#Time Travel Romance
geminithetwins · 4 months
Timeline 1: Sol doesn't know Sunjae knows her, still he remembers and loves her unconditionally
Timeline 2: Sol chases after Sunjae, he falls in love with her even harder
Timeline 3: Teenage Sol rejects SunJae, he waits for her 15 years, didn't waste a second when Adult Sol says she liked him too, confessing his feeling then and there.
Timeline 4: Sol keeps hiding from Sunjae, he finds out the reason and says he would die happily if means he could have memories with her.
Timeline 5: Sunjae forgets Sol's existence, but he fell in love the moment he sees her.
If they love you, they'll love you no matter what- flaws, traits, features, looks, races, classes, genders, or religions. SunJae is the living proof of that.
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scifrey · 1 month
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What a flattering and wonderful bit of news to wake up to! TIME AND TIDE made the CBC's list of recommended fall books!
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pendarling · 1 year
Perfect Timing
Their arms stretched down and grabbed Hero, who held onto the pole. The thousand-foot drop would've killed them if they hadn't made it in time. 
As soon as they were back on their feet, Hero snatched their arm away, narrowing their eyes. 
"You don't have to thank me, I guess." Villain didn't expect to find themselves in a bizarre situation in the middle of a heated fight when they first travelled out of their year, but what unfolded in front of them was a situation they couldn't comprehend. 
They gazed at Hero; they were bleeding and bruised from each side; looking at themselves, they were in a lot less of a mess. But the image of their lover being so disoriented angered them. They had their fair share of fights, but this was different.
"What are you doing here anyway?" They huffed. 
Hero looked so adorable when they tried to seem intimidating. They laughed softly and had to hide their amusement to avoid further conflict. "I uhh... was just passing by."
The power to time travel wasn't always exact, but in the future Villain came from, Hero was already more than committed to them. It didn't look like they were even the slightest bit interested in the past they'd travelled to. This would mean they accidentally travelled further back in time than they meant to, and from the looks of it, this was probably around the time when Hero was fighting the then "new" villain with the swords. They never really caught their name, but in the future, Hero would tell them stories of how brutal they were. They'd need to recalculate again and try for a second time. 
Hero was more distant and far less flirtatious, so according to what they could analyze, it was likely around the beginning of when they first met and were only strangers.
'How nostalgic,' Villain thought.
Hero sneered at them and circled an arm around their torso, waiting to see if they would attack. 
"Why did you help me?"
Oh, shoot. Were they not supposed to? It would make sense since they were on opposite sides. Damn... Hero had likely taken them for a traitor already.
Villain smiled sheepishly. "C'mon, I have morals too. I act in a way that... favours me."
"Saving an enemy favours you?" They clicked their tongue. "Your teammates must sure be proud of you--"
"Hey, what do you know about me anyways, huh?!"
"I know that you're pretty pathetic."
'And I know all your allergy symptoms and your first pet's name, but you're not asking me any of that.' Villain bit their tongue.
"Whatever." Villain frowned; they didn't remember Hero being so... rude. Hopefully, this wouldn't ruin their chance of getting together in the future, but even then, it was likely inevitable. They always got together in all the alternate timelines they visited. 
Hero crossed their arms. "I could help myself just fine."
"I wasn't asking." Until then, a bit of banter would be fun.
"I don't care."
"You clearly do, 'cause you're still talking to me."
They heard Hero grumble from across the roof. Villain let out a laugh; how charming. Hero's face was priceless; they never failed to amuse them no matter what year it was. 
"Just shut up! What's so funny!?" They saw the blush pattern on their face.
"Aw, sweetheart. I didn't mean to tease you so much." Villain lifted their wrist to inspect their watch; as expected, it was only slightly damaged on its sides. But a few repairs would make it turn. 
Hero shuffled backwards and tried wiping the blood from their eyes to understand better who they were arguing with. A villain with strange morals and an obligation dedicated to their work so much they weren't paying attention to their conversation at all.
Hero felt the intense urge to fix themselves to seem more presentable, their cheeks burning as much as their heart did. It wasn't every day they met someone who could captivate them as they could. 
Villain caught them move to fix themselves and silently smirked.
"I'm not affected by any of your worthless words." They mumbled, still sorting their uniform. Their hands froze under their gaze.
"I also take kisses as a form of thanks. You wanna kiss?"
Hero widened their eyes; the question caught them off-guard. "Y-you wish! I bet that's what you want! Yeah..." They confidently crossed their arms with a lopsided grin. 
Villain stopped briefly to look up, "Well, you're not wrong so I won't argue with you on that."
They saw the rose-coloured cheeks decorate Hero again more brightly than before. "What??"
Villain laughed at their reaction again, "I'm just kidding, darling; it's purely hypothetical."
The crime-fighter knitted their brows, their heel tapping vigorously; Villain whined the clock back a few minutes and shook their wrist. A tinkering noise from inside signalled a loose gear. They sighed, knowing they'd need to take apart the watch to fix it manually, and here they thought going home would be easy. 
"What is that?" They spoke again, "Some kind of contraption?" 
"Curious, love?"
"I saw a light before you helped me,"
"Humans see lots of strange things right before death."
"No, I saw it."
They set their arm beside their side and walked up to the other, "Maybe it was a flashlight."
"If it was, then you should be carrying it because it came from your direction."
Villain looked around the roof to try and find some way to change the topic. The effect of every use of time travelling was that a short flashbang of light would appear right as they arrived in the year they were set to. "Forget it. What's wrong with you?" they motioned their head in Hero's direction, their body barely able to stay up. "You look horrible." 
Hero growled between their teeth, "None of your business. Now what was that light?"
"None of your business."
"I'm tempted to fight you." 
Villain smiled, though it was probably hard to notice in the dark evening sky. The last time they had interactions like this with Hero was years ago when they were oblivious to the changes around them.
They missed this, a time before Hero had turned on them and relinquished the feelings they had so carefully built. If it weren't for everything that happened, they would have lived happily ever after. On another note, their insanity was partially healed by this version of Hero, who was only asking innocent questions. 
"Maybe another time," Villain scanned the dark horizon; this part of the city was unfamiliar. They'd need to head back to their office to begin repairs again. The version of them at this timeline likely hadn't finished their watch, so they might as well send out a helping hand. 
"You're not from here, are you?"
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lexxwithbooks · 1 year
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📖: 𝑹𝒖𝒃𝒚 𝑹𝒆𝒅 (𝐸𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑖𝑛-𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑖𝑒 #1) 💎⏳
✍🏽: 𝐊𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧 𝐆𝐢𝐞𝐫
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blogthebooklover · 3 months
Romance Books Poll
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pwlyons · 20 days
“Out of Time” Available on Amazon
Eleanor Cleary faces two journeys through time, one to trace her past and one to find her future.
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keysandopenmind · 6 months
April is Paradox month...
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I've been working pretty solidly on Wonderland for the last while, but I've been getting invested in the romantic subplots of the books I've been reading and I need to write some romance myself. So back to my timey-wimey romance, I go.
Here's a bit I wrote yesterday:
Professor Marlowe watches me as I leaf through the album. I shift under his gaze and turn another page. That’s when I see him. I pull the photo closer. It’s square shaped and has that fuzzy-around-the-edges look of photos from the 1970s. The photo shows a group of people in their 20s, arms draped around each other’s shoulders. The man on the left is wearing a striped turtleneck and jeans. And he’s the man who answered the door when I came by the other day. I’d swear to it. I look up at Professor Marlowe. He glances from me to the photo and nods. “That’s impossible,” I say. “And yet, you saw him with your own eyes.” I think back to what Doctor Day told me over the phone. “He’s… you?” Professor Marlowe nods. “I’ve spent my whole life trying to work out how I can do it.”
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wahlpaper · 11 months
Pride and Prejudice and Pittsburgh Review
Pride and Prejudice and Pittsburgh by Rachel Lippincott
CW: Swearing, Underage Drinking, Poorly Arranged Marriage, Misogyny, Past Toxic Relationship, Minor Injuries with Blood, Internalized Homophobia, Queerphobia, Classism, Abusive Parent, Past Death of Parent
I automatically chose to read Pride and Prejudice and Pittsburgh because Rachel Lippincott had once again targeted the niche audience I am a part of; queer Pittsburghers whose favorite genre is queer YA romcoms. After She Gets The Girl, a book which Lippincott wrote with her wife, Alyson Derrick, I assumed this book would also be a love letter to Pittsburgh. Although it missed that mark, which I will elaborate on later, it was a very intriguing book with a sweet romance and loveable characters.
Pride and Prejudice and Pittsburgh starts with Audrey, a seventeen-year-old girl from 2023 Pittsburgh who gets transported back to North England in 1812. She lands in the field of an estate belonging to an absent father and a girl of high society named Lucy. Audrey realizes she only has 25 days to spend in the past, but not why she's there. She works with Lucy to blend into the 1800s and to solve her mystery. They have narrowed it down to two things that may be connected: finding love or regaining her passion for art, so they try both out. Only, Audrey isn't finding a spark with any of the handsome men around her and she can't stop drawing Lucy. Meanwhile, Lucy is trying to come to terms with her marriage arrangement to an awful older man. Will the two girls truly be able to help each other?
I normally avoid period pieces because the language it's confusing and goes over my head, but Pride and Prejudice and Pittsburgh is far more approachable. The language isn't too heavy and many things are explained on-page to Audrey. Having both Audrey and Lucy's POV helped with getting the full picture. Audrey knew things I did and served as fresh eyes to the 1800s. Lucy was in awe of the world Audrey came from. And well-versed in her own. The tropes used also helped with approachability, adding a familiar element. A training montage, an animal with an attitude, and kissing in the rain, all help this period piece feel like the modern literature it is.
Lippincott created a really enjoyable and well-developed cast of characters for her book. Audrey is thrown into Lucy's world by a curmudgeonly but secretly sweet old man with a backstory you'll want to stick around till the end for. Lucy's world holds 3 potential suitors for Audrey that would all be wonderful picks in their own right. They all have hidden depths beyond their attractive looks. Even the awful man that Lucy is set to marry is full of personality. The best of the characters in Lucy's life is likely Martha, the staff member of the estate who practically raised Lucy after her mother died. These characters and more all added something important to Pride and Prejudice and Pittsburgh.
The title of this book, Pride and Prejudice and Pittsburgh, is false advertisement. That isn't a reason not to read the book. It is still a cute queer time travel romance, but it's important to know what you aren't getting into. Although I have never read Pride and Prejudice, I have it on good authority that this isn't a modern-ish adaptation of it. The only connection is that it takes place in the regency era. It also barely features Pittsburgh. It's there when Audrey is in her own time and she thinks about it a little bit, but that's all. Audrey has a line in her head where she mentions the "polar vortex that hit Pittsburgh a few years ago", taking me completely out of the book. It reminded me that Lippincott isn't from Pittsburgh and is older than her characters. Audrey would have been 4 years old at the time and a real Pittsburgher always calls it Snowmageddon. I had assumed that the 1800s portion would take place in 1800s Pittsburgh. I am still left wanting a book with this premise.
The queer rep in this book was both romantic and realistic. I appreciate that it addresses how it may be far more unsafe to be openly queer in 1812, but it can still be a problem in 2023. I related to neither girl knowing her queer identity at the start of the book, despite the obvious signs. They're both only about 17, which is around the time I started being honest with myself about not being straight. It takes time for some people. Thankfully, this couple had some people on their side in 1812. Queer people were not unheard of then, despite the secrecy.
If a WLW regency romance with time travel appeals to you, give Pride and Prejudice and Pittsburgh a try! Rachel Lippincott understands how to write two clueless characters falling for each other, and that alone would make this book worth reading. If you happen to know of any other Pittsburgh romance books, send them my way!
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crossinfiniteworld · 2 years
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*NEW LIGHT NOVEL* We’re thrilled to announce the acquisition of Revolutionary Reprise of the Blue Rose Princess by Roku Kaname and Hazuki Futaba, a romantic fantasy time rewind light novel series about a queen who died at the hands of revolutionary soldiers and gets sent back to when she was ten. Her first course of action? Changing her fate by winning the revolutionary mastermind to her side! If you like time loop series with a more serious storyline, definitely check this trilogy out!
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riversidewings · 2 years
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The holidays are coming, and books make good gifts-- why not give the gift of trans lesbian scifi?
Paperbacks of my books Confluence https://shop.sweetreadsict.com/products/confluence-a-person-shaped-story and Grey Dawn https://shop.sweetreadsict.com/products/grey-dawn are available through the wonderful @sweetreadsict bookstore!
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Susanna Kearsley, The Rose Garden
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the-book-queen · 9 days
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Hide your wallets, it's that time again! Your daily thread of romance deals is ready, FREE to $1.99!
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FREE ✦ Enemies with Benefits by Roxie Noir
1st POV. They were rivals all through school. Ten years later, he's back in town and they're coworkers.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3N737o1
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$0.99 ✦ All He Ever Desired by Shannon Stacey
Second chance. He's back in town to help his siblings renovate the family-owned Lodge. She's a single mother now, and he caught her son vandalizing their property.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/4d4HZJn
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$0.99 ✦ Just One Kiss by Samantha James
After losing her inheritance to her stepmother, she decides to follow a shipbuilder to America. The man who answers the door isn't her intended, but his secretive older brother instead.
Historical Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3XuFj1Q
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$0.99 ✦ Bite My Fire by Mary Hughes
1st POV. She's a cop. He's the mysterious apartment manager at the crime scene she's working. He's actually a master vampire.
Paranormal Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3B4expz
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$1.99 ✦ Loving the Highlander by Janet Chapman
She stumbles upon a gorgeous man lying naked beside a lake in Maine. Turns out he's a medieval highlander who got tossed into the future.
Time Travel Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/4e2geCJ
Putting these lists together takes time. If you appreciate this content, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi. http://ko-fi.com/danielletbq
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scifrey · 5 months
Okay, so remember how I've been Ded Of Editing this last year and just absolutely consumed by bookish stuff?
The bookish stuff is now out in the world.
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Releases November 2024.
Exciting news: the eGalley is up on NetGalley and Edelweiss! This means, with the promise of an honest review, you could potentially read the book right now. However, if you're not interested in an ARC, you can preorder your Copy Here.
Historical fiction with a touch of time travel, for fans of Diana Gabaldon, Alexis Hall, and Olivia Waite’s Feminine Pursuits series, where a modern bisexual woman is thrown into Regency England and must figure out how to survive, while she falls in love with a woman who will become a famous author.
Just a twenty-first century gal with nineteenth-century problems…
When Sam’s plane crashes catastrophically over the Atlantic, it defies all odds for Sam to be the sole survivor. But it seems impossible that she’s rescued by a warship in 1805. With a dashing sea captain as her guide, she begins to find her footing in a world she’d only seen in movies.
Then Sam is betrayed. At the mercy of the men and morals of the time, and without the means to survive on her own, she’s left with no choice but to throw herself on the charity of the captain's sisters. She resigns herself to a quiet life of forever hiding her true self. What she doesn't expect is that her new landlady is Margaret Goodenough—the world-famous author whose yet-to-be-completed novel will contain the first lesbian kiss in the history of British Literature, and a clever woman. Clever enough to know her new companion has a secret.
As the two women grow ever closer, Sam must tread the tenuous line between finding her own happiness in a place where she doesn’t think she’ll ever fit in, and possibly (accidentally) changing the course of history.
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sherryewing · 4 months
First Kiss Friday with Hearts Across Time ~ on sale for 99c
Hello, lovely Readers, and welcome to my First Kiss Friday blog. I’m going to cheat a little today and instead of giving you a first kiss scene, I’m sharing an excerpt of one of my all time favorite scenes I’ve ever written. Hearts Across Time is a special edition box set of For All of Ever and Only For You giving you the complete love story of Katherine Wakefield and Riorden de Deveraux (first…
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lilibetbombshell · 5 months
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paddysnuffles · 11 months
Me: I don't know why, but the way that women talk in Chinese dramas really bothers me. The weird high-pitched cutesy tone feels weird. I've tried getting into c-dramas but I just can't.
C-drama summary: It's a time travel romance.
Me: ...Okay, just this one.
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