea squeals and promptly throws her arms around Gurjin’s neck. Gurjin wraps one arm around her waist to keep her steady. “What was in that letter?” Rian asks. “Juni is marrying her Spriton boy.” Brea answers with a wide smile on her face. She lets Gurjin go and he her. “They will wed in two unum and I am invited.” She cheers happily. “That is wonderful.” Gurjin says.
Naia and Onica find Elder Cadia. He is in the Librarian’s cottage. To both the gelf’s surprise, Maurix is there as well. Cadia is asking a lot of very simple questions. The Librarian seems to be on the verge of tears. Maurix gives both women a frown. “What do you want?” He asks sharply. “Gurjin brought something for Elder Cadia.” Says Naia. “Another useless potion.” The Librarian snaps. “My mother’s Vilyaya.” Naia bites back. “Sit down dear.” Says the Librarian. He pushes Cadia down in a chair. “Paladin, we need hot water for tea.” Onica says. Maurix nods and retrieves a cup and the kettle from the stove. Naia tosses the stones, which are glowing with Laesid’s Vilyaya into the cup and pours the hot water on them. Onica grabs some tea leafs from a satchel on her belt and throws them in the cup. “Don’t burn yourself pa.” Maurix says. Elder Cadia blows on his tea. Naia walks aroun Cadia and places her hands on his head. Green Vilyaya pours from her fingers into his red curls.
It is not a visible change, but one they can feel. Cadia takes a deep breath in. “I would prefer it is we don’t talk about this ever again.” He says. “With all due respect, but you brought it upon yourself. Poisoning a Princess, what were you thinking!.” The Librarian all but yells at the Sifan Elder. “I wished only to protect her from her path.” Cadia weakly protests. Onica slaps him across the face with a flat hand. “Brea’s path leads us into danger, but also into liberty.” She snaps at him. “You are lucky she swapped your cups. You could have been locked up for life, had she lost her wits.” Maurix points out. Cadia’s ears droop. The Paladin turns to Onica. “And you were just a complicid, you put the root in her tea, did you not?” He says sharply. “How do you know?” Onica narrows her eyes. “Because I know my pa, if he can commandeer someone else to do it for him, he will.” Maurix says. “No I d-” Cadia begins to protest. “Yes you do!” The Librarian cuts him off. Maurix rolls his eyes. “Pa, Father, I have to go. I have patrol.” He says. “You go do your duty, my boy.” The Librarian gives the Paladin a small smile. Maurix leaves the cottage, seemingly in a bit of a hurry. “I did not know you had a son, Elder Cadia.” Onica says, a small smirk on her lips. “Cadia wasn’t very involved in raising boy.” The Librarian says in a snide tone. “Come on, that is our queue to leave.” Naia catches Onica with the arm and pulls her out of the cottage.
“So, what did I miss?” Gurjin asks. “The Paladin’s scouted out Ha’rar.” Rian sits down on the Stone Throne. Gurjin takes his place on his right. They are the only ones in the council chamber. “What did they find?” Gurjin asks. “Nothing, Ha’rar was as they left it.” Rian replies. “All neat and deserted huh?” Gurjin snortles. “Yep, all ready for the stripping.” Rian nods. “The Drenchen are eager to help.” Gurjin puts his hands over Rian’s own. “How was the Great Smerth?” Rian asks. “Every able bodied gelfling of age gelfling age is being trained to fight. If there will be war, the Drenchen will be ready to defend Thra.” Gurjin says. “That is good to hear. What of Sami Thickett?” Rian scribbles down a little note on what Gurjin tells him. “They are sowing more crops, to supply the warriors with. Those of fighting age are trained to be able to defend the lands when time comes. The Vapran warriors are selecting the strongest of the fighting aged to become defenders of the people.” Gurjin replies. “Very good, any news from the Dousan or the Sifan, that you know of?” Rian asks gently. “Maudra Mera says Maudra Seethi has offered the Wellsprings as a safe haven for the young and the infirm.” Gurjin answers. “That is wonderful!” Rian exclaims.
Rek’yr finds Brea sitting by the fountain, the letter clutched to her chest. “Is there something the matter, sweet princess?” He sits down beside her. Brea turns her eyes to him and send him a radiant smile. “Well won’t you look at that, good news, I presume?” The Sandmaster cooes. “It is a letter from Juni, whom I met in the Order of Lesser Service. She writes me she is getting wed soon.” Brea says. Rek’yr smiles indulgently at the Vapran Princess. “That is wonderful, when is the happy couple planning on getting married?” He asks. “Two unum from now. And we are invited!” Brea says, smiling from ear to ear. “What us are you referring to?” Rek’yr asks, one ear held playfully lopsided. Brea giggles, recognising the Sandmaster’s flirtation. She gently pinches his ear between his thumb and forefinger. Rek’yr chuckles softly in response. “Us, you and I. Juni invited me and wrote I am allowed to bring one extra guest of my own choice.” Brea says in reply to his question. Rek’yr makes a small humming noise in understanding. “I am honoured to have been chosen.” He says gently. “I wouldn’t pick anyone else.” Brea says softly. She scoots a little closer to the Dousan and leans into his side. Rek’yr nuzzles his chin into her hair. He breathes in her scent and smiles peacefully.
Late the following afternoon the Drenchen and three score of Spirton arrive at Stone-in-the-Wood. Rian greets them personally and leads them to the clearing. There Gurjin and Kylan are overseeing the preparations of a grand feast. The last before the expedition to Ha’rar. Several Drenchen go over to Gurjin and Naia and greet them as though they haven’t seen the twins in many thrine. Some of the Spriton go to Kylan, greeting them in a more polite and calm way.
“Looky here, a Prince feeding his people.” A Drenchen warrior, standing about as high as Gurjin, greets his fellow clansman. Gurjin turns to him, a wide smirk showing of his serrated tusks and fangs. “Djesid, you sly snake.” He laughs heartily. They clasp each other by the elbow and wallop their heads together. Then they erupt in loud laughter. The two evidently are familiar with one another. “I didn’t know you were among the ranks, I am glad you joined.” Gurjin says. “Can’t exactly stay in the Smerth forever. I sure as sog got tired of body guarding your sisters.” The other Drenchen gelling says. That makes Gurjin laugh again. “They can be pains in the arse, I’ll admit, but they are still my sisters, show some respect.” He says, good natured. “With all due and such, but I am doing your job for you. Had you not gone to that castle, you would have been chasing those two gelfs around the Smerth.” Djesid says teasingly. “I know I do it better, no need to whine about it.” Gurjin gives him a slap on the back. The two gellings laugh together.
Soon enough the feast is ready and every resident of Stone-in-the-Wood sits down. Seladon formally welcomes the Drenchen and the Spriton and opens the feet with a short but old song.
The Drenchen mingle well and the mood is higher than it has been in a fortnight. Kylan plays jolly tunes on his firca and the Drenchen bring out several lutes and drums. They sing bawdy songs that make most Vapran fluster, darkening even their cheeks. And once most of the food has been eaten, they hop up on the tables and start dancing a very upbeat and quick dance. Soon enough, Naia and Gurjin are on the table as well, dancing and singing with those who are doubtlessly their childhood friends. Kylan and Rian seem unphased by the whole dancing on the table thing, but they are the only non Drenchens to react in this way. Brea and the Grottan’s enjoy the spectacle. But the Vapran and Rek’yr seem rather scanadlized. The Stonewoods and the Spriton laugh and share in the bawdiness, albeit a bit less overt.
Rian steals Gurjin away to his cottage as early as he dares, which is a good while past midnight. But he just can’t keep himself away from the Drenchen Prince anymore. He’s been pawing at Gurjin’s crotch for ten minutes before being swept up. Gurjin carries Rian off to the cottage, while the Stonewood noses the underside of his jaw.
It is of course an understatement to say Gurjin tears Rian’s clothes off. “I am going to eat you whole.” The Drenchen dumps the very naked Stonewood on the bed. He then undresses himself. Rian jumps up from the bed, only to kneel down before Gurjin. “Have you missed me that much?” Gurjin purrs. Rather than answering, Rian works Gurjin into his mouth.
The following morning, a big procession is gathered to go to Ha’rar.
All other gelfling are gathered to see them off. Rian and Seladon stand by the landstrider drawn carriage, which if for Brea and Rek’yr. “You had best take good care of her, Sandmaster. I will personally have your cock-n-bollocks, on a spike.” Rian says to the Dousan. “Naturally, Young Lord. If I cannot safeguard the princess, I might as well surrender myself to Thra now.” Rek’yr replies. “Don’t be so silly, it is not like there is anything amiss in Ha’rar.” Brea tells both gelling. “But what if the Skeksis plan to ambush them?” Seladon says. She is clutching at Maurix’ arm so hard her knuckles are starting to get white. “That is why the Drenchen I asked Gurjin to gather are all warriors. And the Spriton who came from Sami Thickett are also very skilled in battle.” Rian says gently to Seladon. “Your sister is in very good hands, my lady. You must have some faith in her.” Maurix tells Seladon. But her ears are pressed closely against her skull and she is not letting up. Brea embraces her older sister firmly. “We will be back as soon as we can.” She says softly.
Gurjin is speaking to the Drenchen. “Listen here y’all.” His voice is loud and full of the authority his parents have brought him up with. “You will do as the farmers and the Spritons tell ya. This ain’t about pride, this is about getting that harvest done nice, quick and efficient, ye hear?” He says. “Aye sir!” The Drenchen chorus. “Good, now get a move on.” Naia, who is standing beside her twin, of course has to have the word. “Aye ma’am!” The Drenchen chorus. Gurjin watches the Drenchen head down the path that will leave them to Ha’rar, come are pulling carts and others are brandishing spears. He grabs Djesid by the shoulder. “I have a special assignment for you, my friend.” He says. “Lay it on me.” Djesid replies. “You guard the Princess and the Sandmaster, they will be far too occupied with each other.” Gurjin instructs the other Drenchen. “Beg pardon, room for one more on that mission.” A small Spriton gelf jumps out of the nearest tree. Both Gurjin and Djesid startle a little. “And who might you be?” Naia asks. She turns her ears a bit towards the Spriton. “I’m Eeryn. I won’t get in the way.” The Spriton gelf gives a mocking little bow. The three Drenchen give her a curious look. “If you don’t mind, I won’t either.” Gurjin shrugs. Djesid gives the Spriton an up and down. “Sure, just don’t get in my way.” He says. “I told you I wouldn’t.” Eeryn hops back into the tree. “Two guards for the Princess and her Swashbuckler.” Gurjin says. “All set!” He calls out to Rian. The Stonewood gives a minute nod, more to himself than to Gurjin, really.
“Alright, save travels!” Rian calls out. Brea and Rek’yr sit down in the carriage. The coachman, a middleaged Stonewood, spurs on the landstriders and off they are. The Drenchen, Spriton and the farmers follow behind. They are starting their journey to Ha’rar.
Brea is leaned out of the carriage window to save at Seladon, Rian, Kylan and the twins. She waves at them until they are out of sight. Then she sits back down and leans into the cushions. “I hope Seladon won’t be angry with Rian for long.” She says. “She is worried for you, Princess and with right, Thra is no longer the safe place you knew it to be.” Rek’yr leans over to take her hands between his. Brea feels her ears heat up a bit. She sends Rek’yr a coy little smile. Rek’yr smiles warmly back at her. “I understand, but, I have you, right? You will protect me!” Brea says. Rek’yr laughs gently in response. “Of course, I will always protect you.” He cooes. Brea beams at him. She gives him an absolutely enamoured look.
Lore lumbers after the carriage. The Spriton and the Vapran stay well away from him, but the Drenchen seem not to mind the stone guardian.
The journey by foot takes much longer than by landstrider. The colum, halfway through the five day journey, visits a small Stonewood village. Brea is glad to be able to stretch her legs. The Stonewoods prove very hospitable. The Spritons mingle almost seamlessly with the villagers. Hey aid in prepping the feast and setting up the tents for the Drenchen and the farmers. At night the Stonewoods join the Drenchen warriors, the Vapran farmers and the Spriton at the bonfire. There sits Rek’yr, telling Dousan myths.
Brea notices that the Sandmaster doesn’t only talk with his tongue and lips. The Dousan gelling talks also with his hands. It is incredible to behold. Every gesture is a word and emphasises it. Rek’yr’s audience is absolutely captivated by the way he tells his tales. Brea most of all.She couldn’t be more enamoured with the Dousan, even if she tried. Rek’yr ceases his telling, giving the spotlight to a sturdy Drenchen gelf. She begins to tell a song about the Great Smerth. The crowd listens just as eagerly to her. But Brea’s attention waves. She leans against Rek’yr and heaves a small sigh. Rek’yr wraps one arm around her shoulder. He presses a kiss to her forehead.
The Princess and the Sandmaster have gotten to know each other over the past two days. Being confined to a carriage together sure caused them to talk about their respective journeys in life. Brea cannot deny that she is in love with Rek’yr. She is well aware that Rek’yr is a few Thrine older than her, but the difference is not too big. The Dousan is not as old as he makes it seem. He is, in fact, exactly what Brea is looking for. A gelling full of adventure, romance and knowledge of Thra. And the sentiment is mutual. It is obvious to see. It is in the way Rek’yr looks at Brea. It is in the tone of voice he employs while talking to her. He brushes a stray strand of silver hair behind her ear and smiles warmly. There is a fluster on Brea’s ears.
Rek’yr accompanies Brea to the small cottage she is staying at for the night. By the doorstep he stops. “I bid thee a good night, my Princess.” He says softly. He bends to kiss her knuckles. Brea smiles down on him softly. “And I you, Rek’yr.” She cooes. She wishes he would act less the gentleman and would come with her inside, but her princessly upbringing prevents her from inviting him in. They haven’t yet danced, it would not be right! Brea stands on the doorstep of her cottage until Rek’yr is out of sight. He has gone into one of the tents, where the Drenchen warriors sleep. She heaves a deep sigh and closes the door. Oh how dearly she wishes she could open it back up and holler for Rek’yr to return to her. She doesn’t feel like being alone.
In a large tree, growing right beside the cottage, sits a small Spriton woman. She is fiddling with an end of reed. It slips from her fingers. And it plonks right on top a Drenchen’s head. Djesid looks up. “What are you doing up there?” He grunts. “Making sure the Princess is well protected. Or didn’t you see the Sandmaster leave?” Eeryn sneers. Djesid rolls his eyes. “That is why I am here.” He says. “You have a long march ahead of you yet, shouldn’t you sleep?” Eeryn jumps from the tree to retrieve her reed pipe. Djesid holds the pipe out of her reach. “This type of reed grows in Sog. What are you doing with it?” He asks. “It is a blow pipe, numbnuts.” Eeryn climbs, swift and agile as can be, back into the tree and fishes her pipe from Djesid’s fingers. “Go to bed, Drenchen.” She tells him. “The Princess is perfectly safe.” She leans against the tree’s trunk. “You need to march tomorrow too.” Djesid protests. Eeryn shakes her head, but makes no reply.
The following morning Rek’yr walks past the tree to Brea’s cozy little cottage. He does not notice the Spriton gelf on the thick branch. Eeryn has stayed awake all this time. The Dousan raps his knuckles on the door. “Princess, it is time to break our fast.” He calls out. “I’m coming!” Brea calls out. She can be heard hurrying to the door. The door opens and reveals Brea, with her dress on backwards, struggling to put on her boots. Rek’yr chuckles softly and shakes his head. “I will wait, now dress properly.” He cooes to her. Brea sheepishly closes the door again. Only to erupt two minutes later, with her dress on the right way and her boots laced up. “My humblest apologies, my Princess. I did not mean to embarrass you.” Rek’yr says. He offers Brea his arm. Brea takes it with a happy lil smile. “It is quite alright.” She says.
Soon enough the colum is on its way to Ha’rar again. And no one seems to notice the Spriton napping on the back of the carriage.
Upon arriving in Ha’rar, the Drenchen set to exploring the city. They enter every house and take everything of value and anything edible that isn’t yet spoiled.
Rek’yr helps Brea out of the carriage. “Where to, Princess?” He asks. “The Citadel first, I am aching for a bath, even if I will have to draw the water myself.” Brea replies. Rek’yr chuckles softly. “Now now Princess, I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.” He cooes at her. “I can draw water on my own just fine. I do it in Stone-in-the-Wood all the time.” Brea pouts at the Sandmaster. They calmly make their way to the Citadel. “It is exactly as we left it..” Brea mutters. “It looks magnificent.” Rek’yr says. “Would you like to see my chambers?” Brea asks. “Of course.” Rek’yr nods. “I hope you will like them. They are likely very different from what you are used to.” Brea says. “I am sure they are, I am used to a tent.” Rek’yr replies. Brea opens the doors to the citadel. And everything is indeed as they left it. “No one here…” Brea sighs. “Of course not, the Vapran are all in Stone-in-the-Wood or in Sami Thickett.” Rek’yr says. “Yeah, I know, but I am so used to see these halls brimming with servants and paladin. And now it is just you and I.” Brea’s ears droop. “Just and I.” Rek’yr agrees, caressing her cheek with his knuckles.
The two barely notice a Drenchen following diligently in their shadow, like he was ordered to. Brea takes her bath. Of course she didn’t have to draw her own water. Rek’yr, who had eventually spotted Djesid, send the Drenchen to do that for her. Both Sandmaster and Warrior stand outside her chambers. They can hear Brea talk to herself, but cannot make out what she is saying. Which is maybe for the better, because she is monologuing to herself, about Rek’yr. She washes the grime from the road from her body and rinses it out of her hair. She goes on and on to herself on how amazing she finds Rek’yr. She is in a gale of giggles by the time she reaches for her fluffy towel. She dries off and puts on one of her numerous clean dresses. And of course she puts the bone necklace back on.
Once she erupts from her chambers, Rek’yr looks upon her as though she is the most beautiful creature in all of Thra. “That is a lovely dress, my Princess.” He cooes. “Yeah, matches the necklace.” Djesid snortles. “Thank you, Rek’yr gave it to me, for protection.” Brea doesn’t let the Drenchen get to her. “Bones don’t protect in times like this, Princess, he had best do it himself.” Djesid says, in a slightly derisive tone. Brea ignores Djesid’s comment and takes Rek’yr by the arm. She leads him to the throneroom. A few Drenchen, a Vapran Paladin and a Spriton are awaiting her orders there. Djesid follows after in a leisurely fashion. Brea claps in her hands to call for attention. The gelfling in the throne room come to her. “Paladin, can you tell the Farmers they can find themselves a good place to sleep in the servants chambers.” She says gently to the Paladin. “Of course Princess.” The Paladin bows and hurries off. “You, sir, can invite the Spriton to stay in the Paladin’s barracks.” Brea tells the Spriton gelling. “Naturally ma’am.” The Spriton quickly makes off. “And what of the Drenchen?” Djesid asks. The other Drenchen warriors come over as well. “There is room enough in the barracks for you too.” Brea replies.
“And what of me, Princess?” Rek’yr asks with a wicked little smile. Brea catches on to it, but she elects to not acknowledge it. “You can have my sister Tavra’s chambers. Come, I will show you there.” She cooes coyly. “As you wish, my dearest.” Rek’yr purrs. Brea gently tugs the Dousan along to what were once Tavra’s chambers. But when she opens the doors, she feels choked off. Her grip on the doorknob is so hard her knuckles turn white. Rek’yr puts his hand over hers. “Brea, my love? What is the matter?” He asks softly. Suddenly, Brea begins to sob. “Tavra is dead! She is dead and she will come back.” Brea weeps. Rek’yr gently peels her hand from the doorknob and pulls her close. Brea leans into his embrace. “Thra will rest her soul, she will add her memories and her voice to the song. She will live on in it and in your heart.” Rek’yr cooes. Brea continues to weep, quiets down a little bit. Rek’yr continues to hold her. “How about we sit down for a moment.” The Sandmaster cooes. He opens the door of Tavra’s chambers and gently guides her to the sofa. They sit down, but Rek’yr continues to hold her. He starts to softly sing. It is a Dousan lullaby, speaking of the love of Thra and the memories of loved one’s long past. It is very comforting to Brea.
After a good while Rek’yr and Brea erupt from Tavra’s chambers. Brea’s calmed down and has washed her face. “Everything alright?” Djesid asked. The Drenchen stands just outside the doors. “I’m fine, don’t worry.” Brea gives him a watery smile. Then her stomach growls. “But I am hungry.” She mutters. Both Djesid and Rek’yr laugh. “Come, we will get dinner started.” Rek’yr says. The Sandmaster seeks out the Spriton and summons them to the throne room. There Brea is waiting to show them to the kitchens. The Spriton are more than happy to start cooking. They get their hands on anything the kitchen has to offer, throwing away everything that has perished already while they are at it. In mere minutes, the kitchen is filled with laughter and song.
Soon enough everyone has a seat in the grand ballroom, at tables and on chairs dragged from every corner of the citadel. Brea can’t help but wonder if her mother would have approved. But seeing how Ha’rar is to be abandoned anyway, she tries not to let the slight disarray it causes bother her. She sits beside Rek’yr at the head of the largest table and silently eats the wonderful meal the Spritons have whipped up. Rek’yr is deep in discussion with two Drenchen women. They are speaking about healing herbs and the Dousan is eager to learn from them. Brea listens in with half an ear. But she also picks up on the farmers discussing what they should pick up from their homes to bring back to Stone-in-the-Wood or to their wives and children at Sami Thickett. And she overhears the Spritons discussing what crops they think the Vapran grow and which to harvest first. Most of the Drenchen warriors are exchanging bawdy jokes.
After dinner, the Spriton wash up the dishes and everyone retires to their beds.
Brea lingers on the doorstep of her chambers. Rek’yr turns to her at the door to Tavra’s room. He sees the way she dilly dallies. “Princess, is there something I can do?” He asks. He comes over to her. Gently he strokes her cheek. Brea closes her eyes and leans into his ministration. Rek’yr leans over and presses his lips to her forehead. “It is just so strange to be back in the citadel.” Brea mutters. “I thought that if I returned, it would be with my friends, to … to be at peace.” She says softly. “And now you are here, without them, to prepare for a war.” Rek’yr answers. He calmly pets Brea’s hair. “Y-yes.” Brea admits. “I am so sorry, dearest, that it is not what you had in mind.” Rek’yr cooes. “If you need me, I am across the hall.” He says. Brea nods. She stands on her toes and presses a kiss to his cheek. “Good night, my sandmaster.” She says softly. “Best of dreams, my Princess.” Rek’yr replies, his voice a warm rumble.
Brea retires to her chambers as soon as Rek’yr has closed the door of Tavra’s rooms behind himself. She heaves a deep sigh. “I probably won’t sleep a wink.” She mutters. She sigs through her wardrobe to pull out a nightshift and changes into it. She crawls between the cold and slightly dusty sheets. And she nods off in a matter of minutes.
The following morning, Rek’yr wakes Brea up with a rap of his knuckles on her door. Brea vaults out of bed and rushes to the door. “Yes?” She yanks it open. Rek’yr chuckles huskily at her. “That is a lovely night dress, Princess.” He purrs. His voice is a deeper purr, even sexier than usual. The Dousan’s morning voice makes Brea weak in the knees. All she can do is give a little yelp and shove the door shut again. “I’ll wait without, take your time getting dressed.” Rek’yr says. Brea sits down at the floor, leaned against the door. The fact that Rek’yr just saw her in her nightgown strikes her. He saw her nipples strain against the sheer white fabric, prickled by the cold morning air. He saw what her nightgown could not hide. And that was very impropper. “Brea, are you alright?” Rek’yr calls out to her. “Y-yes.” Brea replies. She gets up, determined to not let this get the better of her. She pulls a brand new dress from her wardrobe. A dress Tavra had gotten for her only days before the last tithing. She puts it on and sits down at her vanity table. She makes sure her hair looks regal enough and then heads back to the door.
Rek’yr is waiting for her. “I am sorry for my indecency.” Brea says. She employs the tone proper for a Princess caught sneaking tarts from the kitchen. It is all she knows to do in order to preserve her dignity in the eyes of her Sandmaster. “I barely noticed it.” Rek’yr says. Brea presses her ears against her skull. She suspects her suitor of a lie. “By the way your pace hurried to the door, I figured you were not yet dresses. I was careful to only look upon your face.” Rek’yr seems to guess her thoughts. Brea’s ears perk up a little again. Rek’yr chuckles gently and offers her his arm. “Come now, do not tell me you think I would lie to you.” Rek’yr cooes while Brea takes his arm. Brea’s ears droop a little. “I don’t think you lie… I just..” She bites her lip, not sure how to word it. Rek’yr patiently waits for her to find the right words. “I don’t want you to think of me as indecent or lewd.” Brea mutters. “I would never.” Rek’yr cooes gently at her.
After everyone has broken their fast, the farmers and the Drenchen head out to the farmlands around Ha’rar. The Spritons head out as well, but they don’t adhere to the same teams as the farmers and the warriors. They will help wherever they find they are needed. The farmer’s instruct the Drenchen on how to harvest the crop. The swamp dwellers pay close attention, to the mountain gelfling’s surprise. They careful copy the farmerś way of pulling roots from the ground, cutting vegetables from their stem, collecting grain and wheat and cutting the edible flowers the right way. Despite the Drenchen’s build for combat, they turn out to be very dextrous and careful where needed. And they heed advice very well.
Brea heads to the library. Rek’yr is at her arm and Djesid and Eeryn follow a few leaps behind. Eeryn more unseen than Djesid. Drenchen and Spriton keep watch outside the library. Rek’yr finds himself a seat. Brea leans over to press a kiss to his cheek and then dashes off. She talks busily to herself and dashes from side to side. She seems very happy to be reunited with the books, which amuses Rek’yr. Brea pulls a small piece of parchment from a satchell on her belt. On this parchment she has written down all the books she is sure she needs to take back to Stone-in-the-Wood. And of course nothing is where she thought she remembered it to be. In no time she is running to a fro, while Rek’yr watches her go about her search. The first book she finds is the big triangular tone on the Skeksis. She retrieves it to the Dousan. “What have we here?” He asks her. “The most important book in the whole library.” Brea hands him the black bound book. Rek’yr gently strokes the leather cover, exploring every detail of it with the tips of his fingers. Brea looks on, mildly fascinated by how gentle Rek’yr is with the book. She feels her heart swell. Rek’yr opens the book. Brea looks upon him, how handsome his face is in his concentration. She heaves a soft dreamy sigh. Rek’yr looks up from the book and sends her a gentle smile. Brea can’t help a giggle and whirls around. She walks off to find the next book. Rek’yr’s focus shifts back to the book.
Brea flutters back and forth. Books keep piling up around Rek’yr. “We can’t take all of them, love.” Rek’yr says. “I know, I know.” Brea brushes him off and retrieves four more books. Rek’yr leans back in his seat and looks at her. “Can you please come here and sort out which one’s to take, before you decide all of them ought to come to Stone-in-the-Wood.” He says. Brea comes over to him. Gently Rek’yr pulls her into his lap. He lifts a hand to stroke her face. But before he can, Brea laces her fingers with his. “I am only selecting what books we can really use and I am already halfway.” She says. “Very well, it is as you say.” Rek’yr brings their intertwined hands to his lips and kisses her knuckles. Brea giggles softly. She gets up from Rek’yr’s lap and stretched her wings. She flutters back to to the higher shelves of the library and resumes her task. She starts singing a song she remembers her mother singing when she was a childling. Rek’yr closes his eyes and listens to her singing. It makes him feel comfortable and at peace.
It is well in the afternoon when Brea judges she has parted the useful book from the useless.
“You ought to eat something.” Rek’yr says. Brea sits down upon a second chair, which stands along Rek’yr’s in between the piles of books. “Oh I would love to, I feel like I am starving.” She says. “Shall I retrieve you anything?” Rek’yr rises. “Oh please.” Brea replies. Rek’yr bends towards her and presses a kiss onto her forehead, before he leaves the library.
He is swift to return. He brings a large jug of fruit juice and steaming hot buns. Brea is patiently waiting for him. In her lap she has a small book. Rek’yr sit down beside her. He pours her a glass of juice. “Here, stay hydrated.” He says. Brea looks up from her book. She giggles at him. “Now what is funny?” Rek’yr asks. “A desert dweller telling me to stay hydrated.” Brea titters. Rek’yr chuckles. “What are you reading?” The Dousan asks. Brea’s ear flush. “Oh .. it is nothing.” She closes the small book. Rek’yr shakes his head. “I don’t believe that.” He says. He gently takes the book and leafs through it. “Brea, this is a children’s book.” There is no mockery in Rek’yr’s voice. He only sounds genuinely puzzled. His ears turn towards Brea all the way. Brea’s ears flush. “It’s the fairytales Seladon used to read me, when I was just a childling.” She mutters. “Mother never had time for it. So Seladon read me, she did separate voices and everything.” Brea sighs a soft sigh. Rek’yr smiles widely at her. “That is lovely.” Rek’yr puts the book on top of the big triangular lexicon. “We will take this one.” He says gently. “Truly?” Brea asks, her eyes shimmering. Rek’yr nods. “Of course.” He purrs. Brea jumps up from her seat and throws herself at Rek’yr. His chair proves firmer, as it stays upright when she flings herself into his lap. Rek’yr laughs heartily and puts his arms around her waist. Brea rains butterfly kisses on his face. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” She all but cheers.
Brea and Rek’yr take their lunch while reading through the books Brea selected.
They are barely half way when the door of the library creaks open. “Princess, m’lord, the Spriton say dinner is ready.” Djesid peaks in. Rek’yr groans softly and puts down the book he has been leafing through. “That is about time, too.” He says. He rises from his chair. “Brea, my love.” He cooes to draw the Vapran Princess’ attention. Brea only reluctantly looks up from the book she is reading. “Tis dinner time, we will continue this task upon the morrow.” Says Rek’yr. Brea sigh softly. She puts her book away and rises. Rek’yr offers her his arm. Brea smiles sweetly at him. He leads her from the library. They follow Djesid to the castle. Eeryn follows behind, unseen, hopping from roof to roof.
At dinner, it turns out only half the Drenchen have shown up and barely any of the farmers. All of the Spirton and the few Paladin that ventured along are there tho.
“Where are the farmers and the warriors?” Brea asks. A stout Drenchen gelf clears her throat. Brea looks to her. “A lot of the farmers decided to spend the night at their old homes. They invited us to stay over. Some took em up on that offer.” The Drenchen says. Brea’s lips twist up in a wide smile. “That is amazing news.” She says. “The lines between the clans are blurring, the age of resistance is truly coming into blood.” Rek’yr purrs. The Drenchen spontaneously begin to cheer. During dinner, the Drenchen and Spriton talk about the harvest. Brea finds her fingers itch to take notes, so she can report to Seladon. But she has no parchment with her, nor any ink. She tries her best to commit everything to her memory, but is quite sure she will not manage to repeat half of it.
Brea tries to stifle a jawn. Rek’yr gets up from his seat. “I think it is time to go to bed.” He says. He helps Brea to her feet. “I am not tired yet.” Brea mutters. Rek’yr can’t help a laugh. “Now say that again, with more conviction.” He cooes. Brea’s ears droop a little. “You’re right…” She mutters. “Very well, to bed you go.” Rek’yr twines his fingers with Brea’s. Brea’s ears flush a gentle pink. Rek’yr leads Brea from the dining hall, to her chambers. “We had a productive day, all of us.” Brea says. “Why yes indeed, I believe we did.” Rek’yr agrees. He opens the door of her chambers for her. “We deserved a rest.” Brea’s ears droop. She seems a bit awkward. “Yes, we did.” Rek’yr nods. He feels there is something going on in Brea’s head, but he can’t put his finger on what it is just yet. Brea flutters her wings and brushes her hair behind her ear. “I … erm … would you like to come in, just for a few more minutes.” She mumbles. “Yes, of course.” Rek’yr nods. He follows Brea into her chambers. He looks around, taking in the place where the Princess that holds his heart grew up in. “Is there anything in here that you wish to take to Stone-in-the-Wood?” He asks. Brea makes a thoughtful sound. “You.” She then answers. Rek’yr laughs joyfully. “Very well, to Stone-in-the-Wood you may take me.” The Sandmaster puts his hands on Brea’s hips.
“S-say, Rek’yr, would you close your eyes for me, just for a minute.” Brea asks softly. “Naturally, what for?” Rek’yr asks playfully. Brea’s ears turn bright red. “J-just a little surprise.” She stammers. “Alright, alright.” Rek’yr purrs. He closes his eyes and his ears turn upwards. Brea feels her heart hammer in her chest. But she is determined to do this. She puts her hands on Rek’yr’s biceps. Very carefully she stands on her tippy toes. “Brea…?” Rek’yr all but singsongs. “Hush.” Brea replies. Rek’yr sort of frowns, but remains silent. Brea takes heart. She presses her lips against Rek’yr’s own in a very experimental way. Rek’yr’s grip on her hips tightens a little, but that is all that shows the Dousan’s surprise. He ever so gently kisses her back.
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azsazz · 1 year
Hiii it’s cadia nightmare! I finished book four and am 1/4 through book five of the bonds that tie series and let me tell you. I understand the liking of Nox. He was growing on me near end of book four and now I know 😭
Yesssssssssss omg yes yes yes! He’s 🥹
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pattern-53-enfield · 2 years
got access to the Darktide beta and its great
The logical progression of Vermintide/Left 4 Dead but in the grim future of the 41st Millenium. I enjoy being able to build a 6′5 highland-accented smokeshow from the floating rocks that was Cadia. The lasgun feels satisfying, with a very visceral *SNAP* like the laser rifles from the Fallout franchise can be. While the inter-character banter is fun, I do miss Vermingang, and the lobby system where you walk around in a third person view has me fearing that Fatshark is going to turn this into 40k Destiny. Seeing the categories for a premium currency also gives me a cold sweat.
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billspiker · 6 months
Stayin' Put
Turns out Carol can't move to Magee. Or Bryn Mahr Rehab. Or Wilmington Hospital Rehab. Medicare rules call for her to, a) have a shoulder that can be weight-bearing, and b) be able to endure 3 > 4 hours of PT per day in order to enter a Rehab facility. There seems to be no appropriate place available for a paraplegic with a wing under repair. Cadia is trying, thanks to capable PT personnel but they simply are not really staffed to handle spinal cord patients. But, we think we finally have Cadia management aware of the issues so are planning to stay at Cadia until Carol meets the necessary goals necessary for transfer. She has an appointment with her surgeon on April Fools' Day which should provide guidance on physical activity.
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Crew Ranks 4
Ship’s Confessor: Veridica Natalien
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Heavily dedicated to the Imperial Creed, Veridica believes no sin is too great, and no penance is too small. She seeks to bring all on board the ship into the Emperor's light. Even if it means falling back into her days as a Sister of Battle. Especially if it means she does.
Drivesmaster: Zuhidis Zingh
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He hardly ever leaves the temple that is the drive core. Performing ritual after ritual to make sure the sacred machine spirit is appeased and allows the vessel to keep moving. He sees it as a blessing from the Omnissiah that he is given such a sacred position as this.
Omnissianic Congregator: Ovix Deard-Qverg
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Often jealous of not being made the highest of the adepts aboard the ship, he often tries to prove himself, hoping to be elevated and relieve the Omnissiah's blessing in the process. He takes every opportunity to earn glory in the machine gods name so that he may achieve his goal.
Chief Bosun: Corvin Syand
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Having served in the Astra Militarum, he is no stranger to discipline. Thus, he is proud to keep the training of the crew maintained like a rifle. Tough as nails, and ready to throw any overconfident trainee to the floor. He can often be seen as strict. But it's because he doesn't want to see a single man die due to falling behind on training. His regiment is harsh but fair in his one good eye. He is a survivor of Cadia, and deep down, he doesn't want to lose anyone else.
Infernus Master: 96-Cea
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At times jumpy, due to his neural implants constantly being on the frits, he gets nervous of a fire constantly starting on the ship. You'd think that would mean he wasn't fit for the position. But that's not true. In fact, when it comes down to it, he is the first to jump into action to save the ship.
Twistcatcher: Marban 'Mad Storm' Roccis
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A former catachan jungle fighter, he is perfect for constantly scouring the bows of the ship for unregulated mutants. He often finds himself squeezing between every nook and kranny of the ship. And so he makes sure never to skip training every chance he gets. He has made sure he is strong enough to tango with even the toughest mutie. And he loves every second of it. He often takes on his hunts with a smile on his face and a laugh in his throat.
Master of the Vox: Octex Keth
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He hardly ever sleeps. He hardly ever eats, long since he augmenting himself to rarely need it. His life is the vox. He can not bear to tear himself away and check for any unknown vox chatter. He is practically obsessed with it. And it was this obsession that made him get the job by Samuel's father years ago.
Purser: Tori van Bluff
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She is the daughter of a planetsry govener, one who was known for being greedy, which led to him being overthrown. She hated how her parents' wealth had been stolen from her and being left on the streets of her old homeworld. And so she chose to be better at holding onto money. She became greedy and filled with a need to hold on to any wealth she could. And so, she was made the ships Purser, as she was incredible when it came to finances, and could keep the crew from going bankrupt. And thankfully, she isn't too greedy to knick off with some of the ships' wealth... mostly.
Carto-Artifex: Hana Brun
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She could read a map in seconds and suddenly know her way out of a maze. She studied hard to learn how to find the best routes and the best outcomes. And so she found herself aboard the ship and a member of the crew. She is very confident in her skills, and it often goes to her head a bit. This leads to fits of anger whenever someone doubts her.
Ship’s Steward: Kanx Giltmaul
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He keeps his eyes trained on the supplies of the ship. He has always had a hard time trusting others, and it has gotten to the point of paranoia. He is always afraid someone might steal something, it would lead to the collapse of the ship. And so if he finds someone he suspects of stealing, he makes sure they are harshly punished.
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linguistlist-blog · 1 year
TOC, Neophilologus Vol. 106, No. 4 (2023)
ICYMI: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11061-022-09726-9 Title: Environnements nucléaires: imaginaire des centrales atomiques et perception du danger écologique dans le roman français contemporain Author(s): Barontini, R. pages: 533-546 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11061-021-09720-7 Title: La connotación en la invención léxica cadia cuento «La Cadia» de Elisa Chimenti (OA) Author(s): Torres Calzada, M.K. pages: 547-571 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11061-021-09722-5 Title: Puesta en escena y proxémica http://dlvr.it/SqvbGv
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a-regular-ol-pill · 2 years
More Au stuff:
1. I kinda wanted to give titles to characters based on the 7 deadly sins.
Zhask "Emperor of Gluttony"
Yve "Archduchess of Pride"
Lancelot "Knight of Lust"
Claude "Thief of Greed"
Yu Zhong "Dragon of Wrath"
Luo Yi "Mage of Envy"
2. There are no gods in this universe. All are mortals (Even aurora, argus, rafaela, kaja, uranus etc.)
3. There are many assassination attempts against Zhask but all failed miserably.
4. Kastiyan's control of the nightmaric spawn/domorey is a blood curse of the royals only (Cause of death of Zhask's grandfather)
5. Kastiya fell because of a breach of contract by Mithlora (whilst taking advantage of the dying emperor)
6. Kastiya returned after Zhask took over the Moniyan empire.
7. Kastiyan refugees are mostly located on the North of Cadia Riverlands (since their lifestyle is similar to theirs), if they decide to live at the south, they get discriminated very badly (even on the other nations because of the empire's notoriety.)
8. Zhask and Yve don't have any personal vendetta agaisnt eachother. Its just that both are born from rival/enemy races.
9. Zhask when still young trained his magic on Cadia Riverlands because they practice cultivating magic from the mind and soul. He met Luo Yi there at some point.
10. Yu Zhong is the great dragon's son. But he saw the downsides of his father's rule and disliked Mithlora on how they manipulate him. Left dragon altar and became ruler of Northern Cadia (with the help of Luo Yi.)
11. Yve is often underestimated by her peers whilst being the heir of the Mithloran empire. Because of that, it is her mission to finish off Kastiya, specifically Zhask. He is not afraid of her, instead he finds leisure in tricking the assassins which most likely ends up with their own death.
12. After the Moniyan empire was taken over, Xavier now works for Kastiya because of his history of the former empire. He sent young Julian to Cadia Riverlands to be raised there.
13. Luo Yi took care of Julian (Cadian name "Zhen Yu") until his 17th birthday, which she sent to the Capital (puppet empire Moniya) to train as the emperor's knight.
14. Julian became one of Zhask's best knights and nicknamed him "Reginald". (Might be because of favoritism due to the origins of the child.)
15. Luo Yi is a renowned traveller and is often the representative in political meetings.
16. Mithlora rivals Kastiya in wealth, land, and followers. (Would probably resort to dirty work to get what they want.)
17. Julian is also a spy to the Abyss (And to also find Terizla)
18. Northern and Southern Cadia Riverlands has a border that seperates them. Noone can freely travel unless they have a permit (very strict)
(Thats all of the facts right now, I hope ya like it. What do you think?)
Ilovethisomuchpleasemarrymeplatonically 🙇🙇🙇🙇
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linuxgamenews · 2 years
Warhammer 40000: Darktide is due to bring the horde to Linux?
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Warhammer 40000: Darktide FPS game is due to hit the Linux Steam Deck with Windows PC. Which is once thanks to the work and effort of developer Fatshark. Due to make its debut on Steam later this month. Indie developer Fatshark, last month, worked their way through a three-day beta. So that the players can get their hands on the award-winning 4-player co-op game Warhammer 40000: Darktide. Adding more players in throughout that weekend. Along with a launch due to arrive on November 30th. On top of this good news and development, it seems there is a Steam Deck focus.
As for an update on Steam deck, all signs point to it working at the moment. Not massively performant, but works.
You can see this comment in the Steam forum for yourself. Since Proton support does work for the game, there is a performance hit. Which means that the developers are paying attention. Leading one to believe there is indeed a focus on SOME kind of Linux support for Warhammer 40000: Darktide, a first, via the Stingray engine. Built on the legacy of Vermintide 2’s best in class melee combat. Warhammer 40000: Darktide brings in an intense WH40K gunplay to the mix. Master the balance between ranged and melee combat. Doing so as you fight through a slew of enemies. Feel the impact of each swipe, swing, and slice of a chainsword. You can also fry some flesh with a last gun too.
Warhammer 40000: Darktide - Official Gameplay Trailer
Warhammer 40000: Darktide ($39.99 USD / £32.99 / 39,99€)
The Atoman Star Weapon Trinket: A cosmetic weapon trinket awarded to those who answered in the hour of Atoma’s need.
Vanguard of the Imperium Portrait Frame: A cosmetic portrait frame reserved for those first to enter the fray and last to leave it.
The Warhammer 40000: Darktide - Imperial Edition ($59.99 USD / £49.99 / 59,99€)
Loyalist Pack: Purge heresy in style with these 4 unique class outfits, 8 weapon skin patterns, one headgear, and an Ogryn body tattoo.
Mortis Veteran Portrait Frame: A cosmetic portrait frame used to pay tribute to the fallen defenders of Tertium Hive.
Caducades Backpack: A cosmetic backpack for human characters. Scavenged from the fallen troops of Cadia, this backpack has been repurposed to serve those still alive and fighting.
2500 Aquilas (premium currency)
The Atoman Star Weapon Trinket: A cosmetic weapon trinket awarded to those who answered in the hour of Atoma’s need.
Vanguard of the Imperium Portrait Frame: A cosmetic portrait frame reserved for those first to enter the fray and last to leave it.
Warhammer 40000: Darktide FPS game is due to release on Windows PC on November 30th. Along with Proton support for Linux via the Steam Deck. Here's hoping for good things. So be sure to Wishlist the game on Steam.
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