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whetstonefires · 5 months ago
note that when Jin Ling says he is 'almost fifteen' that means he is very much still fourteen, and that he's counting in a system where you're born age 1.
so he's thirteen. we would say, he is 13 years old.
in a modern AU he would be in the 8th grade. statistically he is just starting puberty. he is a child.
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lokinightfury · 2 months ago
Umbrella academy subway code
So the way my brain works, I love a puzzle. ADORE a puzzle. So seeing that encrypted language all over the subway in season 4? It gave me an itch in my brain that needed to be solved. Playing around with it, it looked like a substition cipher, simple switch for letters and symbols. But with any TV show and props, there is a chance that someone in the prop department just threw together something random.
However. When I started looking, excluding the subway station names, there were 26 unique symbols. Which couldn't be a coincidence.
And it wasn't.
I started off by giving each symbol a letter, and then looking at frequency analysis. This got me some of the way there, (managed to get THE as a consistent correct pattern) but for less common letters the system fell apart. I was shown an image from the propstore auction (thanks @hansodax) so decided to focus on just this.
By doing the conversion to letters and then running again through a frequency analysis it was looking consistent with english. A couple of runs through a substition cipher decrypter and the word time line popped out. Just some manual clean up then needed.
Here are my translations for some of the graphics we see in the season
Prop images are from the umbrella academy auction items on prop store.
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The timeline is important for your sanity. But there is no way to game the system. All will be revealed. When the answer is obvious the solution will be achieved. Until then the timeline must be respected.
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I thought this was random until the incredible @hansodax thought to translate it.... It means loneliness. I'm 90% sure this still is from the first timeline they go to. The one where original Five is alone. Holy shit!
and the lettering on the subway car itself is also random, as using the same encryption just gives nonsense. I did suspect that might be the case given that the same symbols are repeated over and over on diferrent signs. Just in case I did invert, but upside down it doesn't match the alphabet.
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Other signs used appear to be multiple letters and some new symbols mashed together:
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I suspect a proper language was created for the initial prop of the map, and then the symbols used to decorate other surfaces without meaning behind them. Another consideration is that there are numbers in the mixed together symbols, but these are often harder to crack.
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herejusttosufferalong · 6 months ago
Now that L has painted a big arrow on the timeline at June 2021, I’m curious about what you think S2 filming was like between the two of them?
L was still with J, they had found out they were going to be leading season 3, they had less screen time and more downtime than S3, and they posted THAT selfie. Thoughts?
Let me just give y'all my thoughts:
I think there was always feelings between the two of them and S2 filming really started to cultivate the blurred lines for them.
They knew early on in S2 production they would be leading S3 and they have both been very vocal about the prep they started to lead S3.
I think they both recognized pretty quickly they had feelings for each other but never discussed it and the used S3 filming and their characters to act on their feelings.
I personally don't think they ever crossed a line physically outside of their characters, pre or post break up with J.
I think a conversation was had between the two of them, sometime between the wrap party and her going to his play. I'm leaning closer to the wrap party.
I do think N was the one to shut things down for multiple reasons like L just getting out of a 4 yr relationship, them being in the BTON bubble and blurring lines, and then her truly thinking that maybe they had gotten whatever it was out of their system during filming.
I also don't think L was honest when they had their conversation. I know a lot of people within the fandom think his confession sort of "scared" N off with him dropping the love bomb. I feel the opposite. I think he downplayed things out of rejection.
Which is why we see him do a 180 last summer, he is running.
I think after she went to his play there was limited contact between them, partly because she had been seeing someone else, until Dec '23 when they met back up for reshoots.
During reshoots they fell right back into the blurred lines because nothing was actually resolved from their previous talk. They may have had another conversation with an understanding regarding the upcoming tour.
Which I believe is part of the reason we get the tension after the NYE kiss and during the early Jan interviews.
I don't believe N was seeing anyone Dec '23/Jan '24 but I do think it may have been rekindled in Feb/Mar done by early April.
We can tell from all of the press junkets and livestream events Feb-Apr that there is something there between L and N, I don't think it was lost on them either.
Australia def solidified things for them exhibiting their feelings outside of their characters and being forced to really examine it. Another conversation was had.
Then we have the InStyle stunt followed by a bunch of articles claiming L to be single.
A week later they are in Italy.
There is tension. Why? I think it is truly due to their lack of clear and honest communication up to that point. Another conversation is had, with their bodies, and all is well for the rest of the Italy stop.
I don't believe L had any intention of taking A to the NY premiere but I also don't think she flew there and surprised him. I don't think he was happy she was there but I also don't believe he yelled at her or got into an argument with her at the after party.
Reasons why I don't believe she was ever invited to NY:
She had bought her own ticket to get into the premiere/after party.
Her seat at the Knicks game seemed to be a last minute get.
And the Chaos dinner.
I'm def in the minority with this one but I don't think L would have accepted the invite if A was planned to go to NY. I could be wrong but the dinner already seemed completely outside of L's scene of ppl to network with. He was going for N and N alone, you can't change my mind.
Then we get Brazil. This is tricky because I don't believe L had ended things with A like some ppl do but I do believe they were just casual.
I am def in the minority here as well, I don't believe L took A to SF during the break between Brazil and Toronto. I think the pic A shared was an old one. Could be wrong tho. I think he was elsewhere and not with her and that was the reasoning behind the liking spree and getting some family/friends to follow her. All so she didn't act out, go figure it would be her mom who caused the drama...
Cut to Toronto. There is perceived tension between L and N but I think the fandom got this one wrong. They both seemed to have been ill in Toronto so I think that and jet lag started to catch up with them. All was fine in the end.
Not much to say about Dublin or Galway. I think lines were drawn by someone as things got a little too real.
And now here we are.
Let's discuss...
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aois-amaterasu-painting · 3 months ago
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lukolabrainrot · 5 months ago
Toronto and Ireland (Part 1)
I observed a shift in L/N's behavior and non-verbal cues by the time they got to Toronto. Their non-verbal cues signaled to me that there was a since of ease and confidence with them BTS. However, I think that looked very different in both locations. Refer to my timeline theories here on my thoughts on what was going on between L/N before Toronto. Below are my thoughts.
Let's first address the fact that there was a break between Brazil and Toronto. It was ~2 weeks from what I remember. During the break the following happened:
L went back and liked all of A's posts back to July 2023. Previously, he had only liked her posts up to October/November 2023.
A chopped her hair off
I believe the DM likes from A's mom occurred around this point as well (or during Brazil)
There were some SoHo Farmhouse pics posted by A (I believe?), but no one could confirm if those were current or old photos (as A has a history of posting old photos to insinuate she is with L in real time when she isn't)
There was nothing else though to publicly link L/A during this break (from my understanding, correct me if I am wrong?)
This break is also when the rumored Spain trip between L/N occurred (but there is no evidence this actually occurred)
N was publicly seen at the Mighty Hoopla music festival with her friends the weekend before Toronto
N and L appear to fly into Toronto on separate flights
Alright I am going to throw out something that is purely a theory, regarding A, at that point in time, and now. I've kind of avoided directly talking about my theories on A because I just don't have enough information to confidently analyze what is going on. But with everything that has come out recently, and especially this week, I feel more and more confident on this theory (but again, it's just a theory):
As I mentioned, I firmly believe L/N physically acted on their feelings at points on the tour, and by Brazil, A was FLIPPING OUT because I think she sensed L pulling away. A had been around for a while, and I don't believe there were any firm boundaries/labels set on their relationship, but A had her sights set on riding his coattails and trying to get fame/attention from being in his orbit. She is also DEEPLY insecure and envious of N. Lastly, she is a WILD CARD and had been publicly known about in the fandom for a while. I think there was some overlap between N and A, and L did not want A leaking that s**t. Whyy... because he LOVES N. This is also his bed he made, and he needed to lie in it and clean up his mess. The optics of all of this do not look good for L & N if all of this information got released to the public. I also think that's why the DM comments got scrubbed on the site (which doesn't just happen out of thin air). He needed to start cleaning s**t up if he and N ever want to go public someday.
Therefore, he went back during the break to make up with A and reassure A he wasn't just going to drop her from his orbit (hence things like liking more of her posts so people took notice, and it made it seem they were more serious than previously thought). Tbh, I don't think it was very hard for him to keep her appeased because I honestly don't think this relationship goes any deeper than casual and transactional.
Then L/N became even more obvious about their feelings during Toronto and Ireland imo, and then all hell broke loose at the premiere (because a certain 🐜 was PISSED and getting revenge).
My whole point with all this is this. L was NEVER going to be able to unravel from A during the PR tour because it had already become public that she was connected to L (even if he was already checked out at this point). He was always going to have to officially acknowledge A to the public, let people get use to them as a "unit", and then slowly unravel over a couple of months in a way that satisfied A and didn't encourage her to go rogue (because I think we are getting more and more proof that she DOES go rogue). This included what we have seen between them since the premiere. I firmly believe that A has some information that would eff up L&N being able to confidently go public at some point if they want to without this really messy public narrative (because if L/N ARE indeed working on their relationship, it is probably going to be a little messy no matter what when/if they go public). L is letting A therefore get the attention she wants rn, and trying to stay as publicly unconnected to N as possible. I think he severely underestimated the impact this was all going to have on his career though (at least in the short-term). Do I think this also probably put somewhat of a strain on his relationship with N? Most likely, yes. However, they have known each other for many years, and have gone through a lot together. I don't think N sees A as a threat to her and L in any way, and I think L/N are figuring things out in private. And do I think just because A is still in L's orbit that that means they are super happy and madly in love? Absolutely not. The optics of everything we have seen around L/A since the premiere speak VOLUMES, and that is all I will say on that.
I was fired up about all of this because of the events this week, so I needed to get this off my chest 😅 I think though that everything we have seen between L/A since after Brazil is just another indicator that L/N are serious about each other (if that makes sense). THIS IS JUST A THEORY THOUGH.
And does this all seem messy? Yes. Because the short answer is that it is. Human beings though are messy, and I think unfortunately a lot of this played out on a very public stage, so everyone is trying to figure out what to do now.
Alright, back to Toronto. A lot of people thought the vibes seemed off between L/N, but I disagree. This was the part of the tour where I started coming to the conclusion that there was something BIG going on between L/N BTS (in a good way), that went deeper than just wild sexual chemistry/attraction. Here are my thoughts:
I personally think L/N took time during the break to have some big conversations in private about their future together, in a "normal" setting outside of the tour. I think they came to a conclusion that their feelings were larger than just the show and tour, and that this was going to be one of those BIG relationships for both of them. I think they also had conversations about how A was going to tie into the public narrative after the tour (but I think A hijacked that narrative). But I think L/N were very much on the same page going into Toronto.
I also get this sense that by this point in Toronto, it was getting harder for them to hide what was going on because things were getting more serious, and they were ALL LOVEY DOVEY AND HAPPY BTS. Although I am going to be honest, I don't think they ever hid their feelings for each other very well on the tour (especially L). And this was all kind of new as well. Therefore, I think that's where some of the "awkward" vibes were coming from, but their nonverbal cues didn't read as disconnect to me (like the beginning of Italy did).
I also have a feeling they were EXHAUSTED by this point, and probably so tired of answering the same questions (I swear, I bet they never want to talk about the carriage scene again 😂). I also heard that they might have been sick in Toronto, so all of this might have also played into the shift in energy.
However, a lot of key things happened in Toronto that signaled to me there had been a positive emotional shift between them. I really started to notice the "couple" eyes between them, and N's walls really dropped and the heart eyes were in full force. Toronto had my favorite interview of them during the tour, which I posted here. We got the the thigh rub from N, the beginning of the Ryan Gosling jealousy from L (I believe), L beginning to get more comfortable and silly on interviews (he seemed VERY happy, and a lot more confident by this point, which I found very interesting 🤔), a few instances where L/N would get lost in a moment with each other and forget they were on an interview, N reassuring L that he was her "favorite", and photos and video of L meeting some of N's extended family (and he looked very happy in the video). Also N didn't end up posting a "bf" pic of L (even though she did for Italy, Brazil, and Ireland). Now it could mean nothing (and it's probably just a coincidence), but I just find it interesting (in a good way 🤔). Yes, a lot of this could be chalked up to PR, and some of it probably was. However, most of this just DID NOT read as professional PR to me. It just wasn't.
Lastly, we got THIS pic of them below in Toronto 👀:
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I am going to post an article below about body language between couples in photos. I don't agree with all of the article, but it does have some interesting facts/comments. I would highly recommend looking over the article a little, and looking back at the video that had the compilation of them posing at the different tour stops. I know that this was 100% cutesy PR (and I am not trying to imply they were necessarily an "official couple"), but I found it very telling about HOW they chose to pose at each stop. I feel like it spoke VOLUMES about what was going on between them at each stop. I do want to say that we can't 100% know what was going on for them emotionally BTS at each stop, but I do think it gives us a glimpse. Which is why I found this picture PARTICULARLY interesting. It just screams comfort and security (even with the weird lighting lol).
My point with all this is that I think we caught L/N at a big turning point in their relationship at Toronto, which led to some of the awkward energy at times, but not because they were beefing. I think BTS they were really happy, but they knew they had to not let the WHOLE cat out of the bag, so they were trying to kind of put up a little distance. However, they slipped up constantly, and then everything came to a peak, and that's why we got the magic that was the Ireland stops. I'll talk about my thoughts on Ireland in my Part 2 post, because there is a LOT to talk about. 😅
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sobbing-quietly · 6 months ago
A small theory I’ve been thinking on in Lu is that the chain will probably come to the incorrect conclusion that would be Legend being Wilds successor.
Like think about it.
Like why wouldn’t Legend think this after a certain point of knowing Wilds adventure ??????
If Legend knows that he comes from a timeline where the previous hero failed , the only person in the chain who fits that is Wild.
Which by its self would be a very VERY important and interesting topic for conversation within the group. But also if they find out that Legend is Times third successor.
How? Why?
Because even to Time a timeline where he doesn’t defeat Ganondorf would be mind boggling. Just by its self
Anyway anything like this probably won’t happen any time soon so
Food for thought I guess
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parasolladyansy · 5 months ago
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DxP REWRITE - Scarlet or Violet
Don’t worry, Professor - your confusion over the books has much less to do with your memory, & much more to do with two timelines converging (see Scarlet x Violet).
I’d thought Heath’s expedition happened more recently, more around the time Legends Arceus happens. However, going by Hokkaido’s colonization in our history that runs parallel to Legends Arceus, it happened about 50 years before Legends, as it was 200 years ago vs 150.
(I can’t wait for the Moon Festival to have mitarashi dango again 🎑)
🔼 Diamond x Pearl: REWRITE 🔽
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coloursoflovelustlife · 8 months ago
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50×70 cm
You can choose your timeline..
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into-the-feniverse · 10 months ago
Finished reading Trigun/TriMax a couple days ago and have been feverishly trying to piece together a timeline, so here’s the result of that ✨
EDIT: as of 3/13/24 this has been UPDATED
For a more detailed timeline (with vol/ch marks): google sheet
Full res of the graphic (& other resources): bit.l/trigunresources
Notes & rest of the timeline under the cut!
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Edits as of 3/13/24
The detailed spreadsheet is organized and color coded! If you'd like a more concise breakdown of events/see some of my reasoning behind certain time stamps feel free to skim through that
Changed where in the timeline the Maylene and Wolfwood events happened (originally where I had placed them would have made Maylene like 6 when she and Wolfwood reunited which is NOT correct)
moved where in the timeline Knives started collecting the GungHo Guns (at latest he started in 0090 (20 years before 0110) since it's noted that Monev has been training in a cellar for the past 20 years
Moved where Knives initially tracked down Conrad (felt like it needed to happen at least a decade before July)
Changed up some of the months (personally, I don't think the Ark launched in December, since that'd put Milly and Meryl's arrival to the colony in July, which wouldn't make sense. So I placed the ark launch in October which of course offset some of the other month stand ins)
Added an earth year for when Knives and Vash are born. The explanation is I think at minimum there was at least a 2 year period between them and Tesla (since Rem was around for that whole process). I do think it was more than that, but that’s the earliest possible year I think it could have happened. Personally I’m more in the camp of 5-10 years, but def not 50 like in tristamp
Old Notes:
If you see any typos or phrase inconsistencies: no you don’t 💕 (😭)
Blue text can be completely ignored, that’s just kinda my personal preference/wild guesstimating of when “exactly” those events happened
Blue lines can also be ignored, they’re also just rough guesstimates on where exactly in the timeline these could have happened
The distance of the lines from one another doesn’t really mean anything, I started trying to follow a system to notate when things happened really close together but it was//// not consistently done ngl
Fun fact: by the time Wolfwood leaves the orphanage Meryl is 18! And she was 14 at the time of July’s destruction
Additional fun fact: Brad is 17 when he and sensei meet up with Vash in the Factioned city (which I think is absolutely RIDICULOUS), and we know this because he was 4 the one/last time he had met Vash and it’s been 13 years since
It was noted by Karen, one of Meryl’s coworkers, that she and Milly had been on assignment with Vash for about 4 months. (Might be that they were out searching for him during that time as well, but I’m choosing to interpret it as they were actually with him for that amount of time)
I’m also working on a 98 timeline for comparison (but more like just sequence of events cause I don’t think I have the patience to sift through the lore quite as much… mainly making it just to clarify how the anime delineates from the manga)
I am//::: feeling v unhinged after this and feel like it could be improved/i need to do a more thorough read, but I’m calling it quits for now before I actually go insane (but hopefully some people will find it somewhat helpful!)
Also: if anybody has any notes to add or clarifications/corrections I would be more than happy to hear them 👂
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welaughjustalittletooloud · 2 months ago
This comes up often enough that I wanna write it out.
While Lorelai gave birth to Rory at 16, which is an indisputable fact that is woven into the show, I would like to clarify that she didn't leave Richard and Emily's and move to the Independence Inn with a newborn.
And Mia did not take in a 16 year old and a newborn, she took in a 17 year old who would have been a mother for at least a year.
Lorelai was at least 17 but more likely 17 and a half, given the clues we get, when she left with Rory which means Rory would have been over a year old when that happened too.
Rory was born October 8, 1984, when Lorelai was 16 which given Lorelai's April 25, 1968 birthday means that Lorelai got pregnant at 15.
In the last flash-back of Season 3 episode 13 Dear Emily and Richard, Emily marvels that Lorelai actually put Rory's stroller away, "The first time in a year I haven't tripped over that thing." In the same scene Richard is fixated on the scarf that he wanted to wear that night meaning it's cold enough to need a scarf. For Connecticut that means it's probably set October-March in that scene.
In Season 2 episode 8 The Ins & Outs of Inns, Mia says that it was 16 years ago almost to the day that Lorelai and Rory arrived at the inn. This episode is fall coded with long sleeve shirts and coats with pumpkins in the square, so that narrows it down to October/November.
Lorelai is 15 when she gets pregnant.
Lorelai turns 16 in April 1984.
Lorelai gives birth at 16 to Rory October 1984.
Lorelai leaves with a one year old Rory at 17 in late 1985 October/November.
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castleclerics · 4 months ago
they just posted the first image and i’m breaking my silence to say that all three of these are different <3 as i expected
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doodle-girl · 8 months ago
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So what're we thinkin, girlies? /gn
Side note: You will probably have to click on the image and zoom in
Side note 2: we still do not know where the hell Jack and Klaus come into this
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whetstonefires · 2 months ago
the simplest way to summarize the question of how old Wei Wuxian was at time of death is to say that there are multiple timeskips the length whereof is defined only as 'years' after the last time his age is stated in even approximate terms, so he probably died somewhere between 22 and 27.
you can expand it upward way more easily than downward, because there are a lot more minimum times things took available than maximum.
27 is the funniest option because it means when he gets back, all his old peers are 40.
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herejusttosufferalong · 5 months ago
Note taking anon here, back from Tif's latest live. I have to start off by just saying holy fuck I have never been so deep in my delulu as I am now. Holy shit. This changed my perspective on a few things and DAMN.
Ok, onto the live...my note taking is not as thorough this time because Tif being the angel she is has created a link to share both the outline as well as all the pictures, videos and links to different media. Queen. Very importantly, she has asked everyone not to make posts of the document. Please share the link in chats, but away from the timeline and DO NOT tag any party involved (it's depressing that this has to be reiterated, but we all know someone will go rogue). Also, go say thank you to Tif...she spent over 20 hours this week working on this to share with us. Again, queen shit.
Tif brought up L's yellow phone case and compared it to the polaroid in N's phone...said keep an eye out for it to reappear. Said they also communicate in stories and songs 👀
Big piece of delulu feeding are songs L liked from a small Irish musician beginning of 2023. Holy shit guys. I'm currently listening and freaking out. Sampling of lyircs:
"Lovely to just lay here with you. You're kinda cute and I would say all of this. But I don't wanna ruin the moment. Lovely to sit between comfort and chaos" -- L both liked this song on the musician's page and then shared a Polin edit set to the song...
"Just because it won't come easily doesn't mean we shouldn't try"
"Where you go, I'll follow, no matter how far. If life is a movie, then you're the best part"
Around the time L was liking those songs, L and N went to a few of the same events as each other but were never photographed together. Seems like they may have been trying to be private/not be seen together on purpose
L posted a pic from one of those events that N may have taken...she used it months later to congratulate L on his TSOT press day
There was SO much more!!! I am happy to share more notes I took, but I think everything should be covered in the outline. What I've shared above are things that seemed to be more discussion around the things rather than straight timeline. If you want more, let me know.
Also, I have been a hard believer in nothing ever happened between them and now I am about 90% convinced it did. I have lots of thoughts and am currently processing. Will probably share later.
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aois-amaterasu-painting · 10 months ago
Nameless Liberty (2010):
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Venomous Cell Finale Omega (2012):
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10th anniversary (2012):
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Division Final Melt (2013):
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Magnificent Malformed Box Coda (2014):
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Redefinition Tour (2014):
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13th anniversary (2015):
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Dogmatic Un (2015):
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Dogmatic Due (2015):
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Dogmatic Final (2016):
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15th anniversary (2017):
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The Ninth phase#4 (2019):
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The Ninth Final (2019):
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20th anniversary (2022):
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Mass Final (2023):
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