gladoswlw · 2 years
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oh it’s harlivy!
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gladoswlw · 2 years
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harley and ivy 
a print i did for alias: a bat-verse zine (pre-orders open now)
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gladoswlw · 2 years
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gladoswlw · 2 years
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this was inspired by this awesome post on here about them not being a “sexy male gaze” couple but i cant find it :/
UPDATE it was @fairymascot ‘s post!!!
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gladoswlw · 2 years
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Plants aren’t… peaceful and harmonious, as a rule. Some are incredibly invasive, some produce compounds that prevent others from growing and developing properly, pumping the soil full of toxins (allelopathy). Cuscuta (a genus with ~200sp, also called dodder, the orange one^) was the first parasitic plant I saw, working outside weeding a giant round-about with an ungodly amount of petunias. Weeding petunias makes your arms all sticky (which I still hate them for). One whole side was carpeted in highlighter-orange vines with no leaves, I had to pull them up in armfuls. I’ve spotted them a few times since, once covering a giant hanging basket of petunias in Missouri.
I think it’d be interesting if some plants or The Green were a little more malignant towards Ivy. I know there are plants she’s drawn with, Hedera helix (English Ivy) in particular, are noxious invasives. Bit odd for a botanical ‘ecoterrorist’.
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gladoswlw · 2 years
im friends with a guy who is genuinely very sweet and normal but he just told me he does patrick bateman's skincare routine do we think this is a red flag
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gladoswlw · 2 years
if neurodivergent and neurodiverse are different (which i can’t find much info on but whatever), then my point still stands. op is lying. a decade+ before tumblr existed is in the 90s. so if neurodivergent was coined in the 2000s, op is still a liar which was the main point of my message
PSA from the actual coiner of “neurodivergent”
Yo. Many of you need to take an entire stadium of seats. Like a football arena in Texas number.
I coined neurodivergent before tumblr was even a thing, like a decade or more ago, because people were using ‘neurodiverse’ and ‘neurodiversity’ to just mean autistic, & possibly LDs. But there’s more, like way more, ways a person can have a different yet fucking perfect dammit brain.
Neurodivergent refers to neurologically divergent from typical. That’s ALL.
I am multiply neurodivergent: I’m Autistic, epileptic, have PTSD, have  cluster headaches, have a chiari malformation.
Neurodivergent just means a brain that diverges.
Autistic people. ADHD people. People with learning disabilities. Epileptic people. People with mental illnesses. People with MS or Parkinsons or apraxia or cerebral palsy or dyspraxia or no specific diagnosis but wonky lateralization or something. 
That is all it means. It is not another damn tool of exclusion. It is specifically a tool of inclusion. If you don’t want to be associated with Those People, then YOU are the one who needs another word. Neurodivergent is for all of us.
Annoyedly yours,
Neurodivergent K of Radical Neurodivergence Speaking
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gladoswlw · 2 years
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ghoulfriends 👻
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gladoswlw · 2 years
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lil batman movie doodle
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gladoswlw · 2 years
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You're cringe, William.
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gladoswlw · 2 years
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gladoswlw · 2 years
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as someone who has little interest in the lore, i think william afton being just a decrepit old man is very funny.
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gladoswlw · 2 years
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What indeed, Leshy…
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gladoswlw · 2 years
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gladoswlw · 2 years
Oh also I have Rhys’s full kinlist
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oh my god rhys really does kin john wilkes booth
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gladoswlw · 2 years
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gladoswlw · 2 years
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cult of chucky (2017)
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