#wip: paradox
keysandopenmind · 5 months
Character Voice Tag
Thank you to @kaylinalexanderbooks for the tag! (here's her post)
Sorry I took so long! I started this post about two weeks ago, but I've been struggling to find time to get back to it!
Because I write with small casts, you're going to get Max, Clara and Josef from Drosselmeier Industries and Meg and Nate from Paradox.
Rules: write a quote in the voices of your characters given the prompt, then tag people with a new quote.
Prompt: "Oh, it's nothing, just a little tired."
Max: *basically falling asleep on the keyboard because he's pulling another all-nighter* No, really, I'm fine, just let me make another coffee.
Clara: I could use a nap, but it can wait. Promise.
Josef: *with a tight-lipped smile* It's nothing I can't handle.
Meg: *yawning* Sorry, no, it's just that I didn't sleep well last night. Don't take it personally. I'm fine. Please continue.
Nate: It's nothing, time travel just takes it out of you. *charming grin*
No pressure tags to: @stesierra @at-thezenith @thebearthatreads
Your line: "This is why we can't have nice things."
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suzukiblu · 3 months
WIP excerpt for Paradox behind the cut; Kon meets pink kryptonite and decides to fuck Tim and his boyfriend about it. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
“Can’t say I mind either,” Tim says lightly, stroking his cock a little tighter, and Kon is already much, much harder than he usually would be this quick. Which–it’s Tim, so . . . yeah, of course he is. 
Tim wants him to be hard, because Tim wants to touch him. 
He’ll be fucking anything, if it makes Tim touch him. 
He doesn’t really know what to do with his hands, though, so they just end up awkwardly resting flat on Bernard’s stomach, and he’s already basically sitting on Bernard’s stomach, so that kind of makes it like . . . 
Like. That’s kind of how a “pet” would sit, right? Or–close to it. Maybe. 
Kon’s . . . not sure if he’s doing this right, but Tim hasn’t said he’s not, so–he must be, right? 
It is so fucking hard not to drool, though. He can’t close his mouth or swallow, and the candy on his tongue is making his mouth water, and he can barely pay attention to anything but Tim’s hand around his dick and voice in his ears and eyes on him. And Bernard’s watching him too, and they both clearly wanna see, so . . . 
So it’s really hard not to drool or fall right over into Tim or just immediately embarrass himself, one way or the other. Tim’s hand is around his cock, stroking and squeezing and clearly examining it, feeling it out, and it’s like–he looks like he’s really paying attention to what he’s doing. To what Kon can’t help but respond to. To what he–likes, Kon means.
What he likes, and what Tim likes, and probably what Bernard likes too, considering. 
A Bat’s level of attention is a fuckton of attention. 
Fuck, Kon thinks, and shudders uselessly under it. Tim tilts his head, narrowing his eyes assessingly at his dick and his own hand; at what he’s doing to his dick with his hand. He twists his fist as he closes it tighter over the head on the upstroke; tightens his grip as he pulls it back down. He’s not really using a steady rhythm or pattern, just . . . examining, again. Feeling it out. It makes Kon feel weird and breathless and a little stupid, but also like something worth looking at. Like something Tim thinks is worth looking at. 
He wants to come. He wants to get kissed. He wants– 
Tim wraps his other hand around his cock too and squeezes them both at once, and Kon barely keeps himself from swallowing. Spit drips out of his mouth and he’s immediately mortified about it, but–but he’s supposed to keep his mouth open and he’s supposed to not swallow, Tim said, so–so he keeps his mouth open, and he doesn’t swallow.
Tim’s eyes flick to his mouth, very briefly, and then up to his eyes instead. 
He smiles, quiet and approving, and Kon immediately stops caring about how embarrassed he is right now and how stupid he must look. 
“Good boy,” Tim says, and squeezes him tight. 
Kon makes a breathy, half-strangled noise in the back of his throat, but he manages not to swallow. 
Tim smiles wider. 
Kon’ll live with the embarrassment, yeah. 
“You're so sweet for me, pet. So cute like this, showing off just like I like,” Tim hums, and Kon maybe halfway burns alive while Bernard huffs out a laugh. 
“Jesus, babe,” Bernard says, stroking his hands over Kon's thighs–or maybe petting Kon's thighs, more like. “Still no chill at all, huh?” 
“Not really, no,” Tim says, and strokes Kon tighter; harder. It takes way too much effort for him to keep his mouth open and his throat from trying to swallow, and he’s maybe actually outright drooling now, but Tim’s still smiling and hasn’t told him to stop or swallow or anything, so . . . so that’s fine, that’s alright, he’s allowed to. It’s okay to look a little stupid, if it means being good for Tim. Okay not to look good, if he’s being good. 
He–thinks it is, anyway. 
It’s Tim, though. Tim wouldn’t do something like this just to, like–fucking laugh at him, or whatever. Just to make him look stupid because he thought it was funny he’d let him, or . . . 
Tim wouldn’t do that. He knows Tim wouldn’t do that. He– 
“You always do your best for me, don't you,” Tim murmurs, and every drop of uncertainty and tension in Kon seems to drain out of him all at once, and his cock throbs in the other’s hands, and he just feels all . . . all warm and loose and easy again. 
Tim’s really good at making him feel like that, he recognizes vaguely, but mostly all he’s thinking about is how Tim thinks he’s good. How Tim thinks he’s being good for him, and good at doing what he asks and wants, and . . .
Kon is definitely actually drooling now, and definitely does not care. His mouth tastes like his favorite candy because Tim went and brought him his favorite candy, the candy he keeps around for him on purpose, and Tim’s touching him because Tim wants to be touching him, and he’s being good for him, he’s giving Tim what he wants, he’s doing his best for him and Tim knows it. 
Tim believes it. Doesn’t doubt it at all. 
“You're doing so well, pet. So good for me, just like I asked,” Tim hums approvingly, and Kon hears himself make a strangled little rasp of a noise in the back of his throat. “Can you come for me again? Give me what I want from–” 
Tim doesn't even finish the sentence before Kon comes embarrassingly hard, and nearly doubles over with it. He makes a shocky, punched-out noise and Tim works him through every wave and pulse of it with both hands, his grip tight and careful and certain. 
He doesn't let go of him, and Kon whines. 
He’s–fuck, he’s supposed to have actual stamina. Especially after going how damn many rounds already, he should have some damn stamina. Tim barely even did that much to him; just fucking talked him off more than anything else. 
Tim’s just–they’re just– 
They both just keeping making it so fucking easy.
“God damn,” Bernard says admiringly, and Kon hears the camera click. Tim exhales, very slowly. He’s still holding Kon’s cock even though it's spent and starting to soften, and Kon doesn’t know why he likes that so fucking much. Just–he feels . . . dazed, and heady, and all floaty and weird and warm again. He wants to slump over into Tim and melt right through him. Suck him off again, maybe, or maybe get back in his lap and do a little better job of riding his dick this time, or . . .
The only thing he can think clear enough to actually do, though, is to tilt his head back up and stick his tongue out to show Tim the candy that he definitely only managed not to drop because of his TTK. 
Tim smiles at him, soft and approving, and seeing that actually might feel better than just coming did. 
“Good boy,” Tim says, and takes one of his hands off Kon’s cock to pluck the candy off his tongue with his come-sticky fingers and–inspect it, almost. He gets the candy even stickier in the process. Kon watches him do it a little hazily, and still doesn’t close his mouth or swallow. 
Tim didn’t tell him to, after all. 
Tim looks back at his face, and his expression softens. Bernard mumbles a few incredibly niche-sounding godly curses. 
“You’ll have to tell me how it tastes, pet,” Tim says, tone light and conversational. He still doesn’t let go of Kon’s cock with his other hand, even with it half-soft and useless right now; just slips the candy-sticky, come-sticky fingers of his free hand into Kon’s mouth, lightly pressing the candy back down into the center of his tongue with a fingertip. 
Kon’s whole useless excuse for a brain melts into genetically-unstable soup, and he moans. 
And Tim smiles at him again. 
“You can have it, pet,” he says, and then Kon has the even more brain-melting experience that is licking his own fucking come off Tim’s fingers with a piece of the candy Tim got just for him in his mouth. 
“Floaty and warm” does not even remotely cover the way that doing that makes him feel. Doesn’t even begin to. 
Bernard mutters a lot more incredibly niche curses and snaps another picture, then puts the camera down on the mattress and slides his hands up Kon’s thighs and up over his hips. Kon presses down into his grip reflexively and Bernard’s incredibly niche cursing cuts off with a low little breath of a groan. He’s not really hard, though, so Kon isn’t sure if that means he still needs a break, or . . . 
Kon licks the last of Tim’s fingers clean and definitely drools all over himself while he’s doing it, but it’s just part of listening to him, so it doesn’t matter. He leans back a little once he’s done, mostly to make it easier to resist the urge to outright go down on Tim’s fingers in the process, and . . . he didn’t fully close his mouth for it or anything, and Tim didn’t tell him to swallow, so . . . so he doesn’t, still. 
Tim’s eyes heat as he takes his fingers back and his hand off his cock, just barely half-lidded and looking all dark and warm, and Kon just . . . just keeps his mouthful of come and candy and fucking drool, and . . . and sits. Stays. Waits. 
Tim’ll make it worth it, if he waits. If he’s good for him. 
Kon knows he will.
Tim lets his eyes linger for a long moment as they trail over Kon’s body and face, then leans in and presses a kiss to his cheek, and strokes his fingertips down his throat at the same time. 
“Good boy,” he murmurs, sounding impossibly fond and absolutely fucking tender. “Swallow.” 
Kon, obviously, swallows every goddamn thing in his mouth. 
Tim smiles against his cheek, and that does feel better than just coming did. Just–not physically better, obviously, but . . . but better. 
Kon doesn’t really understand that thought fully, but . . . but it’s definitely a thing that he thinks. 
“Good,” he mumbles a little belatedly, a little dazedly. But Tim said, so . . . 
“Mm?” Tim tilts his head, and Kon . . . swallows, again, and half-licks his lips. They’re sticky, still. Sweet and metallic and . . . 
“It tastes good,” he clarifies in a rasp, and Bernard’s fingers dig into his thighs. 
“Ngh,” Tim says, his own fingers staying very carefully still against Kon’s throat. They couldn’t actually hurt him if they dug in. Obviously they couldn’t. 
But Tim still doesn’t do it. Still stays so deliberately gentle, just like he promised, like it actually really matters if he is or not, and Kon fucking shivers over it. 
“Robin,” he croaks, feeling a little dizzy with . . . all of it. Just . . . just . . .
“Good boy,” Tim repeats, his voice lower this time, and shifts his hand away from his throat to press lightly against the back of his neck instead. “Bernard, you can have him back now. Take care of my boy for me. He’ll make you feel good."
Kon melts under the light, light press of Tim’s fingers against his spine and then just melts down all over Bernard, who lets out a breathless huff of a laugh and shifts to slide his hands up his back. Kon slumps down into him without thinking about his weight or the mess of drool still on his face and chest or anything else, and Bernard laughs again and winds his arms properly around his back as Kon’s face ends up buried in the crook of his neck. 
“Man, I wish I could get a weighted blanket that came in demi-Kryptonian,” Bernard says feelingly, and Kon feels him flash Tim a grin as he makes the joke. And it’s . . . a joke, obviously, but it makes him feel even warmer and floatier to hear it. Like he’s just something Bernard would wanna keep at the foot of the bed and use and appreciate on the regular, and . . . 
Kon is pretty sure he forgets what being a solid is like. Like, he’s just a liquid now. Like, forever. 
Being a liquid feels good, though.
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bambeptin · 23 days
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drawing some absolute disrespect
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alibonbonn · 1 year
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Athena’s pet liar
Sketch for a silly little comic I wanna make
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earl-grey-teacake · 3 months
oooo logan’s magical paradox sounds interesting
The synopsis is provided in this ask. I can, however, offer a snippet.
“George!” Alex moved in between George and the child who was a crumpled heap on the ground. A deadly silence settled between all of them until a whimper began to grow louder and louder.
*hic* *hic* “WAHHHHHHH!” Blood was dripping from his nose and a dark purple bruise was forming on his forehead. The cute, chubby face turned a violent red as streams of tears fell down the child’s face.
“Logan?” Alex bent down tentatively, an arm outstretched but not close enough to reach.
The little boy looked up and gave a timid smile, the blood from his nose was smeared all over his face. “It is Logan, right?”
Logan didn’t respond, only giving a shaky nod.
“Hey, how about you come here and let me clean your face? Come on.” Alex opened his arms and Logan came rushing in, smushing his blood, tears, and snot covered face all over Alex’s jacket.
The other two stared in shock as Alex soothed the crying child.
“Call James” he mouthed to Elias.
“I’ll call the others. They might know how to help.” George said, looking quite shell-shocked at the fact he attacked a child.
Logan cried softly as Alex carried him to the couch and tried to clean up the bloody mess on Logan’s face. Elias applied a healing spell to stop the blood and soothe the deep purple bruise on Logan’s forehead. George sat on the far end of the L-shaped couch, wanting to be close but clearly worried about his recent actions.
“There, that should do it.” The spell transformed the bruise into a light pink color.
“Hahhh!” Logan giggled as the sparkles of light disappeared.
“Did it tickle?” Alex grinned.
Logan nodded. “Smells minty. Like the blue jar.”
“Blue jar? Oh you mean the vaporub!”
Before Logan could respond, a knock cut through the conversation. Logan’s eyes widen with fear before he grabbed at Alex’s hoodie and hid his face in it, his body trembling.
George jumped up to open the door, revealing James, Lewis, Max, and Oscar. Oscar looked as if he ran the length of the hotel to get here judging by the sweat on his brow and the heaviness of his breathing. Before George could invite them in, Oscar shoved his way through.
“Where’s Logan?” Oscar panicked, his eyes darting everywhere in the room before settling on the trembling child in Alex’s arms. He knew those blonde locks anywhere.
“Logan?” Oscar stepped towards him to get a better look.
“GO AWAY!” Piercing eyes stared into Oscar’s soul. He knew those eyes. He dreamt of those eyes. But never once in his life did he think those eyes would state at him with such fear and hatred.
Please Enjoy❤️
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yitsuin · 1 year
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doing a small giveaway as thanks for the support on my shaker charm! those who have already preordered are more than welcome to join~
✨Just like and reblog to enter! No need to be following.
✨win one shaker case of your choice + pick up to 5 small shaker pieces from a selection of 200+ designs!
✨comment your favourite design for an extra entry~
✨ends on Oct. 12, 9 PM PST
✨worldwide shipping ok!
giveaway will be hosted across 3 platforms (ig, twt, tumblr), and one winner will be drawn. thank you for participating~!
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bibibbbb99 · 5 months
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browniefox · 15 days
So far, the Author almost is everything that Dipper hoped he’d be. He’s smart and has a cool coat and even let Dipper work with him. There’s just one problem, really, and that’s the Author aparently hating Stan. That’s not unexpected; Dipper’s used to people not liking Grunkle Stan. Most of the Gravity Falls constantly go back and forth on their opinion of the old man. Dipper’s at least figured out where he stands with Grunkle Stan. 
But the Author is Grunkle Stan’s twin. 
Dipper could never hate Mabel, not in a way that really matters. Yet every time that Stan and the Author are in the same room, the temperture drops and the air is stifling. It's kind of like-
Dipper swallows and pushes the memory away. 
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nordiccowgirl · 2 months
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WIP of my Sonic Fankid story, when Sonic and Shadow come face to face with their kids the first time. The three sisters turned out so cute, I wanted to share!!
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heimeldat · 6 months
More progress on this painting.
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ID: a realistic digital painting of Justine and Manjuele from Alien Bodies. Justine is a red-haired young woman wearing a black victorian gown, a black lace veil, and a white bat-like skull mask. She stands with her arms folded and looks unimpressed. Manjuele stands beside her: he's a skinny young man with curly black hair, and he wears all black in a buckly goth style, plus a white bat-like skull mask similar to Justine's. They stand in a stone hallway that looks vaguely Aztec in design. end ID
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keysandopenmind · 1 year
Picrew OC tag
How did I never know about Picrew before hanging out on Tumblr? These are so fun to do!
Thanks to @hellisheavenwithyou for the tag!
I'm working on Paradox this month, so here is Nate Marlowe, my dorky time travelling physicist. He actually has never worn glasses in my head, but I was playing around with it, and maybe he wears glasses now.
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link to the picrew here!
no-pressure tagging @quisyop, @your-absent-father, @junypr-camus (apologies if you've already done something like this!) and leaving it open for anyone else who wants to jump in!
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suzukiblu · 7 months
Five headcanons from the obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon AU for Paradox. Decided to spend these on a bit of a “word of god” peek into Kon’s current state of mind post-museum/dinner/planetarium, haha. 
Kon is pan and has known this about himself for at least a few months now. Was his gay awakening in any way related to any weird situations involving any princely beastmen who adopted him as a pet while he was a feral amnesiac (no I’m not in romantic love with that specific story arc, why do you ask?)? No comment. Ever. He is not publicly out due to feeling like the conversation would just be too awkward. Specifically the conversation with SUPERMAN would be too awkward. “Hey Kal, so how about that whole concept of sexuality being, uh, genetic . . . ?” Nope. No. No way. That conversation is NOT happening. 
Buuuuut Kon was also not even SLIGHTLY concerned about Tim outing him when he got weird over Tim making the joke about not being able to explain him to his dad, he was just self-consciously assuming that Tim meant he didn’t WANT to explain him to his dad. “Self-esteem”?? What is this “self-esteem” of which you speak???? 
I cannot exaggerate how Not Used to being pursued Kon is. He has never been the pursued one. Ever. Flirting/dating is a contest and a chase and a test and he is ALWAYS the one who’s supposed to be proving himself to someone. That is just how it is supposed to–wait what do you mean you wanna ask HIM out, attractive person?? WIthout him even really DOING anything first?? Does not compute. Does not compute whatsoever. 
Kon is, however, still MUCH more comfortable with the idea of being pursued as a datemate than being pursued as a friend. Like, there’s a script for that he can figure out, and a transactional setup he can follow. The friend idea, though? Nooooot so much, no. Not at all. The friend idea is confusing as fuck, especially when it’s not just CASUAL as fuck. It makes much more sense to him that someone wants into his pants than just wants to hang OUT with him. Just SO much more. 
. . . wait Tim didn’t try to get them a motel room or anything for after their museum/dinner date? Like, he just planned ANOTHER activity to do together that he thought Kon would like? Like–he went to all this trouble to take him somewhere nice and then DIDN’T try to fuck him as an ingrained part of that “nice”? Like, that was just not in his plan, somehow? What the fuck?!?? THIS IS THE WRONG KIND OF TRANSACTIONAL.
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bambeptin · 2 months
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aaaaaaaaa I'll probably redo his whole head here bc it's really bugging me
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mushangaa · 7 months
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Wip of my boy F!Leo dressed to impress. Me: imma take a break from drawing part3 the @tmntaucompetition intro comic, rest my hands a bit. Also me: *proceeds to draw intricate patterens because f my hands obviously* Me: ...as one does.
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earl-grey-teacake · 3 months
All of your WIPs are so intriguing! However, I'd love to hear more about 'What if My World is Becoming You' or 'Logan's Magical Paradox' if possible. 🩵
Of course! I’ll provide the synopsis directly from my writing notes.
What if My World is Becoming You?
Following Logan’s contract renewal, Oscar realizes he’s fallen for Logan. Fearful, he stops contacting Logan and puts him at a distance. Logan, who has always had a crush on Oscar, feels abandoned and concedes to the idea that Oscar will always be out of reach. Alex and George swoop in to help Logan, eager to get him out of his pit of despair. Meanwhile, Lando and Carlos are trying to help Oscar realize his feelings and make a move. As Logan grows comfortable with himself, Oscar is trying to make Logan see that his love is not unrequited.
Logan’s Magical Paradox
Logan is magically transformed into a little kid and no one knows why. Logan, however, still has access to the full powers he had as an adult but lacks the control, causing his magic to lash out with his emotions. Alex is appointed caretakers due to Logan being very attached to him as Oscar is trying to figure out why this Logan hates him so much. Meanwhile, the grid is attempting to figure out who or what could have cause Logan to turn into a child.
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lotusmesenpai · 1 year
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In celebration of Duviri Paradox and lesbian visiblity week overlapping (and hopefully the return of the puffy jacket, now in drifter size!), I present to you: a dumb wip I actually got back to and finished (ish).
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