#2) cadians
the-lady-general · 6 days
I choose to believe that the Ultramarines just outright stole Titus from the Deathwatch. Just reported "yep, all kill team members dead, what a bummer, definitely nothing to see here, here's all fivefour corpses we've recovered". Space Marine 3 opens with a pissed off Inquisitor, covered in blood, sweat and ichor, kicking down Titus' doors, going "BAA BAA BLACK SHIELD HAVE YOU ANY IDEA HOW MANY CHAPTERS I'VE HAD TO CHECK FOR YOU!!!"
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solemnace-galleries · 3 months
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Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2
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whitefriartuck · 5 days
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Look how fucking tiny Major Sarkaana is.
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jackspaintcorner · 11 days
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Space Marine 2 screenshots part 3 (Featuring a healthy amount of Cadians, my beloved)
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lewdcookies · 8 months
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The results of what I would like to call Guard January, it just so happens this month I ended up painting a bunch of random Guard models, both old and new.
In order of appearance: -Kalitiya Al Makouma, Military Police Investigator turned Inquisitorial Retinue member after discovering a Genestealer cult in her regiment. She's part of the same Ordo Xenos team as Mord and Zex Al'Dakiz and Raphael Qvele.
-Severine Roodeker, lord militant to Rogue Trader Captain Tarriel Eleonora Corvinius. My character from the Wrath & Glory campaign featuring Alena. Her only real achievement, beyond nearly dying multiple times due to stupid crits, was killing the final boss with two lucky shots with a bolt pistol. Two of those crits led to her losing an arm and a leg, during separate incidents (the leg was ripped off by Khrave clone). The arm is a Wraithbone prosthesis, a gift from an Eldar Corsair for saving his skin and the leg was replaced by an AdMech prosthesis. The latter I didn't model because it'd require a lot of cutting, and Skitarii legs look too thin.
-Lieutenants Sasha Mearghuv, from a so far unnamed regiment. The base model is the Minka Lesk one, with a Wargames Atlantic Cannon Fodder 2 head instead of the regular one. (Same with both Kali and Sev.) First time I had the chance to paint one of the new Cadians, instead of just old ones. The colour scheme is WW2 GI, even if realised that's really similar to the Cadian 8th one, even if painting the pants a different colour does wonders I feel. Really hate how tied up she is to the overly big hero rock. But otherwise I do enjoy the new Cadian aesthetic when they don't have their odd helmets and non M36 rifles.
-Trooper Totterpole, from another unnamed regiment. This one is a straight up unmodified old Cadian Shock Trooper, using one of the few upgrade sprue heads I managed to get ahold off. He was meant to be painted up as a Vietnam Marine, but I quickly discovered that the old Cadians have too much armor to make that work, so on my third attempt I improvised with the armor colours. Which ended up pretty decent. The base is 'jungle', probably need to get some better materials for that in the future.
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Mission week 2:
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---//Vox-Transmission Incoming//---
Fighting has moved from the outskirts to the first hab-blocks in the outer hive, with the Plague God's armies making significant progress and capturing several habs despite the attempted deterrent by the Heralds. The Space Wolves were also observed striking against the Plague God allied Perlian 1st, keeping them from threatening their established space-port.
Mehnwhile the Kisun'sha'ea Sept, Cadian 153rd, and the Knight House Nox have fought each other to a standstill from capturing orbital batteries, destroying them in the maelstrom of battle, which will allow for further landings of reinforcements within the planetary subsector.
---//Vox-Transmission End//---
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daemonstalley · 1 year
So… I told myself to update this about once a month.
It’s been way over that 😅
But! A big update on Warhammer progress
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I’ve cut down the amount of metal/ resin Astra Militarium in half! That’s 10 catachans, 8 Stormtroopers, 7 Cadians, 1 lascannon & 2 crew, 1 Steel Legion Captain & 1 Commissar! And a Thunder Fire Cannon (but I hit my Tumblr photo limit)
…ok, maybe 30 models in a month & 1/2 isn’t great. On the other hand, my partner moved in, which has changed a LOT of things. Life’s been busy XD
Ok, enjoy the photos, & I’ll try to update more regularly!
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sharkey-b · 1 year
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finished all the cadians, and decided to add 2 cat pics i took today
first time painting plasma coils and i don't think it went poorly at all
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pantmonger · 9 months
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Cadia Stands and Cadian Honor. A double feature! Mainly because I really didn't like the first one and I don't like to rag on authors, so thankfully the second was infinity better.
My thoughts, beware spoilers: Usual Caveat: These “reviews” are just a collection of my thoughts as a fan of the game and setting. They are in no way an analysis of the literary merits of the author or the quality of the writing. Both of which I do not have the knowledge or skill to judge.
Cadia Stands
I'll be brief. I'm sure there is an audience for this book, just as I am sure I am not it.
A dry rendition of the overall fall of Cadia. A few characters are introduced who will end up being fleshed out more in later books, but who get limited screen time and little development here. For the most part the story is told as a loose collection of action vignettes.Kind of like when I was a kid and I use to edit the combat scenes from Bab 5 into a single long combat video that I thought was the best thing ever! Just not my thing now. I found it a bit of a slog.
Still there were some moments of reflective commentary that worked for me.
'“They're just dreams” Rath says again. He does not sound like he belives it himself. She looks away, and her eyes fall on the misshapen form of Hallr. She looks away again and thinks, Look what the Imperium has done to all of us'
I wondered if this was what the writer was asked to deliver, and not necessarily indicative of their usual style, so I read the 2 short stories in the Minka Lesk Omnibus, the first of which had hints of a similar style as Cadia Stands, but started to lean out of it. The second become more my speed with it being focused on individuals, their development and emotions and not jumping around so much.
Cadian Honour
I enjoyed this book a good deal more. At its heart is the story of an imperial planet, an uprising in the name of the emperor to overthrow the corrupt leadership of the imperium, and the Cadians stationed there as the shit hits the fan.
It grants an interesting look at the weird religious variants that shelter under the belief in the Emperor as a god. How every historical local genocidal zealot, is viewed as a saint, and worship of them as valid as worshipping the Emp.
How the loose form of this faith, shaped by local preachers and planetary customs makes people gullible and capable of horrific crimes (as long as doing so can be ideologically beaten into being in His name... there's that satirical commentary)
Once again this is a story of the imperium creating its own problems, being so fundamentally broken in its religious fanaticism that a confessor who has *stitched his eyes open* and is killing folks at random because he can *tell* they are heretics, , is not seen as a bloodshot red flag, but a sign of true faith in the Emperor. (You will never guess who he's been duped into actually working for :P)
This sets the stage for Sargent Lesk and a couple of other recurring characters to get the bulk of the screen time, and give me that drama and character development I so crave with my dystopian war stories. Though a weird stand out for me is just how much the Cadians are filled with no true ScotsCadien rhetoric. Cadia stands, but was an epic failure resulting in the loss of the world Cadia. Cadians are amazing soldiers, you know except for the ones being skeevy at their fem comrades, who don't want to take orders from women, are dealing drugs, deliberately disobeying simple orders to show up to parades and drills. Cept for them... Cadians the pride of the astra militarum :P As usual I'll conclude with the Imperium being aware that its broken, with some thoughts from a Cadian General. 'Bendikt cursed to himself. He had seen enough of the galaxy to know that it was the ponderous weight of the Administratum that held the imperium back, not its soldiers. But worse then that it was the corrupt aristocracy like the Richstars that fermented unrest and heresy'
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shoehedd · 1 year
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I spillt superglue all over this model when I was assembling her after the paint job and had to completely redo a big chunk of her paint job. What a nightmare!
Head and binoculars are from I think a Cadian command sprue.
I like giving my models a weird story to them, but it has been leading to them taking ages. I've an entire army sitting in sprues and I'm still working on guys I got 2 months ago haha
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the-lady-general · 2 years
Aw, I'm still in love with 2nd Lt. Mira of the Cadian 203rd.
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sortyourlifeoutmate · 7 months
Sterling stuff.
Big fan of:
A) Everyone has a mask! Oh, animation is suddenly much easier (thankfully, the Cadian gas masks always look neat).
B) Ooh, original-style stormtroopers! Well, third edition ones, not the ones with the berets. But still! Very nice!
C) I am genuinely always happy when 40k stuff doesn't over-gothic. A lot of times - and in a lot of official media - you'll have spaceships and shit that don't look like spaceships and shit, they just look like a bunch of assets made to look over-the-top stuffed into a space that's way too big. I much prefer occasions when it actually feels like a sci-fi spaceship or whatever, it's just that it is also gothic and skull-encrusted. Astartes got this very right, too.
Seriously, this is my favourite part. If there is anything 40k-related that gets this right, I am all over it, my body will be ready.
D) Very much enjoy the incredibly-obvious "This is an asset from a World War 2 game" stuff. Blood Pact with MG34's!
E) Quality voicework, always a plus. As much as I try, sometimes you get some - eep - ropey stuff, and you admire their effort but their results? Dicey. Sorry guys. But here? Great!
F) Semi-annoyed that the guy who gets shots with a plasma pistol doesn't, you know, evaporate from the chest up but I know animating that would be hard, so I'll let you off (the Exodite had this problem, too).
Anyway! Top-notch! Good work, guys! Kudos to you!
PS: Love love love that ships pop out of warp in-atmosphere! Fuck you, canon!
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yibo-best · 2 years
I need to talk) Yesterday (it turns out) was the day of love for Yibo (2\18). but since I don`t know Chinese and I don`t know Cadian, then for me, with the same success, the day of love for Yibo is generally all 365 days a year (who will stop me?!!!) Today, thanks to the fans who sent a link to the Beijing University social media research, I read an article (here, it's in Chinese, but we have Google translate lol). I am very glad that this article has been published. About the haterism towards Cheng Er's film "Wu Ming" and Yibo himself.  That "on the day of the official release on Lunar New Year's Day, more than 40,000 negative reviews with one star were received on Douban in less than an hour.  Although fans found signs of "black water" from hints such as the foreign IP address displayed in the comment area identifier and the discrepancy between the content of the comment and the actual content of the film, the schedule of films "Wu Ming" changed from 12.9% on the first day to 8.5% on the third day.  The % went down all the time, and the schedule of screenings was so small that the director said that he and the actors themselves wanted to go to the cinema and found that the sessions were only at 1:30 in the morning." (most likely foreign IP addresses were due to the fact that comments were sent using vpn, that is, the writers did not want to be detected. I read reviews that Douban does not inspire confidence among the Chinese themselves. However, this rating affected the film's release schedule.). And despite all this, today the film with a budget of 350 million yuan crossed the box office mark (along with presale) of 900 million yuan! This speaks best in favor of the film. I haven't watched the movie, this film is not being released in my country (and I'm really looking forward to the opportunity). But I am very proud that Yibo's debut on the big screen took place in this film! Cheng Er's phrase that they had been shooting for 42 hours in a row just stunned me. I admire and am proud.
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blitzdragonking · 7 months
Writing Commission
Hello, I'm currently pitching a writing commission that is NSFW involving Emperor's Children and 2 captured Cadian guardsman with 10k words. Anybody here available for me to commission? The commissioner must at least have an understanding of what Warhammer 40k is.
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jakey-beefed-it · 2 years
My Wargames Atlantic ‘Les Grognards’ came in the mail today!
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First impressions: Wow, that’s a hefty box compared to a GW box. Because not only is it stuffed with the parts to make 24 guys instead of 10 or 5, but also each guy has 4 head options and 2 or 3 weapon options, plus haversacks and some decorative bits. Clipping and trimming, and the detail is actually really impressive. Like, no, it’s not the wtf crisp modern GW hard plastic, but it’s easily as good as GW kits of 10-15 years ago, and a decent paint job will render it indistinguishable. Sure, a super crisp professional paint job will look better on a more detailed modern Cadian or whatever, but for my skill level? This should be just fine. 
As for helmets, I was leaning toward using Sisters of Battle helmets so the bulk of them would have enclosed helms with presumably rebreathers so they could reasonably be expected to operate on the front lines of the Plague Wars where Nurgle daemons and Death Guard marines are bombarding them with the galaxy’s sloppiest biological war crimes. But I think... I actually like the gas mask Adrian helmets from this kit better. The Adrian helmet fixes my biggest hangup with death korps of krieg (the stahlhelm appealing to the Wrong Sort). Which means the only thing I really feel I need to replace from the kit is maybe the weapons- none of these have quite the right look. The arms are probably fine, though I’d prefer the death korps arms and guns if I could find them at a reasonable price in the secondhand market. 
Anyway all in all these are freakin’ great and when I go to expand my guardsmans, I will definitely be hitting up Wargames Atlantic again. Like, no, these guys wouldn’t be legal in a GW store or some tournaments, but after I move to Toronto my closest flgs won’t be a GW store anymore, so that’s way less of a concern. Also, I don’t do... tournaments. I can’t be bothered to stand around a bunch of strange warhammer nerds I don’t know if I can trust to not suddenly be awful people, playing competitively against deliberately difficult armies, for several hours minimum and more likely an entire day. I’m old, I’m tired, and I’m not half as interested in winning as I am in having fun. 
So yeah. If that sounds like something that would interest you, if you don’t give a shit about using GW parts in any great percentage, by all means, hit up Wargames Atlantic for way more economical and perfectly good detailed plastic mans for your warhammer games.
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sirobvious · 2 years
Episode 1
Setting: Earth, Earth City.
 Cadian guardsmen with visibly AK-based prop guns run around amid some out-of-focus CGI bug-looking things. “We’re being overrun! What are these... these *tyranids*?!”
Space marine that’s like really really skinny shows up with the same gun but shoots and kills them all because these guns work when in the hands of a space marine but not in the hands of a guardsman. Space marine takes off helmet. Female eldar space marine.
 “Well, *that* just happened!” - Roboute Guilliman.
Episode 2
 The Astartes, an elite biologically augmented set of specialists, formed from one from each major sapient species in the galaxy, (The ork one looks mean, but he’s kind and gentle at heart.) have been called in by The Empire to quell an uprising on a backwater souther- galactic south planet because the striking coal miners don’t want to be ruled by their tau and eldar managers anymore and have taken hostages. The Astartes have been called in as peace keepers to mediate because The Emperor knows that they believe all races in the galaxy are created equal, but things turn into all-out war because the workers just won’t listen to reason. Imperial citizens hate the space marines and want the Astartes Project defunded; they are self-sacrificing heroes who receive no thanks from the ungrateful people they protect.
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