#Tina's SI
sincerely-sofie · 9 months
in hindsight Darkrai was kinda lucky he only really had Palkia on his tail, considering Dialga was pretty much incapacitated by the Temporal Tower collapse
considering how similar his goal was to Cyrus', he's REALLY lucky he didn't wind up pissing off a certain third somebody, if you know what i mean...
Yeah the guy is on pretty thin ice with all three of the trio, and if Giratina were around during the events of the game, he’d be well underwater. He’s lucky that she’s tired of putting up with her brothers by the time the plot happens and is taking some time to focus on herself.
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liiiiiiiiiiiisten... melodia aia cu macarena de la erika whatever* e ordinara rau din toate punctele de vedere si cu argumente basic luate parca de pe pagina mediocra de insta care se vrea feminista, dar a deranjat gigeii (mireii in cazul ei) asa ca good for her
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ghostlypawn · 7 months
twitter recently has been *hardcore theatre fan makes a slight joke about wicked* *random person thinks its serious and spends the night arguing with it*
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southern-detective · 1 year
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afrenchaugurey · 2 years
OK no chapter this week, I'm too busy with NewTina event next week. But a picture of Bae Doo-na and a talk with @eveneechan inspired me this.
I'm sorry it's in French and pretty raw. Maybe I'll translate it later
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Autour d'eux la guerre menaçait encore et encore.
C'étaient désormais bien plus que des craintes ou des conflits dispersés. Non, l'incendie menaçait de tout emporter. Ils n'étaient pas ici pour rien, ni, malheureusement, pour des vacances impromptues. Non, le conflit les avait menés là, les poussant à abandonner leur maison et à traverser le large océan.
Une autre étendue d'eau s'étirait à ses pieds à cet instant. Même de derrière la fenêtre, du haut des blanches falaises, elle pouvait voir les vagues s'éclater contre les rochers, se séparant en mille diamants d'écume.Il y avait de la beauté dans cette violence. De la violence dans cette beauté. Cette vague, ces falaises, résumaient si bien sa vie.
Beauté. Beauté. Beauté.
Dehors la guerre menaçait. Demain, elle devrait prendre son poste. Et pourtant, à cet instant, son cœur était ardent et plein d'amour. Derrière cette glace, sa peau se réchauffait par l'action du doux soleil d'hiver. Elle fermait les yeux, son livre toujours dans sa main. Le son des vagues au dehors rythmait le battement de son cœur La chaleur inondait son visage.
Elle était bien. Calme. Heureuse. Comment le pouvait-elle alors que la guerre menaçait, existait, que les champs de bataille décimaient tant d'âmes innocentes de l'autre côté de l'eau ? C'était peut-être grâce à cela, en fait. Ce répit, cette respiration entre deux difficiles campagnes, elle avait appris à l'aimer, le vénérer, s'en oxygéner. Les drames de sa vie lui en avaient enseigné l'importance.
Même en ces temps les plus sombres une douce lumière pouvait exister. L'espoir, sans doute.
Espoir. Espoir. Espoir.
Assise sur le dossier du canapé accolé à la fenêtre, son regard quitta les falaises pour balayer les vertes prairies. Dehors, un troupeau d'abraxans galopait, faisant vibrer la terre sous le poids de leurs sabots puissants. Cette charge accompagnait le roulement des vagues, leurs robes dorées faisaient écho à la lumière du soleil, éblouissant presque leur spectatrice, toujours repliée à l'abri de la fenêtre. La valse à trois temps de leur allure, le vrombissement de leurs déplacements, d'aucuns auraient trouvé ça violent. Et pourtant, ici, hors du temps, c'était apaisant. Comme un rythme immuable que rien ne pourrait rompre, comme un pied de nez à l'avenir incertain. Eux, toujours, seraient là, et après eux, leurs fils. Pour toujours.
Constance. Constance. Constance.
Un bruissement contre le tissu de sa jupe détourna son regard de ce magnifique tableau dont elle était spectatrice. Un des jeunes niffleurs se trouvait à ses pieds, tâchant de se saisir de l'épingle retenant son kilt de laine bleue. Un répit dans la colère, dans la tourmente de la tornade meurtrière, voici ce que lui offrait la créature, totalement ignorante des conflits des humains. Elle présenta ses mains à l'animal, et le déposa sur ses genoux, caressant distraitement sa douce fourrure. Vivre, vivre, vivre, peu importe le lendemain. Demain, le devoir et le gris reviendraient au galop, comme ces abraxans déjà loin sur la colline. Le niffleur, désormais, s'approchait de son médaillon, celui-là même qui contenait l'album de sa vie. Sa force. Son ancre. Son phare dans la tempête lorsqu'on ne lui donnait aucun répit. Mais il n'était en ce jour que l'instrument de jeu, une respiration entre deux journées dessinées au fusain plutôt que, comme aujourd'hui, à l'aquarelle.
Vivre. Vivre. Vivre.
Le niffleur sur son épaule jouait distraitement avec ses boucles d'oreille lorsqu'IL lui tendit sa tasse de café. Cette odeur, cet arôme de noisette grillée, comme la couleur de ses yeux à cet instant précis. Son sourire, vrai. Lui aussi, en cet instant était apaisé. Momentum. Le temps s'arrêta, s'étira, lorsque ses lèvres, doucement, caressèrent ses tempes, et que sa sa main, plus légère qu'une plume, frôla le fin duvet de sa nuque la faisant frissonner dans chaque cellule de son être, avant de replacer, doucement, une mèche de ses cheveux derrière son oreille, son pouce s'attardant sur sa joue, en un geste si souvent répété. Pourtant, les frissons n'étaient jamais feints. Comme en ce premier jour, il lui offrait ces douces sensations qui lui faisaient oublier tout le reste, même la noirceur des âmes humaines.
Frisson. Frisson. Frisson.
Son livre posé sur le dossier, toujours ouvert à cette même page déjà oubliée, sa tasse fumante dans sa main, son regard se perdait à nouveau dans les falaises. Dehors, la migration commençait. Les oiseaux aux becs colorés s'envolaient, quittaient leurs nids, pour traverser à leur tour les océans, vers de plus chaleureuses journées. Quand pourrait-elle les suivre ? Demain, son chemin prendrait aussi la direction du sud, mais il ne serait que noirceur, comme la mousseline qui courait maintenant sur sa peau, enveloppant lâchement le haut de son corps. Combien de temps serait-elle partie ? Quand pourrait-elle, comme ces oiseaux migrants, suivre à nouveau le chemin de la lumière ?
Pour l'instant, cependant, elle ne voulait y penser. Non, la douce chaleur du soleil de l'hiver illuminait encore ses joues, la saveur douce amère du café éveillait ses papilles, les diamants de l'écume et l'or de la robe des abraxans scintillaient, accrochant enfin son regard, et allumant mille feux dans l'océan de ses yeux de salamandre. Demain, comme eux, elle déploierait ses ailes, mais à cet instant, elle n'était que présent, une apparition dans la pâle lumière de la fin de l'après-midi.
Douceur. Douceur. Douceur.
Le clic de l'appareil photo détourna une fois encore son regard de la fenêtre et du spectacle que lui offrait la nature du Dorset. Perdue dans ses pensées, elle ne l'avait pas entendu arriver. Sa silhouette élancée se tenait de guingois, comme à l'accoutumée. Ses cheveux partaient en tous sens et accueillaient mille brindilles. Elle aurait aimé être l'un des oiseaux du dehors pour pouvoir y nicher, s'y réfugier. Sa chemise, dont les manches étaient roulées sur ses bras, était maculée de boue. Il souriait, pour elle, il souriait jusque dans ses yeux éclatants. Cette vue, cette apparition, fit céder quelque chose en elle. Un rire, un rire cristallin vint résonner dans la pièce, tandis qu'elle posait sa tasse sur le rebord de la fenêtre et abandonnait son livre et sa lecture vraiment oubliée. Dans ses bras, elle se jeta, sans l'ombre d'une hésitation, puis ses doigts se nouèrent aux siens, l'entraînant vers de nouveaux délices.
Amour. Amour. Amour.
Demain serait un autre jour.
Répit. Répit. Répit.
The picture : (in front of the window)
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kasiobite03 · 1 year
lo q me encanto tanto de bagi ayer es q ella cuando ve una problema consiga la manera de superarlo, y si no puede dice Ok ahorita no, regreso cuando si puedo. por ejemplo, tratando de encontrar la manera de entrar la casa de forever ella primero abrió la mapa y vio donde podia pasar antes de gastar su tiempo corriendo por todo el circulo. o cdo estaba tratando entrar la casa de veg ella se dio cuenta del train pero mejor se fue a avanzar en su viaje. sabe leer la mapa. aprendió usar el train. usa el waystone. usa una cubeta de chocolate para escapar de hoyos, son momentos chiquitos pero aun expresan su inteligencia y habilidades.... creo q estoy enamorada ....💞
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letterstotheflre · 1 year
i was listening to maathp and started feeling excited bc i imagined myself listening to the intro of eras tour and then i started to cry
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ham1lton · 5 months
mind of mine.
pairings - lewis hamilton x singer!reader
faceclaim - beyoncé
warnings - 18+ content.
summary - lewis has just dropped his first full length album after winning his final championship. the internet goes wild trying to find his muse.
author’s note: thank u so much for the support so far and a reminder that requests for my 500 followers celebration are still open! 💕
— part one of my 500 followers celebration ♡ —
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liked by lewiswifey, landonorris and 493,789 others.
ham1ltonshaderoom: lewis hamilton’s first album under the pseudonym xnda, has finally been released. the explicit nature of the album has people wondering who the muse of the project could possibly be. what are we thinking ham1ltons?
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user1: shakira. i mean c’mon. they were linked together recently. it makes sense!
user2: maybe he got back with nicole?
-> user4: yeah and maybe aliens are real 🙄
user87: it’s about me. stay mad y’all 😍😝
user7: it’s about nico.
-> user6: IJBOL 😭
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liked by yourusername, user272 and 1,837,738 others.
lewishamilton: thank you to everyone who sent me birthday wishes! really appreciated! i had a great day celebrating with family and friends. here’s to the big 4-0!
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user2: not even talking about your album that just hit number one on the billboard charts ur so sick!!
user6: he’s so fine i’m frothing at the mouth.
user8: favourite song off the album??
-> lewishamilton: what album? 🤔😉
-> lewishamilton: it’s sir 😉
-> user8: he’s silent when it comes to the REAL questions….
user13: him and those damn winky emojis….
yourusername: thanks for letting me celebrate with you! it was an amazing night 🫶🏽
*liked by lewishamilton*
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liked by ynswifey, yourbffsuser and 1,982,627 others.
yourusername: drunk all summer! 💕
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ynswifey: the best vegan ice cream advert ever.
*liked by yourusername.*
user2: her eating vegan ice cream…. in a car that looks suspiciously like lewis’s…. using a lyric from one of his songs in her caption….. is this thee muse?
-> hater1: nah. she’s just clout chasing as usual.
-> ynfan1: not u saying THEE y/n l/n, who has the most grammy wins of all time, forever changed the way music was released and was cosigned by the greats such as prince, stevie wonder and tina turner… is clout chasing 😭
-> user6: like i’m just a casual fan and i know that statement was outrageous 😭
lewishamilton: told you edoardo’s was great.
-> yourusername: shouldn’t have doubted you 🫶🏽.
-> user7: the way this would be thee power couple…
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liked by yourusername, lewiswifey and 2,373,929 others.
lewishamilton: my forever muse <3
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yourusername: love you forever 🫶🏽
-> lewishamilton: love you more 💕
landonorris: MY SWEET VIRGIN EYES!
-> user6: virgin yes. sweet?? idk abt that…
user8: user maxies on twitter must be overjoyed.
user5: vegan icons !!
user9: not him stealing my wife….
-> user12: not her stealing my husband…
-> user10: i’m having a ball in this bitch. we throuplin! 😍
lewishamiltonupdates: omg did we just become stepsiblings? y/nupdates
-> y/nupdates: i guess so! hi sis 😍🫶🏽
taglist: @23victoria @luckyladycreator2 @mxdi0 @dangeroustacoalienbiscuit @casperlikej @nichmeddar @evie-119 @ironmaiden1313 @d3kstar @ravisinghs-wife @demvnsriot @ajvaix @raevyng @iloveyou3000morgan @namgification @formulaal (don’t see yourself or wanna be removed? send me an ask!)
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wotunciba · 6 months
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-Download Tray Files-
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Hair | Hair overlay | Top | Shorts (Base Game Stuff) | Boots Cyberpunk acc | Cyberware | Robot dermal Screws | Nails | Glove Eyeshadow | Eyeliner | Eyes (#2) | Blush | Lip(N53)
Hair | Hair overlay | Top | Skirt | Boots Android gear | Screws | Gloves | BJD Tattoo Eyeshadow | Eyes (#5) | Eyeliner | Blush | Lip
☆★Shared CC★☆
Eyelashes Remover Presets: Nose | Z-513 Eyebrows | Z-514 Eyebrows | Eyes | Lip Skin Details: Z-513 Skin | Z-514 Skin Z-513 Eyelash | Z-514 Eyelash 1 | Z-514 Eyelash 2 Eyebags (N03; I merged all the eyebags package files) Inner eye corner | Eyelids | Forehead overlay Nose highlighter, Nose bridge, Nostrils, Philtrum Sliders: Forehead height | Back leg height, Upper and lower lip tug Eye scale | Eye width | Esotropia & Exotropia Mouth | Nose | Jaw | Chin | Neck height | Ear up down Chest | Enhanced butt | Hip shape
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Thanks to all the CC Creators:
Hair: @joshseoh @clumsyalienn
Outfits & Accs: @yaya-maya-sims @aladdin-the-simmer @tina-sims @babyetears @madlensims @adelarsims @c-cerberus-sims-s @joliebean @natalia-auditore
Skin Details: @9393 @northernsiberiawinds @poyopoyosim @alf-si @atomiclight @mmsims @obscurus-sims @stretchskeleton @twisted-cat @kijiko-sims
Tattoos: @dumbabieee @simandy @objuct
Makeups: @crypticsim @goppolsme @dear-solar @angissi
Sliders: @marsosims @bloodmooncc @kikiw-sims @magic-bot @luumia @miikocc @redheadsims-cc @CmarNYC
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crissiebaby · 1 month
The Crissie Anthology Collection (ON SALE NOW!)
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🎉 CrissieBaby Hardcover Books (& eBooks) are now available on Kickstarter!!! 🎉
Heyyo everyone! Hold onto your diaper because the first line-up of hardcover books from the CrissBaby Diaper Company is here! And unlike the fake products often featured in our stories, these books are the real deal!
The Crissie Anthology Collection is a set of three blushy volumes cataloging the padded misadventures of CrissieBaby and the devious CrissBaby Diaper Company; a company hellbent on transforming the world into a kinky ABDL paradise.
The Crissie Anthology, Vol. 1 includes 14 stories and shorts: 1. Crissie’s Messy Origin Story 2. Sissy’s First Slumber Party 3. Kelly’s New Dolly 4. Crissie’s New Mommy 5. Stoner Baby Bliss 6. Test Dummy (Chapters 1-9) 7. Tina’s Punishment 8. Big Sis Criss 9. Caught Pink Handed (Chapters 1-4 + Epilogue) 10. Sissy Giggles 11. Crissie’s Day Out 12. Buttons 13. The Smart Nanny (Chapters 1-7 + Epilogue) 14. Christmas Cookie Caper
The Crissie Anthology, Vol. 2 includes 10 stories and shorts: 1. Big Sis Criss & the Ballerina Babydoll 2. Secret Sissy Stockings 3. A Very Messy Punishment 4. Clown Dummy (Chapters 1-5) 5. Crissie’s Sick Day 6. Sippy Cup 7. Midnight Movie Mania 8. The Dreamcaster (Chapters 1-23) 9. Naughty Nursery Nightmare 10. The Goddess of Diapers
The Crissie Anthology, Vol. 3 includes 9 stories and shorts: 1. Crissie & the Diaper Thief 2. Lawyer Dummy (Chapters 1-8) 3. What Happens in the Lamp 4. Big Sis Criss & the Furry Tyrant 5. Room For Three 6. Rocky vs. The Machine 7. Gummy Tummy 8. Codi’s Trick 9. Double Diaper Dare (Chapters 1-16) Plus 12 Codi's Diary mini-stories with Artwork by CodiBaby!
These handcrafted books and their contents are a labor of love that's been in the making for almost a full year. For CrissieBaby fans, this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to own first-edition copies of some of Crissie's horniest and most popular stories. We hope you'll help support the CrissBaby Diaper Company as we embark on this new, exhilarating endeavor!
Read a preview of the first short story in the trilogy, Crissie's Messy Origin Story [REWRITE]!
💕 Stories By CrissieBaby 💕 💜 Artwork by CodiBaby 💜 💙 Edited By AllySmolShork 💙 💚 Edited By AliceKChan 💚
SubscribeStar: subscribestar.adult/crissiebaby pixivFANBOX: crissiebaby.fanbox.cc All CB Links: linktr.ee/crissiebaby
Special Thanks to Our CrissBaby Diaper Company Investors: BlushyBen DD JFN Nike Pansy Jason Sissikins PrincessKittenLizzi Rosie Princess SissyDina Strawberry Sweetsamantharebecca Tony & One Anonymous Investor
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hbojoel · 1 year
PLEASE write something for richie jerimovich maybe you’re carmys sister and you all work at the beef 🫶🏻🫶🏻
ANON i am overjoyed at this request. thank you so much for being my first ask and my first official post on here!!!
18+ for some elusions to sex
word count: 1.3k
pairing: richie jerimovich x f!reader (only gendered term used is sister)
Nat never wanted you in the restaurant.
Even after re-opening, the name change, the renovation–it was still something she wanted you separate from. Protected from. It was the start and end of many fights.
And you still found a way to weasel in.
Family, prep, hands; it didn't matter, but you were eager to help. To be useful. It mattered to your brother and sister, and that meant it mattered to you.
There's a shout of corner! as you walk through the swinging door. Tina's the first to see you, chopping onions with a quickness you'd never been able to master. You put in the hours, you learned the techniques, it was just something about a knife you couldn't get down. Or maybe it was the tears that sprung to your eyes no matter how many times you'd practiced. 
"Hi, baby," Tina smiles and tilts her cheek to you so you can kiss it. "Jeff is in the office, Nat's... you saw Nat, si?"
"Si, T, thank you."
Nat was in the front of house, fidgeting with the plate settings and rolled-up napkins. It must be pregnancy hormones or something because she's only gotten more nit-picky and everyone's noticing it.
Syd and Marcus greet you as you walk past them, in search of something you can't seem to find.
You peek your head in the walk-in. Nope.
Rap your knuckles against the open office door, nodding to Carmy on the phone, finding the room empty apart from him. You mouth his name but Carm's never been that good at lip-reading, so it's a benign effort. 
You push the back door open and spot him by the dumpster smoking a cigarette. 
"Psst," you say as you walk over to him slowly. 
He looks up at you through a cloud of smoke that doesn't hide his grimace as well as he thinks it does.
"Whadda ya doin' here? I told you to stay home. Never fuckin' listen." 
You steal the cigarette from between his fingers and wiggle it above him, grinning like the cat who got the cream.
"Not the boss of me." You quirk a brow.
Richie gets up off his feet. You instinctually back up to get a better look at his face, but he wraps an arm around your waist to hold you in place. You're craning your neck to look him in the eye, but you don't back down. You'll never hear the end of it if you do.
"Not the boss, huh?" This close, you can taste the smoke on his breath, puffing in the cold of autumn.
You bounce on your heels just slightly. "Nope," popping the P. "Not on the papers."
"You don't fuckin–" He puts distance between the two of you to throw his hands up in exasperation, "you don't even work here!"
Biting back your smile, barely, you say, "I'm family."
"Oh, you little shit," he says, and then he's on you, lifting you up and carrying you til your back hits the cold metal of his car. "Brat."
It's not exactly a secret that the two of you are an item, but there hasn't been a public announcement either. Richie had come a long way–a long way–from who he used to be, but Carmy remembered, and Sugar remembered, and that was a lot to have hanging over your head when it turned out he wanted their little sister. 
So the two of you are cautious. Never at work, which is part of the reason you shouldn't be here, part of the reason RIchie's all riled up in the first place.
He'd told you to stay at his place, promising he'd be back before dinner. That was at seven, and who's to say if you heard him correctly, in your sleep-addled state. You'll blame it on that. 
Richie's apartment was nice–he'd eaten you out on that kitchen island more times than you can count–but it was lonely. And you missed him. And maybe you had to walk or Uber your way there, and maybe he wasn't so happy with you in the streets of Chicago by yourself, and maybe it was an unspoken rule.
And maybe you had just broken it by showing up here.
"Sorry," you whisper, and kiss away any protests forming on his tongue.
He lets you, for a while, only because he missed you, too. He rubs his hands up and down your back, sure that you must be freezing in the thin pants you're in on the unforgiving cold of the trunk of his car. He pulls back and you follow his mouth blindly.
"What?" You whine.
Richie huffs a laugh.
"You're not s'posed to be here." He cards a hand gently through your hair.
You shrug your shoulders petulantly, not meeting his eyes now. "Missed you."
Richie makes a sound like he's in pain, and then he cups your face in his hand and squeezes your cheeks together gently, like he has that cuteness-aggression thing Marcus was telling him about a while ago. You're too sweet for him.
"I missed you, too," he whispers, releasing your face to smooth back your hair and press a kiss to your forehead. "I'm in the middle of one thing and then we can go home, okay?"
You nod slowly, leaning your head into his chest. 
Richie smiles to himself. "That means you gotta get up, baby." He slaps what he can reach of your ass lightly. 
You shake your head against his heartbeat. "Carry me?"
Richie's heart hurts with how much he adores you. He might just get down on one knee right there. He picks you up and calls you baby in a scolding voice instead. If you mind, you don't make an effort to show it.
He stops and sets you gently on your feet after the short distance and opens the passenger door for you, watching as you plop down into the seat unceremoniously. 
Just five minutes. He could finish in just five minutes, and then he can take you home.
"Okay," he starts, bends down to kiss your forehead again, and you lift your head expectantly for a goodbye kiss. He gives you one. "Five minutes and I'm out, got it? I'll get you a Sprite if you want it, and then I'm all yours." 
You look up at him grinning, open-mouthed, and nod. "Keys?"
Richie pats the pockets of his jeans. "Keys, keys... they're in my locker, give me two seconds, baby, so you don't freeze out here." The car reverberates with the force of him shutting the door as he jogs back inside the Beef.
"Whatchu up to, papa?" Tina calls from the kitchen. 
"Keys," Richie shouts back, "gotta take the baby home."
Tina's behind him in record time, watching him turn his locker inside-out in his search. "Taking your girl home, huh?"
"Oh, shut up." Richie turns to face her and finds a shit-eating grin staring right at him.
"Careful, Jeff," she says as she walks away, "you'll get yourself in trouble."
Richie rolls his eyes, pockets his keys, and walks back out to you.
You open the door for him again, and he drops the keys in your lap. 
"All good?" 
"All good except Tina fuckin' knows." 
You laugh before you realize you're doing it. Richie is not so amused.
"What, that's funny? I gotta hear it at work now all 'cause you got lonely?" 
You reach your hand up and into the pocket of his leather jacket. "Everyone knows, Richie. It's okay. Go and hurry up, I'm cold."
"Shit," he swears. "Here." His jacket is draped across your shoulders and now it's him shivering, and you would protest, but it would be fruitless. Richie would get frostbite before he let you catch a cold.
One last kiss is dropped on your forehead in lieu of a goodbye. "Five minutes and I'll be back, okay?"
"Okay," you nod, hand on the door, even though Richie's already pushing it shut. "I'll time you."
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lou-art · 7 months
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Tucumán con una bebé Argentina (Tina de DolceMinerva) ✨🥺💓
Un poquitín de lore abajo sobre como veo la relación de Argentina con sus provincias ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Las provincias son preexistentes a la nación (de hecho, se dice que ellas crearon al estado nacional), por lo que, a mi parecer, describirlas como "hijos" de Argentina no es adecuado. Su relación es mucho más compleja que eso y varía de un caso a otro.
Algunas de las provincias más antiguas cuidaron de la futura Argentina en su más tierna niñez y muchas de ellas aún mantienen un fuerte sentimiento de afecto hacia su Patria. Por ejemplo, Tucumán le tiene verdadero cariño fraternal a Tina: La cuidó de bebé y desde entonces desarrolló su sentimiento de protección y en función a eso ha decidido apoyarla en todos sus proyectos.
Durante las guerras civiles, cuando algunas provincias se oponían a los planes del gobierno nacional, Miguel (Tucumán) acató las órdenes de Agustina sin chistar, participando incluso en campañas militares para someter a Rocío (La Rioja) durante el proceso de pacificación. También fue a batallar en la guerra del Paraguay, a diferencia de otras provincias que se opusieron al conflicto (y hasta se rebelaron).
Lo mismo ocurre con Jesús (Santiago del Estero), a él NO LE IMPORTA vivir en la más grande pobreza si eso significa que Agustina pueda vivir bien, aun cuando ella se olvide de él y lo deje de lado por ser una provincia que no entraba en su modelo económico. Él en especial se peleó con Rocío en el siglo XIX y cortaron su amistad porque no le gustó para nada que la riojana se oponga a los proyectos de Argentina, la vio como una traidora y se ofreció a pacificarla él mismo, pero le dieron ese trabajo a San Juan (igual invadió La Rioja, pero Franco lo corrió apenas lo vio en el área ajsjd no iba a dejar que toque a su neña)
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Por el contrario, hubo provincias como La Rioja que no desarrollaron ese sentimiento de protección y afecto hacia Agustina, al contrario, hasta se sintieron defraudadas por ella y llegaron a sentir algo de rencor en cierto momento.
Si bien actualmente Rocío y Agustina se llevan bien porque obviamente son provincia y nación, hubo un momento en el que su relación tuvo un quiebre y se vieron como una AMENAZA. Rocío quería quererla (?) pero Agustina la veía como una amenaza que había que aplastar.
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qtubbo · 9 months
Tina hates jams, she just doesn’t like the texture; it’s way too mushy for her, and the seeds always get stuck in her teeth making her feel all icky. Bagi on the other hand, has her underground farm, she makes a lot of different stuff, but especially jams to match Empanada’s sweet tooth without outright giving her candy. She likes to sit at the table with Panada after making breakfast for the two of them, eating some toast with jam as a little treat. She’s started making so much though, do it lasting so long and she has stockpiling instincts, that she likes to wrap them up all pretty and gift them to Tina, Bad, and Pac (sometimes Empanada will drop an extra at Tubbo’s for Sunny, can’t have her little sis missing out on the treats). Tina loves jam what are you talking about, she has a cabinet full of the stuff beautifully handmade by Bagi, what are you talking about?
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melancolirio · 9 months
Les deseo agallas para desafiarse a si mismos y para desafiar sus destinos.
Les deseo valor para que confíen en sus habilidades y saquen de sí mismos todo su potencial.
Por un 2024, dónde nos irá bonito a cada uno de nosotros 🍃.
Tina Lon
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1lenii · 1 year
Hiii, another fellow latina here~ would you mind writing a Miles (E-42) based on the song Wish you were sober by Conan Gray with a Latina reader please? Maybe friends to lover trope 👀
✮I meant it✮
Miles G Morales x F!Latina!Reader
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✮Hope this meets the expectations of what you were expecting! And I hope you don’t mind but I got sorta of a ‘fancy’ party theme so—
✮Synopsis: Attending a party with your lightweight Best friend Miles
✮ Trope: Friends to Lovers
✮This song is now in my playlist thank you anon<3
✮Might be angsty or sappy but hopefully I was able to balance the two
Ntm on the pictures PLEASE.
⚠️drinking, drunk driving(JS TISPSY)❗️WE ARE AGED UP❗️, catcalling maybe(?) and probably something else I missed, and not proofread-
ALOT. OF. SPANISH. Have a translator at hand at all times<3
It was 7:18pm on a Saturday, a warm summer evening, August 15 read the calendar, right under was “Tina’s Gala” written in purple ink from one of (Y/N)’s favorite pen.
“Ma, y yo tengo que ir?” (Do I have to go?)
“Si tú quieres, I don’t mind if you do or don’t” (if you want)
This conversation doesn’t last long, as Miles is currently helping (Y/N) into her body tight strapless dress that shimmers with each tug in the dim light of their newly bought and shared apartment.
(Y/N) adjusts the dress soothing out the wrinkles, taking a glance at the dry-cleaned three piece suit, she got for Miles, to then returning her gaze onto her self.
Miles on the other hand was contemplating if he should go while staring intently at the suit propped up on the closet door.
Miles glances to his left, feeling a dip of the bed next to him, he fully turns his head to look at (Y/N), seeing her mouth, mouthing some words but falling on deaf ears.
Miles is starstruck, taking in the sight of his best friend secret crush in the dimly lit room, how her curls bounce with each head motion, the way her eyes lights up and showed millions of stories, her melanin skin that glows even more with the highlights/concealer she has on her cheek bones, the way that perfect dress which matches his suit hugs her curves, and her—
“Hellooooo, earth to Miles” (Y/N) says waving her manicured hand in front of Miles, bringing the man of his trance
“You weren’t even listening idiot”
“So repeat it dumbass” Miles said while flicking her forehead, just to then stand up to avoid the well known counter attack she would’ve done.
While rubbing the inflicted spot (Y/N) gets up and walks towards the closet where the suit is currently hanging, looking up at it
“I said if your gonna go be quick about cause I, well, WE have to leave in 20”
Sighing, Miles mumbles ‘fuck it’ before going over to the closet and treading over to the bathroom, soon closing the door with a *click*.
(Y/N) sighs, taking out her phone from the matching purse in Miles half of the room, opening instagram she clicks on Tina’s story
“My loves we getting lit tonightttt!!!, here at the Grand Tina’s I’m hosting a get together, EVERYBODY INVITED!!! The dress code is formal/fancy, and bring a date;), drinks and food will be provided”
(Y/N) clicks to the right, ‘another one?’ An imaginary sweat drop, forms on her hairline
“LEAVE THAT BEEF SHIT AT HOME!! We here to have funnn and b classy”
(Y/N) stares at the text on the story, mind drifting off to Miles as he has a tendency to pick at people who try and talk to you, wether it be ‘can I get your number’ or ‘you single’
*click* Miles steps out with his 3piece walking over casually as if he not about to crease the shit out of his blazer.
“guau que guapoo” (Y/N) claps to give off the impression of being impress, even though she was
“Yea yea, this guapo about to leave you ” he mumbles, starts checking himself out in the mirror before exiting the room to grab the car keys up to the front of the house
(Y/N) grabs her purse and quickly follows in pursuit only to be met with Miles offering her a hand to help her down the stairs, in which she takes.
Quickly exiting the lobby as fast as they entered it they were now outside.
“Wait here ma, a pretty girl shouldn’t have to walk”
“As me el favor, es no es na”
“And you still gonna listen, wait here”
(Y/N) lets him have the last words as she stares at his disappearing figure in the crowd of cars. No less than 3 minutes, and sure enough miles is in front of where (Y/N) is standing. Getting out of the car over to the passenger door to open it for her
“After you m’lady”
“Para de jugar”
“Y tu para de jugar conmigo”
(Y/N) laughs it off while getting in completely, letting Miles shut the door on her, while retreating to his side.
•Soon enough they are at Grand Tina’s•
“(Y/N), mi amor, I’m so glad you made it”
Tina greets her with a hug and cheek kiss
(Y/N) doing the same
“Glad to be here, thank you for the invitation”
“And who’s this handsome guy you with? Is he your Boyfriend?”
“Mmnm na, he’s just my date”
“Miles, un placer” he’s says sticking his hand out to shake, which gets returned
“The pleasure is mine, please come in, we have drinks and food to the left of the establishment and the tables are to the center of the right wall”
Tina says before leading them inside, to go back to her post to greet more guests
*the song should be playing if it isnt*
(Y/N) and Miles walk towards the tables, claim one right the main stairs taking a seat and getting settled in
A while later (Y/N) gets called up by some associates who wanted to catch up
“You’ll be Oka here? Miles?”
“Yea yea, you go have fun mami I’ll see you when I see you” Miles says looking up from his phone and gives (Y/N) a warm smile from his usual stoic face
“Alright call me if you need me”
Miles laughs slightly with a “planning on it”
(Y/N) smiling along before walking over to her associates.
It was now 10:27pm, (Y/N) was no where to be found, and Miles was now standing leaning on a near by wall, bored and uncomfortable out of his mind
‘Tch should’ve stayed home’
Miles was on his 2nd glass of wine as he witness the trading of drinks, couples drifting off to talk to other groups and a corner filled with a bunch of business based men
A waiter crosses his sights as he beckons him over requesting another glass of wine.
Glass In hand, then
another one,
then another one
trying to drown out the conversations of the other attendees
(Y/N) has finished everything there was on her imaginary list of interactions, now wandering around looking for miles, she catches sight of neatly braided twin braids, trying to make her way through the crowd with a bunch of ‘excuse me’ ‘sorry’.
‘Where she at’ ‘I wanna dip’ ‘I can’t anymore’ (social battery is officially at 0)
Thoughts being answered Miles mentally thank the lord, When he catches a glimpse a certain matching dress, he tried to walk towards the girl in question, just to stumble back onto the wall
“Bebiste mucho”
“No fue tanto”
“Se te vuele”
Miles avoids eyes contact with the shorter girl in front, Y/N is almost pressed on him as she tried to Tilt her head towards Miles line of sight, Miles once again avoiding it
“You sober enough to drive, cause I got it”
“Mmm” Miles response suddenly wrapping his arms around Y/N waist while leaning his head forward to rest on her shoulder
“Alright big guy cmon”
Leading Miles out and bidding farewells she pats Miles pockets for the key, clicking around on the buttons due to the lost memory of where Miles parked his ride
Marco polo-ing her way while supporting Miles with her shoulder and all her strength while leading him to the passenger seat, while then taking a U-turn to the drivers seat.
Eventually reaching the apartment, and taking the elevator, with Miles her shoulder slurring a bunch of incompressible words they finally made it back home.
Y/N went straight towards the coach leaving miles stranded on the couch in the living room, returning to the front door to leave all the keys on the key holder.
“ComE baCk I miss yoU”
Y/N with a chuckle make her way to Miles room to get a change of clothes for herself which she now has on and as well as his own, now infront of miles she helps him get comfortable.
Y/N is now moving to his button up, unbuttoning the buttons from top to bottom tugging at his shoulders to tug the blazer and button up off
“Yes guapo, qué pasa”
“tE amo”
“Que-?” Y/N looks up at miles from her position besides him trying to confirm what she thought she heard, movements coming to a brief pause.
“Mami I love yoU”
“Te amo también”
Miles shuts his eyes and softly smiles content with the reciprocated feelings, while Y/N continues her movements from before going to haul a T-shirt of Miles well toned frame.
“Cmon, duérmete, lemme bring you a comforter”
As Y/N gets up, she gets stopped by a previously half lidded and currently wide eyed Miles he says “stay”
Who’s Y/N to reject his offer, she hesitantly tries to make sense of how she gonna fit, when she gets cut off in the process by being pulled in by Miles who’s already snuggling up to her and mumbling ‘you were taking to long’
Y/N gets comfortable melting into him and the couch, while mumbling ‘I wish you were sober..’ ‘Mayb it’s better if you weren’t’ before drifting off to sleep
It’s already the next morning, and Miles is nowhere to be found, rubbing her eyes Y/N gets up looking around for the previously drunk man to find him the kitchen already at work to prepare breakfast
“Morning ma”
“…you shouldn’t be at the stove, doesn’t your head hurt”
“Nothing that’s gonna kill me” Miles shrugs
… there was a moment of silence before Miles broke it…
“You wished I was sober.” He stated
“You wished that I was sober, how come?”miles says now fully facing Y/N
“Nada miles, nothing to note” Y/N hesitates remembering last nights events
“Nada? Enserio? Cause I seem to recall a little confession from my favorite” miles says making his way to Y/N who’s sitting down at the kitchen island, now hugging her sitting frame from behind
“I DIDNT want t-to—“
A now flustered Y/N is contemplating and panicking Till her nerves get replaced with words of confirmation
“I meant it.”
Y/N heart beats faster when Miles turns her around to press a kiss on her lips, firstly hovering looking for a sign of permission, which was given when Y/N leaned in first.
Passionately kissing, their first real interaction as future lovers.
Authors note: I ACTUALLY DONT KNOW HOW INDID, feedback would b great<33 hope you enjoyed ofc<3
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justalovelyblackgf · 1 month
I’m back on my shit talking again! Anyways, I got some stuff to say about Lana Lang. That’s my good sis! She’s been through A LOT and I really like that she is tries to be kind, help others, and include people who aren’t really in her social circle. Not your typical popular girl/cheerleader trope that’s always bitchy and rude, but she’s definitely the girl-next-door. She’s also trying to find her own way in life while still grieving her parents. She’s also wise and I love her but…
She has no good judgement of other people’s character even though she doesn’t want to be judged. Example: Tina from “X-Ray” BOTH Clark and Whitney were trying to tell her that Tina was a red flag and that she had it out for Lana. Lana was creeped out by Tina a little bit, but she brushed that off and ended up getting her ass chocked, knocked out and buried alive!! She could’ve been a goner but TY CLARK. 😍👏🏾 That shit was scary. I lowkey blame Whitney too because he could’ve done more.. because that’s YOUR GIRLFRIEND, but Whitney is another story. Another example is Lana’s stalker (I fg his name) the boy who turned into a bug from “Metamorphosis”. Lana, baby…if a gift box with no tag or label was placed on YOUR bed, chuck that shit out!! Idgad if it’s butterflies in there, that didn’t scare you a bit?? You also knew that dude had a creepy ass vibe and so did Whitney, but you still accepted to study with this boy at one point? Thank God something came up that she couldn’t make it, but STILL. What got me is that when dude pulled up in the stables and started walking towards her after THROWING HER BOYFRIEND LIKE A RAG DOLL , she’s just standing there and asking FKIN QUESTIONS! This girl almost got violated. TY AGAIN CLARK! 😘 I’m not trying to victim blame but these events are TWO EPISODES APART. Lana, imma you need to stay in the house for a little bit. How you go to school after almost dying twice?? WTH WAS NELL DOING? Pressed over a birthday party, but not cautious enough to want your niece be in your view after she almost got got? I hate when female characters are written to be pretty, kind, sweet, and got a 4.0 GPA, BUT NO COMMON SENSE OR DISCERNMENT. The 2000s were lit, but a mess. y’all can agree or disagree, this is just my opinion. I’m just yapping. anyways I’ll be back and I’ll be on Whitney’s ass and Lana’s denial of her feelings. I’ma keep streaming. 😘🫶🏾
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Side note: Kristin is a baddie!
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